wr THE DAILY BEE-SATUIDAY , JULY 25 , 1885. LINCOLN. Incidents of the Da ? , at the Capital o the Stale. Six More Oountiea Make Thei Census Edtnros. Tnc Stnto 1'rolilljltIonlstB Adopt HcrlcH of UcHolntluns and nn Orj ; ti Other Events , AT TUK 8TATK CAPITAL. nENKIUI. ASt ) LOCAL NEWS. Koportccl by Tbo DEE'S Bureau , LINCOLN , Neb. , July St. Portfolios from tlio following counties nro returned to th census bureou nnd ehow the present papula lion ai compared with 1885 : 188 : > 18SC Keyapiba . 4tii : : 7,00 Otoo . 10,228 Dnwea . H.Bfi'J Shcri.Uu . U910 Hayi . COS The followlug counties arc still Incocnp'oto Choyoano , Chotry , Hownrd , Keith , Valley and CliAso. Superintendent Line Is absent fr n couple of dnys , Tbo portfolios of fourteen of the cjimlo3 ! have been copied and arc ready to bo sent to Washington , The citizens of Crete are very much , dissatisfied with the censua returnn of their city as on Thursday the mayor of that city was up here Interview ing the governor and superintendent of ccn- Bus prevailing on them to have the count re taken and the city council have appointed a man in each ward to take a recount of Its citlzeui. Brad P. Cook , fitft assistant iu the census bureau takps n vacation of one week , during which time he will rcmovo his family from David City to Lincoln , Ho will occupy a desk In the land commiflelouor'a olOca , Articles of incorporation have boon filed with the secretary of state of the Nebraska Modlcnl journal company of the city of Lin coln , and in the Interest ) of the eclectic prac tice of medicine and surgery. Considerable complaint is ir.ndo by some ol the old soldiers on account of their not boinp nblo to Ret their pensions. Ono ol them in this city , who Is paid irom the Boston olHie , received n letter from then notifying him ho would receive n chock nt soon OB tticro were any funds to meet it with. Much Inconvenience la occasioned by thla alow method of doing burineis. Land Commissioner Scott is busy signing school land leasoa. The state capital is profusely draped both inside and out. Owing to the somewhat uncertainty of the weather of late all out door festivals have boon indefinitely postponed. The etato prohibition conference met In this city on Thursday afternoon , electing the llov. K. B. ( irnhnmof Douglat county , chair man , and F. M. Wnrron of Otoo county , tec- rotary , with A. G. Wolfenuargar and II. C. BittenhenJer of Lancaster county , as nBsiat- ant Becretiries. The following resolution wai unanimously adopted ; Inasmuch as it has " "pleased the Allwlse COIHIII indor of the universe to remove from thia uuth' bittlefipld the greatest inodqrn ireiurnl , Ulysses S. Grant , we thoraforo , with wo ami admiration send regreti to family , friends , to our own people nnd to every na tion on the face of the oaith , for a world's great man 1ms fallen. Wo will remember him as one of the great men of America , n man of courage , Ono that could face the can non's mouth , manned by deadly foes , cne that had the courage when ho saw the evil of drink to turn hla glass at king's tables. Wo honor him and will cherUh IIH memory that bodied a total abstainer. " Sister , of Otoe ; Woodward , of Seward ; Lombard , of Dodge ; Girard , of 1'latte and Williams , of 1'illmoro counties , were appointed a committee on county orpul/.iUou. After a few speeches the committee- resolutions offered the following report which was adopted. 1 We are unalterably opposed to the traffic In intoxicating liquor , knowing it is the pro lific source of crime nnd human misery. It strikes at the heart of every institution dear the citizenship of our common country , con taminating our statesmen , corrupting our courti and ruining our paoplophyaicaUy , mor ally nnd financially , and therefore should be speedily destroyed. 2 In pursuance of this object , and recog niziog the fact that tha dominant parties of the country are either unwilling or unable to commit themselves to the political policy of suppressing this evil , we hereby invoke the aid of nil temperance people to unite with the prohibition party in the destruction ot this monster iniquity. 3 Wo rccognlza the n'cosaity of concertsd action aud compact organization , and call upon all who roallza the importance of agita tion and education to labor zaaloiisly for the extension of the most thorough organization into every county , precinct and school dis trict In Nebraska promulgating prohibition principles and enlisting an urouscd people in the work of crystallizing public sentiment on thin great question into public law. I Wo denounce tha high license law now standing upon the statutes of Nebraska aa n diB > irac9 to the imral sense of our paoplo by its legalisation of a disreputable business , under n nyatem of public bribery. High licoaso and low llcanao being In princple the stmu , differing only In the price for permis sion to commit crime. 5 That wo recognize the great value to tha cat no of prohibition of the t Iliclant and self- sacrificing l.ibora of tin Wnmau'd Chrlstidu Temperance Union of Nebraska , und wu bid them Cnd spooj In tbtir work. ( i Th.it inatmufi m wo claim a govern ment of the people by tha people and fur the p'oplti wo therefore would ertnncl the right i f auirriuju to every citiz"ii of full ago and sound mi ml. A central cnmmittfu WM appointed. It was decided to huld tin stitd convention at Lincoln during the ftitn fair , and an imita tion WHU uUotidid to John 1' , St. John , l.ve candidate for president , to bo present nt the convention. Thu Now Republic , n paper In this city , was adopted as tha ollical | organ of the prohibition movement In thu state , Cun- fertmco odjouriio. ) about it o'clock , At tlioiiiflctiuK of the citizens committee yesterday innrutng , to take action in regard to iiiemorinl hunios of ( icu. Grant , Uuu. Cobb W.H appointed marsh il : Governor Diuvtj ) , chuiriutn ; the lluv. H N , McKay , chaplain , Sub-committees on finance , inuiic , tpfakore , nnd thu procuring of a band and opera homo , were appointed to report this morning , nt which tune a prcgrainina is expected iu be nude out. A pony team hitched to the front "ml of n spring wagon took n epln out on O street , twittering teams and pedestrians. Mrs. Brand P. CooV , who was n delegate to the Wuman'd relief corps convention at Ptiit- lauJ , ryturned to this city for to-day on her way to David City. The Her. K. Il.Ourtis will start on his va- cition tour next Tuecday. Hit family will accompany him. Ho will ba gone about month aud hopes to have sorre pleasure boatIng - Ing on the lakes , thut outing aside for a time the nsro Involved upon the pastor during the bullilin ? of a new church , It Is suggested that a petition ba presented to postmaster McUride to hoiat his cold ware Jlae. Jlae.A A young man not n resident of Lincoln , fell in company with a couple of colored girls who borrowed § D of tbo nice young man , and refuted to give it up , He then went out bought some brandy , and loading it with croUm oil preceded to treat the glrlr , of which they drank freely. The girla became very much exerci'ed nnd ara trying to gut out n warrant against that nica young man , Col , L A , Thrasher , of lola , Kan , inspect ing agent of the internal revemto department , ia in the city. Tin Hon. George Post , collector of inttral roytnue , ia iu the city accompanied by his wife. The prominent arrivals to-day included. I ? A. llarbou , Hitrvard ; I ) . V. Btcpheuson , Falls Cltyi L P. Kruus , L'eatrlce : ( JaorcaF. Hrnlth , IJeatrlca ; K. U. Pralun , J. 0. Kries Omaha ; N , 1J. Lochmulli'ii , Sheriff of Seneca county. A Manlao wlili * n Axe. Burdfoh and Whulan were aum- juoued Trufraday ovcnlug the corner of Sfivimtoeiith and Paeificairetti to cipturo AU a'lcjoi Intnuo rnsn , D vld Tpjtevin , who wi sotnft tlmo ngo a lawyer In Coun cil Bluffs. Tostovln's actions have been of the queerest. He has boon accustomed to parade up and down the honao with an axe over his shoulder threatening to kill everybody who dared to molest him. Ho would stand In front of hla window and with a book In his hand , gaza Intensely a the moon nnd stars , and deliver himself of long and Intricate theories about their movements , all the tlmo soemlmly ; un conscious of hli surroundings. Ilo would go through queer , muttered Incantations , all tha tlmo making the wildest gesticu lations. When the two police pfllcers arrived at the house , Tostovln was in the house , nxo on shoulder. Fortunately , however , ho made no attempt to fight them , but sub mitted peacefully to an arrest. Ho was placed In the county jail , whore ho will bo examined by the board of Insanity. Frco FrcljtitB to tlio F lr. The following order his just boon Is sued by the gonoril freight department of the 0. & N. W. , and will bo found of Interest to exhibitors nt the fair : CHICAGO , July 14th , 1885. To ogonta In lonra : Freight for oxhl billon at tha fair and exposition , to b hold at Omaha , Nob. , September 4th t ILtb , Inclusive , will ba transported a follows : You will way-bill such freight at regu lar rates and at owner's risk of damage to Union Pacific transfer , noting on way bill , "for exhibition at Omaha oxpoal lion. " If re-shipped within five dayi after close of fair , no charge of owner ship having occurred , and with proper ov [ donee from the oocratary of Its exhibi tion , It will bo returned free from Union Paclgc transfer to point of shipment on this line. Shipments of rare horses ara not to ro- colvo the benefit of this circular , but In til cases are to bo charged full tariff rates joth ways. The usual Hvo stock contract must be executed In the regular manner for ship monta of Hvo stock , and endorsement made across the contract ( both orlgina ! and duplicate ) , as follows : "Shipper or owner agrees to release .ho Chicago & Northwoatern Railway Company from all claims for damages to .ho stock mentioned In the contract , while In transit or while being loaded or inloadcd at the company's depots or rarda. II. II. RIcOfLLOoon , General Freight Agent. HENUY O.WICKEH , Traflis Manager. For Trade. Nanco connty landa for stock of goneril merchandise or hard' ' waro. Address John Lindorholm , Cen tral City , Neb. EABiES AKRESTEU , Mary French's Letter Jdoada to tlio Capture or A Supposed Crock. A day or two tinco the BKK mentioned a letter , written by M ry French , the woman who wia convicted In Council JIuffj of stoallng from a boarding lonso keeper and sent up to the poniton- lary in Anamosa. The letter , addressed to the pollco authorities of Omaha , was devoted to bowing up the record of Mary French's 'colld mnldoon , " ono J. L. Halnes. whet t appears , had dosortcd her whensho was arrested for larceny , refusing to respond iO her requests for help. Mary eayo that his man is a crook and a thief of the worst daecription. That aho has known ilm for aoveral yoare during > art of which tlmo she has been ila mistress and within that period IB has committed any number of robbor- cs , principally In tbo hotels of this and other cities. He has also , she says , com- mltted a number of jewelry robberies , and some of tbis plunder ebo directs the lollco to find. Sbo accuses him , also of laving cracked a safe at a little town on bo D. & M. , not very far from Omaha , mt says that aho does not know the name of tbo place. At Hastings , it ii claimed , 10 also committed a big jawolry robbery. Halnes , on the strength of the Information mation contained In the letter , waa ar rested Thursday night at UieUultod States lutol and clapped behind the bira. When [ Ueatloned about the letter to-ihy , bja ro tortor ho laughed the matter oil wlthan air if bravado , andeald that there was no truth whatever in It. Ho claims to have known ho woman but three months , having mot icr In u disorderly lioujo on Twelfth treot. Gen. O'lirien will commonca nt 10 o'clock o-day tbo arguing of tha motion for a new trial in the c.uo of Tham.i ) lUlhrd , who vas litoly convicted o ! murder in the first legroo. In the districl court yesterday , bsforo ludfid Neville , the attorney for Pat tlibion , ecently convicted of forgery , argued the mo- ion for a new trial. Tha cist ) hr.i boon tnkon mdcr advisement by Judge Xaville. A cola ditel HiH , found nt liraunnu , tohvmln , nnd prob kbly a eoi o pice ] of the Thirty Yoara1 War , lias been donated to the niueum of Milwaukee , Wfs , by Mr. A. Minsk ! , a resident of Omaha. Now York lieraid. The printed copies of the proceedings of lie third convention of the Nebraska State 'uemon'd association , hold at Lincoln , Jim my L' } nnd 21,1880 , nnd of the soasou tour- lament , htld nt Omaha , July 2.'l 27 , IbSI re now boiog distributed. The volume ta a otnpreheiulve ono of siity-threo pages , d pers JuJge Stonberg , of the police court filed with the cliy dork yesterday , a statement of ines collected during the month of Juno I In ila court , amounting iu all to $1,813.05. Of his , § 1,050.05 belongs to the school fund. The oats In the city cases were § 070 , in state ases § 15.30. The foes In state cases were 73. Con. Howard has received very favorable eports from Oen.McCookcommanding officer f Fort Dougla3concerniDir , Mormon troubles , .rrangemenU have been made to forestall and reventany calllthn bjtween irrespouslblo otera aivj the loyal cltizous of the territory , loulcl any occur , Yesterday was the day on which It was anticipated Hut the Mormon vratu wouU boil over , and uo unfavorable eportj La\o yet been receivedr ' The liaest window decoration ia memory g lion , ( irant is that In thu atoro of S. 1' . lorse \ Co. Dn9 entho window apaoe is tbenupby the memorial display. White ; ays of light , with dark shadows botn-eotiaio eprosented by f jia * of cloth cf like color , rhlch converse toward a picture of the dead lero , which is placed in the renrof th win oar. heavily draped In black. In front of m picture u u cross , covered with blauk : loth , aud bung with wreatha U ( lowers and upportlogasnonl and buckler. Xuar the toss Is another draped ccgrnvins : of lien , Jrant. The whole presents a striking sp- arjnc ; , cspeclslly st : MOURNFUL MEMORIES. Additional Emtas of the SGIW Felt OTGF Gen , Grant's ' Doatb , A Meeting of the Citizens' Committee to Commence AwmKcnionts For Memorial Services , The fooling of sorrow , over Gen. Grant's death , In Omaha , was much moro manifest yesterday by a largely additional display of mourning emblems covering the fronts of business houses , and about many private residences. In every di rection that the eye may bo turned It la greeted with the sight of black and white bunting hanging In festoons and gentle folds around and above wlndowe , doora , columns , otc , and hundreds of fligs float at half mast , Already preparations are being - ing made to pay proper and fitting respect to the life , the services , and memory of the departed general. Senator 0 , S. Mandorson , Mr. Edward Rosewater , Dr. George L. Miller , Mr. M. V. Mono , Judge Woolworlh , The Hon. John M. Thurston , Judge James W. Savage , John S. Collins G. 0. Barton and others of the committee named by Mayor Boyd In his proclamation , calling for memorial services , held a mooting at C o'clock yesterday In the parlors of the Mlllard hotel. Mr. P , 0. Hawoa , from the committee of attorneys appointed by Judge Neville ; W , P. O'Neal ' from the G. A. R. commlttoo , and A. M. Clark , irom the Omaha Vet eran club , were also prcsant. All of these various committees are to bo known ni a general commlttoo on ar rangements. The meeting was called to order by Senator Manderaon , who stated Its objects. A general discussion fol lowed , In which all had nn opportunity of expressing their views as to when and what kind of aorvlcaa should bo hold. A majority of opinions favored waitIng - Ing nntll the day of the fu neral. Finally , on motion of Dr. Miller , Judge Savngo was elected permanent chairman of the general com mittee , and later Mr. Collins was chosen to act as secretary. On motion of Mr. Roaowator the chair man was Instructed to appoint in duo time all the snb-committoes , selecting members from among the citizens , the bar , the grand army , and the old veterans , required to perfect all the necessary details. The meeting was then adjourned sub ject to the call of the president. ACROSS TUB IlIVER. This morning a citizens' cammltteo of Council Blufff , composed of Messrs. Mar shall , Pusoy and Field , waited upan Gen. Howard and Invited him to participate In the memorial exorcises to be bald In that city. They have recalvad tha follow ing reply : "J. H. Mnrlnll , W. H. Pisey , II , H. Field , Council Bluffs. Sirs : Your kind and pressing invitation to be present with you In Council BIufTj and participate in memorial tervices on the day of Gen. Grant'n funeral orvices , is received and I write you the same nswer tint I have given you poraonally hat it will afford ma sad pleasure to acopt your Invitation , and further as you desire it , so civo ; you a brief address touching the life and services of him whoso losj wa now so deeply feel. With much esteem I remiin , gentlemen , yours respactfully , O. 0. HoWAnu , Brig. Gen. U. S. Army. " J THE OLD .SOLDIER. Geo. A. Ouster Post No. 7 , G. A. R. , held a special mooting Thursday evening for the purpose of arranging to take part in paying the last tribute of respect to their their departed comrade. The whole matter of arrangement was dele gated to a committee consisting of Gen. Geor o M. O'Brien , W. P. O'Neill and D. St. Geyor. Gen. Grant was an honorary mombar of Custor pott and the members expressed them selves aa desiring to honor his mem ory by performing on the occasion of hla funeral the Impressive rites of tbo funeral memorial service. This matter , however , has bean loft to the commltto to arrange In conjunction with the commlttoo ap pointed by the mayor. Following ara the resolution ] adoptol \7iiKREAS , The solemn tolling of the funeral bell gives note that our comrade and great commander , General Ulysses S , Grant , has joined tbo solemn procoaaion of old soldiers , which movoa with alow and steady step to ward the open portals of the tomb , whither we all are rapidly hastening , and as good and true soldiora , should make early preparation to follow our renowned leader. Therefore , HKSOLVKD , That in the death of Ulyases S. Grant , Cu tor 1'ost , of which ho wai an hon orary member , and the Grand Army of the ftepublic loses an honored member , and the people of the United States the nn who sol idified and madn permanent tha union of the [ state ? , seconded and sustained by the strong arm of a loyal soldiery and a firm and able government. U-Holvod , That GEO. A. Uuiter Post No. 7 , G. A. 11. , extends to thu family of the depart ed hero ita warmest sympathy iu their gro.it bereavement , the further nsmranco tlmt na eoldiora who served with him aud pirtlclpt- ted iu many of hlj brilliant victories , wo also mourn the bsa ol our oatoame.l commaudur. Ilesolvod , That a copy of thof o resolutions bo forwarded to hN mourning wlfo and chil : dren , und also published ia tha papers in thia ) city. city.Keaolved. . That , the members of Caster post weir the usual bvJera of mourning for thirty days. MEMORIAL SERVICES. . Rev. J. W. HarrlB , pastor of the First Baptht church Is arranging to have nntnn memorial service * , Sunday evening at Ills churcb. It ia proposed to have all the congregations in the city join In these services. Gon. 0 , Howard and Hon. J. M. Thurston have been Invited to spo k. A PIOUlTFBAUD. How a YontiR Mnn with Prayer Book Went Hack on his Ono year ago yesterday the 24th of July 1884 , there landed in Omaha , a young Irishman just from the old country , one Frank Baggon , who hailed from tlio town of Olonls , connty MonBghau. He fell in wlth a friend here , Mr. Sam Montgomery , in ojtlmablo young man , who also hailed From county Monaghan and who had known Baggoa intimately in the old jountry. Baggon was a piously Inclined man to all appearances and carried ibout with him a pouderoui prayer book S o which ho devoted considerable tlmo Jifil Jiw sncl attention. fil The two yctiDg men , Montgomery and Uaggon started out ia the stock buslnesa , la Montgomery ogrealng to furuleh all the lahi noney , if Usggon would attend to the hi jualness , When this favorable propoei- hiI I lou was maJo to the youug Irleh- tt nan his face tthi fairly beamed hi fflth honest joy as ho made hiul hasty accfptiuco cf the offer. Ilo 81 was iinmedUtel/ fitted out , and sent 81P brough the state tj bay cattle and sell It P > [ them In the loc J orket. Ho was a shrewd young man ai a. good judge o stock ; ho soon sncceeiU iu turning hi money to good advant9 , and to all np pearancos the now firnwas in a flontlih- ing condotlon. This season , howovi things h vo no been going straight , ai every now and then Baggon would urn up with A mournful story of howio had lost money from his pocket , thoimonnt which ho claimed to have droped through care lessnosB at limes , bal ? something over S-175. Ho still stuck t bis prayer book , however , and his plnni devotions sorvcc to disarm all stiaplcson , Last week Baggon cno to Omahaanc nhen asked how his -mlness was , re plied that ovorvthlnt was Iburlshlng , and tht > t ho was maing considerable money. Montgomery sked him Friday for sorno money and Djgen replied thai ho could have It on Slirday , ni ho had just nude a tale of tclvo head of cattle - tlo to a bntchor by thnamo of Marsh , and Tras to roccivo tht money the next day. On Saturday Mdtgomory awaited anxiously and In valuho arrival of his partner. Ho did not cio , however , and when ho made inqulrli ho found that the story of the stock Jo to Maiah was all a myth and that MJsh had not soon Btggon since July 4. Inquiries on amore moro extensive scale rrre then Insti tuted , andanro onoughtwis , found that Baggen had loft to tlty. Since that tlmo ho hs > not turned up , and it Is boltaved that ho has left the climate for good. The total of his stoallm r lll amount to about $1,200 or § 1,3 ( ' , supposing that his stories about his hatig lost money are faleo and that ho pmotcd the cash. Part of this money belngol to young Montgomery and part wi advanced by a friend , The police harbooa notified of the n flair. B gen waa a good lotlng young fel low , SJ4 yous of ago , wllmuatncho , and fair open featuresoyos rhor wide apart. Ho spoke with a vorynotlceablo Irish acont. It Is suppoal that ho has skipped out for the west Montgomery , who is half brother * i Mr. E. Fearon , the 'gar ' dealer at Twelfth and Farnain , sa , that If Baqgon will send his address the mderous prayer book will bo forwarded ( him. BATTLING FORiOQDLE. Lawyers Have a FiclflDflhacMDgal the Smith Stoelt Gioils , Affidavits Charging Fraud and Counter TcfitimonDonylng ; That Any Frau Ex- Is ted. The caoo of Cole vs. IVlcr , in which that Smith stoik of goodai tbo matter In controversy , was np yerday ( morn ing , before Judge Dnudyn the United States district conrr , on anotlon com- poling the defendant , Slit IT Miller , to show cause why ho shouluot turn the goods over Into the cujfiy of United States Marshal Bierborr. Sever nl lawyers , wltneaics and others wore prcsjnt , manifesting monhan ordinary Interest In tbo proceeding It was ex pected that the caao wouldevolop nome rich and Interesting fcatuj. The court convened at half-past Id'clock ; Judge Wakeley and Gan. Cow appeared as the legal represontativeaf the sheriff , with Judge Woolworthind John M. Thnralon arrayed pgolnthem as the attorneys for plalnlilT. VC\L the case traj called Mr. Hunt , an lornoy for one or moro creditors , filed n affidavit by Lowey that ho could it got in time to QIo yesterday. Jolo's attor neys cimo in ith toveral now affidavits to oftdot the showing made by dofidnnts. The ehorlffa attorneys secud these new papers and went away io > an aoj lining room to examine them. Tin carao a long wait. Finally Judge DticJy becoming impatient declared his reilniss proceed If anybody had anthorit'to inaKQ the Brst mov < > . Ho gave the \wjera \ until 2 o'clock to find out and aijotrnod court uuttl that hour. In thotnantlmo the EIBO of the United States M.WHllam K. Lyncb , charged with selling 'qmr ' with out a licence , was called np y the assis tant district attorney and a no of $25 Imposed , AFTERNOON SESSIOJ Court convened at 2 o'cloo , "If the panics are ready they will proceed , " jald Judge Dandy. Gon. ( Join opaned irgnmenta by making a shorstatement Df the cao , which waa to thallact that irior to Juno 28h ; a man by to nnmit of Loyal L. Smith w. carrylugon hero , a jry cooda bnoliuaa , mt about the 28'h ho tjok a tolion to jo away , and It devojped tub- lequenlly that ho Imlgino t Uy. The trade bsUvco/i / Smith and Lop , botwcen Lowy and Oolo , between Colcind Sheriff Miller , and the poeactalonohbo properly - ly by Coroner Uruxul , wore a rehttd In 3otc.ll , nldo the matter cf pccuir.f ! a b nd tc. , etc. Appraliara von ecKctod n the l.l'.h of July , rlr , Ames md Mr. Donahm bslng iio parties , fhoy rnado the appralscmoct t § 55,000. 3oronor Drcxel was dtosatsfied , with .hla urpmcment ! , and eolccUl new ap- irdeorH on the afternoon ol Jily 15. In ho meantime Judge Woolirath , nttor- icy for Cole , appeared Uut afternoon , rlth a bond , but claiming tla1 the stock iad not been appraised , ! > * joronor re- mod to accept a bond for 110,000 , for ho reason that it wea InsuTiJent. The icxt evening Marshal Blortmer made a loraand for p-B'oislon of thj goods , hut hen they had been turned tvcr to the horllT , whereupon those ) rocoedlngs Toro commenced , on t motion irderlog the sheriff to show uu e why ho should not ten th goods iver. Aflilavlto bearing npoc the aolion if the coroner in holding taeso goods om Juno 14 , 3 o'clock , until l.lOo'clocK iu the lih ( : , wore reai from JI. Lowy nd Louis Colo. The aflidavll of Shorlil rMler ws also read. Mr. Cowan held hat in as much s the sherir hold the ooda on uttaluncut3 Isiuedfnm tbo clia- lict courttho mattorbalongsli tbatcourt ud that complaints must go there , ferny ny remedy thay may desln. On that rtund ho would move that tin proceed , igs before Judge Dundy , ba dismlised , j having no jurisdiction In t o Unltea tales ( Utriot court. A statimont , by ohn 0. Drexel , regarding hla action hllo holding the goods was read and led , This aflidavlt was rnado moio partlcu- irly to show that fraud had been usad by iowy & Ojles attorneye , In forcing upon Im the names cf Amei and Donahoo as ppraiasraj to ahotr that by the action of icsa nun In making the appraUoinunt Is susplci Jiis were raised as to the fraud- lent tranaactloju , and acSlng on that uplclon ho refusul to accept the up- ralssment , Judge Dundy ruled that wade no ditfsrocca Low DID YOU SATISFY UR CU ITY ? And follow out your first impulse and try the Flor De Valencia Cigars , If not , DO SO AT ONCE , for the pleas ure you derive from smoking these FINE GOODS. Will be a surprise to you and a satisfying comfort long to be remembered. The finestock used in these cigars , must be tested to be appreciated. Call for the GIGA 3 for 25 Cents Esquisitos 3 for 25 Cents Reina Victoria , - - 2 for 25 Cents Dyspeptic and nervous smokers will find these Cigars IN LIGHT COLORS just to their taste , creating no heart burner or unpleasant sensation , AT RETAIL BY Ktihn & Co , John W , Bell , Field & Farnsworth , loth & DOUGLAS. 820 S. 10th STREET. 2115 OUMINGS STREET. W , J , Whitehouse , C. S , Higgins , N. W. COR. 10th it WEBSTER STS. S. W. COR. 12th DOUGIAS SIS. A , D , Foster & Bro , Council Bluffs , Iowa , AND Wholesale by Wrlto for prices and tonne. Orders by letter , poital , telegraph or TELEPHONE NO. 304 will receive prompt attention. mwi \ ho appralsora were aolected or whether heir appraisement was honest , so long as It waa not accepted. Dennis Cunningham made a ( statement o the effect that ho had boon offered Sl)00 ( to sign the bond of Lowy & Cole. lovont \ up to Wolworth.a cilice ono morning , whcro the bond waa to bo Ignod and 51,000 of the $ l,500pid ! over. After getting tliera , however , ho though. every thing vraBiiotriKhi , and commenced studying how to net oat of tt. By going away from the cflice. with a promise to rtturn In ton minutes , and then g''ing tea a tolephoQo and telephoning Hint ho c ud ! not oJino back , Is tbo way ho erciped. Several other allitUvita were rend. rend.Col Thurc.ton , onn tf the ntlo-nove for 3olo , reid an tdidarit from J. M. Wool worthsitting , forthwhalholiiidBlnled o Hermoii Kouniz , regarding tbo matter , ind manner of appraising the property. The creditors had boasted that they had appralncd the property si high that .owy nnd Cole could not give n bond. Jnder the creditors' pppraisamcnt eomo of the goods wcro appraised at the coat xico and others at Smith's retail pries. rhlB Mr. Woolworth thought was unfair , and a uow appraieomont was or- iored. Ho tacommcnded Ames aud ) anahoa as appralae . The farther ransictlons nhioh have been repeatedly mbllahnd , were related by Judge Woolworth - worth In his affidavit. Mr. Thurston's affidavit WAS also road by him. The afli- lavlt of Frank Hanlon , denying Can- nlngbam'a ' statement that 1,500 had > ecn oll'ered him to filgn the bond , Ames and Donihop gave their testimony deny- ng that they had ever bean ordered to mrlso the property for a forced sale , mt simply at what it would sell at ss a vrholo , for cull , At the close of read- ng aflUhvlts it wai left with its honor to decide which had the tflirmatlve. Judge Dandy rnlcd that ilr. Colo's attorneys slioald show why nn . < Ur for the goods to be turned ovur to ho marshal , therefore they must tc ; as ho phiuUll'i , In that order the argu- nents were oommoncid and mado. When the openitg arguments on cither Ida had been concluded onrt adjourned until 10 o'click thU morning. I'ouipuncd. ' The Carpenters Union No. D8 was to have hold a eoclal next Tuesday evening at Knights of Honor ha'.l ' , but on ace ion * of bid weather , which baa prevented ho iiccoiairy arraagcracnts , ha ) been lojtpuned until luitber notlco J. H. THOMP.SO.N , Chairman committee. A GEL'AT EVENT , Xho Coining IVIectlnK I5cwceii ( tlio Onixlia and Hniilln H TcaniH. Tha Ilastlnsa grangers boldly announce - nounco that they are oomlrjg to Omaha , to-day , to storm the town. They propose to take iho Union PaclQcu and wallop them s ) bidly that they will ba ashamed lo rliy ball for a year after the aeries of Ihteo gimoj U finished , Thlf ) ia what they claim to bo able to do. "What they will really nccomplloh la another matter. The Union Pacifies will go In'.o the Oelti prepared to do tllro exe cution , wbllo the llaatliK/'j ' team la equally dctormhud to bo fully prepared for the fray. The contest will undoubtedly bo n close ono and blood will flow freely. The games are to bo played on Satur- dey and Sunday , ono on the afternoon of to-morrow and tbo other two on the morning and afternoon of Sunday. The nlno which wins the two out of the three guinea will take the gate money. Follomlng nro the petitions of the nines for to-day : UNION TACiriCS. HAHTI.VCIH Handle. . . . , Catcher Holier Salisbury Pitcher Smith Hockwell lit base IVIco Birminghamd base ] -dmoral < McKelvy Hi base Oavanaujh Htrock Hhort stop Oibbs Nash Lsft field Miller Kunkhouser O'entor field. . . . Lmdloy CanfietJ. . . . .Uiaht field King 1'KiiaoNAI ; . At the Metropolitan : George W , West , ClarkBj A. Wilson , Linco'n ; JoBoph VuunK blutb , Arllogtju , It. C , Mulliug , Uraud Is land ; II. Boll , and wifti , Atuliiion ; C. C Laitd , Ssiibnarj W. V , Miller , lihiri K Dlotz , Scribneri J. H , Wiley , lialtimore ; H M. Simpson , Wyoming ; 13. L. lletley , , Hampton , ami J , C. Conker , New York. A Now Corporation The Nebraska Loan und Ii adding aoio- elation of thia city filed a charter with tha county clerk ye to/day. The Incor paratora uro K. T. Duke , L , II. Andcr .un , 0 , K. Turner , M , 0. Maul , C. P Sltedhain. 0. L Kritcber , Gaorgu NVcodarc ) , M [ A Upton , and L , McGrccr. Tiio capital atjck it phoed at § 1,000,000 , divided Into $5,000 share ! . The oflico of the association Is to bo located at thla point. JoBophStrnkcl of 010 South Tenth street waa asleep in hla etoro early last ovoninc ; uhcn a Bneak thief camu in anil Btola hla gold watch , No clue to the oileudor. Kiigono Bchlmdolf , the Stailt theatre comedian , la still lying ill at the St. .Tosaph'B hoeplttil , fciiircring from dropsy , A bnulit performance In ta ba given for him r.ext Tuesday , having been postponed hbt Wcil- nesday on account of tlio weather. Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " " Apollinaris Water is an article which is produced l y Nature and is not the handiwork of man ; it is a Natural , and not an artificial Water ? U.S. Treasury , 28 Jan. , 1882. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. O/allLtoctn , Dnissiitit&Min , ll'al. JJraftn , BEWAREOF " MEDICAL AND SURGICAL. QHRONIC AND SURGICAL DISEASES , The largest Medical I'natltuta West ot MIsBlsaippi nivor. Fltlr room * for ( hu nn JHI Nation pr inttlnntt. Tl ) 1'liyi.lfian nn'l ur ; m I'l rhuit'o of lh < Ihttltuto In ; nuu tuU'Cii jc'ar of tfu innf < l M ctiu' . Jnl J Wwi .f r.iro rijcrHi.cu | u > la their VUJJUUB < ! i . . . U'IIITI ruitCini iHon Ixfnrnililfl > i < l Pr "t , 1 ntt ' > fUixtl l'i. . s , T'im < iri t i. . rl , Ctttrih , UiuiKi Inl.uUtinn. . Mr.lrhln . r i J ) U , K.lU4y | . | , klUK I , K..r 8k In in. . I llluml nmtturi U rlt fur PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEM nn I'MViK brniii n l .Mmotn Mu in MiulniO M't kD S < 8pprni tiirill < r . Hyl'LUlH ' , Glut , HrlcUirf.Yatl. PO e.emiJall tliietnrl fih Vllonrj t.i ) fciuil 'ir iji < ri | r illMltr > rrtiI"U J > Dr of f ruii.ail ) ' , tv.ul | < huUU | liu i ii > Dt 01 inaliur e frr < it it iinki iu iMll Ur illlMlfrt lo J > tt rvuntt"r fcvmVr OUlUA MEDI ll N1I SITOICAL ? L