Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    H 4 THE DAILY BEE-FJRJDAY , JULY 31 , 1885.
r renews 1 trc-ncthf nr wlio nfi > r Prom
Inflrratllc * peculiar to their ftcx , fthonld fry
Thin mMlelno comlrtnos Iron trllh pnrnTpffctaVo
tnnlc , nnil U lnT linlile for Diwmoi p culr ) lo
Vonirn. iini ) all whole ail fuxlonlary Ihv" It l.n-
rlrlii'K and 1'nrlllri Ihn Illnntl , MiliniilnlrH
tba ApprlllrIrrnntlirii" tlm .Mnnrlrn and
f PMrn ln fact , tbnmu hly Imlanrntr * .
< JI m the cnmplf lion , and maki-stlmnklnnmootli.
Itdot-anoi 1 > lacken thn tooth , canso hf-adache , or
rnxluco cxjnjrtlpaJnn nil olArr Iron mtdtcintt rfa ,
JIM. 1'MZAnrrn IlAtnu. " < rnnrrll Arn.Mllwau-
kwi , Wl . faj . order t ] toofT > po ajtli. li 4 :
"I IUTO nnvl llnmii' Inin Hitters , and It lian brra
morn than adnrtor lo mi > . liarinir curfil inonftue
TPoaknMiBliullBihaTnln life. Ale cured mn n ! Lit
er Complaint , and now my completion Is rloar and
Kood. l ! i Iwen bcnpflclal to my children"
Onnlnnhaii nlmTotrmlo m rk anil cmcroil roil lines
onnrapper Tnlir no nllirr. Mudnonlrliy
IIIIOU.V UIII.MICAI. < ( ) . .ll.M.TIMOIti : , .Ml ) .
iMnirR' HAJTD HOOK uwfnl and attrnrtlvo , eon.
talnwR lift nf ) iriri > fnr n > clix > n. Information alxxit
coln , rtc. , Rltrn away Ijy all iloaler In medicine , or
xnallod to nny address on receipt of Sc
C"iinnlr.V ) ? > ei\oiis Discuses
Quid ! MHO fiiiiq fvj.1
' ' " ' " f" " " ' " ; / / ' "
-rif i' " " ' tiiHtfirltil.oi.
H o Klani ] ) ! for CVJchrifd Modi-al
Woiks Adilro'M , ? . I ) . I.AKKi : , ai. D. ,
ISO houtli ClarL htrcut , Ciucjino , Iti.
For tholcrcfltcf mfferlcK liumanlt } , I deem It
onlj my duty to plvothla unsolicited testimony In
( a\or f Sivlit'a Sjeclho Ily wife h a been ollltctoJ
with icm i ; from Manor. Wo tried orory kaonn
remedy , but to no aail. . bhonaa alfoillllctod ltli
pcrlidlcal IICHOLS lioajachc , sometimes fallonol
by nnlntctniltt nt/uur , so that her llo ( became a
tmrdon to her. Finally I determined to try Swift's
fio'lflo | 8lioo"irmniceJec\on weeks npo After
takiiif ; the first largo bottle tbo disease scorned to
Increase ; Iho burning , itching and inllimatlon bo-
cnmo unbearable. She , hot over , pcrccuercd In the
UBOot the mcdlclno. After taking the eccocd hottlo
'ihe Inflamktlon bozon t > eubsldo. After the third
bottle the Inllatnatlon dlsappenroJ , and sore spots
dried up and tnrrcd white aud eaaly. and finally she
brtubod tbimoffln an Impalpable wliito ponder
rescmbllnp pure ei't. She Ia no * taking the sixth
bottle ; c\crj appcnraeciot the disease la ( 'onc , and
her llcBhlseoIt and nhltoag a child's Her head
aches hate dlrappcand and she cujo > s tbo onlj
gocd heiltli she hai known In * 0 oar i No wonder
( ho decnncury bottle of S. S. S. la worth a thou-
tand tlnuslti Mc'uhtlu ' gold
"lAny ftinhtr laforinat'on c-nccinln ; her case will
bochoctfull ) gl\cn by hoieelf at her realdoaco , 135
Mullett Struct , or by me.
J UN F. BKADLEY,41GrIi oldSt.
Detroit , Mich. , Hay 18 , 2SSG.
For sale by all drugaltti ,
'Jl Y. . , 1ST St. Draw er 3 , Atlanta , Q ,
Washing & Bleaching a
In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water ,
8AVX8 tauoit , TIMM and SOAP AUAZINOLT , andglioa
unlvertuIeaUsinctlou. No fatally tlch or poor Bbould
be without It.
Sold by all procerr. EBWARB of Imitation ! well
elgnoil to uililtJil. 1'iiAiiLiNK Is the OXLV HAFII Iu
eavlng compound and 1 a ) t boara tbo aboio B
td and name ot to
AtthooHe'auJlW KirnanlEt , Otdtri byte the
graph sol cltod an J piouiptly attuidad lo. Telephone
0. 25. It
l'ROPO3Ar < 3 l-'OU - rAKKT { HOUSi : wh
Ktak'il prn | > os.ili ulll | H > n'rthcd I" ) tlio tuidir 40.
tinned until/ ) dock | u in. ofTliisdau'ii t 4th ,
UsS , fortha u > n truc.tluii of umarkft huuno I uao
ixirdanruvitU plain ami i > iM.ilrtcili ( > iia .m JUo In ttu the
olllcoof tlio Imu-duf puMlcunrki. cer
Dids tolMiaucuuiianiiHlbj a certified ilicik In th
ktiuiuf tHoliundrodand Illtj dolUrn , lajabla to thu
lit ) otOmaht , anaii ciidcneo of < XK | falih. 'lliu
lioarJ of imlillo workurBsorus tlio H ht to Ifloct 81
Aii.i orallUJj. J , U Iloi'UK
J > ll-Su2uw Clmt. Bpanl of I'ubllc WurkSL '
CIttCR Whoso Pnitnilfttlnn Dates Back
| { to a 1'crlocl Preceding the Dlecor- ,
orjr of Amcilc * Their Dlstln-
[ mailing Characteristics
I'lnccB M 0o Fnrnous by
Historical Incidents
"What tlio Cen-
stiB Shtms.
The Two Kf publics.
Agnas Calientcs , the capital of nho state
of tbo Birao name , bni a population of
30,000. The n tno tianshtod means Hot
Spring * , and Is derived from a spring of
Ihormnl water which riaoa in Us vicinity.
Many Americans employed on the Alcxi-
Central railroad and ol owhero Hvo there.
Oampocho , capital of the state of the
same came , IB an old fortified Spanish
town , with n present population of some
12,000 people. For many years It waa
the only port cf the Yucatan panlnsula ,
and infested by smugglers and tillbuaters ,
Saltlllo , capital of Ooahullo , was
founded In 1580 , and created n city on
Nov. 5 , 1827 , with the name of Leona
Vicarlo , a horolno of the Mexican revo
S n Cristobal wns named In honor of
the good old St. Christopher , who ia said
to have carried Obrltt across a stream In
the shape of a little child. Sin Cristo
bal ia the capital of the most southern
state of the Mexican republic , Chiap&a.
It has some 8,000 Inhabitants.
Chihuahua , capital of the slate of the
state of the same name , In Northern
Mexico , lies on tbo foothills of the Sierra
Madre range. The old college of the
Jesuits Is there , nndcr whoso walls
Miguel Hidalgo and Capt. Allondo , the
revolutionary leaders , were executed.
An aqueduct 20,000 foot long carries
water to the center of the city. The
present population Is about 20,000.
Collma , capital of the state of the same
name , is situated on the river of the same
namo. It Is a phco of 30,000 inhabit
ants. It has n largo trade In cocoa ,
coffee , pearls nnd tllma , or Mexican
cloaks. After the conquest sixty Span
iards settled hero , and Intermarried.
Durango , capital of Durango , has 22-
080 Inhabltanto , asldo from the scorpions
for which It Is famous.
Guanajuato , capital of Guanajuato , Is
a great mining city. It Is located 282
miles northwest of the City of Moxlco ,
in a canyon , and has a population of 73-
Ghllpanclngo , capital of the siato of
Guorrego , has 3.3DO Inhabitants. It Is
celebrated In Moxlcan history for being
Iho town where the first Moxicancongress
mot after the cry for liberty had chased
the Moxlcan people to rebel against Span-
iih rule.
Pachucs , capital of the state of Ilidal-
.jo , has 17,000 inhabitants. It Is the neat
sf the Real del Monte mining company ,
the largest Ilka corporation In Mexico ,
and ono of the largest in America.
Guadalajara IB the capital of the otata
of Jalisco. It has a population of 01.A
500 people , and la'tho third city in the
republic in point of population and
Toluca , capital of the state of Mexico ,
1 s a place of 13,500 pooplo. It Is the
richest Inhabited land in the republic ,
5G3S feet ahovo the sea level.
Morella , capital of Mlchoacan , has
25,000 Inhabitants.
Guornavaca , capital of the state of a
lorelos , was founded by the TIahuiciu ,
n ancient tribe of Indians , in the four-
eonth century. It was incorporated to ja
ho Aztec ciown of Mexico by Itzooat , In
432 , was conquered by the Spaniards In
Lpril , 1521 , and declared a city October
4 , 1G34. The Indian name WAS QaanM
uahnac , "Near Beautiful Hills. " It su
ontalns Cortez' palace , and Is a place of Lc
,700 pooplo. all
Monterey Is the capital of Nuovo Locn. joe [
t is a growing city , and has now nearly if
50,000 inhabitants. Thirty years after
the conquett of Mexico by the Spaniards , ov
the celebrated Spanish general , Francisco we
do Urdlnola , conquered the Chichimcct rol
Indians , who hold the placo. In 1G5G frc
Djn Diego do Montomayor founded the pn
metropolis of Our Ldy of Montcray.
Oaxaca , capital of the state of the same I
name , was founded In a beautiful valley ml
by Jnan Mondrz del Mercado In JC28 , at
Its population is 20,500. of
Puobla , capital ot the atato of the same an
name , has 78,000 inhabitants. It la sur- bel
ronndod by three river. It has seventy tali
churches. The city has largo cotton and ba
thread factories and marble-cutting estab gel
lishments. The Tocall or Puobla marble a
has a world-wide fame. A railroid con he
nects Puebla wuh the City of Mexico
and Vera Grnz. The city was founded goi ;
1031. OK
Queretaro Is the capital of the ntato of It
Iho anmo name. It was founded In 1445 am
by an Otoml colony , which came from a
wilderness uow the United States. The in
Spanish cacique , Fernando do Tapla , Fri
conquered It in July , 1531 , naming it mo
Santiago do Quorotaro , as ho chimed that
Santiago ( St. Jamot ) ( ought in tha air in run
bii favor against the Indians * It has ton
now 27,500 people , and is a manufactur woi
ing city. goc ;
San Lulu Potosl Is the capital of the for
state of the eamo came. It was founded are
a Franciscan monk , Diego do lo Mag- clu
dalonn , and In 1055 was declared a city. lati
Its population la 50,800. It ia conildarod of
city of immense wealth , pro
Ou'.lcin Is the capital of the ntato of wit
the sttto of Sinaloa. It waa founded in ing
1522 by Nuno do Guzman , but was a ia
town of some Importance when tlio Aztecs - , BO
tecs loft Aztliu in the thirteenth century > ny
invn-lo the valley of Moxlco. It has ovc
now 4,005 in hablfante. , nd
Ures is the capital of Sonori , and has hoi
8,000 Inhabitants. It was formerly ind
missionary station. pec
San Jnan Baptlsta , capital of the state la
Tabasco , was founded March 30 , 1510 , istc
near tlio site of the present city. The lyi
old capital was depopulated during the or
frequent invasions of the Indians. Ita tur
population is 0,231. tha
Oludad Victoria is the capital of Ta- and
nuullpas. It was founded on October 0 , whi
17CO , and Its present population is 0,500. hat
The city his been desolated for forty lon
years by the civil wars , and oven the an
cemetery Is snrronnded by a high wall spni
provided with port-holes. It la a deso- i
ate , dreary place. nig'
Tlaxcab , capital of the state of the Ian
same name , w a founded in the fifteenth fn
century by Oulhuatopanocatl , an Indian rogi
warrior , and for two centuries waa capital of
tha Tlaroslnn republic , rival to the spo
Mexican empire. The Spaniards occu 1
plod it on Sept. 2 , 1510 , as its allies. she
hai now 2,350 Inhabitants. Ilico
Jalapa , the new capital of the sU < o of an
Von Oruz , Is the garden city of Mexico , was
paradise of tlm American continent. thai
has BOUIO 12,000 Inhabitants. deli
Morlda , capital of Yucatan , was possi pr'o '
the oldest inhabited city in America trod
.Then the Soanlards made it a city on "
. 0 , 1542. It lus a population of qne
10.000. iken <
Xicatecai is the capital of the slate nf bor
same name It la a famoui mining brol
milter , the first mine being loaatod by Jan
do Toloea in 1510. Philip II of
Ipiln made it a city on April 17 , 1585 cltit (
has a 20,782 inhabitants. of ' r ,
L P2c pltal of the territory cf Low- and
er California , has 4 000 inhabitant ) . It
_ was made a city on October 28 , 1720.
Tcplc , capital of the now tcnitoryof
Tepic , is twenty-five mlloi from the port
of j San Bias , and has some 9,000 Inhab
, Moxlco City , capital of the foncril dis
trict and capital o ! the republic , was
tA founded t on Juno 18 , 1527 , by Tonoch
tI Aateln tt , Acacltli Ahcaxotl , Ocolopan , and
their t associate ! . In 1530 it was granted
borough I privileges , head of Cistilo. aud
in I 1541) ) obtained the title of "very no
ble t , notable and loyal. " It has a popu
lation , according to Rimon Fernandez ,
ex-governor of the federal district of
350,000 souls ,
Tlio Wcnlli ( oCVantfa l > llt.
Mr. Yandorbllt is said to be worth
three times his weight ingold. Gold is a
very precious metal , but Iron Is more so.
Gold cannot enrich the blood , but iron
can. Gold cannot enter Into the human
circulation , but Iron Is the thing which
gives our blood-corpuscles their rich
color. A man without iron In his blood
would bo no man at all. The prepara
tion of Iron , which Is the principle Ingre
dient in Brown's Iron Bitters , is the only
ouo which can bo taken without injury.
Its strengthening work Is perfect.
The Method by Witch Millions Are
Handled Dally With Safety The
Ends of the Earth Kncom-
Piltsburg Dispatch.
A man entered the oflico of the Adams
Express Oomp ny yesterday , and placing
a snull pickago on the counter , said : "I
want to eond this to Auckland , Now
Zealand. When cm it gol"
Without hesitation the olerk answered
him and gave a receipt for the package
which contained money saying , "I
will forward it on the Philadelphia mall
to-night. " Curious to know how an ex
press company could thus control deliv
ery at such a distant point , the reporter
sought out Mr. W. H. Glenn , the super
intendent of the company's business In
Pittsbnrg , and learned the following
facts in regard to the express business :
"Yes , sir , that is a common occurrence
hero. Wo have packages came in hero
for all parts of the world , and wo give a
receipt for them , no matter where their
destination may bo , and we forward thom
by the most direct route , and luvo never
yet failed to make a delivery. In ono
case , which happened when I waa in the
eastern part of the country , a man c.itno
Lo mo and said ho wished to ship a bible
to a missionary friend In South Africa.
Wo took the paskbgo and forwarded it.
Some weeks after he called to know if it
lad been delivered , nnd wo sent ont a
'tracer.1 Wo began by calling up the
various offices th'rough which it passea
after It left us , and finally traced It to
our agents at Gtpo Town , In South
Africa. After two months ho wrote the
homo oflico that ho sent the package out
only to find that the consignee had boon
murdered by the savages , and his muti
lated body was all tboy found. Did they
deliver the book ? Why , of courflo they
did ; nnd when the remains of the mis
sionary wera brought homo and the cine
opened , the first thing that mot the sight
of thu bereaved relatives in the case was an
package ; beating the Irgjnd , 'Adams hli
Express oflico , Now York , U. S. A.1 ho
* 'Wo will forward that package you Th
just eaw delivered to Stn Francisco , Oal. , do
and there our agent will wny bill It to lit
the agent at Auckland , New Zealand ,
and in duo tlrao it will arrlvo there by P.
M S. S. '
Company's steamer , juat as th.M
surely as it would fro th Eist Liberty. ty
Lost on the road ? No. If cur employes do
attend to tholr instructions It can not boost
est , only through shipwreck , and then , Boi
insured , wo make good the loss. Ne
"I entered the service of this company
over thirty years ago , when stagu ccashea of
were In common uao and frequently i
robbed. I had a bag of gold dust to take tur
From a northern town into Elmlra , and I vat
put the dnit into a bottle and placed it wh
n my outside coat pocket in plain sight. rue
filled the bag with iron fillings at the the
mill , and my friend and myself laughed sail
an imaginary robber finding a bag full whl
iron fillings. Wo were not on the reid
hour when three men rode up from
behind and cleaned us ont , particularly whl
making my bottle and overlooking the Th
iag. [ The company made good the lost ate
old dust , and 1 never tried slnco to fool
robber. I think my quondam friend mu
ielped ) to work the game.
"Wo i carry millions of money for the nan
oTornment , aad have never lost a penny he
ixcept in case of wreck and fire , and then
was ! known what money was burned , wltl
md it was easily replaced. The other him
lay wo took 8,000,000 from Washington and
one lot and transported it to Sau
Francisco , Oil , and of courae had no to
uoro trouble than If It was $1,000. the
"Wo operate eomo 38.000 miles of Ho
oad In this country and O. nada , and fam
onetimes that amount throughout the whl
vorld , and the psrcontago of losa on
oods In transit , or total lota , his been dist SBPt
many years almost nothing. There
fully 15,000 man in our employ , In- ycai Bo
iludlug all , from platform men to supar-
atondent , and wo have tbo strictest kind
civil service rules , every man being able in
iromoted in the order of his seniority fern
without regard to Influence , and obtaln- - le
promotion in no other way. This !
ono reason why the express ssrvico is In i
efficient l , for no man can enter It on chai
] other man's recommendation nnd too
iverstep another who has alru.idy served
Is capacitated. Wo run 10.000
torses and 8,000 wagons of all s yloj , orad
make a specialty of raising horses Si.2
lecnliarly fitted for our service. There Uroe
probably i no private corporation la ex- UroeM
stenco in which the dotall/s / so thorough- M
arranged < n oure , and in which a loss nper MUG
delay can bo so readily traced. A fea- lunl
In our history which proves this is
total freedom from embezzlement
defalcation among our employes , Ir
rhioh is accounted for by the simple fact strei
they can not go far without detec- of
, and all trusted employes are under totl
approved i bind which IB
, re- rout
"At ' any ono moment of the day or whlc
Ight our company has millions of dot- triol
' worth of merchandise and valinbloa
transit , and each morning with the disti
oguUrlty of clock-work , wo uro orctircd
safe delivery and the ceasing of re-
by the "
ponslbillty company , htfa
The great utility of express eerv.'co ' was ben
tiown while tbo repjrter WAS In the
by a young man entering , rolllog ll
enormous bicycle bufurd him , which Burvl
booked and taken to tbo same train dupe
carried him into the country , and Te\a !
elivored at his hole ! in good order , for a
lint BPomoT ridiculous when com-
wttb the service rendered ,
Wo cirry cats , dogs , wuluj , and fro-
nemly valuable racing s'ojk. We hsvo
lunatics and convicts and any num-
of babies , in fact
our messengers ara vn
roken In on a mill : bottle , and cm
a baby juit like a real woman , WJ
lugular as It mas seem waonry whola
he , too , having sent three triin loads
ready made houses to a point In Toxat ,
followed thom with the wordly
goods of thpsa who were to ocsnpy them
when bnllt. The only time-1 over know
the company's men to bo knocked out
wai when eomo follow shippad n Mo-
phltls Americana on ono of our cars In
Now Hampshire. This animal had been
caught and chloroformed , and as the
train rattled on it cjmo to , and shortly
after the car wan vacated and all hand )
were found lying on the roof gasping for
air. The station people who were about
to attack us for having brought sickness
among them , and wo had n great time
before wo could make thom understand
tbo case. The car and contents were
sidetracked and burned , and wo never
know who pUyod us lho trick. "
Whltchftvcn Whcro ho "Wont Court
ing nnd Unrdscmbblo Which
lie Unlit.
St. Louis Kepubllcnn ,
Tin hlntory of the dlfloront houses
connected with Grant's stay in St. Louis
ii soon told. Some twelve miles south ot
the city is the old Dent farm , on which
Whltohavcn nnd llardscribblo stand.
Whitohavcu h the old family homo of the
Dents. The house Is over half a century
old , and it Is yet , despite its ago , a handsome -
some structure. It is hero that Brevet
Second Lieut. Grant cinio courting Misj
Julia Dent , the sister of his old school
mate , riding over from the barracks ,
only four miles away. It was iu White-
haven that most of Grant'a children were
born , and the tcndorost associations of
his ! llfo are associated with it.
Hardacrabblo got its peculiar name
from Grant himself. Ho christened it
after ho had built it. Not many of our
cities can show in their environs a log
house bnilt by a president of the United
States. Old Mr. Dent , after Grant had
left the nnny , presented his son-in-law
with sixty acres of land , nnd the future
general at once sot to work to build a
homo upon it for his family. IIo was
very poor so poor that Fred Dent had
to lend him the money to buy the floorIng -
Ing , wlndoir sash and doorways of his
house. According to the gocd old cus
tom , when the logs wore shaped and
ready , the neighbors gathered in to help
"raise" the house. It is a locil tradition
tht Gen. Grant with his own hands did
all the work upon thosDutheajtcorner of
the house. Judge John F. Long carried
up ono of the camera The lioueo Is a
comfortable ono , well bnllt nnd coinmo-
dloui. It has old-fashioned fireplaces ,
wbero many a giant log has burned to
ashes In the good old times before the
war. It is a two story house , and the
arrangement of the rooms testifies to the
fact that Grant was a gooi architect as
well as a good soldier.
The houeo on Fifth and Corro streets ,
or the sonttu'Bt corner , was in ita time n
fir residence. It still boars traces cf
th style and fashion of ita former occu
pants , but it haa fallen from ita high es
tate , and It is now a boarding house ,
which advertises the day board to bo
found within.
The house on Seventh and Barton
sUcots was for a time Grant's property.
When he moved into St. Lauis to go into
tin real estate business ho traded Hardscrabble -
scrabble for the JJtuton street property.
There waa a fUw in the tltlo , however ,
and the property was taken away from
him. It was not till after the war that
recovered possession of Hardscrabble.
Iho house is a frame , full of surprising
doorways and unexpected atalrs. It is a
little bit of a cottage.
The Favorite Washing Compound of In
the day is unquestionably JAMKS PYLK'S
i'EAKLINi ; . It dispenses with the necosei
for testing or rubbing the clothes , and
docs not iujuri ! the fabric.
Secretary Endlcntt'a Old OolleRo Mntc.
tfew York Car. Chicago Inter-Ojcan.
When William C. Eodlcott , secretary
war , wrote Inn name In the registry nf
New York hotel one day last weak , and
urnod to follow the boll bay to the ele H
ctor , there stood in his way a man
ehoaa face lud been handsome before
urn bleared it , and whoso clothes were
trorn-ont remnants of A fashionable
alt , but whoso big figure retained a port L
rhlch made him still imposing. He ex-
ended his hand aud said : "How are yon ,
edge ? " with an assurance and heartiness
rhlch made repnho all but imposilblo ,
'ho detective on duty In the corridor
teppad ] hastily forward , took the bam-
lor by the arm , and told him that ho
lust not Kiinoy the guest.
"What ? " the chap exclaimed Indlg-
antly , "I annoy Judge Endicott ? Why ,
and I wore college chume. "
Secretary Eadicott chatted a minute
1th his old acquaintance , got away from
without resorting to a rough procesi
afterward said : "You are right in
trmlalng Hut ho wanted anappolntincnt
office , and that he baud his request on
ground of our college relationship
was nearly foremost in my class ; his CAN !
.rally had wealth and respectability with INO'
hlch to help him forward , and there
ipmod to bo no reason why ho shouldn't MAT
himself in ilfu. For ton
cars I have not soon or hoard of him.
seems to have wrecked himself. Sup- _ J
now that ho had sent to mo a wrlt-
petition , signed by numerous reput- Mom lo
person ? , aud reminding mo < f my
irraer knowledge concerning his abilities
-len't It easily conceivable that I miuht
inocontly and properly have placed hiai
Government employ ? Ahl good
mractor at the beginning cf a dccado Is
often all gone at the end. "
l tllliY prevented and thoroughly
adicited by Dum'd Puns MALT WHISKIO ,
.25 per bottle- , Bold by Druggists and
rocers. _
_ _
Mr. Farquahnrjon , one of tha joint man-
of the Dublin branch of the broken
UDBter bank , It juiielug with $350,030 of the
nk'a funds.
Street Oars in ScoiUnfl.
many towns of Scotland where
reet railways ara In operation , Instead
charging a stitod faru without regard
the distance the passenger travels , the
is laid elf Into districts. When a
gets on a car ho pays ono penny ,
hlch takoj him ta the end of that dls-
; then tha condintor collects an-
penny , and continues at each new
strict until the terminus of the line is
ached. By this means the passenger
pays for the distance ho rides , and
thin encouraged to enter tbo cars
ho has but a short distance to go.
Hon. ( O , B. Btouort , nged Hi , cno of the
rvhloR eigBcri of Ills declaratiou of iu-
pendeoca of Texan , died at Montgomery ,
, yesterday.
[ .out
WTieu II bjr waa slci , wo gave li r Caetorla , rlr
VTlicn > he was a Child , the cried fur C'astorla , MA
IVlien ih lifeline Ml , elis dun ; to Canlcria ,
, elie g Uism CostorU
from Ojitiitci , I'mttici and I'nlsont
POP Coiicli * , Sore Tlirmil , ll nr cnr . Inrliirnrt ,
0M * Itronclitlls Ooup , tiooplnff Coneb |
\Mlimn. Ouln.y , I'ulntln ( , hr. { , inJctbtr
fli tl in r.fttl Tliroi\t n > I.IIPC -
1'rlcc fto crntsn hottlp PoM tiv IlrncelHd nrifl IV ' .
erf l\n tlei unable lo Iniliiet their ttciiler fojirnmpll ) .
gt t II for thtm iclll n fire tin l/oiltett.ffit en ctiartft
fniU by lending onttlelUr to
TUB ruuitis A.Tonrmuourm ,
S. , S
J 'I ir.Itr ( ? 4&k 4 M Iflf r J t
I .h rjlp ifcepfrt - im irfOvi .r V ( , I )
I J Bk.0 Ull4ll4thKt * r 4Xhf t-tyil * H4i
MeU7 ptt'f ( Iflw md 4 , iJ nHit i
NoiHiuf F'timutlui Orbilltf. Vei.i' . . .
hjilralVeakntst , Mcfciir'il ' and nliu- , . .
C'iminl ' Ihioal.SKr flj inps rtltinsPot. j ;
ylij S'lfos and Ulcers T - tiTIS 'n > i- . .
esfewi , oauicili" trt'Df v > "I't T P'i il.
OlsnaM'S AtMfli , ftO"tiiflistrcllnn , t U6.-
xxpostire of Inilulgi'iirt , h > * \
> ' 0 * nt I CCJ ' - o rrp i Utlr f-iuiltKi ' t ,
td Is'tcUTO nfC ' ixr r ( te ply tc .i ; 'y ,
veriliaCo * nn-let r r < * iru i fl1 ui
rindnrlnit MartJage uniirJCP"4 jr unlialip ; . > >
-nut iitfyearcd , ' iicpL .r JA wt ( ittbo 4bovf i.
OfT 3 * " "F tnclD tlfl. "
A Positive Wntturi
" \t
" 1 I t' > . . ,
L t't i jrt _ fflj-
Chartered by thcStateoflllt-
jnoia for thcexprcsaparpose
f ofElvlnnlmmcdiato rcliclln
[ all chronic , urinary nnd prU
> vatc diseases. Gonorrhccn ,
1 Gleet andSyphills in all their
' complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly rellcvcdand
permanently cured by reme-
dicstestcdinaiiIc > ir
\ll \ > rriill'i < trttcf * bcmlnal
ckncss , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the FaceLost Manhood , ) it > slti' < Iyrum/ . Hit ro
In 110 Cfiterlmciitluil * The appropriate remedy
13 at once used in each case. ConsuUatljns , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Lxprcss. No marks on
pact-age to Indicat : contents or sender. Address
DR.JAMES.No. 204Washinglon SI.Chicagolll.
Hood HesM
IlCMEDVl HI E. AMCtlmof jouthftilimnrudcnco
causinj ; lrcmaturo Decny , Nervous Debility , Lost
Manhood , itc.linilnc tried in vain every knonn
roniptljhas [ Uncovered nfimi > lonu > nnsof self-cure ,
Ivhich ho will Fenil riETlj toliia ffjllow-fmffprors.
4ddres3J.ll.ULLVJ.b,4JChalhniubt.NowVorlt : :
1 bavo a po Ulro remedy for tlio abore disease ; by Ita
nso thouftandaorcaaeHol tliosont kliidiindof lonff
tnndlnirliavotteen cured llHleptl.frontrniiRlsraTfnlth
initsomcncy tinui wi i .Mi.iT o noi ri.i s i JUB. ;
tdRcttiorwltliiVV AI VAI1I I.lUl.ATISIJoiitliUilliouto
tfl ftuy auffiirer llu lexprPfisanil 1Onddneti. .
I > U T.A
ItoKlon , nins- . , ( ) I.iST In America ;
and Ili-st KilMlpix ( Iliulic\VOKII ) lOOInslruct-
rs , 1)7I ! Stiiilentii list Mir. 'Ihoruntli Instructinii In
Aocalnnd Music , I'nnu nnd Orgui lim-
litjr. Fine Arts , Orilnry , l.lternlnre , 1 rencli , Ucrnnn ,
Jlldc ! < Jtiliin Lan it itrcs , KiiKllh Itninelics , Cummtles ,
dc 'liilllon , $ jto JA ) ; Imird ami r ) m. $ l > Iu $ ; >
iierlerm I'all'I crin liesrlns SeilcmberIO | , IsM. lor
JUilMralnl Ciili'iul ir , fhliii ; lull liilorinntliMi. mlilre < ,
L. 'JULIIJI.i : , Jlr. . 1 lankllii fc.i . , 11LHION , .M us.
Plattsmouth , Neb.
Brce d of thoroughbred nnd high grade
Sereio d and Jersey Cattle ,
And 'Pnroc and .Toraov ] iod Swino.
The Great Blood Purifier.
ATAiuiu , SALT HHKUM , J'insii'BLAS , KHEU-
ATISM , nod all blood nnd ekin ( li o iee .
OOtE'3 IlED OLOVKR PJLt.9 , Curn Sick Head.
ttchn , n > Pi > epsi ! , Imll Cfctlcn , oiiil Cin tlpatlon.
oxoiofSS pHU iS ! tentsj 5 boxes $1. Luoiita HUD
M\KHl'it. ItBJimn , euro cure , We per box. Kor
by all drugcIstD , or address J'M. LOOSB& , CO , .
onrae , Mich. Ben J fir testimonials.
Feiieclnl > In chelcm Infnntumlfi Iliu MHO
xl Irnaluil lo. irunj t JHDHI Dul.l ha cited uhcra
need h > c'j Iltllo tioublo Irotn bnncl cotn >
alnta ; and (0 thu ( bat I a'uiho tbo f > oH tint I hao
ncrjctloitionlld with any foim cf dlarthum or
olera Ii fantum "
f tonlorffiqalllUltTor. DcwattJ c
- - " AM , y.m'i - -
d.llf UI&ITCC
i U iiuu& r T'j II , ill
f t9ltBUtfi.Hi.
c , w. w
61 IIUO A WAV y. 1" .
Vrrnmiur" Di-rlln , era
Pour , ji * ie of Iho Klilni-iH , Itluil-
. ui.d 1'runtiiit ) ( iliinil CI'KlMMtllliout fre
IIMIIIII Ii Medlciatiliy the Muriiliiti llolui Vii-
Iroi't'iiinirixlHlttioutBiirKfry Troatlsoandlev
nionliiln i-f. . All onrridpoiiilpn * < i rnritlilfntlnl.
Debility * i * Muuhood und ! > * /
rorite rrfu ripti n of a b t d * pOv.tli l ( oovrr& .
Drut'Ci.ucao fill it. Atijicm
JR. WArtO 4 CO. . L'Isi.X 110
Large Lots at Eeason-
able Prices.
Since the completion of the new packing
and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak
ing a wonderful anc rapid growth. Besides
the large pork and beef house erected for
Hammond & Co. , other dealers have commenced -
menced the erection of similar institutions
and still others are contemplated for the
near future.f Several dwellings have been
built and twenty or thirty are now building.
Employment is now furnished to about one
hundred and fifty families , and conservative
estimates place the figure at eight hundred
to one thousand families that will find em
ployment there a year hence. This offers
great inducements to laboring men to secure
homes now while they are cheap. Specula
tors will also find it to their advantage to buy
at present prices. The company Lave made
no change from the original prices , but some
parties who first purchased lots have resold
them at splendid profits , in some cases at
double the purchase price. If in so short a
ime handsome profits are made , what will
be the result when everything is fully devel
oped ? In the few other cities that are favor
ed with a first class cattle market , fortunes
have been made by investors in real estate ,
and the same is certain to follow in South
Omaha. While the whole city of Omaha
will be greatly benefitted by the growth and
development of the cattle interest , South
Omaha lots will enhance hi value "more ra
pidly than any other by reason of the pros
imity to the works.
Manufacturers of all kinds w'll find it to their advantage
to inspect thisiiropprfcy ; good location , level grounds , track
facilities and plenty of coed ; pure water furnished by the
South Omaha Wntor Works. In fact , every facility to make
desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground.
Will find it profitable to select property now , aq n year or
two hence with a population of 5000 to 10,001) ) people ,
thia will become a desirable place for all kinds of business ,
and lots bought now , can bo had nt very reasonable prices
which will double in price many times in the next two years.
nptmMifiiiimMvnii rff-Xfl * jf f tfy
Rich or poor , will find it profitable to moke in/eslmonts
in this property. Free conveyance at all times will bo fur-f
mshed by us to parties wishing to see this wonderful now
town and learn of its advantage. Wo have entire charge i
of , and are the exclusive agents for thu Bale of all thin"
property from G streets south. Splendid lots from § 225
213 S , 14th STREET ,
We have desirable business nnd residonco"property.ff ! r ] sale'in ! all
arts of Omaha and do a general real estate business. Wo plicit bpy-
and sellers to call on us. Wo will give them'all possible information
, and keep conveyance froa'to shoproportyiin auy.part of the city ,