THE DAILY BEF. Monday Morning , July 20t "SDBSCRltTIOH HATES. . - - - - . SO eenld pel week U U . . - - - - 110.00 pel ye i MINOR MENTION , The city conncll moeta to-night. Roller , merchant tailor , for fine goods. Baby Barnes was patrolling Broadway yesterday. The Gorman catholics had n picnic yesterday - terday at Parka mills. S. D. Pllo has bought the harness busi ness of Sherman , on Main street. Grau's opera componj nppcnra to-night at the opera houao in "Mnacotto. " Unvorly'a mlnatrela promlaoa a big show at the opera house next Friday 1 i night. The county bonrd moots to-morrow to arrange for the building of the now court houso. The "SVabish strikers summoned to ap pear before Judge Love leave for Kookuk to-day. Mrs. Horace Everett will entertain a number of her frionda thla ovonlng at her reaidonco. No ono can now lay any aort of claim to being in atylo here unices ho has got at least eno Injunction. It has boon decided not to do anything at present about the proposed grade on Benton and Harrison atroota. Rov. B. F. Foakott , of Rod O k , occu pied the pulpit of tbo Baptlat church yes terday In a very acceptable manner. William Johnson , for getting drunk and smashing a window in Marquis' store , waa called on Saturday night to foot the bills. The ladies of the Congregational church are to give n lawn party at the rcasidonco of J. E. Harknosa next Friday n afternoon and evening. Oraco street should bo called Disgrace P street. It la In such n horrible condltisn m as to demand some prompt attention on J.Ja Ja the part of the city authorities. th ; A largo photograph , framed , awalta nn ye owner nt police headquarters , It having abwl boon stolen by aomo boys , who had It in wlwe we the weeds , whcro it waa found. to Jndgo Connor ia to hold court hero to morrow night , to hoar tha Wnltora- vli thi Elchcr contcat , the slaughter honao ca do ses , nnd the cemetery In junctions. bo The sheriff started lait night for the ha of Annmosa ponotontiary , to tnko thither sh Mary French , the woman who wont wh through a honso here some time ago. om * The ladies of the Episcopal church hcr have concluded to change the arrange BOC ments and give their social and dance on gro 'Wednesday ovonlng Instead of to-night. che wh J. T. Hondoraon , of this city , haa got her a patent on hia Improvement on roller km skates. Now if ho could get some Im provements In skating rlnka ho would do the um bettor. abc A baker and a blacksmith had a lively dot sot-to on Main street spe Saturday night. bee The blacksmith got the worst of It , and pec eays the baker used some allng shot or yar other weapon. ln 1 hni The Ayleaworth-Loofbourow conteat bro waa to have boon decided in DCS Moinea , son but aa predicted by the BEE , another oft I poatponemont was Indulged In , thla time aho ots ; nntll next Saturday. bed Happy Jack waa supremely happy bee Saturday night , and was sleeping off a lali Ingi drunk on the platform of the Wabash an depot. Ho waa not so happy yesterday , The the cooler being any thing but cool. atat disc Rov. F. T. Webb , of Helena , Mon trat tana , yesterday officiated at St. Paul's tratI church , of which ho waa formerly the aho rector. It waa gratifying to many to llvli brei sgain have the privilege of listening to ofla him. eve Tom Bowman has been suffering from The pee malarlft badly alnco hia return from Wash Imii ington. It ia to bo hoped that ho will com Boon bo himself again , bnt In the mean yet time ho can console himself by the faat wor tog that ho ia not the only politician who has yen gone to Washington after n postoflico nnd ceri got thoekako. ftgai 1 no i Mrs , William Phillips died at her homo diar in Grove towhship about 3 o'clock Satur Hrii day morning , of kidney disease. She link had boon ill for month tack a past. She leaves plac besldca her husband five , children. The Inoo funeral occurred from the family residence InooIt yesterday , and the remains were taken to atari Noola for Interment. but whft D. W. Smith the , onglnoor of the City won Hills has solicited thor , subscriptions for n on now wheel chair for it m P. A. Ritchie , a cripple who ia paralyzed in the ICRC , and pros oem yesterday preaeuted the chair to Rltchlb. roaic It seema Ritchie's old chair became unfit tlioa for use , and D. W. Smith's sympathy prov was excited and ho wont to work and got dodi To i f kho chair for the cripple. tlioa The Union Pacific round homo bnrnod burl to the ground Saturday afternoon , about sake rate G o'clock , It waa located aomo distance north of tha other bulldtnga on the trans Fl fer grounds , and waa an old shell of a baol and frame building , containing only two atrei stalls. It is euppoaed to have caught by a spark from the engine of train No.1 , l r which had just backed arouud the Y , to go to Omaha. AIU The evening prohipitionlct has got badly mixed as to the location of the Si ccmeteiy. It ssyu it la "Jmtuedlntoly a mi under the eyes of our people and beneath - fori r noath the dripping roofs of thousands of five ' ow hcmea. It Is above the elty eomo 00 a ch 'feet , " eto. It looks as if the prohibition- Five lit had been taking' something stronger aton ban Missouri river wetter when the ebovo man ' * penned. olalc There will bo a borne entertainment at byj the Young Men's Christian association rooms to-morrow evening for the financial benefit of the association , the admission to bo twonty.firo cents , and for children fifteen cents. There will bo music by the Bluff City orchestra nnd the serenad ing club ; tableaux , recitation by Frank Chamberlain , and also by Miss Hatcher. Many will bo glad to improve thia oppor tunity of hearing Mlsa Ilatchor , particu larly. The now African Methodist Episcopal church on William street will bo dedi cated thla evening by Bishop John M , Brown of St , Louis , and on the 31st instant the colored people will glvo a performance ) nt Dohany'a opera house , entitled "From the cotton Colds to the parlor , " by homo talent , for the benefit of the now church , which has still outstand ing debts to the amount of $400. On emancipation day , August 1st , the col ored people will hold n picnic in Palmer's ' grove , nt which they will have dancing , a braas band nnd refreshments , Dr. Woat.Dentlst , No. 12 Pearl atreot. THE CITY OF THE DEAD , Dirty Fling at the Trustees of Falrvlow Coiuotcry by the InjunottonlstB , The howl raised about the city of the dead , and the sensational otitry that the city of the living is being ondingorod in icftlth , does not moot with the unanimous endorsement which ia represented by the twilight organ in its sophoinorlc slop-over of Saturday ovonlug. It says "it la no longer a question upon which there can bo two opinions , " and yet It proceeds to confess th&t there are many of the loadIng - Ing citizens who take the other aide of the question , and it proceeds to charge ' these citizens with the basest'conduct , and to Intimate that they are the meanest sort of rascals. It naya "A few old residents with an eye to profits converted the graveyard and adjacent gronnda Into a corporation for pecuniary profit to'themselves , " and charges thoao old residents with n willing ness < to have disease and death scattered through the city for the sake of personal d gain. It must bo a weak canoe that de pends on snch dirty fllnga against such men aa J. M. Phillips , Horace- Everett , . P. Cisady , John Hammer and Samuel Jacobs , who have boon the trustees of his association for nearly twenty-five feaia , and whoso reputations are so far ibovo that of the Impecunious scribbler tin . all vho makes the attack that comparison ort Tould not merely bo odious , but Insulting 0 them. The articles of incorporation of Falr- rlcw cemetery association declare that all ho profits from the sale of lots shall bo lovnted to improving , extending and icautifylng the same. That thcao men lave proved false to this most sacred trnsts seems so vile a slander aa to how that the cause , in the helping of rhlch it ia given , mutt bo a deaporato no , nnd lacking real merit to present to hc public. Thoao gentlemen have never made any jcrot of iho fact that they have given round for the burial of such persons , hose frlenda have boon nnablo to par- base lota , or who as strangers have died era , and their friends have been un- nown , or at n distance. The ovonlng apor , parading at the head of Its col- tuns the pretense that It Is the organ of worklngmon , and prating so much bout its sympathy with the down-trod- on , the poor and the unfortunates , jeaka of these as "creatures , who have eon huddled together pell moll in this Bculiarly Infected portion of the gravo- sird. " They may bo only "craatures , " the ( eyes of the Herald , but they wore nman , the same as their more fortunate rothers , and perhaps more worthy in imo respects , but In any event , worthy decent burial. Shrouds have no pock- , and why the body of a poor man lonld bo moro to bo feared than the dy of the rich , la a queary. It baa aon said that the only trne democracy. In tbo grave , but the pretended work- gmen's organ oven there wants to start aristocracy , and bar out the poor , here is hardly need of denying the wild atoment that "paupers with infections seines are burled there , " for the con- ary fact ia ao well known to the public. It eooma strange that such a howl lould bo raised , when in the oily of the ring there are scores of alloys , dirty , ceding disoaao and and certainly moro i'anslvo and unhealthy than cemeteries , on if they wore aa bad as represented , here are thousands of vaults and cosa- ola throughout the city , in closer prox- ilty to wells and to parlors than is the motery , nnd certainly moro deadly , and these are to bo maintained without a 3rd , except an occasional proclamation , glvo some hungry newspaper au adCJl irtiaament. Silence and inaction con- rnlng all those , but a ferocious fright alnnt the sacred city of thoao who can longer defend themselves , a ruthless aregard for the feelings of these otill Ing , whoso affections are so closely iked with tbo silent forma ; a vllo ot- upon these who bold their resting acoa in trust ; what dooa thia strange oonalstoncy menu ? Is urged that a now ceraotory bo irted ( u the southern part of the city , there seems to bo no assurance but In that event , property near it mid bo bought np and improved , and these property owners would want moved again , and the hiatory of the osent gronnda re-enacted. The present rnetery was located before there waa a lidonco In that part of thn city , and LSI ese who have since bought and 1m- oved property there , did so knowingly , abandon tbla most boautitul spot , ' dicatetl to the dead , and to deprive now living of the hope of being rled bosldo these they loved , for tbo of advancing the value of some pri- real eatato , ia a strange proposition. Fine now selections of 50 cent music oka ; also choice selections of 5 cent . 10 cent music at Mueller's , 103 Main nmj * . allt WAITING NOT IN VAIN , 05 Man Arrf Htcct For n Trick Turned Five Years Saturday morning Mr. John Bono mot awn , for whom ho has been watching five weary years , he having lent him dollars that long ago , and never had ! ihance to present the bill since then , j years ago thia man came Into hia , and represented himself aa a stock named Gardiner from . He , Oregon. 13 p. A ] Jmod to have been referred to Bono Mr , Keclone , and itatod that ho wanted to bay ft-lot of clothing for eomo cow boys. In the coareo of the tfttk , It was atated by him that ho mnst got his trnnksnp from the depot , nnd ho needed $2.50 , find did not want to go buck to the hotel after any money. Mr. Bono , will ing to accommodate the customer , and not having the exact change handed him fire dollars , and the follow disappeared. Saturday morning n man came into the ttoro and told about the name story , ex cept that thia time ho had a lot of Mexi cans ho wanted to fit np with clothes. Ho only wanted sixty-five conta to got his baggage thla time , the general de pression of business nOectlng the confi dence men as well as others. Mr. Bono was about to shako hands with him , call ing him "Gardiner , the Oregon stockman - man , " when the fellow flow out and made a run along Pearl street , but was chased by Mr. Bono , caught and placed in the city cooler to await a hearing to-day. Miiollcr Muslo Company Will sell all the pianos nnd organs pur chased at tbo J. Mueller sale at closing- out prices. Either cash or tlmo pay ments. Now is your time to got pianos and organs cheap , as the old business must bo closed up. Substantial abstracts of title and real jstnto loans. J. W. nnd E. L. Squires , 101 Pearl street , Bead Jndd & Smith's oiler of $1,000 reward in another column. TOO MUCH FOP , It Kcsnlta In Being Itobbcd ? in An Alleyway. An elderly man , whoso name was not learned , waa complaining nt a late hour Saturday night that ho had boon robbed In an alloy off from Broadway and abont In the rear of the opern honso exchange. It Booms that the roan was on hia way east and tarried here for n day or EG , and got pretty fnll of Conncll Bluffs pop. Ho nent Into the alley and lolled down on the steps In the rear of the saloon named and after the ealoon waa locked np ho aiw nrousod from a drowse by a man rudely shaking him up and pointing a revolver at his bend , demanding his money. Ho naturally gave It up. The description of the robber la in the hnnda of the police , and they are on the hunt for him , bat so far without any success. FRUIT , AND mm FARM FOR SflLE , Sixteen acres , ten In fruit , els In garden and Imbcrland , six room house , stable , well , cistern , &c. In go.d condition , or will trade ( or Omaha prop- "ty' "ty'r. . KELLER , _ _ County Trcaaurer'a ofllco. Ooiincll Bluga. nOS. OmCKR. W. H. M. Officer & , Pusev. Co : rat Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established , - 1865 THE RECENTLY REMINGTON STANDARD JF boa wit fou oov abc ) NO. 2 , the Highest Achievement in Writingm' Machines in the World. F With only 89 kayu to learn an Ne1 operate. It prints 76 characters Including caps and email letters , punctuations , figures , signs and . tractions. It stho simplest and , most rapid writing machine 'P made aa well 03 no most durable - * ' for free illustrated pamphlet , Wyckoff Sea/nans & Benedict , B r Chicago , 111. , Solo Agents , wes 0. H. SHOLES , Council Bluffs , wesB Agent for Western JTACOJBx D & x * < n n i B > B , IOWA. J ( .lilt MslnMrcct , Ilccrca 7 otd 8 , Efcugait'a > inblcck. Will rurtlreln Statejrc1 idrirui ) pro HwaB HwaB B goo 13,0 , 13,0B \olu oluB dillcB > eb W.I lurtains , Oil Cloths , W.IF thin cilli Window Shades , Linoleums , Mattings , J. Rugs , Etc. , Etc. CA1 areful Attention Given to 'On COOl of Town Orders ' , 'fd 'pholslery and Drapery Work a Specialty. Our stock la the .argest in lie la being continually replenished by the latest and choicest novelties. Broadway Council Biufts WELLS COOK , General Agent at largo " SAFIITV FUND SYSTEM , " IAETFOED life and Annuity Ins.Co 1ANCII WlETKltK DKTOI , 22 PjCAHL BlBKEI , mov OOUNOIL BLUFFS , IA , A. J , Stoionson , Real Estate Dealer , BO. 503 rmST ATI , Conncll IJlnfli , town. Ed. Wright STENOGRAPHER AJTD Type-Writer Offlc * No. CIS M/DBter Bt , EVERYBODY'S STORE. Dry Goods , Groceries , Flour , Feed , ale. , A1WAT1 AT TUB Lowest Market Prlco , Oct. ef Hiln ui JJlntl ATI. , Commonly known ai EVERYBODY'S STORE , Grandy & Go , , City Dreg Store , Flna Cigars , Toilet Articles , Eto. nscrlptioni n Specialty. No , 21 Main St. H. S. WEST , DENTIST No. 12 Pearl SL , Orer Be clSco. Pittltalit AUtatUa OTI ! to tbi Freiimtl.-B of tha Hiturtl Teeth. C. L. NEUNAS , MEAT MARKET. All kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats , rourvriiY. No. 709 Main Street. AB1IIOB LEFKOYITS No. 104 MAIN BT. Allldndiof FnJts.tMcllonsry&CIzars The cheapest store and tha but itotk of Fruits. Union Iron Woris , ErKioBi Si Co. , Props. ' All klndi ol Outing- Cresting ) ft Roofing rJl- lni a ipcoUltj. Prompt Attention alien Repairs. Shops Cor.Sd tl 413tbAT. SPECIAL NOTICES KOnciS. Spealal * Tcrtloomonts , eua KB Lott oand , To Lean , For Bale , To Rent , Wants , Board g , o'.o. , will bo Inacited In thla column at the Ion lie of TEN CENTS PER LINE for the flral Insertion vi. FIVE CCNTQ PER LINE fo each tubeoqnenS In- no. Ler > ve d\ortliemonla > t ont c o , Vo. 1 Clitct , noi Broadway WAMTB T'ANTKD Immediately , two dining room gills nt Ogden IIouso , Council Cluflii. 70R \LE-An elegant Wisconsin summer retort , J 250 acres , ICO tillable , railway elation and stoirn- at landing ; frame house fur homestead ; payllHon , Ino cellars , restaurant , Ice house , tenement house , ur cottages , barn , SCO fruit treep,3 acics yrapta , iw , horses , 13 boats , etc. A fine resort , 100 feet OVB Wi'consin rl\cr , and 120 feet above Barahoo will pay $5,000 a year. Address W. & S. , lrK lice ' , Council 1)1 u He. TM3K SALE Lands Improved aad unimproved. If you want alarm In western Iowa , Kansas alneka or Dakota , let U3 boar from you. SWAN i WALKBB. . iiOH BALK Houses , Lota and Land. A. i Btephenson , 603 First avenue. no KXCAA.SO I ) fl , b 9 , b 10 , b 13 , are hotels In aid. L crentlocatlcng for ealo or for trade. J IBS , special bargain ; 100 a Improved farm worth J$18,000 , prtro for a short time $16,000 , will trade low pilccd Western lands. Swan & Walker. > 201 , saddlery Hardware manufacturing cstah- > Ilshmcnt etook and machinery , value $7,000 , for astern land Swan & Walker , Council Bluffs. > 203 , stock cf dry goods , groceries and hardware , J value , $5,000 , In an good eastern Nebraska ton n rland. Swan ft Walker. ) 201 , stock of general merchandise In a good J western Iowa town , value 4,000 , wants an Im ored farm in western Iowa. bwan& Walker. ) 205 , stock of hardware In Etubcn Co. . Indiana , J for land , value about J4.0CO. Swan & Walter. 200 , now stock of ban vt are In a Iho Nebraska J town for land , value $3,000. Swan & Walker. 207 , stock of tgrloulturallmpleinenta and shelf hard K are. value about 8,000. wan ta a good 1m- ovodfarm. S an & Walker. 203 , a ? 10,000 stock of clothing In n good Wia- cousin city , 3 In landn and bilanoo cash or Im. ovod security. Beautiful store room at low rent. ran& Walker. 210 , stock of mixed hardware In a live western Iowa town for cheap lands , value $0,000. Snan Walker. 211 , flno brick block , rents well , in a live central la.toun ono room occupied with general etock of ods , nants an Improved farrn , value ; building ,000 , gooda J7.C03. Swan & -julker. 212 stock of boots , ehooa bats , caps and clothing valued $3,000 , In one of tbo bent tounslu Neb. , lucd $3,000 for , anda. Swan & VV'tikcr. 213 , a $3OCO etock of cIotMng. wants land In North Western lena , for $0,000 , and will pay Icrenco Swan & Walker. 211 , an $8,000 etock of drugs in central Iowa for UiiJ , Swan & Wnleir. 5216another : stock of drugs value frnmtOOO to $700 with toro building ard lot value ? SOO In n gcol braika town wants partly improved land , Swan & . dkor , ion ( full particulars , write to or call upon Swan & Walker , If 3011 want to sell , buy , or trade any- ng , tell 8. & W. about It. tivsau & Walker , Cotiu- llluffs lena , 3. L. USBKVOIS3. Mo. 607 Erondrrsy Onnncll BlaCe , E. Eice M , D. or other tumois rcmovoj without the , knlfour drawing of blood. IRONIC 'DISEASES , ncr thirty jearaprutiral crpericnce. ClEco No. fa > l Hticct , > "Conbultatlon Iree fif IflP PpRPP ilullbu Ul ulu Ibdbu orricnt OVK.'I AMCRIOAJI HT7FFS. IOWA j. L. RATEKIN , Faraers' Commission store , DKAtKR IX 0 e : lei ul Froililett , fnl'.i , C : : ! : ! : : ; , TODI.TIIV A SPIXIALTT. 619 S. Main SI , , Highest market price paid for farm proJuco , J. J. BLISS , ALL THE Latest Styles of' Millinoryg Notions Alrii it loveit ftleti. No. 328 Itromlway. Dr. W. L. Capoll , Special attention filrcn to limits ct VTccta and Chtcnlo Cltciiei. CONSULTATION FIIEE. Offlco In Dohany'e ) pcra Houae. HICAQO HEiT HABKET , JOHN EVES3 , Trep. Fresh and Salt Meat , ZOL031TA SAUSA3E , .ard. Dried Beef , etc. No. C25 Jfain Street , it Doer S. ef Ct. Jo. Hcto. V , WQ3TOOTT Munnficturcr of Trunks , Satchels , Sample Cases , etc , Trunks Ropnlrod. No. S9 Teail St. , corner of Klnt Arenaa. Drs. WOODOURY A SON , DENTISTS , Cor. Pearl St , A 1st ATH , Centll ninffi , IOT * . F.P.BeWnRerM.D. . . . . Surgeon and Physician Eva and Ear Surgery a Specially. 500 Broadway , Cp-et&ln Resilience 637 , CthAicnue dor. 7th 8L NOLL'S PORTABLE Pneumatic Beer Fa ncet Price § 1 8.00. A liberal discount will be made to parties ordering a half dozen Faucets at one time. For further particulars inquire of R F. RAIN , Council Bluffs , Iowa , Agent for Western Iowa and .Neb. In Coancll Blnlld ha.Ung a And all modern Improvements , call bolls , fir alarm bells , ct : , , i'J tlio CSESTOKT HOUSE NOB. 215 , 217 and 21P , Main Street. MAX AnilN , - PEOPRIETOI Railway Time Table COUNCIL BLUFFS , 'Iho l llo'vlng ra the timed of the arrival .nd da rmuto vt traliin by centul etindard time , nt th local depot , . ' . Trrlnilravo trauofer depot tin ml a ate * earlier ni urilvo tcu mlnutoa Uter. Dltl'ART. and KOUTQTwrraa , 0:25 : A M Mall and BxprcM 12:40 : r M Accommodation 4tO ; r u 6:30 : r M D.05 A M PEK'iOO Aim SOOi : ISL-U'D D:26 : A M Mnil nnd Kxprcaa 6:53 : r M 75 : A M Aocoininadatlou 6:15 : i > M 6:30 : r u Kx.irees 8:00 : A M kilLW.iUFVJB J.ND II. BIOTA M Jla'l and Kxpruu 6:50 : r M 6:26 : r u 0:05 : A K itroqumoT , 8:60 : A Mill and Kvprcn 7:10 : r a 3) ! Aa O'jmm oiiatlou : oo f.u : 6 f i4\ti.'oi & :60A : u w/r n.-f , ET. I.OIIIB AtppAoino. 2:15 : r M Locil Ht. LouU Kxi > reia Lncal 8.00 I'M Transf " " Trauafrr 8:20 : r n ' , ar , joi AND OOUHCIL aarn. A M Mall and Express r M 8:16 : r u Kxprtua A u cioui cirr AKD riorno. 7:20 : A U Mall for Rloux City 6:60 : r H 7:80 : r u Express for 8t 1'aul 0:25 : A 11 UMON r wine. 11:00 : A M Dtmor I.'xprcag 4:35 : r M 1:05 r M JJncoln Tata O'a H V 2:35 : r M 7:66 : r u Overland fxpreen 8so : A u DDUtIT TRAIMi TO OM1IU. L ave Council Fliliiflj 0:55 : 7:65 : 9:30 : 10:80- : . 11:10 : a. in. 1:80 : 2:80-8:80 : : 4:28 : 6:26-0:25 : : 11:15 : p. m. 2Lea\u Omaha 0:25 : 7:25 : 6:5010 : 1115 ; a. m. 12:60 : 2:00 : 8:00 : f.uO 4:66 : :66 : W. P. AYLSWORTH Tl Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and tuttUfaction guaranteed , .Frame hoiu ed on Little Giant trucks , the boat In the world , W. P. AYLSWOHTD. 1010 Miith Street , Council liluBt S3IU3OOHO MTJ pi iiltB ) 'ITEMS : ,03 vat mm J.J. KOQETICII , Fine Boot and Shoe Hater , Ko 22J Main SL , Council IlluiTu , Iowa. Etr- E.C. SMITH , General jt. Sr' TotE Lin Iisniante Conpany. , tOfl Cro ulw y. Up itatn. B. L SKILEB , Boots and Shoes AT LOW rEICU. 1OS 3 Ccxls. Ctroot , Conttil Bluffi , U. J. L. FOR MAN , CLOTHING , Oent't Furnishing Goodi , HATS , CATS , Boots , Shoos , otc. Ko , 104 Broadway , Oppoalto tbo Ogden House ABSTRACTS OF TITLE That yea can roljr on. Bt LflWKt CO , , No. 4 IVarl Et Mandcmakcrs& Van , ARCHITECTS , COSTEACIOES AND BDlLDEtS. K . 901 TJjjir Breitwt ; . TAYLOR & CALEF , Pacoy and Stapli GROCERIES , But lh U tlii City , Ceucll Slid. ODELL & DAY , No. gPeulStictk Real Bitato , Insurance and Loan Agenti , Qara { 600,000 to Lo n 01 Tpei ctntlntereit NEUMAYER'S HOTEL , voi. BOS , tie snttTi Eites tl,00 to $1.25 per f ririt OUn Bar la connection , Opposite OgJcn Homo. A , P. Hanchott , M.D. Physician & Surgeon , Council llliins. OfBco No 12 1'ratl Mrcct , ' HOURS : 10 to 12 , m-ntiil 2 to 4 ji. m. RMIIIKM-K : No. HO 4th trcct , hours , before S B. m. nnd ortorTp. hi. Telephone No. 10. JOHN J. KURTZ , PHffiNU Meat Market. Ccr. L'lln sj Sttr ; Sti. D. GOLDSTEIN , Pawn & Loan Office , 228 Broadway. GREAT BARGAINS n Unredeemed Goods , WATCHES , , ITuilcnl IiiMrumcnts , , Once , etc , Real Estate Loia ul Fire companies. . 122,000,000 , or Asseu. Mo 130 Main EL foitsininfr , . Ten P. 0. MttLEB , Will Taper and Dtcoiailois rstiOIli ! Ti ! iiu. No. 13 I'catl EL , COUNCIL BLUrrg , IX I. ( HMNSltV , Now nnd Second llini FURNITURE , StQNS and MtfM GOOJJ , At Low rat IMccs Oheapeit Btori In Town , No. 38 Broadway , Council Ilium , Iowa. STOEAQE Warehouse Dohany'0 Old Hall. SMITH & TOLLER ACTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Slain St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . IOTVA. Complete Line of New Goods Always oa Hand. N. J. SWANSON. c. E. SWAXSON 8WA.JS8ON MUSIC CO. , Dealers in PIANOS AND ORGANS And all klmJs of muslcnl Instruments. 1'ianos nl orrans § ola on the Icstallment rlan. Minlcil nttru. mtntbof o cry dcecripllon tuned and repaired. Haiinpr over 14eara experience In the business we fee tvnflaint of giving the bcbt ol batijlaction. Hcniomher the placv. Sign ef the gilt orgjn. 32 ! BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Sold by the leading dealer in every city and town , E ; Burhorn , JEWELER , AGENT 17 Maiu St. , Council Bluffs. SI Graining , Gilding , 1'apor Hanging and Frescoing. 110 Ualn St.Council BluHa. Keep Uorflcs nnd Muloa conctantly on hand which wo will tell In retail or carlond lota Jill Slock Warranted as Reoresentetl WholMnlo and retail dealers In Grnln * nd I'alcd Hay. 1'ricca re . eonublo Gatlelaction Guaranteed. ,9 CTTLU T E R , o R 0 W L K Y Cor. Cth Av. and 4th St. , Conncll Bluffa. . . jnr gg y * &r .cn bv * M 1 ' - n VM ww .vi n n * For any CIRC of Kidooy or liver disenpo or dyspepsia rhonmnttfiin , nr any disease imlndcoJ by a lack of native power , that cannot lin cuird by the ueo of JJrH. Juild & Smith's JJlootrio clto and Aiillnticpa | , ISu. 30. Fourth St. . Council Bluffs. AGENTS WANTED. Norene & Landstrozn , Suit , to order In latest style * at cheapest possible THE CEJlsTIZSI AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. itogiilnr Dinner 11.SMI lo lM : ! ) , J5 conta , 505 Broadway , - Council Bluffs. 'he only all nioht houto iu the city. HverythlrR Bervr < l m Cunt clwi etj-lo and on ehw notlco , Ilot end cold lunches always ready. AND DEALER IN [ 1 pis , Oils , OMAHA , NKB.