Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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lEciflents of the Day al the Capit !
of the Slate ,
An Asthmatic Wheeze From
Pensioned Inibeoile.
Uenclll fit tlio Now Sjfctcni or Bon
InvcHtlgMlon Notes About
tlio Stuto House.
Keportod by The BKE'H Bureau.
LINCOLNNob. . , July 17. The topici
man In the Journal in hla first drlvo i
the Lincoln correspondent falls down i
usual in ono of lila jealous fits and inter :
tionally mltquotoa , The sale of lota i
"Woat Llncaln occurred on the 14ih in tt
afternoon , nnd In the DEB of the lOtl
Inat. wo said : "Tho lot aalo at Wei
Lincoln was n great nucceta Slxtoc
thousand dollarn worth were sold , tb
lots averaging $101 n ploco. Some sol
as high as $400. " On the 15th of Jul
several lota were sold at private sale an
the BEK man was Informed by the Hot
Thomas Kinnatd that it amounted I
ever § 2,000 as will bo noticed in the letter
tor in the BKI : of the Kith. The nt
kindest cat of all was that ho tried I
compare the BEE correspondence wit
the Lincoln Journal , ' 'tho poorest papc
inthostato. " For local and state now
the BEE courts a comparison of the Lit
coin correspondent with the local depar
mont of the Stnto Journal which Is neai
ly always from a day to a week behinc
State Superintendent Jonca la .in a <
tendance at the National Education !
association at Saratoga , N. Y. , trhlc
cloaca to-day. Mr. Jonoa will rctur
home the latter part of next week an
will spend the next two mouths in visit
Ing county institutes , which are just be
ginning. Most of them will bo held ii
this and next month.
The secretary of state yesterday algne
$18,000 worth of school bonds leaded b
tha city of Kearney for school bulldln
purposes. The system adopted In thl
state for registration and ox
aminatlon of all bonds b
the secretary and the auditor of eta' '
han proven very valuable both to th
seller and buyer of these bonds , as the 03
nmlncra will not certify thorn unloe
they corao within the limit of the law
and then they are reported bask to th
county from whence they are loaned , s
tlio aeaesamonU ore properly levied anne
no default In Interest occurs. Under thi
system ever $2,000.000 In bondi hav
been examined , and In all the qulbblln
and fuss about bonda which to frequent !
occurs , the judgment of the examiner
hai been sustained In every ciso.
Under the new law regulating the sal
and leasing of school linda no person en
purchase more than 040 acres nor .shal
any lauds bo sold for less than $7 pp
acre or the anpralecd value thereof i
addition to the Improvements on th
land. Applications for a leaao of schoc
lands must ba made to the county treat
nrer In which the land la situated and 1
counties whore township organization 1
In force applications are to bo made t
the chairman of the board. The com
mlesloner or three of the board of supar
visors make the appraisement. Asid
from these changes the law Is similar t
the old ono.
The contract for the building of th
Norfolk aeylttm Is being prepared an
Mr. Kins , the contractor , has notific
the board that ho will be here next wuo
to sign the contract and file his bond.
The forca in tha auditor's oflico la hue
preparing the grand assessment roll.
The state treasurer is taking a breath
jug spell having been kept busy payin
enumerators warrants.
The town of Bennett supplies n larg
share of the cases In the courts of thl
city. Elardly a week paeses but some c
its inhabitants are hero prosecuting o
defending , anc1 frequently both sides ec
gaged nro from that busy town.
James O'Brien nnd William O'Connol
got Into a tussle Thursday ni ht , and litho
the melee ono of them shot a pistol
which attracted the attention of th
pohco. The parties were then arrested
tried before Justice Cochrano yesterda ;
for aggravated aeaiult , and fined twcni
dollars end costs apiece. Heavy fine
will stop BO much ot this brulniug an
careless handling of pistols , and Cochrars
seems to bj ontu if.
Briefs In the ciaj of Graham , cnnut ;
treasurer of Linaistor county , Hgaiun
i.lio state auditor wcio filed yHaterdny
Tab li the case in which the auditor ru
fuued to draw Ma warrant for comma&ian !
on nalo of nc'ho A hirl. ' .
Amorg thu prominent atrivala of th
day wore ; W.V Irwln , StMilou ; G
M. Holmes , Tantnas Yu'o , II 0 Kivmi ?
G. H. Power ? , Beatrice ; C. N. Doiiz , II
Wheeler , A. II Fltoh and wife , Omaha
Judge Nctrvnl , Saward ; W. L. Browlrc
Plattsmouth ; T. L. Ohaso , Dorchester
( Japt. Ya'e ' , Beatrice ; Capt. Shirely
Junlata ; Capt. IJunry , Fremont ; Capt
Ilerron , B.-ntrlcej J. Oapity , Nuhrask
City ; cx-Ooirermr Butler , Pawnee Oliy
ex-Governor U. N. Oongor , Sioux City
The meo'ing of the Grand Arm ;
reunion committee hero to day wa
largely for the purpose of getting tin
governor to comply with a resolution o
tbeojialatura ] ! in regard to drawing tent
for ttio reunion , but as horotufoie tlu
governor absolutely refuted to extent
the favors to the old guatda oven whei
It would not cost the state gn'ern
rront a dollar. This is a dlroo
remit to every member of the lattleglala
turo who voted for that resolntUn , nod i
personal tlfront to every ox-union soldlei
of this state , and will bo remembered t ]
the twenty odd thoueaud sjldlor boj
who were In the rinks nt the time thol
country needed them and the governo
was , as ho eays , then too young to hea
the call. Lat him make the requlsltioi
and then no blame will attach to him ll
ho cm't ' got thorn.
Bad Lindsay had hla watch chain anc
ring stolen on Thursday night from hli
room , It is thought to bo the work o
some af his help.
At a meeting of the grand army re
union committee they decide ! that th
tents belonging to the department TV hie'
were left at Fremont last year should b
cent to Beatrice. A commltte
wss appointed to try and got tlu
nso of the tents belonging t
the Cbatiqua ocloty at Crate and th
Bennett Holiness assocution. Sccro'ar
of State Uogen WAS appaintad a com
mltteo on the procuring and tranoporta
tloa of tjnta from St Louis ; slss advtr
tleiu and transportation. Col. Oulb ;
was nppoiutod ti contruittco to procnr
arms fcruto in the thim battle , and Co1
Woojtcr , of Silvrr Craek , to organise th
cavalry carp * , It was ordered that al
private aud pojt tents , which are plalnl
marked and shipped to 0pt. lionr
qnartermafter of the 'reunion commlttei
at Beatrice , on or bofoi
September lit , will bo tocelptc
for and retmnad free i
c'largo topartica'or posts. Parties di
siring tents on ] bo supplied on tt
ground ? . It was suggested that the dl
forontstnto organizations purchase ton
sixteen by twenty-four feet for heat
quarters purposes. Assistant Adjutan
General Shirly , of Junlata , was rtqtiestc
to correspond with the secretaries i
the various slate organizations In reg i
to this plan. The local reunion coruml
too was instructed to offer a prize for tt
boat Informed and drilled lodge of Kn'gh '
of Pythias In the inter atateo ; oh
to procure , if net too expensive , the a
tendance of thoFlamboui club of Topoki
Kan. , Gen. Mnndoraon to nso his or
doavors to tccuro the attendanca ot Get
Sharman r.nd Gon. Logan. Govcraoi
Fairchild of Mltsourl , and Ag ) <
of Michigan , have signified the
intention of being present. Tt
passenger ngentn of roods In tt
a Into were invited to moot the rounlo
committee in Beatrice on the 27th <
July to arrange rates nnd dotaila. Th
local committee Is to arrange hoadqiiarto :
for the Kansas visitors. Capt Yule got
to Omaha to-mono i ? In connection wit
the reunion work.
The paper mill nt West Point is prosporinj
Cedar county pniJ S10.COJ state taxes th
Cherry county id valued at 6010,000 an
owes only 81,000.
The now city directory for Fremont boa1
tlio state census by l.GCO
A building fund association Is holpin
homo builders at Dakota City ,
Twenty-live men are nt work on the Swcd
tali Lutheran church at Wakofield.
Dakota City has ordained that shade tre <
must bo planted along the sidewalks.
The Journal thinks Vlattsmouth has bee
bled unmercifully by foreign attorneys.
Fortune tolling gvpsiea nro gathering u
quarters from thn wonklinga of Wakefield.
Mrs. Mary Gilmore , the mother of I'atnc
S. Gilmore , the well known bmdmaatcr o
Boston , died on Saturday at I'liUtamuuth.
The editor of the Gage county democrat lin
n libel Miit nnd n ton-pound boy baby on h !
hands. There are joys ovoa in tbo countr
editor's Ufa.
John Lindsay , formerly of Plnttamoutli , hn
boon arrested , charged with inflicting the in
jtuii'i which resulted in the death of Kehoe
ftt Weeping Wnter.
The nttoruoy of Nebraska City claims th
city la not regulntly organized aa ono of th
second class , nnd that n now election must b
hold to comply with thu law.
Jack Davh , the Nebraska City tough wh
assaulted Andrew Ihlnrich , has skipped thi
country. Ono of lloinrich's nrma was cam
plotely paralyzed by n hlow with a chair.
The Nebraska Clam liako association wil
liold the annual feait on the UIuo river nen
Crete , to-day. A rubber wniat band nnd
ccrk screw are Ilia insignia of membership.
SUctt li'ontaine , from Omaha , put up at i
liotol in ? Cohimbuj Monday night and wu
Toimd dead in bed the next morning. Fou
empty laudnnum yinls furnished the basis o
the corouer'a verdict.
" 3. J. Jones nnd lady of Culbartson.Neb. ,
registered nnd occupied ono room nt n hotel n
Crete the other night. It turned out tha
Jones is a prominent bloat of Lincoln , an ex
editor , nnd a married man , and "Mrs
Tones" n fast and fly female who circulate
between Jlastingaand McCook. They weri
bounced ,
A Grand Islund physician attempted ti
tamon backing broncho nnd show oil hi
tiorsomnnshlp in the presence of n voung lad ;
to wt om ho wa ? paying court. The nnlmn
did not nppreciato tha pill man , and aud
denly olovnte'd his hindiUartera , sending thi
Joctor headfpromoat to gras. ! . It was a fata
Fall to his prido.
A mutual insurance agent induce !
Mrp. " O'Keefo of Tacumseb , ti
invest S23 in u policy. She gave hei
note for the money , but wnen tlu
examiner reported ngninst her the compani
refused to ieeuo ( the policy and kept the note
which hn.s since turnpd up in the hands of ;
third party. Mrs. O'Jveefe propoaea to prose
cutu the Bwindlera.
"I'laltamouth. " < u\jn the Journal , "IB no
lioavily in debt. Shaowes probably , all told
S12,003. nnd has property worth at a fnl
valuation , three million dollorsto pay it with
Improvements are i olng up on every hillto (
and In every vnlloy. Her men o business an
doing well ; manufactures nro springing u )
ind the hum of industry , the sound of thi
Immmer nnd saw and thu eoug of raachiner ;
is heard on every hand. "
liana Hoeehman , n farm hand , maJo an in
ilecunt exhibition of his pereon heforo th
Family of Hubert Wnugh , a farmer uea
( irand Island , nnd when \Vnugh objaotei
iluna knocked him down with a. lock aud demolished
molished seven tooth. This ntirred Wautjli'
jander i.iU ho turned himself loosn. Whei
liana waa gathered up he looked aaif nmulu'
trip hammers had fallen en him Itosahinai
a n green Kusaian , but ho does not f eul a
: reeli na ho did ten ilayn ago. Ho ia i
A. I'llman ! Cr HupcrintCTitloiit Olj
Bervea tlio Condition of OOI.IH.
Mr. L. M. Boanett , supsrlntcudent o
tha Pjciflo division of the Pullman P.U
ice Cir compii'jy c mo in yenterday fron
in t.\tdudcd tur over the tvcstfrn roade
where his territory pxtuid ? . ( , > iiito recent
cent/ ! , the Palmuu Oir service In thli
ilatrlct haa been enlarged , extended ant
increased. It used to bo only fron
Omaha to Ogdcn. but now extends
; o Denver , Salt Like and Portland
Tha Kansas Pacific dlvleici
of thn Union PactDo and Djnvor it lli (
3raudo roads hava ulao baenadded. Mr
Bennett reports that in all hla traveli
no such proiposts for big cropi
nrcro zton in any place ns Ne
jraaka ahowa. The corn IB simply im
moDse , the wheat big , oats Rood and
imull products abundant , beyond iroag
nation. Ot COUHO thcso fine crops glvi
iromlao of good times , which make i
lappy people.
Mayor Iloycl Hayu Ho Is Anxloua u
Moot tno Council Oornmtttco ,
The conncll committee crcutcd las
Tuesday night , In compllanca with reso
ntions Introduced by Mr. Fnray , regard
ng Mayor Boyd'a municipal appoint
ments , to wait upon hla excellency anc
attempt to cil'ect a satisfactory under
itandlnir , haa not yet taken ixotlon of BIIJ
find , Tha mayor said to a BKE roportei
yesterday that he was ready , wali
ng and willing to moot tin
committee at any lima and agree will :
ihem on whatever seemed to bo fair it
the mat'er. ' When aeked whether h (
iropoacd to tilk viidoct with Charlci
b'rancis Adanu uny more while that Indl
vidu l Is In the city , Mr. Boyd eald lu
understood the whole matter hud beoi
left In Mr. Oilloway'd hands to do wltl
t whatever ho pleased end thought bos
: o bo dono.
Oiturtil | liy Oiipld.
Marrlsgo llcaueea were issued yciter
day by Jujgo McOulloch to Charle
Bibbel and Minnie LJoaenb > rg , Mitchel
Fleming and Klttlo Dale ; Joseph Sidiki
and Frencea Xancz
l ConDcil BMs Pool 1
Sessioo ,
PropnrlriB For Greater Shipments <
Stock Tlmn Ever neforo
NotcHiuHl Pcrsnnnls ,
Sovcr&l people have made Inqnlrii
within the past two or three days abet
the Ooiaha and Council BlufTa pool an
what it really is. A Dec reporter eougl
information yesterday at hoadquartei
and la probably able to throw n fo
rays of light on the matter. Some yoni
ago an arrangement was entered inl
between roads from Chicago that tu
into Council Blufls and the Union Paclf !
company whereby their proratn of frcigl
earnings on goods shipped to Kobrask
points may bo "divied" without goln
ever the thonsindo and thousands c
bills of lading , ono at n time , and sift ot ;
each company's proportion. Every tw
years the freight departments gc
together at Council BlulTa and have
settlement. That Is what they are doln
now , and it will require several days t
complete the work.
The Union TadCc company la rnuldn
great preparations just novr , for tram
porting the cattle that will commeno t
bo chipped about the lat of August. Ii
Nubraaka , Wyoming , Oregon and Da
kola , there are thousands aud thousand
cf fat , sleek bovines that will bo eont t
thomarkots after that date , and the gren
majority of them will have to reach th
Missouri river ever the Union Paclfi
road. To successfully and safely tram
port thoto cattle and doit on fast schedul
time , the company Is making its cars vor ;
strong aud supplying thorn with al'
brakes. Already a few largo shipment
are being tnado. Una hundred and fift ;
car-loads are expected from Pine Rldi ;
to-day. Moat of these will probably bi
stopped here and slaughtered at thi
Union stock yards.
A largo gang of imported Itnliai
graders are working on the big cnt 01
tha Omaha & St. Paul road near DeSota
They board and bunk In freight cars a
the depot , and cook iu bake ovens dug ii
the bank. Sunday Is ganoral wash day
They are a jovial and happy gang anc
their fandangos , -with DDngs and violins
draw crowds from the surrounding fiuma
The managers of the Sioux City & DC ;
Molneo railroad have purchased a bund
of iifty-joren lots In Slonx City for tor
initial facilities. The prlco paid waa $20 ,
300. The company ia composed of aotivi
jusInoEn man , who propose not only t (
build the line mapped out , but to aid
any company needing tsrmlnal facilttic !
In lowa'a western metropolia.
Grading has already been commenced
on the Black Hills branch of the North' '
western road between Ohadron , Nebras
ka , and the Cheyenne river. Three hundred
drod teams and double that number oi
men are camped on the trail. The conn <
: ry between the White river and the
3heyenno la well adapted for rallroac
operations , and rapid progress will b <
made. No reasonable donbt now oxlsti
.bat the northern terminus will bo wilhli
eighteen hours' ride of Doadwoad before
mow flloa. That it will approach cloaoi
remains to bo seen.
A little G year old girl , wearing n taf
sommondlng her to the care of train mm :
lad passengers and stating that oho wa ;
joing from Loadvlllo to Butte City , waa i
) inongor on Monday night's trail
through Laramio. Tbo tag alee said
"Do unto others as ye would that they
should do unto you.
"It la rumored In railroad circles , '
nys thoGrand lalanct Independent , "thai
Dur genial U. P. agent at this point , ia tc
30 promoted to the position ot suparln-
; endent of the St. Joe & Western divis
on. While wo would be pleased to BO <
the sorvicae of 3D efficient an officer re
cognizad by higher promotion , yet "n hi ;
Droaont position Mr. Moore has acquired
10 many friends that hia place with the
jiislnoea mon and merchants and shipper !
of Grand Island would bo hard to fil
acceptably. Particularly among the rail
: nad boyo , would ho bo greatly mlasodil (
lis duties called him elsewhere. "
The boys nronnd the B. & ? < Sf. depol
> layed a rich joke on Charley Ilomollne ,
: ho genial biggagoman , the other day ,
For further particulars enquire at the B ,
it M. depot.
The Denver overland train ( first sec
tion ) arrived htlf an hour late last even'
Ing , the second eectljn comiag In cboul
nlno o'clock ,
Mr. John C Taylor , formerly freight
auditor of the Union Pacific , but no
general freight tgent of the St. Marie
Minneapolis & Turtle Lake railroad , vtltl
headquarters at Minneapolis , is In the
1B. . Whitney , the Rental Chicago , Sr ,
L'uul , Mlnnoapslia it Omaha gentleman ,
who look ? after pusjeugor bualncai hero
has gone np to White Bear Lake , Min
nesota , on a trip that combine ;
) le ; > auro and business. J. W ,
smith , the assistant to Mr. Wnitnoy ,
IOD boon promoted to the paaltion of gen <
irai traveling agent , and loaves for St.
fjul tills mornin" to pnt on his non
inrnosg. Charloa Brown euccceda to the
noalllon ho vacates hero ,
James McCabe , freight agent for the
D. , St. P. , M. t O. at this city , wenl
jut ever the line yesterday. Mr. Me-
3abo ia enjoying a visit from his son
. ' 'rank , ot Chicago.
A man In Illinois asked a court to change
tie nwno from Sheol to Shrady , Ho thinks
hat the scriptural revision renders the
: hanga deairahlo.
An exchange asya : "A prohlhitlonist ia
, fery often ono who wanta ( ho aaloona
closed , but would not with to interfere uitli
he manufacture of deinijohns. "
In Arkansas the law forbids the building ol
> saloon within two mlloa from a church ;
icnco the natives build the saloon lirat ,
md then erect the church juat acroaa the
The reason there haa not been any frantic
ujh to secure copiea of the revised odltion , tt
a eaid , Ia that thu old-fashioned bool ; mukea
k good enough center table ornament for the
najorlty of folks ,
"No , " said the Vermont deacon , ' ! don't
ipproveof hoea racln.'imd when another mem-
j r of the chut eh becomes eo godless as to try
o pass mo on the road comln1 homo from
neatln11 feel it my duty to the cfiurch to let
mt a leetlo on the raina , just to keep him
rom puttln' hia trust in earthly things.
At one of the chuichoj In the Missouri
iver region at a recent Sunday evening BIT
-lea , the tnusqultoea were very annoying to
joth pulpit and pew , and as the preacher waa
jald-heiaded , there was quite aa audible untile
imoug tha Moful mlFcreH when In lined
he hymn , " ( i cover my defoaaslesj head. "
"Ve. . " thundered the preacher from the
pulpit , "the halra of cur head are aU imrnbei
jd. " "I wonder where tha back number * goo
, ? ' said the bald headed
o w.v * uv K u \ < v-uu 4 man m tne front
ww , rubbini ; hit thitmint ; ucalp. "Ij as I
lo-got a reprint. " aald the men bahind him ,
\nd he took off hia wig and faaued tie Hie *
, way with It.
The 1 { < JV. Mr. fSlytei , cf Bunston ( b uaher
in up-town'churcb ) Will you show me to
paw. please ? V htr Yon can tnko uny i
thobtck pew , eir. The Ilev. Mr. Slylos-
But I am tha Kov. Mr. Slytos , of Bungtoi
U her That don't make any difference. i
The back paws can be occupied by anjbod
who behnvea himielf. [ New York Times.
"Woll. Johnny , " said hii mother , "did yc
have a pleatint time at the Sunday echo *
plcnit ? " "Naw , " Johnny prowled. "I didn
get nothln' to eat but a san'whlch an'a coup
of dry croltieavlth ted aan' iptinkled c
t p , ' ' "Why , what btcama of the beaullfi
chocalata cake and chicken salad that I pai
you to contributp ? " "Tho supcrintendont nr
the teachora cat 'cm. "
A tramp applied at the back door for nasls
ance just as the mlni tcr'a family was pn
paring for prayers. "My good man,1'atl /
the minister kindly , "wo will bo fflftd to ha\
you join us In our devotions , after which yo
will receive n nice broskfast , "Certainly ,
replied the tramp graciously , ' thow mo rigl ;
In. A man who la kicked and buffeted ahot
the world as I am ought not to bo equeamie
In the foca of a square meal. "
The Baptist Weekly says : "If polpll
were not made so often auch n general advoi
lifting agency it would bo well. The boll ma
who m earlier days used to perambulate vil
laga or town to announce Important ovontf
has become obsolete , and it ia to bo hope
that vocal proclamations ot strawberry an
waste paper festivals , stonmbaat excursion
concerts , and otlnr worship Inspiring uotifi
cations , will aojn cease to bo matlo from th
pulpit. "
It Is charged already nzalnst Sam .Tones
the southern rovivallat.Swho aays n gentlcinai
should never take a Indy'a arm in an emergency
gency ami that there was wrath and dwpal
In the boiling jack pot and the seven deaill ;
eina in the gennan , that , iu spreading th
Gospel ho spreads it % ery thin. , Places h
haaisitcd have alreidy relapsed into wick
edness and the millennium has failed to ar
rive. Emotional religion appear ! to bo nov
what it has always bosn peed enough bu
abort-lived , like the strawberry crop ,
Aa out-of-town paraou waa taking leavi
recently of a congregation with whom ho hat
not lived on the host of terms , "I done
regret our separation , door brethren , forthrei
good and valid reasons. The first la that yet
don't love mo , the aocond that you don't levi
ono another , aud tha third that God dooa no
love you. You don't love mo my salary i
Boveral months in nrroara ; you don't love on
another -or there would not bo such a dcartl
of marrlagoa amongst you } and God doean'i
seem to love you na you ought to ho loved , be
came there have beou BO few funerals amonj
pou lately. "
ilenry Uafi naa sued out an attachmen
an the goocla of Wnds Martin , a colored mai
bere , who ho claims is goiup to leave thi
: ity.
Bruno Aitmeyor , a laborercmployod on i
new building now going up on the corner o
lenth and Jackson streets , fell from the eeo
jnd story yeatorday , and sustained aevera
bad bruiica on hia head. IIo will bo nroum
n n few days.
A praiao aervico will ba hold In the St
Marja avenue Congregational church tomorrow
row evening at 8 o'clock , aftar which Sabbatl
iveniog aorviees will ba dlacoutinued fo :
.wo montlH. The pastor , the Hav. Wilton
33ott , will remain in the city during July anc
( Yugtisr , nnd will preach regularly on Sab-
3ath mornings.
Mr. II. G , Clark tells of a very narrov
iscapo which ho had from being knitod by i
tenant of hia wham he had ordered out of :
loueo on account of delinquency In rent , Afte :
.ho Teuton had been told to leave , ho said ti
Mr. CUrk , "If I voa rolng to leave dot house
[ puesa dot I don't aeddlo mit you , " TothL
Mr. Clark nnawerod in a way of romonatrance
vhen the German pulled out a knife , nnt
lerhapa would have done Mr. Clark barn
lad not that gentleman taken piompt moaa
tree of prevention , j
C. W. Kitchen haa gone to Danver ,
I. E. Burdiek has gone to Chicago.
Messrs. A. D. aud 13. Brandea left for New
fork last evening.
Slisa L'.zzio Mater , of Ulair , ia in the city
itjppmg at the Taxton.
Mra. E. K. Whitmoro haa returned from !
Peasant visit to Chicago.
lion. George if. Hummel , of Grand Island
s in the city on business.
E. L. Rood and dauehter , of Woepinf
SVater , are guests at the 1'axton.
II. II. Shedd and wife , of Ashland , are ir
, he city , quartered at the Paxton.
W. J. Dent loft yesterday for a two week :
, 'isit with parents at Milan , Mich.
L. P. Lannard , of Lincoln , is in the city
? esierday , and is stopping at the 1'nxton ,
Misa Lottie Met ? has juat returned to bei
lomo lisra from a throe years'btay in JNew
L'crk city.
II. V..Hunter , Norfolk ; A. G. Smith , Cak
and ; O. M , Carter , Ash'.and ' ; A , C. Frey
Denver , are at the Arcade.
Kcv , II. J. Stern and family of Louisville. .
Ky. , on route to San Diego , Cal. , are tin
jutvt-i of Mr , cud Mra. llnrte ,
Miaa L'/.zy Corby baa gene oait and wil
. isit Chicago , Now Vork and the oasterr
vatering places before her return ,
Mias Kite M. Uobhauion , now of Mil > vau
ice , formerly of Omaha , is visiting hero for i
ew daya , HID guest of Mr , and Mra. IV
voestcrs ,
Mr. Mortenson , the Farnam street tailor ,
eft for Svroden yeetcrday and will apond sov.
iral yoara in the old country visiting the scenes
if his nativity.
Miaa MaryKIeda Derby , of Antelope , N.
ir. , ia in the city , the guest of Hev. Mr ,
larria , She will ting at the First Baptisl
ihurch to-morrow ,
Dr. A. B , Kibbs , S'aoshone , Idaho , haa
joon in the city for a few days , yialting with
lis brother , Gaorgo , 11. Kibha , cashier at the
'axton hotel , Ho returned to hia western
lomo yesterday.
Judge Brandies has returned from Lout
3ity where he hid been on business for the
aat few days. He reports aplondid cropa In
hat vicinity. Grading baa already been coin-
aenced on the Sherman county railroad
W. II. Conger , Louj. City ; S. E. Tooker ,
) gdenj Aug. SiltbergVisnorj J. fil. Uanna ,
ipringficld ; H W , McUrlde , Blair ; P. H
jyona , Denver ; Al. Waters , llarlan , Iowa ;
V. K. Smith , Sioux City ; N , Stokes , Ord ,
r u at the Cat ) field.
Settled HU iel t ,
Some mention waa mad.i a day or a * )
Ince of the case-of Jallua Lund , the gay
mt dlshoaost young man vfho had left
) maha and abont $200 worth of debts ,
nd skipped out for Kinsas. nia prop-
nty which ho had consigned to the doa-
Inatlon was not promptly shlppad and
ras attached by Constable Ildgerton.
jund became uneasy after a day or BO ,
, nd last night a settlomontof thedobt'waa
ill'ectod through hia wife who came hero
Ciiterday to "use what was the matter. "
Pho entire matter hai been eatlsfactorPy
idjaate-d , and Mr. Lucd haa now the
igbt to move his baggazo where he
Ronticc Bnsiness Enlionci B ? Som
Ht ,
The Itcorfinnlxatlou ot the i'ollc
Force Aalu I'ostponcti ,
Council UlufTs Correspondence ,
At the meeting of the council la :
evening nil the aldermen were prcsoii
except Alderman Shugart. ,
The city marshal was sent out aftc
the city engineer , to got him to ropoi
concerning the proposed norr grade c
North Second street. The marsh !
soon reported that ho hid found th
city engineer on the street going home
en j ing that his report was not completed
and ho was feeling sick and must g
homo ,
A number of the property owners wor
present wasting for some actloi
in the matter and soemlni
quite Indicinnt , and ono of them claim
log that the engineer waa purposely ab
acnt to cause delay , the motion was rnadi
by Alderman Sledentopf that the marsha
go after htm and bring htm in , "dead 01
allvo. " \ > hllo the marshal was gone tin
mill kept grinding out business of niluoi
A petition of cltlr.sna wcs presentee
asking that peddlers and loafers bo no !
silo wed to utand at the corner of Malt :
ind Broadway , half of the council bolnf
signers of the potltlon. No action wai
taken ,
The city engineer being brought in
illvo , reported on the Second straol
; rado , said grade to ba sixteen foot In t
tiundered , from Grant atreot to Fletchoi
ivonue. The cltlzans petitioned for nc
more than fourteen foot In a hundred ,
Mr. Grassland , Mr. Foster , Mr. Keller ,
Mr , Wies and others ol the patlonors ox.
pressed their vlowe.
Aid. Slodontopf moved that the city
Dnglneor prepare a grade as requested bj
the petitioners.
I'roporly-ownors on Bcnton and Harrison
risen streets were requested to moot the
onglnoor at 10 o'clock this morning , at
Ilia olty building , to consult concerning
the grade.
The city attorney declined to olfor any
report on the common carriers' ordinance
is It had been prepared by private
souusol engaged by the petitioners.
Alderman Mynster as presiding oflicci
? ave City Attorney Holmes a shaq
lecture , telling him that ho did not
understand his duties.
The city attorney then gave the pre >
jidlng officer an equally sharp rejolndoi
jnd was called to order.
The dispute got hot and Aldormar
Mynstor cbccksd nimtclf by saying ht
ivonld not say things in the chair whlei
30 might say out of it.
The city attorney told him to go rlghl
Alderman Mynstar then said that h (
icird that the city attorney had said thai
10 know more than Christ.
The city attorney sild ho never nald
uiy such thing , but that Vaughan and
Mynstcr thought they know more.
The stormy squabble ended withonl
Dlood , the council instructing the city at
.onioy to prepare en ordinance in regard
; o common carriers.
The clerk was inatrncted to advertise
: or bids for paving and sidewalk on wosl
I'de of Oakland avenue , from HOBS street
: o Washington avenue.
Capt. Hathwoy reported In favor of the
removal of Special l olice Jackson , sorv'
ng without pay , in the southwestern part
jf the city , tno cause stated being con-
inct nnbecoznlng an oflico Referred.
Judge Kcatley , who Is compiling the
ordinances , asked for instructions In re
gard to putting into the now book the
mloon license ordinances. Ho thoughl
: hey should bo left out except the pee
ple's ' 'pop ordinance. "
On motion , ho was Instructed to omit
ill such ordinances.
Supervisor Ross was instructed to prc-
: i3r < 3 approaches to both sides of the
iiixth street bridge nnd the temporary
orldgo there removed , aj being unsafe.
Aid. Siedontopf moved that the street
: ar company be required to extend ite
: racks up Broadway to Babbitt's place ,
ind failure to do so within thirty days
would cause a forfeiture of the charter ,
! o far as It covered that part of the atre&t.
It waa statEd thtt another company
loalrcd to got a charter and make thh a
lilt of their line , If Hie old company did
iot do so.
A brick sidewalk was ordered on the
iroat side of Sixth Street , from Broadway
: o the creiek.
The ordinance In regard to police was
resected. It provided for not mon ;
ban a chief and captain , cli ht putrol-
ne-n , r.nd twenty Bpecl ls , the latter to be
md only when oillod on to act , thn cjun-
ul to py the police by aalary , or by fees
in seemed best.
The ordinance ww passed to Becnnd
oading , nnd was referred , to be reported
m next Monday evening.
After considering como sidewalk met
ers , adjournment iras taken until tint
Council mnll'ri Criiinlpa ,
Prof. J. E. Todd , of Tabor
irrlvod In Counsll Bluffa yesterday , and
vlll go from hero to Colorado , on a
[ eologlcal survey , attended by C. A ,
jQvo , of Tabor.
T. C , Johnson , who uaod to bo police-
nan at Bay Has park , hia been notifying
neighbors that ho haa'.boon so troubled
ylth boys stealing fruit from his orcherd ,
hat he has put poison in
omo of the apples so that the thieves
nay bo caught. Oapt. Hathaway of the
tolico fcrco , living near Jackson , now
iroposos to have JtcVson prosecuted
mder the state law. Whether Jaekeon
eally put poison in his fruit or not , his
urn boast that ho has done so may cause
tlm mnch trouble.
Ella Wirt entertained a parly of forty
f her little friends yesterday afternoon
"heir bright faces made sunshine In the
ardcn , aud the house was filled with
bo muslo of their voices.
A democratic paper has blossomed out
t Ojkalootn ,
Fifty shcriO'4 have bscn exchanging
arns ot Spirit Lake this week.
George Stlnaon , a leading farmer of
laritta townahip , Marshall county , waa
Illed while ttacking grain on his farm
londay ,
Sylvester Wiley , convicted at DBS
loiues of m nslaughtcr , has been denied
new triil and eoatonccd to two years in
he penitentiary.
The hotel aud eating house keepers of
owa will hold their seventh annual
meeting at Mesonlc Institute hull at
Jolfar , on Angnit 12.
The Weat Side gun club plams ! aomc
of the beat shots in the state , and
anxioualy looking around for a msti
with any club In the stale.
The Dia Mnincs annual conference
the Moihodiit Episcopol church meets !
the c plt&l oily , Septambcr 17. Son
2i"iO delegates are expected to bo I
The recently tabulated statement i
the condition of all the savings btuks I
Iowa , made by J. L. Brown , auditor <
la p , ehows the total asecls to I
? 8,781G51.02.
Thomas J. O'Brion , an ox-judga (
Davonparl , foil from a second stor
window aud cracked his knll. Ho wi
full of mixed drlnkj at the time. II
injuries are of a dangerous lypo.
The Cedar Rapids postpfllco on Satui
day last recovered § 000 from the Fir
National bank In thnt town , the amour
having been deposited by Bibbs , th
absconding LoBlstou , Idaho , poitmaatoi
Frank Pontius , nMarahalltown paintoi
while soaked with prohibition , opened
masked battery In a pool room an
blazed away at everything and ovorj
body till his ammunition ran out. The :
the police appeared and ho was jugged
Powoeholk county'u three ledges o
Orangemen the only ones In the slat
celebrated the 105 h annivoMary n
the battle of the Boyne at Deep lllvor
the now town on the Belle 1'hlno rlvo
md What Cheer branch of the Northen
The rifle teams of the First , Second
Third , Fifth and Sixth regiments , low ,
National Guard , ore expected to partlcl
aato In the military prize contest , t
: pmo off at Dabuquo the eccond week ii
September , during the encampment o
; ho Fourth repimcnt at lhat nlaca ,
A man calling himself E. 0. Marlii
md representing r Imsolf as from Chlcigo
.raveling tor the sale of eilks , abandonei
ifs alloRed wife at an Atlantic hole
; omo two weeks ato. ; Monday night tin
lupposod wife , a young woman of 20
, ook poison and climbed up the goldci
The ttato grade council of the Im
iroved Order of Ilcd Men. which ha
jeon in session in this city for the pao
, wo daya , quenched the council fire laa
light and adjourned to meet at Daren
lort next Buck Moon , 3)5 ! ) , common era
Inly 1880. The chiefs were rained tc
heir respective stumps by Great Sachen
P. M. Knight.
Samuel Conklln , of Des Molncs , euc
icssfully cut his wind pipe with a raze :
ast Wednesday. Though carefully
vatchcd by his wife , who feared jus
inch an end , ho managed to elude no
or a moment , slipped into n bedroom
md ended hia lifn. He had been sulFer
ug with an allection of the brain fo :
ovcral weeks.
Mr. W. J. Romack , living three mile
mat of Anltn , waa killed by lightning or
, he 1'lth. Ho with two of his nciijhbors
Mr. D. 0. Kellogg and Levi Young
rvent into hla hog lut soon after a llttli
ihowcr had passed ever , and while stand
ng about the center of the lot a bolt o ;
Ightnlng clruck him , killing him in
itantly , knocking Mr. Kellogg down , anc
njurlng him quite eevorely.
The completed water works of Slou :
3ity was formally transferred to the city
ast Wednesday The total cost of tin
lystcm waa § 108,550.97. The month ! '
soBt of running the works is estimated a
000 , and the recelpta from water rent
vill coarly balance thla , giving fire pro
cctlon to the city for a nominal sum
31oux city was wise when she drew 01
lor credit and bnllt her own water works
Henry Rogew , who recently denortei
lis wife at Falrfield and eloped with i
ddowed Swede and four small children
vaa arrested In Croatan a few days agi
md taken back to Fairficld to faca i
ihargo of bigamy. The widowed Ssvodo
vhom It appears ho had married in dm
brm at Davenport , was the owner of i
; oed farm near Creaton , which la though
, o have made the widow beautiful li
lonry'e eves.
Thoraai Troau , a lonpt-umtanco swim
nor , crawled out of the river at D von-
> ort , Mouday , claiming to have swan
ho entire distance from St. Paul In tin
nst thirteen days , and stating his inten-
Ion of continuing his swim to St. Lenis
ho feat baiug for a wager of § 100
Jator in the day , while crossing on the
srryboat to Rook Island , Treau met will
n accident , rosultlng'ln Injuries to hi
Ic-ht foot that will send him to the hoa
lital for ten days.
An Knglish clergyman aoventy-nino year
if age , recently published hia own banda o
Nine thousand oh-drivrrs liave signed i
nomorial to the L'riuoo \Vnlfs iu favor o
nairying their deceased wives' sistera ,
At the golden wedding of Uiahop Willian
naraham , of California , lafit week , ovei
i.OtO friends called to consratulat him , niu
LU was presented with a purao of fi.COU.
Miaa Kather IMryer , younfost aiat-r of Mra
jawrocco ] j > rrftt , was mirried on Tycsdaj
o Mr , V , A. Noonan of Cathain , N. B. , a'
ho residence of Kathor Hillings of SS , Juntos'
Jatholic church , Boston ,
Mrs. John Wood , aged 07 , and tlio motlici
if tivolvo children , olnped from her hoinonoai
I'oledo , Ohio , with William Bradley , agodlil
nd went to Detroit , where they were ovent-
lally obliged to go to the poorhoiuo ,
A youngster in lurtlana , wishing to ho rnnr-
ied , tools oath that ho wns ever 21 havinf
irovionely put the ( icurca " 21" on a card h
liashoo. The traditional Chicigo girl is nail
o have that number placed there by the ehcc
IJverybody in London lie has daughter !
0 inairyivoa a ball , if possible , iunBinuch as
1 they do not , their girls , nnlcsj poasesaad ol
omo extraordinary nttroction or very huh
ink , receive scarcely any invitationa to auch
_ A _ doubln wedding came off recently nt
Jsaunir.e , FJorida , The happy parties wore
homas A. Tlmnton and Mrj. M. K. Avery
nd Henry Hues and Mra , Allio K. J.eTerott ,
le brides being mother nnd daughter , and
oth widows , [ Now Orloana Titnes-Deino-
at ,
Married , at Sebec , Jfo. , George 1" . Stod-
lan. aged 10 , and Grace Pret/lo , aged 11.
he town clerk nt ( ir t refu od to ieauo n
coneo , hilt the consent of tha child' * p renta
siiig Riven no legal grond for rufuaal ro-
lamed , and the marriage ceremony waa per
irmed at once ,
A pretty IG-yoar-oU girl in teara was drag
3d through the street ! of Birmingham , Ala ,
y her mother , a few days airo , to bo offered
t > on the hymeneal altar aa the bride of un
( I man , a perfect stranger. J5y irarrying
im she Baved to her fiinlly n property that
ould olherwho have gona to other legateea
nder the proviuiona of a will.
Struck IJy LlgtiininK <
About ono o'clock this morning No. 3
ro ctatlon received a oil from Box ai
hch ( dirostod them 13 an outbreak of
ro at the Academy of the Sacrsd Heart ,
/hen they arilvod thor It was dlsoverod
mt lightning had struck ono corner of
10 building arid eel It on fire , but with
DO or two buckets of water occupants oi
30 bo Idmg had biicteesdedin extinguish-
ig the lljiuis. No dunigo to epeak cf
suited ,
District Attorney Kitellc , in ttn wer to a
jltgratn , left for Tekama latt e em K ,
TMoro Conies A Unto.
There ccmo n tlrno to every mortal being ,
Whato'er IIM atntion or h'ii lot In llfn ,
When his sad toul yonrus for tha fin l free1
From all thli j.x-tlng nud unlovely strife *
Tharo comes a time whe-i , having lost its
savor ,
The a lt n { nealt is worthiest ; whcu the
( .Irowa weary with the world' . } capricious f
vor ,
And alelH f jr somUhing thaiit ] , docs not
find ,
There csmci a time whonUuniRli kind fciciuU
are thronging
About our vathwAy with sweat ns'.a ot
grnco ,
Wn feel a v.xt ami ovorwliplmlng longing
For something that wo CAtuiot uanio or
TliPro comes a time wbon , with earth' * bast
love by us ,
To food the hoarl's great huiieor nd dosirn ,
Wn find not owi thl < on nntt fyui :
kTho Boul within ua cries for aoinotlilut ;
What grpator proof n od wo that imn inherit
A llfn immortal iu another tphoru ?
It la the homesick longing of llio ( "iilrlt
That cannot find itn Katlsfactum hr > rn ,
-Klla [ Wheeler Wllcot.
Tint y\vell JL'lilnjr ,
II the "awell thing" you would do ,
And iu otiijuotto stand high.
You must always mo your fork
In the ciittlug of your pio.
ICourlor-Journnl , '
And when your pie is paten ,
In Alaska nr Now York ,
Ilu < "swell thing" nayi you musn't
ako ft toothpick nf your fork ,
[ Cincinnati Merchant Tra\oller.
Poaitlvclv AVronjr ,
How awoet to lie upon the grasa
In sultry July weather ,
Aii.l wntct. the lloccy clouaa that pass
Through the deep blue together ,
Life baa no c.trea nor troubles thou ,
The world ia bright and fair ,
There's peaca on earth , coed will to men ,
Aud gladnesB everywhere ,
In lazy luxury you dream ,
With idle , half-closed oyep.
Ijifa is eo 6wi > ell You nlmoat socm
To bo in I'aradiso.
But suddenly yon shriek out well !
In accents sharp aud shrill I
It'n bid to liu down on n yoll-
Ouhornet'a domicile.
[ Somerville .ToururJ.
Oun ought to ba nblo to get a piotty good
view from the top of a theiuoineter juat now.
[ Boston 1'nat.
Minister Peudloton , it is bcliovoJ , will
eventually couvineo llisiimrck tliut Amoiicau
ilg-taila make the beat whiatle < ,
Some ono calla a coulo ] ) of trumps "a pair
of lovolvera. " Yes ; and they ought to bo
ircd out of every homo thoycoxo to.
The people of Chicago enl oOO.OOO pica
every day. No wonder they ttutf Inllot-
joxes in Chicago. [ Newman Indspandont ,
Tliosu are the t lines wheu the man with
he fifty-dollnr overcoat cinuot put on atylo
igainat n mau in hia ehirt sleevts and with
loles in hia Btockinga ,
The mammoth eca cw Ina almost entirely
lisappeared from the lakes nnd rivera of the
world The milfe dealer and the oleomarga
rine linker eoem to have formed n conspiracy
against her. [ N. Y , Graphic.
The mayor of Helena , MUD. , ia a b.irlnr ,
md , alter enjoying a fhavo at iiifl worshipful
lands , \isitor went out to "look for an alderman - .
derman to black my boots , " for which dispar
aging sarcasm ho was promptly hunted out of
, own.
It ia said that at aomo of the summer ro
aorta the waiters bring only eleven clams fern
n do/.au to the gueats. And when romonstra-
od with theg eay the landlord ia very aupor-
atitiou' , and dialilcea to have a guest ait down
with thirteen at a table.
A boy in ono of the public schools , while en
gaged iu defining worda n few clays alnco ,
nado n mistake that was not n inletako. Ho
mid : "A demasogua is a veHeel that holds
jeer , wino , gin , whisky , or any other kind of
ntoxicating liquor. [ ICxchanxo ,
In Kentucky n bolt of lightning cut the
rope by which n mule waa tied without scorch-
ngahair. Lightning takoj terrlb'u risks
Bomelimcs , but this waa tha moat foolhardy
hing the eccentric fluid over did , Next time
t may not git elf BO easily , [ Boston Post.
Lillian Whiting Bays "aleop ia nlmoat a loat
art. " and suggests that n society bo formed to
tncourago experiments in eleep on the part of
American women , If Lilfau were to dismiss
icr young mau before 2 n , m. and object to
lis calling seven nights n week aha would get
nero Bleep end change her opinion about the
uxury being a lost art , [ Nonistown Herald.
'How fresh everything BOOUIS to-night , "
said ho , "Do you know anything frcaherK
.ban n spring /.ephyr ? "
"No , " aiid the young lady ; "not unlesa it is
.ho fresh paint you nro Bitting on , It has uot
jeen on the four hours , "
The youuc man weut through o back'atroet
, oa hotel nnd Bent the porter out on an or-
and , A few minutes later an odor of benzine
illod the hotel , fl'ort Jervia Union.
Poor follow. lie lay in a atnpor , The
ihyslcian hid said that ha could not recovor.
L'ho minister came , nnd , banding over the
iod , solemnly remarked :
"You must prepare for the worst. "
The poor fellow , whose \vifo had been doug -
ug the cooking , opened hia oyei end said :
"Why , ia diuner ready ? " [ Arhaueaw Trav
A witness discomfited a lawyer by a rather
mexpectu j rnply. To the cjuoation. "What
a your name ? " "II. Uamborgor , " was the
inawor.What ia yrmr Christian came ? "
lEkrd I ho attorney. "I have no Christian
lamu. " nnl < l Mr. JhmburRer. "No Christiuu
uamei ? H.JW is that ? " "I Vr the Bimnli ) reaaon
bat I. un a Jew. My full name ia Herman
iambarger , " The lawyer giaoefully ao-
cnowledgcd hia defeat.
Thsy tell a good story on a lawyer ol
VooBter. O. A client charged with ntealiiiRU
i"g admitted hia gr.ilt to his counsel , Tha
atter waa noted for hia lioneatjr In privnto
ife. After tlilnbiuf ; tha matter ovtr ho said :
"John , cut that hog exactly in half , and
iring oDO-half to me. "
John obeyed. Tcu evidence for the proeo-
ution waa weak , and when the counsel for
ho defense arose , ho won the caua by saying
o the jury :
"Gentlemen , I can hold up my Imnd to
leaven and say that the dofnndsnt haa no
nero cf that ho ? than I luvo , " [ Louiavillo
Courier-Journal ,
Anderson pronounced ths core-
nony at his ollica ycBterday which made
lltchell Fleming anU ICatie Cole husband
nd wifo.
' 9
PJnttsmouth , Neb.
Brce 11 of thoroughbred and high grade
Eterelo d and Jersey Oaitlo ,
And Imrocaud Jorsov ICed Bwlnn.
irtct Line for Kngandt Prauco
and Germany.
Tbr tictnithl | a ol ttili uo : | ktioivu tine tre
! lion , lo v.-itei-tlght com ) artnjonta , Mid mo Jur.
Ijhoil wllh eury rcquloitc to inilu tliu i > ME : i'a
> b fe nd uw Wg They ny thu Unltt. !
titos and European mill * , nnd leave New Yotl ;
BUbJ n na Buurdt ) * lor I'ljinouth iI.ONDON )
hf.rtOUr ( , < l'Allia DcdlMMBUrtK )
Itatcj , JIM * C llt.8t53-8i)0 ( ) Stccrauo I0 end
romJlaiiiburfs8lO. O It UIUJAUU * CO. . „ , .
r l I'fcua , AKC"t , 01 tromlway , New York aiil
VMliliiBtur. and U UHo rtittH , Clitcano or Heiuv
uudt llirk llanton , F. K MOOJM , Hariy j >
inaha , Uroniulg &jihoontKfr , in Countfv