Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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Jl. Jt.
101) ) Mam Ht. , Council Ulufh
ItcUII Hoot find ShOJ Mer "hero hit ; iiargiltfl can
nlwnjs bo found
Pneumatic Bcr Fa ncct
Price § 18.00. A liberal discount
will be matin to pirtics ordering a
half do/en. Faucets sit one time.
For further particulars inquire o
Council Bluil'd , Iowa ,
Agent for Western Iowa and .Neb.
20J ) Broadway , - - Council
DHY 003D3.
yards print
0 " ilrc
0 " rmblaii 1
" btllcalr cboruiti ICO
" mft > lk joKim 1 Oil
Dest Jeim oil oul , 30c per yar 1.
bout * and shoca at prlcu ] aa 1 j\v a ) any hraaa ia tha
° " > '
IB pound ] ex 0 sugir . 9 1
13 p undx Krjmu'atvil . 1
13i'OinulH no' lurtlouniy A puu r . 1
2 l' rs white HiHtlan soap. Kirka . * l
SO K 3 blue ImlK soap , Ktiks . 1
SSbirslMmttHoip , Ututz Bro'd . 1
IS bo\cs uiathij .
HcBtBjiini , perlion .
Pent Borglnni , r"-r k'Jilon .
licit Ku liah ciirrnnU 14 pounJa . 1
10 boxei ceiiuioo Lt is lye . 1
Z-pouml c.uia itr wberrloj In ejrnp . 1
8-pouiiil cniHpca'lici" , inejrup . 1
1 3-pound cina tomatoes . 100
10 pounds iichiandtleJ ( apples . I 00
lOpounpi CMiporatod nrp'etf ' . 1 0 ]
Lorllaril cllnux tobic'oper pound . 45
Navy pliiK tobacco , ] ier poui'd . to
Na1urHm ( toluooii , per pound . DC
Flour , all brands train 82.10 to $3 60 per cwt.
Lower Than Any Other House
lf Till" CITY.
Washing & Bleaching
In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water.
8AVK1 LABOR , TIM * and SOAP AMAIIMILT , andrt \
nnhcrialsatlstActloii. No liuilly rlrh or poor should
bo without It.
Bold by all irrnw. UIWARK of Imllitlnns well do-
Mftne 1 to mliloid. Pr.ARiivii Is the ovu SAKR l bor
! vlnc compound Mid l j bears the alxno } m-
bcland natnoct
tnlnilulutil tn. tf UKJ. . G. B. MHGI.R
< ; , V. WfPPKRMANH , OOtK
CL zy. r.
This Involuiblo [ pcolfla readily and perm nontly
cures all kinds ol Asthma. The mod obstinate * m
lonu standliiRcaaos lcld promptly to Us woudorfu
ctiilnK proiiortlca. It la keown throughout the w orld
lor Its unrlvilod cfllcacy.
J. L.CAI.DWKI.U city T.lncoln , Neb.J write * , J n
IB , 183C Since uslnR Dr. TUIr'a Asthtni cure , for
moro than ono j ear , uiy wllo haa been entirely well
and not even a sjmptcm ot the dlseiaoh 3 appeared.
WItUASt BKNNETT , BlchlanJ , Io a , wrltcaNov.
8d. 1S33. I have been allllotod with Hay Fc\er am
Asthra * since 1859. I follow od your directions and
am happy to say that I notcr slept butter In my llfo.
I am glad that I am nmone the many who can epealt
go favorably of your romcdlea.
A valuable 64 page trcatlao containing elmllarproo !
from o > cry State in the U , S , Canala acd Great
llrltalnl ; lbo \ \ mailed upon application.
Any druzglst not Imlnis It In stock will procured ,
to or.ior. . Ask for tr. Hair 8 Aethma Cure.
DB. U. W IIAIll & SON. TroD'a Cln'tl. 0.
. .
. IBS unit : s7 Wubi U Avi-nuw ,
SlA * M TUf H OB *
Hair Cloth and Wire
Bustles , Hoop Skirts ?
Hair Cloth StirtsS
AM > A 1 I LI. IjM. 'If |
TU cut repn 'nM The
Ini-trv , fie inu-t jmpulir
r , i , i iti .11 of liustio in" !
II p > - uitpicrmail , Alauy
w 10 Haoru 0:10 N ill II MP
weur any other ktjlc. L.J" n
h irt l ht import T,00,1,1',0
' SJ 1811 ,
lullil I'uli-nlia Junt ,
No. 110,111. tV-\nrollcn'l
Ini : Miiiohtyloofbklrtnolfo
ttimni I will 1m ilollt with
. Hold by all
n , n IIIB to liw.
KlMl DYl'iicn. A victim of > outbfnllmnrudsnco
CftUBine Premature Decay , Nervous Debility , Lost
Manhood , Ac. , Imvinc tried in vain every knowu
remody.hasdiBCovercil a Runplomenns of self-euro ,
tvhlch lie will send 1'HI I , tn his fullow-sulTerors.
s. J.lI.UUUVl.i ) , Cbatliam bt.New York.
Pneumonia ,
Consumy ) tionj
Toasting Diseases.
Poiltlvcly Jlellered and JTatti
asslite < .llnrtitorlt\gTltalfOVierO \
DO NOT JIK IIKCEIVKD. Jinny Dniprglsts nnd Grocers who do not have Dairy's Pure
Mult XVliUkoy in nloolc , attempt to palm oft on customers , whiskey of. their own bottling , which
jelngof nn Inferior grade and adulterated , pflya them a larger proflt.
jieod n your address nnd wo will mull boolc containing valuable Information. Sample Quart Jtottle *
tent to ny address In Uie United States ( East of the Rocky Mountains ) , securely jiac/-ed in plain
itut , Express charges prfpatdon receipt of SoX. 2 ! y or Eli Bottles sent for &G.
DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO. , Baltimore , Md , , U , SJ ,
SelliDff Aseets , Omaha. H. T. CLABKE mm COMPANY.
T fi
OPIl < > LST" nY
JilcvAtur to 11 floor ! , 120t > , 1208 auil 1310 JfarnnmSl.
Manufacturers of Ornamental
n ji nnninrn
Dormer Windows , Window Caps , Motallo Sky Lights , &c. Tin , Iron Slate roofers.
610 S. l-.h St. , Uaiaha , Neb. Work done in any pait of the countiy.
M , HELLMAN & CO , ,
1301 AND 1 03 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TD ,
afe and Look m
Now York Daily Nows.
Mnttio Ereratt was ono of thoprottioa
girls In the city. She know ehs wa
protly when she looked In the gists shi
saw the relUcllon of her rose bad boiuty
la the ndmlrlriR fases of chnnoo jmiera
And yet , withal , Maltlo EroroU was no
contented , She wanted to bo rich. Sh
yearned for n peep Into "faahlonabl
Boeloty. " She was tlrad of Iho common
place exlstonco which ho led every day
and longed for an adycntnro of nom
sort a streak of romance to dapple ho
life !
For Maltlo was only a dressmaker
apprentice , learning tin- trade under th
auspices oCMadiuno Oonovlove. So mat
tore atood , whcu Miea Bollofont's wed
ding order came In.
"Whero's that llttlo bine-eyed girl yon
sent to my honso to alter my whi'o cash
mere nmrnlng mbo ? " eald Mlsi Bellefon
to Madamn Gonovioro. "Lot her come
egaln. She has n capital Idea of trim
mlngs , and her fit Is excellent. "
Angnsta Bellofont vraa not nnllki
Mattlo hiTsolf a plump , fresh-complex :
lonod girl with blue cyi-s and pile yellow
hair and after ho was goao Mattlo
hoard the full particulars of the cato
how Miss Bollofont was to ha married the
next month to Major Oarlyle , who 1m
moro money than ho know what to cl
"Sho'a a lovely girl , I'm ' nnre/'Jic aai ;
Mlaa Garrutt , the forowoaan , as she cu
olfyard upon yard nf bias whlto satin fo :
tlu > trimming. ' 'And for all that they say
there's a yonng fellow without a perm ;
In tha world to bless himself with tha
she loves to distraction. "
"Oh , how delightfully romantic , "
cried Mattlo , with sparkling eyes , am
she worked away , thinking of Miss Hello
font and her two lovora.
"Ono hss her heart , " Rho innsud , "tin
other will have Lor hand. Dear , dear ,
what a world this Isl"
Two or three days afterward , Blattk
Everett took a big paper box of half-com
pleted dresa-bodicoj to the pretty llttli
brown-stono house on Orouaa Park , where
Miss Bellofont lived. The servant
showed her Into the library , where the
beauty sat , picturesquely posed In a
sleepy hollow aluilr , with her satln-allp-
pcrod foot on an embroidered footstool.
And leaning against the opposltn window
stood a tall , handsome man , whom Mattlo at once for Major Oarlyle.
"Hallol" cried ho In his oil-hand way ,
1 is that the mllllnoc'd llttlo girl ? Pretty
as a daisy , isn't aho/ / "
" 1 told you eho waa pretty , " said Miss
Bellofont , and Mattia smiled and blushed
and dimpled , and scarcely know which
way to look. "Major , I shall have to
leave you for a few momenta. I dare say
you can amuto yourself very well with
the books and magaz'nea. Little ono
come with mo. "
And then Mattie was ushered into a
Efitln-hung boudoir , of whoso splendors
she had never before dreamed.
"Oh , Miss Bellofont , " she said. "I
should think you would be so happy ! "
" 1" said Mlsa Bolofont
"Happy , care
lessly. "Which of us la really happy in
thla world ? Come , lot us try on the
nmerald-green eatln , and then wo ahall
bo through. "
Day after day Mattlo Everett came
until the wedding drew near. Sometimes
she taw Major Carlyle , sometimes she
did nob. But the ottener aha came , the
oftener one fixed fact bacamo evolved
from her Inner consciousness that Au
gusta Bollofont was , or ought to be , the
happiest girl In the world.
Yet there was on absent look in Au
gnsta'a great , blua cyoa , a troubled ex
pression of the month that forbade the
inference of perfect ; bliss.
"I wonder what it Is that Is wanting
in her lifo ? " said Mattlo to herself. "Oh
if only I was In her place ! "
Lights and blcsjoma and the shimmer
of silk and satin ushered in Mlsa Belle
font's wedding evening ; and Mattln wa
there , dimpled , smiling , and eager to
The bridesmaids were ready all waa
ready but the bride. Angnata Bellefon
had bean strangely capricious and fall o ;
vagaries all day , sometimes laughing ,
sometimes almost sad.
"Raadj ? " she cried , glancing at the
llttlo malachite clocic on the mantel , as
the last summons camo. "Surely It IB
not tlmo yot. I won't drous till I'm
obliged. See hero , little ono , " to Mattie -
tie , " 1'vo an Idea of seaing what I am
like In this fina bridal garb of mine. You
are about my height and build. You
shall put on the wedding drosa and veil ,
the white satin slippers and the wreath. "
"I , Mies Augusta ? "
"You. Why not ? Quick ! Off with
that saber brown gingham , that makes
such an Insignificant brown pparrow of
you ! "
And half laughing , half reluctant , Mat
tie Everett obeyed , not altogether avoreo
to docking herself , oven though It was in
jeat , with the brill ! mt robe and rcsplon
dent pearls of the helreea.
The reflection in the mirror broucht
Iho rosy carmine to her chock. Involuu
tarlly eno dropped her eyes ,
"Yon are churning , ma petite , " cried
Mies Bellefont. "But say the honiUit |
from the other ronn. Wait half a second
end and I will brin It "
"Oh ! Mien Bellefont , lot mo go. "
"No I'll It In "
; cut the middle.
And away she 11 tted.
Ono minute went by two , throe , four ,
and five , and still Mies Bellofont did not
come back. Maggie began to grow un
easy and ventured to poop Into the
room beyond. No ono waa ( hero.
The glrl'a heart gave a great jump at
.ho same moment the bavy of bridesmaids
luttored Into the room.
"Oomo Auguata , ore you rosdy ? The
groom Is waiting , the clergyman's come
and Why , Miss Everett. "
Maitio grow icarlot.
"Sho made mo put It on , " she faltered
couacloua of the awkwardness of her po
"And where la shoT demanded Indig
nant Mrs. Bellefont.
"Gono for the bourjuot. "
Tnoy made Immediate search for her ,
int , aa the reader will probably conjac-
tare , Mias Acgaetu was far enough away ,
and only a note , which Olara Mordaunt ,
ho second bridesmaid , found slipped
nto the window caslni' , gave any Idea of
icr whereabouts.
"Gjcd-bye , " it cald , debonnarlly 4 Jove
eve Uarry Fleko , and have gone to
nairy him. 'M. ' B. "
And In the midst of the mclco Major
3arlyltt'a tall head waa seen , towering
over tha rest llko Stnl above his fellows.
"Gone , has she ? ' raid ho , with a com-
) oauro which was tjulto wonderful , under
ho clrcunntancss , "And I am lelt to
wen1 the mitten. But who la thla little
shost in the wedding robot ? ' '
Mattlo Everett lifted her pleading eyes
o his.
" 1 didn't mean to do wrong , " she said.
'Ob , believe me air , I knew nothing of
ill this" '
Ma jar Carlyle looked gravely at her.
"floru ia a bride , " ha said , "aud horn
s the weddlDp feast , the clergyman and
the gno.its , and , IM of all , the groom !
So 1 think It would ba ft pity to IOBO tha
wedding. If 'Miss Bollefont docs not
care for mo , that li no sign that others
may not. Come hro , little Mattlo Ever
ett will yon bo tb bride ? "
Mattie looked Irbls face A mlnato.nnd
then ahoaald :
It was a Btrangooddlng , but it tras
wedding , after nil.
And Mattie Is hpplor now than aho
over dreamed It poiiblo to bo.
She has gained hr with , aho la a rid
nnd fashionable lad now , and orders al
her dromes from MUmo Genovlevo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fieo are living In Patii.
happy nnd impecaions , nud Mvjor Cir-
lyle fs just as dotted to his pretty
young wlfo as if ho hd never had anoth
er lovo.
Oh ! to only salier ,
See her oncngalu ,
As nha mot mviiton ;
Waiting In 10 rain.
Clad In gamuts dainty ,
Liwn or Gndolalne ,
Subject for tmrtist :
"Waiting Inha rnln. "
Dainty skirts loft !
In thia spliomupdnno ,
No'ar was danel fairer
Waiting in to "in !
And a momenlaUr.
How I can'Up'ain ,
I wns BtanJioticto ( ! nlone ,
Waiting ia la "in ,
-C. [ P. D.
Horsforrt's Acl I'liosulmto.
Dr. G. V. DOUSEI Plqus , Ohio , aaya :
"I have uacd It inlyapopala with very
marked benoGt. If lore Is deficiency of
acid in the stomach , itulng affords more
relief , while the noon on the nervous
system is decidedly hioGclal. "
A Dusky lun'N Dodge ,
It waa n doicnn ID thSonth ,
Of Afric blood woae ;
A yawninc chasm waits mouth ,
Ilia teeth like ivore
lie WAS considered loamd true ,
And honest , as mono ;
Although his akin waaablo hue ,
Ilia heart was whites enow.
For many months he w trustee
Of an established ctrch ;
lie never with the fun icado free.
Nor "pulled" n clucli perch.
He had nn nnti-bellumit
Ho pa'sed with gk-o ound ,
Ami in it dlmoa droppt pit a-pat ,
With chimins , choeil sound.
One Sabbath morn thatit ho passed
From pow to gallery ,
Anil many pleasant lou bo cast ,
For ho waa full of gli
Ho paused baforo the paon's desk ,
The cash receipts to h ;
Anil turned the "dicerMctureequo.
Hut not a penny full.
He gave a sudden , piercg shriek
And Bald with face foirn ,
"I link dla hat am sprutn loik
Do dusata nm done go ! "
Then rose the brethren c'n a about ,
\ud searched each focof ground ;
Tliey pawed impattantljibout ,
liut not a coin waa fo d.
O , where was all the may that
They Bought for near ri far ,
The bottom of that old pg hat
Was covered thick wi tar.
TliR deacon , smiling , we his way ,
His brethren know nabat
He now appears in earmta gay
And eke a new Bill ; hi
_ [ ICnr.
A enre cure for Blind,151eeding , , Itching
and Ulcerated Piles has en discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indiaromedy ) , called Dr.
Williams' Indian Pile Olmont. A single
box has cured the worst ironic cases of 25 or
SO years Blandin ? . No o need suffer ( ho
minutea after applying tl wonderful sooth
ing medicino. Lotionu id instruments do
inoro harm than good. Williams' Indian
1'ilo Ointment absorb ) thtumors , allays the
intense itching , ( particulJy at night alter
getting warm in bed ) , actm a poultice , gives
instant relief , and ia prepod only for I'iles ,
itching of private parts , ai for nothing else.
by Or , Frozier's Mogio Okincnt. Cures as
if by magic. Pimples.lilat Heada or Grubs
Blotches and Kruptions o tao face , leaving
tha akin clear and beautiful Also cures Itch ,
Salt Uhume , Snro Nipples , Eoro Lips , and
old , Obstinate Ulcers ,
Sold by druggiita , or mailion receipt of
price , 50 cents.
At retail by Kuhn & Co , nd Schroeter k
Beclit. At wholesale by 0.1 Goodman.
l1 EtOPS.
The weather ia oirensively vrtisan.
Ta the drugclork who tendthe eoda foun
tain a wink is as good aa a pricription ,
Mrs. Bchrona who wrote t'her lover , "I
wircht I hot wings dis miuut wet llei to you
and BkwU you on my heart ail tell you how
I fel tlis tnomcnl , ' evidently nails by oar.
Music boxes which coat ! < twenty years
ago cau now bo purchued tof 5 And yet
. ' ' 'hard " in the
.lie cry of times , u all abroad
and. Some folks would comlain of the cost
of "living" if pianca were bolllq for W [ apiece.
AD4nish tragedian \\nt recntly greeted
with a bhower of deciyed t'Rgtvlnlo perform
ng Hnmletat Concnlngen ! o bulinves now
nero than over , that Shakceiue [ was right
vhen ho said there wan aomoiiug rotten in
Oenmailr. [ ChicaRO Herald.
Teacher " .So you can'c tb i timplo sum in
arithmetic. Now ktjino papiiiii It to you
Suppose eight of you have .oget'ier forty.
eight applca , thirty-two peala : ) and Bixtoen
neliiiirt , what wl'l ' each of ytn [ of ; 'Cholera
norbiu ! " replied Johnny I'lvutou.
A Louiavillo man , disturhn in his elecp by
a largo coimmny of cats , cravtid out on thereof
roof , and. Instead of lirlug of iis pistol , thus
addressed the gathering : "If sight cata kill
eight rata in eight minutea lov long will it
tuko 100 cata to kill 'JOO rats ? ' lieforo ho had
itterod tbo last word every uit had dlsap-
uarul , nnd hu hai never nem ono of them
Inco. Louiaville Courier Jutnal.
An Arizona editor thus hi.s out from the
shoulder : "Wo understand .lot that measly
'neak Jim Snoozle wanta to oo postmaster.
iVe hops that thoio diggingn lava not eunk
BO low as to tolprato a ccmvictd horee thief ai
lostmastor. Hia place is inai irnnclcd jail ,
Vn unknown whelp Bends ui aa anonymous
etler warning us to leave tora , Wo want
everybody to underataud that vo are hero to
tny , and all ° heel can't muo us. If the
writer cf that letter wonts uio leave town ,
IB knows where to find us. "
I'oz/.oiii ,
No name IB better nnd muo ploaeantly
and widely known than tha of Mr. J.A.
'oz/.jiil , For many yean ho has made
ilmaolf famous by Iho olfjatt poifamos
and compl'\l-n powder that bosr hla
lame , the latter having foind Ite way to
ho belles of Parla , Germvny and Lin
! pn. Kvorybody ndmlios b auty In la
iea. Nothing will do moro tn produce
or enhance It than aueo of ilr. Pizzml'a
Vrhon Il liy waa sIcV , we javo ; htr Caatotla ,
When elie naa a Child , ehe critil fur Cuatorift ,
Vflea ihe lircuae Ul i , ebe clan ; to Castoria ,
IVUiu jlieljiilUUllilt-u , ibogaTtUiein CutorU
A German FlnilM Ono IjotlRttiK1 to Cos
An Innocent German , named Ferdiu
and Schmidt , who works for Mr. Lewis
abont three miles In the conutrytas : bee
in the city for a day or two , stopping a
the Colorado houao. lie there mot tw
other Germans , and being countrymen
ho naturally clove tu them , and on rotlr
ing to rest Thursday night , ho refused tc
take a ecpnrato room , preferring to be
with his now made fiienda. After placinj
his vest , containing his pocketbook
under his pillow , ho concluded that ho
wanted to RO down stairs for a few
minutes. After his return , the proprietor
Mr. Cramer , suspecting that there mlghi
bo something wrong , went up stairs , and
locked the three In the room , and they
thus slept nutll morning , when Cramor
was called on by ono of the two othci
men to open the door , ai ho wanted
to come down stairs , lie did so , auci
the man after bolng down stairs for a
short tlmo wont b ck. Soon after ,
Schmidt getting up to dress , discovered
that his pocketbook had been relieved ot
\ $20 and a $5 gold pleco. lie ralsad n
! iowl , and the police arrested the trro
'allow lodger * , who give their names as
Bmll Elolzer and Charles Lolbort. On
ouo of them was fonnd a $5 gold piece ,
whllo the ether had only fifteen cents.
The theory Is that the ono who went
down stairs so early In the morning
managed to put the stolen money out ot
ho way , but there cooms to bo a lack of
iroof as yet , The cases are pending bo-
ore J natlco Schurz , and will bo given a
tearing Monday , the accused In the moan
Imo making themselves comfortable In
Voitu Man Arrested In MIoHonrl
Valley anil Now & < | iionl-
llarry Brown , who was srroatod In
Vliasonrl Valley aud brought bick hero
> o answer to the oharga of stealing Homo
orsonal property belonging to Charles
Shlpman , ono of the employes of Louie
t Metzgcr. wns brought before Jadgo
\ylcsworth yestordny , and the caaa has
; ono over until Monday. It aoema that
3rovvn hag got himself In rather a tight
> os , the most of the property tnVun , con-
Istlng of a revolver , eleovo buttons ,
ihee , .and clotliinp , being found with
lim In fillasouri Val'oBrown's story
s to the effect that another employe ,
amcd Ed McDonnld , was the ono who
> roko open the trunk , and that ho hnnd-
d him the things , and the arrangomoit
van tint Brown ehculd tklp out , and that
McDonald should ramain hero long
noogh to allay all sasplclon and then
oln him. Brown broke down and cried
rhen brought into court , and seemed to
) o qalto despondent about the outlook.
\a neither ho or McDonald could R'IVO
tall , they wore sent back to jsll to there
wait for the coming of Monday. Brown
lalma ho Is only 18 years of ago , and
IcDonald only 18.
A. McCargir is the happy father of a
mndsomo llttlo maiden , who came to
laclden the homo a few days ago.
At a special meeting of the conncll last
vonlng , the major , city attorney , and
Aldermen Slodentopf aud Mynator wore
ppolntod a committee to prepira appro-
irlato resolutions { on the death of Gen.
jrant. The committee will meo ; again
110 o'clock thla morning.
The Rev. H. A , Haldeman , D. D. , of
Wisconsin , will preach to Iho Baptists
bis evening. Ho comes hero to meet
lie various secretaries of the Baptists.
'ho ' ether ministers will arrive Tuesday
nornlng. Public sessions will bo held
? ncsday and Wednesday. On Tuesday
tie ladlrs of the church will glvo an ice
re'in social in the church parlors to
welcome the minietorp.
Croquet LJvlH. .
Sin ? n cong of eurtimur ,
A lawn to hrf ht and gay ;
Lots of men and maldoiiB
1'l.iyisg at crcquet ,
Whoti the Rttmo was opened
All w.i3 quito enronc :
Waau't that a pretty tiffht
To BCD upon the green.
Thugirl aiil : "you have cheated ! "
Her rage eha tried to umuthor.
The gentleman Jiiaiin nn excuse ,
She answered : "Vou'ro nuother ! "
The boy upon the back fence
As spiteful H a gnome-
bhotitod : "Gale , look out for rats ! "
And scared the mnideun homo.
Manual of all Diseases ,
n/i in nriiiiiisi. v.
Ill' ULl I.'il Mi 111
CLCJlil and OCJI.D
Mriiic.l Frco
_ _ . iJH CUKCo
j * * * i a * < *
1 I'ttii-rti.t'onKcbtlon , Jnllammntlnns. . . .SS
\Vormi , AVorm.TiM.'ivWormOolio . . . .J.J
rrvlneCollc.or'lotllilnKof InfunU. S5
Dlilrrlicnof Olnldrouor Adult * J
HlnrnliTy , ( jriping. liilloua Uollo ! tlt
Cliulcrn ftlorliiiH , Vomiting JJ
CoiiglN , Colil. ItronchitM t : ' /
\eiirnlnlnToolhjcho. raecaeho. . S.J
llenilill-lies , hick Hcailaclie , Vertigo. . .ItS
DyniepMla. [ IJihounWoinach. . . . . . . . . . . *
_ _ hiiiiiireniH'dnrraliiriil IVrlodu J
ISlillci , too rrolawiJ'onixH. . . . :
OrnilP. Uoueli , Dilllcult llrfolhlnit . . . ij
HnlllUiruni.J.'ryripel.vJ.runtion * . . .J
Illiclllllilllaiil , Jlhonmiitlo 1 'Bin * .
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nic oiiHi.e . . .HO
l lli'lillUirijBicanVtiknc 4 .nil
Hldnuy < n " .
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Vrriuiin IfeM Ity . , . . - . , , 1 < ( , ' !
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rrlnnry\V < > nliinii.Wc
I ) ) .i.n > iM of Km Ili-nrl. 1MI | . nation .I.UU
bold l > v l > ruULFUU nrncnt noitnaul nti rcct in1 of
' '
"nslci. ' ItldlfiVilii ! in i ! < . H J > t u
withonw ( ivr i. tv ( S | i iiiur. li'iitjllifii ntta
bliurlfii a * i i.xi i e < y K < | .allv
tvi'M nilnjiti il l < r t. li i. . j'.iii ruiiri" mill
InvrlrUci n > ' < 1 n > mi. il.uiilMilillty
ull Ifiidlu. . l in i ui. u I ! nn. ' i tn iinil lli-iilvr
i i < i l. ' 11t la HlfcS ,
ip H.I ATI H < i i . Uiit
I -i t il' o * cdr n
! > ! t A bUKlil UU'sorlbt. , tw yorfc
213jSoutk 14tlfStreet ,
Have a large list ofjj inside business and resi
dence property , and some of the finest suburban
property in and around the city.
Wo Imvo business property on Capitol Avenue , Dodge ,
Douglas , Farnam , Haruoy , Howard , Jth ) , 10th , 13th and
Itfth sreots.
Wo have fine residence property on Farnam , Douglas ,
Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cass , California streets , Sher
man , St .Marys oud Park Avenues , in fact on all the best
residence streets. Wo have property in the followiug'ad-
Lakes ,
Blizabeth Place ]
E..V. Smith's ,
Patrick's ?
Parker's ,
Sliinn's ,
jf-iso's ,
kelson's ,
Armstrong's ]
3-odfrev's 1
Lowe's ,
Slirkwood , *
College Pl
Park Place ,
Walnu HilL
West End ,
Capitol ,
deed's First ,
McCormiok's ,
Kountz < & ; Hutli's ,
Impr'nt Association
Wilcos ,
Burr Oak ,
Isaac & Seldon's *
West Omaha ,
Grand View ,
Credit Fonder ,
Kountz' First
Kountz' Second ,
Kountz' Third ,
Kountz' Fourth ,
Svndicate Hill ,
Plainview ,
Hill Side ,
Tukev < &sKevsors
Thornburg ,
Clark Place ,
Mvers & Richards. '
1 3
Bovds ,
And al the other Additions to the
City. :
Wo nave the agency fo me syndicate lauds in South Omaha. Theae
ots sell from $225 upwards , nnd are very desirable property. The
evelopmeiit of the packing house and otlmr interests there , are
mildine ; up that portion of the city.
We have n Fo\7 lota left in Kirkwood addition , which wo offer at low
.rices , terms # 35 down balance $10 per month. These lots are on high
evel ground and are desirable.
This addition is more centrally locnted tlrm any other now addition
nenr the best Schools in the city. All the sheets are boiny put fco grade
/ho / grade * have neon established by the city council , aud is very deaira-
) le residence property , ouly 15 blocks from I'ost ofliee , prices lower than
djoming t dditious for a homo or investment. Theae lots cannot be
Von SALE House and lot on 21ut St. Easy Foil SALK Homo nrrl lot , i"th ) and Ohio *
crms. go street ; BiilenJld corner , ftf,600.
> 'oit SALE 22 foot on Fimiam St. , near Foil SALK-First clim huainoaa hlock , (45 ,
1th St. , 58,000. 000 ,
Poll SALK-Lot InWftlnut hill , 5200 , Fen HALE J lot on Wheaten St.j ROO
Foil SALE-Lota on 20th , ? 5DO each. house , § 1,500.
Foil HALB Fine lot in Shinn sdcll
corner H
Yon SALK 22 ncrea with elegant rosiilcnco , ,
oed barn , fine trees , nhrubery , fruit , hot unit tlon , S75U
; old water and all convenieucea ) lint class Fen SALK-Lot in MillarTlaco , spocia
iroporty in eyory roajiect. barffain.
KoitHALE-GOftxjt on Farnam street , near Foil LEABE Fine Imsinraa property on ICth
Kth. Good bunmesa property cheap. St , nnd Ht. Mary's Avcniio ,
FOB KENT Koom 44x70 , 3d floor , on llth Foil SALK i lot on Chicago 8L , between
root , 13th and II. r lthfood houaa , $3,000.
IFe will furnish conveyance free to any
partjof the city f ofthowproperty to our Jrienda
tnd customers , and cJiccrfuJly yive informa
tion rcyardiny Omaha Property.
Those who Jiavejbafffahift'lfu offer or wlfth
property at a baryain are invited fo ace us. ' j
j l >
Real lEotate Agents
14thSt. bet.Tarnam &Douelas