Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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    J THE DAILY BEE--TDESDAY > OtFLY 22 , 1885
Tuesilay Morningt July 21
The city council will moot to-night.
A beautiful lot of new Kmbroi Jeries. N.
13. Falconer.
Sorno of the workmen on Farnam street
were so nearly overcome by the boat yester
day that they could hardly move.
Hev. N. J. Ihnson , of Owensburg , Ky ,
was Sunday elected rabbi by the Congre
gation of Israel , and will enter immediately
upon his duties.
After the game nt the Atliloltc park , Sun
day , William Coots , the Omaha ratine
ran n short rnco with Bluffs man , and de
feated him badly.
Iiouis Dunne , assistant signal tervico ob
ncrver at this point , has resigned his position
I and will bo succeeded by S , W. Hush of At
bany , N. Y During hii short tay here Mr
Duane has made rmny friends who will rcgre
to BCO him leave the city.
Mr. Cnnan of the Athletic park manage
tnont hut written to the Hastings team ask
ing them to either come to Omaha to mee
tha Union 1'acificp , or make a definite wrlttoi
Btntoment to the effect that they are nfrald t
battle with the U. I'd.
The Athletics played an interesting gam
Sunday at the Sliormau avenue park wit
the Council Bluffi team , nnd defeated by th
score of 13 to 2. J , C. Ea rfleh , familiar !
known as "Sptuls , " played a good Crat has
tor the Athletic team , and ho la regarded b ;
hia frlonda as a plnyor of unusual promise.
Yesterday Mr. Charles A , Potter , th
stenographer , received a "letter from the Hoi
man Investigating committee , at 1'ino Kldg
agency , asking him to coma immediately tc
that plnca to take depositions in the McGllli
cuddy investigation which la shortly to tak
place. Mr. Potter left to-day. It is though
the investigation will require at least tw >
wooka ,
George Jackaon , the light-lingered thlo
who etolo the watch of C , A , IJoland , on Sat
urday , will not stand trial. Just aa tlio pris
oners were being transferred Irom the jail t
the pollco court yesterday , Jackaon [ too
advantage ot the fact that hia cell door wa
open and that there waa no one on guard , an
skipped out. Ho succeeded in making goo
his cecapo and has not yet boon captured.
Capt. Marsh , of Omaha , says the Choy
ennu Sun , of the lth ! ) , was in the city yesterday
day , en route to the western portion of th
territory where ho baa cattle interests. II
la ono of the chief members of the Wyomin
Stage company , and ia interested in both line
trom tbo Union Pacific northward , ba
tween Omaha nnd Ogdeu. Of the lin
from Sidney to the Hills , ho said that 1
waa probnblo that the praaent sen ice from
Sidney will bo made lighter , while fron
Chadron the mails will probably bo carried
and the service ho of the heavy character
The Hock Creek line to Fort McKinney h
believes will be continued , and there will b
little hopes for tno llawllns people to get tin
line from thoio before the present term o
contract expires.
Detective Goo. E. Parka , of Cincinnati
Ohio , waa'in the city yesterday and called a
the BEK office to offer eoino explanation aa t
the arrest of the notorious Colby gang a
Marquette last month. Mr. Parka claim
that some attempts have been made by loca
detectives to gain credit for the arrests , bu
soya that theao pretensions are thoroughly
unwarranted. For five weeks Mr. Parka wa
engaged in ferreting out this gang , which wai
undoubtedly ono of the toughest In the state
( operating for years in Hamilton , Polk , Mor-
ricknnd Clay caimtioa ) , On the 20th of Jun
ho arrested ton members of the gang at Mar
quette. Six of thorn were sent to the pen !
tontiary on various charges of robbery am
burglary , while two of them turned state'
evidence ; ono ia yet held for trial , while an
other waa committed on pleading guilty t
charges of misdemeanor. Mr. Parka saya no
detective of any local agency was concernec
in the arrest of those men , or In tha plans for
their capture.
Smoke Seal of North Carolina To
Chat. Hrnltli Assaulted and Robbed
in IJronil
Sauday afternoon abont five o'clock ,
Charles S. Smith , an honuit appearing
young man , was etrolllng along the river
bank In the vicinity of Iho U. P. bridgo.
Ho was watshtng with a great deal of In
terest the courao ot the "Big Muddy.1
nia miad was BO completely wrapped up
in the boantloa of nature ( the acanory
along the river bottoms rivals In beauty
the famous ecenory of Italy ) that ho was
totally lost to all that was going on abont
Suddenly a hand foil upon ha ! shoulder
nnd turning quickly around ho con
fronted two big , rough looking followa ,
ono of whom niknil , ' 'Well , what have
you got ? " The astonished follow put his
lingers Into hia voat pokot and at the
sinio time tccolvod it fearful bliv upon
the bridfjo of hia noao which fulled him
to the earth. The two fellowa then went
through bis poskoti and finding $1.50 in
cash appropmlod U to tholr onn usu ,
After getting all the money the fellow
had they quiutly walked oil'and lift him
Smith's noao didn't feel just right , and
ho inado tracks for a doctor' * oflieo , The
doctor quickly discovered that Smith's
nose was broken , nnd proceeded to eot if ,
nftcr which ha gave it u
lilmal doau of sticking plaster.
After hlfl node had boon taken euro of
Smith vl itcd polieo headiinartorH and
told ha ! story Ho aid not eeoin to take
It very hard , but WAS rather Inclined to
look at the ludicrous part of the per
fornmuco audaiid that hia Sunday ;
uftcrnoou atrolla would hereafter bo in
another part of the city.
Goal of North Carolina Tobicco is the
i t Hlalr ,
The Blair Driving club has finally
completed arrangements for two days
races at the Blair Driving park , August
llth and 12th. Pioinluma to thn amount
of $720 are itloicd , which ia sQlTnlcnt 10
ItJBuru the presence of some notid ani
mals. Tha tirst day will witrcia uS.10
trottiDg rnc ? . half tnllo rncning race and
free-for-all trotting stilllon rice. The
nocond day's races will lucludo a free-for-
all pacing race , running , milo riafh , trot-
tinp" frpforall , and trotting , 15.20
E. K. Valentine , of Wott Point ; W.V. .
Luttn , of Tdkamah , and KlahsrdJ Blaco ,
< f Blair , have bton ( elected jnJgcs , with
T. 0. OuHalo , cf MiBaourl Y Hoy. I
nd D. BL Cjatctter , of Blair , tn cfiiclal
"Halt anil CflnnlersiED ! " Soiethlng
Tlio Guard Honao Attempted to Esc -
c po The Soldier's Diet.
"Halt thoco ! " called the Bontinelat the
barracks last night , as n party of nowapa-
per men wore chiving past htm Into the
grounds ; "Giro the countersign. " See
ing that the scrlbos wore non-plnssod and
unable to respond to the call for the coun
tersign , ho ordered them to tarn and
leave the gronnds.
"It's ' after 'bell t ps , ' " explained the
sergeant of the gnard , who came up just
then , "and I hive strict orders to allow
no ono to enter the grounds , oren for the
purpose of driving nround for pleasure. "
"Do yon have much trouble In enforc
ing this order , " asked a reporter for the
"No , not very much. Ociaslonally
wo have , though. The other night , for Instance -
stance , a party of young men with several
fast women drove Into the gronnds after
nine o'clock and tailed to halt or respond
to the call for the countersign. The girls
Insisted upon going in and finally wo had
to call on a party of soldiers and use force
to persuade them to leave the grounds.
Occasionally a party of loud
young men and women boccnio obstrep
erous about obeying our orders , and wo
arrest them and put them In the guard
homo , and send them to toirn In the
morning to bo dealt with by the civil uu-
thorittoB. "
"Wo have twenty-three prisoners In
the guard homo or post prison now , "
said the talkative sergeant in response to
further Inquiry. "Most of thesa are Infer
for petty oilanaoa , but aomo are In as
court martial convicts , serving sentences
of nil the way from two to four years.
How is It that wo don't Bond those to the
Fort Lsavenworth military prhon ? Be
cause that prison Is full and unable to ac
commodate any more at present. The
prisoners wo have In the jail here are
carefully guarded all the tlmo , both day
and night , so that there Is very little
chance for them to escape. In the day
time the prisoners are taken out and
made to work under guard , doing odd
jobs about the post grounds. "
"Do any of the prisoners try to escape
while while working under guard ? "
"Yes , once In a while. List week , for
Instance , ono of the prisoners , Private
Miller , of the battery , was doing hia dally
task , whan suddenly ho dropped his
tools , bounded away llko a cat ,
and broke for the gateway.
Ho was fired at by some of his pursuers ,
who wanted to bring him down by
wounding him , but ho succeeded in mak
ing good his escape. Yes , wo finally
succeeded in capturing him , late at night
down town. Such a man , when captured
and taken back , baa his penalty or his
aska increased , for attempting to escape.
As a general thing , however , the prison-
era arc content to servo their senten
ces , knowing pretty well that their chan
ces of escape are oven poorer than In a
civil prison. "
"Da the prisoners enjoy the regular
diet of the post ? "
"Yes , they have the same food as the
soldiers , and are treated well in all re-
apects. By the way , there Is considera
ble mlsapprshenslon outside abont the
faro that wo soldiers have hero. A great
many people think that the soldiers have
no stomachs , andean fill up just as well
on hard tack , mess bacon and rook bis
cuits as well as on more delicate
provendnr , I suppose that many of
them believe In fact that we h&vo to live
in just that way. It's all nonsense , how-
over. The soldiers live In just as good
style as the bulk of your town people. Of
course wo don't have any delicacies , but
wo enjoy good , plain fare. Wo have all
the garden vegetables wo want , besides
good moats of various kinds. "
"No , I'm sorry , but 1 can't let you
pass In. 1 wish I could , but I've strict
orders against It. Good night , " and the
sergeant of the guard disappeared In the
Ait Explanation
To the Kdltor of The BEE.
With all-duo deference to the members
of the A. M. E. church , I am compelled
to enlighten thoaa who are constantly
asking In reference to the financial condi
tion of the came , as far as I atn directly
Some time ago there were toveral
prizes to bo given to those who succeeded
in gathering the largest umonnt of money
Being employed In the U. P. buildintr
and as messenger in the general managers
office , I naturally came in contact with
almost all of the employes wotkibg there
in. Asaiulo they are parsons who are
over ready and willing to assist any laud-
ublo project. My superiors wore very
clnd and allowed mo to go about aud so-
icit where 1 could , and by their Indul1
; cnce , I collected from various people
ibout § 100. I received aid from the
roalthlest down to the lowest salaried
employes , ,
Whan the time came to turn over the
noney and get the prlzss there scorned
o ba a little something wrAng aud it has t
lot been righted yet.
For a long time there anroly has boon
> ad management In the money matters of
ho church. I deposited the money In
ho Omaha National bank and the certlfi
ate was ready to hand over ss soon as
ho watch was handed to mo. The truth
f the matter was that those who had
ho management of that af-
air never Intended to give thoio prizes
t all. If thty did why did I not get my
watch ?
M Some of tro persons who contributed
mvo aald , where la that sixty (00) ( ) dollar
old watch f \ \ list can I oay'f la It to
> o supposed the church people would try
and obtain money under false protensst'
A an Illustration of the manngcnmu
f the buelncss I want ti cite one in-
Unco , namely to t (
In our city is n colored brags band ,
orapoaed of young men who hold no lu-
ratlvo poeitioiu ; young men whoso pa-
enta and relatives are either inembi'ra or
ttond&nts on the aatno church ; youni > &
nen who h&vo ever been ready ouU will
ug to lend a helping hand and da all in
Iteir power to maku the ttfilr successful ,
oclally and financially ; these young men II
lave had to iny fur thulr InitruuiotitJ ,
hulr musical instruction and their nui-
Now , has this church shown their ap-
iroclatlon of the manly ctljrta of thcto at
oung men ?
Dining this week eovoral entertain- .
icnta are to ba g'.vou at which the tor-
lean of n brass band will be required. J
ndorstand the Omaha baud ottered their cc
orvlcos to the dm rah for thirty V30) ? )
1'ari , Was their clfcr accepted ? No. If
The SU Joe band h s boon employed ,
thereby necessitatlne the expenditure of
over $100. Would It not have
bettor to 8avo that aovonty ( $70) ) or moro
dollars , and pat In the fnnd to help wipe
ont the debt ? They fool very indignant
abont the shabby way they have been
treated , and it Is no moro than natural
that they would.
A little more , and I am done , whenever
over I ami handeda : ; GO dollar gold
watch with the jeweler's certificate as to
Its worth 1 will turn the money over to
the proper person or persona but not un
til then.
1 have done na mnoh If not mora than
any Individual toward trying to solicit aid
for the charch. I am not a member , but
I llko good people , llko to assist the
church , bat I detest these old hypocrites
who are walking about In tha garb of
Christians , when In reality , they are vo-
raolona wolros ,
Thanking you for the apaca yon have
allowed mo , 1 am yours respectfully ,
OMAUA , July 20 , 1885.
The following transfers were filed July
18 , with the connty clerk , and reported
for the BEE by Amos' Heal Estate agency :
E. H. Steckloy ( sint-lo ) to George W.
Tlllson , s 50 ft of u 150 f t blk 11 , Rad-
Ick's snb-divaslou add to Omaha , w d ,
Jostah Kent and wife to F. E. Dworak
and others , a i of lot 8 blk 12 , Kountzi's
3d add to Omaha , w d , § 1,150.
J. Bradford Piper and wife to Goo. A.
Wllcox , a 15 ft of lot 15 blk 2 , llanscom
place addto ( Omaha , w d , $300.
Richard Stobblns and wife to Adnllno
T. Hoyt , n i of lot 5 blk 3 , sub-division
of Ilodlck'fl ' add to Omaha , w d , § 1,000.
Susan 0. Hurlbut to Everett G. Bal
lon , o 48 ft of w A of s 127V ft corner blk
of Shlnn'a ' 2d add to Omaha , w d , $350.
John Chollman and wife to Charles H.
Brown , lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 10 , 9 , 8 , 7 , blk C ,
and lot G blk 1 , Hyde park , w d , $1,575.
, Itobbcrs and " \Vlfe-Boatcro
on Xrlnl Tlio Usual Routine.
Aa usual thera was a goodly throng of
culprits In Judge Stonberg's court yes
terday morning.
John lilnea , a chronic drunk waltzed
to the front and pziil n fine of $10 and
Thirteen tramps were arranged ; four
were sent to jail on five days' sentences ,
while the others wore ordered out of
Charles Whitney and Jamoa Howard
pleaded guilty to a charge of Intoxica
tion and wont to jail in default of fine.
Peter Nelson paid a llko fine and waa re
John Began , John McGinty , Tom
Sannders and a yotftig woman by the
name of Wclton , brought up for drunk
enness , wore released.
Richard Glen alias Ellas Clayport , who
tried toeing John Ilardlgan yesterday , was
given a sentence of ninety days in the
county jail , but was released on a prom
ise to leave town Immediately. He
started at a Hand S gait for the depot
and has gone to the Blufft.
Pat Rockbud , the Individual who has
figured more than onca on the pollco
docket , was again * arraigned thla
morning , this time for beating
his wifo. Mrt. II. appeared In
court with her arm in a sling , and said
that her husband had cruelly beaten her
and had broken her arm. After that , ho
had threatened to do up Marshal Cum-
mlngs , Judge Stenberg and the whole po
llco force. Rockbud Insisted valiantly
that he waa innocent , demanded that a
doctor bo detailed to examine Mrs Il'a
arm and eeo if it was broken , etc. , etc.
The judge concluded that ho was guilty ,
and sent him to the county jail for 30
Frank Coots , Lottie Coombes and Roea
Mason , aupponed to be engaged in the
plot to nlug and rob John Wicks , the
mm from the Bluffs , wore sent to jail ,
together with the witness , to await fur
ther examination.
& Tramp In the ilivor ,
A rumor flew through the air yesterday
morning that another unfortunate boy
had been drowned in the Mlsaourl river ,
down near Boyd's packing house but It
turned ont to bo a false rumor. The
pollco got after throe tramps and gave
them chaso. Ono jumped Into the river ,
thinking probibly , that ho could swim
across It and got array , but found his
task an extremely hazardous ono. Had
his companions not have pulled him out
ho would have drowned.
N. Crew , of Kearney , la at the 1'axlon.
II , M. IJliea went , yesterday , to Now York ,
C. W. Thomas , of Grand , ia at the Paxton ,
Judge Newell , of I'lattsmoutli , ia in the
Judge Dundy arrived Saturday night from
Falls City.
J , C. Smiley acd Chas , Beck , cf Kewaneo ,
111. , arc at the Pavtou.
* ! iGeo , II. Towers , of tlio Uoatilco Republi
can , la In the city yesterday ,
William 1'inkerton , the famous Chicago de
tective , with bis wife , ia In the city.
Judiro Hull leavea to-day for a three
weeks' > Iait to Coimy Island.
G. H. Lane , assistant to President Adams ,
tbo Union 1'iciOc , left yesterday fcrSt ,
W. II , B. Stout onil wife , Mlea Fannie
Stout , and Mtaa Mollla Dreiman , of Lincoln ,
are at the 1'axton.
Misa Junuia MoVann , of ( hia city , baa gene
Cedar JUpida , Iowa , to epend a few weaks
with her family
MisaJojephino Turnoy , of Sandusky , City ,
Ohio , is a guest of her friend and schoolmate ,
Mra. C , S. Soule.
Mrf. A. 0. Adam , who hia boon visitinp
frlenda In Chicago and Davenport , returned
thla city Sunday.
Mr. If. Hinly , of tbo 00 : store , went to
Lincoln Sunday uilh a new of etarticg a
branch toro at that place , on
"LIeut. " Gordon has just returned from a \
month'd trip to Lincoln , Deu\er and Chicago , C
and other localitioi < > nt and west.
C. U. Thorpe , Wuhoo. D , U. Welpton ,
Uistingi. A. 0 Frey Denver , D. 15. Faulk
ner , Ua Muinei , are at the Arcade ,
K. S. Martin , Fremont , Goo , W , Go dare ,
Portsmouth , H , S. JVocJ , N. Griffith ,
Chicago , Frank Sanders , llockport , Mo. , nru
tbe CaulielJ.
Tcomas lirennau , late secretary of tbe land
league , has made up bin mind to come to
Omaha , and will practice law at
ounty bar. Ha ia a very bright joung man
will be aa honoroblo addition to Hie array of
local barriiteie.
VnnlllnI.cinntiOrntiBr , elr. , flnvorOr.iisR
Crenmi.PiiddlliKinl'v.iii * ilrllcnlelyniid m t
liritlly ni ( licfi nit from ulilch they are mode ,
pneptnto or THI
Price Baking : Powder Co. ,
Olliccfio , III. Ct. Loula , MO.
UlKIftt OF
Dr. Price's Cream Raking Powder
Dr. Price's Lupuliii Ycnst Gems ,
licit Dry IIn | > Yrntt.
KISSE In thin city , July 18th , at C p. m. ,
Mr. Herman Hisso , aged 51 years.
Funeral will take place on Tuesday , July
21st , at 10 a , m. , from bis late residence ,
Seventh and Dorcaa streets. Interment at
German Catholic cemetery.
BOOTII-In thla city , July 13th , John S ,
infant son of Mr , aud Mrs. John S , Booth.
Funeral took place on Sunday , July 10th ,
County Commissioners.
SATTJUDAY , July 18,1884.
Board mot pursuant to adjournment
Present Commisaloners O'Koefle , Cor-
loan nnd TImmo.
The following accounts were allowed :
S. G. Jones , ditching . .S 25 2 ! )
lj. Shipley , work on road 1C 50
F. I'et ? , work on road 10 50
II. Avery , grading fiO 00
D. Redman , " 3100
L. J. Hickey , " 2575
O. Brown , " 20 00
W. F. Kennelly , grading 5 CO
" . 23Hi ( !
T. Robinson bridge work.- 200 00
Adjourned to 2'd inst.
_ jn _ GJ , Clerk.
Xho "Weather.
Yesterday waa ono of the moat op
pressive character. The mercury com
menced to exhibit Its climbing agility
early in the morning and steadily rose un
til at noon It had reached the mark of
91 ° . Later , at half peat 3 o'clock , the
thermometer registered 1)0 ) ° in the shade ,
or over ISO11 In the aim. The heat was
moro felt to-day than on Saturday , because -
cause there has been leea wind prevail
No dangerous cases of annatroko were
reported yesterday notwlthatanding
the Intcnao heat. Oflicer Potr JMatza
waa overcome by the heat near the depot
in'tho afternoon and taken home bj Officer
Gzcen , His case la not seriona.
Ono man Is said to have been mur
dered by a committee of Indignant citi
zens , near the corner of Twelfth and -b'ar-
natn He waa going through tbo
streets propounding to every acqualn-
tanca he met tbo Insulting question ,
"Awful hot , d'ye know it ? "
Absolutely Pure8
TLle powder never 7arlo , A marvel ol pniotj
strength and wholejomeno33. Uoro oeonoLHcUtbar.
tbo grdlnary kluda.and caunrtia \ gold In compctl
tton with the multitude of low teat , ehcrt weigh )
main of nbjeuhrto powders. HeM only In c n
Y110 A HAKINU I'OWDBU CO. . 109 Wall lit ; If .7
i :
al ,
< l'i
Tlio largccit Modlcnl inndtuto Woot of
MIS3l8Oippl Rlvar. \
Fifty roorni for llm iut niid-ttl < n of patient * . Th V
'liltli'Jnn mill - urcn Jti cluiruu i f I In lii tltiiln hal
iad Hiui n > i.u-i of ha crsjful | uu < lm < , nml l > uliled we
y n lhliinij < r riiro ciinricuiu u H UalWa In weV
liplruiinud n patiininiH
U itirn ion ( IKI ui AK i i l > tormllli > s and Ilraroi DlPRia V
lofHuiiKv rno Tuninn , tunrtri Ctiarrli , Iliomlil dn
* Inliu'allnti ' Mi-rtrlrltt . .
rurul\ l Fptkivr. KldDev.
I-B Rtr nkln and tlc.nil lii.oak.'s u rtto fur
1'itivjTK , t FCUL tttid M'tiroua r > Utaif > II ] nl
\Vcaknrax HU'rmat | < > rrbri'it BviiilllH ( , lotn htrtdure > art
cor3u ] uml all cildoubi of tt t * likuarriind FMIIII ! cf n
mt ( treated b ) iurrt > immU nru or IN rvnn\ly \ ( tniMi utlal
WinJlclnfiiii'Dl by TUHll 01 exprt-m uttlinut markH tu IriJl
cato co itfntn or render A < lmm &ll Ifttox to
15th btroet , Corner of C'upUuiAvciiut ) , . UUA1J/ "
"Use nothing but Natural Mineral F 10
Water , suf/i as APOLUNA1US ,
free from all vegetable poisons. " F 1
Boston Journal.
0/ail < jr < xen , Druffnii , Cf Mm , ffa. . t ) < aten , F
MONFvro lo v Insiitns olSlOOCO and miw rd ,
on first (1 luulntM city property , for ( i ix-r
nt. No cou inl'eions of nj kind ch&wi. O. K.
Dmls , FIKC'H ! Lmnlcent N. W. H Life Int. Co. ,
H05 ratnimSlrcit.
MOMIT TO ixus At once Mid without ilclnv en
reft reUto , In Urge or ercAll itncunt ) . on tlmo
to tult Losns nmdo n'soon cell tcr l , chftttclt or
liny gocul fcciitltiromrlb , qtiltttv nnl t Iho
o cBtr > o elblornt. Ajijilr it Iho Om&h * Kmin-
did Exclnnge , 1ED3 Farnnmst , upttelri. VBItf
MOSHT to lo n In urnt $700 > rn1 up-mnU on
Srst-class real citato locality. Potter A Cohb.
1616 Putnam St. 718-tf
MO.NRT TO LOAN On rc l cpUto ( ccunly In any
kmotint flora WOO to ? 25COO , at icMonnblo
rttcs ot Interest. No coinmlselora ( hstRfil borrow ci.
0. B. Slujno &Co. , S. W. Cor. 16th ml Farnam.
& 83-Julj23
MON I MON T | | MOMIT ! II Money to Loan-On
ch ttcl security by W. It. Croft , room 4 , With-
null building , N. K. corner Htn und H rcoy After
ycnrs of experience and n careful study of tbo bust *
ntsa cf loanlne money on personal property , I have
atlait pcrfoctod ft system whereby the publloltn
utuM In such caei Is done Avray wlth.eml I am no.f
In position to rnrettho dcmniule ot til * ho bccomo
temporarily cmbarraiacd and desire to raise msnoy
without dclaj and In a quiet manner. Iloiiiokeep
er ? , professional pontlcincn , mechanics and others In
thla city can obtain ad\ancts Irom S10 to $1,000 on
( iich Eccurlt } as household tnrnlturo , plnnos , rni-
chlnery , horses , wngone , narohousa receipts , secur
ed notes of hand , etc. , without removing came from
owners residence or place of builnees. All *
Cn flno Watches and Dlamoiidf , Ono of the
adittntaffM I offer Is that any part ot any loan ran
bo paid nt any tlmo which will reduce tno Interest
pro rata nnd all loans renewed at the original rates
of Interest , 1 ha > ono brokers In connection with
mj ollico , but personally superintend Ml my loans ,
I hate private ollicta connected with my general
ollico so thai customers do not como In contact nlth
each other , consequently making all transacttona
itrlctly pilvatc W. It. Crolt , room t , Wlthncll
bulldlne , N. K. cor. J5th and Ilarney. 6S3 Jly-r6
MONKY I.OANKD at 0. F. Rood &Co's Loan office
on furniture , pianos , horses , natrons , personal
property of all kinds and all otho mtlclos of raluo ,
without removal. Over let National Bank.oorncr 13th
md Karnim. All business strictly confldontlal
720 tf
Vf ONEY To loan on chattels , Woolloy & Harrison ,
rl Hoorn JO , Omaha National bank building
M ONEY TO LOAN Ou leal estate and chattels
U. L. Thomas. 722tf.
0/rONKY / Loaned on chattels , cut rate , It. It
LjJLtloketg nought and sold. A. yorman,21S S , 13th St
723 tf
VTOrfET TO LOAN In bnma ol ( SCOand upward ,
IVi. 0. f. Davis and Co. , Bet ] Kftata and Loin
tc-nnla. 180ft Farnam S > . 72411
Y\7"AMRii Qlrl to care for luliy and assist In din
Tt Intercom. No. 4038 llth St. 803-LOp
| 7AMM > A ( food kitchen ( rlil , K\V cor. Hamilton
T mid 1'icr , North Omaha. 20.21p
WANTRB A gooJ pirl v\h N Uih to work In a
tailor eli3i. ( tny \ at Fred Kicker , 1703 St.
Marj 's Ao. . 300 0ji
W ANTRDAn cupcrknced giil to wait on tnble J
H. Getty. 1417 Douglas street. 301-10
WASTi-D-Girl for general houqcuork at once
ln > . D. ll.GoJdrich , 1017 Pork A > o , rr at
water worts olfico 107.20
WASTM > Woman cook at once , 210 S , 10th St.
by F. It. Do\v , 285 21p
W ASTKD Nurse girl , 1003 Farnam street.
22 tf
ANTHD A good ihlrtlrnccr cancet etcsdvwork
T and Kood P1J" by addressing N . M , , Bee cllloo.
Wi AVTKU Oirl from 12 to 15 jimrs old for light
house work , 635 Pleasant St. 258-20p
7ANTXD A Rlrl to do general housework , at 2015
VV California t. 267-21p
TTJT'AVTRD LacU spo tj i\0 \ a d y ith rav cn-
Vi dcrful brnr d ntw rulli r m rtc'garuicnt for fc-
mulcs ; 1 idles ( . ' uilder it. JUdini I. l.lttlc , Itox
O , 1 1 _ 133-1 _
"i 1 wlthlrtrirnn < < p'acfBln V-oUl" , ] > rl.
\o. e f.nil ) , cooks , gro. m Bill4 , Mtchcn ,
andlkunt'rj work fta , can lo > fnd t ; ililic
aiu „ ' olwi'iit S3 , SJ.50 , * 4 rinu S"i ] ir ek. Call
onOu nhahu i lo > ii-cntlurctii ! , 1120 Farnaast.
W A goodwoman cook at 1011 DodireSt ,
. AOK\is-No\eltleg In ladles' and
YX 7AviKii-l.iPV \ - \
IT childrciiB1 w car Oicr 40 new designs. Noth-
llko Ibtm Edl IB fast aa ehown. Over 1,000
agentrnako J709 rcoutrly. Address with etamp.
K II. ttimpbill & Co. , 0 South May etreet , Chicago.
o Threooipeilcrced women canvas ers ,
A6 i er daj , gusratitcoi ; room 7 , Kodlck b'ock.
, D Firt-t-cl 8a dlnlnff room plrl at tbe llet-
ropollUa hctcl ; nouo otncr need upply. 21-tl
WAMKD A roy 17 or 18 years ol < % Uarroan or
Scindlna\iaa prefencd S. Lehman 110 ? Far-
namSt , 283 tf
WAVTRD Arcllabloacthoyourgman , 10 or 18
jeais old , one that can get up earlv , must be a
good penman and come wc'l rccorumcctled. Addrcsa
"Mall" thla oinco. 883-2Qp
WANTED A vnlllrav . Inquire ai TT > r < ! ra ( Inoa meat
Iturkot , Oth St. 258-2Ip
TTfTANTin-I'rlnter. A gcodprlntfr , with satisfno-
Vi torvrECommcndaticns , willba gimi a perma
nent BlttiaUcn Call en or address J. E. Brown ,
roomNo. S3Millard hotel. OS.tOp
W AVTFD Onetteam Utter anilcii ] > lii3ibcr. Ap
ply ; tj J. 11. KlUhon , 1'axton botii. 3Q8-22
PRINTKIl WANTKD A competent , itliable man ,
at lo to do job work I'crmarcst rlluatk n to tbe
right man , The Tribune , O'Neill , Nob. 281-21
\VV\NTED Salesmen to handle our goods. They
T * 6 < lllo biulni'91 men at ght. ( Jditletnen
HoUngtur pa > fni bielncai uill mil ln\ejtlgato ,
n . Co , .st ( rmleo Hotel
fur tno Chamtlcii Ink Krascr
Omaha , Nib. 254-aiijl7
n A ( ( ntj to p ll the Pee p'o's Family Atlai
T T of tte Woild , at d Ko'.lj's IristiU.tor. on wceHy
pirmcn'f. Call a tcrnoon or adJrcsi 302. N , 13.
bt'crt , Oruaba ISJ-2Zp
A ORNTHWANTKD. Address St. Loula Fltctrlo I mp
xi.Co , St Loulj for tlrculir , cuta nnd turu of tlio
ounllo pOAor Uaifch Ucotrlo Lamp , 311-JU12
XITAMKU Agfntj In c\cry county to eollclt for
II the Mutual Bcrcnt AFtoclatlon cf Onuha.Neb.
Call on or tdurcan Otto Libtck , iccrclory niul ( Icn- st
eral llanigrr , 1222 l-aiua n Ntrcet. 748augl
W'A > mii llya inddTiraiud ! nun an , B sltuntlcn
a. . hou-ekccper or IIUIHI , or la an } pceltion
Aherotliowork lauct laliorlouh. 0. y , , lie ' " "
ITTASII -Kltmt'ori na houatkoi-por or eu inn till
IT In jirhatoliuuso ot hottl. Jrfulro | or adurots
. Mc-I , 1318 Oa-abt 2BT 20p
X\TA\ri'n-S t'litlon ' bj a llrat class thncr ; K'od
11 rt'firjniwunilihtil If tics r.d. AclilriHi Ar-
ircntico Htl'aiil Nth. 201 lop
TI'ANTFH T onty fl > o pond tcmr ti work on
11 Illn k Iltil bull Ji hiuux City & . rrlllo H II.
Aifo * ft uM | il are rcr day , board and Iced roagnn-
lju | , ti thlp in o-iil of tttol/rco lr ifporlnt'on. ' Ir-
luire a1MJVIII llui at mala ur J. 1' . UcuMi'ii , U. 1 *
i.iiii fjtnc 1II ullf , lk t 20l-2/ | > Ij
ll'10NS ln > lni : 8 l > 0 to ? | ,600 in Invett cm find
apiont llo jl co t | iit itly iling on or ad-
rctti g 1'atuuin < \ . , aoull.uett curner I'l'-
lentb ar.d Karuatn , Ooikha , 2SU CO
'ASTKU-B arder , osrilleut board il'an , alrj
r urn , ( ; * 1.2S and $1 W j cr
ictK , riimo and irj , 1318 Captc 1 Am " 1 tip
i Two or tlrec nufniiilKhcil rco'ns , or I
icu i oulsuli of town ; gjuil loi-i'liin. Ad-
Ot' '
ri7AMrn-6(0 r'oilo lo hrlni ; tl.o'r viatcfccs to
TV hdhrlin t UilcksoD'HtolierejiilruJ. Hitls'nrtlon '
uartnttcd. 13 > t' '
ny dj In r.cod u a wimni ; rni . ipl-
rhino , to see the new Improved Am.'rlcin No.
I' K. I'lodiiinn U. Co. wenta SSoK16th. ! ffiOif 1
' r
wr nouaF.8 ANIJ mm
ow KE T 6 rjcm homo lu fed orderpply Juu
70RiK.-tT Uliok IKUSO JO oem , fuitaUo for A :
botrdloe home , < anKt , tctwten llttiand 1Mb bn
C V. il > no&C < > . ] 5thand runirn. 2 a if
710K Mil Cbcau btcre , 311 N 1Mb slreel. F
878 24p
* RKM-Cottagoo' &r uuja DO LiavuuB '
t'uo.110.ttin A | pl > i 3 H iOlhSt.
T'OttiiKir N'tiwlruu-n cutUfce reid ) < nr < c a F
lia < n July 20,1) ) , 7 ijlu n fr m c art hoi In .
jo at ' cket ctflct , i 821 K > uci.m L 2U tf I to
OR RT7 room home , Recd location. Inquire
lldrorol Un hotel. jsj.Jo
ipOR R NtHoiw UIBChlrapo it. Inquire at John
S llt Co i. ivh Lil Chicago. SS6-eOp
FOR RiixT-lIouscs of G nd S roorrs in No 1 lo -
tlon. Api ly at ollico ol c. I. Taj lor , SW. cor.
llth and Dmuhv . 175 f
fYORRBstCottnKo on St , Marj' Me. , near 1'hll
t' $ hcild ni > t ; $ .0rir nmiito K W. Orav , ( Illi
Mil DflURlaj. 280-JO
IjVR nt.sT Ilonio ol 0 rnrms icrncr Uth and
I.ciu en worth Irqiilro cf John Hanlln 811 s
llth St. 14320i (
IpoR RitVT A bulldln5if34. Inquire at To ton
' drj goods store , s. loth ( t , OJftf
TOR Rf-vr A flrstiloss cottage , with Rood larir *
Jc lia'ii.will IK ) fnrrint on or alxnit October lot In.
qulro at lldholmA Kriikacna , tiff l0. .
FOR RUNT A ( table for 8 horecs ono block south
of tbo U. 1' . ilipot Inquire of U. Lee , grocer ,
225 travrnworth. 74tl
FOR RUNT Cottage 0 rooms , riouiw 10 room' . J ,
1'hlppl Hoc , Seward and Campbell. RSl-tt
HOOfllS JfUU UllilNT.
Foti RrM Furnished or unlurnlilicd new cottage ,
with iMgo ) rd , 21 tSt , cno bloik noith of bt.
Mar j' \ \ e. 283 22 | >
iron RP\I Two futnlilioit front rooms with or
JL1 without board , 1711 California etrett So8-21p
Foil R M A Urge plcaiant lurnltbod front room
1D13 Jones St. M2-S2p
T7loriR > VT FwnliLcil room , lB09rarnam BtreeJ.
FOR RRVT At CIS S. 18'h St , hariHnmrh fur-
n I.she J front i < n > lor , sultftblo for gentleman and
wile , lu a | leftsint location. 212-21 p
TT > ORRRM Handsome funi'sbcd rocnn , 18I6 _ Dodge
FOR RK.\T A hrgo nkely luinUhed rooai ; iroilcrn
convcniciKcti , 17SU C | .ltol Aic. 2 5-20p
FOR UIIST FnrnlshcJ room , 1717 Cass street "rp
Jcu. Uoatty. noit
FOR ni.\T Flno largo furnished room , cnst > nd
south front , half block from strict car , 30 Picas-
( int St. 13D-20p
IrOR RKNT Itirnlshtd rooms , from ? " to SIP , f > 10
1 ricrsant etKct. I03.'Jp
FOR RF.NT Furnished front room , 1301 rapitol
A\cnuo 105-2'i |
tpoR iti"r biiltuof 0 roorrn , nirnlsheil , on fecand
1 tlcnr , SaunJiu st. Ililluullius , 317 S 13th I , :
I 1 I ORRRST Furnished rcoms , 1517 DaNenpott St
I/OB R T T o liirnli-lit'd r'orns , ono hrgo froit
" room vith bay wludaw. And ono email nom at
J.'i per month ; a'ao ono uiilnnilrhid room , at OO'i K.
17th St 131-tf
I/ioa nrvr biilto of ncnlj furrUncd rooms , 1611
JD Callfo-nla Bt. E. D. Van Court. B73tf
i on RUNT turnlahcd room. loqulro dm ? stntc
1 10th end Dougla- . D77-U
Foinirvr li Ncbrnsla Natloml bank bnllllng !
flibtll or , ono biilto ol tno looir.slUtly 01 tiipled
by Orccno & . Sreckenridj ; " . i tt joil flojr , ono la 1 3
roc in. Apply tt bank , Old 20
IORRKVT TJniu'nishcd rooms In Beeiner's block
F Uur.Stnaml Howard. SJOil
Fnn nK\T Furn'shcd rooms for light housceplnp ,
ID llcc'incr's bk'ctr , CorSth nnd Howard 709tf
TTloa HK\'T With board , nicely fnrm hcd south
C ? room , with use of parlor ; also gac , and bath 1400
Jones St. BlStf
FOR. RKST rieasaut room furrilshcd , 1123 Howard
St. 42Wf
ORriRNT Juno2Sth , two connected rooms with
board ; front room , Btmth-oast. 1011 Webster.
wo o egani OUICCB nOusbmann'a block.
TTlOR RUNT For manufiic'urlDB pnrrjosos or hall ,
J11 urge room 44x75,3d iloor , No. 110 8. 14th ot. ,
enquire at 1409 Dodge bt. A. J. Simpson.
( Ton RR.NT-Centrally located lurnlulitd rooms at
I'f12Sarmth 15th St. 713-tf
IT OR RRVT Luree front room on flret floor with or
U without board ; Inqulro at 1901 Farnam St.837tf
837-tf ?
ROOMS With boar < tdot > lrabla for eummer. Applj ,
at Bt. Cbailea Hotel. 71S-tf _
OR 8AI.R B acres of land nqir city limit * , cheap ;
-I1 \oiablo condition ) ; reason , ga\ig \ away from
town. Addreis J. D. Eee office. 174-SOp
FORHAIK-(231) ( ) New ctl.u'o6roomiery nice ,
good lot 3 blocks west ol l' k Anemic 8 ,000
this Is a great targa'n , 0. E. Hajno &Co ,15th
acd Farcam. 271-21
POR ( Alv. Lot" cheap and jjoid at $ ! ' 6 to f.r > ! 5
cacti , on > trc t or Una and on terms tocaiy that
jon can haw a home now chciper than eicr , Anca
1B07 Fsrnam. 2BC-20
Hou'oand i acie of gr und on Pher
man A\c.7roons ; , well , cittern and barn , a'l ' for
? 3.DOO ; terms easy. A. Saundcis & Co , opp. Paxjon.
iSltf to
FOR HALK(0 ( ( Housotnl 5 lols In Pipilllcn ;
will trade for vacant lota in Omaha. C. E. Mayno JL
& Co. 15th and Faintm. 271 21
FOR RKST-Home 4 roong , with barn , desirable.
Eallou Dros. , 817 S ISth street. 185-21
FOR HALF Nice residence property on I'ark Av. ,
will takoTarant lots In part payment. Ilallou
Uros. , 317 S 13thstreet. lt > 6-21
FOR SALFLota at $175 to $2 0 each , culy 10 mln-
utoj naH from lUnscom I'ttikoieasy terms
tathocowho wanta good homo. Amue , 1507 Far.
nam. 103-21
- ) - corner lot ; cottryo 7
loomt ; west OtnahB , 8,2100. $500 down and { 25
per nciitli. C. E. Mayno 4 , Co.-16th aiJ Fnrnam. Ic
ni o or 4 lots Marion l'laco ; | ll trade for residence
.Landpay dllferoncoln CAsb , W , H. Urcco , o\cr I
M National Bank. , 733tf
FOR8ALK SJ3fcct onCuinlng liotwoen 10th nd20th
with house,32,700. Uodfurd & Souer. 717-tf
| ' . . - ? , fMxHOfccton Farnnm street ,
1 south front , elegant locution , mwt bo sold. W ,
U. Green , OMr ? let tiatlonal Bank. 619 tf
Foil 8UK-largo house , newly built , 9 rooms , all
modern Iruprcncinuita with t ot , at 171G 333 HCl
; Inquire at premises. 727tf Illf !
lie >
FofisAi.K-(23l-II ( ) < ti o7 raums , 18th St , rear fit
Maii s Avenue , tH.W , Torma eas3 C. K , '
> noiSCo. 16thand Karnim. 271-21 D
i7os SAir-Loti that Mill ileuUo in value III less
Ilian 13 nionths In Clarendon sii.l Alllnirton , > >
Btioitcir * m ko them specially Ucsl-ublo , 1'ilie
SI2B to fv.'t , lencs t } 6U.u Amos , 1M)7 ) farnaai.
2iO 21
IT OR BAI.K Ito Ifct Iroi.t i n Virginia avcnuo , ono
1 block from head of Kt Mirj's avi. $3,0 0 ffr
, orSl.bOOfor half. W. II. Uruon , over let Na.
tlonal luub CIO tf
Ji'-oit HU.K-P rtv IOIH fur 'Uo on Hurt uud Cuir.lnTa
' bi tw too 23th and 81st cheap , InuiJo property
pdford ti Eousr. 723 tl Is1
' r old IH-HO , no'uht l.COO log Is1L
1810 Wibstir Ht'net. 2CO ! iii ( ,
Or would ti ilo or n KooJ horse and L
l'j-ir3SOn"rc3inOihier ( ; count ) .
Souih 13ihH rmt. 16 ( , (
on NAiR-'luo wlied out , ihcsp. Wijj.
liaLHftMLi : m , U03 Furiain. fl , t ( P
j'ciihLK- V full lo lher top buzgy with p > lo and dli >
1 nbufis In gojil rti a r , fur CO. Addruiw 2llr
rtcb tor etrctt. 23i iOp
OK HiLK-Fuiiiilnroand l.u oof boirdlnir hou :
1 Hilo-iim , AUuriHJl.ll IlFOOtlku r
-A bunc'iof Slots , < io r jrorerti , il
make special tunuslor InviBtinsnt , llallru llroj ,
M 13th roil. 1U5-21
F'on D4LK-A rloa jouns toim o' nurm ( rood Lu _ ' Live
tli aud liariuts. li ijuira at hdhotm i. i rlckeon'ii
iplI' P 13tl
. lic-ik'r aud unonc , JO horse power bol.'u ' /
IPOKKiU.K ( ino , In K n'il lunnliiK ordtr ; want to utll
the ri'tcu llai tricy aio not lrr o tncUtU for
liprcw madiirvry ivhicli uu Hill put line our riu
lUlluluK onllaru ) bx C.nrHo Dros. & Co. , HCU
'iau.St. M7tl
L M no haiiil at a dar iln. 10 ] Hinond Inud -in
JL c-irrtago iluelun andHida arbu lto , a'lio uui < J 'at '
i jnj'uuntlulu-3. at HU3-H11 iJoJ.'u t > t , iliti
5-y _
rj\iB tK-A tfoo < t p'ino , cliiaj. Mia. A C'aldur- '
wo d , laiacalllo nlabt.
) B t eiumJirproi d and unimproud Unda
iu > 'iLrnta and | oa lo ixchinge fvt innaha
IJ'OR Atn By lUmlln , V Ilrown SU S. llth St
J ? 41 x 13f > t on Hnrnoj St. ( ,000.
House and lot In Kountze2nj Add , lot (0 x S.'O
Iloutoand loton'outh llth it.$2JOJ.
IloiKO and lot on Oomcrit > t , near llatiur , J15CO.
0 < holt o lots In Kllbj ji'nca aud Jcrctni' i'ark , on
easy term *
A hsll Interest In an t bll bcd llm ) butmct *
this city.
I-nnils In Nrimtift , Rkunton anl Oto
5 itcro ttactiiKttb Omaha , $1850 , icry cho
Iioa KAMI 10 orcs S rnlle < from clt\ , near Hu cr ,
' < 0rfdfastf | ont , well 1 , rated , # 110 per acre.
A etc it liMpaln
Chnire lot In Ikul'o's add , $075.
One of the to tlinprcdiirncr lots In rajllllon ,
Sarpj con. tv , roi ( , iliosttckol general merchan-
ol at reifoinMo flgiiffn.
S'lvUO foot on Doueln rear ! 0 h St , $ : > ,00 ( > .
Corner lot { OiHO , on 14th HI , K untro'B 3d add ,
3 room IIOUJP , cclhr sin ! w'tll , S'.bOO. '
CO feet on Karnam , tear 18thJ. O.COO.
60x20J feet on S 10th * ticet , Keuittc's 2J add ,
Rood 4 room hnoso , Btnllc , , > to. , J2SOCl.
t < olin , 10,17 and IS , blork 6 , llanscom Dice ,
Sl.COO , nt cany tcrnir.
I ot 10 , blcck 5II n c m I'Uoc , ? 05at exir terror *
totao , U-ck 17 , llantcom I Ujc , ti.S..O , ab ewy
Ixt IB , We t Knda < IJ. , Karnam St. , Enuth front ,
? l,950 , terrp.
Cor lot 8 , Hock 10 , 1'.irkcr'a add , ? l,0rx ) , at easy
Lot OOiHO. cnst front In Ilorbsi h's Ut add , ? t,8M >
At OJST term ? .
Let 76il2B , S 17th RL , nou Center , 11,050
41 fcot front on Farnaiu ncir l ° th St , $125 | xr ft.
6il < 132 on ISth. no r Center , cMtffont ,
benne , ftilil' , well , etc * . , 5-,100. Do not fall to IUMW-
tlpitf ; this Is a bargain
ClicicolitH In 1'iUljcn'H , Clirk's , Dcnljo's , Han-
from and llurr Oak adds
A com ! a sottniont of bots'sfor rent.
! 0i 25 \ULSE.V .V CO. , 1613 Faruam St.
ITVm IAI.S A few til of our north Omahi lla lof
wowillilaso them cut at } IOJ each 830 down tn
balance 1 , ! and 3cJti They ate oily two blonlf
fioai ntrect < r . Nloo a 'htli Ijti , tiny uo worl
nenrly twlco the rrlw aekod. f K Mwio & Ci >
16th and Far-am 271-81
t1 \ \
ltVms L ! ' lotH In Omaha nt primn ml terras
JL1lthln Ibo reach ol nil. think of till ? , Iota In a
oil ) urnnlng like Omaha fir $126 to $525 each ; como
and imcst'Kato. Ames , 1C07 Karnam. 23C 20
1KLOTS Clo\ land pliconlthiu 4 blocks nt the CAI
t/llno and within two imnthn CMS will run In
front of property. Will sell or 111 tr Jo for Innldo
property and l \ different'in > allies In < ) Bh 1'nr-
ties h\\ tog uiorlKftij properly i in trade and 8 Hire
now property frco of IncuiubraiHC. W II Grocn.
over lot National Hink. 12Mf
Fort tmsii Best unoccupied ground In tha t.r for
narehomo bouno,87 feet front on lAonwi > 'rth ,
north bet 10th aud llthwill lease ( or VI yearn , lied-
forJ&Sauor. 73 Ml
MARION rues 0 Rsod lota In thla addition n-Uh-
In 8 blocks of street care , can be had on caay
terms. W II Orccn , o er let Kat'l Dank. 827-tt
F Ion H Li-Store flxtutis.Miry cbcnp , at O'OS. loth
btrtct , Omaha , s L. achwafct ? ; 29Z SOp .
FoR8Al.p-T < ! a\lnODiilut | lll fill orl-ns' ) on
lout : tlmo , a flno now ? room hous3nn < l liitn'lurc
The hoiiHohas all inoJcm linpro\cmcntb and Undo-
rtMrn 3 Motka from court house. AJdrcsa F I' 8 ,
217 S. 13th etrcit. 2S7tl
F IORSAI.R Ecstaurint an ! bakery In the eltv ot
ln , at 1235 0 street , , a tuojtars l nse on
a good two Tory lirkk hml lin ita niin lurninhcit
roon H up s'alr * . A complete bi'ier/arid ' rcHtaurtnt
a ( -ood route and n g-on and n Hi t-cl > a9 ns an rant ,
tradu ( loojro.ltoiu for soiling. J. K Crank , 123j
0 street , L'nco'n ' , Neb. 2J9-22p
rpOBXCHAMJK V 83,000 stock ol hran now Imd-
X ware.diroot from tbo factor } , lor good Nebraska-
To rent Four Epbndld offlcos.
! 70 tf K. C. 1'ATTKllSON , 13th and Farnim St.
TOKXCilAMiF A 21 room hoarding houaa ullh
BOOJ trade and delnp jc1" ' ' bunlno > . w 11 sill nt
t'ade for procryor s lion or far $1,0)0. Centrally
located. For particulars call an or address A IHrke ) ,
1234 Walnut St .Kansas Cltv , Mo. 2u'3 Jlp
OK SALS A nlro fruit nnd candy Htore In best
part of city. Adilrcaj Candy , Bee ollUo 25 ! 2)p
F OR HM.K A ( s'COil bikorv , In a ( , ' ' < ) ! location ,
cheap ; good reason. Address 0.1 ! . , Pieotlloo.
FOR BALK At a bargain , Metropolitan hotel , Ken-
caatt.Neb. AdJreas Ncodham Brou , KonuHaw ,
Neb. 2SO 23p _
rile KxciiASOR-For Oaaia or Lincoln rcjklcnCD
L 1'ropcrty ' 00HEO and grounds In Itcd Cloud ,
4,000. 10CO acres lin > l In WiU9tcr connty at JiO
ntr , acre , no Incumbranco. lUy O. Becker , fled
Cioud Neb. US SOp
I pore BALE Steam flour mill ; capacity 120 bbls. per
1 olo\atorcapacity,20,000busbclB ; ; good track
facilities ; only mill In Omaha. Will eoll or trade for
farm.'proncrty. Valued at $20,000. Vf. O. Orecn ,
or ut National Bank. 70Stl
pisismciiAi > cii About 8500 win buy an estab-
JJllshcd Lualnees , together with lease for one year
building. This is a good baigain for bomj onu
Address S. I' . , Ilca olllcc. BIStt
Mli . M IIASSKV , midwife , Maray and 10th street ,
will leave this oven'n for Davenport , Ion a , on
account of tbe death of her daughter In la\v 1'97-ZJp
AQDIKT HOMB For lidlcB during confinement.
Correspondence oonfldt ntUI. Address Lock Box.
i39 , Lincoln , Neb. 803-Au ; ; 12p
ADiRalf you want } our plumes or tips cleaned ,
JL/ dyed and curled ; llrst-clatu work guaranteed , go
Henry blnccrc , 1310 Jackson Bt. 433-Jly 22
. E. U. Hooper , tranoo cUlrvoyan
and boallDg medium , over 710 North IfllliS
_ 662-121
M as. BCIIROPKR Clairvoyant and Magnetic hcalo
Locates all pain and dldu&se , 707 N , 19th St.
437 July 10
D , A cilKHTRRFiiaD Uagncllo phyrlclaji , teat aori
do\ eloping medium , o\er 819 cortb 16th St ,
roi > T A. lnyhorH about 12 jcars oldcri ; r it
Jnhcn Itust [ ctn abont two nocla njjo. A suit il Ic
cnard wi 1 bo paid for the return or any Information
cad : n ; to hia reccncry. Addroda W. H , MQttvi.
3C5 ] i
est A b'ock Henrietta doth FCirfJctdij * trlmmtd
embroidery , Kiturii to513 Howard St
D \ rroUBC col 'red Jrrfoy co * , with lir o
hump , lloturntor. Kobt.lri',1617 Eaundcru bt.
LOST Tiidlcil'ro ' ' 'ct ' lib BIIII I u II ctam at-
tutbcd , and "JU'li"rii4raiel ( ( i < n lf In
cilp Icltore , tn < UiiJur uib h ' 0 > arilcd bv rttiirn.
ii181trotol.o * H J Nodd , it M lUllulill , v Co < H-
cr 13th and r ru m 81. iM 20
i'TiuM-noiistoij N Iarn ! n , wltb bii t . 'I , w Into
t' r in In rliivl , Inno In I It trout I i < hal'or
, > In vi in fruit f it. A'Jdrulth I 1 < rm tlori
rroiurn In anl retms reward , rujil ! , "hirimiu
. , bet Umaiid Center. - ' C4Mj ) ,
V A fi rill imro with whlto
etir in t'ia fi t.ii3al. Km l r * ill reoslvn a bber-
rrouit'd by ro'urnlliur tu Cum n'd & Cjiilnti , gro- aril U'lUnifo tint t C.I7-II
CTu OIH ratio" , or ( iirtlesi UUSICB Dr. M. M. Moore
t'13 Wjlus1 ! a\f. , I'hlciKO , Ills. , at Oinilit i'\try
d j8. Heart bUtiii f r circulir. 433 jly 2J
Mn'o 01 rca'o 'n'o e " I'v In amount
IJj tndu | ; e UJiir tjriuj. 1 r nt I Burttt ,
uf a liundriM > ho
uill taliu tliu dotlind liimu and < lv thi-m up In
i' < is < s'jlr , pli.iiu Hum tnUr i.'ilrm t < > , l.-i i-
. , Ueo o.Lc. . V0.'i ; ( | >
II U I' . I'irk boitol lH inUiii A W. nn V l > .
reid , iBnowopi'iitutbo public and cin bu rtntuil
pic nlci nud ei : iil t"liu'l"k' ' Npcchl rit < H lor
uivuii. Kur turuis , c-iIltraddroVilL U , tiehvteucl :
pillion , Ntb.
P.I > J IIAHI.I1'artlua fllililriif to ( inrcluiu brood
inarm fjr ranob purp > ei pluaio oill at Ilni.jn n
voiy ttu > > ! e , lia H'Jith ISth utrcut , Omilu. H92-tt
a , ( loci ii'.t Klro 3014 heart hum.
/Ia , ' luJiuinnl at uuo cuat , each by tb'J dailcrj
li8U'KS-On Kliborn and I'l..lto. T , Hurray.
7 UL. - <
IIIKW iiyim TAI , Iti f/ult fljvorod , U i ro-lotirnwj
i na otut uicJj by tbg dualera , 1'tjcio
on bnnjo trtjou by Q K OflUn
btck , at 1116 Capitol avo. l&O-ti
nivi an od rlcaa
way. A. Ktaan , UOJ l J/e bt. UiJiug'.ip
HKW BILVIIU Ta , It iloenaot tatut the breath , UIM
rodnctuedat ouvoect . ; U ky the Jeilcrj. l'e\rk