Mj SsSS F w THE DAILY BEE-THURSDAY , ' JULY 23 , 1885 : | i NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA. I PAID UP CAPITAL . 82JOOCf SURPLUS MAY1,1880 25.CO , orriozns : Hj W , 5TATIS , A , E , TOUZALW , Froaident. VIce President. W.V.Monai , JtfO.S.OoLUNS , LEWIS S , Rnir W , II. S , Hughes , Cashier. BAN KINCJ OFFICE : The Iron Bank. OOR , 12th AND FABNAM STS , A General Banking Busi ness Transacted. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. I BrOCKI ON WALL STREET. YOBK , July 22 , Money Eaay and firm , Prlmo paper 1@5 per cent. Exchange bills quiet and unchanged , Governments- dull and firm , Stocka were ateady and moderately active. The list generally was strong oil day , molt atcka closing within of the highest quotations reached , The feature of the day wan the great strength of Jersey Central , which starting at 10c , roao to 17e } , and closed with a clear gain of 7 } per cent 3' ' 103JJ 4i'a Coupons 1123 TT. S. 4's 122 } 'Pacific C'a of ' 05 1274 Central Pacific 3'tf Chicago & Alton 13i ( do do preferred 160 Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy 1281 ' Delaware , Lackawana & Western 99 j Danvor & Klo Grande 8 Erie 11 do preferred 25 Illinoia Central 12l ! Indians , Bloomington & Western 10 } Kansas & Texas 20 J Lake Shore & Michigan Southern G'.l Iionisvlllo & Nashville 3Sj | Michigan Central G3i Missouri Pacific ? OH Northern Pacific 201 do do preferred 45 $ Northwestern OSjj do preferred 131 New York Central 1)02 ) Oregon Transcontinental 1G Pacific Mail 4'J ' Peoria , Decatur & Evnnavillo IB Pullman Palace Car Company 122 RockIslancl | 117 31 , Louis & Son Francisco 10 do do preferred 32 J Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 80 | do do do preferred. . 110 3t. Paul & Omaha 24 | do do preferred 83 Texas Pacific 14jj Union Pacific 50 Wabosh , St. Louis & Pacific 4J do do do preferred. . . Si Western Union Telegraph 00J Oregon Railroad & Navigation 75 } MIODUOE. OUIOAOO. CnipAao , 111. , July 22. Flour Quiet and unchanged. Wheat Fairly active and lower ; opened weak , declined c , ruled steadier , fell off 1 © He more , or lie under last evening , rallied i@ § c , eaoed oil and closed about Ijjc under yes terday ; 87j'fi cash and July ; SSJc , August ; ! X ) @ ! )0 ) o , September ; No. 2 red , J3jf@94c. } Corn Fairly active and firm ; opentd iteady , declined ic , rallied ic , closed ic over yesterday ; 45c. cash ; 45J5@lGe , July ; 45c , August ; 451c , September. Oata Fairly active and July bettor , rul ing steady about i@io over yesterday ; longer deliveries , dull and weak at i@Jc under yes terday ; 3lc , cash ; 33c , July ; 2-e , August ; 25c } , September. Kye and barley Unchanged. Timothy Steady ; prime , 81.531.51. FUxaoed Weak ; No. 1 , 81.21. Pork Quiet and atoady ; advanced 25s , closed nuiet ; § 1025@10.30 , cash ; § 10.25 ® 10.27i , July and Auguat ; eiO.32i@10.35 , September. Lard Steady and unchanged ; SG.57i@G,60 , cash and July ; ? G 62i , September. Shouldora-$4.15C i.25 ; short clear , $5.95 ( gG 00 ; abort ribs , 85 G74@5.70. Whiskey-Steady at 81.15. Bnttor Fair demand and firmgood ; to'fine creamery , 14@17Jc ; peed to choice creamery , 10@14c. f Cheese Fairly active ; choice full cream chsddars , 71 7e ; Hats , 7i@8c ; young Aineri- GUI. 01@9ic ; skima , l@4c. Eggs Steady ; moderate demand at 11 ® Hl'dea and tallow unchanged. Receipts -Flour , 12,000 bbls ; wheat , GO 000 bu ; corn , -111 1,000 bu ; oats , 82,000 bu ; rye , 1,000 bu ; barley. 3,000 bu. Shipment * Flour , 7,000 bbls ; wheat , 31- 000 bu ; corn , 1GG.COO . bu , oats , 51,000 bu ; rye , 1,000 bu ; barley , 1,000 bu. ST. I.OUI3. ST. Louis , Mo. , July , 22. Wheat Active lint unsettled and lower , closing IJc under yesterday ; ODJc'aJSl.Ol. } , closing inside on cash ; 'Ml ? sellers Auguat , Sl.COJ aollera Sep tember. Corn Lower and slow ! 4J43.o : ( | } , cauh ; 435c , July ; 43jjc AuguatI3'c ; : sellers Septem ber. ber.Oats Cash and July higher ; options , lower ; 33c , cash ; 29Jc , July ; 23i@23Jc , Auguat. Hye Dull ; Clio asked. Whlsky-Hteady at $1.13. liutter Unchanged. Afternoon board. Wheat-Opened easy and firmer ; closed tame in at noon. Corn liarely steady , Oata Lower ; July , 23gc , HICWADKEB. RIlLWADKEit , Wia. , July 22. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 87Jo ; Auguat , b9J ; September , OOJc. Corn-Firmer ; No. 2. 4Gc. Oata-StetidyNe. ; 2 , 30o. } Rye-Steady ; No , 1 , 68c. Barley Nominal. Provisions Pinner ; meaa pork , cash and July , 910.25 ; Aueust 810.35. LIVKlirCOL. LIVERPOOL , July 22. Wheat-Dull ; No. 2 winter , G lljd ; No. 'J apnnc , Ga 10d. Corn Dull ; U 5d , epot and July ; 4a August. HXW TOBK , Ntw YOBK , July lJ. ! Wheat Roelpta , 41.000 bu ; oiport8 , 21,1)00 ) bu : lower , cloainc wenk ; ungraded rtxl , S7c ; Mo. 2 red , c i 1 liulfalo , SL.OCg ® ! Oli ; September closing at 81.02J , Corn Receipta , (11,000 ( buehela ; exports , 9,000 buaheli ; a thade better ; ungraded , Wl@ 53c ; No. 2 , 51i 51o In elevator , 6252jc { , atloat ; September closing nt D2c. Oata Receipts , 'Jj.ODO bu ; exports , 0 TOD ; Lower , cloalne ; firm ; mixed western , 35@3Uci white , 3U@13c. Petroleum Active and firm ; united closed st 05jo. Kgga Quiet and weak , Pork-Quiet but ateady ; mess , 811 37 } @ 11.60. Lard Market lower but ateady ; steam , 83 00@G.D2J ; September , § G.l)5C ) GOo. Butter-jmet aud about ateady. Cheese Dull nd easy. KANSAS CUV , KANSAS Our , Mo. , July 22 , Wheat- Lower ; cash , 7uc bid , 77io asked ; August , 7Sa bid ; Sejitembor , 81o bid , 81 go asked. Corn Lower ; c.wb , lit Jo bid ; August , 3lfc bid , 35o asked ; September , 35c bid. UiU Nominally no bida. TOLKIX ) . TOLKIX ) , O , , July 22. Wheat Eiay and quiet ; No. 2 rod. cash and July 33 } , Corn-Dull and steady ; No. 2 cath anil July , I9o. 0 ta-Steady ; No. 2 cash , 33o. 01VOIHHATI. CINCINNATIO. . July 21 Wheat-Heavy N , 2 rsd , 'J7@flS3j ' new , DC@97c. Corn Active but weaker ; No. 2 mixed 47f@4"Je. 0 -Quiot ; No. 2 mixed , 43 : , Rye Dull ) No. 2 , COo. Pork-Oniet at 810.75. I.atd-FIrm ! ? 637J@r.JO. Whi ky-Dull at 81.13. Noealcs reported , MINSEAtOLIS. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , July 23. Wheat Dull and lower to sell , buyers holding oilNo. ; 1 imd , Ole cash and July } 93Jc asked for August ; long future * neglected ; No. 1 reg ular. 83a cash and July : nothing done in other grades. Flour Dull , but priced malntainedp ; tents , $5.10(35.25 ( ; bakers , ? 3 85@4.0D , Ueceipti-30,000 bu. wheat. Shipments 17,000 bu. wheat , and 7OOJ bblsof flour. LIVE EVTOClt , CHIOAOO , CHICAGO , 111. , .Tuly 22-Ciltlo Unwipl 6,590 ; steadier ; ehloping nters , SI 70@-4.lij ; ntockera and feeders , 52 7C@4,10 ; cows , bulU nnd mixed , SI 20@-M . Hogs Koompts , 10,030 ; steady ; rough and mlrr > d. 84 20& 1.10 ; packing and shipping , 81 40@t.05 ; skips , $3.00 ® I 20. Sheep Receipts , 3,000) ) slow ; natives , SI 75 @ 1.10 ; lambs ; per head , S2.00@4 , 0. KANSAS CITT. KAHBAS OITT , Mo. , July 22. Cattle Ro- ocipt ) , ' ' 000 ; shipments , 1,400 ; dull , except for best ; grastors , lOc lower ; export ? , ? 5.80@5.60 [ common to choice , 8lBOaO ( 23 ; stockcra and feeders , $3 30@4 30 ; cows , 92.00 @ 3 .10. Hogs Receipts , 0,000 ; hipmenta , 0,000 ; opened firmer and 10@15c higher , closing with Gc of advance lost ; exporters and light , ? i 30@4.DO ; heavy nnd mixed , ? 4.20@1.30 ; Sheep RoceiptB , 500 ; shipments , 100 ; quiet ; common to good , $1.GO@3CO , BT. LOCIB. Hi , Iionia , Mo. , July 2i , Oattle Receipts , 1,700 ; shipments , 1,400 ; good corn-fod steers and best prnsscra active , firm and higher ; native shipping steers , $5,00 ( 0.00 ; native Krassers , 81.25 5.00 ; good native butcher's Btoora , S 50@6 10 : mixed butchering , § 2.CO@ 4.r0 ; etockera and fecdero , S3. . " > 0@4 50. Sheep Receipts , .sOO ; ahlpmenta. 20 ; common to choice , 82 03@3.50. OMAHA WHOLESALE MAltKETS. OITIOE or TUB OMAHA Bn , i Tuesday Evening , July 22 , J LIVE STOCK , SODIII OUA1IA STOCK YARDS. Sheep. $1.95159 per head. All sales of stock in this market are made lorcwtlivo weight unless otherwise stated. ) oad hogs Boll at Ic per pound for weights f 100 pounds and upwards , ana less than 100 pounds are valueless. Pregnant sows ore docked 40 pounds and Btaga 80 pounds. Urns * , DBDCJB AND OBXHIOALS Aold , c&rbollo , 44o acid , tartaric , 55c | balsam oopalbs , per 1 . So ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , 12o ; calomel , per b , 90o ) cinchonidla , per or. , $0 50 ( chloro- ormt per Ib , 81 00 ; Donon powders , per Ib , 1 25 ; oosom salts ) per Ib , Sic ; glycerine rare , per ib , 35o ; lead acetate , per Ib , 20c ; easter astor , No. 1 per geL , 81 60 ; oil castor , N per gal. , $1 40 ; oil , olive , per gal. . 31 40) ) o riganum , 50c ; opium , 84 25 ; quinine , P. & V. , and K. & S. , per oz.t OOc ; potassium : odtdo , per Ib , . $3 50 ; solicm , per oz. , 40c ; nl hate morphine , per or , S3 50 | julphur , 10 b , 4oj strychnine , per oz , , 81 80 , General Proflnoo Butter Receipts of good qualitee nro light and prices more firm. No quotations above Oo for strictly fresh table butter , and prices varying from ( j@8o for lower grades , while > aeking stock wjll only go atl@5c. Eggs The highest prlca now attainable Is ic , the bulk of ( ales being made at Oc. These quotations are for fresh , closely recandled tock. Poultry The extremely low prices on prlng chickens have caused receipts to fall off onsiderablehowever ; , the markethaa cot euf- iciently recovered to warrant an advance , and air to good sizes are only quotable at $2.00 ® 2.50 per dozen , Old chickens are in fair de mand at 33.25@3 50. Potatoes Good homo-grown stock plentiful at 40@50c. Onions Per barrel , S4.03@4 O1) . Beans Moving slowly at 81.001.25 per bushel , Grain Wheat-Cash No. 2 , Tie. B rley 4560c , Bye Cash No. 3 , Sic , Corn No. 1 , 33o. Oftti No , 2 , 30o. Flour and MlllHtuffs , BKLLINQ HUOE8. Winter Wheat Firmjboat quality patent at 83.00@3,30. Second onality 83.7C@3.00. Spring Wheat Best quality patent at 62.80 @ 3.0) . Second nuolity-82.40@3.00. Bran 56o per ovvt. Chopped Food Per 100 Ibs. , S5c. Corn Meal 81.00@1.10 per cwt. Screening No. 1 , 76o per owt ; No' 2 , We , Hominy 51.60 per cwt , Shorts 70o per cwt. Graham 53.00 per cwt. Hay 87.00@9.00 per ton. IIUloi. Steady ; green butchers1 6c ; green cured , 7lc ; dry flint , 12@14c , dry salt , KXgllct damaged - aged hides two-thirds price. Tallow 4i@5c. Grease Prime white , 3J@4o , Bheep Pelta 25c@76. Grocer * ' Iilat Dnt FBUITS No , 1 , quarter apples , bbls > o | N 0 sliced , boxes , Go ; evaporated , boxes , ! o ; blackberries , boxes lie ; peaches , boxes , OJoj poacnea , evaporated , none in the market ) raspberries , 28j. HDOABS-Powdered , 7Zo ; cut loaf , 7o ; r&nnated , 73 c ) contectlonen1 A , 7o ; Undard extra 0 , OJc ; extra 0 , Gfa ) medium yellow , 6Ji dark yellow , 5i'o. ' CANNIU GOODS. Oysten iBtandard ( ) per case , S 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib per case , 3 50 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 30 ; California pears per case , 5 80 ; apricots , per case , 5 00 ; peaches per cose , C SO ; white cherries per case , 6 76 ; plums per case , 4 50 ; whortleber ries per case , 3 00 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per cose , 390 ; greengages , 21bpor case , 2 VO : pine aplea , 2 Ib , per case , 3 205 fiO. KoFH-Hieal , 4 inch nnd larger , ? ia 3 nch , a ; J inch , J\o. \ SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 5Dj Aihton , In aacks , 3 50 ; i aackj Aihtou , 1 00 ; bbla dairy 260@3 75 BPIOOT Pepper , 18cj iplce , 14cj cloves , 20o ania , 15o , Brncrp Standard O 28io , bbh | Btaadud do 4 gallon kega , ' . ' .35. SODA In Ib papers 8 25 a case ; keg per f barrel , OAHDLua-Boxes , 40 Ibs. Ifo , 12o , 8s. 19c , botera401ba,16oz , 6 , 1'Jjc ; halt box , 20 Ibs , 12jo. 12jo.A1ATCUB3 Per caddie , 55c ; round , rl , oaie , 45Btaare _ ] , cases , 170 ; Oshkoah , cases gr 1.20 TEAB Gunpowder , good 45@5c ; choice 7576o | good Imperial , 4043o ; choice , 60 ® 70c ; Young Hyson , good , 31 @ 50o | choice , 65 @ 70 ; Japan , natural leaf , 75o ; Japan choice iOt 75o ; Oolonp good , S5@40c ; Oolong choice. Corrtca Lower on nearly all grades ; ordinary gradei , lOoi fair , 12 ; good , Il < ai2oj prime , 1213c ; choice , lG@17c ; fancy green and yellow , 16@16Jc ; old government Java , 20@26c : Arhndcla'e roasted - ed , 13io ; McLauehliu'a XXXX roasted , 13c ; Java , 16j18Jc ; Dilwortb , 13c , OIUCKKRSGarnoau'a soda , butter and nlc nic. 5 ; croame , 8 ; ginger euape , S ; City loda , 7i < OANDT Mixed , Ci@lO ; ilick , 10 : ; twiit tick , 9o VINEOAB New York apple , 16o ; Ohio op pie , 15c ; crab apple , 16c. BTABCU Pearl , 4o ; Silver Glou , 801 Corn Starch , 80 ; Hxceliior Glow , 7oi Qorp , 7Jc , PIORLKS Medium In barrel ) , 6 00 ; do In half barrels , 8 00 ; ( null , in barrel ! , G 00 | do In half barrels , 3 50 ; gherkini in barreli , 7 00 do in half barrels , 4 00. Rica LonisUno , prime to cholofl , 61@7i - SoAra Kirk's Savon Imperial ) S 001 Kirk'i satinet , 8 15 ; Kirk's lUndord. 8 EO ; Kirk i White Russian , 4 CO. 40@55oj Souchong , good , S040c | choice , 35 © 46o.WoODEfWABB WoODEfWABB Two hoop pallo , 13Dj three boon pailr , 2 10 , Tuba , No. 1 , 8 50 ; pioneer washboards , 1 76) ) Double Crown , I 90 ; well buckets , 3 75. POTASH Pennsylvania cant , 4 eani In oiise 3 35 Babbitt's ball , 2 dot. In cue , 1 DO ) An Uor ball , 3 dot , in C BO , 160 , Tobacco. Fine cut Hard to Beat , 70c ! Charm of the West , GOc : Fountiln , 70s : Golden Thread , C7c ; Favorite , GOc ; Buds , 50c ; Rocky Moun * tain. 50ei Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c. Plug tobacco Climax. 44c per Ib , ; Horao- shoo , 4Gc : Star , 4Gc ; Spearhead. 4Gc ; Our Rope , 60e ; Piper Hetdelck , GOc ; Punch , 40o. timoklng tobacco-U. H. , 22c | Meerschaum , SOc ; Long Tom SOo. Blackwell'a Durham , 16 or , , Die ; 8 oz. , 55c ) 4 oz. , 67c ; 3 oz. , GOo , Seal of North Carolina , 16 oz.wood , 42c ; 8 oz. , 45c4 ; oz. , t-'oth 48ot 1 oz. , 60o. Navy Clip ping ] , 2Go. Kllllkinlck , 4 oz , , 27c ; 2 oz. , 28c , Dry Goodi Dnoia ( Gray ) West Polnt.Bor. , llo ; West Point , 10 oz. , 13c | Point Bear , 8 oz. , llo , TICKINGS Amoakes * . 13o Continental Fancy , 9fo | Cord Is. 13o | Pearl River , 21c ; York , lajct Hamleton Awnings , 12J& Unann BnirnNoa Atlantic A , 7i l Allan llo P , 5o | Atlantic LL , 6o ; Brunswick , 74c ; Beaver Dam LL , GJct Lawrence LL Die ; Pa. clfio U , 7Joj Royal Standard GJcj Indian Head A7o ; Wouchusott A , 6J . FINE BROWN SUSKTINOS Argyle , Go ; Pop- poroll R , GJc ; Salisbury R , 60. BLSAOTIED ConoNa-Ballon. 4-4 , Cici Bal' Ion , 7-8 , 5c ; Cumberland , 4-4,7Jo : Davoll DD , 84o ; Falrmount , 4a ; Fruit ot the Loom 4 , 7ic ; Glory of the West , 8Jc ; Golden Gato,8Jc ; llill 7-8. 7c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jc ; Lonsdalo , 7Jo ; Now York aiills. lOc ; WamautU , lOo. DUOKB ( Colored ) Boston , 8 or. , lljot Beaten ton , 10 oz , lOJio ) Boston , 9 oz. , 12io | Fall River DENIMS Amoakcsg , 13c ; Beaver Creek AA Hot Beaver Creek 1313 , 10c ; Beaver Creek OC , Oo ; Haymaker * , So ; Jaffroy D & T , 12 c ; Jaflroy XXX , lajo ; Pearl River , ISc ; Warren - ron AXA ( brown ) , lie ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. CAMBBIOSFifth avenue glove finish , -lie ; Keystone glove finish , 5o , Cona JEANS Amory , 7cj Hancock , Be ; Kearaa { t 7c : Rockport , GJo. PniN rs-Aliens , 5Jc ! American , BJoj Arn old's Go ; Oochoco , Go ; Harmony , 4Jo ; Indigo. 7c ; Indigo 7-8 , Hie ; Indigo 4-4 , 14ioj Stool River , SJc ; Charter Oak , 4)0. PBINTB SniBTiNoa American , 4Joj Cocheco , 4Jo Gloucester , 4ic ; Southbr'dgo , 4Jot Waver- leya 4io ; Roaedalo , 4o. Spirits , COLOONB SriniTS 188 proof , 119 ; do , 101 proof , 1 20 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 1 9 : do , 188 proof , 118. ALCOHOL 188 poool alcohol 1 30 per wine gallon , WHISKIES Redistilled whiskies , 1 0091 50 ; Fine blended , 1503 00 ; Kentucky bour- bona 2 00@G OOi Kentucky and Pennsylva nia ryes , 2 00(26 ( 50. BnANDlKS Imported , 6 00@1G 00 ; domea- tic , 1 50&3 00. GINS Imported , 450GOO | domottlo , 150 ® 300.- ROMS Imported , 4 B0@8 00 ; New England , 3 004 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported , per case , 23 00@ 34 00 ; American , per case , 10 CO@1G 00. Olio and VarnlshOB. OILS 110 carbon , 4 per gallon , llci 15B oadllght , per gollon16o | ; 175 ° headlight er gallon , 16c ; 150 ° water white , 15c ; lln- oed raw , per gallon , Me ) linseed boiled , per arallon , 54c ; Lard , winter atr'd , per gallon , 70c ; io. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 60 ; castor XXX , per gal. on , 1 50c ; No. 3,1 40 ; sweet , per gallon. 100 ; perm W. B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish W. B. , > er gallon , 65 ; neatafoot extra , per gallon , 90o ; tfo. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; nmmer , 15o ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal- on35c ; No. 3,18o ; sperm , signal , per gallon Oo ; turpentine per gallon. 50o ; naptba , 74c , per gallon , IGo , Dry Fklnta White lead 88c ; French na , Oo ] Far I a whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gilders , lfo | whiting oom'l , l c ; lampblack , Germantown , 1455 ampblack , ordinary , 10c ; Prussian blue , o nntramarlno , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umbe mrnt , 4o ; umber , raw , 4o ; sienna , bnrn4ctr lonno , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 25a 'nris greoncommon,20c , ; chrome green , N. Y Oc ; chrome green , K , , 12o ; vormllllon , Eng Be ; vermilllon , American , 18c ; Indian , rod Oc ; rose pink , Me ; Venetian , red , Oookson'a ; Venetian , red. American , IJo ; red lead e ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel- ow , K. , 12c : ochre rochelle.Sc ; ochre , Frenh | c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter a mineral , ic ; lehigh brown , 2jc ; Spanish brown , 2Jc ; Mnce'a mineral , So. VABNISHES Barrels , per g\lloni : Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No , 1 , 81 ; coach , ex ro , 81 40 : coach , No , 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , il 75 ; Japan , 70o ; oaphaltum , extra , 85o , bellac , 83 50 : hard oil finish 81 50. PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha , P. P. ijoj.whtte lead , St. Louis , pure , Q 60 ; Marseil oa 'crreen , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc ; ? oen seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , llo , branch zinc , In varnish asst. , 20c ; French zinc , n oil oust , 15o ; raw and burnt nmber , 1 'b ' mn , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna lOo ; Vandyke irown , 13c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach ilock and Ivory black , 16c ; drop black , 16c ; Prussian blue , 40o ; nltramarlne blue. 18c ; chrome green , L , M & D , . IGo ; blind and hntt > ( rreen , L. M , & D , , IGo ; Paris green , 8c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian rod , 9c ; Toa- can rod , 32c ; American vermillion , I. & P.- ; yellow ochre , 9c ; L , IL , O. k D. O. , 18o ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 16c ; patent dryer , 8c ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and aab , IDo Heavy Hardtvaro Lint. Iron , rates , 2 15 ; ploir stool , apnclal cast , 4c ; ornciblo , 5c ; o&at tools do , 12@18c ; wagon pokes , per Bet , 2 25&S 00 ; hubs per sot , . 35 ; telloei sawed dry , 140 ; tongues , lach , 70o ; ailos , eaflh , 75c ; square nuts per b , 7nllcj washers , per Ib , 8al8o ; rivets , per b , 11 o ) coil chain , per Ib , 6al2c ; malleable , ! o ; Iron wedges , Gal crowbars , Cci barrow coth , 4o ; spring stool , 7a8o ; Burden's horse hoea , 4 05 ; Bnrdon'a muleshoea , 4 10(5510. ( BABHED Wine In oar lota , 4 00 per 100. NAILS Ratea , 10 to CO ; iron , 2,50 ; ateel , i ' gg SHOT Shot , 1 50 ; buckshot , 1 85 ] oriental owdor , kegs , 3 50n4 00do ; , half kega , 2 00 ; do quarter kegs , 150 blasting , keffi , 8 85 ; fuse per 100 feet , 50c. LEAD Bar , 1 CO. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 1000 ; Mor ris run Blosaburg , 10 00 ; Wbltebre&st lump , > 00 ; Whitebreost nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 ; Iowa nut , 6 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra- det , 111511 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 per on. Dry Lumber. Wholesale Oa Board Cars at Omaha , DIMENSIONS AND TIMBERS , 12 ft , lilt I It. 18 . 2011. 22 It. 24 t Sit 16.60 10 CO 10 00 17.00 1800 100020.00 Sifl 16 CO 15.0C 1500 10.00 17,0011060 10,60 lb.00 10,00 10 K 1700 18.00 10.00 20.00 2ilO . 1C 00 1600 15 OD lo.ou 17.00:1300 : 19.00 2x12 . 16 CO 1000 10 CO 17.00 18002000 21.00 4ii-8x8 . 1060 10.60 1060 17 CO 18.60 19 60 20 60 SHIP LAP , No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch $18 00 No. 2 , Plain , 10 inch 10 CO No.l , 0 , G 1'J ' 00 BOABDS. No. Iboarda , 12 , 14 and 16 ft 81G 75 No. 2 boards , 12 , 14 ana 16 ft 14 75 No , 3 boards , 12 , 14 and 16 ft 12 75 No. 4 boards , 12 , 14 and 16 it. ( shipping cull ) , 10 75 CEILING. 1st Com , 9 inch , Norway 15 50 Jd Com , 8 Inch , Norway 14 C FENOINCJ. No. 1 , G inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough..917 50 No. 1,0 inch , 16 feet , rough 1760 No. 2 , 0 inch , 12and 14 feet , rough. . . . 14 60 No. 2 , G inch , 1G feet , rough 15 60 No. 1 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 feet rough , . . . 17 & ' No , 1 , 4 Inch , 10 fee' . , rough 17 50 No. 2 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . . . 14 50 No , 2 , 4 inch , 16 feet , rough 15 50 FINISHING , 1st , 2d and 3d Clear , 1 } Inch , a , 2s (50 00 1st. 2d , and 3d Clear. 1 } and 2 inch , a. 2s 50 00 B Select , 1J , 1 } and 2 inch , B. 2a. . . 8G 00 lat , 2d and 3d , Clear , 1 inch , s. 3 45 00 A Select , 1 inch , i , 2a , 40 OQ B Select , llnch , a , 2 SO 00 BIDINO. 1st Com , , 12,14 nd 18 feet 522 001 2d Com. . 14 and 16 feet , . . SO 00 3d Com. , 14 ndl6 feet ; 15 00 Fence , 14 and 1C feet 1100 ri/ooniNO , 1st Com. 6 Inch , white pine $38 00 3d Com , Giach , white pine 35 00 3d Com. 6 Inch , white pine 28 CX Set , Fence 6 Inch , white pine 19 W 1st and 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-6 inch , 34 CO STOCK BOARDS , A 13 Inch , a. IB. 13,14 ndlCfoet 45 00 B 12 Inch , s. 1 a , 12,14 and IGfeet 41 00 0 12 Inch , a. 1 a. 12 , 14 and 16 foot 36 00 D 12 inch , 8.1 B. 12 , 14 end 16 feet 33 00 No. 1 Com. 12 In. , B. 1 a. 12,14 and 16 ft 18 00 No. 1 Com. 12in. , a. 1 a. 10,18 and 20 ft21 00 No. 2 Com. 12 In.a. 1 a. 12.14 and IGfUG 00 BATTENS , WELLTDB1NO , TICKETS. O.G. BaU.SInch 8 ,85 O.G.Bat' , Silnch 75 1 inch Bats , B. 1 40 8 Inch well tubing , D. & M 23 00 3 inch well tubing , Bov 23 00 PIckota : D. & II. Flat , $22 00 ; D & II , Square 24 00 BUNDLES AND LATH , 16 Inch , Clear. . . . . . . . . . . ? 3 A Standard 2 75 5 inch , Clear 1 GO No.l 1 20 Lath 2 CO POSTS. White Cedar , G Inch , halvoa 13 o Whlto Cedar , 51 Inch , halvoa llo While Cedar , 8 inches , quarter II c White Cedar , 4 Inch , round 14 o LI11K , VTO. Qulnoy white lime ( best ) 90c Cement S1.85 Plaster ( Michigan ) 2.40 Tarred felt , per cwt 1.85 Straw board , per cwt 1,70 DENVEU MAKKKT. Fiona Colorado. 100 Ibs , 2 15@2 20 ; put- ont , 100 Ib * . , 2 75@3 00 ; Kansas , 100 Iba , 2 75 @ 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ibs , 1 GO ; ryp , 100 Ibi. 225. 225.GBAIM GBAIM , FEED , ETC. Wheat1 100 IbB , 81 35 corn , 100 Iba , 115(31 ( 20)oat0 ) , Nebraska mixed , 100 Ibs 1 GO165 ; Nebraska oats white , 1 65@1 70 ! bran , ton , 17 00 ; chop , corn , 100 bs , 1 2012675 ; : chop mixed , 100 Ibs , 150 © 1 GO ; corn meal. 100 Ib. . 1 40(21 ( 50. HAT Loose , per ton , 10 C012 00 ; baled , ocond bottom , 10 50@11 00 ; baled , nplnnd , 2 0014 00 ; alfalfa , looao , ton , 12 00@15 00 ; tr w. ton , G OOR7 00. BUTTEH Creamery , fine t , Ib , 27@28o : creamery pud Ib , 2K$25c ; Illinois and 'own dairIb 18@29o ; Kansas and No- jrasVn dairy , Ib , 15@ljc ; common , lbG@8c ; luttcrino creamery , Ib , 2022c ; buttorine dairy , Ib , IGffilUo. CHEESE Full croam. Ib. 13@lBoj half roam , Ib , 10llcj skim , Ib , 9c ; Swlsn , Im- ) ortod , 32c | Swiss , domestic , Ib , 20@22 ; Llm- rarger , 20o. Koos State , fresh eandlod , doz , 14@15c ; rcsh ranch , doz , 15@lGc. POOLTBT Live old chickens , doz , 5 50@G 00 ; Iressed chickens , Ib , 15@16c ; dressed turkeys , b. , 20@22c113 POTATOES- Ibn. 1 GI@1 93 ; Salt Lake , 00 Iba , 2 00 ; now California , 100 Ibs , 2 753 } 300. VEOETABLEB-Onloni , 100 Ibs , 400@125 ; turnips. 100 Iba. 1 75 ; cabbage , new Califor nia , 100 Ibp , 3 00@3 25 ; lettuce , doz , 50c ; oddishes , doz. 40c ; young unions , doz , 20c ; larsloy , doz , 40o ; pie plant , doz , 20c ; oyster ilant , doz , EOc ; spinach , doz , 8c ; asparagus , blOc. . caiiflotrcr , Ib , 18c : cucumbers , doz , 50@1 75. GHEE.V Fnuirs Apples , bbl , 850 ; Messina omona , extra , box , 5 00@6 00 ; cranberries , ibl , 12 00 ; Messina oranges , box , 5 75@GOO ; Jttlifornia osangea , box , 2 25@2 75 ; bananas , mnch , 2 00@4 00 ; pine apples , doz , 4 00@ 50 ; strawberries , California , 15c qt , 3 00 i.oj 25 box ; strawberries , eastern , crate , 5U@ 50 ; cherries , California , 10 Ib box , 2 25 § ) 00 ; plums , box , 2 25 ; apricots box 3 25 CUBED MEATS lloms , sugar cured , ID , 10 } 0 c ; bacon , breakfast , Ib , 10Jailoj ( } salt Ides , kb , 7i@7Jo ; lard in palla , 9J9o | lord n tierces , 8c. Fn sH MEATS Dressed beet , Colorado , per 00 Iks , 7 CoS7 25 ; hoga. dressed , 100 Ibs , 25@6 75 ; mutton. 100 Ibs , 6 10@6 50. Livr STOCK Beef grass cattle , 100 Ibs , 4 00 @ 4 50 ; hogs , 100 Iba , 4 GO4 75 ; ehoep , 100 bs , sheared , 2 75@3 50. Uldoa. Dry Flint No. 1 , per Ib , lliOUcj Vo , 2. Ib , 9@10c ; green iteert and cows , b , 4@5c ; green calf , Ib , 6@8c ; preen kip , b , G6c ; branded colt , Ib , Go : shearlings , Ib , Ogl5ci phoep skins , dry , Ib , 5gGo ; deer skins b , 12@16c ; antelope akins , Ic. 121E ; elk kins , Ib , 9@10c ; tallow Ib , 4@ o WOOL Oolorndo choice , per Ib , 14(231Gct ( icavy , 12@lSci ; New Mexican , average , 7 ® 10o. FISH Mackerel , No. I. 1 40 , kit , 115@ 35 ; me . 160@2 00 ; California lalmon , halt bbl , 9 59r Holland herrinjr , keg , 1 35 ; resh lake trent bbl 15@16c FRED W. GRAY , ( SUCCESSOR TO ) FOSTER & GRAY. LUM WHITE PINE , YELLOW PINE , CALL FOJINIA REDWOOD ASH , OAK , BLACK WALNUT , SPANISH OEDAK. leaf deck Lime , Louisville Cement Portland Cement , Iowa nnd Michigan Pias ter , Hair , Etc. Etc. . , „ Cor. fith & Dont/lati St S , H , ATWOOB , Plattsmouth , Neb. Brce ( i of thoroughbred and high grade ffereio d and Jersey Cattle , And D roc and Jersey lied Swine , SOHILLINQEE'S ' Artificial Stone Pavement Oo REPRESENTED HY CHAS. O'CONNER Are now prepared to lay Granolithic Sec tional aidowalkaon cinders and concrete foun dations , Lawns , Areas , Carriage waysCem etery walks , Alleys , Curbing and Cellar doors Capa and sill ) , Steps and Platforms. We are also prepared to lay Stone walks Euclid ilaga from Cleveland , Ohio , or Joliet 111. 111.Tbla Tbla pavement Is considered by prominent architects and builders tbo beat in uae. It hat jecn adopted by the United States govern ment on the GApltol grounds at Washington , jy the commlstionera of public parks in New York City , by the street departments oa well as by the different city corporations and the .he public in general. H. K. BTIEKET , FUHERAL D1REGTO ! ) AND EMBALMEIt , 111 N IMh Rtf l. OMAHA K fierroue W \ Ixut Uckllllr * lU.hooJ ud Hittt lu pmcripli in of a iiottd | * v ti l ( uoirrti * nrupeiiu r a fill It. Adjr.u OR , WArtD 4 , GO. . E CHICAGO RAILWAY. TBE BEST ROUTK AND Omaha Council Bluffs and Chicago. The on to take for D Mot no * . SUrstull town , Cedar Rapids , Clinton , Dixie , Chlotgo , Mil waukee and all points c st. To the people ol tie braika , Colorado , WjomlnK , UUh , Idaho , Notada Oregon , Washington and California It otters tupcilot advantages not possible by any other lino. Among a tow o ! the numerous points ot tnptrlor- ty enjojod by the patrons of thl ) road between Omaha and Chicago , are Its ttrottalna a day of DAY CTMCUKS which are thoflncst thai human art and iRcnulty can create ! Its PALACKSLKKFINO CARS hloh are models of comfort and elegance ; Its PAII L0l DllAWINQ KOOM OAIIS , uniurnassed by any and Ita widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING OAKS the equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere. At Council Bluffs the trains of the Union 1'aolflc Ry. connect In Union Depot with those of the Chlca 10 & Northwestern Hy In Chicago the trains of thtt line make oloao connection with thoeo ol all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbns , Indlanapolll. Cincinnati , Kbgara Falls , Duffalo , Plltaburg , Toronto , Montreal Boston , Now York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , WashIngton - Ington and all points In the K 3t , uk the ticket agent Coi ticket * via the II vou w1 n the best acoommodatloni , All tick t agents sell tickets \la this line. M.UUailiTT. R S HAHl. General Manager , Don , Ties. Agent. CHICAGO W. N. IILDCOCK , Oen 1112 FarnntnSt. , Omaha , Nu C1HVA.G& , THE SHORT j:1 : And BEST ROUTE. OJIAHA TO THE EAST , TWO TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OMAHA AND Chicago , Minneapolis , Milwaukee St. Paul , Cedar Rapids , Davenport Clinton , Dubuque , Rockford , Rock Island , Frocixtrt Janesvillo , Elgin , Madison , La Crosao , Boloit. Winona , And oil other Important points Eait , Northeast - east and Southeast. Ticket offlcontliOl Furnom street ( In Paxton Ho tclj , and at Union Pacific Depot. Pullman Sleepers and tbe Finest Dining Cars In the World are run on tnomaln lines of the CHICAGO MILMAUKHR & ST. PAUL H'T ami o\ cry attention Is paid to passengers bvcourteous omplojof ol thooompaoy. 8. B. MERRILL , A. V. II. CARPENTER , Oeneral llanatrcr , Ocn'I Passenger Agent. R. MILLER , OEO. P. HEAFFORD , Ass't Oon'l Manager. Asa't Gen'l Pass Agent J. T. CLARK , Ocn'I Superintendent Seventeen years Experience , DR.G.W.PANG3LE . . . loidcr ot Diseases ol Men ani Women. Electric , Magnetic and Herbalist Physician Now located at 1210 Douclts St. Omaha , Neb. , U ) > stairs. A correct dlaenoald given without any explanation rom tbo patient. Consultation free at oBioe. / Treat the Following Diseases. Catarrh ot the Head. Diseases ol tbo Eye and Ear. Heart Disease , LUcr Complaint , Kidney Com- > ] mt , Nen 0113 Debility , Mental Depression , Lnssol 1 aohood. Dlabeto , BrlRht's Disease , St Vitue Dance , Rheumatism , r ralsl9 , Whlto SwclllnKi Scrofula , Fe\er Soros. Cancers and Tumors remote dulthouttba knife , or the drawing ot a drop ot blood , Woman , with her delicate organs , Restored to lealth , Dropsy Cured Without Tapping , SpccUl Attention Given to Private and Venereal Diseases ol all Kinds , Tape Worms Remoted In two or three tours or No Pay , Uommoriholds or Piles Cnrod ere { o Charges Made. Thoeo who are afflicted will rare lira and dun- reds ol dollars by calling on or using DR. O. W. PANQLE'8 Herbal lledlclrwa. Railway Time Table. In Elect April 5th , 1885. Th attention ol tbe travelling publlo la called to tbe ( act that this la the only complete and absolutely correct time-table published In Ihe city , All trains arrite at and depart ( rom Omaha by Central Standard Time. Tralni ol the 0. SI. P. M. * 0. arrive at and d part ( ram their depot , corner ol Uih and Webatei treets ; trains 01 the D. & M. , O.K. It Q. , and E , 0 It. J. A O. a from the D. b If , depot ) all otheri ( rom OMAHA BRIDGE TKAIN8 . Dummv Trnina iTe om h * t a ss , ? is 8 00 , 10 00 , U U m,18t.O , S 00 , B 00. 4 00 , i 66 , I M ,110pm Ou Sand y lba 7 60 ud 10 00 m * Dd ! 00 and 4 00 p ro trkloado not run. Arrive it liani. er depot U mloatci Ulor : Brcadwajr ilepoi 10 nln. utea Uteri Ix > vo Ooancll DlaOl ( Brokdwtr dipol ) tt 8 W.T U , B BO , 10 80,11 iO m ; 1 W , 1 80 , 8 80. < S8 , 62 ( Had 1116 p ra. On Busdtya tbo 9 CO and H 40 t m and 180 ud 6 ! i p m trains will not run. Arrive tt rr niler7 mlnntoi Uter , Omthi < o minutes liter. TrnnsforTralns-Le * " era b * i a u , an km , it BS , a 20 , 4 KO , fl to in J 7 00 n m , dally. Anlve at D 30 and 11 00 * la , 1 OD , 8 Ml , 7 JO and T 6 p , B. i SUNDAY TRAINS To and from Chicago via tha Tripartite Alliance { .Inot I Mil. I K-l. I N.W I N-W I K-l I Ul Kotruiry. 15 1-Z2 H I II "B U March . . . , 89 15 -22 | IB"B T-J8 April 19 ( - Z9U 11 I i-26 u IB Uar. . . . . . 10-81 U B-21 I IB 1-55 5-50 ttanday uvenlngaatl lion lay loirnlnic t ralui aril In oorreopoallntf ordei. 0. II. ii Q. train t ruu ore day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STOCKYARDS TRAINS , Leave Union Pacific depot at 6 40 a m ind D Ii nua > e Irom Stock Yaidj lU 85 m an i 0 p tn THE CHEAPEST PLAOE IN OMAHA TO BUY DEWEY One of ho Best and Largest Stocks in'tho United States To SeloctFromj NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR MAX MEYER & CO. -ESTABLISHED , 1865 - Importers and WJiolcsnle Dealers hi Cigars and Tobacco Just [ Received , a full line of Meerschaum Goods , prime aualitv , which were spe- ciallv selected b v our Mr .Max Mever in Europe for our own trade. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Maoc Meyer ifc Co. , - Omaha , Neh WHEN SOLICITED TO INSUKK IN OTHER COMPANIES , Remember These Important Facts CONCERNING The iuiiial Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. 1. It s the OLDEST actlvo Lite Insurance Company In thli country. 2. It Is the LARGEST Llto Insurance Company by many millions ol dollars In the world. 8. Its ratog ot premiums are LOWER than those ol any other company. 4 It his no "etockhoUors"toclalm any part ol Its profits. 6. It offers no BCHKMKd under the name ol Insurance lor speculation by special closes upon tb mslfortunes ol each other. fl. Its present a\alliblo CASH RESOURCES exceed those ol any other Lite Insurance Company In tha world.It has received In cash tram all sources , Irom February. 1843 , to January , 1SBK , f 270 , 592 , t > ? 1.00. i It has returned to the people , In cash , from February , 1843 , to January , 1SSO , $2K,09 ? > ,211,0X ( Its cash Assetson the 1st ot January , 1885 , amount to more than W. F. ALLEN , MEIIUILL 4 FERGUSON , General Agent for Gen , Agts. for Nebraska , Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming and Michigan , Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa Utah. and Minnesota. Office Oor.Fomam and 13th Sfc.Over 1st Nat'l. Detroit , Michigan. Bank , Omaha , Neb M. F. KOnUEIl. Sneclal Atrent for Iowa , Council Bluffs. Iowa .iCLAIlEK.rrest. and Treat. ClidRKSVice Frttiden JOOS T. CLAnKK , Stcrttary. H. T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY , SUCCEEDING LEIGHTON & CLARKE , LARGEST Jobbing Drag house bctwoon Chlo ( ? o and San Franclsoo. OAPITAI , STOCK , $200,000. Ws shMl bo t the bottom of the nurkot t all times. Will duullc to Chicago and St , Louis prices with rclght added. Our specialty Hill bo Pure Drugs , Paints , Oils and Window Gllasv EstlmatcsgUcn on pl to "loss. To thoeo about to embark In the drug business wllldo | well to consul ! our Interest by calling onus , or send lor our price list which III appear tout January 6th , Mall orders ollclled. 114 11AUNK7 HTUKET. A. TCLLLOCK , Kng. fc Snpt. o . r. N. HAiiLKn , Asst. Eng a.v. . DIAMOND , st. Aaoo MISSOUEI VALLEY BEIDGH AND IRON WORKS OVFI"R AXD WORKS LEAVEXWOIITIT , KAXSA8. Uau'lg's and KulMers o Wrought Iron. Steel , Howe Truss anil Combination BRIDGES For Kallroada and Highways Turn Tables , Draw Spans , Uoo Truasot , 1'lers and Sub. BtracturoB. lullock PKO-PIUKTOKS i ! A McLouth , AKent. II. A. Wlao , " Pleascnd us anlja ol all brid o4wjk to lo ! . CjrrmpiaJanj ) sjlloitol from oi 'liiscrj and br rsoto rs. _ _ _ _ _ _ SPECIAL NOTIOK TO G-jc-owers of Live Stock and Others. < > WE CALL TOOK ATTENTION TO Our Ground Cake It la ( ho best and cheapest food for Block ol any kind. Ono ponnd la onae ! to hroe pounds o corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Oako In , the Fall and Wlntoi natoad of running down , will Increase In weight and bo In Rood marketable condl- Jon In the spring. Dairymen , aa well as others , who use It , can toatlfy to Its raer- ta. Try It and jadua for yourselves , Prlco $24.00 per ton. No charge for sacks. Address WOODMAN LINHKKD OIL WORKS , Omaha , Nob. G. B. GREEN. GEJ , 15LT11K ( Will pay customers Draft with 15111 of Lading attached , for two-thirda value of atoclt. ) GREEN & BURKE. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCITT& .UNION STOCK YARDS,1 IIKKKIIKNCEH : f \ . _ _ 0 L. 0 K 1 a Us Merchants k Farmer's llnnlc David City.Neb. \J\\\Cil \ \ \ lO. J > ifcJU < earney National Hank iutaoy. Neb , yoliimbua S'oto liaix , Columbus , Nob. tlcDonald'i 15 nU , North Plutte , Nob. Omaha National liauk , Omaha , Neb. TEGE < ! . L , STRANG COMPANY , Ooubla anii Sing/a Acting Power and h'ana Eoglna Trimmings , Mining Machlnerjr , Bolting , Hos , Brass and lion Flttluf i at wholuwlo or retail. UALL&DAY WJND-MILLS , Omilf H AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th and 3arnam St , , Omaha Neb ,