Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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NMV YOKK Orncn , Itoox C5 TRIBONB limit-
Till ) MiM cxsry morning , ctpejit SnmUy Ilic
only Monday morning dilly published In the t te
One Yenr . JIO.OO I Tlirco Month * . $ 5 M
Sit Month * . 6 00 I One Mnntli . 100
The Weekly HcoruWi li l ( cry Wednesday
OnbYrnr , with premium . . , . , , . . , , . , . , . $ 2 CO
One Year , * lttroiit | > rcniliim. . , , , , . . , 1 ! 5
Kl Vontrm , without premium . . 75
One Mouth , ou trim . 10
cotrtKsrovnr.scK !
All Conrnnnio'itliMU relating to N < w aml UlllorUl
InatUra sliotiM be aiHrcjseU to tie EDITOR or Tilt
All IlMlne * Letters nil KiMiilltinoei MiouM be
ddrcl to Tin IlRB 1'iniisiuxi C MI ANT. OMOU.
Dr rti.Chccki ami I'o l otHccordcrs to be mvlc ! > )
nblo to the oriltr of the corn ] > an > .
i : . nosiwATT.K : , nnmm.
A. II. Titcli , Manager Daily Circulation ,
Ohiiiia ,
Tur. city council must rcvlso the aa-
acestnout roll and bring tax-shlrkcra to
NOT ? THAT Mayor Boyd haa approved
the pound ordinance it la hoped that
coaao to ba a cow paaluro.
TrtK president lifts not yet gene on that
vacation , but ho continues to giro vaca
lions to qtilto a nnmaor of office-holder * .
POLITICAL plums nro not bolng picked
very fait la Nebraska thla aoason. The
fruit crop In thla state Is evidently a
Tin ; president has aappllod Alaska
with a now act of officials governor
judge , attorney , nnd marshal. It la a
cold day when Alaska gota loft.
AMONO the appolntmonta made by the
president on Taoaday Nebraska failed to
draw a blngla prlza. It is pretty evident
thai there are very few "rascals'1 In thla
PAKTIBS who have laid oat farms into
city lota and oipoct the city to supply
water , gas , fire and police protoctlonand
school facilities for their additionsahould
bo compelled to pay their proportion of
olty taxes.
ACCOUUING to the Herald Dr. Millor'a
throe-columns of and soft
- hog-wash soap
on the Union Pacific and Hi relations to
Omaha and the woat has received the at
tention which WAI duo it from the people
ple of thla city. Yea , Indeed 1 Every
body in thla city , not excepting the
Union Pacific officials nnd employes , re
gard It OB a disgusting exhibition of do-
baaed journalism.
DJ : . MILLKR has the effrontery to tell
no tbat Mr. Charles Francis Adams in
his faturo designs for bnlldlng up Omaha
hac always had In view the extension and
use of the bolt railroad as a means for
solving the transfer problem. Will Dr.
Miller please explain why , according to
what wo conalder reliable Information ,
Mr. Adams has sought to compel S. H.
II. Clark to refund the money expended
by the Union PaclGc In the construction
of the belt line and take the road off the
company's hands ?
Tun reports from Mount McGregor
show that General Grant is sinking rapIdly -
Idly , and that tin hour of hla death la
near at hand. The old commander has
proved himself as much a hero through
out hla long and painful illness aa ho ever
did amid the shot and shell on a hundred
battle-fields. Everything that waa possi
ble In medical skill and attention haa
boon done for him , and his life has no
doubt boon prolonged several months by
the faithful care that ho haa received from
h's physicians and family.
Tin : city council haa at last taken action
toward securing a uniform system of
sidewalk .a In the business center between
Tenth ai id Fifteenth , and between Far-
nam and Douglas. The territory , however -
over , shoi lid have Included Harnoy and
Dodge str sots The resolution adopted
by the eau ucll requires the city engineer
to detail a man to report all lota In the
proscribed t orrltory where no walks nro
needed. W lieu ih'u report Is presented
and adopted , the council will then order
ouch walks I o ho hid by the city con
tractor , under the direction of the board
of public worl w , if the property-ownera
do not have th > work done within a certain -
tain time. h o more wooden walks
should bo laid o i Fernarc or Douglas , oren
on the crois-stro 9ta between those two
thoroughfares , fr iiu Tenth to Fifteenth.
Nothing bat dural lo materiel atone , as *
phalt or artificial at ono should bo per
mitted to bo use 3 , and every walk ,
whether now or olt \ should bo brought
to the full width ana1 proper grade.
ROBWELL PfiirinoN E Fiow ER contln-
lies to blossom with ouch cnccodlng tea-
son. JIo Is now n candidate for the dem
ocratic nomtnaUcn for governor of New
YirJf , and as ho It , according to the Sun ,
"ft reformer of th xslvll'iorvlca after the
school of Jefferson , .Jackson and Tildon ,
nnd not after the humbug school of Dor-
man B. Eaton & Co. , " we should not bo
surpriiod If ho should.-cc'ino a little nearer
success this tbio than .ho did when he
was plastering the country with pictures
of himself in hopes that hla decoration of L
dead-walls , hotel oflioea * .r'd the barrooms
rooms would secure /or him ih o presiden
tial nomination. It Is true tbat the J'V '
democrats in general and thosa of Now J'd
York in particular arc not overmuch I
pleased with civil service reform of any J'A
kind , and It is with great diiftppiMnt
in out that they Juvo viewed oven the A
faint efforts of Grover Olevland to pose o
as e civil fervlco reformer. They be- 01
Hove n the Jackeonian doctrine tars II
enou/i , and henso Mr , Flower will re II8l IIr
ceive rnoro cncotjragooient than if ho 8l
were on endorser of Mr , Cleveland' * et
< -nu riiUTiTmiK-.lm-viiumUTJf ,
MU-,1 l alu.J . > r. itiilii. fell Ini nuatl >
The citizens of Omaha will now real
ize what wo have been predicting for
years , that the systematic tax-shirking
of heavy property-owners and capitalists ,
the wholesale exemptions of railroad
property which Is no part ot their right
of way , and the reckless disregard of
their sworn dnty to assessors , la liable to
serlonely affect thla city In the prosecu
tion of its public Improvements. Oar last
annual rnviow contained a detailed ex
hibit of the improvement ! far the year
1884 which aggregated 85,63' ) , 149,31 ,
Of thla amount the public Improvements
carried on by the cltv proper aggregated
8952,010 31and the aum of about $000-
000 was expended by the city waterworks ,
the gas companies , the bolt railroad , the
street railway and other public concerns.
Oar store buildings , warehouses , factor
ies , and dwellings daring the year 1884
were valued at a fraction of over
§ 4.000,000. Now It Issafoto estimate the
Improvements in Dong'ai ' cminty , oat-
aide of the city , daring the year , at a
half a million more , so that the
sum of over $0,000,000 haa
been added to the valuation
of property In this county daring
1884. This Includes no estimate of
the Increase In the value of all real estate
In the city and county by reason of those
Improvement ] and by the Increase of
population. A very low estimate of this
Increase would at least bo ten per cent. ,
which on the assessed valuation of
S12OCOCOO , would have boon equal to
$1,200,000. But when the aesossor'a re
turns are footed up wo find that the
total Increase for the whole year la only
about $700,000 , and the greater portion
of that la outaido of the city. What an
outrageous fraud this Is ! In 1871 , with
a population of less than 18,000 , and no
waterworks , sewerage , pavements , or
public Improvements worthy of mention ,
the assessment of Omaha property was
§ 11,000,000. To-day with a population
of over 60,000 , our city limits extended
miles beyond the llmltsof 1871 , and pub
lic improvements that could not bo da
plicated for loss than four or five
millions , our valuation ia over ono mil
lion Iocs than It was fourteen years ago.
No wonder tint wo now find
ouraolvea with only $0,000 in
the general fand for grading.
The only oxcnao for this villainous and
fraudulent system of assessment Is that
they all do it. Our heavy tax-payers
point to Lincoln and ether cities and
towns in the state where tax shirking and
sham assessments are also prevalent.
They Insist that Omaha cannot afford to
have fair assessments as long aa other
sections of the atato continue systematic
undervaluations. While it la doubtless
true that there Is wholesale porjnry com
mitted In ether cltloa by property-owners
and assessors , wo do not bsllovo there ia
anytning gained by Omaha In allowing
one-third ol the property to
go nntaxcd , assessing valuable city
lota at aero valuation , and
deliberately Ignoring any Increase in prop
erty values by reason of improvements.
It Is not true , as Is repeatedly urged ,
that our state taxes would bo out of all
proportion with ether parts of the atato
If property were assessed uniformly at
one-third or one-fourth of Its actual
value. The state board of equalization
Is In duty bound to rocognlza the differ
ence and make allowances for It in the
ratio of assessment , after duo comparison.
That board is now In session
and several counties , notably York
county , will ba represented before
it with a view of getting their
state tax adjusted pro rats with the
average assessment of other counties.
But oven If wo had no remedy It would
bo profitable for Omaha to have Impar
tial and honest assessments. The state
tax on ovary million dollar. ! amounts to
$7,500 , and if oar aiaeasmonta had been
raised only two millions this year our
state tax would have boon only $15,000.
Would it not bo of greater advantage to
Omaha In the long run to pay $15,000
additional state tax rather than have a
stoppage of all grailng for a year ? The
tax on any property owner would bo only
$7.50 on every ono thousand dollars of
property nesaaeod. But under an Impar
tial and uniform assessment the small
property-owner would not ba afldcted ,
because the Increased valuation would been
on the property of the wealthy corpora-
tlona and capitalists who have immense
tracts of real estate , This clas ] can alfjrd
to pay taxoj on a fair valuation.
AN Injunction suit doca not always
onjoln. This was the case with an
Illinois farmer whoso wlfo had applied
for a divorce and had obtained an in
junction rostrlining him from dispoiing
of hla property. The farmer aot fire to
tils house and barns , into which ho had
itiven several horses , a dozen cows and
itoors , twenty hogs , and a large number
} f chickens , turkeys and geese. All this
property Traa destroyed , amounting In
raluo to $10,000. It was a costly
RKIII hai evidently made
\ favorable impreailon on the Pacific
east , where ho was visiting. The Haw-
homo , ( Dal , ) Jtullcltn concludes a com-
illnre.itary notice of him as follows : "If
IB lu\d a larger fleld and a paper of hla
wa Wr. Raid would nuke Ills mark In
onrnallnm. Ho has ability , is a hard
rorkor , t\nd if connected with the Nova-
a prats n'ould soon bo admitted to the
'ress Association. "
er-Delogato Maelnnia , of
loutana , is a much disappointed man ,
wing ( o hla fallato to eocure the gov-
rnorsbJp of that territory , he Is by no
loans a crashed politician. IIo ia & 1-
jady setting his plc for the United
lates senate wl.'cn Montana becomoi a si
ate. Tha ether senatorial candidate
'II b ? 001 , W F. Oanders , 8 republican , cl
. . ,
0. UU V ) M _
it , 1 when would bo n an plcioui time
The republicans and democrats endeav
ored to pool their Issues by having n bill
introduced by Sunders In the last legis
lature providing , when Montana shtxll be
admitted , that there thall bo elected ono
democratic senator and ono republican
senator , but the schema failed to material-
lea owing to a lack of votes. Wo take It
that the political machines will continue
to bo worked In Montana as they are
elsewhere. The political party having
the biggest "bar'l" and the most votca
will got aw&y with the persimmons.
Gen , Miles may bo a good Indian
fighter , bat In his advocacy of the trans
fer of the uncivilized tribes to the care
of the war department ho will not find
very general endorsement. The regular
army is not Intended as a guardian of the
Indian. While the Indiana might draw
their rations with the same regularity ns
the soldiers , wo question If their contact ,
with the regular army would tend to ad
vance them In the ways of civilization
and moke them self-supporting. They
certainly would not acquire nny habits of
Industry from any example on the part of
the army , the soldiers being aa a rale ns
lazy as the Indians. So far ai morality
ia concerned the Indians would , In al
probability , bo corrupted much more
than they nro nndcr the retorvatlon
system , while their cdncat'cnal ' facilities
would not likely bo any better than they
now are , and perhaps not so good. If
the Indiana are properly cared for by the
Interior department , aa they can bo , If
proper agents are appointed and bad
white men are kept away from their res
ervations , the present system would In
all likelihood prove moro satisfactory
than patting them under charco of the
military. Bat the suggestion of Con
gressman Hoi man who , with his com-
mlttop , is now making an Investigation
of Indian affairs that all the unsettled
bands of the Slonx and Crows and ether
tribes bo removed to the Indian territory
scorns at thla tlmo to bo the moat practi
cal solution of the Indian problem yet
The Indians that have up to
this time been removed to the
Indian territory have as a rule
become settled , are well satisfied ,
and seem to bo making moro rapid pro
gress towards civilization and self-anpport
than any ether bands. The concen
tration of the reeervatlon Indians In the
territory will enable the government to
handle them much moro conveniently
and at much less expense. In time the
Indian territory , when Its Inhabitants
shall have made sufficient cdvance , coald
bo made an Indian state. There la plenty
of room In the territory for all the In
dians in thla country , and In a few years
they coald all become Independent of
government aid. The progress made by
the Indians already there would stimulate
the others to follow their example ,
and thus the question of civilization
would bo made a very easy mat
ter. It would require a comparatively
short time , under such circumstances , to
elevate all the Indiana In the United
States Into a condition that would en
title them to full citizenship. Further
more , under the scattered reservation
system they are occupying altogether too
ranch valuable land for which , In their
present condition , they have no nse
whatever. Their linda are now being
demanded by the homesteaders who are
pressing on to the west from every di
rection In search of now homes.
Mr. Holman prepot cs to recommend
the purchase of the Sioux reservation ,
and the removal of the Slonr to the In
dian territory , as the initial step In his
scheme of concentrating all the Indians
In that locality. Bis proposition will cer
tainly meet with the Indonemcnt of the
people of Dakota and thoasands of home
steaders who have been waiting for come
tlmo to have a portion of the Slonx res
ervation thrown cpen for settlement.
This land could bo purchased from the
Sioux for a very moderate sum , but which
would bo plenty large enough to give
them a splendid stait In a new location.
Thla reservation contains 7,000 eqaaro
miles , and It should no longer bo allowed
to remain unused. The same Is true
of ether reservations that nro desirable
for agricultural purposes. While we do
not believe In taking any lands from the
Indians without fair compensation , wo
do ballovo that no Indian should bo
permitted to hold any moro land than a
while man under the homestead and pre
emption laws. The purchase of tbo res
ervations and the removal of the Indians
to the Indian territory will , so far aa wo
can see , solve the whole problem.
I'Ki'.HAi'.s i.'io Western Union does not
care to waste any money In painting Its
unsightly poles in Omaha , ai It mast in
the near future bury its wires in all the
large cities. The telegraph companies
are now compelled by law to put their
wires underground In New York , and the
work Is steadily advancing. The Now
York Commercial Advertiser jays :
While only a small proportion of the whole
ia done there are many parts of the town
where the improved condition of the tpaco
ftbove the streets ia agreeably observablo.
S'ew York will be a pleasnt r city to live in ,
md a safer one also , when all the wlrea almll
lave disappeared and tbo unsightly polca shall
iiavo been removed ,
I > the trial of Louis Kiel , now in pro-
; rej * at Heglna , In the Northwest terri
err , the fact that ho ia an American
itlzon has bad an Important
loaring upon the case. That the H an
American citizen by naturalization there
j no doubt , at it haa locn positively as-
ortalned that ho took out his unor.d
ipcra t Helena , Montana , ia Aupatt ,
BS'2. As an alien coonot commit treu-
on , iho indictment agslmt Kiel has , as
o understand It , been changed to the
large of "making w r against ler
UUUv o
majesty and rebelling sgalnat the conitl-
tutlon of the realm , " which is about the
same thing as treason , only exprcstcd In
different language , the punishment bjiug
the same.
It is difficult to understand why repub
lican papers should undertake to make
the failure of John lloach A political
Itanc , and hold him up to pnbllo view as
a persecuted man who has boon ruined
simply became ho was a republican. Ilad
Mr. Iloach not madg himself prominent
In politic and confined himself to legltl
mate methods of conducting bh business
of ship-building , soar as It wai con
nected with the government , Instead of
continually lobbying for subsidies , ho
would not probably have been forced
to make anatcignmont , IIo has obtained
millions of dollars from the govorment In
the way of contracts , and also In subsi
dies for hla steamship lines. Ho haa boon
a barnacle upon the republican party for
ycarr , and ho used hi ] political Influence
for mercenary purposes. Whenever ho
desired to socnro votes for any of his jobs
ho arranged a congressional excursion to
his shipyards , where the Incor
ruptible legislators were treated to n
royal least , which was washed down with
sparkling champagne. Senators and
congressmen who were In donbt as to
how they should treat Mr. Roach in the
matter of subsidies returned to the halls
of legislation from Roach's shipyards and
forthwith voted In accordance with hla
known desires. Now that subsidies nro
not ao easily obtainable , and the govern
ment has decided not to accept work that
Is not up to the required standard , Mr ,
Roach straightway goes Into bankrnptc ,
and poaca aa a republican martyr. Sup
pose that the government should in Urn
discover that Mr. Stephen B. Elkins ha
acquired a great deal of land In No
Mexico In a manner irhlch would not entitle
title him to hold It , and that the govern
ment should recover possession of i
thus forcing him to bankruptcy
Would ho nut bo entitle
to as much sympathy as Mr ,
Roachls receiving from certain rcpnbllca
papers , which baliovo in upholding
defending a republican at nny and al
tlmoa , whether right or wrong ? The ;
seem to labor under the Impression that
republican cm commit no wrong am
make no mistakes. It la auh persona a !
Mr. Roach , who , under the cover of re
pnbllcanlam , have done moro to Injtir
and pall down the republican party than
any ether class of men. They have aim
ply used the party aa a moans to farthe
their own jobs. So long aj the ropubll
can party continues to maintain jobbers
and lobbyists , it will never return to
power. It runat shako off all barnacle
and In no way countenance the wonld-b
leaders and wlra-pullors who BO
largely contributed to Its defeat In th
last campaign. So far as the failure o
Mr. Roach la concerned the probability I
that ho la not quite so badly crippled a
his friends would have the pnbllo to be
lieve. It now begins to lock as if his as
signment is only a sharp trick to gain
sympathy and to Indues the government
to recede from Its position with regard to
the Dolphin and the other vessala under
contract. It Is certainly surprising that
so many republican papers should have
rushed to his defense , and charged his fail
nro to democratic spltework , Wo do no
bellovo that politics had anything to do
with the matter.
THIS Is the kind of weather that make ,
a summer resort a very profitable place
Senator MBiulcraon and Now Mexico
Denver Tribune Republican.
United States Senator Mnndereon , o
Nebraska , a member of the Senate Committee
mitteo on territories , has recently re
tamed homo from a visit of Inspection
to New Mexico , He la strongly opposed
to admitting New Mexico Into the Union
aa a State , and among the objections to
Its admlrslon wlilch appear to have
great weight with him Is the prevailing
lack of education. In this ho Is un
doubtedly correct , for no ono coed re
side very long In Now Mexico withoul
ecclng that tbo poor people are densely
Ignorant. There Is no efficient system
of public ichools In the Ttrrltory , and
there probably will not bo until Con
gresi takes hold of the subject and pro
vides a eyetoni of public education , At
tendance upon Eoiiio kind of echools
would have to bo compulsory. The
Indian population of Now Mexico Is to
bo considered in connection with thla
subject of the admission of the territory
ea u etato. Under different decisions of
the United States those Indians are
given the statue of citizens of the United
States , and they are therefore entitled to
all tbo privileges of cltlzanshtp. They
are , however , utterly unfit to exercise
the rights of citizens. It is true they
sro now under ( the care of an agent , but
that Is merely ono of the Incongruities
which are seen In the management of
Indian affairs ,
Tlio Zhroo H'H.
Ulysses Despatch.
Both Jim Dawca , our dado governor ,
and Jim Laird , oar do-nothing congresi
man , expect to step Into Senator Van
Wyck's bropans at the next senatorial
slectlon. Tbit seems to bo a combination
of bliuter , belly and beauty against
AVlioro air. JlcmlrlclcH is Wanted ,
3an Francisco Altn ,
Vice President Oendrlcks , who Is com
ing to California , may depend npon re-
jeivlog a royal welcome. Wo don't very
> fton catch either a president or a vice
president on this aide of the continent ,
out irhen wo do wo Insist that ho shall
iavo a good time as Oallfornlans under-
itand that torn , A democratic vlco prea-
dent , however , has never yet creased the
llocky Mountains , and that la another
eason why the uproar over Mr , lien-
Icicka will bo made Immentn , Hondricka
ho-a hla good sense In abandoning his
irat Intention to go to Europe , where ho
night catch the cholera , and in coming to
California , where theraarosa many who
fiah to ( co him.
One thnuiand Crow Indiana conqrfgated on
ia Ilia Hem recently to mourn th * demitu of
"on .Bull , their war chief , They made Koine
owl for tbree dey .
An Attempt to Wreck a Passenger Train
onllicCSIPM0. Roafl ,
Great Aetlv Ity In ml About the V , P ,
Mliops A. Blc Force of Men t
Work I'crsonnl Notcp , Etc.
A report came flashing In over the train
dispatcher's who , of the Chicago , St.
Paul , Minneapolis Omaha road , night
before last , stating briefly that ont-laws
had placed n tea rail across the track two
miles north of Ilorman , evidently for the
fiendish pnrpoio of wrecking the Oakland
passenger train , which loaves hero at u10 ;
o'clock every evening. The matter was
kept very quiet , but it reached a BEE re
porter's ears ycstefday , who proceeded
at once to learn the particu
lars , and succeeded In pitting to
gether facts enough to make up
the following story : Beyond Ilorman ,
whleli la a station thirty miles north of
Omaha , the Chicago , St. Paul , Minne
apolis & Omaha track ls bolng re-laid
with now rails , and the old ones have
boon strung along cither sldo where
many of thorn still remain. Some miser
able miscreants bent upon the destruction
of life and property conceived the devilish
Idea of constructing an obstruction on
the track and then wait to eco It wreck a
passenger train that would bo dno going
north nbout 8 o'clock. They bad placed
ouo of the loose rails across the track in
such shape that the end reached about
half way between the two rail ) , pointing
In the direction from which the
train would come , whlln the
other end was fixed so that it would ran
into the ground. Fortunately a special
stock train of twenty-four car-loads came
along from the other direction and when
the pilot of the onqlua struck the rail , it
shoved it off of the track without doing
any daraago
A visit to the Union Pacific shops yes
terday by ono of the BEK reporters , fur
nished matter enough for columns , If
written in detail , but for the present
soflico to say that great activity makes
the scenes In each department and full
forces of men are employed. The super
intendent said that there had boon
times In the history of the road
when they had a few moro workman In
the shops than are there now , and also
times when there were not moro than
half as many. The work of attaching air
brakes to freight cars glvoi employment
to a goodly nurnbor , and It was noticed
that a great many passenger coaches ,
Pullman eltepsra , baggage and mall cars
are undergoing ivpalru.
0. S Stobblns , general paaaonger agent
of tan Union Paciuc , and family , left yes
terday for Woatchostor , Pa. , where they
will visit several weeks with his parents.
Michael Moran , with t large force of
men and teams arc already at work on
the Loop City extension of the Union
Pacific , a strip of thirty-nine miles.
The postal service on the B. & M. is
decorated with a professional masher who
scatters love letter ? and heartaches along
the line. At Oxford the other day ho
was waving a tearful farewell to some of
the village beauties when the calloua
hearted conductor stopped the train , got
down and walked to the side of the car
where the girls could hear what ho eald
and yelled to the postal clerk with his
head out of the window , "Well ,
yon , are you through yet ? I was
afraid you wouldn't got through SD I
stopped the train. If your through , by
G d , I'll go on. " Ho don't illtt anymore
moro when that conductor laaboard.
The Utah & Wyoming Central railroad
echoruo is again bolng revived , with aomo
prospect of it being built. Tno route
which was surveyed years ago , runs from
Ham's Fork , Wyoming , to Corlnno ,
Utah , a distance of 130 miles. Ten miles
of the line haa been graded. The por-
poaes of the broad-guago Utah & Wyo
ming Central are to reach many rich coal
mines , a waalthy farming and stock rais
ing coantry , and possibly some rumored
oil wells along the lino. On leaving
Ilam's Fork the prospective road passes
Silicon , where the company's ex-
toneivo coke worka are situated ,
and then across Bear river
by Likotpwn Into Blacksmith's
Fork , loading Into Cache Valley. Lo
gan , Providence and many enterprising
towns will ba reached. On leaving
Providence the survey passes over Hamp
ton divldo to Honeyvillo , and terminates
at or near Corinno. The company has
already mot with considerable opposition
from other sol fish Utah lines , but the
rich coal fields , fine farming lauds and
tbo oigornosa of all communities along
the line guarantee the projector * In com
pleting tbo plain begun It Is estimated
that the road will cojt gl,00l,000 ) when
' I am ready , anxious , In fact aching
all over , " tcroiinsd a local agent yester
day , "ts bet $100 that the Northwestern
road Is one and live-tenths miles
ohorfer , between Omaha and Chicago ,
than any other route. " Tha foundation
for cuch otoruiy outbreaks as this was
laid not long since by a wheezy society
sheet not far from hero , uttering a husky
squeak , that the Milwaukee route was two
inlleii shorter than any othor. Ever
alnco then the aforesaid local agent has
boon delving In figures , and ho makes up
a comparison , showing the exact length
of etch line between the two points )
named , Aftbough this comparison has ee
not yet been given to the "talk hammer" et
men , or been flung to the breeze on flam t
ing throe sheet postori , It looms ap prom 1
inently , nevertheless , In certain railroad 1c 1
circles , and will nndoubtodly bo brought 1I 1i
before the next pool mooting of paajen- i
; cr agents. Hero are the figures : I
Northwestern , to Chicago , . . 188 5-10 miles i
Milwaukee route , , . 489 8 10 iniloa I
Any tlmo that anybody wants to gam-
b'e $100 on this proposition they can bo t
iccomtnodated without going very far to t
ind a taker. I
riio Ninth CivMlry Ordered to Icnvo ' I j
An Interestlrif : Colltc-
tion of Military New * ,
A telegram was received at army head-
jnarlera yesterday from General Schofiold b
if the division command , ordering that |
bo Ninth cavalry which has bon sta-
loned at Ogalalla for aomo time past bo
omoved from that pleca and resume its c
narch to the poata of Forts McKimiev ,
iVaahaklo , and Rjbinaon , Ai already
tated in these columns , the Ninth cav-
Iry had been ordered to assume station
t Ojalalla in order to head oil the
outbcra Cheyennei In caaa they beciino
anil commenced to move northJ J r
ward on Iho northern Kansas nd Ne
braska trail. Thli move farnUhcs cer
tain proof that the Cheycnnes have so
fir abandoned their hostile Intentions as
to conclude to remain where they are ,
and General Howard , In conversation
with a reporter about the matter aald
that ho believed that "all danger of the
apprehended Indian ffarwas over. "
Speaking of the matter of promoting
Gen. Terry to the vacant major generalship -
ship , over Gen. Howard , a contributor
to the Army and Navy Journal Bays :
"To promote the tcconil brigadier over the
first in rnnk would l > o contrary to the prece
dents established in the promotion of briRa
tiiora for n period ot fourteen yours ; nnd , too ,
nt the expense of an oflicor distinguished In
na many buttles dtuinp the war ns Any ollicor
in the sen ico-three times wounded , benruiR
nn empty slcovo ns n memento of 1'ixtr Onka ,
when hi ) distliiRiiuhpil hriuery envcd the
nriny of the I'otorano from threatened serious
dipnstcr , dincotho cloto f f the war , in cam
paigns ARniust the Indians , his rapid nnd
constant purtuit of Chief Joseph ttnnds
olono Imi no parallel. Without moininK to
detract nn ntom from the hero of Fort Flaher ,
It is contended that his friends cinnot ntfonl
to press him for promotion manifestly tit fair.
In the tpirit ol nil frames' , ns well ns in the
line of wise discretion , his friends should
unite with the friends of Gen. Howard nnd
iniist upon the right of seniority for promo
tion , else , in the contention which will necos
tnnly follow , n brigadier general to both bo
selected , and thus by grasping nt the prize of
1880 , lose nlro tlmt of 1883. "
OEX. JOHN flinilO.S.
The Holem ( Mont. ) Herald says
"Governor Iliuiaer Is In receipt of a loiter
horn John Gibbon , U. S. A , recently
advanced to brigadier general , warmly
congratulating him upon his appointment
The general , who Is ordered to the com
mand of the department of the Colamblc ,
will shortly bo on route to his post , and Is
expected to niiko a break In his journey
of n ( hy or two at this point and accept
the hospitality of Helena. Between this
ollicor and the pcopto ot Montana are ties
which they cannot sever. Gibbon's
wound at Bit ; Hole , while bravely loading
the gallant 7th Infantry against Chief
Joseph was the last to leave its mark In
his battle scarred body. The Capital
City will hardly permit his uninterrupted
trip through Montana. Should ho con
sent to tarry hero a day or so , everybody
will turn out to welcome him. "
Under General Orders No. 13 , current
aorlos , from the headqnartara.Firat Lieu
tenant John F. Gnllfoylo.adjutant Ninth
cavalry , Is detailed for duty on general
recruiting service for the department of
the Platte , In the field , and at Fort Me-
KInney , Wyo , upon his arrival ihoroat.
Flret Lieutenant Joseph A. Sladon ,
Fourteenth Infantry , ald-do-eanip , has
been ordered to Ogalalla , Nob. , and
Cheyenne , Wyo , on publics bmlncst.
Genora't O. O. Howard has Issued an
order at headquarters to the cfl'act that
cflicors may wear citizen's dress when at
headquarters. Those who prefer wear
ing the uniform will not bo prevented
from so doing. The matter ia left op
tional with the officers.
A report was received hero yesterday
that ono of General Hatch's colored sol
diers was run over by a freight train near
Ogalalla , night befdro last , and killed.
Further particulars regarding the matter
could not bo ascertained.
General Howard Issued an order to
General Hatch yoiterdoy , detailing ono
company of his regiment , the Ninth cav
alry , to go to Wahsatch , temporarily.
The Republican State Central Com
The members of the Republican State
Central committee are hereby called to
meet at the Millard hotel , at Omaha , on
Tuesday , August 4 , 1885 , at 8 p. m. , for
the purpose of calling a state convention
and the transictloa of any ether butlnees
proper to come before said committee.
D. H. MEIICEK , Secretary.
New York Special.
The rivalry between Mr. Nathan
Strauss' bay gelding Majolica and Mr. J.
I. Caso'a bay stallion Phallas ia of long
standing , and their trottlng-match at
Fleetwood park next Friday for $2,500 a
side promises to bo an interesting event.
Phallas will arrive to-morrow at Fleetwood -
wood , and will bo stabled upon the hill
where It Is cool. Ho braised his quarter
In his recent race with Maxey Oobb , but
Is otherwise reported to bo in good con
dition , and fit to trot at any time when
: illod on. Majolica was brought out on
the ( rack to-day , and Murphy give him
in raay mile with a hood on In 2 ( ] I ,
then a brush of ono mi'o ' with the brown
pncer Honesty , driven by D. B. Herring-
Lon. The ho es traveled well to-jothor ,
Murphy holding the bay back. Majolica
reached the half-mile pale In 1-15 , and
finishing half n length bohlnd iloneity ,
with his mouth pulled wide opjn , In
2-2SH. Majollci repeated In 2.2. } , makIng -
Ing tlio half mile In 1:10 : , and baating
Honesty on a jo ; ? .
Phallas and Majolica have the eamo
jlood linos. Majjliei Is fifteen hands
ilgh , and was foaled in 1870 , and bred by
Mr. Robert Bonner. Ho was sired by
Startle , ho by Hatnbletonlan , dam Jcaslo
[ { Irk by Clark Chief , ho by Mambrino
Dhlef. Phallaa Is sixteen hinds high ,
ind was foaled In 1877 , sired by Dictator ,
joby Hamblotonfan , dam Betsy Trot-
vood by Clark Chief.
vhen bo was going hla best , " Mr , Straitts
loye , "and , In fact , I don't think no was
> vor extended. Murphy saya there is no
oiling how fast Majolica can go , for ho
us never yet put him to top speed , hav-
og had no occasion to do so , I feel so
: onfidont to the powers of my horse tint .
vhon Mr. Case kindly offered to lot mo
> ay forfeit , I offered to bet him $2,000
nore on the result , which somewhat non-
ilnasod him. "
The Phallas party has alnoo telegraphed
o the Majolica patty to know whether
hey should bring Phallaa on or whether
ilr. Straus would pay forfeit , "Bring
ilm on ; Majolica ia ready to trot , " was
ho reply. Mr. Case aiys that ha would
tot have his horse beaten for ten tlmea
ho amount of the stake , and that If poo-
ilo think this match ia not "fur blood"
hey will alter their opinion on Friday.
A Jleformor ,
'oiaa Sittings.
A slttn man with a canning face had
sen found guilty in a Now York court
f picking pockets The jadgo said.
"Thla is your aocoud offanaj , I will
Ivoyou three years In the penitentiary. "
" 1 deserve It , judge ; 1 want to have a
banco to reform. " I aj
"You will get it. " fi
"I will coma oui of the pinltontUry n fih
ttter man than when I wont In , DJ I
ave to ( .0 there at once'l"
"Certainly. "
"Trial's bad. I bats to bo shut apjaat
; the lima this IhrtJnlJI clrciu is In full
last. If I Liai a fair ctuuco you bat I'd
o.'k the trowd for all it was worth. " ib
London Times , Jnno 30.
M. Jabloohkoff , who WAS the first lo n
trodnco electric light Into our midst CD n
practical scale , has for aomo time i/ns /
directed hla attention to the prodm JIT
of electricity by means of a primary bat
tery. Ho at first produced a sodai ! >
battery , which developed a very hicb
electro-motive force. It hud , howotc ,
ono radical defect which marred Its sn
cots , snd that was the rapid oxldatl r o
the sodium In contact with the air. M
Jablochkeff. horover , has succeeded I
developing from hi ) original Idea a ba
tory wh'cb is at once novel and unl e
Having recently boon prefont n
a prlvato demonstration by M
Jablochkoff of the battery. w
are enabled to give tome partial are
o .his latest ns well as moat interesting
outcome of electrical science. The auto
accumulator , as it Is termed , Is composed
of a Ei-rlos of cells , each of which hat
thrco electrodes , and the battery u dn
tlnguishod by its lightness , Us small cos
HB power relative to B/ ! ' , its freedom
from amoll , and the absence of Hqi.'di '
otherwise than in an absorbed condition.
The battery Is composed of a number c '
colla or shallow treys four Inches square
and half an inch deep , of linpcrmuablo
oubon , in each of which la placed a small
quantity of Iron turnings or i-inc clip
pings. Over these Is placed a co > crmp
of thick , coarse canvas , saturated with s
solution of chloride of calcium , npon
which ia laid a row cf very porous carbon
tubes about three Inches long nnd
three-eighths of an Inch In diameter
cutalde , wh'ca are s'mllarly ait-
nratod. In this way a cell Is formed
with three electrodes , ono of which oxid
izes , n second becomes polnrl/.od , nnd the
third forms n positive polo \\llh the second
end , the first two forming n nlrclo with a
constantly closed circuit. For sarvlcc n
number of these cells nlno or ten are
placed within a metallic framing , after
the fashion of a voltaic pile , the bottom
cell resting on a metal pUto forming cno
of the poles. The top cell Is covered with
nplatoof cirbon to which a terminal K
fixed , and this forms the other pole. The
auto-accumulator produces alternately a
primary and a secondary current , the lat
ter only bolng employed In the outer cir
cuit , while the former serves to produce
the hydrogen necessary to polarize the
electrodes. The action stops ns soon as
polarization la complete , and ia resumed
when depolarlzitlon takes place , no that
short and frequent intervals cf rest
are nccocsiry for the battery
to reform Itself for the production of the
useful current. In practice , when this
current Is employed for continuous work
the batteries are coupled In group ] with
commutators , so that no Interruption In
the current takes place. At the recent
demonstrations , at which several promt
nent electricians trero present , M. Jab-
lochkod explained the principles of the.
invention , and demonstrated satisfactorily
Its power by driving in turn some Swan
glow lamps nnd nn electric motor , thus
Illustrating Its practical application. We
understand that a company Is working
M. JablochkoiFs Invention In Paris ,
where the batteries nro bolng manufac
tured and arc coming largely Into use. It
would tppsnr to meet the objoctione
present In moat primary batteries without
having any of Its own , so far as present
experience haa shown. _
Snmctliini : Alioiit
Now York Health Board's Circular.
Prevention Don't ' loto your shjop
sleep in a cool place ; don't worry ; don't
get excited ; don't drink too much alco
hol ; avoid working In the sun if yon cm
If ln-doors , work In a well-ventilated
room ; wear thin clothes ; wear a light
hat , not black ; put a large green loaf or
wet cloth in It ; drink water freely and
sweat freely ; It fatigued or dizzy , knock
off work , lie down in a cool place , and
apply cold water and cold cloths to yonr
head and neck.
Cure Put the patient In the shade
loosen his c'.othos about the nock , send
for the nearest doctor ; give the patient
cool drinks of water or black tea or black
coffee. If ho can swallow. If hla skin IE
hot and dry prop him up , sitting agalneb
a tree or wall ; pour cold water over the
body and limbs and pat on his head
pounded lea wrapped in a cloth or towel
If you can't got Ice , nao a wet clotb , and
keep freshening U. Bat If the patient
la palo and faint and his pnlso Is f coble ,
lay him on hla back , make him smell
hartshorn for n few seconds , or give him
a toaepoonful of aromatic eplrits of am
monia or tlncturo of ginger in two table-
spoonafnls of water. In this case nao nt
cold water , but rab the hands and feet
and warm them by hot applications until
the circulation Is restored.
A Itoy with a liiiltc.
Datroit 1'reo Press.
"No , my son , " ho replied , as he put
on his hnt , "yon can't go to the circus. '
"But why , father ? "
"Well , In the first place , I can't foe !
away money on such things. "
"Yes , but I have enough of my own. "
"And in the next place It Is a rough
crowd , the noutlmont Ia unhealthy , nnd
no respectable person c&n countenance
auob things. "
" fart "
"BuS -
"That's enough , air ! You can't go' I
want you to enjoy yonraolf , but yon mnat
souk some moro respectable aniiiioniont. '
An hour later n curious thing happened
In the circus tent A boy cllmbad to the
top flight of Boats and eat down beside a
man who had just finished n glass of
lemonade and was lighting a cigar. He
had his plug hat on the back of his head ,
and teemed to bo enjoying htmaolf huge
ly. It was father and eon. The father
iiad gene straight to the grounds from
: llnnor , and the boy had ran away. They
looked at each other for a minute , and
then , the boy got in the first blow by
"Say , datJ , If you won't lick mo I won't
.ell ma you waa here' ' "
The father nodded hla head to the
Lgroemont , and the great spectacular
> arado In the ring
low tlio Cowboy Oooku Illu flle l .
irooltljn Kttgle ,
'iou say there Is no timber on the
attlo Miigca ? " arkod the professor.
"Not a buah , " replied the cowboy ,
'not a twig. "
"No coal , no driftwood In the stieims ,
10 fuel of any kind ? "
"Not a chip , " wni the reply.
"Then haw do you cook your mmW
"On the range , " c lmly replied the
oed cowboy.
And the professor was jiut going toatk
rhat range , vhon ho suddenly remern-
ered that It was tlmo to wind his watch.
wecrcn Order Florid ,
t. Louis Whip ,
The secret order fiend Is ono who be
ing ) to everything going. When ho has
iient his tlmo and
money ho becomes a
atornal vampire. Ho must live aome-
ow on thocrdcrs ho h s faitonod him-
) lf to IJo manages to hold forever what
iw Gflio-a thure are that pay silarlcB , m
latter how tired
iho tubordlnalca may
ave become of eoolng his name yuar
Ftf r year. A profistlonal secret order
Ilioj Inlder Is u tirilole thing anfl It teD
D av Idtd ,