Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Thursday Morning , " July 30 ,
Ctrrltl - - - - - - - wnto p week
- , . . . . . . M _ (10.00 per y ar
Hotter , merchant tailor , for fine goods.
Center tables from $3.00 np at Man *
Great bargains in cooking stoves , tin"
ware and crockery at Mandol's.
Mr. and Mra. J. Brlggs , on Tenth
avenue , are blessed with a now boy.
Only 09 dcgrca In the ahado last evening
ing at 0 o'clock at Foster Brothers.
Dr. Gordon has placed telephone No.
14 Into his residence on Graham avonuo.
List evening Ilobocca lodge No. 3 ,
0. 0. F. , hold a picnic In Fairmont
It is reported that some tlll-tappor has
got away with about $ G from Mctcalfo
Permit to wad was yesterday given to
Chris Jensen and Mary Nolaon both of
this city.
The city council takes a rest until
Monday night , It Is some rest for the
people also.
The public is invltod to an entertain
ment In the parlors of Broadway Motho
diet church this evening.
A lawn social was given last evening
by the ladles of Barmony mission , at the
residence of J. M , Palmer.
There will bo a gitno to-day at Noola
between the Creepers of Mlndon and
the Eirllng clnb , the purse being $50.
David Tostovln In non engaged In the
ofllco of the clerk of the courts , assist.
Ing In making up some of the records.
Slnco the revision of the old testament ,
the "hellos" has gone out of telephonic
use , and now "ahool-o" la nscd by the
The prominent firemen of the city are
receiving invitations to the mooting of the
national association of firemen to bo held
on Long Island in September.
Mrs. J. W. Nelson , living near stew-
art's packing house , has filed a complaint
against one of her neighbors , Mrs. Hurl-
bert , charging her with making throats.
John Manor's case came up again yes
terday afternoon , but It was settled on
payment of costs , and the promise that
ho would leave the city , ho bolng bound
for Denvor.
The St. John brothers have had sta
tionary wash stands and other Improve
ments put in their hotel , the Revere
house , and have had the hotel ontaido
painted white ,
The credit for the arrest of the two
young Omaha thieves who stole the
watches from Mrs. Davis' store is due to
Charlie Mack , the dummy conductor ,
who nabbed the boys and turned thorn
over to Officer McMillan , at the Transfer
The fellow captured here by Officer
Kirk , and Laving a lot of pocket-knives ,
which It is supposed he has stolen somewhere -
where , is still in jail , but will probably
have to bo lot out , there being no In
formation to bo gained as to where ho
got the property from.
The literary society known as the
Merry Thinkers met with Miss Sqnlro on
High School avenue Monday night , and
had a very happy time , the lawn bolng
brilliantly lighted , and there bolng lawn
tennis , croquet , music and other attrac
tive features of the gathering.
Two Germans arrested for robbing ono
of tholr countrymen , who was occupying
the room with thorn at the Colorado
house , were yesterday discharged , the
prosecution bolng dropped , there bolng
hardly enough ovldonco to bo secured to
fasten the crlrao on to them.
John Jay does not seem to find it an
easy matter to got his $10,000 bonda ,
which ho Is called on to glvo before ho
can stand any show to get his commission
as Indian trader. In sending him word
to got hla bonds , before making the ap
pointment , perhaps the administration
had the Idea that this would bo a good
way to lot him down easy.
The old lady spends much apace edito
rially In dwelling upon the changes which
twenty years have wrought , suggested by
the presence In the city of the son of that
great statesman , Stephen A. Danglas , and
follows It up with the assertion that
"Thoro is much In a name. " There is so
much in a nama , that the old lady in
printing the name of Danglas a dozen
times In her editorial , does not succeed
In getting It spelled right onca ,
The price of lemons yesterday per box
was $12. In Now York city they were
selling for $10 , with good prospects of
reaching $15. Oao of the largest houses
In the United States that handle ] lemons
send their customers the following from
Now York : "Lsmons are still higher ,
and ai thfro is likely to bo only ono
cargo of 0,000 boxes hero to sell noxl
week , there is no telling how high they
may go. There are very few In this city ,
and If the weather continues warm and
the demand keeps np half as largo as it
has been this past week , there will nol
bo a box left by next Saturday. "
There has boon a little howl started
by ono of the evening papers to the eflecl
that "tho prohibition attorney , Jacob
Sims , made Marlon O arena the prosa-
cntlug witness In the case against Galvln ,
aud now Marlon declares ho never author-
izsd the use of bis name In that connec
tion. " An examination of the papers on
file shows that the ciso originally was
Owens against Farrell , and an amendment -
ment to the petition bis been filed ,
making Calvin ono of the defendants , II
bolng understood that Galvln had euo- <
coodod Far roll in the saloon at "Wtnlon.
The amendment dues not pnrpott to bo
verified by nil , bnt by the at
torney , Mr. Sims , go that If there la to' '
bo any war opened on this feature of the
case it should bo upon him , and not on
Owens. The pipora thenuolvcs chow
that Owens' ' narao has not been used
without authority.
Wanted A. lanndress girl to do plain
washing and Ironing at the Pacific homo.
Dr. West , dentist , over BEG ofllco.
Substantial abstract of title and real
estate loans. J. W. and E. L. Squires ,
102Poarl atrcot.
Bead Judd & Smith's offer o $1,000
r in another column.
A Huril Iitttlo Tou-Yo r-OUl ami Ills
Companion ,
Yesterday afternoon the two Omaha
boys , nrroatod for ntoiliog two watches
from Mrs. Davis1 store , came np before
Jadgo Aylesworth. The true namoi o
the boya proved to ba Calvin Campbol
and Frank Jopson. Mra. Jopaon , the
mother of ono of the boya , the older ono ,
waa here , aa waa alao Mr. Campbell , thn
father of the smaller bay , n little follow
only about ten years of ago. The youthfulness -
fulness of the prlaonora appealed to the
sympathy of the judge , and ho did nol
feel Inclined { o put thorn into any state
institntion , provided their folks would
look after them and try to mnko honest
men out of them. The Jopaon boy broke
down and Boomed to feel the disgrace of
his position somewhat , but the
other boy ahowod less feeling than any
man , rlpo In years and crime , who has
been brought before the court often. Ho
waa asked how ho became in possession
of two gold ringa iound upon him , and ho
coolly said that ono was given him by hla
mother , and the other ho had bought
The father refuted this statement , but
the boy stuck to it. The boya said that
other rather valuable trlnkots which were
found upon them had boon got by thorn
at a 10 cent counter In Omaha. The
quality of the goods showed that this
statement waa to bo takan with allowance.
The police were nonplussed by the uou-
clmlonco of the Campbell boy , for from
the tliuo of hia arrest to the finish , ho
showed not the least sign of nervous
ness or anxiety , and when being searched
lied so shrewdly and so brazenly , that ho
was looked on as a curiosity in police cir
cles , considering that this was only a ton-
year-old. The father of the boy said
that if the judge lot him go that ho
should handcuff the boy , and keep him
thus at homo until school opened again ,
and wanted the police to arrest the boy
en sight should ho over bo seen on
this sldo of the rlvor ngiln.
The judge very wiaaly suggested to
the father that more torcu would not
make an honest man out of this boy , bnt
there must bo inspired in him some de
termination on his own part to bo honost.
The other boy showed a little moro ten
derness , bnt ho was not apparently sorry
enough to toll the whole truth about the
matter. The judge finally concluded to
lot tl > o case drop on the payment of
coats , thinking it best to glvo the boys
another chance to clamber back into the
ways of honesty.
Dr. Wiles , Eye , Ear and Throat
specialist , room 5 Everett block.
Tremendous success.
The man who makes the Hardman
) Iano is a hardman to beat. The Mueller
Music Co. , 103 Main street , only sold
seventeen slnco Juno 1st.
Witnesses Swearing tliat tbo RemovAl
of the Cemetery Would In
crease the Value of
Their Property.
The attempt to got un injunction re
straining the cemetery association from
soiling any moro lots came up before
Fudge ( Jonnor here yesterday. Attorneys
Scott and Sapp were actively engaged in
iroaalng the claims for an Injunction ,
whllo the cemetery association's rights
woroto'ng ' looked after by Attorneys
laldcno and Baldwin. The forenoon
was spout in a tuealo over logil points In
ho pleadings , and just before noon the
case reached a point vrhore the taking of
evidence began. The examination of
witnessed lasted through the afternoon.
[ n support of the application for an In
junction a number of these living In the
vicinity of the cemutory , and
owning property there , were sworn , and
Lho moat essential fact learned from thorn
was that if tbo cemetery conld not bo
done away with , the value of tholr property -
orty would be enhanced , a fact which has
generally boon conceded. On cross ox-
imlnatlon It was developed that each of
these had bought property there recently ,
ind that the cemetery was established
long ago , and that they know all about
It when they bought and built their
homes thero. There wai a good deal of
questioning Backwards and forwards
about the drainage , the gases and the
soil , bnt the most appeared to bo based
npon theories and conjectures. Several
doctors were examined at length , bat no
very satisfactory or unconditional aster ,
tlons , put Into plain English , were to beget
got out of any of them
The most that could bo'got from any
was to the effect that the present location
of the cemetery was objectionable on
account of the city having grown up so
close to It , and that thote living closest
to the cemetery stood a greater risk of
having some damage to their health
than these living further off. It did not
appear that there was any unusual slok-
llness oven among those living close to
the cemetery , and , in fact , moit of the
evidence was as to what the tendencies
were If aorno of the poisonous matter
should got Into the food or water eupp'y ,
Tbo examination of witnesses was weari
some and by no moans satisfactory to the
outalde listeners ,
Tbo further nearln ? of this case has
been continued until August 17th.
W , Ed lllam baa leturned from his business
trip to Montana.
John N , Baldwin hai returned from an ex
tended eastern trip.
R W , Nelson , of NeUon & Munper , and
his father , K , Kelson , of New York , leate to
day for Kearney , Neb , , on bui'moea.
Mm. Laura W. Kldder , wife of Rev , Moses
Kidder , of Woodstock , Vermont , is in the
.city , the meet of Mr , and Mn. J , Vf , Squire ,
Ten Tliotisaiiu Dollars Disappears from
a Bank Vault ,
No Clno to Its "Whereabouts ,
The report that a shortage of $10,000
hod boon discovered in the cash balance
of the Citizens' bunk has c&uaod sorao
little stir , and Inquiry nt the bank hn
rosnltod In the following statement of thi
facts of the case , which is corroborated
by the statements of othora who have
boon Interested in solving the mystery
If possible :
Some dajs ngo , when the cashier , Mr
Street , and the dorks of the 0 tlzons
b nk were making the necessary propara
tlons to commence buslneaa for the dny
and were placing the cash In plncofor nei
that day , they discovered that the amonn
was abort $10,000 It was the first inti
irmtlon which they had that there was an ;
chortago anywhere , and were completely
plotely surprised at the discovery. The ]
made diligent search for the nilsstuj
money In all places in tbo vaults one
safes and other receptacles where 1
might have been become misplaced
They also notified the directors of the
condition of things , and these gontlemoi
held a mooting to examine the books to
see if the deficit could bo discovered by
some error In that direction. They were
not able to dose from that source. Every
thing so far as the books are concerned
shows that they were accurately kept
The only resource then , was to call
mooting of the stock holders , and make
np the shortage in the cash assets of the
bank. This mooting was promptly filed ,
and without any hesitation , or delay , the
stock holders provided the necessary
amount to replace the amount which had
disappeared. The auditor of state was
also notified so that ho might send the
proper examiners. Mr. ilnssell , former
indltor of the oUta was delegated
for that p urposo and his report
shows that the bank is in the
soundest possible condition in
oyory respect. The money which had
lisappojxred conld not impair the bank
'or a moment , for it was replaced in kind
at once , and was available. There Is
only ono theory that can nndor all the
evldoncs and clrcnnutincoa bo nialn-
nlucd , and that Is , that the money was
stolen bodily by some thrifty , adopt out
side party , who nndor nome pretext or
mother got access to the bank during
mslnoss bourn , as the mouoy was within
roach , about the counters.
It Is much of a mystery to all as to
what has become of the $10,000. There
corns to be no possible suspicion to boat'
; achedtoBnyofthoomploytisandrotthero
can be no clue galnodasto any lutillcr ellp-
ting Into the bank and stealing thuamount.
While the solvency of tha bank is not
[ uestionod , nor the interests of the people
ple jeopardized , it is to the stockholders
and others a puzzling myatory which they
ro anxious to solve if it is possible to
lo BO.
Wants Settlement.
All persons Indebted to mo and thooo
, o whom I am indebted , will please caller
or a settlement of accounts before
Vugust 1st , as on that date I shall retire
rom business ,
Mns. S. P. JONES , Milliner ,
No. 14 Main street.
A Grave Explanation.
To the Editor of Tha BEE.
& I desire through your columns to mnko
on explanation of certain matters con
nected with the present cemetery fight.
It has been charged that in my affidavit
on the slaughter houses I swore that
odors arising from decaying animal mater -
; or were not injurious to public health ,
and that in my affidavit on the cemetery
[ swore as positively that the odors arls-
ng from dead bodies were Injurious to
public health , thus flatly contradicting
myself. Now I did nothing of the kind ,
as the facts will show. I have always
maintained , and do now , that odors
arising from decaying animal matter can
not originate disease ; that the fluids or
) artlclos of decomposing animal bodies
are capable of producing dlseaso only
rhon taken Into the system through the
food or water supply. To all tha attor
neys who have talked with mo about the
B oughlor houses or Falrview com tury
were the sentiments I expressed In
ho most emphatic language , and yet
here has been a studied effort to distort
my meaning.
Some time during the last week an at
om oy called at my cflico with a written
affidavit qnlto ft lengthy document
and asked mo to sign It. Bo claimed
hat foul odors and poisonous gases were
constantly arising from Fairvlow ceme
tery ; that the soil was light and porous ,
and ihat when there was a rain-full the
water was carried down through the soil
nto the graves where it became con-
amlnatod by decomposing bodlas ; that It
hen filtered Into subtoranoan crevices
and caveins and Into the wells In tbo
vicinity of the cemetery , where It was
Ikoly to produce disease and death. Be
tated that a number of prominent citi
zens were moving for an injunction to
restrain further Interments thcro and
claimed that the affidavit embodied the
acts as stated and that ample proofs
ronld bo offered to substantiate the
acts. The document waa handed mo to
road bnt I dlecovored that U was Illegible
and , bolng very bnsy , did not take the
line to have It "translated. " I refused
to sign it at that time and In an hour erse
so tha same attorney returned. Bo Bald
nearly all the physicians were ready to
sign it , and urged mo to do so with the
rest , which I did.
A carofnl reading of the affidavit next
day In the paper revealed many state
ments which 1 could not affirm or deny
of my own knowledge. I accordingly
visited the cemetery and made a personal
investigation of Its soil and suurronnd-
Ings , the results of which were briefly as
follows ;
1 The ground is high and rolling , and
water from rain-falls piss rapidly into ad.
jacont ravines , thence to the river ,
2 The soil It not "light and porou * , "
bnt is composed of slliclous sand and
clay , very hard and compact.
3 I could discover no ovidocco of the
oxlstonco of subteranean ciovlcrs or
caverns to conduct water into eurraucd
Ing wells ,
4 There were no "tfldnslvo odors" in
or about the cemetery , but after my In
vcsttgatlon , I soon discovered that th y
oiiittd to a nautoatlng degreu in the at
fidavit which I had so foolishly and in
considerately signed two or throe days
boforo. A , J , COOK , M D.
Sixteen acres , ten In fiult , six la garden aud
Hmberland , U loom fcouio , > Ublc , vtell , cUtern , to.
all lugo.d condition , or will trade for Omaha pro | > -
" * '
County Treuurer'o office , Council Dluffi ,
Tlie New York
552 Broad wav *
Couucil Bluffs , Iowa
ed and constructed.
in all its branches
This comi3anv have
one of the "best assort
ed stocks oi plumb
ing goods in the west
Estimates furnish
H. Birkinbine *
Telephone No. 27.
General Agent at largo
life anil Annuity I us. Co
100 Mum St. , Council Bluffs
Retail Boot and Shoo Etoro " hero tog bargtlna caa
alwnjabo found.
Pneumatic Beer Faucet
Price $18.00. A liberal discount
will be made to pirties ordering a
lalf dozen Faucets at one time.
For further particulars inquire of
R F. T7AIN ,
Council Bluife , lowi ,
Agent for Western Iowa and .Neb.
S. K.
205) ) Broadway , - - Council Bluffs
vardspilnt . . .S I
" dr
nu'jiun gingham , 1
, . 100
' bclloalr chovbtti . . 100
< good ii < otlu { . 103
< BUH Ik JOKIII. . 1 00
3ett jeana til uoul , SOc | iir yarJ ,
Doota nd eboca at prlu * an Uw 3 any bcuso iu the
a tocKHies.
lapoundioxO Hugar. . . 9 1
13 jiounda granulated nu r . 1
13 pounds cx > ' foctlonaty A Piiir * ' . 1
! "Urs wlilto lltmlan Btaii Kirks . ' ,1
(0 ( UUB Uuo India soap , Kliks . 1
J2 Wal'ilma soap , 1-uuti Dro'd . 1
18 boxes inatclioi .
UestBjiuii purillon ( .
foils riEntm , jir etilon .
Io t KLjiliih currents 14 pound ) . 1
10 ooxei icuulpoLittlB Ije . 1
itrawbmlea In . , 1
Z-pouud cans ejrup
B-x > uml t niwie | ) , luejrup . . . . 1
tomatoes . 100
I 8-pouniicuii
IBptumU MIchigandtlcJsppleB . , 1 00
10 pnucp' evaporated aiplos . 1 OH
Uirllanl clliiux tnlacco per pound . 45
Na < y plug tobacco , per paurd . CO
Na ur lloit tobiooi' , per iound . . 00
Flour , all bi ud IrouifMO to $3 CO per cwt.
Lower Than Any Other House
HOT7CK. SpeeUI a rtrtlnmenli , mo i Lo t
found , To loan , Fet SM , To Heat , Wantl , Board
' OK , eta , will b Inserted In thlj column at the Ion
/a ! ol TEN OKNT3 PKR LINE foe Ins Brit Inierllor
tad riVK OKNT31'KR LINK for otoh tnbeoqnonl In.
on. Leav * advertl m nli tl onr offlo * , Ko.
1 Blrott , near L'roadwav
Ipoil ItKNT-IIou.oMo. Ill North Eighth etrecf ,
6 roorot , cittern , bonso raided and lot filled.
In RooOtrpnr ,
T7 > OK nhNT-Honia No. 132 Hmlion eticct 3
X1 room * , convenient , and in good reinlr.
FOK HKNT-Houso No MS Scott ttrcot , thrco
rnlnutos wtlk from I'lclfle hruac , 4 room' , Rood
well , cltttrn , etc. McMahon & Co. , 4 1'ca 1 street.
IjlUH 8M.B A" elegant Wisconsin nmnncr retortl
JL1 SEO acres , UOtllhlilc , railway station amUttum-
boat landinic ; Irauio house fur IK most cad ; pavilllon ,
wlno cclUia , rutaurant , Ice house , tenement liouse ,
four cott gcf. barn , SCO trult trcc ,3 Mies prapti ,
cow , horscj , 13 boa'f , do. A flno retort , SCO feet
abovfVI contln rcr , nml 120 feet bo o ttnrtlioo
It nil pay * 5,000 n year. Address W. i : a , llBr
olllce , Council Bluff j.
F 0l\ HALE Ijvnd ) Improved "aad unimproved ,
II you want a farm In noitera Iowa , Kansaj
Nebragkk or Dakota , lotua boir from jou.
jjiOll SALE Housed. Lota and Land. A. j
J ? Pteprien on , 603 First avenue.
rpo XXCAAMI D 6 , b B , b 10 , b 13 are botclj India-
JL erontlocatl ns fcr italoor for trade.
BUS , special bargain : 400 n imt rcne.1 firm worth
18,000 , prl < o for n thnrt time $10,000 , n 111 trade
lor low pi Iced Western lands Swan k Walker.
BS01 , taddlcry Ilardnaro manufacturing estab-
lUlmeiH dock and michlneryaluo $7,000 , for
western land Swan & Waiker , Council Illufld.
B203. Mock i f dry good ; , groceries and hardware ,
\aluo , ? ) ,000 , In an goou caitcrn Nebraska tonn
or land , Hwan * Walker.
B20I , stock of general merchandise In n good
western Iowa town , \aluo 4,000 , wants an Itn
proved farm In western Iowa , bwan& Walker.
| 3 05. stock of hardware In Stubon Co . Indiana ,
JJ for land , \aluo about ? 000. Swan & Walker.
, nowntockof bar ware In a lUo Nebraska
town for land , \ lue $3,0"0. 8 an & Walker.
B2)7. stock of igrloultural linilcmentl ) and shelf
hardware , \nluo about 8.00U. v.nnta rt gsod I in
tirn\ oil farm. H an It Walker.
T > 20 } , a $10,000 stock of clothing In n good WU
JO consln cltJ In lands and btlanco cash or Im
proved security. Beautiful store room at low rent ,
swan & Walker.
B 210 , ( tock of mixed hardware Inn llto western
Jo n town for cheap lands , > aluo $0,003. Sttan
& ; Walker.
B211 , fine lirlck blockrents cll , In n llvo central
Ixt n ono room occupied with general stock of
goods , wants an Improved farm , value ; building
18,000goods 87,000. Swan& alkcr.
B212 stock nf boots , fihoei hats , caps and clothing
valued $3 000 , In one of the beet towns In Neb. ,
valued $3,000 lur.anda. S nn Wvlker.
, a ? 3,0i:0 : stock of clotHni ; . wants land In
North Western Iowa , for 0,000 , and will pay
dlflercnco Swan & Walker.
, an $8,000 nt < ck of drugs In central Ion a for
B211 ' . San & Wnlcrr.
I 21Banothcrstnck of drugs value fromJMO to $700
JD witlmtoro building nid lot value $400 In a good
' cbrn-ika town wants partly Improved land. Swan &
full particulars , vvrito to or call upon Swan &
FOR . If jou n ant to sell , buy , or trade any-
thlng , tell S. & W about it. Swan & Walker , Connell -
ell IllutTs luun
Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Window Shades ,
Linoleums ,
Mattings ,
Rugs , Etc. , Etc.
Careful Attention Given to On
of Town Orders ,
Upholstery and Drapery Work a
Onr stock la the
Largest in tbe lest
and la being continually roplonlshod by
all the latent and choicest novoltlea.
405 Broadway Council Biufis
No. 507 Brotdvray Oonnoll BlnCi.
Railway Time Table ,
Th following are the times of Iho arrival cd do
partare of trilns by oontril standard time , al tbe
local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ion nlo
atei earlier and arrive ton mlnutoa later.
IOIOAOO and nosinwuTiax.
9:25 : A M Hall aud Eiprcea OjJO'p M
12:40 : r M Accommodation 4:60 : r M
6:30 : r u Express 8:05 : A M
) ; 25 A M Mall and Express 0:53 : r II
r:26 : A M Accommodation 6:15 : r M
5:30 : r u Exprces 0:00 : A M
) :20'A : M Mall and Express (1:50 ( : r M
5:25 : r tl Express 8:05 : A K
cmflAoo. BnnuxoroK AKD qniiai.
) :60 : A Mill and Express 7:10 : r u
I ] r Ao oomm odatlou 2:00 : p u
45 r tit proui 8:60A : u
! :16 : r M Local St. Louis Kxpress Local
8.00 r M Transfer " ' Transfer 3:20 : r M
0,0fi A u Mall and Express 8:10 : r u
8:15 : r M Express 6:25 : A 11
tioui OITT AND rAoino ,
r:20 A H Mall for Sioux City O'fiO r u
r : > 0 v II Express ( or St I'aul 0:25 : * u
U.MON rAeirio ,
1:00 : A u Djnver Express 4:35 : r u
16 r u Lincoln I'ots O'a & R V 2S5 : iu
755 ; p M Overland Krprees 8:80 : A II
Leave 'Council 'Bluffs - 8 65-7:65-9:30-10:30- : :
l40 ; 0 , in. 1:80 : 2:80-8:30 : : 1:28 : 6S6 : fl:26 :
1:46 : p. in. : Leave Omaha-a.26 7:26 : c:60 : 10
-HUB a. m 12:50-8:00 : : 8.00-4 : 0 4:56 : 6:65 :
. Eice M. D.
° ' other tiiranis remnvei without the
knife or dianlngol Uood.
Over thirty jcarn pr ctlca kipertenw. COco No.
, I'ra iHtieot , Council
attorney - at-Law
I tut Vjlt Mint , lcU 7 lid
. . ' ' ( i VII ) | MI < 'i Man il < mi rru
ficeof ; ui
itandard Typewriter
At the Now Orleans Exposition.
1. The Jury of awards critically examined the various writing Jtachlnef , anJ diuJett ly , n tw
thirds vote to Rive the lilghttt award to the HKVIIVOTO.V.
. The decision ef this Jury vvaj Ignored l the commlttco of awardf , and oilier Jurors were aJtlo
conttilutlcg know jury.
8. Thl ! second Jury itin ciUteilly examined the wlouj wiltlrp ; machines , and made the urnd of *
flr t chss gold modal , tfco highest award , to the Rtvt.Nnrov SUuiUrd Typ * Wiltcr , for "jlmpllelty , dura
bility , oiso of manipulation and epeed. "
4. Tie report of this Jury was made , dellcrod to and receipted for liy the commltUo of aw rdi on
May to ,
5. Tlie raembetsof this Jury veto \erillachargcd. .
6. No other | nry examined the lUvinotovStandard Tjpc-Wrlteral Now Oilcans.
7. Iho diners of tb.i nn-trd arc honorallo ind well known gentleman. Their ft Idrofsoi arc Charles
A. Morgan , Fsq , teiithoin manigcr of B. 0. Dunn ft Co. , New Oiltoii , La. ; Kx-Ootornor 1'rink Bacan
U. S. oommlsslonor of Ktnsns , and prtsldontof the U. 8. bovd of commlstlonors , Chuiuto , Kasj Qoo. A.
Beaten , Esq. , stenographer and Btrrctaryo ! the board of U. S. corninljisonou , Columlmi , Olilo.
8. The aflldav-lfg of these gentlemen rmd the htttotyol the cantosf , which wo are preparing In
pamphlet form , wo will IK > plciwd to furnish on app'.lcatlcn.
The fellow Ing Is the report :
The World's Indiwti l l and Gotten Centennial Exprhltlon , Now Oilcans. Jury rcpjrt. Application
No. 815 ; group 0 ; class ell. foirpclltlon.
The undersigned Jurcrs In Iho above entitled clas ? , ha\liuf cMcfally ox mnod ! the oxhlblt mvlo by
B. Itomlngttn A.8tiiflllrti , Ki\v Toilend nil ccmjclingrihlbltrconcur In recommending the award
of nnist class medal forlho Standard Tpo-WrlUr , for simplicity , dumb.lllj , ouoof man piilatlon anl
Dated this I0th d ) of Jtsy , H8J. OKO 1JEATON , )
utIAS. A. SIOHCHN , VJurors ;
WIKOITSEASUNS anENEDICT , 330 Drcnilvray , New Voik.
Chicago Office , S8 Maillson St.
O , H.SHOLES , Agent ,
Council Bluffy Iowa.
Brick buiUlnpa of any kind raised or and satisfaction guaranteed. Frivrao hem
moved on Little Glimt trucks , the best In thu world ,
1010 Ninth Street , Couucil Blufla
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 9 Main St. ,
COUNCIL , - - -
Complete Line of New Goods Always on Hand.
ITorene & Landstrom ,
Suits to order in latest styles at cheapest possible prices. „ . , . _ . . _ . , , , , „
No. 205 Main St. , Council Blnfl
Regular Dinner 11:30 to 1 : O , UG cents.
505 Broad-way , Council Bluffs.
The only nil night house in the city. Evpry hinff served in Gret clMi style and on she *
notice. "ifot and cold' funciiea always ready.
Waves , Langtry and Pompadour Frizzes.Switch
es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices
cheaper than ever. Call and see for yourself ,
Formerlv MRS. J. J. GOODE.
29 Main StreetCouncil Bluff.
' '
And all kinds ol - rnuslol Iwtrutrents. - ' aiBA.TC sola .n . he JS st'is ' bias ? wer
conttaent of giving the biHt of tatlslaollon , Ilcmenbcr tto placo. Hlgn ol thu gilt org.ii
Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand
wo will fell In retail or carload Iota
II Stock Warranted as Reoresented
.S . GIILU T E II , n 0V \ L K Y
Oor. Dth Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs. \
For c o of Kidney or liver dliMBe or ( ly.pep lft. rhcuraRtiam , or any .liB-maJr/u - | < l
h n lack of natUa power , tliat cannot be cured by the use of DM. JuUd A Smith < Kloo
elts and Appll * ccs. o. 30 , Fourth St , , Council BlulTn.
In Council Illufls having
And oil modern Improvement * , call bolls , fire
alarm bolls , etc. , is the
Noa. 21D , 217 and 219 , Main Stroot.
MAX M > ! ! , - PROl'IUUTOK
TU03. OmOEB. W. II , M. TDHK
Officer & Pusev.
Established , 1865
Madams E. . J , Balcear ,
Who for the rait 10 years bai hcen pract'sln ;
San rranclboa 1 * now locattd at No 1.8 M , 6th S'r '
opposite new Opera Ilnuwj
UaJau.0 lUlccar fuaramcei to rcetore
Or tonlvo anjonoa J'ugh mustacha or bring ouk Q
na nrolh ( I ball orbjardln from four toils weokf
rlcui reasonable and BMUfvtlon yuarauteol , . ' . ,
Oancom. deafness and mpecUlly rhcumaftra alit ?
ohri nlooliiattscuicu vy auatuial glfi of liq
, JG7 , tj
jConocU BluOr , IB ,