Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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strain or cold MlatVn that ncak back
and nearly prostrates jou.
Strengthen * the Mtmrlr * ,
Stcnilhn flir TVrrvrnj
3'itrlclitH tlt Itlnntl , OU t H 1N < w Vigor.
In. iT. TJ. MrrnR , rn.rfirid. Iowa , aura
"Brown * * Iron llitten i * the ln * t Iron mMlrino I
Into known In tny flOyoiira1 practice I liavt * found
It * i f cliUly Ijf nollrhl In nervous or j.iijpfral r ilintin-
tfon. nn < l in nil dpbilltaHntf ailment a that Imar M
hwmlyon thn system UPO It free ly in my own family ' *
Opiiulno IIAH trade innrk and nw vd T \ line * on
wrapi * r , Tukr no nlln-r. Madeonh by
UlEOWNmrMirU , CO. , ItAI/TMIOKi : , .
\DiFft' HAND BOOK nwful find Altrnctko , con-
tnininitlist of prifM for r < * ctt > ofijn format Inn About
coin * ctr civrn nway ( > / n.11 utilern / ( ti medicine , or
tiiiilod tonny Address on rocoijjt of 2c MAJIIU.
. : - > jnv-if - HRDAOGUift 'wtai
. .XSBS51 ;
t * ' iircn-il li. Ml * nuril * '
I- ,1,11,1-I 1 ' _ , . , . , , , , , . „ „ II.
pf ti o htalii ) for C (
; ; , "rk' ' . , AMroK I ) I.AKK1J , flirbT ,
\U \ > uutll ( . l.irk hrrcct , C'nn UK , . Ir.u
Royal Havana Lottery E
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tickets In Filths ; wholes ? 5 ; Fractions pro r U.
SnDjvcl 10 no manipulation , DOS ooatiolietl by the
fftrlieiln Inieieet. It IB Iho fttresl thing to lha
ilnioof cbuioela existence.
lot tickets apply to SIIII'SET & CO. , 1212 Broad
nay.N. T. City ; , or U.OTTKH3 ft CO , 610 Main 81.
K c a Cltv. Ifo.
Cancer of the Tongue ,
A Case Resembling that ol Gen. Grant.
Eorco ten yearaago I tail a Bcrofuloua poio on my "
right hand which tiaio ire great trouble , mid under
the old time trcotticnt healtu up. but it Ijjd only
been dtien Into the sjtteratn , the use of potash an
nod mcrcuiy , and In Match. 1888 , It broke out in
rey throat , and concentrated Into wliatsoiro of the re
doctors called cancer , citltf ; through my check , do- tli
Btrojlnp the tool ot my mouth and upper Up , then aa'
attacked ray tongue , p Utennd lower lip dcstrolng fai
tbo palate and under lip entirely and bn ( iny ton uo
eating out to the top cf inj left check bone and up frc
to tbo left 0)0. I could not rnt any eolld lead , but bu
subsisted on Hquldj , and my tongue was so far gone
Iconld not talk. .Suo.h win my ret lied , helpless SC
condition the first cf list Octooer (183) ( ) , when my rel
frlcntto commenced gMti ? too Bullt's Specific. In
Ices than a month the rating p'uccs stopped and onH
healing commenced , and iho fearful apa.'turo In my H
check has bcon obued and 11 rally knitted together , osl
A process of a row tinier lip Is pro rcaslrjg finely ,
aiuitho tonjuc ( which \vas almoit ilsttroicd Is bo- go
loir rocoterod , and It socuia that nature Is suppljlni ; la
I cm talk BO that raj frlenda can laclt
readily understaml no. aud can lso cat solid looj clt
uRUln. if nny coubt these facts I would refer them
to Hon. John II. Tml'ir ' , State Senate r of this dis
trict , and to Dr. T. u. DradflcIJ , LaaranRC , ( Jn me
MK8. 1IAUY L. lOMEIt , tin
LaQraDRO , RaM&y II , 1S65 , wane
Foreale by alluru'ilstii. ( 1
TreatHoon blood and akin diseases mailed free , noel
I'm S irr Br-Kciric Co. , Uiawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa. ,
N. V. , 167 W. 23d Sj.
IIIH | ! ' < > i1. 4)Uea > c9 of tl.K iilncyN , Illud pnt
lrr , lUHl I'riiHtnln Cliiiul t'l lll'.lt ullliniit the
Mnmnrli Ufdicltifa the JMarM-'U lloliiH ,
liy - ' Va
rlPori'iiiciimlwIiliout urKC'ry Treatise mid tes will
timonial-Irrr. Allrdrri poinViiii inllcl < > iitlnl , wilhe (
df VUaxf > tr < Ur. > f > t MPW VniJK. aft
Imported Beer coln
Krlanifer llavarla I Culmbachcr Itavarla da
1'llsntr lioliemlan I Haider . . . . . . . .Uromun
UOUKST10. mo
nudtselscr St. Louli I Anhouser 8t , I.oiila noi
Ilot'tf Milwaukee | Bclditz I1 lener.Ullnraukee
Krug'e Omaha | Alt , 1'ortor , Domestloand eh.
Uhlnu Wltioa. 103
EPJWATTREJI , 1213 Parnam St. BDJ "
Town Lots in Denver Junction ovc
Weld County , Colorado.
Denver Junction la a now town of nbout 200 arc
nhnbitnnta , laid out in 1881 , on the great hoi
trunk railway across tlio continent , nt the
junction of tbo .Tiilwtmr > ; lirnncli , 1U7 milca
from Denver , Tbo town in on oeconcl bottom got
land ol tlio i'lntto Itlrer , tbo tineat location the
between Oumbnund Denver , ntid [ a etirround-
ixl by the bast-laying lands west of Kearney coi
Junction , Noli , i climate bealthy and bracing ; clg
altitude 3,000 feet , Demer Junction bids to lor
becoma nil li t > ortant point , as tbe U , 1 * . K ,
K , Co. , nra putting up many of their buildings luf
here , while the li. & . M. U , K , Co. . are expected - t
od soon to connect at tbU place. The presaut mo
cluuica for good iuveatinenta In town lota will for
ccnrcely ever be equaled oluewherH , For eale
by the lot or block In good terms by jnea
Atrent Dnnvnr Junction pot
, Coin
At the ol I e atidll 7 Farnafn St. Orders by tele- from
eraph sol citoJ jnd ] remptly fttUuded to ,
C. SJf. nan
Sbc Feds Good Because Easiness is
Pidtiog Up , and Real Eslate
A Goncmlly Prosperous " , Good Time'
; tjoonm I'p For tlio Southern
atctrnpolls ,
CorrcsponiJenco of the BKK.
CITY , Kob. , Jnly 22. The
qucatlon of the now largo stock yards
and poik packing lioiuo now being de
finitely settled , and onr government post-
ofl'uo being previously "fixed" aomo four
weeks back , our citizens are- now chuck
ling over the city's good lack , and nearly
everybody la prophesying , with ton to
ono In favor of the prophet , that Ne
braska City will have doubled her present
population two ycara hence.
The atock yarda will occupy sixteen
acres of ground , whllo the packing house
will bo of a little larger capacity than
our present one. In some future letter
I will filvo a description of the two In
stitutions that the readers of the BEG maybe
bo aware of the "big things" now aaanrod
for Nebraska City.
Apropos to the general good times
which wo anticipate with the introduction
of our many now enterprises
steadily upward In price , and Bales in the
real catato line are quadruple whit they
were at this tlmo laatyoar.
Tno river , of which Ha moandorlngu
were mentioned in our last letter ,
haa now began Its destructive
work nucesgary before the channel is ful
ly Bottled on this eido , and two of onr
largest brick yarda situated on the bank
of river are succumbing to the Insatiable
appotlto of the "mighty Missouri. " Ono
of the brick makers , Mr. Rosolins , hav
ing partly finished burning his kiln of
brick , and they bolng too hot to handle ,
is forced to stand by and BOO them gob
bled up by the angry waters.
Some llttlo apprehension was feared
by the Nebraska City Distillery Co. ,
that their cattle sheds wonld bo washed
away but tbo Indications are now more
favorable. Our citizens were considera
bly worked np last week by the fact that
n parly of railroad surveyors had struck
the town ,
Who they were nobody seems to have
been able to find out , but It la the opin
ion of most of onr citizens that they
were la iho employ of the Missouri Pa
cific railroad , and were surveying a line
from either Talnugo or Delta. However ,
the cry Is , "Give us another railroad , "
and Nebraska Oltyltes don't care where It
comes from so long as It gota hero.
The Darlington & Missouri surveyor ,
Col. Dudley , has been In the city for the
past < several days surveying the
witches for the now packing house , also
ono for the distillery. The latter com
pany ' claim they can save § 30 per day by
the building of the switches to their
Col. : Giles "groat aggregation of consol
idated wonders " ' -
idP" , at'-whoso mighty ap
preach " the earth trembles , " the only cir
cus : of thlsjyoarfor Nebraska City showed
hero last woek. As the show TTRS leavIng -
Ing next mornln ? attachment papers were
served on It for $350 by ono of the cir
cus' employes. Matters were arranged
BO that the "aggregation" was allowed to
proceed to Sidney , Iowa where they
" aa
"anted .
up. aaNe
Our citizens are wrathy over the cen Ner
sus taking this year. Although the Br'
reports have not been made public yet iW
tlioao who have had access to the reports
say that the population of the city will cov
fall short 5,000. The report from the ant
from the third ward seems to hold right , oat
but there Is a vast discrepancy in the
second and third wards and many bitter lac to
rdlectiono are cast on the census enum tha
erator of these wards Mr. Jack Farley.
Ho loaves to-day for White Cloud , Ivas. , finf
ostensibly to take a position with the up
government engineers , but wo opine ho WO
pleased at the prospect of leaving onr
city at onco. tot
The board of education at their last hid n
meeting decided that nn enlargement of hidI
high school and Third ward school :
was necessary , and bids to that effect are lov
now being advertised. eve
Nebraska City has now a full fledged
bravo boys In blue , who are over ready the
answer the call for protection whether enl
from near or of jr. Upon second thought
believe Iho boys are already ecircd iiin
of six months' growth , aa they have pin
boon able to material/ ! meeting pin'i
since the lL < juiry received a few days ago ia
FroDi the state adjutant general as to how hav
many men Nebraska City's militia could ner
furnish in of the uiu
caco prospective Indian uiuA
trouble on our western borders.
The ( on
Consolidated Tank Line company Imi
: awarded to Mr. L , Xtmmer , of this beh
lty , the contract for erecting their ox- tail
tunslvo ! cooper shops , also a roiidonco for tailV
nee of their imiou isr , The cooper inai
shops will bo located In the northwest ITBI
corner of the block owned by the com Wii
pany , the residence for the manager in ire
northeast corner. The cooper shops
give employment to eixteou hands at and
start. The company intend hore- rub
jftor to barrel oil only at Omaha and this frulA
; , and will ship their tanks from Lin A
and the other points to hero. vlth
Sheol ! that lome
now region of Infernal
weather , has sent beautiful mai
a supply of 8 ho
products hero the past week or ton hoa
lays. ; For the last few days the ther Inn
mometer has averaged 100" each after- thn
norm at about 2 o'clock , whllo In some twl
shudy places It is said to have reached BO
: . This , wo believe , Is higher than CIO' :
reports from the cities east. No cases 1
sunstroke have boon cro1
reported how- jrlm
Jver. bon
The Cumberland Presbyterian people twiT
remodeling aud beautifying their T
IIOIIBB of worship. rray
Quito ( n number of onr citizens have ( i'o
ono to Lake Mlnnotonka to whllo eh 3'
away : ray
extremely hot weather , La
The 1 News surprised the natives by cole
omnp ! ! out last S.itortlay evening in an .
light page form. They will continue the A
largo , edition each Saturday , so wo are
informed. t
John Steinhnrt , tbo great democratic .ad roa .
nogul of 10-1 Main street , has bcon east load.
the past several days , and knowing mdy
) say ho Is fixing up a case of "ofTdn- '
partisanship" against our present "
poatoUico Incumbent , 1'anl Schmlnke. An
iilrgod Interview by the Chicago Inter tron
Dceau . man wax published In the Press tllut
few daya ago , but we failed to discover utti
original In the Inter Ocean of any yoiii
recent date. Guess it was a ton cents a that
interview. doll
A representative of a large stove factory | ' .
Irouton , Mo , , nho a fruit canning J are
of largo experience from Bjltlmoro " 3cds
will bo In the city In a few
days to confer with onr business men in
reference to the establishing of a fruit
canning establishment and store in onr
mldnt , It begins to look as though the
old adage , "It never rains but It pours , "
wonld yet bo exemplified in Nebraska
City. Packing house , stock yards , cooper
shopi , flouring mill , canning factory and
other booms , too numerous to mention ,
How ad wo Imagine "Topics" of the
State Journal must hnvo felt when the
pirty of Chicago capitalists , who were In
vltod to visit Lincoln and our city In
reference to the establishing of an exten
sive stock yards and pork packing house ,
thought It not worth whllo to visit
Lincoln after viewing onr city and Us ad
vantages , but at once decided that Ne
braska City should have "tho plum. "
When "Topics" saw they wouldn't
come to Lincoln ho wrote a very humor
ous llttla tqutb about a "puty of Chicago
men visiting Nebraska City ou n pleasure
trip , Arc , &o. Suilico to say It ia with
pleasure that wo chronicle the fact that
the Ohicigo men were so well pleased
with their "pleasure trip" that they at
once decided to Invest about $2,000,000
In Nebraska City.
Onr next letter will probably bo from
the lake region of Minnesota , as your
correspondent expacta taking a "lay oil"
In the region of big bass and mosquitoes
shortly , and will wrlto thn traditional
"fow linos" from there. "EYE SEE. "
Tha Mystery of tlio Milk.
"Milkman's Milk" Is quoted by n popular -
ular journal aa being "weak and quiet
ing. " In a "condensed milk" factory In
the : milk district of Now York state , it
was found to bo worao than that * The
farmers f had diluted it with water and
then thickened It with borax and salt
petre. Is it any wonder that after feed
ing on this mess the people suffer from
Indigestion ? Brown's Iron Bitters con
quers Indignation In young or old ; regu
lates bowels and kidneys , and promotes
perfect health In spite of the milk adul
lint brima nro vary narrow ,
Fongeoa have velvet stripes.
IIuo garden hats are still worn.
Lace grows in favor as the season advances.
Round waists and wide Bashes grow in
Long Hewing enshca are more fashionable
than ever.
Kualistlc fringes are finished with nuts of
various sorts.
Fancy pnlloons are mixed with chenille in
Oriental coloring.
Some of the now beaded galleons have the
beads painted by hand.
Vim's veiling is trimmed with surah , velvet
or with yak lace.
Kbino etono pins for tbe hair are the order
of tbo day at present.
Moire antique sashes eix or eight inches
wide are becoming more popular ,
Brown dresses are trimmed with lace run
with threads of copper.
Mohair costumra are laced with silver cord
and tassels , and have velvet pipings.
Black Theodora tulle , with gold stars , is
innlo up with black or colored sutin.
Eton jackets with jetted black lace may bo
worn with dresies of any material or color.
The milkmaid pverskirt and the housemaid
frock are rivals in women'd favor at ttio mo
Woolen tulle is now manufactured and is aa
fine aa that of cotton. It is made up over
colored silk.
Itepousso brass work is the newest fancy
occupation of women of leisure who are artis
tically inclined.
Gradation | of colors are fashionable , nnd fro-
queotly three shades w ill bo worn over the
foundation silk skirt.
A foolish Iowa maiden attempted to change tb
the color of her eyes , but succeeded only m sti
ruining their UEofulnoaa.
A now Jersey cloth in < black and colors is 1m
coareely ribbed ai the cardigan jackets.
dark lining is required. dePi
There is a largo number of rod-haired girls in
Brooklyn. The introduction of the electric for
light there seems somewhat superfluous.
A high-crowned mousse-green silk hat is
covered with gold tulle richly embroidered is
and ia trimmed with a full cluster of green 13
ostrich tips , .
Figaro jackets have round fronts and roach ' [
the I waist line of the bodice. If made cf to
laca , or etemine they are lined with Bilk hko
that of the dress.
Small pina or brooches , no car rings , few
Inger rings and very slender bracelets make
the catalogue for the Bummer jewelry of a of )
woman ] of taste , dot
Tha deep , dark plot of a Baltimore girl was lad
mix Boinu chemical with tha rungo used by
rival , so that it would turn her cheeks black aali
ndellbly Instead of pink. aalii
It is said that in Kpgland lovers remain on-
rngod from throe to five years. The English
lover , however , doesn't have to buy ics cream in
ivey week for his girl. cot
A few women , generally of mature nge , eon
wear a terror-like projection at the back of
their dresses , but na a rula big bustles are
July seen in "fashion plates , "
cov :
A navy blue rough and-roady straw bon- eve
, faced with blue velvet , has a trimming of
lino-inch wide yak lace fastened wiih gilt
litia. The BtnngB nro of blue velvet ribbon , the
The horiid , wapginc and crinolctto bustle
no longer worn. The bant dieasjd women Bo
lave learned to wear their draperies in n man- con
that makes any save a very small bustle ant .
innecesaary , Tin
At a fire ! In Soinervllle , Mann. , a lady sell
ought her way heroically into the burning
milding , md saved her DOW bonnet , leavinp baj
lehind to bo cuuiumed her pocket-book , con- 111
ainmg SI'JO. '
Woman dentists nro paining ground in Cier- T
nany. They nro prarticing 111 many of tlio
rent cities ; in Hamburg , thrashing , Cologne , I ci
iVicabiden and Frankfnrt-on-tho-Mnln , They rom.
very popular with the children , IP ,
A bonnet composed of lead-colorotl beads
trimmed with knots of red velvet ribbon
u bunch of purple plums made of India
ubbor as eolt and natural looking aa tha real
rult. The strings are of red velvet ribbon , " K
Michigan lias provided hereolf
woman wol ?
a mourning iniinent , Including it hand- tory
black bonnet , "because there are so Nor
nany delicatu members of tha family , and NorA
bad to bavo Borne now clothe' , anyway. " am
The old fashioned turban is being Incroaa- anlj
ngly : worn In town , the only trimming being 'hut '
hrco row * of vulvot ribbon , or a rnugly IiinA
iwUtod Roman scarf , the turned brim being ; A
wide as to leave very llttlo space for any toh
rown decoration. byt
Tain U'Shanter hats of mull have shirred mm
irovvns and are trimmed with a frill about the -ord
, with an Aliatian bow of wide soft rib \JCP ' !
a arranged across the front ; a cluster ol TrilJ
istrlch tipi or a little bunch of flowers , orelao ( J
Avietod drapery Burrouniilng the crown. twa
Tha now colors are gablor , a eUy blue with
au c
; tinge ; pence , pumice stone gray ; moune repl
, dtickwood color ; genet yellow , the
hada ' of the broom any
plunt hloBnom ; nebuleo cycl
, cloud color ; pspitc , orautra yellow ; the
.abrador , a gray blue ; plomb , a eilvery load beei
; eclantino and hyclrnngos , two now pink beeiHi
l.ados , fron
baehfulyoung Jinn who wan afraid to will
iropoeo to his eweetheurt ( educed her to tire Jgrui [
lam with n piatol , which he asm-red her a vo
only loaded with powder , and after olio It the
done BO full down and pretended to lie robu
. She threw herself wildly upon the and
, callicg him her darling mi i her lielorod Inch |
'hereupon fie got up and married her , KUllt
Unerictu ( Ua. ) Itermbhcau , IIK.II
"A doll at Long lirauch H the elzo of a < f tl
year old child , and haa nn elnborati' bo ) r
romeeau coating nn ( losa than n couple o ( of dollars " There itru other dolld n
the saino place , the DUO of twenty year old .rd . :
women whoso troaaeau coat not lean b-jtt
$10,000. They are alive , but they nre bio i
, ell tlio tarr.p , and young men had bet
li. I
the oueiBlutled
marry vtitheavvduit ,
.ady Ilka and elegant travelling costumes I "
made of Hue , softly draping camel'd liairau"
il ) tiny blus anu gold checks , with blau rboi
bands nnd panels of Knssian-bluo velvet.
vith vest to correspond , fastened with small
French gold buttons finely chased. With the
protection of A dust-cloak , this dresa would
suffice fora journey of any length without
the necessity of adding costumes for hotel
w r.
Kvon the high prices silk glove * this season
have a wny of giving out very quickly rU the
finger tips , o completely that n neat Invisible
darn is rendered an impossibility , The rest
of the glove la left "ns goocl as new. " The
ba > t way to with them is to cut off the
finger portions entirely and half of the thumb
Hem the edges left "raw" nnd you have n
pair of tilk mitts which will last the Bummer
To meet the rEqulromonla of n fJasels figure
n latty Bhnu d lo fifeot ) } inches tall , 82 in
ches bust measure , 21 Indies wni t , 1) ) niche
from nrtnpit to waist , long arms and nrck.
A queenly woman , however , should bo 6 feet
f > tuctioa tall , 31 inches about the bust , 2GJ
about Iho Wrtist , 35 over the hips , \l\ Inches
around the lull of the nrm nnd OJ inches
nround the wrist. Her hands and feet
ehould not be too Biimll ,
Cambric dresses with round waists , mid
wholly ucdrnped , nro Been on every hand ,
These skirt * , Uo , look well , must bo ni full as
possible nil around , nnd there must oven bs
extra gathers at the waist in the back to pre
vent tbnt very untightly falling away from
the touriiure , nnd BO leaving It cxpasod in
bold outline tu the jeering scrutiny of any
body who happens to catch Mgbt of such n
caricature upon modern boutfiuicy. These
straight-gathered gowns iitcetelUto a little
distension to inako thorn look well , but Iho
long , wobbling , well-shaped crinoline first
used is now quite a thing of the pnst , nnd In
its plnco is substituted a crescent shaped roll
of horse-hair covered with white falcon , the
roll tapering to points on each end , nnd
rounding very full in the centre.
best and surest provontllivo
per bottle , Bold by Druggists and Grocers ,
Uy the Garden Gntc.
Ho Blood outside the garden gate
And whistled In n minor key ;
She sat at her boudoir window nnd
Caugh ou to his melody ;
A Hristol bull dog eat between ,
Wagging his bullet hond ;
"Ah there ! " the lover whispered low ;
1 Stay there ! " the malden said.
[ Doston Timen ,
Nnrvoua Debilitated Men.
You are allowed a free trutl for thirty < lai > s of
the USD of Dr. Dye's Oolebrated Voltaic licit
with Klectric Suspensory Appliancoa , for tbo
Bpeody rollof and paimnnont cure of Nervous
Debility , losa of Vitality and Manhood , and
all kindred troubles. Also for many other
diseases. Complete restoration to health ,
vigor and manhood. No risk ia incurred. Il
lustrated pamphlet , with full information ,
terms , etc , , mailed free by addressing Voltaic
Belt Co. , Marehnll , Mich.
Packing Her Saratoga.
Her trunk Is packed ; but yet is eho
Not frco from all distress ;
For down the top , to moot tbo lock ,
In vain she tries to press.
And then her loving ppouso she calls
To sit upon the lid ;
Ho scowls , well knowing what that means ,
But doeR as ho Is bid.
He sits and bumps himself against
That trunk lid , but in vain ;
It will not meet , although ho tries
With nil his might aud main ,
Ho stands on it , hii jninps on it.
Ho lies on it and swears ;
And struggles until off ho two
Suspender buttons tears.
And when hia eyes are bulging out
And twisted in hia neck ,
And when his nails are broken off
And all his clothes a wreck ,
And when ho feels that if ho makes
One morp attempt ho'll burst ,
She , too. sits on that lid , just aa
She should hnvo dona at first.
Blowing Up Hell Gate
he bcon a laborious and costly work ,
ar the end justifies tbo effort. Ob
struction in any important channel
moans disaster. Obstructions In the
organs of the hnmau body bring Inevita
ble dlsosso. Theymu3t be cleared away ,
or physical wreck will follow. Keep the
liver In order , and the pure blood courses
through the body , conveying health ,
strength and life ; lot It become disor
dered and the channels are clogged with
Impurities , which result in diecaso and
death. No other mediclno equals Dr.
Piorco'd "Golden Medical Discovery"
acting upon the liver and purifying
the blood.
The sleep that is produced by opiates
nolahor ] natural nor refreshing. When
cough Ia troublesome and rest Is needed
led Star Cough Ouro can bo relied upon
furnish it. It Ia eafo nnd eflicaclous.
lor Liadlcs.
Philadelphia Times.
"I guess I'll have to lay m a now stock
sword-canes , " said a Ninth street
loaUr in walking-sticks yteterday. "That
ady toou the last ono I had. "
"Do ladles buy s word-canes' " ho
"Do they i Well , I should say BO.
iLonng lady artists are h.oavy customers
them. Yon sao they go about the
ionntiy sketching and painting , and want
lomothing for protection. "
"Against trampsf"
"No ; against llzirds and snakes-and
ows. They toll mo they split a lizard A
ivory time run him rjght through , " 11
"Aro you sure they light cows with c\ur
hem1 ? itru
'That'a what they say , but 1 doubt It.
3otwoon ! you and mo If a girl saw a cow
laming toward her she'd drop the cane
make for the fence ovcry time.
Chat's none of my business , thonfi } ) . I'm
oiling canes , and if the ladies want to
them 1 am gain4 to encourage them
can. "
Tito best regulator of digestive organs and- lo
licht appetiser knovui la AIIKOHIurn Hilt till
Try it hut beware of imitations. Gi- r > ,
. your grueet or druggist the genuine arti it1
iimnufabtuud by Dr. J. ( i. U. Siegort it nil
Kov. Mr. Hecdicr discrcdita what ho calls
Adam and Lvo romance. " Next thing
know ho ill express hla disbelief of the
that ' 'Jonah swallowed the whale , "
torristown Herald ,
member of the Idaho legislature has been
rrestod for stealing a bible. Ho will prob-
plead In defence that ho did not know
! ho was doing , and few legislator do ,
iiugharopton Republican ,
clergyman In central Illinois is reported I.MOl
have startled his lluck Ol
n few .Sundays ngo Dlai
the announcement : "Jtomotnligr our com- Lfkd
ninlon eervlco next Sunday forenoon. The
will be with us during the morning ttt
) nnd the bishop hi the evening. " I Chicago
Uvclone pits have rent a Georgia church In
wain. A majority of the brethren consld J. ' M.
retiring to these refaireH during a storm rltb
ovldenca of distrust in ( Jed , The minority lilt
uplled that they trusted In God in miicli as .ill am
nyhodyjhiit when they m vv DM able bodied our
yclono . oining , they were giinir to get out of welc
way. All eliurti to heal the broach have
long a * tha world eudiircH , vvo suppose ,
minds that are menu or envious the cry , V.
go up that Sim. ( ones u rising now , nd (
norauca or prf-judiua will lire crudullty with
volume of stink liota. Hut uoni the lead is
duty of clulued and st'tieiblo im-n to
ibuko the discharge against culturo.geniahty
womanhood < > f tucli dotted nonsense
thle oraugolut Ij howling : liiou ( > h the " It.
lutheru nlldertit' , apiarently | under tha hul ir a
i.iiiatluu that the toiitomp irary jippearanc lu
the Hcventnen year loetutsiroot \ him to
another J"lm tlio 11 ii'i t ; r It
: > O4o
1 nold In two JO.IIB thir'y-thrpo thou-
0110 hundred and twenty ( 'i , J20) ) S
jttles of Hun I'd Kmedy , It fs u vuhu-
modlcinn for kidney dleeises. " W.
Ilanl'ri Homely Is purely vogstablo ,
a speedy euro for heart disease and
loumatlsm ,
1 j
I "
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache. Headache , Toothache.
k > < > roTlu-ontSn < < IHiie .Hiriilti < i.Itiiil ct
ltili'ii . .Scalili. l'i-o l II11 en ,
( Ml At f , ( ITlll It IIOIIIM I'llNS ( Ml illtls ,
PolJ by Prugfiftiftmt Ili' 1 < v vw r * I injOu < l Ujta ! !
Ihr * t ) nl m 111 * K'HCM ,
TIII : enitii : A. > ouri.r.ii co.
, \ A.
( > 17 TSf , tluirlo * . SSi lUnis. .H
c ri
pe In ir MI. , Hi r C * Tr 1. 1 I . .
Ai < J rio Piiiimliif i' T " ' ' ft ! " { . 13 it. I-sai ,
Ui-ttj r rfl' ' " ' " ' " ' > ,1J rli' nll- . .
Nertaus I'losiraiion , Ocb'lHf , M nt * > r.oi
hjslral Wcaknus * , anrjotru > r
Brtn > ol Ihiuat , Skirt of Snncv , d'nud Pol ; ' , -t
c'tl ' Sur ! > .irtd Hirers , r T - ! ! -ir , . i
j.-cet > , rnlitLit ri , ntt' < ett TCI , n rt'f , , r- , tt
Olseast'i * rlslrio fror 'ndUcrpllor , , Ext'esr
t xpo ure or Indulgence , hi , n \ - r e'ta
Vlonlrit ,1i- ' iK'touit , > , Jel I'll , , rtluo t l * . tit t
ulic'Hlr | Mmorv f I , , p i r , > , . r i , libj.l vlj-ct-
ivertuntpifi < onnj r trnnit > , "nnlu < ortl-wi ( t >
ZkQtlorln Alfirrtng - ttnttroper or unhappy , B t
d n < illiorr-tl. l-tmrlln < rufi iiatae ilu.r M ,
Kl lrd < u > illi , fr , t D.iriii ! ) > aulUllcB f , . t'
reior'j * aall'r. , , n > , - , , Tlt fu-q\.u'cs
A Positive Write Guarantee
rlrtt In ll curable cutri. lj , dlrlneii icnl eT ri ijii ( .
Knullsh or Herin n. Ul pjtr
i. " r' ' ' . llltitruo ! 1 K h ta4i : : I
P' ) ir < * u < i 19.
l , t < v T' ItLChlll
James Uedical Institute
I * Chartered by thcStateorilll-
inois for the express purpose
-all chronic , urinary nnd prl-
Svatc diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
L Gleet andSyphtllsin all their
'complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Uloodpromptly relieved and
permancntlycured by reme-
dicstestedinn./'or/j/JVir '
\tipcrtul 1'rurtlcr * beminal
skncss L Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the FaceLost Manhood , liHilllveli/cnrrtl.Tlirro
Is no tri > crlinenthnit The appropriate remedy
is nt once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines Bent by Mall and Express. No marks on
packane to indicate contents or sender. Address
DR. JAMESNo. 204Washinglon St.Chicagolll.
tin LiVEfJa'.I ' KIDNEYS
' 1 H initi ilih. UI.AL , ' !
nil VIOOll of YOUTH
Uatitn' '
tun . l.mi "
> tll'Jll ( " ' .Hf .Ill-dUllU
jful. i : _ .
l.l.llXt'lU 111 ! ' tlllllll H
supplies llrilr.'nv \ n
, . . , , . _ , r-iilk-rl.iilroiii eoniplj" !
Dais' 4H&3J iLi.i.ll.irli ) tliclrei t T-
i in OK -BrrK'amow ; TONIC .imie ci
'tdvcuttJivesa - letir. li'jaitliy '
1 L , tionl an * rupth at l * '
lie popularity ut Hit tir u'tr , i' lt :
nl-\ \ ! > ttlii' Dun IN itsi , III"- !
i-mlyourailrfre ute rtl Ur Hurt , r
j-t. l.oilMu 'oi ouf DKEAIiI
f" ,
dP dC
pin sit > n cf largo practice snja of Hrl ' ( 'f'H FooJ.
in siv ol this iir iaintl > n ol foiul it lmn
fa Icil ite or falli-il to agrro wliun kltcn ( trl > t
an inline toinv iliroit one. With seruiiul m circ ,
need b'-Mt ) IKIlj troulilo Irom | JI > L | coin-
hints anil ( o thiMliat I rlbotlio If' 'hit I II-HC
ucrjctl tu cDihlltliaoj lonn it uinr'liin ' n
lolcra Ii ratitnni "
lon , 1111Ol 1)1 M' In ti i , id
lli-Kt . | | ) | ' | , VVOI1I It- I i | t-
1(171 ( siuil , n . I i-l \ u 1 h i uiJi liiMiin ( Kin In
. ,111,1 , ln-inii i , in a MM I'l Hill ,111 I I ll Ul I'llTI'
1 miVil - , i rn iv , I ii ilur , , I i , n , li l , IMI in ,
li il in 1 in i- I.ii I ll 1,1 III I , - IV Illll isll - ,
1 union J , , I > : I II ! f I
term I iill'lrrin I
Uht.ltl ! lM ll It I il VI
i , Mloh. .
M. Iot A Co. . Morao , tllch.
OtivTn 1 tun using your fluid Eitroct B < xl Clorrr
llouain and Wet Comprxsi for Cancrron the treu (
ara well. 1 am utlsllod It ! the bt t rrmnlx for
iinccr known. You nro wi Icome to lue tula tar UK
xT * . i. A. jonxaox.
Tor KDO , 0. , JIUUUJT 17 ,
. o. , Kos-noB , Mlcli.
V JI y wlfii run for Mime tlrno boon aflllctM
Itnaoim . tiling like . a Kroruloua AM * ' and found m <
until ibeKinoj our Kxtrrt of ltedCJoT r trlal ,
linpt'j' ' ( o nay BOO Jiaa xif > rlencf4l ( Trent r llel ,
is tiut & plight tur-tlmonlal of inj appreclAUou a1
cirorti In liolinlf of liuinanlty , wUiob you art
relcoiuo to use for their kcnrilt.
laiu , teryrtcctfull / , JI. AIU13.
loi.rixj , 0. , Dec. 1st , list
toosi & Co. lloxno * . llldi.
U.VTH-I oumin icwl taking your I'Jrt. Kcd Clover
o , for l.DK'iMlue , niul li ve not UHQ
lic < i. It l < hereditary wita 010. TulnU you
! Sl blurm meolcirie know n.
Yoor truly , W , U. SE1BKBT.
Il rtymnn , of Drand l. i > ! < ! < , Midi . tijt Mtrt
"olJociorauJUmlliini tou oI Kut ] xt. Kill tlovtr
bait cate of I zeina , > r > i < r r h re on the ] < &
Ainijprint now uelL ; MfdlcliioTonlonnd L-r-niral Dlotxl run iris
hMno < iaal 1 nru > Ju by all dru UU , urj. it
i Ou. . Munrot ) . 31 ch ers
, H , AT WOOD ,
Plattsmouth , Neb.
( r of tborougbbrod and high K" de
ereio d and Jersey Cattle ,
And Dutoo and J order KeJ Bwine ,
at Reason-
South Omaha
Since the completion of the new packing
and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak
ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. Besides
the large pork and beef house erected for
Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com
menced the erection of similar institutions
and still others are contemplated for the
near future. 'Several dwellings have been
built and twenty or thirty are now building.
Employment is now furnished to about one
hundred and fifty families , and conservative
estimates place the figure at eight hundred
to one thousand families that will find em
ploynjent there a year hence. This offers
great inducements to laboring men to secure
homes now while they are cheap. Specula
tors will also find it to their advantage to buy
at present prices. The company Lave made M
no change from the original prices , but some
parties who first purchased lots have resold -A
them at splendid profits , in some cases at
double the purchase price. If in so short a
ime handsome profits are made , what will
be the result when everything is fully devel
oped ? In the few other cities that are favor
ed with a first class cattle market , fortunes
have been made by investors in real estate ,
and the same is certain to follow in South
Omaha. While the whole city of Omaha
will ( be greatly benefitted by the growth and
development of the cattle interest , South
Omaha lots will enhance in value more ra
pidly than any other by reason of the prox
imity to the works.
Manufacturers of all kinds willlinil itlo their ndvautiigo
to inspect thinpropprty ; good location , level grounds , track
lacililies nnd plenty of ejood pure witer furnished by the
South Omaha Water Works. In fact , every facility to make
desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground.
Will find it profitable to select protmty now , as a year or
two hence with a population of 501)0 ) to 10,000 pajple ,
this will become a desirable place for all kinds of business , *
and lots bought now , can bo had nt very reasonable prices
which will double in price many times in the next two years.
Ilich or poor , will find it profitable to make in/eslments
in this properly. Free conveyance at all times will bo fur-S
mshed by ua to parties wishing to see this wonderful now
town and learn of its advantages. Wo have < mtiro charge j
of , and are the exclusive agents for the sale of all this1' '
property from G streets south. Splendid lots from $225
We have desirable business nnd residence property ' " ( or' silo in all
of Omaha and do a general real c-sttto bu > me-.s. Wo elicit Ijpy -
and fieller.s to call on us. Wo will pivo thuni all pjssiblo information
, and keep conveyance ahuw projiertyjjin anyjwrt of the city ,
Bedford < fejSouer ,