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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1885)
HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , AUGUST 10 , 1885. NO. 453. The Mortal Remains of General Grant Laid at Rest in RiwsUc Part , Companions on Field and Forum Lay Thoin Tenderly Awayf Doleful Music and Muffled Drums Hoard Everywhere ! The Streets on the Bonte Lined With Uncovered Thousands The Greatest Gathering of Distin guished Men Ever Seen , The North and South Bow To gether at the Hero's ' Toinbi .An Knortnoiis Outpouring of People to Vlow tlio JLnjjoint [ Scones Alonj ; tlio Houtc ScrvlcBB at ttio To in I ) , Soldier , rest ! thy wnrfnro o'er , Sloop the Bleep that knows not breaking : Dream of battled fields no more , Unys of danger , nights of waking , In our isle's enchanted hall , Honda unseen thy couch are strewing , Fairy ( trains of music fall , Every eoaro in clumber dewing. Soldier , reel ! thy warfare o'er ' , Dream of fighting fields no more : Sleep the alecp that knows not breaking , Mom of toil , iior night of waking. SCOTT. TIIE FUNHUALi. THK CHILDREN'S WREATH OP OAK tEAVIS. NEW YORK , Aug. 8. After the laat person , at 1.18 thia morning , had viewed the remains of Gen. Grant , the undertakers took chirso of the casket and screwed the lid , concealing forever the faca of the general. The dead was then loft in charge of the guard * . The huge floral offering , "Gates Ajar , " had a plape at thu head of the casket. On the casket rooted a simple wreath of ojk letvea , made ay the gouoral'a grandchildren , while on Mount McGregor , from leaves which grew in the forests and fluttered In tbo mountain breezes whllo the general wai dying. On the afternoon of Thursday , the day ha died , little Julia , his grand daughter , and Joeie , Dr. Douglas' child , had gathered oak leaves and kuic with their innocput fingers and loving hearts the wrenth which to-day is the only tribute which touches the general's casket The little ones , their offering finished , had taken It to Col Grant , whose eyes filled as his dantrhter said , "Papa , Jo io and I had initdo this for grand papa , please won't you give it to him1 Tbo colonel placed the oaken wreath on the casket and there it rested in Albany and stilt remains as the chlldren'd offering , AS DAWN BROKE the strains of dirge music crept on the morn ing air and the blue coated veterans of Mendo post of Philadelphia , 500 strong , camq tramp ing through the plazi and a heavy gun boomed toward the sea , the chimes of old Trinity in th a mean while pealing the mournful notes. At I ! o'clock Wilson pout of Baltimore marched by with an organization from Chicago. The corridors had baen picketed and the las guard of Grant G. A. It. poet , save the thir teen who will accompany the body to the tomb , had beoa mouateo at 5 o'clock. The guard from the Seventy-first regiment wen on duty as tbo last military body guard befari the removal of the remains. At 7 o'clock tin strains of solemn music floated in at th grated iron doora from many directions. Ai a o'clock the crowds had become dense around the plaza. Mullled drums and d.rgufu trumpets marched in at one sida nnd took possession at the east end , The players con stituted David's Inland military band. At 8:50 : OEN , HANCOCK AND STAFF trooped slowly into the plaza from Broadway and presented front to tLu city hall then moved to the uud of the plaz.t In Broadway where they rested. At this time 10) member of the Liedorkranz society li'od ' up to tin step ) of the city hall and led by four Instru ments witli effect ' 'Chorus Bang impreaiivo , o the spirits from over the water , " and "Choru of the 1'ilgrlms , " from Tanhausor. Th honor guard of regular * filed Into the ope : space at 0 o o.ock , company A , fifth JUtUlur and company K , Twelfth infantry , Thi regulars took position under trees opposit 3 the city hall and stooi at rest. Then came tli ori in l gurd of honor that was on duty * JMt. McGregor and which alone should Hfi the rein ins to-day. Piling Into the carrl dors of city hall tliey took their places besld the remains and there under command o John , Johnson , senior vice commander o Grant port , G. A. It , ot Brooklyn , thu met were ai foliotvs : heft of casket Comrade Cnrwlp , UowattMacDonald , Squires , KniRh and Sullivan ; tight of casket Gommauderi TibbUU , MuoKellar , McKelvy , BroJoy , Col HiijandBwkor. At 0:35 : THU IJll'OSINCJ FCNEHAL OAK , drawn by twenty-four jet black horses I blactc trappings , halted ou the ploza direct ! In front of o ly hall steps , Inside the corrl dorsCoimnander Jones was waiting. "Thocu' iiaitiH In position tu the right aiid left , " wai hia command. Thu guard of honor w&s erect "iilft the remains , " was the next command The twelve meu stepped to the ellvor rai' with gloved hands. ' 'March , " was the word The body moved , Outupoutho portico th remains were borne , Commander Johnso immediately at the bead , Down the etet. : with measured tread , across the opru space t the steps of ( he waiting car. Command' ' Johnson , stepped acide and the caskei'd ho ort'd burden was carried up and placed upo the ( linn of the mounted catafalque. The vo ernes retired down the steps. The body was alone to all to view but deeply guarded. Soon the honor guard next to hoarse on either vide took tint niino lolutivo positions they hid maintained while bsiug carried form the City hall STEPS WERE DI1AWN AWAY from the hearse , Commander Johnson took 1 hia place In the centre immediately behind the luuerttl car. On cither bide at the rear coraer ot the car were Comrades Dowiug and Ormbaue of Wheeler post of Saratoga , Next and directly behind theaa wore representative * of the loyal legion , ahreatt , us follows , Gen John 1C Milllkon , Gen , 0. A Oarlton.Pay- inaiter liirton , Lieut. Ojl. CUrksou , Lieut. Col. Clark , 0 pt. Ulunt. The clergy and physician * had p&ld their rwpectt to thu re- jiialna by alighting from the carriage and ac companying them from the tt ps to the car. They entered carriages on either id of the plan , near Broadway , an folluwc ICev. Dr. Newman , Bishop Ifaiuei , Bishop Potter , Rev. Dr. Ooaubara Rav. Ur Field , Rev.Ur. Jiridgmam , Kav , DrVe tltov. Fr , Ueshon , JUv. IT. Colyer , lUbbi Bronue , nnd Drs. louglai nd Shrulv and Sand * , Colon'1 lireck , in clurgoof tin regulars , oommtuded is compauie * t > position Tha col > rod men n era at the brldtm of the twenty-four horses , Sixteen men of Maide Po t , Palladelphla , a.of which General Gnat was a member , were almost directly la front of the team of blacl leaden , and David' * Island band preceded them. AT A OIVKN SIGNAL , tlio Una of coaches with tbo clergymen moved elf the plaza on to Broadway. The bicd stood waiting at th ) heaj of the cortege. Colonel Beck advanced to the head line of the hones , "Movo on" were his words of command , and the wheels beneath the rn- m ins began to move , Tha hour was ! > :47. : The band played n dirgej tha tramp of the rcRuUra and the honor guard bo\ : upon the tha pavement , and the thousands of spectators looked upon the Impressive Bcono and General Grant's last journey had begun , Then Mayor Grc ? , Comptroller Iioew and Aldermen Singer and Jachuo entered a carriage. The members of th * common council followed and entered car riages , us did nlso the police oomtnUsioners They ihon followed the catafalque out of the plazi. The police wore withdrawn and the people thronged across the space without hin drance. The lost fcono thera was ended , Along Broadwsy hundreds of hastily con structed reviewing stands had been erected during the night from which the procession could be Been nt prices ranging from $1 to $10 head. The fronts of many boues along the line of march displayed emblem * of mourning , Nearly every empty stand had been taken by spectators , OENE3 OK IHIOADWAT. Whan at length thn hands of tha great clock in Trinity church pointed to the hour of ! ) Broadway presented an animated spectacle , Ah far ai the eye could roach the sidewalks woto llironf ed with people Every train and steamer puurfd Its load into the great artery of travel. The bronzed farmer from the country , and the white faces from the countIng - Ing r ems and i dices were in the crowd , to gether with the dirty faces from the tenement diatrict > . Itich and poor , rogue and rascal , dignitaries and nonentities jostled each other on the curb etonj-a and the sidewalks. Thepolico found it difficult work keeping the p > opla elf the street. JMadtson was astir oirlyai/d / the ( street soon became welt nigh impassible before 8 o'clock. At HI fth avenue tiotol the presence of two of Gen. Uaucocks staff , Col. Hodges nnd Lieut , Col. Glllospin , marshal ! of ( he presidential and gubernatorial carriage party , drew ouch a crowd of people as to make the passage through the utreots impassible , and it nai ucuH'eary to call out the police to clear the street. Inude th' Fifth ovonuo hotel the in creasing throng of gold laced and uniformed men hlucked every hall and corri lor. In the main hall Gen. tall and erect was THE CENTEH OF AN ADMtniN'Q T1IBONO. Ho stood in a group of naval oftice'H chat ting ptoa > aitly. The pa ty were nil In full uniform and attracted universal iittention , which flagged but a moment when thn Japan otnd minUtcr'd attendants entered , TJp Btair the president and oablnst were ba ilcfustin ; ; in one uud of the building and the Grant family quietly preparing for the funeral at the other. Committees and organizations were gathering and getting ready every where. In a quioc parlor a group of eerious men , mostly ei ay- haired and old , but a < l of erect and of vigor ous physique , were putting on Bashes of black and whito. Tliey were the pall bearers , and worn a striking group. Sum moned from below , Gen , Sherman stood in friendly conversation with a inau of soldierly beaming , tha gallant confederate , Gen. Buck- ner , from whom Grant won hn first hanl-wi.n laureh at Fort Donelson. Buckner wai in ordinary black citizens dres ; . At the other end of the rojin , similarly attired , stood GOD. hogan , talking with the famous Gen , " JOB " Johnston. Hamilton fish waa nut among the pall-bearers. He was sick , and the pres ident appointed A , J. Drc-xel , of Philadel phia , in stea 1. At the last moment It was said that Admiral Warden had been ap pomti'd pall-bearer in place of Admira K'jwan. At 8:30 : the pall bearers wore summoned to carriages , The president'scarmpe , drawn by fix horees was called up to the door next , bu had fully one hour to wait. Tha pre&Iden had signified his Intenticm of riding with Secretary Bayard and was t the time qulo , ly conversing with ex-Gov. Cornell and Koblu- BOD. In anticipation of his appearance an enormous crowd bad gathered opposite the entrance. THE GUAifT FAMILY quietly gathered in the parlors overlooking the square and nvery one was rigidly ex cluded from the hall loading to their rooms , Mr a. Grant had not arrived and it was an nounced ehe would not attend the funeral but had concluded to stay at Mt. McGregor She was reported by Dr. Newman to ba stil we-il ; and ill. The party which gathered at the hotel ready to take carriages for position in the pirade were Colonel and Mrs , i'red Grant , Mrs. SartorU , Mrs. and U. S. Grant , Jr. , Mr , and Mrs. Jesse Grant , Mrs , Oamer , Gen , Cretawell , Mr Moriarity , Seaor ICjmero and W. Arkoll , Many of the finest residences along Fifth avenue had been appropriately decorated , among them belngthatof JayGould and ex Gov. Morgan. At 0:2) : the preelden called tha c.blnot together and arranged fo their respective positions in the parade. A1 9:55 : Gen Hancock and Goa. tShaler rodi to the head of the procession , Tney won followed by Hancock's staff and regulars , whi upon approaching the hotel reversed arms nnd tha binds played mournful dirges. Or the past side of Fifth avunuo the regiments o the Firat divulon were drawn up , and on th west side of the avenue the Grand Army o tha Republic organiza ions extended down a' far as the aye could reach. Between thes files passed the long procession with VEILED FLAGS AND JIDFFLII ) DRUMS , and arms reversed in Badness. The grea silent tbiong watched it pass In silence , Th streets were literally packed and not a fee of standing room appeared , The Twenty , second regiment of state troops mada n con linuous Tile facing tha hote ! ; to tha north o ifo it , tha Fi t uud Second batteries held tin if.t avenue na far aa Twenty-eighth street. A .t prccicaly 10:10 the Grant family proceodei .tjj jj from the ladies entrance of the hotel and too seats in carriages. Col , Fred Grant and wlfi : o rndn with Gen. Grant'd favorite daughte ir Nellie , Mrs. Burtorie. U. S. Grant Jr , and wife and Senor Romen occupied the next carriage. Mr. and Mrs Josto Grant , the third , and the Cramer famll the fourth. They were waiting a quarter c an hour to take place in the procession , Be fore President Cleveland took his sent witl Secretary lUyiird , no irriaKo diawn by foui horses received Vice President Hendricka au < private secretary. Ahead of thorn had gone number of carriages lollowirg the Grant family , containing the general's old staff , his ex-cab - inet ollicers , a detachment lioiu Wheeler und U. 8. Grant posts , G A , R , aud Mrs , Haw- Ulni Holman , daughter of Gen , Grant'i ) first secretary ot war ; Mrs. J. W. Drexel aud survivors of the Mexican war , Then came the president'd carriage , the vica president nnd cabinet members ; tupremo court cif tbn United 3 u'.et ; senators ; the houto congressional committee ; commit too of the of utfkto legislature ; ex-Presidents Arthur und Hayes aud members of their cabinet * , foreign mlni'tira ; diplomatic and connulir ufh'oera un der Gen Gruat'd ndmlnlstration ; repreaenta- tlvea of departments ol the national goverern- nient ; governors of states and staffs and rep resentatives of various cities , THE ORDER 01' I'llOOrSHION. There was no change in tbe order of the funeral procaision , Tne different orgaulza- tloni moved in tha order announced In these dispatches ou ThuriiUy and Friday nights , NEW YORK , August 8. The catafalque . reached Twenty-third street at one o'clock , and tha head * of tpaotttors were uncovered a ) it passed by ; muuy heads were bowed. At soon at the CHtifalquB bad passed , the carriages containing Col. L'red Giant aud wife and sister full in line without couftulou. All the cabinet cll'icera remained in their cirriage ; from tbe time they took their plau > a untl they julned tha procession , except Bayard who with the president retired to rooms In the hotel where they viewed the procenBior from tha window * . They did not take cir- uutil tha catafalque had pasted the hotel. Almoit the lait carriage had wheeled Inti line at Twenty-third ( treat when there fell I in 1'ohind one contamlog Major-General liel 8 iklei. Followlpg behind him came ltd veterans. Behind the crippled veterans' carrlsgss there trod n seemingly endless "AllSir. WITH BANNXIIS , " without show or gold or glitter , bat with arm- Ippa sleovep , limping gait and ictrrod faces. Theio were the dead hero's comrades , who shared with him dangers on thn field of battle and had marcbod bsldo his victorious banners over many a road , and now were walking with him to hia last resting pities. THEY WERE OLD MSN mostly , but kept up with the youngest. All had badges veiled with crnpo , and were of crape nn the left arm. Tattered banners veiled in black were conspicuous , and many posts carried ns distinctive badges , sprigs of myrtle or evergreen ou their breasts. Tha procession seemed unending , stretch ing southward n > far na the eye could tee The etrootg nil the way to the tomb were packed with people , and ns the right of tha column Approached the tomb , the roverbern tlous of from tbo guns men-of-war were hoard , nmUho troops broke column from the loft , marching to the right on the east eido of road. After forming line arms were present ed , nnd the CATAKAtqUB SLOWLY PASSED. The crowd on Hth nvenuo remained on the sidewalk with remarkable ) persistency until the long parndo had passed. There wore a few CJBOS of prostration in the ranks , but so far in known none weio fatal , Regimental ambulances were called into requisition for slight causes perhaps a hall n do7. n tlinn ? . At the corner of Fit ly-scvonth street , where the line turned to the woit tbe crowd swelled from the eiJoa to open a way and blocked the thoroughfare ont wonly occasions. There was Borne trouble when the catufnlquo reached pomt Evcryboly was mure Intcreste in the approach preach of this than In anything else The procession wns watched for blocks nway , ita conspicuous height makine it visible as tar as about Fiftieth utreet. M IT NKAIIKD TIIE COHNSU the crowd naturally bulged to the highway , nnd [ the officers hud to thrnnteu them with their clubs to make the spectators recede , nud it was a difficult prooaaa. The pojplo worn standing eight and ton deep , and Homo of thoao in fr'iit had raised their umbrellas to keep ciT tha fcun'd raya. Some woman stood with their babes iu their arm ; , aud fati ! ra had hoisted their lit tle ones to their phouldots. Obstructions were numerous , nnd thoEO at the rear were becoming indignant , but na the catufnlquo cime up the aunoynnco was for- cotton , und only rosupct waa felt. As it , tha lenderd of horses were ordered to mnko a aweepti g turn , aud that wai the only way in which the Interested gathering could bo diivou back. People foil back from thu homes aa though n swnir H.UI APPEAIIED , nnd ordered their rntreat. With n epanta nioty that told of their tevorenca , every man raised his hit as the first horse came abreast of him , and remained uncovered until the body pas od him , After the president , the cabinet , judges of the supreme court , senators nud members of the house of repreutitlvep , governors and their Btaffa , ox-presidents , foreign minis ters , diplomatic oflicers and representatives of the nrmy and navy hud pa'ned the procession hai bagun to break up , Vet eran and civic organizations left Fifth avenue by any of the streets between Fifty-third nnd Fity-uinth Btreets ; ud gradually fell out o' line. AT THE TOMB. CONSIGNED TO HIS LiST BK3TINO FLACK. NKW YonK , Augusts Gen. Grant's cas ket waa placed in the vault at 5:13 thianfter- noon. noon.From From noon to-day on into the aftsrnoon , tbo vicinity of tbo tomb and Riverside Park was a scano of disc'mfort for waiting thou sands. Heat 1'fld followed thn cool of the day. and the succeeding hours added heat , and HUNDIlEUa AND THOUSANDS of pe'ple later suffered much in their cramped positions of waiting in thi blazing sunshine. One o'clock came and wen but the f unoral car waa yet a long way off and moving very slowly. Beneath a fir tree a' the crown tf the knoll , rested em-ill charcoal furnaoe , and near it were tools and material with which to teal the leaden lining of thi cedar case into which the caaket and remains of Geu. Grant should bo placed Down the slope nearer the vault wai n portable furnace , such aa ii used by workmen for heating bolts. In i group near by wore five me , majhanlcs , who would rivet fait the steel casket within which both the coffin aud cedar box should finally be preserved. TUB ARRANGEMENTS. The steel ease rested upon two blocks , tw andahilf feet high , three feet wide , and o'ghtean ' inchej thick. Similar marbls blocks bad been sunk in ths Ibor flush with the sur face , and upon these tha remiinj of Mr Grant are expected to repasa. Mviy persons were permitted to pear into the tomb where the stool receptacle was waiting the bjdy then being borne up town. Soon nf cer 1 o'clock tbo drum beat and blari of trumpets was heard from the lower end o the park , A carriage came Into view. IN IT WAS OKN. HANCOCK. Ho was the only occupant , and stood erect , Trooping behind him on horseback wuro thi memDerjof his staff. The general rode to i point near the toiiiD. When ho nllzhtod b was met by Superintendent Murray , Commis Bioner Cummins and other * of tha park board Gen , Hjucock'u staff and itids swept past There were arnone them Gen. Fitz Hug ! Lee and Gen , Gordon , wh Gen. Sheridan met BO warml in other times aud under other circumstance Upon n commanding elope , a hundred vard north of Gen. Grants touJ ) , the staff ollicen and aids drew rein beneath a clump of spread ing trees , Meantime HELMETS WJII1E QLlSTKNINa and plumes waving over the elope to th southward ; the trappings upon many of tt horees shone in the sunlight ; cannon an limbers drawn by hones ihut were ridden b artillerymen came over the brow of the south frn slope , and orderlies galloped to and fr and sabre * and accoutrements o'ottored an rattled. Ilegula-s and marines with Hgh battery F of the Fifth artillery were cornln down tha drive , They mirched out upon th Blopo where Hancock's stall waa halted , an there the infantry and marines AS8U3IBI ) rCSITIONS 01 * REST In the shade nnd out upon tbo slopa townr Claromout beta ) , which was covered wit black drapjry. Mounted men with plumed helmets ; marinas with thu uniform of tha tura ; the United States mailne corps , with bright uniforms , saddled horses , with rldora dismounted , but holding their bridle-reiua ; cannon muzzles thrust from behind the lower bend of hillocks ; a pyramid of STACKED GUNS WITH GLISTENING BAYONET : ) interlocked nlong the drive ; solid walla ofof people were upon the curbing with lines of uneasy and bobbing uuibrelUs ; through the t't-oi u vista , in wjirh the brown nud rugged rocks of the palisade pierced the woods , and j'ltt'd above tha river ; the Hudson , too , glistening and Mowing in the sunlight sots looked the scene northward from the tomb. Tne Twenty-second and Seventh regiments inarched up from tha east aud down by the tomb , and were drawn up In line on tbe brow of the bluff overlooking the river , The LINK REACHED 1IEYONI ) VIEW from the tomb around tbe elope. The two regiments eUoked armr , and were at rest. So near the ledge of the blutf were tha regi ; ! ments drawn up. that hundreds of men in bright uniforms formed n line of silhouettes ; against the ( been of tha broad river , in which the afternoon sun was reflected. Suddenly a , , gun bootnea out ovtr tbe water and a cloud ol blue and white Mtioka pulfod over the itream. The Powh&ttan'a gun down under the blutl - bud fired the first of a salute. Tha hills wert cilllng back in echoes , and the vessels In tin river auou flnok the bluff , aud started the echoes Using in the woods on the Jetiij blls. blls.Tares Tares nnd four o'clock passed , acd and' the tom. j yet waited , Ba * , ttw 011 from , a bugli from the Eft t waa heard at-1:20 : p. m. Then a strain from trumpet * , aud soon the SODND Ol' MUFFLED DBOSIS. Carriages cnmo in tight and rolled slowly through the nark to the tomb. Ur Newman and Bishop Harris occupied the tirnt , then the clergtt nnd then Urs. Uoujlas , Shrady and -Sands. The pall baarera CMIIO after those : Gen , Johnson rode beside Gen Shf rmaii , and lluoknor and Sheridan were paired ; Gcu. hogan nnd ex-Secretary Boutwell followed. Distinguished men came a'so. ' The pall bearers and those invited alighted , and took places near the tomb. The David's Island band playing Chapin' * funeral march came next. No view , whllo bt- lund the block of plumes , of the funeral could be seen , Tha car stopped ADUEAST OF TIIE TOJIII. The guard of honor osc3nd d to boar down the casket. Colonel Beck formed his two companies of escort in n hollow cquatu between the tomb nnd the hearso. The fami ly carriages had drawn near. Their occu- pants alighted and took positions near the foot of the steps of the car. So they stood while the casket waa being removed from the car , and when it was borne into the hollow equare toward the vault THE BBLAT1VES FOLLOW ! ) in this orders Col. Fred Grant and wife ! Mrs SatorU and thn colonel's children , Julia uud IT. S Grant ; U. S. Grant , Jr , nd wife , loadtn ? little Nvllio , daiwhter of Jesse Grant : Jesse Grant aud wife ; U. S Grunt ( norond son of Orville Grant ) , with Mr. F ed Dent and Mrs. Di > ut ; Dr. Cramer and wife ; Potter Palmer nnd wife , and Hon , John A. Cross- well nnd wife. The cedar caao routed on supports at the door of lha sepulchre , and the ciskot wan de posited therein. Meade Post , No 1 , of Phila delphia roprfsonted by fifteen comradej , cir cled the casket. Tin commander took hia past at the head , with otlicera aud post command- orsnttho foot. The chaplain st'od at the foot , and tha colors wcro placed in front. THE lUTUAL SEOVICE was then performpd. Poet Crtinnunder Alexander Rood "ivo are assembled to pay tha last end tribute of ro poct to our late commander and illustrious comrade. U. S. Grant. Lst us unite in prayer. The chaplain will invoke divine bless ing. " Post Chaplain 0. Irvine Wrigit "God cf billies , father of all amidst UiU mournful as sembly , wi < seek Thee with whom there is 110 death. Open eve y eye to beLold him who haa changed tbo nlphn of death into mourning. lu the depths of uur hearts wo would hear the celestial words 'I am the resurrection and tbo life ; he that believeth - lievoth in me , 'hough be were dead , yet Bhall he live.1 As comrade uftcr comrade depart * , and wo inarch on with ranks broken , help up to ba faithful unto the end to each other. We beseech thee , look in mercy on the widow and children of our dccaaeod comrade , and vlth thiuo own tenderness console and comfort those bereaved by this nvent which calls us here. Give them the oil of jiy for mourning , thegarmentof praise for the spirit of heaviness , Htaveuly Father , bless and save our country with the freedom and peace of righteousness and tluouzh thjj ( treat mercy , a savior a grace ana thy holy spirits favor , may wo all meet at lastin joy before thy throuo in heaven , and thy great narno shall bo praise for ever and ever. " "Amen , " joined nil the post. A dirge wus played , after which the services continued. Post Commandnr Alexander Rsod "One by one , as years roll on , we ro called together to fullfil the oad rites of respect to our com mander of war. The prffent.full of cares nnd pleasures of civil lifo fades aw > ' , and wo look back to tuo time when shoulder tu shoulder on many battlefielde , or around the guns of our men-of-war , we fought for our dear old Ray. We may indulge In the hope that the spirit with which , on land and sea , hardnbip , privation and danger were encountered by our dead horocs may never bo blotted out from history or the memory of the gf negations to come a spirit uncomplaining , obedient to behest of duty , whereby to-day our national honor ia secure , na our loved ones rest in peace under the protection of our dear old Hag. May the illustrious life of him whom wa lay in the tome to-day prove o glori ous incentive to our youth who in ages to come may be called upon to uphold the destiny of our country. As the yeora roll on we too shall hava fought our battles through , and ba laid at rest , our eouls follow ing the long column to the realma above , as grim death hour by hour shall mark its victims. Let us BO live that when that time shall coma those we leave behind may say above our graves , 'Hero lies tha body of a true-hearted , brave and earnest defender of thn republic. ' " . Senior Vice-Commander Louis W , Moore , laying n wreath of everween upon the collie , "In behalf of the post I give this triDute , a symbol of undying love for our comrades of ttiu WQFi" Vlce-Cammander John A. Weidersholm , lylne a bunch of ilownra upon the colfin , ' a Byrnbjl of purity we offer at this sepulchre are ro e ; may future senerations emulate the un- Belfiah devotion of even tba lowest of our heroes. " Post Commander A , J. Sellers , laying a laurel wreath upon the collin , "as a lait token of affection from oomrades in arms , wo crown tbeoe remains with a symbol of victory. " Rev. J. W. Sayers , chupUin-in-chlef of tlio Department of Pennsylvania , G A , 11. , delivered an sddre s , if tor which Kav. II. Clay Trumbull offered prayer. Thu bugle call "Heat" was then sounded. Dr. Newmnn and Bishop Ilarrin then read tha ritual Eor- vices for burial of the M. 15. church. Dirrctly behind tha burial party stood Gin. Hancock , at hid right elbow was 1'HKSIDENT CLEVELAND , Vlco President Hendricka and members of the cabinet Near the head of the caskf-t , on the right , Sherman mid Sheridan , in full uniform , were uncovered during tha ontlrp eorvice. At their sides were Ex-1'roeidenU Arthur and Hnyes and Senator Sherman On the other side of the casket , opposite , were Admiral Porter , Fitz Hugh Leo , General Gordon and General Bucknor. When ths religious neivlca had ended , the trumpsteeer of the Filth artillery stepped cloBH to the oaskfat and soundud a tatoo. Little - tlo Julia then laid on the coffin A WIIEATH TO OBANDrA. The Ruaid of honor then bore the remains within the tomb , and at 5,03 o'clock plated thorn within the steel case , the sealing of both the leaden lining and tha steel case then being performed , as Indicated abjve. The family entered thu tomb , remaining only a few mo ments. They then sought their carriages , and when entering , the Seventh and Twenty- second repiuients , ID line on the blulf , tired three volleys toward the rivar , after which tha battery ol the Fifth artillery fired tbreo salutes from the knoll toward the hotel , The family oirrUtfoa droveuwttybut were not out of sight wnon persons attsiuiited todefaco tha tomb by writing their names on It , A gusrd of regulars was mounted at once , and the military marched away , the dignitaries rode away , and the long chapter waa ended. BEIIVIOES ELSEWJIEKE. AT OH CAQO. CmoAiiO , August 8 , The procession here to-day in honor of the obsequlej of G n , Grant was very large and Imposing , and waa witnessed by such multitudes ot people that .he business streets were practicably impassa ble from bsfore 10 a. m , until afternoon , he { overnment , county , city and builneia ad other buildings In all parts of Chicago were heavily draped In mounting , decorations of tnis character being particularly noticeable along the line of march of the pxocoaslun , On the like front gun * were fired at iutevals du ing the pa- rade , llusinoas wai entirely iu i > ended , and 10 general teemed the respect for the memory ot General Grant that fuw people . oven among the laboring cUesea , took arivunt Age of the holiday to vWt the paika or ei/Joj / any knd | of cicurulone. A heavy eUawor lasting half an hour during the puvadf , wai tha only circumstance thfct occurrj 1 to inn the nuccces if tbo obiervbnce , aud that bad I very imall effect on the ardor of lie matchers lleporti wo biug received Indicating tta throughout the west nnd north .vest , in the principal towns and cities , programmes similar to the one hero wcra carried out , Business everywhere seemed to have been abandoned for the entlro day , AT ATLANTA. ATLANTA , On. , Augusts The church nnd fire bollt tolled to-day in honor of Grant's funeral. Colored men nre parading the stroeti , nnd services hive been held nt the CApltol , Mnyor Hllljor delivering the nddrots , niter which appropriate resolutions were adopted , The legiilnturo adjourned In honor of tlio occasion. Flags are flying at half mast. Business houses , hotels , nnd other buildings are appropriately draped , Thu Gate City Guards , from Atlanta , are iu Now York city , AT PARIS. , August 8,1883. Memorial Bervlcra In honor of General Grant were hold in the American Chapel to-day , Many French of ficers and representatives of foreign powers nttonded the ceremonies. Alt members of the American legation were present M were the so of the consulate. Members of the American colony nre in attendance. During the services n mtesago from President Cleveland - land was road. AT PKNSACOLA. PKNSACOLA , Augusts , 1835. Business was suspended hero to-day and bells was tolled from noon until 2 p. m in honor of the mem ory of General Grant. SORROW GENERAL , NEW YORK , Aug. S. Kiports from nil eastern cltlts Indicate thnt the day has been generally observed everywhere. Lirgo nnd imposing processions and services in churches was the order of tbo day , ami all dispatches speak of cxtensivii uud appropriate dorara- tions in honor of Iho memory of Goii. Grant. AT LOUISVILLE. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Aug _ . 8. The bolls on th city hall were tolled during the progress of the funeral of Gen Grant. This evening , under lha auspicoj of Geo. H. Tdom.ia post , KJ. 1 , G. A. II. , memorial Rurvicns will bo held nt alucauloy'a thentro , where addrasscs will ba delivered by eeveral ex confederate and fdd- AT CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI , An ? . 8 Business was par tially BUflpended hero to-dsy. Fire bells tolled all day , nnd Balutoa wcro fired at Inter vals. To-nUht services were held at Music lull , which wai tested to its fullest cnpauty * Seven thousand people ia a low estimate nf the audience. At this meeting Geu , 13 V Noyea delivered an oration. Dispatches from towns all over tbe state indicate a general ob- sjrvanco of the day. AT WASHINGTON , WASHINGTON , Augiut 8. The tolllnar of bells iu tbe city announced the starting of the processbn beating General Grant to hia tomb m Now York i'ublio business wai entirely Buspended. The banka were nlao closed , but business houspa generally remained open. The maj jrity of government officials were in attendance at the obacq'ilei ' and only watch men behind barred doora were visible at the department ollieeg. The chimes nt the Met ropolitan M. E church , where Grant wor shipped while presidout , were rung batween _ 1 < ! nud 1 o'clock. Tha pow occupied by him isdrnpad with the American 11 ig nnd mourn ing omblemi , AT ClUUfAUQlU. r.Y. , Augusts. The gates of the Chautauqua Circle were thrown open to tha Grand Army veterans this afternoon , and nn immense at-eembly listened to n trib ute to Geu. Grant by Judge Albion W. Tourgeo. THROUGHOIT THE SOCTH. NEW YORK , August 8. Report ? _ from every southern city of importance indicate \ wide-spread and patriotic expression of sorrow row at tha ( le-illi of General Grant At Raleigh , N. C. , Norfolk , Va. , Savannah , Ga. , Chaileston , W. V.i. , iiuoxville , Tenu. , Charleatou H. C , Chattanooga , Tenu , and UichtuoLd , Vn , inemoriBl Bervicaa were hold , which were largely attended , Business waa generally suspended and tlio drapinga wcro both profuse and appropriate. In many In stances admirable eulogies were pronounced by ex confederate soldiers. At Chattanooga and Richmond , memorial services were in dulged in under the auspices of the G , A. li. AT CLEVELAND. CLEVELAND , O. , Aucust 8. A monster parade In which all the military organizations and many civic societies of the city partici pated , WAS tbo leading event in the morning. This afternoon a large meeting was held iu Monumental Park , wbicli was addressed by Rev. Dr. Bates , of the Episcopal church Congressman Foran , and Rev. Dr. Muller , ol the Methodist church. The city waa profuse ly decorated , and business generally wa > suspended throughout the day. Thia evening the old Boldlera and Bailers had a meeting u the People's Tabernacle which was attended by 5,000 people. AT AUGDSTA. AccusTA. Maine , Augusts. An immensi concoureo of people attended the Grant mem orlal ex rcisea hero to-dy. The services wen hold in the Granite church , and an excellent nnd apnropriatn prosrammo waa carried out Hon. James G. Blaine waa the pnncipa speaker. His eulogy waa a mnatcrpieco o eloquence. He clostd hia excellent address vvitn the following magnificent tribute to tbr dead hero : "For mor * than twenty years from the death of Lincoln totho close of hi own life , General Grant was the moat con Bplcuouiin Americi-one to whom leaders looked for leadership ; upon whom partisans built their hopes of victory ; to whom personal friends by tins of thou- Bands offered thalr devotion. It was according weakmss and strength to human nature tbat counter movements should ensue ; that Gen. Grant's primacy should bo challenged ; that his parly chould be resisted ; that hia devoted friends should be confronted by jialous men in hii own ranks and by bitter cnamlea In the ranks of his opponents But all tbeto resents are buried In the gravn which to-day receives his remains. Contention re , specting his work ai a commander caasoa , nud unionists and confederates alike testily to hia powers in battle and bis magnanimity in peaca. Controveray over bla civil ndminia- trillion closes , na democrats and republicans ? unite in i renouncing him to have been iu.m every net and every aspiration 'an American * ' * patriot , The other speakers were Hon. J , W. Brad bury. HJU. J. Manchester Haynes aud Gen. Luther Stephenaon , Jr. | AT JACKSONVILLE. JACKSONVILLE AUK. 8 Public oUees ( > the board uf trade , banks andmoitof the business ! houeoa closed to-diy in honor of the funeral of Gen. Grant , and many buildlnga were draped In mourning. At 7 this morning a detachment nf WlUon battery began firing guna every half hour to continue during the day. ryal procession , composed of police , throe local : military companies , confederate veterans Mitchell Post G. A. It. , c ty authorities , fire companies , t > delegation from the board of trade , and citizens will this afternoon march In protection through the principal stieeta to the opera house , where appropriate memorial services will bo hold , Ctiurch bills will baaL tolled during tha procei-Ion and funeral KANKAKIX , 111. . August 8. numeroMslj attended liiant memorial services were held with oratory and iruuic , at Kaukakeo , Glut- bunco und Martina , thli county ; bells toiled > at the nuuouncemunt that the procession .etIn New York bad started , Bimneaa and > osl- islao idenco homes were draped , Business U-prao tically suspended. LTHCHUUBO , Ya. , August 8. In accord , at co with tbo resolution passed by the clt' oouucll lait night and the proulauatlor , 'j the mayor all city offices , banks and bus'.ut ! houses closed in honor cf the Qjomo/y c Uraut. Jklls have been tolling iiuiso ten this morning , No other demonstration. A TEX S INCIDENT , , , WJIEUB TIIE I1LUE AND QUAY /Or.aiJT SIDE I , DALLAS , Auguit 8. X885.- Memorial iei \Icis wore held here to-day with a parade < the militia and the tetarau'n followed by r < . liginui tervicta and n oi'Moa by Gener of the coi'.rsdtltU muiy. l ) rlng U . -t folemn parade proat IndiVnntlon was occas ioned by the net of n brick contractor named Johnson , who cast the American lltg Into the street. The Ihg waa b .listed on an unfinished wall ot n now building by permission ol tlio the chief contractor * , but without the knowl- pdgo of Johnson , The latter Individual o < ] < iod the 11 ag about the time tbn procession started , ntid went up nnd toro It down. Confederate nnd federal veterans hastened to the tee tic , and quickly rtetorod tlio llig to Ita pine , After their departure Johns m ngnlu toro it do-n nnd hurled It into tha street. The veteran * , heating of the second out rage , repaired to the ecene , and with diffi culty were prevented from doing porious hrvnn to Johnson. They put back the lUir , niut u still floats. Jolunon was not hi the confed erate fervlco. Ho WAS foreign born , hnvtng arrived in thia country eiuco the close of tuo war. THU ail.VNT HOW THEY SPENT YSSTKRUAY. NEW YORK , August ! ) . The members of the Giant family remained in their rooms at the Fifth Arnnuo hotel all day , and received no visitors , They will return to Mount McGregor probably to-morrow or Tuesday. Several clergymen pronchod from their pulpits on Geiifral Grant to-day. NKW YORK , Autr. 0 About ! ) 30 thta morn ing thi Grant family Msitud the city hall , and Mtnr examining the surroundings of the * pot where the gonoril luul lain iu state , decided that the many tributes that romalml iu the goveruor'a room should bo sent to the tomb to-morrow morning , Mr. nod Mrs , Fred Grant , U. 8. Grant , jr. , Jesse Grant and Mrs. Sartoris were iu the party , Ij POINTS. H1IOBT ACCOI'NIB OP EXIIiCISES INAIUOUS I'LACKS , Gen. 13 , F. Butler pronounced the eulcgy nt the memorial services held nt Lowell , Mass. The gathering was nu exceptionally largo one. A largo number of visitors took pjrt in the exercises at Point Pleasant , Ohio. The ser vices were held outeida of the house In which Gen , Grnnt wni barn. At tha nervicsa held at Vickshurg , Mi"a. , ' 'tho following resolution wa adopted : "Ra- solved , By thn people of Vlckaburc ; aud War- rnu county , Mies. , residing nt the eccno of Gen. Grant's greatest triumuh , that wo re cognize in his doati u loss to tlio public of ita most lllustrioiu citizen. " The Amoiic-in resldenta of lha city of MexIco Ice held memorial services in the Methodist church , attended by President Diaz and his cabinet. United Stntea Minister Jnckeou pronounced the eulogy. Manhattan Beach hotel was the scene of monster memorial oxcrcisca Saturday after noon. Rav. Uobart Laird Collier was the orator , the munc biing furnlehad by Gil- moro'a band. Over two thousand Union veterans and other citizens attended memorial nervicus in honor of Grant ntBkttery D armory , Chicago , yesterday. At most ot the churches in the city the sermon had direct reference tc thu yesterday's national fuuoral ceremony. HE HEPUSKI ) XO A PUNOIUBED SHODLDEIl THE IIE.SDLT. Special Telegram to The BKE. PLATTSIIOUTH , Aug. 9. About two weoia ago a Mrs , Carroll and Mrs. Marshall , of Unionville , Mo , , on their way to Denver , stopped over night hero at the Perkins house and occupied the same room. The clerk in registering wrote ' 'Mr. Carroll , for ' 'Mrs. Carroll. " Tne Journal editor saw the regitter and followed n strange lady and gen- tUmau to Pacific Junction , and wrote up a highly eeusationnl nrticlo which coon found ils way into tha tinnda ot the lady's father , Hugh Marshall , presi dent of the Marshall National bank , of Union- villo , The hotel proprietor , however , saw tbo mistake of the Journal and the next day tried to have them correct it , which tboy re fused to do , TfiH morning the father , accompaniol by Mr. Carroll , came up to get the Journal to retract , aud set matters right. The Jour nal refused. Sorno words followed when John Cutrlght , the city editor , accused Mr. Marshall of up here to cover matters up. This was t'o much for tha wronged father , and he pulled out a small revolver aud shot Cutricht through the shoulder. Ho cave himself up and la out this evening on a $10 000 bind to appear In court to-morrow. Cut- light'i ) wound ia painful , though cot by any means dangerous. FOREIGN NOTES. HOW Jia WAH PAID-Hill CHABLSS PECCADILLOH. LONDON , August 8. Herbert Gladstone , Bon of the ex premier , in hia abortion that an alliance had l)3en ) made between the conservatives vatives and Parnellitoj , hinted tha * , Baron St. Oswald of Nostell , Mr. llonUnd Winn , waa promoted to the house of lords in return for his services in arranging the contract between the two parties , A petition in divorce prrceediugs was Insti I- tuted by Donald Crawlcprd agalnut his wife [ and In which Dilko is held us a co-respondent , was filed Wednesday. Dilko lias retained ex'Attorney-Genoral James to defend him , Crawford ia a barrister , nnd many yoara older than his wife , fiha being but twenty. Sha ia the daughter of Smith , radical member of parliament for Tynenvjulh. Her slater ia the j widow of Aahton Dilko , BRITISH POLITJCH , LONDON , AuguatS- . G. Millner , mom her of the house of commons genda to thu Timoa lettera from Snlisbuay , Churohlll , Winn of the commons and Parnell denying the assertion that an alliance isbeintrarrangad between the conservative and Paraollites. THE CONGO HTATK. . PLRIH , August 8.Tho Matla Etates that peraona entering the service of the Congo state nro obliged to nlgn un ugreomeiit to maintain sileuco regarding the state of affaira In that country. Tim hoetili'y of the natives prevent stores from reaching their destination Theclimntau deadly nud thsro ia only ina doctor iu a territory of SCO by GCO miles is extent. THK CHOLE3A. MAUJID , Au * . 8. lucomploto cholera ro- turna report -tJS9 , ( now cities and 1COJ deaths throughout Spain yonerday. 3IOU1ININO IN , LONDON. LOMDDII , AUS8. . The American legation and ollir fcs of the American conkul onho , eral are closed to-day out of respect to tht : memory of Gen Grant. The American l'-x- cliango butldluB was draped In blaclc iiid AJuaricanB generally observed the divy iw om Q solemnity TUB AVO1UN DISl'DIE , T'.ie Post uaya recent dinputches fron DeOlor ! are BO pacific as to indi-ato a ipeedj : nod peaceful settlement of tbe Afghan froutie ; fH08tloil. | - \ A Fatal Ui > t Ulilo. - PORTLAND , Oregon , August U.--Last gilt - a patty of five , consisting of Jnrvis Snydei wife , and daughter , aged five years , Willlai ' Htffron , an-1 Georgu Hanien started rest the Columbia river nt Cascade Locks in a tai boat. Tbo wind died down , and the p'Jr small oars which they lial were useleBi , T boat waa carried over tbo rapidx , aud all th occupinta dashed ngamit the rocka Hni1 drowned , The boat wa picked up to dr.y bored low the rapids , but no bodies were reroyero 2Jio AVeatiier. lit WASHINQION , August 9 , For tha uppi Miisusippi valley , generally fclr wQitbt of slight rise in temperature , variable winds. re- For the Mimourl valtay , generally ft weather , variable winds txioomiu eoutherl the nearly ttitionmy te Tic Dealh of llu Nalioo's ' Favorilo Soil , His Comrades in Arms Send Ex pressions of Sorrow from Nebraska's ' Plains ; itlomnrlal Services lloltl In Every VllluRo In tlio Bt to Ceimlonscil Details front Kovcrnl 1'olntg. A MOUttNKUli HAY , NBUOU'S sv.ICES. . . . Special Telegram lo the UKE , NELIOH , Nob. , Augusts. The Grnnt me morial exorcises were conducted to-day. The procession , composef ! the G. A. R. , citlienn , etc. , hcadrd by a baud , inarched to the opera homo , whore a Inrgo crowd hid assembled , aud llatenod to an eloquent nud npproprlato nddrets by .ll v Jv. . Phelpa. Business homes and residences nrodrapod in mourning , The two ycnr-ol'l ' sou of J. P. Young , living urnr hero , was bitten sevornl days ugo by n drg , supposed to bo mad. Ho liui duvclo fld what nltending physicians declare ) nro untnia- taknblo ayinptotua uf hydrophobia. Tlio dog has been killed , .SIDNEY'S BORROW , Special Telegram to The Bus. SIDNKY , Nub. , Aug. 8 A fitting observance ) of Gun. Grunt's funeral obeequieo oc occurred hero to-day. The stores nro ill closed ntid btulneea is gfuprnlly ( .impended. Memorial i > arvic ° s were luld at the Methodist church nud largely attended. The town ia handsomely draped nud will remain BO for thirty duys. HASTINGS' TRIBUTE. Special Telegram to the Bir ; , HASTINGS , Nab , Aug. S Memorial ECT- vices were held horo. The procession wn $ ouo-half mllu long composed of G A R. , L , R. C. . civic societies , cittzana on foot nud in carriages. Tno opur.i hoii'C , whera the 8-rvioaj were bald , wui crowdfd nnd largo nutnbsrfi were turnnd nwuy tiuablu to gain r.dinlttnuco Rsv , Ringlmid paid a glowing tribute t ] the deait Heminil , nnd In the couwo of his remarks eald : "Gen. Grunt's death has brought about what it won d have taken years to n.coinplish the nbiolutn union of the north nnd lonth. Not only the north mournn hia loss , but the south bjwa in gtiof with us. " Congressman Laird followed utd gave nu ex cellent review of G Tint's lift ) na n soldier. VALKNTlNES'GRIEF. Special Telegram to The BKE. VALKNTINE , Neb. , Auguat 8 , 1SS5. Grout memorial services weru held hero to-day , which were largely Rttonded General J. S. Bristlm delivertd the ndtlrcss la which ho pud a glowing tribute to his old commander. Prayer , singing , nnd a few \oluutcor speeches completed the ercrcUee. OONDKNOED REPORTS , At Grand Island. Rev , Go rgo Wlllinma nnd O , A Abbott dollvorol orationH at the memorial tmn cue * held under thu aueplcoi of Lyon Poet G. A. li. The services wuro held nt the upera house. The Grand Army Post nnd local fire com panies formed a prominfnt feature of tno memorial services nt Norfolk. II. C. Broomo , Hon , John Shmvln , Il v. Kldred nnd Rev. Mead nddresstd the gathering. Memorial services wnro held nt Hnrtirgton under tha auspices of Oieawnttnmio Pest G. A. Ii. They were largely attended. Hon George W. Frost , of Omaha , vai the principal speaker at Poplllion. Busir > uaa wan entirely suspended , uud the expreaiioua of mourning were uuherBnl nnd tasteful. A severe wind storm interfered iffith the exeroifics at Wilber. A procession in the af ternoon , with memorial ssrvIcoH in t hn court house ynid niada p the programme. Business was entirely msppndtd at Beatrice. The exorclsPBvero held in Wilson' " ) grove , at tended by R * lins post , G. A. R , , and com pany C. Nebrai-fca national guard B , Mayor Ddwall , Thos. Yule , and othora do livered nd- dresBca. The opera house at Columbus was appro priately decorated and completely filled at tbo exerclsfs held thtiro. The p incl pal address was delivered by Uev. O. V. Rlcu , the Coluin- bus icmnnerchor furnishing exc ellent vocal music , P BusinesB waa generally tf jspendod at O'Neill , Kxercitec wrru held a t tbo skating rink , participated In by the fiJ. A. R and Jimmet guards. Captain O-Assidy , Judge Roberts and Prof , Curlton wec > a the epeakera. The features of the memorlril exorclsea at Falls City waa the reading of _ an original poem by Judge Marvin , aud 'an immense pro- coaslon , compoEorl of all tba local civic organ- . Tha public fqparo at Sewt .rd Wi3 the econa . of aporupilatb niumorial services. The atton- duncu waa largu , ull claeaea of citizens taking : part. part.Humboldt'a Humboldt'a citizona reinemtered thei dead hero npproprtatoly. A loug prccossion to the public tqua o , with addreiisciiinKrigUab aud German wuro thu exercises. The aeivicna at TecumneVi ware ntten d d by a DOS people. Thu draping/ WHO prof uiaand tasteful , RJV. P. 0. Jchuaon v/ns tbo > orator. Reports from. Fremont ( peak of I , ha exer cises t hero as beiiitr xilemn and Irnpeesivo. The G. A. R and loc.vl military company inarched co thw publio pi.rk , whera o.n. oration. was delivered by J. U. 14o The assembly g/ourde. , at Crotd was the- scene of WBll-attendtf d memorial services , Flvz-mluuto Bpaechtfj were clol liorcd by- prominent citUens , Boiiiiooa w aa entirely < , suspended , The country p'op'lo for miles t iround wt , loattendanca r > < . the rn tnorlal serviced held at Plattsmoulb , Thu op-rti , liousu was the scene of uppropriate exer cisn. 'lha draplngu were proliiio uud urtlrt'.c. Nobraska. City hocoied the uatlon'a dead hero appruprla.n'iy , At tlio uiu morial services , held iu the ciiy pirjr , Hon at or Van Wyck de livered a ntrouj/ and olmiuen t address , fol lowed by otlu/r Byeak ru. , V. T. N , House , an cx-confedivute , upaku feelingly of the hereof - of AppomuU/jx , Bublneu v/ai generally sus pended. 11 ay or Wnltcn presided i.iver well-attended momoiUl oervictH at Hiilr. Tha city council , fire department and ulliii/la Bocletlos pirtlci- jiated in r IIH procesaloa , Orations were de - livered try lion L Ororinee und otbcra , A prooi'tnion 0110 milij in londth and a con- o'urso ' of SMO pfopis wcro the features of Kearuey't mimorial u > ; crcl ia , Tha cervices * weru liold in the Bkitb iy rink and nddreteod by C'npt. CalUius and Rbvs , ICerr aud Ash- Uepsila from SJdn-ey , Riverton and Beaver G'ay fcliow that upprojirUto memorul cervices voreheld , witbikgf/neral Buapentioa of buil- Tiega , All businciti wna guipeuded at Auburn , and tezvlcea held In tl'.o pirk , attended by 3,000 , people. The G. A. R pests from Brock and Auburn jurtiupatud D , J , Wood read nn original , poem , itnd Hon. Church llowo and otters delivered addrost'es , The drapinps wflte 8rtll < l'0t ' of the All lur u. Woman , , Oal , , August 8. During a bo- ( juarrel over a woman between liarcey Palm , nul JoeMcUaaci to-da ) , both drew revolvers and thot at the tt-mo lime , ' 1 he balls struck each ju.t abovu the heart , Seven shots wcro exchanged , and both men BID dt d , , John Ryan ind Monea Thompion fell Into the Imnda of the Uw yettuiday while fightlpg , fair and will nppeur before iluJjje Httubeig tbU morniDg , Ubarlea Bnittb will them on a charge of dtua nnd disorderly , J