Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Morning , July 25 ,
OhM. L , Smith and John L , Shea were
Admitted to pr ctca ! jwtordfty in the dUtnct
court ,
There WAS a wild runaway down South
Ninth street ye terd y mornlnpr. . The driver was
thrown out and badly bruised.
A gun belonging to 0. J. Osnan was dis
covered yesterday on the premises of Frank
Barker. Barker claims tn t he did not steal it
but bought It from two boys. He will not bo
prosecuted ,
Nance 01 ADVKBTHCRS , The Mondy
morning edition of the BEE is the only daily
published Monday morning in Nebraska or
Iowa. It contains not only the very latest
news sent by the antedated press , but from
five to ton thousand words of carefully com
plied special ditpalchos and state news , to-
pettier with full reports of local events of the
previous day. The morning edition of the
BEE is by all odds the best advertising medi
um for all classes of advertisers , but more es
pecially for parties who desire to roach the
town population of Nebraska and Iowa.
Every line of that issue is road not only by
our rngular subscribers , who exceed In number
that of oil other Nebraska and Iowa dnilio ? ,
but by thousands of others who read the MOD.
day Morning BEE because it Is the only me
dium through which they can got the latest
news. Advertising for this edition which has
not been handed In by Saturday evening will
bo received at the counting room between 10
nnd 12 o'clock a. m. and 8 and 'J o'clock p ,
m. Sunday ,
Seal of North Carolina Tobacco la the
The Chicago , Rook Island nnd PaclGo
Hallway has Inaugurated a series of ex
cursions to Colfax Springs , the popular
resort of Control Iowa.
Those springs are too well known to
rcqnlro any extended notlco. The first
excursion will leave Omaha at 8:15 : a. m. ,
Thursday , July 30.
The rate has been made $ -1.95 for the
round trip from Council Bluffr.
For further Information call at the
Union ticket office , Paxton hotel , or ad
dress S. S. STEVEXS ,
Gen'l ' Western Agent ,
The Commissioners t Lincoln ,
County Commissioners Tlmmo and
O'Koofo ' returned yesterday from Lincoln
whither they want Wednesday night , to
appear before the state board of equaliza
tion , composed of the governor , treas
urer and the auditor , and enter proles
against the grievous burdens which .it is
claimed are laid on the Douglas county
The gentleman of the board assured
Messrs. O'Koofe aad Tlmmo that they
would fully examine Into the grievances
complained of , and If possible grant relief.
It is claimed by the commissioners that
the Improved lands of Douglas county ,
for example nro ( taxed f iM.a. > ere
limn iu mo inner parts of the state and
that the unimproved lands are taxed
throe-fourths more than those of other
counties. It was intimated that the
rebate If any , la to be made , will bo made
In the sinking fund. The commissioners
claim , howover.'th t they expect to re
cover in the "rebate" but a small part of
the ever tax.
Mr. Tlmmo in conversation with n re
porter 8 ld that the [ public build
ings in Lancaster county were assessed
much lower than these of Douglas coun
ty. This , ho thinks , constitutes an Im
portant Item in the total amount of ever
Nebraska Loan and Building Asso
Subscriptions can now bo made for
ah are a in the first terloa by applying to
the Bocretary's office with Jeff W. End-
ford , 213 South Fourteenth street. The
payments are made monthly at rate of
ono dollar per nharo.
Oat of town parties wishing to sub
scribe for shares In tbo Nebraska Loan
and Building Association can do so by
communicating with Secretary F. J.
Borthwlck , 213 South Fourteenth street ,
Omaha , who will bo pleased to furnish
any Information desired ,
SiiiOto Seal of North Carolina To
Tlio Vctoruu'H i'rl/.s.
The sabacrlbars for the veterans' prize
for the coming department rill3 contest ,
to this date are as follows. Ohas. F.
Mandnraoii , A. L. String , C. II. Freder
ick , Chan. E. Burmostor. D. L. Thomas ,
J. W. Savaae , W J. Broatch , P. O. \
Hawos , D E. Kfmball , D. N. Bowman ,
W. F. Bechol , S. Goctz , F. D. Mead , H.
Williams , J. W. Her , J. S. CaulGold ,
Fred Schnako.
The list Is at Col. 0. U. Frederick's
and five more names ate required to make
it complete. Veterans dotirlug to add
their names are requested on or before
the 31stlnstas it mrjat bo closed on that
Hr ni ! advertised AS nbtolutely par *
TIM * ran tep down on n bet Btov nntll h at d.lh
niuoi tte coior and imell Achmnltt will Del t n-
qiuna todot ct tba pretence of unmonla. K
InamllllonhomM for quarter of centurj It bat \
ItooJ tlii roniumtri' r ll blo Int.
UlXKtl3 C
Mice's ' Special Flawing Extracts , I
Tlit ilroitMlngit < l < Itloui l 4 itlar > ln > iork > owiul
Or. Prlco's lupulln Vsast Gems > o
Icr LlsLt , Utility Ure d , Tb B it Dry Hip
Y it In ItioSorM. .
Absolutely Pure.
s ira powder never varlei. A marvel ol pnrelj
11 o iijth and wholeiomeneti. More economical thi n
all ordinary klndi.and oannol bo sold In compeU.
tlon with the multitude of low test , ihorl weigh )
h n nf physut.'x'e powders. Bold only In oani
HOT * I. BAKINU POWDER CO. , 108 Wall 81 : Hi T
All ailv erMcmenti in the tpecial column * icill
ke charged at the rate of 10 centt per hne or the
frit inetrtion , and 7 cents per line for each ulie-
juentnstrtonl Xo advertisement unit It inserted
for leti than tS eenti for the Krtt tim
T DANS Made on rent estate security In amounts ol
JUjtOO and up ; call for terms. Fririk L K'crctt ,
1609 Fain am. 03 &U ; 15
rOMirro IflAN Insuuis ef 810 000 and upward ,
> . , on first clas business city property , ( or 0 per
i ) No corcmlgsiona of in ) kind charged 0 K.
Davis , Fptc'al tRcnt N. W , M Life Ini Co ,
1605 Fnrnam Street. C
TO WAN At once and without delay on
rca estate , In large or small imounts. on tlrao
to suit. Loans made also on collatctalf , cbattela or
an } eood securlt } , irompll ) , quietly nnd at the
owont possible ratts Aply | at the Omaha Finan
cial Kxchange , 1E03 Farnam St. , upstairs. 784U
lo loan In sums ? 200 and upwardb on
first class real cetato security. I'otter & Cobb ,
1616 Farnam Bt. 71B-U
MONRI II MONBYl II Money to Loan On
MovsTl security byY. . II Croft , room 4 , With-
neil building , N. E. corner 15tn and Harnoy Aflcr
years of experience and a careful study ol tbo busi
ness of loaning money on personal property , I have
at last perfected a system whereby the publlcltu
usual In such cases Is done away withand I am no. <
In a position to moot the demands of all who become
temporarily embarrassed and desire to raise moncj
without dela } and In a qulob manner. Housekeep
ers , professional gentlemen , mechanics and others In
this city can obtain advances from $10 to $1,000 on
such eecurlt ) as household tornltu 11 pianos , ma
chinery , horses , wagons , warehouse receipts , secur
ed notes of hand , etc. , without removing same from
owners residence or place ot business. Alia
en fine Watches and Diamonds , Ono el the
advantages loiter Is that any part ot any loan can
bo paid at any time which will reduce the Interest
pro rata and all loans renewed at the original ratoa
ol Interest. I ha\ono brokers In connection with
my ofllco , but personally superintend all my loans ,
I have prhate offices connected with my general
oflico eo thai customers do not como in contact with
each other , consequently making all transactions
strictly pilvatc. W. It. Croft , room a , Wltbnoll
building , N. E. cor. 15th and Barney. 693 Jly-S5
VTONEY LOANED at C. F. Reed ACo's. Loan office
LV1 on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal
property of all kinds and all otho rartlolos of value ,
without removal. Ovoi lot National Bankcorner 13th
ind Farnam. All business strictly confidential '
MONEY To loan un cbattels , Woolley & Harrison ,
Room 20 , Omaha National bank building
721 tf
jiTONEY TO LOAN On real estate and chattels
ill D. L. Thomas. 722t ( .
1A ONE7 Loaned on nbattels , out rate , R. R
lyitloketaDOughtandeoId. A. Forman,213 S , ISth St
MONET TO LOAN In ams ol 9SOO and upward.
O. F. Davis and Co. , Seal Kitala and Loin
Acrent * . 1605 Farnam St. 724 tf
WANTEB Two Rlrls for housework , call at 1712
and 1714 California St 407-24p
| 7"ANTKD A girl inasmtllfarull ) , wages 83 2516
t Douglas St. ic tt
TTtTAMBD A girl to do general housework. In-
TV quire at S. K. Cor. Dodge and 20th. 403 25pjJ
TT First class cook and laundress , 2SC8
Tl Farnam. Mrs. J. M Ihuntton 40311
WANTED A gofd girl for general homework-
W Cor 19th and Chicago. 3D3-5p
TA > TSDA girl for general housework , at Ost-
hod House lethSt. , bet , California and Cass.
W' ANTKD Olrl for general housework. .K. Tor.
Farnam nnd 20th St 403 27p
TX7"1NTKD Imrrodlately , 10 joung ladloH to on- "
IT gage with the I'cnnsjlunln telegraph InstriiLt-
Ion Co. Malnotllce , 1426 Filbert St rhlUdelphla
Addrcen M d. Killogg , Supt , care Bcoclllco Omaha
Neb. sei 2lp
-A dining room gir at 1011 Dodge St.
\ \7ANTriD-Asmartllttl5glrl , ol 9 or 10) oars , can
T find a good home and iihcollng , wf the joung
married coupla at Uo. Val'ey Iowa , none but Ameri
cans need apj Ij. Addresi A. F. A. M. Bee ollica.
S87-25p J
i > A flrft da's dining room girl andcbam-
her ma'd City Hotel , corner 10th and Harnoy
SOS 2Bp f
WANrun AjfoJuirl for general housework , at J
8818. Twenty fourth St 02 tf _
\\7ANTKn A cook and chambermaid at Dornn I
FT house , D13 1-aniam St S53t ( ) *
n-Good dining room girl NW oor 14th
and Jackson St. JIiB. IliiL SI6'2 p
W 'JitiTRO Nurflo girl , 1003 Faroam street I
WANTRD-LaJy gett JIO a daj with my wcn-
dertul brand new rulibsr undergarment for fe
males ; ladles ga wild cer tt. Madam I. Llttlo , Box
443 , Chicago , 111. 1S3-1
V\rANTBD uiils wltlilrggooo placts In hotel * , prl-
T Tate ftrnlllca , cooks , diningrocm girls , lltihcn ,
uid laundry work tta , can il ajn nnd gtod rlio H
nd good w gs. J3 , $5 60 , $4 and 5 per witk. Call
onOmoha Knjlojnicutliure | u , 1120 Farnam st.
W ANTBD tinr AOKMH Novelties In laJlos' and
chlldrcns' wear Over 40 new designs Noth.
like Ihtm Sell is fast as thown U\er 1,000
agents make (700 monthly. Address with stamp.
H. Campbell & Co. , 0 South Maj btrett , Chicago.
WAVtrn Tbreo oxpetlcnced women canvasser ? ,
(0 per dav , guarautcvo ; room 7 , Kodick block.
' Vlrst-olass dining room girl at the Met- "
ropolltan betel ; none otner need apply 824 If "
\\TANTSD-Immcdl tcli' , lljouQR > acn to engaze
I with the I'emisylvmU Ttle raph Instruction
Main ofhre 1425 Filbert St rhilnklphla Ad-
'rtJI 0 Julloue , Supt care lieu cilice Ouiiha
' ' 3C1 r < p
WANTKD-Immediately , two horse route ciirun
auit ( our ( oot route c ilitre , bi > t ol vtaco ) Ap
ito-ou tiEiiiidij > emMthiielI b'ok , 15th and
ifarny street. { 83-25
\ TAMito-Mtu tionas taleernin , bssl ol nf rcn L'
n cei AildrujsC L 1' Omnha Ute 3'9S9p el
V\ANTED-llread HoVer' Apllj at onno to Jos elT
IT Garntiu Cracker Co. J75 Jlp
-At once , EO tin ajstrs , 1210 Uo-ltse tl °
tjt Dr Heitznunn , 351 ! 4 7" [
\lT"AMKD-Iive CanMeir < lneurj ciuntj In the
TT Unl idftatnlofcll cox'n riT vr KB\SB IBIK
DIRO.v , wMcli comblucBtttO fad Irom , I'tli her ,
luter.ii , ouo Iron oolng the wnk cf an entliu
t of irdmaij Irrns l < tllhe > tlag b > ga or lco
inn rom AWAWITH nor KIUIIIM ) IVIoo t1
aid ratf A Urge and luting Intonio luturid to
oed c n\tfsir Adduw , for clicuU e , i.c , cox
PIKONCO.S& Itcadebt , > V tlE-VujSp [
U'AM D Due good man , iq o iry lownihlii In
each couilry toecll KOIXS that are n cisiillo' P [
competition h Ury$75por moith In | jte76cfnt I1
ortatuple Addrtesujland & LU ) bourne , 0 } Hoi
, Chicago III. 310 tfp
OBSTS WANTiv-For ine Cbau > iJm Ink
Cxb iid lactf. fcrtamiiir , Cuuinos Noitn Co ,
A aiwTtwAirTrn } . Addrew SU Lerals nectrle Lamp
jtxCo , St Louis for circular , cut * and terms ol the
ittdltpower Matsh XJectrlc Lamp. 311-JlyI !
WAKTID Agtnti In evtry county to lollcll ( or
the Mutual BercfH Anoelatlon cf Omiha.Nob.
Call on or addre-M Otto Lobeck , Secretary and Ocn *
era ! Hamger"J11 Farnam street. 743Migl _
" AIIKD Book e per oflarge experience , desires
position , or office work : cllj rc ( < rtnoei > Ad
dresi Z. Y \ Do office. S07 2Sp
Bv a jtuDR man , som work lode even
In if 9 am clerk In a dry goods ttoro Address
E. II. Die cfflce , 0fl Up
WANTED By an experienced man , n position M
book-lccpor ; good references. Adilre'i IT 0.
M. Dee office. tSI-55p
TT17 ANTED Slluit Ion liy Drufr. Clerk. German ,
vv s'nfle , SOjearsold , lorp experience , especl
11 } In praotlcil chctnlBtry nnd manufaoiurlng.
Best rtcnmmcmhtlons also ( torn last cmplofcr.
Addrcia Drugglit , Iowa House , East Dc Molnts , la.
A \TASTrn Hoard In private filnll ) , within nl\
llocka of 14th and MareJy. Addrm stating
terms , D K 0 Bcootn-e 40t-S5p
WASTFD Partner llent 01 active In good paying
citabllshca business Cnplttl required $ lfOO
Address E 0 0 llc office 3S9-27p
WASTKD Btronif team and drhcrli ) the month
Apt Iv John AFD ) ban A Co ,801 & 807 Howard
Bt. 372-24
WANTED To rent furnished office or desk room ,
In central bmlncrs location , telegraph or ticket
Dflloe preferred. Address , lUtlng termr , E. K II
Taiton Hold
\TTANTIID To borrow J1.000 en It E. iccurlty ,
T V piyablo In ono and two \oarfi Addto > iHtatlng
amount ol Interett S. S. S 'lice ofllco. 317p
WAMBD Private dancing Icisote ; a lady pre
ferred ; rcforonccs requited. A pi h IBM Cali
fornia ( t 335 2)p
WANTIID 600 people lo brine tliclr wfttchcfl to
Edholm & Erlckton'a to bo repaired. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 134 tt
WAJNTKJJ Kvory arty In need 01 K sowing ; ma.
chine , to Bee the new Improved Am srlcin No ,
P. K. Klodman & Co. amenta 220 N 18th. 83011
"I/OR tr\T IIouioO room ? , peed ccllir , well and
JD cistern water. Arplj 107 1'aclOo at. 40J 2lp
F OR RENT lIoHro 3 room" , cellir , hatd and" Soft
water C'or Uth ard Psclfl' , 6 room house 3
closets and pnntn South IGth betueen Center and
Dorcas , each ten dollars' It K. C'opson i91-tf
FOR RKNT Furnished or unfiirnllhed now cottasc'
with laiiro jard , SletSt , ono block north of St-
Marj'a A\e. 283 S P
FOR RKNT IICU9J o(3 ( rooms Auil813 | Jonca
St. " 81-25p
"TOR RRNT Snnll house , 3 room' sdolUrs on liar-
JD noy and 22 St , W. O. llalchcln , N. V. Dry Good
Store 382-25p
ioimrM1 Storeroom , 1111 Farnim St Apply to
JP 0 K Dayla & Co. 341 27
FOR JirxT Beautiful xuburban residence property ,
4 acres of ground , largo 7 rooms , tine loci-
tlon , eplendldlew , etc , or will sell ImnroiumcnU
with Djearslca'e of creunJ at a sacrifice. C K
Uajne & CV. , 15th and Karnam. 313tf
Fort RIWT Bilok hcusa 10 rooms , aultatlo ( or
boarding boute , Cms St , between llth and Uth
. 0 < . it .j i e & Co. 19th and F rnam. 293 tf
Fa BUST Cheap store , 311 N. Hth street.
878 24 ] >
FOR RUNT - Houses of 6 and 9 roorrs In No 1 loca-
tton Apply at office of C. ' I. Talor , SW. oor.
14th and Douglas. 17511
FOR RUNT A building 72x84. Inquire at Cotton
dry goods store , S. 10th Bt , BiStf
RUNT A stable for S horses ono block couth
of the U. P. depot. Inquire of If. Lee , grocer ,
222 Leaven worth. 78411
TpOR BUNT Cottafto 0 rooms , bouse 10 rooms. J.
JD Phlppi Roe , Sowaid and Campbell. 831 tf
Rii'sr Tno ( urnlehed ( root rocma witQ or
Foil hoard , 1714 Calfornla St 300 S5p
FOR RKXT Furnished room 1013 Chicago St
401- !
i'OR HUNT I leasiut furnlahed front room , euitaolo
fortnu Kentltmen,614N. 18th St 3D3-27p
FOR HUNT Two unfurnished room ? , 1117 Harne\ .
f OR RKST A largo furnished front room at 111 N.
13th St. 3SO 24p
RBVT To i legant otlisoe in Buanman's block.
FOB 894 tf
OR nr.MFront fur/ashed rooto.l 017 Chicago St.
"IjVm RBJIT A Urge pleasant furnished front room
JD 1513 Jones St. 2S2 S6p
OR RBMT HandsJmely furnished rcomi , 17M
Capitol A\cnne. 3J7-2 p
FOURRVT Room. Inquire drug itoro cor I0th
acd Douglas S39tf
FOR BUNT large , bacdsomelr furnished room * ,
en suite , modern conveniences ; excel
lent board for gentlemen , 1718 Dodge , 341tf
F Ion RUM Turnlshed floor , all complete for house
keeping Aptlj 1418 Chicago 338 2p
FOR RUNT Rooms In lolS Ch'cjgo St. Aprlf to
0. K. Davis & Co. U44-27
"TT OR BUST Double ptrbr , furnished ; also slncb
room , furnished , 1803 Chicago St. 329 27 ] >
FOR RENT Ilandsome ( urn'shcd rojuia , ISIS Dodyo r
252augl7 C
FOR HUNT furnlaheJ room , 1717 Cass street Vre
Joe. Htatty. 219U
TJ'ORRRM Furnished rtoms , 1617 Da\cnport St.
JP lC9-S8r
TTIOR BrNT-buite of noHlj furnlsnea rooms , J811
? California at. E. D. Van Court. 973tf
FOR I RKVT Unfii-nlshed rooms In Bccmor'e blook \
Cor.8thnnd Howard. BOOK
FOR RIT Furnlahed rooms for light houseeplng ,
In lkcuicr'8 block , Cor 8th and Howard 78Jtf
FOR RKVT With board , nicely ( urniBhod south
room , with use of parlor : also gas. and bath , 1409
Jones ( SL 048 tl
CV > R RK.vr-1'Ieasant room furnished , 1423 Howard
JP St. 427-tf
TjVm RUNT For manufao rlng purposes or hall ,
? argo mom 44x73,3d door , No. 110 8. 14tb et. .
inquire at 1409 Dodge tt. A. J. Simpson ,
F OR RINT-Centrally located ( urnUhed rooms at
6Z3 south ISth St. 713-tt
FOR RRVT Large ( rent room on flrst floor with or
without board ; tuqulro at 1901 farnam StM7t
M7-t (
ROOMS With board.desirable ( or summer. Apply
at Bt. Charles Hotel. 710-tf
I710RS4I.K Va'tuDle prcixsttv lorHiloSW corner
1 of )41h ) and Jones street Lots 132 fict square
vlth Imprc ements , rsut'iij ? for 8233 par month ; Hoe of I
bance fnr Epeulatlon ; Union I'idlK [ lulged to
ipeii 14ih s reel to south next iprlng. Aiiply to "
Jre l'd > b d > , No 1407 Jonts street ail.3 3
F on BALK Leaving Omilu I will fill or lease on
long time , ft fine no 7 room housi.nnd furniture
Ihu house hid all modern linproietrcntt and One lo
ii'Un ' 3 blocks from court bouse Addrusa P H H ,
I7 S 13th ( trect 2S7II
TjVRHi.K-iron ) oand J ao o of ft un I on Phor S
? maiiMc ; 7 rooirs , well , cistern and bain , a I for
U.500 , toruii casj A , SauaJoro & Co , opj- ramon He
pvro or 4 lot M rlcn ri .colll ; trade for residence
Land pay rflffijrencoln cash. W , II. Qrocn , over
itNatlonal Uiuk. . TOJtf
F : OE8ALB-S3 feet oaCumlng ho'wtcn ! SthandOth
with home , | i,700 llodtonl i Souer , 717-tf for >
7VmnAL > t Targe house , newly built , 9 rooms , all
' modern Improvements with i ot , at 1716 Casa
; Inqulra at premlHO. 727tf
HVR BALK 160 ltit front en Ylrglala avenue , on >
block from head of St Mary's arj. 83,6X1 for Llv
, or 81 , 00 for half. W. II. Urocn , over l > t N -
lonal Iltnk. 610 tf
/OK HAW I' rtv lots for eale on Hurt aud CumlnKS I'
between SSth and Slit cheap , InilJe property l
edford ii Boutr. 729 tf
fJORHALi-HoueehiUgocdiat 616 N ! 4th St.
IOS..MP c \
TVRBim \ sir reir o'.d horje , efglit l.SOO | bs
IMCiaWVbsur street. S0 ! 6p ,
7o aAi.i-Oi woul.ltriio or a good horsa and r
bugyjiSOacrmlaOiiper oouotj. App' ' ) roilS
outblStbS rect , 40tf
'os SALSTvto wheel out , cheip Well
luce i McEwan , 03 Farnaia tcatl
pox BALK t'unilturu aad 1 a e ot boaidln ; houjo .
35IOOUU AJJrtBlI.M IJco office J76 54 p Brt
TJVi ) IALX A nlc you ? team ot tnarM rood bnir
JL1 gleand harncM. Inque atEdholm & irlck cnr
opp.P _ _ O 1st U
TJV > | > SAID Boiler and iglne , SOhorMpower belle
JP i nd engine , In good inning order ; wan ! to Ml
for the reason that not largo enough fo
the new machinery whla we will put Into our no *
building on lUrney SL 'larko Bros , tt Co. , 1403
Douglas St. 847tl
ALWAtB on hand at a argaln. No 1 reoond haa
oirrla e phaeton 1 side bar buggies , also nm
brallas and sunshades , 11403-1411 Dodge St.B93U
tJVR ) IALH-A good plio , Cheap. Mrs. A. Calder
wood , 1818 Callforrt bt 71S-tf
JiVri Atr By C'unnbham X Br nn n , 110 lots o
1 the best property f prhato rcsllcncoj In th
elty Improvrmetill ill soon be trade that will en
hanoa the value lulU X ) per c nt Tao prices ar
lou rsnzlnif from ? 30i fS5D and the terms ar
eaty 1'eople ot modalo mrans will tlnd thlia rar
opportunity for sccurb a home or making mone-j
For Mile A block oDaige street , containing 1
loti4SH& Ml will ! soil for g 000 This I ) ear
ol access ana a decldlhirgaln ,
For sile 100 ( cet oFarnaru near ( ourt llouso.
For s lc A procerjloro In good localltj , stocl
can be had \atnatli
for Sile i hop 101 In Harlman'f , Ktuntte's an
Lowes adcltlonr
For S lo \cro IMsi t'unnlnghann tub dlilsion.
For Hint Ilouscs id Olllcc <
llocmi 0 and 7 AtMon Ilulldlng , next ( n Pol
Olllce ruDiilngham llrcnnan . | OS-tf
2 , tOTS Cle > .land foe within 4 Uockt of the ca
Jllne and within t < mootbi cars will run in
trent of property. W sell or will trade for Inside
property and pa } illffoncilii values In cuh Par
tlos having mortgnperopcrl ) cm trade and sicurc
now property frco ol Icumbranco , W. II Oreen ,
our 1st National Iia 127-tl
FOR BALR Houei oi 2 lots 'at R bargain 83,60' '
S 15th Stiootroci to build four moru bouse
( or rent
Two i legant lotsMms Additions , ! tO )
Largo hoiito run tt lots Hanncnm 1'lai. ; , 1003.
House anl lot nirtlOthSt , 000
House and lit lligis Add , 1200.
House and 1 tS H 81 , UCO
Hou'o and lot Pact : St , near Depot , SSOO.
2 houses and lot ot'aw rt , near loth.
Houssand lots 111 St , S5CO
Farm land In nrulc\cr } county In northern Ne
braska. O F Iavl ( Co , 1605 Farnam Bt.
100 Aug 23
T70R ittciiAvnii Inrotcd and unlmproicd land ,
Jt ? In Nebraska and wa to exchange for Omaha
property. MeCaguepp postorCco. SS8tf
FOR sAtn-lOairoimlloi fromojtv , near Kmcr ,
40rfdi cast froi well located , $140 per acre.
A gro it bargain.
Choice lot In Dcnfs add , $876.
One of the bo t ur \ od corner lots In I'.ipllllon ,
Sarpj ci arty , COOObo utc k of general mcrcban
duo atreisouablo Circs
8"U40 ( cet On DgUs near 20lh St , ? J,000.
Corner lot tOiHOnllthSt , K untzc's 3d add. ,
3 room house , cellauid will , $1,800
ffl ( eot on Karnitncar ISth , ? IO,000
60i20HcotonS th pticot , Kouctzo'a 2d add ,
good 4 room hiusotable , 'to. , $2,500
Lots 16,16,17ael8 , block C , Ilanscom 1'Uco ,
SI.CCO , at easy tern
Lot 10 , block r > , I)3Cem Itice , $75 % at oisv terms
Lot 20 , bhck 17ancomllaje , { 1,510 , at oasj
Lot 15 , WcetEjidJ , rarnam St , South front ,
$1,250. at can tert
C'DrlotS , Llotk IParkor'a add , $1,050 , at easy
term ? .
Lit 001140 , east > nt In IlJrbaih'a 19' add , $1,850
at easy term ; .
Lot 75il25 , S17i5t , no'vrCenter , 11,050
44 feet ( rent on imam near ISth Ht , $125 per ( t
09(132 on 1UI neir Center , cast ( rent , god
house , Btible , wcpte. , $2,100. Do not fall to Invos
tl..rkte ; this Is a btaln
Chcicelitsln blscn'a , Clark's , Dealgo's , Ha
scorn and Burr Goulds
A good atsoitmt of horsrsfor rent
CB325 HJLSEN& CO ,1513 Farnam St.
FOR Lnias Bounoooupled ground In the ty for
warehouse boo , 87 feet front on Lo\onworth ,
north bet 10th arllth.wUl easofor 09 years. Bed
ford & Soucr 730 U
FOR BALK B } imlln 4. Brown 311 S. llth St
44x 132foeti Harney St. V OOO.
House and lot Kountzo 2nd Add , lot CO z 200
Homo and lot ) South llth at. . 82200.
House and lot Convent Et , near Harnoy. $2300
60 choice lota Ullbyplaca and Jerome Park , on
easy terms
A half intorcsti on established livery business
th < s cln
Lands In Nema , Stanton and Otoo Counties.
5 acre tract noi Omaha , $1350 , very choip.
FoRRitNT Orll CNchango for western linds.tbe
best located er > him in the cltv of rhenan-
doih Iowlthcstock. . Enquire of J.F.McOog ) ,
Shenandoahlow 895 2Bp
W -i-TrtI frujntoroat Penler , Nth. Ad-
drcisP 0 ! Ii3\18 fender Neb S78-29p
WASTFD A pinir foi anoitablishid merchant
ttllorj lustra , with good luUaf33 ability or
experience and ao capital , a tiller preferred. Ad-
drcsi 7. T Dec ole. 370 23
FOR IRADII Nco count > Ian Is fcr stock ol trtn-
iral mcrchais or hardware. Addresi John
Linderncltn , Com City , Neb 342auR-21
n BtLB Staflxtuioi\oiy cheap , at 6'OS. 10th
Street , Omat S L. Schwartz ; 3 2 SOp
BiciUNaj-i $9,000 stock of bran new hardware -
ware , direct bin the ( actor ) , ( or good Nebraska
or Iowa land.
To rent Foarplendld offices.
! 79 U B. D.'ATTKRSON , ISth and Farnam St
.24 room hoarding hotm wllh
JL good tradeid doing good business : wll sell or
tmde forproajors Ijon or for 51,800 Centrally
located For ptlculars call an or address \ Illrkcl
1231 Walnuts , KanitsCitv , Mo. 203 Zip
" "
lie fruit and candy store In best
F part of city Addreaa Candy , Boa oflke. 258 24p
KxcilANORFor Onaaa or Lincoln roildenco
property luio and grounds In Red Cloud ,
SJ.OOO. 1000k M land In Wtbstor county at 810
pir acre , no ncumbianco. lUy 0. Beokcr. Red
Cloud Neb 1-8 30p
BALK-S&m flour mill ; capacity 120 bbls per
dajele\at(0 ; pacity , 20,000 bmhels ; good track
facilities ; only III Iu Omaha. Will Boll or trade for Valued at SJO.OOO. W. U. Green ,
over I ft Natiorl Hank. 7B5t (
TLStNBSi CIUCR-About SSOO will buy an ostab-
jDllshtd Lualiss , together with lease for ono year
building. Ts la a good baigaln for eoma ono
\ddrcs3 b. P. , ca otnco. 818tt
Horn and board to ircu Uman and
wile , tooicomforts , prhato lam'lj , detirablj
ocatlon U co ollics. 374-25p
_ _ _ _ _
A QUKT lion For ladles during condncment.
\.C'orre rjoiiaiceconfldintIal. Audrrsi Lock KOI
39 , Lincoln , Nt. 093-AUi ; lip
. A CIIRSTIVIIILD Usgnello physician , test and
deroloplttmodlum , ever 019 north 10th St ,
ontmnx-A bli.k horse about 9 yoira
STIUYRU rjc , right forward foot bad long
boo Finder pious return to J MnnUo nery ,
lost Sicltd Hurl Uulldin ? , Butt St. 371-S-Sp
T-'Unaoth ! ! , Mother llubliud ilcak. Finder
will bo revirdtd by latttng same at the ttore
MeNarnaratDtinsan Kill
"lTRAVitDORttLi"-A enircll mire with white
star In the oreheal. Knlscill recolvn a llber-
rrewnrd by ri urulng bat la Cum tt'4 A. Qulnii , gra
ers,13th and Jilcav i xtreet '
triBirirtri-i-J X Mllicsncll tiiedlnt ) ( > r Indo
Jfcndu n i l'-i rit r s , nlihuti' * \ > eno 1 , and other
xtnordiimt iiimllpmt on , till rnoun n' Mrs
looj.0 | ] sf U-.nM aMp *
AND neRD 91 per week at Cor , of r > anj
Lcavortttth fct. t21-2fp
U I' P rk 1 > c ted 12 miles S. W. on U , P.
rill , Is n < " open man publb and cm ba reutod
pic nitl aid toolal i ; tthoring ) Sneclil ratin for
glvrii. Fir term , caller aadr > > s.ilL C. Scbnenck
apllllon , Nel. _ 89 t (
LjROODKirtB Parties wlaiilnf to purchawhrool
Jinartu f jrranch parpiiei piwua call at Uouian'a
Ivery ktible 113 lotth ISthstroot , O ntbt E 2-tt
1li w8iLVTAO , does nt ? Iv jou heart h-irn
li/Biuieirnudal one cent , uach by the dealer )
uycke Ore * , AucnU. 8 = 3 tf
3n Elkhom and 1'UUo. T. Murray.
-\ntv BitviR TAO , Its fruit H orod , IA I redeemed
JsA no cool each by tha doaltirn. l' ycke Hros.
on banjo gl > en by Q K
beck , at 1UB Capitol a > e , _ *
- -
ACLTsandc 8irooi9cl anc < llnan od rle
A. t. an , J20J Djd o st. Ol5 u < 0p
iniiw BitviR Ti , It dots not taint the breath , tagi
.Aedonmed a ooo ctat ; h ky tbo Ueilei * . 'fl
ros. , Agent * . U
This , Saturday E v'ng
In the rooms formerly occupied by French's gro
cery , 1119 Farnam si , for the purpose of discuss
ions. Hon , Wm. H. Curtis , of Boston , Mass. , will
conduct the meeting and will be prepared to
answer all questions propounded him. He will
be ably supported by Maj , Charles Goldsmith of
Peoria , Ills , , and Hon. Ben. Woolman , of Chicago
Ills. Mr. Curtis is well known throughout the east
and has grown sopopular that he is pronounced
the orator of the day , while Messrs Goldsmith and
Woolman are both talented and high spirited
gentlemen. The subjects for discussion will
prove numerous and interesting , especially the
object for which this glorious meeting will be
called , namely : for an inspection of the elegant
stock of Merchant Tailors Misfit and Uncalled
for Garments. These meetings have drawn
largely in the cities of Boston , Philadelphia , Bal
timore , Washington D. C.Chicago , St. Louisand
San Francisco. The stocks from the above
named branches are to be opened in Omaha ,
forming one stock , with orders to close them
out at what they will bring , Let all come out.
Don't pass this by.
Come One Come AllY
Y I 1
w 4.
ou Cnici
Rember the time and place , This , Saturday
Evening , at 7:30 : o'clock ; July 25th ; Assemble
at 1119 Farnam Street.