Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1885, Image 3

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[ Bmoke aH. Mack & Go's
I , Cleveland , 0. , Celebrated
[ Gat Cigar
Finest 3 lor SSc cltrar In Am rlr , and KxctUlor tc
Cigar t'ro eminent above all others.
Our Cat Does Not Scratch
x.-cls'or 60 Cl.r ( above all romoetiUo firaalo and
contrcl.ed lij
D. W. 3A\E and J. W. 13m , ,
Kcnn&rd At HKT ! ( , Utugr , Lincoln , Ncl > .
O. B. Chapman , ' " "
Ktans & Judson , Diu9 , Hastings Neb.
Dowty&Chlnn , Drnga , Cclumbus , Neb.
J. n bellaven , Drugs , C'ouncl B'.utT" ' , lowi.
DellO. Morgan .V Co , DrUjcs , Council Dlutfa , Iowa
( JusBchrage , Hooks , eta , Fremont , Nob.
W. 1L Turner , Books , etc. , Fremont , Neb.
H. H.VVhlttloseyDru , , Crete , Neb.
I' , C. Henderson , Uratnl Island , Nob.
Mass. Institute of Technology
< l Ilcgular lour year conr-os In Civil MechanicalMin
ing ami Electrical Knglnoerlnif , Architect lie , Chem
istry , rbjctcf. Natural History , oto. Studenta are
al o admutoilto partial or special courses Nct
school jcarboaln * Sept. 23,1S3S. Kntnnco examlna
tlons June I tinJ D , ut 0 a. m. Apply to I'tat. Goo
HCHland , lioaid of K/lucitlon ronmi City flail Chi
cago. JAltr.11' . Ur.NROs , Sccretarj.
. WALKHR , 1'rcslilcr.t.
Imported Beer
qu , , - IN BOTTLES.
Krlangcr Uiuarta I Culmbachcr Bavail *
Wiener liohomlan | Kalecr Uromon
BudwelHCr St. Louis I Anhauaor St. Louis
I ! < * t'a Milwaukee | Sculltz 1 * Unor.Mllwnukco
KrUK'e Om&bk i Ale , Porter , Domcutla and
Uhino Wlneo.
EDTtTAUHER. 1213'FarnamSt.
'Notice ! Notice ! Noti c
To nil who ate illscisoJ or alll'cted , no rnittor how
lonK the etanillnu ; oomo and be healed , t'cimilo din-
tftsoowhoru tncillcinca bavo t.illetl to % \\a \ relief ,
tpoclalty ; came nnc , coma all and bo healed by the
Mnxnctlo healer , the only sure eecnpo from any dig-
cano. Far oxamiimtlou , our ch.-i' oa arc81. lor each
treatment , or visitations J2 ; terms Btrlctly ciah.
North Slita St , ODO mlla west of Fair Grounds
Omaha , Neb. I1. 0. Boi 633.
Cor. I3ih and Douglas St0.
Capital Sfcock , - - - $15 , CO. '
Liability of Stockholders , 1500,0JO (
Fiye Per CentlnterostPait oaBeposi's '
cto : Olroo ± ct > 3r
JJMS3 K. liOYl ) . . President
n. A. PAJCTON . Vice t > rema r > .
L , U. BENNETT , . Managing Director
OHNE. WILBUll . Cashlei
111 N. 16th Btroel , OMAHA NEBRASKA
Ijtitcn to Yonr Vfltc ,
The Manchcttcf OtiRDU , Jane tb , 1653 , lays
At onto the
Looking on the woodland wnys ! With
clumps of thododondroma and great mass
es of May blossoms ! : ! "Thero was an In
teresting group.
It Included ono who had been a "Cotton
eplnncr , " but was now so
Paralizcd ! ! !
That ho could only bear to Ho In a ro-
cllnlng position.
This refers to my case.
1 WAS first Attacked twelve years ago
with "Locomotor AUy"
( A paralytic disease of nerve Dbre rarely ever cured
and was for several years barely nblo ot
got about. ,
And for the last Five years not nblo to
attend to my banioois , although
Xtany thlngi have bf en done lor roe ,
The act cipetlmunt being Henc ( Uetchlntf
Two ) ears ago \\nsvolcJ Into the
Homo for Incnrablct ! Near Manchester ,
In May , 1882.
Iamno"Advccitn""For ; anything In
the shnpo of patent" Medicines ?
And made many objections to my dear
wlfo'a constant urging totry Hop bitters ,
but finally to pacify her
Concontodl !
I had not qulto finished the first bottle
when I felt a change como ever mo. This
was Saturday , November 3d. On Sunday
morning I full so strong I said to my room
companions , "I wni sure I could
"Walk I
So started across the floor and back ,
I hardl } knew how to contiln myself. I was
all over the house. I am gaining strength each
day , and can walk quite tafc without any
Or support. .
I am now at my own hou > c , and hope § o n to be
able tocirnmy own Isrlng again. I he been a
member of the Manchester
"Itojal Kxchango"
For nearly thirty jcars , and wis most heartily
congratulated on golnglnto thoroom on Thursday
att Verv gratefully journ , Jens BucKuuin ,
MA.sciirsTiiii ( Kng ) Dec. , 24,13j3.
Twocars later am perfectly well.
Prosecute the Swindlers.
If when you c ll for Hop Hitters ( see green c'ustor
of hopaon the white label ) the druggllt handa out
any etufl railed C. D. VVarner'a German Hop Bitten
or with other bop name , rctuao It and shun that
druggist asou would n vlpar ; and If ho has tiken
jour money for the stuff , Indict blm for the fraud
and BUO him ( or ilnm ; oi for the swindle , and will
reward jou liberally tor the conviction ,
Thla Invaltnblo upeo'no ' icaillly ncl permanently
euros all kinds ot Asthma. The most obstinate mJ
lonir stnndlnsr cases \lcld promptly to Ita wonderful
curing properties. Iti \ kuov , n throughout the w or la
lor Ita unrivuloJ efllcacy ,
J t. OAT/DWELL. city Lincoln , Neb. ; writes , Jan
19,1831. Smoo using Dr. Hair's Asthma cure , for
more than ono jcar , my wife has been entirely well ,
and not e\cn a sjmptem at the dlecasohasnppcaroii.
WItiUAM DENNKTT , Hlchland , Iowa , * rites Nov.
M. 1883 Ihivobuen alllloteJ with Hay Fever anil
Asthma since 1859. I follonod jour directions and
am happy to any that I ne\cr slept batter In my lite.
1 am gliil that I am nmone the many who can Bpcak
80 favorably of your remedies.
A valuable 04 paio treatise containing similar proof
from o\cr > State in the ( J. S , Canada and Great
Britain ; will bo mailed upon application.
Any druggist not tuUng It In stock will procured ,
to ordor. Ask for Dr. Hair a Asthma Cure.
DIt a W UAIU & SON. Prou'a Cln'tl. 0.
vow KTWf CTdrnrcUi f
. < i' ° < siiioii 4 E
ci ijy. r.
Manhood Restored
JlEMtD v KIIEE. Avictlmof jrouthfnllmprudenco
etuiing Premature DecsNerrous Debility , Jx > st
Manhood , Ac.having tried In vain every known
remedy.has discovered n niraple means of self-cure ,
hlch he will Bond VKKK toWi'i'ellow-sulTa
Addtos * . J.U.iU VK .i3CteS sn8UM I
One of he Bestjand Largest dtocku in the United State :
To 8electFrom. '
Remember These tmoortant Facts
The iulual Life InsuranceOoinpam
1. It a tlio OLDEST acttvo Uo ( In'tiranoo Company In ttilt couatry.
L' , H la the LAHOKSl' LKo Inauranoo Company l > ; man } millions or dollars In the world.
S. Ita ratoa of premiums nro LOWKKthan thoea ol any other company ,
i. It has no "ntoclihoMars"torUlm any part ol Ita rrollta
6. U offois no HClIKMia under the name ol Insurance for speculation by spcclil clisscs upon tb
uiBlfortunos of vncb otter ,
e. ltd present a > allable CASH KESOUIICES exceed those of any other I.lfo Ineuranco Company In th
It haa recelvcil In cash from nil source * , from February. 1843 , to January , 1686 , f270S02,684.00.
It haa returned to thu people , In cash , from February , 1843 , to January , 1385 , ? 2ieirjt,211,00.
Its cash Asaetsuutlio 1st ot January , 1885 , amount to more than
General Apent for Gen , Aftts. for
Nobrnslca , Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming and Michigan , Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , Ion
Utah. and Minnesota ,
Oflico Uor.Famnm nnd Kith StOver IstNat'l ' , Detroit , Michigan.
liauk , Omaha , Neb M. F. HOHllElt ,
Special A pent for Iowa. Council TtltifTii. low
DUFFY'S Pneumonia Consumption ,
PURE Dyspepsia Wa
Wasting" Diseases !
WHISKEY rotltlvely Jlclletctl and Jfatut
, anlitcd ( n rut oHngTltalpowtt
DO NOT UK DUCEIVED.-Manjr Druggists and Grocers who do not liayo Dafty'i JPnr
UAVhUUcy lu lock , attempt to palm off ouciutomera , whiskey of UielrownbotUiiie.vhlc
of an inferior grade and adulterated , pays them a larger profit.
nj your address andwe will mad book containing valuable Information. Sample Quart Settle
taatio my address In the United States ( East of the Ilocky Mountains ) , uxurvly pacliecHn pla {
t 7 , Expreu charges prepaid on receipt of 1.23(3 , or Biz Bottle * leattor I&O.OC
DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO. ; Baltimore , Mil , , U..S , ' A
Sele AeeEts , ( teak H , T , CLARKE DM COMPANY ,
Froh Cuts Tor Cureless Customers In
the Barber' * ( Jhftlr Lcmlrtf tlio
Up of n Nofioaml the " \Vtiolo of
iin Ear A Ht. Imnls Mys
tery Explained ,
Chicago Herald.
' Do you know that you jast had o nar
row escape , sir ! Well , yon did. About
ton seconds ago I came near cutting you
to the bono. No , I wasn't mid at you.
1 didn't moan t5 murder you. And if 1
had cut yon it would have been your own
fault. 1 my fingers on yonr face , and
waa just putting the razor to your check ,
when you suddenly turned your head.
If 1 hadn't bean as quick as a cat , the rn-
zir would have plowed through ycnr
ch"ck. Oak n. ra n ones that wa.Jus . ;
hat wfiy. Tha man in the neil chair
poke to him jast as I was putting the
azor down , and In half a second there
waa a gath in his cheek two inches long
ind clear to the bono. Took mo an hour
0 stop the blood. Shaved that man fifty
lines since , but yon could wager
'onr lait street-car ticket tint
to kept hla head still after that ,
'es , wo have to bo very careful with our
customers. They're awful carolcea.
"hoy don't seem to realize that wo have
n hand n weapon just aa sharp aa stool
: an bo made , BO sharp that a baby could
nit a man's heart out with it. The way
omo customers twitch around la pcr-
cctly awful. Wo have to watch \m as
a cat would a mouso. Drunken men are
ho woret to handle. There's boon ten
Imes as many cuttomora cut because
hey were drunk as there have been 'causa
ho barbers were drunk. Ono day a
ipsy man came In for a shave , 'Bar-
> er , ' ho says , says ho , 'I'm afraid to
have with ye. Jus' had or row with n
nigger down on levee , an * ho trlod to
azor mo. Will yon promise to ba
mlgthv koorful with that or weopun o'
'ours ? ' Of courao I promised , aud the
nan sat down. Got along all tight until
1 reached his upper lip. Just as I was
making the up shave on his lip ho nod
ded forward in a drunken stupor. The
razor caught the end of hla nose , and off
came a ploco as big as n strawberry , and
irotty nigh as rod. But tbo man never
voko up. I quietly picked up the straw-
> erry piece , stuck it on , wlpad the blood
way nnd wont on shaving him. I lot
ilm sleep about half an hour so the nose
could could dry otF a llttlo , and
, hen roiuod birr. While ho wai put-
Jng on hla coat and paying his
check I was deathly afraid the place
would drop oil' , but It stuck like a little
m n , nnd ho walked ont , never knowing
, ho dlllerenco. Oa his way up-stalrs ho
stumbled and fell and hit his ness. Ho
rushed back Into the shop shouting that
ho nigger had cat his nose oil' . I jumped
ip in amnzjrnont. 'Mr. Smith , ' says I ,
that's ' wonderful. When you came in
lero yon had a complete nose ; that I'll
swear to. But now your noie Is tiploss ,
'or ' a fact.1 'Aly nose , ' ho cried , 'whore's
my nose ? ' Our punning barber the
same ono that was killed a low weeks
ater , and with a razor , too , for netting
elF the old 'lyro' gag on a colored musi
cian up and worked in the old chestnut
about 'nobody knows , ' while I went out
on the stops to look for the mlaaing piece
3f course It wasn't there , and finally wo
ound It between his shirt and his vest.
Wo stuck it on again , and the man went
out vowing vengeance on the nigger that
drew the razor upon him down on tlio
ovoo. To this day ho docjn't know who
cut him , but ho makes mo poreplro some
days when ho comes in , when wo Inquire
if tie has found the man that cut him , ho
shows the hilt of a big revolver and Bays :
'No ' , but I'm still looktn' for him. '
"Lots of mosquitoes thla year ? Y s ,
indeed ; and that reminds mo. Did yon
eyor hear of a mosquito cnUlng a slice
ont of n man's check as big as a coat but
ton. Well , I did. In fact , I saw it done.
I was shaving a chap ono day when a
mosquito droppad on bis cheek. It was
a largo moeqalto that came in from Now
Jersey along with an emigrant train. He
was a big , fat follow , but I guess ho must
have boon hungry for another taste of
American blood , and the way ho went
for that customer of mine was a caution.
lie stuck his bowlo knlfo In and In three
seconds there lay a ploco of the man's '
shook an inch in diameter all ready for
the moeqalto to carry off. You don't ' be-
llovo It ? I toll yon I BOW it with my
own eyes , Who said anything about thu
moequlto doing the cutting with hla own
knife ? When the mosquito stabbed the
man the man made a lunge for the mos
quito. Ho didn't catch him , but ray
razor caught the man's cheek , with re
sults as hereinbefore described.
"Tho worst cut I ever heard of a man
getting at a barbershop ? Certainly , sir.
Always willing to entertain a customei
with reminiscences , bat will you bo kind
enough not to question my voracity ? The
story I am going to toll you may bo hard
to believe. I didn't ' BOO tbo incident my
self , bat I know It to ho a fact , as I read
It In a newspaper , nnd as thoio'a nothing
political In It , and nothing affecting ricb
corporations or street rollway magnates ,
the chances are that it wai clean , thor
oughbred truth. It happened in St.
Louis six or eight years ago. A birber
was shaving a man , and all of a sudden ,
so quick that bo hardly realized It , he
cut oil' the man's loft ear as sleek as if II
had been nn npplo on a stem. Yes , sir ,
cut It clean off at ono slash , and the oat
foil upon the iloor. The customer sued
the shop for damages , and got jadgmenl
of ? 2COO , against thu boss. The birbei
never coald toll how ho happened to dc
it. It was a mystery to him , as well ae
to the man that lost the ear % But I've
had my own sarmlso about the
matter. What I've ' been telling yoc
Is facts , and you mustn't mix it np wltt
what I'm going to say. You will obsorvi
that I ani vary careful of the truth , Ac
my wife fays , B ys sho/Adoniram , ycu'ri
the must trnthful nnn I ever knew.
'Thank yontny dear , ' says 1breaking In
'Yea Adonlram she ' ' thi
, , Bay * , 'you'ru
most truthful man 1 ever hoard of con
sldorlng the amount of talking you do.
Just like a woman. A woman , oh yes ,
my opinion alnut tlu oar catting case
Well , I think , as the customer waa n St
Louis man mind , now , I put this ont a
a theory , not aa a fact that ho mna
have been wagging Me ear * backward am
forward and in that way run ono of then
up against the razir. That is infliction
Will you have a hair cut , Shampoo
Rub up ? Mustache colored ? Nothlnj
to-day ? All rfght , sir , but you'll oil
again , won't you ; No , not call agaiu
May 1 ask why/ / Live in St. Lonls , oh
Oh , I see , Good day , sir. Don't bur
your ear on the wall as you go up stairs
sir. "
New York Tribune.
There has jast been completed at Cor
nell university the largest galvanometei
In the world. It waa built under tbo di
rection of Prof. William A. Anthony , o ;
the department of phyeic ; . Over a you
was spent In its construction. The In
strument contains all the accessories thai
Is neoeaiary for making the most com
pleta and accurate measurements of anj
kind of electrical apparatus , and Is val
ued at several thontand dollars. Thor
are four circles , each two rnetera in dl
nmotor. Dr. Guyer , of the Stevens In
gtituto of tcchnologyt and several cloctri
cal engineers from a distance , togcthc
with Professors Anthony and Motor , o
Cornell , are at present engaged in maklnj
tests by the aid of the galvanometer 01
the ttrnngth of the current of a powcrfu
dynamo sent hero for that purpose , whlcl
Is run at 1,200 revolutions a minute
The Instrument has been mounted am
placed in the physical nnd chemical lab
oratory building and will prove n valua
bio addition to the electrical engineering
department of the university.
Testing tbo Birds AC Messengers foi
tlio Ben ,
1'hiladolphift Bulletin.
A. P. Baldwin , Newark , Is testing
norulng plgGoKS AS uleesotlgors fo ? the sea
Ono bird , liberated by Officer Croom ,
made the journey from the steamship
\Vosoland on its last trip from Now York
when 313 miles from Sandy Hook. The
start waa at 1 p. m , making It a hard 11 }
to reach land by night. The bird did it ,
lowovor. Tno birds were liberated
'rom the Olrcassln. No , 1 at 5 a , m , , on
Juno 7 , when 200 miles out , wont al
once toward the westf but did not read :
lomo. No. 2 started seventeen minutes
ator , 235 mlloa out , hesitated , then Hen
west , then cnst , then west again , arriving
at home on the aamo afternoon. It bore
a message aj follows : "No. 2 , at 0:1 : ? a.
m.j No. 1 at 9 lldtr duo west. Richard
Vandman. "
Three birds owned by J. G. Ward ,
itoyport , N. J , , have bsou sent for liber-
xticg a abort distauca beyond Now Or-
cans to bring the air line distance cov
ered to 1,1CO miles. This la the greatest
lumber ever sent by ono fancier to 11 ;
'rom ever 725 miles. Two of the birds
tnado the jiitirncy from Bristol , Tonn. ,
300 miles ) , this season , and ono USE
lown from Liberty , Vs. , 375 miles. The
next start from Now Orleans will ptob'
tbly be from the birds now waiting IB
Bristol , Tenu. , and Us vicinity favorable
ror their GOO mlloa' jonrnay to homo , and
'rom others that have already made this
journey owned by S. G. Limbortson ,
Itoyport. But the birds arc to bo pr >
mred for it by n journey from 750
nlloj , and then thu oxtrsmo distance to
J9 delayed until the birds are In now and
irai feather. Slnco the attempt has been
nano to cover the distance from Now
Orleans the fanciers -will not spare theli
efforts on the birds until It Is accom <
The Quaker City club , Philadelphia ,
will have Its distance race from Ponaa
cola , Eh , , distsnco air line 931) ) miles.
The blrda ore to bo fhwn for public to-
cord and marked under federation direc <
, ion by the liberator. They will leave
lomo on uezt Wednesday morning. The
entries thus far ara J. McGauhoy , 3 ; P.
W , Krouso. 2 ; J. Wllmor , 1 ; 0. Honsal ,
1 ; P. Murphy 1 ; R. L. Hayes , 1. The
entries romaln open until Tuesday oven-
ng. The first return is to win Us spurs
n the form of golden leg-bands inscribed
with its cow name , "Pensacola , " ita left
ind register numbers , and is to bo given
ts freedom from jail journeying there
after. _
llon'tMlml an An.icaiula Bite.
ow York Sun.
"Got aomo good-looking anacondas ,
mveti't ire1 ! asked a dealer in animals ,
stopping before a glass case. "It's fun
: o hoar the rormtka people rnako about
.horn , Nine paoplo in ton think they
are poisonous , llko rattlers , but there's
10 moro harm in their bitea that there If
in a bedbug's. Their tooth are good foi
nothing except to hold their prey while
they wrap themselves around It and
Bqnoeza it to death. Say , doctor , just
open its month and lot's ' ace ita teeth. "
The doctor , an amiable looking Ger
man attendant , with strong spectacles
and a grizzled board , opened the little
door ia the rear of the case , and tbi
dealer aud the reporter stood directly be
bind him. Ho picked up ono of the bl |
snakes. There was a dart of the rep'.Ilo'i
head , a wild twisting and flopping , am
then the dealer and the reporter wen
away. Whou the first chock of snrprlsi
was ever they returned with circumspec
tion. The doctor had put the anacondt
bach into the cigo End had bolted thi
"There , " mid ho. "you can eea thi
size of his teeth from theao bites , i
didn't ' cstch him near enough to hli
head. "
There were etc or eight llttlo perfora
tlons clong hla thumb that looked as 1
they had been made with the points o
"Hurt'f Why , no. An anaconda'
bite isn't anything , " aud ho put browi
paper on the holes and smiled.
1'utontcd Washing of Batter.
The Chamber of Agriculture Journal
London , Eng. , makes public a new method
od of washing butter patented In Germa
ny. It is to the effect that as soon a
gathered In the churn in particles about :
tenth of an inch In size , it la trnnsforroi
to a centrifugal machine , whoso drum I
pierced with boles and lined with a llnoi
sack , that la finally taken out with th
buttor. The machine Is sat In rapid mo
tlon. the buttermilk begins to escapoani
a spray of water thrown Into the roeolv
Ing drum waslioa out all the foreign mat
tora adhering to lha buttor. Thla wash
Ing Is kept up till the water comes awn ;
clean. Too revolution IB then contlnue <
till the last drop of water is removed , a
clothes are dried in the contrlfnga
wringer. Tin dry j'bnttcr It then takoi
out , molded , and packed. It IB clalmoc
that the product thus BO fully and qnlckl ;
frosd from all Impurities , without an ;
working or kneading has a finer flavor !
aroma , aud grata , and far better keopln
qualities than when prepared for marke
in the ordinary way.
Mr , Dukeb'
Detroit JTreo Press ,
It was at a big Auguafc meeting I
Wako county , North Carolina , and thcr
were acres of darkles present. Thi
"Crowing of the Rod Sea" was the sub
ject of the discourse , and the Rev. Mi
Dukes , a 'manclpnted minister , was treat
ing It In the most frigid manner. JU
had just closed by saying , Moses and hi
cbll'nn of Isaol crorsed ober the Red Seen
on the Ice , but when Kiro and hla him
berin ' big cbailots comes 'long dey brok
fruo the Ice and dey waa ll drownded ,
when a young man from town arose am
said :
"Brer Dukes , will you 'lo\v \ mo to a
yon a question ? ' '
"Sartalnly , what is it/1 /
"Well , Brer Dukee , 1's bin studdlr
geography , an1 geography tocches me da
do Red Sea am in de tropics. What
want to ax Is d's ' ; War dat ice CUM froc
whar Mesas crossed ober on ? "
Brer Dnkcs cleared his throat , moppei
his brow , hesitated & moment , and re
"Well , I's glad you ax det question
It gives me an opportunity to 'aplain
My dear young brer , yon rausn'a thlnl
'cause you wa'ratore cloao an' bin to schoo
dat you know everything. Dls thing I'D
proacin * 'baut took place long tlins ego
'foro doro was any geographies &u fen
dero was any tropics. "
Htrlkca In Berlin.
London Globe IJetlin correspondence , Jnno
29th ,
Although the workman's riots , ono
might almost ssy insurrections , in Boho-
mla were brought on by dlssatlsfactlon'of
a very different nature than a moro ques
tion of wages , they have , as feared and
expected by employers ho re , proved the
signal for a wider outbreak of the atriko
epidemic , The most palpable effect at
the present moment la the enormous di
mensions of the masons' and bricklayers'
atriko , thanks to which the numerous
immense barracks of homos In course of
rapid construction , In order to bo finished
before the now and highly dcslrablo
building lawa come Into effect , are
juat now standing almost as desolate
ind unfinished in Aspect as some
of the kin ? of Bavarln'a bagun
loDg-neqlegtod \ cMtto , Only ft week 1
ago the greatest activity prevailed in the
building trade. To-day all is still ; the
workmen are walking about drctsod in
the Sunday clothes , and holding frequent
crowded meetings , whllo 1 sadly fear the
wives and children are suffering , If not
starving , at homo , Tbo workmen de
mand an increase of five per cent on
their wagce , together with ft clearer limi
tation of the nomal working dar , the
burden of their grievance bing that the
master gains an enormous percentage on
each house erected , and that they who
nave to bnr the heat and burden of the
day are justified in claiming a greater
share of Its profits. They Hitter
themselves that they have choasn
i very favorable moment for
.ho furtherance of their object ; and ao
; hcy have In a certain sense , for it cannot
} o denied there Is nt the present tlnio an
.muaual demand ior their labor. But
.hoy forget that , the crisis once passed ,
; hero must of necessity bo a reaction in
; ho building trade , of which the masters
will , in their turngladly take advantage.
for the last year It bos boon the con
stant aim of tpaculators to got their walla
up before the 1st of July ; and tene
ments Intended to lot rather than live in
iavo been run up with marvellous celer
ity. The llttlo old-fashioned houses ,
ones BO characteristic of old Berlin ,
iavo nearly all boon cleared away to
make room for many storied edifices ;
and the rush once over , aa a
natural consequence , building will , for
: ho next few years , bo pretty
much at a standstill , and the bricklayers
to got work on arjy terms. Aware
of this , the masters are holding out ;
many are endeavoring to got their con
tracts prolonged for some weeks , and all
are resolved not to glvo way. From
what I hear , It is not unlikely that the
workmen wlli give in , and that baforo
long the trowel and hammer will bo again
at work in all directions. The contrac
tors for the now houses of parliament and
the market balls are nadly put out by this
strike , for in such colossal under
takings it Is no easy matter to make up
for lost time and apportnnity. Native
workmen disdain the threat of importing
foreigner ; , chiefly Italians , as they say
until they have become accustomed to
Gorman ways tholr help would largely
partake of tbo character of a hindrance.
Mcamwhllc , the police nro actively on
the alert to prevent strikers holdimg
socialist meetings , and have no easy task
o banish the latter element , which is
moro or leas at the root of the evil , as is
specially manifest when the speakers
persist In dragging the Sunday movement
ind women's work questions into their
The Ore in the Black Hills.
A Ouster City ( Dakota Territory ) correspondent -
respondent of the Metal Worker eaya :
"A company of , gentlemen from Scranton -
ton , Pa. , has also purchased several
claims , and will also build works In the
near future , and within a year or two
those companies expect to bo prepared to
ship mercantile tin to market. The ere
Is found in veina or lodes that are In
every sense of tno word true fissure-veins
that vary from throe feet to thirty feet
la thickness , and the spar or vein matter
in which the tin la found liesbatwoon
walls of micaceous slato. The lodes are
running , generally speaking , from northeast -
east to southwest. The spar , as it la
called hero , la of a very brittle nature
and easy of reduction by atampa. It
carries on the surface and to a depth of
from ton to twenty feet from throe to ton
per cent of tin. There are , to my
certain knowledge , several lodes
that carry ore that runs
over GO per cent , in tin. The Peacock
mlno , owned by the Scranton company ,
produced ere that runs 70 per cent in tie ,
and I know of large bodies that will
carry from 30 to 40 per cent , but it can
not bo expected that thla rich ere will
continuo to any great depth , but aa lodes
that carry li per cent , ore worked In
Germany to a great profit and a great
depth , it ocoms to mo that onr prospects
hero are much better than in any other
country for a great mining center in the
production of tin ; and if capitalists will
take this matter In hand and develop
these mines there is no reason in the
world to prevent thia district from furn
ishing all the tin that may bo required
for use In the United Statss for yeara to
Angostura Bitters is known at the proa
regulator of the digestive organs all over the
wcrld , Have It in your house. Ask \o r
pioter or druggist for the genuine article , man
ufactured by Llr. J. G. U. Sicgcrt & Sons.
Francis Joseph became emperor of Austria
by an act of abdication.
Washing & Bleaching
In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water.
Sivifi LABOR , TIM K ami BOAI- AMAZINGLY , audghca
anhcrsaliiatlsfactloii. No family rich or poor should
bo without It ,
Bold by all grocer ? , llxnjum of Imitations well de
limned to mlalead , 1'BiKi.iMi la the ( ALT SAFK Ubor
latlni ; compound and alHujs beara the abo\e em-
bl and naiuo of
1W1 and 1S7 Wulmtli A nut- ,
Hair CMh and Wire
Bustles , Hoop Skirts ,
Hair Cloth Skirl sf
AMI At u.i-r. r. rt
Tl.i cut rcpriftnu lh
I.aliL'lr ) Illo iiiuit I pular
c ornunutjoit of Jiimu aiui
II u | A liuljr .
\Jio Jiud wru tmu u . in v. r
wtir uny otiur nt u t i < n
hK it in stamiKil ui"iD tlio
lunil 1'tlriM JunfJT , lilt ,
No. 110,411 tiTAnjfuni. iil.
INK uiiiunyit' orijUrt MI > o
tumi4d , lil liu 'ii-s't * i' ' | {
ai iirumirtolaw Boid by ull
. MM. . KVH. KH
Real Estate
Bedford & Souer
213jSoutli 14th Street ,
Have a large list ofj inside business and resi
dence property , and some of the finest suburban
property in and around the city ,
Wo have business property oil Cnpitol Avenue , Dodge ,
Douglas , Fariinni , Ilnriiey , Howard , Dili , 10th , 13th luitT
IGth sreots ,
We Imve fine residence property on Farnnm , Douglns ,
Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cass , California streets , Sher
man , St .Marys and Park Avenues , in fact on all the best
residence street ? . We have property in the following'ad-
Hawthorne. McCormiok's ,
MiUard&'CaldweU's Kountz < $ c Ruth's ,
Lakes , Impr'nt Association
Elizabeth Place" Wilcos ,
E.V. Smith's , ! Burr Oak ,
EEorbach's , ? Isaac & Seldon's >
Patrick's ? Hanscom's
Parker's , West Omaha ,
Shinn's , Grand View ,
Gise's , Credit Foncier ,
Nelson's , Kountz' First
Armstrong's ! '
Kountz' Second ,
Grodfrev's.1 Kountz' Third ,
Lowe's , Kountz' Fourth ,
Kirkwood ; Svndicate Hill ,
College Pla Plain-dew ,
Park Place Hill Side ,
Tukev &Kevsors
West End , Tliornburg ,
Boo-gs&Hill ! Clark Place ,
Capitol , Mvers & Kicliards. ; '
E&eed's First. Bovds , "
And al the other. Additions to the
City. :
South Omaha.
We have the agency fo me syndicate lands in South Omaha. Those
lots sell from $225 upwards , and are very desirable property. The
development of the packing house and othnr interests there , are rapidly
building up that portion of. the city.
We have a few lots left in Kirkwood addition , "which we offer'nt low
prices , terms 25 downbalance $10 per month. .These lots are on high
level ground and are desirable.
Hawthorne. )
This addition is more centrally located than any other now addition
near the best Schools in the city. All the streets are being put to grade
tlio grades have neon established by the city council , and is very desira
ble residence property , ouly 15 blocks from Post oflicOj prices lower tuau
adjoinhm cdditions for a home or investment. These lota cannot be
Fen SALK House and lot on 21st St. Eaey Fen SALE-Homo nnd lot. 25th and Ohlca
terms. street , : , .
go ; splendid corner 5:1,000.
Fait SALK 22 foot on r.-unam St. . near Foil SALE-First class business block. 815,1
Htli St. , 88,000. , 000. '
Fen SALK-Lot InWnlnnt hill , 8200 , Fen SAtK-i lot on Wheaten St. ; ttood
S Fen SALB Lots on 20th , $500 each. house , 31,500 ,
Fen HALB Fine lot in Shinn addl
' corner B
3 < 'on SALK 212 nctes with elegant residence .
tlon , 750.
good barn , line troea , alirubery , fruit , hot and §
cold water and all conveniencea ) first class Fen S.\us-Tot in Millord Hace , epecia
property in every respect. bnrpnin ,
Foil SALB- foot on Fnrnam Btrcet , near 1'on ' LKASE Fine business properly on IGth
18th. ( iood LmBinuua property cheap , St. , mulHt. Mary'H Avenue.
Fen KENT Itoom-11x70 , bd iloor , on llth Fen SALK i lot on Chicago St. , between
troet , 13th nnd 11 , vlthgood , house , ? 3,000 , ,
We will jfiirnisJi conveyance free to any
tjoj tJic city tosfiowjpropcrly to ourjrientla
awl customers , and cheerfully fjive informa
tion rcyardiny Omalia Property ,
Tliose who have I > aryain8to * { offer or wisfi
property atlabaryain ] arelin vitcd to see us.
Real gEatate Agents
2l3S.I4thSl , bet.Farnam&Doueras !