Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE DAILY BEE-FRIDAY , JULY 31 , 1885
Friday Morning , July 31 ,
- Read It. II. Grotto' * adrertttcrr.ent , il
will intsrott you ,
Work hai commenced upon excavating
Ilowurd street preparatory to paving it witb
Colorado s&nditono.
The jury in the Ballou > s. Driicol : ate
finally reached an agraoment yesterday inftcr.
noon , returning \erdict for plaintiff ,
Yealordaymornlng'a Denver tram from the
weal brought In fourteen soldiers from Fort
D. A. Ilmaell , Cheyenne , to attend the rifle
competition which opens hero next week ,
The ovorlnnd train from the west came in
yesterday well freighted with passengers.
An extra emigrant excursion car brought in a
load of emigrants Irom California returning
Qsnoral Howard received yesterday , an in.
vitatiou to bo present at the Kighteonth An
nual Iltunlon of the society of Iho army of
the Tennessee which will bo hold In Chicago ,
September , ith ) and 10th ,
A granger who was running across the
Tenth street tracks yesterday to catch ono
ot the dummy trains , stumbled and fell in
front of a palling freight train. lie Wai
jerked nsids by a passerby just In time to bo
saved from bolng run over.
Commencing with yesterday , to continue
through the hot weather , the street railway
ccmpany reduces the rate of speed of tha cars
to that of twelve minutes Instead of ten min
ute ttips. It is n relief to the horaes and
nobody will complain ,
W. 3 , Philips , the re an who cut young
Poiney Powers on the 12th of July , with a
cup , was arraigned before Judge Stonberer
Wednesday afternoon and bound over to the
district court In the sum of S500. It will bo
remembered that Powers was cut by Philips
on account of some trivial matter , one Sun
day afternoon. Powers has been sick since
that time , and at ono time was In a very pre
carious condition ,
Invitations are out fora private moon
light party to bo given ou Wednesday evening -
ing next , August 5th , at Hanscom Park.
Messrs. Goo. J. Sternedorf , Harry Hunt and
Alva B. Cook have the matter In charge , A
Recd llmo Is assured , as a good orchestra will
bo in attendance to furnish the music. Anew
now dancing platform has recently been built
and In general the pvrk la In a very good con
dition aa to boating and swinging.
Manager Cannn has boon telegraphing to
the St. .Too and Loav onworth clubs during the week , trying to secure one of UIOBO clubs I
for next Sunday , bat has as yet hoard ]
nothing. It is quite probable that the
Hastings team will bo hero during fair week.
It is sincerely to bo hoped that the Reds can
malco another visit to Omaha , for they will bo
accorded a hearty welcome. They are first-
class ball players and gentlemen In every
sense of the word.
PILES ! ! PILES ! ! PILES ! ! !
A euro euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itching
and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( on Indian remedy ) , cilled Dr.
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single
bor has cured the worst chronic cases of U5 or
SO roars standing. No one need suffer five
xniuutca fter applying this wonderful eooth-
irg medicine. Lotions and instruments do
m > re harm than good. Williams' Itdmn
1'ilo Ointment absotba the tumors , alloys the
intense itching , ( particularly at night alter
netting warm In bed ) , acts as a poultice , gives
instant relief , and is prepared only for 1'iles ,
itching of private parts , and for nothing else.
y Ur. Frazier'a Mngic Ointment. Cures as
by magic. Pimplea Black Heads or Grubs
Blotches and Irruptions on the face , leaving
the skin clear and beautiful. Also euros Itcb ,
Salt Uliume , Sore Nipples , Sere Lips , and
old , Obstinate Ulcers ,
prSold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of
Ice , CO cents.
At retail by Kuhn & Co , and Schroote
13echt , At wholesale by 0. F. Goodman
An Actor Talks ,
Mr. George M. Chaplin , the loading
man with the Janaaachek company ,
paeaed through Omaha yesterday morning
oomlng In on the "overland" train from
California. A reporter for the UEE moi ,
him and had a few moment's talk with
"Janauschok , " said Mr. 0. , "lain
California , well and happy. She Is restIng -
Ing now from her arduous labors of the
post season , and expects to open up In
Frhco about September 1. No , she
will not go east , preferring to spend her
vacation on the "Golden Slope. " Janau-
acheck was well pleased with the way the
people of California received her , and
well aho may be , for she met with a most
enthusiastic reception. "
"Will aho produce any naw ploy next
aoaaon ? "
" 1 bellnvo the will conQno herself lo
her old repertoire , "My Life , ' belnc , of
corns ' , her principal piece. No , Jan-
aachok will not crois the water for a
number of years to come ho la too
much pleased with America. You know
aho has become thoroughly American
ized , and owns a great deal of property
In this conntry , "
Mr. Chaplin will visit In the east for
a month and will then return to
California In time to open the engaco *
mont with the star - ' " " 0 !
ahares in the first series by applying to at
tha eecretary's office with Jeff W. Bedford - atW'
ford , 213 South Fourteenth street. The W' '
papnontaaro nude monthly nt rate of W'Fn
out ) dollar per share. FnPi
Out of town Pi
parties wishing to sub
scribe for shares In tbo Nebraska Loan at
( ind Building Association can do so by int i
communicating with Si-cretaty F. J ntD
Botthwlck , 213 South Fourteenth Street
Omaho , who will bo peatod to furnish etat
any Information desired
For Trade. Nanco connty lands for
stock of gencril merchandise or hard ,
ware. Address John Llnderholm , Cen ai
tral City , Nob. aiPC
1'ullcc Docket. J
Judge Stcnberg held a short session of 01
police court yosterd y , and disposed tli
of the following cases : fnHi
John bmlth , drank and disorderly , Him
dlichargcd. m
Ji'hu McOann drunk and
, dlssrdorly , re
dieoharged. th
J , Schwab , drunk end disorderly , 5 ta
and coals. re
William Williams , for fighting , § 5 and ro
cmtc , In defiult of which ho was com ell
mitted ,
Oturlps Johnton , fighting , discharged. ru
John Riley , fighting , discharged ou
Two vugs woru arraigned , ono ordered on
to leave tbo loirn , and tha otl/er / released iti
on a promise to go to work at Jbnce , th
Arrest of tbe Morions Sim Wacn ID
IIo Passes Through Ornnlia In
Three llcputy Hit cr-
tJTs A. Bloddy Kccortl.
Yesterday morning there was a queer
procession soon advancing from St. Paul
depot. The foremost figure was Depnly
Sheriff Jim Conloy , of Miles Olty , Dakota.
Uo was followed by Deputy Foreman of
wllnt , Wyoming , and Deputy Ordway ,
also of Wyoming , heavily armed , and
loading a prisoner , Charley Wright , alias
Jack Watts , alias Sim Wann , who is ono
of the most noted desperadoes and horse
thlevca in the western country. Wann
la a well built man , about 5 feet 10 inches
high , with light mustache and hard grey
eyes , and a general tough look about him
which is not all prepossessing. The
deputies oecorted their prisoner to the
county jill where they loft him during
the day. They loft last night on
the overland train on the Union Pacific
for Carbon county , Wyoming , where
Wann is to have his trial.
As already Intimated , Wann ia a crim
inal of the moat dangerous class , HIa trail
hai boon ono of blood through Colorado ,
Wyoming , Dakota and Montana , his
career ono of the most reckless and dar
ing which frontier life can produce.
for which ho is held was committed In
August , 1878 , The overland passenger
train on the Union Pacific woa
stopped ono night , and an at
tempt was made to rob It by Wnnn and
tila MX men , They were driven off ,
aotvover , and wore compelled to give up
the attempt. The next day the sheriff
md a poise of deputized men commenced
searching for the gang , and at length mot
them and had a lively net-to with them.
Ptvo men of the gang wore killed
) n the spot , and two of the
iheriffa posse wore likewise shot
3own by the dcsparadoes Shortly aflor
.hat Wann Hod from the county as did
its pals A few months later ono cf the
[ ang , "Dutch Charley , " was caught and
vhun taken to Carbon county wrvi lynched
> y an Infnriatod mob. About two years
igo , another ono of the gang "Blgnoscd
ioorgo" otherwise known as George Par-
ot , nna captured , tried and sentenced in
Jarbon county for complicity in the
rime. Ho tried to escape from prison
iy shooting the jailor but waa captured
> y the mob and lynched.
About two months ago , Deputy Conloy
ot on the track of Wann who was tor-
orlzirg the northern part of Montana.
lo succeeded In arresting him and hold
1m on a charge of horse stealing until
equtaltion papers could be obtained. A
days ago everything was In readiness ,
10 papers were made , and Oonley ,
'orcmcn ' and Ordman started
at with their prisoner , bring-
ig him around by way of St. Panl.
hey do not anticipate that they will bo
) lo to got him throngh to Carbon conn-
' , Wyo , safely , but are Inclined to be-
ave that ho will bo lynched , aa public
ntlmcnt Is very pronounced against
m. "In fact , " said Dapnly Conloy , 'I
m't euro very much whether they kill
m or not he certainly deserves It. "
The people of Wyoming , Montana and
ikota will breathe freer when Wann
id his gang nro disposed of , If such a
ing Is over accomplished. Ono of their
ats latt fall was to kill , In a hand-to-
md fight with a posio of vigilantes , a
imbor of mon , la the Milk Hlver conn-
y.Wann protests that ho Is not the man
ho was implicated In the double mur-
; r. Ho says that hla brother , who ia
) w at Isrgo , Is the man who led the
ing. His story , however , is not be-
ived , as the Identification of him Is
mploto and perfectly satisfactory.
ily Eoglncor Roscwator'a Views
Upon tbo Matter of no-naming ,
Some time ago City Engineer Hose-
iter wan requested by the city council
submit , at an early a date as possible ,
\ views on the bast method of proceed-
o to secure uniformity In the naming
d numbering of streets. The proposed
novation furthermore aimed to secure a
ustsut and correct system of house
mber , and to correct the confusion
Islng from the Inequality in the width
blocks In the different additions , and
a application of names and number j tea
a atroets In every addition by the
ncra , Instead of by ono person
resenting In authority the city.
City E ( ginoor Rasowator'a views npon
a matter are expressed in the following
"That a complete change bo made up- ba
the bialn of 301 foot from center to ah
ater for streets west of Twenty third al
oet , and the application of numerals co
Intermediate aireota. Thus a atreet all
line within the apace of Twenty-third tu :
d Twenty-fourth streota wou'd bo
: mcd 2d 23J , 3d 23 , 4th 23d , Bth 23d
d Oth 23 strobt up to Twenty-fourth
oet. Tons the number of a street La
mid alway * bo snro Index of the exact
allion. In order to attain uniformity re ;
the east and west streets I would op- wl
f the term "streets" only to the north
d south fttroets , "avenues" to the east toi
d westatreets , and In the place of eel
racs apply numbers to thorn , taking thi
idgo avenue as the base , calling rlv
coia north lit , 2d , 3d avenues north.
il streets south as Itt , 2d , 3d avenues til
itb , etc. 13
By this plan the name of the street th <
> en would both Indicate Ita direction BB
il relative distance from any dealrod thi
Int. Pli
Iho numbers of housu based npon this USE
item of names of streets and avenues an
co recojded upon a plat embr clng sec- tin
ns of a nillo qu re , could bo reo-Hly pr. .
niabod from the ofh'co without dovlu- g.l
n. The labor of carrying out such a tal
in would occupy the time of a draughts- wa
n three tofonr months and would then lyl
| ulro a cenoril ordinance specifying tbi
> changes in numbers and names In do- ma
1 au as to keep a record of reference In del
atlou to any action heretofore taken In
orence to any particular street In the
K. am
[ will for convenience apply the tame kn <
e to alloys , calllnc the east and west era
is "alleja" and the north and louth on
; a "lanes" upon the same plan aa cit3
Beta. Photo-lithographic copies of nai
iceplaU would coat but very little and mo
by free distribution of such plats by the
city the plan wonld aoon bo understood
and practically enforced.
With inch n system there could bo no
repetition of names of streets , alloys or
lanes and the council commltteo would
have no difficulty In properly locating
additions. "
The Scinl-Rnimul Hoport of Treasurer
Hush Interesting Items Culled.
County Treasurer Rush and his assist
ant Deputy Rhodescomplotod yostotday n
long and arduous task , upon which they
have boon laboring for the past four
weeks that of compiling the semi
annual report of collodions and payments
In all the connty funds , They have boon
for the past few days ongsgod In looking
up an error oE 10 cents In the balance
shoot , which has at length , after consid
erable trouble , been located.
Following Is a brief synopsis of the ro *
port :
Total amount of taxes collected
first six month $73,107 23
Amount on hnnd Jnn. 1 , 1885 $05,015 50
Amount collected , including trans
fers 21,600 83
Amounts paid to stale , including
transfers 72,013 30
Amountcn hand 14,203 97
Amount on hnnd Jnn 1 , 1835 $03,015 50
[ \mouut collected , including trans
fers 25,010 68
( Vmountpald out 03,80313
( Vtnount on hand 35,1111 S3
Ymount collected $10,000 00
\inount paid out 1 % 05
Vmouut on hand 0,803 05
Amount on hand Jan. 1 , 1885 $13,031 03
Vmount collected , Including trans
fers 1,71501
Vmount paid out 11,732 12
Lmount on hand 3,001 25
Lmoi.nton hand Jnn. 1 , 1S85 § 19 , IIS 30
Lmount collected 1031513
Lmount paid out 10,070 5G
Ltnount on hand 9,103 17
imount on hand Jan. 1 , 18S3 $ 48 ! ) 61
Lmount collected 145 15
Ltnount paid 152 45
iinount on hand Ifc2 34
Lmount on hand Jan. 1 , 1885 830,531 41
Lmount collected , Including trans
fers 11,282 9G
.mount paid out 21 021 00
.mount ou hand 10,793 37
.mount on hand Jan. 1 , 18S5 8 9f > 99 10
.mount collected 2,595 , 38
.mount paid out 10,33535
.mount on hand 1,859 13
mount on hand Jan. 1 , 1E83 $21,419 37
mount collected including trans
fers 0,58345
mount paid out 21,159 99
mount on hand 0,8 ! . ! 85
mount on hand Jon. 1. 1885 81,010 05
mount collected 112 13
mount paid out 2,033 08
mount on hand
mount on hand Jan , 1 , 1S85..S 905 52
mount collected 3.G91 73
mount paid out 1,191 IS
mount ou hand 1P3 07
nount collected S 1,589 22
mount paid and transferred 1,589 22
nount on hand Jon 1. 1885..5 225 29
nount collected including trans
fers 53 23
nount paid out and trsnferred. . 217 19
nount on hand 01 05
nount collected 8 125 18
nount tram f erred 125 18
nount collected S 1,228 78
nount on hand 1,228 78
nount on hand Jan. 1883 8 2,058 09 T
nonnt collected and received from Ic
state 1318 83
nount paid salaries and mileage. . 3,043 22
nount on hand 3,934 30
nount collected 8 11,0 > 3 55
nount transferred 11,003 55
Total amount of money on hand Jan.
1885 , and received during first six
Dnths of 1885 , 0353,883.82.
Total amount of monny paldont during
at six months , $220,015 03.
Total amount on hand July 1 , 1875 , iu
fundB , $127,208 70.
In this connection , it might bo mon-
ned that the above total receipts In-
ide $085.25 turned over by William F.
ilnt , as a part payment on his deficit.
Uudor the law of 1884 , tbo amount of
lance in the fee fund should have boon lei
ntferred to the connty general fund , 80
t by the instruction of the connty com- 80be
ssluncrp , Mr. Rush did not make the ne
nsfer , because that law compelled the tn
mty treasurer to collect two years'
: es In on ? year , and the following law
1885 was such that no collection would
made during the year of 1885. Hence
ire would bo no fees during the year
amount to anything , and thla balance
retained In the fee fund to pay the m
mty officers with.
[ t ia said that at the end of this year , AI
ring all fee collections during the last yn
mouths of the yotr , there will still bo pr
> alanco of $1,534 30 to transfer to the prHi
mty general fund , which Is more than Hi
the other connty officers together will Sti
n over to this fund. Co
A Klvor Trip to Omaha.
amis Boomerang ,
kutua Buchanan , a young man who
ontly oamo hero from Ddllfornla , and
a has been working at Woods & Pot-
saw mills , has constructed for him-
' a boat in which ho proposes to make
tr'p ' throngh by water to the Mfaiourl
: r. This ia a feat never before under-
en , and ono that Is full of peril. It
i miles from hero to Fort Liramle ,
river making a wide detour to
nronnd the Black Dills. From
ro it Is about 500 miles to
Usmouth. Mr Buchanan says ho
kes the trip iu tbla way to save money
I nee tbo country That ho haa uioro
e than money and has bis craft well-
visloned for the trip. The bold navl-
or , who ballt this boat in the moun-
is , waa capsized once in making his
f to this city , where the eraft is now
ig , and It Is hopsd that tha old rule
t "a bad fcoglunlrghasagood ending"
f preterve him from more serious accl-
its along the route.
There Is great consternation jaat now
ing a certain clam of luatbiome individuals
wn as plmpi , who invest Omaha in coneiJ-
ile numbers , became of a determination
he part of Marehal Ouinmiuga to rid the 8 t 'I <
of their vl'a ' prcieuse. Already several all
a been compelled to get out and seek a th lei
e congenial location , thUO
It Inclines JiulRO Dnmly to bo Iionlont
Ho tolls lllH Story.
There was a perceptible smile playing
vcr Judge Dundy's face ycslorday ai
ho arraigned G , II , Bothard , the obscene
letter writer , for pleading In , the United
States court. Ho evidently had It not In
Ida heart to bo hard on the poor follow ,
aa developments showed ,
Bothard announced that ho wanted to
change his plea of "not guilty , " entered
last night , to ono of "guilty , " of writing
the obscino loiters to Dr. Plcrno , of
Urbann. Bcfcro bolng sentenced , how
ever , ho naked for the privilege of mak
ing a few moment's speech , in explana
' 'I don't want to inako any long-winded
talk , your honor , " ho explained , "or to
display my power * of oloqaonco. I want
to toll you the story of my life , so that
yon can BOO that there are some mitigat
ing circumstances in connection with my
orlmo. Your honor , I was loft to shift
for myself when I was ten jears old ,
worked my way through college by saw.
ing wood , then studied law , and finally
took to the ministry. I soon became a
member of the Cincinnati conference.
It was hero that I mot the
Ilov. Poarno , to whom I
wroteUIOBO letters that bare got mo into
trouble. Ho took steps that drove mo
out of the ministry. I had to leave Ohio
and catuo out to Nebraska , where I aot-
tlfd down and practiced law. I gotsomo
money together , and going back to Urbana -
bana , married a lady who was a mombcr
of Dr. Pearne's church , and whom I sop.
posed to bo virtuous , It wasn't two weeks
before I discovered that my wife was
faithless , and that Dr. Pearno was the
destroyer of my happiness. I came to
Nebraska and In an insane moment
) ennc > d those loiters. "
Bothard then closed with an olcquent
ippoal for mercy on the score of his
laving been an old soldier who fought for
'homo , country , and liberty. "
Judge Dundysald something about his
laving a soft spot In his heart for old
oldlera. "I guess I'll bo lenient with
'ou , " ho remarked. "I'll fine you § 200
in ono count , and allow you to plead not
; tillty on the other , holding you under
500 bond to appear at the next term of
onrt. But don't write any such letters
gain. "
"I promise you most solemnly judge
hat 1 never shall , " said Bethard aa ho
urabled for his hat. "Most solemnly , I
.over shall. "
Bothard has been released on his own
Red Cinml ns a Growler.
'o ' the Editor of the BEE.
In your admirable editorial inWedneeda
vonlng's paper in regard to the Inter-
ilnablo Investigation which eastern cranks
ave subjected Agent McGllllcuddy to ,
on make a mistake in referring to that
Id fraud , Red ClowJ , as having been do-
osod as chief of all the Sioux and Spot-
id Tall given that position by Gen.
rook. The fact is that when the treaty
f 18G8 was held by the commission
nown as Iho Gen. Sherman commission ,
Id-Man-Afraid of-His-Horsea was chief
[ the Ogallala Stonx and Red Clond was
war chief , then out on the war path
id refusing to coino in and attend the
mnclls. Old-Man Afraid-of Hia-Horecs
an specially dealr/ous / that his people
lould bo at peace with the whites and
ropased thnt runners eboald bo sent out
i bring Red Cloud In , ollViting to allow
Lit rcatlois old scamp lo bo made chief
: the tribe , as a condition I or his making.
treaty. This was deco and since that
mo he has been chief of the Ogallalas ,
potted Tall being chief of the Brnle
.oux , tbo agency buildings of the two
Ibes being only a few miles apart. Red
loud has always been unpopular with
s people , and now that Young-Man-
fratd has grown up ho has much more
fiuonce with them than the actual chief ,
Dung-Man-Afrald being an under chief.
10 latter is a man of broad and liberal
oas , his father being a man of superior
telllgenco , and both have been the
jady friends of the whites in every
'ort to Improve the condition of the
Dr. J. J. Savlllu , now a resident of
naha , was for m ny years ogent for the
; allalas , whom ho served with unusual
lllty and zobut hi ) foil a victim of
3 invcstlgatir g spirit i f eastern Ignor-
lucea and vras forced to give up the
sltlon. Eld baa reason to know the
irthl si character of Rud Cloud and
11 etidorso all that may bo s&id r.B to his
terforonce with all measures tending to
prove the condition oi the tribe.
J. T. B.
-The Omaha Veteran club secured privi-
go last night to hold their Grant memorial
vices next week in the city council chain-
: . At the regular meeting of the club
: t Monday night they will decide on tbo
Smoke Seal of North Oii\lni ! To-
: co.
GamoHpnir ,
The Omaha Gun Club held its semi-
mtbly shoot Wednesday at the
blotto Park. The conditions were 18
rds , single rite , 20 Poorla blackbirds ;
zj , club modal ,
"armoleo won in the following score :
nnoleo 17
ghos 2li
osBDerger 12
, ter IS
f 0
Absolutely Pure *
i powoer never railer , A tn rvol ol porelj
itrtb ndwholejomeneei. Uor Booaomkulthii C'.i
> rllouy kinJf.iud ctnnoi be ( old la compeil Urn
itb the multitude ot low tott , ihorl weight can
i pi phy or ' , powderi. Bold only In ctni
> L PAKINQ POVfDEB 00 , , 109 W J | BJ | Hi T. ll-.I
Are You o Take Your
If so do not start out on the trip without some of
those fine Flor De Valencia cigars. You CANNOT
DUPLICATE them away from home. They are so
Fine they will add greatly to your pleasure. Do not
take the chances of getting something that will not
give you satisfaction Before going buy the
3 for 25 Cents
isqmsitos - - 3 for 25 Gents
Heina Yictoria , - - - 2 for 25 Cents
Dyspeptic and nervous smokers will find these Cigars IN
LIGHT COLOES just to their taste , creating no heart burn
) r unpleasant sensation ,
luhn & Co John W , Bell , Field & Farnsworth ,
15th & DOUGLAS. 820 S. 10th STREET. 2115 CUMINGS STREET.
W , J , Wkitehouse , C. S , Higgins ,
L D , Foster & Bro , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
Wholesale by '
Wrlto for prices and terme. Orders by letter , postal , telegraph or TELEPHONE NO. 304. Trill receive prompt attention.
"Has acquired a leading place in
< ublic esteem throughout the world"
British Medical Journal ,
May 31 , 1884.
/all ' Qrocers , Druggists , li'Miit. Wat. Dealers.
nxlrh : HIilhiKl'Moll < innilr. Kidman cxc
ttiono iiorHtmntt twu 'llm * iiirlnuN It'll fit h rii an
nirlfii ut.uinliiiit < > the | jwyi.iiny. ! iiiav
i-M nilupK il lo roiicli cvniilr ) rondi mill
' .lliiiMifiiri in cil anil KiiUlljy
leiulliiat-nrrlnai * lt li ) i'i ninl Di'iilrrn-
McndelssoJtn A Fislier ,
aton Building' , Cor 15th and Farnam St
ho largest Medical institute West of
Mississippi Rlvor.
ty room * for tlio accomodntion of ratlcnU. Th
valclan hnd burgeon In chnriro of tnu lii.utute lia.
1 lil < cn jearu of m ia ( ul luuctlK' . ml I. aldM
uuliianlii of rare tipcrlinco an ttcl | JUU la
1r Tftdou * tlepaitiuenlt. . ,
KITB KiRUiHCULiiKiti DeformltleB iod Prarei. DirKii
jfHuats , 1'llei , Turr.orl , Cunctrt , C'ttirrli llronclil
Inhalation , Klrctrlcltr , ramlfili til > . | > 7 Kldaij ,
Skin and Ulooil IMieaiet Wrlto fur
rtuHTK. emcuu anil M-Krora tinin ) , Kcinlnal
tkneti , Hpormaliirrbn-a Striillli ( ilcot , Ktrlclurtarl
> le anil all dlmaie. of Ilia Urlnurr and tiuiual < T | ! D.
6ttreatoJbycorreipond.nce.or 1'er.onalljr inafidvntlal
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M , HELLMAN & CO , ,
1301 AND 1 < ? 03 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13m ,
Manufacturers of Ornamental
Dormer WmdowD , Window Caps , Metallo Sky LlRhta , &c. Tin , Iron Slate roofcru ,
filO 8 12th St. , Omaha , Neb. Work clone in any part of tha country ,
1119 FARNAM ST. , 1119
Formerly of 131 % Douglas Street ,