Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Kntcn Hie nj-slrm titan unUiiovvu
cntiftCHf at nil NCn niiK.
Shatters the Xmc In-palri Digestion , anil
! . , r..1.1 , , . . , 4U JIiHcHS.
Paloklr ndcomrWoljciirMflInlnrln. nrtClilIlii
and frvcrx. lorlntrrinlllcnt Vr\rr
nltiidr , I.nrlc or inrr : T , It hin nn nu l. It
enrjchefl and puriflM the tlood , FtimtilfittM ) the up-
potltn. and Btroncthen the rmmclcn nnd tiorrrfl.
It doon not Injure tha ( with , causa hniultchn , or
mvlucn cnnfftlnatlon nil othft Iron mfiUftnm < 1 > t.
lfAinr.n T..I. KElLt.T , Iho pntrlntla and echolarl/
Uathollo JliTliin , cf ArlcatiM * . nijfl !
' J liato upod Ilrovn'n Imn Illltfm with the ( treat-
Ml Mtlsiacfion forllalarh. anil a a prcTnntlvo nf
CJhllln and lilto ul ° eaw . and nill always keep It on
band an a ready f riond. "
Oonulno hafl nhoTo trade mnrk and rrrwsei ! rwl lines
on wranpor TnUo no otlirr. MmlnnnlirbT
JlltO\VN < ! lli.MTM : ! , < . , IIAl.TlMltt .1ID.
IiADira' HAND HOOK npfnl and attracting on-
lalnlnit lltt of pnron for reclim * . Information aliout
ooin . etc. , frlvnn away by nil iloiilorn In modicino.or
rnallod to any nddrmj on rwoipt of Ie ntamu.
jRJJA written guarantee of euro Riven In ovcrv
cuuunclortaKcn. ffSA 11 consultations JFreo an
JSrecrcd. Dr. Clarke's Cclulirateil lioolt on
IVratings ( In plain envelopes ) tire Htuiiip * .
" * . CLUIKE , n , D. , lea so. ctiitKhT. cuiuao , tu
For the benefit cf udcrInB humanity , I deem I
onlyniy duty ta f\e his unsolicited to tlmony In
favor J Swllt'a Sj cifl Jfy wifohrs been altllcted
Tilth I zomt from nliicr. Wo tried e cry known
remedy , but torn. u\ .il. Showna ole ( tllllctod wltli
aporlo dieol nonouB headache , sometimes folloued
by mi intertmUantfuvor , eo that her Hfo became a
Jiurden to her. finally 1 determined to try Sultt's
Sj < C"iflo Shoo miin'iice 1 aoien wccka ago. After
tAklnK the first largo bottle tbo disease seemed to
Inercaee ; Iho burning , Itching and Inll uaatlon bo-
cnmo unbearable. She , hoscier , pcrscuorod In the
use of thotncdiclno. Alter taking iho eccond bottle
the inllimatlon bciian ta EUbsldo. Alter Iho third
bottle the tnflarcatlon dlstppearod , and eora spots
dried ujiand tnrreduhltoand eoaly. and finally she
brushed than OH in an Impalpable wlillo ponder
TCBcmbllng pure salt. Shu is now taking tbo elxth
bottle ; o ery appcararcnof the disease la gone , and
her floeh Iseolt nmlhltoag a child's , llor bcad-
schcs ba\c dlcappcartd and eh enjoys the only
jcocd health slio lim known In 40 jo ra. No wonder
iho deems ovcry bottle of S. 8. S. is worth a thou
eand tlmrslts we'sluln ' geld
" Any further information concerning her caeo will
bo cheerfully given by hoiself at her residence , 135
Kullett Street , rrby mo.
J UN K. BKA.DtEV,4 ? arjwoiaSt. ]
Detroit , Mich. , May 10 , 2SS5.
For ealo by all druzelits ,
N Y. . . 167St. Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa ,
irK iru
K >
f. K. ! > . . * Co. , MOKoh U
OBKTI 1 am uslnu your Fluid Extract Srd Claret
Btonsomand Woe Coiupr0sa for Canccron the brcut Cl
and am well. I am EatJaflcd It Ii tbo beat rtmfdy tot ii
panoer known. You at > Wf Iconic to UJQ thlj Cor ttit
llt of f iiircrlnur liuiuanltr.
Itespvctfulljr , MRS. L. A. JOOKSOK. 8Ii 8f
, Iib Iio
. . . . b
OKNTUKKH Sly wlfo lias for wune tim
with omethlni { Ilkon scrofulous UIM-AW. and round n/1
rtllot until be gat o your totrv of Itea Clnnratriaf ,
t am happy Co tay aba Imi 017 * rienoM Kn-at njlci ,
Thl < la huinellclit ti tlmonlal of ray appreciation a ! f
yonr efforts In bclmlf of tiunuinltjr. vhich you an
veloocie to use for their benefit. ci :
1 on , very ropuctf ully , IL AIUIS. ciDi cic
TOLEBO , 0. . DdC. lit , USA
I. M. Ltxxn & Oa , Uoiraoi , Jlloh. i'
Uvrro-1 oomrjeLtxMl t&Unjr roar Co. Red Clorer ,
clwo jriwm ago , for Kryaliielas , tuid o Te not tx ea
tr abi dnctv , Hla herediUrj wltQ ma , TtUnkj'OU i'a
BAT * UK test blooa inealetna known. i'H
Y out tnu > . W. la [
. R. n. flyman , of nrand Hapldi , tlleb. , > an Aftttf
two Doctors ulvliid Id in to uae Ixxwo'a Kit , Ited Clover. 10a
* ; bad caia of 1'ruiiva , or > "oTor Bore on the leu , : a
ljr ui l two poundsot your Solid Urtract Itad aoven
now well. m
A * Spnntr Mcdlcln Tonloand tTnrral fllixxl Purl
per It fc no * qaU. For ula br ul fa
Uuw& Co. . Monroe. licl > . faa
m fo n
BK e tbN.
B °
pc :
ca (
'ro '
. Orders
pti BullUtcJ luid i > ronji > tly attended to. Telephone nd
.2.3. tffi
AE iDfcroslicg : Docnracnl With Some
Questions to ttc Railmad Mana
gers to Answer ,
Something far 1'olltlcM s AVcll AO
Oilicrwlso Stanley Huntlcj'a
Donth Dynamiter's nt
Their Nefarious Work
Again Personal ,
Etc , , Kto.
Corretponf once of tbo BEE.
DENVER , Colorado , August 1 , 1885.
At the hat ncaslon of the Colorado legis
lature , and after n mcsi persistent Cght
against nny railroad legislation on the
part of the aovoral rallrosda operating
tholr lines in Colorado , and a moro per
sistent as well as abjolato demand from
the people of the state , the legislature
did rnauago to enact a no-called railroad
law , and oicato the cfllso of a commis
sioner. The people , as I said before ,
actually demanded tnat some roltof should
bo given thorn from what they claimed
was tyranny and nnjnst discrimination ,
and at the last moment a bill was passed ,
which , although not entirely satisfactory
to the pooplogavo a somblanca of insuring
some relief.
Slnco April last , the now commissioner
Judge Folkorwha is a prominent lawyer ,
and whom the governor considered en
tirely competent to discharge the duties
of railroad commissioner , and who was
appointed and confirmed to the oflicolias
been busily engaged Retting his oQico in
to working elupo. Ho has had aevcral
complaints presented to him in writing
of alleged unfair treatment from some of
the rallrorub , and ho boa issued recently
a most Interesting document to all the
railroad companies doing bntinoss in
vfliole , or In part , in Colorado , a blank
form for tLo report to bo made by every
&uch company to the commissioner.
Those reports must he made to the
commissioner between tho'lafc of August
and the let of September , after which
the commissioner iu obliged to make up
his annual report , consisting of a consoli
dation of all the company's reports , to
the governor. A fine of 8100 per day Is
Imposed upon any company for every
day's delay after the 1st of September in
making its report.
Eich report must contain answers to a
detailed list of questions as to capital
utock , bonded end floating debt ; cost of
road nnd equipment , employes , mileage ,
traffic , expenses of operating , monthly
earnings nnd expenses , lands or property
donated to the company , etc. , besides a
list of forty technical questions.
Your correspondent in a conversation
with a gentleman well pasted on railway
affilra , in reply to a query as to whether
ho thought the several companies would
give the required answers , replied : "Well
they may give very vague and indefinite
ones , but whatever they may be , will bo
perused with more than ordinary inter
est. "
Commissioner Felkor was called upon
by Prceldont Adams of the Union Pacific
company when that gentleman was re
cently hero , and ths meeting was of the
moat cordial nature.
I have It from a most reliable oonrc
that very soon a question Is to be pre
sented to the courts questioning the con
stitutionality of the law creating the
office of railroad commissioner , and that
the several railroads have "pooled tholr
Issues , " so to speak , on thin mvttor , and
will bo represented by their roapsctfvo
general counsel , when the matter comes
It was thought that when the bitter
contest for the United States eonatorshlp
ended : last winter by the election of Sec
retary Teller to succeed Senator Hill , the
jghthad ended. Such baa not been the
case. The friends of both Messrs ,
Teller and Hill are still at loggerheads ,
ind not a day passes but what
.ho politician ] are engaged In qulto at
mimatod and unfriendly controversies.
The friends of ox-Senator Hill are en
deavoring < to smirch ex-Secretary Teller ,
m Iho land leasing matter , while the a1
'riends of Mr. Teller are going for Mr. a1p
3111 without any hesitation , reservation tifc
evasion whatever on c hundred and fc
ona different alleged not straight "deals" fo
vhlch they lay at the door of ex-Sonator ca
1111. The fight has grown monotonous caof
and extremely aauseaas to good republi In
cans , and It Is the expression of opinion fa
among republicans who have at tb
leart the future welfare of the tu
arty , that this thing cease and let har- loat
uony prevail. I am told that T/hon at
Chairman Jones , of tLo lopubllcan na < ea
ional commltteo was hero severe ! days fanc
go ho spoke hi unmistakably plain words nc
f this very dleagreoablo light among he
ho friends of Mossrc. Teller and Hill ,
several of the loading republicans of 8Gi
bo atato who called upon him. cc
whom thla country has heard moro or i
sa of for years piat , was In Denver the toGl
ay Chairman Jonoa was hero. I met Ji
Dorsey in the Windsor hotel ; he looked 01
bright , mulling and happy as any mor
' could look. wj
BOO by the dlspatchea from New. York , wi
dead , having dlod there yesterday , CO
luntley , M la well known , wan a news tu ;
paper writer and literary man of no small ' ; > J
allbre , HU in
death recalls to mind a
matter which Is not generally kmwn , In an
Faot , I do not bollovo It over got beyond be
select few. When the celebrated re
Blorey letter appeared for the first time nb
print Inflow York city , a few days be lie
fore the presidential election of 1880 ,
Huntley wan supposed to knowsomotblng ro
moro about the letter than any ono else ,
Phllp to the contrary notwithstanding ,
Ilantloy WAS thus suspected of "being on
Inside" In this matter , and na
ia a fact , beyond contradiction , of
that ono of the shrewdest detectives In lay
Now . York , a msn who was for rainy Nl
pears in the confidential employ of the tin
Tovornment.Yras at work upon the matter ob :
lifting U out. In the columns of a ro- towi
ubllmi ( piper of Chicago , simultaneous- wi
with the publication of the Moroy Br
etler In Now York , was a column dls- Oh
atch signed by Stinley Ilantloy , which lie
ave evidence that he knew moro about iuy
Moroy letter , than niont of the others
were euppotod to "bo on the In-
ide. " The late Marshall Jewell who rliD
of f I
the chcirmau of the republican itnl
ullonal committee saw this dispatch g Ate
rom Iluutley and was of the a&me t'J
on !
Slnco last May the labor troubles began mt
ween Botne employees of the Denver gen
Rloo Grand railway company and its G ! '
2icr3 , Ttrto tttcrnta have bcsn DCS.
made to blow up passenger trains wit ]
dynamite. The third attempt was mad
last night , and to-day the population o
Denver are absolutely frantic over these
outrages. Dimago to the extent of then
sands of dollars have occurred to th
property of the railroad company. In
two Instances employes have been se
verely injured , and a reward of $300
has i for savcral weeks been standing fo
the arrest of the fiends. Patlenco ha
now ceased to bo a virtue
DIvIne providence It would seem
was the only thing which las
night prevented the Instant killing o
fifty or moro passjDgcrs on the Denver i (
lUo Grande train under which the dyna
tnlto exploded. To'dny everybody is cry
Ing for Judge Lynch , The authorlttc
seem powerless to prevent these outrage
and It will nor bo surprising to see th
people of Denver rise up In a body an
organize a vigilance committee.
The Union Pacific railroad put on
night train last night , to run over it
South Park division for St. Elmo , an
thence to Its stsgo line to Colorado's no1
booming mining camp Aspen.
The Hastings , Nob. , baseball club mo
with defeat hero , yesterday , from th
Denver club.
There are $30,000 worth of plans fo
the state capital building presented b
moro than a dozsn different architect
from all over the country , befoio th
board of capital managers. A eclectic
will bo announced In a few dayi.
To the young face Pozzonl'a Powdo
gives frcnher charm ; to the old , rcnowc
youth. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iho New Panorama Informally View
cd by VotcmtiB.
Chicago Tribune , August 1st.
The now panorama of iho battle o
Shlloh , which has been In course of prep
aratlon for several month back , wu
opened last evening for a conplo of hour
to a private view fora few Invited gursts
To-day the doors ore formally opened tc
the public. Iho homo cf the now paint
Ing is on Michigan avenue , between
Monrco and Madison streets. It is ai
oetsgonal brick structure of the typ
that bni grown familiar to Chicago sight
seers , plainly but tastefully decorate !
fle outside flC , and constructed , as to IIB Interi
or , upon the unique model required fo
its peculiar purpose. The visitors' plat
form In the center has a capacity of per
haps 200 , and fully that number ro
spondcd yesterday to the openlc
Invitations. The gathering was plentifully
fully sprinkled with veterans , whoa
Interest in the painting wcs rooted in a
personal participation In the scene par
traycd. Capt. Andreas , himself a vet
eran of Shilob , did the honors , "Shlloh'
is the third war painting that has boon
projected for Chicago , includicg th
"Battle of Mission llldge , " now in preparation
paration , which is to take tbo place o
the "Siege of Paris. " It Is the work o
M. Poilpot , a young antlst , who has been
guided in his labors by a personal curve ;
of the field , aided by suggestions from
his elders and contemporaneous note
made by participants In the battlo. I
differs from the panoramic paintings al
ready familiar In Ohilago In several Im
portant regards. Both "Gettysburg1
and.the "Siege of Paris" are portrayal
of ccenea enacted in the midst of natura
surroundings whoso plctureequonessin It
self satisfioa the rcqutremento of a beautl
fnl work of art. "Shlloh" is different
The bloody battle of Petersburg Landing
ivas fought In early spring , before tin
landsrapa was enlivened by the g&rb o.
summer. That landscape itself , more
over , was flat and unlovely a single i
farm-hotiBo ( tLo Duncan place ) , a tangle
of scrubby woods , and a scarcely per
ceptible gllmpso of the Tennessee river
alone relieving the flatness and dullness
of the scene. As a result the prevailing
tint of the picture as It first meets the
eye seems to bo a sere and unlovely yel
low the threadbare color of the autumn s
fields and forests. In a word , M. Poll-
pot has had to contend with difficulties of
which , unless overcome , must Inevitably >
have robbed his work of all attistlc
beauty. The universal verdict of these
who saw his picture yesterday was that lie
had boon fully equal to the situation.
The picturoj from seeming almost garish caw
first view , grows upon the oya and w
commends Itself for beauties that at first .
escape notice.
The other test which tbo picture is re
quired to most Is the dillicalt test of topographical
pographical ' fidelity tnd GiII
proper dlepsl- II
lion upon the field of the contending IIh IIr
forces. And heroin also the artist was h
fortunate enough to secure the unequivo
cal praise of tils Grit critics. The point nef
view In the painting is near the Cor
inth road , a little south and west of the
famous "Hornets' Nest , " which is one of ]
the most conspicuous objects of the pic
ture. From this position the spectator
looks upon the federal forces at tbo east
nd the confederate In the west facing aiTi
each , as ho looks upon them , face to
Face. The time Is 2 o'clock in the afternoon - *
noon of the first day , when the fight was
hottest and rnanv an hour of bloody
fighting was still ahead. Gen.
jrant nnd his etafi are
jcnspicuons objects In the fore
ground , the grim comimnder seated on
gray horse directing GOD. McPherson
a distant portion of the field. Near > '
3en. Grant stands Co ) . Dickey , who , as e :
Judge T. Lyle Dickey , was burled at
Dttawa this week. Not far from him Is
3en. W. H. L. Wallace , his son-in-law , pai
ivho fell In this engagement. Oapt. An- Fa
Ireaa addressed his visitors yesterday by Bid
ivey of Introduction. After briefly re-
jonntlng some cf the features of the plo mo
uree , ho called for an address from Col. moWi
I3ob" Littler , who was ono nf his most nd
ntorcsted listeners , Col. Little arose
tnd exhibited an empty eleove , which , mo
said , ho owed to Shlloh , Ho did not toi
eprot | the loss , however , In view of the nai
jbjeot and result of that memorable
ight. lit f erring to the picture , ho be
loved It to bo a scrupulously accurate fou
opreeentatlou of the field. the
AVImt Is the 8 PC
ivlth Russia ?
Do )
The empire of Russia is a bid case of all
latlonal dyspepsia. The treasury Is abort oas
funds , and the army costs $00,000 a a ud . -
to feed , Then the army is BO full of inai
Nihilists that It can no moro bo trusted Ma
ban the stomach of a man who has
ibroniodyspepsia. Wo don't know what 1
do about Russia ; but as for the man ml
vlth chronic dyspepsia , let him take liisl one
Jrown'u Iron Bitters. That made Mr. owi
Jhandlor , of Clinton , Iowa , a new man.
tried it after other remedies fulled ,
a bottle cf your drogglet to-d y.
Three hundred and fifty-eight criminal ? , ca i
have escaped from Georgia ia tbo course aid
the lust thirteen years are "wanted" la that aay
Into. The rewinds offered far them uggre- isc i
8100,000. the
Tha "Exposition Uuivorselle tie Part Cull-
nire" awarded tha highest honors to Anyim.
* lilt turn aa the most eflUacioua etimu- .
to excite the appetite and to keep the ( in
igostivo organs in good order , Ast fur the ve i
enulno article , manufactured eely by lr. J twi
IS , Sieqert Sous , and beware of imita tlio
. lion
j > A\vi2s COUNTS : .
AKcRlon of UnsnrpnsHfil fertility
Haptd Settlement And Hull *
road 1'ronpccts ,
Correspondence of the BEE ,
BUCUANAN , Dawes Co. , Nob. , July 26 ,
So many letters have como to mo from
the vicinity of Omaha containing In-
qnirlcs about northwestern Nebraska
that I determined to answer all by n com
munication to the BEE , knowing that to
bo the bolt medium for reaching the
greatest number of Inquirers. The portion
tion of DiwcB county south of the Nlo-
brara is ono of the finest countries In the
world. In eomo twenty-five townships
the land Is qulto level , stretching away
with a slight louthorn slope for thirty or
forty miles. Along the Niobrara river ia
a strip of heavy pine Umber from ton to
fifteen tulles wide. This timber affords
firewood and lumber for a ecopo of coun
try a half dozsn times the B'ZD of Douglas
county. The soil Is rich loam from
two and a half to ton foot deep. The
average depth of the soil is four foot.
Sod corn planted the list of May Is breast
high , of good color , and the stand Is ex
cellent. All kinds of garden vegetables
flourish here to on extent far beyond
anything thought of by eastern people.
Fields of oats and wheat are ahead of
small grain In the eastern part of the
state. In fact , northwestern Nebraska
is an Eden , an Eden which has known
the presence of man only ono abort Bum
mer. Hear the center of the south half
of Dawca couuiy stands tlio town ot .Bu
chanan. Quo of tha sturdiest town a In
the northwest. At that place all the
dlQeront business are either represented
or measures proposed to supply the lack.
Then ) Is ono general tturc , a hotel , a
livery barn , land office , a locating agency ,
end a prcpjsodhudwnro store and black
smith shop. To the ncvuth of Buchanan
lies a long , wide valley , covered with a
heavy growth of famous red top nnd
blue joint grasses. Water Is found from
twenty to ono hundred and twenty feet
below the surface and is of excellent
There is no traso of alkali or "hard-
pan" In this country. Scarcely half ot
this immense region ia yet settled upan.
There Is still ample room for anybody
who is willing to work. The farmer will
tlll find excellent tillable kud , the
stockman can get range for cattle and the
business man will find openings in almost
any business. Society hero is of the best.
There la a Sunday school established at
Buchanan and Sabbath meetings are held
within ton miloa of Buchanan at two dif
ferent places. Tnero Is a Chaiitauqua
circle organized at thla p'aco and al
though the country is thickly settled near
Buchanan , there Is not a saloon within
forty miles of it.
People who Imagine life in northwest
ern Nebraska to be a hardship are great
ly mistaken. Hero are all the necessa
ries and conveniences found anywhere
All that is necessary to fully develop this
country are railroads. Should Ornilm
capttallsta undertake the project they
would find earnest co-opoiatlon on the
part of the thousands of settlers in this
country. I noticed an article in the BEE
yesterday discussing the enmo enhjoct.
I3y those who are well pasted the Loup
is regarded as the most feasible. The
Loup route vould tend tn the direction
} f the Wyoming and Black Hills coal
iolds. All should see this country , then
more potfect idea could bo obtained of
General Shermau aa tlio Grant Ora
Sew York Evening Post.
The man of all men in the country , it
° ems to UE > , who ought to say the last
vord at General Grant's grave on behalf
the country is General Sherman. No-
cdy who is so well gifted as an orator or
writer knows BO much about General
Grant's military career , about the dlflicul-
les ho had to contend with , and tbo way
n which ho overcame thorn. Nobody
can BO well deacribo the kind of demand
rhich ] the art of war innlces on the human
acuities. General Sherman , too , known
.horoughly the dangers cf politics to a
oldier , and ho would make no hollow or
allftdons attempt to convert General
Grant's efforts In that field into fresh
itlca to fame. In other words , hia ad-
ress would bo strictly truthful , and
here fs no occasion on which truth is so
needed and so appropriate astha , funeral
a gioit soldier. Over the remains of a
uccesiful financier or politician a little
ing , and a 1 Ittle fl Htery not far removed
rom lylrg , may pass muster , but it would
o almott an insult to the memory of a
oldjr who has filled the world with the
amo of bis deeds to say ono word by his
rave which either those p'o'cnt or those
ho were to como after might question or
A cough weakens chiefly by preventing
eep , Rod Star Cough Cure" promotes
cat , and therein bnilds up the oystem.
It is estimated that the falling off of the
y crop from t'L states
Maine , New Hampshire and Vermont will
105,8,0 tona ,
Goat Island , the Sister Mauds , Prospect
mrk and all the tenitory adjacent to Niagara
rails on both tlio American and Canadian
idea are now free to the public ,
cureu and im
mediately relieved by DUKFV'S Pone MALT
VIIISKKV , $1.25 per bottle , sold by Druggists
The French minister of marine states that
lore than iO.OOO.COO franca will bo rf quired
repair tha damages caused to tbo French
avy by tbo recent war with China.
NcrvotiH I > < Intituled Men ,
are allowed a fret Mai for thirty days of
iiso of Dr , Uje'a Celebrated Aro'tulo ' Belt
Electric Suspensory Appliance * , for the
pcody relief and permanent cure of Nervous
ohility , loss of Vitality and Manhood , and
kindred troubles. AUo for mauy other die-
uses , Complete restoration to health , vigor
- manhood. No ritk ia Incurred , Illuetrn-
pamphlet with full information , term , olc.
mlfvd frco by addressing Voltaic Belt Co. ,
lanhall , Mich.
_ Ttle
There Is aaUl to be In possession ot a iady
lioston a valuable unset uuiernld which was
the property of a 1'eruviau Inca. Ita
istory cuu bo traced bsck to Ita original
ivuer , _ "
Acid I'liospnato ,
Dr. A. ATKINSON , Prof. Muterla Modi- "t .
and DermatoK-gy , in College of Phyi (
iclaiiB end Surgeone , Baltimore , Md. , At !
s : ' It nukea a pleasant drink , and urn
ouo of ou : best toulo in the shape of
phcBpliates in eoltublo form , "
The health patrol ot United States revorua
.eaincr * now extends from Maine to tha lilo
raxda OHio rs are expaatad to epeak to ell ,
Paceta enttrinc portf , fii.d out whether con-
igioua diseases wist en board , niul whether rlPi
port of departure wan healthy or un- -
withy. . ,
r > ve from Ojitnlcv , Jltnctlta nntl I'ol.tom ,
ere Thronl
Cold * . llroiultltl * , Croup , Whocptiiff Conghf
AMIitnn. Quit ) " ? , I'nlimln I'M * t mJ oth r
frton ! ottln Throat nl Lung * .
I'rlco BO cents a bottle. SoW Tijr PrneclpH Rtitl Pf ut
eri" " . l\irltt > vnaNt to induce thrlr dealer la ) > rompUv
aa Ui tv etntlny one dollar to
TUB riatuta A.toflrtrn fonmr ,
f M UHncrl fcn 1 M nuf ctiirtrM ,
Ililllmorr. Jtirjlanl. t. C.A.
617 St. riiurlpc SU , , tfi , Ti ii i , ifo ,
jafireJtn the p < .ln ttchtme n cf Cuu * ' i Xtttarcrfj *
A&1 8Loa DiiKiitAtain Arrest itjilfidtt | . m , l.i'i
M lty ? p"tl gl wftrij t In * rrrM0it | Wi
Ncfuius Hrnsiratlon , 'Jpblllty , Mew' *
? hslcnl vveaknt s , Mercurlil < nnl ctn < , c
Efntu of throat. Skip nr 9nne , Blond ( 'of. . , n4
aid Sores .mil Ulcers in w uoih rivi. .
nceuiealueei < ' ' St'tly.tVti.til.
Diseases Arlalnt , from 'nilKcrcilon , Exctt ?
V posurn nr , much -roSin MRS cr t i
t'loFlnl tavuTtf < tv i Jil > | , , , < lUe i ff I' ; i
Ull fle'cetlTe Offiorj ji apP | > , „ thn ! te , pLtMl ! 15
* * prMimto ibc oei tj I fern * * i , eoaruslf oMlrns.fVi
ecaderlntt MtirrUce miirouer ir unhAUpy , *
3-rTiu .ll7 < njrpii. I'airpb' * * Jft ptiti. . tbe nrnfr , fl * . *
iKtttrd mm iiti ; 'Mini. Cin-uHrsUm ) > .
? orbf taOfrei nailtint'e.1 V ? te far qocitiaai
A Positive Written fiuorantot-
? J ? * ln * tl carnlenv.1 , nJfteiit < ii Tvvurr
Chartere J by theStateof 1111-
non fop tliccxprcsspurpose
of clvlnRimmediatc rcliclin
8" c'iron'ci ' ' urinary and pri-
vatc < liscDss. Gonorrlioca ,
complicated forma , also nil
diseases of the Skin nntl
Blood promptly relieved anil
pcrmnncntlycurcd by rcme-
M gs8K t > i > rfiairr < ictlce. Seminal
Weakness , NiRht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the Face , Lost Manhood , jtoaHtrflilcu nil , Ultra
is710 cjfiicrlinrntlnii * The appropriate remedy
13 at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines cent by Rial ! and Express. No marks on
package to indicate contents or sender. Address
Dn.JAMES.N3.204VVashinglon SChicagolll. !
KEMEDYKiiEC. Avictimof youthfiilimrrudonc
Causing 1'romaturo Decay , NenousDebilltr , Lai
Manhood , c.bavinc tried in vain orery knon
romedy.hasdiacovprca nRimplomoanflof aolf-curo ,
ivhich ho will fond l'lii : : to his follow-auffprera.
< UdreS3.J.U.BiUVEij,4J : Chatham St..NewYorfc
lioston , niaix. , OLDEST In Ainfrlc.1 ! Iil : | : < " 't
and li'f.t iciiilii > ciliiithoAVOUI.I1001iistiiiU -
ors , 1)7I ! Miiilcw , list .irar. 'JlioroiiKli Instruction HI
Vocal nnd ImtriimniUl .Music , 1-1:1110 : and Orgin InnIng -
Ing , I'lno Arts , Oritory , Literature , Trench , ( Jcrm.ui ,
nntl Julian Lanciiiic ! < i , Kn llsh Itranclics , ( i > iiui.istl ( * < ,
etc. 'lultlon , S5to0 ; Im.iril anil riuiin , $ ) > lo STi
fur term. J'nll TITIII liOKliis Scptciiilipr 10 , Ivvi. 1 or
lUustratcil ( Mlcndar , il\liiv full liilnnnntinn , aildrcss ,
L. 'JOLltJLh.Dlr. . lianUlii s > ii. , liObiO.N , JUss.
Eilangcr llavatia I Ciilmbachcr Barnrlft
Pilsner Bohemian Kaiser . . . . .liromon
Budwolscr St. Louis I AnhBUBcr Bt. Loula
Beit'a Mllwaukco | Selilltz-1'Isner.Mllunukco
Knig'e Oman * i Ale , Tortor , Domestic and
Khlne Wines.
ED EAUEER , 12 J 3 Farnam St ,
AflneeIIelllKpr < ttz1otra1cerczialiItclsTor ) ; ( ,
< 1uil4 world , curti Djirop&li. JJIirlhXk , } < ver * n > l AiruR , k P
ilioiilmoftb JJIcMlivBOrgiint. A r w druplJjnpK'tkd-lldou
to ofcb nd ta 11 drloVt. It ,
film inp g&l < lumber Iry
litVKIaflf counterfeit ! . AikyourCTKtr or drujr tu fat uu piiri
ULUliinuUncurtil by DIU J. a , E. MtGLlit { . EO.Ni. ii
Cl BEOJDH' l y. 1' .
719 South tth St. , Onnlia ,
Llepbono 003. Coire j onJuro HOlldtod
The Orlirlnal nu'l Oiilj ( li'iiulnc ,
( nt l l.r1 si I1 i. > ' llurtl IIM Iraltnllont ,
ItullMirnxbl i LAOIEH. \ l l ruit l t ' " '
tilrlin > lir' ri > Kll ' ' " " ' i r IU.IKH 4j.
.t.oip.l W u. f.r | , ru t"i i , n-tliril iciull ,
NAME PAPFF ? . . . ' Mihifi'p I . . .
IruD-jlst8. Troda guppllod by ) , A. Fuller & Co ers
HC17 frc
I'ri'immir' llrrllnn from e > rrors or px ,
1,1101 Pour. jlUcAieiof Ilia HIilnKiN.ltlnd ;
nrr.ard I'rimlnli ) IJInnil ' 'I JIISI * ullliont
tttomui'lilt dicmj ! lyH' * lM tjtn Kohls Vu-
> -iucii . > rt\MtlOatBur2 < rv Tre-ulsf and in-
l-flionlalfr n i-f. All nirri > | h > n'I > rif c < iiHili-ntlal.
1C W Of 8" "t "fW YORK * .
Since the completion of the new packing
and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak
ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. Besides
the large pork and heef house erected for
Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com
menced the erection of similar institutions
and still others are contemplated for the
near future. 'Several dwellings have been
built 1 and twenty or thirty are now building.
Employment ] is now furnished to about one
hundred 1c 1 and fifty families , and conservative
1t estimates place the figure at eight hundred
to t one thousand iamilies that will find em °
ployment I there a year hence. This offers
great inducements to laboring men to secure
homes now while they are cheap. Specula
tors will also find it to their advantage to buy
at present prices. The company have made
8I change from the original prices , but some
parties who first purchased lots have resold
them at splendid profits , in some cases at
double the purchase price. If in so short a
ime handsome profits are made , what will
be the result when everything is fully devel
oped ? In the few other cities that are favor
ed with a first class cattle market , fortunes
have been made by investors in real estate ,
and the same is certain to follow in South
Omaha. While the whole city of Omaha
will be greatly benefitted by the growth and
development of the cattle interest , South
Omaha lots will enhance in value more ra
pidly than any other by reason of the pros
imity to the works.
Manufacturers of all kinds will find it to their advantage
to inspect this property ; good location , level grounds , track
facilities and plenty of coed ; pure water furnished by the
South Omaha Water Works. In fact , every facility to inalco
desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground.
Will find it profitable to select property now , as a year or
two hence with a population of 501)0 ) to 10,000 people ,
this will become a desirable place for all kinds of business ,
and lota bought now , can be had nt very reasonable price.9
which will double in price ninny times in the next two years.
Rich or poor , will find it profilablo to mnlco in/estmonts
in this property. Free conveyance at all times will bo ur- *
nished by us to parties wishing to see this wonderful now
town and learn of its advantages. Wo have entire charge j
of , and are the exclusive agents for the sale of all this
property from G streets south. Splendid lots from § 225
Wo have desirable business nnd residence' property Eor Bale iu all
arts of Omaha and do a general real estate business. We plicit buy-
and Hellers to call on us. Wo will give them all possible information
, end keep conveyance freoto ] show propertyiiu unyspart.ofjVtho city.