iv U. , V 1nillcit' , without ShoulclerUrnco , $1.CO Jiiullen'vllh Shoulder Jlrixeo. tnadi'nf line Coutll.ilotibloRtltclicd 3.00 IVnrHliiK.tt'ihout ' Shoulder llrace , 1.75 Alxlomliinl , " " 2.00 nilne * > . lOtollyp.irs 1.6O Young I-nillc i > , II to 18 ycnrg 2.00 Highly rccotnincndptl by the leading VodlsUM , tliu Fashionable tres nmkers mm iliomosl eminent Physicians in Ilio United Status and Europo. Circulars free. LEWIS SCHIELE & CO. , Bolt Offoeri ot PAttnt mill Hanurftflnrfn , 390 IIROAIMVAY , NK\V YORK. 1517 Douglas Street , Omaha , and leading houses everywhere. ScccEssons TO JOHN G , JACOBS. At Ilio ol < l a'aiidHl ? Tatnam St. Orders by tele graph solicited and promptly attended to. Telephone lio. 226. A\Jctimo/oiithfnltmpruilrnCQ causing i'roinnturo Decay , Nervous Debility , l-i Alanhnotl. itc..having tripil inaiii ovnry known remndy.has discovered n * iiui > la mentis of self-euro , which ho will rend I'ltHK tuAft ullow-iullcjors. Aildres * . J.U.UUiVKS.43SsiiaiBUKi B t IN OMArtA NEB lAIBUM-ilERiCA H PACKET COMPANY. D rect Line for England , Prance and Germany. Th-j ijrtnahlps cl this well known line ire c ( tioc , la witer-tlght compartments , and are Inr- dUhcd with every requisite to male the paufrire both 6fe aid agreeable , They carry the United Stitea find European mails , and l < wo Now York 7hued yjand Satuid )8 for Plymouth CONDON ) Cheiboug.lI'ARIS and HAMBUUF ) Ratcn , first Cal > In$60-8100. Steerage to orid from Hamburg 810. 0.11 RlcaAHU & CO. , Gen eral I'tkSt. A'ent ( , 611roadway , New York and Washington and La Lcllo streets , Chicago or Henry Pundt Itaik Haneon , F. U. lloores , Harry P. Ucul Gmahn ; dronewltf &Schooncger , In Country. 1 I bnvo A positive remedy for Iboabovedlleait j by lit mo itioaaands of cnsea o ( the worat kind mid of long staodlDctiavo been cured. Indeed. noBtronglnrnyfAltti In 111 emcncy.ttmU will on.lTWO . IIOTflK3 rilKB , together with ft VA I.PA nt.BTKEATISE on thlldlieaes aanTsuflTrtrflr. Ulve xnrens mt r O adtlrefls. DK.T. . BLOCUJIlJirearlSt.Mew To * Notice ! Notice ! Notic THE MAGNETIC HEALER , To all who ate dlsouod or nllllctcil , no matter how long the standing ; oomo and 1)3 ) healed , Feamalo dls- causa where medicines bavo ( ailed to gl\o relief , a epseialty ; come one , oome all and bo healed by the Magnetic healer , the only euro escape from any dis ease. For examination , our change * aroSl. ( or each -treatment , or visitations $2 ; terms Ktrlctly caah , J H. PAGBLAR , North Stiti ) St. , ODO mil ) west of Fair Grounds Omaha , Neb. 1' . O. Ho033. . OUNCIIrBLUFFSi ADDITIONA flAOAL. PLANNING f OS PIONIOS , An Excursion Party JJnml Their Eyes oa Island l' rlc nntl Are Delighted' . J < About sovonty-fivo citizens and Indies accompanied the park commissioner Sat urday afternoon on a trip of Inspection to the newly christened Island park , formerly known ni Carr lako. The place la Iccatod about five miles from the city , on the Kansas City road. The company , through Its superintendent , Mr. Hardy , farnlshad a special train for the accom modation of the tourists , and a tucocasfnl andlng was made at the new station , which Is near the residence of Mr. 0 , II. Lncar , whoso property faces on the lake tsolf. The purpoco of the excursion was not merely for fan , but for business , as well , and the time and energies were pretty evenly divided botirocn the two. Mr , Lucas and his family did all possible for the accommodation and comfort of the travellers , and the afternoon was very cnjoyably epent by all. The p k com. mlsalonora consist of Mr. 0 , A. Graham , Mr. Thomas Officer and Mr. J. J. Brown. Their deslro was not only to Inspect the grounds thoroughly thoinoelves , but to have other clttzons look them over , with a view to making sundry Improvements , and in tlmo of transforming the place Into a popular summer resort/ and plcnio ground for the benefit of this city. During the Forty-aixth congroes , Col. Sapp secured by special acte , the tltlo for this city to seventy-nix acroj of land , in cluding this Inko , and alto a tract of laud including Big lako. Ho also secured the plots , they both being meandered. Thoao arc Infactolroady among the parks owned by the city. It 1ms been sug gested that the one familiarly known as Carr lako'should bo enlarged and Im proved. By the addition"/ ) ! about nix- tocn acrao , acme splendid groves can bo secured , and ample room for drives clear around the Inko , and by the expenditure of n little money It is thoiiaht that a beautiful place can bo made. It bus been suggested that now would bo the best time to oecara the additional ground , at leant , and the improvements contemplated could bo mado'at lolauro. The lake at present Is lower than it should be , but it is decldul by survey , that by a very llltlo money the outlet can be raised about four foe1 ! , making then a splendid body. The island Is a beautiful spot naturally , und there h a heavy stand of timber , BO that by the clearing out of the underbrush and the starting of bine gross , a plcn'.o ' ground could bo made with very little espouse. With pleasure drives clear around the lake , with boating and fishing , with grand groves , and grassy knolls , all with in a short distance from the city , and so easily reached cither by rail or by team , It seems that the project would moot with hearty support by all. The company who visited the cpbt on Saturday seemed greatly pleased and were jolly. Homo braved the clashing billows In mud scows , others Indulged In pistol practice , others clambered Into a hay rack and were jolted around to the island , and walked the rest of the way. Others sit in the shade and progressed in euchre , and all drank ico-wator , and porcplred. n. D. Hatlu took first money among the fishers , bo pulling out thirly-threo in forty mlntcs , and had several moio on his hook when the whistle blew and ho had to run for the train. The other contestants In that sport claimed a foul , becauaa he had two assistants , Marshal Gnanella string ing the fish oa fast as caught , and B. S. Torwllllger catching the froca for bait. To ofl'iot this claim of foul , Harlo claimed that ho would have had a greater score had not TorTfllllgor got tired of provid ing the bait. Z. T. Limhey took first in marksmanship , ho having marked out tbo tarkpt with a load pencil. Master Mechanic Brldonstoln , Aldermen Ben nett and Straub , and Charles Officer won the regatta honors , they making very fast time , their boat being on a flat car at tached to a train. Wells Cook was along , and Improved the opportunity of arranging a ( schedule of box rents for the now poototlico to bo established there under tbo oversight of the Council Bluffs ofiico , for which he Is patiently waiting. Those of the party , who wont over onto the Island , had to take oil'their hats and do honor to the largest trees In this county , ono elm measuring seventeen feet In circumference , and another tree meas uring fourteen foot. Wlmliavo trilled nwsv tlirlr jontlifnl tiK r and power , nrhoars iiiri'rlMi-'froin tnrillili J > KINS ami J.Oh.-jJltj , nho aruMcnk , MI'OTKNTaiul mull lor inariluge MEN of all ages , who find their POWER nmUilnlity , lHrvi'e ! > .unl 'SEXTA' blKKNd'lll weakened , by early lubni or ix ; ( KSSKH. ci"cfelvu a posllivounil JastliiK ( HI ill ) . NOlnatlrr ol how Ion , tnnilliiK the cusoiuay be , or who liai Uilcd In rure.by n li w weeks or months tiM ) it tbo celebrated MYRTLEAIN TREATMENT , , , AtliomvHhuuiciioaiirc , HiLhS. time , andlor UiBri moncv than nny < > tlirrinutl ) < t IntlicwnrM. Weak back , headache , EMISSIONS. latitude , to bofHlrl1sind | ambition , plooTiiy thoughts , d ro u d 1 ul ( IrrMins. dcfi'ctlxu nn'niory. IMl'OTKN'UI ! , fits. Impediments to nmrrlarr. and mail ) oilier EyniptoniH leading to CONtilJJlr'TlON or IN.-iANI 1'V , aru iiruuiptly rvmuttd bj this treatiuuiit , aud vigorous manhood leMoicu * ] MarricdMen , orfJiosewho intend to marry , . . prrfti-t sexml slrenplb means , bcalih , vigorous olf- cprlng , long llfo and tbo lovonnd rccju-et ol d falihiulv. \ \ . Weak inuiiahuiiln bu restored to vloor & Jinnhiiod lioforo rnarrlage 1'rnufN. ti-stiiuonials and valuable treatise ii elainps. tEstab.lsrzOAddrcss The Climax Medical Co , 5O4 St. Louis , Mo. WHEN SOLICITED TO INSURE IN OT1IKII COMPANIES , Remember These Bmoortant Facts CONCERNING The iulua ! Life Insuranc eGompany OF NEW YOKK. 1 , II a the OLDE3T active Ufa Iniur'aaco Company In thli oouutry , 2. It la the LMIUKST Lllo Insurance Company by many tnllllona ol dollars In the world. 8. Its ratcg ul premiums are LOWKll than thoao of any otber company , 4. It ha > no "btockholdotu"toclalm any part of Its prollta. 6. It otfoiB no bCUKHKS under the name of Insurance for speculation by apodal cluscs upon the moKoitunca of each ctcer , B. Its present avalUbU CASU UKSOCUCKS exceed those ol any other Llfo InsuMnca Couip&ny In the world. world.It baa received In e 8h from all source ) , from February. 1813 , to January , JFFS f270.02,5S.OC. ! It hu returned to the people , In cash , from February , 1813 , to January , 15S5 , g2P,091,211,00. ! lt cash Asaetaoothe 1st ot JanuarygS5 , omouutto moro than W. K. ALLEN , General Apont for Nabraska. Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming and Utah. Office Cor.lfarnam and 13th St.Over 1st Nat'l. ' liauk , Omaha , Neb MERUILL & FEHGUSON , Gen , A ta. for Michigan , Indiana , Illinois , Wiscoucln , Iowa and Mlnnosotn. Detroit , Jllchigan. jr. v. noiinuu. Htwclal Acrant for Iowa. Donncil TUtiffo. Town GHAELES R , LEE , A full uBortment of air and kiln dried Walnut , Cherry , Ash , Qutterout , I'uplar , Hodwood , etc. Hanlwoocl aud 1'oolar Pane ) , Hardwood KloorlnpVagoa , atock , Stair Builders' Mntu , Kfd Cedar PoaU , Comou Oak dimension and luldge titnbera , Cedar Boards for moth proof cloeetB , etc Veneerg , fancy wood fur scroll sawing , etc , , etc. S. W. CORNER 9th AND DOUGLAS , OMAHA , NEBRASKA WHERE IS SHE ? The Body of an Iowa Girl Tnrcs lo Sloneaifl is Tiitn Stolen , * Traced to Now Yorfc , mud Tlicro Lost Truck of , A BEE reporter was talking with ono of the oldcat residents of the clty.whllo mercury was standing at 100 ° In the ahndo , and both well knowing that If It crawled np much higher It wonld bo & qncttion whether they could survive the boat , the conversation naturally turned on the subject of grave yards and dead people. "I will toll you a circumstance , " said the old citizen , "that HOB directly within my recollection , concerning the disinter' meat of the remains of a young lady who lived at Loon , in this st.ito , before she died. Her nnmo van Arnold ; I forgot her first nnmo. Well , trhcn she died , eho wan burled near her home , and after she had boon burled five yo&rs , It was concluded for some reasons torcmovo the remains to another place. So they took her up. After they dug down to the coffin and was trying to ralto it , they noticed that It was terrible heavy ; oh , heavy nos no name tor It. It was was nil these men could do to got It out of tbo ground at nil , and there was several of them working at it. "When they finally pot It out , and opened it up every ono who woo thoio was astonished to observe how well pre sorted the corpse was. And thee who had known , the young lady during her lifo time were greatly surprised to see how natural ahu looked , When they como to touch the remains they found that they had been petrified Into a solid rock ; solid whlto limestone. "Whon this was found out they con cluded not to bury her ogalu. but hnd the remains placed In a vault , M thuro could bo no danger of decay after what had taken placo. After having her placed there , her friends wont over very often , especially the old man , her father , to look at her. She seemed so llfo like as she lay there ; her features oo perfect aud tranquil that It was n Impossibility to stay away. "But ono day when the father wont over to look upon his daughter who had been dead so long , ho was disappointed to find that the remains had disappeared and It was an impassibility to find them. Search was made and not n clue could be found by which their disappearance could be traced. They were gone. 'A young man who had lived In the neighborhood previous to her death , bad at ono time been somewhat smitten with her charms. At the titno of her dlzintcr- mont ho was in Michigan studying at some medical university , his folks In the meantime having moved aw oy from that section of the country , and of course ho knew nothing about her having boon taken np aud found to ba p&trlfiod. Having graduated from the university in Michigan , ho went to Now York city for the purpose of tending medical lectures , and visiting museums and in nhort doing everything that ho had an opportunity to do that would tend to advance him In his chosen profession. "Well , a few years ago ho visited the ecenea of his childhood , his early youth ralherhero in Iowaand I had a talk with him. Ho Is not so very old yet , and still single. Ho was tolling mo about the things ho saw In Now York City at the various departments of modfclno aud other places , and I tell you he was qulto an Interesting talker. But among other tnings ho told mo ho saw was a petrified corpse the corpse of a young lady which attracted his attention moro than anything he came across , and as he talked on ho said , 'I mil tell you the reason. ' As ho said this 1 could notlca ho looked very melancholy. 'Do yon remember , ' ho said , 'Miss Arnold , who used to live in Leon , this state ? ' I told him I did. ' Well , ' ho said , 'althrongh It has been a long tlmo since I saw her , and never will see her again , I could almost have sworn that it was her. She looked as natnaral as If about to speak , and very much re sembled what I recollect of the appearance of Miso Arnold as she lay in the coflin the day of her funeral. "I then told him about her having been taken up and found to bo patrlfied , and removed to the vault from which she was stolen. I never saw a man BO struck in my life. Ho looked dumbfounded. He said he hadn't been to Locm yet , but when ho wont would make inquiries , e told him that ho needn't ' , go there to e ° tn if I was telling him the truth , lor I ooupl assure him of It. She had never been heard of to this day although a dllllgons snatch was undo. Ho said that ho wao going to Now York again before long , and that when ho did so , ha would go eo that medical mnseutn , nnd from thoet trace buck to whore the petrified corpcu had como frciu and if It proved to be hers , ho wonld take measures to have It returned to Leon. Since that daypa I have never seen him , nor heard a w ho from him. It might bo that ho trapr s the matter back till ho found that it jt soruo ono else's corpse , or maybe ho wo never had an opportunity yet to look ceh matter np. " BETTER NOT BET , An Innocent Gorman Pays Heavily for Seeing King Trick , A German giving his name as August Sold , and en route west to buy land , WAS fleeced out cf part of his money on an In coming train yesterday morning. Ho fell in with a stranger who Interested him In the teeming Impossibility of doing a trick by which two apparently eolld rings were made to link Into each other. The Gorman was induced to bet $25 that It could not bo done , and the stranger soon had the money. The German pro tested , and the follow attempted to got out of the car , when the victim caught hold of him , and was only persuaded to let go by the throats of being killed. Ho next spied the fellow en reaching the platform cf the tramfer , and ho then grabbed the ring man in dead earnest and would not lot him escape. The riogjter gave up $10 , but still the Ger man Insisted on having the rest , and finally the fellow banded over § 15 moro. By that tlmo a crowd had gathered , and Officer McMillan coming up arrested the fellow and brought both him and the Gorman up to the jail , where the letter was also hold as B witness. The fellow his name as Jamon Dj Grasoy. Watlilngton selected the eitea for the national capital and for the Weit Point mill tary academy , PERSONA ! * . Ucnry Wagner has returned from n two months' visit to Europe. State Secretary Baldwin , ot the V. M. 0. A. , spent the Sunday here. J. W. Merger , now of Topeka , Kan. , Is herp pending two or three days with his family. James Campbell and his bride have just re turned from their wedding tour to Galena , 111 , Mrs , W. II. Treynor haa returned from ho * vitlt of several weeks with friends at Sutton , Nob. I. 0. Schrotvor haa accepted a position again with the Council Bluffs Carpet com pany. Theodore Land and Major-General Thomas , the Nonpariol's ' fat compositor , leave tomorrow row for n trip cost. James McSpadon , of Billing ! , M. T , , who has been the guest of Frank Prouty , has gone on n visit to Kansas City. Joe Mattroth has resigned his position with ' , . T , Lindsay & Co , , and will soon go to Den * ver to accept n position there. Miss Pauline Guanella , niece of Marshal Frank Guanelln. has returned to her homo in Georgetown , Cole , , after n three months' visit hero. hero.A. A. W. Courson , representative of ono of Cincinnati's largest buggy factorles.was at the Bechtele Sunday , nnd loaves this morning for Lincoln , Neb. Miss Lou Swan left Sunday evening for Glenwood Springs , on the Grand rlvor , Cole , She will be mot in Denver by bor brother , Joseph Swan , editor of the Chief. Mrs. B. Sllloway and daughter , Florence , Mrs , O , E. Putnam and daughter , Carrie , of Cedar Kaptds , are visiting the city , the guests of Sirs. Mark Duryeo , of the Ogdcn , A BLUSTERING BAKER. He Goes on n Katnpago With n Pair of Kovolvore. 2 About 11 o'clock Friday night there was a lively tlmo In Frank Kubovec'a balco shop , nt 1312 South Thirteenth struct , Kubovtic had left his doors and windows all open in order to give his placa a good airing. lie was dozing away in his chair up-atalrs , when suddenly ho was cciad : with the thought that some ono was tryIng - Ing to steal a p.r.ck of Hour out of the bajomont of his building. Ho jumped up , and , taking a revolver In each hand , started to look np the supposed thief. The benefit ball was In progress acre s the way and n large number of police men , who are on day dntv , troro attend- Ind the ball. Among the number were Marshal Cummlngs , Ciptoin Sullivan , Roundsman Whalen and Officers Howies and Murphy , all of whom wore standing on tlia walk nearly opposite the bakery. They saw the wild Bohemian charging around with the revolvers and rushed across the way to see what was the trouble. They followed the baker Into the base ment which was filled with darkness , and Roundsman Whalou and Officer Rowlos were kept busy lighting matches to aid Kubovcc In his search , while ono and all of them were cautionlnghlm not to shoot. After a thorough ecaich of the place no Intruder waa found and after closing np the place the baker retired. It would have been a "cold day" for any straggler who might have been found in that base ment , for his carcass could have been easily mod for a sieve after Kubovoc had finished with him. Banana Custard. Slice np bananas , put a layer of them Into a deep dish , a good covering ot su gar , more banana ? , then sugar , and so on ; then squeeze the juice of ono orange over it. Make a custard with yolks of eggs , pour It over tbo fruit. Boatup the whites to a Etlil froth ; flavor , sweeten , and spread on top of custard , put Into eo oven and brown. Louis XI's pastime was in the exhibition of dancing pigs oddly cheesed , which were trained , The Indians of Labrndor'are resorting to cannibalism since the game has all been killed off. _ Kensington , Conn. , claims the oldest soldsera' monument in the country. It boars the date 18C3. _ No cais or wagons or vehicles of nny kind on wheels are known in the capital of Madagascar , Mr. John R. Cantllti , chief engineer of the Philadelphia Fire Department , had a severe cough , which was brought on through exposure , removed by Rod Star Cough Cure , lie supplies sick firemen with It. I'fovcl ' Lightning Mr. P. B , Dolany , of Now York , Inventor - ventor of the synchronous telegraph oye- tom has , eaja the Scientific American , recently patented a lightning rod for the human body. It consists of a largo cop per wlro that pjtses down the baolt with branches extending along the arms to the hands , and along the legs to the exterior of the shoes and to metal solea thereon The wearer , If provided with xbla red , may , if standing on the ground , handle electric light wires with Impunity , and if caught in a thunderstorm would stand a good chance of not being hurt if his bed werortruckby lightning. Mr.Delaoy ought to carry a branch of his rod up the back of the neck , and have It connect with a point on the homlet of the policeman , and so give thorn protection. It has therefore been proposed to have lightning rod umborellas that la to say , an umber- ell provided with a flexible wire that ex tends from the tip or ferrule over the outside of the umborolla , the wire reachIng - Ing to and allowed to trail on the ground. Wo guarantee the speedy , painless and permanent euro , -rrithont knife , caustic or talve , of the largest pile tumors. Pam phlet and references sent for two latter stamps , World's Dispensary Medical As- soolatlon , CCa Main street , Bulldlo , N. Y. A certain etiquette Is to bo observed in addressing the president , either In person or by letter. The proper tltlo Is "Mr. Prcbidant , " nnd all such titles as "Your Honor , " "Your Excellency , " or "President Cleveland " considered , are as in extremely bad taste. In letters tote to him the address , "Tli9 President. Ex ecutive Mantlon , Washington , D. C , , " is all that Is necessary. As to the members of the cabinet , In private conversation yon address them as "Mr. Secretary of the treasury , " "Mr. Attorney General , " eta. But In writing the proper form Is , for Initance , "Hon. Thomas F. Bayard , Secretary of State , Washington , D. 0. " In writing to a senator you cay in a for mal epistle , "Mr. Senator , " and you ad dress the outside of your letter , for In- stanca , "Hon. John A. Logan , Senate Chamber , Washington , D. 0. " Mem bers of congress ara addressed by their last name with Mr. , with the addition of any military tltlo they may potaasa , Points for Land Hottlors. Washington Special. "Any land entry that Is bated on a strom to He is fraudulent. By settlement Is meant the net by which claimant thows his intention to claim the land. Usually It consists In building a shanty or break ing the tod. Contests nro often decided by the dates of settlement , Legal settle ment cannot bo made by an agent , not oven by a member of the family. The settler must go In actually upon the laud ho desires to sacnro and perform some not of settlement. The settlement act of widows and ( piasters may consist in giv ing orders to n hired man , but the orders must bo carried Into effect. A pro-omp tlon filing must bo preceded by settle nient , but the defect may bo cured by making settlement before another person commences an adverse settlement. A homestead outry may bo made without prior settlement. Filings aud entries based upon settlement must bo made within ono month of settlement on offered land , and within three months on un- ofTorod land. "A claimant who swears to settlement ono or two months , or yoarr , or other wise , before the real date of settlement , 's guilty of perjury and besides commit ting n crime , his entry ( a liable to can- tost. Parlies who swear falsely to settle ment on school sections before tnrvoy , gain nothing If anybody chooses lo report the truth to the general land cliico. Aliens cannot make legal entry or settle ment until they have declared their Jn- tontlons to become citizens. Married women cannot bo settlers unless deserted by their husbands. No ono under 21 years , except the head of a family , can make settlement or entry. All entires made contrary to the above are subject to contest. "Homestead and pre-emption claim ants must comply with the law In tbo matter of residence. The entries of herds men , miners , business and professional men and other people whoso employments keep them away from their farms are liable to contest. Visiting claims once a week or occasionally during a month is not resldouco. Poverty sometimes ex cuses non residence , but pretended pov erty nover. There mint bo sufficient breaking and cultivation of the land , and improvements , such as buildings , clearIngs - Ings , fences , well , etc. , to show good faith and honest Intention , Wore little or no breaking or cultivation or improve ments are shown , especially If residence has been doubtful , the- entry is liable to successful contest. "Timber culture entries must bo on land naturally dovold of timber. The claimant must actually come within the land district to swear to his entry papers. The third year after entry , five acres , previously broUen and cultivated , must bo planted with trees-cuttings or seeds. The same with five acres moro during the tonrth year. Thoto must bo cared for and cultivated. If not , the entry can bo successfully contested. Residence is not required. An agent can do all the work , but the entryman Is held responsible. Improvements made by a prior claimant nro credited on the purchaser's claim. Desert land entries cannot extend more than a mile and a quarter in any one direction and cannot embrace cultivated , or timber , or grassy lands. The desert land musty ba brought to an agricultural condition within three yoara from the date of entry or the entry will bo liiblo to contest. "Tho act of congress cf May 14 , J880 , holds out as an indncomcnt to contest fraudulent entries , the privilege or prot- erenca right to entry for thirty days after cancellation , where contestants are duly qualified to maito entry. A preferred contestant cannot sell his right of entry ho as to invest the purchasers with the privilege. Such purchaser must take his chances with other claimants. In general , all entries wherein the requirements of law are not fully met are liable to con test , and under amended rule of practice No. 35 , the hoarlnc ; may be had near the land Involved. All rulings of the local officers , as well as of the commissioner of the general land ofiico , that Involve the denial of a supposed right , are subject to an appeal to a higher tribunal , and valu able lands are frequently lost by not tak ing such appeal. " The Collapsed Trust Company. The needy unfortunates who tried to got their deposits cut found that there was a poor show. So they became very miserable and complained , as It was nat ural for thorn to do. A collapsed Trust Company Is bad. But It is not half as bad as a collapsed ntpmach , worn out by dyspepsia and debility. For the weary and worn-out stomach , take Brown's ' Iron Bitters , the best preparation of Iron over made , and the prince of tonics. Mr. J. A. Hepburn , Des Moinoc , Iowa , says , "I found Brown's Iron Bitters ox- cel.'ont ' for digestion and 111 health. " Buy of your druggist. The thimble vas invented 100 ! years ngo by Nicholas van Benschotor , n goldsmith of Amsterdam. C3oifco ! > erry Cream. Ono quart of pcoseherrles , ono ounce of butter , ono pound of whlto eupar , four ecgs. Cover the gooseberries with cold water and simmer over the fire until they aru soft ; strain through a sieve , and heat the pulp ; when hot , stir in the sugar and batter ; heat the eggs till light , and boat them into the fruit pulp after it Is cold. Servo in glasses. Gen , Booth claims that by the year 11)00 ) the Salvation nrmy will number 23,000,100 members , PILES ! ! PILES ! ! PILES ! ! ! A pure cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itching nnd Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 125 or 30 years standing. No ono cecd Buffer live minutesnfter _ applying this wonderful sooth ing medicine , Lotions and instruments do tuoro harm than good , Williams' ' Indian Pile Ointment nbsorba the tumors , allays the intense itching , ( particularly nt night nltor getting warm in bed ) , acts ns a poultice , gives Instant relief , nnd is prepared only for Piles , itching of private parts , nnd for nothing else. SKIN DISKASK3 CUUI3I ) by JJr. Frnzier's Mogio Ointment. Cures ns if by magic. Pmiplua.Uliick Heads or Gruba Blotches nnd Krtiptiorm on the face , leaving the skin clear and beautiful. Also curca Itch , Salt Ulmme , Snru Nipples , Sere Lips , nnd old , Obstinate Ulcers. Kohl \ > y druggists , or mailed on receipt of prlco , DO ct'utfl , At retail by Kuhn & Co , nnd Schroctcr & Becht. At wholesale by C. V. ( joodman , I R- LI Ji Who ( or tbo past 10 years has been prai t San Francisco la now locatiU at No i.8 N. Gtli Hlfo opponltu now Opera Iloutu. lliJiau IIMcLjr guirr.nct8 : to restore 'VlAIR OR WHISKERS , Or t Kl > o < "i30uoahu ! h rmutacho or brine out no growth if lialr orbjanl In ( ruiuluurtutlx wcoVa. rlouircaiunablo and nattgfattiuu guarautcv < l , C r.corH , dcnluuinamliupfcUllj' rhuuiaathiu and olirtnlo olcians tuica 1) amtural gilt ol tie ctrun JT. JFiaJcetir , -rbtG thSt , , .Council Bluff * ouer 213 South 14th Street , Have a large list ofj inside business and resi dence property , and some of the finest suburban property in and around the city. Wo have business property ou Capitol Avenue , Dodge , ' .3,1 Douglas , Fariinm , Hnruoy , Howard , Dtli , 10th , 13th nnd L1 S 1(5th ( greets , We have fine residence property on Fnrnnni , Douglng , Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cass , California streets , Sher man , St .Marys end Park Avenues , in fact on all the best * residence streets. We have property in the following'ad- ditious. Millard&'CaldweU's Lakes , Elizabeth Place ! : E. V.Smit : Horlbaclrs'i Patrick's ? Parker's , Siiinn's , Gise's , Nelson's , Godfrev's , : Howe's , Kirkwood,1 College Place , Park Place , WaInu HilL West End , Beed's First , McCoriniclrs , Kountz < $ c Ruth's. Inipr'xit Association Wilcox , Burr Oak , Isaao & Seldosrs. J Hans coin's . West Omaha , Grand View , Credit Foncier , Ulountz' First ! Kountz' Second , ! ountz' Third , ! Kountz' Fourth , Svndicate Hill , Plainview , Hill Side , Tukev & ; Kevsori * > i Clark Place , Mvers < & 5 Riohards/M C > = And a ! the other Additions to the City. : iouth Omaha. We have the agency o me syndicate lands in South Omaha. These n lots sell from $225 upwards , and are very desirable property. The development of the packing house and othnr interests there , are rapidly building up that portion of. the city. Kirkwood. We have a few lots left in Kirkwood addition , which we offer ah ] < > r trices , terms 25 down balance $10 per month. These lots are on hi'jn level ground and are desirable. Hawthorne. ! This addition is more centrally located than any other new addition near the best Schools in the city. All the streets are being put tj ( jrada the grades have oeen established by the city council , aud is very dfyira- blo residence property , only 15 blocks from Post oilico , prices lower Inaii adjoining additions for a home or investment. These lots cnnnot be beaten. Fen SALE HOIUO and lot on 21st St. Easy terms. Foil SAI.K 22 foot ou Farn.tm St. , near llth St. , $8,000. Fen SALK-Lot InWalnut hill , 5200. S Fen SALE Lota on 20th , § D50 each. Fen SALK 22f acres with elegant residence , good barn , fine trees , ehrubery , fruit , hot and cold water an J all conveniences ] .first claea property in every respect. Fen SALE-CO feet on Farnam street , near 18th. Good buaiaoaa property cheap , Fen HHNT Itoom 44x76 , 3d floor , on llth treat , Fen SAI.K Homo and lot , lT > tli and go ntrout ; aplendid corner , $3,000. Foil SALK-First claia buainosa block , B-15 , ? 000. 000.Fon SALK i lot on Wheaten St. ; n oil house , 81,500 , Fen HALK Fina corner lot in Sliiun a u Idl tlon , 5750. FOR SALK-Lot in Millard Pluco , aps.ia bargain. iHh * Foil IJEASK Fine businoas property ju St. , anil St. Mary'a Avenuo. l"on .SALK-i lot on Chicago Hi. , botwoea Kith and It , vlthgood houde , $3COO. , We will jfuvnisH conveyance free to part of tJie city toshowproperty to ourJrie ami customers , and cheerfully a'tve informa tion reyanliny OinaJia Property. Those who have ttaryain o offer or ivisJt < treJnvitcd to see us. properly atji\bargainl \ RealSEjtate Agents 213SJ4tbSt , bBtJarnam & 0ouslas :