Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE DAILY BEE-THUiY , JULY 23 , 1866.
Htiificaltas Male in Rrgnlalims fur
Mate Fair.
Ex-Gey , Furnas Attains aForoign
Tin ; lUekiviml TjCKlslAtivo
A Legal MglitTftkcn in General ,
St to unit I'orHonat Blatters.
lloporttd by The UKK'S Bureau.
LINCOLNNeb. , July 22 Ex-Govcinor
It , W. Pumas haa been appointed execu
tive commissioner for the United States
cf the American exhibition which la to
bo hold in Ends' court , London , begin-
ting on the 1st day cf M y , 188f > . The
governor has already at his own expense
procured samples of email grain and is
now receiving and eecurlng agricultural
and other displays of Industries to bo
placed on exhibition there.
V'ork on the ecnato journals will bo
finished In about a week , when they
will bo delivered to the public. The
"copy" of the honso journals has just
been deposited Tilth the secretary of atato ,
and as the printer , the State Journal
company , Is allowed ninety days to com
plete the work In , It will quite likely bo
cold weather before the people will
bo permitted to peruse tholr Interesting
This la the last day for Mr. King , the j
sacceaeful bidder on the Norfolk atsylum ,
to show up under the law and if ho don't
come the atato has his bond of $5,000 ,
which will bo forfeited. The architect ,
Mr. F. M. E Us , of Marshaltown , Iowa ,
la here.
A deed to lots cloven ard twelve , block i
180 , In this city was yesterday made to
the Hebrew church hero.
The atato treasurer has so far paid out
about $300,000 , all of which has boon
distributed In the stato.
E. II. Andriis created qnlto an excite
ment on Eleventh street Tuesday even
ing by requesting every ono within the
roach of hla volco to go into their cellars
is avoid the tornado. But It didn't
come.Mts. . Ella Mason nrtived In the city
last evening in search of her young
daughter wbo loft homo f-r some purpose
unknown. At this writing the daughter
Laa failed to materialize ,
Alra. E. S. Eolyoko , of Grinnell , Iowa ,
mother of Dr. Eolyoko , of this city , la
uui ing her slater , Mrn. Chancellor
Chancellor I. J. Manatt Is spending a
low weeks at Manato Springs , Colorado.
B , L Wallace , of Kearney , who has
the contract for building the now poat-
ofiico there , la in the city pnrchashing
Iron cornlsh and contracting for atone
woik and Iron work.
F. A. Brown , of the now wholesale
tobacco house , left yesterday fur a trip
over the elate.
Policeman Kelly yesterday morning
took a crsz/ woman Into custody. She
was wandering about the streets Infaeed
with the idea that every llttlo boy she
mot had a bottle of whisky In his pocket ,
and that abe was specially doputizad to
\ relieve said boy of aald bottle , _
. H1. B. Wocdrow , of the ilradatrsot
company , of Omaha , Is doing tha city in
the Intf rests of that directory. Ho
this cllho a pleasant call.
Mrs. Joseph Scott , wife of Laud Cotn-
mlsiloucr Scott , la alowly recovering
from her recent illnces.
The wife of Shoriu" Melick Is
onaly sick.
Under the rules of the live stock com
mission any party doelring to br'ng cat
tle , horses or other stock to the state fair
will have no trouble In getting iuto the
state , and they will bo sure to bo pro
tected against contracting any dlaoaso
while hero.
The entries of the speed programme in
lota two , Bovon and thirteen nro full , '
there being twenty-eight entries. The
I fifty box-stalls for speed horces are all
complete , and there are In addition 17 ( >
other box stalls. There will b < j room for
all that may come. The state board
transacted no further business yoatorday ,
and all but Surotary Furmn returned
Thu cmo of Morris , tbo boy who stole
the money from I'orkliu' shoo store , was
continued for ono w < ! ok , to accommodate
Mr. Caldwell , who was appointed
guardian for the boy. Judge Piirkor
looms to bo of the opinion thnt the boy ,
who li not slxtjon yoirj of age , accord
ing to the best proof that c.vj bo ob
tained , sliMi'd bit ) the reform school ,
and Mr. CaUhvoll thinks thu boy will not
gu. Tha Iny halls from Ohio , and letters
fr-rn CUumbua atato thnt ho U a natud
thlof.Ycaterdny n party claiming ID ropro-
cent n Chicago mercantile agency , of nc
which John M. Martins was president , rn
approaahcd nprooitnent loaal ; light of this rnTl
city ad oll'ured hiai the agency for $50 , ofa
to ba given inn note duo January 1st , a I
not , The ra
negotiable eupptsod president
went right Into the First national bank , ov
disposed of the note , ptid hla board bill
and skipped out. It Is qulto likely the
bank Is out and the young attorney ia
likely somewhat wiser If not poorer. ell
Too arrivals yesterday Included : Os of
car Oalllhan , Tecumseh ; J. O , Cleveland , ofT
Beatrice ; O. F. Davis , Dan Shelley , <
Omaha ; W. II. Craig , Minden ; J. E. pc
Brad way , PJatttinoutb ; lion. Alva np
Smith , Waverly ; J , Brine , Crete ; S. M. npRi
Bak-r , Silver Creek ; E. P. Davis , Charles
B. Keller , Omaha ; the Hon. U. M. Rl' '
Taggart. Palmyra ; W. n. Baratow , caT
Crete ; E. Molntyre , William GIIJ , Sew- caOn
ardJ. ; B. Dlnumore , Satton ; E. N. On
Grinnell , Fort Oalhonn ; W. P. Hill , pe
HoldrldgejEtl Ilurlburt , Jr. , Columbus ; so
J , n. Kent , Mindon. mi
Our western states anu western men foi
are rapidly coming Into prominence
among men and nations of the cast , as
will bo noticed from the following letter
which your correspondent was permitted
to copy , from Director General John H oh
Whltloy , of London , to llobert W. Fur- an
nan , dated Juno DOtli :
"It Is with exceeding pleasure I wl 1 of
communicate with you for the first time th <
and welcome you ai a colleague on tbo foa
board of the executive council of the lot >
Amorlcin exhibition. Allow 1113 to con an
gratulate you on your appointment. We po !
all feel mush Indebted to our excellent lac
friend , Mr. J. G. Speed , for his cip'ta' ' ' eoi
work at Now Oilcans this year In the th <
best Interests of his country and of the VOl
American exhibition. From reports Int
which have been received here concerning of
ycurown history wo feel t hit Mr. Speed am
has Indeed selected the inoit thoroughly iy ;
rfrrfssnUtlvo man and one whom we Mr
thai ) lit light to honor. A * during your ant
residence In America yon will not bo able
to attend our board meetings here , we
propose , In order to comply with the re
quirements of our articles of association ,
to appoint you to some office In the
United ) States which you will exercise
on behalf of the executive council. We
are all hard workers hero and mean to
make this exhibition a practical auccets ,
Wo are the more pleated -that the fates
brought na n now colleague from the
woatorn states for , as you ara doubtless
nwaro , the western s'a'cs of America arc
those that are certain to profit very large
ly by the exhibition. Yon will ere this
have received your appointment as a
commltaloncr with the latter containing
suggestion ! . Yours faithfully
Electric lights will bo placed at the
following street corners : Ninth and T ,
Ninth and K , Eighth and Q , Tenth and
S , Tenth and P , Tenth and U , Tenth and
L , Eleventh and J , Eleventh and M ,
Tttelfih and n , Thirteenth and S , Thir
teenth and N , Thirteenth and G , Four
teenth and Q , Fifteenth and P , Sixteenth -
teenth and R , Sixteenth and L , Seven
teenth nnd 0 , Seventeenth and F , Eight
eenth and M. Two will also be placed
on the outsldo of the capltol building.
The lights are to bo hung thirty feet
above the streets.
Elder Marshall , pastor of the Mount
/Ion Baptist church , colored , was bound
over yesterday to the district court In the
sum of $100 on the charge of slander.
At a meeting of the State Board of
Agriculture yesterday evening , after the
reading of several applications from par-
tics in other ststas regarding entries for
stock and other exhibits , the following
bnalnoss was transacted. The resignation
of J. 0. Bonuell , as superintendent of
classes twelve and thirteen , was accepted ,
and the secretary authorized to fill the
vacancy ; J. Sanders , of tlu Brooders'
Gfzotto , was Invited to make n speech
during the fair ; Mr. E. P. Davis , of
Omaha , was appointed superintendent of
the booth privileges. The board decided
not to allow the exclusive privilege to
one party or In ono building to fnrnlah
warm meale , but to allow church and
other societies which ere anxious to fur
nish meals for a reasonable amount the
privilege , The matter of a
fish exhibit was referred to
Chairman Barker with Instructions not to
exceed $150 for the same. A medal
worth $100 will bo given to tha best
drilled company of Nebraska mllltla pres
ent during the fair , the drill to take
place on Wednesday , September 10.h , at
10 o'clock , a. in. , and a $25 medal to the
best drilled militia-man , the drill to take
nloca on Thursday , September 17th , at
l th , at 10 o'clock a. in. There Is also
irdcred that a premium cf $100 bo given
'or the lurpcat and beat display of horaca
if any ago or breed owned by any person
> r tirm , opan to the world ; that the next
air ba held on the week following * he
[ oirn atato fair ; that J. B. Dlnsmoro go
o the Iowa atato fair with power to offer
in additional $ ! ! 00 to secure the nttend-
inca at the Nebraska atato fair for com-
letltlon of other herds of flno cattle. M.
j. Trestner was authorized to fix the
linn when honey should bo weighed in
iud cut oil the hiver.
In the special rule It wits ordered that
ho word "closing" be changed to road
'making ; " In the epeod department lot
wolvo , novelty race , Is to bo corrected to I
cad , "one mile and a half ; horto first at
he Half-mile polo , $30 ; horco firat at thoM
M pole , $45 ; horse lint at the milo and
half pole , $70.
Ono hundred And fourteen stiidenta 'aro en-
jllcd at the Fremont normal school.
North 1'litto capitalist * threaten to begin
otl : on an opera house next mouth.
The Fremont school board ia considering
IB advisability cf introducing music in the
ublic schools , t
Kov. .Tool Gurdnor , of Fremont , was the
ret victim there of the law prohibiting the c
klo of tobacco to minors. J
Grand Island policemen amueo themselves i
t night rounding up tram pa and decorating
lem with ankle bracelets. . ,
Joe Opslt , of the Morton house , JNebraska (
llty , cashed chock for 528 CO. The check
aa forged and Joe mourns that amount.
Peter Hathaway , of Cass county , lost a val-
able mare laat week , The animal crippled
self by limning against a bub wire fene.
Kllwool ia the name of n new town on the
'gal nil a extension of the B. cfc M , a dozen
illes from Holdrege. It ia groniugetronger E ,
" ilr. t
The five rear-old son of Walter II. Burr , B
ving near Jimiatn , full on * a wagon load of
ted , Saturday. The hind wheel paesed ever 0
IB boy's neck , killing him instantly , 0e
Fremont prefers the estimnto of the town'a ' e
spulation nude by Wolfe , tbo directory B !
nm , to tha at.Uo canims , Tha foru or figurud ll
population of i)2'J ( ) while tin consiu uboivs I
ily" 1,01 1
A public rneetiop WJB hold in Fremont last
ght to ( liecusj ways and rceana of providing
system of wnter works. The moment Fro-
enters take hold of a public improvement It
as good aa secured ,
MM. J. I' . Ij'g ? , of Fremont , would proba-
y yell it a inuiiio should appear in her
tcht'ii , but for biirglarn bho u nlwnya at
lino. The other night a prowler calloJ un-
dden an 1 W.T received at the kitchen with
bullet which Airs. L , had carefully prepared
r him , The phi'ky womiu'd aim waa not
1 and thu burghr osuiped.
There id quite an exodua of utock men from
irthwustern Nebraska Into Dakota , where
iicto facilities are not cramped hy Bottlers.
Ills Id the inevitable rusult of tha crowding
Rrantjerson the domain of tha cowboy , and
Few years will witness tha extinction of free
tjgfB in this state. Thn rnnchumu must
tu hia own land or go to the wall , ,
A Free Dlsponsiiry.
The board of managers of the Omaha
ty mission have kindly donated the use 11' '
tholr rooms in the mission house on st
> nth street , for a free dispensary to the BICC
tor. Dr. Warren C. Spanldlng haaboen CCy
ipolntoi physician In chief , and Mr. y
avel H , France , the well known dragg- St
jt , apothecary. The oflico will ba lo- IKhi
ted In the rooms of the city mission , on hi
nth street , between Djdgo street and at
tpltol avenue. The object of the di . to >
nsary Is to furnish medical and surgical lone
rvlces free to the afllloted poor. This ne
nets a long felt want In Omaha , as It is cl
ill known that there are hundreds of th ,
stltuto people who cannot afford to pay of
r medical treatment. of
A Delightful Affair ,
I m
Mr. Stephen Brodorlck , who owns
armlcg llttlo rcatdanco on Thirteenth wl
d Culellar streets , entertained a few thW
his beat friends lait night. It was a W (
Y (
arooghly Informal nli'ilr tbo principal lai
kturo being the gathering together of a
of old country people , who , of course , clt
: never tired of rccltluc the gocd cn
Ints about their particular native Sb
idH " But this gathering was ac <
nothing more than that , ce tci
; ru were seine very creditable coi
: al and Instrumental performance * thi
enpersed between the bragging talks ]
thu several nationalities present , and tltl
oii tboEO who ahlced inoat prominent- cat
In this respect were MiisF. Mnrthcgh , Jo :
. Thomas Drodcrick , M jor Qordor. , shl
1 Mr , Stephen Broderlck. the
Moisc , Manager of a
Bank in Bcstoa.
IIow Ho Carried on tlio isiulncse
AVIillo Operating Loyal li. Smith's
Store Uoro-SH.OOO worth ol
.lowclry Packed In Ills
Ilooin ,
Ono of the most Interesting chapters
relating to the lalo L , L. Smith and his
gang of sirlndlors was whispered to a re-
poitor for the BEE last cTonlnj ; by tire
younc men who are loaded with facts
and figures to prove all their statements.
It has already baon pro von beyond any
qtiottlon of doubt , that Smith himself
was a ashomcr , adventurer and swindler ,
but now comes to light a story about his
manager , Frank Moiio , that haa about
It the element ] of such deep laid and
well planned raecality that under many
similar circumstances people have boonled
to bollovo that parties whom
they supposed rogues wore
the toola of others and forced to commit
acts they otherwise mii > ht not have com
mitted. This mny bo the cage with L.
L. Smith , because Frank Moho , was and
la undoubtedly , n smooth , alook , and
deeporato villain. In tbla weeks Issue of
the Pollca News , ia a very accurate nnd
life like picture of him , underneath which ,
ho Is denoted as "manager of the Na
tional Loan & Trust company , " n swind
ling banking concern , situated at HO
Washington street , Boston. In this
role , Molso haa figured for a number of
years , as a member of ono of the most
notorious gunga of sharpers this or any
other country was ever polluted with.
They were not only sharper * and con
fidence workers , but arch conspirators
aa well. Their chief occupation
however , was that of , swindling
commission merchants -and bogus pro
duce dealers. The methods cf their op
erations , which were carried on for
years , In Boston and vicinity , was to
adopt a firm name cloatily resembling
that of some well-known and reputable
commission merchant honso ,
and then make oiler. ! above the
current market prices to Induce consign
ments from farmei'J and country ship-
pars. The result waa that hundreds of
confiding countrymen , who shipped
them car load after car load of produce ,
never s&wor received a cent for it. Frank !
Molso , Osmer W. Roper , Uonry W.
Dolson , and James W. Harris , formed
the chiefs of the gang. Roper
it Is said waa the main rprlng of a dozen
bogua produce firms W. H. Holmes &
Do. , American Co-operative Dairy Co. ,
Lowe it Co. , and many others. A lulpor
] f these swindlers in their operations was r
; ho National Loan and Trust company , of
ivhlch Molso was the manager. Roper
las boon arrested recently and convicted ,
md Molso is wanted very badly by the
minorities of Boston. It acorns that a
itronuons effort is now on foot there to
) roak the gang up. Mr. L. A , Bainos ,
vho was the travelling representative of
smith here , returned yesterday from
Chicago where ho had been for
ho past tire weeks trying
o ascertain what ho could.
> f Smiths record and also to see , whether
> r not ho could possibly recover a consld-
irablo amount of money loat by him in
ho Smith failure. Mr. Barnes loarnud
nero about Molso than ho did about
Smith , and having been Molso'a room
nato hero , of course the expose of his
rllllany in Boston , brought to light many
Tnactlons made by Molso , when they
vero together that boars out the history
> f hla crooked career. At ono tlmo says
ilr. Barnes Melee had $8,000 worth of
ino jewelry secreted In their room ,
vhlch was on Capitol avenue , number
' , Mora3 block. His excuse for
mtting it there , waa that it would
> a safer there than any place else.
lo also carried a lot of fine silk to the
coin at various times. Shortly oefore
bo failure all thesa goods were packed
n trunks and Bent away. Barnoi learned
vhllo In Chicago , that Morse has a wife
nd two children living In Brooklyn , and
hat In addition to being a scheming
windier ho Is also at tbo head of a Rung
f professional safe blowers. The picture
f him in this week's Pollca New ? , Is
aally recognized by any ono who ever
aw the man. Mr. Barnes also
: aniod that Smith had been at Lng
iranch since ho left hero. niw
| w
tn .
'lioUolim TrlI Completed ,
In a Vctdlut of tli
The cass of State vs. John F. Bchm , thC
: aupod ! the attention of JirJgo Neville
1 of yesterday , but It wa ? finally con-
ndod last evening nnd tha jury re-
irncd a verdict of not guilty. The jury
aa only out ton minutes , Mr. Behm C >
tcelvod the congratulations of his friends
id left the court room about 5 o'clock a
eo man ,
Mrs. Francis E. Ames , the wife of
oorgo 0. Ames , having become tired of
ring with her liege lord longer , has In- ca :
itutod proceedings to obtain
a divorce , I'll
id filed her petition with the district Fr
mrt yesterday. She claims that for two lie
; ars paU and more ho has noted with DCMi >
ctremo cruelty towards her , frequently Mi
rlklng , beating , woundinc and turning lie
: r out of homo. She also declares that Fii
3 was frequently wont to return home
night filled with Intoxicating liquors
such an extent that all sorts of vile , tbt
athsomo , obnsiyo language would bo coi
led In addressing her. Mrs. Amea do- ( a ,
ares that her husband knocked her on ali
o head with his cane and with the heel COI
a ahce ; hurled dishes at her , nil Isfi
which conduct she aaya wab en- rc
rely without causa. They were
arrled at Odhkosh , Wisconsin , oa ma
L the 31st day of January , 1851 , lived tad
ere four years then wont to Now York , tin
tare they resided until 1872 , and wont tinMl
enco to Cblcaco , Subsequently they II.
nit to Colorado , from there back to Now II.Ho
) rk City , thence to BulUlo and finally the
ided iu Omaha about three years ago. wol
Emma Van Etton , who his mod the km
y of Omaha for damagca on account of wie
iding changes In Fifteenth , Sixteenth ,
vontocntf ) , Eighteenth , Nineteenth
d Twentieth atreotg , filed her Iran- 1
Ipt of the petition , the ordinance , pol
incil committee's report , etc , with
3 clerk of the district court yesterday. Mr ,
Max Llobler vs Jaojb Schrnltz Is the Che
le of a now cato filed In the dlatiiot ot tear t
irt yesterday. On the Suth of latt tI
no theie two men formed a -partner- -
p to carry on the saloon business and oar
> y leased from J. S. Uaccall for a term , tbo
of five years five total on the
north aldo of Vincetan Nine
teenth and Twoentlet which la
just outside of the cl The name
of the firm not havlnjtermlncd ,
thoj lease was made enllz & Co.
On the 27th of < f agreed
to run the bus ! Schmllz
& Lioblor. They own ted $40
to the bnalnoss. < > n Ichmltz , It
is charged , took pas' ' the busi
ness hlmtclf and froz out , lie
has boon running Itco. It Is
also charged that ho still con
tinues to appropriate profits ,
which up to date , It 3 , amount
to $500 , to his own intlff prays
for an injunction oont which
will atop him from mylng on
the business. The caor hearing
on tbo 25th instant.
An Actt\o nd Interceding OH
ttio Subject Iin8tCom-
The citizens of Nona hold a
meeting last night D Bruner'a
building , on [ the corrilnotconth
and Cnmlng streets , md attend
ance. J. 0. Brunor pn chairman
and stated at length ti of North
Omaha people to prcciparks than
they have now. ics were
alee made In favor D propo
sition by Joseph an , Dr.
Mercer , Col. Chase , hers. On
motion of Councilman ho follow
ing special committee Muted and
s'lvon instructions tolgato the
matter and see just Q bo done :
\ . N. Ferguson , chairn. Redman ,
P. 0. Brnnnor , St. A. Imbe , Goo.
P. Bomls , Thomas S > E. House ,
Fhomaa Dally , F. E- , Guy 0.
Councilman Dally mforr peril-
lent remarks , also Alddalloy and
ithors , after which Majiombo was
: allod on and presontoiowa as to
.ho feasabillty of Jeffqnaro aa a
park and took the stamt was en-
.iroly too small and notir location.
He suggested that JeCcquaro be
ixchangod for sixty or acres eland
and which would glvo the long-
iced ed park.
A special committee O'as on mo-
Jon appointed by the clnslating ol
3ol. 0. S. Chase , W. "me , 0. B.
squires , Col. Smytho aiijatnln F.
vnight _ to confer with ttnty com
iiiasionera In regard to ng Thirty' '
ixth street , from the f < the stock
mrdc , in north Omaha , i width o :
120 foot , In view of mak the great
> oulevard of the city.
All the speakers nrgcttho grea
ind growing demand of ( for mori
lubllc parks makes It rativo fo
ivory one to take an actirt In aa
latlng to secure thorn.
The meeting was adjotnibject t
he call of the chairman ,
'rouble Among tbo AS , Ctmrc
Brethren Over K Gfatcli.
Mr. A. Kinchafolo eontmmunlci
Ion to the BEE last evonli which 1
nbnrdons hlo grlovnncainst M
Vattg. It seems that onaary 17tl
884 , the finance committtho A. A
! . church , cfl'ered to gii a prl ;
§ 00 watch to thian wl
ronld ralso the i mom
ar the benefit of the chur The go :
lemen who contested fojprlza we
Vm. Vinegar , T. NelaonMr. Wat
V'hon the time came to n their r
01 ts all parties were on L each e
ecting of course that was sure
irry off the watch. Vin and Ne
nn hod the caah receipts heir lab
long and turned them on the cot
littoo , but Mr. Watt ily put In
lip of paper certifying the had c <
ictod § 100 , and put It the ban !
his entitled him to the pi The coi
ilttso , though felt doubthat matte
ere neb straight aud hi ted abe
Ivlog up the watch , : hout fii
iolug the money. Theion Wai
rrangod for the commltt * meet hi
ext day , when ho would o the bai
3d get the money , and twatchv
aa presented to . Wh
illcd on next day o fall
i keep his promisa nnd bid the coi
.Ittco elf by asylng that had pine
10 money to tha credit cf church a
icy could not cot It. In mean til
10 wntoh had been left Elholm
tickeoti'a shop for repalwhithcr t
immlttoo went nnd gavodors not
t Watts have It og ln. I this ore
19 joivelors would not not , eo Beei
nt they cjuli not got ltaUa agrc
at ho would glvo tha watto the tr
es of the church , Whithoy call
r it ho Wolfed them oil' t same w
at ho bluffed the commit. Ho si
rrlea the watch.
Coml'i Opera.
"La Mascotto" waj glveat Boy
era house last evening byiran's 1
ah Opara company , with t follow
st of characters :
ronzo Mr < Iax Fiei
PPO Mrl. H. Wa
oderic MieAnn Bar ;
ceo Mr. jrry IIow
etor enry De | ;
tteo W r Kmei
rgeent j. H. U
ttma Miss Jleno Coc
imettft Miisllee IIosi
Grand Choiuaund Orcbtra.
fho audience present was nch lar '
m could reasonably have bn cxpcc
aaldorlng hot weather pros res , wh
proof conclnslvo that "L Mascol
11 retains its drawing quttlor , '
npany acquitted itiolf most i
jctorlly , and thg prinpals w
) eatodly , encouraged In tllr work
lerous rounds of applause. Max I
n , as "Ljrocz- ) , " was ospaally ent
nlng , and Miss Eolone Uooor s "I
a" showed her to bo a cover arl
sa Alice Ilosmor , es "Flnetta , "
Waldo , aa "Pippo , " nd Ila ,
ward , as "Ilocco , " were d good
trpaita The chniui Is strong i
II drilled. Uana Kreiajig , that w
) wn director ot comic opra mu
Idn the baton.
aet evening , promptly at to time
nlod , in front of tbo Paiton he
. Cirylboll , agent of tie Ec1.
imlcal Fira Extinguisher , javo a
he nnchino ,
n the presence of a largo nurabc
leading railroad and badness :
two Immense brewoiy vate. Hued i
pitch which had been put In year after
year until the wood waa thoroughly
satnratcd and coated with It , were cov
ered with shavings and coal nil and sat on
fire and Immedlatly made an intense heat ,
but t the wird the operator commenced
and almost immediately had the fire out ,
not having need ono-fontth of the four
gallon machine.
The great superiority of the Ecllpso
ever all other fire extinguishers consists
In the fact that nothing but pure water
is kept In the brass tank until a fire
occurs when ono movement Introduces
dry powdera which then do the work
of putting out the fire by smothering na
carbonic acid gas la then generated , and
It can bo refilled without any delay.
The Eclipse Is made by the Eclipse
Wind Eoglno Co. , of Belolt , WIs. , and
sold here by Joslln iV Sackott , 150 ! )
Looking After StMo Ta\en.
County Commissioner O'Koofo went to
Lincoln ycatotdty , where ho will nopcar ,
on behalf of Douglas county , before the
state board of equalization , which la now
in cession. As the atato taxes of Dong-
laa county are about 10 per cent of the
whole as compared with other counties it
Is deemed , by the commissioners , time
that somebody should take an Interest In
the matter , nnd sco that the county la
not Imposed upon. For that reason
Mr. O'Koofo ' waa ssnt down to the cnpl
tal city to appear before the board.
Judge Selden Is in David City ,
J. W , Worl , Firth , is at the 1'nxton.
J , K. French , of Cleveland , la nt the Pat
ton ,
H. W. Yntea and wife went to Den\o
K. Callnhan , Friend , Nob. , ia at the Mil
W , A , Bergatusser , of Nelson , ia nt the
W. N. Gates , of Indianapolis , ia At the
Dr. J. II. Qulnn , of Blue Springs , Neb , ,
Is a Mlllard guest.
Djputy Treasurer D. O , Campbell , of Case
county , is in the city.
13.1' , Troxoll wont west yesterday and will
make a tour of thu mountains before his re
turn ,
C. S. Stobblna and family left last night
for a visit to the home of Mr. Stebblna' fam
ily in Pennsylvania.
Herman Konntz and family left for Spirit
Like last evening , to enjoy the cool brec03
of that popular resort.
] ; , L. Henfield , J. F , Walter , Dorchester ;
S. A. Collins , ISsseA ; E , M. Tillotson , Cul-
bertson , ate at the Arcade ,
Paymaster Floyd , of the Burlington & Mia.
pouti , Loft for Spirit Lake last ovenlng with
his family , to enjoy a few days recreation.
Miaa Geuovievo Ingarsoll , who went east
some time since to study for the stage , has
returned to this city and is now the guoat ol
Mrs. Sturgess , 171G Cass street. She will re
main here until about the middle of August.
I Mrs. R , B. Kingwalt and Mies Gertrude
11. Uingwalt wore among the cast-bound pas-
sengeis on the Chicago , Burlington & Qulnc ]
yesterday afternoon , and will visit friends it
Chicago , Kacinc and Detroit during the com'
ing month.
At the Metropolitan : U. B. Stuatt , Mo
Cook ; Walter Wells , Hastings ; J. K. Gill
. . man , Nebraska City ; O , SI. Whiting , How
ard , Neb. ; A , J. Mathewa , Now York ; W
II , Higgs , Hacino , Wia. ; II. D , Ueevei
Ilampton , Ia. ; J. E. Millar , GOOMO Cox , SI
Louis , F. C Kline , Pittsburg , and F. J. Me
Isaac , Marshalltown , la.
J , D. Shearman , J , M. Uanna , Sprinf
field ; U. C. Bollong , Schuyler ; G. W. Lore
n- Ulysses ; A. B , Gould , Missouri Valley ; Ge <
ro W. Waitt , Wakefield ; Ira Thompson an
.t.e . wife , Tekamah ; G , W. Spencer , St. .lame ;
ex - M. N. Kyerson , Grand Island , W. B. Stou
xto CulberUon ; K. Clark , W. P. Lewis ; Has !
to ings ; W. J. Montague , Wichita ; A. 1
Spearman , Springfield ; L.W. Taylor. Avoc :
n. C. N. Ambrose , St. Louis ; Wm. Courtno ;
Thos. Fose , Oscoola , are at the Cunfleld.
Invitations have been received in this clt
for tha wadding of General Passenger Agor
Dawea of the K. C , St , J. & C , B. 11. 11
and Miss Medora Crussup , daughter ot M :
H. li. Cresaup , of Nevada , Mo , The ma :
rlage will take place at the Washington strei
Presbyterian church , Nevada , on the ovenic
of August C , and the reception at the I.'acif
oi friends iu this part of the world ,
ned I'ob Johnson li.vl Hugh McManncs a
nd rested yeatenlry. for assault and battery ,
& Peter Lofgreen , the forger , WBS bom
ho over , by .Tudgo Stenberg josterday , to tl
to district court in the sum of Sl.COO.
ler D'c'i and John Davis , two rather notoi
ng OU.H rough ? , who inhabit that Jiart of tov
known as the "Uottorn , " wore arrested by t
led policoIaBt night and given quartcra In the cl
ay jail. They had been raisicg n great dlstur
.111 nnco by trying to shoot ono or two mcmbi
of their own family.
The Northwest jrn Is distributing a ni
, , claisof ndveriaing matter , which It insui
will kill rate , prevent ilioa and drive an
worms out of the country , It is a photogra
Ing ot W. K , Vice , their Saa Francisco agei
and if it properly represents him , he la ce
nin tainly a daisy. Hair mowed off ehort , n pat
tlclo over one eye , a big horse lly on hia nose in
rett BOveral warts that aland out prominently a
> ew features of the picture.
nth Fcnnully Taiitftll/.lni : .
iper Philadelphia Cill.
"Hello , Fred you seem awfully p
out. What's ' happened oh ? "
'gor ted "Oh , I was fearfully tnntallzad a lit !
ilch while ago , I tied on a pretty glr
; te" bonnet. The ribbons got tangled ; h
Cho eyes eparklod , her lips wore cherry rl |
sat- and BO cloao to ratno that her broa
swept my cheek ,
"You wore dying to kiss her , oh < ' '
" "That was juit It. "
"Well , why didn't you kiss her' "
5et- "For a very simple ivasou. Her hi
.ist. band WAS standing by. " Q
rry Croft leans money on Diamonds a
In Fine Watchoe. Room 4 , Wlthnoll blc
jlc , See the Omaha Lumber Co , before bi
ng building materl l,18th st.fc U.P.R.
Dr. Hamilton * Warren , Physician t
ap- Surgeon , 619 N. 10th Btreot near Water
) tel , ator , Day and night callj promptly
ipso ended to
teat Madam Amee , tbo great chrlyoy
and fortune teller , will remain in
jrof city thjs weekend can bo consulted at
, office corner lOib and llarney. All ?
tnen wtah to consult hv.r had better call
with once.
Shall we eat Lime with our Bread ?
It is n f\ct ( 110 longer questioned thnt nil the baking iiowuVrs , with the
single exception of the Roj'al , contnin linio or nlum. Prof. Love's ro-
porbns nimlyst o the Now York Stnto Board oE Ilcnlth , revealing limo
iminirities , and Government Chemist Illotl's researches showing the
alarming use of alum , have conclusively established the presence o
these substances. Eminent analysts have found in some of the powdera
notably these so prominently advertised , 10.7 p3r conk of lime alone.
Everybody is interested in this wholesale debasement of food The
public health is no doubt injuriously directed l > y the largo amount o
limo that is thus taken into the system , for although perfectly pure
food is produced by the use of Koya1 Making powder , which is free from
lime and absolutely pure many of these adulterated baking powders are
ttill imposed upon consumers by the false advertisements with which
they arc placed before the public.
No Jjiine in Jioi/al JtaJfiiiy JLowtlct\
Chemical tests have likewise proved the Royal Unking Powder to bo
free from lime and absolutely pure. This results fiom the exclusive
use of cream of tartar specially refined and prepared by patent processes
by which the tortrate of lime is totally eliminated. The production of
chemically pure cream of tartar involved many experiments and great
expense , which add largely , of course , to the cost of producng : the Royal
Baking Powder. But its manufacturers are amply rewarded in thus
being able to give consumers a baking powder absolutely pure iu all re
spects the only absolutely pure baking powder made. In emphasis oC
this fact , the report of Prof. McMurtrie , late chief chemist for the
Uuitsd States Department of Agriculture ab Washington , is given.
"I have examined the cream of taiter manufacture ! by the New York
Tartar Company and uspd by the Royal Baking Powder Company in the
manufacture of their baking powder , and found it perfectly pine and
free from lime in any form.
"The chemical tests to which I have submitted the Royal 13akiug
Powder , it perfectly healthful and free from every deleterious
" WM. McMURTRlE , E.M. , Pn.D. ,
" (7/JCHi/s/ ( / / / Chief U. S.Dcpl. of Agriculture. "
How Ho Mnlces n Living at "Family
GnthcrliiRs. "
New York Tilbuns.
"I 'spoee you don't remember mo , "
said a man In the park aa ho caino up and
grasped a reporter by the hand. The
volco waa faintly familiar and the speak
er , who was decently dressed , though
evidently not particular about harmoni
ous colors or porfost fit , had a eloachy
movement thnt Indefinitely recalled some
parson ho had met. The nun emiled and
drawled on , " 1 thought you wouldn't
know me ; don't you remember a couple
of winters ago when you'd bo comin' out
of that prlntln' ofliso over there , how you
used to stop and 'buz' mo about what yon
used to call the noble army "of tramps ? I
don't forgot yt > n , air , for when you'd got
through talk In' you'd put up for coueo
and cakes , and more than once for lodg-
In' . I'd bo real glad If you'd go and have
a schooner or cigar or suthln' with mo.
I'm ' faxed , " said ho , pulling out a handful
of coin and bills , "and would like to set
'em up. "
The reporter declined , but upon callIng -
Ing to mind the amaclatod , dilapidated
tramp he had once known , was forced to
Inquire how so nurked a change of con
dition had come about.
"Well , " said ho , "If you won't glvo It
away , I'll tell you though I don't cure
If you do , for I am going weet on the
eorno lay. For the past two years 1'vo
been working the family gatherings
thono folks , yon know who advertise for
everybody or their name to meet at someone
r- ono placp to chin about themselves and
have a picnic.
"You BOP , one day last cummer , I was
kllllii' time read in1 a newspaper I'd found
when I rin ncroes one of those maotiii's.
Well , it must have been must have
baon . What ia't tha. gives them poets
a steet'f"
"Inspiration ? " suggested the reporter ,
"Yes , that'n it ; It must have been that ;
ty for all of sadden suthlu' said : 'that'n the
b- racket for you ; ray boy , go icnko tolloro
you're ono of thogan / ' 'You BOP , be
fore I got way down where I was when
you first saw mo I used to "snpo" around
thcatrer ; that made mo think how
'twould bo for ono of them actors to put
ny up such a job. Well , the first lot I tackled
was on abig farm up the North river. I
it , got a piece of blue pencil , made an an
irch chor on my wrist , and pat their name
ch under it , so as to look llko India Ink ,
you know. I had on a Bailor's blue flan
ro nel fihlrt when I went on the grounds.
There 1 told 'cm I bad always followor'd
the sea , and had lately hadhard luck ; had
read about the mootln' ani coino to see
if I knew any body of my name.
"Well , they're always jolly and free at
these places ; so they asked mo to rest my-
tlo sol , and raited mo aomo better clo hoe
1'a thrn I had on ; after that we had same
icr bully grub. 1 walked around and an >
ic , swercd questions ai well 8B I could. NOR
this and then , when no ono was lookln' zorm
gocd old maid would come up , unlock
her satchel nnd ellp a dollar or two In mj
hand. 1'vo been goln' from ono place tc
another , all eummor and fall , over sine' ,
is 1 keep the ran of 'em by tbo papers and
what I hoar around , and I get pleni )
of good duds and lots of cash , I phj
the sailor dodge 'moet always. Some
times I fix up , but It Isn't a good way
fur they expect you t ? chin too mucn
"Say , If over you go on thla racket , le
ay. an give you the ( straight tip , don't bi
fresh , don't Ulk more 'n yon can help
lot them do the chlnnln1. I made a m's '
uko iht way \vhero 1 WEB last week. .
WM HoMin' along first rate ; had bcoi
there two d yj. At lunch under thi
trees the last afternoon an old lad ;
eqnlntcd at mo through her spcci fo
ant awhile and then aild 1 put her iu mini
the of 'Ike , ' who went out west a number c
her yeara ago to BCD some cousins who wer
not known out this way. Well , I we
at fo > l enough to say I bhnged to th
watternbrincb , a ? they called It , and rt
momborod 'Iko. ' That settled It ; they
all soured on mo at once , and I found
out that the western blokes had got 'Iko'
a drinkln' and gamblln' and that branch
of the family was looked at aa N. G. Sa
I didn't got a rake that time.
"Another thing ; don't take In any
folks with long , hlghfalutln' names , with
do or van to 'cm ; they generally have
their families down fine and you'll got
left Euro ; bettor go for the Smith's ,
Thompsons or Browns.
"Ono tlmo 'down cast' though , ! struck
a swell crowd and g it a good stake when
I'd no show at all. A big chap with
diamond studs aaw mo and naked mo
'what I waa doln" there 1' ' I gave him a
ghost Btory about lookln' for my relations.
And I'm blamed If ho didn't shako
hands with mo and said he'd help mo
look 'em up , Then ho took mo a little a
to ono side and asked mo if I'd do him a
favor. Ho said he'd loft Boston without
soudlng an important telegram , didn't '
llko to leave the party , would 1 oblige
by goln' to Boston , aandln' the telegram
and waltln' for an answer. 'Wait , ' said
he , 'If It takes you all day. ' IIo handed
me a twenty-dollar bill and a railroad
ticket. Well , I did the errand , waited a
good while , no answer came , and tjien I
tumbled to It ! yo0 , sir , juat as you eay ,
I was paid llko the organ grinder ? , to go
away ! But , don't yon ceo even that bents
pot ling bonncod from a frco lunch counter
like the old tlmoj , oh ? "
"But come , " and hero the tramp BO
carnoatly urpod the acceptance of the hos
pitable "schooner" that the reporter bad
to compromise on callcaya nnd seltzer at
a Broadway drug store before good-by
could ba said.
I'luoky Mrn. Van
New York Mail and Kxprese.
Mrs. Harry Van Wliklon la the wife
of Oapt. Harry Van Wlcklou , a pilot on
the Hamilton ferry , and lives iu a neat
llttlo cottaga at 0/ono Park , town of J -
male i , L , I. Very of ton her husband
docs not roach homo until late and aomo-
tlmca not at all , as his baalnes ) noccail-
tatoa fihnott constant work , Mr. Van
Wicklen is a woman of uervo , an expert
in the use of liro-armi , and her husband's
brocch-loading shotgun always occupies
a prominent position In her room , Lust
night , as eho and her daughter wera pre
paring to retire , they were startled by
heating footsteps around the homo ,
They listened and heard some ono walk *
ing nt ) on the front eteop and try tbo
door. Tnen Mra. Van Wlcklcn tnrow
open the window and called down : "Who
is there ? "
"It'u mo , open the door ; I want to
come In , " was the response.
"I guess not ; I don't know you , and
I'll not open the door. "
"You won't ; then I'll burst the door
n , " angrily retorted the man , and ho
roceedod to do ao. Reading around
and grabbing the gun Mrs. Van Wlcklcn
leveled It out of the window at the man
and called , "If you kick that door again , ' j
I'll blow you Into eternity. " IIo dldnot
reply , but kept on kicking , and thobr&ya '
llttlo woman proesed thu linger first on
the right then on the loft trigger of HUB"
gun , but there waa nothing but a/mapY /
as there were no cartridges In the
weapon , and the m n on the ( stoop
laughed In rldlculo and kept kicking' tbu-
door and demanding ndmlttanbo'n ° ft o
"Nellie , glvo mo two cirkldgoi ; ( iulcViirJv ,
out cf the cieo on thu bureau , " nailed ,
' "
Mra Van Wlckler , to her aukJifeVrrina1
her df mind was quickly compiled with , r"
and tbo cartridges pla0u/l / In" 'thei ' guiu" nt morj thu gun wa.i ek'jvut ) .llwjc lnjh , , j , , ,
the window. Slip prc edjMoJjIflMr , a , (
rti-rrt followed by a f cream ornusid thu
tuiighborB , and tbo man il d toward -
Woadhaven. Mm. Van WicklcihU uo > , : jt
into whothqr Blip . hit < him pr not , t fitya ,
thinks eho loiows who ) ho man tf as and ,
hu wi'l ' prnbablylft ftrrlBtod.1 ' " ' ' ' " 1
If you want a hqrt , plalp , Wpy t ob
do-s'pod pglcy | on , your dwelling , nln a *
sound homo company' ' , fnsiira lu"tlo0 ' :
Hvtfl * Fire , ' ' ' " j