Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday Morningi July 22.
Jay Cherry , the manager of tha
team is In the city is probable that a
gnmo will bo arranged with the Union Facif-
cs for Saturday and Sunday ,
Sheriff Mellck , of Lincoln , came In yes
terday morning , bringing with him a young
nun , named Brown alias Badof , who had ftt-
temptid to defraud the 1'axton botcl out of the
price of ft day's lodging. He was released
upon settling hii account ,
Joseph Bell , the proscription clerk at
Goodman' * drag store , is ono large mass of
unadulterated joy. Ho Is the father of n
bouncing baby , who hna just been admitted
into the family circle. Last evening ho called
hia friends together In Uie drug itoro and set
up the cike nnd ice cream to them in royal
Word was brought to the police Monday
night that ft young woman employed at II. A ,
Smith's , on Farnam street , hod become Insane
and bad boon acting in a very excited and
dangeroua manner , Deputy Sheriff Jawing
wont out there but did not bring the woman
down , as her mistress had made up her mind
that tha sorrnnt was not demented enough to
warrant confinement.
There was ft Bohemian wedding Monday
night at the corner of Third and Spruce
streets , In South Omaha , In which Fred Be-
kcsor figured M the groom. After the nuptial
knot had been tied the guests nnd tha happy
couple sat down to n great "spread , " in which
wina was a very completion ! element , Kv-
orybady was very hilarious before 12 o'clock in
the morning , and Bokosor , who was none too
, . sober himself , bacamo Involved in a quarrel
with hia brother , The latter picked up n
largo hand-saw and proceeded to annihilate
the groom. Ho succeeded In Inflicting a
long two-inch gash over his arm , besides
cutting him eorlomlyon the arm , In sev
eral places , lr , Hosteller was called in and
drosaod the wounds. It is bellovoct that Bo-
keeor will recover ,
Bow It Can Most Easily bo Prevented
A Few
"Doctor , " asked a BEE reporter of a
promlnoat'physlclan yesterday , "how best
can the citizens of Omaha resist the dan
gars of old Sol s heat how best ward off
the dangers of sunstroke ? "
"That is a pretty broad question. However -
over , perhaps , I can give yon a few val
uable suggestions. In the first place ,
the best way to escape the dangers of snn-
stroke Is not to go out into the sun at all ,
when ItIs at its hottest. Of course ,
however , everybody cannot observe this
rulo. The great Idea In preventing sun
stroke ia to keep the head cool and the
foot warm. Sunstroke Is a brain Direc
tion caused by a rush of
blood to the head , and Its
sluggish action in the brain. To bring
about the cool condition of the head ,
some paople people believe In tha appli
cation of a wet cloth. This I am not in
clined to believe a plan of unmixed ben
efits. One cannot keep a Trot cloth on
the head all the tlmo , and a sudden
change of the braln-tomperatnro Is liable
to produce serious results. There is ono
precaution that ono ought always to ob
serve. Just before sunstroke ts coming
on only a few moments , or only a few
seconds there is a feeling of falntnoss
and sickness at the stomach , which la a
certain harbinger ot danger. As soon as
one experiences this sensation one should
seek the shada and sacnro an application
of Ice-cold water to the head and faco.
The water should bo applied by clothes
which should bo wrung thoroughly before
being placed on the head. If this Is
done in tlmo , It will always prevent sun
"If a person Is overcome by the boat ,
or Bunstrnck , ho should bo removed at
ouce to some shelter and cold water ap
plied , A physician should always be
called immediately , If the case appears to
boa serious ono. "
These few suggestions It would bo well
for the reader of the BEE who Is obliged
to earn his or her dally broad In the heat
of the snn to cut out and paste thorn in
his or her hat or bonnot.
The coming summer , if proaont indica
tions prove anything , will bo ono of
torrid weather , and every precaution
should bo taken against the dangers of
being stricken down by the boat.
Tim Councilman Arraigned Again on
ttio Oliar o of Ilrlberv Otlior
Note * ,
The caao of the State vs. John F.
Bohm Is on trial again before Judge No-
vlllo in the district court. It wai called
up yesterday morning and at half past 11
o'clock a jury had been ompannolod. Lee
Eitollo , district attorney , appeared as the
only legal representative of the state
Against him , on behalf of defendant ,
are arrayed W. J. Oonnoll and Judge
Like. Following are the jurors swoin
to try the ciso : Julius Rich , James
Grot ! ' , Ohai. Ohllds , J , L. Shivers , Sam
uel llelchcnberg , John L , Taylor , Au
gust Schrondor , K S. Jones. II. D. Pol-
ronnolt , D. J. Smith , K. J. Parrott , and
Wra. Ilelghley. These are all good and
blight looking men. After being sworn ,
the attorneys aikod an adjournment un
til 2 o'clock and Judge Neville charged
the jury to bo vary careful In their actions
vhllo clothed with the authority of jurors ,
not to talk to anybody about tbo caio out
eldo , or lot anybody talk to them , A re
cess was then talion until 2 o'clock.
In October last the grand jury of Doug ,
las county found an Indictment against
John F. Uohm , on the ground of having
unlawfully and fraudulently accepted a
brlbo of $200 , as councilman , to Influence
Ills action and vote In that body on the
matter of paving certain streets , The
case was tried onoa before and Is , there
fore familiar to DKK readers , In the ether
or trial , the jury disagreed.
Excursion neil t'ionlo.
Yesterday was a gala day with the
colored people , especially those of the
Methodist denomination. The occasion
of the j abllatlou erent Is the raising ol
tha debt of $1,800 now resting on the A.
M. E. church of this city , which it Is
proposed to do by picnics and concarts ,
Yesterday morning about half past seven
o'cloak an excnnlon train from St. Joe
came la bearing about 120 people. The
fit. Joe braes bind ( colored ) accompa
them and consolidating forces with
the Excelsior brass band of this city , os-
sorted the excursionists up [ town , Dur
ing the morning the band serenaded the
Br.r office and the Paxton and Mlllard
In the afternoon Ilsnsjom park was
thronged with colored people , In attend
ance upon the picnic , which was hold
under the auspices of the A. M , E ,
church. Throe special policemen were
on the grounds and preserved good order ,
All onoyed ] themselves , and the affair
was pronounced a royal success ,
V rlons BtAtcmcnti Oonccrnlng tbo
Cnsoof tlio Itnsslan Peddler ,
Tbo letter of Mr. J. Kline concerning
the condnct of Judge Stonborg in the
caio of the Raaslnn , Moyora , who wni
arroated at the Instance of D. A. Hurley ,
and the nubacqnont proceedings , have
caused a great deal of commotion. Mr.
Hurley called at this office to giro hia
version of the affair. Ho claimed to have
sold Moyors and his associates $135 worth
of pears , npon whtoh $50 was still dao.
Hurley says that the condition of the
unlo was that the boxes wera to ba Ukon
out by installments as fast aa paid for ;
that the bulk was taken whoa the sale
was made ; th&t fifteen boxes wore carried
away several days later by Meyera' asso
ciates under the pretense that Meyers
would como around In a few nilnatos
and pay for them ; and that the remain
ing seven boxes were taken out by the
Russians during his ( tlnrloy'e ) abaonco
from the at ore. Hurloy made a demand
upon Mayors for payment and Mayers
assured him that ho would settle with
him In a few days. This did not satisfy
Hurley , who thereupon had Moyors ar
Judge Stenborg stoutly denies that ho
need the language concerning the Rus
sians which has boon attributed to him by
Kline. Ho says that ho has treated the
Russians very leniently heretofore , but
that in this case ho felt compelled to Im
pose the panalty of the law. Mr. Kline ,
however , reiterates the statements con
tained In his latter. Mayors , who has
slnco boon released , protests his Innocence
of any attempt to steal the pears from
Wo don't propose to discuss the merits
of this case beyond presenting the facts
as reported by the various parties. The
Republican has certainly shown itself
vary indiscreet in its manner of defend
ing Judge Stonborg. Its assaults against
the Rntaian Jotra are entirely uncalled
for , and Us statements concerning the
ball-bond of Moyors are utterly un
founded. It says that + ho bondsmen
could not bo taken as a sufficiency on a
two-cent bond. As a matter of fact
Judge Stonberg accepted the same bonds
men as wore offered ia the first place J.
Kline , M. Horvltz , and J. Chndis. Mr.
Kline himself is worth over $5,000 ,
while the bond Is only for $300 , and bo
has no Interest In the matter beyond
olng on the bond to help a man whom
10 considers as opproissd.
How They Lioofc In Comparison tvith
Tlioio of Onicngo.
Mr. George W. Amos , the real estate
man , has just returned from Chicago ,
where he has been to Inspect various
jlecos of real estate , and to note the dlf-
'cronco between prlcos In that city and In
Omaha. A reporter for the BEE thlnk-
ng to gain from him some valuable points
about tbo comparison of the two values ,
called upon him yesterday and had an In
teresting talk with him.
"Real estate there , " said Mr. Ames"is
very high. It Is disproportionately
hlghorthan property In Omaha , when
the difference bottroon the two cities is
taken Into consideration. For instance ,
lots eight , ton or twelve miles from the
center of the city are worth from $800 to
$2,000. In our city at a vastly leas dis
tance , aero lots can bo purchased , which
if divided Into regular lots could bo sold
for from $100 to $250. In Chicago , the
lots are only 25x120 In size , while ia our
city they are 50x127 , most of thorn.
Everywhere la the city Is the same dlf-
ferenco noticeable. A mile from the
contro of this city you con buy a good lot
at a prlco which In Chicago would hardly
pay for n square foot of gconnd.
"I find , too , that confidence In Omaha
ia greatly increased abroad. It Is won
derful to note the way In which sbo Is
booming In the estimation of these who
sra watching her career.
An easy way to note the vastly Increas
ing real estate business of Omaha Is to
watch tbo publication of recorded dooda
of transfer of real ostnto. For instance ,
last reonth the transfers recorded showed
an aggregate of real estate sales of $250-
000. Besides this , there Is much real
estate sold on contracts of which no rec
ord is kept. Supposing that there wai
$120.000 worth of contract salon last
month , which Is & consorvatlvo estimate
certainly , this would glvo a total of
$375,000 of tales in ono month. This
: nonth the showing will bo just as good ,
In view of those facts you can easily note
the favorable comparison which Omaha
real estate makes wltw that of Chicago ,
and how the values of the former art )
rapidly becoming more and moro as
sured. "
Smoke Seal of North Carolina To-
A Tough Tussle.
Ycsterdoymornlng a young man , 0110 B
Flerit , came up to the polloo court and
swore out a complaint for the arrest of
Wolf Cahn , who , ho claimed , had as
saulted him without provocation. The
warrant was placed for sorvio In tbo
hands of Oflicers Rowloa and Djiiovan ,
When they arrived nt the house whore
Oahn was a largo tenement building on
Tenth street between Dodge and Capitol
avenue , they wera mot by a benevolent
Individual who Invited them to
como In , and telling them that
Calm would bo at once surrendered.
When Howies and Donovan went In the
building , Oahn was standlngthere , lie ut
tered some sort of a peculiar cry , thraw
up his hand , and , lo , there was suddenly
a crowd of about twonty.flvo of his
houchuien about him , clamoring to pre
vent hit arrest.
After a short but fierce struggle Cahn
was arrested , and taken up to jtll. He
cave ball to appear to-morrow lu the po
lice court.
Seal of North Carolina Tobacco Is the
Some Interesting Utterance of Eis
Upon a Variety of Topics ,
Condition of Affairs In Ireland And
England Xho Irishman In Amer
ica What the Irish rooplo
Think of This Country
Church Matters ,
Bishop O'Connor returned yesterday
from a two-months trip to Ireland , ng <
land , nnd Homo. No formal reception
was nccordod him as was his apodal desire
sire , bat daring the afternoon a largo
number of his frlonda called upon him at
hia residence near the Sacred Heart con
vent. The bishop is looking hearty and
in perfect health , and conversed readily
npou matters connected with his trip.
Ho has visited the principal places of
Interest in Ireland , as well as certain
portions of England and Italy , Daring
all the journey ho has mot with pleasant
experiences , and has on joyed good health ,
barring a brlof illness in Homo.
Of course , his prime object in crossing
the ocean was to confer with the Pope on
church matters , both of America and el
Nebraska. Many important topics wore
touched upon , but the bishop declines to
say anything with regard to his conference
once , declaring that ho can divulge
nothing before the orders pro oilhlally
promulgated next fall.
The bishop found affairs In Ireland in
a peaceful i condition. There la very
little or no political excitement now ex
isting among the Irish people. The eobar ,
thinking Irishmen hove confidence In the
now administration , although , of course ,
the policy with reference to their country
is not yet clearly outlined. The people
appear , too , to have great confidence in
Parnell , as being a clear-lighted leader ,
and ono calculated to frame measures
which will bo of great benefit to Ireland ,
The crops in Ireland are of greater
promise than for many yean. Notwith
standing this , there exists , not only
throughout Ireland , but Eagland as well ,
great business depression. Bishop
O'Connor has talked with shrewd busi
ness men of both countries about the
matter , and all of them feel very * gloomy
about the outlook , and say that they can
see "no light ahead. " The competition
of America , Australia , Now Zealand , and
Belgium Is hurting England greatly.
Many articles of manufacture and pro
duce are being Imported and sold at lets
prices than these of the homo markets.
As an instance of thin , the bishop mid
that mutton was being imported from
Now Zealand and sold for four pence loss
than Brlti ah mutton could bo bought.
When asked if ho had bseu correctly
reported in the Interview touching ,
among a vast variety of topics , upon the
"Irian In America , " which was published
la the Freeman's Journal , of Dublin ,
aomo tine ago , ho replied that ho bad
been , except as to ono thing. In speak
ing of the colonies which ho and the
Bishop Ireland wore trying to establish
In Nebraska and Minnesota , ho did not
say that the colonies as a whole were n
failure. This Is the Impression which
many have gained in reading hia printed
utterances npon the subject. The bishop
averred that what ho did say was that
the colony at Conamarra , In Minnesota ,
had proven a failure because the people
in entering Into the scheme did not un
derstand all the conditions under which
the colony was run , and did not adapt
themselves at all perfectly to these con
As to the other points of the Dublin
Intarvlow , the bishop thought that his
Ideas had been correctly reported. He
thought the condition of the poor Irish
people In America was , In many places ,
deplorable that upon coming to America
with exaggerated hopes and Ideas , but
with little or no money , many of the Irish
people sank at once to the lowest level of
society. This was especially true In the
larger cities , where without money , hia
native countrymen were compelled to
struggle for a living , obtained In most
menial ways. No Irishman should emi
grate to America until ho was possessed
of sufficient means to give him a good
start In business , either on a farm , or In
the towns and larger cities. As a rule ,
however , ho believes , the Irish people ,
barring certain queer notions of America
as a land of promise , entertain of this
country fairly correct and favorable pre
Speaking of the colony project of him
self and Bishop Ireland , both In Nebras
ka and Minnesota , Bishop O'Connor said
that ho had thought , when going to En-
rope to enlist the aid and sympathy of
Belgium in the scheme , but finally made
up his mind not to do so. Ho wai ad
vised by flends inltomo that a feeling of
Insecurity existed among the Belgians on
account of war prospects. They would
bo loth , ho was told , to put any money
Into the project , for the present at least.
So that his plans In this direction did not
bear fruit.
Inferring to the alleged differences be
tween the church of Homo In England
and the nationalists , Bishop O'Ciunor
was pleased to firmly assert that there
was no foundation to the reports which
had been spread relative thereto. It had
boon broadly asserted that the English
ambassador at the Vatican had , in ao <
cordanco with ordcra from the homo gov
ernment , attempted to defeat , by Inter
ference at Homo , the appointment of Dr.
Welch , of the English clergy , as bishop
The report was untrue , as Bishop
O'Connor himself discovered up
on close personal investigation. No
ono representing the , British govern
ment , or the nationalists , had ever
entered the Vatican , in opposition to Dr.
Welch. Indeed , there was every reniou
to beliavo that perfect good fooling ex
isted between the clergy of England and
the nationalists.
It Is to be regretted , indeed , that Bish
op O'Connor it unable to expreaa himself
npon the fruits of his cunferanco with
the Pope , concerning church mattora In
America and In this vlcarate , or upon
the general orders which are to bo pro
mulgated this year. But , as ho a ya , It
would clearly ba unwleo to do so at pres
ent. His utterances on other topics
were of great weight and Interest , and
only lack of space prevents their repro
duction more fully.
Two Wagon toads of People Perleli
DOUGLASS , Kan , July 29 , Six persons were
drowned in the Walnut river , seven miles be
low here yesterday. Anion Carman and wife
and Mrs. Jay Carman , their son'a wife , drove
into the stream which , had risen during the
night from recent rams , nnd were swept out
of Bight of a second wagon which came to the
ford a few minutes later. In the second
wazon were Mr. and Mrs. Ko t , and Mr ,
Jay Carman. They drove into the stream
nd were carried away al o , Only three
bodies have been recovered ,
Absolutely Pure.
_ te powder never varies , A mtml ot purely
tn Ofcth and wholesomeness. More economical thai
rdlnary kindsind cannot bo sold In competl
Btre with the multltnde ot low test , short weigh
tht n of physohrto powders. Bold only In oan
tlonaOYABAKINU POWDER CO. . 108 Wall Bt ; N.T
Ho Madon SllKlit Bllstukc.
A good story ia told on a prominent real
estate man on Farnam stroat , not fa ]
from Thirteenth. As the story runs , ho
was going homo from church last Sunday
night with hi ] wlfo , when his spouse
chancing to look ever her shoulder , saw
a largo burl y man standing Immediately
behind her and her husband , with hand
upraised. She gave vent to a aeries ol
vociferous screams , and her husband's
attention was osllod to the man , ha too
bacamo alarmed , and spreading his sun
umbrella , prssontod It to the man , gasp
ing at the same tlmo "Don't you como
any nearer 1 Don't yon come any near
er ! " The man retreated into the street ,
where ho was still valiantly kept at bay
by the man of twenty-foot lots. The In
truder finally managed to bollcw forth
"Bleaso dnud douch me ; I v&s shoost
as afraid of you as yon van of mo. " Ho
was finally permitted to got on the side
walk again. When the real estate man
and his wlfo reached their homo they
found that the nnn whom they sup
posed was a high fray robber , was a
neighbor of theirs , a ad had been simply
trying to hasten past them to escape the
rain which ho supposed was coming up.
The real estnto man is thrown Into a fit
every tlmo the expression "Don't como
any nearer , don't como any nearer , " Is
suggested to him.
Drandi adrertlied ai abielutely rnrs
rue * can < e ? down on n hot ( tore until heat dth
rcraov * the corer and mell. A chemist will not t r
a to detect the prcienoo of ammouta.
m ujuiTiircuiHi ms NEVKK BUS QCIITIOCTD.
In a million hem i for * quarttr of * etntnryll bai
Itfted th coniamtn' nlUbla teit ,
_ _
DP , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts ,
TbiilrOBKCittUeitdillcloBi tad nitaralfltTertainltd
Or. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gams
Tor Ltzht , Uoilthj Bread , Th Beit Drr lion
Ytut In the World.
CHICAGO. - Or. M3U10.
" Use nothing but Natural Mineral
Water , such as APOLLINARIS ,
free from all vegetable poisons"
' Boston Journal.
Of all Grocers , Jrii iflt , b > Mitt , ll'at. Dealers.
ron THE iiiEATuur OF AIL
The largest Medical inotltuto Wast of
Mloalsslppl River.
, . .
llflr > Bl IUUD III""i tll.Tllla.
\VnlTi ran ClRCCLiHon Deformities mi ) ririrei , Dlf ui
SofWoups , I'llo * * Tumori , Cunrcrl , Caltrrh Mruncht
Hi , Inhalation , KUctrlcItT , rar lr li. frllcini , KUncj ,
Kie. Kir.Skln > n < t Ulooit n'ltafpiUlt > ror
I'HitiTK. brrCML ind Nniroc nlinin , hrmlnt )
akncK , Bp rniatorrhn nt Pyphllli , tilfel , htrlcturt , Vitrl
cleaiijall JUenei ollhe Urlnurt tnj keiaal frftat
itrettted b/corr iponil nr tiirivr on lly ConfldintUl
dlelneiioDt bj mall or exprcM * without mark * to Indi
cate control ! nr rentier , Adrrii * alllettrri ti
MtbStreot , Corner of Cipllol Atcuuo , . OMAII/ . *
OVER 400,000 ATO. IN USE.
Koiilfni Kldlnir Velilrle innile. ] { „ , <
with one penonulwo Tlae Sirlnu | Iruutbrn and
horten accordlua to the height their can r. Eqaallr
well uduplid | o ruunlry fund * und
flue ilrlvf ulcUi > . .1Iiui ufnrliirfcl und old lir
nil ItaMasVuTTluso lluliileTK unit DeiUem.
All fliJc ertittmentt in the tptcial column ! iri't
te charged at the rate tf 10 etnU per line for IK
firit intertion , anil } cent ! per tine for tack tubtt
yuent ( nttrtiom Ifo advtrtitement teill fa tntertt
for lot than IS ecnti for the firit tim
1 ha * adtxrtiitmenti trill be iniirttd in both item
i \g and Evening Edihont , repretenttng a ctrcuia
tim qf ever Eight Thoutand. Thlt clati of adc < r
titemtntt muttpttiitivelg be paid in advance.
T OA\s Made on real citato loourltr In amounts o
JL/J600 and up ; cilllor terms. Frank U Rtcrcti
1609 Tainan. 203-Aug 1G
MOIKTTO LOAN In sums of $10,000 and upward
on first clu business city property , for 0 ] *
i i No commissions of any kind chanrcd. O.
Da\lB , Spcc'al ' Lean ifrcnt N , W , M. Life In9 Co ,
1605 KarnamStroit.
MONKT TO LOAN At once and without delay o
ren eitate , In large or tmall ( mounts , on tlm
to tmit. Loans made a'oo on collateral * , chattel ! o
any good security , rrotnplly , qulctlr and at th
owcKt possible ratiI. Apply at the Omaha Flnan
clal Exchange , 1103 Karnamet , , upttalrs. 704tf
Tl/fORiiT / to loan In lumj $200 and npwardb o
IVLflrst-clasa real estate security , Potter & Cobb
1615 Farnam st. 710-tl
MO.Mtr TO LOAN On real estnto security in an
amount from $500 to 26,000 , at rcaionabl
rates of Interest , No commissions charged borrow c
0. K. JUjno &Co. , S. W , Cor , 16th and Farnam ,
' | \ / | UMT I MOMT 11 MOXBT 111 Money to Loan -O
1V1 chattel iccuilty by W. K. Croft , room 4 , With
neil building , N. E. corner 16tn and lUrnoy Afic
yean of oxperlonco and a careful study of the bus
ness of loaning money on personal property , I har
nt last perfected a system whereby the publlclt
usual In such cases Is done nwny withand I am no
In a position to meet tbo demands of all uho bccom
temporarily embarrassed and dcelro to raleo mane
without delay and In a quiet manner. Housetccp
crs , professional pontlcmcn , mechanics and others 1
this city can obtain ad\anccs from $10 to $1,000 o
sucheocuilty na houjchold tnrnltu n pianos , ma
chlnory , horses , wagons , warchouso receipts , seeur
cd notes of hand , etc. , without remoxlngeamo Iron
owners residence or place of business. Allen
on flue Watches nnd Diamond * , Ono el th
advantages I offer la that any part of any loan ca
bo paid at any tlmo which will reduce tno Intcrcs
pro rata and all loans renewed at the original rate
of Interest. I ha > ono brokers In connection wltl
my ofllce , but personally superintend all mv loan *
Ihtno prltato edicts connected with my genera
office eo that customers do not come In contact wit
each other , consequently making all transaction
strictly piltatc W. It. Croft , room i , Wlthnc !
building , N. K. cor. 15th and Qarnoy. 603-Jly-i
] \TONEY LOANED at 0. F. Rood ACo's. Loan office
J.YJL on furniture , pianos , horecg , wagons , persona
property of all kinds and all othe mtlclos of value
without romcval. Orcr 1st National Bankcorner Ut
ind Fartiam. All business strictly confldontlal
720 tf
VTONEY To loan on chattels , Woollcy & Harrlaon
'tl ' Room 20 , Omaha National bunk building
MONEY TO LOAN-On teal estate and chattels
D. L. Thomas. 722tf.
0/TONE7 Loaned on nhattels , cut rate , K. I
UJ. tickets nought and sold. A. Forman.ZIS S , 13th B
jTOHKY TO LOAN In inms of ISOO end npnard
1M O. F. Davis and Co. , Beal Boltta and Loin
a nts. 1SOB Farnam St. 721-tf
' "
WAMBi-LndTcTto ciu\ri'8 fur NoH''lIoaio"B
Ing machines , call at office , 122 U. IBth St.
; oed wngca and nice work. J. T. Lcake , Manager.
WAMRD 1 ndies and gentlemen la city or country
to tnVo light work at their own homes. 93 ti
$4 a day evilly made ; work cent bv mall : no canvass
g. Wo lm\ogood demand forournorknndfurnlil
teady cmplojment. Address , with stomp , Crown
M'f'g. Company , 204 Vine Street , Cincinnati , Ohio
817-Aug 20p
WAMRD A girl for j ; rienl housswork , SCO
Pierce St 3i4-Jlp
17"ANTKD-A goi'l Utchin ghl , NVVcor. Hamllto :
> and Pier , r nrth Omaha. 203.21p
WANmn Woman cook at oicc , 210 S. lOlh 8t
by f. H. Don 21p
'AMFD Kuibagirl , 1003Farnam s'rcst.
J'AMitD-A girl to do general housewo.-k , at 201
Calllonni.-t. 2 [ > 7-ilp
WAMKD L dvsgent9 $10 a day with my wen
deitul brand in w rubber undergarment for females
males ; ladles pe wild ever It. Madam I. Little , Box
443 , Chicago. 1.1. _ _ 188-1
WAMRD Rlils wlthlnccood places In hotels , prl
va'e funlllca , cooks , dinlngrocm girls , kitchen
and liuudry work eta , can always find goojpltc'i
and good wag fl. 3 , $3.60 , fl and ? > per week. Cal
onOmaha Eurloymcntliurcau , 1120 Farnam et.
W 'AMUD A goodnoman cook tt 1611 DodireSt
- 777tt
MDY AOB.M8 Novelties In ladles' and
thlldrcns' wear Over 40 new designs Noth
like them Sell ts fatt as chown Over 1,000
agents make $700 monthly. Adilrcsn nltu stamp.
E II. Compbdl & Co. , 0 South liay bttect , Chicago.
611 jly28
ir < TED Three experienced women camas3erBL
W tS per day , guaranteed ; room 7 , Kedick block ,
WANTED Flrst-olass dining room girl at the Met
ropolitan hotel ; none otner need apply. 824-tl
TTTAisTiD An experience 1 city H'.leso-an for teal
VV andtl ( , ' rs. AddretH with references. S. & T
care liuo cilice. 827-22
JAtitKD Live 0 an a'8trll In nrry county In the
l United States to cell ro\'a PATHS r RCXFUSIUL
H DIROV , which combines two fa'ad Iron ; , I'tll-'hor
Hutcr.ic. , one Iron ooing ( lie wrrk of an cntlro
set ot ordinary I rone. It self hotting by gas or lco
lamp. LOFi * UAUITII nor MICIIENI" . 1'ilco
mod rate Aluguand listing Income Iniurcd to
good unvchscru Address , for cUcuh f , > Vr. , fox
6IIHROX CO. , H5 llcodo St. , K. Y hie-Aiij 3 |
"IV'AMan Ono good man , la o.cry township In
Vt each country to cell goods that are mccBSltlo'
Kocompetition. SiH J 375pcrmoath Incljfo76 cnl
for f ample. Address VVaUand & CU ) bourne , 02
State bt. , Chicago 1II. 31 C-27p
T\rA.T.Mi Agents lth tcsm.tosel1. KurckaWeath
TT eraiidwaVr Proof HonlliiK Pnlnl In t"io ooun
try. I'ut'am k street , S. W. CJr. lOthand Farnim
1'iofltuble work , 315-21p
. . . . . . ' Saicjmci to handle our goods , liny
sill to buiincs-i men at H'ght Cjntlemei
holing Icr paUm ; butlncn call and InioUigite ,
Von Co.Ht rin.ilcs Hotel SOi-211)
WAMKD A r-oy 17or 18fa.n oM , Odrrnan o
KoiLdlnaviaj preferred U. Lchiutii 1101 Tar
nun St 288 tf
I/AMFD A milker. Inquire at Ilcc < stlou8 meat
Y itarkct , Oth bt. 236-21p
WANTED A compstent , rtllabb man
a ! lo to do job worl. Permanent fltuatlan to tbo
Iho Trlliure , O'Ntlll.Nob. 231-21
WANTim-For Ino Ctianirl-n Ink Eraser
AORNTH . fcrsamplj. ClIAlll ) ovJLTIIo.
Ouiaba , Neb. 264-aujl7
A"\fAMKn Af entl to soil tlio Poop'o's Family At.'ai
\ > of Uo Wmld , aid h'ellj'n Instnrtor. on weekly
piymenK Ca'l ' a tcrnoon ur address 02. N , 13
' ' : , Omaha J-2i |
A anNTtiWA.Nir.i ) . Address St. Louis Kluctrla Lamp
J Co. , St Loul'i for circular , cuts and terms of the
" ponor Marsh Klectrlo Lamp. 811.j1yl2
WAMKD Agcnti In e\ery county to eollclt for
the Mutual Her eflt rtmoclitlon of Omnha.Neb ,
"all ou or Kldrcfs otto Lcbck , Secretary and Oun
era ! Uanigrr , 1222 K&rnaai utrett. 7iSaugl
WAMPO-lliarder , exctllcnt board , clean , airy
rooaw , comfortable bedj ; ( I 25 acd ? l M | cr
eek , come and tr > ; 1318 Capitol Ate. 277-23p
\T 7ANTrtToutu. . 4 cr PrL m ntar Hl-'i Hchool ,
> V good rcferenie. J T. Leate , 1J2 N. 16th Ht.
\ \TANTini-Twcnty 0\o good tcatr.s tJ work eq
V V llltck Hill branch Sliux City & . I'aclflo U. II.
cages tour del ars per day , board and Iced reaton-
lle , to lldp b > und of weekfree tranrportatlon. It-
iiulru at BU\cn Homo Omaha cr J. 1' . Uculdpn , U , P
Hi I n Council lllufTt , lena , 2yi-2p
- ( . people lo bring their watches to
WiMBD-.CO Erlckion'8 tobetepalred. BttU'actlon '
guaranteed 131 tf
IlT'ANTKl ) Kvery ady In need ol a sawing ma.
M chine , to tve the new Improiod Amirlcan No.
P. K. Hod mm k Co. agents 220 N l th. KlOtf
itKM-Ueautlful suburban residence property , [
Fox acreaof gicmndl rKohons 7 roomi , tine loci-
Ion , tplendlil tlew , etc , er lll cell Itnorove-mcnti
Kith 6jeinlea.'e of ground at a ( acrlflctt. C V
Ua > na&Co. , l&tb acU Faroam SIStf
RBM-HOPSC No. 1 1S 1'aclHo , Cor. Kth St
F0 HKNT-8 room homo In good Order. Art ) y
1421 Howard Urter. SOl-Slp
FOR IWT Bilck liouso 10 rooms , suitable lor
boarding houtr , Can St. , betnren llth and 18th
$40. O K. Mijne &Co. 15th and F rntm , 293 tl
FOR RKNt Cheap stoic , 311 N. Uth ilrcet.
87 4p
FORRRVT Vew 4 rwn cott pe ro dy for CCJH
| auor July SOtb ; 7 Mocks from cnirt hoi'd * . Ia
quire at ticket onicr , 1324 KM mm St 44 tl
TjV > R Ravt-Houses of 0 and 0 roorrs In No 1 loja-
JL1 tlon. Aprly at odlce ol C. I. Taylor , 8W. cor.
14th and Domliu. 17S f
TOR RR\T A building ? 2iD4. Inquire at Bo ton
JL1 dry good ! itorc , H. 10th tt , MM I
FOR Rl" < T A first class cottage , with good larj ,
In n\Ull ; IK ) forrint on nr about October 1ft. In-
qulio at Kdholm & Krlckssn's , opp P. 0. SOOtt
TTViR RI.NT A ( table for 8 horses one bloek fouth
JP ot the U. P. depot. Inquire of Vf. Lee , grocer ,
222 Leatonwnrth. 78411
F OR Rx-rr CottMtc 6room § , house 10 rooms. J ,
. Phlppl Koc , Sowaidand Campbell , SSl-tf
FOR RRNT Double pttlir , furnlihod , alto tlnoh
room , furnished , 1B09 Chicago St. 329-2p
on RrttT-2 rooms and kltehen , near 18th and
I'.crco St. , 83 Jiir month. BS6-2p
Rim A plcmnt furnished front room , at
4118. lMhSt.opp. Herald. 310 27)1 )
Fort RUST Furnished or unliirnlfhed new collage ,
with Urge yard , 2IttSt. , ono block rioith ot St.
Uixrj's Aio. 283 22p
\ Two furnlilied front rooms with 01
Fonnn.\T hontd , 1711 CalKotnla ttrctt. 303 21p
FOR HUNT A lugo pleasant lurnlshcJ front room
1D13 Jones St. 2S2-S2p
OR urM-Fmnlthcil room , 19031 arnam utrecf.
F 02-22
RKM-At 015 S. 18th St , handsomely fur.
FOR front im'br , suitable for gonllamnn and
nlte , In n pleasant location. 21-2lp
tt RUNT Handsome fuml.ib.cil rojtns , 1810 Doilgo
I OR RKVT- Furnished room , 171" Cm street. Vrr
Joe. : Bea'.ty. 0tt
"nViR RUNT Kurnlaliul rocms , from ? 7 to 816 , MO
JC riernunt etrcit. IOD-2p
Fort RUNT Furnished front room , 1303 Capitol
A\cnuo 195-22 | >
FOR nrsT Sulto of 0 ronrrs , furnished , on tccond
floor , Snundtrj at. Uillou Ilios , 317 S 13th H * .
185 il
FOR RKM Furnished rooms , 1517 Da\cnport St.
H > 9-28p
F I OR RKM-tjulto of ncnly furnlancd rooms , 1811
Califo nla Bt. E. D. Van Court. 73tl
lion RKVT Unfurnished rooms In Iloemer's block
ICcr.Stnand Howard. SVOtf
FOR RR > T Furnished rooms for light houseeplnR ,
In Bccmer'e block , Cor8th and Uoward 798tf
THOR RENT With board , nicely furniihnd south
P room , vith USD of parlor ; aleu gar , and bath 1403
JoncsSt , 648-11
F > OR RKNT-Pleasant room furnlehod , 1423 Howard
bt. 42f-tf
oBKKNTvo B ceant omco 1 n Uusnmnmi'b block.
TJ OR RKVT For tnanufao'urlnf ; purpoaca OT hall ,
J ? argo room 41x75 , 3d floor , No. 110 8. 14th tt. ,
enquire at 1403 Dodge tt. A. J. Slmpeou.
RUNT- Centrally located furnlahtd rooms at
FOR south 15th St. 713-tf
[ TOR RENT L < rgo front room on flret floor with or
P without board : Inquire t 1001 f arnam St887tf
T" ) 00MB With boarddctlriblo for eummor. Apply
Xlat 8k. Charles Hotel 713-H
Ij OBbALH-Va'u\tilo property lorHiloKW. corner
P of 14th and Jonca etroet. Lots 132 feet Bqimc
T.lth IrnprcvementK , rsnt'nz ' for 8230 lor month ; floe
chance for speculation ; Union Pacific f.ledjed tj
open 14th street to south nc\t iprlag. Apply to
Mrs Peabxly , No. 1407 Jones street. 311-3
FOR SALE Leaving Omaln I w 111 cell or laso on
long time , a flno notv7 room housj.aml fumlturo
The house baa all modern improvements nnd llnclo.
cation. 8 blocks fromcourt Louse. Address F. B. B ,
2I7S. 18th street 237tt
TjlORSALK-(211J ( NowcJttagaSroomi very nice ,
X1 good lot 3 blocks west 01 I'Jtrk Avenue. $2,000
this Is agreat bargain. C. E. Mayjio &Co.l5th
and Farrjaai. 271-21
UlOR BALK IIoujo and i ae o of ground on Sher-
JP manA\c.7 ; roores , will , cistern anil barn , a'l for
$3,500 ; terms easy. A. Sauadera & . Co. , opp. I'axion.
BALK ( sea ) House snJ 5 lots In PipllIIon ;
Hilt trade for vacant lots In Omaha. C. E. JIayno
& Co. 16th and Faiium. 271 21
BKNT House 4 rnorrn with barn , desirable.
FOR Bros. , 317 B 13thstreet. 1S5-21
BAI.F Nlc residence property on Park Av. ,
FOR take vacant lota In part payment. Ballou
Uroj.,317813thstre < : t. 186-21
BALK-Lots at $176 to $250 each , only 10 mln-
FOR walk from Hinfloom Park ; \ety eaiy terms
tJthoeewho wwita good home. Ames , 1607 Far.
nam. 83-21
FOR 8ALR-(22f-atitlIul ( ) ! corner lot ; cottage 7
roonu ; west Omaha , 8,2100. $600 down and (25
par me nth. C. E. Maycei Co. 15th ana Farnam.
271 21
rnwo or 4 lot < Marlon PlacowlH ; trade for residence
JL and pay difference In cash. W. U. Green , o\er
lit National Bank. . 799tf
- feet on Cumlng between IBth and20th
FOttBALB-83 $2,700. Bedford & Souer , 717-tf
F'oii SALK. t lots , 63 x HO feet on Farnam etroet ,
south front , elegant locution , must bo eold. W.
II. droeno\cr let National Bank. 60S tf
! Largo house , newly built , 0 rooms , all
modern Improvements wltn t ot , at 171C Cass
Bt ; Inquire at premises. 727tf
FOR SALs-(230-Hcu ( o 7 room ? , I8th St. , near Et
Mary's Avenue , $1.100 , Terrca caay. C. E.
Hay MO a Co. Hthnnd Karnini. 271-21
17011 SAI.K Lot ) that will double Inaluo In lees
X1 than IZiEOutha In Clarendon anl Aillnpton ;
street cars make them specially desirable , Prlco
J12G to K.2& . ; toimu to BU't. Ames , 1607 Farnani.
, * 8AIK. 160 left front on Virginia orenue , ono
1 block from dead of St Mary's av. 3,0.10 for
all , or $1SOO for half. W. U. Urecn. o\cr Ut Na
tional JUuk. G10 tf
J/oit BALK-l\rtv lots for sale on llun and Cumlngs
JP bitwcen 29th and 31st cheap , losldo property
edford & , Boiler. 7 D tt
F OR SILK < blx ioar old horse , uo'glit 1,300 Ib9.
1810Vibstfr etrect. 2CO 26i | ,
x Or woul 1 trnle or a good horaa anil
bugf y ; 80 a"rcs In CJouper couoty. Apply to 218
South 13th S rcet , 240(1 (
I J'OR BAI.K Two lutl out , chop. Well *
1 Imns & McKwan , H03 Farnam. ECfltl
few HAIR 1'uiulture aad La o ol boarding benne
' 35 loom * AddriHil M. Bco offlco 276-24i |
FOIIBALI-A hunch o8 ! lutfi , acir irnpcrtj , wll
make special toi ma for Investment , Itillou Uros ,
817 S IBlh a roll. 135-21
HAH A nlco jonngtotm of mire ) aood lug
FOR and harncsi. Imiuiro at Edholm ti i'rlckton a
opp. I1. O 132 tf _ _
' Doller and cuelne , 20hortopovrer boiler
IT'OKHALK 1 ; , lu good running order ; want to Bell
or the reavon that tlu'v are not largo enough for
ho now machinery which wo will put Into our row
mlldlngouUariieySt. Clarke lire . & . Co. , 140J
ou liana at a hariilu , u 1 eooonj hand
carriage i.lmef . on and kldu bar buggies ; also um
brellas and tuniibulei , at HU3-M11 Uodgu St.SOJtf
> V > RBAI.I A good piano , cheap. llu. A. Caldcr-
1 wood , 1618 Callloinlabt. 712-tf
BALE os KXciMhUB And want re l ettatc In
Pvm , Neb
J3.4CO farm In Cass county , NtbriBko. [
ll.COOftrm 9 miles wcntcf Lincoln
88,400 arm In OsBtcDuct ; riobraak * .
tl.OOOfarm In Franklin county , Ncbribki ,
(0 000 firm In Kraukllii county , Neb.
AddrcH hherwln , tibcuUn k to , Eie'.anzei Bro
kers , Lliiu > lg , Nubritkt. 312-22 [
I70K nciUNUi-Improxd and unlmprokcd lands
. ' In Nebraska and Io a to uichange for Omaha
riopertj. . l
> f
7VR ) LEABI Best unoaoupltd ground In tha ty for
L' warebouw ) house,67 feet front on I av nworth ,
orth bet 10th and Jlth.wlll kaiofor B9 years. Oed-
ord& Souer , 73 Mf
lyfAuoN run 0 g9od lot * In this addition with-
TJ In t bUcks of itreet can , can be bad on my
rmi , W U Oioen , ovw lit Nat'l Bank , 627-tt
F ° By Hamlln.t Brown 811 S. llth St
14 x 153 feet on narnej Ft , fS.OOO.
Mouse and lot In Kountzt 2nd Add , lot ( Ox 200
fe f.
Hour * init tot on "outh llth M.2Ma
Ilouie "nd lot on Convent rt , near llawy. S2SOC.
60 choice lots In Kllbyplacs and Jtromo l' rl , on
easy terms.
A half Interest In MI ( tabll ried limy busmtip
t-aods In Xcnitna , Stinton mil Otoo Counties.
S acre tract mirth Omaha , $1850cry cbe t > .
FORSALR 10 acres S relic * from clly. n nr Itu cr ,
40rrd iat f ont , well heated , $140 per acre.
A ( rrckt bargain.
Choice lot In Pence's add , (470.
One of the lo tlmprcd corner lot * In I'Apllllon ,
Sarpj county , ' 0000 ; ilio tttck ot general morchtn-
dlwatreitornMs nguies.
STJtUo feel on DousUi no r SOlh St , f3OOC > .
Corner lot fOillO , on llth St , , Kiunttc't 8d add. ,
3 room house , cellar anil will , SI.SOO.
CO feet on Karnam , tear 18th , $10,000.
KHJOO ftct on S loth Mtcot , KoucUe's 2d < ld ,
Rood I room honsa , stable , to , 82.S03.
Lot * IB , 1C , 17 and 19 , block 6 , Hanscom I > l cc ,
Sl.COO.atcaty trrmp.
Lot 10 , Hock 6IIinne m Vlacc , $05t CMV terms
Lot 20 , Llock 17 , Hamcom Flaw , $ iSM , fit c y
Lot IS. Weft Hod add. , Farnam St. , South front ,
81,960. t caw term ,
Cot lot 8 , Llotk 10 , r.ukort add , SI.060 , t cwy
Lit MillO , cut front In llorbarh's 1st adj , $1,850
at oisr termr.
Lot ifiilZS , S 17th St. , now Center , 11,050
44 feet front on Farnam near llth St , 8125 per ft.
80x132 on lElh , no r Center , ea t front , gv > d
house , fUb ! ' , well , etc. , $2,100. Do not fall to IOTCJ-
tlgUe ; thli l n bargain
Choice ! its In Paulson's , Clark's , iDcntsc's , llan-
icom and Burr Oak a.H
A good aisoitmont of houses for rent.
1012B I'AUtiSKN .1 CO. , 1613 Farnain St.
/i A townof ! oiirnirlh Omalu 1H ? lot
1 wowllltloio thcmontat $103 cadi $50 down an
balance 1 , S and 3 > e rs They n-e only tno block
lion street cirp. Nlcaii ghtly lati. thsy are wort
nearly tulco the rrloo asked. UK. Mayno & Co
16th and F r.ntE. 271-S1
2raoTS-Cle\.l iidpl\ccwithin 4 blocks of the oar
Jllno and within two iin-iths cart will run In
front of property. Will sell or will traJo for Insldo
property and jiaj dlffcronciliialues In cub. Par-
tics haUngmortgaga property cm trade and R'curo
now property Irco of Incuoibtauco. W. II Green.
o > cr let National Ilink. 127-tl
Wai. TRAtiK Fine blcrcle for eood horsj , Addicts
U C. Ibo oincc. Council Eliitls.
GJ9A DAY oiARA.\TH'D-tonctl\o agcnls who aio
fDOcncr/ctle salesmen , Ncno othoiN need addrctn
it mm Store flxtutcs.very cbcnn , at CtOS. 10th
Htrcct , Omaha S. U Schu.irtr ; 232 EOp
lcs'.nurant ( an I bakery In the city ot
Lincoln , at 1215 O street , , ft t no yearn base on
H gaoA tnos'ory brtik liu'Mlnn ' nit a rilni lurnlshcii
rooa H up stalrJ. A complete baker/ and reH'.aurant
o tooJ route and wifroii * nd a Drat-clisa res aurant
trade Ooodrunsoni for tclllnj. J. f. Crook. 1235
0 street , Lincoln , Neb. 233-22p
rpo BXCHANOK i9,000 Block of bran now litril-
JL uare , dlreot from the factory , for good Nebraska
To rent Four rplondld offlcos.
170 tf 11. c. I'ATTKKSON ' , isth and Farnam St.
-A 24 room hoarding homo wllh
JL KOO ! trade and delng oid buslno < s. will Bell or
tinde for grocery or si ! jon or for 81,0)0. Centrally
locited. For pirtlculirscnll an or addrcea A. Hirkel
123J Walnut fat , Kantas City , Mo. 2C-Z4p
F oasALR-A nice fruit aad cindyntoro In be'
part of city. Addrcs ] Caady , Boo olll.c. 258 24p
FOR SULK-A good lakerv. In n pwl location , ,
cheap ; ( 'ood reason , Address G. li. , L'co olSce
FOR SALS At a bURjin , Metropolitan hotel , Ken-
csau , Nob. Adlress Nccduam Bros , Ken ° aw ,
Neb. 2SO 23p
o KXCIIANOISFor Oiraaa or Lincoln re'ldence
L property Uouto nnd ( tromds lu Ucd Cliud ,
$4,000. 1000 acrea Und In VVtlntor cojnty at C0 >
lnr acre , no lacunabanco. Hay 0. Becker. Red
Cloud Keb. ] JB30p
IfOR gALK Steam flour mill ; cipaclty 120 bMe. per
1 dav ; elevator capacity , 20,000 bushels ; fool track
facilities ; only mill lo Omahi. Will so'.l or tiade for
fartn.propcrty , Valued at $20,000. W. IT. Green ,
oer 1 Ft National Hank. 7PMf
-siMMS CHAXCK About 8SOO will buy an eatab-
JJllshed business , together with leaeo for one year
of building. Tills is a good ba gain for eomi ono
Addrcs9 b. P. , Boa oillcc. SIStt
A QUIRT IIOMR for lidlca during confinement ,
( Jorrcepondenc ! coulldintlal. Address Lock Box
SD , Lincoln , Neb. 993-Aug 12p
LADIES If you want your plumes or tlpi cleaned ,
dyed and curled ; first-class work guaranteed , ROte
to Henry Sincere , 1810 Jaokson it. 493-Jly 22
PKRSONAlf ifrs. K. U. Hooper , tranoo cltlrvoyau
and healing medium , otor 710 North 18 ill S
_ 52-121
. 8CHRODKR Clairvoyant and Magnetic heale
Locates all pain and disease , 707 N , 10th Bt.
437 July 18
_ _
TAB. A aiEsmRriKLn Uignetlo physician , test ar i
\J det eloping medium , over 010 north 10th St ,
A s'llc lined , Mother Dubbird cloak. Finder
w.ll be rewarded by leuing same at the store
of MeNtttnara & Duncan , C28tf
LOST ilnyhors about 12 joars old ; \cinpmr
Hhen lasticcn about two \vccksago. Asuitablo
reward will be paid for theretum or any Information
leading to bla recovery , Addreaa W. II. Mottci.
806 22p
_ _ _
LO T A Mack Henrietta cloth scirf ; ends trlmmsd.
with embroidery. Return to513 lloward St.
S TRACED A rrouso colored Jersey cow , with lar-o (
borne , iieturn to K. Kobbln-,1517 Bauudcre St.
STRATKDORBTOLKV Baymare , with bob tall , white
star In forohejd , 1 nno In lift front feet , hal'cr
on , shoes on front f jet. Address with Information
cr return to nnd recoUo reward , N. Cngcl , Sherman
Ave. , but Elm and Center. 2(4 2lp
OTRATKOOR uroLKN A Carroll maru vilth wblto
JO star In tha forehea 1. Fmlar * ill rocolvo a libor-
aTroward by ra'urning her to Cumin' * Si Qulnn , Kro-
cers.lSth and Cnlcugn street C.)7-tl )
No Operation , or ueclcsj Irusica Dr. II. if , Moore
243 Wabash are , , Chicago , Ills. , at Omahk uxery
00 dajs. Bend stamp f-r circular , 493 jly-22
BUD AND iiOAKn ? 1 per r kit Cor , of l' > r.nJ
Ixiaveuwcrth Bt , t24-27i
SALXSMAV &I1 DgonKotatl DiiugNt anlOmcera
In Nu rjeU , c-n add tt ntsllicfull llnu Inpertvd
caetllf t ) Bud Hsenllal t ) ] i , jMifiuno t'c on
HbvrM coi mlatilon , by addiu < sn with nl in.e' ,
impirtir bun tlONiw fork I1. O. ai"li <
V. V. 1'iirk 1 )0itod 12 miles H.W. on U I1 ,
raid , Isnowopantitno public and can bo rented
for plo-nlci nnd sool tl g ttherlnga. HpecUl rated for
faro ichcii. Kurtcriug , callora.ldrstslf.
1'apllllon , Nub.
ROOD HARM I'irtloi nlsliln < to purclmo brooJ
B unrt f Jr ranch pjrin os pk'a o cull at llowm'a
LherytUblc , < l oitb 13th street , O iuh . B 2-t/
f \u w H.VKH IAO , uo8j nit giro > ou heirt-huro.
\Jlnf leduemudal sue cout , each liy thu doolcra
i'vycko ( Ire * . , Agent * . 033-tl
) S7L1B On i I'laltu , T. Hnritjr.
740- '
/ 1n w aiiiVim TA Its fjull fi vi'roJ , tuiri
V/at cno c nt , * i.b by tlio dNiirriU I'ejllp Droj.
agents. f-8-tf
en banjo given by O K Onllen
IMTRtcnox Capitol avc , jutl
\AULrn aid orsipoo'aoUkned in an od'rlcta
nay. A. Ktat , ! ) , IWi I > jd/o bt OI5iU ; 9p
Cum Eavca Tta , It tluosnct taint the hreath , tugn
ruduimwl at oua real fccb by thu dealers. 1'oyrx
DroK , Aiffntfl. leS tf
ALiaT. WB Twtb street , ketvecn Farntm and lit I
uey will , who tbeald of ifuir jl r. tcli Uj , okUlDln )
or anyone glino * In the riatt anXpinieut , aid on
seitaln condltlooi In Its future. baoU aud lion
trade to orrldi Furfmi utliUnllrn Kmrmirn !
Scaled prupis U " 111 bv rc'i eKed mull Aiii'liit Si ,
ffeb. lo tliul'O I Hcunloii L'liiiiinittLi ) , of thedtyof
ciatrUv , X < \ > , fur tlio tjnlrul uf ull tbo rents aiuu
UK Iruiu sutler tori.H , Ixjotln , dining ImlU and all
miinuKS firms , games , ploeta of atmisumint , hhtmn ,
< . mi the grimnda uf the Suvinlli Animal Jtvunlnn
Nebraska Hol.lleis and ballura , tu IKJ held at thu
> of Ucatrito , Nebraska , ( rum HLjiU'inkcr 7th tu
ilh.l'BS Applications will a ! u do rucchulfurthu
irhlK'i'Oof anjunu ot the rl 'htrt abuvci muitlunul ,
hln reunion prumlaes tu bo thv largcut mevtliii ; uf of ebrlUka ami Kansiui in ur hi Id All
oriiinuiilcaUoii &iid In lulrle's should ho addrcKked
rcall ujwn. J K lliu ,
Chin of Com. on Hunts and 1'rhikiau.
liFATKICE. JUl ) 17 , 1-tS.