Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1885, Image 7

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Morning , Jn'ly 20 ,
a Prof Geo. F , S n has been elected
mneisal director of tha Concordia Singing
The Musical Union orchestra will Rive a
grand concert Wednesday evening , August 0 ,
nt Boyd's ' opera Ixroso , for the benefit of the
child's hospital and home , assisted by the
following artists : Mise Maria liiainartl , of
New York , soprano ; Mrs. Adolph Weber , of
Lincoln , soprano ; Mrs , 12 , L , linker , of
CJ Loavenworth , contralto , and Mr. T. .7 , i'cn-
% eli , of Omaha , basso , Following is the
committee in charge : Mrs , It , H. Clarkson ,
Mrs. J , M. Woolworth , Mrs. S. U. Bangu ,
Mrs , II. Kotintze , Mrs. A. J. 1'opploton
Mrs. C. H. Frederick , Mrs. S. 8. Caldwell.
Xlic Motion Tor a New Trial Not Yet
It sooma that the motion for n now
trial In the star roulo cages of "U , S.e ,
Thou Parker , " of Atchison , Kan. , which
was to have boon argued hero before
Jndgo Dundy last , Tuesday , passed by
without any particular reason therefor ,
moro than that Col. A. S. Everest , attor
ney for plaintiff , had to bo away at that
time on basinets at some other place.
The cases were tried before Jndgo
Bandy In Jnno at Topeka ,
and aa the plaintiffs live in
the Kansas district it is only as they
plcaao to fool about the matter whether
they coino hero to have the motion for anew
now trial argued or compel Jndgo Dandy
to go down there again. Mr. Douglas ,
who is assisting as special attorney for the
government in thesa cases , says that the
result of this particular case will shape
his actions regarding all the others. At
least there will bo nothing done with
them until the Parker case ia disposed of.
Olilhlroii'd Tarty.
A moat delightful children's party was
given on Friday ovoulng at the residence
of Mr. anf Mrs. W. V. Morse , on Capitol
tel avenni Their children May , Flor
ence , Et > el , end Robert entertained
their many frlomh from 4 to 8 o'clock In
very handsome manner. The grounds
were attractively arranged for the occa
sion ; music was furnished by the
ItalLm harpers. At G o'clock an elegant
lunch waa spread. The patty was a very
happy gathering of the little folks , among
whom It was qnito a society event. It
will not soon bo forgotten by these who
were present , among whom were the fol
lowing : Helen and Gertie Adama ,
Sadlo and Lllllo Alexander , Bertlo Bal-
bach , Margaret , Carl and Wllllo Barn-
ham , Joe Barker , Minnlo and Lonlo Beoh-
ol , Sadlo , Margaret and Stores Bowen ,
Jay Boyd , Sam and May Burns , Sam and
May Galloway , Alice and Warren Chase ,
Darling Coo , Gnnly Coburn , May , Wllllo
and Edna Cowln , Beanie Cooley , Ross
and Bcsilo Towlo , Freddie Lake , Lulu
Dolan , George and Mamlo Dandy , Frank
Duke , Lorlmer , Esa and Dannlo Denlso ,
Grace Dotwiler , Fannla and George Gil
bert. Gertrude and Allen Goblo , Stella ,
May and Robert Hamilton , Katlo Ha
vens , Dovoy Hoagland , Lucy and Nottio
Hngns , Daisy and Jessie Houston , May ,
Bessie and Edith Her , Gertrude , Herman
and Luther Konntzo , Stella McCarthy ,
Sammy and Herbert Morse , Besslo and
Helen Pock , Catherine and George
Pritchott , Louis Rhoem , Asa and Annlo
Shivorlctt , Blanche and Grace Sorenaon ,
Edith S my the , Lulu Sqnlros , Mabel
Taylor , Flora Webster , Russell Wilbur ,
Mead Williams , Jennlo and Halite Yatoi ,
Guy and Wlllio Henry , Ralph and Carl
Oonnoll , Larimer Gaylord , Walter and
Helen Jones.
Smoke Seal of North Carolina To
A HousingConellt. .
The ball last night at Hoffman's hall ,
on South Thirteenth street , for the ben
efit of Mrs. Mary Snstorltz , who lost her
two lltklo sons last week by drowning ,
was largely attended and was a g " , nd
BUCCBS in every particular. The ball was
doubtless the beat conducted ono over
hold In Sonth Omaha and all who at
tended had n good time. The mnslc by
Prochaska'a band was excellent and
words of praleo were heard. About 11
o'clock a line Innoh was spread and all
were ready to partake.
The not receipts of the ball were bo-
twoeou $350 and $ 100 , which sum will
* greatly aid the unfortunate woman.
There was no man who was in any way
connected with the arrangements of this
ball who is entitled to moro crodlt than
iayPoIlcemau Peter Ma'za. By his own
personal eil'orta ho sold over tiireo hun
dred ticket and also managed the ball.
Mrs. Sntoritz deslroa to extend her
thanks to all who assisted her In any way
at this ball , and especially to the mem
bers of the polioo force who were present.
_ the pulkhmon yrespnt were Mar-
OomuiingB , Capt. Sullivan , Rounds-
Matzt and WhalerOflicora Cormlck ,
vice , Fuller , Perronuc Biut Lowry.
Itranril adrertUeti u abiolotely pi
n c can ( cp down on tot stove nntll h tid.tnt
iiuove tti noveraiitl iinull A chaniltt will uol o * r-
uU d loUttoct tint pr t nco uf omuiunla.
Inamllllonh met for < iu rt r ot * wnturj K tu
Jtooa iu coniuwtrj1 rolUbla tt ,
r , Price's ' Spe&WIaFoiw & Exiracls.
. k < " 'WMliMit dillelt aid Batarilbmr > , ud
| ur , Price's Lup lln Yeast Q ms
They \VnntV 'f tohmim ,
OMAHA , July 18.- . tor Boo ; Yes
terday evening about 8 o'clock a train ol
box cars was standing on California , the
engine in the rear on Twelfth street , and
the first car near the sidewalk on Thir
teenth street. Aa the street car horses
oamo on the track the train commencct
to moro west , and only by the effort a ol
the street car driver , who urged his
hoiaos , was a collision averted. This Is
n bad crossing , as the engineer and street
car driver cannot sao each other before II
Is almost too late , and as there is a big
grade the engine has topuahhard to over
come the grade and curve. There WAS
no signal from the onglnowhen it started ,
Cars are continually standing on Califor
nia street loading and nnloa Jlnp , rnach
to the annoyance and peril of the resi
dents around. I have twice noticed that
the boys playing on the cars
released the brakes and rnn the
cars down to the yard. If there is not a
watchman pnt there soon , an accldeni
will happen , The railroad , after mining
oar property , seems to try to make It as
uncomfortable as possible for ns
Please glvo this room In yonr paper
to glvo us a little bolter protection
for life and limb , by forcing them , throagl
public aontitnout , to have a watchman
stationed at Thirteenth and California
treats. ANTON
Since the Brunswick , Balko Collandnr
Co. have boon manufacturing bar , bank
fixtures , etc , , Mr. John llochatraiser
their gouoral western spent at COO S ,
10th street , has been having his hands
full In supplying the trado. Every now
patent or deslgnjof extraordinary worth is
quickly purchased by this company , thus
Insuring the moat perfect fixtures in ox
Istonco. The fine quality and low prices
of these fixtures will soon cause their nnl
vcraal use. Mr. ilcchstrataor hai sold a
great many of those fixtures and In over ]
Instance they have glvon entire satlsfac
tlon. Wrlto to him for further particu
Seal of North Carolina Tobacco Ia the
Mrs. K W. Kmoraon , St , Louts ; A. II
Nelson , Utica. Neb. ; J. A. Frazier , Silve
City , lown ; J. T. Anderson , Albion ; J. V
Wiaherbeo , A. K. ItaiFner , I'lattsmouth ; J
A. Ilartman , Sidney ; A. Webster , L , Nettle
ton , Tekamah , are at the Cnnfleld.
This powder never rarlea. A marvel of purel ]
strength nd wholesomeness. Uoro economical thai
the ordinary kinds. and cannot be sold In compel !
( ton with the multitude ol low test , short weigh
main of physchrto powders. Sold only In cam
400,000 „ * .
1 UNli-h : Itlcllnu Vrliiclo innilc. Hides us
willioiHipi'ixiiifiatvvci 'Iho * > | iriiius Irnullicil and
HliortLMincaunliiurtothiiveiKhtttji < yi.any. Equally
i'll nilniniil in r < niili ioiinirronris nml
llm-clrUr.iofcitHM .tliiniiliirtiiri'il iinilHiililby
ull Irinlliii t urr'iiBiHitinl ' > -r nml DcnIcrN.
MOSM TO lavs Iiifmms olflOOCO and upward ,
on first tha bnalnchaclty property , for 0 per
cent. No i otmnlfBiuns of any kmil charged. O.K.
IU\ls. Fpcc'al ' Loan ( Kent N , W. M. I.lfJ Ina Co , ,
1605 KarnatuStrovt. P8JauglO
. TO LOAN At once and without delay on
MONK.Y , In lariie or small imnunta. on tlmo
toeuit. Loans niado alee on collitrml8 , chattel ! or
anytcod ftcnrilj , ] romptl > , qulctlnnd at tha
oui'pt pocslljlo rat'e A ) ply at the Omaha Klnan *
rl l l' fli rcf , Ui'3 Kotnam nt , upetalm 70IU
ll/fOKMto / loan In sumt } 200 and upwards on
1T1 Ural-class real oatato security. Potter & Cobb ,
IfilB Farnam Bt. 718-tf
MONm TO UUM On roil ottaio security in any
amount fiom 800U to $25,100 , ut reasonable
rutcaof lute rest Nocommljslu a rhaiRi'd borrow cr.
0. K. Ma ) no &Co. , U. W. Cor , 15th and Purnam.
. ! MOSKV ' I HU.VKV ! 1 1 Money to Loan -On
chattel security by W. H. Croft , room 4 , With-
ncll bulUIn ? , N , K. corner 15tn and lUrney After
) cars of operlcnca aid a cartful study of the husl
uisfl cf l < cnliiK money on peraona ] ptoperty , I ha > o
at l et tisrfc'ctoil a Hjsteni where"- the publlcltu
Ubual In eucli ca oi la done a ay u tin , and 1 am no. {
In a position to meet the demands of all "ho become
temporarily crubarrafecd tnd ikeiro to ralto money
without delay and 111 a quiet manner , llousoieep.
ere , rrofctmloiiil pontleracn , mechanics and others In
thU city cmi obtain admires Irom $10 to ; i,000 on
such tecurlty as household tnrnlture , pianos , m -
chlnery , hcrecv , wak'oul , ittrehousu receipts , secur-
pl notes of hmd , etc. , without removing eanio from
on no n rreldonco or plan ) of bualnesa. Alt *
Cii flue Watches and Diamond * , One ut tha
d > antanca I offer U that an > part of any leaa can
be paid at any tlmo which will reduce the Interest
pro rata and all loans renewed at tha original titt
of Interest. I ha\ono brokers In connectlcn with
my otllre. but personally superintend all mr Ioin ,
I have prUitf oillces connected with my general
olhco eo thai cuitcrqcradunot come In contact with
etch ether , contcquently rcaklcg all transactlors
Itrlctly pil\ toW IL Crolt , room 4 , Withnell
bulldlru : , N. U. cor. I5th and lUrney. (9S Jly-.6
T\fONKV LOANED at C. r , Hted kCo't. Loan office
iVI on furniture , ulauos , horset , wavons , personal
proptrty of all kinds aud all othe rutlclea of value ,
without remc-Til. Otcr lit National Ilank.cornei Ittb
ted I'arnaui. All buslneai ilrlctly conQdontltl
720 tf
UM1.Y To loan on chattels , Woullvy & Ilairlson ,
M Kocui SO , Omaha NiUonal bank balldln ;
_ 781 f _ _ _
t/TONEVTOLOAN / On real eetata and chattels
1.V1 D. L. .
. Loaned on chat toll , cut rata , R It
it * DOUgbtand > old. A. FornwnS13 S , ISth Bt
723 tf
tZTONCf TOLO1N In lumi ol ISOOUkd upward.
IU. O. r. Paria and Co. , Bra ! Ertal * "a Loan
Igtatt , Wt r SI , Jit U
VITjUttXD Nurseglrl , 1M3 Farnam street
A goal ihlrtlroncr tun eet steady wotk
w and Rood p y by aldrcsslng N. M. , Bee oince.
\7AvtiD Fonr RcoJ kltrhcn plrli Immediately
> Norrls restaurant 104 S. 16th near Dodtt.
S78-18 ?
Kltraon gill at N\V4cci Ilamlltmi am
\ \
Fler SU S72lp
TlT'AM'KD-OIrl for pcneral home * oik at once
V > Mrt. D. H.Ooodrich , 1017 P k A\e. , n a
water worts office. SSJ.1S
ITTA TID Olil from 1 ! to IS > ars old for llfth
V > house work , 635 1'leiuant Ft. Si8-S0p
\v 7AMHD-A girl to do general housework , nt 201
Cattfornla St. 267-Slp
"VlfAKTiiD Good girl or middle aged woman to do
genonl housework ; good wages to the rlgh
person. Apply 1403 Howard street. 22MSp
WA A girl for general housework , 907
_ IQth Bt _ 151-18
A competent nuno girl at 1623 Douglas
street Sll-ISp
Kitchen German preferred 1513
i AMUD Rlrl , ,
Howard St 102-iep
Ai LTAMKD A RlrTToVs ncral homework , in asmaTl
\A family. Apply at 1C14 Webster St. , city.
191 IS
Lady ogects ? 10aday with my wen
derlul brand new rubber undergarment for fc
miles ; ladles ( to wild 9\er It. Madam I. Little , Bit
J3 , Chicago , HI. 1S3-1
\TTANTiiD-Olils wlfhlDg peed ptacis In hotel * , ptl
V > \ntc famlllcj , cooks , dicing room girls , kitchen
ndtiundry work , etc. , can alaajs'flnd RcoJ flic'
a d Koodnigrs , $3 , J3 GO , $4 nd 35 per wtck. Cal
Omaln Etnploimcntllurotu , 1120 Farnam st.
Two competent e\i\t \ \ , 20th street rn
half block South ofSt ilarj's Avenue. Mrs
Iovrcn ) _ 109-18p
. Good ( -lrl for ccnctsl houecwork. Ocr
man preferred. Apply at Mrs. Wm. U , Grnno
baum , 80S South 17tn St. , near Leaunnorth
W ANTED A goodtvomati coon at 1011 DodeoSt
VX7ANTKD LADT AOIOTS Novelties 111 ladles' nd
VV chlldrcna1 wear. Orer 40 now designs , Koth
like them. Sell a fast as thown 0\er 1,000
ngcnts make $700 monthly. Address with stamp
K II. Campbell & Co. , 0 South Vay stroct , Chicago
_ _ oujiysa
TTTANTKD Three experienced women canvassers
VV to per daj , guaranteed ; room 7 , llcdick block
First-class dining room girl at the Met
ropolitan hotel ; none otncr need apply. 821-11
WANTED A competent , reliable man
PRINTKIl do job work. Permanent situation to th
right man. The Tribune , O'Neill , Nob. 231-21
TlfANTKD Salesmen to handle our goods. Ihej
II 8(11 to butlncst men at n'ght. ' Geotlcmc
looking for pajhiff business call end ln\citlgitc
Van , V Co. , St. Charles llotel
WAsm-Fir tnc Chamr-lcn Ink Ernier
AOEVTS . fortampU. CiUMiiosNoMilTTCo.
Omaha , Neb. 254-17
Agents to sell the People's Family Atla
of the Woilil , nrd Kellj's Instur.tor.on wcchl
ptymcntB. Call afternoon or address S02. N , 13
hired , Omaha. 139-22p
Wi A\THD An [ Went to take crdcis far crajon cor
traltv , 1203 Honrird St. 193-lSp
A OIC.NTSWANTED. Address SU Louis Hcctrlo Lamp
jIxCo , , St Louis for uirniUr , cuts and torma ol the
candle power Haish Xlcctrlc Lamp. 811-jl12
WAMKn Agents In e > crj county to eollclt to
the Mutual Benefit AFSoclttlon cf OmahaNeb
"all on or address Otto Lobcck , Secretary and Gen
era ! Manigrr , 1222 Farnam street 74Saugl
n Situation as housekeeper or sen Ing sir
In private house or hotel. luquiro or acldro
E. McD. , 1318CassSt. 28f 20p
TXTASTED Byaflrst T norotloiig experience anil
Vi first cl Es reference ? , iiosltlon In church choir
Address Tenor , Dee OIHce. 24918 p
TT7ANTP.D SHuitlon as housekeeper for widower
VV or where complete charge Mill bo ghen Ad
dress Competent , tnls office. 243-lSp
WAtnD Situation by n first class tinner ;
reference furnUhod If desirtd. Address Ap
prentice St Paul Neb. 201-20p
WAKTRD Situation as Dookkceper or salesman
dry Koode. 10 years ozpcilcnco , speak : German
Address F. n. Bee office. ! C8-Hp
ARSONS hating giOO to { 1,500 In liucst cm dm
a profltable place to put It b ) catling on or ad-
9ug ! I'utnam iV , Street , southwest corner Fif
teenth and Farnam , Omaha. 230 20
XXTAVTKD Boarders ; excellent board , clean , airy
Vi rooms , comfortable beds ; SI.25 and 81 f > 0 pc
neck ; come and try ; 1318 Capitol Avo. 277-21p
WAMKD Two or three unfurnished rooms , or
small heuHO outside ot town ; good location , Address
dross poetoQlce box 283 237-Op
W ANTID SISCO , for three to five jears ; ahundan
red ogta'.o aocurity. Adarcsa Loan , care Bee
sot-s :
'ANTIID Where can I ln\ t 61800 with services
to good advantage. Address X. X. Iee OHioo.
WAMKD A ptrtner with 8S03 cr $1,000 In first
class ptjlpR huslneso. Inquire ot C. K. Jlavno'a
Ofllce 15th and Farnam St. 112-lSp
WAMKD 500 iieoplo to bring their watches to
EJholm & Erlckson's to be repaired. SitUfactlon
guaranteed. 134-tl
rXT ery aily In neetl ot a sowing na
ff chlno , to eoe the new Improved American No ,
I' K. Flnilinan A ( 'n agpnta 11ifV \ lB h B3P
F OR RE\r Cheap Btore , 311 K. 15th street.
TT'OR ' RfNT CottjD'oof 6 rooms on Li > a\enwnrth St ;
J guild location. Appl > 813 8. EOthSt. Z50-20p
FORKKM New 4 room cottigo roidy for coin
panov July 20th ; 7 Idoi ka from court hois * In
quire at liokct cilice , 13-21 1'Arnam St. 244 tl
FOR npsr 7 room house , ( jocd location. Incjulre
Mctror-ol tin hotel. 227-io
F Iou BUST HOBFO HlSChicago tt. Inquire at John
Hwllt Cor. nth acd Chltn0. 226-20p
FOR KKST-Only $25 per month , a neat cottage cf I
r'lonu , well fmiilnhel In DrtiakeU rarpeta anil
furniture throughout , In go.d mlghborbood , near
trect or lino. C. K. ilayne U Co. , a. W. Cor. 16th
and Farnim. 200-13
RRNT- Houses of 0 and 0 roorre 111 No 1 loa-
37011 . Apt ly at olllco of C. I. Tajlor , 8W , cor.
Ulh and Doiulaa. _ 175'f
Pan RRNT Cottage on St. Mirj's A\e. , near I'bll
frheildan St. ; J.'Opcr montn. K. Vf. Orav , fltli
mil Douglas. 230-20
F on RUNT fl roem housu , on Cltrkson Et.bctwetn
Mayon and l' cldc. Inquire on prtmUis.
/ i < r\T llonso of U rnuum eornur Ibtli and
J/UH > eDworth. Inqu'ro tf Jonn Jlaalln 311 H
llth St. 1430ji
FOR RKNT-Twoetory anl ha ement , hoii'o nine
ruoiL8 , cist Irjnt , 6ZG I'loitant st , 908 ISp
IJVm nrsr A culiulng r xtft Inqulio at Ho ton
1 dr > goods ttorc , 8. 10th tt , tUf-tf
FOR IIKSTA first claw * cottn , ' , nl'h ' good large
la nw II l > at rr nt on or alimt OLolJcr J > t. Iu
quite at KJhulai i Krid.ii n a. opp I * . O. 6Mt :
? HUM A tt bla for S horsej one block pouth
of tru U I' , dtiiot Inquire of U , Lee , grocer ,
222 Leen orth. 7 , 4tf
F KK.\T Cottage dro ms , houae 10 rooms. 1.
. rhl | > p I Roe , Bowatd aud Campbell SSl-tt
niM ! At U.5 M. Ibth Nt. , haiuUooul ) fur-
JroB frnt tailor , nultatlo for contUmaii and
wile , In a | K'aintJcatiO | . 21-21p
1 ] V > RKrsT Handsome fum'slicd roma , ISifl nodjo
TT'OR BBVT A hr < e nicely lu > nUheJ rpoui n odtrn
I1 oon'iiiKiircii , 17JOC | itol A
' RUM 'U'll furnlihel ronifortabu ro"in < ,
large acd ( moll , at K.V. . Cor lith and Callfui-
| > U Street. 2S8 ISp
vrn RKM-Lsver suits ( urn'bhed ' tuoiit 1715
Cam St. K42l lp
r7OR _ ! > T - With be a-d to two gc'it'cmcj , clrgint-
P I ) faroubrd room In desirable location near oen-
cr olrltj , riferece.'i ticbaojed. AdJtcss Mri. U. ,
hlaolloe. 23-18p
< nti FurnUh * ! Hlth bin ) acd bomecom'orll ,
Ho HE cnu f 15th tad Caw ( t I , 23-19
pOR luvr Furnished room , 1717 Casa str t Mrs.
1 Joo. rtentty. Slttf
Rr.vT Fine tirze furnished room , nit tn <
south front , bill block from street car , 630 Pitas
ant St 139-SOp
IV [ > R RUST Furnlthtd rooms , from $7 t 81 $ , H9
1 flersant street 109-ttp
RittT Furnished Iront room , ISO ) C r > lto
FOR 195-22p
IpOR RUNT Siilto of 6 room ? , turnlihctl , on rtcom
JL1 floor , Saunderj St. Uillou Dtog , 317 8 18th ft
IV | > R RK.M Furnished rooms , 1517 Davenport St.
1 15SSn
RUNT Finely furnished Iront room , 718 north
IpoR St. ltO-lp
* RUST Two ftirnlthed rx > m , ana Urfto fron
room with bay window. And one small rnom a
J5 per month ; also one untutnlihtJ room , at 0 N
17th St 131-tf
"IJ10R. RIW Rocm with board for tire gentlemen In
JL' pth te family , 1013 Capitol Avc. 883-lSp
jV > R RFtr Pleasant furnished rooms , at 1118 6th
'St. ' lietween I'aclflo tnd Pierce. 100 Up
TltoR RUNT Dosliable furnlthed room , modern 1m
JD protemcntt , 17ci ! Capitol A\e 099-13
TTORnii T In private family , rlea ant , furnlshcc
i1 room , with breakfast , If desired , 12 South A\o
I7VJR RRtT Suite ot newly furnllficd rooms , 1011
I ? California et. K. O. Van Court. B73tf
fOR RX\T Furnished room. Inquire drug etore
JL ) 10th ind Dougla . 077-tf
Rr.NT la Nebrnskn National bvik building
IpOR 1 , one Biiltoottno rooms lately ocuiplu
by Greene fc Qrcckcnrlcige. tccoud floor , ono largo
room. Apply at bank ,
on RUST Furnished rooms 18C8 Farnam St
537 2 < p
OR RR > T UnlufnUhed rooms In Beomer's block
Cor. Bthand llouard. SOOtf
TJiOR RFNT Furnished rooms for light housecplng
JP In Uccmcr's block , Cor fcth and Uoward 79911
T710R RPST With boi\rd , nicely furnished south
L1 room , with USD of parlor ; also ga ? , and bath , 1409
Jones St. 048-tf
1'lojsant room furnished , 1123 Ilowan
F St. 42M !
TTVjRRKvr Juno25th , two connceted roorta with
1 ? board ; front room , south-east. 1814 Webster.
3 7-ly ] 18p
woo c'gantomccs nBushmann'ablock. '
"I70R RUST For manufao'urlng pnrroscs or hall
JD urge room 41x75 , Sdiloor , No. 110 8. 14th Bt.
enquire at 1403 Dodge bt..A. J. Simpson ,
HKNT-Centrally located lurnlancd rooms at
POR south 15th bt. 713-tf
7f OR RBST L rce front room on first floor with or
JP without board ; Inquire at 1901 Farnaiu St.
T > OOM8 With board.doblrablofor summer. Appl
Hat E' . Chtiles Hotel. 716-11
F'OR 8AIR 6 acres of hml mpr city limits , chca )
Uxoiablo condltloi s ; reason , golrg nwi.v fioi
town. Address J. B. Boo ofllco. 171-SOp
-(211) ( ) Now cittau'o 6 rosmicry nice
F good lot 3 blocks wrat o Park Axcnii" $2,00i
Hi If Is agruat targaln. C. E. llajno .t Co ,151
and Farcam. 271-21
FOR SAI.K Loti chcip and gold at 8125 to E5 2
each , on street car line mid on terms to uity tha
joii cm ba\ua homoiiDW chcipcr than e\cr. Am
1C07 Furnini. 260-20
IfOR SALB An uncqu Hod IJstof dtslrabls rcsiden
1 ces In oil partb iif town , on easy terms. A me
It07 Farnam. 102-18
F 'OR SALB cro bta within FJ ml'cscl court lions
J for 817S to SIOO an aero Property thi- same d a
ttn.e tiomro'Jithomoln Chlc Ko sells to Jaj fo
81,500 for * Iut25\120. Think of tills nml rcmembo
thogrouthand proupects of Omaha Ames , 150
Farnam. 561-18
I7VJR SALE Home and J aero ol ground on She ]
JL1 man Avc ; 7 rooms , well , cistern and barn , a'l fo
$3,500 ; terms easy , A. Saundcrs & Co. , opp. Taxton
TTORSALE < JBB ) House an ] 6 lots In Pipllllon
C will trade for vacant lots In Omaha. C. E. M.i > n
& Co. 15th and Fainstm 271-21
OR RKNT House-1 rooms , with barn , deMrublc
F IJallou Bros , 817 8 ISth street. 185-21
BALK Nice residence property on Park A > .
FOR take vacant lots In part pimcnt. Ballo
tire * , 317 S 13th street 185-21
FOR BALK Lots at $175 tn $250 each , only 10 min
utes walk from lUnsoom Park ; very easy term
to those who want a good homo. Ames , 1507 Far
mm. 03-21
FOR BALK (22i-Ilsautlful ( ( ) corner lot ; cottage
room * ; weet Omaha , ,2100. $500 down and 425
per mciitn. C. K. May co & Co. 15th and Farnam
IWQ or 1 lots Marlon Placonlll ; trade for residence
JLandpay difference In cash. W , U. Green , over
l t National Bank. 79311
FOR SAIB D3 loot on Cuming between 18th and20th
with house , 82,700. Bedford It Soucr. 717-tf
| JV > R SAI.X. Slots , 69x140 feet on Farnam street
X1 south front , elegant location , must bo sold. W.
II. Green , over 1st National Bank. 509 tf
FOR SAtn targe house , newly built , 9 rooms , al
modern Improvements with i ot , at 1710 Casa
st ; Inqulru at premises. 727tf
FOR 8ALS(23iHcira ( ) 7 rooms , 18th St. , near 8
Marv's Avenue , $ UOC , Terms easy. C. E.
Ma ) no & Co. Hth and Farnam. 271-21
Foa SALK Lots that will double In value in less
than 12 months In Clarendon and Aillngton
street CSM nnko them specially desirable , I'rld.
8125 to S'j2t , toims to suit Ames , 1507 Farnam.
Fit BALK , 160 lect front cn Virginia avenue , on a
block from head ot St. Mar8 a\a. 3,900 for
all , or 81 , 00 for half. W. II. Urecii , o\er let Na
tional U.iat 610 tf
rj'OK HALH Fcrty lots for b-ilo on Burt aud CumlngB
i1 bttucen iOth and Slet cheap , Icsido property
edtord & Soucr. 729 tf
F OR BAIK-TWO wheel out , cheap. Welj
hansA 5IcE an,1503 Kirnam. IGOtl
J/ORSM.K A full Isithcrtop huzgy with poloani
1 shads In good rcpa'r ' , for $ CO. Addrusa 221ti
Wthstorettect. 233-20 |
Furniture ) and ka-u of hoarding house
i" Ilcoofflco.
-j-A ImnchofSIots , ne r iropertj ; wll
JL' inaho Bjieclal toima for investment , Itallou Ilroe ,
817 H 13th * net. 1S5-21
FVm BALU Ono KOOJ ( .imllf horuo , lljitt
mid rninetu , cheap , W , A. Morrleon , 1S13
s'roct SOCtl
IPOR s\i.K 5 fear old horse , now coininlenlon
L' wa < ouon higwtruclc hatnew , 313 B Jlthbt.or
' ; Dillttiico it ble. 210-18p
IOKIHI.KUuucn roiui in n-joj Ucitton. Apily
I1 at No 60J North 10.hSt. 110 Ifp
TOR BALK A nlco jouni ; tc < m ol maroa need Ins
I1 t'lnnnd hariimn. Ir.quire atKdhclm & i'rlclieon'a
oup. I' O. 13. tf
FJORSili ! Boiler and tujme , ZOhoraapOAer boiler
1 uid ciulneIn urod running order ; wont to ncll
f r the rcsicn that they are not lar < o enough for
the no * mathlnury which wowlll put Into our row
Imllolu r oullarn.y St. C'.nrke Jlrou. & Co. , 1403
Douglas St. H7tl
118 un hand at a barctln. No 1 terond hand
ALw , rtm.'o phaeton and elda uarhu ylee ; a 80 urn-
br > lli auj eunhbadui , at H0)-llll Dodk-o St.U93tf
f PORBAU-A good p'ano ' , cheap , ilre. A. Caldcr-
1 wood , IfllB ( Jallfoinla at 712-tf
jut H tj-10icres'J rclle" from olty. near Ruscr ,
1 40irdi > uit f ont , well Ijcated , J140 rcr acre.
CbokB lo < In Denlio's add , $375 ,
Oce < f the lo t impr > ed corner lots In 1'apllllon ,
arp ) county , * WH > , ilio st'.tk of general inercban-
no at reiponiblj fguies.
B'jxUO feet on Doucln neir ! 0 > h > t , (5,000.
Corner lotfO 110 , on llth St , K mntzo'd 3d add. ,
rnurn Inuae , rtllar and w , 11 , j'SOu ' ,
CO ftet on Far n m , i ear 1Mb , i 0,000.
tj ( 20i fiut cn B 10th etaot , Hnuctze'j Sd add ,
i. xj 4 riom hois * , Dial lu , lc , 82,60' .
LotilS , IU , )7and ) 19 , Llork 5 , Ilanacom Tltro ,
I.(0 | , at ea-iy frrnr.
Lot 10 , Meek 6.IIinscoa Dice , $35at eisv terms
lovju , tl U 17 , liamcoiu 1U * > , 81,150 , at easy
L tlB , West Koda.ll. , Farana St. , South front ,
1,25 . st ei > v ti-r ' s.
C < rlot8 Llxk 10 , I'jrker't ) add , 91,050 , , at easy
I , > t OOiUO eist front In Horbach's Ut add , tlE50
ejsj termr
Lct75iU5.3I7th3t. , ueirConUr , 11,030.
44 feet front on Karnim near 19th St. , 1185 per tr
32 on 1Mb. neir Center , eoet fjcul , food
Any smokers within range of this paper who have not
tried the "V. " If not COME OUT OF THAT TRANCE
and keep up with the times. Go early and get a front
seat , Join the brigade of "V" smokers , and get some
happiness out of life by smoking the
l one Genuine Without Vallencia Cigar Factory's ' Name
Kuhn & Co , John W , Bell ,
loth mid Duughs 820 S. 10th Street.
Jas , Forsyth , Field & Farnsworthj
K. W. Cor. lolh aud Capitol Av. 2115 Cuming Street.
W , J , Whitehouse , Foster & Bro , ,
N. W. Cor. 16th & Webster. Council Bluffs
DEALERS will receive GRATIS with First order for 1000 "V" Cigars , one beautiful 7 x13 advertising pho
tograph iu stylish hardwood frame , retail value § 2.25 ; and cue striking street sign ,
SEND your order , put out the -sign we furnish and if the MV does iiot prove the best selling cigar you
liave ever had , you can return within 80 days all unbroken and clean packages.
* * 5 "W B7rJ1 ! !
T5BTlDlTr |
H"n H"B H H Ef H
immn ffiiwTB Mrrrwl tmi"
Write for prices and terms. Orders by letter ; postal , telegraph or TELEPHONE NO. 30-1 .will . re
ceive prompt attention.
louse , FtiH" , well , etc , (2,100. Do not fall to invcg-
lg > t ; tl Is Is a bargain ,
CnclculitHln I'iuldcn'n , Clark's , Dcaljo'e , linn-
torn and DurrOak adds
A good a'sjitinent of liovn afor rent.
TO j 25 PAULSEN .V CO. , 1613 Farnam St
IT'OR 8m A few nlof our north Omali lots lot
J1 wcvulliloeo them outat 8100 cncli $50 duvin an
> alanco l,2andS Venn They are only t o bloi.k
toin street ere Nlca s'0rhtly lotJ , they uro wort
icnily twice tlie | rlo aeked. U K , Maync Si CD
5th und Kin-arn. 271 21
HALK LotH In Omaha at pnciH and terms
FOR he rcathof oil. IliuiK ol this , lots In a
11 } u. owing like Omaha fir 8125 to $ r > ! 5 each iconic
nod invest gale. Ames , 1507 Farnam. SBC 20
Aero lots within 3k mlloi of court house
FORSAm > to 8 00 an acre. 1'iopcrty the stoio dis.
n o from thocouit hmno In C'jioago tells to-day
or 81,100 for a lot 26x11) . Think ol this and ro-
ncmlior the gro th an J prefects of Cmiha. Aines ,
jl)7 ) Farnaiu. 2C1 IS
v Mmi Clev linrlpUcovilthiii'l blocks of the car
_ tlloe aaJ vitn n twn HIT tr card will run in
runt of priforiv Will sell or will tra-io for insldo
iropo'ty and piv diHeruoc. jiu valuo-i In i vsi. Par *
los huvln' ; morttag3 | propert.v i vi trade and BKiiro
ofi prcpurtyfice f mcumbrani-o. W. II Onion ,
vfrlbt National JUuk. 127-lf
- hta within 3) ) miles of court houeo ,
FORHAir-Acre an acre. Property the mo dls.
anon from the court house InCnliigo idls to-day
or 81,000 fora ht 15x120. Think of this ami ru-
ion bur the gr n th and ptuiiucts of Omaha. Ainea ,
U > 7 Ftruam. 81-18
IT1 on H MK The chcijieat lots In tbo city , two
P HocHHwcst of Park Avoauoand one block toutti
I I.ei'tnwcrth PrUoi range from tire hundred lit-
y toeix hundred fl'tv dclhra. Terms made to cult
urela crs , thirteen lots must ba ( old within tvn
la > e. tend jour address tj room 81 , Arlington
llock , mlowner of lots will till on jou and show
outheloU. O. P btcbbluf 112-18i ]
70R KXCiltNUH-Iirprovcd and unlmprov UnJa
' iu Nebraska and Iowa to exchange for Omaha
ropcrty. Me ? aiiie , opp posto-tco. tsotr
Tion SACK Ai ro lots within 3k miles of courlh ouio
Mor17J tooa ; n acre. Pioncrty the same dla-
anco trom thn court liouso In Chicago. < IU to-day
or81,5COoralot25xl , 0 Think cf this and re
member thegiovUb and prospects of Omaht. Arne ) ,
51,7 , Farnim. 281-18
70R uus Best unoocupled ground tn the ty for
< irabou8ohou 9,87 feet fronton Loivonwortli ,
orth but 10th and llth , UI leasolor 99 years. Bed.
ord&Souer , 73 Ul
TT'oRSiLK-Acre lots within 35 mlltnol court hsuet ,
1 for S176 t < 00 an acre. Property the tame
lUoro from tbo court house In Chlcagu still to-day
rjl,500fjralot 23x120. Think of this and re
< mb rtho growth > nd prospccta ot Omaha. Amo ,
07 Furtam. 201-18
r RioM riici-8 gaod lot * In this addition with.
rllnSblfccksof street cars , can b had on cany
im , W U Orecn , over Irt N t'J Wank. 827-U
KXCIIAVOK \ 89,000 stock of bran new hard-
JLwaru , direct from the factor ] , for good Nebraska
To rent Four splendid offices.
179 II. 0. PATTERSON , ISth and Farnam St.
A 24 room boarding house ullb
JL gooj trade and doing good bulncs. will tell or
t'atle for grocery or sil ion or for 1,030. Centrally
located. For partlruhrscal ! an or address A Blrktl ,
123 * Wolnut Bt , Kansss City , Mo. 2u3-21p
Foitmi.K-A nl < u fruit and store In brat
part of cltj. Addrcsi Candy , lieu alike. 253 2Jp
Ii'OR BU.I : A good bilcorr , In a ifol location ,
1 cheap ; good reason , Address U , 1) ) . , L'eo ollice
FOR SAL ? At a birgaln , lletrojiolitan hotel , Kcn-
csavv.Neb , AdJreij Noodhaiii Bros , Ken aw ,
Neb. 2sp 23 , ,
TTlORSALK licbtaurint an 1 bnkcr > In the city of
X1 Llaidln.nt ] i36Ostreet , , ntu joira 1SBO 1 on
o good two s'orj brli k budJIii ) , ' vMtn nhu fnrnlNhed
rooiH up stalri * . A cimpleto bawer/ and r Htaur > nt
a gouJ route and < r'on and a restaurant
ttudu flood reason i for nulling , J , L' . Crook , 1285
Obtrtet.I.'ricoli ] , Neb , 239-lilp
X ( MAMJR A No. 1 stock and grain farm of
1710R tcrei In Union Count ? lonn. Want a general
stock , git of nil dlftrlltion and prnba'le value of
jour goods. lloiton& son , Whtaluua. 210-lSp
rno rvi IIAKUK-For ( litaha nr Lincoln retldence
1 property House and Kroimua in Itril Cloud ,
$1,000. lOCOnirojlind In Wcbjtvt county at i'.O
lur acre , no IncuwbjaiKe. Hay O , Becker , Itcd
Cloud Neb. 1-3-SOp
1i"oii BAiB-Stcam Hour iiiUJ capaUty 120 bhls | > cr
' daule\atoroapaclty,20OCObU8hcla , good track
f&cllltlei ; only mill In Onnha , Will uell or trade for
fnruii ronerty Valued at $20,000 , W , H. Oreon ,
ov or II t National lUnk. 70511
- - ? aOO will buy an established
lished Lualneas , together with lewo for one vuar
of building. TliU Is a good ba gala for > om * one
Addrcsi ti , P. , lieu ollice. 81611
\T MSB A skilled Swedlnh Nurse ullh great oxpe-
IM rlenceln European boaplUls , to to i.jlled ( oral
the rcsldenco of Hev. K. A. Fogihtionj , 1910 Buit
street. ? 1818p
< JLIKT iioiii for 1 idles during egiifliiement.
A Uorreepoiiddieiejntldintlal. Address J.otk Box
{ 30 , Llniolli , Neb- f 33-AuS 12p
want jour plumes or tips cleaned ,
djod and curled ; Uret-cltea work guaranteed , go
to Htury blnccre , 1310 Jackson ut. 433-Jl > 22
/ Mrs. K. U. Hooper , tranoe clilrvoyin
Mid healing medium , over 710 North 15th H
. BCHROPBR Clairvoyant andSli.'netlc healo
locates all pain and OUeaie , 707 N , 10th Bt.
437 July 19
B , A ClUurEWIKl/D UlgBBllO pUjbldau , tCIt t
D g uiidlum , o\ci 619 certo I0ih tit ,
STHAiRDORHTOihs Hay mare , with boh till.whlto
ator In foitboid. lime In left front feet , holier
on , chocs on frmit foct. Address ulth Information
or return tn and rccci\o reward , N , EuRtl , Hhurman
A\e. , hot Elm and Center. 2C1 2lp
S THAI KU A rroueo colored Jmoy cow , wild largo
I liornp. llcturn to F. HobUn515 Eaundcra bt.
OST J'aiknjfo of lettcri on Knrnam Htrtct , ad-
to Mrs Dr. II. W. Hall. Kinder will
OASB Ma 'o on real cslato security In mnount ol '
UJ kinl up ; cilllor terms. Irjnk U K\crett , <
! 03-Au | ; 15 1
CTKAMtuoaNTOus-A * niircll miru with nhltu i
tJ utM In the ( unrnnj , Km lor will rucolvo a llher- f
alrewnrd by re timing ; her to Cumlu'a & ( Jiilnn , H'O- '
cor9,13thamlC1nieai > ftrcct. M7-tf V
No Operation , or useless trusics DrM , M. Moore ' ,
243 Wibasti aie , Chicago , Ills. , at Omaha every t
BOdaja. KcnJ uuiup f r circular. 43Jly-22 )
' . IHMI W HF n Furoiihid on
' thort iintloo free n'i i i juli > Ijpo writers to
rent i ash pal I 'or lr.f jrnuti n of \ i"iinclc8 If I
in i scd in 111 iijtliooi A'lditmJ II. llauim , ho *
6kb Omaha Neli 2 i.B
-Or wonll tralu or a gouj horaa nrid
; 80 a-rej In Otsiier con.lj. Apply In 'JIB
South 13th B reel. 2)011
Tim U I' . Park lomted 12 mlloa H. W. on U. I" .
road , la now opontotha publla arid can b j rented
for plc-tilui and snclal gtthorlnga Hpeclal raten for
fare given. For terms , call or addroMlI. C. Kchwenek
I'apllllon , Neb. 032 If
PartlM wlahlnif tu purchiio bnx t
iiurtu for ranch purpjsoj plcaao oil at IloxitriS
Llrciy ( .table , 413 oaith 13th street , Omilia. S82-lf
/ 1iiinrsiLVKi TAa , uooa not give > ou heart hum.
Wlagaiedi.einedat uu cent , each by tha dealer *
1'eyokoUroa , , Agents. 6i3-tf
Ou Klkborn and 1'Utto. T , Murray.
740 tf
'J , Ita fruit fl rorod , tii < i rodeoruod
V-Xotoua oentuocliby thu dealers , Pojciu IJroi ,
on banjo glvon ty 0 , P Oollen j
L htclj , at 1118 Capitol aye. tSO-tl
s\ *
) it lint and ccatpools cleaned In un odirlow I
way , A. Ktans , 120J Dod e it CI5 > ugUj >
fMltw BILVKK TAO , It dee ) not taint the breath , tiga
'Oredecmvdateiue ' veat atb by the dealers. I'eyck
{ iron , Agiota.