Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE DAILY BEE MONDAY , JULY 20 , 1885.
Incidents of the Day at the Capital
of the State ,
Dawos Proclaims a Quarantine
Against Eastern Statss.
Petty Sources or "Worry to the Lln-
colnltcs Notes From the Stale
House Personal Mention.
Ileporlod by The HKB'H Bureau ,
LINCOLN , Nob. , July 19. Charles
Gray , a carpenter , who was kicked in the
head by a horse about a week since , dlod
Saturday from the injury.
In compliance with n resolution of the
llvo stock sanitary committee , the gov
ernor has Issued his proclamation quaran
tining the entry of all cattle from the
states of Connecticut , Now York , Now
Jaraoy , Maryland , Virginia , West Vir
ginia , Ohio , Illinois , Kentucky , Tonnes-
aoo , Missouri , and the District of Colum
bia , The cattle coming from the above
named states nro to enter at Omaha ,
rinttsmonlh , Blair or Falls City and to
bo quarantined not less than ton days
and then n certificate of tholr good
* health must bo given by some duty
authorized veterinary surgeon bcforo
they can bo released.
Ton tramps were hauled up before
Judge Montgomery Saturday. They
promised to ba good and Ipavo the city
and were discharged to prey upon new
The old Methodist church building
was sold on Saturday to W. II. Prescott -
cott for § 250.
Tha Seventh Day Adventlt > ta of the
otato will hold their annual camp mootIng -
Ing at Kearney , commencing on August
12th and continuing to the 18h instant.
Everybody la Invited and ample pro
visions are bolng rnado to accommodate
all who como.
Another dog was killed en Washington
and Ninth streets last Thursday nnd yet
110 attempt Is madoby the mayor or other
officials to enforce a compliance of the
city ordinance In regard tu muzzling the
dangerous brntca or otherwise disposing
of the hUndrdda of surplus dogs in this
city. A drunken vagabond Is hauled np
and fined $5.70 whllo the owner of a
vicious dog is allowed to turn him loose
npona community without leave , license ,
or mo/.zle , and btill no ono Is lo blame ,
But If you chance to ehoot ono of the
animals It Is $10 and costa besides what
the owner can provo the dog to be worth.
A revised edition of the statutes is
being completed by the clerk of the supreme
premo court , and will bo ready for deliv
ery abont the 1st of August.
The Ilav. R. McKalg , of the Method
ist church of thla city , has received a
call from tlio Wabash avcnne Mothodlet
chnrch of Chicago , which ho will proba
bly accept.
The stnto board of equalization will
moot to-day to adjust the state assess
ments in the different counties.
Out of the sixty-nine counties In the
atato thq/clorks of of all but eight of
them have made tholr assessment returns.
An approximate estimate of the grand
total will exceed $130,000,000. The to
tal assessment of last year was § 123,000-
000 , making the increase in property
valuation of abont 810,000,000.
The state school fund apportionment Is
$234,000 , , and the amount paid oat to
the pretout time Is § 223,000 ,
Articles of Incorporation of the Coxand
manufacturing company of Lincoln , were
filed with thosocrotary of utnto Saturday.
The capital stock Is $50,000 , with $20,000
' paid In. It Is for the purpose ot manufac
turing tanning extracts and for tanning
The census returns from Custor coun
ty is 12,309 , a gain over 1880 of 10,188
a remarkable Increase.
Governor Dawes has Issued his reqnlsl' '
lion on the governor of Utah for the par
eon of ono Love Oroen for forgery.
Next Wednesday or Thursday the
railroad secretaries will start on a tour of
inspection of the Burlington & Mlasourl
railroad and its branches in this state.
No fishing tackle or dead heads will ac
company the paity and only mlloago will
bo used.
A party named Moselman , n resident
of Lincoln , and who represented himself
on n traveling man was credited to qnlto
.a largo Mil of grccsrles on the strength
of hla helrg en honctt man , but it was
learned ho was not a traveling man and
ho was arrested 'or obtaining goods under
filio pretenses and will have a hearing
this morning bjforo Justice Oochrano.
Three gentlemen loft tha Nebraska
hotel on Saturday with a boanl bill bo
liind , Some good clothing belonging to
other parties accompanied them , and ono
Darnlll waa captured and will bo hoard
this morning.
S. E. Atwood , of Cleveland , Ohio , is
visiting relatives In the city.
Ex-Govornor Butler left Saturday for
his homo at Pawnee City.
The funeral of E. E , Bouse took place
George n. Poworr , of Beatrice , United
atatca postoilio Inspector , is in the city
Among the prominent arrivals are : J
K. Currau , Aurora ; J. W. Hunt , Fair
inontM. ; A , Dougherty , Crete ; J. E
Anglo , Stirling ; J. H. Applegate , J. II
Hamilton , lork ; U. 0. Aswoll , Stinttou
"W. Gould , Tecnuisoh ; II. W. Van Slckol
W. V. Nicklos and Mrs. Ii. Guthrle ,
Omaha ; J. W. Davis , A. JI , Ulcg , Sam
nel E , Uigg nnd J. II. Alden , Beatrice
John Cox , Nebraska Cly } ; M. B. CuiF-
man and George Van Ostrand , Nollgh
D. F. Bold , Ulysses ; J. Lobmaud
Sovrerd , nnd W. E , Msynard , Western
MM. J. E. Iloldren , of Marietta , Ohio ,
who for the last four weeks has been
visiting her duuchter , Mrs. Dr. Charlo
S. Hart , of this city loft for Marietta tc
Alma has decided to put up another si ! ol
"building ,
The Hawhido rlvor will ba bridged nea
The trial of the Colorage rioters nt Hatting
ton Ima collapsed ,
Fremont would take kindly to n pork rack
Ing establishment.
Danes county , recently organized , cast S ) Ill
pVotoM nt iti first election ,
r. Frank Jones has been found guiltr of tr >
Ing to kill William Gust at West Point.
Tha churches of Tecumseh nre engaged in
air tplitttcg match whllo sin stalks ubroac
Mnd does nro abroad in the land nnd eho
guns should be loaded , A dead dog in burin
leai.A party cf Sioux City fakirs have been cir
cu'aticg ' among tbo vcrd&nta of the nortb -
cnstcrn part of the state , A round up nt
Pierce netted S'G , but the authorities nipnod
the fakirs for 550 ol the roll.
Leo Polnnil of Fncloryvillc , Otoe county , Is
dnngeroutly ill from the ( fleets of n tnaka
bite ,
Peter Schwartz , of Sullivan , dropped ft
team of horses into a well , loting SoOO by the
nccident ,
Antelope county is in n flomhhincr financial
condition , having n surplus cf $ ir > ,913. ? ! ) In
the treasury ,
Mrs , Thomas Trail , while visiting her sitter
near Nebraska City , lost three year old
child by drowning.
Confidence gaaics nro so common in Valen
tine that n yield of less than (200 n day is not
worth mentioning.
Crpto will voto. Anoint Gib , on the ques
tion of issuing $25.0CO in bonds to build n
system of water works.
A mad dog bit n young child In Hamilton
county n lew days iwjo. No hopes nro enter
tained for the child's recovery.
Nollgh has no saloons , but the town board
has just granted permits to the dmc stores to
sell liquors frr tnedlcnl purposes only ,
Cttpt. J. II , Stownrt. the Lincoln bridge-
builder , came near loting his lifo by n fall
from the Now Oik crock bridge n few dnys
Work has commenced on Centrnl City's
$12,01)0 ) school building , It will bo seventy-
ono foot square , two stories high , with eight
The Fremont Trlbnno , speaking of n recent
fire , says : 'Tim hooks and chemies wcro Boon
nn the ground. " This la n nude departure in
firemen's uniforms.
The prospect of li.-u-lng a note to pay , on
which ho WAS nn indorsor , caused n grnuger
near Crete , iinmod Coclirun , to commit sui
cide ono day last week ,
Grand Island's greatest nnd bostpixying in
vestment is said to 1)3 the S30 paid for balls
nnd chains , Not a tininp bns been visible lu
that locality since thopurchasa of the jewelry.
The two-year-old child of John Dryek , of
Pischervllle , Knox county , wandered nwny
from homo nnd was thlrty-Bovon hours with
out food or drink when found , three miles
Tlio business growth of Columbus is shown
in tbo construction of two Boiler mills , two
Inrffo brick blocks planned , with n now hotel
nnd n wholesale grocery house looming up in
the distance.
Charles W. Meeker , clerk of the courts for
Saline county , is in nbout § 500 to J.SOO worth
of financial trouble , being charped with over
charging about that amount in transactions
with the county.
The Hall comity Agricultural society baa
cng&god the services of the ladles' cornet band
of Ord to play for them during the fair this
fall , The ladies nro said to be not only
"thrilling" musicians but charming in nppcar-
An Adntrs county fnrtncr bns n monstro
sity , n pig with ono heml , two fully developed
bodies , und eight lues. The two bodies in-
tcrcect near tha shoulder , with n romnrknblo
eimilr.rity in proportion , The curio is pre
served in alcohol.
N. W. Baitholorcew , a Long Pine farmnr ,
while driving ncroas the railroad track WAS
run down by n locomotive , Tlio wogoti was
smashed , nnd Mrs. Shcehun , nn old lady ac
companying him , wns eevercly injured. Bar
tholomew was not harmed ,
The commissioners of Frnnklln county have
petitioned the supreme court for n manunmus
to compel the state auditor to register § 49-
000 in bonds Issued by the county. The ob
jection to registering the bonds is the claim
that the amount exceeds too per cent of the
assessed valuation of the county.
Mrs , Marvin Noraene , wife of n Cnas coun
ty rnrmcr , in n hunt for eges thrust her hand
into n hole in n earn crib nud wns caressed by
n snake. Her hand commenced to swell and
get spotted , tnit n larpo dosa of nlcohpl de
stroy oil ths cfTocts of the poison. Prohibition
prohibits ,
The editor of the Iloldrego Nutrget ia bios
aoming out ns a nursery rhymster. This sud
den chnngo from the prosaic scissors is ex
plained in the following exquisite ditty :
"Go ring tbo bell nnd lire the gun ;
We feel eo timid , nnd so shy ;
We've named n brand new b by-son ,
And laid the Mother Ilubbard by ! "
Crete takes exception to the census just
completed , aid seems to hnvo good reason to
kick ngninst the rqtums. Five years ago , nc-
cording to the iintionnl census , the town had
n population of 1,870. The present census
makes the number loes. With population in-
crensing nil around it the town could not hnvo
remained nt n ttaudetlll for five years ,
All quiet nt Ogalnlln.
Bob Sawyer , of Richardson county , sold n of glnnderod horses to n Kansas man ,
which were afterwards killed by order of the
state veterinarian Sawyer has since shown
unrcistnkonbla symptoms of the disease him-
self. His lungs and internals nre swollen nnd
ho discharges at the nostrils just ns n horse
would. Trio disease- mnn is snid to bo in
curable , nnd that nil Mr , Snwyer can do Is to
prepare for death ,
The report of the Valentino land office for
the past fiscal year is tha boat index to the
remarkable growth of the northern section of
the stato. The totnl number of acres tiled on
wns 1,283,121.8 , ( ! , nnd the receipts of the
office in the unmo tlmo were 8112,280.25. The
records show 3GS final proofs , eixtacn final
homeatond proofs , 175 , excesses , -,275 homestead -
stead filings , 2,467 timber claim tiliuR
pro-omptlonp , 117 school district a
nnd twonty-ilx scrip locations.
The Culumbus Democrat has no patience
with the bypocracioa of democratic papers in
their nilly endorsement of Cleveland's ideas of
reform , when the fact is , if they would "toll
the truth , " there would be n continuous for
ocenn to ocean for the offices now held by ro-
pnblicaus. "Wo can only account for It , enys
L'olegata ' HigRine , "in the fact that innny if
not mostly nil of thu editors of democratic
now papera nro npplionta for office nt the
hands of Mr. Cleveland , nnd nro therefore
nfraid to nutafjctiizs tba president. "
The sudden denth of Mrs. Catharine Fi'nley
of Hflstlnge , last Wednesday , pOBfcteea tome
strnu o features. She was the wife $ f n hnrd
working Inboror , who was nway from home nt
tun time. Mrn. Finley Imdgono out to her
garden , nbout forty feet from the hou'o , to
BOW some turnip saed , She had not bean out
more than five minutes when ehe was killed.
Sirs. Flnloy had frequently expressed n deslro
to die n sudden nni\r.iaiiles ! ) death , n wish
wholly gratified by this Midden taking off.
The calamity Is romarlinble from the fnct that
there wns no thunder storm nnd that nt the
time the sun WAS shining brightly. A blnck
cloud wna passing some dlstnnca northeast uf
there , but there wns no indication of n light
ning atroko.
The Kenrney caunl company has been revived -
vivod liv a little Phihidolphin blood. The
Press cnlculntes that the completion of this
work "would Insure KeArney n population of
10,000 within ten yeare , because the water
power , equal to that of CCO horeo power , will
turn n vaet number of wheels for manufactur
ing purposes. This canal is sixteen miles in
length , and the water will ba brought into a
natural reservoir on the hilleido north of the
city , which contains fortv-tlueo acres of land ,
Whan it is filled , the unter in this reservoir
will bo thirty feet deep in tha deepest place ,
nnd the bottom of It trill be cixty-EOveii fcot
nbovo the ! Tnion Pncifio railway track , where
it croBses Wyoming avenue. Tno amount of
power tuch n fnll will give makes It absolutely
certain that wo will , soon after Its completion
have n woolen mill , lln'eod oil mill , larga
flouring mills , nnd in nil probability n large
paper mill. "
-Tho bo rd of education will hold its first ,
temi-montlily mooting this evening ,
The remnins of 31 H. Wllde'a
llttlo child were chipped last evening to Kan
sas City fir burial.
A club of harness tiuVem from Collins'
establishment nnd Mengill'ii ' "Stnra" played n
gauio of base ball nt Athlutlo park yesterday
foienoon , which resulted In u victory for the ,
harness makers by n sooro of 1C to 10.
The brick-layers of Omaha nnd their
ftiends , to the number of nbout
five hundred plcnlciod yesterday nt U.
P , park nod had n most delightful time- . They
loft the city nbout S o'clock In a special train
nnd returned last evening nt 7:33. : They were
accompanied by the A , O , II , band , which
furnished some of ita finest mueio for the oo-
An eminent physician has discovered that
cutmrgs nro poisoccm ,
< V Now mid F vorAulo Cli.uigo In the
Name iinrt Munngcmont of Lin
coln's HlR Hotel From Gor-
hiuu to Windsor ,
Soon after the Nebraska legislature
convened at Lincoln last January the
members thereof and the people of that
town were most agreeably pleased to wit' '
ness the opening of an excellently built
hotel , that subsequently became a very
popular and delightful place with all
these who were so fortunate as to enjoy
1U hospitality nnd comforts. It was
known as the Gorham house , the firm
nome of proprietors being Qorham &
Brown. The former gentleman had
been engaged several years previously In
hotel business at Burlington , Iowa.
The other proprietor , though , Mr. Nat
Brown , for years throughout the west ,
as the representative , first of a largo
Omaha business house , and secondly as
traveling passenger agent for the Chica
go , Burlington & Qulnoy railroad com
pany , was a favorite , and well known.
His reputation extended from the lakes
to the mountains , and ho numbered his
friends by the thousands. With such a
man as Mr. Brown as their host , It Is not
to bo wondered at , strangely , that with
the states law-makers and their families ,
with the people of Nebraska , who had
business at the capital , and with the
travelling public generally , the Gorhani ,
soon leaped Into universal popularity and
was known everywhere as one of , If not
the best , hotel at Lincoln. Having boon
a long time on the road himself , Mr.
Brown's knowledge rolntlvo to the wants
of hotel guests , served him admirably ,
and , ho know how to provide , not only
for their comfort nnd convenience , but
for their entertainment ani amusement
as well.
But there lifta recently bcon another
change , for the batter , though the famil
iar form. pleasant face and
genial presence of Mr. Nat Brown ,
still remains at the head
of affairs. Last week , Mr.
Gorham disposed of his interest to a gon-
tlpmnn from Oikaloosa , la. , by the name
of Ghsa , so that henceforth the firm will
bo known as Brown & Glass. They have
also changed the name of their house by
rubbing out Gorham , and painting over
the portals in Its stead , "Tho Windsor. '
Mr. Gloss cornea to Nebraska beating with
him the reputation of being a very pleas-
act and popular gentleman. Lfo , too ,
llko his senior , has been long engaged In
the railroad business as passenger agent ,
therefore , . , Is well and favorably known.
Under Its now management The Windsor
Is to bo made more popular than ever.
With plenty of moans at their command
the proprietors propose to leave nothing
nndono that will conduce to the complete
satisfaction of their guests. In fact , Tho'
Windsor Is to bo made a perfect homo
for Nebraska people and the travelling
public generally. In addition to
iho proprietors , two of the
moat gentlemanly and courteous
clerks , Messrs. E. S. Montroao and Ira
Elgby , will extend smiling and worm
welcome to the guests. Mr. Iltgby for
merly stood behind the register In tha
Paxton hotel , of this city , end his com
panion , Mr. Montrose , comes from the
Clifton house at Ottawa , 111.
The Windsor Is comparatively a now
house , elegantly fitted and furnished
throughout , and snppliod with all the
modern Improvements belonging to the
management of a first-class public houso.
It is pleasing to note that Messrs. Brown
A Glass give that attention to their culin
ary department which is assurance that
tholr tables will bo second totho | tables of
no other hotel in this or any other coun
try. They are amply supplied with
everything the market affords , cooked to
suit the palates of the most exacting , and
served In the very latest s ylo of the art.
The hotel has a large , attractive and
airy cilice , splendid rooms , easy and com
fortable beds , and In fact every feature to
make It the best place to stay at when in
the Capital City.
Tlio Former Makes n Bold Attempt
to Get AAV ayVlth tlio Latter ,
Bat Fttllp ,
Between 3 nnd ! o'clock yesterday
morning , a rather good looking young
lady , giving her name as Mary Larson ,
appeared at the city jail , much fright
ened , and reported to Jailor Slgwart that
a man by the name of Andrew Stanley
had shortly before mndo an attempt to
outrage her , and she wanted him arrested.
Mary is a Swede girl , and several youug
men of that nationality accompanied her .
to the jail. They were all greatly exe
cited over the matter end did a great deal B
of land talking about It. Not being able Oi
to take any action hlnuclf , Jailor Slg-
wart , advised the young lady to como
around later yesterday morning and sco
his honor , Jndgo Stouberg. Abaut 0
o'clock she was on hand again. The
story told to Judge Stetiberg Is not suffi
cient hardly to cause an arrest , but it will
bo Investigated to-day. Saturday night
Mary Lars2n attended a danca in the .
northwest pirt of the town near where
this man Stanley resides and OPTUS n
brick yard. She states that about 1 " ;
o'clock , ho invited her to go out nnd take B'
a buggy ride with him which Invitation Ii
she accepted without any protest. Where
they went she could not tell because the c
locality and everything about it looked h
strange to her. Anyway while out , Stanli
ley made an audacious and bold a
attempt to take undue liberties with her ,
but she struggled , screamed and created
such n scone , that ho became frightened , r
throw hla victim out of tbo buggy , then ]
drove oil and lift her. She finally mndo
her way back to the dance hall and made
known to her friends what had occurred
whereupon they became rather wild will
Indignation and excitement , Could they
have gotten hold of Stanley just then
his condition would have been an un
healihy ono. Judge Stonberg advised
the young hdy to como back and BOO him
again to-day , when ha will order an In
vestigation of the sfl'iir made.
State Auditor Babcock Is nt the Millard.
tieorgo Finley , of Blair , Is n Millard guest.
Messrs , A. D , and B. liranJes left for New
York last evening.
N. E. Leach , ol West Point , is at the Mil-
Mark Duryee , of the Windsor , Lincoln , was
In the city yesterday ,
J , W. Morris , Lincoln ; ( i. K. Vanalletrand ,
Keligb , Neb. ; 0 , H , Nerds , Atchiion , Kan , ;
Frank Norton , Frankfort , Ky.Todd ; FUven ,
Burlington , la. ; J , J. O'Connor , N.Klmlra ,
Y , J' , G. Cauflhlin , Toledo , 0 , W. J. Con.
nor , It. C. Uaynrd , O , P. Oliver , El. nnd I )
W. Wickham nnd A. B. Noble , of Council
Bluffs , nro stopping at the Metropolitan ,
lion , George II , Hummel , of Grand Island ,
Is in the city on business ,
Thomas Donne nnd Mieies Carol I no nnd
I'rnnces Doane nro nt the Pnxton.
T. C , Patterson , of North Pintle , nnd M.
A. Doucherly , Crete , nro at the Millard.
. L. Reoi nnd daughter , of Weeping
Water , are guests at the Paxton.
II , U. Shodd and wife , of Ashlnnd , are in
the city , quartered nt the Pnxton ,
W. J. Dent left Friday for n two weeks
visit with parents nt Milan , Mich ,
L , P. Lennnrd , of Lincoln , Is in thocity ,
yesterday , nnd is stopping nt the Pnxton.
The Misses Wnlker , ol St. Lonl , nro visit
ing J , II. Pnrrotte , nt 1034 Idnho street.
L. D. Hnymond , Hock Creek , Wyo. , G. L ,
Lelch , J. N. Woodnrd , Kansas City , nro nt
, bo Arcado.
Mrs. A. 0. Adam , who has bcon visitlnc
'rlends In Chicago nnd Dnvenport , returned
, o thla city yesterday.
Mr , U. Hardy , of the 09c store , went to
Lincoln yesterday with n view of starting n
irnnch store nt that place.
A. W , Atwood , of Dr , Ilooder's prescrlp-
ion phnrmncy , No. 10'J N , Sixteenth street ,
pent the Sabbath in Platttmouth ,
August Sandell , Swedish Baptist mission-
nry from the Swedish American Baptist Bible
leminnry , nt Stromsburp , this state , is visiting
ricnds in St. Louis ,
Ilav. A. P. Sherrill , of this city , will fill the
ralpit during the summer at the Pilgrim
: mirch , at St. ] jouls , while Dr. C. L. Good-
loll , regular pastor , enjoys his vacation nt
'rout's Neck.
llov. Michael Cowling , S , J , , of Detroit ,
Mich. , has been called , nnd 1ms accepted n
llrectorehip in the Jesuit college of Una city ,
lo U now visiting friends at St , Louis , nnd
will como from there liorc.
Something About tlio "Work of Uio
Council Committee
anil Jifrcreon 1'ark.
' There were 3,000 people , men , women -
men mid children , at HaEssom park last
utidny , " said a member cf the council
committee in charge of the work of 1m-
> rovlng the parks to aVoportor Saturday.
That chows that the efforts being
made to Improve the park are not unap
preciated. "
It is n fact , without doubt , that
Inuscom park , since the committee have
icon pushing the work of improving it
las bucomo moro and moro r. popular roBert -
Bert The place , Indeed , has boon
; reatly beautified by tbo changes which
lave taken placo. The walks hnvo bcon
rimmed , the grnss trimmed , and a now
dancing platform provided in place of the
old ono , which was in the last stages of
decay , and unfit and unsafe for the tread
of dancing feet. The contract has al
eady beouletfor a system of watcrworVs
hjc will supply the park fountains ,
vhich are shortly to bo put in. It la ox-
looted that within thirty days the water-
rorka will bo completed and the two
"ountriins In order. It hss been suggest-
: d that n largo lake bo dug out in ono
octlon of the park , to bo supplied cither
> y artificial means , or from natural
prlng . In all probability , howovortho
work will bo deferred until next year ,
when moro funds will bo available.
The council commlttoo have been con-
nlting the county commissioners and a
ilan his been perfected whereby the road
rest of the park , running north and
suth , is to be graded and the dirt used
n filling np the depressions which now
xlst in the west side , and which are
overed by two bridges. Pipe will be
aid In these two depressions before they
are filled , BO that the drainage will be
perfect ,
The classes who flock to the park on
Saturdays and Sundays , as Indeed on the
> thor days of the week , are as nrulo , well
> ebavod and do not attempt any deeds of
vandalism. From time to time , however ,
ho roughs who occasionally find their
way thither are guilty of committing
hlogs which should not bo al-
owed , For example , last Sunday a
> arty of rowdies amused themselves by
( tiling the squirrels and "chipmunks , and
> y frightening and insulting ladles and
children. To prevent such outbreaks , It
laa been ouggosted that Marshal
Cntnmlngs be asked to detail a special a
lollreman to patrol tbo park on Saturday
ind Sunday of every week. Thorasolu-
ion ordering such a thing has pa-sod the
council , r > nd it Is probable that the de
sired stops In this direction will BOOH bo
: akcu by the marshal.
Jefferson park has also received its
hare of attention. The fences and
stand have bcon painted , and the grass
.rlmuied , end things generally put in
.hlp-ohnpu. ] Two fountains will also
eon ( ba In pcs'tlon , one within and the
other without the fence ,
V Cniol Snn nnd lluolmml The
Iloutlno Cnsos ,
Saturday In the police court the
.rial of John Fox for committing assault
upon his wlfo and upon his mother , was
aken up. The testimony developed a
state ' of affairs which were simply shock
ing. It was proved by Mre , For , the
mother , that her eon had bjnteu her most p
cruelly , bruising und maiming her In a tl
liorriblo manner. Mrs. Fox , the wife , tl
had also como In for her share of the T
abuse and 111 treatment which had bcon ii
inflicted upon her not only once , but
many times , by her husband. The tostlt t
mony throughout showed that young p
Fox was a heartless brute , whoso lack of
decency was continually impelling him to f
do things which ono with n spark of manhood -
hood i In his composition would not
dream of doing. Fox has boon arraigned
on < similar charges before , end
each i time ho has been lot oil'
with light punishment. This
time , however , Judge Stonberg concluded
to let him have the full measure of the
low's severity and accordingly fined him
$25 and costs , and sentenced him to ono
month's imprisonment in the county
Victor Lmdholm , the pag-loggod tailor
whoso chronic sprees furnish an unlimlt-
cd amount of amusement to the nommu-
nlty , and periodical tussela for the
police , appeared once moro hi the role of
n. ruppllcant before Judge Stenben ; ,
llo hid been drunk and
he frankly acknowledged the corn juice ,
The judge concluded to lot him oil by
reason of the fact that ho had behaved
himsalf remarkably well during the past
two months.3
Dolly Bradly paid a fine of ? 5 and
costs for Indulging in disorderly conduct
E. S , Dudley and Mary Dillon , hold
for charges of Intoxicationwoie released ,
Kvoltcnicnt Cnused by tlio Mlecollv
ticous Dlsclmrso of Fire-arms ,
Jones street , frctn Tenth to Elorcuth
street ] , was ibo scene , abont 12 o'clock
Saturday night , of ( vn exciting sensation ,
canted by eomo reckless miscreant firing
three or fonr shots In the vicinity of
Snoll'a saloon , which Is located on K'ov-
onth street. Within the shortest space
of tltno imaginable four or flvo hundred
men . rind women had congregated , nil
tnlklug at once , and apparently seeing
who could talk the loudcat , The language
used was BO Illiterate , blasphemous and
vulgar that Judge Stonborg took Officer
Crawford to task yesterday for not arresting -
ing the whole caboodle. They surged
back and forth through Jones street ,
howling Ilka liquor-crazed donnionde ,
threatening ' oil sorts of dlro punishments
tojout laws who hud shocked their nerves.
But they could not bo fonnd and oven *
tnally pence wai restored. That
part ot the city Is unusually loud
of an evening , and especially
Saturday evening , when hundreds of
laboring men congregate in the neighborIng -
Ing boor halls to enjoy a few glasses and
talk over events of the past wook. Any
little disturbance on the struct will bring
forth a crowd of five hundred In n very
few minutes. Thorocklecj manner some
yonng fellows have of handling lire arms
will sooner or later bo the cause of some
sad occurrence if not checked by police
Taken for Obtaining Money Umlcr
The pollcD arrested Eii&s Claport again
yesterday , this time for obtaining money
under fatso pretenses , but ho now gives
thorn the name of Richard Glenn. May
the 10th Claport robbed nn old man at
the Slavon house whllo brushing his
clothes off , and was sent up for
sixty days. About that tlmo , or shortly
before John Hardlgan , a boiler maker at
the Union Pacific abops , had hla watch
stolen. His time being up Claport was
released from jail Saturday. Yesterday
mornlnc ho mot Ilardignn and eald to
him , "Give me $5 and 1 will toll you
where to go and got your watch. " Unr-
dlgan gnvo him iho 5 , then ho vrantod
more , and kent on insisting that the
amount bo increased until
had borrowed and given the
scoundrel about § ! ) . Then
ho said defiantly , "you can whlstlo for
your watch , " and started to run away
with the money. Hardlgan grow very
angry , acd gave him chase. At Barney
Shannon's corner ho overtook and
knocked Olaport sprawling on the
ground two times , but the thief managed
to got away from his enraged pursuer by
dashing into a lumber yard across the
street from Slmnnon'o , and hiding.
There ho was arrested by ODiiers Bloom
and Harrington and taken to head
quarters. _
A Bold Daylight Attempt to' Steal
Property and Get Away With It.
Saturday evening C. A. Bohnd , city
circulator of the Herald , was in his room
in the Barker block on Fifteenth street ,
taking a bath preparatory to fixing up
for an evening out , nnd being somewhat
oppressed by the boat left hla door open.
A thief boldly entered , snatched Mr.
Boland'd gold watch from the table and
rushed away , going , hard as he could ran
up the alloy towards Sixteenth street.
Boland rushed after him yelling 0
like a Pinto chief on the war path. At
the end of the alley the thief was caught cj
by a detachment of lira department boys
who , attracted by Boland's cries had run
up there to tea what the trouble was.
They turned the fellow over to Ollicer co
Malza , who soon landed him in a cell at ar
the city j il , and registered for him the m
name of George Jackson. Jackson also jC
had n pal , who trns watching the stealing wi
act , and after Boland loft his room to ,
chase Jackson this pal slipped In and stole
fine gold ring that also laid on tbo
table , Ho was also arrested nnd locked
up. When about to bo caught Jackson
attempted to throw the watch away , bnt
could not do it without bolng seen. Both 01
of the snooks will bo doilt with this P.
morning by his honor , Judge Stoubcrg. jj
The New Ijlno from Oinfttm Mouth pi
KanHKH A K ! W piw
Notof , Klo. w
The corporate members of the Omaha , reP
Abilene & Wichita , ral'rond company , tl
consisting of representative men from the faw
cities of Clay Centre , Abllono , Marlon , faol
Peabody and Wichita , Kansas , mot at tl
Topeka last Saturday , and completed the
organization by the election of oflicors ,
After the transaction of ruutino business , L
steps were determined on looking to vhe
early construction of the road. Assurances -
ances were received from nil the principal
points in the territory to bo traversed by
the line of earnest and
hearty co-opera-
lion , and the guaranty of bonds for stock , si
The members of the corporation held an I
informal talk frith gentlemen connected t
with the Omaha system , who had mot "
them then ) by appointment , for that pur- ]
pose. o
The unparalolled and extraordinary a
fete , accomplished by Jack Dolan last c
Wednesday , of bringing In a passenger h
train t of seventeen cara over the Union ii
Pacific 1 road from Grand Island on tlmo t
has 1 been made a matter of inslgnificinco. s
Yesterday anybody nt the depot , when 1
No , 2 rolled in , could have looked at the p
cab of engine No , 110- and seen the c
handcomo face of her master , Van t
Uitroui , wearing a wreath of smiles and c
beams of nnuiul brightness , The canto c
of Mr , Van Ojtrem's pleasant feeling was (
ascounted for when two or 'hroo parties
called attention to tbo fict that rumbling
along behind him were nineteen mail
and baggage cars , cnchcs and Pullmans ,
llo had brought them all the way from
North PUtto and was not a second late
Out Mr , Van Ostrem did not unhook and
go to the round house until ho had lauded
bis train at the transfer depot in Council l |
Mr. Cbarlon Frances Adams , Jr. , and
bis party left for tha cast yesterday.
Saturday evening a committee of gentle
men , composed of II , A. Babcock , state
auditor , Mr. Perry und Mr. Martcnsen i ,
who came up from Lincoln to lay before
Mr , Adams the proposition of building a
IUm'on Pacific branch from North Lonp
to eo o point nway out , either In Garfield -
field 01 Cinter counties. They received
no encoiu sgoment favorable to the enter
Itobbcil , SliiRKCd unit Thrown by tlio
Konil Sldo a WoniAii , tlio
A Council IIlulTJ yotiop man , by the
nnnro of John Wlckt , fell Into a hard
row of stumps on this tide of the river
yesterday , and got himself pretty badly
used up. During the aftctnoon Wicks ,
Injudiciously hired a hark , of which
Frank Coatcs was the driver , and with
two fast women , wont out. for a long
drive. These women , wcro the notorious
rious Lotto Cocmbs and HOBO Mason ,
They drove southward. When In the
vicinity of Hammond's packing house ,
about sundown , Lolta Coombs , went
through Wicks' pockets and robbed him
of $137 , after which she slugged the
young man Cthrow htm out of the
baok , and led him to pat homo the best
way ho could. It happened that some
men came along , with a wagon , soon af
ter , picked Wicks up and brought him to
town. Ho reportcd the atTalr to the po
lice at headquarters , nnd had the
two women , also the hack driver arrested
and locked up , llo was also hold In
dnranco AS n witnesi against the other
The arrest fr.'ghtcncd ' Roao Mason BO
badly that after being taken to tlio jail
and put In a cell , die commenced having
violent fits. This ccared Jailor I'erlonott
and other policemen who were there at
the time , and they thought every minute
that the woman was golug to die. No
sooner was sbo through ono spasm until
another and moro severe than the first
would seize her. Finally Dr. Sweet-
man was colled. Do worked with her
about thrco hours , administering strong
doses of opiates until she
became a little easier. At firat it
required three men to hold the woman ,
so that she would not do herself bodily
harm. It seems that KosoMason had never
boon connected with any bad business be
fore or been arrested is the reason oho
took the matter so much to heart. Whllo
being taken to jail she urged bar notorious
companion to give up the money and told
the oflijcr that she had it. At 1 o'clock
the girl was In n terrible condition ,
and the officers had doubts no to whether
she could live until morning.
1)1131) .
IIISSE In this city , July 38th , at C p. m. ,
Mr. Herman Hlsso , nged 51 years.
Funeral will take place on Tuesday , July
21st , at 10 a , in , , from his Into residence ,
Seventh and Dorcas streets. Interment at
Jcrman Catholic cemetery.
In this city , July 19th , John S. ,
intnnt son of Mr. nnd Mrs. John S. Booth.
Funeral took place on Sundny , July lth ! ) ,
nt1 p. m , , from tlio residence inBoyd's opera
UKNNI3 In this city , July 10th , nt 3:30 :
n. in. , Jennie , daughter of Mr , and Mrs , L ,
V , Dennis , aged days.
Funernl occurred on Sunday at 2 p. m ,
from the reaidenco southwest earner Sixth and
WILD-In this city , July 19lh , nt 11:15 :
n. in , , nt 917 Jackson street , Helena , infant
daughter of Mrs. Helena Wild , ngcd 0
Tha remains will bo shipped to Kansas City
for interment.
1'rciinrini ; l 'or a New Park.
The citizens of North Omaha have put
an actlvo movement on foot to have a
park In that part of town for tholr pleas
ure and enjoyment. Saturday night a
meeting was held at Jones & Wcinert'a fr
store , on Eighteenth and Gaming streets ,
bnt the attendance not being largo S1'
enough to take definite action in tlio an
movement , an adjournment was had by
until next Wodnetday night , The prop ab
osition Is to enclose about forty acres of of
ground along the river bank between the rm
city limits north of town trl
and Cut Off Lake , Thla would
secure a nice loto of shade along the bluff
and tlso enough level land for race
course , and drives. Councllmon Dalley
and Bailey have boon appointed a com is
mittee to take action In this matter on
behalf of the city , and it Is hoped they
will bo present at the mooting Wcdnoe-
day night.
A Bohemian IVctUlfnc : ,
In the presence of about thrco hundred
friends , and amid surroundings of floral
beauty , Brokop Scinlck , and Miss Jcslo
Polan . , marched to Hymens' altar , at tbo
Bohemian Catholic church , on south
Thirteenth street , at 7:30 : lest evening
andjwero joined In the bonds of holy
wedlock. Rev. Trosoker. the German
priest , presided as master of ceremonies.
After having been made husbnud and
wife , the yenng couple followed by their is
fiicnds marched in regular procession
rcross to Hoffman's ' Hall , where Prof.
Prolmcks' ' orchestra , furnished music and
the event was celebrated in grand old q
fashioned Bohemian stylo. The ladles
were all dressed in white. They partook
ol anlco lucnh , and enjoyed dancing un
til quite a late hour.
Ilic Klchnst Doll on Kurtti ,
A little girl at Long Bracch the child
of Mr. and Mra. Jlnfus lUndoll , of Now
York , who with her parents and little
brothorjla In a cottcgq on Bath avcnuo
glories In the possession of probably the
most magnificent doll over made , whose
self and troucseau were the wonder of all
Paris and took a prize at an Industrial
exposition there. The llttlo girl Is n mod
Virginia Campbell , for the late Mm.
Robert Campbell , of St Louis , and the
oldest son of that lady , knowing the .
affection both hla parents had lor the .
child's father and grandparents , brought
her the handsomest present ho could lind
in Europe. The doll is the size of p child
three old. The
years trosseau Includes n :
sealskin nacquo lined with quilted satin ,
larga cnoURh for a child three years old ,
point lace fans with pearl Btlcks , lace cov
ered parasols , with pearl and otnor fine
handles , gloves , lace handkerchio's , and
other Ucce , fine eilk stockings , lingerie
dresses , hals , wraps , tatln slippers and
every Imaginable article a brldo could
have I In her trossoau , and all largo enough
fcr I a child of the
ago namtd , and oven a
wedding dross and a fine lace veil. The
smallar articles were all In totn , not only
ono or two of each , but the underwear ,
hsndkcrchlefs , etc. , by the etc/can. It
took a very largo Saratoga trunk to hold
the doll and her wardrobe.
Goohuhcrry Jain ,
Stew the terries In a little water , then
strain through a eeivo und return to the
preserving kettle , adding three quarter *
of a pounds of sugai to cash pound of
preserved fruit , und lot it boll until It will
harden a llttlo when exposed to the air
upon a spoon.
I ( K.xtont ami Value AVJ/7 ZIost nf
tlto Product In BlillH'Crt ! ( "
Knroiu' .
S n I'rancifco llti'lptiii ' ,
The sea-shell business of Culifor./i It'
but llttlo known to the general public
In f.ct , aside from these actually engaged
iiAl the traffic , but foir persons know
Anything of Us magnitude or ralnuUir ;
AlT AlL Angeles is the center of this trade.
The Pacific coast nud coaet Islands ,
from Monterey In California to
Acapulco 'n ' Mexico , with contributions
from J China , Japan , and the Sonlh sear ,
furnish the product , and Europe Is the
market. Franco is the Urgcst buyer ,
and next In the order named follow Ger
many , Belgium , Holland and England.
The product consists of mothcr-of-pcnrl ,
pearl oyster , brilliant or curlovs eholla
from Japan , China , and the South seas ,
the several varieties of abalone , and
conehologlcal medley known 'In busincs *
parlance as "small shells. "
Small shells command from $50 to $70
per hundred pounds , and are found along
the south coast and on the outlying Is
lands. They roach California in sack * ,
and in sicks they are shipped to Europe ,
where they sro used in the manufacture
of many curious nnd ornamental things.
The mother-of-poarl , known to the
trade as "tho Tahiti shell , " Is the most
valuable of all shells. It is exquisitely
beautiful , flvo to eight Inches In diameter ,
round and Hat , and overlaid with a ten
der niilk-whlto , gloaming eurfaco that
Immediately challenges admiration.
Specimens uf "tho Tahiti nholl" may bo
spun in sorao of the art "windows of thla
city and Now York. They are usually-
displayed with n sunburst sunset , or
hmhcipo painted upon them , but the
finest and most perfect shells find their
way to Europe.
Mother-of-pearl shells are found around.
and on the coast and Island of Tahiti.
They are deep-water iholls ; notlvo divers
ralao them to Iho surface , and they are
brought to CAlifoinia by trndors , who
procure them by barter. The divers of
Tahiti display great daring and fortitude ,
and many talcs are told of the foata they
perform nnd the dangers they encounter.
Talcs are told of dlvcra who never re
turned , and who are supposed to have
boon devoured by marliio monsters or
lost or entangled In the labyrlnthlan
windings of coral caves.
Tahiti nhells nro worth In lump , wholc-
nalo , $1.50 to $1 each , end the finest
Delected shells are valued at $50 per pair.
In America Tnnitl shells are marketed
solely as articles of virtu , bric-a-brac ,
and curios. In Enrtpe , however , they
find additional nso and value in the man
ufacture of rare and elegant articles of
fancy , fashion , toilet , and jewelry , and
In the creation of the most coatly and ar
tistic Inlaid work. Thus motnmorphcsed
the shells of the ocean find tholr way
back to America , form a distinct trade ,
command fabulous prices , and beoomo
the special prey of the tariff demon.
Pearl-oyster sheila next in value
and Importance , They ore found along
th Mexican co3sf , and tholr gathering
at shipment form quite an Industry a
La : Paz. The pearl oyster Is never largo-
than an eastern "middling , " but differs
very perceptibly In Ha formation. It Is
flatter and more regnlar , and rows of ray-
like grooves radiate from the thicker per
Hon. These shells are used in the man
nfacturn of pear ) buttons , n trade con
fined almost exclusively to Franco. The
value of the pearl oyster depends on the
vagaries of fashion.
Of ubalono shells there are thrco dis
tinct varieties known to commerce the
bluo-groca of Mexico , the black of Cali
fornia , and the gray abalone common to
the whole coast. Uf thcao the Mexican
variety Is the most valuable. It Is fonnd
clinging to cllffj , roofs and submarine
rocks throughout the coast of Mexico
from < San Thomas , cloeo to the American
line , as far south as Acapulco. Blno-
grcon ' abalones are gathered by mestizos
and brought to Wilmington ( San Pedro )
traders and fishermen. Tha Mexican
abalone approximates in value the Shells
Tahiti. They are shipped to the same
markets and are used la tno same indus
The black abalone of California Is the
next most desirable of sea shells. To
Bomo minds it Is the richest and mos
gorgeous of all the shells of the sea. I
of a fine , velvety black , and posscsso
the same soft glimmering luster that dh -
tlngulshos the motheJ of-pearl , and
tometiinns it is found variegated by lluca
and bars the most delicate Imaginable ,
the bars Booming to float In a mellowing
prism of colors brown , eztiro , saffron ,
and maroon shot by an Indescribable
golden scarlet. This shell Is need In the
tame Industries as the two nbovo men-
tloncd varieties , and la worth , wholesale ,
81,000 per ton.
The common gray abalone has a market
value of $700 per ton. It is used In
bordering and varying inlaid work , In
the mounting of costly turnltiiro and bar-
iioas , and In the manufacture of knif'3 '
handles , shawl clasps , and brooches. It
also used by ( silversmiths and nphol-
sterorp , and enters into the mako-up ot
numborleaa articles of use and ornamonla
The shells are stored at San Dlegot
an Pedro , Los Angeles and Santa Bar.
are , and ore shipped a Iho trade du
oands. All Hhlpmonta are for Earopa
nd mainly to Franco.
Though BO llttlo Is known to the pub-
c , the Boa-shell business in California
as already atsumod largo proportions. ,
Is annual value runs into the hundreds
f thonsonde. Forty tons of shells arc.
hipped every sixty days by the Loa An
cles firm , a thrco years' contract to that
fleet having been undo with a Paris
naniifacturing company In 1882.
The shells of the ocean form the basis
f a great Europton industry , end for
bo product of that Industry America * .
inys millions annually to France , Gor-
nany , Belgium , Holland and England ,
The Industry might bo largely trans-
erred to our own shores were It not for
.ho wide difference existing In the coat of
.ransperlotlon as between Now York ,
Boston nnd Philadelphia , and Paris ,
russels and Hamburg.
The freight charges by rail on two hun-
lr d tens of sheila from La Anelcato
'hlladelphU amount to 'JO , whllo the
cost of shlppinc ; the same from San Pedro
o Havre Is 511. 7/i. / The difference In
ravor of Europe $18 2o--would plant
tnd maintain the shell-working Industry
u America. It would keep In our own
nnd the millions aont nut mum ally on
bnt accuunt , and provide * profitable cm-
iloymcr.t far thousands of our men ,
women , boya and girls.
Rooms ft and Ii In the C/elghton build
ing , on Dodge between Fifteenth end
Sixteenth streets , that hnvo bcon occu
pied by Mrs. II , 0. Whltlock , an u fancy
drees making establishment , ( suddenly
showed slgnu last S turJay morning of
having been deserted , and the occupjnta ,
It atojis , have left town without letting
anybody , oven their niott IntlmatS
friends , know that they were going All
orta of charges are being made , but as
yet none of them show foundation aufflc-
loat to bo relied nrmn