THE DAILY BEE--MONDAY , AUGUST 3 , 1886. COUNCIL BLUFFS Monlay Morning , August 3i I flUBSCRirTION RAina. i. By Oarrlei . . - - - -0 jenta jt week . . . . . r Mall - " - lio.oo per yeaj MINOR MENTION , Ileltcr , merchant tailor , for fine goods. The city council moots In rcgulai session this evening. Col. Dally li to deliver an address ni Oakland on Grant's memorial day. The police report shows the total num. bor of arresta In July to have been 151. A pockctbook has been found , the owner of which should call on Chief Skin ner or Officer O'Brien. The preliminary oximlnatlon Into the details of the Avoca tragoJy has now boon sot for next Thursday , and will bo hold In Avoca. It Is to bo rngrottod that Charlie Gil more has had financial bad luck , and hli store on Main street has boon closed bj chattel mortgage. F. Booth , a white man , was arrestee by ono of the colored specials at the colored orod dance , it being claimed that Boot ! was raising a row there. The funeral of Mrs. Wheclor was hole yejtordny morning at her residence , corner nor of Damon and Clinton streets , thi Rev. Dr. McCroary ollhlatlng. Miss Blanche Oliver Is now prepared to glvo instructions in vocal and instrn mental music. For terms apply at hoi residence , No. 831 Park avonuo. There will bo the annual mooting o the old Rescue volunteer fire company a the Rescue onglno homo this ovonlng a 8 o'clock. By order of D. S. Mock , pro uldont. Dr. Bellinger reports that Charles Andersen dorson , who was snnstruck on Friday has recovered with surprising rapldlt ; and will soon bo free from all offoo.s o the heat. John Hayes had just enough to ; aboard to think it was funny to knocl the fruit oil a little stand on Broadway On Saturday ho found that such upor cost about ten dollars. The saloon men have begun paying license again , under the new ordinance requiring $25 a month In advance. It i predicted that nearly all the caloons wil py without any trouble. Saturdry the colored folka colebratoi the emancipation in the West Indies there being ; i picnic and parade. Col Keatloy delivered the oration , and hi gave the colored citizens ono of his bos efforts. James Brewer , who has been head cool of the FaciQo house for thirteen yours started about two weeks aqo for his oh homo In Decatur , Toias , but was take ) sick at Fottsboro , and there died on Sun day last. Oapt. Maloney of the Fad fie hotisi billiard parlor , Is again np and on duty Ho succumbed to the heat about a wool ago , and fell on the streets of Omaha but prompt and eklllfnl oaro has brongh him on his feet again and ho has about recovered his strength. Frank Reed is the name given by i young follow who has boon picked up bj the police on suspicion. Ho had about i dczen brass finger rings which ho wai peddling ont , and had succeeded in sellIng - Ing ono to a colored boy for $1. Tin rings had the necessary glitter , out : jeweler says they are not worth half i dollar for the lot. Boomer township promises soon t < brine ; a sensation to the front throngl the courts. It ia said that at a danci recently hold in that part of the country a young girl was made drunk , and thoi betrayed by one of the young men , anc that the affair has caused so much Indig nation and excitement that atlll fnrthoi developments are to conn. A ledge of Good Templars is to be organized at the Young Men's Ghrlsliar Association rooms this ovonlng. It Is t singular fact that the temperance eiTorl in this city hss boon so busy wltt attempting to use legal force that no cold water organization has over been formed hero to work aloni ; the suasion lino. II seems high time that the neglotod oai should bo brought Into nso. John Hoover , familiarly known In po llco circles as "Calfskin , " was yesterday cuffing some boys on the otreofc corner , when Officer O'Brien ordered him tc stop , 11 o dared the officer to arrest him , and O'Brien ' accepted the challonga , though ho had to throw him two or three times before ho could make him wall ) nloog to jill. Ho will now have a chance this morning to answer a charge of dlt orderly conduct , while on his side he threatens to make it hot for the officer. Mils Fannie Westcott , who has latelj oomo hero from Kookuk , and taken the .position of organist hi the Presbyterian church , has now arranged to give lesiom on the organ and the piano , her puplli being given the choice between taking Instruction at tholr own homes , or at hoi roiidenco , No. 000 Washington avenua , Miss Woatcott hie been under the in struction of some of the real maoterj and has herself glron lessons for a nnm her of years , and thera IB no doubt as tc .her qualifications , bath as n musician anc AS a teachoj. Council Bluili has gained ranch in add Ing to its residents 0. W.Djlbey , ol Kansas city , who Is known at ono of the finest muticlana and ouo of the best cor > v posers of baud muslo In the laud , Hit compositions are popular with the besl bands in the country , and among musi cians bis uomo Is a Umillar ono. He purposes making this his permanent mi- donco , and will continue to pnbliih l\\t \ muslo , which Is In tuch demand both east and west. It scdlcletit encourage ment Ja given him he m y prganiza a fine 't band here al o. The onlerprhcs of uch nn. nrtl t should rccetvolhostty inpport , ihkt ho m y find it to his Intctoit to stay by the city for many years to como. Lost Either at the Ogdcn honso or between the Ogden homo and Main street , a roll of bllli containing $170.00. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving * ho sitno at the Ogdoti house. Dr. West , dentist , over BEE oQieo. Substantial abstract of tltlo and real citato loans. J. W. and . L. Squires , 102 Pearl street. THE PARLOB BOOK STORE , O. Bracket ! ' * Now Quarters Fcnst the KJTCB niul Tempt the 1'ock- olliook. Have yon soon L. 0 , Brackott'a now store ? If not you ought to take a look at It. There may bo larger and moro ex pensive ones , but for noatnocs , real deginco , and thorough finish it cannot bo excelled , and it Is doubtful If It is equaled eton in Chicago. His now quarters are at 238 Broadway , six doors below his old placo. There are two stories and basement , the upper floor and basement being used for reserve stock , and the main floor being his salesroom , This has boon fitted throughout In cherry finish , with ebony and gold trimmings , presenting a most elegant appearance. All the shelving is In sections and on wheels so that It can easily bo changed about. Those have closed backs and so arranged that there nro no chances for dirt and dust to accu mulate. In some there nrj glass cases for keeping soruo of the richer goods. There are no counters , open tables being placed throughout the center of the salesroom. In fact , ono peculi arity of the store Is that everything Is open for easy and free inspection by the customers. This novel arrangement , unlike any thing heretofore dovlsod , is an original Idea with Mr. Braokott , who not only designed all , but personally superin tended all , watching closely every detail. W. H. McMHIen did the carpentry and L. 0. Larson the painting , and the work Is a credit to tholr skill , as It will bear the closest Inspection. The walls are painted , the border is frescoed , and with a corresponding colling the whole Is com plete. Screens and other arrangements are so provided that It proves a cool re treat , free from illoa and dust , and neat ness and comfort combined with the ele gance , make it all that could bo desired. At night the establishment Is oven moro beautiful , with the electric light chatlng away every shadow , and bringing out the most attractive colorings of furnishings and stock. The office is a little parlor of itsolf. It Is finished in cherry , with largo p'atcs of glass , the lloor carpeted with velvet , and the furuishlngi balng nil in keeping. Such little conveniences as a lavatory and a little work room are also In this com plete establishment. Soma idea may bo gained of the expense ot thus fitting up this parlor of a store by the fact that four carpenters have been on the jump for six weeks , and the painters hive been at work for ten days putting on the finishIng - Ing touches. Of the stock It is almost needless and useless to attempt a description. The public has long associated Mr. Braokett's name with books , stationery , toys , and novelties , and there Is such an endless variety that even a personal inspection does not reveal all. It has long since become n common saying thti1 when any novelty Is not to bo fo nd olcowhcro , "You will find It sure , at Brackott's. " Ho established himself first In 1872 , In a modest little room now occupied by John Templeton , and as business increased ho took a largar store , and soon bad to take In the next ono also , and now ho has taken possession of this now and elegant ono , and Is fast reaching ont toward wholesale trade as well. The secret of hii success is no secret to those who know him. Wide awake and enter- prlting , he is never so pushed or Harried but that ho is always genial and cour teous to those who call upon him , and his employes catch his spirit. In prices ho Is also as popular as ho Is In manner of treating customers. Ho may well feel proud of his business as well as his now quarters. DEAB DEINKS , A Hmaahcd IJiiKKX. n ricked Pocket mill Niglic In Jail Cost n Month's A railway boy , named Standard , and hailing from Missouri Valley , 1ms noon having a hard tlmo for a few dayo , trying to down John Barleycorn , and getting thrown himself every round. Ho hired a horse and bapgy at tbo Vulloy , and In bin cproo the buggy got emaehod np. Ho then started for tbla city , and at Ores cent ho nas robbed of about fatty dollars. It ecoma that nt that place ho fell Into the company of Henry Grover , aa the yonng follow gave hla name , who was ar rested here the ether day on eneplclon of being a crook. It will bo remembered that Qrovor and another yonng fellow were soon trying to dlapoao of a lot of now pocket-knifes , and when arrested Grovcr'a cjmpanlcm brokn and run fol lowed by tome ballots from the oflioer'd gun , but made good hla oicapo. Grover waa held in jail for a few days , but no evidence could bo had against him and ho was lot out It was thta aamo Grover who nut Standard at Orcacont City and took him Into the willow * to sloop oil' hla drunk , and there robbed him ot the money and left him. There waa a $20 bill In Standard's pocket which ho overlooked , and on coming to hlmsolf Standard started with this for the Blufl'a to see if ho could not get eomo oluo of Grover. Here the ollicorn arrested him on tbo strength of a telegram fnm the owners of the smathed boggy and held until the owner arrived bore. Standard settled np that matter with him , and on being re leased wan warned to sober up and go homo , but he used the roit of hla money to get more drink , and Saturday night he was vgaln locked up and epent his Sun day in jail sobering up and ttrlkfng a oath balance , which showed that a month's wiges had gene In thrco dayi and there was not enough left to pay a fine thii morning Standard Is said to be a good man in hti line , but ho evi dently got out of hit line along ways and sot ; experience in a new line at too heavy a coat , Dr. Wlle , Eye , Ear and Throat specialist , room D Everett block. FEflSTING ON FRUIT , The Palate of tbe Peiple Acquiring a Taste for California Frnit , Council Bluflii a n DIstrlbntlnR Point. Mr. O. W. Butts has been in the city for several weeks , looking after the ship ments of California fruits , and represent the Interests of Mr. Kcod , of Sacramento ono of the largest fruit growers and dealers in the state. Ho has boon here every season for several years , and being thoroughly conversant with all the details of the market , has boon watching the change with more ctxro and interest than the avomgti man. "Do you know , " ho naked the BEE man , "that them has been a wonderful increase la the demand for California fruit in the past few joirei There are few who ate not In the bust' ness , who real'za anything about It. Take grapes , for Instance. I remember that when California grapes were first shipped Into Chicago , folks would look nt them and say they didn't want any snch green things as them to oat. They could hardly bo sold , and many shipments did not realize first coat. The people had to learn to oat them , and It Is a fanny thing , that when ono gets in the habit of oatlng California fruit , they hardly want any ether kind. There's a peculiar flavor which , when ono gets a liking for , there cannot anything else take the place of. Juat the same way with bananas. Why , a low years ago , if a dealer hung np a bunch of thorn folks would look nt them , and sort of wonder at them , but they would not bay them. Now there Is hardly a grocery store In any little country country place but what keeps them dating the season. The first ship ments of pears were almost ag bad a fail ure , Folks would look at them , and say they were nice , but the trouble was they wouldn't ' bay thorn. Gradually they got to baying a few , and taking thorn homo , and now there la no trouble to sell. People have acquired the habit of oatlng fruit , and especially California fruit , and the trade has increased beyond the Idea or the belief of most folks. "California fruib will soon crowd out most of the ether fruit In this part of the country. The shipping facilities are fast getting so that California can supply this market , and tbo east and south will not ship out horo. Now it costs about $700 a car to get the fruit through , and as there nro about 400 boxes In a cur , a box which can be bought In California at $ L 75 , coats here about $3 DO , but- the railway facilities and ratca are growing better all the tlrao , and ilia trade will grow In proportion. Even now there is an Immense trade. For Instance , ono lirm In Ottumwn handled thirteen cara of California fruit this EOISOJI. That la jnat a sample of what Is being done nil over. Tbo California folks reallzs what the fa- turo Is to be and are all jumping Into raising fruit. Mr. Reed has 700 acres , and ships over fifty cara in a .season. Ho has put out 10,000 poach trees , and In thrco years from now will bo shipping a carload a day. "Council Bluffa is bound to bo the great distributing point for .ill this Cali fornia fruit. I am thoroughly satisfied of that. It has tbo boat facilities for It. There Is no senao In shipping the fruit past and then shipping it back , for it can just as well como here and from here can bo sent ia all direction , espec ially Into Iowa , Minnesota , and Missouri. There Is little doubt but that another year arrangements will bo made by which there will bo regular fruit trains run from California here , theeo trains to run ns fast as the passenger trains , and per haps follow right behind them. This will cut down the tlmo from seven days to four and one-half , and It Id expected that the rates will bo reduced FO that the consumer can got his fruit at 75 cents a box loss. If this can bo done nothing can compete with California fruit and Council BIuiLt will bo the great point for distribution. There are In Iowa alone twenty-two good distributing points where California fruit ia being handled and those can all bo supplied from this city. Mark my word and see what a change another year will bring. " Workers with metals generating elec tricity escaped the cholera of ' 49. Then use our electric belts. Judd & Smith , Council Bluffs. Agents wanted. Under Ijoclc and Key. There have been numerous street ru mors and sorno criticism about the man ner In which Arch Oofhnsu is being held in custody ou the charge of murdering Jack Mayno at Avoca. It has been said that Coflman has been allowed the free dom of the jail yard and of the streets , and lies been allowed to go to the hotels forhlsmealr , etc. This li emphatically de nied. When lint brought to this city ho wai allowed to sit onttldo the j ll door for n short tlmo with a guard beside him , but since that tlmo ho has boon under lock and key in the norrldorof the j ll though neb looked in ono of the small cells , hia physical condition being such that his physician deemed It dsngorons to bare him thus treated. The following Is the certificate of tbo doctor , and the sheriff Is treating Ooflman ns ho would any ether man under llko clrcunutancea : COUNCIL BLUKKH , Iowa , July 30,1885. Theodore Goi-.tar , sheriff of Pottawatta- mio county , Iowa Dear Sir. I , as the attending physician of A. W. Coffman , find that the cell of said Ooflmin Is too poorly ventilated and the air too foul and cl ieo for a man In his condition , and 1 dc- slro fiat Its have mora open air , and ba allowed mora ventilated quarters , which Is necesiaiy to his recovery from the in- juales from which ha la tailoring Yours , etc. , 0. II. PJ.NNEV , M. D. There is a margin of savonty-eight In the estimates of the number of saloons aa made by the mayor of Ottumtra and county sheriff The latter official counts thirty-four , while tbe mayor says 112. THOS. OFF i w . ii. M. ruai Office , Pusev. BACKERS Council E luff3 , Iowa. Established , - 1865 FRUIT , AND GARDEN FARM FOR SALE , Sixteen acres , tea la fiult , six la garden and I mborland , ets room house , ttablo , Hell , clittrn , &c. ijl In jfOvd onJkloo. 01 Ul trade tor Omaha prop- " * ' T. KELLER , County Treasurer1 ! o fflooCouoclEluSi. TJIJE REMINGTON Standard Typewriter At the Now Orleans Exposition. I. The Jury of awards critically examined the various writing machines , nJ decided liy n ttr thirds vote to Rlvo the hlghtft award to . Th declilon cf this Jury WM Ignoiod bylhe committee of awirJs , and other Jurors weio aJdo conitltutlng anew jury. 8. Thii iccond Jury ilfo ctltlcilly oxamlncd the varloui niltltg machines , and mikde the award of a first clus gold modal , the highest award , to the RKMlxoTOiStondirdT/ps Wilier , for "simplicity , duro- hlllty , ease of manipulation and ipwd. " 4. Toe report of this Jury WM made , dtlli crod to nnd receipted for by the sommltt jo of award ) on Way 20. 6. Tlie membcrsof this Jury were n ui discharged. 5. No other jury examined ( ho ItiMif OTOS Standard Type-Writer nt Now Orleans. 7. Iho igncr of tb.i award arc honorallo and well known gentlemen. Their nJdrotsos are Charles A. Morgan , Fs < ] , icutheinmarnger of It. 0. Dunn & Co. , New Oilcans , la. ) Kx-Oorornor Krank Bucon U. B. commltsloncr of lisngas , and prtgldentol the U. 8. board of tommtolonen , Chinuto , Has ; Goo. A. Beaten , Ktq , stcncgraphcr ind Ktcrttarj ol the board of U. S. commliisoncrf , Columbm , Ohio. 8. The affidavits of thtso gentlemen and the hlitoryol tho"C3n tot , which wo are preparing pamphlet form , uo Hill lieplciscd to furnish on app'lcatlon. The following Is the report : The World's lodustiltl and Gotten Centennial Exp-sltlon , Now Oileanj. Jury rcpjrt. Appllcath No. 8J5J group Oj chjs 611. Competition. The nndcrelgned Jurors In the atx o entitled claa ; , having catcfally oximlnod the exhibit made K. Itomln ten J.SCIIB , lllrri.Niv 'i oil , snd nil ccmiidrgcxhlbltf , concur In recommending the wa ofaflrst clmsmcd Ihe Standard Tjpc-Wrltcrfor BlmpllcUy , dur blltj , caioof nun'pulatlon an speed. Dated this 10th day of Hay , 1SS5. OEO.nSATON. % CaAS A. MORCHN , Uurors ; KUANK BACON , ) WIKOFK , SE/MANS & BENEDICT , 330 Drcmlway , New York. Chicago Office , 88 Madison St. . H , SHOLES , Agent , Council Bluffs , Iowa. SMITH & TOLLER , ACTS. LEADING 7 and 9 Main St. , COUKOIL BLUFFS , . . . IOWA. Complete Line of New Goods Always on Hand. Morene & Landstrom , Suits to order In latest styles nt cheapest possible prices.No. No. 203 Main St. , Council Blt.ll AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. .Regular Dinner 11:30 to 1:150 : , 25 CCIKH. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. The only nil night house in the city. 3 > orything ppr\c < l in firnt clsea style and on shor notice. Hot and cold luuchea always ready. N. J. SWANSON. C. E. SWANSON SWA.WSOW MV7STC CO. , Dealers in PIANOS AND ORGANS Appall klnda of musical Icitrun cntn. I'ianoa > nd organs eoln on the IrBtallment rlan. SImlol nstru- inentBof o\ery dcectlptlcn tuned mid repaired. liming o\er 14 jcarsexpcilencu In the busmoaa wo tco confident of glUng the best ofentiolcc Ion. Remember tlo place. Sign of tha gilt orgmi 329 BUOADNVAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Keep Horses end Mules constantly on hand which wo will cell In retail or carload lotfl II Stock Warranted as RenrGsented Wholesale androtMl dcilcrs la drain and Baled nay. 1'rlcea rc - tenable Satisfaction Outnmtced. SCJILUTER cfr B 0 IF L E Y Oor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special a Tcrtomcnts ! , rvo as Lost round , To Loan , Kin Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board. Ing , etc. , will bo Iniortod In thla column at Ibo low rate cf TKN OEMS PKR LINK foi the first trwrtlen tnd FIVE CEI-m I'KIl LINK tot imch subsequent In- ( t tctvr A.lvortlsemenln M ont o3ce , Vn. neir l.'rtadwav WAHTB t7 ANTED A good birber. J I' , Scbmdt , 72) V way. ASTRO A stood glil frr gcntril housework , m. J T. llalduln , ISOabthSt. A six room lioueo , ten mlnn'oi from lmaltuB , city utter , wull and cittern. 1'or root cheap. FOR HINTNo. . 1 0 Harrison street , three roomi. MtNAllOS & CO. , 4 I'oul street. BU K An c'cfant Wlrcrrielniuirmrr retort , FOIt acres , HO tillable , railway nullon umUtn m- boat antlinz ; fraino houee fur hnneetuul ; pafilllou , wine celUis , mtaurint , Ice hcute , tcneuunt hoiist ) , four cutugcf. barn , 2(0 fruit lno,3 aCKS priiptu , cow , hnrser , 13 boa'e , cto A flnu roKrt , ICO feet aboWl coi tin rtr , and 120 feet oboto liarslioo Hull pay $5,000acar , Address W. iV 8 , IlEK otllce , Cornell Illulli BALK Lands Improved aad unimproved. FOH you want a farm In western Iowa , Kansas Nebraika or Dakota , lot us botr from i ou. SWAN & WilKBtt. jiOIl HALK Houses. Lots and Land. A. J P Ptcpbonion , 603 Klrtt avenue. rpo ncAisa It 6 , b 9 , b 10 , h 13 are hotels India. J. erent local ! ns fcr Bale or for trade. , special bargain ; 400nimrro\od farm worth B183 , prl' ' o for a thnrl time gIG.OCO , will trade tor low priced Western lands Snan li Walker , eaddlery Hardwire manuracturmi ; estab lishment itook and mtchlnarysluu $7.t > CO , for wrstern land 8 an & Wa k r , Council IlluCi B 03 flock i f drj t-'ooile , groceries and birdware , aluo , ? J,000 , Inun gooa eastern Nebraska town or land. Muan 4 Walker. , stock of general merchandise In a gooj western Iowa town , \alue 4,00 , wanta an lui proved farm In vmtcrn Io a. bwan & Walker. O S05 , itock ot hardnare In Etubo Co . Indiana , JL > for land , > aluo about Jl OCO. Bwan& Walker. , newatockcf bar ware In a ) Uo Nebraska BSOd for ) > nd , value 83,000. Bwan It. Walker > 7 stock of irloi.ltural ( Implemints end shelf bard wart ) , \alueabout 8,00j. wanta a good 1m I roierl f rm. Hwan&W lker BS03 , a JIO.QOO stock of c othlng In a peed Wl coniln t i\ , 3 In lands and bilanco oabh or lin * proved uectirlt ) , Beautiful store room at low rent. Hum & Waiter. , stock of mixed hardware In a Ihe western B210 town fo/ cheap lands , \aluu (0,001. Bnao Is Walkf r ' , line lirlrk block , rents well. In llvo central B'Jll t unouerconi nccupled Hitbgeaoralttockof Kooils waiitu an Improved farm , \nlue ; building 18,000. KOodicO ) . bwaoi jtalker Bti-i nock nf boot ) , thoot data , caps and clothing * alu .i 83000 In cnecltro best towns lu Neb. , \aluctUJOOOf rands. Svtau&W | ker BSI3 , a fJ,0,0 block o ( doll-inf. wants lind In North We.tsrn Iowa , fo W.OOO , and will pay dlllereuce Suau A , Walker. B14. an $8,000 Dtrck ot druxa In ccotral Iowa for lin-t. 8 au& Wtltir. B2 , auctherstok nf drugsvaluo fr"m 1500 tn8700 withstoro building a d lot \olue ? :00 In a geol ebraua town wants partly Improved land , Swan A. W.lker. FOR full partlnilars , write to or call upon Swan & Walker , lljcu want to icll , buy. or trade any thing , tell 8. i , W about It. twin & Walker , Coun cil Illua * lovta 8elf fi 4 Loit UcbUllr " ' Jtunliood Atororile prucrlrtloo of a uoied ni. AdJjtu PO. . ioCBISHlr Madame t , J , Balcear , Who for the Fast 19 yentshan been j San Francisco id now located at No 28 N. Gth Btru opposite now Opera Houto Madame Ealccar guarantees to roetoro 28 HAIR OR WHISKERS , Or tocUo anjonoahugh mustache or bring out a no growth cf hair or board In from four to elx wcoke. rlcoi reasonable and satlbfirtlon guaranteed , 0 ancerp , dcafnefs and especially rheumatism and oliriulottucsiacuiia 1 } .auotmnl gift of ho ctrcis. JEr. JT. JSalcear , ; 0ouncll Blurts , I . In Council Diuffs Imlng And nil inoJern improvements , call bollu , ( ire alarm bolls , etc , , ia the ORESTON HOUSE Noa. 215 , 217 and 21P , Main Street. BIAX JOHN , - PROPRIETOH WELLS COOK , General Accnt at Largo FONU SYSTEM , " H Life and Anniiitv Ins.Co WKSTKIIN DKPOT , 22 OOUNOIL BLUFFS IA , E. Eice M. D. or other tu-nora removol without the } knlfoor dinning ot Mood. CHRONIC 'DISEASES , * k"'Ja ' * * * * OK r thirty > cart pr > ct < ra kiprlenoe. Cfflco No 6 , I'di'lut'cut , IMunoll bluds. Irtc. SIMS , Attorney - at-Law OOUNCll , BLUF18 , IOWA. On Iriir Hint , Iciuf 7 rid fHtiil nl < t\ Viiiift'r ) ' < r ll * i nil N. BOEURZ. ice of ornoc OTKB AUKRIOIH BLUFFS. IOWA i * . VVICSTCOTX , Manufacturer of Trunks , Satchels , Sample Casoi , olc. Trunks Repaired. No. J9 rarl St. , comer ef Tint Avenue. S3IU3OOUD 3E01S 8,03 , Y3I KOlSOa wrx > jimu iioNnoo MTJI not n qAl E. C. SMITH , General Agt. > roiK un jumuce company , M8 Broadway. Up stairs. J. L. FORMAN , CLOTHING , Gent' * Furnishing Qootft , HATS , CATS , Boots , Shoos , etc. No. 164 Broadway , Opposite the Ogdcn House A. J. StOTonson , Real Estate Dealer , so. 803 FIRST ATE. , Council niatfti , Iowa. Ed. Wright STENOGRAPHER AND Type-Writer Offlci ) No. E18 Mjnatcr Et. EVERYBODY'S STORE. Dry Goods , Groceries , now , lreml , etc. , ALTTATB AT T1IB Lowotl Market Price , Cor. ef liila il ninth An , Commonly known u EVERYBODY'S STORE , Grandy & Oo , , City Dn Store , Flna Cigars , Toilet Articles , Eta. Prescription ! a Specialty. No. 31 JI ln Et. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE That jon can nljr on. it Lowctt Rates , XiVABOX * CO. , No. 4 Teail Et. Mandcmakers&Van , ARCHITECTS , CONIHACTOBS AKD BU1LDEF.S. Ho. SOI Ufa it 8ritl * > 7. TAYLOR & CALEF , Fanoy end Stapli GROCERIES , But list U ill City. No , Q6 Broadway , Oeniell BUCi QDELL & DAY , No. 29 Feul Strc t i Real EitateInrarance and Loan Agent * . Hare (500,000 to Loan OB T per mil Intereit H. S. WEST , DENTIST , No. 12 Pearl St , Over Bee office. Firtlcular AtteitUa Olies to tbj FresetTatlca of tke natural Teeth. C. L. NEUNAS , MEAT MARKET. All kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats , POULTRY. No. 799 Main Street. "TflDB LEFKOYI1S No , 101 MAIN BT. All klndj of Fmlls , coniectlonery&Clnars The cheapest store and tbo but itock of 1'rulU. Union Iron Worts , rfciatn & Co. , Props. All kinds ol Outing * OresttnKi A Hoofing rail- In ; ! a specialty. Prompt Attention Given Ucpalrs. Shop i Cor.Sd it * lth AT. NEUMAYER'S HOTEL , Vu. 8C3,110 Brsilnr. E I6311,0010 (1.15 in in Tint Olati Bar ia conneottcm. Opposite Ogden lions * . A , P. Hnncliott , MD. Physician & Surgeon , Council IllufTs OfflcaNoli 1'eatl Mrccl HOUR * . 10 to 12 n. m , nnd 2 to 4 p. m. Urjum NCRNo. . 110 Ith street , hours , licforo a. m , ami nfler 7 p. m , Telephone No. 10. JOHN J , KURTZ , Meat Market. Ccr. lllli Hi Ctery Stl , D. GOLDSTEIN , Pawn & Loan Office , 223 Ilrorwlwnf. GREAT BARGAINS In Unredeemed Goods , WATCHES , JITCELSr , CI.01IIIKO , Jliufciil Insli iiincnt' , BercUtn , Ouu , cl : . J. L. RATEKIN , Farmers' Commission store , Groceries an ! FrovItlEi , Frulti , Cefectler7 , Cls ri Bad lotaccc. A Sji'i-ciAwr. G19 S. Main St. , Highest market prlcopald fur farm produce. J. J. BLISS , ALL THE Latest Styles of Millinery i Notions , - ICTCI' . Alwjj-3 at irlcoi. No. 32K lliomlway. Dr. W. L. Capell , Special attention given to Ueaiti cf Women and Clronlo Clieagci. CONSULTATION TREE. Offlco In Dohany'e Opera Houao. CHICAGO MEAT MABKET , ; omt F.V2B3 , Frcp. Fresh and Salt Moat , SOLOSSM CAUSAQC , Lard , Du'cd Beef , etc , No. CMfarn Street , 1st IMF 0. cf Ct. Jo. nse. Real Estate Uis ut Itiatuei or FOIiniiST SMITH , fire companies Represents $22,000,000 , Of ASSEt ! . No 130 Main EU - ICT P. 0. MILLEB , Wall rater am Decorations rslnti,01li47aKlilii. No. 13 Tearl St. , COUNCIL nuuTS , t/L. / I. OIMNSKY. New and ScconJ llnni FURNITURE , Stores anooDseliold ] Good * , At Ixnreit Price * Ohe&peit Start In Tovni No. B3 ( Broadway , Council UturTi , low * . BTOBAQE Warehouse , Dohany's Old HalL Drt. WOODBURY & SON , DENTISTS , Cor. Tcarl 81 , A let ATO , ' CosBCll Eluffl , lova. I.J. KOBETICH , Floe Boot ani Shoe Mater , No 223 Main St. , Council IlltilTi ) , IOITB. Boots and Shoes AT taw rnicc * . 103 Mfiln Ctraatj Conaotl Bltffi , U. Surgeon and Physician Eye and Ear Surgery Special ! ; . 500 Broadway , Upt Iri itesldeno * 837 , OthAienn * Oor 7th at W. P. A-YIiSWORTH Hrick buildings of any kind raised or moved and untlafaction guarantned , Fratns bum moved on Little Olaut truclis , thu beat In the world , > AYLSWOKTH 1010 lnth t5trett , Couucil IJluU * For any cire of Kidney or liter dliowe or djrpepm , rbeumRtlcrn , or any ( ' "W ? 1'Vj1ud5e1 } by a lack of native power , ( hat cacnot be cuiicl by tbo use of lr ) . Judd & Smith Kloctrio elts and ApnllBi cm > o. SO , Fourth Ht , Council llluffa , AGKN'JS WANTKD. J .