Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE DAILY BEECOUxNfOILilLr ? ; 'WEDNESDAY , DULY 29 , 188 $ .
Wednesday Morning , July 29 ,
Of Oartlet . . . . .10 tenM p f recV
* r tail - . . . . . - 10.00 p ? yat
Roller , merchant tailor , for fine goods.
Good fall ( prlng lounges from § 7,00
np , at Mantel's.
Great bargains in cooking stoves , tin-
ware and crockery at Handel's.
The school board will moot this after
noon for the transaction of some general
The city council will now take a rest
. until next Monday night , when the regu
lar monthly meeting will bo hold.
Little Ada HCBSO , daughter of 0. K.
IIcBso , now suffers from n broken arm ,
the result of n fall from a hammock.
John O'Haron ' , Nets Peterson , nnd
Peter Klco were yesterday assessed the
usual amount in pollco court for being
Puritan Oavaller to-night at opera
The ladies of the Broadway Methodist
Episcopal church will entertain a sociable
at the church parlorn next Thursday
Do not miss Stephen A. Douglas to
This ovoalng Stephen A. Douglas , Jr. ,
Is to gtvo his celebrated loctnro in the
opera homo on "Puritan and Oavallor. "
A great oratorical treat la promised.
Messrs. John Dovlno and Ilarcourt , of
the Swanson Music company , have just
bought themselves wagons , with which
they will now work the country and pour
music Into the oars of the farmers.
Reserved seats DOe at Foster's drug
The Harmony mission ladles are to
glvo their sociable at No. 221 Harmony
street this evening , instead of Friday
night , the change bolng made on account
of thora being other social doings ar 10
ranged for Friday ulght.
The woods growing on the vacant
property nearly opposite the old court
house form too luxurious a crop , and Ail
should bo cut down , SB they glvo strangers
coming np from the depots a very un
favorable opinion of the city.
Tickets for Douglass at Foster's drug tor
store. has
A tramp was landed in jail yesterday the
who had no money or valuables , but had assc
a curious and Interesting collection of the oft
bills of faro of many hoto'a throughout the
the country. Ho was ovidonily posted yesl
on what constituted a good meal. sab
The BEE office ban added to Ita decora Idee
tions a llfo size portrait of Gen. Grant , desj
hand painted. Everybody should have tier
of those beautiful for whl
ono pictures memorial
orial decorations. The price is § 2.CO , and or
they can bo procured at H. P. Niles , 110 potl
Main street , or at ButhnoU's. asse
r < To-night Stephen A. Douglass at opera grot
house. pied
John Maher Is to have hia case in deac
quired into by Judge Aylesworth this and
afternoon. It is claimed that Maher was
so full of fighting whisky that ho tried to Indl
slug ono of hia fancied enemies with a are
stone , but did not do the David act very that
well , and got laid In the cooler. ther ton
P. 0. Ratchford one of the employes gcoi
at the transfer , has boon called upon to and
mourn the loss of his little baba , aged are
only two weeks who died
, yesterday pose
morning , The funeral will take placa at bodl
the family rojidenca , No. 1019 Ninth bodlD
avenue this afternoon at 1 o'clock. '
In the work on the Indian creek sewer
a difference has arisen between the city
city council and the contractor , and not
being able to agrao the points of differ An
ence have baon referred to Jndgo Aylos-
worth as arbitrator , and ho listened to
the statements of the parties yesterday
John Cook , who works at the transfer , Goti
had fresh trouble with his wife on Monday
day night and was placed in the cooler. was
Yesterday morning the matter was examined - nod
aminod Into , and It appears that the had It
slapped him and ho had then choked her , will
and so both seemed to blame and both instl
Boomel willing to try and live together In VOEI
peace , the judge lot them go with some aa i
good advlco as to nettling domestic dlfli- rum
Davi '
The now jsil will bo ready foe the apolM
plasterers next week , and will bo ready M
for occupancy by the first of September. who
Some steps should bo taken at once to the
provide sewerage , and as a cesspool will Johi
have to bo temporarily provided , this visit
work will have to bo started soon , If it Is B"
to be done by the time the jiil h com meriT
pleted. Supervisor Klrkwood was In tfao ii nc
city yesterday , and wag consldeiing the stori ;
matter. roon >
Samuel L DaForest , ol Hurling , was In
the city yesterday in company with Miss
Mary A. Navllls , of the same place , and
. -through the ministrations of P.ov. Father
3IoMonoray , the two were happily joined OilU
AS husband acd wife. The bspjiy couple
were accompanied by 11. Daniels and
wife , of Eullng , aad together they made Yc
a. merry party at the Pacific , and loft on
the * veiling trala for home.
From the reports of the stata geolo they
gist , lucked up by close analysis and .ex ODlci
pert testimony , It appears tint the soil a bro
found In the bluffs la almost idoutiol ely ! ]
with the celebrated Loots sail of tbo office
Rhine , which lus made the grapes of strati
that part of the world so faraoiu. There him.
ii no doubt but that this o u bo m\io not b
likewise famous section for three
a grspei , for '
iho C3iidltona ( of soil are not surpaised ho
oven by the grape region of the Rhine , and 1
while the climatic conditions are quite avay
favorable. on the
hit the
JJobert England , who has been at work tflkou :
at the Pacific house for n slort time ,
yesterday pitched on to the head waiter ,
George Barter , and Iho two had a lively
tlmo for a few minutes back of the hotelJ
England got a clip on the side of the head
which caused the blood to flow freely ,
and both got arrested , and will have a
hearing this morning , From what could
bo learned it appeared that it was a rather
unprovoked assault on Harter , who baa
the reputation of bolng very quiet and
peaceable , and never having trouble of
this sort with anyone.
They Array Themselves with Stolen
\V tclics and then Start
lor Omaha ,
Yesterday afternoon the poltco arrested
two bays , giving their names as Harry
Evans and Oharlcs Oamoron , the former
being about twelve years o nge , and the
latter not over nlno. The boys wcro
charged with stealing thrco gold watches
at the store of Mri. Davis , on Broadway.
It seems that the boyu had managed to
slip an outsldo show case around In such
sid sia manner as to glvo them access to the
door ( of the case , which they opened ,
took out the watches , aud skipped away.
They were fount ! taking the dummy for
Omaha , and as they were arrested , ono of
the boys dropped ono of the watches out
of the 'car window , but It waa soon
found. On being searched at the
station another of the gold watches
was found on a smaller boy , who had
Ingeniously hidden it In his pantaloon
leg , In such a manner that It almost
escaped the fingers of the officers. This
little follow aoomod to bo sharp and
nervy , far beyond his years , and did not
flinch a bit , but took the prooooduro as
coolly as though ho had been used to
suoh scenes and experiences. The older
boy broke down and cried , but neither
would say much about the matter , beyond
the fact that they belonged in Omaha. A
silver watch was found on the older boy ,
bnM ho Insisted this belonged to his
father. There were also found on the
bjyu some rings , two watch chains , and
setOn trinkets. Word was sent over to
Omaha to see If they had friends or
relatives there.
Fine now selections of 50 cent music ,
books < , also choice selections of 5 and
cunt music at Mueller's , 103 Malu | s
Vnotlior Cemetery Suit Started
Against the City.
The investigation of the cemetery mater
Oak )
er bringing out the fact that the city Crai
mo for years owned what IB known aa CraiE
potter's field , and that the cemetery
ssoclation is not the owner of that part
the grounds , thojo who are fighting
cemetery commenced another action 102
esterday , this tlmo sgalnst the city ,
sting I for an injunction to prevent the
utthor use of the potter's lield. Some
may bo Rained of the fierceness and goot
esporatlon of these men , by their poti- Broi
, In which statements are made tacli
rhlch csnnot seem but ridiculous to waa
hose who have inspected the comotoiy , of
who are knowing to the facts. The ofG
otltiun claims the following startling itori
isertlons : land
"That there Is within said cemetery § GO
rounds a tract of land used and occu- ly
ied as a pottera field for the burial of not
ead paupers , who die with Infections
other diseases. That there are la-
umerablo Interments therein of such w
ersons ; that they are huddled together
idlscrlmlnately ; that in oomo cases they
not burled over eighteen inches deep ;
attempts have been made by the sez- to i
of said cemoteiy to
bury paupera lor
lereln on top of each other ; that aald
rounds are permitted to be and unkept Augi
unprovided for. That the waters era
allowed to run over and Into said
raves , wash the dirt therefrom and ex-
the coffins aud'corpsea of some of the
odlos therein. "
Dr. Wiles , Eye , .Ear and Throat plan
peclalist , 5 Everett block. Musi
Irate ] Sou-in-Law Founds tlio Old
AVOCA , Iowa , July 27. On Saturday Toea
roclng , Thomas Schneider , n carpenter , men
some difficulty with his father-in-law , Ot
otfolld Nogle , an old man of slxty-aix your
, knocklng him down , for which ho thlojTt
arrested. Ho Tt
pleading guilty , was
five dollars and costs.
is rumored that the first of August tor
bring about a change in the bauidng St
ease of J. "W. and E. W. Davis. The num
istltntlon to bo incorporated and 0. N. decn :
, of the Centennial mills , to go la rosulTi
cashier. In cannoctlon with the above Ti
amor it is stated that the Hon. E W. caio
'avis Trill sovorj his connection with the of th
! and that ho will soon go to Mlnno- Its
polls , where ho will go into basinets. oTl
Mrs. J. 0. Hotzel and daughter May Best
have boon visiting in St. Louis for frolg
past ; seven weeks returned Saturday was
venlng , bringing her nloco Miss Eflio kille
ohana and frlond , Mrs. Baker , who will killeV
here a short time. \V
jilrs. E. Cook wont to Ds Moines thio
lornlng for a short visit. Is
The , two story brick of G. DIoderich a do
nearly completed , making the nicest onBI
room in our city , with pleasant BI
oma for oflioos in the second story. iven
X. Y. Mol
fllcor Klrlc Gets Onto a Draco of hoc
Thorn ] , Itut Ono Files With a .Iggs
Bullet in liia Arm , conn >
Yesterday morning two young men tied.
noticed to sell tied.Ai
Irjing some pooket An
at the T nion Avenue hotel , and dime
giving appearances of bolng crooks , The
Kirk arrested them , but ono made has
sroak and took to bis heels , making a
osalt ;
time tovrards the tnnsfer , The iiom
turned the other ono over to a Icgt
anger standing thora and put out cfter appf
After calling to him to atop and thus
being obeyed , the officer fired at him
times , and the last shot the fol-
arm dropped , as If Jilt ,
M ]
fell n little backwards ,
hit hat fell off , but he rallied and Slxti
ho aped , and was soon loit tight of ell Ing
bottoms. The cfllcer thinks ho erty. >
follow. Tlia other snipoot was
in charge by Deputy Bfirahsl
Bates , the stranger holding him llll hia
nrrlvftl , nnd was taken to the police sta
tion , where ho gnvo his name as Henry
Mi Qrovor. There were found upon him
twenty-one now packet kntres , a revolver
and some smaller article * . Ho would tay
nothing about himself , and this strength
ened the suspicion that the goods were
stolen somewhere , nnd ho was hold to
await further investigation.
Wlillo Ijltlgnttona DrnR , Our Streets
nro Liable to ltlock ( lo.
The bridges of the city seem to bo
causing much trouble , and moro trouble
is throitanod. The brldgo nt Seventh
street is not bolng used , because the
county will not accept U , claiming it la
not according to contract , nnd It promises
to remain as an obstruction , and worse
than no brldgo at al ) , whllo the matter
drags drearily along in the conrto. Now
moro trouble is threatened about the
Broadway bridge , Across the creek. The
Oaknloosa company hna injoined Raymond
mend & Campbell from going ahead
with that brldgo , end ii proceeding to
put in a bridge despite the county which
has annulled the contract which waa made
sonio tlmo ago with the Oakalooaa com-
p&ny. This bridge may bo placed in con
troversy , nnd travel on Broadway cut oil
The mayor was yesterday consulting with
the city attorney , to determine what
the city should do to protect its rights.
A Ornwl Excursion.
Arrangements have been made for n
grand excursion to Oolfax , on Thursday ,
July 30th , leaving Council Bluffs at 9:25 : ,
and arriving therein the afternoon , with
leave for the excursionists to leave for
homo nt nny lime they may choose. The
faro for the ronnd trip has boon placed nt
$4.95 , This gives the people of this vi
cinity an excellent opportunity to visit
this ! popular and pleasant resort , and to
have n merry tlmo with very little ex
pense. Those desiring further particu
lars can obtain them by calling at the
tlckot oflico , No. 507 Broadway , or by
addressing S. S. Stevens , general neont
Chicago , Hook Island & Pacific , Council
A , M. Beardaley Is reported as being on
ho sick Hat ,
Miss Sophy Murphy , of Ilnrtington , Nob. ,
3a guest of the Miescs Paschal.
Robert Kirkwood , chairmnn of the couatv
unrd : of supervisor ; , was in the city yestcr-
F , M. Gault , ngont of the Wnbasb , started
n9t oven Ing for the east , expecting to meet
wife ' in Detroit.
Charles Craig and MIPS Alma Craig , of
ekalooaa , are in the city , visiting James
Jnxig , their undo.
Dr.Vost , dentist , over BKE offico.'l '
Substantial abstract of title and real
Hate loans. J. W. nnd E L. Squirca ,
Pearl street.
I'iglit Kitting OluttiCS.
The tailoring and gonta' furnishing
oods eatnblishment of W. D , Hcrdin , on
roodway , was seized yesterday on at-
ichmonts of creditors. Ono attachment
In favor of J. N. Dasjady , on a claim
nbont $0,035. Another was in favor
Gallup. DeGraot & Co. , eastern crod-
ors , claiming $500 , and the third was a
mdlord'a writ for rent dnoMcGoetoman ,
GOO. ( It is aald that the stock will hard-
reach over § 2,000 , and the total assets
ofcover i § 3,0001
Bead , Judd & Smith's offer o $1,000
in another colnmn.
"Wants a Settlement. Rej
All persons Indebted to mo and those A a
whom I am indebted , will please call
a settlement of accounts belorc
ugust 1st , as on that date I shall retire
business ,
MKS. S. P. JONES , Milliner , Pn
No. 14 Main street ,
Tremendous emccces ,
The man who makes the Hardman
ana is a harclman to best. ThoMnoller
iusic Co. , 103 Main street , only sold
ivcntofii since Juno 1st.
The Grand Ledge of the colored
"asons of Iowa are in session at Kooknk.
The Burlington Haw key o came out
nesday morning under now manigo-
ent. !
Crcston'a boat crow is composed of six
ladies 'Must to for
tmz , sweet any-
Jug- "
The Louisa county poor houeo con-
six children , from 5 to 12 ycais old ,
whom homes are wanted.
Storm Lake reports a decrease in the
imbor of saloons and a corresponding
crcaio In drunkenness and crime , as a
of the prohibitory law.
The now notorious Sprolman pension
of Falrfield , la involving a number Pi
theretofore reputable buslneta men in
craoked and perjured meahoe , will
The wito of Hov. John Light , of Now half 1
oston , an aged lady , was struck by n F
eight train Thursday evening aa the
crossing the track and Instantly
William Shaeffijr ma"c
, a Davenport ma-
ilnlst , after notifying several friend of
determination to commit snlcldo , took
doBj of arsenic and pasted in hia chocks
Mrs Hannah Cuttle , a widow of fifty- sou
, took n dose of strychnine in Des
oinos , Saturday , mistaking It for qnl-
, aud died before the nature of her
ckness waa known. jarJ
Up In Maquokota hot week , Msry
bubbuok ! , a young lady who had soiled
good niiiio , was married to John
, a wull-tc-do farmer from Adams licet ]
unty , from whom , the Sontlncel lays , UOOtB
required the conveyance of half of city
estate before the the nuptial knot was
. Iflpoi
IS pou
ozpcse ot a Dwindle of considerable 13 pou
monsions In promised from Ida county , SO 21 bar bar
Maple Valley bank , of Ida Grove , S2b.r
recently received for collection from 18 boxen
. L mis bank a largo number of notes Bt
alost faruicrj in tbat locality , none of Ba-
have 10 t > r
aoy knowledge of over sign-
the paper referred to , which has the f-P
ipfarancs ; cf having been printed lifter 1 S-p
signature wai teonrod. IQptU
FRUIT , Na uri
Ixtorn acroa , ton In fiult , ilx tn garden and
iberlaotl , dx room home , tUtlo , t.t'11 , cittern , ic. lOT
go.d toudltloo. or will trade ( or 0D ( li prop-
COWly 3Ye urer' office , Council filuff .
The New York
552 Broadwav *
Council Bluffs , Iowa
ed and constructed.
in all its branches.
Tliis conrnanv have
one of the best assort ;
ed stocks oi plumb
ing goods in the west.
Estimates furnish
H. Birkinbine *
Teleplione "No. 27.
GcncraMgcnt att.irgo
O1 J& . "f
S. A. PIERCE , ' Gfc
00 Mam St. , Council Bluffs
Retail Boot and Shoo store "hero big Imrg&lns can
} a bo found. GfcJ
newnatic Beer Fa nCet and ,
> cM
8:25 ) :
12:40 ! :
iSO :
0:25 :
7:25 :
6:30 :
Price S18.00. A liberal discount 20'A 25
bo mad" to parties orderiup a
dox.en Paueots at ouo time. 0:60 :
31 e
For further particulars inquire of I5 r
R F. KAIN , 2ic :
Council BlufH ? , lown , 8:00 :
gent for Western Iowa nnd Web.
8is :
S. JI. 7co : ?
Broadv/ay , Council Bluf 11:00 :
1:05 :
003D3. 7es :
print ?
glnglnm : 5
- 11:15 !
. 100
< oJ 'hictin ; . . , 1 03
full Ik J.ans . , . 1 00
i > u > l shoes ut rncta as 1 jw ai auy bouse la the
. , CAN
pound icxO t'lt'ir. , , ? 1 CHR
pounJa grann utcd uu r 1
Loumh co fottlj'.a y A miK r I 3\et
larnuhUo ( luuilan * aj , Jvirka , , ' . ,1 c , r ( n
bara'lua IiulUioap , Knl.j 1
b.rBl'.lau a.u. > , La'itr Dco'd , 1
siliMn yiun , fir L-Jilon. . . ,
ith ruriEiits 14 pound *
coiilp * Ltwia lo
2-pound cans itriwlifrrloi In sjrup
B-pound cainpca-lice , In ejruji
B-pounJ OUIK tomatoes 00
ptunila UicbUandrlodapplca vo
pcurjp1 cvaj > orated at pica i oo I
climtx tiluc'o per pouuJ 45
uriilu'if tobiow' per pound. . 00
all b and * trcm JUO to 83 60 per cwt-
oworThan Any Other House
nOTIOK. Spedil a Teillsomcnts , iva it toil
found , To Loan , For Salt , To R nt , Wants , HonrJ'
loft , tte. , trill b Inserted la this oolmnn at the lo
rate ot TEH CENTS PKU LINK tot the Brit Inwrtlco
nJ nVK CBNTa PER LINE lot eaoh rubtvqugui In-
on. tear * tjvcrtloementl at oar offlf * , No.
I Street , Dtit Froainav
TjlOH HKNT Hou-o No. til North tlghth street ,
.L 6 room ; , cittern , honso raised And lot fillet ) .
In g oC rcpitr ,
POH UKNT-nouse No. 132 Ilarrlvon sttott 8
room * , convenient , and in good repair ,
FOll RKNT-Houso No (43 Scott street , three
minute ! n ilk from VacIHe hou < e , 4 room , ROC
veil , cistern , etc. McMabon & Co , 4 Tea I ctroct ,
lOll 8\LK An clceantYlscontliiiummcr retort ,
JL1 250 aero , ICO tillable , railway station andstotm *
boat landing ; frame house for hrmestoad ; paTIIllon ,
wine cellars , rcitaurant , Ice house , tenement house ,
four cott jto , barn , SCO fiult trrc ,3 actcs crdpts ,
oow , horses , 13 boatc , etc. A flno resort , SCO feet
abe > a Wl'comln rlfcr , and 120 feet M > o\o Barthoo
Itwll pay $5,000 a year , Address W. & S. , Bui !
oflloe , Council IlluITt.
I poll iJALE Lnndi Iruprtned aad unimproved.
1 If you want a farm In eitern Iowa , Kansas
Nebraska or Dakota , lotus hetr from you.
'Oil BALK Honces. Lota and Land. A. J
Jtf Ft-phon ° on , 60S First avenue.
rpo HXCAAva B .0 , b 9 , b 10 , b 13 , nto hotels In did-
JL Drontloo.itli.tu for sale or ( or trade.
B1SS , special bargain ! 400 a Imrroted farm worth
? 18,000. prlro tor a short tlmo 810,000. will trade
( or low priced Western lands. Swan & Walker.
B 201 , saddlery Hardware manufacturing estab
lishment ltok and machinery , \aluo $7,000 , ( or
western land Swan & \Vmktr , ( jouucll HUiUfU
B203 , Ktock ( ( dry noodc , groceries and hardware ,
\nluc , $1,000 , In an good eastern Nebraska tow D
or land , Swan k Walker.
T ) SOI , stock of general merchandise. In n good
JD western Iowa town , \aluo 4,003. wants an Im
nrotcil ( arm In western Iowa. n\v n & Walker.
| D 05 , stock of hardware In Stulion Co . Indiana ,
JD for land , aluo about 81.0CO. Swan & Walker.
BEOO , new stock of bar ware In a Iho Nebraska
town ( or land , viluo 83,000. Swan & Walker.
B2J7. stock of ngrlonltural Implements and shell
hard\\aro\aluo about 8,00i ) . wants a good Im
prated farm. Snan & Wtlkcr.
T > 203 , a $10,000 stock of clothing In n Rood Wig
13 cousin clU , 3 In lands and bilanco cash or Im.
; > ro ed security. Beautiful store room at low rent
Swan ft Walter.
S10 , stock of mixed hardware In a Iho western
Iowa town lor cheap lands , \aluo $0,000. Swan
& Walker.
B211 , fine brick block , rents well. In a Iho central
Ia.t n n ono room occupied with general stock of
goods , wanta an Improtcd ( arm , \aluo ; building
13,000 , goods $7,009. Hnan & fealkor.
B212 stock ol boots , shoos bats , caps and clothing
\oltiod $3,000 , In ono of tbo beet towns In Nob. ,
\alucd $3,000 for.ands. Snan& Wtlkcr.
B213 , a $3OCO stock of clotMng , wants lind In
North Western Iowa , for $0,000 , and will pay
diflcrcnco. Snan & Walker.
B214 , an $8,000 str-ck ot drugs tn central Iowa ( or
land. S nnVnlerr. .
E216anothcrstock of drugs\tluo ( romCSOO to$700
withstoro building at < 1 lot value $ SOOln a good
cbrnika town wants partly lmpro\cd land. Swan &
FOR full particulars , nrlto to or call upon Swan &
Ti'olker. Itou want to sell , buy , or tradeany-
th'ng , tell S. & W. about It Swan & Walker , Coun
cil Ulufls Iowa
& l lFF
w& fijjfi. H ( g v I
Gurtains , Oil Cloths ,
/indow Shades ,
Linoleums ,
Mattings ,
Rugs , Etc. . Etc.
Ireful Attention Given to On
of Town Orders ,
Upholstery and Drapery Work a
Our stock Is the
jest J in fte lest The
is being continually replenished by
the latest and choicest novelties.
105 Broadway Council S/ufls
3. L. UaBKVO'ISS ,
ITo. 007 Broadway Oanna'l BlnflJo.
RIB following : are tun tlmcn of the arrival tncl de ,
wtcra of trains by oentrM standard time , at the
depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton nla-
earlier aud irrlvo ten mlnatcu later. N.
tmoioo and Nocimrurriui.
A u Afatl and Kzpresa Oj o'p M
r M Acucmmodatlon 4:50 : p M D
r H Eipreas ' 9:05 : A u
A H Mall and Express 0:53 : r u iiuntE
A M Aocorumodatlon 6:16 : p u conlld
r : M Kxpreea 9:00 : A H
' M Mall and Express 6:60 : F M
r M 0:05 A
CHICAGO. iDausnitm ANH qaixcr.
J Will and Exprosa 7:10 : p M
Aa co mm Delation Zoo : P.M
8:50A : 11
p u I/ocil St. touls Hxprcea Local
OOPM Transfer " " Transfer 8:20 : p u
A M Mall and Express 640 ; p M
p u Express 6:25 : A 11
noox cur AHD r AOTTIO.
A M Mall for Sioux City 0:60 : p M
i Express for St l' ul 9:26 : A 11
U.MOS rAeirio ,
A u Dsnver Expreaj 4:35 : p II
T M Lincoln 1'a.a O'a & R V 2:36 : p 11
r u Overland Kxprcaa 8:30 : A II
Council 'Hlufla - 8.55 7:65-8.80 : 10:30-
a. m. 1:20-2:30-8:80 : : : 4:28-5:25-0.25 : :
p , ra. SCoavo Omaha 8:26 : 7:26 o:60 : 10
I a. m 12:60-2:00 : : s.oo : uO 4:55 : 6:65 :
E. Rice M , D. Its a
or other tumors reiunvol without tbo
j knifoor dranlngol tlood.
thlity years pr'ctUal experlcnoo , Cfflco No.
l'a.ltieot , Council b
And a
fill Vile Hint , ID 7 trd 8 , tHfrrt'
i. in ) VIII imi' < i dm in mi rru
At the New Orleans Exposition.
1 , Tlis Jury ofnwards critically obtained Iho various
wrltlnjc mixchlne , anl aiciJcil by ii *
thirds vote to gho the highest anl to the IIKMINOTON.
. The dcclilon cf this Jury wai Ignoiedbytho committee of awirJ ? , ami other Jurors wcroaJJo
comtitutlrganew Jury.
8. This seconJ Jury llo cilllolly examined the ar1US | w illlnc machines , ami maile the aw rd of n
flrtt cliss gold moJal , the hlghoit anariJ , to the RRMIXOTON SUndtrd T/pe Wlltor , for " .Impllslty , dar.
Willy , etsoot manlpulallen and speed. "
4. Tbo report Ot this Jury wastnaJc , dell\crod to and receipted for by the coaimlttjo of awinlsorj
Slay 20.
a Tlie momlieiaof this Jury cio n ver discharged.
8. No other fury examined the UiiMliaiCN Standard TjpeVrltcr at Now Oilcans.
7 , Ihotigncrs of tb.s nwtrd ro honorable and well knovrn Kcntltmon. Their nldreisoi are Charles
A. Morgan , FB < ] , touthein maniger of H. 0. Dunn&Co. , Kow Oilfium , LO.J Kx-Ootonm 1'rink Ihcan
U. S. comtnsso ! ! nor of Kinsas , and prtsldontof the U , 9. boird ot uomm'siloncru , Chinuto , Has ; Gco. A.
Beaten , Ktq. , slcnceraphcr and sirrctaryoi the board of U. S. commliuonorf , Columtmt , Ohio.
8. The tnidarlls of tlKscgcnllcmcn nnd the history ot the contest , which no are prci\rlng | lu
pamphlet form , ue will lie plciscd to furnish on arp'lcatl.n.
The follow Ing U the report :
The World's Indmtilal and Cottcn Centennial Exp'sHlon , Now Oilcan ? . Jury report. Aprllcntlon
No. 8IBJ group 0 ; chss OH. Comiictltlon. v
The undcrilgnod Jurors In the abo\o entitled class , bluing oicfully oxamlnod the exhibit m.vlo by
F. ncmlngton & Sciif , lllr n , Niw Totk , and nil ccmt cling exhibit * , concur In recommending tbo award
nf a first class mcdnl for the Standard TjpcAVrltcr , for Blmpllc'ty , tlurili.llly , 0130 of iiuu'pulatloii and
( peed.
Datc.l this roth day of Maj1885. . OKO IIEATOK , )
UUAB. A. MOUOVN , Uurors ;
fllANK IIACO.V , )
WlKOFr , SEAMAN'S & BENEDICT , 339 Brendway , New York.
Chicago Office , 38 Madison St.
O. H , SHOLES , Agent ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and sntiafnction gmrantioil. Frame liaus
uoved on Little Glaut truclis , tlio beat In the world ,
1010 Isinth Street , Council JJluffa
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 9 Main St. ,
COUNCIL Biuprs , - - - IOWA.
Complete Line of New Goods Always OB Eand.
Horene & Laiidstrom ,
Suita to order in latest styles at cheapest possible prices.
KcRwlar Dinner 11 : O to 1 : 0 , 525 cents.
606 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
only nil night house in the city. Every thirg Bcr\ed in first clwg style and on ahojf
notice. Hot and cold lunches always ready.
Waves , Langtry and Pompadour FrizzesSwitch
, etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices
heaperthan ever. Call and see for yourself ,
Formerly MRS. J. J. GOODE.
29 Main fotreetCouncil BlufF.
all kinds of muslcil Initrurrcnts. I'lanos ml onranssoln on the Irstallmcnt rlan. Huilol . . . - - - -
' i. . l anil repaired. Hating over 14 y.araoxporlcneo in the bualnoas wo fee
nlluent of BlUng the Ixst ol f allslaollon. Herneirbcr tto place. Sign of thl K'U ' orv > n
Keep Horses and Mules conatoutly on haud which !
wo will sell In retail or carloed lots l !
II Stock -Warranted as Represented
Wholeal8 nd retail dealo ruin Drain nd UaloJIUy. I'rlco
eonablo SatlBfactton Ou r utced.
S G TIL UTER a > B 0V \ L K
Cor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluff , ) .
any c o ol Kidney-or liver fJUormo or < J > 'ru > 'm. rboumathm , or any ' '
lack of native power , tlmt cannot lie curtd by ( he use of Drd. Judd & Uiaith d
and Appliaccca. o. 30 , Fourth St , , Council Blutfa. f
Io Council Hluffa having a
11 modern ImprovemenU , call bolls , flra
alarm balls , etc. , is the _
NToa. 215. 217 nnd 210 , Main Street ,
w , n , M.
Officer & , Pusev.
ounoll Bluffs , Iowa.
tfablished , - 1865
Who for the rant 19 yf * * le.e" K'h'
Ban Francisco U now located at No 18 W. Oth Btra
opponllo now Opera House
lladatx.0 Ilalce r Kuaraututu to rcttoro
looJ rcanonable and eatU .
0 ncei , dcaliiow andMPfcUII } rhouroa Urn and
fjTcnloclaauicuitoly auatuial gilt ol lie
. JE7 , JT. Jtfalccar ,
t It thBt. , Council lilu R