Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE DAILY BEE FRIDAY , JULY 31 , 1885.
Preparations for'lhe Beatrice RennioD
Going Forward Slowly ,
The Oonsus Taker's ' Office and the
Blunders Tkero Recorded ,
Appointment of the Sixllno Ij ml Ap
praisers scones ntl Incidents
Abont Town.
I)0XO ! < 1 Or TUB DAT.
lloportod by The Bun's Bureau.
LINCOLN , Nob. , July 30. Mr. King ,
the Norfolk asylum contractor , has tele
graphed ho would bo here to-morrow to
comply with his bid.
The secretary of aUto's ofliio chief
buelneaa at present Is Issuing notary
public's commissions. Kind reader If
you do not hold a commission you had
better send In a petition before the cold
weather comes as they are hsulng from
eighty to 120 per month with n few
blanks still on hand.
The report that Major Franklin lost
his horsoand buggy at the races is a mis
take , as the pacing horse was withdrawn
from the race nnd ho In time tnrf the
ovll effects bolting on rices ha'l upon
Major Marlcy and Captain Wlntcratoin.
A. T. Gronttor , formerly insurance
clerk iu the auditor's oflieo.and who
moved to Germany last August , will re
turn to this city soon and open up a largo
wholesale and retail furniture storo.
The citizens' committoa of the reunion
at Beatrice are very slow In getting tholr
work Into shape , and If they do not > on
manifest moro zaal and interest In the
matter there will bu another Hastings
blunder repeated , for an yet practically
nothing has been done by them except to
order ab > ut six hundred tents which ,
with what are already In the state , will
accommodate about 0,000 people when at
least 20 000 to 30.000 are expected , judg
ing from ether reunions.
Captain Hill and Secretary of State
licggon seem to bo the only active com-
mlttcomen. The aocrotary of state , who
lies just returned from Omaha , states
that i > o hat completed arrangements with
the railroads to transport all the tents
ordered from Beatrice to St. Liulo and
return free of charge. Also to pivo a
rate of three cents per mlle for thorcund
trip to all who want to attend , coed uu
all roads in Nebraska and Kansas , and
uniformed bauds transported free where
the loader holds a certificate from the
post commander that they are regularly
organized and fully uniformed. The
Union Pacific ana B. it fll. roadj have
agreoi to put In u creed platform at the
grounds , BO all freight nnd pisjangors
can bo handled easily. Secretary
Roggon has also completed arrangements
in regard to printing clrcnlaro and show
bllU , which are now- under way and will
aooa bo out.
The census office has recently been
supplied with a lot of racks to hold the
portfolios instead or having them Ho npon
the floor. Many nro the peculiar inci
dents which crop out In copying the
work. In Otoo county one of the enum
erators gave the occupation of one of the
residents as a fathor-tn-lan- that ho
had only been idle ono month out of
twelve. Auother of Lincoln's enumer
ators that George B. Lane , the superin
tendent , of the conaua , could neither read
nor write. Thl , ho n over , was corrected.
About one third of the entire copying
h s boon completed ready for its depart
ure to Washington.
The census returns from Blunders
county report tlio death of a Sivedo from
The names of the gentlemen who hvo
boon appointed to oppralao the salluo
lands are GsorEQ P. Tucker , Samuel S.
Uhato and Bartholomew Cox , all of Lin
coln. It Is not understood that these
lands will ba Immediately offered for
Bale , but the lands must bo appraised
within a certain time or they cannot bo
aold , hence the board thought bast to
have them nppralcod according to law , so
if they should want to sell thorn they
cauld go ahead.
J , H. McMnrtry , who hid a log
broken a few weeks alnco , is able to
awing a cratch , and starts for the moun
tains this morning tor a couple of weeks'
The FJt/.jorhld hose company nnd
many residents of our city wont to Milford -
ford yesterday to enj > y a day upon the
fair Ukoa of Nebraska's Siratoga.
The Xtujarl tauuii club orgaulz-d
with the following named Rontlomon :
Sandwith , S wly , LJWO , Bawonnui ,
Allen und Oamsron , to which will bo
added an equal numbur of ladlea They
will practice at the cipitol grounds where
a trmnls c jurt has been laid out.
Property owners on Eleventh Mrnot ,
between 0 and M streets , have railed
$800 for the now street railway , which
thus Ineurcs a street railway in front of
their property ,
Mrs. Annie Clark , of Indianapolis , who a
has been the guest of Mrs , Millard Stewart -
art , of thin city , has decided to make
Lincoln her homo and will start a kinder
garten enhool here acelatod by Miss Cha
pin , of ludlanopolla , to begin about Sip
lumber let.
Superintendent Lane has gone to
Grand Island on business , perhaps to BCD
about a recount.
Hon. J. W. Small , of Clay comity , Is
spsndlng a warm day In the city. _ _ He
has recently purchased property In Kearney
noy , and will likely become a resident of
that promising young oily. Ho informed
the BEK man that he would bo present at
the state fair with a show from 01 y
Mrs. Rlburn , of Fatrbury , is .visiting
with her slater , Mrs. Gen. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. S mnel Wells , of Das
Molncs , Iowa , are visiting their daughter ,
Mrs. W. 0. Crooks , of this city , and
start to-mcrrjw for Denver to spend a
few weeks in the mountains.
A match game of base ball will be
phyod to-day between the University
club of this city , and tbo Firth club ; the
winning club to go to Omaha and snoop
the Union Pacific club.
Arrivals. D P. Nowooraer , Blue Hill
KdwArd Thomas , York ; W. II. Bsntord ,
Orate ; 0. J. Slny , Ooluinbnn ; J. \ \ .
Small , Fan-Gold ; II A. White. NobrasVa
0ty ; L. Rotbechlld , Seward ; Pater An
derson , W hoe , at
J. H. Preston , A. D. Shermorhorn , J.
A. Howe , Ci. P. Dioiz , F. 0. Morgan. G
V. FowUr , Omaha ; A , D. Hrumer , West
Point : 0. Rubb , sheriff Onmminga
county ; J. Copley Lloyd , Wcbraiku City
J. B. Xevp , Council BlnlFijO. A Cooper ,
riumb'jldlj A. Odlrich. Ooluuibue ; M.
Glllleplo and A. NorrU , Yoik.
Jack Bovrlln was overcome with the
boat this evening and a' mldn gbt wa in
a piocarlouo condition. .Several other it
catca were reported earlier In thn even to
Jng. The thermometer roio to 104 dc-
Ktats during the aftornoor.
Mrs. Dr. Hatl M $ child left for
rado Springs.
Senator W. A. McAllister , of Colum-
) us spent the day hero. > < ncn"uo >
A , J. Illttcnhoutio , ono of Hamilton
connty'a prominent attorneys , arrived
"rom Aurora to-d y.
flioVToinlHK Cattle Hnnoh Conipn-
nlcs Iloml Approved District
Court Notes , Ktc ,
The motion for a now trial in the ease
of the state vs Laon Porro , who has been
convicted of shooting , with Intent to kill ,
Mueller , at a dauco , on Loavon-
worth street , ono Sunday night , In June ,
was yesterday , overruled by Judge Ne
A nolle , was entered yesterday in the
ciso of the state va Charles W. Finn ,
vho waa charged cf embezzling from
Charles P. Manning , tome $800.
The snporjodoaaibond of the Wyoming
3a'tlo ' company In the case of the Wyom-
ng Cattle company vs. John T. Stuwart ,
was approved by Judge Dundy yester
day , with the following order. "This
> end was presented to mo for approval
on the 27th day of June , 1885 , but ob-
'ccllons had been made to each approval
ror the reason that the band was not pro-
icntod in time to operate as a anpcrsodo-
as. After hearing argument In support
of the objections I overrule the name and
approve the bond , and direct a stay of
exosntion on the judgment. "
A , Sherwood , Lyons , V , Burnoi , CIovo-
and , W. J. Uetlck , St. Louis , arc at tbo Ar
Rtrs. C. A. Dewey and Mlga Belle Dawoy
mvo Rene to Idaho to spend a few weeks ,
Mrs. Dr. Carter and her children have ro *
rUrnod from a two months' ' visit la Ottumwa ,
Lewis Ilibbon now sports proudly the title
if father. The youngster , a bouncing baby
> oy , put'in ' an opponranco yesterday.
Clement Choeo , of the KxcslBior , returned
iVedneeday from a trip to Chadrou , the pro-
eci/od torminm of the S , 0. & 1 * . railway ,
Ho also stopped over at Valentine , and ro-
inrts tha Minnekadusa country looking lively.
At the Metropolitan : Frank 1' . Iiawronco ,
Uticn ; J. F. Patterson , Wnboo ; Frank Trn-
oner , Scntia ; M. A. Unrtigan , M , B. Murphy ,
Flattsmouth ; C. B. Adams , Mborty ; A. V.
VCulIen , Arlington ; A. , Superior ; F , M ,
IConderdino , Lincoln ; Henry Ormnn , Uinnd
[ eland ; John C. Armstrong , Hastings , Nub ,
0 1'Convern , Blue Springs ; Fremont Hey ,
Silver Craok ; J K McGuIre , Ponca , Sam
Barker , Plattsmouth ; W E Smoke , Dea
; J W Strykor , Inratnio , T S Foster ,
Leavonwortli , KB. ; K M Smith , Denver ; P II
George , S A Younj , Leadvllla ; Mrs. Cline ,
Misa Iloffmnn , Boone , la ; A K Boamer and
wife , Pocatello , are at the Canfiolcl.
lluinblfnRH ly Kail.
Pat Humphry travollingpjasongor agent
of the Chicago & Atlantic road , with
headquarters ab Kansas City , visited
among his Omaha friends yesterday.
A. H. BIofUH , the widely and well
known handsome man , who travels from
Kansas City through all this western
country for the 0 , 11. I. & P. road , was
a visitor within the gatca of Omaha yes-
; erdoy.
A company has been organized at
Great Bend , Kas , to build a norr line of
road from that place to Wallace and
other ncrthwcatern points.
How to keep cool is just now n eubjoct
cf grivn conalder.itlon among the clerks
In the U. P. headquarter * . Tie Inventor
of n successful schema for that purpose Of
would make an Immense fortune.
Gurions to Bco tha Crlmnal ,
An linrnento crowd oE people gathered
at the Union Pacifu depot last ovonlng ,
before the 8 o'clock over hnd t-aln pu'.lod
out , carious to got a look nt Sim Wann ,
the noted criminal , who was being taken
away on that train. At first , the old ,
long gray-bearded sheriff wassnpposod to
bp Wann , and the cro rd gtthered about
him with such a rush that It took thrco
or four policemen , with their clubs , to
keep thembick. EfidenclyViuui felt a
llttlo frightened ab ono time dnrlng the
rush , for it seemed os thongh the cro.vd
wanted to got hold of Wann und take
him away from the officers.
A Welcome Wave.
The glorious wave , from Manitoba ,
is (
predicted yesterday , got Iu ivbont 0
o'clock last night , nnd VYJJ the moat
Iharoujhly welsomed visitor , that haa
co mo to Oaiala f jr a long thuo. Every
man , woman and child In the city enjoyed
joyod it , Immensely. Soon afterward ,
oamo a plentixnt llttlo rain , all of which
C3ooJ ! the p rchnd earth and purldod the atl
fovorlaU fiir. E7 ryboJy 6lppv nell ,
aomothlng they huro int dona bjforo for v
week or moro.
A Deputy County Glork. as
Mr. W.n Mown , was , yesterday morn mi
ing , appointed by Mr. LjuvlU , deputy wl
county clerk , Mr. Leavitt Is con' '
lined to hia homo with a severe aUack of rel
Illness , fla vrna driven to the office yoi BO
terday morning iu o cab , bat could not noSe
remain only long enough to make the ap So
pointment of a deputy. Uo was then 001
fueling so badly tlut ho had to bo carried Oe
from tbo cib Into tha oflico and back to
the cab again ,
A Thief Foi ion. A
A thoif got Into the Goes hotel yesterday
day , and only for the faot tint ho was
discovered by a servant gill , vtculd have
made way-with eix bxta ; of fine cigars.
Ho had succeeded In cutting hold of them ,
and when foiled wan hiding with thoiu in
the cellar. His presence ao frightened
the girl that she ran up stalre , and he
made his cecspo out Into the alley and air
got away. dr
Not Ono to bo 11 nil. Ei
It might bo remarked in connection wl
with ether hot weather Items that there of
a clamorous demand In this market , or
le k. there waa yesterday , for pilm
loaf funs. A gentleman who wnuld have W
given , probab y , Uio last cant of a Urge op
three fortuae , visited all tn lei
stores hecjuli bofoio being laid out with 111
suu trobp , ptid tays th&t there was not he
one to bo had. o'
I'unorAl Notloo , " °
The funeral of Ojcar M. Wojdvardm
ill ( ako _ place from St. Pnllomina like
cathedral Siitirelay inornltif ; ot 10 s , in , oU
Holy Sepulchcr cemotety. oUmi
Try Ed. Kuppig'd row meat muket , 90
604 N. lOtli etraet , Lswest prices. MI
Tlic City Council in Special Session Last
Given Uttcrnnco to the Universal Feel
ing of Admiration lorUccds of
the Old Hero's Iitfto.
Acsording to adjournment Tuesday
night , the city council met in special tes-
slon last evening to adopt appropriate
resolutions on the death of Gen. Grant
and tike the necessary stops rolotlvo to
the memorial services that nro to bo hold
on the day of the funeral. The council
waa convened by President Bochol , and
Messrs. Biily , Bohm , Dally , Foray ,
Goodrich , Leo and Schroeder , answered
the roll call.
Mr. Furay presented the following
resolutions which were road and unan
imously ndopotd :
Whereas , After a long and nncom-
plaining struggle , heroically ended , it
las pleased the Supreme ilnlor of the
univotso in Ills Inscrutable wisdom to
call homo to his raward onr most lllns-
Irious soldier nnd citizen , General U. S.
Grant ; and ,
Whereas , It Is proper and befitting that
the city of Omaha , which In the past
has boon especially honored by the per
sonal presence of onr now departed chieftain -
tain , should glvo utterance through its
couacil to the universal fooling of admir
ation for the deeds of his life and
of regret and sorrow for his death , there-
fore bo it
Resolved : that the ctty council of the
, ,
city of Omaha unlto its volco and action
with that of the nations of the world and
of every tonn and hamlet of our land in
doing honor to the memory of the departed -
parted soldier , cltlzan and here , who ,
notwithstanding the assaults made upon
him In his Ufa now routs above all In the
bright nunllght of glorious achievement
with , a record that no man who lives to
day can claim.
Resolved ; that wo regard with pleasure
un and pride the patriotism , courage and
fortitude that sustained him through life
and that did not forsake him when called
upon to fight his last great battlo.
Resslvcd ; that the membsra of this
council attend as a body the ceremony
and public memorial services to bo hold
In this city on the day of the burial.
Resolved ; that the city offices shall bo
closed and that the citizens of Omaha be
requested to close their respective places
of business and to suspend all business
during tha time fixed for such ceremony
and services.
Resolved ; that the city clerk furnish a
copy ] of these resolutions to each of the
daily papers of this city for publication ,
and also forward an engrossed copy under
the oeal of the city to the finally of him
whoso name and memory wo delight to
honor and shall over cherish and rovora.
The council then adjourned.
The Smith SfocK of Gaofls Goes Into
Marshal Bierbowcr's ' Hands ,
IhoPallTc\t of JuilRO Novlllo'd Do-
cisloii in the Blatter \ Bond
At last Marshal BlorbDwer has secured
possession of the celebrated Smith stock
goods. ; The sheriffs attorneys and all
the attaching creditors consented yoater-
day afternoon to lot him have them with
out any further trouble , provided Levy
and Cola give a bind that will be acsopt-
able to them. Balng assured tint this
would bo done , Judge Navlllo Issusd the
following Ep3cl l order :
"This ciueo catne on to ba heard on
the application of'tho sheriff for an order
directing and permitting him to turn over
to the Unltod States marshal for the dis
trict of Nebraska the property attached
by him in this action pursiuntto an order
of the United States circuit court for the
district : of Nebraska , made July 29,1885.
InN. the case of Lewis Cole against David
N. Miller , sheriff , etc. ; and thereupon
the plaintiff consented that the sheriff
obey said order of the United States
circuit court. And it Is therefore
ordered tbat said sheriff bo , and
era hereby directed and permitted to turn
over said property to said marshal In
compliance with said order of said United >
States caurt , bnt nothing heroin con (
tained la to bo considered to interfere
with the duty of said sheriff in respect to
demanding end receiving from said
United States marshal the return uf said
property and holding the same under the
attachment Issued In this cssa as pro Dill
vided ! ( by the law relating to replevin. " j
All the parties who have boon wrang
ling , sweating , scurrying , palling and at
hauling ever tboio goods express them
selves ! M fooling extremely glad that the
matter has at last assumed such shape as CIP
will result to the satisfaction of every this
body. Sheriff Miller uiyn that he novi-r
all the course of his life felt sa greatly o-l
relieved over anything. It has baen n en
source ! of dally trouble and nightly an Bdv
noyance to him. In the moan time , bo
Smith la enjoying himself at some of the of
cool and comfortable summer resorts of my
IJ y of Suirirlns From tlio Sum J
mer Sun'a Itnjs ,
Humanity In Omaha suffered very
much yesterday by the heat , which was 1605
close and oppressive. "I would glvo al
most anything for a good breath of cool to
, " was an expression heard from hun
dreds of lips. Daring the day It was an
Impossibility to find comfort any placo. ill s
Even the Inviting shades of Capitol lull ,
where many persona are wont to linger ,
an afternoon , failed to respond with Its
usually fresh and delightful breezes.
Men too much burdened with pride to bo mil
seen on the streets In their shirt sleeves ,
went about with coats and vests thrown \
open , cuffs limbered aud collars wil'od , VI
looking very much as though they would _
llko to crawl Into some hole and pull the M
hole In after them. Between 1 and If
o'clock the workmen on tbo Far nun
street pavement weto compelled to throw
down their tools and lay in the tludo.
Ladies suffered grea'ly. ' Their hcuaa ,
many | of them at least , were
bike ovens and lawns
offero-J very little consolation. Ther-
motnetora were varied In their registra
of tbo heat , ranging all the way from
lo 102 degress in tbo shade , It w *
Mretllngly hot every plaeo , andcintlnued
BO nntll long ftftor the sun had
down. About 9 o'clock , ho o er , a welcome -
como Manltobtan wave quito tottlfio In
Itaforco arrived , and better feelings pro-
vailed. Two CMOS of sun stroke ere re *
potted. Ono of the unfortunates to giro
way and fall down was Mr. M. D.
Gregory , a laborer , who resides at No. 11
Jones street. Ilia caio was a sovcro one ,
bat City Physician Lelscnrlng , who was
called to attend him , say a that ho will
recover all right.
A wonun whoso n mo could not bo
learned fell , prostrated with the heat ,
near the depotycatonhy afternoon. She
VM taken Into Bell's drug store , where
the ordinary remedies were applied. She
nea soon able to bo taken homo.
Ofllccr Donovan Kncounfcra U r < l
Hitter in tlio Person of
Tom Plilier.
"Whoro arc yon staying now , " said
Officer Donovan , yesterday afternoon , toTem
Tom Flihor , n notorious negro tough ,
whom ho mot loafing around the corners
of Uipitol avenue and Tenth street ,
which Is known to bo the hardest section
of Omaha.
"I am staying here , " ho replied In n
surly manner.
'Then you had bettor not stay hero
very long , " commanded Donovan.
No 1 sooner had the words loft his mouth
than Fiehor slugged him over the left eye ,
a torrlblo blow , then ran toward the
river as fast as ho cauld go. The Wow
cut n wicked gash In Donovan's face from
which the blood ibwod freely , and
knocked him down , but ho waa soon on
his feet ofjain and in pursuit of the fleeing
villain. ! By this tlrno Oflbor Burdlsh
CM to hia rcacuo and near the river
they captured Fiahsr. There another
bloody fight occurred , bnt
tin oflicara finally downed their
man and carted him up to headquarters
whore ho was safely eocurod for the
night. ! { When they arrived there Donl-
van and the prisoner wore both covered
with blood. In the race after Fisher ,
officer Bardlsh fell and tare one log of
his trousers off , but naldo from tint went
through the battle unharmed. Judge
Stonberg , Trill probably throw the hat
peen of juslico into the bully , this morning
injj , deep and hard.
John B. Fumy has changed the nftino of
'hell's ' balf-ncro" to ' 'loafers' ncroand three-
quartcra. " lie will soon deliver a lectttro on
the subject of this change ,
When the stars wore twinkling together
nnd birda were Hitting nronad in search of the
early worm yesterday morning , Coiincllmen
Furny and Bally sat on a curbatono for throe
long hours , fighting the war all over ajnin.
Jlrnnds adrertlied in absotutel
Place can rep down on a Lot MOTO nntll h at dth
remore tria cover and flmell. Achenilct will not b r-
qoind to detect tbo prsaenco ot ammonU.
trs iiEiLTiiriLicsa ms NEVER
In a million liomoi for a quarter or centurj 1C Lai
hn contumeri' reliable teit ,
Dr , Price's ' Special Fla wring Extracts , \
TJjo troni tiaoitdtlIeloBi andottcralflftTorknoiniiUid c
Dr. Price's Lupiilin Yeast Gams
For Light , Ilealtby llrnd , Tha Best Dry Hop
Ye t In the World.
r <
All adv ertieemeiUs in the tpecial column ! uill U
e charycd at the late of 10 cents ] > cr line or the
rtt insertion , and 7 centi per line JOT each ulise-
1\irnt \ insertion : Ko advertisement will be inserted \
nr lew than tS eenti for the first time' J
osKjl MOSKV" " MOsrv1" Money to Man On
chattel secuilt ) by W 11 Croft , room 4 , With- BOB
lia'HinK ' , N. K. earner Uth and i-ntuej. After
ear * of experience and a cuolul ktudy ol the busi-
uc8i'"l loaning money on pirsinal propirtj , I ha\c
lint [ Cilfctol a Byetum vvhcrehy the publ c.ty
usuil In such s'8 Is Jonoawiy lthnd 1 ami mw
inapo'i ion torreitthe dcmandiof n'l ' wric becouio
tunporarllv cmbair nsoJ nnddcalie to ralta nuncy
without dtUj ard In ft qulot minner. Iiounekecji
, professional Kentloircn , mechanics and olhf > ' n
city ctn obtain tdvanccafvom 810 to $1,000 on
euch ncurlty a hoiscnoll furniture , plunop , nu-
cblncry , riino * , wagjus , warohou'-a rccolpts , secur-
n tcsof hand , etc. , without removing sure from
oHiieri nuldenco or jUco of btiilncjB. Aisi
Ono Watchui and Dlanvtid * , Ono of the
nt jos I otter Is that any luitol anylDMi can
paid at iay time which will I educe Uu Intcrtit
pro rat a end all laint rcno > ed at the original rates
Interest I htvo no broVcrd In oonn ctlon vvllh
otllcs , but roreorully tuper'ntocil ' all my loam ,
Ihavapn\a'o office * cmntclcJ with my itencrd
ollljoeo thit customorsilo not omoln con actwhli to-
tain other , cjueoquently rraklDg all traniactlons
strictly private. W. It. Croft , room 4 , Wlthntll
, K. K cor. 15th and Harney. (40 tl <
DANS Mate ) on real estate iccmlty In amounts oi and
jfOOMjJur ; wllfor tcrme. frink I/ . Everett ,
1609 Kunitn. 03 Aug U
1 ?
MONXVTO LOAN In sums e100u ( and upward ,
on first dm bui'ucmclty ' property , ( or Oper
i No cuiriintttiona of > nykinu charred. 0. If. J
Davis , Fptc'al LcatHKentM. W. M. Ufa In9 Co. ,
Kam mStie t Cg'uuglO
MONET TO LOAN At oncc and without deltvon '
rea estate , In largo or small imsunU. on time
tuit. Logon made a'eo on colhti rsl * . cnMUU or
ny ( rcod eefuiity , frompll ) , ( julttlv onrt t the oVl
nwe t possible rat . Aiplr it IheOm&ba Finan *
cial Exchange , UuS Kamom ( t. , upsUIra. 76UI 1 /
f ONIT ro loan In tum fiOO and un irdt on
Bret-clafa real t t tosecurity , Potter k Cobb ,
1616 Farnam kt. 7IS-tf
LOANED t O. f. lte d fcOo'c. Loan PfOcc
MONEY , pltnoi , hortes , wtjoni , poreon l
property cf all klndi and all othu rtrttoloi of value ,
without rumcvul. Over let Katlonal Bink.oornerlStb
JTtrniun. All buMDons strictly oOofidoalUI720H
UNEY To loan CD chattels , Woolluy & Harrison ,
llootn 20 , Oinib * National b ok building
721-tf _ _ J '
ONEV TO LOAN On teat estate and cnattul *
U. L. Thomas. 7 ? tt with
lONKV loaned on naatUls , cut r t , K K
I lioketa DougliUnd loM. A. Forman.213 S , IStn et ! I
' 0 : < Kr TO Will lo taiiMOt WOOind a
0. r. DlVla uid Co. , Kttl Kjttti n < I
721 tf P
rAMiD A go-id Itun'resi H. W. corner Hurtcy IJion
anil ICth ; wage * $1 , i > tr ucek , 555 H
\TANTBD-Olrl to Uko charge ofachlU through J70R
) the U y 6W north Uth etrett. sr- -
ITAVIKD At lie Empire Steam L unJry il li
1 lrocer , 611 1
TV A compoUnt lrl for hors woric
Mrs E. Ito o * tc' , ISlGHitnoy ft. S8S-tt
TV A\-TKD-A gltl for generil n Jtk ntEmmeihcuto.
f AVIltD Two d nlnj : loom glrli 1617 Cor11" ' M P
. . Corapstent nuriofrlrl 1819 I/fa cn crth
i r street. Cfl7 Sip
WAM D Immjdlfttoly , a plrl for ( federal home
work , Apply west end Wtbstor St. , c ttof
Crclghton Collfgf. 622-31 p
VY Four girls M the Sliucu HOIKS. South
luh itrctt tOJSOp
) Rill at 10U Webster St.
Y\TANTIIB Olrllor ircneril hous3work. Apply ftt
\ > Kdholm&Krlclrsjn. 619-31
hcn a work tt 8. W.
corner IS.n nnd California Sts. 617-3p ]
A anvts-Foi "Grant's Memoirs" O'JJIel , DOT 103
'ASIFD Olll at U12Di\criport stroll , 487-SOp
VY Avritn A competent girl forironcral housework ,
tOl S. 20th ttrest. 4PStl
W ASTRO-Tno Rood girlj , U13 Hon rJ ttrfct.
7A TKD First cla cook anil ainiJrcsf , 2308
t Kiroani. Jlrp. J. M. Ihurston. 103-tf
TT TAMED A dining room glr ot 1011 Dodge fat.
W ASTRO Nutsi l,1003Farniin aticcU 220tf
„ „ . _ ! SlOnday lth my wcn-
TT drrful brand niw rubber undergarment lor fe
males ; ladles EA wild OM > r It. Madam I. Uttlc , 1)3X )
443. Clitauro , III. 183-1
/AVTRD tiiils nlthlppprood placiB In hotel * , jirl-
' > ate fimllluj , cooks , dlriluKroini glrN , Htthcn ,
niidUunilry work eta , cm ol a > find ( , ' ojplto a
and goodnigtu. $3 , S3.M , M and $5 per nick. Cat !
onOmnha Kturilo > u.entluroau ) , 11120 farnamet
VT/ANTrn Thrco expoilir.ccd women canMWjers ,
TT gfl per da ) , guarantcco ; room 7 , Ho lick block.
WANTRD Flrst-cliss illnlnR room Rlrl t the Mct-
rojiolltin hotel ; none otner neeil apply 82t- '
1,7 ANTitn Thr > o flist clasi hirv era nt 1201 Farnani
\ strict , must fnrnlih RCO ! reference. CtOlp
WAVTBD Sevonl crlor bakers at
cracker factory , Council llltilif. 6'8-lp
W A\'rnu ncxp'rlcncul erojory clerk , Gorimn
prcftricd ; 15.0 IJuinUi street. 6Ji-3Jp
tSTANTfD A coed bread and oako Inker Frank
W 1' . Hull , Weeping Water , Nsb. B 3-lp
lT'AMiKii-A eo-iddollfltor fir Life Insurance in
V Council BUiirn pooil o > sy p'an to work ; lib-
eral terms. "Insurmue , " Dee oiBcc ,
Omaha. 537-31p
WASTBD Agents to bin llo White's White tVon-
dor , onper cent or siliry. Call on or address
J. F. Wllllnms , Oonoral azont , Worm llou'fl , Omaha
NoK Ctl-0p
W IANTRB Second cool , male at SUuj' restiuiant ,
1511 Uottglas Btroct 641 30p
WAMbD A good irug * clerk v\ho spjalis Gorman ,
API ly at II. T. Clark Drug Uo. , Omaha.
, ii A.carrlno ( blackMiilth by Citation &
BruiuinonJ , carriaRO mauuUcUucr ? , 1316-17
Ilainey St. 1 SOj.
An experienced dry gooiU eslOMiun.
WANTKD not tfratu tovvork. Hint briog fir tclus
refcrono. Addicss , giving partlculira as ti ag-j ,
Bbllit ) , lth rufeiinci. ? , lo 11. Kohu , Scvvord , Nib.
MlrttiUss Uiber. Steady work will
WANTED . AdilroJsCttoUlrscb , Aorfclk , Neb.
\ I7AN1KDApentsto fell ccuity ilghn ; ono of the
VT besa selllnc aitlclcs < ver Invented. Vou can
make from S.OJ to $3bO per month. AdJrecs box A.
X , BOJ tlllee , for particular at onco. 491tf
X7"ANTi-B T n cooper ! to make lard tlcrcoiat
Sioux C ty. lee. K ll'ogo & Co. 433iugllp
- Llvo Uanva > nr m > vcr > county In the
WANTFD- States to tell ro\'a TATK.ST BEVRRsnitR
SADIRON , which tcmblnestno Sad Iron ? , Pcll'hor ,
iluterA.c. , ono Iron coinRlho work of an entire
set of c rdloary Irons. In eilf bolting by gas or lco-
nud.ratc. Ahrgeond laetlnt ; Income luturcd to
good canvossers Addrts' , for clrcula e , &c. , FOX
B D IRON CO. , 6 Itcado St. , K. Y. MS-Aug 3p
QIIMSVTANTKP. Address St Louis Electrlo Lamp
Co St LouU for circuhr , cuts and torrua of the
ciLdlt power tlarsh Klcctilc Lamp. Stl-l12 ]
Tl'ANTKD Agents In every county to tollclt for
W the Mutual Benefit Antoclatlon cf Omuha.Ncb.
Dall on or iddrcea Otto Lob'Ck , Secretary and Gen
cral Han gcr , 1222 Farnam street. 74Saugl
v\ i By 2rood German , Kl'l'i a ji'aje ns coo't '
or . w cond . I'lrl la a private fumilr. Inqu'rn . . 1103
r a i nt. '
TXT'ANTiD A Job by flrtt ( Hss carpenter , will work
M by daycr contrac * . /ddrcas"Carcnier" Ute
ofllce 1686-lp
\\7AMitu SHuitlon todn general h use crk In
VV pitvatof imily by Oermrn Kill 'i5 ' ' 9 K < : oJ
clc. AM ly 017 souuj 10th St , near Joue .
WASTED Bv aladj. a c'trkshlp ' In rry foods
store crbiok nd BtJtlt-iiery or rnmlc stcre ;
will clvo entire attention to all < , utloj I-v ilvlnt ; up.
her. A. A. , Bco office. ilO-lp
WANTBti-SIIiutl n by a ilrst dies cook , meat cr
ras'ry. ' Please call for thrco dujsbOl Eth end
eavencr h streets.
-A pnilt.onln ircneral st re.fmtf ex-
Yl iioiicnce ; bcstcf references. Spiak Gorman
and EriciUh , am coxiettnt titako cluree. Audress
W , 11 ' 0 ollice. 4i2-3Up
\rouNOLADiF3tolenrn to1ft"n | > vj : poiltlors jjmr
anteid. AUdries SI. Killc Vi Ute ctllca.
i Ynnnrrnen toloarn ttleitraphv : oosl- j I
tlocs i guaranteed. Aiura < H M , O. K'"ir ] | ; ,
- thll ) , under
Qie years old. Uox 47 Burcham Ncbr ska.
BKNT In private fam'ly ' , furn'hhed room ;
FOR If its ) red , 812 22td ncir Lcnv tnvvortli.
_ yjiL _ -
lirAMEn-lifflp nplelo bring tholr watches to -p
W Echolm li Erlckion'HtobsrepilroJ. Sitlj'octlon
guvtcttcd , 184-tl
XTANTED Every ay In nea of B eowinK ma.
T rhino , to see the newlmproted American No. <
P. K. Kloilmiin & Co , auonta 220 N 18th , BSOtf rosl
rtn.M A 3 rom rntlaze In plot suit location ;
SlOpormonh. A. Saundera & Cu. , opp. J'ax.
- . 857-1 with
? R NT-Hous , B rosriu , 3 c'csetf , pantry-1 0.
IOR room h3U89 , c'o et , pimry , coUr ; beautiful Urn
> tlon8. . It. E. Copucn , S 1Mb , btt. Center
Dorcas. fM-'P
J'OR BENT-OIIO ttore on TouKlaj ettoU loUccn
llth and 16th. Inqulieof I Ocolni & Krlclson.
> uu kKSTUnoi'u hrlck ru-licnce , Jn ojuipltted ,
10 room ? , furnace oni a'l ' rmilcni liniirouiitntF. 1 y.
Innulre at Unlttd 8tat > . Watlontl llank. t27tl " '
HOR KENT A new cottage of fivjrooma wl'h ' CIS' if
tern , etc. S. W Cor Chlrngo and 25th. For Inf
forruatlin Inquire anyocnlni lutwctn 0 and 8
ck en | rcmlacH. igS-Mp p1
. _ T " " " _ . .
/'OB ' RKST & room ootUKe , " 1 1 r located. Inquire all
J. II , Bpotraan , and Dou/lqa lit . Ml-lp
RENT Btcre with four ro mi In rear. Kent 8i6 I ?
Fen . lculre | 1318 Doujjlaa. 4.0-AUg H -
oR Rnxr-Cheap Btcrt , 311 N. Uth street
870 Blp
- oSrooni' , nellir , hard and toft
FouRKNT-Ilou th and I'Acin , 6 mam houses F
rloeiUaidpaoto. Biuhl5th bUvvotn toatcr and
UOICJB , each ten dollirn. U K. C'jpsjn.
ORRKNT HeauMfuisuburban roildeice property , F
4 ecu-it cf giouudhriohuu8a7 , rooiru , fins lon-
, pUndd : view , etc. . or 'll ' ( ell ImnrovcrrifntJ quite
Djoirslea'e cf Krjmi'l ' nt a eicrlllcc. O. r. qulF
j. , 15ih acit Farmm. olStl F
OB jmsr-ldlek htuse 10 rooms , nultatla lor \
boirdluir Louie , 'm , St. , litlweeu llth and 15tD If
J iJfyio Of. 15tlieudr rn > m. SiS'tf 1
OR RBSI Houses of Band Orootrsln Nollo - Om
tlon. Apply at oaico ol f , I. Taj lor , BW. cor.
aod Douflas. US I TJ
BUM A t-uHdlnirfSxfll. Inquire at Jlo-tou
ilr > good ! itorc , b. 10th * t. 9MI _ ,
BINT A ttablu for 8 horic < ono block couth , *
' ? ' * ' "I0"8 ° ' " Uc' ? ? ' Iu '
Mi0fi P
1119 FABNAMST. , 1119
Formerly of 1312 Douglas Street ,
Ipon 1 BRxr Cottnio 0 room ! , hrm o 10 room * J ,
1'hlppi Hoc , Sow rd and CAtniihcll. SSltl1
F I OR np\T 'ltcl turnl'Oicd rooms and bianl f 1.60
per wcok , 105 N. 14th SN 553 Dpi
FOR RUNT tuco fU'iiUhcil room. Inipilro N. W.
corner of Itthatd Faruam. C3M
TTOR ! nr\T' rurn'nhod rooms nlth board and homo
Jj comfoits at soath cast corner 15th and Cats St.
FOR RR\r S3. ? 8 , ! 0 , 312 , SIB tooxs at 1510 liar-
ney , oao block from house. f4j-l
i r on 8KNT-Furnlshd room 1021 Cipltolove.
I7 0R HUNT Ti rk'Q furnlshcJ front rnom , nlth
P board lOlDCnpitnl Avo. 419-nuR-lp
FOR RUNT A nicely furmshod room , S. W. oor.
13th aud Howard. Inquire CD top tloor.
If on. RKVT At 1(110 ( Firnain street , two nicely
1 furnished fiont rooms nlth use ol lull ) rooms.
17"OR Rr > T-la OBCiilh front rcoai ulth or wlth-
1 cut boird N. W. cotnir 10th andllarne > .
rr 'OR ' MF\T Uouliln rarlor , furnUhed ; also slmjle
± _ room , furnished , IfcOO Chicago St. C07-4 | >
f'oR RKNTFurnlshid rcorua 1303 Faraam St.
FOR BEST furnished room C13 south IBth. 610-lp
) R RUNT Ono or t o rooms on 2nd Ibor. con
JL. trilly located with Rood light and \cntllJtlon ,
ftiitablofor olllccsand pilnltrr ( bu > lru83. Fcr terms
and pirt'euhra opply to Omah'v Uupct Co. , ' 611
Douams street. E0031
T.IOR I'.nxT Furnished front room , bosrdlng con-
1 \cnltnt ; 710 north 17th between Wurstor nnd
Butt. ciiap
FOR RKVT Kcwly furnished room at No 1025
Howard stiio . 613-4p
FOR HUMTno unfuralshed rootrsl417 Hirnoy ,
opposite JieraKlbuildmir. B12 0p
FOR RfNT-A Urge ncwlp fuiiiMicd front losm ,
with lur lmlrw , clt-sit , f'isand bath ; $20 iier
month ; J61U L'oi Usttrcct. 496U
? moF RFVT T o nlcsly fnrnlshsd rooTO , NW cor.
moI met mi J St. Jlin'e A\e. 4 < Ktf
[ TTOR RKST Nicely firnlthed room ; b th room conJ -
I | ntctlon , at IOCS. 18th tt. 40Mp
Tj'OR RUM Kleziit newly furnish rjom.a , 1015
Jf C'pltol A\o. Iltth rojui , gas , no hills to climb.
4iU lp
FOR RUST Hoorcs Nlcily furnished room ) with
board , llooms 31,00 to S',75 per weak , bo\rd4 ,
Inl brick housa , bith room ac.oaimoilalloin , 80 > N.
17th. 41b-31p
FOR npvr-At 1913 Farnam , nicely furnished front
room , eultablo for to ( roijtl men ; ujo of b > then
on sane floor ; rcfircncia required. 4.0 Sip
onF HUNT Furnished rooms , 619 I'.cuant St.
onF 42 ! SOp
rr OB RUNT T A o i legsni o III Jos I u Bu'd bloclf.
F Ion RKM-F/ont lur-ishcd room , ! OUChloigoSt
pcuRKST-Itoom. Inquire drug ttore cor. lOtb
1 and Douglas. B39tf
T70R RENT LnrKi" , hardfomclv fiirni'hed room" ,
f slrglo cr en sii'te , modern conveniences ; excel-
lell' ' 'iimd lor Kontlcmcn , 17181)cdo ( 31lt'
F I OH RKM Handsome furnished rotrs , 18'0
F ' r.iiNT suinijhcJ room , 1717 ( Jaea street ,
? Joe. lioatty. 21
F onB T-Sulto of novvly furnlsncd rooms , Jflll
California st. E. U. Van Court. Si3tf
Unfu-niihcd rooms In Bcomor's block
FORRKVT Howard. Sjotf
F ' RKST Furnished rooms for Hiht ; hoasecplntf ,
i1 In Dccmcr'e block , Cor 8th and Howard 703tl
FOR Rfs'T With board , nicely furnnhod south J
room , with ueo of parlor ; nleo giu , and bath. 1403
Jones St. 048 tf
? RKST Pleisint room furnlshod , 1423 Howard
Joa . 42Mf $4
i'OR RKSTFor mnnnf oliirln piirposoo or hall ,
om 14n75 , 3d Jloor , No. 110 B. 14th tt. ,
enquire at 1403 Dodia t. A. J , Slninsou.
_ _
FOR RUNT-Centrally located furnished room ? at
6 3 south IS'.h bt. 713-tl
fj"OR RKVT Lrio front room on flint floor nlth or
? without hoard ; Inquire et 1901 farnara St.
OOMM With txitrd.dotUatilofiir sucamei. Apply
Si. Cn ile > Hotel. 718-11
f\OR \ DALK-In North Omaha , lot 60x11)0 ) , price $310 ;
$ iOdo nand Uluico on tlit.c. Inquire 1610
St. 017-1
B Omaha Vlw. Wo have 280 Inta for 139
nile In this thtrmlm ; ubiirb at rrlccn that must
onr linn la ready 'nlf. ' The rorthwcst will be the
Jt mo put ef tha clt V. Now la the time t buy
when < alotwn be h d there for ? 250. CUDulnnlnni
llrcnnan , 1611 Dcd 'o St. , next poitifflco. 059 8Q
FORBAiK-Va'iublo prrpoitv forH.loSW. coiner
of Mtheml Jones street. LolH 13 : fict equatu
ImprovemenlB , raut'ng ' for23' ) iur month ; flee C
chance for fpeuUtton ; Union Pacific rlcdited tj JO
open 14tli siiost tii south next ipilog. Apply to
1'eibjdy , No. 1407 Jontu atroot. 811-3
or 4 loti Marlcn PIacoil ; | | trade ( or rcildcnos
Tlvto diI ( rcrcflln gasb , W , II , Green , over
" BILK Leaving Ornilu I will tell or leasa on
loon time , a flno new7 room houseand furnltutn
he . house has all modern tmprov. oinenlB and tlno lo
ci'lsn. 3 blocks fromcourtiiouse , Address K , I1 , B ,
2178. 18th ttnU. 287tl
' M feet onUumloK liuiwoon JUth anilVUth
F'OHBAbn . 8i.700. Bedford & Hoaer. 717-tf
_ K. If/Oltct front on Vlrnlola avenue , ouo
block from head of St Mary's vj. ? 3,0 > 0 fcr
, or $1SOO for half. W. U. Urton , ever lit Na 1
tional IJink. 6101 | _
' HALK-FortV lol for Ea'e on Hurt aud C'umlnzu
IT'on ! 8th and Slit cheap , Inaldo property tlfla
edfonl & Houcr 729 tf
' - . ' Tire lirndoriiil fhrnk- ! faro '
FRHtLi'-Urrljlitdrill.'Jno touli , at 711 N. lOlli ct , Lz
i.K Ag-ntlodrUlnf and in dl her * ? ; nl
rne hu 'yy , top p'lapton , ( .Slu pflun'v u * kc. ) ] i.
at Illuu llirn en 16th Ht. 633-1
" OR BALK TV j ; cut , cheap , at O rat ton i. Drum- "
monl'H cirnago HOihB. fd-l J
IjlORh41.11 OR K\CIIANUK huJUtltllly Icntol farm
tf HO H'rcs , ltli Kcod bud In/ , lee t 'l rm r
traratOiaSprluL'B. N. V. . 'or ' a Block cf ( TOD'S In rl
untrj.or city rtiliitne. : AdJroii * J. S IK
OK bALK-Kurulturoj hojm fjr rent , 2IS K
17th blent. I8rf.8t > *
SALK-OIH 1,00) pound ia 8 , neaily nnw ; vll
1/OR olu atabari ! fn Imulre ut .Net. and I *
CV rjomil,2onil3 , Withn U tlock , oor Htli
1 [ Ton ' gttitVita Ion la I'ellivn I lux1 , ono block
-1- tr.-m ' str ctctr t mck. Iciiulro 213 S 13th St.
I/OR s UK-IPO in s. "prim Hill , "III soil on o v
A1 terni | tmlo fur imnroteil proreity nmt p y illl-
Icrenco Innliic9 In cnH or BJIUIIIO inoitt-'ozt" . I'oi-
tic rin fin J clicnp bomri ami ixUaiiUseotn trivh-e.
\V. 11. Urccu , over lit Natl. lluik , icle n t. 4CStl
FORSAI.H Or nonlil train or n foil liorso nnd
liiicvi ! " 0 ivrrca In Hi suor county. Apply lo 21G
South ISlhS'rcct. 24fltl
FOR BALK Boiler mlenalno , SOhorsojiowor bollll
ndctiflnc , In RooJ running order ; unnt to per
for ( the reason tlmt they nro not l ro enough fci
the { ' no * nuclilnory which o lll put Into our new
building , on Ilarncy St. Clarke Bros. & Co. , 1402
Douglas St. 847tt
ALWAYS nn hand at n l > .uuln , No 1 norond hdnd
curing I'lmelon and sldo bar bntrdus ; also uru-
brollas and tmn'h.vlcj , M 1403-H11 Voilge St.303U
F BALK A L'onrt plino , cheap. Airs. A. CalJot-
need , I01B California bt , 71I-tI
11 OR HAI.K By ( , 'iii.iiliicliam & Urcnnin , 110 lots o !
( ' tbo best property for inhato rosldenccs In the
ilty. Imprii\cinrnts lll s on bonu'lc thnt w111 on-
bnaco tlualtio fully 100 rercont. The prlica arc
lo - , raiiRlnf liom (3Cot < > $5SO and the terms are
caiy. Veorlo ot mo lento ineini will find this a raru
opi < ortunlt > for H'curlng a homo or maklii ) , ' monor.
ror Sa'c A * 'l"Ck on Drdgo street , cuitrliilni ; 18
lo's 0xl'.5. AllwlllbosellforSJ/XU Thlilsiwy
of a * 3t wr in J adji ltl < d bitg\lr.
For S.le 103 feet on Firnam near cJnrt h use.
KorSalo A gnaay tt io In goud locality , ate it :
For fla'o Cheap lots In llartuian's , Iviuutzo'a and
tow c't addition ? .
ForFa'o Airolots la Cunnothain'ii ! BU ! > Jhlt-lorr ,
1'nr Hcnt Ilonips mil oIlleoB.
Itosins ' 6 nnd 7. Arllrctou I'll ' UlnJ , cc\t to po t-
clll'c. Cmn njhain it llrcnnan. 402-30
170K BALK -123 aero firm , ono of the best farms Iu
1 lei glis Uiunty cl ! ImproTod , must bo sold
sorn , a uroit lurpnln. A. BuunJere & Co. , 1401 Fat-
nr.m streit npposlto PAT ton. & 58-1
FOR \beautlfulllttloplice in North 181U
St. , lull lot , licit coltaue , 2,0:0. Easy tcrmp. C.
Ei .Mi } nc & Co. , 15th and Farnaui 472-31
FOR SALB House and 2 lots 'at a birgtlii $7/UO
S. 15th Strcatjroom to bnlldfour more hoiifi :
for rent.
Two ( ! c Mit lots Rhlnns Additions , 9fOO.
Ltrgo hau'o and two lots Hanscom Plac : , COOP.
HO-JSO mil lot north 19th Kt , lOOO.
IIoiH ? ami 1 it KiRan'u Add , 1200.
Homo and I tS. l th Kt , UCO.
Houto and lot 1'aclllo St. , near Dopnt , S80J.
2 hbiiics and lot on rasn rit , Dear ICth.
House anJ lots. 33th St ,3SCO
Farm land In nciily ei cry county In northern No
bra > l.a. 0. F. Davis & Co. , H05 F.rnam St.
i.tOK x\cll aiI-lirpro\Cl and unimproved lands
JL In Ncbmka and Iowa to exchange for Oinahu
rroporty. . Uc ague , opp postoXco. tSOtl
FOR LSASB Host unoQsupled ground In the ty foi
warehouse house , 87 feet front on Leaven worth ,
north hot 10th and llth.wlll caaofor 09 years. Bedford -
ford & Soucr 73J-II
Y\7AMKii-Smait limlno s man with em ) l capital
V r on hear of ( 'ood rhunco to make from $3 to 10 n
dav , no books , butinei8legitimate. Address ' 'J. D.
B.1' Dally Boo. nfll-SOp
FOIHAI.KVo'l establlaho 1 furniture business nlth
building at.d loti C. A. lljwc , Ulisjis , Neb.
FOR SALB A retail drip store well sttlo.l , loratlou
o ptclally.dotlrablo for a ( Iciman. Address Lock
Dox 010 , Oinaba. 139 i
VfuiiCK rartli'H with capital are desirous ot cu
ll pal ; n ? In the tanking busmujs InNobrsHkajcoun-
tv ( . ' . .i' preferred. Addrcts a , G. Gillcspte , Mar-
h-A icstaurint ; blir liirpiln , in a line lo-
rotlon ; loaio of bullJIn ; for ten months ; Rood
radp. lUisons for eellniL' , h vo other buslneji to
ttond to. Address S P. , Rae olllo. 4BOtf
SALK AMo Uroiio Work' , 2716 Cumlujr bt.
tpoii 1
F ! OR HiiE-Ono n'cj fruit stoie , In No. 122 N 18tli
St. 421-31p
F ! TRADK Nance couuty land for stock of i ? n-
1 eral merchandls or hardware. Addresl John
LlnJcrhilm , Contra City , Neb. 312aug21
LliF OR Bjiu-Storo llxtufcs.very cheap , ac OiOH. 10th
1 Street , Omaha. S. L. Schwartz ; 29 2 80p
f\\o \ KXCMAMif.1'or oicani or i.lncoia rctldcncu
J property House anu prou'ins Iu lied Cloud.
OuO. 10CO acroa Itml In Wtbjtcr county at 8iO
r aero , nu Incumbran o. Hay O. Booker , Hod
Cloud NJ > . I'-S-SOp
7T'OKBAl.K-Steainloiirmlllcipacltv ( ; 120 bblu. pci
J' dajole ; > atorojpicity,20OOObiHhcls ; Roo.1 tMCk
fad'ltfos ; only mill la Onnha , Will eoll or trade for
farm rroporty. VMuod at J10.000. W. If. Ore cu
o\or lit National Hank. 79511
ITAXTro A few tab'o boirdsrj ; flrat-slasj board
I AlHO a room for rent ; J812 UoJjro street 40311
PBRBONAI-A Inisincm mm with means temper-
ate , Rood rr oral character and not lo < i clitui 4t' '
can col respond with a widow lady iinlncumbcrcd , of
irood a1dtcu < and rdlnemont with como miars. Ail-
drcSJ "M. U 1' . 8S8'lUoomco. MOSlp
< juirT IIOMII rcr hdles during confinement.
Corroaromlfno CJiiUdtntial. Addrrsi Lock llo >
33 , TJncsln , Ncli. OD8-Au l2p
a , A CMKBTERriKLD Mignellophynlclan , tent acrt
developluir medium , ever 019 nortn 10th St.
< TRATKDOR8roi.its-A totrcll mire with whll
star In tbo lorehoal. FmJornil rocolv < a liboi-
aTroward by rc-turnlng her to Cumln'u & qulnn , grc-
rcrs,13th and Chlcairo ( trect. C.17-tt
" 1'tlYSlOIANB.
Dn. AK , room i , Wltbnell Ulock , 16th and Uat-
ney. 611-tf
\ \ % ul'nand cos'tKHili cleaned In an fdorl m
Pai\\ by F. 0 Abel , I' . 0 , U KS7& . t2C-auK-28i |
r louirn-Mra. 0 F.Ainpaohtr , 1613 Lcavenwonli.
> noi' . A. 0. U I'ruiif * Tha Kuropean 1'hrenoIos'Ht
did Astronomer , who Ins been buforo thi <
crowned littdi cf Kuropr , can h > consaltcd en all
aOilrn au ] trtalnlni ; to llfo , ho bilPK thu onlytclon
Altruo0'er ! in the Wvtt Tail > st bO ) Noilh I7tli
H U. I1. I'irk looUod 12 miles B. W. on U. 1' .
ro d , Is now open to the public and can bu rented
plc-ulci and noclal KttherlnKi. Bpeclal rates for
' Klvfu. Foi ternn , caller ddr MU. C. auiwencu
t'ap'lllon ' , Kul ) . "V't'
Ou KIkhorn ana I'Utte. T. Murray.
on banjo given 1) ) 0 E
.t 1118Uailtolavo. |
1"nivv VAULTS and rtBipoo'a cloned In an odtrlcbb
* y. A Kvaos , 1203 I > : d.'o bt. 05JU9 | ( ! , ,
Q UdBVwUU U UUV w * MIMJ , * . -w
Tim Orlulmil iiml Only fiinln .
li.n . i. n > Mo if LAPI S. A kr"'r"Jifijilo' , ;
" ' ' " < * '
( "l.ii'.V.VlJ'uf . ' | ! - < ( ' 11 nlurii inutL
H AME PAFJpfl. < l'l < bntvr li'j ' l < " | , ki
o applied by 3. A , Fuller & "Ui >