Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Tuesday Morning , July 28
BUBsmurrioN BATES.
RfCarrlil - - - - - - - SO cento pet woe' '
VrWall . . . . . . 110.00 per y
Roller , merchant tailor , for fmo goods
The little son of Chief Walters Is qnltt
tick with cholera infantnm.
Great bargains in cooking stoves , tin
ware and crockery at Handel's.
Sehlonter & Bowloy have- sold to Dr ,
R. I , Mattlco of Omaha , a fmo Ilauible
tonlan single driver.
Genuine Turtle Soup , now aaur krant
and liver dumplings to-day. All friends
Invited. St. Louis Ilonso , 700 Broad-
It is said that John Jay Fralnoy Is try
ing to got his bonds fired up so as to
clinch the Indian agency , which now
acorns so near and then and again so far
Charles Fitch was ycaterdiy fount
guilty of stealing n revolver from Mattl
KIscher , and sentenced to ten days In
jail , the case being heard by Justice
Schurz ,
John Maher was just full enough o
antl-pi'ohlbltlon yesterday to think ho
could lick anybody living. Ho was Ice
Into the city ccolor and given n chance to
modltato over the K attor'
The fire lads of No. i eRV that ovcn if
No. 4 got first water at v'ho second fire on
Sunday morning , It was No1.1 mJob. . cot
first water at the first fire , and that , Joe ,
right in No. 4'a own district.
The Infant son of Arthur and Cirri o
Clark died yesterday of cholera Infantum t
The funeral will bo hold at the residence f
No. 41G avenue A , this morning at 1 ! a
o'clock. Mr. Clark la the veteran steward 1T 1
ard of the Pacific house , and many frlouds 1' '
sympathlza with him In his sorrow. 1't.
The funeral of Mrs. ( HaUlo Wolis , an lltl
account of whoso death by laudanum has 1
already been given , was hold yesterday , 1b
Rev. J. Fisk conducting the services. Cld
The brother of the young woman , who Clcl
was telegraphed to como , did not arrive , cltl
and the condition of the body was ouch tl'u
that further delay was almost impoislblo. i :
Three yonng follows helped themselves alw
to a bit of slumber In Bayllsa park yes a
terday afternoon , and when shaken up d <
by the park policeman and told that It ni w
iras no hotel , they ehouted ( something niat
sounding very much llko hot-el , and 3at
grow so boisterous that the cliy marshal at
was called to guldo them 10 the cots In o
the city tavern. W ;
Ono of the city's pot nocloty young ple
men is said to have found some difficulty e
yesterday in getting off for a little re u
creation at the summer resorts. He la u
aald to have secured enough for hla ex r
penses by leaning his watch to a friend , x it
but to have boon ntoppod at the depot by ith
the sheriff who attached his baggage for a h
tailor's bill. It IB hard flying high in c
Council Bluffs society , for the tailors 1h 1
hero seem to have hard hearts. 11
Stephen A. Douglas , jr. , Is spending a 11h 11o
flay or two in looking over the city , and Is o J
greatly pleased whli its appearance and
location. Ho is making headquarters at
the Ogden house , and to-morrow evenIng -
Ing ho will glvo his lecture at the opera
house on "Puritan and Cavalier. " Ho
has Inherited much of the eloquence of
Ms father , and the people may bo assured
that they will have an oratorlcal.treat In
hearing him.
The entertainment of the Young Men's
Christian Association that wes postponed
from last Tuesday evening on account of
tbo storm will bo given to-night at their
hall , corner Main street and Broadway.
The programme will consist of readings
from "Josiah Allen'a wife , " elegantly
Illustrated by tableaux ; of an impersona
tion of "Tho dyiag Alchemist , " by Mr.
Frank Ohamberlln , nnd recitations by
Miss Hatchsr. The programme will bo
Interspersed by orchestral music. Gen
eral admission , 25 cants ; children 15
Ofticor Smnllen yesterday received
ruoro bad news , his brother , sister , and a
nleco having died , all within a few days ,
of the same dlsoaio which caused tbo
death of his ether brother , which occurred
a week ago. These deaths occurred at
Mlllvlllo , Ponn. , the disease being a sort
of typhoid malaria , which is raging as an
epidemic there. In that little town thcro
liavo boon twenty-five persons talea
down , and of these fifteen have died ,
and others , among whom are three
others of tha Smullon family , ara lying
very low.
A. Grfiiul Kvouralon.
Arrangemento have been niado for a
srand excursion to Oolfax , on Thursday ,
July 30th , leaving Council Bluffs at 9.25 ,
and ariiving there In the afternoon , with
leave for the excursionists to leave for
homo at r.ny time thry may chooao. The
fare for thu round trip has been placed at
$1.05. This gives the people of this vi
cinity xn excellent opportunity to vlail
tlila popular end pleasant resort , and t <
have a inorry time with very little ex
peiiBO. These desiring further psrticn-
lars can obtain them by calling at the
ticket cllico , No. DO ? Brosdnay , or b )
addressing S. S. Steven * , genural aztn
Ghlrngo , Rock Island & P.iclfio , Oound'
Bluffs. _ _ _
Committee on Artillery.
The comnititt'0 appointed to call on
Gen. Dojriud , as to procuring artlllsry
are ordered to ba at John Lludi's oilici
at ' . o'clock tharp , Tuesday , the 28-b
lust. W. F. Sapp anil Goorga Cais i
are added to this ojinmittne. By orde
of -j JOHN Fox ,
. Chairman of Committee.
Dr. West , over UEE oflio ) . '
Substantial abatruci of tltlo and rea
* wUto leans. J. W. and E. L. Squires
102 Pearl street.
Road Judd & Smith's offer o 51,00
o/i ard in another column.
The AllacX on the Ccmelery Pirns t
1)8 )
Suoh is tfco Verdict of the Boari
of Health ,
The Attorncjs Charged with Insult
ing trio uonrd ,
Yesterday morning there were a good
ly number of the citizens who went on i
visit of Inspection to the cemetery , to se <
what occasion there is for the howl ralsec
by a few property owners , who feel tha
their property would bo Improved bj
having the cemetery abandoned. Among
these who thus Inspected the ccmotory
were : Horace Everett , J. P. Casady ,
John Hammer , J , M. Phillips , Samuel
Jacobs , who have been the trusteed of
the cemetery for about a quarter of a
century ; Mayor Vaughan , City Auditor
Burke , Alderman Straub , Gels , Shngart ,
Bennett , and Slodcntopf ; Dr. Soybort ,
the city physician ; Dr. Dootkln , Dr. Gor-
ion , Dr. Barstow , D/ . Rico , Dr , Alli
son , Dr. Judd ; Attorney Haldono , Hen
ry DoLoug , Leonard Everett. Dr. N. D.
Lawrence , Ex-coroner Faul , Tllton , of
; ho BEE , Hunter , of the Nonpareil ,
tVhlttlesoy , of the Glebe , and others.
The onpportors of the move to do
way with the city of the dead did not
int in any apncaranco. The visitors
ratted for a tlmo hoping that Col. Scott
rould put In an appearance , and show
tiom some of the graves whlgh ho says
ro so shallow that by digging down a
lot or so the cofiiu can bo struck , Ho I
Id not materialize , and to a hunt for
toh graves was made without him , but
jno could ba found. In the potter's
ild , where , if anywhere , there would bo
it to bo carelessness , sticko several feet
length were pushed down Into graves , 11
thont reaching tbo coffin , nnd the city 11
yelclan declared that it was evident ]
oy were buried deep enough. In the t
vest part of the ground ? , and In a par-1 ]
ular sort of pocko1 , where water would s
turally settle if anywhere , a grave was I a
Ing dug for the young woman who t
ninitted sulcldo the other t
f. This gave an excellent 11
uico to BOO how the ground was. Alii
nigh there bavo boon such heavy rain-13'
Is for ft week past , the ground , oven I o
this low spot , was as dry as powder , It ]
or leaving the surface. The water f (
rks company was also digging a shaln
r trench for their pipes , and at the 01
pth of a foot below trio surface the soil
9 dry , despite the rains. There was
; a amoll to bo smelled , which gave
r hint of offenslvencss , and the hunt
the terrible gases , and awful carrion ,
I deadly waters , was all In vain.
ese present seemed unanimous In the
ling that the howl about the cewatory
3 a farce , and that a more suitable
ce for a camotery could not bo ae-
Chore waa shown to bo plenty of
iccupled ground to bo used in the
nre , and there was no such showing of
as bcs been talked of. The
tor's field comprises an acre and a half ,
; one-half of which has been used. ra
is part of the cemetery was deeded to fc
city for this purpono over twenty fc
IB ago , and has been owned by the foal
r ever since. The cemetery agitators al
nld therefore commence against tbo
' Instead of the cemetery association if In
y want to stop the use of this , which BC
ma to bo the roost objectionable Inat
t of the cemetery to thoao who have at
h aristocratic notions ai to bolleve that atg
in after death a poor man hcs no right g
uo placed in the vicinity of a rich
pae. PI
) e. Invrranco freely gava his opinion PIm
to the character of the soil. He aaid m
it It waa the greatest disinfectant to bo
1. lie had used thin neil In earth clos-
, and preferred it to anything oho.
: er each a closet had been uocd the
ell was all gone in fifteen minutes , and
all the teats which had been applied
B soil had shown itself to be unequalled
a natural disinfectant.
Eloury DoLong , who has had a great
\l of experience In well digging in thla
I , eald that there wore anurnbar of
lls over a hundred feet deep the trails
which atood lor years without any
Ing away , showing that It was all
usonso to talk about there being any
ipago. Ho refers to ono well 117 feet
jp which has been used for twenty-five
ira nnd which Is not bricked up. In
a well the old spade marks allll are to
aeon , and the walla of the well have
t changed a bit. Ho also says that in
i cemetery one would have to dig 225
t to otriko water , so that It is foolish
talk about the graves pollening the
Dho sexton of the cemetery , Alien , has
m In that position for twenty-one
iru , and ho denies emphatically that
f < parsons have boon burled lees than
) regular depth under the ground. Ho
0 bears testimony to the character of
1 soil.
i'ostorday afternoon a full board of
slth met , and the lobby contained a
tnber of prominent citizens Interested
the cemetery matter.
Ool. Scott , as attorney for the objec-
4 to the cemetery , filed a protest
intt | the council taking any action , it
log In the hands of the court The
otrut accuses the board with having
iifederatod with the ofljcora of the
.livlew cemetery to manufacture testl-
> ny to prejudice the matter in the
art , and unduly influence the judge.
Ool. Scott eald that If It was n fact that
D potler'a fuld belonged to the city ,
it put of the cases would bo dioppcd
The protest waa put on file.
After aonio discussion and sparring , the
ard hold a secret consultation and prc-
rcd the following report :
Whereftf , Complaint has been made to
H city council , ea a board of health ,
at Fulrvlow cemetery is a nuisance , and
iigerous t j the health of the people of
Id city , nnd su examination of the
rnohos been personally made by t aid
ard of 'health as a committee of the
lole , and an investigation has been
udo by eald board , and arguments
, ve been heard concerning and relating
tlio eatno question , and being aatltiioii
qt we have authority to aot in the nut-
r , raider the ititutes , wo find from
rioiml examination , after the srgu
cnta made for and n aln t the question ,
persona concerned , that Fftlrvlew
motery haa not control of wbut Is called
o potter's field , wherein the bodies of
tor and Indigent dead persons ara
irled ; and that the said Falrvlow cen >
ery IB in good condition , therefore bo
Revived , Bv the city council of the
ty of Council Blnlls as a board of health ,
mt In our opinion the trii cemetery Is'j '
la good condition and well managed nnd
car id for , and Is in no manner unhealthy ,
and that no gases lasno thorefrom dan
gerous to the lives and health of the
people of said city.
On the call of the aycj and nays the
resolution was adopted by a vote of 5 to
1 , Aid , Mynstor being excused from
V6iug ! , ho being ono of Iho attorneys
teoklng to get an Injunction.
The following filiation was then of
fered and adopted :
Rssolved , That the protest filed thle
day by 0. it and E. H. Scott and others ,
bo expunged for the files of the board ol
health proceedings on the ground of be
ing impertinent , tffjnslvo aud unjnstlfi
Col. Scott stated h otly and forcibly ,
that ho was not alone responsible
for the offensive document , but that nil
the attorneys In the case must divide It.
Dr. Wiles , Esq , Ear and Throat
specialist , C Erorott block.
For Paying a Nuber of the Slrecls ,
Other Doings ot the Council ,
The city council mot yesterday after
noon ,
A potltion of property owners on Benton -
ton Btroot , was presented asking the )
council not to establish nny grade. Filed.
The potltion of property owners on
Sixth street , between Ninth and Tenth
tvonuos , asking for permission to put"Tn j
ioncroto curbing. Referred. j
A petition was presented asking for
roialnga on north Seventh atreot. at
ivonaos E and H. Laid over. I
The following was presented and
dopted : I
llosolvod , That Willow avenue , .fromI ,
'hird ' etreet , East side , to its Intersection I
n the cast side of Main street , and Bry. '
tit street , from north side of Broadway '
> the south aide of the bridge scrota IJ
idian creek , and Second street , frora
s Intersection with Fletcher avomso on ]
10 south sldo to Ho intersection' with c
roadway on the north ildc , and Park !
'onue , from its intersection with 11
roadway on the south aide to Its inter-
ctlon with Pomona street on the north 7
b , and First atroot , from.lts . mterjec-
m with Broadway on the south eido L
its Intersection with Graham avenue ,
paved with ce J-vr block pavement , and IR ]
ouch manner as th city council may dl < j |
jt and provide by specifications for the
aatructlon of oadd pavement ; and thnb
3 city engineer prepare opecificationa
1 the saino without delay aad in con
stion with the the city clerk proceed at
co to advertise for bids fo"the bulld-
; of aald pavemsnt , to bo advertised
1 cedar block pavement of the kind
i quality laid In Oakland rvvonue , the
. & lur said work to be niado upon the
ir following modes :
L Payable In csah for all o ? any part
or bolero throe mouths after the work C
i besn accepted by the connoil.
t Payable in intersection paving
ids , issued in accordance with the acta
the twentieth general assembly for the
't ' chargeable to the city , and in
clal assessment paving bonds , loaned
iccordauco with the said act for that
i chargeable to the abutting property.
I Payable in intersection puving war-
its drawn upon the intersection paving
id credited by the levy to bo made
that purpose , in accordance with law , . 1
that part chargeable to the city , pay- 1I
0 in tbo order of their issue. 1g
. Payable in special assessment pay-
warrants drawn upon tha special ai- g
ament paving fund , credited by asscis-
the coat against the abutting property I
1 tbo collection of the name tor that
't chargeable to the abutting property ;
iso warrants to bo special warrants
, lnst each and every phco or parcel of
Ul bids must bo made upon al ! four
des of payment or they will ba re- 3
tod. Tnla Is required to enable the
mcil to avail itself in whole or In part
either mode of payment , and giving.
i benefit of the coat proposed to thoao i :
iporty owners who prefer to make pay-
nts in cash , and also to the cily In caio
i council succeeds in negotiating the
Vn ordinance was passed establishing a
.do . on Second atreot from Grant street
Fletcher avenue.
Dho city engineer wan instructed to
iparoan ordinance establishing a gado
North Second street from Fletcher
: nno to avenue G.
\n ordinance was also passed oatab
ling a grade on Benton atroot.
Fine now selcctlona of 50 cent music
aks , also choice selections of D and
cent mueio at Mueller's , 103 Main
: is at Last Taken to the Peniten
Another chapter has boon added in the
10 of Dr. Crcsf , found guilty of the
irdor of Dr. McCnno. As moat know ,
. Cross has boon kept In the jail ut
oawood , and the sheriff has been on-
nod from removing him to the pent-
itiary , and a motion has been pending
bavo the Injunction removed. This
itlon has boon granted , and the In
action dissolved , and Sheriff Farrell on
nday n'ght ' Blurted with Dr. Cross for
irt Madison. Ho will thcro remain
til the dsto fixed for his hanging , next
no , unless the appeal now pending
tkes Borne change in the arrangement.
a attorneys have nude every pcojlble
jrt to lni'p him ont of the penitentiary ,
t at laet ho has gouo over the road.
1 J. LTelmer , of Atlantic , waa among thoao
ISoclitelo'a yetlciday.
Mi * BOS Katie ami Nottiu CJerner left yea-
day for a mouth's \ieit to friouds In Mia
in ,
3apt , 1) ) , IS Frnluoy now goca to Lcuiilnna
a bunincta tlip , aud from there to Waeh-
; tou \leltthu preeidcnt ,
lloyal Amy smiles as ho tells his friends lie
the grand father ot toy twins jast born to
r. aud Mre. Henry Holtz , In Sioux Full * ,
, T ,
Mrs J , T. Clarl : , who has been \Uttiug her
other Hecoider Cimti.b'rH , in this city , left
uterday fir her home in Mason City , where
r husban J it capagbtl In the practice of
Mri. K. Fitch , "ho hai been with her
uahter , Mri. Chambers , wife of the county
colder , and who hat been quits ill here ,
, 10 far recovered n to be able to eturt
uteiday for her home in A\oca.
Tlio Snlooni nnil Sporting House
Must Contribute to the Ultj'fl
Ko vcn tie ,
At a mooting of the city council las
night , the celebrated pop ordinance wai
amended and pasted again. The license
for saloons being reduced from $400 ti
$300 , a year , payable $25 per month it
advance. The bonds are also cat dowt
from $500 to $300. The aldermen an
unanimous in declaring that the aalooni
who don't pay their licenses must close
Sporting houica aud gambling hous.'i
must also pay monthly fines. For thrci
months the saloons have been rannlcf
without paying any license. In view ol
the state prohibitory law , Iho pop crdi
nonce only licenses saloons to sell drlnkt
not prohibited by the state law ; but it It
understood that saloons paying the city
license may toll all kinds of drinks and
the city authorities will close only thoEc
saloons which refnco to pay.
ItoiiifintloCuplil ,
Quito a romantic marriage is on the
tapis , the happy man being John H. Col
ling , a telegraph operator in Denver , who
has been In the west for aomo tlmo in
search of health , having left his eastern
homo on that account. Ho has gained
by the change , and yesterday arrived In
this city , looking quite well and hearty ,
md was feeling cipeclally well , on :
: ount of expecting to moot here the fair
ady who la tobecomo Mrs , Collins. Her
lame ia Miss Hattie I. Pease , and her
lorno la In Greenvfllo , IN" . J , , from which
ilace she started so t\a to reach the city
aat evening , the plan being to have the
redding performed hereto-day , and then
0 proceed together to their now homo in
? enver.
Jlonl Estate TrAiiBl'ers.
The following nro the transfer * of real
itate aa recorded in the ofiice of the
sgiatTtir , and reported to the B.n by
. J. Stcphenson , for Monday , July 27 ,
Alexandar Watson to Hans Peters , lot
nnd 2" bloei 0 , Farley's addition , .
Thomas , T. Chirk to Martha Clari , n w
Df n e ji 76 , 41 , $1,000.
A. J. Fluid to J. M. Estees , port of a
1 of H o „ ' 12 , 73. 40 , $7ci
aherill' tu B. S. Walker , n o j of no ]
d n o ] of u w J II. 75. 44 , $470 50.
John Lf anthem to E W. 3Uymond ot
lot 20 , blcck 17 of Wllliansa liret ad-
ion , § 375.
Total sales , 32176.30.
Tlie Hew York
5553 Broadway
omici ! IBlulaS , Iowa
70R1T.S and VEM-
ILATIOH design-
1 aiidconstructecL
L all its foranclieso
his coniTjanv kave
ae oftliebest assort-
1 stocks ol plumb-
ig goodsintlie west.
Estimates furnish-
H. ! Birkinbine
Manager *
[ Telephone No.
General Aicnt at largo
Sb iviwvt a\J > urn tSm tri ? , Wv
Life aiul Annuity ins.Co
II ) Mmi bt. Council Mluft-
( tall Hoot oadShne btorc bro binliaru ,1ns can
uH tie 'itund
Istdoii aoiw , ton In l.iilt , six tu K'rdeu and
I erland , * lx room fcou e , > Ublu , will , uwttrn , EC , .
n go d ( . .ndltlou or ill ttadolor Oruala JHUJK.
* V. A'KLLJilt ,
County Troaiur t't office , Council liluOi.
HOT1CS. OptoUl ft Toit'somotle , lug ti Lot
A < To K'lti W nts , Bo n :
, 'n ' 'W * column t lh Id'
ttto ol
led mS OKNTO PKH L'lK ' ' " * "abwqotnt It
on l r n.lvcrtli-emenli M oat offle * , Kc.
, 011 llENr llnu-oMP. lit North Klghlh street
1 1 6 room ; , cittern , honso rilled auil lot filled
In ftoC rcpur.
llhNT-IIoiuo No. 132 Harrison street. !
FOIl * , convenient , and in good rcptlr.
T710H KK.VT-1IOUJO No 4S Scott ttrccf , thtei
JL1 rclnutci ntlk ( ram I'iclflc houe , 4 room * , gooi
well , cittern , etc. McMahon i , Co , 4 1'ca 1 ftrctt.
ITHltr8&LK Ar7cIetnntliVlioon8lii ( ( lummer retort
JL1 260 acres , 110 tllhblc , railway elation itmlttoMn
bott landlnz ; frame house ( or hcmcalcad ; pavilion
wlno cellars , rcttaur nt , Ice house , tenement liotito
four cottigcs , barn , SCO ( rult tree,3 acics prnpts
cow , horscr , 13 boiif , etc. A Dno retort , ICO feel
kbooMcontln r\cr , mid 120 ( ect abo\o Barthno
Itull pA ) $5,000ncar. Addrcsi W. * , S , 1)KI
olllcc , Conlicll llhllTj.
SALK Land ) laiproicd Mil unlmnroTed
FOIt you want * ( arm In wo'tcrn loira , KaiiSK
Nebraska or Dakota , lot us ho > r Iroin j on.
jiOH HALE llousen. Lots and Land , A. J
J ? Rtcptcnpon , 603 t'lrtt a < cnua
rpo R CAANO B 0 , b B , b 10 , b 13 nro hotels iadlff.
JL orentlocatlcns ffrmlo or tor trade.
IT 1JS , special bnrR i : 400 a tint rot oil firm worth
JDI8,000 , prlre for a ehnrt tlmo 810,000 , n 111 trade
lor low priced Wcitcrn lands , tin an & . Walker.
, SAilillcrj Ilardnaro manuacturlnR cslnb.
B201 stock nnd nuchlnerj , > aluo 7OCO , lor
western land Sran t Walktr , Council Illufls.
BIOS , stock ft dry goods , Kfocerica and hardwire ,
\Muc , 35,000 , In an oodcaitern Nebraska town
or land , Snan k Walker.
B20I , stock o ( Kcnoral mcrchindleo In a good
western Iowa town , MV'IIO 4,000 , wants nn 1m
protccl ( ixrm In wtetcrn Iow . Unanj. Walker.
T ? 20j , stock of li rd ro In Stulon Co . Indiana ,
13 ( or land , Mxhio about ? 4DCO. Snan A. Walker.
, new stock oharr ar In a ) Uc Nebraska
BSOO ( or land , Mluo23,090. Swan i. Walker ,
207. stock ot BKrlcultural Implements and shell
B hartluare. > aluo about 8.00J. vants A Rood Im
pro\cd f.irm. Hnan & Walker.
, a $10,000 stock of clothlni ; In n good WIs
cousin ct ! ) , J In lands and balance cash CT Im.
< recd aoonrlt ) . UeautKul store room at low rent ,
jwan & Walter.
T ? 210 , Itock ot mlcd harduaro In ft ll\o western
LJ' Jowa town for cheap hudualuo W,00 : . Swan
fc WrJkcr
, line lirlck blockrcnU cll , In r > lho central
B211 " none room occupied \vlth pcnoral stock ct
roods , wants an Improved ( arm , \alu > ; building
3,000 , joods S7.00D. S nni. jsnlkcr.
) 212 stork of beota , shoes hats , caps and clothln ?
I jalue.l S3 000 , In cno oltbobcct town&lu JS'ob. ,
allied $3 000 ( or > ands. Swan t : Wclkcr.
r ) 213 , a ? 3OCO Btck of clotl'lntr , wants ! nnd In
D NortlfWosUrn Iowa , ( or f0,000 , and will pay
Ifleruico Snan A , Walker.
, BI. $8,000 strck of drn o in central Icwn ( or
B2U . Hnan & Wrvlcrr.
| > 21fianotl.crBtock r ( drills valio ( romfBOO to5TOO
L > wltliHtorabuildlnif mdlotaluo SiOO In a ( tcoJ
cbriiha tonn wants parti ) luiprotcd land , Hwnn &
j > on full partVuhrs7ilti to or oil upon Swan Ss
' Walker. It 5011 wartto 8Clkuj ) , or tradonr.y-
ilng , tolls .VW about It bwaa A. Walker , Coun-
I Illudo loua
Inrtains , Oil Cloths ,
Shades ,
Mattings ,
LMfilillTOUiJo f
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i JiiJ Uv9M rfr-4 hjf/ 1
Attention Givento Ou
of Town Orders ,
and Drapery Work a
Our atock ID the
cl ia being coiitinnally rople Jahcd by
the latest aud choicest noveltieo.
05 Broadway Counsel Biufis
s. L.
iOl fflifiVnt A
No. 607 Broadway Council Bluffs.
ho folo ! lng aio tue tUueu cf the arrival and do-
tyro ol tr.Vng by central standard time , M the
bl depot ] , Iralna lew7C tranofer dopok ten tuin-
9 arll < ir and airlvo tcu irJnutos latvr.
icioinoand NOnTiiuKsutu ,
! 5 A M ira'J anil Kxpresj B0 r u
10 ! u Accorumodatlou 4(0 : r u
SO r 11 Exprcsa S.05 A a
A M Mall and Express 0:53 : r M
A M Accommodation f > : ] & y H
r u Expreeu 5.00 A it
A H Ma'd and Express flf : 8 r M
r u Kxpresj O.CB A K
0310AQO , BDBLlaarOS ADaiXCT.
I A Mill and Exprost 7UO r M
! AD oomiu odatlou 2 .DO r M
r tiftan G.60A M
WABADO , or. LOOIS ADD vicmc.
IB p M Local St. Louis Ksprcsa Local -
r Transtor " " TranaluT S:0 : r u
) S A u Mill and Uprou 6:10 : r M
16 r M Kxjircea 8.25 A u
noux cmr AND FACIHO ,
JAM ilall lor Sioux City 6:110 r u
) v M KxproM lor Ht 1'aul D.J5 A M
LMOX I'AOinc ,
10 A u Denxor Kxprtsi 4.35 r M
)5 ) r u Lincoln 1'am O'a & R V 2 35 r u
11 r M O > trlohd rxprcea 6.80 A u
K > ave Couucll Blulld a 65 7G5 : 9SO : 10:30
IU a m. 1:30 : MO3:1(1 : ( 4:28 : 5:26 : 0:35 :
16 ti. in. ; Loa\o Omohi 6.25 7:26 : e.60 10
1:16 : a. m 12.60-S:00 : R 00 4:00 : 4:66 : 6-65
orotbcr lumois reino oJ without the
| KnKour dia lu'ol ( Hood.
iirrtblrt ) juar pr ct'inl ' experience. CHlcc No
'in Ibticet , Council I'luffd
d/'Uur8ultatlon free
mars ,
floraey - at-Law „
i I I i 'I ' tin. t I CCIIK 7 at d t , Tl
' I I- V ' 1 1 M 1 . . I U I. II I
fe ; <
At the Now Orleans Exposition ,
1. The Jury of awards cilttally examined InS larlotis writing nachlno * . nltlruJod * liy .1 l #
thirds Vote to pho tbo highlit a\\ d to the Hrvivmov
. The dcdilon cf thll Jurj Mai IgiiMcd 1 > ) th cinnrallttO of w , anil other Jurors ucrdMJo
constituting MIO P Jury.
8. Tills eccond Jury aim crlllcilly examined the \arl3 s wiltlflK' niichine * , and m do the aw rd of o
Qrst cl M geM mcJal , the hlshcit anarJ , to the HIMIMJTOS StandinlT ; | > > ' Writer , for " < lm | > llclty , dura-
Ullty , CMC of manipulation and ep ed. "
4. The report of this Jarywis made , delh ere J to and ret ) li < ted for In tie commUtjo ofvirJson
Itay 20.
C. The membcrscf this Jurj ere \crdlscbarged. .
t. No other fury ( xnmlnoJ the URMIKOTONStandard Tjpc-Wrltor a $ Sen Oilcans.
7. Iho tigncra of lb.8 n aid nro honorable ami well kno n RctitUmen , TholraldroHOStvo UurW
A. Morgan , Ksq. , totithein manigor of n. 0 , Dunn & Co , Now Oil ann , In ; 7 , Governor TM * Rwan
U S. commrsslonor of Ktniv , ai J prtsldontol tbo U. S. txmdof tommlsloiiers(1unuto , Kai , Ooo , A.
Beaten , l > q , stenographer and scwetaryo ! the bo'xrd of U. S commliisonorf , r ) uintm > , Ohio.
R The affldaxllBof thtfOKcrdlcincnnnd thohlstoij ol the tsntoit , which t ) are r > rcpulr > t la
pamphlet Connonlll I'OplciKdtolutriljhonapp'IcatUti. '
The fcllonlng Is the report :
The World's lodustrlil andCotlcnCcntttiiilil Kxp-gltloii , NewOi3con Jury rcro.t. Application
No. 815 ; group e ; claw 614. Competition.
The iindcrilgncd Jurcrs In the abo\o tntltlod chu , having cutcfally examined the oxhbl : ! made lij
E. lltmlnKton tSciu , lllrn , Kiu YorK and nil conittlcgexhlliltf | , concur In recommending the award
of a ( Frit class mcd l for the Standard Tjpo-Tfrltcr , lor sltnpllcltj , duwlillll ? , o soof man'i uiatlou and
Dated this loth dy of JInj , Its-j. OKO.nEATON' , \
CHAS A. MonntN , Ijiuors
fllAMv BAl'O.V , j
WIKOITSEAMAN9 & BENEDICT , 830 Drcaiflaj , Ncu York.
Chicago Off.ccSS Madison St
C. H.SHOLES , Agent ,
Council Bluffy lown.
Brich builiUDRS of any raned or mo\od nnd Dntiafuction guarnnteoa. I'raiaB
on Little Giant trucks , the beat in ihu world ,
1010 Ixiuth Street , Cinncil
Me-rchant Tailors !
7 and 9 Main St. ,
Complete Line of Naw Goods Always on Hand.
ISTorene & Landstroxn ,
Suit , to order In latest styles at cheapo * powible pri
KcKtilar Dinner 11 : O to 1 : JO , ' US co : ts.
Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
. K rythinp aened in first tls ftjlo nnd on Bhor
10 only nil uiht ! houBO in the city.
notice. Ilot nnd cold lunchoa nlwaya ready.
Waves , Langtry a d Pompadour FrizzesSwitch
S ) etc. , ready made and made to order. Prices
ihan ever. . Call and see for yourself ,
Formerly MRS. J. J.&OOBE.
29 Main StreetCouncil Bluff.
J. S\VAX30N ,
) eaers ! in PIANOS AND ORGANS
a > . , ,
> '
Koo ? Horaea nnd Muloa constantly on haad whlclt
wo T/lll ecll In retail orsarload loto
I ! Stock Warranted as RenresEnted
'C1ILU ' T E Rf It 0 ir L K . '
Cor. 5th Av. and 1th fit , Council Bluila.
ia rbenpAlUtn , or ftr ? ilio J lii'j '
nd nil modern ImroroM-menU , call bolls , Ore
nlarm bolls , etc. , a the
Nna. 210 , 117 ! nd ai1) , Main Htrwt.
: AX M uiw , -
10 < 3. OKlflOBH. W. II. H rOk.3
Officer & Pucev.
OounoU Bluffs , I
Established , - 1865
Who for tbo 't
Saa Utttimu ) U no * located l.t ( oi CthStr *
no *
rho or brln i-ut I
rlr . . rcuuoniblu mid wU l < tl.m . ( { uaranUJu . '
MidiU'tckl > Uiu . Jiin nd
0 * nc c i ' Uwluuw < j aimtuit-J gilt cl hff
ctrcilJ > r. JS ? . / / . Jtalcctn ;
-rbtO thStCounc , 1 Bluff *