- - - -Tee-- THE DAILY BEE-- TUESDAY , OULY 22 , 1885. THE DAILY BftF. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Tueslay Morning , July 21 , gSUBSCRIFTlON KATES. By Cirri M eenli p r week sr M U - - - " 110.00 pti ye i MINOR MENTION , Roller , merchant tailor , for fine goods. There was no meeting o ! the city conncil'laat evening. ( fl25 yds. Good Bleached Muslin foe $1.00 , at E. D. DowllngX The St. Francis ncadomy is to bo raised , and the preparatory work has al * ready commenced. The man giving hla name aa James Gastcy , who WAS arrested for boating a German oat of $25 by a ring gamoastold in yesterday's BEE , is to have n hearing Thnraday. The organ concert to bo given by Louis Falk , of Chicago , has boon post poned until Saturday night noxt. The ualo of tickets will commence Thursday morning. Excavation was bugun yoatorday for a two-story brick building on Main atroot , between Ninth and Tenth avenues , op posite the old foundry , which will bo built by Martin Hughes. Ono of the Sanders boys , who have boon before the police court on several occasions , is in limbo on the charge of stealing some fish hooks nnd knives at i store. - The Bluff City boys challenge still Is open , bat It Is reported that a team is being formed In Omaha , which will accept the challenge when It is the least expected. Minnie Johnson , a colored woman on Fierce street , was arrested yeatorday on the charge of robbing a man who had been dangling around her house. It Is claimed that she got $15 from her victim. The Little Red Stockings , the boys composing which belong hero , have re turned from their contest with the big nlno of Crcaton , and nearly brought back victory , the score being only 1C to 15 against them , ten Innings being played. Remnants of Embroideries at half price , at E. D. Bowling's. The county attorney declares that ho will not prosecute any moro cases against hotel beats , as there are too many costs made for the county , and too little gained by it. Ho says the county board has in structed him to let hotel men look after such cases themselves , as they are the ones most Interested. The mayor and Capt. Frainey returned from Washington yesterday afternoon. They did not bring back any very great number of appointments , and It Is now given oat that they didn't want any offices , anyway , but just went to see about some of their friends getting some thing. The Siato Ragistor speaks of Col. Hoatlcy as editor of the Nonpariel. The ; mistake grow out of the fact , doubtless , that the dear old grandmother is hitching her chair over to the democratic side of ; the bonso as fast as her 'rheumatic limbs will permit. No wonder that the great democratic editor should therefore bo named as controlling the Nonpareil. 1C yds. fine yard wide Bleached Muslin for $1.00 , at E. D. Dowling'a. Considering the heated condition of the night , there was a goodly audience at the opera house last evening to hoar Grau's opera company In "La Mascotto. " The company hai just had a successful en gagement In Dos Molnes , and start in favorably here , the praise they won last evening Insuring thorn a still larger audl- once this evening. The last part of the week they are to bo In Omaha. The man who was arrested Saturday for a confidence trick tnrned In Bono's store five yoara ago , and aho for borrow ing a few dollars of 0. C. Gregory , yes L terday pleaded guilty , but claimed that ho was led Into the deceit by drink. It must have been a good slzad drunk that lasted for five years , but hn will have A ' chance to got the whisky out of him , as flB ho will lay In jail until next December to await the action of the grand jury. 01n 25 yds. Crash for $1.00 , at E. D. Dow- 01 ling's. 01tl tltl Tno Young Men's ' Christian Ascoeiatlon tl will give a number ono onterttlnmont nt tl tlal tholr hall on the corner of Main street al alh nnd Broadway this evening. The enter h tainment will consist of readings and im 'A personations , illustrated by tableaux. The following poisons will participate in fa faL the exorcises : Mlaa Hatcher , Miss Tina L Slovens , Frank Chamberlain , J. W. y Smith and others. Music will bo furnished ru ruw nished by the Bluir City orchoitra and w the Council Bluffs serenading club com ardc bined. A most enjoyable tliiio may bo In expected. General admission twenty- re five cents , children under fifteen yeara of tr age , fifteen cents. orj A family of Arabs , who have been dl stopping at the Eastern hotel , nnd have tb been attracting attention , on the streets ar for several days by tholr peculiar dress , lo und by their still moro peculiar modes of th getting money , were arrested yesterday CO for trying to boat their board bill , and dlhi the odd-looking trlba wera taken in a to. . to.hi hack to the station house , where George hi Gunnel ! ft tried to register their untpella- toW bio names , and as ho sank exh usto 1 , Ed ha W ( Dates lumped them oil'on the books as tb "six Arabs , " and Mullen throw them into al the cooler. The father of the trlbo was found to have 70 , and it la said that ho Pi deposited some uoro money in the banks to 1 jeatorday , BO that these who have been dli contributing to them out of lympatby 'Sr ' ( Ul can BOO that they are not spending what brl they get. an AN INVESTIGATION. The Death ot Mrs , Mary nail , of Uoomcr Townthlp , IOWA , liookctl Into fty thcCoroner , Mrs. Mary Shields of IG10 Oaas street , Omaha , seeing in the BEE of Friday last an account of the mysterious death of of her mother , Mrs. Kate Anna Hall , the wlf of Eli Ilall in Boomer township , wont to Council Binds on Saturday and made the following affidavit : Mrs , Mary Shields being duly sworn states that she lives at No. IGlOUasa street , Omaha , Neb , , and that she believes her mother , Mrs. Knta Hall , came to her death by poison un lawfully administered , and requests that the body bo exhumed nnd an Inquest hold , MRS , MAUY SHIELDS. Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo nnd in ray nroicnco this 1Mb day of July , 1885 , N. SCHUBZ , Jnstlco of the L'oaco , Ell Ilall read the account of the sus picion cast upon him by circumstances of his wife's death In the papers. Also came to Council Blaffc onSaturdayand on learning that the inquoat was to bo hold yoaterday , loft for homo via Missouri Valley aeomlngly satisfied with the inves tigation. Early yesterday morning Coroner Con- neil of Council Bluffs , started out for n drive to the farm of Ell Hall , of Boomer township , twenty-two miles from Council Bluff ) . Accompanying him were Constable Wall McFaddon and Dr. J. F. White , William H , Mynsror and John Llndt with Dr. F.JP. Bellinger in a pbmton with John Dunn , as driver , wont out in the Interest of Hall ; Charles Shield and Hugh Shields , the husband of the lady who made the aQidavlt and n roproeonta- tivo of the BEE made up the party end on arriving at the residence of John Casey , about ono-hnlf mlle from Hall's residence the coroner summoned the witnesses. About 10 o'clock the coroner and party arrived ot Hall's and began ta oxhnmo the remains of Mrs. Hall which were buri ted about 200 foot In the roar of the uouso of Hall. While the body was being exhumed several persons from Missouri Valley arrived on Itho ground , among thorn Dr. H. L. Dirnoll , who was asked on Saturday nieht , by Mr. Hall to como over in his Interest. The graveyard contains the remains of seven persons , the last two wives of Hall and five children. Hall bad no children by his last wife , but has two girls by his first wife both living in this city , ono in Now York state and ouo boy living on the farm. Hall claims ho ban had three wlvoa that he was married to , and they are nil j dead. Ho admitted to the BEE man that . ho did for a while have "another or so" but wasn't married to thorn and only lived with them temporarily. The coflin was raised out of the grave at 12 o'clock and a jury composed of Hall's neighbors was then sworn in. Mrs. G. E. Hayward doing sworn , tes tified : Live in Boomer township ; was : railed on Tuesday , Juno 22ndabout 3:30 : a m. , by Mr. Clark , who told mo Mrs. Hall was doid , " and they thought she died of heart disease , and wanted mo to como over and lay her out. There was a bruise on her face and ono on her leg above her anklo. Nothing said about her taking poison to mo. Have known Mr. and Mrs. Hall for a number of y oars and no vor hoard any complaint of either living unhappily. Mrs. A. A. Yarrington testified : Live In Harrison county and Know of nothing else than previous witness testified. > Dr. J. F. White gave in his testimony In regard to the autopsy end was of the iplnloa that deceased came to her death From general congestion of the brain , and he formation of a clot superinduced no loubt by a small and fatty heart. There re iraa also some granular degeneration of ho kidneys. I observed no other ab- lormal conditions. Dr. F. P. Belllngen testified that ho ixamlned the braid , liver , kidneys , iplcen , stomach and uterus and found iho cams to her death by an apoplectic It or clot , caused by congestion of the jrain ; also had fatty degeneration of the leart. . Mr. Clark testified : Live in Boomer owBshlp ; was called by the son about 12 , . 'clock midnight , and I found her laying ? : in the walk in front of the house alive. , ily wife nnd I remained until she died in ' ibont two hours. Nothing was said or bought of the cause being poison. The jury which was composed of A. rfansfield , J. Killpack and Thomas Casey hen retired and In a few momenta irougbfc In a verdict that the deceased , rlrs. Kato Ann Hall , came to her death rom general congestion of the brain. oil BIG FOUB , th Quartette of Tramps Tnko PosseH- nlori of a Faniior'H IIouso nnd eh Oooi Their Own Dinner. t ' On Snntlsy afternoon on returning da 'rom church to tholr bomo on a farm ID of 3oomor township , the Bon. lenacXIogler , no of the old inhabitants of Pottawatta- eti ale : county , and his family were surprised lot in entering the /aim / house to find all ho windows nnd doors wide open and on , ho dining table a lot of empty dlsbes en hat proved to them that during their in i baonce at church aomo ono had been entertained at the expense of Mr. ilegler. % In a few minutes ono of the family Dund the following note : am Is THE WOODS , July 19 , 1885 Mr. On jandlord : Wo bo tramps. Wo came to wh our icsidoncu very hungry and finding 0 ono at home wo wcro unable to chop J oed for a eijuaro mon ! , After looking the round we euccecdcd In finding your Jar- , pai > or , and have succeeded in fully appeas- paiW ( ig our hungry appetite * , for which wo I aturn our most einccro than KB. Years tor rnly , 4 THAMI/S. Bit The above note wns carefully spread BitMr at in full vlow and appended to the lulng table by firmly Inserting a fork l irough its center Into the table. ten : This frightened the whole household Ian nd they hunted the rooms and even Arl : loked nnder the boJs for the tramp ? , linking possibly they had the trampa rra11ed In the house. While the family Id the hunting the landlord fished out bav la old rusty shot gun thinking ho wonld her isch the tramps not to "monkey" with Th ( Is homo during his absence , but It waste low to hto , they hid fled , at least there I ere no signs of tholr pretence about the ) in DUBO , and the family agreed to notify all Nel 10 neighbors llvln ? near them and go on rece hunt for the bold tramps. cler It sac ma in Boomer township that the rmera have whit tboy call tlio Mutual rotectlon society. They were notified 1 turn out In fall force. 'Squlro Gid- ley ng , WilforU H ynes , K Goodwin , day 7 ] Ulrn Page , William Goodwin , old seri Illy Petersen , Billy Cusirortb , Bur- Idgo nnd Johnson , it Is said , wore T aojg the g < .od old sturdy farmers that b/1 bunted up their old shot guns and with their ponies starloi In pnnalt of the tramps , They kept np the hunt nntll after dkrk on Sunday night but without av&U , and on yesterday morning ono of the members of the society cntne Into town to Inquire if anything had been harried here of the tramps' actions. No information could be learned in this city , and the Mutual Protection society of Boomer township by this time has prob ably given np the hunt. AllhowovorwlU take care to lock and bolt their doors and windows hereafter nhon leaving homo , as Mr. Zloglor left his nil open when the family slatted in the farm wagon for church on Sunday morning. The tramps could not have ooon In any hurry to leave Mr. Zlcglor's place as they even woat into the collar and skimmed the cream off the milk for nso In tholr coffee. Tholr meal which they cooked themselves was n well cooked ono and it certainly was not their first nt- tempt. ' Substantial abstracts of tltlo and real estate loans. J. W. and E. L. Squires , 101 Pearl street , I'.m-ly Misled. While riding out in the country on Sunday last Dr , F. P. Bellinger spied , as ho thought , n now variety of duck wad dling around in a barn yard about seven miles from this city. From appearances , the doctor judged the ducks to bo natives of some tropical cllmo ; ho thereupon de termined to purchase at any price. After hitching his team by the roadside ho proceeded to hunt up the landlady , who put In an appearance finally with a good-mornlng-to-you'slr smile on her countenance and Informed the doctor that she could not part with her now pots. IIo finally succeeded in buying throe of th ? ducks by paying the farmer's wife $5.00. Subsequent developments show that these ducks are simply n cross be tween the common barn yard duck and a Guinea hen , worth about twenty cents each i , but still the doctor values highly his 1 now fowl. Dr. West.Dentlst , No. 2 Pearl street A QUEER BOBBERY , A Traveller Induced to Glvo up His Kcvolvcr anil Tbori Ilobbcd of Ills Money. Throe mon arrived yesterday morning on a Kansas City freight train , and hav ing mode chance acquaintance on the train , they sauntered off through the freight yards for the city , after getting off at the depot. Gno proved to bo the vic tim of a schema put np by the two others , : for on getting away from the depot , ono if the sharpers innocently asked the vlc- ilm to show his revolver , and the sharper aklng for the apparent purpose of exam- o ning it , suddenly painted it at the vic b tim , with a throat to shoot him , if ho A node any outcry. Aa ho thus pointed a ho weapon at him , ho told the other 8 ; iharper to 30 through the victim's pock- 81f its , and they robbed him of all ho had , f tbout $20. They then hurried away , tltl md by the time the frightened fellow tlSI iad como to his senses , and made com- SI ilaint of the outrage , they were beyond SIr each. The police were yesterday hunt- IIP ng for them with the usual success. The P Ictim gave his name as Reison Caster , al f Gentry connty , Mo. Two tramps 01tl rero arrested on suspicion , bat ho could tlw iot identify them , and they were dls- tlSt harged. St Sthi Read Judd & Smith's offer of $1,000 01di orrard in another column. diT T Just Itccelved. " Fifty pieces of American silks in black * nt ' nd colors , "all grades. " Every yard ia rarrantcd to us by the manufacturer , alt E. DOWIINO. Insurance in Iowa. The aggregate amount of new business ransacted in Iowa by the three loading ad largest Ufa insurance companies in m io country during the last two years , as ra iown by the lowal insurance commls- lie oner'a reports was as follows : lieWl 'owYorkLlfe $2,914,030 so ) Suitable , of New York 1.EC3 G87 soba tutual Life , of New York 291.065 bawi Total S 1,801.682 feio PEKSONAIj. " I , of : Prank Careen , of Sioux City , was In the sk ty yesterday. t A , W. Spooner , of Iloopor , Kansas , is in le city. Cb Mrs. John Ouren , of Silver Creek town- Cbwl lip , la reported aa being very low with wl 'plioid fever. 'IC ' fa < Officer Smullen received a telegram yeator- COI &y containing the news of the euddon death en his brother in Pennsylvania , on G. W. Ferguson , of the PaciQc houie , Cli artod for Chicago last evening with a car- ad of stock from his farm , sh Tfc Misa Ilattio Gardiner , who has been teach we g m the public schools of the city , Is now fat ijojing aieit to the west , and with friencla wo Colorado , a Mr. Becker Jr. of pci , , Jonosha , Wls , , a other of S , Itacker thi , arrived In this city istorday , to assume a position in Do Val'a wren irdware store , on So 1L , Everett , who formerly lived hero , cal id who is now in the abstract business in bu tnnha , is the father of a nice little maiden tor lie arrived the other day. cul Mr , Warren , assistant superintendent of In Hartford life and annuity insurance com by ny , was in the city yesterday , the guest of pei 'elId Cook the shl , agent hero , Th Mr. and Mrs , John Churchill , Jenso Wal- abc rs and his mother , were among tlio Council ord ulfs friends who attended the funeral of rs. Williaaa Phillips , at Xeola , on Sunday > , IS , Gardiner received the sad news yes- day of the sudden death of his brother-in- of , the Hon. James JMcMahou , of Ann llm bor , Mich , , a member of the Michigan leg- can < " aiure , , , ab I Mrs , P , T. Mayne and her throe daughters " vo BUrted fur Livingston , Montana , where sloi son li statioLed as train dispatcher , ord icy expect to spend noinu time In the Yel- bly iratone park before their return , for " W. Sullivan , who formerly lived In n iaha , anJ whu now resides in Sidney , ; b. , was ia the city yesterday , Ho haa just eived notification of hla appointment aa r rkntthe Choyunno river agency , Dakota , { all1 The case of Loucke for assanllng Kel- has been postponed until next Mon- , Ivelley is laid to have baen more ioualy hurt than was at first thought. Jl 'ho higheit point ever reached by wan was balloon-'J7,003 feet. LOVE AND WAS , A Young Man Thinks It Isn't Fair for the Glrl'H Father to Strike lllm In tlio Hack. The course of true love doesn't ran smooth even In hot weather , as one young fellow found on Sunday night , when ho escorted homo from church an estimable young lady living on Harrison street. The trouble this tlmo was that the old man was around , and slipping up behind the young man ho dealt him blow which knocked the stars , flowers , and romance clear out of his head tn a twinkling. The youog man gallantly milled and re turned the blow with Interest , and just where the war wonld hare ended had It not boon for the Interference of the yonng lady and her mother Is not known. The old lady seized the prospcotivo son- in-law , and the young lady seized the old man , and the strangely paired conplea kept np the struggle and the loud talking with occasional overtures of peace and pleadings for qnlot on the part of the fomlnlno voices nutll the homo was reached , when the family retired Insldo the yard and the yonng man held his petition on the sidewalk and challenged the old man out to deadly combat , denouncing him as a coward for striking him In the back and calling slurs upon his professional honor. The scone ended with the yonng man walking off muttering and the old man sitting on the doorstep while his wife sowed up the torn shirt-sleeve. It Is taid that the young lady haa had her pntlonco ex hausted by the peculiar manner In which the old manhoashown his opposition to her choice on various occasion ? , and that aho has packed up her trunk and left homo , declaring that she will not return until the old man has apologized , and made promises not to repeat the scones. The parties concerned are highly respected , and for the sake of tlio young lady par ticularly , the names are this tlmo kept from public gaze , bat the neighborhood in which the ssouo occurred was thrown into such a state of poaslpy excitement that one moro such sensation wonld caute the full details to become public property. POLAR tflStVIl AND GIUAFFE. Tlio One Dies of Paralysis and the Other of Heart Disease , Philadelphia Loader , The Zoological society has mot with considerable loss in the death of the only polar boar and the only giraffe in the ex tensive collection of animals at the "Zoo. " About seven years aj > o the so- loty procured a male and a female polar bear , which were considered fine speci mens. Thousands of visitors have aeon the lent and substantial stone don , bath , and jpen-air iron cage constructed for these joars at the southern end of the pardon. Although the don fronts to the north , md care was taken to keep the Arctic nosta ai cool as possible , they scomod to uffer considerably every summer. About our years ago lightning struck a tree near ho den , and the electricity , attracted by he iron cage , shocked the male bear and corcbed hia skin. Ho never fully ecovored < from the effects of the Ightnlng stroke , and as summer ap- iroachod : each year ho suffered from ttacks of paralysis. About two years go bis mate died from paralysis , al- hough In that case , it is said , the disease ras not caused by the lightning. The urvlvlng bear showed by his actions that .0 mourned the loss of his partner. The nly remaning bear , which died some ays ago , weighed about 000 pounds , 'ho recurrence of his paralytic attack his summer was moro severe thaa usual , nd the ailment was aggravated by heat , 'ho skeleton has been preserved. The death of the giraffe , about a week go , was rather sudden , and was shown y a post-mortem made by Dr. Hulde- oper to have been caused by heart dis use. The giraffe had comfortable nartora In the largo building occupied y the elephants , rhlnoiceros , hippopota- ma and some other animals. His hay ick was fifteen or sixteen feet above the oor of his cage , and aa covered with earth , In which mo grass crow. Ho had a comfortable ick yard in which to air himself. Ho as a fall grown specimen , being sixteen iot high , and could reach a height of iventeon feet with his mouth. His eight was probably between 1,500 and , COO ' pounds. Ho had been a member the "Zoo" family for years. The celoton will bo preserved , Tlio Sony ol the Shirt. alcapo News. "Shirt-making la a great industry hlch grows with the increase of popnlu- on , " remarked a Wabaah nvonuo manu- 1 cturer. "In all Its branches , including boi Ull lorao work , such as the making of wool- tou and heavy shirts , U probably affords cov nployraont to 3,000 or 4,000 women In abi It lilcago alone. There are about 800 nlll rls and women employed in making fine ilrts. ! They are all skilled workers. _ heir wages range from ยง 7 to SIC per Nol nek. The ( yatcm employed by the best ctorlca horn and iu the east Is piece- ork. In that way no one girl finlshoa 1 shirt. She simply docs some carp icial part. Ono of our girls who makes A e highest wages docs nothing but turn Jj cists and nock-bands. She never sows lor 10 stitch. Others stitch the bands , B irao put the garments together , and are we Hod 'body joiners.1 Others make the ] } ittonholea. In our establishment , butor nholos for shirts made to order are all 12 I t by ono girl and worked by others. pro > stock shirts the buttonholes are worked p I machines , and wo pay a certain sum \1 t hundred for them. Every part of a Jj Irt Is made by a dIntrant person , i ley are cut out by mon It requires , , ro I out three jnrds of muslin for an 15 i Unary sizid ohlrt. " - * - * I "How much linen Is uaedf' ll Thtt la a secret of uaedf'B > ich usinlly has his uaedf'B cutting , uud to tell the amoant of B ! on uaoi would bo toglvo his figures to ( OOi " mpotitora. 13,0 "VMiat la the retail price of good order 13,0B Irtii" > talu "From $18 to $30 per dozon. Occa- taluB ; nslly BOIUO very fastidious individual dine lers a dozed shirts that coat consldora- more. Stock shirts tboro intruded > the trade soil for ? 8 per dozen./ B I ! "Are colored shirts worn much this > cb nraer1 ? Will 'To some oitent , but they are not as WillF pular as they have been , There aru thin : prints , oven at the best , undo cspec- ell II ly for elilrllngs , that can stand thu ar of the laundry without fading , " B. SOHUEZ. Al Bli tlml n erty , orntn OTKK AUKKIOAX ixrim BLUFFS. IOWA. J. L. Ho. 507 Broadwajr Oonncll Bluff * . Kailway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS , The following r th times ol the arrival and de < future ol tralni by central standard lima , al the local depots. Tralnt leave transfer depot Ire mln- ntei earlier and arrive t n minutes later. BRMRT. ARBn , imoioo and wottinwianui , 9:25 : 1 M Mall and Eipro i 8 : . ' 'r M l ! : o r M Accommodation 4tO : r u 6:30 : r U Kt press 6.05 A M CniOieO AKD SOCK 18LAXD. 9 : ! ! A M Hall and F.iprcM ( US r u 7:25 : A H Accommodation 6:15 : r M 6:30 : r M Eiprcea P.00 A M OmOAQO , MUWADKII A5D IT. rADI , , 0O : M Mull nnd Express O.CO r M 6:26 : r H Exprcsi D.OS A n cmoAoo , iDKUicaroi AHD qmxor. 9:50 : A Mill and Express 7:10 : r M 3J r Al connn odntlon S:00 : r.u M r Ktprotti 8MA : u WASASU , ar. LODIS AKD rAcino. 2:15 : r M Local St. Louis Eiprcua Local 8.00 PM Transfer " " Transfer SiCOr * EAXSA8 01TT , ST.Ol AND CODNOIL IWJTTS. 10,0fi A M Mull and Express 6:40 : r M 8:16 : r M Express 0:25 : A M tlODI CITT AND PiOin.0. 7:10 : A M Mall lor Sioux City 8:50 : r M 7:80 : r M Kxpreia lor St Paul 9:26 : A u I'.MON rAeiric. 11:00 : A M Denver Express 4:35 : r M 1:05 : r-M Lincoln I'aisO'a&R V 2:35 : r M 7:65 : r u OicrUml Kxprcss 6:30 : A u DDMUT TRAINS TO OMitlA. 'LeaveICouncIt ininfTn 0:55-7:55 : : 0:80 : 10:50 : 11:40 : a. m. 1:80 : 2:30 : 8:30 : 4:28 : 8:26 : 8:25 : 11:46 : p.m. ELoiuo Omaha 8.25 7:25 : b:50 : 10 11:15 : a. m. 12:60 : 2:00 : S.OO 4:00 : 4:55 : 6:55 : OUMCIL BLUFFS C ARPET COMPANY Curtains , Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Linoleums , Mattings , Rugs , Etc. , Etc. Careful Attention Given to On of Town Orders , Upholstery and Drapery Work a Swcialtij. Onr stock IB the Larpst in lie md la being oontlnnall/ replenished by ill the laioat and cboiccat novelties. 105 Broadway Council Biufis WELLS COOK , General Agent stlarge " SAFETY FUND SYSTEM , " HARTFO Life and Annuity InsCo T IIUNOH WKSTEEN DEPOT , 422 PEAKL STREET. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Bpeclul a vertlsomoute , tuo > s Lot ! onnd , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants , Hoard- g , eta. , will b Inserted In this column al the law to ol TEN CENTS PElt LINE for the flnt Insertion id FIVK CENTS 1'Krt LINK for each enheeqneDt In- on Leave advertisements al onr oE ( < * , Mo , I fc'reet nntr I'rnorlwav , i Immediately , two dinlngroom ( rills at O tlen House , Council Hilda. 7UK SVLK An elegant WlEconeliuummer resort , 2EO acreH , II0 tillable , railway station andstoim- iat lamllng ; frame house fur homestead ; payllllon , nou.llitH , mtaurant , ice tiounc , tenement house , ur cott eo , barn , 310 fruit tries , 3 acres prapcs , n , hnrsee , 13 bonti" , etc. A fine resort , ICO feet aWi conelii rer , anil 120 feet alio\u Dnraliou will i paj J5.ooOujcar. Aildrcs ) W. & S , UEK Ice , Council lllulTe , rOH BALK Lands Improved aad unimproved. If you want a ( arm In western Iowa , Kanan ibriuka or Dakota , Ictua hokr from you. iiOU HALE Houses. Lota and Lind. A. J Htcpl cn on , 60S KlrBt aemio. . * o KXCAANQ B 0 , b , li 10 , li 13 , are hotels fri dlff. ( irontlocAtlcna for Halo or for trade. 133. special bargain , 400 a Imrrovcd farm worth $18,000 , iirlro foraehnrt tlmeslG.OOO , will trade low | > iictd Western lamia. Swan & Walker. SOI , Eaddlery llard ro mmiulacturinc estab- llshiDcnt etooli and micliliiBrj , > aluo S7.0CO , for etern land Suan , t Wtukvr , Council illulld. 203 , clock cf drj Kooiis , Kroccrka and harduar , \aluc , ? 5,000 , In an gooaeastern Kclirmka town land. UHDII t. Walker , SOI , stock of funeral inorclunillfo In a good wcBterii Iowa town , value J.OOJ , UBIIIR an 1m m-cl farm In wcelmi Iowa. hwjn& Walker , 205 , stock of liarduaro In EtuLon Co. Indiana , for lamlaltio utout fl.OCO. Bwan & . Walker. CA SOO ntwutorkol hardware In , n ll\a Nebraska town fur Und , > * luo3,000. Swan & Walker. 237.Block ol turlcultiiral Implements and shell en hard H are. laliru about 8.00J. uanta a god 1m- ed farm. HuanV lker. 0\ \ 20 ] , a ? 10,000 Ktocli of olottilng In a good Wls- B\- \ < cousin utt i 3 In landrt and tilanoo C BI or 1m- tl i\ed eecurit ) . IJeautilul etoro room at low teat. au Si WaUer. 210 , stock of mixed hardware In a IU western tlM Iowa town for cheap lands , value $0,00 } , Swaa M 21 1 , line brick block , rentu w ell. In a lit o central la.t wn ono rcom occupied with geucrtletockof ids , wants an improved farrrtluc : buildlnir 00 , Kooila f7CO ) , UwaDsalkcr ill stoolv'oi boot ) , iliooH Catscans and clothing 8a" \aluoJ ? 3 000 , In cno of the btet towniiln Neb. , ued J3.000 for , anda. Swant Wilkir. ! 13 , n3,000 block of clotHnir. wants land In 28 North \Scatern Iowa , for Jfl.OOO , and will nay 28h erence Swan i. Walker. 214 , an $3,000 stock of timgt In central Iowa for Ort , land S an & Walerr. no 21f > , another stock of drUKaluo fromfSOQ to700 rla witliHturu building ard lot talae fiHJ ma ( tool 0 irnna : town wauta iiartly Improved land. Euan & . 0c Iker. ct OR full particulars , write to or callupcn Swan & Wa. . 'r. IIou want to sell , bu > , or tradeanx- i- , tell S & W. about It. bwau & Wajkcr , Coun. Illuila Iowa Ti"rnTTr aTT riTTrririTrrtTrnriT rrrnr nr T _ THO' FliVIT , ND GARDEN FARM FOR SUE , acrc9 , tin In fruit , elx In pardon atiJ terUcil , alx room houie , liable , will , clattrn , &c go.cl onclHIou. or will traJulor Ou ha proji- V. KELLER , Count ; Treasurer's office , Council Dlafls. W. P. A.YX.SWORTH HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. llrick bulldlnps of any kind raised or moved nnd nMlsfftclicm guaranteed. Frame hcu moved on Little Giant truck ; , the beet In the world , W , 1' . AYLSWOUTH. 1010 Mnth Struct , Council llluOs SMITH & TOLLER , AfiTS. LKAUIKQ Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 0 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - IOWA. Complete Line of New Goods Always oil Hand. N , J.SWANSO.V. C , E. SWAXSON SWAS'SON MrSIC CO. , Dealers in PIANOS AND ORGANS Aiul all klmJs omusc ! l Instrument * . Pi&nos ml orirans sola on tlio Installment rlan. Shuliil nttru- iiuntHof ovorj-ilcierlptlon tuned nnd repaired. UmliiR o\cr H > cu8 ; cxticilcint1 In the bualiicea wo Ice TOiiOilciit ofgUInu the licbt ot EatlilDCtlou. Kcmctnl'or the place SlRii ot the Kilt or in 32' ' ) IIKOADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Sold by the leading denier in every city and town , E ; Burhorn , JLJ3tt , AGJENT 17 Main St. , Council Blufls. IBI. _ P. USTIEILiIEIa.- PaimiH Graining , ( IHJInc , 1'npcr Hanstnt ; and Frescoing. 110 Ualn St. , Council Ulufli. KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses nnd Mules constantly on band whisb wo will ecll In retail or carload lots II ! Stock Warranted as Reoresented Wbolvs&lo MidrcUtl dolors In Grain nJ llnlcil U f. I'rions rc - tenable Satisfaction Oumntccd. $ C IIL U TE R , o B 0 W LEY Cor. Oth Av. and4tb St. , Council Bluffs. For any case of Ki dney or liver disease or dyepepaia rheumatism , or any disqisrj imludcccl by n lack of native power , that cannot be cured by the USD of Drs , Judd & Smith's Electric oils and Appliances. I\o , 30 , Fourth St. , Council Bluffs , AGENTS WANTED. Norene & Landstrom , Merchant Tailor , * ' Suits to order In li.toat styles at cheaneat poesiblo prices.No. ' ! No. 205 Main St. , Council Bltiff AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. Itcgnlnr Dinner 11:30 to 1:3O : , i5 cents. 505 Broad-way , Council Bluffs. Che only all night house in the city , KverythiDB eer\ed in first clu style and on shoe notice , llot and cold lunchea always ready. 1C. F. GOODBV9AN. 1 . n"VT \ tUMLMij UAJ.W ) I U/.JJJ , OMAHA , NEB. THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD NO. 2 , the Highest Achievement in Writing Machines in the World , With only S3 keys to learn an I operate. It prints 76 characters ' Including capu and small letters , punctuations , UKUTCH , blRna and I fractions , It a the simplest and | most rapid writing machine niadu aa welloa AB most durable iTScnd for free illustrated pamphlet , Vyckoff Seamans & Benedict , Chicago , 111. , Solo Agents. 0 , II. SIIOljKS , Council Blulfs , Agent for Wcatern . Rice M. D. or other tiiTiora rcmovoJ without the j knife or druHlii ) , ' t UooJ. i < r tli'rtj ' 3tu ! pr ctlu'il experience. OiEco carl htrcot. Council Ulutls. ircp ladame F , J , Balcear , Who for the past 10 j car 9 has be Francisco u now located at .N W X Cth Htru Quito new Opera llouw. IICEC Ualcuir guuranlceu to rcttoro MIR OR WHISKERS , OBI ! anyoneahugh rauetacho or lirlni ; out t nro lli ol titlr orhoarilln from ( our tutix wctike. 01 reasonable and iatl U'tliin KUttrantccd , incer ? , deafness mil ( i'cci lly rhtuuiatlim * nd hronlo fllsiaet curca l > a natural gilt ol lo Hit 1 > \ JD. , f. Jtalucat ; -rhW thHtOouncll ISIiiirs S. OKflOKlt , W , H. M. I'USie Officer SL Pusev. KERS Council Eluffs , lo-wa. Established , - 1865 NOLL'S PORTABLE Pncimiaiic Beer Pa ncct Price $ ! 1 8.01) A liberal discount will bo jual ( to pirtics ordering a half do/.eu Faucets at ono tune. For further particiilarH inquire of It F. KAIN , Council Jiluirs , Iowa , Aircnt for Western fo\va and .Nob. HOTEL In Council lilulld hlng a And all ino'Jcrn ImproreinvnUi , call bolla , fire alarm belle , inc. , in thu CBESTON HOUSE NOB , 210 , i17 ! anJ L'lH , Main Ktreit. MAX > r 'JIN. ' - PllOI'IUKTOK -at- COUNCIL HLUFIS , IOWA. ( tl < J MI > n. . | Inn * 7 lid f , iiMl ) * nl.ul YM.liiiiln 1 t Mltli a.i ill. I , I 1