Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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ThU medicine , combining Iron will ) pnro
VoRctnMo tonlr , rmlrVly ntid rnmnlctcly
1'nrrn I > TM > rt" > li ltiillKr ll < i , U rnlinr" < ,
ImpimllliiniUaiiiUirliitl lilllniiillutcrN
mid Nctirnluln.
Ills MI unlhllinrr rrmcily for Discnsci of the
Klilnrjn nnil l.hrr.
It Is invnlunblo for Msrn c ponillnr to
XVotnrn , ami nil lie Irnil tcrtonlnry IHei.
Itilocs not i njnif tlir tci'th , rnuw liuidnt
produce coli'llixUInn nlhrr Iron mulicinr * tin.
Kenrlrlicsnml | > iirlfles tliplilooil.itlmnlntta
DIP npnctltc , nidi tlio as'liiillntlnii of food , re-
Heron Hcnrtliurn find Ilrlrlilng , mid strength ,
cm the tnindOT nnd nerves.
1'or Intermittent revet * . Uisfltiulo , 1-ncle of
Energy , Ac. , It lins tin equal.
* - The contilnp lins nlm\c trndo mnrk nnd
crossed red lines on rnpl > or. TnUe no other.
n..if oi.lji.r iiiiimMiiMii u. cti..mi.Tiimu , jm
; - - Jv " sfimiH fnr Olc'irntc'd ' . , iuui-ui
Works Ail Ire H , if. i > . < : | .USKU , Jl. D. ,
1M South ClaikMrtf , , C'lin AI..I , lu.
Eojal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 11 Days.
Tlckcta In ntths ; wholes S5 ; Fractions pro rata.
Siuuucl 10 no rmuIpuuUuu , coi aoatiolled by ibe
MMtetln Intoroei. II la th ftlitii thine In ( be
B ure o/ohincoln eilelenrs.
lor tlokota apply to HHIPSEY to CO. , 1112 Broad
way.N. Y. City ; , 01 U.OTIElia ft CO , 910 Main St.
Eaniu City. Ma.
Frightful Case of a Colored Mao ,
" I contracted a tearful cage of blood poison In 1S53.
"wns treated by some of the bc't phyalcUna In At-
l nlk. They uecil the old remedies of inotcury an j
polneh , nhlch biouKht on rlicumatltni , and impair-
cduiy dljeetlxooii , ' ii . Kvery joint In mo w a
Bwcllcn and full oljnln. When I was given up to
die my phjfclclana thought U woull bo a court tlmo
to test the vtitucB ot HH Ift'a .Specific. When I com
menced taking S 8. S. , the phys'cltn Raid I could
not llvo two nceksuodcr the ordinary treatment.
JIo commenced to glioino llio midlclno Btrictly BO-
coidmg to direction ? , nlilch I continue 1 fur eororal
months. I to I ; nothing u ! o and continued to 1m-
pravo from the very Drat Soon the rheumatUm
Utt mo , my appotltu liecimo all right , and tlio ulcsrs
which the doctor slid wen ) the most frlfchtful ho
htd 01 cr sect , begaj to heal , ami by the 1st of Oo-
tobcr , 1834,1 woe A well man apraln. 1 oin etrocrcr
now thin I ever was before , anJ nciRb more. S. S. S.
bos ea ; ed mo from an early gts\\ .
T/tm McCIonkon hubojn In tha employ of the
CbccsSCiilay cominoy for some acarn , and I know
the ba\o statements to lie true. At the tlmo ho
lirgaa.taXInz H ilt < Bpcclllc ho wis In a hoiiblo con-
dit.ou. I regard hlfl euro almost mlraculjua.
AV. D. CROSUIT , Uan.inor.
Cheai-Corloy Co. , Atlanta Division.
Atlanta , Go , , April Ifith , 1835.
Korealo by llnniR-l8tc. ( 1
Trciti'oon blcoilanilskln diseases niallrd freo.
Tim SWIIT SpBcino Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. ,
N , Y. , 167 W. 23d St.
f ri Z 1.0
' ' ,
One special fcntujo of IllJuo's Fooil , In oonliadls-
tlnotlon to others , lu Its noiitral lutlon uinn the
lij > eli. For tha ! rcamn It Id spatially n mptoj to
trUHjs aajiiswhen boel troubles are no irfnu nt.
Jtooiombcr Uldiio'a Jooillo nn old ami Mod rureiiara
tlonfornvojeft'RliiEnclaadandAiiicrloi. Ids a
perfectly safe and IIOUI | IIHK | diet for all conditions.
b :
The Oriiriiml and Only Urnuliic. bi
f > r > nt > lwiiIillillF ! l fKi uurlili ( > i Imitation ! .
ludUwoobUi lo LADIES. . ! ' KruiruUt fcr
" llU'lirnIrr I.ucll'lr 'i ! < ! " n , , intr tr fiKlu.e 4 . at
( umt > 4l U ) ui tor i > 4ni uiar lu tin tn n-dirti mulL
NAME PAPf/ / { . . Mi'lif-liT < hriiilf-nl ( V. atbi
UU IU MuilUun f-niiurr , I'lillnclu , , J'B. bi
At Urugglsta. Trade supplied by J. A , Fuller k Co
I I'ri'mntiir' lrrlliu > fronirrroraorrzri'swd ,
J , nt I'oin' . ' Jisfascsofllu' Hldni-rH , Illail. en
tier , nnd I'roHjalo ( Jlunil t'l'lt IMMvltlinut
Hloiuarli Uediciuei liy I lie Murnton Ilo his. Vn. or r
rlriitM-icciiriHHviilioutsiircc'ry.'l'ru.itlwnnd u > 5-
t1inonliiUiiTi > . Allrnrri-alioiidriiciifiinilili'titlnl ,
or :
f/oticof Notice ! Notic
W a
To all who are illsojeoil or nlU'ctcd , no nutter how us.
Ion ; tlu' lUndlng ; 031110 and lij boiled. Petunia dl > . us.we
cutunli 'a nifiltducii line ( illtd to ylra relic/ ,
K | iv9la1 v ; eanii ) cue , coma all ami to healed by Iho wem
UagDctu .icalcr . , tha ouljr turo eiirapo ( ( oin au > dU- m
oaso. I r oxiailrmtlon , our ctn'ntuaroil. for ttcb lit ,
trcatiuet.t or visitations $ J ; terum strictly cash.
J H. PAQELAlf , till
North Stits St. , ona mils w ; to ( fair Qro'indi 111
Onuba , .Nfb. J' , 0 , llox 633. cul
Its Advancement Under Many Trying
Difflcnl'ies ' ,
Treatment of Women Abolition of
Tlio Buttoo Some of tlio Monns
Taken to Overcome Ofttto
New Orleans Times-Democrat.
English papers which como to us with
several columns of extracts from the
India press tell ua a very remarkable so-
clal advance effected under British rule
In lllndootan. This Is especially noticeable -
able in regard to the condition of woman
in India to-day compared with her situa
tion nt the beginning of the century.
It was only In 1831 that the practice of
burning widows was abolished by tha
government ; aud up to that tlmo , as Max
Muller observer , "women were burnt
wholesale , oven In the Immediate
neighborhood of Calcutta. " During 1823 ,
in the Bengal presidency alone 5 f >
widows were burnt ; In the very limits of
the Calcutta court of circuit 310 were
burnt. Numbers of thesp were beauti
ful young glrJa under twenty ;
and yet the first effort to secure the
abolition of the hideous custom was made ,
not by a European , but by an enlightened
Hindoo , Ilammohnn Roy. Ilo hold ,
with good rcaacn , that the practice of
suttee was not ordained by the great
teachers of Hindoo religion , and not jtu-
tlGcd by the ancient Sanscrit texts. In
the controversies which ho provoked , ho
invariably came out conqui ror ; but con-
trovfiuy alone cannot &ullico to externit-
ca'o a national carse. or to uproot an an-
citut superstition. Therefore it was that
ho ( .atabllahed , about 1818 , the "Society
of Believers in the Supreme , " or Brahma
Sornak. Immediately the orthodox Brah-
mlnlcal parly founded an opposition ao-
cloty , called the "Society of the Law , "
or Dhorma-Soraaj ; and this society at
once petitioned the English government
against the abolition of suttee.
Ono would have thought thateticha
question could not have been long dis
cussed in vain before enlightened Eng-
Ish rulers that the cause of humanity
would only have had to plead once ia
order to triumph. But Mich waa not the
case. Governments net upon policy ; and
tha abolition of anttco involved some
social problems of the gravoet character.
! t was only in 1831 , when Ilammohnn
"loy himself went to London , that the
[ ovornmout finally rejected the prayers
if the orthodox p.itty , and decided to
.bolish . the abominable and monstrous
astom cf burning women allvo.
Tno now decree did not , however , do
o much for women in India aa had been j
xpccted.Vhilo the practlco of widow-
nrnlng was indued put an end to , the
nfortnnato young woman who lest her
uaband wai not protected against the
cueltiea of prejudice and superstition ,
[ or very existence wan considered an in ?
decent fact ; aha was universally treated
with contempt , deprived of whatever
property sbo possessed , condemned to
perform menial labor , and often driven
to commit salclde. Gradually this state . ;
of affair was ameliorated ; but the Idea of
A widow remarrying was coneHerod
shocking in the extreme. The next re
form to 1)3 attempted was to make a second
end marriage popular ; and a now society :
was founded for that purpose which has
already accomplished mcch good. , ,
It publishes a periodical devoted to Its ?
object ; and this paper , entitled the So a
cial llsformor , ia full of matrimonial ad bi
vertisements of o very sincere and decor in
ous description. Wo elto oomo cxampela : IK lo
13 years of ngo , lost her husband six months iffr
after marriage , Her father wishes to give fro
her in marriage ta a Uengal Brahmin of high oTi
clan.A . tli
bocaino a widow when she was 11 years of COWl
nge , nnd who possesses a faircoraplexion and WlWl
lonpr , beautiful hair , and whoso moral charac ca
ter ia most unexceptionable , is prepared to lo
marry a gentleman of her own caste accord fuPr
ing to orthodox ritoa , Pr
THE GuAKniANa ov KiiAim ( CASTI ) LAD indr
of Kopur clan , aged seventeen , who is the dr
scion of a highly respectable family , and la vo
receiving oducition iu English and Persian , ec
ixro willing to encourage the system of widow
marriage by marrying him with a widow of
the same caste.
widow of the Vsidya caste , agfd fourteen
who had been married at her eleventh and * atw
lost her husbano at her thirteenth. She is of w
wheat complexion , of eood foaturea , nnd can be
road nnd write Bengali tolerably well , knowa 30 )
the alphabst of Knghsh. and U very intelligent
gent ; cou knit comforters , stockings , otc. , in
pretty ' well , and ia very \villlug to work. mi ;
I'ho candidate must bo a member of the
Natdya castu , and of roipocUblle family , IIo
must be well educated and of good moral
haracter. ;
llEgDiiiKi ) , AN EDUCATED WIDOW , 1.1 TO 15 itc
ears of agoj iho rhould bo of peed tlnpo , fen-
nrf , complexion , temper nnd health , nnd n"t
inflating from any hereditary difeaso , daugh f
ter of a welljo do gentleman , and of respec-
able caste for an enlighten' ' d young Baugal
oemindar ( landlord ) of respectable caao ( end thi
'Amily , accomplished , well built , and free Sa
rein every present and idlopathlo inalarly ; hs olc J
a prepared to meet agrrcablo demands , nnd
n eider to encouroga wiJosv marriage among
ho noblea and gentioa. ho is deslroiia of pre
iontlng tha bndo nt the wedding with jewels Beef
vorth 10,000 rupees.
In England or America this aort of ad-
rortijlng is generally doomed either far-
iical or worse ; bat ih India it la not so ;
md accomplishes much good for reform ,
Beige droases are trimmed with velvet of a pa
Inrker ehade.
India tilks have plain bodices roi
rith lace jabots.
There ia nothing BO fearfully naked. as lean
ieauty unadorned. At
Wool canvas , with shaded velvet stripes all
moil for mnutlea. ad'
Foulard nnd India silk are trimmed nith voi
auda of white guipuro. fell
Black lace over white net ' * used for ilounc-
g colored silk drosses.
Ynk lace eklrta "in
neutral tone ara ora-
roldcred with ( loss elite ,
Suede nnd Sun gloves are tho'popular 1
tylea and are In soft tones , ottt
The fashionable contrast of moss-green and TAI
ucult-color Is very charming , on
.ill !
Thin woollen drecsea have the
tuckej ekirta
atiij i
lacla without foundation ekirta. for
White vesta are worn with black and brown ma :
Htumea , with loose jacket fronts , tel
Hand-painted gauze fans arc carried with NoMe i
iinuier toilettes. Tha p-uuzs it black , white Mo
tinted , pan
Gray yak lace Interwoven with silver
ireads is made up over a foundation of blue
\lolet. „
The bodices of thin
material ! and Bummer prli
Ik are gathered or shirred nt tha neck and Gat
! tt lino. furc
"ml bead embroidered galleons are
to tr ni Uco drcseei , ai well at those of I [
ol or nlk , tha
Ureton nnd Swiss bodices seam to increase kid
idy r
tle girlish figuiea. idyI
Lacs jackets are revived In Paris , not only I
o snort Jiuuty FIS | > M in Eton , Spaniih and due ;
usiiau atylea but thona inude of pleca lacs , live ;
t with darts an-J side forms , the skirts cov- Flu
( red with double rows of pleated lace with
corresponding trimmicgs about ths tr > and
the edges of the ( leaves. '
Tucked bodices h vo lengthwise tucV , cori-
fined at the waist line by a ron of stitching
10 that a bait Is not neceisary ,
Colored nun's veiling dresses are trimmed
with inutlln cmbroiuory in colors to corres-
pond.'put on with lavish hand.
It la paid that niuo women out of ten will
step from a street car In the opposite dlicc-
tion from the ono in which It ia going.
White holds the first rank for nimmcr
wear. Morning dtcstcs are made of white
wool somewhat heavier than ntm'a veiling ,
Jersey * with stamped gilt ( lowers strewn
over thfin have no trimintncr. Gray jersava
are embroidered with iridescent beads of the
Bttino shade.
"Pompadour" lace in ecru Is n novelty , It
ia made of "piece" net , deep enough to form
the ekiit , It Is very effective combined with
cardinal satin ,
Molovcteon Is a new fabric. It is of cnt-
ton , closely woven. Ic Imi a velvety turfnco ,
and is said to wa h well. It is made in colors
nnd black and white checks ,
The latest style of bustle U madn of watch
spring steel wire , nud may bo used for n col-
nnder , n rat trap , n portable lightning con
ductor , or n baseball citchor'a mask.
Pet lambs are to tnko the phcn of pug dogs
as companions of fashionable young ladies nt
the wafriog places this rummer. Like tha
dudtp , they would follow them wherever they
Veils worn with liata nro of tulle very
lotg , crossing at thn back oi the headwhence
they are brought tarwnrd nod tied under the
left ear. Pottentlous omen for the super
stitious !
"What eort of an establishment is that
across the way ? " "They teach drawing ,
mu ic nnd dancing. " "A younc UdieV sem
inary ? " "No , a dentist's ehop.-Texas [
Siftinga ,
What spoils stout women la the xtays ,
which displace the bust , pushing the besom
almost up to Iho neck , and forming violent
curve ? where there thould bo only gently
swelling line ? ,
The newest Parisian parasols nro of pilk of
delicate- tint , pulled on tlio inside as n lining.
It is placed smoothly on the outside aud cov
ered with black lai : , through whicn golden
gleams cumucato iu the sunlight ,
IMack lace skirts nro worn over plainly
gathered silk petticoats with a watered rib
bon sash of the eatno color aa the silk. Some
times the bodice ia of the silk covered with
lace , but usually fancy eilk ones nro worn.
You can't toll the nature of a girl from the
way eho looka , Wo know ono once who
looked meeker than two lambs before showaa
married who'.tried to pitch her husband out
of a second-story window a week aftor.
[ Kentucky State Journal ,
Chamois leather gloves are exceedingly
popular at the seaside. They are useful in
warding elf tan , and durable , as a little am
monia water will cleanse them effectively.
They must ba washed and dried upon the
hacda or they will shrink ,
A Now York dentist eays thst women who
gossip n great deal lese their teeth soonest.
We doubt it. The women who lose their
teeth soonest nro the ones who leave them
lying around Ia wash basins , window tills ,
Ltc.I'ittsburg [ Cnronlcla-Telegraph.
The fancy for low cut shoes , buckled or tied
icrosa the instep , promises to bo quite as pop
ular for street wor.r this summer na they be-
ame last year. Oxford ties made of patent
leather nro in steady demand , and the "Beat
ics , " a low-cut shoo with iipno's of russet or
Dronze , nnd tha vamps of kid , are considered
t very chic ttylo with toclety girls. Small
; old and brouzo enamel buckles fasten the
ihoo over the instep ,
Kmbroidorod f Allies nro brought out in clo-
ant patterns lu pale and. neutral shades for
lummor wear. Embroidered India crapes i
md muslin ; , thin and sheeny as the lightest
ilk tissues nro brocaded with exotica and
lines In contrasting or blendintr colors , which
ivo a most brilliant effect. The railing i
.hades for the backgrounds to those are absin
ho green , silver , bluj , and pale paach color ,
lirimp pink nnd pale almond.
A question that has agitated the 'country
or years is about to b j decided by a court of
ompetcnt jurisdiction. It is the question of
low low a low-neoked dress may be worn. A ,
s'ew York lady attended a ball and was ox-
lolled by the management on the ground that
icr dress was too low in the neck , and she has
irought ' suit for damagea and for vindication , ?
he court will bo compelled to decide how low >
lady may cut her dress at the neck without
eing improper. _ However wicked a man
lay bo , it gives him a chill to ECO a dress cut
iw behind as to show where a porous plaster
as been taken off the small of the back , and
ho Ins courage after that to go nround in
rent of the lady , nnd find that the dresa is
vcn lower in front , ho ia liable to have fits , '
'he law should protect a man , and it is well
iat this caju has been taken to the Nr.w York
Hurts , How many respectable ladiw , who
ear low-necked dresses in public places ,
ould conaent to appear as witnesses m this
ise , nttirod in tro dresses they have worn B
iw , nnd testify that the woman who was ro- co
ised admission to the ball did'not outrage Itno '
roprloty , though her dreea on that occasion no
iFglit not bo as low as theirs often are ! If lei
rcssea have to ba worn low on account of all
3ntilation , or health , ladies ought ta put br
irpeiiea in front of them , or a pauo of glass. no
[ Peck's Sun. oil
PILES ! ! PILES ! ! PILESH ! inM i
A fure cure for Blind , IJIecdiDg , Itching M [
nd Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by on
ir. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr.
r'llliams' Indian I'llo Ointment. A ninto ; ! tb
ox haa cured the worst chronic caEcs of 25 or nil
years standing. Xo one. need Buffer five CO !
ilnutesafter _ apiiljing this wonderful Booth- till
ig medicino. Jyotiouti and inxtrumcnts do
pro harm than good. Williams' Indian cal
ilo Ointment absnibi tlio tumors , allaya the wi
itcnso itching , ( particularly at night after tin
ttng ! warm in bed ) , act ? as njioultlco , fiives on i
letant relnf , end ij prcpurod only for Piles , bo i
ching of [ irivato parts , and for - " hiug elae. on :
ft. . Krazler's Jlngio Ointment. Cures as me
by magic. l'iinple , I5ick ! Head a or CJruba rac
lllotchcB and Ktuptious on the face , leaving HOI
o elcin clear and hrautlful. Also cured Itch , clo
ilt Hlmini' , Sore Kipples , Sere Liju , nud
, Obstinate Ulcers , nil
Suld by ilriifrRutu , or mailed on receipt ol It
Ice , CO ceuta , uft
At retail by Kuhn & Co , and Schrootcr & str
edit. \vlioU'H.tlnliy0. . V. Goodman. c'.o
The first horsa railroad waa built in Ih O 27 , ma int
JIONfunlV ) Acid I'lioephnto Itbo ;
Dr. T. H. Nawland , Jr. , St. Louts , for
'o. , nayB : ' 1 liava used it iu diseases loc six :
tbo urinary orgaus , anch as graveland
irtlcularJy Bpormatorrhoa , with very blc
od results , and think it a very valuable pel
medy in these diseases. " ?
Lightning killj ICO Frenchmen every year , la i
tk )
Itlttortiiaa household word of
over the world. For over 50 years it ha fro >
vortlsod itself by its marlta. Itenow ad gru
rtisod to warn the public against counter tin
tn. The gouuino article Ia manufactured by ata
J. G. U. Sierort & Sons me
C < ) V
Uorteconrjuerod : Mexico witn tl'8 it in , eon
VOLTAIC ! ! KLT Co , , of Brar&hsll.Mich . , ,
er to send their celebrated KLKnno-VoL-
10 USLT and othsr I'tiiciiuo ArpLUNCEa
trial for thirty days , to men ( young or oM ) bo
licted with nervous debility , IOSH of vitality
manhood , and all kindred trouble * . Al ,
rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and
iny other dieeasee , Complete restoration prli
health , vigor aud manhood guaranteed quc
nik in incurred , n thirty day * ' trial la qucT
awed. Write them at once for illustrated T
nphlet frea. Ylr
Peiaa haa C.25 newapapera. i
ienoilta J-'olistroui , the new Sniniih
ma donna , recently debuted tit Covcnt
rden J.ondou iu "Lach. "
, , and created r.
ere ,
your bank lame ? It U a solid fact
it the only euro cure- for dlscosra of the
Inoys , liver , Woddor , ia Hunt's Hom-
3iiordered liver end kidneya will pro-
a rheumatism and neuralgia. All
r snd kidney dlsjatcs are cuiod by
int'ij lismedy.
A. Father und Mother 8nine to Ob
tain I'oBscaslon ot A Olilld.
\csloidny afternoon Judge McCalloch
took np a habeas corpus case lu which
the possetBion of a child is thn causa of
'litigation. The writ of , hixboas corona was
obtained by Mrs , II. Evcuon , of Mlnno-
spoils , yesterday , for the possession of
her six year old child , E3da , who
Is at present lu the care of her father ,
Andrew Kvcson , a resident of Omaha.
The story of Mrs. Evoiou Is that she
separated from her husband aorno time
BO , ho stlpnlatlug In writing that she
should retain custody of the child. It U
said that she sent the girl to Minneapolis ,
placing her in rt convent school. The
father , it la said , becoming anxious to no-
cure the child , went to Minneapolis nnd
borrowing It for the purpose of taking it
for a walk , abducted it. It Is further as
sorted by Mrs. Kvcson thatfromthat time
to this shohas been searching for the girl ,
and but recently euccoedod in tracing it to
this city. A dlflbront story is told by
the father nho says tbnt the agreement
was that ho shonld retain the child.
Both of the claimants appeared In
court yesterday afternoon , and by con
sent of the attorney for Mrs. Evcsoti the
case was dismissed.
Got Itcmly to Picnic.
The Sunday school picnic of the St.
Mary's avonno Congregational church
will bo held at Bcllovuo park , ion miles
below Omnbn , on Thursday , .Inly 23J , oren
on Friday , the 2lth , if Thursday : bo
stormy. A special Burlington & Mis
souri train will leave the depot about 9
a. in , , will remain at Belovuo all day ,
and will return at 7 p. m. All scholars
of the echool under fifteen years of ago
will bo provided by the school with free
tickets. Others , whether members of
the school or not , will bo charged twenty
cents for round trip tickets , if under
twenty yoara of ago , and forty cents If
over twenty. All friends of the school
are Invited at those ratca , Tickets
will bo distributed to those entitled to
them at the Sunday ichool session to
morrow , and at the Burlington & Mis
souri depot on Thursday. The exclusionists -
ists trill go directly from their homos to
the depot , reaching tbcro not ; liter than
9 o'clock. Children who have not an
escort , or do not know the way to the
depot , may gather at the church before
quarter paat eight , where they will betaken
taken In charge by teachers.
A curiosity tit Kockfcrd , 111. , ia a yonnp ;
irgrees with a luxuriant growth of auburn
A Tallahanan innn cut the tail oil bis cat
ast year , and her lust litter of four kittens
lave 110 tails.
At Oroton Palls , N. Y. , a rooster looka
iftor a large brood pf chickena aa tenderly aa
veritable biddy ,
A annke , four feet throe inches long , waa
bund a few days ago by a IJoston teamster in
bunch of bananaa which he was hauling.
Throe young bantam chickens belonging to
3harles 11. llambnght , of Yorkl'a. , lay etrga
bat are pure wbito on ono aide and a beauti-
ul strawberry color on the other ,
The maltfso cit belonging to Srjuire Uello-
ille. of Saverton , Mo. , went to the woods
nd broupht in two young wild rabbits that
be now treats aa well aa the rest of her
Hover is n dog belonging to William II.
uttle of Now llavon. After the morning
apor , which ia delivered at his master' * store ,
aa been road , Hover takes it to Mrs. Tuttle'S
lotlier to read.
The sparrowrf had been too well treated by
farmer near Youngsville , N. Y. , for them
j forget him , BO when a big hawk swooped
own on a fat hen and carried it to the top of
neighboring tree tha eparrowa went for him.
'hey worried it until it releanod the hen and
ttemptod to Ily away. It finally fell back
ito the poultry yard with both eyes pecked
nt and so badly hurt that it died ,
The oldest piece of Egyptian leather in the
ritieh : museum ia the liremnerKrioid ( ) scroll ,
intainiug a portion of the ritual of the dead ,
.a date in about 1SCO 15. 0 , , and the Bcroll 13
DWcarefully preserved in a tin caae ; the
other ia to powdery that ita custodians .ire
most afraid to touch it , The color is th.itof
right and light new oik eolo leather , and
li fectly clean. This ia believed to bo the
deet leather In the world.
Quito a curiosity la to bo seen in a gun snop
Janesvillo , Wia , in the shape of a white
irallow , killed up the river a few daya rgo by J ,
r. O. W. Hobinaon. The bird ia the only
10 of ita cJor ever seen in that part of the wl
luntry , ana belongs to the eamo family as G
10 common black sparrow , being n sort of 70
bino. It waa found among n large Hock of 70we
mmon awallowa which have been staying in
e 6.1 mo place for cho past week.
In Sumatra there ii a very singular race
Hod the Kubu , who are too shy to mix '
tli the other races of the Island , and dwell in
e reco'soa of the forests. They are looked cr Swi
us Inferiors by the Malays , and thought to
little hotter than beasts. They live on
akes , grubs , fruits , nnd the llesh of any deer
pips they ojn slay. They are ekillful spear
on mul throw stones with marvelous accu- '
cy. They know of no state alter doath. In r.r
mo physical lespects they assimilate VS
)8ly to the anthropoid upea , ' A
Purpalco leather is a novllly na yet , cepeci- * * > '
ly ; when used In the manufacture of shoes ,
has been largely used , howevcrln the man-
acturo of bhr.o utrinpa , on ing to ita great
riicgtli and pliability. It hai a lonp , tena
" i liber , and as it will not crack nor tcarit
38 an excellent leather. When made up
to ahoos it fjrently roBemlilea French kid.
wears like iron , and would ba EiiiUblo for
yij' shoca. It Ia entirely water-proof and
ry cooling to the feet , making It excellent
bummer wear , The ski in cut from fiv& to
pairs of mon'd vamp ) . The leather is hem *
k tanned.
A popular delusion thitt the contary plant
noma but ouco In n hundred years , Ia du
lled by the action of a specimen of tha
ave Hondoisonl , vnr , Mexlcamia , a native
Central America , alter fifteen years , which
now in blossom in the rotunda of the Na-
inol Museum , and attracts a largo number
vhltora , A long flower atalk aboota up
m the center of the plant and attains its
jwth iu about eight weeks , during which
no the ] flower cluster la developed with a
Jk eight or ton feet high , There are nu- SAVI
irons elf -shoota from the tide near the top , unlv be H
rered with long trumpet-elupod Ittaaaoini So
nowliat resembling the flower of Yucca , or llgu
luyonet , This century plant lavli
ili ibly bo In blossom for about two weeks , belt
It IB argued that the English will yet
the universal language , This may be
but St. Jacob's Oil goes to so many
ids that directions for its neo are
nted In eleven languages , It con-
en pain everywhere. „ .
rho natural bridge in Knckbndpo cauntr , * -
'ginla , In 215 feet high , lOO feet wide , uud
a span of 00 feet. VT
TTion H lijrwas eici , we TO herCutorla ,
Then tlio wa > a Child , aim cried fur Castora ! ,
riien she became Hiss , aha citing to Caetoria ,
Hi u ibo lu j Cltlldr ii , tlio g Uiem CaalorU
Rheumatism , neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache. Headache , Toothache.
IturiK , Nrulilx , I'i'iiBi linen ,
in , otiini nnnin i'ii\s K\
UjjUl , , , , , ! ! ! . . - , , , r lin . ri
lllr dotmn 11 tat nlf. * .
TIII : en vui.ts : A. > IKHI.IU : co.
, . , i 14 A. VPOiUIR i CO. ) folUnort , JJcl. , f. T. A.
(4 ell ; l > t | < II 1 v Blfl ir 1-rili.
Ncnuus Crnsirntiar Drblllti , Msr. 'i
r > h)5cal [ Weakness , and otrn ' c
tuns nl Throat. Skin nr oi s. 8lond Po1.- 'it-
old Sori-s itnd Ulcers .
r. v i iit > rirttt
" < m l.'i F' " ! p'Kc '
"prjs , j I1 LI * Pfc > n'i 4 I
Diseases ( rising 'ror ' 'n.llsc'clinri ' , Ex
i. , ,
rd ilifrftl 0 nrtT. , f i up * * , . ' -r fft-r | Drlh l dw t
B THIin lofhf 4 -If IJ I f t 10-1" lortrilM t of U'U.C.X
. 'int ' > roper or tinlmnp * . k i
i , n. < . . 'i ' , o r.
.efi of llj i : ill ft . r.o jlritllri ) Writ * for ( ; ur itlctl.
A Positive ; Written Guarantor
'itA\r \
XMfVi''Sfffil8& f,2ci < , ll'fllc , : Seminal
weakness , NiRlit Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
Hie FaceLost Manhood , imalllrflyritrnl. fliira
isiiucfi > crnirntttul' The appropriate remedy
is at once used in each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mail nnd Express. No marks on
package to indicate contents or sender. Address
u IV LlVGfiC.ti i
-.Hi U -l HL llli.
.ua viaon of YOUTH
ps'.iV'atito < Myclite , I
. nt Mn.nM | '
ill * IlllMllHl * ' !
UPCll. r.iUll > . lUllSOU'SRI , '
i r % < " .roccl\o in > vior i
hi IJMIH Urn nilnil , i' .
cnprlli a llrili. t'tir/ji ,
-ili. . .vjlroi.i . c..m"v | I ,
ti-t It. tliclr m r
In DK. L'l BITJK'B IRON TO'XIC n rale .11.
'eily curi 'iVvcsn it \ .r , tiealtiiy vutniilc TS >
' ' Afi " * f-'i'lii- < '
'C'iiiont nipth nl c' - : jii'
I.C ) > O ( < ) ltjllU nf till O ' ' * Ui * >
Il'-KtlllU'Ollir ' IN HI'J 111'I
i r JIiLil r fli u i T.
' -l 1/lJ . M'J. , < oi JBDUKA.M IV3TIK B
' '
o * '
. . . . Irnici. Mich. . Tcb. S , im
M. Ix > ciE.tCo..HOITEOIMich.
OKNTI I inn ufilnp your Huld Ertmct Bf < l Olorer
lossoui and Wet Compress for Cancer on the brcut ,
tul nmwill. . I am utlsflcd It li Cho beit remKly for
ancrrknown. You are wlcomo to uio thl * for tt
oncfit of imlTurlncr humiolty.
lleiptctfully , MI13. t. A. JOHSSON.
M. . .
OiUTtiiiEV- lfolin3forflomottaebcenninieti l
1th noincthUiR like a Kirof alous alsoAti . nnd found n < i
Jlof unllUbe gn\o jour Kxtrvct of ItMl Ulovtra trta ! ,
Bra happy ? ? ? h ? lias emrionctxl ffrwitrejlel.
ill Is uut a flight Ic'tlmonlnl of mj appreciation o' '
nir elTorta In bchnlf of humanity , \vlijch you ani
elcouie to nso for their bcneflt.
. . ,
JINTH-I oommnr.cod inking yor.r lift. IUd Clorer.
ro r ra nuo , for ] > jsllH'In8 , nml b ti not bwn
euble * ilnco. U 13 hermlltary with me , Thlnls you
tvvUiftest blooo mealclno kneivn. *
Vonrt truly. W. JI. SL'inr.nT.
ft. I ) , flyman , of Ornnd lnpli ! , Mich. . fny Aflpf
'oUocloisKUI KllUni toniul , < xsirjt. . lid ( Cloter
a bad CRSO of 1rma , or t'uvt r Sore on Iho li'R.
ily usud tn o pound * ol j uur Solid I .struct KoJ Cloven
now well.
IB nSprlnt ; SledlclneTonlonnd pcnrrnl Hloo , ! ruri-
rltliaHiioanoal. Kor do by oil dru .viatu. or J. X
iOfO ,1. Co. . Mourx } . 31ch.
hashing & Bleaching
In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water ,
r.s Lii'.on , Tiuunnd SoAr AMAII.SOLT , and gives
rcrualBitlaliCtlou. Ho family rich or poor thould
without It.
DM by all ( 'raocr ? . HKA-ARH of Imitations well do.
10 i to mlalc&d. PfiAUUMi U tlio ONLY tura Uboi
DH compound and al ju kcara thu above aym-
aud name ot
A > FA' TI I1CU Ulf
Hair Cloth and Wire
Bustles , Ifoon Skirts ,
II air Cloth Skirls , ' '
AM > A II J I ll > bulC (
BLACK " > o -j
r- - JERSEYS ,
, if I. UH ftiul
i v. i in . A lad/
ill h. v.r
i.a a
. > pa
1 10. 1 II. . er
i. f t > J irt In t to
I I'll ti < 'It With fr
lit v fl il liy all <
1 havtfap slttvtjrf. > fly f' ' r tlioaburaUtit AieibTltf
10 Ihi UKiliUOfcuiKul 'ua > rH V 0 a nlof InnR
lAQtliniiftvu ) tu ii > fl I J * * " * 01 ' M.I tfaltli
m < " i > i 4tlw li ITWO lluiri.ll f I.KE.
rtliler i' a V < t ' Alii f UtfcUl't 1 iillltiMO
OUT kurT > ir O , zu en .d 1 * O ftdUr , t
jntr.JL tt-OtLM.JlU'eaiiai. , hDwYa *
Since the completion of the new packing
and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak
ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. Besides
the large pork and beef house erected for
Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com
menced the erection of similar institutions
and still others are contemplated for the
near future.'Several dwellings have been
built and twenty or thirty are now building.
Employment is now furnished to about one
hundred and fifty families , and conservative
estimates place the figure at eight hundred
to one thousand families that will find em
ployment there a year hence. This offers A
great inducements to laboring men to secure
homes now while they are cheap. Specula
tors will also find it to their advantage to buy
at present prices. The company Lave made
no change from the original prices , but some
parties who first purchased lots have resold
them at splendid profits , in some cases at
double the purchase price. If in so short a
ime handsome profits are made , what will
be the result when everything is fully devel
oped ? In the few other cities that are favor
ed with a first class cattle market , fortunes
have been made by investors in real estate ,
and the same is certain to follow in South.
Omaha. While the whole city of Omaha
will be greatly bcnefitted by the growth and
levelopment of the cattle interest , South
Omaha lots will enhance in value more ra
pidly than any0other by reason of the prox
mity to the works.
Manufacturers of all kinds will find itlo Uioiraavatifcage
to inspect this property ; good location , level givmmls , track
fncilitios nnd plenty of jjood pure water furnished by tin
South Omnhn Water Works. In fact.ovory facility to make
desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground.
Will find it profitable lo select property now , n year or
two hence with a population o SODU to 10,001)
this will become a desirable place for oil kinds of business ,
and lots bought now , can bo had nt very reasonable prices
which will double iu p' e many times in the next two vears.
Kich or poor , will find it profitable to make iiuestmentg
in this property. Free conveyance at all times will bo fur '
nished by na to parties wishing to see this wonderful now
town and learn of its advantages. Wo have entire charge
of , and are the exclusive agents for the sale of all tins'
property from G streets south. Splendid lots from $235
S.G4ti | ! STREET
va/l ITT IHi < ( Jt g Stfaiia K f
We have desirable businojs nnd residence property Tor 'sileliir fill
irts of Oniahu and do a general real estate buiinods , Wo elicit bin
's and sellers to call on us. Wo will give UiomBdll possible information
ee , and keep conveyance freo'to show propert)8in any nrt of the city ,
tedford & 'Souer ,