THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. THURSDAY MORNING , JULY 23 , 1885. NO 20. LIFE'S FINAL FLICKER Tte SbaJows of Deal ! Dtepiij on tic Grail Collage at McGregor. The Balmy Mountain Breezes Boar No Healing on Their Wings , Ilie Waning Day Mkcly to Eternal neat to tlio Grout Com- niftnelci Scones Around the Hick Itooni. Mount McOrc > ; or , .Iulyij. : I a , m. KcsplrMlonn nro 5U , and tlio tmlso Is so r plil as not to lie countcil. The hypodermics , which have boon freely ndinlnlBtorcd thronRli the nlRht , have no longer nny marked effect. The Utility IB Httll astir. O1CN. GKANT. HIS CONDITION ALAUMI.VO , MT. MoGBEaon , July 22. ! ) a. m. The actual condition of Con , Grant ia pronounced unchanged alnco the laat bulletin , except that the general Ia Bald by Dr. Douglass to bo growing weaker. Some food has been taken and retained this morning , The patient ia sitting with a slightly inclined head , conscious and clear of mind. Dr. Douglas cent for Dr. Hands. Dr , Douglas anticipates the end Cur ing the day or evening. 12:20 : i ) , m. General ( irant's condition is reported unchanged slnca ! > o'clock , except a gradually increasing weakness. 2 r. M. Dr. Douglas just reported that the patient haa just taken and retained a cup of mill : and tbo physicians think that if there hnj not been a slight rally the past hour , the general is at least holding his own , 2:15 : f. m. The members of tbo general's ' family and Dr. Newman are grouped in a darkened room near the eick inau , Observing evidences of their feelings the general said : * 'I do not want anjbadyto be distressed oh my account. " 3SO : p. m. Drc. Sands and Shrady have just arrived by a special train , which also brought U. S. Orant , Jr. , and wife. The newcomers re paired at once to the cottago. A singular oc- curreuco at the cottage has juit been related hy Dr. Plowman. At five minutes of 1 o'clock Gen. Grant a > ked the hour of the day. "Ono o'clock , " spoke ono of thoionear him. Soon afterward the cottage clock chimed twelve strokes , and the general counted them. Then ho wrote on a pad that ho observed the clock was wrong and deairod to have it etriko the tight hour , which was done , and the instance passed as ono moro of the remarkable episodes of the general's later eickneis. There has been a reoccurrence - renco of hiccoughs today. I p. in. The physicians met at once with Dr. Douglas In consultation after leaving the cottage where they found the general in a critical condition. No ono of the staff is willing to predict anything beyond twenty- four hours , through which period it is deemed impossible that the general can survive , though the probability now is that much less time marks the limit of the general's life. A chnnfo for the worse was anticipated as the day closed. The pulse is now over ono hundred. At 10:30 : , however , it was stated by reliable authority that the general waa in a slightly bettor condition than two hours ago. From the present condition , which borders npon a lethargic state , the uatient may quietly drift into final consciousness. During the afternoon the ex tremities of the sick man have baen cold and in tha visible symptoms are signs that nature puts out when death is chilling the powers. The general , as the night passes , soema to bo suffering no pain , though the lines of his face are tensely drawn and the furrows of tbo brow are knitted as he lion upon the cot be- alde which the family are constantly watch ing. At 1 o'clock the general was not asleep. His bands and forearms were colder than two hours before but his feet were not so much BO. His pulse and respiration bad not changed. The patient 'a mind waa yet clear and comprehensive of the events and utterances about him. Between 10 and 11 o'clock Dr. Bhrady had accosted the genpral and ho answered in a husky voice and promptly. Stimulants were being uaod , but sparingly , and there waa an experience ex pressed by the medical authority about 11 o'clock that the closing crisis may occur either at 1 or 4 o'clock to-night. At midnight Gen. Grant remains yet quiet though not asleep , The coming hour is being anticipated with great anxioty. At midnight bottlea of hot water w ro placed at the gen eral s foot to Induce warmth and mus tard draughts were applied upon the stomach and breast to preserve the flagging circulation. Dr. S mds is resting at the hotel and Dra , Douglass and Shrady are ut the cjttago. 1 a. m , The general remains In the atmo quiet condition. His pulao and respiration are unchanged , and there is a feeling that ho may tide over the midnight season of weak- noda and until 4 a , m. .Hypodermics of brandy are being used , 2 a , m. The family h astir in the cottaRe , though there no visible indications .that point to other conditions than at the time of tbo Ian bulletin. a a. in Gen Grant is In n somnolent con dition. Inspirations have grown shallow and the general IB no longer able to expectorate because of his woaknesr , which ia Increasing , There seems but little potsibility that tbo patient will survive the night. The early morning hours at the Grant cot tage were cool and refreshing. The ther mometer at 2 o'clock thia morning marked 72 ° . this was the equable temperature main tain oil in the nick room while General Grant remained in New York and to it was this morning added the Bweot odor from the pine trees which bend o\or the cottage roof. Agentlo 'bree/o , sweet and delicious swept miles and mlloa down tha valley and from the mounthlns , It stirred the curtains iu the window tear which sat the sick man nnd fanned his face more gratefully than could the careful hands which were waiting near. Between 2 nod 15 a , m. the pray tint of an other day crept up the horizon beyond the green mountain * , perhaps tno laat earthly day of the Blck it nu bitting within tbo cottage par lor. About nnd all round the cottage waa atill and quiet , except the occasional twitter of Borne birds In the birches or pines. Occas ionally Henry , the nurse , wandered out on the plazit for fresh air and a glimpse of thn night Once at about II o'clock Mrs. Grant , attired In a looio g t n of white came out an the veranda , and teatrd hi-reell in one of the many deserted willow chairs which were scattered In group ) about the piazza. Ten minutes she sat motionless and looked away to the east , where tno gray tint of another day bad grown to full promise. Her face rested upon one hand and eho was evidently wrapped iu the folds of thought. Suddenly there cama a sound ot a laboring , rattlioc cough from within. It was the gen eral clearing the affected parts of his throat o ! mucus , Mrs. Grant left the piazza quickly and seated herself by the general' * side , dlowly fanning the ick man' * face. Uhe coughing waa not nevero but incidental Col. Fred. Grant entered tbo room while the nurse wa aiding the general and took i place beside and Unbind hu father The morning had passed three o clock and the time had come to administer food , The nurse touched the shoulder of Dr Douglas aa be lay asleep on a couch in tin same room. Ho arose and administered fooe and afterwards cleansed the general's throat Ai tha phyniciau laid anda appliance again ( Jan. Grant leaned forward in the chair am ngniGe'l a desire tint the lamp should be brought. The nurse brought the lamp and held It at the sick man'n shoulders , and at tb moment the general turned hla face toward tha light and upward to bid the nurse bring pad and pencil , His wish was not instantly understood , and turning a trllla farther the general repeated the wish , This time hia low , husky whisper wai inter , proted and the pad nnd pencil were brought. He wrote but briefly on the slip which ho handed to Dr. Douglas , who at once pansod it to Cnl , Grant , It wag a prlvato family com munication , After writing the general re sumed a half reclining petition. At 5 o'clock Dr , Douglas wan a.'ousod anil sent a Mimmoiu for Dr. bands , and the general settled down In the chair and dc7 d , Dr. Sands was sum moned only tint \d might slmro the responal- b.lity nt tbo close of the niehtand not with the thought that any bid could ba rendered by him or any ono during the day. Stimulants were pi von the general Lut he grown weaker huir by hour , The morning Ia clear and mercury nt 11 the thermometer registered 80 degrees. All visi tors are kept from the cottage and a Sabbath day quiet prevails about the spot. Dr. Now- nun is with the family , who ara nuletly waiting the end , The general's mind con tinued coherent and clear. He sits much of Iho tlmo as ho did last night with his eyes closed. U. S. Grant , jr. , ia expected to ar- rlvo this afternoon , when the family circle will ba complete. Dr. Douglas has just left the cottage and says the general's pulse la very weak and flut tering. The patient , once during the morn ing , attempted to write but succeeded in writ ing only the date , tlio effort being greater than the little remaining strength warranted. Ho has spoken at Intervals but hia voice ia very feeble. During the forenoon food waa taken and retained. With the declining day the physician believes the general will also rapidly decline. The development of the general's ' weakness during the afternoon waa not particularly noticeable from hour to hour but between It auJ U o'clock thora v\aa a clearly , though not violently , marked increase of weakness. At 8 o'clock it was possible to measure the pulao beats but at G o'clock one of the physicians stated that the puleo boats could not be counted IIPCMHO they were BO frequent and fetb'.o. During the afternoon the blood tide had so quickened that it moro rapidly were the system and exhausted the frail bisi ? , if any existed , upon which might ba placer n hope that tlm general might ra' ly. The point was reached at fi o'clock when there was little to bo expected from attempts to administer food. Soon after G o'clock Hnirison came up from tbo cottage and told Doctors Sands and Shrady that Dr. Douglas desired to BOO them at tha cottago. Thither wont the doctors , lemaluing but a short time and then coming again to the hotel. The family , beginning G o'clock , came to the hotel to dinner in twos , the others re maining at tha cottngo in the mean timo. The family dined In a private room set apart for their use at the hotel , in order , at this critical time , that they might bo secluded from tbo curious observation of many visitors md guests with whom the general's condition _ 'rom hour to Lour had been the topic of the day. The closed and silent cottage all day suggested mutely the enactment of the last cone in Gan. Grant's earthly existence. As the sun went down a cool breeze Hko Jiat of last night sprang up and again laymen on the mountain endeavored to persuade bemselvea and others that a cool nlplit would iring renewed strength to the patient and ialp him rally thi o'jgh the night. But such vas not the opinion oi the doctors who were prepared to attend tbo general's death-bed at i moment's notice or to wait through the lours and into the night for the end. Moro ban that , they were prepared to find ho patient nlivo In the morninp. At 7 ' 'clock , however , as the three physicians were jt dinner , Harrison came to the hotel and called Dr. Douglas , who went at once nnd nlonn to tha cottago. Soon afterward another nessenger from the cottage summoned Drs. Shrady and Sands , and they repaired to the ottago , closnly followed by Dr. Newman. ? fce exits of the doctors ar tte clergyman rom the hotel were , IIOR , ver , so quietly fleeted that few know they had been sum moned to the cottage. Arrived there , they ound the general evidently sinking. The -cneral seemed restless. "Would you like to lie down , father ? " asked Col. Grant , who noticed the restlessness , Tha general nodded ind nt the same moment essayed to rlso unas- itted. But the effort waa too much for htm , and ba Bank back Into the chair , and the colonel and the nurse aided him to arise , and hen supported him to his bed , where hu waa carefully lowered to a reclining position and mrtly on hia face. Dr. Douglas then rolled he chairs back , and one of the physicians laa since remarked that the general has now eft his chair for the last time. The belief ii that the general baa at length am down to die. The family are all gathered at the aide of the sick man and again Dr. Bowman , at about the same hour aa last night and at Mrs. Grant's request , knelt beside the reneral and prayed. Heads were bowed and lilent tears were on the chocks of the men as well as the women. The doctors sat some what apart and the family was near its fast sinking head. Then , after an hour , death seemed little less rapidly gaining on -l the man it has pursued just nine nontha to-day for it ia just nine months ago to-day that Gsn , Grant walked Into Dr. Douglas's ollicu to seek hia profes it sional aid for the rancor that haa done what Foes and war could not Then the doctors and the clergyman strode out upon the piazza and sat near the parlor window and Jeeso Grant joined them at times , but the other members of the family remained in the sick room and watched and waited , while the gen eral answered "yea" and "no" to several questions. Time pmcd slowly indeed and at length at i15 ; o'clock Dr. Douelas loft the cottago. "How is It , doctot ! " wai asked him , "lie is dying , " said the gray haired phyician , "Will ho live an hour1 was asked again. "Oh ! yea. nnd poasibly more , but he is passIng - Ing away1 was the response , and after a lit tle tlmo at the hotel Dr , Dou laa returned to the cottage. At U o'clock tht ) general's pulse waa up to the point of 105 beats to tbo minute and fluttering. After his rally , and about 9 o'clock , Gen. Tirant tank into a sleep that was described by a witness as the peaceful and beautiful sleep of a child. This condition , however , Ia not ono to command jnfidence , for the pulao boata are atill rapidly fluttering , and the res piration , which normally la 11 to the minute , is now 41 , I'lio Mercury HUH Way Up. NEW Yon ic , July 22. At 1 p. m. the ther mometer registered 89 ° . Six daatha from lieat were reported. At II p. in , ; 1C more ca a eca of sunstroke were reported , NEW YonK , July 22. The thermometer hero at 3:30 : p. m. was 1)2 ) ° : at 0 , 87 ° ; at 0 , 80 ° , and at midnight , 78 ° . A cool breeze set in towards entiling which was very re freshing , There were thirty-seven strokes during the day , Ton fatal. I'liiL.M'KLi'iUA ' Pa. , July 12 , The oxcea uivo beet continues to-duy and there were many prostrations on the streets , In the evening a alight breeds allghtly cooled the atmoshere , There were eight deaths froir sunstroke , LOUISVILLE , Ky. , July 22 The mercury waa 05 ° here to-day until relieved by < shower this evening. Six fatal casea of eu stroke are reported , Indian lllK ) > 'H ' > Sr. PAUL , Minn. , July 22. Senator Har at riaon , of tbo Indian committee , Is here to take the testimony of General Saoborn , ir.em- bur of thA comrniielon which drew up the treaty with the Sioux affectlne the rights of the Winnebago and the Crow Creek reserva tion * . When Sanborn'a testimony is cpnclu ded the committee goes to Montana to inves tigate the Crow cattle leases. Killed Hia Girl's Huubaml. CAIRO , 111. , July 22. John Daniels mar rind a daughter of one Burkina at Mound' Junction tbis alternoon. Murkena opposoc the match , and met him to-night and killo ' him , Murkous was arrested , TlioRlolIno llc' atta rowlpanptl , Jlocu ISIAND , 111. , July 2-J A heavy wind , followed by rain , blew op at 2:3 : o'clock and ia consequence the Mollue regatt wi" postponed till tomorrow. t THEY MUST GO , Concludes to Cleanse Okla homa tf Cattle Men , Gen , Sheridan Eeports That the Territory is Abused , Call Tor the Asiurnneo tlio 1'rcsUlont Vllaa Discusses tlio I UU Subsidy. II1E NATIONAL WOHK OF THE OAIIINET , Special Telegram to The DEE , WASHINGTON , July 22. There was n para- raph sent Monday about the removal of an owa man by Comtnisiionor Atkins on ac- ount of an effort made by him to commit ribory , which proves incorrect In some par- iculars. The facts ara that J , J. Franey , of Council Binds , was lately appointed Indian rader. His father , 13. u , Franoy , has been n town a good while trying to get an ap- itppolntmont as Indian agent. Congressman Jero Murphy told Congressman Fredericks but Franey had offered him ( Murphy ) 85lO f Murphy could help him pet the ippointment In the Indian service. .Todericks repented this to Commissioner Uklna , wbo rcmombcrod that the application f n man named Franoy had been before him , , ho son being in bis mind , nnd ho at orco rave orders to the appointment division to lang the matter up till further orders , If i'r.uioy had not been appointed. The com- nlsilonor looked into the matter a little moro , o-day and found out that it was Frauey , the other , who was accused , and it wai the son vlioin ho had appointed nn Indian trader , The commissioner said that tf bo found any- hing dubious about J. ,1 , Franey'a reputation ie shall remove tha young man at ouco , but bat if ho appeared to be nil right ho would lot remove him on account tf any quarrel lotweou his father and Congressman Murphy. Young Franey was appointed on the recom- nendntion of Van Manning , ex-congressman rom Mississippi , Speaker Carlisle and Mayor Vaughn , of Council lilutls. As soon as Com missioner Atkins got to the department to day ho sent for Manning and told him what ie had board. Manning leplied that hero was not n particle of easou for suspecting the young man of anything crooked ; that if the old man tried o bribe Murphy It was in order to get place or himself , and not to get a place for his son , and that Murphy and the senior Franoy had tad a bitter quarrel , and Franey slapped Vlurphy's face , oa F street in this city a few weeks ago , and this was probably all the oundation that there was for the charge of iribery. Atkins has taken no action In the case yet , but he will have Franey thoroughly nvestigated. Ho will not punish him for any Ins his father may have committed , but he will remove him Inatantly if he finda any OOBOII to doubt the young man's honesty. The pieeidont to-day appointed the follow- ng postmaatere : William J. Fleming , Fort Smith , Ark. , vice J. K. liarnes , suspended ; lenry Cook , Michigan City , Ind. , vice J , I' . 'oters , suspended ; U , J , Love , Huron , Dak. ; ice J. Cain , suspended. The president this afternoon appointed William H. Moffott , of STow Jersey , consul of the United States at Athens , and JnhnDelvin , of Michigan , consul , t Windsor , Out. WASHINGTON , July 22. After mature con- ideration , the president nnd cabinet have eached the conclusion that the leases of lands n the Indian territory , held by cattlemen , are invalid , and It haa b en determined to ako steps to have them set aside. Gen. Sheridan has reported that no permanent sot- leraent of Indian territory can ba effected vhile the cattlemen are in possession of tbo lest landa , and it is the intention of the presi- lent to remove tbo distributing element and oservo Indian terrltoiy for the exclusive oc cupation of the Indians. The method of pro cedure has not yet boon determined. A presl- lentlal proclamation may issue , but It is re garded by well-informed persons as moro irobable that the action will bo begun In the Jnited States courts of the west division of taneas , having jurisdiction over the territory , coking to a declaration of the invalidity of leases. The following promotions have been made n the scientific force of tbo geological survey : I'homas C , Chamberlain of Wisconsin , geolo gist , from 83.0CO to § 3,600 ; Charles A. White < f Iowa , from pahontologlst at $2,400 to geologist at $2,709. A delegation of the Grand Army of the Republic , consisting of S. S. liurdetto , John 5. Kountzo , J. M , lieges , John L'almer , ICdgar Allan , William Gibson , James W. ICaya. J. 1' . S. Cohen , and K. Ii , Loring called on tlio president ; o-doy by appointment nnd submitted resolution passed at the recent national en campment , nt Portland , In relation to tbo rights of veterans to bo retained and appoint ed to positions in the government service. Gen , liurdetto presented the resolutions and eaici the veterans had implicit conlidenca In the president's notion toward them , but that they wore desirous of securing an expression from him relative to the action of his subordi nates , Cleveland replied that he was In Favor of the enforcement of the law. The mestion of a man's military service entered into the consideration of nearly every appli cant for every oflico , , nnd was given much weight. This was especially true In nppolnt- montz to poatoilices , "It must always ba . understood , " the president continued , "that the man thus recommended must bo compe tent. " Commanders liurdetto and Kountze assured the president that un less a man wai competent there was no expectation that he would 1)3 appoint ed. The president said that there were many instances whore men had fine military rec ords and wore deserving , but bad not re ceived training that would fit them for posi tions. These of course could not Iu ap pointed. Mr. MolIoU , who wan to day appointed United Ssates coneul to Athens , is an Kpisco- pnllnn minister. Ho wna recently appointed consul to Beirut , Turkey , but the appoint ment was withdrawn nt the request of tbo Turkish minister , who enid a consul who was minister was not wanted , 1'ostmasterGoneral Yilai to-day said that ho , had no intention of reconsidering hia decision against distributing $100,000 appropriated by congress for the transportation of mails in American eliipB , In regard to the threatened termination of the Australian service by the " 1'aciljc Mail fctoamship company , at the ex piration of thecontiact term October next he said that while ho was disposed to faver American steamship llnea where he could consistently , yet the department would have a no dilliculty in forwarding the Australian mails on a schedule as fast us that now in use , , and moreover the eervica would bo moro fre 8Cn ment and cheaper , At present the Austrllan n mails leaie San Francitco onus a month , and : letters written just after tha departure of a ec steamer lie In the postoilice cearly a month. ill By the Suez servlco these letters Cjiild ba sent luJi thort intervals , and would reach their des Ji tination in less time than at present : After the cabinet coniultation , and in ac cordanca with the advice of Gen , Sheridan , the secretary of the Interior has decided to turn over to the war department the complete control of the Cheyenne and Araphoe reserva tion in the Indian territory , A telegram to-day from Inspector Arm strong announced that t'je ' count of the In diaos on the Cheyenne and Araphoe reserva tlont was prngresiing quietly and that no fur ther trouble was apprehended , MncUln'n Houru about Hun Out , CIIHAGO , III , , July 22 , A Giilesburg special iay > Judge Shope who haa just returned turned from Nebraska ; l'.eprecc < nt&tiv Mehale , of Chicago , and Kmory A , Storri MicVm'a lawyer , arrived here thu evening i quest of Justice Craig Shope had refu ei ? hear an application for cdas in Mncklu's case paying there were three judges within roach > ut if justices Craig and Scott were not At tome ho would give n hearing , Scott is not at homo and Shopo rnd Craig , after a consul- tatlon , announced that they would hear the application to-morrow at S A , in , Bath deny loving been trying to evade rit ° i who Is apparently much excited , POIltilGN NEWB , TUB KEII.EV MISSION. 1/3NDON , July 22. The Standard's Vienna orresponilont says Leo will take charge of ho American legation hero until autumn , when n new minister will bo appointed. Mr , Kosson will present letters of recall as soon n the emperor returns to Vienna and will hen go to Ameiica. In the meantime Koiloy Iraws his ( alary. Fresh propoials were received from Rusiian government con- orning the Afghan frontier. In the course of the debate last night intho l IOUBO of lords Salisbury delivered an encoin- nm upon the high minly courage displayed Dy Kntl Spencer in thn performance of his utioi as lord lieutenant of Ireland , THE KMPSnOUS , BKIILIN , July 22 , It Is now arranged that bo meetlngbetween Emperors Frauds Joseph f Austria , and William , of Germany , ball take place at Gastein oa the 7th of iVugust , CHOLERA RKCOIU ) . MADRID , July 22. Incomplete returns of ! io progress of the cholera in Spain yesterday bow 1,752 now caaoa , G85 deaths. Of these 3 now cases and 0 deaths were in the city of ladrldIS ; new cases and 10 deaths in the rovinco of Madrid. Oasoa have appeared nt liicuca and Carccros , INCREASING T1IK BLACK SZA FLEET. ST. 1'ETEiisni RQ , July 22. It has been do- Idod to add lifty torpado boats to the Huj- lan lleot In the Black em. THE TURK AND JOHN Bt LL. CONSTANTINOPLE , July 22 The grand vi ler , in on interview with llobart Italia , said e recDgnizad tbo necessity of Turkey form- Dg an alliance with J-'ngland. LU'E-IIOAT DISASIKIl , LONDON , July 22.--A dispatch from Yar- nouth pays a life-boat containing fifteen men trated from there this morning to.rescuo the renr of a brlgantino which is In distress , ere reaching its destination , however , tflo ( a boat struck n sunken wreck and sank , light of Its crow were drowned. All the un- ortunate men were married , A sensation has been created in arittocrntic ircles by the report of a fistic encounter bo- ween Lord Lonedale and Sir George Chet- vyd. The fight took place in a well-known _ ashionable resort iu Rotten How and lasted en minutes. A number of members of the obility and other "gentlemen" witnessed the ontest , The trouble between the men grew ut of the attentions which each were paying -nngtry. . Dispatches just received from Assouan say lajor Greenfell haa telegraphed Tlntch that bo messengers from Gebra report that the lahdi died of smallpox on Juno 211th. The Louderdale peerage case has been de- ided in the house of lords In favor of Mej. Jaiiland. There were t\vo claimants to the eerogo. Sir James Maitland nndMaj. Mait- and. The latter contended that he was heir f the fourth son of the sixth earl of Laudor- ale , who married Mary Mac Adam in Now York In 1772 , two days before his death. In the hearing before the house of lords Tnitod States Henator Edmunds , United 1 tales Minister Thelpa and Messrs. Fowler , ' itephena , Nash and Clarence Goiy cave testi mony. PROHIBITION NOT UP. mo BEruiuiCANS REFUSE TO ADOPT THE ANTI WHISKT connsE. CINCINNATI , O. , July 22 Correspondence , otweon K. S , Thon.Bon , chairman of the pro- , ilbitlon state committee and Asa S. IJushnell , hairman of the republican state committee , will bo printed bero tomorrow , in which 'hompcon asks liuslmell to arrange for ono r more joint debates between Judge Foraker , at bo republican candidate for governor , and , ho Itov. Dr , Leonard , prohibition candidate or the eamo oilice , upon tha question 81 t issue which ie , Mr , Thompson lays , 'between your party and ours , viz : 'The tax ation vs. the prohibition of the liquor traffic , ' Cant , liushne'll replies saying that there is no ucu issue. Many republicans favor prohibl- ion and many oppose it , Tbo party Is neither for or against. Ho regards that ques- Ion , a > non-political , to bo settled by the poo- ilo Irrespective of party. It has in ita plat- onn recognized the right of the poole - t > le to change the constitution , nit that , meantime , because the prea- mt constitution must govern until i change is made the republican party has do- larod in favor of the taxation o ! the liquor ratlin and a regulation to suppress the ovila esulting therefrom. These positions Juggle -'oraker would maintain , but as an Issue is ; not existing It Is proposed that ho would bo ibligod to decline the proposition. Another easou why the discussion could not take a > lace Captain liusbnell says , is that ; ) r , Leonard In a speech had declared that the first step toward ; irohlbltioii is to kill the republican party , " , bus making himself the avowed ally of the , o democratic party. To have n di ctiB Ion bo- ween Judge Foraker and Dr. Leonard , here fore , would be to have a candidate of one if the great parties of the state debating with .ho nominee of what ia only an attempted diversion In favor of the other great party of the state. If tbo democratic tarty will promote Dr , Learnard to the head if its ticket and make him Ita leader at ho Is low its acknowledged ally , Judge Forakor , ip was sure , would be glad to discuts with lim any or all questions Arising between tlie tarties so presented. ] Lunatic. PliaADKLFHlA , 1'A. , July 22. The commission - mission Inquiring into the mental condition of 1 ; fohn McCullough this afternoon rendered a verdict that McCullough IB a lunatic , and has jeen so for napaco of BIX months last past , but noys ] some lucid intervals , yet a incapable of managing hia i ; person and oitate. The tchedula placea bo value of hia real estate at $200 , and personal property at fll.Ml. The court will irocably appoint a guarantee tuiit and safe committee for the estate and William F , Johneon as a committee of the person of Mc- /ullougb. JonlniiBy CniiHua Duel. I'imiil'Ro , I'tt. , July 22 , Charloa Koenlp , the draughtaman , nnd Frederick Rich , a ma $ this chinist , fought n duel with pistols at Mar shall's Hollow , nine miles from the city , thin norning , Two shots were exchanged at the irst tire. Neither party waa hit , but at the econd Koenig received a ball In the side , In- llctlng perhaps a fatal wound. Warrants liave been Issued for both the principals , me Jealousy waa the cause of the meeting , Klch ias disappeared , Visitor ! Dy Hiurlcniio anil Ualn , ( ' SHENANDOAII , Pa , , July 2 , One of the , v most terrific and destructive rain and wind storms ever witnessed m thu section panel over the Cnltwlsaa valley yesterday afternoon dealing out destruction to firm houses one crops. The rain , which fell la torrent ) , was preceded by a violent hurricane , which up rented trees and blew down fences and barns The damage to cropa along the valley it estl mated at 50,000. Eosio.v , Mass , July * > At a meeting of f the republican state central committee to day lieorge I\ Hoar waa chosen to presiuo At the next republican state convention mil Henry Cabot I-odg& an chiinma of tha oin'.mttee on HOC-BITTEN , _ , Chicago ] Speculators Uokcrtakc to Force the Market , and Lose , . . . Wheat Affords Bat Little Inter est , While Corn is Firm , Cnttlo Commftitil Trices to Hulr tlio I'ltroliftBor. According to tlio Yuri- OIIH Brands OlTcrcd , AND VEND , WHEAT. Special Telcpram to The BKE. CHICAOO , 111. , July 22. The temper of the wheat market was decidedly beaiiih all day owing to the receipt cf moro favorable advices 'rom the spring wheat diitricts and easier 'orclgn markets. Tha market evinced weak * ness at the start , ulfeiiugs being very largo rvith buyers holding otT. There waa no out- ilde support / ami the Inugs Boon found hemselveii at the mercy of the short ? , many ) f whom covered thtir sales when prices had jroken off a cent from yesterday. There was voiy little support of any kind apparent during the entire session and the market : bsqd for the day IJc under yesterday. The oceipta are smaller but the shipments son Inuo light. Corn There was n fair speculative business n corn and the demand for cash wna good. The feeling , iu contrast to wheat , was firmer , losing io higher than yesterday. Oats The market allowed very little ani mation. The July option wai a ehado firmer while the new crop futures ruled somewhat weaker. Provisions Ruled steady and a shade inner. ThowliPiit sales ranged : July , S7ji@S8je , : losod S7tfc ; Augunt , 8Sj@8'J.rc | ' , closed 88Jc ; September , OOjtgOlt'c , closed ' .I0i)0jc ( ! ) Corn July , 15fa IGc , closed 45c ; Aueu t , 5J@ 15Sc , closed 'IJic ; September , 15@133c , closed -ISie. Cattle. Fat cattle are rather scarce and oiling equally as high as any day this week. Medium and grassy natives are plentiful and laroly as strong us for a day or two past. Prime to choice , 1,250 to 1,351) ) pound natives old \t $ . * > .50@5,70 , and fair to good , 1,150 to ,2GO pound steers at S3.00@3.5u. Grassers no matter the weights are selling at from SI 25 to $1.00. Texans were selling bout the same as yesterday. A consign ment of Indian territory etoors sold at $1.GO 4 . and a consignment of the four sixes Tex- , ti3 brand sold at $4.15 against a similar consifnmont n week ago at $4.23. Low grade Fcxnns sold down as low as $2.25 , and the ordinary run of canning stock continues to ell around about ? 3.0. : ! Beat fat native cows and heifers continue to sell at high trices. Trading in stackers nnd feeders w s imited to the few loads bought on speculative ccount. There were no country orders on the market Shipping steers , 1,350 to 1,500 pounds , $ . " . .40@G 00 ; 1,200 to 1,300 pounds , ? 520@5.G5 ; 950 to 1,200 pounds , $1.70@5 20 ; through Texas cattle , steady and firm ; 050 to 1,050 pounds , $3,75 ® in ; 750 to 900 pounds , $3.03@3.75 ; COO to 00 pounds , $2.00@3 25. Iloga The opened rather brisk with epecu- ators booming prices , In some instance paying jf lOc more than at the close of yesterday. Regular buyers , however , failed to follow the id van co , holding off until the speculators had jought nearly all tbo fresh arrivals. Then lie latter soon discovered that they lad foiled to call tha turn and helr next movement was to cut loose ant take the best prices they could get , many of them finding they could not un- oad unless at from 10 to 15c lower than they paid in the morning. Hence , the salesmen wh had Into arrivals bad to take lOc to 15c OBI than current rates at the opening of the narkot , Rough and common may bo quoted $ ,00@4.15 , and best heavy at $4 C5@4 70 ; packing and shipping , 200 to 32."i pounda , SMO@4.G5 ; light weights , J3C to 170 pounds , CO ® 1.80 ; 180 to 210 pounds , 84.20@4.4D. RAIIAV&Y ALT-iIANOES. OJ1AHA BATES AND COUNCIL BlUFFS tqi.AI.UKI > A NEW TOOL. CHICAGO , 111. , July 22. At a meeting of he managers and egonU , to-day , of the roads interested in the western freight association was agreed to make rates to Omaha the same as to Council Bluffs. This reduces the rate to the former place by the amount of the bridge tolls and removes the source of n little lissatisfaction to shippers nt Omaha who have icrotoforo paid them. Kcpresentatives of the lines belonging o tlio Colorado railway association aold a meeting to-day and took the irst stops In the formation of new pool. It was agreed to form an assocla- Ion of pooling all business between Colorado nnd California , nnd covering all revenues be- ween Ogden , Deming and Alborquorque on ho west , and Colorado on the east , the same bo called the Colorado and California rail way association. Thi lines Interested in the now pool will include the Union I'aclfic , the Denver & lUo Grande , and the Atchison , Topeka it Santa Fo , It la expected that to- norrow the organisation will be perfected , its duration determined , a commissioner ap pointed , and a schedule of percentage pro- 15aHo Hull , " rirraiimia , Pa. , July 22. I'ittsbnrg , D ) ( Srooklyn , 3. NEW YOHK , July 22-Detroit , 2 ; New n York 7. PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , July 22.-Plill delphIa , St. Louis , 3 , CINCINNATI , O. , July 22. Nogamo. Rain , LOUISVILLE , Ky , , July 22-Louisville , ; t ; Athlethics , 0. BOSTON , Maw. , July 22 Boston , 12 ; Buf falo , 7- PitoviUKNCB , R. I. , July 12. Providence , Chicago , 0 ST. LOL-IH , Mo. , July 52. St. Louis , 3 ; ap Motronolitana , 0 , , The Iteil Man Ilnnpi > narc , as FORT KENO , July 22 , The enrollment of Cheyenne and Arapaboo Indiana wa-i completed ; pleted to-day and showed a falling elf since last census In 1B74 of 2.1 OS people. By out count the government will gain annually $1)0,000 In the issuance of beef rations and 815,100 In Hour rations The two triboi have only 1)00 ) men and 100 of these have now been enlisted as scouts. Illililled liiTnoir CellH , MINDEN , La. , July 52 , A hundred aiuiei men forced open the doors of the jail las night and proceeded to where were confinei two notorious negro deeperaiioes , Clcen Ireen < and Jchn Figures , The mob Bred a them in their celU until they liad filled both with | buckshot. The mob then dispersed , Y/ASlllNOTON , July 22. The upper Mleala tipyl .valley : Occasional local rains , wind generally southerly , liftht temperatur . The Missouri Valley : Fair weather , excep local showers In the evening , variable wlads generally itationary temperature. Tlio D y on tlio Turf , SARATOQA , N. Y. , July 22-TuU extra day of the meeting here. Flrit race Une mile ; Powbattan won ; ralla , icconJ ; Conklmg , third. Tfuip 1 13. Becondtace Six olds : Oaceola won : Klkwcodr oecond ; llind.v third. Time , 1:18. : Third race Sweepstakes , ono mile nnd fifty yards ; Farewell first : April Pool , second. Time ! , 2:18J. : Farewell was ridden ! > ) Mur phy , April Fool by Withers. Boechmnn by Onoil , Fourth raco-Whl7glg fustfCol. Ulnrk , see end ; Charley Marks , third. Times 1:10. : BniOHTON BBAPH , July C. The attendance to-day was lnrg nnd the track pood. eec Flrat 3 race Mile and one-eighth ; Nimble- foot won : Ubcrto , tecond , Miss Daly , third. Time , l.r > 71 Second race-Mile ; Joe I , won : Inconstant , second ; Kulogy , third. Tlmo , 1HJ. : Third race-Mile ; Tattler won ; Frank Mill , len { , second ; Belle B , third. Time , 1 I U1. Fourth 1 race Seven eighths of amllo ; maid- cos , nil ages ; Wonder won ; Uushbrook , second end : Ganloy , third. Time , 1:311. : Fifth race Mlle nnd a quarter , nil ngcs ; Xettle won : Bennie Auatrallan , second ; Xing Fan , third. Time , SH1J. Sixth rnca-Onn nnd a half mile * , ever six hurdle * ; Jersey Maid won ; Will Davis , second end ( ; Wimbledon , third. Time , 2:02. : Firat Slnco the 1V r. ASHEVILLE , N. C , July 22. The first en campmcnt of etato troops , hoU since the war , commenced nt this place to-dny. Nineteen companies of the North Carolina state guard arrived this , morning nnd nro in camp. When the train with the soldiers nrtived within ten iiiilcfl of Afthovillp , the conch bearing the Uoldsboro rifles turned over , Fourteen of them were injured , four seriously. Train loads of visitors nro coining to Ashorlllo from Tennessee , North Carolina , South Cnrollhn , and Virginia. The city is decorated with the national and state colors. Another OhlcnK" Kftllrontl. MILWACKKK , Wis , , July 22. The Wisconsin - sin Central railroad haa arranged for the ueo of the projected Chicago it Grcatwoatern rail way for entrance into Chicago and terminal facilities there. The Central Is yet without n connecting line from this city to Chicago. Notional Temperance Society. OCEAN GnoVE , N. , T , July 22. The Na tional temperance society convened hero this morning- . The day nnd evening are devoted to address by delegates from various parts of the country. Dontli of Jmlgo T. Iiylo DIcKcy , ATLANTIC CITY , N. Y. , July 22. Judge T. Lyle Dickey , of Chicago , who came here re cently to bo cured of a complication of dis eases , principally heart troubles , died teA night. A Child Katcii by n PIITSDORO , July 22 , A ferocious bull dog ttackcd a three months' old child of Mrs , oining , of Allentown , yesterday , bit ell 10 right foot and otherwise mutilated its ody. Tbo child will die. Indian JDopradatlona in Arizona. NOOALES. A. T. , July 22. A Mexican j'ust rrivcd from the Cunonea mines nnd reports : mt fifty Indiana , in tbo mountain near there , tilled ono American and two Mexicans andre ro stealing stock. Pacific Const eea Lilons. an rancisco'Chroulclo. ' " Ten or twelve years ago an act was assed by the legislature making it a mla- omonnor to kill sea lions anywhere within a one-mtlo radius of Sea Hock , nd over elnco that tlmo the aoa lion haa oen regarded as a privileged character. , nlvo or six years ago the iiah Industry rat began to assume important dlmen- , OIIB : ; It WAS then that canneries began oC loom up , and In the course of three cars folluwing grew to really gigantic roportlon- . Firms In this city engaged n foruialilng supplies ot all descriptions o fishing outfits did an Immense btisl- esa , and the outlook became as promts njj na that of any Industry on tlio cast. Soon , however , the aoa lion nnia- 01ni nco manlfcstod Itself , and at the present 1 mo the fish industry In and around San- rancleco bay la nearly paralyzed. The sea lion la a lever of luxury , which oubtlcss means to that species of animal ; fo a place to lounge on the eunny tide if some ragged clil ! ' , and plenty to cat irovldod by somebody else. During the ay the animals are soon In great abnn- anco floundering about the rocks near ho Cliff IJouao , but toward night they Isnppear and in immense bands flock In- o thu bay through the entrance at the olden Gate. The fishermen usually tort out about 4 or 0 o'clock in tha af- ernoon to sot their nets and do tlio groat- r part of their work between that hour ml midnight. The aoa lions seem o ) lave comprehended the processes of the iahormen and evidently lie In wait for heir approach. When a net \a \ not thoeo nrlously Intelligent croaturca lirat make heir presence known by a low grunt and slowing noiao along the surface of the water , and in n moat Incredibly short ; pace of time ilczana and hundreds tf ompaulons appear. They rush at the uots , celao the fish , tear them loose rom the meshes and devour them with the rapidity of machines. If tbo and happens to bo few In numbers , not qnal to the consumption of all the flah the nets which they attack , they will ear the fish out and play with them , omotlmee , many fuat In the air , and ithtftwlso destroying the game of the In- lustrlous fishermen BO that It is not an mcommon oscurronco for the hungry ollora of the bay to lift 150 fathoms of ' net without securing a single fieh. The ions can ba aenn almost any time chaalng and down before the nota In great numbers tearing the moahoa , breaking ho cords and doing a vast deal of damage side ! from destroying all the fish , andre ro BO fotrlesi In thla riotous work thfit hey will approach within a few feet of ho liohcnnan'a boat ) . Tradu In tbo merchandlso of fishing lit has been reduced to considerably eta than ono'third of what It wi * two years ago , and the Italian ? , Portugese md othora engaged in supplying the local fish markets , Instead t-f making It a ptylng enterprise , are reduced In many instance ! to actuil want. A man well Informed on the fishing Industry elated that the vailoua canneries hero and elsewhere - where are not doing business of S10C now where two years ago $500 would 0. not cover It. The rav&xea of the sea lions ara not confined to any one branch of doatruc tlou , but to all kinds of fiahlng done with nota , and they display a remarkable Intelligence telligonce In banting up the haunts of the iiihermou and being on haud whsi the nets are eet. Along the wharves &nd sheds monopolized by the fithormen may bo aeeu great piles of unused nuti am other equipments , and the principal da- maud at the houses dealing In rnppllos lifer for occasional small quantities of tniiio o rope for repairing. Gotlloagland'a figuror. on your lumbo. bill , whether yon buy of him or not , and you will cave money , ROACH AS A BUSTLER The Collapsed Ship Builder Feeling the Fnlscofllic Government , The Acceptance of the Dolphin and Other Ships Probable , llol > C3onr the Jersey Mariner , Tnlks > Almut ICofloli ml UH | KelnMona With the Gmeminent , UOAGII AJW HT3 KMOBW TO HE MABK TO SETTLE WITH Tllff aOJXHNMUltr. SpcoJal Telegram to The Box. NEW YOIIK , July 22. The Trlbuao says George U , Weed , ono of the asiignocs of John Roach , received an nnswcr yesterday to .a telegram to Secretary Whitney ; asking lor an immodinto Interview , The nrtower consented to an intsrvionr and enld the eocrotnry would nrrnngo for It to Jay. Whitney will return from Newport to-day No attachments bava been made on Roach's property , nor have any ot his creditors nlgnified n purpose towi embarrass him. The relations of tlio firm with the government ) must bo defined before any solution of the situation can bo hid. Wood is hopfill there will bo no trouble that the ( government will recognize tbo validity of the contracts nnd accept the Dolphiu , AN INTERVIEW WITH IlCllK-'ON. BOSTON , Mass. . July 22. Kx-Secrotnry Robeaon passe J through Boston to-day , and during hia brief stay was seen by n Journal reporter , who asked him to speak of tlio fail ure of John Reach and Its causes. His time was too short for nn extended interview , but he expressed his Ideas of the subject briefly. "It was what mi ht have been expected , " hu anid ; "in fact , what must have happened under the circumstances. Roach , from the magnitude ol his transactions , HJO compelled to carry on much of hia budnoss on credit , and when the United States government sot itself against him his credit was gone , and ho wn driven , iu Belt-defense , Into bankruptcy. Roach's position as a business man bos for many years been wonderful , when It ia con sidered that ho mada It Rololy by Ids own ex ertions. What Roach's roeourcoa nro no jlliora , of course , can know ; but ho always appeared to bo a wealthy man , and no doubt was what lie eucmod. Only the force of circumstances boa put him into the present position. When tht whole question ia summed up it amounts , . tote thla , that by breaking him down it is hoped * * to hasten the introduction of free ships. Ho altvnys had been opposed to letting in ships fro of duty and naturally haa had free tra ders and tariff , revisers agalast him and through the navy department they have ap parently crushed him. "Thoro is prevalent siisapprebcnsion , " con tinued Robsson " ' , "concerning Hoach'a con nection with the navy department daring the years : I waa its secretary , The fact is , con sidering Roach's.facilltise , ho had two of the best yards in the country , he did not have hia share of the work that Traa coatrncted. When four double turrotted monitors wore constructed- Roach "had only one , the Miantonomob ; another went wont to Cramp , the third to Hunt and Hol- lin < s'BWorth and the fourth was built in Cali fornia. When the engines for tha eight sloops weio to ho constructed Roach did not bid for them , Tha Atlantic works of Boston put in the lowest olfrr , but it was for only two. In lils dilemma , Roach , who was approached , sail : "I don't want this work , but it no ono else will take it at that price , I will. " The work was offered at the figures named to other concerns , and all ofit taken by them. In those eight years Roach built more than em hundred iron ehipt , not moro than five of which were for the United States. In fact , but a small percentage of his work has over been for the government , " Che" Greatest jfodlcftlJriTimph of tie Age I SYMPTOMS OF A Iorc ofnrpctltt , Iluirrli coitl ve , Tain In Uio hcnil , with a dull ennntlon In ; thi 6ncU pnrr , 1'iiln undrr tlio rJiOBJiIrr- , Mmle , J'ullncjs after eating , wltJinill - Inclination to exertion of boJy oi nilnil , Irrltnlilllly of temper , /ow iplrltti , rrlth n fnclinuof havlnir nrsloctcil i.on e duty , WcftrincBN , l22lnc'Ai ) & , I'luttcflivz nLtic Uuart , Doti boforollie nycii Jlt.niluchn uv r the rlffbt eye , ItmtlconiMa , with Utful drenniH , lllclilr coloro-l U ; Ine , am ) I COWSTIPATIOP/j. / TUTT'H X'lLr,8 are cspecmU y ntlaplcd. to euch eases , 0110 doao c Hoc la aucli u fc " hnnKiioffcnllnprastonatonliht uosulTsrnr ' , They Ilicrcmo tlie AplietlJe/ cauno the hmly to Tiito oi t'leHliithm tlio nysU'm K ' ciourUlicil.nml hytnolrTouts Action on . Iho , , , , , , JUneitlve . , . , , OrganIlt-it tr.'ltiiulHeru- - i. i i > ri tifin. .1 I ntiirlay St..tV.V. ' 1 w& Ii O w * Hunmu j rp u Ban ( JUAT llAiit or WmsKiW changed to 11 CLQSSV IILACK by a slp. lu application oj this DTK. H Imparts n. u.1 tunf color , nct instantaneously. Holil b y Dnigglits , or out by expression recafp t of I. yfnco.44 Murray S' * . . How York. Imported Beer IN BOTTJuISS. Irian | ? er..Uararla ' Crilmbachcr , lUvarla 'lister Jloliemlan , ' K &lser -.Dromon DOHK3 HO. ludnreUcr 8t , LOUJ I Anhausor fit. I.oula ' lout's MllwaulroCf ( 8clill i-P Lmor.MIUaukeo , K'd Omu * | Ale , IXirtor , HomostloanJ Khluo Wines. ED MATTBEB , 12 J 3 Farnam St , TJ , B. D3l'081JxRY , S. W. Cos , Fernam and 12ih St * Oapithl , - ilOO,000,00 i 0.V. . HAMILTON. I'rus't. / W. T. UARUUV , Oeabi. ! I . , "M , OAIDWKLL , 11. F. Sunn , 0. W , HAMILTON , M. T. UAJU.OW , 0. WILL HAMILION. Accounts Bolicltod And kept ouboct | to tight , chnck Certificates o ! Uepcxit Issued payable In and 12 nionthi , bearing lotorost , or on de mand without intereat. v Advances suado to cuiitomeri or approved ocurltiw at market rateu of interest. TholnteroeU of cuatomeri are closelyguwd ed uad etvery facility compatible with jirincl- plea of sound bankmgfroely eitended , Draw tight drafts on Kngland , : Scotland , taf all parti of Kuropo , Bell Uucopwu pniiago UekeV * .