THE DAILY BFE. 30UHCIL BLUFFS , Thnrssday Morning , July 23 , I SUBSCRIPTION RATES , By Carrlu - - - - - - -to eenl p f wwk tr Hall - - - 110.00 p r year Itopnnlicnn County Convention , The republicans of Pottawattarai coun ty , Iowa , will meet In delegate conven tion at the court room In Council Binds , Wednesday , August lOth , 1885 , at 11 o'clock A. m. , for the purpose of select ing twonty-threo delegates to the repub lican atato convention , to bo hold at Das Koines , Iowa , August 20ili , 1885. The baala of the representation in the county convention will bo one delegate for each township or precinct , and ono delegate for each fifty votes or fraction of over twenty-five cast for the Hon. Frank D. Jackeon , secretary of state , at the last annual election. Thla will entitle the several townships and precincts to to the following representation : The primaries in the several townships will bo hold on Saturday evening , August 15lh , at 8 o'clock , unless otherwise or dered. By order of the republican county > central committee. Council Bluffis , July fllst , 1885. JACOII SINES , Chairman. w C ( MINOE MENTION , cc BC ; Roller , merchant tailor , for finogooda. 0ti Yon can't afford to inles the Falk organ ti conceit. thYi Yi Hocaro your seats at Bushnell'a for the of Polk organ concert. no i Loula Falk , the celebrated Chicago ha organist , at the Presbyterian church Sat ily urday overling. fro > Charles Allen was taken In charge by tor the police yesterday for getting too much alii under his vest. got ; not k Copt , Ovorton , who haa been confined hav to his house with malaria fever for eomo froi weeks , Is slightly Improving. wai Mrs. LInkcy while milking rat of o a cow a hop ) jumped tip and frightened the cow , which proi severely kicked Mr a. Llnkoy In the head. the Into ' HavorJy's minstrels to-morrow night atro will have a homo moro than full If half wha of thoBQ who mad are talking of going re ally go. The Falk concert Saturday night prom ises to be a grand ono. Those who have heard him on the organ need no nrglng it Hi to attend. Amy Grlmmelman complains that Harry Howard has stolen a number of It her fillk dresses ; and skipped out for agree } parts unknown. for a If there could bo anything done in the appar way of cleaning up tbo alleys It would bo courtf moro profitable foreni t expenditure of tlmo than trying to break up the cemetery. with A number tery , of Council Bluff * sportsmen ions expect to to Ncola g go in the coarse of a the he week , to take part In a shooting match clans there , the exact date of which has not stated boon fixed. ' from t The petition of Mrs. Batcholor for an and ar Injunction restraining Lanzendorfor from This le 1 using a slaughter cltlzoni near her honso has Ono boon presented to Judge Connor , argued , the cci and taken under advisement. the clt ; In connection with the teachers' honso , insti the fur tute Miss Kato Orary will lecture In the houses , Bloomer building this evening , her sub wholsoi ject being "Iowa at the Exposition. " arise , a The iocturo is to bo Illustrated caused i by the nso of the calcium light. states the eflo The old Stntsman street school prop possible i erty , which was sold to Mr. Nato Wil tern thr < liams for the low or dlsoai price of $2,000 , has ter , but > boon sold now by him to J. R. Boll for the waU $3,000. It Is being transformed into a It sooi residence and greatly improved. attacked I Kabccca passes at Lemostors now asks for a tor are d divorce from her husband , Jacob , to alanghtei whom she was married In 1874. She ises ar claims tor ore n that ho has bcon very cruel to her , is it ? and has got the deplorabln habit cf choking her on the slightest provocation , Can there bo anything moro ridiculous ihfln for a man to attempt to advertise Ho Clalu Cornell Bluffs as being a terribly nn- I healthy place , when the facts show to the Marsha contr t ? and then turn about and insist from Neo ' that hou "tbe trno of the city ? " robbing tl The city wolghmaster , William Galvin , two prlsoi finds his business hardly lees new iroub- Norton an lesonio than his.old on ° i for an injunction - only a L > tion Is now askec/ for to restrain him claimed th from gelling liquon. ' ln Weston. The under the ca o Is to bo Jieard by Jndgo Ocnnor la at it , and Denuon. him , dome through 0 , was afraid refilled a corner of Tenth afeiitii } irton hai Of. street , died yesterday morning walveu' exa Of.fa ularlal fever. The whole family to await thi been tufforlng from the same December , , nblo , and several of them are seriously $500 ball r ( il , dlded what toy , and hli s The entertainment prepared by the Ing further Young Men's Christian association , and ho may bav which was to have taken place Tuesday acts. Ther arrested , al > evening has been postponed until Tues to bo a part t day evening next. From what the BEE man has teen In the rehearsal , ho leols aatlsfiod that the entertainment will bo a A report ; very creditable and enjoyable ono. of the pape ; Some of the boys employed in Loulo have gone contradict t it Melzpcr's rcat&urnnt have rooms In the upper part of the br.'ok ' building op Pioprlel posite tbo opera homo , ou Broadway. Yoiterdsy morning , Ei McDonald , who Ueid Ja reward in . does cot tlso as early as the others , no a ticed a fellow named Henry Brown Dr. Thcina tbout the in acres of lam prowling rooms a suiplcions alleged to hi mincer , and es Brown had been dls- to the doc tor' charged from the employ of the firm , and was not supposed to have any bnilnoss there , McDonald at once concluded that something was wrong , and as Brown hurried out , ho slipped on his clothes , and went down to Inform the other boys Investigation showed that some clothing had been taken from the trunk of Charles Shlpman , ono of the employes , and BUS * plclon pointing to Brown as the thief , the police wore notified , and i tor ted out after him. They failed to find him hero , and at last accounts It was supposed that lie bad gene to Omaha. Grau's opera company did not make a cry great financial success hero , and bad lomo difficulty In'adjustlng matters BO as .0 get their baggage- out of the city , they icing booked for Omaha the rest cf the week. They will probably do bettor ihcre. This Is a hardjseason for shows , and with a special heating up of the heated term It Is enough to break up almost any sort of a show. Dr. West , Dentist , No. 12 Pearl street DISTUEBING"THE DEAD , The Cemetery Controversy Not to lie Bottled In a Hurry. It docs not Boem probable that the attempt to prevent the city from burying Its dead . . will succeed as quickly and easily is Its projectors expected. The matter n vas brought up before Jndgo Connor 01 fnosday night on the application for a 01of : vrit of Injunction , and after being argued 1F 1 F , t length on some technical lair points It pc ras decided that the case should go over su ntll Wednesday morning of nest week , tic ; 1th tha undorstandlng that If the lo < omotorv association was not ready it llB an aold make a showing at that tlmo and pa cure the tlmo necessary to get inch thi cldouco as is dcairod. It Is said that sill tie 10 association will not bo content with wa : 10 local witnesses but will send to Now wfi ork and Boston and get the testimony liki experts , showing that the cemetery Is toi such death and disease spreader as s boon represented. It will necossar- ' take tlmo to got this testimony plat m such a distance , and the mat- ° J will doubtless bo postponed to L ow for this. These who are seeking to the Injunction now claim that they do want to prevent those who already 70 lot ] there from L. MV V * * ISUA using them , and m burying In them , but they simply yeate at to prevent the sale and occupation Sh my moro lots. This statement , they Bluff ' o , will do away with much of the BluffMr sent fooling and opposition against Mr proposed injunction. The attempt to turne trforo with the cemetery will bo Thi ngly resisted , however , no matter for a i it pretexts or excuses or promises are le. W. Nyacl GAS ABOUT GASSES , Auf man c [ joins Hani Work for Some DoctorB Bide y < to Agree wltli Themsolvcs. North Mra , . seems hard not only for doctors to has re among themselves , but sometimes been fi doctor to agree with himself. An Capt ; rent Instance of this arises in the the hen has to I s , as shown by papers filed In dlf- T.V cases. In the attempt to do awy was in the further of use Falrvlow ceme- - . congrat the claim Is made that certain nox- well. asses arise , thereby endangering well.H. . J lalth of the cjty. A number of phyei- West , o sign on affidavit in which It Is United ; "That poisonous gasaes escape teiday , laid graves Into the atmosphere , Mr. E > 0 thence carried over into the city. ship , arr deleterious " to the health of the remain f s. P. Bellic of the physicians who thus deems H. N. netery dangerous to the health of take off 1 y , sees no danger In a slaughter Missouri and In a case pending to restrain ther UBO of ono of these slaughter frlonda hi the claim being sot up that "un- J. H. i m vapors and noxious exhalations 1 reporter , nd that low grades of fever are returned ; to residents In that vicinity by loving hli ct of these passes , " the doctor tending a In another affidavit "It ; Is im- to Introduce Into the human - Mr. J. ' sys- otigh tbo atmosphere any pohon few days i so through decaying animal mat- turned las It must como If at all , through In Kansas [ or or food supply. " ms that when a cemetery Is to bo , the statement goes forth that rising from decaying animal mat- langerons to health , but when a r honso Is to bo defended that Islng from decaying animal mul 209 Brc ct dangerous to health. Which CASEY'S PLEA , 20" dros 10 nubl us to Bvo Boon Scared Into 1 belle good 1 Doing a Hliihwuynian , good ' BUffO n eat Jeans al ] I d Guanolla has Uootg and ah brought back city. 'la the two men charged with ho German , named Caster. The 18 poundiox nors their 13 pounds gra gave names as Peter ISpoandd oo id Tom Casey. 20 ban white Cacey who , 1 SO liars hlue Ji oy , admitted his guilt , and 22 turg 1'ilma 18 boxes u&tcl tat Norton got Castor's revolver , Beat jiui > , f , pretext that ho foil sorKtiitn. wanted to look Jioit English e than suddenly turning it upon 10 boxes genii ; mded that Casey should o 2-pountl cai ' go 5 8-pound car Aster's pDckots. Casey slid ho 103-pound en Norton would shoot him If ho 10 pounds ulcl nd Caster lOpounpt etaj thought to also , Lorllard cllniai d little to ssy for himself , but Navy plug toba , imlnstion mid was sent to jail flour Natural , all leif b/am tot b acflon of the grand jury next being unaWo to furnish the 0 ( cqulred. It has not been dote - Lower Tl to do with the youthful OAs - part In tSo transaction Is bo- considered. It appearing that 'o been frightened Into his o was found on Norton , when out $17 , which Is supposed of the stolen $20. In i A Correction , And all mode has been circulated by some aln rs that Billy Smith and mytolf ORES Into partnership , I wish to he above statement , Noa. J15 WILLIAM LEWI-J , MAX tor carriage and buggy lino. idd it Smith's offer of ? I,000 .uotlier column. is Fuller , cf Cape CoJ , claims ICO d In the beait nf Philadelphia ave been wilier by William 1'ecu 'u BEcestrees , Sauy Mercer Fuller , Only nn Organ. Keith has given his pencil a fresh sharpening to thus reply to the Globe A brief paragraph In last week's Bui letln calls forth a frothy half column from the Council Blufls Globo. While absolutely gorging the democracy with advice , from Cleveland down , our es teemed cptomporary Is In too high a state of chronic Irritation to accept any even when given for value received and In sugar-coated doses , Oar jocular illu sion to postodicts made the Glebe prance up and down the Missouri bottoms toms like a mad bull after a red rag Wo didn't know Its postoflico end was so sensitive to the touch of a nowipapor paragraph , Most democratic papers are phllosoplcal enough to await the hand of Providence good-naturedly whether It holds a pill or a plum. It's all In a 11 fc tlmo , and In the long run things are very apt to level themselves into an equilib rium , It Is just as well to laugh and/ grow fat , and wo ndvlso the Glebe to take a pull at the teat of good nature and got a little milk of human kindness In Us stomach as a substitute for poatoffico fod- lor. It will make It foci batter and fron't hart tha teat. It may bo well for the Globa to wrap ta political orthodoxy in saw dust and low it away In a refrigerator during the lot month ; , It is less liable to malt kway Into abuse of the administration nd of prominent Iowa gentlemen whom t has accutcd of conspiring to farm out ho patronage of the state. If the Glebe o the victim of local dirty work , ES It verr , It ought to turn tbo hose on the aigoan ftttbles. The right to solf-de- 3DBO is a sacred ono , oven If a man Is inning a newspaper. The Glebe haa ot to learn , however , that its proprlot- ry rights do not cover the control political opinions and patronage In the back counties. " After It has moulded ottawattamlo county Into some sort of illtlcal symmetry It can squirt Us soap ds upon the local linen of other conn- s. If It trios to swing on our gate It must Dk out for paint. Crawford county s but ono blur on her district record d _ thnt stain was tattocd into her body lltic largely by the encouragement of 9 Globe. The Glebe degenerates Into llncss when It talks about thucondl- us of friendship ! It has had no rmer friend than the Bulletin ; but ilo wo admlro It as an wo don't B to see it strain its key-board trying make people ballovo it Is a piano. O ] Tremendous Success , 'ho man who makes the Hard man 10 is a hard man to boat , The ec oiler Music Co. , 103 Main street , only seventeen aluce Juno 1 , I'EIlSONAIj. B , Day , of Clarinda , w a in the city irday. erilT Forroll , of Mills county , was In the 'a yoitordoy , , and Mrs. Frank Yenowina have reid - id from Spirit Lake. a Misses Uerger have gone to Spirit Luke season of recreation , K. Vanghan , Jr. , leiuos to-day for k , N , Y , . to attend school , just Prank , the well-known railway if Corning , was in the city yesterday. j. Frary , of Omaha , was over on this esterday doing sorno advertising for the western. Bowman , mother of Harry Bowman , turned from California , wbero she haa or coma time , , O , S. Hubbard was so overcome by it Men day that ho ia still Buffering , and take special care of himself , ' , Ivory , Glenwood'g new postmaster , the city yesterday receiving democratic .illation ? , nnd some republican ones as . Duncan , of Ottnmwa , and S. K , f Fairfield , newly appointed deputy States marshals , were in the city yes- . Uck nnd family , of Boomer town- Ivod in the city yesterday and will or some time under the care of D. F. Retail I igor. lwaje be i McGreir , of Denlson , who need not his bat to any insurance man on the elope , was shaking hands with old ere yesterday , Clark , the lightning short-band court emilo3 once again , his family having from their summer viehlng , thus re in of the reaponsibllty of auporin- bachelor's ball. W. Berger , who has bean spending a with his family and friends here , rot - t evening to his insurance basinet . IIo reports the now company as cry flattering outlook. AND G Sixteen i tlwbcilaml , \aclway , - - Council Bluff * aHn orty ! , jj c DRV GOODS. Con Ian fflngliam , 1 glnzham lalrchovolts. . . „ . . „ . . . 100 1 03 lebcetlng Ik Jeane 100 wool , 30c per yard. - 1 00 oca at prices 091jw as any houao ui-th ( nn f OUOCEIUEa 11 tinl 0 euear , , . 3' 1 nuUUil iuar , 1 NOI ofectlormy A augar , . . 1 Ilus&Ian aoap , Kiris , ' \l \ ndls eoap , Kirks 1 Pneum soap , Ijutz liro'd 1' hos trillion , , . . I1 IT gallon urranta , U pounds 1 Ine lwn Ije. , . . > ns itrawl > crm > In ajrup ispcactiea , In ejrup. * ia tomatoes bUaridrlutl apples. totaled urjJua _ , c toliacco per pouoil eco , per pound (0 ) eco , per pound 00 It Irom ii.10 to $3 53 per c M , 30D3 FOR CASH ONLY mn Any Other House IK 2HK CITV. [ . HLBEBT , LY HOTEL Council EJa bang E3 , ra iuipioTements , call bells , Ore x am bolls , etc. , ia the TON HOUSE , 217 and 219 , Main Street. " - - S tr , - < Price $1 f. BOSTORZ. will be HI a half do/.uu For furl Agent for Ili/ladame / Who for the pmi been prnct ! lnt ( San Francl x > I ) now o 8 N Cth Stro opposite new Opeta I Madame lUlcear gua tote 'VlAIR OFSKER8 , Or toKt\o nyondaKio or btloif out k ne growth tl ball citn lout toeix weeks. rlcoi reiuonable and guaranteed , 0 accotf. dcalncts o ihcumatlim tnd chronic climtts J t > l Rl ° ' hfl ctrctB . JE. JE.rht -rht Council Bluffs The iSTork PLUME CO'Y. 552 3dwav > Councilffs , Iowa 3ANITJ & m AULIC anc IVATE SYSTEof SEW- VORKid YEN- 'ILATJ design- dandctrueted. PLUBflffGwork i ail ibranches. his coanv have ae of tbst a ssort- L stocLt pluinb- .g good the west. Estiins furnish- , H. Jkinbine- Manager. NEYORK. C4UMKTG CO'Y > 2 BmDWAY , > UNC BLUFFS elepae No. 27. , [ um b't. Council Bluffs lo < O and S ore " 'hero big bargains can ton nd. /E.LI COOK , irgo ' > "D SYSTEM , " nai fe-antJiiiuily Ins.Co UNOIBLUFJE'S , IA , .vn\ \ AHDEFARM FOR SftLE , ictt'9 , tl Irult , nix In Rirden anil lx raoriM" , titablc- , welt , clatvrn , . ondllltr ; Kill UaJutoi Oinalu * prop- . KELLEX , nty Trier's olllce , Cojncll UluHa. N ( SIMS , OOUNiBt.UFlS.IOWA. , . ill til , Ilcino 7acd E , Sl.HKtrta | X FinhUtoii1 Uiu ccui lei ' .L''PORT ABLE > a/i Beef Faucet 800. A liberal discount j il to pirtiih ordennp al fuitccts at ono lime. hir pa-iiculara inquire ol II F. RAIN , Council Dlultd , lowi , Western Iowa and I\eb J. L. tfo. G07 Broftdirftjr Oonnoll Blnffe. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Th following are ibe tlmei of the arrlrtl ted At- rartare ol trains by central standard time , al tbe local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten inln- otei tatllet and arrive Un mlnntet later , ARRUi , MiiaiBO and NORnnrnnui , 0:25 : A M Mali and GirrMt 8:50' : r M 12:10 : p M Accommodation 4-tO r M 6:80 : r M Express S.OS A M cnioieo AXO BOOK ittiAKD , 0:25 : A M Mall and Express 0.53 r M 7:25 : A M Accommodation 6:15 : r H 6.SO r M Exprcta 5.00 A M OB10AOO , MILWiOXd ADD IT , 9.20'A M Mall and EvprcM 0.50 r M 6:26 : r a Express 0.05 A R CTCUOO , IDRUHOrOR ARD qUllOT. 9.60 A Mill and Exprosa 7:10 : r M 30 r A * cimm odatlon 2.00 r.'M :16 : r KK prom 8BOA : u KAB11D , ST. tOnU 2:15 : r M Local St. Louli Express Local 3.00 r M Transfer " " Transfer 8:20 : r M KAR9AI CIII , 8T. J0 ASTD OOUROIIi ILVm , A M Mall and Express OMO r M 8:15 : r u Express 0:26 : A x nocx cm ARO rAcino. 7:20 : A M Mall for Sioux City 0:60 : r M 7SO : r u Eiprosa for St Faul 8:26 : A M CNION rAsirtc. 11:00 : A M Denver Express 4S6 : p M 1:05 : r u Lincoln Poia 0' & R V 2:36 : P M 7:55 : r H Overland K.\pr < 8 8.30 A M DUMMY TRAINS TO OMAUi. * Leave ECouncll IBlulTs 6:56 : 7:66 : 0.80 10:30 : 11:40 : a. ru. 1:30-2.30-8.30 : 4:23 : 6:25-8.25 : 11:45 : p.m. JLea o Omaha 0.25 7:25 : 6:60 : 10 11:15 : a. m. 12:60 : 2:00 : 8:00 : 4:00 : 4:66 : 6:66 : PUNCH BLUFFS IARPET GOiWANY Curtains , Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Linoleums , Mattings , Rugs , Etc. , Etc. Careful Attention Given to Ou of Town Orders , Upholstery nnd Drapery Work a Specialty. Oar stock la the st in tiio nd la being continually replenished by 11 the latest and choicest novelties. 105 Broadway Council B/ufis . Rice M. D. or other IHHOIH r movoJi without the Knlfoor drawinK nf bload. IHRONICDISEASES , of 0\ci tblrty jcnrs practical experience. Cfflto Jfo. I'e.Ml Htrcet , Council Dlutls. free. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special k vertlneinentB , tua as Loel Dond , To Loan , For Bale , To Bent , Wanti , Board- g , eto. , will be Inserted In this oolumn al Ibe low , te of TEN CElfTS PER LIKE for the Oral tnaerlloa id TIVE CENTS PER LINE for each eubeeqnent In- on. Leave aJvortlBomouts at OUT oOo , Wo. I Street , near Eroaduav * , 'im KENT Hou o No. 411 North Eighth street , Sroomp , cittern , honso ra'tied anil lot DHod , i ( "Mod rtjnir. KhAT-nouao No. 132 Harrison street. 3 roomp , c or\ei itnt , anil in goncl rcpiir. ) H liHM IToiiso ho C-tn t-c.t . : itrtct three 1 minute ? u Ik Irom l' clli ] hcuee , 1 rouiiu oed :1I , cistern , etc Mi Mai on .V Co. , 4 Tea 1 street. T OIl SALK An decant Wleoonelnsummer resort , 1 250 acres , H0 tillablerailway station andetoim lat Unihiu ; frnir.o house for hcincstoad ; pavilion , no c ilUrc , rtstiursnt , ice houbu , tenement house , ur cott"t'e'fl. barn , SCO fruit trees,3 acica prapes , w , horses , 13 boatc , etc. A flnu reacrt , ICO feet o\o Vi'l com in r > cr , anil 120 feet al > o\u Barahoo nil paj $5,000 n j ear. Address W. i. S , Hit ice , CouneilDlufTj , poll SALK Lands Improved nail unimproved. If you want a farm In western Iowa , Kansas ibraaka or Dakota , lot us bear from j ou. SWAN a WALKBK. , iOR HALE Houses. Lota and Land. A. J 1 Ptephennon , 603 Klret a\enuo. I by , \ ) KicAANfc B 0 , b 9 , b 10 , b 13 nre hotels in did. e. . . crentlocatlcni for sale or for trade , ) 183 , epocial baritaln , 400 u Imrrotcil farm worth i318,000 , prlro for a short time f 16,000 , will trade r low pilccd Western lands. Swan k Walker. > 201 , saddlery Hardware manufacturing catali- ) llshnent etock anil inacliingry , value $7,000 , for stern land Snari & Walktr , Council UlulTs. > 203 , stock ( f dry p'Odp , roctrita and hardware , ) > aluo , J5.000 , in an BOOU ea t rn Nebraska towu r land. Swan * Walker , > 201 , etock of general merchandise In a good J western lena town , \alii3 4,003 , wants an 1m oted farm In vtutcrn Iowa. bw n i. Walxir , > E0f > , stock of hardware In Ftube Co , Indiana , } fnrlamlaluo about 81 OCO. Bwan & , Walker. > 200 , newatofk of bar. ware In a ) l\o Nebraska J town for land , tulue 83,000. 8 an & Walker. > 207 , stock of JKrlctltural linpleineiits nd shelf ) hardware , \aluu about 8OOD , wants a goj lin- o\edfarm. 8 an it Walker. > 20) , a iin.OOO stock of clothing In a good Wts- J coneln L\t\ \ , 3 Inlandnand bilanou cash or Imo - o ed eecurltj , Dcautilul store room at low rent. r an & Walter , ) 210 , t lock of mixed hardware In a lite western 1 IOKa town for cheap lands , \aluu $0,000 , 8waa Walker > 21 ] , line Itrlck block , rents well , In a lite central ) la.t vin ono rcom occupied with Kincnl stock of oils , wants an lmpro\ul fariraluu ; Lulldlnn ,000gooda , $7,003. &Man&calker , ) 21J ttorknf boots , shoo * hats , caps and clothing > \oluo.1 $3 OUO , in one cf tbo befct towciilu Neb. , lued f 3,000 for lands. Svt an & Wtlker Tin ) 213a$3OCO etock of tlotHnir , wants land In J North Western low a , for (0,000 , and will pay lercnce Bwan A , Walker. > 2U , an $3,000 etock cf drills In central Iowa for > land Bitan & Waleir , 1216another etock of dnJi'8V luo IromfMfl to J700 ) wlth lore building ard lot \aluo JSOo In a ncol bruika town wants | > artly Improved land. Swan & ilker , ' 'OK full particulars , write to or call upon Swan & Walker. ll > ou wantto sill , bu > , or trfcdBany- n ; , ' , tell 8 &W abuut It. Hwau& Walker , Coun 111 u Ob Iowa o-j , orriouB. w. H. M roue Officer & Pusev. Oounoll Bluffs , Iowa. Established , - 1865 T1IK REMINGTON Standard Typewriter At ths New Orleans Exposition. 1 Tlie Jury ul iHirds critically citmlncil the larlou * writing n.aihlno' , anl ilu'iilo-l by i l thirds vote to Kite the hlghc-t award to the HrviMiTOv ? The dcrljlnn cf this jurj as lijnoieilbythe rornmltlea of awtrJf , ami other Jurors wclcaldo-i .ointilutlr ' anew Jurj 3 Ihlj gerund jury il > crlllcilly eiamlnod the Mulius willl'K raichlne. ' , and rna > lo Ilio awird at a first disi ircU mcilal , the hlgbcjt award , to the UKYIMJTOS StaiidirtlT/p > Witter , for " .Impllclty , dui - li lity , eaioof manlpuUtluii anil ppstd " 4 1 no report ol this J mi M made , dditcred to ivnil rcniptcd for by the fonmlttse ot a > rdjon f > The mcmlicrsof this Jury wore nc\ t No ether Jmy cxamlnoJ the lUtnsnroN Standard TjpO'Wrltcr ol Now Oilcans 7 The ? irners of tb.i award uro honoralle and nclt known RCiitlimgn. Their aJdrotsoi are lharloa A. Morgan , ffsq , manager of H. O Dunn & Co , Now Oiltang , Li. ; K * Oorcrnor 1'rank tUon ' U. S. commlMlonor ol Kinsas , and prtMdontof the U. S. board of lomm'H loners , Chinuto , Kts ; OOD A. Beaten , Esq , stenographer ami KiircUrj-nl the boatd of U , S commliuoiiorf , Colnmbui , Ohio. 8. Tbo anida\lli nf tht c ucnllcmcnand thehlitorj ot the c'ntott , which o ara | irepMln In riatnphlci form , \\o will I'O plcf-cd to furnish on r i > 'ICAtlcii. The fellow Ing it the report : The World's iDdiutiltl nnd rotten l.\iitcmil l Gxifiltlon , New Oilcan ? . Jury report. Application No. SI. ; group 8 ; rliia 614. Compelitlon. The undcrtlgticd jurcrs In tlio abcno entitled clasf , bavlnj ; cstclullyoxarulnod the oihlbi ! raado 1 > T If , IlemlriKton A. SCIIP , lllon , Ntw Ymlr , and nil ccinjctlnR cihlliltt , concur In recommending the award of a first clats nicdnl for the Standard Tjpu-AViltcr , for slropllc'ty , duriMUt , ouoof ruin pnlatlon ani epced. Dated this JOIh d > of Maj , 18 < < j. OKO 11KA10N , 1 I'UAH A. MOHdlN.hirors ( , FRANK IJACO.V , J WIK01 T.SKAMANS i BENEDICT , 330 BrCid ay , Now Yolk. Cblcago UfftCi 38 Madison Si. C. H.SHOLES , Agent , Council Blufls , Iowa , W. P. AYLSWORTH Brick buildings of any Kind raised or moved nnd satisfaction Runrnntood , Friuns bout novud on Little Glaut trucks , tlio buat In Uio world , W. P. AYLSWOIITH. 1010 Muth Struot , Council lilull ) 811 ITU & TOLLEK , AGTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 0 Main St. , COCKOTL BLUFFS , - IOWA. Complete Line of New Goods Always on Hand. ' . J. Stt'A.VSON. C. E. S WANTON SWAWSON MUSIC CO. , Sealers in PIANOS AND ORGANS id MI Unds of mmlcol InetnitncntH 1'ianon lint ort'one eola on the Irfitallmcnt rlan. Minlcil nstru- entaof oxory description tuned and repaired. Hating o\or 14 jc.ira cxioilena ] : in the business vie fee nQdcrit of gitlng the best of satisfaction. Itcinember the plaie. Sign of the gilt orfrin 32'J BKOADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Sold by the leading dealer in every city and town , E : Burhorn , JEWELER , AG-JENT 17 Main St. , Council Blufls. Draining , Gliding , Paper Hanging and Frescoing. 110 Main St. , Council llluffj. Keep ITorBCB and Mules constantly on hand which wo trill ecll in retail or carload lota III Stock Warranted as Reoresented Wholesale and retail dealers In Drain and Haled Hay. 1'rlouj res- eonablo Satisfaction Ouaianttod , ClfLUTE Ji .c- J } 0V \ L B Y Cor. 5th Av. nnd 4th St. , Council Ululla. ' "or any case of Kidney or liver disease or dygpep < ii % rhouruntlam , or any ilinon3i imludcod a lack of native power , that cannot be cured by the line of Drs. Judd & Sniith'd Kloctrio Its and Appllaccen. Pvo. SO , Fourth St. , Council UlufTd. AGENTS WANTED. Norene & Landstrom , Suit a to order In latest Biyloa at cheapest possible priaw , No. 20" Main St. , Conntl' Blt-ff r ; DFT CB OSTIIX tfJ fH-mJ N J ! * . , * ' * * * - f * 11 * r T r 11 i II IT > I AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 31IO : ! loW \ , U5 orntB. 505 Broadway , Council Bluffs. only all night houfco in the city , Everything rrr\cl in first tloi etleand on eho notice , J lot mil cold lunched alwa > n ready , Waves , Langtry and Pompadour Frizzes.Switch . > , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices leaperthan ever. Call and see for yourself , MRS. C. L. GILLETTE , Formerly HRS. J. J. GO ODE. 29 Main StreetCouncil Bluff ,