THE DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY ; AUGUSTS was THE BEE. OMAHA OmcuNo. 014 AND 010 NKW YORK Oincc , HOOM C5 TIUUO.VK BUILD- 1J > 0. riib'Winl otery morning , except Sunday. The only Monday inornln ; tHlly published In Iho state. TKRM4 I1T MAIL Pno Yc r . . . JIOOO [ Three Montln. . . 2 BO Hlx.Monthi 6.00 I Ono Month. . . . . . 1.00 The Weekly IJco.l'ublislicil o\ cry Wednesday Trnii , roamio One Year , with premium ' ? 22 Ono Year , -without premium l < * ! Bit Months , without prc-nuim ' ° Ona Month , on trial IU coRRMi-osDisvcr. : All Communication- , relating to Ne nd Editorial rnitterj should bo addressed to the hoitoa or lilt Br.r. CmitEM LUTTIPA Txtcrs ( end UcmltUnccs ihould bo All RutlnoM : dJret. E.Tim . nwi rinusiino COMMIT , OSMIIA. Ir < fts,0heik and I'mt olllce orders io bo nude paj- nblo to the ordtr of the companj. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , Preps , V. HOSKWATKK , r.nnoii. A. II. Titcli , Manager Daily Circulation , Omaha. Ncbraika. A CYCLONE struck Philadelphia on Monday. This Is the flrst gennlno ox- citoinont which Philadelphia has oxpor- Icncod aiaco the centennial. Dn. BLAND , of Washington , ia crankj ou the subject of Rod Olond. Dr. Miller , of Omaba , coincides with Dr. Bland. This is a ramsrkiblo instanoa of doctors agreeing. NEW YOUKEUS ere complaining about high assojaraonti. If the dlscontontod Manhattan millionaires will call on our Omaha n ou3r , they will loam Homo- thing to tholr advantage. A NASHVILLE man jarnpsd from the ntnpaunon brldgn at thai place Into the Oatabaclaud rlvar , a dUtiaco of HO foot. Although canjliornbly shaken up ha will racovor friin his Injuries. Uta osaapa from death ia ascsnutad for by the fact tint ho was intoslsitoi , The old adage , "Look before you lo p , " will uow hava to bo ravlood to , "Gat drank before you jump. " who have from time to time poked fun at the western cyclone , now know how it is themselves. A well- developed cyclone haa just visited their city and vicinity destroying a great deal of property and Injuring and killing quite n number of psrsona. It would cccm utter all lint tli3 ejclono U not confined to the wild west clouo. A CIT./EN of McCook has boon trcnte3 Io a. cummer suit of tar and feathers , and ordered to leave tha town. This wes done ns n punishment for a criminal as sault upon a young woman , and it was reeortsd to as a matter of economy. It will cave the county a big bill of expenses which would have been incurred by a court trial. FITZ Hucm LEE has been added to the list of distinguished oontheinerj who viill tnko part in the obeeqnloa of General Grunt. The eon of General Grant's most formidable enemy in war , It is most appropriate that with General ISuckner und General Johnston he shonld aes'at ' in giving a soldier's burial to the Santh's mos. able fee and most magnanimous conqueror ONE advantage of the now stock yards to Omaha Is shown by the increasing num- of largo cattle owners and cittlo ship pers seen on our otroots and around our hbtals. Some on tholr way to Chicago uio staying over to examine our now cattle market , and others tire taking advantage of oalea in the yards In this city to purchase ranch snp- plies of our merchants , Mr. Ilammond's enterprise hns already been of great becoBt to Omaha. The full efftfolB of Ilia otock yards will not , however , bo nhown until other establishments which trill purchase the inferior gradea of cattle aa well tvi the best locate In South Omahn. THE CaiudlanB who arj urging annexa tion to the United States have probably , looked over the last year's balance sheet of tha Dominica and compared it with oar monthly sla'omcnt of debt reduction. Sir R'cbard ' Gait-Yright placas Omadn dim finances in rather an unfavorable llt'V. llo doilarca that there hus boi n nu iacraaso of uoirly 8200,000,000 lu tbe dcbi for whioh there ! no'hlng to slow but two rnllwityc , one of w inh has bjcu filvan aw y > while nobody o.iroi for the other. Sine ) 183 ? the p pih'foii lua Increased but 'M par cant , while tlu d hp. hai hdvacoed 200 per ecu1- , expenditures ICO per cent and taxation l.r 0 per cent. It boglnB to look ns If nome Djnver finan ciers UsiVbcon having a finger In tht Canadian troMury plo. THE qucitlon IB asked < f It would nol bi proptr for the city council to levy t\t annuil tax of five dollars on every dog Ir the city. It certainly would bo not enl > eminently proper , but It would bo pro- duoilvo of a very largo revenue for om depleted oily t oaaury , as Omaha Imi probably more canines to thorquire jaril than any other city of Its elza and popu- Jati9n iti the csuntry. The clly couisol chonld psiss an ordinance providing f jr t dog license of at least fiva dollars a year , which sain the owner of a valuable dc ( conld not reasonably object to paying , All non-llceniod do a should bo taken uj by the poundmittsr and kept for t certain time , during which the owcei may redeem the animal by paying tin llcento and costs , which thou'd iuc'udo i line for non-compllanco with the ordln rue a. After the expiration ot thl : jiorlnd all unredeemed dog > , unless ol moro thfta ordinary value , should hi dlsjioeed of in a way that would reudei tholr reappearance upon the streets ol Omuh.t an impoatlbitlty , la order tc liOJv'inpli U this dealriblo rctult i , might bt uttcaitry to kill tluin. Wo are in favoi of high license for dogs , If Klgt Ilcuuio reduces the number of silooni , v. . Vliovd it cm bo nndo to decraiaa the tc y cf c&ulnea irJesliot ; tba city. REGISTER MORRIS. A prominent cltlztn of Northern Ne braska writes ns follows- "A number ef pcrsonj have recently re quested mo to write you concerning the con tinuance ot Mr. Morrli as register in the Valentino U. S. Land office. In fact such requests have been \ cry frequent during the last eighteen months but I have studiously refrained from having anything to do with tlita tfTair. Finftl'y , I have concluded to wrlto you briefly confining my elf to what the people generally think about it. The perron8 who complain of Mr. Morria , enter tain the opinion that without your support bo would have been removed some time ago and tint you nro tha only e Hi dent support ho now. They wish you to investigate mat- tcra , hoping you may thereby become con vinced of the truth of tha charges made against Mr. Morris , "I write you ns much for the renton that you are bslng hold responsible for his remaining in office , thinking it may not bo true , ns foi nny other purooeo. I have no Interest direct or indirect In Mr. Morris1 removal. But 1 ntn convinced that the charges made against him as to his official conduct nro believed bj a very large majority of the patrons of the ollice , and thnt ho under the circumstance ! an tncnmbrance to the republican party 01 nny Individual who upholds him , Domocrnti nnd republicans alike would bap ratified will n change rrgardloes of whom his SUCCCBSOI might bo. " Wo cannot comprehend why tha poopl < of the Valentino laud district should hole the editor of the BEE responsible for tht appointment of Mr. Mori is or for his re toutton In oflica. Mr. Morris was np- painted by PrctiJent Arthur , at the in ntanco of Sauator Saundur ? . Ho hac boon the senator's private secretary foi nearly four yean and Mr. Sinndon rrhou his term was about to cxplro nakoc for lib cppolntuont as n apodal favor At tha time Mr. Morria WAI appointed this papar and ltd editor had lost their in llaenco with Saaator Saandoro. After Mr. Morris had b.'cn confirmed by the conato , ho citno homo tc look np a bond , and failing tc got bondsmoa for some time ha finally apposlid to the editor of thi BEE to booomo ono of the two bondsmer required by law. The rljk In this case was no greater than that incurred liy the editor of the BEE when ho wont on the bond of E. K. Valentino for the poul lion of register of the West Point lane ollice. Thin is the only aid Mr. Morria has received from us. When complaint was made by Mr. Hill , of Valentino , that Mr. Morris was un faithful to his official duties , Mr. Hill was Invited to forward the charge to this office. Thosa charges , when received , wore promptly mailed to Secretary Teller. The only endorsement made up311 them was "rotpoctfully referred to the Sec retary of the interior for action. " In duo time the land commhalonoi ordered an Inquiry , but the spaclal agent who Investigated the conduct of the Val entino land ofii co reported favorably and the charges were dismissed. When the firat dispatch aboub the late scandal reached this office by a telegram signed by a sworn enemy of Morris , wo hesitated : o publish It , but as ooon as his report wao confirmed by Jotters from prominent business men of Valoatlno , they wera freely given to the public through our columns. If any well sustained charges of official misconduct hid been made against Mr. Motrh , they would have boon published without reserve. "With the general belief that Mr. Mon-la is crooked , wo have no moro to do than wo have with hla ro > lantlon In oflica. We profess to have no Influence with Grovoi Cleveland or with any member of his cabinet. On n.vional Issues the BEE always 1'as been ropub i- can , and it certainly can have no part in appointment or removals nnder a demo cratic adrnlnlotr.itiDn. If It has been shown or c n b'a ahown that Mr. Morels has batrarcd his trust an an official , the responsibility for keeping him In ofli.e must bo laid on tbo ohonldora cf the werd that be. This much of an er- p'anallon wo have doomed due to the friends who seem anxious that wo should withdraw onr ufliienco from Mr. Morr.'s. TEIE VACANT SECOND LIEU TEN- AN01ES. Tmo9 or four hundred aspirins ; younfj men are anxiously awa'tlng ' tha cloch'on ' of IVosldcnt Cleveland lu rfgard to filliog ( hi vaojiit ajcoaa HeutonamUs existing In tha line of the army. The law rosp-o'- Ing ; olvi'.laa apppolntmoatj in the array the appointment of a'loilo.i ' lna ' * W ° 3' Puiii for the ou'rout yo.\t before the claim ) of others are con- sklarj'l. Any vimns'c. ' } loft aftjr thj ( r. iu'iui ' ; clad ] U tuppllod must firJt bo olfurcd to auc'i worthy noii-camtnlsiloned ollluer of the array shall provo thorn- salveu on oxantlruUon fitted to hold coai mi'Alini. Tae . omjiultig vaainciji arj plurU at the diiposil of the ohlof oi33U- tivo. AJ u unttjr of fist thi vaoanciei In the army , ow ing to the cisuaUtles , raslgmtlons and dlsmlsaals , nsuslly amount to moro Ihu the number of graduating cideta. Nox ! year , however , owing to a larger that usual olasj of gradiutea at the inllitirj aoadomy , it is believed that there will be more pa. ; * than tbero will ba holoi to fill , Fo ; this reason mnny army oftlo hive hoped that President Cleveland would allow tbe ten vjcinclcs , whloh will bill oxlat after the asslgamant of promotut non-commlasloncd cflhare , to remain opoa until after next Joiio , w'aon they couli b ) placed at the disposal of the graduiticgobus. It la nor umluritojJ that Mr. OleveUnd will taka a i vantage ol Ills rl.httoappoluttuntand ; fi Itho vaoan- clei with selections froa ci/ll Iif * . PJS- tibly the prasldoat nny Lava bojn in- lluono d by the rco-nt ar umenl of Ai j itint-janenl D.-uai , In favur of greatly tnoreatlug the number of caJjts iu the military aoidomy. Om. Drum ar aad thit onr groitost genorils durlug lha la'o war wore thoio who had mingled wi'li men oaUldo of the army after tholr grad uation , and uln had thus loiurod n knowledge and sympathy which they would necoaiarlly hava been deprived of f they bad served oontianally with tholr regiments. For this reason he believes that each claw at West Point should have moro graduates that can bo glvan phcos In the service , that they should bo por- mltted to return to civil Ufa nnd to take np their swords when called upon by the government , bringing back to the army business training , builnoss habits and a knowledge of danllng with man some what dlffaront from that obtained In mili tary channels. RED OLOUD AND McGILLIOUDDY. The Herald places a high estimate upon Red Olond , and attempts to cast a slur npon Agent McGllllcnddy by saying that "an Indian cgont who gets riah In n short time on $1,500 a year is not the kind of n man to control Red Cloud. " Wo do not know whether Dr. McGllli- cuddy has become rich ont of his agency , but wo do know that ho la generally con sidered the best agent In the Indian ser vice. Aa a recognition of his valuable services bis silary was ralajd some time ago f rum § 1,500 to $2,500 , and as ho is an economical man , whoso expenses nt the ngency are very light , ho is enabled to save nearly all ef his tn'ary. no has boon thoroughly iuvcs'igatodhalf ' a times , and yet ho holda the fort. So far no investigation has resulted In showing that ho is a dishonest man , while eo far na discipline is concerned ho has invariably been highly complimented Ho has jaat been Investigated again by Congressman Holruan'ii committee , and wo predict that ho will again oomo out unscathed. The fuel Is that Dr. Mo- Gilllcuddy does not care to retain ills position , but ro long as eucli cranks as Dr. Bland , of Washlcgton , nnd the eastern "phllcnthroplats" continue to stir up charjco and investigations , baasd upon the comphintu of Red Cloud , who is known to bo a constant growler nnd dis turber of the peace , ho proposjs to re main where ho I unless removed by the interior department until the public bj- comcs convinced that thoco periodical charges are gronndles : . The Herald's praisa of Rjd Cloud and detraction of Dr. McGlllIcuddy will not outweigh the testimony of Gen. Crook , Col. Stantou , and Capt. Leo , against the former and in favor ot the latter , while its comparison ot Rod Olond and Spotted Tall is open to criticism. Red Cloud first came into notoriety as the loider of the Fort Fotterman massasro , and ever since that time his voice has boon raised In favor of war and discord. Spotted Tall WAS an Indian statesman , and while Red Cloud was trying to create discontent and disturbance the former was always advocating peace. Rod Cloud has always boon the enemy of the whites , while Spotted Tail was their friend. If Dr. Miller were to visit Pluo Rldgo end ECO the admir able discipline maintained there , the sub stantial Imcrovomento that have been made , and the proves : that the Indiana have made towards civilization , ho would change his opinion concerning DMe - Gillisuddy , under whoso direction all this has been accomplished. TUG Maeeachusstts census shows a dc- craaso in the popnl-itlon of the email tovrnslnlho hill region of the western counties. The changn which has como over tlut put ot the n'.ato during the last qnacter of a century ii very striking A doz-m towns in Berkshire and Frenk- lln counties which coatntnod 7.128 in- lubiUnta In 1800 , Imo now only 5 929. fl lois in the purely rgclculcural places is about 25 per coat , , while ono little town has but ICO pjoplo cgilnst 319 before fore the w.\r. Wnora there ha ? boon a gain in tint eooiion of Massachusetts It Is duo to thetntroJuctlon of eamo new Industry rather then to en In- cra.vo of the farming oleimnt. The drift of o.iilgritlcm fjai thoao vil lages I * to tlu manufacturing towns and largo cltloj. la not a few of these hill towns emigration Ins eirrloJ off au even larger propDrlion o ! the ontorprUo ani public spirit thin cf population , and the signs ' f rotrTjriding in every dlroo'.ion are pji'ufuUy ' i OMAHA wiohea to put up u Grant statu3 nt ' * * . p nut * Vo see uo ohj jjtlon ti tha p'aa. A1 ; UJH ri.i'iio timi it need nit Inturfero r ilcs'BBiibiO'iii'.ion to tha LjavuiiffortU imnnmetit. linnsaa City Times Wh lu wo lull not .t.tompbto interfere with Nu rksku al333riptlon t > tha Loivuawor'h nunuuunt , wo wou'd BHJJ t to our pojplo t Fjrt ( ) iulu U tf.-i ai > , > r ] > into u pUsd foil G : > 10 myaii- miat iii For' Lmiro-jTorVi. Th' ' in or- eati nf the trro loc litl i' , ho vovor , iited uit o iih , J eubioiip l > ai lor nionu- inant at oiuh pU-o Or.ii lu easily scoured , Wo hopj the oitlzuiM of Oonh und viola ty w U' fwnnltatily nghato the mttjf of orjotin a Ornt moaaaant av. Fort 0juln , an3 o , 1 upon tbo pjuplo of tha state t ) a lit In tbo onterprlio. CAPTAIN IliuMANim been compelled , owing to outrageous mlsropresjnta lout , to wrlto a card in order to Bet hlrmelf right niih lion. J. E , Boyd. Captain Herman wants It distinctly and emphat ically undiratood that ho has never clmgod the Nebritka member cf the lutioual deinociatlo cotmalUoe with ply ing a double gaaso on him , and further more , ho dttiros it to bo boruo in ruind tint ho consldora Mr. Bryd his fiend , It la a notlceablii fact that titioo the pub llratlou of this cird the cold rave has ditippoarod , nnil ( he liitirnal revenue colloctorchlp has approaohtda ( aw jiotnia uotrcr the graij ) i f Captain Herman. IT h's b.on sUtdd that Illggluu' days are nuinbarud , The probibllity if , how- tvor , that tlio las * , day of Ilieglna Is a g'jod wava off , end ttat the patterns who ui'O aixloca toetohirn tu ned boto nil bocouio weary in counting the number if hla days. Ho is n very tucfnV nun for tbo admlnVratlon , and ho Is tough cnonzh to take all the blame for mistakes and for violations of the civil ectvlco law. In eupport of this ncaertlon wo have so cent advices from Washington that Mr. Manning positively siys that Il'gilns abnll not bo dlatnrbod. That ought to Bottle all doubt on this matter. ADMIRAL CoonnnT , of the Frcnsh navy , died In throe hours after the ro. oalpt of the news of the Franco-Chinese treaty , and the statement was made that ho died of a broken heart. This is con firmed by Rear Admiral DAVC ! , command * Ing the United Slates equadron V ChluoBo waters. Conrbot wanted the war prolonged BO that ho could distin guish himself , and when his ambition irai nipped in the bad by the cessation of hostilitlco , life had no moro chnrma jot him. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE first ptlzo for hot weather will bo awarded to Merced , California. The inorcary cllmod to 1M In the shade at tint place on Monday. THE TRADE SITUATION. A slight demand for autumn supplies was noticeable in the eastern market last week , bnt the gain is not greater than unnal at this season. A moro cheerful feeling as to the prospccla cf the fall trade Is reported , the fear of any further depreciation in velucahavlugdleappcarcd. It Is generally ballcved that the limit of depression has been t inched. This foolIng - Ing no doubt will contribute largely to the improvement in trade that IB expect ed in the near future. The surplus ti capital ia sga'n ' gradually find i at ; its way into circulation both in speculative dcahi nnd legitimate enterprises , and there Bticnii to bo a general loosening up. The week's failures in the United States and Canada cumber 201 , M against 215 the previous week. As a result of speculative manipulation in No AT York , the cotton imrkota have continued strong.4 The cotton crop prts- poctu remain favorable. Although the cotton gootia trade io quiet values arc maintained. The wool trade has been fairly active , although the volume oi business shows come decrease es n natural sequence of the largo sales of the previous fortnight. Vain en have ruled strong , with an upward tendency in all markets , In the iron trade some good- s'z ' ° , d orders have been pkced , and others are under negotiation for atcol rails , and there Is a fair business in progreis ia bridge Iron and wrought pipe. Other wise the iron trade bltuatlon is without activity or features of noteworthy in terest. The grain trade hss continued dull. The maiket for wheat has been Inclined to weakness , owing to the hot wcbthor , the increasing movement cf the new crop and the nncatisfautory condition of the export trade. The downward tendency of values hai been measurably checked by the circulation ti : eensational crop- dumogo reports from the north west. It is probable that some injury Jbns been done by inocc.'E and unfavorable weather conditions In certain tcctlona of the spring wheat coun try , Lut the extent of the damage hae been much exaggerated in the statements that have bion used to influence ihe speculative market. Com pticca have rnkd etcady , because there Is compara tively little sprpalction in ( hta cereal in any market. Stucko are keptnndor good control by a eteady demand for homo con. sumption and a mcdsrato movement foi export , but there is no noteworthy acliv- i y In the dsmand from nny sourca. NEWa. DAKOTA. Huron claims 2 807 population ; Tierce 2,031 F.irgo Ins but 1 OU ) children of school age. Tim four year eld town of Grafton has 2,100 intiiib ttntH. Cnsfr's tin mines continue to develop en- coamglngty. Anusgit aortli 8O was recently fouml in tbe Nippur Hill uiiuo. The hall lixt weMs mined -1,000 acres ol prniu in Spink Louuty. Thu t ) a' ' n'sofs < 1 vulun nf all property in Clnrles Mir county la ? : tVJUl3. Tne valuation of tnxib'n prnnerty ia Spick county ri-uches noarlii S3OuO/(0. ( Tha Hindi Il'lU ' v.'lur.t hinojt , it is Bail will lot beg n befura Ausujt 38. Thus fui tint ciOis am promltiln/ , The Jocc'itB farm coil Inro ijeotori clilm tc havu di cover < 1 with their drill ono vi in ul 104 ! ax fd tiii thic nes' , nt n deptb of 131 lett , Aa'h-B r.ii'r'i-v ' ] build rp by th NoithwdS- rrn uni I Kiu.k Irlami inilrdiila towtrd )5ii- ) iii .cck , It id iiinii roiJ , will b.-gm ai ui : fiuiy li- . liTha Tha wh at growers of Northern Dikatn mi tlinoiixl H9t Imc tha lioitd tuni cook tbo furuiiDg berry in thu teadu A colony of fifty fainlllfi- ate mill to bn on ttiu way tu the Turtlu inc.iu tain region fi'i'ii tliu lucjility cf the recent Jtiet nbclliun trouble ] , Contractor fruit's agreement c lh far the c mplftiou if tin Rrading of tKeiUulc Hlllj br , c'l of the S cv > x City & Paclhc to Ilipiil City by July 1 % 18SO , The totul valu tlon of the roil cetato nii'l prrd < nil property IIBSOSSUI ! in Bpink county this ymr ia ropurKd hy the county aaietaor team am mat tu ubout ? 3CUOCOO , lin-insrjk onfessFH to n large Bhrickngo In 1U IliuUuK pupuUtloii , but coneolts line t that tlm pruca-H IMS bten a moril improvement , tlw iloaterd nf erred to being N. Ci A r i ro ul inoitiER wai held at lUpId City laet wttk and stepj luken to i flor mbataii- tlul I'ncimr Keiiit-nt to the North wentern rail * road to hurry up their Imo from Cludrun , Mr Datrjmpl * calutilatps on petting 17J I ) ishbl au acio from the oO.UCO acres lu which ho la intereHtod , or a total of 027,000 biuln-lrf , tha turvt'bt will cuuim : .co in ubuut two Anoth'r copppr-beiring strati Is snid to UIVH btun Kttuck at a dei/tU of U03 ft ct ou the JtucbR furin ThU l < eaid to bo the third "pr Bpticl" In cupper discovered on the flhino prellUufb Tht < ConRregatlonal ml ion at Santee agen- cv unili-r thu BiiptivibiiM nud direction of Kev A. L ltuvi is rrtctiiifj one of the imest bullrliiiK'i iu the titt , to coat , all complete , Bunieth ug over SSO.OuO. haGraco was visited by a hall et'rm on Widnuduy lant , tbo local paper at jtuv tlut etonct were picked up which IIIDJ uni ulbven ai d tilt co ( junctor inches , A J.vrgu amouut ot wintluiv K''B ' 9 brukin , K'-Irr ' llu h , n Grant county dlylno , is n di.ciiilncf ll.o f ith iii'O , und It ll/lti ? tu/t / av i rtti u ii u su'-'c-'ittul manner iu that lee litj Havirijj rtcently cured a bal C > IQ of cttvrtb , lu ) id cotv tmvniff big run of bufine'e. Ths crop reports received from JlcVhewon , Mclntnih and Ctmpbell counties Indicate favorftbh hnrvcst jcilds for the Russian colo- nlsts located in that tcclon , and * n increased Immigration from the czar's domains next tea- son ns n ictult , There nre rimon at Devil's Lake tint Iho Turtle mountain Indians threaten to drlvo the whites from the lands recently opened for f ettlemont. The militia nt Fort Tottpn are fully prepared to summarily put down any at tempt nt revolt , Jntnoi Butteiford , n wild and wooly cow boy who had been filled with d.Mico hoiuo bear and swindled out of hit cash by ono of the nnpelio inmates , found himself sober enough Tuesday morning to rcaliza hit Iocs , when , providing hlmsoll with n Winchester rilli ) , ho took post at the doof of the badroom occupied by the fair deceiver , stating liU in- tetition to blow open the skull of the First comer. Tha husband of the Indy In question escaped by jumping out of n eocoud story win dow , and called n policeman , who arrested and jugged the cowboy. VVTOXINO. Cheyenne Is making extensive preparations for the Grand Aimy reunion next month. The Central ditch cotnptny with a capital of § 100,000 , baa boon organized in Johnson county. Laramie county's asseajod valuation this year will roach 5fJOOCOO ; a gain ov r last year of $1,550,0 0. John Smith , of Salt Lnko City , was mur dered near Foit Urldger last week bv John King for como unknown reason. Kicg wi- oaped. The Nebraska innano asylum is full to over flowing and the Wyoming authorities have been notified that the aeylnm will not receive any more patients from this territory and these already there mint bo removed , The 1'owdnr lUvor company has decided to transfer n largo number , poilmpa 23,000 cnttlo from the 1'owder liver country to the British pofBcesioDH , just over the Montana line , DCUO head have already beunnlattsd. COLOKADO. The lulico of Denver in ado 4GO arrests dur ing July. The damage by the Cherry creek ilocd lint vvcel ; is estimated at S10J.OOO. It la eeiimotod that the wool clip of I'l l'a o county thia year will bo upvuirdd of 700,103 pound a. Mrs. II. S. I'orteoui , n Denver lady , V > M thrown from n buggy by a runaway team , und almost instantly killed , The Colorado _ Smpltinp cnmpiny nt I'uoblo Is at present using about 250 tun * of ore a dav and turning out 1,000 bard of bullion of ICO pounds each , Ch-vrles H Konigsburg , a Denver commia- eiou man , r..n into the hole S,00 , ' , aud left throe Roats nnd two picro to bo divided among his creditors. t The district cou-t of the Third district of Utah hii pronounced valid tha lease nf the Km Grande Western by the Denver fc Kio Granda railroad , A foreign miner at Silver Piumo oxprersed joy at the news uf the death of Geu. Grnt , aud within twenty-four hours he rrcnved a written cotico to leave thu town. He left. The arteaian wall at Loveland is now at a depth of i,770 , feet , Quito a quantity of fine lubricating oil ia being brought to the surface , and it ia thought by tha contractors that .1 fine How ofiuer will bo struck at a depth of 1T0 , fut. The number of prodccing , paying mines ia Aspen promises to bs lar ely n.creu ed at a viry early day The htrikes rectntly made in thol nterprieo and Veteran tunneln ni-o ru- p trid as among tha most important ever made in thu camp. lliut 13 appearing in the wheat in the lo calities near Iijngmont and Ni-Wot , bub fur- mere report that it hai come too late to do any particular harm to the early crop. The late wheat will only yidd half n crop ou ac count of thin blight. It U taid by old piorpectora that therein not moun'uiD peak in Colorado on the top of which there i * not a , tin can Tourist * end mountain clinibcra have n luibit nf taking up a tin cnu , to be left at Iho summit for the dw- pooition on flips of paper of the names of all who ascend the mountain after them , MONTANA , Lu'.toli.ii dedicated a uow of or a houio. A cnrpo nf fin,0 0 botc'cs ' of Leer vtcro wrecked on tha Upper Missouri roco'-tly. Thu ou put of Montana minus for 1885 ia pstluiatud by mining menatov.r § 22,010- OCO. Biuinres nnd residence buildings In coursj of cjust uctlon in Helena approxtmato cloioiy 5301,000. Over 2f , ) 0 men me working in the mines , mill-i nnd Btnullerj of liuUc , uud their wa aa nloDO amount tu fS.CCO.OCO per yuar , Thirty-five car loa , about 10).010 pounds , nf wool have b on shipped from Liillirine to tar tins year , iiucl theru o\u 1.0 010 pounds m the \\arliou o ready formhipuient. Tha Jjlkhom coijjpaijy chipped on Saturday last , boveu bira of bullion , ng/ro atirjp 700 pound" , and valued at S3,5it' ( , at the New Vork mint , tlio rtiult ot u ten daj H' run. A CUB linn ta' cn pkca iu tin ones famous but lately do-ortedJL'enoi.Bcot mine , disclusing $5 , CO'3 ' wurth ot rit.b ore. The ininn waa puich.\3d n phort time agj by John Long- mad ! fur § 4 000. 1'ilty millions of the tangillu wealth of Montana can bo funnel mtlii cattle , horse- , and elicip , fetdmir and multiplying en the frioLuutii pibBK meadows of the territory , Tha elucl : holdii KB of Holt na alunu uru eali- mated to exceed § 7,000 000. CALIFOliMA. A ton of aipenic was u < ed iu thu San Joa- quui valley to kill thu grasshoppers. The tellurium are nrcntly uncovered ia Sh.utn county asmjed SSS.OuO to trio ton. Senator Stiarou'n I'tiliC" hutnl lu Sun I'rm - circa i * avtsKfd at § 1,200OCO , and thu old man Ud | ; for a rLclucuuii. Mrs , M , Felt g , r.ged 110 yonw , nnr ] horn in Siut t Oriu , uluci mcontly. &ho v/.ia proa.bly llin i.'Iilett ) .uly iu Cahforola. T' fro are two younrr gir nt work in the fiint-dr/ing hnuda , c n thn Itinchii Cliiu ) , who nil indnn-1 , huiny wuigljlp , nud they in. > ku n in' until Jut Bwcutneua 1 1n cjinbiiicd wucht lit ibt two ( jlria in 101 ponudtf. Ono of the m ' ( i , H tha bdtin" nt ' . ' 38 | iiuuan ] perim ° ntH b > Chinese at Merced in the cuUuii ) of tlm onium popjiy 1 ave oivn aucci'SM- ftil. but tht ) C lifirijia drux pron.8 tn bu too ctrmig for thn Atiatici , nil 1 they i nfei thtt imp ittd nitlclu Tlu ludications aru that that thu cultivation of the plant for media il pii'p men mht ! ; pioVo profitab'o ' to lloiuia 'lliu factory nt Alvarado bca made 1,550 tom nf n-hiAil bcot migar thii reason 'i'/iln h said to be four timi'a grnxur than tha tutul fornliiiin eugjr in the Unitid States The Alvondo fjaoiy has been in opsration FIX j tare , nnd it ) profits an ) wmputtd at $ > IOt- 000 ou an iiuoatmcnt of $125 OiiO , The ( { row- era get ? A 5J a ton for bet-te , and the yield is paid to imroga twenty toux t > > tlm acre Tlm factory pays out about 2'JJ.COO ' a jear fcr btet'j , Uic Avalaiche , If , whin Wsiloa stopped his papnr , the Pall Mull Oatti ) had unly printed on him that story which la told t ChitOf , of the Philadelphia Publlo ledger , 11. H , II. wpuhl huvo tiubecrlbi d f or ten CJpUa forever. 'Yes , sir ; Bt tipped the paper elr vile eheor , uir. " "Stopped the paper ? " gasped Sir. Ohlldn. "Yos , air , stopped the paper , " shouted the anpry mibacribur. "Ooma with uio a moment , won't you ] " gasped the fjroa ; cditur. Mr. ChlldB dragged iilm to hU tflice , to thecurnpuelpgrvom , to ! bcpr < n ) rocni TliB lulgh'y majhlncry of the Publis Iji'dRcr w s everywhere in in illou. Kutinlut ; thu editorial room Mr. Ch Ida dropped into a ch ir , drumnff a long broith "Hoavcns , wha * a ecaio you gao rae , my "Id fr'oudj dorv'c do ( ti4t sty inors , Why I thotirfht you eaid joa'd 6t-ippe1 the pajjor , it ecctns to uo r rt nh < ro without finl pit ing QcBgload'a prKca , you vtih B'J Vr < " , Bcllcl ThM Tim Family will bo AVoll For. You k , Aug. 1. The fortune of the Grant family Is golnf ; to ba proator oven than has been cilculnted. The en dowment fnnd of $250,000 , presented to the General tome years ago , is now thought to boa perfectly osfo investment : and at the wortt the Income from it nt U per cent Is guaranteed for a long time to como , Mark Twain says that the family' * shtuo of the War book will roach $5LO- 000 , and ho undortUnds that under the will , this ia divided between the widow and nil the children. The otatuo mtdo b ; Gebbardt la having nu extensive pale ; aud , as it is copyiightod , the proceeds nro secured to the Grants. A lifc-alzo bust , made by the came sculptor from aittlnjjp , nnd the cant token after death , U to marketed In the same war. Care has boon taken to exclude nil other srtlats from any facilities for work. The a tune precaution has kept photographers from making pictures of the interior of the Mount McGregor cottage , save one operation whoeo r.ogitivua hava boeu protected by copyright , aud nro under the control of Col. Fred , From all thcao sources friends figure up an apgregato of a full $1,000,000 , nnd they ate correspondingly delighted. Grnnt Obojlnj ; tils Ou n Ordure. Cleveland Knquircr. Oapt. John U Stcoro , now nu tuinato of the Soldiers' honu- , tells n g > id otory , showing how hc > , n hen but IU years ol ago , made Gen , Grant obey his own orders. The ocenrrenca took place ia the early singes of the war , shortly of tor Grant hac received hit commission ca brigadier gen cralj nnd was placed In command of the mill t. 11 y district of Missouri , with head quarters nt Cairo. John S'eore1 , then n boy a little over 1G years oi ego , enlistee uud wr.s ordered , with otherr , to report at C&lro , which they did. Five davs af ter tnlistlng they were drilled in march ing snd maneuvering without uniform or nrina. This wao cuiitinnod for nevora' duy ? , when the Haw iccruitj got a vin1- form and an old Harper's Ferry musket , ono cf thoBO old allaha that every lima time the gun was discharged the ehootci hiul to go hunting atttr the hatnour ol his gun. The morning utter ycuau Stooro go' hie gun ho waa otatlouotl at Gen Gram't hoacquartjrs ns guard. The lusdquar tors WISH located on the lavco fronting tht Ohio river , near tbo junction of the Mississippi rJvor. It wus in November , aud the. day waa nccold end bolatorou ono. Stoerb'a military experience wac very limited indeed , and the iaclemeni weather did not exactly ault him. Hh orders were to let no ono rxccpt an oflicer , or ono on oflicial buRlness. onti i the building. Ho stood at hln post o : duty until chilled through and through , whoa ha eot his musket up in ono cornei of the door , leaning against the nlll , and himself close np agdinat the building , with the caps of his overcoat pulled up over his cars to keep warm. As every ono who came near tbo place seemed to bo on edict r ho molested no one , devoting all his time end attention to keeping himself warm and comfortable. Morphena courted him , and ho was on the verge cf taking D pleacant snooze when someone coming c3on the ttalrway r.ri'.UEei him. Looking up ha eaw an oflicer buckling on an elegant n ord After passing through the door the officer c line to u halt , and , looking at the gnaid indignantly , aekcd : "What are you doing there ? " "I'm the gu&rd , " replied Steore. "An escbllont guard , Indicd. Doyen yon kuow whoso hendquarlura this 1.7 ' "Yea , sir ; Gau. Grant's. " The officer looked at the guard a mo ment in silence1 , end then ho thun dered : "Stand up there , elr , and bring your gun to a Buuildtr ! " Young Steero did no requested , brlng- ifjtr his gun to ( shoulder like a tqnlrrul- hunter. Tbo oflicer took the gun frorr him and wont through the manual oi armn for him. Ho remained with h'm ' for fifteen or twenty minute ) , nntil ho taught him to handle hia gun , when ho asked : "dow long have you boin in ILo service ? ' ' "Severil daya. " "Do you know who I am ? " "No , olr ; never saw yon boforo. " " 1 bm Gt-n. Grtnt. You havpdcecrtetl your pojt of duty , eir , which ia a very asrluuu breach of dltolpliuei. I will not punish you this tlrno. young mm , l i vtry cartful it dcioa not occur ogatn. Orders usuat bo strictly nnd promptly obeyed clwaya " Ssvernl dsya after thli yoog Stecio ras put on gtmrd on r. r. ujibout which waa balng loaded with provliiocs ana animntiitlun , vvithorJIcrfi ti olloiv ; o ono vsith n lighted | , ipj orci ir o como wl h In u kivju dtttiiijC nViut fifty feet. JIc uot been at Ms p tt of duty more than an hour wl'ou ( Jra Grant np- proBchcd with n llj-httd o or between his .tell ) , lie a-ututd 1 1 bu ( ioi'pin thought Mit llin monioot ho P. IHO HOT tli > gauf pltnk hiri mutti gs w ro iuuriiip'u'1. ' ' "JJ iltl" crlua itii1 you > ii uard , britig- iu Ins inti ; to his tliOQldir TJio enerM wnn IH PII oiiuiplnloly h > anrpnan. Ho ) u ko l lit tlio ynung j-unrd vvhohadh'm ' cuvortd with ! JH griinnii > > iil ( aud then hU toiiuwmv CD ohoiVhd tincu of nrlctug ungcr But ha did not budgu an Inch. "I have hacn ; In i.bey ordr strlot'y ' and prjtrip'ly , " Hx.ili-.liio-i Stfur ? , qtiotiig llio geni-ral , " . nd my ordvr * K.IG to allov no ono to pproojh thl * b mt with a lighted cijnr , y ti will plcasu thrciiv youri away. " Gjunt Buiilad , throw his cig\r into tbo rlvor aud croaocd the gang plank on to the beat. A A IJaflTale ) Ijnrty wli InnlstH That Blia IH tlio Will ) of Cm field , Special Dispatch to tbo Globf Democrat. CU.VKLAKII , 0 , July 21 Kil > n WIl- liiiiir , u rnurrldd woman , ub me 05 ycar eild , was taken into ctutojy to day on the churgo of ia anUy. Shu Jias it very pe culiar JulhicliiKtinn , linagliilnij lureolf to tm the vfifo of UUD. Garlic-Id , aud ehu iu- thU that he i ) luldtsd , but ojocuitllug is Identity in Europe. The vrumiushyH aho lived In liull.lo , nnd was a particular frltiid of ProMdvnt Fillmore. A ball wai g v.n at hla rtflduncuono night wlieni ahu met Ut < n Giiliulcl , llo w i cipnva- tud bhbr fin i ) dut clnjr , arid , although tie i lion liHd a French wife , they were mar- riiid. Tal ] f ot was kept a Bocro' , bat oho h&j about to g > to tie \Vbito IIoujo to bee rae tbo mbtma when the prculdeitt WVH thot. Shn did cot thnii mike licrseli iiio-.7iia.tlui wife , tliliikmg BIS * wi-uld rumin qutut about tUu iiiiitter until utcor iho funir l. On iltn w.y fcomY shliijj- t"ii tu this city , h uvci' , the caaio tu life , an , th r boay wo pn ia tht c hV'ir , pt d G rtM d tv ut t > K > ir i > , ilu li d a J.if a u a nut < I His uivnc . , uud thu gove uumt paid larg ) BUIIII to tuo f ui- i. , ' " * u M , tpjj'-er'l doja not make htnuolf known. The lady who clalois to bo Mrs Girfiold i ) not the wlfu o' the pcncral at all , thn woman ln flltti , but n Mrs Johnson , wlu lived on Daloanro sttoot , DnlTrilo , nnd Is the wlfo of n member of the editorial staff of the BufUlo Courier. The unfortunate wo man declares If l\cs'dont ' Fillmoro's sec retary would only como to her assistance bo wonld cloir Iho whole matter np for nor. She wonld then bo released and bo qlvcn all of Gen. Gwfielcfo properly , Grand Army Intpsoilnn Tom- . FUKMONT , Nob. , AuRuat Oom- mnndcr A. V. Cole , Adjutant-General S. J. Shirley , nccompjniod byJJ. 0. Lowlr , doparlraont inspootor , G. A. 11. , will , on the 10th of August , start wott on a lonr of inspection , \laltlng as many pouts ns posslb'o ' along the linn of the Fremont , E khorn & Missouri Valley railroad , ns far west as Chadroo. They will stop off at the following potaU on the dates tnon > tlonod nnd hold public meetings to which everybody la cordially invited West Point , August 10 ; Norfolk , August 11 j CrolghtonAugust 12 ; Ncl'gh ' , August K ! ; O'Neill , August 14 ; Stuart , August 15 ; Ainswortb , Aligns | l7j ValontlneAugust | 18 * llo l'IU Kvtrn. The InJopcndont. The commorcinl tr.\volor of n Philadei- phii house whlloln Tonncesao opcroaclioii a ntratiRer a * the train was about io start nnd said : "Aro you goluj on th's train ? ' "I am. " "Have you any blunge ! " "No. " "Mill , myfrlcud , jon cm do uio a favor , and it won't cost ynu any thing. You sro , 1'vn two big trunks , nnd they alwtyrj tnlo mo pay extra for ono of them , You can pot ono of thnm checked on your llc'icot aud we'll caohro thorn. Set ? " "You , I ROC ; but I luvcn't any ilckct " "But I thought yonmidyoti were going < ni this train ? ' "So Ism ; I'm the conductor. " "Oh ! " llo paid extra , cs usual. ThoStnr of Empire. The Current. Jur/go D.ckoy was au Ohio nun As tlio jfisrn paB thu ki.cll of grnt men will bo fliuiHod in Iowa and Nebraska. Thoeo iitates Inv.i ecus , grp.i1btitnot old enough to die. The center of popula tion is probably now wrst of Ohio. When Geneinl Grant and Judge Dinkey were boja ell greatuccs of fau.o was oaot cf them. A Wild , r.urninf ; Kcli , that Strikes vv it Ii a Thousand Klcctric Itching Xccellcs. IjMMTrm ILTOONAIA ) cit.t , I with to * y some- 2J thlnj ; ! 11 nltt of t \almlilo incdldno , Cull- uira , whiL-11 tav advertised in > > ur.itr I lm\o hd that Id Uprofv , nf which jou fail in the Illh'o where the Jenaflr tgo' Itamoiu them , and did not know buw tocuiult It Ins many other Kngl'sh names. 1 have bad It on my body for over mxty NO DOCTORS COULD TELL ii)3 what It s viid pr bililf I rfotouH hara i , Had I not xom the ad\irtl'omoi > t Ia jour ble | > api > . F ntIt l u toilj aircctloi of the Bnln ; next UI > il-sIUo Inruacltuon a01.3 I'd hot- t m , oral ulnl K ht Ixd Uul In the \\ttur lor 1 HK ) iun ; and Juit the simo In m ; feet , Kutcs , and olbona , MU bj tak na m'cra tone ami laokini ; at 1119 It looks wirsa. In o .hr woidi , wjill ctll It ICFlTtlYOYdl OR FISHPKIBT ; then comrs on ubat I cill the nllj liurnln ; Itchy then will sttlkojou wltna Iliinitnil iloctrlo itch ; nc-Jkn. You i moot toll where to Bcr > tco flret. Vuti lhjiilu\o to run out Into the opea oif. to ( , 'c-t ro- llo\cd Wnj.i Is ilroidfu' , end ha\inf so miny oitintiit dootiri1 , urdnino inoiUnjr uhit toaufor jou ; Imt I tn\o toun 1 the K t Ireasjr ) atlait. It did not tatottO epoonla's cf the UUl'lCi'ltA ItBSOLVIflNC bofcre It t50k that li rnlnj Itch l > f the throat , and bid them to hold elf , aul it Ia nff Mj lloih U bj. conlni8jlter , mvhitr H bo i inlnff iot ind Bi'ky ' , ac l I tin n KO * tU9iuexti-rint nil | citl v f-UuH- cuia r'oiii nlai u'.nr ' the juttd ui'.ii On l-uri II IhothonsiiidH Uu * than nlnifso Ihl-t uuillc'noni Ida , hsyw uM not u > 'A ' n j 'rur ' luiiin without It Uli < 'tin l > al tel 11 M ) io > > , b I tiol , o h era , ami I'nny otiodisbU tills. 1 c him st vnrx , door ta the Lotran IIouu h r , la u mv ink o-n pat auUcolorhi nil. JO-tKIMI W. UILbV , For sa'o ovirj wlicre. Price tmieurn , the K'cul Skin Cure , 60o Cutlcnra Sf ) . | ) , i rxiinUtJ S la It cntlll r , 5Co. Cuiloura hcioh.ut. the new Uluml 1'iitlfler , $1 IVO , Sr-ali , riinjiU , and Oily lAin , htuutl cd li > C'utluira hoaji i OJUOII , " that jiodj t iho h"t of litcnul icniolioH , iiil J ) cp Poatod Oonijli , I lic-t lull mnia'.lon ul tfco Lu ii Dull- ic 'l'l'ifi ' Asth'na , faraitta or Liincucai of the thoit in I I'uctnralMug. clcs , a u at oi re reluml , en 1 the ell ttion us.litiil toasto j cure l > tbo Cutlcuta IhBlir Bit tr tir.nnui-t ri.r.iilfqn 1 ycIlliMCioui. AtJrus bta jt , IholorS' ' IU , Mniljil die. lei t IT Driii : ami Choinlcal Co , 75ostfn I biuo n r bltK u roinoily r tr tlio aboroUlnoaoa , by It * nno thnunaii iHDfcilst mil tlio wtitNt kliuliinUf > r fonff Btaadlltiliuvul i-rntti rtl 1 mle I. o tr iiic-li inrfHltll In Uaclllcur ) timluilii"l'1 I ) IIO1 U.I S HIKH , lOEl'lliorvilnnH I't tllll lltliUISI.un thlsdl.eito tuu7BUfTr r d h \i | httit ill * O tulilr fn 111. 1' . A M.IK LM Ul 1'carl t . l ) rorb BIRTEt AND OTI1KH 1'RIVI . - ? KOU HA1.13 0V Till : a HOUNDS OF Tin ; OMAHA , NEBRASKA , FAIR. / II hlj ? miiat lie fui fil ' 'n ' the Smi'turj'j | i d nu b - n o ADIT. 16. 'Iho r lit i > n bin id t > i r t Ml hi u olhtr prcmluina cllend , yitt- Jti IULD HEI > T. m ( o nth. Ailiree * , IV. . H AVHP'KIKf , Ki'urucnrj. ) , Crokhton Jlocli , OQJSII | , hJ > . UMGN PACIFIC HAILWAY CO. CROSS TIES The t'nlon PtiUlcIlallwty C'ntninny will lict'r ' cnilcm iiji t Aufii 13i i'SH. for voo.fO I hur.l wood c'CMtiot mtl fc/Vi'Wi / H liwndcr m t'ux ' , mwu or lu.B In lovtf us nny IM ignod uji.n , l folOAln ibll t 10l'ifOo lc aril I00ra cular crolH tl.3 ( nt Kiri'al C'l \ , M . , nr Iiiav n cr h , Knis IflUiinuml. oiol 1 0,0.111 . ic.iir.ruii t'isatC until iull | , 11 ; 'I. Ji h"iih , M > ; unuljft , r | i.ltiion | , ) rui ii | Una , NOI > . UO tXjO hiuul U'ttUjn and lOO.COl mm * vau ina tl HO il r > i Kit m.t lin\ > r , or at sta'l nt nlliiu cf I'li'un 1 * ( Illc K IIv j , 11 uiln Iif I'nriMir ] t'.o O'tiln vooJuixi- t Iiun'lifctun , nroxon or bU'ljiis tn crigobflioitl no , ir Ulnuund Aoith- urn. )10,1(0 n tUi > o'il tt'i tlci , at HU'lunn n railu i.u ii I'nhMi l illo talln. ) , Ii tvit-ia Chijinuv , > M' ' , , ami i vdin , Um i. T bo il 1 viro I not UUr thin Ainll fO'h , IFffl AdiotH pr iimaNaud * p , I ) t" ' tclllo.tlui anil ct'irp rtm'a'BiuJ ' J. Ilu n , < jur.uulbtmU-tpir , Ciiiia u Nib Om U.Nib. JUj SStli , 18'r . , ' ' . It. OMrAWAV , auj-tlowiw ' Otiurul Mai > ( 'cr HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm s a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it , who would rather lot tell , and vw can't tell.