Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1885, Image 4

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K. nOSfiWATER Edltoi.
LI CLEVELAND la getting to bo a blg-
gor man thnn the pretldont ,
I Mr. Adams will giro us an access
ible pnasorjger depot wo may not need to
olcme Tenth attest.
P Eiiiurs If John lloaoh had boon a
ho would
domiocnt or oven a mugwump
not have been shipwrecked.
SINCE the census hai boon token Mr.
Adams may conclude after all that
Omaha Is no longer a prairie village - nd
that her citizens bavo rights whlo the
railways muat concede and respect.
MAYOR Bovn la trying to convluco the
city council that ho la not an offensive
partisan. The council rofnacs to take
his word for it no far. The committee
of arbitration will probably have n word
to nay on that subject.
IT may bo moro profitable In the long
run for the Union Pacific to get .tho good
will of Omaha by affording proper no-
commodatlona for trallta than to alleiuto
llu Omaha patrons by throats and bull , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
DtmiNo his stay In Omaha Oharlca
Francl ) Adams will miss Dr. Miller
eadly. Slnco the doctor's advlco to May
or Boyd to burn that loiter waa scorn
fully rejected , ho thought It best to go to
Now York and try ono of Patrick's tor-
TUB high-toned Bachelors' club of Lon
don takes great pains to blackball Ameri
can applicants for member/ship. / An
Ainorlce.ii bachelor , who ia ambitious to
become "a member of awoll London
Eocioty , after the recent exposures of the
fall Jfa.ll Gazette , cannot have much
rcapoct for himself.
Tun attempt of Messrs. Whitney and
Garland to make John Roach and the
Dolphin a political issue has failed. Mr.
Roach has gene to the wall , and the de
mocratic administration will now have to
look up some now issue. It may be pos
sible , however , that Mr. Roach ia simply
playing 'posnum.
having said that ho wo nld not mind if
there were two or three cholera cases In
front of the whlto houao BO that the
oflico-aeokora wonld glvo him a rost. If
Mr. Cleveland would hang out a small
pox flag It wonld bo just as effective as a
cholera acaro. It la prottycertain , how
ever , that nothing less than the cholera
or smallpox will keep the office soekora
at a distance from the white house.
GOVERNOR HUBIIAKD , of Minnesota ,
has called a rlvor convention to ba hold
on September 3rd in St. Paul , and has
invited delegates from Illinois , Missouri ,
Kansas , Nebraska , Iowa , Wisconsin ,
Dakota and Montana. Inasmuch as St.
Paul has jast openoJ a million-dollar
hotel wo should not bo surprised to see
numerous Intor-atato conventions called
In that city in the near fntnro. There is
nothing like a convontlon to help out the
THEUE la considerable complaint In re
gard to certain saloon-keepers on account
of their selling liquor to minors and
allowing them to play pool. The law Is
very strict In prohibiting the s lo of
liquor to boys , and It ought to bo en
forced. If the fathers of some of the
youthful drinkers would prosecute the
saloon-keepers who thus violate the law
they would bo performing a dnty they
OTTO to themselves and to the public , but
the trouble Is that the majority of parents
depend altogether too much upon the
officers to do that which they should do
themselves. If saloon-keepers are con
victed of violating the 1'quor license law
they are llablo to have their license re a
voked. Aa a matter of business it ia to
their interest to positively refuse to
allow boys to drink over their bars.
AccoiiniNo to Mr. Boyd ho Is not a
partisan mayor , and does not desire to
make political capital ont of the mayor's al
oflioo. But the Jlsrakl , which represents alP'
sents Mr. Bojd on municipal end politi P'cl
cal matters , if not In railroad affairs , clP'
asks In a double-loaded article , how long P'a
will It bo before the city Is free from acl
ihls burden moaning the floating debt fr
entailed upon it by the preceding republican frP'
lican administration. This docs not P'wi
Bound very much like Mr , Boyd'a nonpartisan - wiP'
partisan pretensions. If there his been P'y
anything wrong in the creation of our to
floating debt , why talk about republicans tow
aoy moro than democrats. When
Mr. Boyd vacated the mayor's ofilco
three years 0550 his successor , Ool. Ohato ,
ald In his mojtago that the floating debt
left by the preceding Boyd . administra of
tion amounted to 8-10,000 or over. Nobody -
body intimated crookedness on the pirt find
of Mr , Boyd on that account , and wo see
rational oxouso for charging
no rascality lug
on republicans bcoiusa In three years the
floating debt loft by Boyd has .boon
trebled. Since Mr. Boyd
nearly a polit in !
ical organ goes out of Its way to prate and
about the penitentiary and republican sta
raaoalu , coupled trlth a demand for an hoi
Invoitlgatlon , wo will second the
motion to have the 11 ) a ting
debt question thoroughly Investigated , the
If there has been any crookedness In the sttl
creation of this debt , beyond a violation yea
of the charter provision sgalnat overlaps , sat
It should bo fully investigated. When yet
this is done , wo do not bollovothat ( hero can
will be muoh political capital created for ID i n
dcmocrtita. ETouesty averages no bettor toy
with djmocrats than with republicans. The
There h altogether tooinnchdemigoglam attl i
lu this cry for purification. hlch
A few days ego the IlcjtubUcan made
the discovery Ihat the BEE'S special dis
patches wera fictitious and mainly gotten
up and padded out In thia ofilco. A per
emptory challenge waa lamed for us to
publish our special telegraph bills for the
month of June. The challenge was
promptly accepted , and the detailed bill ,
with the receipt of the local manager of
the Western Union , waa published. It
showed that during the month of Juno
the BEE had received 58,929 words of
special dispatches , or an average of 2,200
words per day for the twenty-six pub-
llcatlon days. This onght to have been
a quietus on the Jlcjmblican If Its con
ductor had brains enough to got In ont of
the wet on a rainy day. But ho cornea
back once moro and seeks to provo frand
on the part of the BEE because the telegraph -
graph bills don't exactly correspond with
the number of words published on two
or three particular days In Juno.
Since ho dares not question the cor
rectness of the bllli , ho ia compelled to
tacitly admit that wo did receive and pay
for nearly f 9,000 words of special dla-
patchoa daring last month. This is a
greater amount of special telegrams than
the Republican has received during the
whole year. For the benefit of the
qnlbblor wo will utato that the BEE
prints two editions n day , and receives ,
bath day nnd night specials. The discrep
ancies , if any exist , are accounted for by
the fact that the telegrams for two daya
have sometimes been bunched In one
day's bill. For Instance , dispatches ro-
cclved on Sunday are charged up In Mon
day's bill , and specials of Friday night
may Imvo boon charged up with the day
specials of Saturday. Thcro baa been no
padding out of specials in this oflico. On
the contrary , many special dispatches
which wo pay for are cut down or entire
ly omitted. Last Sunday wo throw Into
the waste basket nearly three hundred
words o the Pall Mall Gazette ecandsl ,
which wo regarded as unfit for our read
ers. It dooa occasionally happen , how
ever , that In this paper , aa in all other
metropolitan dailies that recalvo largo
amounts of specials , there Is a dupli
cation of associated preaa news ,
Oar reporter at Chicago Is llablo to Bond
us some now a which the agent of tho. as
sociated press has obtained from the same
source , namely , special dispatches to the
Chicago papers. Wherein ia there a fraud
upon anybody in the publication of such
specials ? Since we piy for thorn as spe
cials have wo not the right to publish
them as such ? There was a time when
the BEE waa compelled to
take the entire California associated
press report aa a special , and it took
credit for It accordingly , although in
nany instances the dlepitchos were du
plicates of proas reports published by the
Herald and Kciiublican. So much for
that fraud-cry.
And now , since the frand laauohas
been forced , lot us propound a fair ques
tions to the Jtcjntblican. Why does
that bogus concern publish column after
column of matter scissored bodily out of
Chicago dalllea , and , changing the dates
ono day later , palm this news off as reg
ular press report by telegraph ? Is this
not the most Infimoua kind of piracy ?
Why dooa that patcnt-plato sheet
publish market reviews a day old , re
ceived from Chicago by mall , aa apsclal
telegraphic markets ? Is there any fraud
more glaring and moro disreputable than
that ? Why does the licpublican advor-
tlao through newspaper directories fraud
ulent statements of Its circulation and
thereby obtain patronage and money un
der fa se pretenses , which , If practiced
In any other business , ironld bo liable to
send the parties practicing the fraud to
the penitentiary ? Why does not that
sheet dare to enter the lists to compete
for public advertising whenever a sworn
statement of circulation Is required ]
Would It not bo well for the smart young
man who Is trying to teach us how to a
conduct an enterprising newspaper to pay
llttlo moro attention to hla broken-
winded concern which has been kept up
mainly by railway subsidies and procures
its patronage from the public through a
gross misrepresentation of its value as an ia
advertising medium ? .
KihCAiu , of Alaska ,
although his sucoasior has been ap >
pointed ' , still holds down the executive i
polntmont ' WAS made , but In order to
avoid notification bo wont to San Fran-
claco , whence ho sailed to Sitka , and
from there ho proceeded to the northern
part ' of the territory. The notification , .
which has followed him by mail , will not r
probably ' roach him for several month" .
yet < , if ho keeps on evading its delivery
him. The now governor , Sfflnoford ,
will ! very llkoly bo obliged to hunt him. as
, If it takes all summer , and personally' '
servo notice on him and relieve him.
TUB president made quite a number or
changes among the Internal revenue It
collectors on Saturday , bat wo failed to 03
among the list of appointees the CO
nama of a Nebro k democrat. Accord-
to advices from Washington there Inl
only nine more collectors to bo the
removed. The Nebraska collector will P9
all probability appear at the very tall
of the procession , which In this In-
itanco may bo aild to bo the place of pied
lonor. lold
THE plan of gradually emancipating to
slaves In Brazil is progressing very ulr.s
ttltfictorily. Daring the past fourteen safi
[ moro than500,000 slaves have been rent
froo. It la estimated that there are Lin
in bondage over 1OODOCO ( , but ac- pee
jrdlngto the emancipation plan , which reel
now being pushed very vigorously , ono
will all bo free In about ten years ,
ttlave owners are paid for the slavoi
they are sot free out of a special tat Om
la baldly felt by the tar-payora. trie
Indeed a comforting assurance. Now lot
Mr , Brnner be Immediately sent to the
vicinity of Fort Buford , Dakota , to in *
voatlgato the grasshoppers that are re
ported to bo swarming In great numbers
In that locality. If ho can assure us
that these northern Hoppers will not
sweep down the Missouri valley the far
mers of Nebratka , Iowa , Missouri and
Kantas will not lose any'sleep. The St.
1'anl Pioneer Press says , "whether they
are a mcro local and.'tporadlc visitation , or
the advance guard of those vast Invasions
which swoop millions of acres with
destruction , ia a question which remains
to bo determined. "
The vigorous protest of Mr. Mullet ,
former supervising architect of the treas
ury department , against the employment
of convict labor on public buildings , is to
bo commended. It is very timely , and It
la hoped that It will have the effect of
putting a stop to'thia practice. Ilia pro
test was caused by the fact that the con
tract tor the construction of a govern
ment building at Pcoria was awarded tea
a contractor who employs convict labor ,
and la thus enabled to underbid competi
tors who employ honest labor. It seems
that the secretary of the treasury has
been led to bollovo by the solicitor of
that department that there waa no legal
way to reject the obnoxious bid. Mr ,
Mullet , however , calls the secretary's at
tention to the fact that there Is
neither law nor custom requiring the
acceptance of such n bid , and ho calls
upon the secretary to reject it , and glvo
honest labor a chance. Ho maintains
that It is absurd to pretend that the same
result can bo attained by convict labor
that can ba reached by tha employment
of skilled mechanics. The ataud taken
by Mr. Mullet will bo endorsed by every
honest laborer and mechanic In the coun-
tiy , and a protest against the letting of
contracts to convict-labor contractors who
bid for the oroctlon of public buildings
ought to bo forwarded to the secretary of
o treasury from every labor organiza
tion in the United States. It ia the
honest laborers and mechanics who help
to piy the taxes of this government , and
when the public moneys cro expended In
public Improvements they are the ones to
share In the benefits.
Some of the rural papers In Nebraska
are still harping on the unfairness of callIng -
Ing the Omaha exposition a Nebraska
fair , with the evident intention to create
bad blood between the people of the
South Platte region and Omaha. Ono of
these mlschicf-makera goes so far as to
eay :
Omaha never has done anything towards
the BUCCE89 of the ctato fair except when it
waa held at Omaha , and probably never will.
This is her privilege , and aha has every right
to get up njhow of her own , _ 13ut in doing
eo to attempt to deceive people Into the belief
that they are running the Nebraska state
'air , ia far from being honorable ,
It ia with cities as it is with men.
There is always g , disposition among the
mediocre to pull down a man who towera
above his follows. But when the man
has passed beyond the roach of would-bo
rivals potty exhibitions of epito fall harm-
ess. The fact that Omaha has grown
and flourished until all rivalry between
her and other cities In this region Is ont
of question should have allayed all roc
tloual feeling and potty jealousies. The
Nebraska metropolis contains to-day 25- ,
000 more people than the largest city in
Iowa or Kansas. That significant fact
should have been a source of pride to
Nebraskans , but there are still a few
churls who Imagine that it is smart and
plucky to assail and belittle Omaha on "
every possible occasion.
Omaha has outgrown dependence upon
state falra , and if wo comprehend the In
tent of her cIlizBES she never will again be
competitor with Lincoln or any other
place for the state fair. At the end of
the next five years it may go traveling
over the atate like a clrcaa , or It may bo
permanently located at Lincoln for aught
that the people of Omaha ciro. Omaha
constructing a fifty thousand dollar
oxpojitlon building In the heart of the
city ! , which will bo enlarged from year to
year , and her annual expositions will become
como a regular feature without in the
least trenching upon the domain of the
state fair. Thcro Is a population of over
ICO,000 already within a radius of fifty
miles from Omaha , and those people
alone ] Insure the success "of peimanont to
annual expositions in this cliy. It ia to
bo regretted that the sensitive friends of a
Lincoln should have any occasion for in
fault-finding. th
It la as much io the intere&t of Omaha be
it la to that of Lincoln to have It un Cl
derstood among the people that the expo
sition nt Onnha is not to bo confounded
with the state fair to bo held at Lincoln dcTl
ono week later. It is as contemptible ai Tl
Is falsa to arraign Omaha for refusing to
contribute to the success of state fairs ex the
cept when held in thia city. The tru th la that tal
Omaha contributed folly aa muoh In the an
matter of exhibits and attendance when pri
fair waa held at Lincoln as did the mi
pDoplo of Lincoln. Wo remember very
distinctly that Ojialm merchants , manu incy
facturer * , aad implement dealers occu pn
a great deal of apace at tbo fairs deic
in Lincoln at least two years in tuc-
scsslon. Thoncanda of our citizens wont iblo
the i expense of attending the Lincoln sen
. on special excursion trains , and it la sena
to cay that teu persons from Omaha I hla ,
to Lincoln wheio one person from flico
J.ncolu came to Omaha. This year the ini
ooplo of Omaha will bo In a condition to 1
eclprocato. Their exposition takes place con , .
week ahead of the state fair , I mo ,
ach !
TUK jnnk-ehop eheot known aa the 1st i *
Imaha Republican continues at Its old
rlcka. On Sunday morning it palmed invc
Dom Pedro , the emperor , is a man of
progressive ideas , and has done a great
deal for his people. The idea of gradu
ally treeing the slaves , without loss to
the owners , originated with him , and for
years ho has been hurrying the omaticlpa-
tion aa rapidly as possible.
llnd the UBS investigated , ns a paper of
prominence should bavo done , it would have
learned that the ccnius returns ot 1'illmoto
, county , as tmbliihod by it , WM an error ,
I While it ia to bo regretted that the rnisUko
I occurred , it la n dlity elmmo for a paper to
comment upon the error without proper In
vestigation. For n paper that claims to be
the lending ono of the etftto state to any that
one of the first counties of the itato has lost
3,000 tlncetho last census , without being able
to explain why It ia so , certainly does not go to
show a very extensive knowledge of the im-
provementsor doings of the state. Graf fan
Zeadcr ,
The census returns cf Fillmore county ,
as published by the BEE were obtained by
our correspondent at Lincoln from the
oflico of the state superintendent of the
conaua , and they were the same as were
published In other daily papers.
Wo had no reason to tupposo
that thcro were any errors in the
statement as obtained from official
sources. The population of Filmora
county , as published by the BEE and
other papers , was given at 10,412 , a de
crease of 3,010 Bltico 1830. The BEE re
marked at that time that this was rather
a singular fact , and that it hardly know
how to account for It unices the conaua
had been very poorly taken , or aomo mis
takes had been made in the reports. The
Graft on Leader , which is very indignant
ever this comment of the BEE , falls to
offer any explanation Itself for the first
report sent out from the state superin
tendent's oflico. It merely publishes a
detailed statement of the census returns
from the precincts in Fillmore county ,
but docs not even take the trouble to
foot np the returns to show the total pop
ulation. The BEE , however , finds by
adding np the precinct returns , aa given
by the Leader , thatFillmoio county baa
a population at pretent of 13,132 , which
Is a decrease of only 20 since 1880 , when
the federal census gave it 13-152. Wo
take pleasure In making the correcilon ,
aa It Is not the Intention of the BEE to do
injustice to any section cf the stato.
LAWKENCE BIIUNEII , a well known bug-
ologlst , of Blair , Nebraska , who Is now
an agent of the department of agricul
ture , has been investigating the grass
hopper in tbo valley cf the Arkansas and
other sections of Colorado , and ho
assures the people of Nebraska and Kan
sas that they need fear no invasion of the
voracious critter , as the Colorado hopper
Is not of mlgatory spoclen , but a native
of that state , and ia not llkoly to leave
hia native field for pastures now. This la
oil on Its few readers , as Associated Press
report , about two columns of old matter
which It scissored bodily from Ita ex
changes , and changed the dates from
July 17 to July 18 , Among the Items
thus made to appear as freeh Aasoclated
Proas report , was ono concerning Mark
Twain's application for a pension , and
another was a dispatch relating to the
eonato Indian Investigating committee at
Chamberlain , Dakota. The latter ap
peared In the St. Paul Plonccr-Prcss of
Friday , and the former was published In
eastern papers of the same day ,
IT was loft to a Nebraska City man to
suggest that tho'recont stirring up of Lon
don's cess-pool of vlco was Instigated by
Russia , which , ho says , owns the J'all
Mall Gazette. "Might this not bo a\ \ !
ruse , " he asks In a communication to the
Chicago Times under date of July 14th ,
"to draw the attention of England to this
affair while some important operations
ara undertaken In the neighborhood of
Herat ? * * * Watch the cablegrams
from India , and they may give a reason
why thcso disclosures are made at thin
time. " The Times of July 17tb says
that the suggestion , written three days
previously In Nebraska , seems to bo curi
ously sustained by the cablegrams , and
adds : "As a result of Ilutsian movc-
incntfi , only just revealed , on the Afghan lo
frontier , all Kuropo Is again excited with \
the prospect or possibility of a great war. h
The coincldonco.ia . certainly a carlono tP
CLEANLINESS Is to bo commended at all *
times , bnt moro especially during thia
particular eoaeon when cholera threatens
invade the country at any day. The 'ho
business centre of Omaha , It Is true , ia In wi
very cleanly condition , but the alleys th
aomo sections of the residence part of ha
the city are rather filthy , and ought to tit pn
cleaned at once. No accumulation of
filth onght to bo permitted anywhere , ob
Mu , ROACH baa blratoH'gono to the dry hi
dock for repairs. wl
Senaton Conger , of Michigan , dlacloaca mac
fact that tbo republican senators have
talked over the matter of partisan removals -
movals before the extra cession comes to | ? rl
end , and that they reached several by
practical conclusions , on which they ret
mean to act. TCBO are : Tl
1. That the president la entitled to va : mcl
every oflico of the class whoso ten ancI
by a democrat is necessary to the I'n [
proper control of the government In a Clc
ieinooratlo cense.
2. That where commissions have or. garter .
ircd , the confirmation of any objection-
nominee Is equally binding on the had
, That Mr. Cleveland Is to ba held to dor
own pledge In the matter of removing nml
"ofl'enalvo partioana , " where the IbO
la not strictly and purely political lous
its character. to 1
, The senate will take the liberty of plat >
ompirlng the evidence of offensive par- It 1
laanehlp in the Republican who Is re- coin
loved with tha evidence of freedom from
partisanship in the democrat who
take his placo.
monument ia to be erected in 1'ana to the an c
ivcutor of soda tvaler , froa :
The eecret eerrlco fund of the government
was formerly confined to the stnta depart
ment , and was dtiburcod under tha direction
of tha president. This WAS BO until the
breaking out of the rebellion in 1SG1 , nnd re
mained eo for some conildorablo time after-
when congress made an appropriation
for c ° nlngeiit ! expenses cf the army. There
fore it was that Mr , fiow&rj , who wns secre
tary of state , employed spioj nnd detectives ,
nnd mndo arbitrary arrests nud otherwise rang
the "llttlo bell" which became historical. Now
nearly every department of tbo government
has a sccred service fund , and the treasury de
partment employs a carps of ofticora known
as tocrct service detectives to prevent coun
, . From the very beginning of hostilities to ,
the . close of the war Wnsliington , nnd Indeed
' the whole north , was overrun with spies and
emissaries of tha rebels. Trcaton linked
overywhora nnd especially In the executive
departments , Tha rebels , it was evident ,
wcro always very much bettor Informed ns to
what wo were doing than wo were as to their
movements and purposes. Mnny men were
employed to go through the lines to obtain
information for the uio of the government.
Seine were false , coma did not go , while
others proroi UcnchoronB by giving and
bringing back intentionally incorrect nnd mis
leading reports , and still others were incom
petent and cowardly , nnd fallod to get the in
formation desired , nnd whoao reports were
unsatisfactory nnd unreliable.
It was especially desired by General McClcl-
Inn and by the administration to nicertniu
what waa the strength of tha fortifications
thrown up by General Leo which were
menacing Washington , na well ns the num
ber of troops occupying these fortifications ,
It was also desired to loam what progress was
being made in the construction of the robot
ram Merritnno nt the Not folk navy yard ,
when she would ho completed , nnd how for
midable oho would be , The reports of the
epics upon thcso matters hid boon very conr
dieting , and no satisfactory information could
bo obtained ,
Ono day m August , seine time nfter the
battle of Hull Kun , Lr. ) Charloj A. Henry ,
well-known to the old settlers of Nebraska
na an extreme democrat , c.illod at tin ttato
department to visit Col. 1 . 1) . Webster , who
was Mr. Sewnnl's private eccrotary. Mr.
Webster , who waa n Now Vorkor , hail oditad
the Nebraska JtcpiiWcan nt Omaha during the
years 1.S5S-09 , nnd had taken n prominent |
part in the organization of tha republican
party in the territory. During bis residence.
in Omaha ho had becjino tha warm friend of
Dr. Henry , although radically differing with
him in politico.
During the conversation in Secretary Sow-
ard'a oflice , Dr. Henry expressed n wish to
serve the government in nny way in his
power. "I have boon a democrat nnd pro-
elavory man all my life , " paid ho , "but when
it comes to n question of country or no country
I nm for my country first , last nnd nil the
time. How cm I serve it ? "
"I know of no mnn who can render BO great
service as you can at the present time , " re
plied Col. Webster.
"What is it ? "
"You are the man wo want to go south for
us , " replied the private secretary.
At first Dr , Henry's thoughts revolted nt
the idea , but whsntold that ho possessed po-
culiar qualifications for the perilous service
by reason of hia having boon such an out-
spoken democrat in Nebraska , well known to
nil the pro-slavery i ilbiala of the territory ,
Iko Da Londo , of Louisano ; , who had been
register of the land office at Brownville ; Jchn
A , Parker , of Virginia , who hnd been regis
ter of the Omaha land oflico ; W. E. Rtooro ,
of Arkansas , who had been United States
marshal , and other * , all of whom had recently
resigned their positions to join the rebellion ,
nnd who had always been familiar with him
as a bitter hater and denouncer of nbelition-
ism J nd republicanism , which they considered
synonymous , be said , "I'll think of it. "
"You see how you can impoco upon these
people , " said Webster , "Having been used
to hoar you denounce republicanism and abo-
Itionlsm , they will readily believe you whoa
you toll thorn that you prefer to cast your
fortunes among these with whom you have
always nctuJ. You can say that you have
brought with you a surgeon's outfit and would
like a commission as surgeon- "
The next day Dr. Henry returned to ( ho
department and announced hia willingness to of
go. Uowas accordingly outfitted with a fine
set of surgical instruments , such na nny nrmy
surgeon would require , nnd with such rare
mcdHnea ns qulnino and the like , which were
vnluablo nud necessary in that climate , nud
cfireu n pasa through the unicn lines. His
instructions were to visit , if passible , the for
tifications nbaut Washington nud ascertain it
their etrocgth , and nluo to secure the much
doslrod information about the Merrimau ,
Dr , Henry had been gone n month. So
loop , indeed , that Secretary Seward nnd Col. to
Webster brgan to ba apprehensive that ho ia
had mot the same fate that hrul overtaken ? v
tire or three other men who had been sent out
similar missions , nud had been detected
nnd executed , They wore , therefore , ngrec- th
ably surprised a few days after this by seeing tic
the doctor walk into their office. Ho mada mite
extensive report which proved in every to
way ent'Efactory. The deception which ho ba
had practiced upon DeLondo , ivho by the way Btl
was n brotlior-In-Iaw of Judah ] ' , Benjamin , hare
tha rebel secretary of state , and upon 1'arker , ro
had worked admirably , Ha had procured gr
passes to vialt the Morrlmac and the fortlflca- the ?
tiona about Washington and many other bio the
places , whore valuabla Information could be
obtained , and ai an ovldenco of hla success ob
and of tha lrutbfulno a of hla report ho ex trj
hibited ! fifteen ono'hundrod-dollar greenbacks , the
which had been aiven to him by DeLondo , foi
with whom he made a contract to enter into how
partnership to run the blockade of tha Pete the
, Instead of joining the rebel army as a tlo
surgeon < , Ho also displayed a full sot of rebel
army signals which had been furnished him Ida
Da Londo for the purpose of signalling the a
rebels when he might want to laud on the
Virginia side of the Potomac with his eloop . ro
car o. j
Dr , Henry was taken by Mr , Seward to
'resident Lincoln who tent for Geuernl Mc-
Jlollan , Hm report VIM received and ro
rarded aa of the hlghoit importance . The dcc- con
was highly complimented for the work ho ast
done , and wan appointed ai a clerk In the ue
department , being assigned to duty un-
the direction of Col , Webster , Ha ro-
imlned there until Botnu tirao In the fall of r
: , when Mr , Howard asked for a list of va- ooin
republicana who had been recommended Ions any
him from the stain of Now York for
laces BO that ho could look
over and sea who wore , .
cmpotent and deserving of appointments aa
assistant quartermaster * and as5 '
commissaries of subsistence , congrcs * in l e :
avlcg just then Increased the army to such
extent as to links it necessary to appoint |
all tug slates a large additional number J
of all the o officers. After completing the
list nnd handing it to Mr , Scward , Col. Web
ster inquired why Nebraska , then n territory ,
was not entitled to an appointment or two.
"Who wanta nn npiomtmont fiom Ne
braska ? " said Mr. Scward ,
"It seems to mo that Dr. Henry has earned
Buch a plftc ? , " replied Wcbslor , "Ho cannot
take n belligerent position , na ho Is liable to
bo executed If captured. "
"That's BO , ' Put hla name down , " said Mr.
So ward , ' 'I'll ( peak lo the president about
it , "
Two hours Inter Seward returned with the
appointment of Dr , Henry ni captain nnd
assistant quartermaster , with nn nsslgnment
to dnty in Arkansas with Gen , Steele , Ho
made nn exceedingly good officer , and when
the war closed ho wna chief quartermaster.
The money which ho had obtained from Do
Londo wna returned to htm , nnd the presumption -
sumption la that ho gnvo It back to the owner ,
The information which Dr , Henry obtained
regarding tbo Mcrrlmno enabled the govern
ment to determine when she would bo toady
for sen , nnd to prepare for her , Thus it wna
that ono Nobrnsknn earned his shoulder-
straps , nnd certain it Is that no Nebraskan
over rendered moro vnluablo service to hia
country than Dr. Henry did , Ho returned
lo Omaha about two yonri ago from the 1'aci-
fie const to dia nt the residence of hla brother-
In-law , Mayor Boyd. S ,
Arbitration Uctwccu Employers and
Employee Favored , nml Strikes
Almost Alwayn .Deprecated
"NVIint the Grcnt Boolcty
lias AccompllHlicd.
Now York Evening Mail.
There nro in the Knights of Libor , "
nald Grand Master Workman T. V. Po\v-
dorly to an Evening Mall reporter ,
" 150,000 men in good standing. In
tlmoi of depression like thcso there are a
great , many who are behind In their dues ,
. Thcsu are not In Rood btaudlng. There
are not loss than ; ! 00,000 of such now.
They can bo rcinatatod by straightening
their t accounts with their local assemblies.
"Tho Knights of Labor , " continued
the t cpcakor , "troa founded to act as a
conciliator bettrccn employers and their
workmen , and the public docs not know
1t this 1t t -exerta all Ita influcnco and haa over
slnca Its commencement , to prevent
strikes. Thcro never waa a strike in the
United I States canctloned by the organi
zation There never was an instance of
labor tronblo where the general assembly
of the order waa called in before a strlko
to conciliate that matters troru not amicably -
cably arranged , I remember , oapaclally ,
ono caio in point. Some few years ago
the potters In the City of Trenton die-
puted I with the mannfaclurera there
over wsgoa. Thousands of men were
out , and the employes had on organiza
tion among themselves and were
npltod. , Tncro waa no assembly of thu
Knights . of Labor thcro , bat in ono of
the local trade aaacclaliona there Imp-1
poned to bo a few Knights. They sug- '
gostcd that the general executive committee
mittee of the order bo asked by the men
to attempt a compromise. The sugges
tion was taken and I and my associates
wont to Trenton. The nunufactnroas
said that they had no otjaction to meetto
ing ua and treating ns courteouely , but aa
for talking of arbitration they wouldn't '
think of it. But they appointed a comIn
mitteo and wo mot them , and wo were
courteously trotted ; and , marvelous ai it
may appsar , in ono day wo reached a
comproniho ( that waa agreeable to the
men and agreeable to the manufacturers , A
and that ended the trouble. Them are
now ton assemblies of Knights of Labor
at Trenton.
"There have been instances , of
course , " siid Mr. Powderly , "in which
our organization has helped members ont
on a strike , when after Investigation It
waa found that they did not act Imprjpqi
oily. In nlno cases out of ten strikes
are unreasonable , growing out of unrealo
sonablencsa or hotheadednets of ono side
or the other. The Knlghta of Labor
organization ] alma to edncato workmen P
tc a standard of reasonableness. For th
natnnco , there are strikes In times of dem
prceslon ' when If the workmen took into
consideration all things they wonld bo I di
inclined to concede a reduction In their I th
wages. On the other hand , In times of
depression , employer ! , many of them , w
start at once to cut and slash wages be in
fore trying to retrench In other direc
tions The hothoadednoas and Ignorance of
workmen , the Ignorance and selfish lir
ness of employers , are Ills which wo tiy br
ameliorate. In this oflioo wo are mak
ing progress. yo
"Tho Knights of Labor began Ua ex ca
istence In Philadelphia among iho pnr- thPa
mcnt-cattore , and w.s fjundcd in 18J5 ( Pa
by Urhli S. Stovem , a cutter , who wna bu
trained for the Episcopal clur y. In 1878
adopted 03 its declaration of piuciploa wl
the code framed in 1873 by the great
congrccs of Indastriil brotherhood , qit
which promised ao much , bat which came tal
naught. Tha great object of the order talMi
tha education cf workmen opan ad
economic quoilions , bolicv'ng ' tint with ha
this attained the great progress will have ton
been It all tha while Is urging OVl
sensible legislation in labor matters , al Pa
though It always oppoeoa class legisla rlv
tion , whether In favor of the workingman - lu
man or the capitalist. It has helped OhWl
oatablleh ctaiistlcal labor Wl
bureaus In fourteen of the wll
stater , and alone and without aid me
cans 3d the establishment of the bu the
reaus in eevon of the states. It did a bo
great deal toward the establishment of eat :
National bureau. The moat valua vie
' and almost all the legislation all ever Ini
country , Eiich as the laws covering by
convict labor and child labor , has been but
obtained through Ita efforts. It ia now cllr
trying to have collated statistics showing bof >
Inequitable holding of publio lands , fal
foreigners hold farms of vast extent , and for
absolutely all the available land along
treamn h already taken by corpora
tions or rich holders. o i a
"The only people excluded from the mlt
Knlghta of Labor , " said Mr. PowdcrJy , disc
'are rumsollors , professional politicians put
lawyers , bankers , nnd loafore. These tint
prohibited by the constitution , They pow
lometlmcs get In , but when dleoaverol say
ejected , " Pac
How itoki JUKI JJuwn. tru
NK\VIIUJIOH , N. Y , July 18. A row bent the
tontalning three young mon w run down , eoo
night , by the barge Charles Spear. Only still
of the occupants escaped drowning , the
TelPKrujili Olllco Iliirnrrt , sum
FiilLADiru'HiA , July 18Tho operating care
Union Telegraph Corn-
of the Wodtorn
bur nud parly this morning. Connie- bual
in all directions nro destroyed ,
" " "
Hulllnii in ttio Hanks. NK
NKV , YOUK , July 18-Tha weekly hank doy >
tatomont fhowa the reserve tnrrence to bo noon
J73.000. The banks now hold § 01,673,173 of BI
UXCCBS cf li'gal requirements. deatl olhct
Ifouao I < wn hmy Uovils at J , lion- fiolu
He Arriycs Wil His Parly in Omaha
Late at Night ,
A Short Interview With tlio Great
* u Moving tlio Oinnlm Hliops
The VUctiict Mutter ,
Oharloi Francis Adams , Jr. , arrived In
his city Saturday accompanlodjby General
Manager Galloway , General Suporlnlont
Smith , Mr. II , D. Plko , and also by
Messrs. LDVO and acil Oanficld who
always travel with the Adams party.
Mrs , Adams and party , accompanied
by Mr. Millet , the painter , Dr. and Mrs.
Qulncy , of Boston , have continued west
ward , and will spend the summer months
touring among the mountains.
The special train bearing the Adams
party was expected hero about 5.30 , bnt
naa delayed en the road. It was to late
when ' Mr. Adams repaired to his room In
the ' Mlllard hotel that ho steadily de
clined to bo soon by any of the reporters
for the morning papers and they wcio
forced j to content thomeclvcs with a passIng -
I Ing gllmpao of the great man as ho strode
' up and down the rotunda while tie
names were being registered oy the acrtbu
of the pirly.
A BEE reporter having made up hla
mind to intenlow the great 0. F. A. ,
Jr. , wended his way to the Union Paci
fic headquarters a few mlnntos befoio 12
o'clock to-day , and took up his post ont-
aldo of tbo room of the general manager ,
with whom Mr. Adams lies been In close
conference all d&y. After waiting pa
tiently for about n quarter of an hour ,
Mr. Adams came out of the room , and
started out Into the hall at a pace which
clearly indicated that ho scented danger
of sosio kind or another. lie had nc.
walked very far , however , baforo the BEE
man had caught up with him.
"Aha ! my young friend , " murmured
the great man aa the reporter stood before
fore him waiting for the Interview togur-
glo forth spontaneously , "Aha ! what cin
1 do for you ? "
"I am a reporter for the BKE , aad
uhould Hko very much "
"You era a reporter ? Then filr , go' d
day,1' ' and Obarlos Francis Adams started
. tt make his cccipo. Ho waa too tlow ,
however ' ! , nnd waa cgaln confronted by
the interviewing fiend.
, "Mr. Adams , I notice that you have
been quoted by the Denver pipora aa
having made at two different times state
ments diametrically opposed to each
other statements which "
"Not sruprlolng at all , sir. Not sur
prising at all. I have been shamefully
, treated by the weatern newepapera have
been made to make statements which 1
never uttered or never even thought of.
What do you refer to ? "
"You are quoted at ono time as having
said , in speaking of
to Denver that the company hat fall
contemplated such a thing , and would
have done BO bnt for the labor troubloa
In that city , and In another Interview ,
you are said to have remarked that the
company never has had any each Inten
tion. "
"Tho fact of the nutter is , " replied
Mr. ] Adams , "that 1 never made any
euoh statement aa the ftirmer never
dreamed of saying it. It la ridiculous.
Yon need never have any fear that the
main ahopa of the Union Pacific road
will bo removed to Denver , flow can
they bo removed ? The main Interests of
the : road ara centered hero , the head
quarters are , and to think of removing
the ahops from Omaha would bo rldlcn-
loua. What I did Bay , nnd what prob
ably gave rlso to the published atato-
ments you refer to , waa that the Union
Pacific wanted to enlarge and improve
the shop facilities at Denver , which are
now none of the beat. "
"Supposing such Improvements or ad
ditions were made , would the scale of
the Omaha shops ba reduced1 ?
"No , It would have no more effect than
wonl2 < similar changes or Improvements
our Kaneas Olty shops. "
"What do you think of the prospects
the Union Pacific throwing out a now
line Into northern or northwestern Ne
braska ? "
" 1 cin't s y anything very defiallo to
you on that point. Wo want to do all wo
ciu : for Nfibraeko and do what Is right for
the Intorosls of the state. But the Union
Pacific has no money at present and cin't
build any such linos. "
Aftci reiterating that ho had no views
which ho cared to communicate to the
pfcBfl , ilntho was tired of answering
questions "What do you think about
tola , or what do you think about that ? "
Mr. Adama waved hla hand In pracoful
adieu : and disappeared around the
hall. ! Since lu&vlng hero about
dayj ago Mr , Adams hai boo never
over and Inspected the untlro Union
Ptto'fic system between the Meaourl |
river and Laramlo , which lakes In the
Kansaa Pacific from Kansas Olty to
Oheyonno and all cf Us branches ,
Wherever ho went the people mot him
with propositions for various Improve
ments , and all received assurances
that the Union Paclfio would
on the look out for their best Inter-
ols and advancement , Mr , Adama'
'iorea regarding the building of viaducts
this city have already boon sot forth
him In a personal letter to the mayor ,
it ia presumed the committee of conn-
illmon and citizens who called nn htm
oforo will do so again while ho
hero. Mr , Adama will probibly leave
the oaat to day.
"No , " s id Mr. Galloway , In anawor
reporter's ipqalry yeBtsrday , 'com-
ilttoo from tlio council , appointed to
IBCUBB the viaduct quettlon , hea not yet
In nn appearance , Yea ; I understand
I h&vo boon delegated with full
owcr to act in the matter. All I can
now Is that the Union
'aclfic company la ready and willing
bcarlts Bharo of the ojponao of con-
tructing viaducts. Wo want to buvo
ninUer amicably settled. Yet I don't
jothouaoof contracting vhductu and
have the dangers which exist at
Tenth atreot crossing. Yen , 1 think
present evils ought to bo remedied In
way. Farther than that , I don't
to say anything , The matter will
disposed cf In the regular couno of
JBlllCflB. "
" " "
Tlio Wenlhor In Now York.
YOUK , July Is , The weather here to.
Is sultry and close. Thermometer at
, 'JO. Up to that hour , to-duy , ilx caaoa
BUiibtroko were reported to tlio health
. Tlio reports thia ueok eliow 1,01V
aUieiu [ the oily against 870 the corwpond
week last year. Of Una nunil , r UU5 were
diarrL-i 4 dUtuuet , Uld vsvtu thlldrou
five ycura of ugo.