8 THE DAILY BEE-TUESDAY , JULY 28 , 1885 TJQE DAIL1 BEE. Tuosilay Morning , Jnly 28 LOCAL BREVITIES , The paving of Coming street from Twon llclh to Division , Is nearly complete , and th Uioroughfate will probably bo thrown open for radio Wednesday. Charles C. BoverldflO , the principal in the recent bank robbing escapade nnd High to Canada , ostmedjwn from Fremont Sun day to witness the baseball game , An unknown girl WAS found In a vacan house , new Twentieth nnd California street Sunday night , In the Ibroes of childbirth. Help was gammoned aid she was removed to the poothouin Constable Karll roplovlned a cow Satur day from 1'etcr LiNen that was stolen ton days ago from a man by the name of Wm Lehman , in North Omaha. Larion , however , was not the thief , lie had bought the cow in good faith. Therehas bson discussion as to how much money the Hastings loam carried away with them aa the result ot their playing. The goto receipts wore about S703 net , and of this nmount thu visitors wore allowed 40 per cent Dr. Galbralth extracted a needle yostor- dny from a childs abdomen. It is not known how long the needle baa bnon in the system of tbo child or how it carao there. It is thought that the child will recover. Joseph Sustentz , tha father of the two l > oj who were drowned sonn days since , suffered anothar fit of hysterical insanity last night. There Is now but little doubt that his reason will be permanently affected by the terrible tjriof. A comical suit has boon commencsd In Judge Sclden'a court , for the possession of a Newfoundland pup. Michael Caatollo suoa Thomai Liberty for the possession of the "purpiV w d 'ho nntmat is now In possession cf Constable King , who has replovinod it. Judge Dundy and Khner A. Trank are mailing arrangements to go out about the latter part of August on an extensive hunting expedition , They ordered yesterday morning Hie building of a new bear trap , especially for the occasion. Judge Scldon has isaued warrants for the arrest of a number of South Omaha Bohem ians who , it is alleged , have been guilty of violating the bord law of releasing a number of cattle which had been caught by 0. Kramer , and impounded. " A cordial Invitation ia extended to the members and friends of the Firat M. 13. church , to attend a social , given by the young ladies of Sirs , Hill's Sunday school class , at the residence of their teacher , 2018 Cabfoinia street , to-morrow evening. Saturday evening the police arrested Joe Melville and Prank McFarland , on suspicion of being the parties who relieved an old man by the noire of Doyle , of SlOO at Sam Bat- ty'a saloon on Thirteenth street. They will bo'arraigned for trial baforo Uladlonor , Judge Stenberg. The capital of the Merchants' National bank has been increased from $100,030 to S2CO.OOO. The surplus fund is now 550,000. It is gratifying to note the growth of this in stitution , which is one of the oldest and beat eatablinhed in tbo city. The Merchants' National bank Is deservedly enjoying n larpe share of public patronage , and this now chatiee of Its business basis will Eorto to strengthen the confidence of its numerous patrons. A team of horses belonging to a man by the name of "Van Doren was standing hitched In front of the opera house , yesterday when one of them became frightened and com menced kicking. Thla rrftule the other horse restless and before long they were both on the sidewalk kicking and stamping at a frightful rato. The buggy was completely demolished nnd the harness torn to pieces before they were separated. Senator ManderBon has just recsiyoJ n telegram from Washington informing him that as member of the senate committee ap pointed by Mr. Hendricks to attend the Grant funeral ceremony , he must come eist immediately , The committee is composed of Senators Logan , Hawley , Ingolls , Hampton , Morrlll and Manderaon , and will proceed tiiBt to New Yorkthence to MountMcGregor , then to Albany and then to New York with the funeral cortege , Loud complaints are being made of tbo garbage caits which ore driven through the atreota in such a careless manner as to spill about two-thirds of their contents before they reach the dump. A long trail of swill is left behind each out which is disgustingly ifonaivo in odor. The driveis seem to take no pains to proveut this nuisance , but on the other hand appear to spill tbo garbigo inten tionally for the purpose of lightening their loads. „ Nebraska Loan niul Building AIBO- clutlon. Subicriptlons can now bo made for shares in the first series by applying to the secretary's office with Jeff W. Bpd ford , 213 South Fourteenth street. The paymonta are undo monthly at rate ol ono dollar per share. Out of town parties wishing to sub scribe for shares in tbo Nebraska Loan and Building Association can do BO by communicating with Secretary F. J. Borthwiok , 213 South Fourteenth Street Omaha , who will bo paasoJ to furnish any information desired FOR SALE. Two frame houses. Newspaper Union 12th and Hownid. Tlio Grand Unlly. No event has attracted BO much tuten tlon within the past few weeks as the grand rally and masi meeting of citizens at 1110 Farnam street , at the Misfit Clothing Parlora. Over 1500 of Omaha's representative citlzsna were present and participated enthusiastically In tha exar clses of the occasion. lion. William H. Curtis , of Boston , was elected chairman ; Maj , Charles Goldsmith , of Peorls , III. , recording tccrotary , and Hon. Boiij Woolman , atsletnnt recorder , The pro coedlngs of the assembly , which were ol a highly interesting and important nature , have been engrossed , and are ready for infection at 1119 Farnam street. One of the btst features of the surprise of all who aesemblcd there was tbo licenuo which wis extended to them of carrying off a baby with thorn. All who wish to avail thcmeelves of the double privilege of examlng the rrcord of this important meeting and procurlcg a Landsoma infant should call at or.co at 1110 Farnam treot. For Trade Nniico conuty lands for slock of gonrrtl morobandho or hard [ ware. Address John Llndeiholm. Con tial Oily , Neb. COUNTY TAXES. XIio nobnto Allowed In ttio Sinking Fund Tlio Assessments Hits Tear mill Iinst. The county commtaitonorsrocolrod yes Unlay a telephone message from Lincoln to the effect that a redaction of something over 50,000 had boon nllowod Douglas county on her elnklng-fand nsscsjmont for stnto expenses. Though this Is hardly as much of a reduction as the commissioner , ] hoped to have , ntlll It amounts to something , and will bo appro elated for what It Is worth. The following are the ratios of the county atsestmonts for 1883 , aa just ro colvod by Connty Olerk Learltt , com' ' pared with those of 1884 : 1885. 188 . General fund. . . . 5 mill. 1 mill , Sinking fund. . , . 2-8 mill. C-8 mill School fund 1 mill. 1 mill. University fund. 3-8 mill. 3-8 mill. Capital fund. . . . 1-8 mill. 4-8 mill. Reform school fund 1-S mill. 2-8 mill. Institute for fco ble-minded. . . 1-8 mill. Live Block in demnity 1-10 mill. Total 7 19-40 mills. CJ mi llu. The total valuation of Douglas county this year is S12,7C7H0.80 , as compared with $12,053,375 90 for 1884. The total ixssessrnout this year la $05,434.40 , as compared with S82,8GG. % for 1881. It will bo aeon that the nsscaamout this ? oar Is about § 13,000 raoro than that of last , the Increase of property valuation being but $700,000. As proving their claim that Douglas county Is over .isicsiod , the county com- niaatoncra cited to a reporter the 'act that Douglas county Improved lands tro assessed about one-third more than ; ho other Improved lands of the state , and her unimproved lands throe-fourths nore. For example , In Sanndora county , n which the farming land la just as good uul as highly Improved na In Douglas , mproved lands are assessed bat $3.01 , as against $12 40 in Douglas , while unlm- > rovad lauds in Saunders county are as- eeaed $2.15 aa against $10.20 for Dong as county. OMAHA , Nob. , July 27 , ' 85 To the Editor of The BEE. Knowing you to bo liberal in allowing > Goplo to ttato their grievances In the columns of the BEE , I beg you to give pace to the following.quotations slipped rom the Commercial Age , an advortls- ng sheet published by a rival institu tion : "Mr. B , BuBsell , who acquired his iresont proficiency aa a penman in the lollogo last winter , has been employed by ? rof. llathbnn , of the Omaha Business Jollogo. Thus the Omaha Commercial College fits young mon to satisfy the de mands of every calling and profession. Several others nre ready to supply other nstllutlons. " In publishing this statement the pro prietors cither labored under a wrong repression or willfully misrepresented ho facts. It la a fact that Russell took a onrso of lessons in their school. It is Iso a fact that ho is at present in my chool , but as a ntndent Instead of a eachor. I lot him speak for himself. Respectfully , GEOKCIE B. RATHBUN. OMAHA , July 27 , ' 83. I took a four months' course in Pen- nanship at the Omaha Commercial Col- ego , run by Rehorboughs. I visited ? rof. Rathbun'a school and was shown he first display of ponwork I had ever eon. Not feeling satisfied with my blllty in that direction , I made arrange ments with Prof. Rathbun to take a ourso In Ornamental Penmanship and > iy for it by canvassing for his Inatltn- lon. I have been a student In the Omaha Business College less than a month and feel that I knew very little of ho sclonci of Artistic Penmanship before coming hero. Respectfully , B. EtrssELL. THE MAEKET BASKET , Tlio Delicacies to l > o Fonna in tlio Locnl Mnrte. t'ISII. In the froah watac nrticlo , white fish , , rout and baes retail at 15 cents per pound ; whlto pickerel la Boiling at 10 cents ; cropplo and perch can bo had for L2 cents ; catfiah soil for 15 conta a pound. Blue fiah are Tory plentiful and arlng 20 conta a pound. Fresh Colum bia rlvor salmon are worth 25 cents a pound. The salt water fish are very scarce , an the weather Is now too hot to chip thorn. HEATS. The beat cutn of sirloin soil for 15 cents , rumps and upper part of round steak at 121. ' Roasting ribs , firm and juicy , can bo'bonght for 10 to 12A cents. Yoal Is extremely acarco and comes high from 25 to 20 cents , according to the cholconcss of tbo part. Sweet broads can 1)9 purchased at 25 cents a pair. Corn beef Is selling at from 5 to 10 centi , ac cording to cuts , Prlmo leg of muttons can bo bad for 12i cents ; mutton chops 12t ] to 15 cents. Ham la a staple article In good demand at 12 " cents In bulk , 25 cents sliced , Pork 10 to 121cents. . Sansago 10 to 12 ' cents. Spring" lamb is selling for $1 for'fore quarter and $1 25 for hind qnartcrr Spring chickens are worth from 30 to 40 cents aploco. FKUITS AND VEGETABLES , Old potatoes from 85o to $1.00 a bushel , The Colorado and Salt Lake va rieties are worth $1.10 to $1.25. Parsley is sold at 50 cents a dozan. ITomo grown cabbage ia bringing from 5 to 10 cents a head. Freeh radishes are selling at three bunches for 10 cents. Oncuiubera sell for from 2 to 5 cents apiece. Fresh homo grown lettuce , nearly out of market , h sold at 3D cents a dt/.sn. Freeh tomatoes are In lively demand &t from 5 to 8 cents a pound. Green pois sell for 45 cents n peck. Marrowfat poaa bring 45 cents also , string bcaus 5 to 8 cents a quart. Wax beans can bo bought for C to S cents a quart. New potatoes are worth 15 to 20 conta a peck. Green onions nro sell ing at three bunches for a dime , southern onions three pounds for a quarter. Hint Is worth 5 cents a bunch. New turnips retail at 25 cents a peck. Summer eqnash ara beginning to cnmo ia and sell for 5 to 10 cants ouch. Car rots are worth 5 cents a bundle. Green : orn If coming In very lively and la soli ng for 8 cents a dozen , Southern egg slants ore worth 15 to 20 cents aploco. Southern muskmelons are worth 25 to 30 cents iach. rnum. The local markets uro well stocked In the fruit line. California oranges bring rom 25 to 50 cents a dozen ; Moaslnas soil from 30 to 40 cents per dozen ; ban anas , fresh And ripe , are very plentiful and can bo bought for 25 to CO cants dozen. Black raspberries sell for 21 to 25 cenU n quart. Gooaobnrrles are worth 12J cents a quart. Hod rasp berries 30'conts a quart , blueberries 12 to 15 cents a quart. Homo grown black berries 25 cents a quart. California fruits are In the market apricots 15 cents a pound , poaches lu to 20 cents a pound , plains and green gage lu cents a pound. Bartlett pours 15 cents a pound. Watermelons soiling from 30 to 40 cents apiece They are of good quality. Southern poaches , just in the market , sell fcv from $1 to $1.75 a box. EOOS AND BDTTKn , Eggs have a standard price of 10 cent a dozen. Butter , boat dairy and creamery ory , Is selling for 20 to 25 cents a pound , Suppressing Snml y Fionlci. CHICAGO , July 27. A movement to GUP press holding Sunday picnics In the vicinity of Chicago was begun to-day by the filing o A bill by the states attorney to enjoin them n the town of Jefferson , near thjs city Thi bill declares that idle nnd vlcioua people frequent quont that place Sundays and indulge in drinking and fighting And other sham of u orgies In such manner as to bring disgrace upon the town , Absolutely PwreB m powdoi uorcr varloi. A rcnrvol cf pnrctj t 03ith ; ndwholcsomonc8i ! . Uoro oconomlcalthin alt orJInary kinds , nd cannot bo eo'd In compctl- Ion with the multitude of low teer , ohcrt wolghl li n nt physubito powders. Bold only In cant I , KAKINO 1'OWDEIl CO. . ICd Will Qt ; H. T Smoke G-HiMark & Go's Cleveland , O. , Celebrated 'lucstS for 25c ck'ar in Amcrlci , and Excelsior 6c Cigar Fro eminent abo\o all others. Our Cat Does Not Scratch xcclsiorSc Clgir aboro all competition , for sale and controlled by D. W. 8AXE and J. W. BELL , Omaha. Kcnnard & , Illgeg , Drugj , Lincoln , Neb. O. B. Chapman , " " " Kvana & Judson , Du8 , Hastings , Nob. Dowty&Chlnn , Drugs , Cclumbus , Neb J. O DeIIa\en , Drugs , Couno'l IuD ! ! , Iowa. Delia Morgan & Co , Drugs , Council Bluffs , loua QuaBchrnga , Books , eto. , Fremont , Nob. W. II. Turner , Books , etc. , Fremont , Nob. H. II. Whittlesoy.Drugs , CreteNeb. 0. P. Ilondoraon , , Grand Island , Nob. Apollinaris NATURAL MINERAL WATER u Issues from a spring deeply embedded in a rock , and is thcrefort of ABSOLUTE ORGANIC PURITY. " Oscar Liebrelch , Rcgim Projessot , Uiii'vrsitv cf Berlin. "T/ie only water safe for the traveller to drink is f NATURAL MINERAL WATtiR. " Sir Henry Thompson , F.R.C.S. Lond. England. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. Of all Grocers , Dwsgistt , < & Mia. ll'al. Dealers BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. SPECIAL NOTICES. All adv crtisemtnti in the special columns uill tit charged at the rait of 10 cents jier line or the fittt insertion , and 7 cents per line /or each ubse- juent insertion : No advertisement mil tie tnserted for lees than ! 5 cent ! for the first ( im TO LOAH MONEY , T OASB Made on real estate security In amounts of X-JgCOI and up ; call for terms. Irank L. Everett , 609 Farnam. 203-Aug 15 MOSKVTO LOAN III Bums of 810 030 and upward , _ on flrat clas luslnfHj city property , for (1 ( per i i Ii'o ceinmlisions of any kinil ehareod. O K. DM Ifl , Bpcc'al ' Lnan dK'cct N , W. M. Life Ins. Co. , DOS r'aruauiStreet . TO LOAN At once Mid without delay on MO.SKT rca estate , In large or email imiunts on time to suit. Loans inadu a'bo ' on collattrtla , chattels or any good etcuntj , jrcnipllj , qulctlv and at the oueet possible rat 8 Apply at thoOmaha Fmau cial Kichangc , U03 rarnunut. , uj > 8talr9 vain Xf OMIT 10 loan In turns $200 and upwards on 1)1 Ural-clips real oeUtoeocurltJ. Totter & Cobb , 1616 Farnam et. 71J-U VJ-ONKY LOANXIJ t 0. F. Reed fcCo's. Loan office .VI on furniture , rlanos , horteo , natcons , personal property of all kllidi and all otho nrticlea of value , jflthout romoval. Over Ut Ifotlonal Iianlrcoruerl8th tud Farnam. All business strictly ooofldontlal 720 tf l/f ONKV To loan on chattels , Woolloy & Harrison , VI lloom 29 , Omrha National bank building 721 tl Ft/TONEY / TO LOAN On real estate and chattels .VI D. L.Thoruae. 72211 H-fONKY Loaned on chattels , cut rats , H. K .Vltioksta Duu6'ht and cold. A. Ffcrmin,213 S , 13tli Bt 723 tl rONLT TO LOAM In sum * of tiCO nud npvrard. .Yi 0 , r. Davit and Co. , Heal KsUto and Loan igents , U05 Kunan Bt. 72UI * WANTKD FEMALK HKLP TITAMED-OIrl for KCnenl hOUBewcrk.at NfV cor \ \ 13thand Lcsvonvvorth Ht. 157 2d TASTBD-Aslrlfor goaeral hojiework at No , 623 fl as int St. 46)27 ) TT7AMID i.competenttlrl to du sicondwork , \ \ lert wazes , Apply to Mis. Ceo IT. I'rlchett , sos s. isth at , " " " - W A \-iro - Olilfl813 Chicago St. ; small famllr 45S7p Trt Two first clwi laundrcssei , Arilr a V > thoU zzens. * 25-lf AVTF.D A Rlil In a small family , wages fJ. 251 Douglas St. 410-tf 17 A\TKI > First clats cook nd UunJrcM , 30 I Farnam Mrf. J. if. Thurston. 403 tt , n A gill for general housawork , at Os boa Uouso leihEt. , bet. California and Cass. 8)327 W ANTFD Olil ( or general housow.rk. 8. .K. ( . 'or Farnam and 20th St. 40) 27p W I A vi KD A dining room Rlr at 1011 Oodgebt. 3K ! > tf W A eroi elil for general housework , a 831 S. Twenty-fourth St. 02 tl W JLNJKD Nnrso H , 1903 Karnam street. 220tf WASTRD-Lmly epotits JlOa day with mv wen dcrful brand mw rubber undergarment for fe males ; ladles pa wild over It. Madam I. Little , Ho 413 , Chicago. 111. 133-1 WAXTBD-imls wlehmgKOixl pUcii In hotclf , prl Mkto fimillis , cooks , dining room clrl , lltchcn and laundry work da , cm l njs DnJ giojplici and gooil ntpis , ? 3 , $ ! 50 , $4 and ? i [ > cr wick. CM onUmnha Knjilojmcntllurooii ) , 1120 Farnam ek WANTIID LiDT/oriVTS-Noveltles In ladies' an chlldrcns'wear Over 10 new designs Noth llko thtm Bell is fast aj thown Over 1,000 agents rnako $700 monthlv. Address with stan\p K II. Campbell & Co. , 0 South May ttreet , Chicago OIljltZB YT/AMRD Throooiporlcncod women canvasser * Vr 0 per day , guaranteed ; room 7 , Kodlck block 870-tf W ; AMRD flret-olitta ilinlnR room ulrl M tbe Jlct- ' rojiolltun hotel ; none otncr need i > ply. 824-tl WAITED MALK HELP. " \\7'ANmi Two flr t.cU cornice makers , u ? > otliorn ne d rp" > . I > . Orilil , id and 100 llroM < wttj , CouncilniutK 478-18 V\T"ASTKD Ouo good reliable mlddio nxav riau TT for city cinvatslng. Call 121 sjuth 10th Bt. 4 < 8-28p cooler ) to inaUo laril tlcrcoja Sioux O.tj. J 3. K ncogo&Co. IDOiugllp i man to work In nhnloaulo , mo nlth some ixperionco as billing cr shln't" ' ) clerk , rnxtcn , G l aghcr & Co. 417.1'Hp i Agcntsln cvprv Btato > nd count } ti Tf Bell a now patent article I'atontcd 1SS5. Sell at sight HanOled exclusively by ai-ontf. Tinltorj arslgncd to good canvasser ? Kor catalogue * , ad drcs , with ilamp , mentioning this rarer , CIIAS SCHOF1ELU , 177 L Pallo street , Chicago. Will as llgnetato territory to rcspcnsllile men. 440ii7p WAMEO-Mcssongirboy , the IJradstroet Co. 413-25 rltuationaipalceman , best of rcfarcn Iddro'pC. Ti I' Omaha Hce 3 * 0p W -Live Cama'scr * In ovcrj countjTn the 1'nhcd States to tell io\'s PVTXST - - - which ccmblneatno Sad Iron ? , 1'UI'hcr Hutcri.i , one iron coing the \\rtk of an entire ect of crillimn , Irons. ! < < Bill bolting bj gas or ilco- lamp COPS AltAI VIT1I HOT I.IIUIr.NS. t'llco moderate A largo nnd lieling IIROIIIO Insured to Rood c m crs Addiis' , for clrcuU t , &c , tot 3iD 1ROJ. CO. , 115 llcnde St , N V. tlB-Aug 3 [ Ono good man , In o ery township In II each country toeell goods ( Intoro lucrsslllc" . > o competition Silai ) $75pcrmontb Incloro76 cm Is foretinplo AdJrcean > land & Uabnurnc > , SOS State Ut , Chicago III. 310-27p A OK-NrawAMrD. Address bt , touts Hcctrlo Ltmp 1 XCo. . St Louis for circular , cuts nnd tornn of the ctndlcponor liarsh Electric Lamp. 3 WANTKD Agents In o > cry county to solicit for the Mutual Benefit APtocUtlon of Oiu.h , Nob. Call on or address Otto LcbcckHcictary and General oral Malinger , 1222 Farnmi street. 748ntigl SITDATIONSVANa'ED. _ YA/ANrrD JJ > ajounginan.Bomo TI lns am dork in a dry goodd etiro. Address B. n. Jiee olllco. 400 S7p WANTED Situr.tlon by Drug Clerk , German , sin.'lc , SO j cars eld , long exjicrlcnoe , csprcl- all } In praotlcil chcmistr } and manufacturing. Best recommendations also from last cmrloTcr. Address DruggUt , Iowa House , East Ues Mclncs , Ia. 859-2SP MISCELLANEOUS WANT3. WAMRD--A Hoc of eemplcs for \\liolefala gro eery bouse or good commission bcu'c , by a nuu ur.o h.ii ft lirtco trade In Northc'n Nebiaska. Ig now on the road to. 'lake on commission. Address A. I > . K , iOi H 13th St. , Omaha , Neb 455 28p To renter Ieasoa5to7 room cottage , . with bath room atid Urge yard , In west or lorth Omaha ; muse DO In first claes condition and lu good location , a. A. UtllUth , 1'u 1 Agent , U.I' , Hy. , dtj. 4EG-27P AMBD Lady to loin another , with room , 10112 I'aclBcst. 417-2gp -To adopt lezlrnatc female child , under WAMFDTo flvo jeara old. Box47 Burtharu Nebraska 4lS-31p TTio a : RUST In private family , furnlhhed room ; Jbba It desired , 812 22ud near Lcnveimorth. WASTED By August 1st , a cottage of 3 or 4 ro.ms. Mate locatlcn , terns andwatcrprlvllege. Ad drc33 lock box 289 Omaha Neb. 414 29p TTfAMFD Partner silent or active In goodpij'.nj V > established business , tapltul required $1500. Address E. C. C. Bee ollco. 383-27p WANfBD 600 people to bring their watches to Edbolm & Erlckton's to bo repaired. Satisfaction guaranteed. 134-tt Kvcry uly In need or sowing raa- /AMlEli to BOO the new Improved American No , P. E. Flodman & Co. agents 220 N 18th. BSOtf FOB AENT IIOUSES ANJ > LOTS. POR RUM Now 0 room cotUge , bard anil soft 1 water ; at 2131 Chicago St. 459-29p FOBBI".T DroomcottoKO , nlccl ? located. Inquire J. II. Hpctumn , 12'.li ana Douglas Hts. < Gl-lp FOR REST llrlck cottigc , 0 roams ; $20 a month ; 11210 C.-Ulfoinli fat. 402-29 FOR BFNT 1'or two inontb ; , a beautiful furnished cottage house at a nominal rent , elegant } ra ocitlcn most deelrable. Amei 1007 Karoam St , 410 28p itK.NT Store with four ro ma In rear. Unit $25 FOR month. Inquire 1318 Douglas. 4.9-Vugl4 House 4 room at alnut and Ith Ft. FORRBNT 810,8tabo$2por ! month 1) & M Land Olllc S. 13th St. J31.29p RKNT A front oilier In Krtnzer IJIoclr , orp. J'oitOfflee.V. . G. Shrlvor , OPI > . 1' . O. 410-S8 r At 1610 r rnnn street , two nicely JD furnished fiont rooms with use of bath roorae. 430-tf FOE HKM House 7 rooms and Mtcheo , completely furnlilifcl thrnijbout , on lOib nearHarncySt. , 6 rooms rent for S58 per month , good Ideation for loiplng bsaidcrs , entire outfit for $500. W. Q. Bbrlvcr , opp. Post Ofllco , 419-28 I Cheap store , 311 N. lEth street. E 876 31p : fM llou oSrocni' , collir , haid and tolt water , CorUtbaml 1'aclfl' , G room house 3 loscts and pantr ) South 15th liotvvoiii Center and ) orcas , each ten dollars. 11 K. Oopson. iOl-tl T7\OK RUST Store room , 1111 I' nam Bt. API ly to J.1 O I1 ! > > la&Co. SH27 TpOR RUMlieantllul uuburban icsliicnco property , L' 4 ocimof ground , hr o lionsoV roonu , Una loci * Ion , ejilendld lew , etc , or lll toll ImrrcnotrcnU . with 6jou8lca o of Kr nnJ at a aicrlllca. C K. ilajno & Co , ID'.h aril farimm 313tf Bilck h IDO 10 rooms , suiu'lo ' for boarding tuue , < .in St , between lltli bud Utb O 4 JI j 10 .t Co. ICtb and r rniin. 2J3 tf R M Helms of 0 and 0 wove In No 1 IOIA- : FOR Ap , Ij Moillesot C. I. 'J\i > lor , a\V. oor. 4th ard Doiulaa. 176 f f7ou KM A tulldliiK 52x61. Inijulro at Io-ton I dr > h'oods etuic , . 10th tt , 33btl Ooi RUNT A tttl > le Hr 8 her o3 ono black routh H ol tba U I * , dcp t In ulro of U. Ice , urocor , 22 Loiv.nworth. 7B4tf [ jioa MKM Ui/liu.o Oro'.iiu , IIOIKO 10 rooms. J , t1 1'hlipi Hoc , fiowatds.nd Campbell asi-tf KOUMS JfUU iiftrt I1. rVirnissT Twon'o Ij fnrnlilud rioj , NW ror. 1 SlmtnlSt. lliri's Avu. 40uf F70R RKM Nitelj lu'iilthcJ room ; bath room con- Jjntctlou , attCOS Iblh tt. 4tMi ! | . HKM FurnlilioJ Iront roomvvltbur without bwrd , 1714 C'allluinU at SKflSSji Tj on RKM llooms , with or wthuut bjard , 1S 2 i t\r L rgo furnUhoJ front room , with board 1019 CaplttlAvo. 419-SOp \T-Largule ) aiit front room , Uircl.liul BVoKR , 1513 J onoj street , 438-iOp I ormt-ST-Nlcsli furtlshcd rocrni , 2C5 N Uth St. F U23p RrxrKlifgut newly lurnith rjomi , ICI' | V Foa ipUoj Avo. ijith roro , gas , n bllla ty climb , I ; iV ) l > I J 1110 TIBIE ! 1110 1312 DOUGLAS STEEET , 1312 OOZMZIE TO Q-ZROIIEIIB1 By the foreclosure of mortgages hold upon tlio stock by cistern capitalists , for tnouoy nilvnticod , an 1303- s have been issued to remove the stock to H1J ) Faniam street , nnd consolidate with the stocks from . . . " " J J v av \ * * A y UWJftU WA. VL4U IIUVA O VJf HJJ ± | f HbtUl Jlf till 11 signs and made up in the highest art and elegance during PANTALOONS , WHAT $3 , $3.20 , $3.80 , $4 , $4.3O$4.60 , $5 , $5.40 , $5.85 , $6$6.5O , $6.65 , $7.15 , $ T.35 and $7.80. Iii suits purely made by n merchant tailor for n particular nud single individual. See what $7.80 , $10.25 , $12.5& $14.10 , $15.30 , $17.60 , $20.15 , $23.- 80 , $26428.35 suid $30.2O , will provide vou. This opportunity to provide younolE with clothing , cut from the finest and most durable imported and domestic fabrics , at prices cheaper than tro cheapest , orcompirutively at y..ur . own price , is one of a life time. If you can use A SPRING OVERCOAT See those cat in all conceivable styles for less than cost of new material. Sapnrato garments , consisting of coats , pantaloons and vests , will be on sale for selections. An early visit is solicted : , for as the sale developes the stock : will diminish. F OB BKNT Furnished room 1813 Chicago St 404-ISp fT'oii Rrvr Koorrs Nlotlv film shed room ) with V board , llooms S , r > 0 to S',75 per week , bnud S4 , n brick house , lath riom acco iuiodatloiii , 09 N. 7th. 416-31 p fjion nrsT-At ISn rarnaru , nicely furnished froat L1 room , Fultillo for t o gcntl men ; 1130 of liitb n same lljt i ; rctr.nc 9 required. 410 31p F I OR K iT i I urniehcd rooms , 010 1' oitant St 422 ZOp F I OR KKVT riiaaiut furnlsliocl front room , mltablo fortvvo gentlemen , C14N. 18thSt. 393-27p F OR RUM Two unfurnished rooms , 1417 Harnev. S92-27p | 7ios IIKVT ' 1 tvu ilvionc olliccj in JJusnman'a block. L' 834-tf ] F I OR RGM Fiout furaUhed room , 1 017 Chicago 385-tf St. TT'OR ' RUNT Handsjmely furnished rooms , 1701 J ? Capitol Avenue. 3J7-28p ] F I OR BENT Room. Inqulrj drug ttore cor. 10th acd Douglas S33tf T targe , hacdsomclv furnUhed room * , i ; tlogls or en suite , modern conveniences ; excel tent board for gentlemen , 1718 Dcdgo. 31 Hf FOR RB\T Itooms In 1013 Chicago St. Aprlv to O , K. Davis & . Co. 844-27 Tjiott RENT Double pulor , furnlehod ; also i ? loom , furnKhed , 1800 Chicago St. 320-27p FOR RK.M Handsome funilbbcd rojma , 1816 Dodge 252auzl7 F I OR HUNT furnished room , 1717 Gibs street , "re. Joo. IJeatty. S19t ( FOB REM Furnished rooms , 1517 Davenport St. 159-2Sp Inon KMT-Suite of newly furntencU rooms , IBtl 1 California at. E. D. Van Court. S73tf riOR HKST Untti'nhh d rooms In Boomer's block ! Cor. 8thand Howard. SDOtf FOB R T Furnished rooms for light houBecplnfr , in llccmcr'e block , Cor Sth and Howard 70911 RKST With board , nicely lurnnhed south FOR room , with use of parlor ; also go * , and bath 1100 ones St. Blg-tf FOR nK.NT-rieaaint room furnished , 1423 Howard St. 427-tf [ jVR RKVT Voi inanulao'urlnc purooseg or hall , t ? argo room 44x75 , Sdfloor , Wo. 110 S. Uth Bt. , nnulru at 1409 Dod o tt. A. J. Simpson. 714-tf 87' FOR ' HKVT-Centrally located furnUbed rooms at 1 ? 623 south 15th St. 713-tf nfOR BUST L rKo front room on first floor with or L1 without board ; Inquire it 1901 JTtrnam St. 87-11 lOOlTfl With boarddoblrabefor ! summer. Appl } bat H . Chailes Hotel. 710-tf JiOU tiA.LK llUUSUb JjUTS. FOR BALK 1'onj ; kind and gentle ; iultibla for small 1)3) ; f35 , Doogoan 135th. 4l-29p POR HAIR At a great bargain , half lot nitb now ; cottage , G rooms , now barn , well , cistern , etc. , cirner Grand asd Tier streets , onu block vest of Stundcrn. Tfrme , cnsj. This Is a nlco place and heap , C , K. Uavno & Co. , 15th acd Ktrium. I71-2J TloiiSAlK Full Ioton22nl near Mason St. , 2 house , well cittern , cast frrnt , sill 1 tear ago fo 3 3)0 must be sell bv Au. < , let 1SS5$270 ? . \V. Q hrhcr , opp. Post Ofllcr 4JO-S3 TlonmLKVa'inuli ' prtpoitvormloSW cuiner 1 of 14 li end JoiHBPtrcut. LotH 132 feet ( xiuaro Ith Impiov eincntx , r jut'iu fur f 23 J lur month , line iniioo fir 8o. illation ; Union I'acllle iilrdjcd to pen 14lh s'loetto south next ( pi lug. Apply to IB 1'oabjdj , No. 1407 JOUCB street. SI 1-3 VORHALB Leavlntr Om ln I will eell or lease on 1 Jont time , a tlnonuw ? room hous3and furnlturo ho house has all modern imprtneioeiitband flnolo- > < ! n. 3 blocks f rom cuurt houso. Addrosa F H H , 17 S. IBth street. 2S7tl or4 lot * Marlrn I'Jacowll ; | trade for rceldonco rvvo pay difference In cub. Vf. H. Green , over t National IMnk. . 70381 rr OR Ai.ii-S3 foot o i fuming between 19th and0th * with house , ,703. Uodlord St Senor 717-tf ? oii Ai.it-tarohouio ( { , newly built , 8 r ems , all 1 tnolcrn Improvements with i ot , at 1710 Caas ; Inquire at prcmisoa. 7S7tl 7Vii ) SAtB. ISO If ct front on Virginia avenue , ono ' block /rom / head of St Mary's avj. $3BJO for I , orSl.MW/orhalf. / W. II. uroon , orer lit N - onal liauk. 6" > M roR flALK-Kcrtv tots for ( ale on Burl ruid Cumlnca i bttwcu i S9th and 81st chtap , Insldo property odford & boucr. 729 tl FOH SALR MISOELLANKOD rroBBAtB-ToloU m IWIum Tlice one tlock ' Ir-mHtiitoar track. Ji.Ulro | 218 S 13th Et , 401tf oa.a iK-100Ios,8prlnrIlll : , will eoU on easj n tarruJ. tmlofor Iraiiroved propcit ) nd pa ) dll- eteuco l viiluoj lu oa ij er aisume in'iitiraiet. I'ar- IM can fliU cheap norms an I advaittH'eom ' 'BIJ ' V. II Orooo , ovv IttNatl innk , tola arft 4C8tI -Furniture acd lease ol bjaidlue hou Addiess L , M Uee oSlce , 275-i9p JRUJ3MPTNG Manufacturers of Ornamental Dormer WindowH , Window Caps , Metalic Sky Llghta , &o. Tin , Iron Slate roofers. 510 S , 12th St , , Omaha , Neb , Work done in any patt of the country. Fort SAI.R Three lots ia N.V. . part of tliouttj ; beautiful locilion : l\\o blocka frometrect oirs ; $400 cacli , on niontlilj paimcntf. These lots are north raoro inonoj than tbo price asko * . but will bo ( laced out at oiuo. C. K. .Mnjlie Co , J6tb and rarnam. -170 L-J FOR SAI.K Or would trade or a good liorso and bug ? } ; 80 acres In Gcsrcr county. Applj to 218 South 13th S'rcet. 240tf FORSiLR A sir > oar old horse , \kOfght 1,300 Ibs. 1810 Webster street. 290 25p , FOR8ALK A nlcooung toimnf marosKOod bug gin and harness. Inqutro at Edholiu & i rlckEon s opp. P. 0. 132 tf I POR SALK At cnil 01 liith at. ci- Hoc , alot lEOx ' ItO frut ; will sell at a t-nr aln Make a bid ; tblj la a cbance to make something ; don't let It slip. C. K. ilajnOiV Co. , ICth and Fernam 403-20 FOB BALK Boiler and cnclno , 20 horse power bollll fcnd engine , In good running order ; want to ecr for the reason tl > at they arc not largo enough fo the now machinery which wo will put Into our row building on Hartley St. Clarke Bros. & . Co. , 1403 DouglaaSt. b47tt ' A * LwATS on hand at a bargain , No 1 second hand XX carriage phaeton and side bar buggics alBO urn- brollas and sunshades , at 1409-1411 Dodge st , 893-tf Foi BALK A good plino , cheap , Mrs. A. C'aldcr- w. oed . , 1018 California bt , 7I2-tf REAL ESTATK. FOR BALK Wo ba\o a lev , rplendld lots for 'file at S300 each ; best locality In the city fora private residence IhoBtrcct cara will soon run In ( rent of them Terms easy nnd wo will flo every assis tance to purchaser. Cunningham & Bmnrian , HIS Dodge St , next to postolllce. 453-27 TX7K have some splendid proper ! ) for ealoon Vi Loavcnwortli Et Cheap lots for tale In Lowo'fSmltIi' and Kount < ! OH addltlcns Cilanlngham & Brcnnan , 1115 Dodge St. ncxtrcstoUlco. 45327 Prcoi'Kim fnrealo n all parts of the clljc ; ll and ecu our list , Cunnlngbim t llrounan , 11)6 ) Dodge St , next 1'ottolllce. 453-27 D A carriage blaLklinltli by Gratton 4. Urummond , ranlago ruanufactuicrs , 1315-17 , Hameyat. 45128 IJ OKBALK MicBiitlliil little nine on Worth 18th U Ht. , lull lot , neat cottage , $2,030. Easy terms. 0. K , Jlajno & . Co. , 15th and r > arnam. 472 31 FOR RALK 100 Iot9 Ill K Iby Thee ; prlescry low ; Call andsco thooi Cimnlniiham A. Brcnnan , 1115DodgoHt.next I'ootolllco. 46327 KxciiNon-Impro\ed and unimproved Unda FdR Nebraska and Iowa to exchange for Omaha property. MoCague , opp postoltce. C89tf ] /OR SAW By Cunningham A. Emmati , 110 lots of ' the host property fjrprlvato rcsl lences In tha city. Improvements will soon bo rnado that will en hance the value Iinlv 100 inr cent. Too prices are low ranging from 300 to 85W and tlio term ] itru r ea'y 1'ooplo ol modnrate mtans will HnJ tbNa raru opportunlt } for securing a horco or miking mono } TorHilo A 1 lock ouDoJgoStreet , contilnlng lh IctH8 li5. ! All will bo aoU for fd.OOO. IbU U oa ( > of access anu a dccldol hirgaln , Kor Silo 100 feet on Farnam near f'ourt Houso. Kor bale * grocery stcro In good localltj , waok can be had ut valuation Kor halo-Cheap lot ! In Uarlman'i , Kountzj'a arid Lowes adaltlonp For Hilo-Auulntsln t'unnlnghamieub division. Kor Kent Uouaes and olllrcs ' Ilocm'6 and 7 Aillrwton llulllin ? , no t to Pojt ' Oflloe. Cutnliigham A Ilrcnnan. lOi-tl IIousD anil 2 loU at a birgilii $3,500 J ITioRHHK Street , worn to buldfuur moru IIOUJBS , 'er ' rent. Two tlct'Jlit lots Sh'nns Additions , 2fOO Larito houto oiUtwol ts IUn ( oiu I'liJJ , 6009. lloiiao t n 1 1 Jt north 19th hr , O'jU ' House and htlliirwi Add , 1209. Ilouiuandl tS Ibl'i Ht , MO Houto and lot I'aclllo Ht , near Dcimt , 3SOJ. 2 houses and lot on ( a9 lit , near lull. HoussdidMH ISth bt ,8 0 Firm land lu nonly every county In norttieru No- bra ko. O K. Uavlsi.Co.li05 Uanum Rt. - HASK Ilust uiiuocupluUKiuiiiid in tno ty lor X' warehouse housoS7fcetlronion I/Jivenwoitti , north bit lOlh and Uth.wlll eajufor 03 years , Dud- ord k Bauer 730 tl BUSINESS OffANOKS. /OR AIKTho stock , \lurt8 , building , lit mid } 1 goo j * 111 of a furniture ( .tore , ilolng a tr 'l biui iMJln ii Hvu Nibfiak.i tOAii , no cpponti ! < n ; tfuuil rta oDH 'or silunwlllull ; thovp. Addr < Hi Pumt- : uiu Dealer , oaro of the Ueo , Omiha Neb ) li- ) OHSAUA rcalairant , bU bu alu , In a line l > - I 1 lutlun , lease ol > rJUIu < lur ten moitths ; good C rale Hsavins \ < r tolling , ti vo other Luilnoin to tttendto Adtlrtwh I' . , Btoolllce. 4E > Ott 'on BALK -Drug ttoru locited In b st farming I rlnristol loa Salun of U t 4 } ais average tl,000 , Alllluvuli i a\j silt ? lOi,0c tn ( ilvu.KooJrra- Hug. M , FOR BALK Axle ( Jreaso Works , 2716 CumlDg St. 411-Jlp "I70RSALK Ono nloj fruit stoic , In No. 122 N 10th v JL1 St. 421-3lp \ FOR BALK-Laucclry ilolD'n good business , will bear tlio coi ojt Inv cttlcatlon , satisfactory reasons for sclllcp : . Call at 1512 Howard St. 42i 27rji ! "IT'ORRKST Or will exchange for weatorn hnds , the _ L' bestlocatsd livery birn In the cltv of r-hcuan- doah Iowa , without stock. Enquire of J. F.JIcGjgy , bhcuandoab Iowa. 335 28p ATfASiKii To soil ( 'rugstoro at render , Neli. AdV - V > dro33 P. G. C Box 10 Ponder Nob. S78-29p FOR TRADR Nance county lauds for stock of gen eral mcrchandls or hardware. Adilrcsi John LIndcrhclm , Centra City , Neb. 342aug21 F'OK H ILK Store flxtuicH.vory cheap , at a 09. loth Street , Omaha S L. schw.irlz ; 29 2 SOp To KXCIIASQK A , $9,000 stock of bran now hard ware , direct from tbo factory , for good Nebraska or low a land. To rent Four splendid ofllces. S79 tf R. 0.1'ATTKHSON , 18th and Farnam St. fllo yxciiANUK-For Omaha or Lincoln loildenco JL property floueo and grounds lu Kcd Cloud , fl.OOO. 1000 acres Und In WtbHcr county at t0 lur acre , no Incumbraii o. Hay 0. BooKcr , Rod Cloud Neb. 1 = 8 30p FOR BALE Steam flour mill ; capacity 120 bbls. per da } ; elevator capacity , 20,000 bushels ; good track facilities ; only mill In Ounha. Will soil or tiado for farm.propcrty . Valued at $20,000. W , II. Oreou ever I Ft National Bank. 705tf BOAIIDING. 73pu AND BOARD-SI porvvookot Cor , of 15 and JDUavenwcrth St. 824-27p PERSONAL. AQUirr MOMB Cor ladles during confinement. CorrespondenceLJiilldtntlal. Address Lock Box 39 , Lincoln , Neb , DOS-Aug 12p "F K. * CUKIJTKIIFIIII.D Mngncllo phjalclan , test and JL/ developing medium , over fllfl coith 18th St. 6&3'J2 - LOSTj\ND FOUND. Lour Jletwmi Karnam slrfet and tlio U 1'depot , is woolen sack containing $3) . Description glv en and reward paid at llco olllco. 47481 LnflT 1 mourning locket ; a sultibl ) reward vvil' beglvciiby leaving same at Lctllo & Morrtl , druggists , 412-27p f ' i'r Two medium sire ihrk brown mule ; , TALI'S * joars oM. Owner can hava same by paying for notlco and damages , at 1 < C Knewnld , heal of at. Mark's Ave. 444.23 CJiRATKDORSTOLits A ( orrcll nnro with whlta Q star In the foreheal. Km lor will rooelvo a llbor- aTroward by returning her to Cuuilii'd i , Qnlnn , gro * re,13tli and Chicago street G.17-lf MiSOELLANEOUS. J V MUcHwill , niedlifn for Imlo- pendent ilitowrlting , wliboiDaponoll , und other ixtraordlnarv minilettat on , hai rootm at lira. Hooper's llN latnht absilip U 1 * . Park luoitod 12 inllou B. W on U P. Tim , Is now open to ttio public and cm by rented 'or plcnlcjand eoclal itherlnga Hpi-clal ratci lor 'aro Klvcn. For terms , call or oddreeill , C. HJmouck I'aplllion , Nob. Wl\t \ _ furllui l9nill , I i /HlluMuM / UIJUU mnrcd fur ranch purpvej pleai j ctll at Homaii 9 Uvcry utable , 413Boith 13th strout , Omjh * Ji-tl Olmw Bii/v7 u TAU , uoc < ii Jt give jou hiurt Imru , Oracaioili.oinedat ouo cent , BiLh by thu dealerj l'c > cko Ilroa. , Agouti C 3-tf On Ukborn ana Platte. T. Murray. PAUIUUU 740 * OU WBIIVIIII tAU , It fruit flivoroa , tixa redoeuuxi Latno cent each by tba dc-ilors. I'vyiko Broa. igects _ _ BIKU rlON on banjo glvc'ii by O K I buck , at 1116 Cjplto ) tve. ) \jui4n aid neairma'a ol-aned In at. o. ) iou IRIVI . A. Kvans , 120 i Dodgt. it OIIKW bii/vtK TAO , U uoob nut. taint tau bream , Ujc Orcaioniodat uuo cest : h y tbo dMierB. 1'ojxk Ur04 , Ak-onta. rljU-tl "CHICHESTEFI'S 'Iho OrlLTlnn.'i Mllll 4 ul.V fr o l- ) U i .Ik K ' - ' JmarlklrulPI'aUm. h li i I. MO lu I nC5. | A U ' " < DruiKl'.i ( < , r "tlililirritr'ilWlMi i I > n.ul r j r c Jo. UM 'ur IMUI il r tit I liar < r rllurll mull. iu1 to. , Tctda iupjll [ d by 1. A , VuU'i & Uo unel ?