J " JI H ' I _ I _ 1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA SATURDAY MO11NING JULY 18 , 1885. NO 25. \ A NEW UNION. in . r Mar and Nebraska Blight Run the Wheat Market , Humors Again Assume the Mastery in Trade. A DIstroHslnR Shortage nC Unttlo at Once Appcura UoldltiK For Improved I'llcco. CHICAGO THE DAY IN W1IBAT. Special Telegram to Tlio BEE , CHICAGO , III , July 17. The wheat market was very nervous and unsettled to-day , hav ing been influenced In a great measure during the first half hour of the session by tbo pros pects of a bad understanding between 1'ng- land and Russia , but was tubjected during tba remainder of the day by homo Influences The receipts generally showed a falling oiT ( and there was bettor Inquiry reported for wheat ; Imparting a stronger tone to the mar ket. The makrct opened rather firm , and under fair buying advano d } c , and then , un- i der Increased offerings , foil back Jo. This s decline , however , wis followed by a stronger \ i feeling , and an advance of fjc , duo In a measure to advices reporting damage to wheat by blight iu Nebraska. The receipts were / smaller , but larger receipts were estimated for to-morrow , The exports nf wheat and IC wheat lu Hour from United States If for the year ending Juno 30 , 11 are reported to be 129,000,000 bushels agumstlll.OCO.OCObuthoprecndingye.ir. The inarkot closed on the regular board &c higher than yesterday , but rose again on the after noon board to 92J3 for September , closing gc higher than yoatcrday , with ctill higher prices being paid on the curb. One of the cauws assigned for the later advance was a report that wheat had advanced seven cents a bushel in St. 1'otersburg , owing to the proi- pects of war and .1 severe drought in southern Kuesla , Some of the heavy boar operators , who had been industriously covering their short sales the preceding two days , it was re ported , took courage to-day nnd uegna to "ell short again , but n a result of the day's trad ing the bulls appeared to bo in control of the field. cons. There was cnly a moderate speculative busi ness transacted in corn , nnd the feeling developed was weaker. There was some shipping demand but buyers dldnot _ appear anxious and there was no competition for cash offerings , The receipts are increasing some what , and the estimated receipts for tomorrow row are largo. The market opened easier , then advanced } @jjc , later declined Jo , aud closed @jjc under yesterday , but rallied in the afternoon , about jc. jc.OiTS. OiTS. Oats ruied dull and easy , closing i@ic | under yesterday. PROVISIONS. Mess pork ruled irregular , declining 67lc but ruling irregular toward the close. THE DAY'S I'RIOKS. The sales of the day ranged : Wheat July , 87g@88Jc , closed Sale ; Aug ust , 89J@89jc , closed 894c ; September , 91i@ 92c. closed Jlg@91Jc ; No. 2 spring , 83@88jc ; No. 3 spring , 80c ; No. 2 rod , 9 @ 'Jlic ; .No. " red , 88c. Corn July , 4(51 ( © I6gc , closed 4Slc ; Auuat , J5J@IGiJo , closed 45Jc ; September , 434Gic , r closed 45jfc. CATTLE. The receipts of light are not at all up to the anticipation of tbo "bears , " who started in this week to inako a low record on prices. Iilght receipts In Kansas City and St. Louis compelled a few of the bast buyers in those markets to come to Chicago in order to fill their orders. This demand , In addition to some improvement in the local account , had the elTect of stimulating values , , which were to-day 15@20a higher on the ordinary run of iat cattle than on Wednetday. Low grade native stock shows nn advance , and oven Teians wore a big 10c higher. Of the latter the receipts have dwindled down to thirty or forty cars a day. Prices have ruled so low during the past eight or ten days that all con. . cerneahave concluded to stay out for a while , so that a light run may be looked for until there is a substantial improvement in prices , There wore several loads of really choice V , natives that sold at S3.00@G,1D , and several $ loads of prime that so > d at f6.GO@D.80 , with fair to good medium at S5.00S5 25 , and com' mon grades as low as 51-10@1.SO. "Fat cowi and heifers are making good prices , but old and common stock is about as low as at any time. Stackers and gfcoders fare quiet with prices as low as at any tlmo in tbo ptsl month. Shipping steers , 1,300 to 1,500 pounds , S5.iU ( ( 10 ; 1,200 to 1,330 pounds , 35. ! 5@5.D5j U5U to 1,200 pounds. 8J 85@5 'J01 slop fed Bteer , § 0.25@5.85 ; through Texas cattle , tOc higher ; 1)50 ) to 1,050 pounds , S1.C' ' @ 4 25 ; 750 to 030 pounds , St.SO@3.73 : ; COO ti 700 pounds , S2.SO@3 25. nous. Trade opened slow prices rather weak and before the market was fairly established prices bad dropped about lOc on the ordinary run , mixed and packers making a good 15a drop since yesterday mornlnp. The general market wai a shade firmer thnntj at the opening. Hough and common may bo quoted at $1 10 @ 4 lOjmixuJ , ! ? 1 3J@4,40 , and boat heavy at ? I.50@-I.GO ; paoilng and shipping , 250 to 300 pounds , 31.20 © ! . 40 : lightweights ; 130 to 110 pounds , $4 40@4.70 ; 180 to 210 pounds , A VenoraUIo Fraud Sentenced. Pmi.ADKLi'UiA , 1' * . , July 17. Joseph F. Cottringor , secretary and treasurer of the Central Transportation company , of 1'enn ; gylvania , charged with the embezzlement of $117 , 00 and forging certificates for 112 shares of the company' ' atockr , pleaded guilty before fore Judge Verkes this afternoon , Counsel begged mercy for the prisoner , who is aged CS and the hard of a highly respected , family. A largo portion of the stock , it was f asserted , hud been over Issued by thadefondont twelve or thirteen years npo and It was a well known fact that a largo amount of money which the defendant had received for the over issus was paid In dividends nt 11 ! per cunt per annum to tha very "persons who got the stock so that he profited very little himself in the transactions. Ho btgan In ft small way and kept it up in ordrr to prevent tbo first fraud being discovered , The prisoner hid nothing to s iy In his own befalf. Tha judge sentenced him to Imprisonment for four jeers at separate and solitary confinement in the county prison. Sheridan at Ft , Itcno. KANSAS CITY , Bfo , , July 17. A 1'ort lleno ! dispatch states that Generals Sheridan and Mil01 reach d there Wednotday afternoon , after a severe journey. A conferenca wag hold yesterday with Agent Dyer , Inipector Armstrong , Col. S , I'otter and Sumner , Gen , Sheridan will remain several days investigat ing aflnirs. Quiet prevaila at tbe agency. All tha young Ohnyennos are out , and are said to be hunting , The Illinois State llimso. CHICAGO , 111. , July 17. A conference was bold here this week between tha board of state home cammimonera and Architect lioyuton for tha purpose of considering plant for the completion of tbo state house al Springfield. There were present at the meet ing the following , constituting the board John McCreory , of Springfield , preiident George Lnnt.of Waukegan and N. Divelbiss , secretary of the commission. It was determined to entirely remodel the front entrance nnd steps and to use sranito steps In place of limestone. In fact , Illinois limestone will be discarded In the completion of the building , except that al ready cut nt Jollot and on the capitol grounds. Grantto will boused for tbe portico columns and In many other exposed places. The lower corridors of the rotunda and part of the offices will be finished in marble. The i inner dome wll be principally of Iron , with an ornamental rich glais center. THE NATIONAL OAl'iTAIi , CIVIL SIRVICK AMENDMENT NOTK3. WASIU.VOTO.V , July 17. The president has made the following special civil service rule : "Appointments to the 150 placoi in the pen sion office to be filled by the act of March 3 , 1881 , except so far as they may bo filled by promotion or transfers , must be separately apportioned by the appointing power lu a > near to conformity to the second oection of the act of January 16,1883 , as the need of filling them promptly and residence and qualification of the applicant will permit. " The section above rofoned Cb provides that the appointments shall be apportioned among the states aud territories and tbo District of Columbia upon the basis of population as ascertained by the lost preceding census. Desmond wai born in Massachusetts , but hiu resided in Iowa since boyhood , lie has had the office of bent ! of Clinton county for many years , Jtegan 19 a brother of John II. Kegan of Texas. The president to-day mode the following ap- ppolutmentt : Pension Agent Gilbert It , Xirger , Colum- buf , O , Commil of tbo United States Alexander Daulzal , of Kentucky , at Nanten. United States Marshals W , M. Domnond , for the northern district of Iowa ; Hubon I1. Pleasant ? , fbr the custom di trict of Louis iana ; Richard 13. Kengan , for the eastern di - trict of Texas ; Charles M. Newlln , for the district of Delaware. United States Attorneys John M Bur nett , for the southern district of Alabama ; Charles U. Ilavroy , for the northern district of Mississippi , George K. Ulrd , for tha district of Main , The secretary of the treasury has appolntod D , L. I'orkins chief of a division In the Sixth auditor's ptlico. The resignation of Isaac A. Taylor , Indian ppneral at the SAO and vo\ agency has been accepted. AGIHIj DEFENDANT. 2IARYKLBMAN CIIARQKI ) WITH rOISO.NINC HER SISTER'S FAMILY. CHICAGO , 111. , July 17. Mary Kleman , the girl under indictment on the charge of poison ing with intent to kill the family of her sister , Mrs. Michael Freros , at Iliso Hill , and who is said to have poisoned her sister and father a year ago , was placed on trial in Judge Au- thony'a court to-day. But little time wai spent Ia securing a jury. Miss Kloraan was dressed In deep mourning , and watched the proceedings closely. She seemed slightly nervous - vous at times , but quickly controlled herself. Mrs , Frerce , sister of the prisoner , took the stand and showed no sympathy with the prisoners and seemed decidedly on the aggressive. She said that on Thursday night prior to the poisoning the defendant proposed that tbey have soup. The witness acquiesced and soup was accordingly served. MUu Kleman refused to eat any herself , paying she did not care tor any. Shortly after eating it all were taken sick and con tinued so until Thursday when they were much butter. On thnt day Mary proposed to have more soup and again refused to eat any , They wore again all taken sick and then became - came suspicious. She saw a gray substance in the soup , and a paper found in the yard also contained a similar powder. Isaac Poole , M. D , said ho was called in to attend the sick persons and found undoubted evidences of arsenic poisoning. Henry S Cirhnrt , professor of the North western University was next called. lie made n test of the powder in a cup and found unmistakable evidence of arsenic. Natbam P. Williams , a druggist , testified that ho had examined the powder , and eald ho found undoubted evidence of arsenic. Other testimony of a similar character case was given to the jury at 3 o'clock. Shortly before G p. m , the jury returned with a verdict of guilty , the penalty named belnc ono year in the ponitnntiary. Ilio Day on the Turf. PiTTsnuRn , Pa. , July 17. The Howard Driving Park association closed to-day with on attendance of 0,000 , The races were ex citing. Kirst race Unfinished , 2:27 class , fivi heats , which was trotted yesterday was won by Inez in the sixth heat , Head , second ; Will' iam Arthur , third. Time , 2:211. : Seond race Class 2:21 : , trotting ; Zoo B. won ; Walnut , secgnd ; Albert France , third. Uost lime , 2:171. : Third race Closi 2:34 : , trotting ; Lady Mack won ; Grey Dave , second. Host time , 2:23J : Fourth race Olats 2 24. pacing ; Argyle won ; ExceUior , second : Bill F , Third , lies' ' time , 2:174. Bniamo.v BEACH , N. Y. , July 17. The attendance was ( i.OCO , and tha track fast The fourth race waa the great event of the day and it 1s said that in point of time made , dis tance run , and racing of the two horses , it was one of the moat exciting ever seen on an American track , Tbo race was a dead heal between Barmim and Fosteral , and after an interval of only twenty mlnutos the inn off was only two seconds less time than tin race. race.First race Three quarters of a mile , to maidens of all ages ; May W won ; Commander , second ; Poet , third. Time , 1.10 $ . Second race Sevan-eights of a mile ; DR liah won ; Shelby Barnes , second ; Kva K , third. Time , 1.28. Third race Mile and an eighth ; Llaai won Franklo B , second ; Lucy Lewis ; third Time , 1,571. Fourth race Milo and three-quarters , al ; ei ; Fosteral and Barmim ran a dead heat. ettlo third , Time 3:1.71. : IB the run oil Barmim won , Time 3.09 } . Fifth race Hilo ni a quarter , all egos America won , Cardinal McCloaky second Bonnie Australian third. Time 2:11 : $ Six th race Milo and amiarter , two tmrdlei Will DAVIS won , King Tom second , Shortcak third. Time2:21J. : CuttliiK Hated to Favor tno Par "VVcHt SrLoaiM , Mo. , July 17. A private clrcula : Irsued by Oommisiioner J. W. Midgley , states that the farmers of Colorado and Utah not being able to inarkot their wheat in con sequence of the high rates of transportation and being greatly cramped far money but having plenty of grain whlct they cannot sell the rates from all points iu Colorado and Utah to the Mississippi river will after to morrow be reduced , about 40 per cent. Gone ! Clll/.uns nt War. KBOKUK , la , July 16. A Memphis , Mo. , special eays that In an altercation between Ifirata Fogge , of Scotland county , ana Syl- l venter Hilbrant , this morning , shots were tired itby both , Fogge'a taking effect In Ililbrant'a bowels and thigh inflicting ; a tirobibly fatal wcund. Vogga went to Memphis and gave himself up , Itoth are good citi/ens , 1 Acquitted ol'an Old TnetV. NKW YORK , July 17. William A. Goddard a Minneapolis merchant , who was clerk for Auitin Cirbln , the banker , In 1873 , and stole § 15OCO , from that firm while In their employ , was arraigned in general sesilona to-day. etAfter he took tha money , which belonged to a : customer in Germany , lie disappeared , lie afterwards kuow to have ' ; was performed aev- eral heroic acts during the yellow fever scourge In Memphis , From there ho went to Minneapolis , where be became a prosperous merchant and prominent In society , In court to-day Corbin's counsel stated that as Goddard had made restitution and a good name for hlmsell he did not care to press the charge. Goddard presented Judge Oowlng with a petition In his favor , signed by 503 cltlrenn of Minnesota seta , including Governor llubbnrd nnd Mayor 1'illibury. After somn deliberation Judge Cowing discharged Goddard on his own recognizance. CATTLEMEN COMPljAtN. THKI WANT A VETKIUNAIUAN TO 1'ASS ODON THKIIl MOCK , KAXSAS CUT , Mo. , July 17. Tbo follow ing was telegraphed to-nlgbt to Secretary Lamar : "Wo are informed that Inspector Arm strong recommended the employment of the military forces of the United States to cut a passage for Infectious cattle , There has boon no judicial ascertainment of the rights of the parties to this controversy , Citizens of the United States resident in Texas , Colorado , Kansas , Iowa , Illinois , Michigan , New York , Massachusetts , Virginia , and Missouri , who nro owners of the cattle , whoso health would bo affected by such an Invasion , through the undersigned their committee ask the government before it uses tbo army to enforce the rights claimed on ouo side nnd denied on the other to dis patch n competent veterinary to the spot to examine the situation and report to you the condition and character of the herds which the troops are expected to lead aud the prob able effect on other cattle which the passage of such herds through the country will pro duce. "They respectfully ask that such \etorlnor- ian bo cent at once.1 once.1"W. "W. A. . "TAOMA4 A. ] < KK ( "Committee. " BIX GHtLiimuN OUKSI.XTEl ) , A FAltSIKll'a IIOCSK UUIINS WITH A FIHOIITFOt , § LOSS Of LIFE , Pirrsnuna , 1'a. , July 17. Last night the residence of Joiiah Avails , a two story log hut , three miles from Grahampton , in Clear- field county , was destroyed by fire and six oE his children , ranging In nge from G to 15 year ? , wore cremated , Kvnna was awakened by strange noises and under the impression that Imrqlnrs were about , took his gun nnd went outside. To his horror , he discovered the dwelling in flames. Before ho could reach the children , who wore sleeping on the second floor , the roof fell In , nnd in n few minutes tbo building was all ablaze. , His wife and throe younger children sleeping on the lower floor were taken out safely , but the parents were forced to see their other children Serish. This morning a hundred people were rawn to the scene. The remains of four children , charred and unrecognizable , were gathered up and buried in one coitin. The other two were apparently reduced to ashes , as no trace of them was found. The parents nro cra7.d with grief , and the whole commu nity is excited over the horror. The father insists that the fire was the work of a Incen diary , aud in this opinion others share. ARMED HTUlilEIlS1 DRIhb. THE CLEVELAND POLICE HUNTING FOR TUB STIUKER31 UINOLEADEIW. CLEVELAND , Ohio , July 17. Last night was quiet in tbe Iron ward. The streets were deserted early , and there was no excitement. Very few policemen were on duty in the ward , and none at the mills. Tbo announce ment placed In the mills this morning , stat ing that the mills will bo closed indefinitely , or until the men are willing to return to work. The police authorities feel confident there will be no more trouble until the mills start up or the men are paid off. The strikers , however , make threats and assert that they will yet be masters of the situation. They are now divided into factions , one of which is ia favor of giving up and going to work , the other in favor of standing firm to the ast. ast.Tho The strikers still continue to drill. They have secured their settlement for firearms , and have secured a formidable collection , composed largely of weapons of foreign manu facture , Within two or three days they have purchased 400 reunds of ammunition at a gun store in tbe city. The police are working on the case nnd expect to make a number of arrests. To-morrow the Cleveland rolling mill company will pay the strikers off , nnd the authorities are of the opinion there will te trouble. Found Dead in tbo Road. Special Telegram to The BEE , BEATRICE , Neb. , July 17. Isaac Ault , liv ing near Ilolmesyillo , was found dead in tbo road to-day. lie wai a farmer about 00 years old. The causa of bis death is unknown , A coroner's Inquest has been called , A niulliatton Snake Hunt. LOUISVILLE , Ky , , July 17 , Tom Hanlon , aged 37 , in Jill with delirium tremens , broke a window pane to-day and with a triangular piece of class stabbed himself In tlia loft lung , turning the glass round and round. Ho made a horrible aperture , into which he thrust hla hand nnd pulled out a portion of the lung , Ho Is still living , bin will die. Tlio GroRRorlos Must Go. ST. Louis , July 17. It is estimated that 253 wine and bear Baleens hae been closed and their proprietors gone out of business since July 1st under the high license act , nnd that some 4CO , or about a quarter of all the saloons , will ba shut up during the month. It Is only small places remote from business centers that have so far succumbed , Cheerful at IIin Own Hanging. KALEIGH , N , C. , July 17. Katon Mills , colored , a noted desperado , was hanged this afternoon In public in Halifax , for the assas sinating of Henry Pontontwo years ago. Five thousand porione , many of them colored , witnessed the execution. Mills was cheerful to the last. lie made no confession , Revival In MILWAUKEE , Wis. , July 1" . The fishplate mill of the Bay view worku of the North Chicago cage Rolling mill company will resume work Monday morniog. It in not known when any other departments at Hayviow will resume , but it is thought tha time in near. niiddlotnii Citta n Neat Kewftrd , TORONTO. Canada , July 17 , In the houiH of commons this afteruoou a vote of thanks to the olficers and men engaged ia suppressing the northwest rebellion and a vote of 820,000 to General Middleton were unanimously adopted. FranolH Rerun u Ucctlne * , UTIOA , N , Y , , July 17. Ex-Senator Fran * cis Kernan declined the appointment of gcy > eminent director of ttie Union Pacific rail road , recently tendered him by the presi dent , Accept oil a Collet ; " 1'rt'Hldnnoy. FAiKTTK , lowu , July 17. J. W , BieucH accepts ths presidency of tha Upper Iowa university , ti which he was elected to-day. Gone to Hulld B Mountain Kallroad , MILWAUKEE , \VU , July 17. Kight hund red men left Kau Claire to-day to engage in C3nitructiou work on thi Itocky Mountain division of the Canadian Pacific railway. IRISH IRE. It Arises Against tto Management oi Ihc Brolica Back , England Will Undertake to Lead the List in Admiralty. Russian Opinion * B to tlio Afghan Complication Paul's Divorce I'ronoimced , G EN KII All FOiltilGN NEWS. ENGLAND WILL LKAD IN ADMIBALTV. Special Telegram to The BKK , LONDON , July 17. A deputation of im portant citizens , bonded by the lord mayor , called upon Lord George Hamilton , first lord of admiralty , to-day and urged the necessity of strengthening the British navy. Lord George , in reply , mid the government intend ed to secure the best professional opinions as to the actual condition of the navy. If the advisors decided that tbo navy was at present efficient the government would give that as- tmcancc to the public to allay nl.trm. If , on the other hand , It should ba found by the ad visors that the navy lacked in ulllcionoy und that active stops wore necessary to strengthen It , the government would not hesitate to ask parliament for the funds necessary to place England foremost among maiitime powers. PARNKLL WANIS IIE-THIAI.3 , In the house of commons this aftarnoon 1'nrncll dwelt on the mal-admlntstratlon of law In Ireland under Karl Spencer , whereby innocent prisoners had been condemned and executed : and others sentenced to lift-long penal servitude. Ho moved that In the opinion ] of the house it was the duty of the government to institute strict inquiry into the idenco and sentences of thaMaamtrasna , Barbakilla , Crosamaglor , and Castle Island murder cases. "Had the Irish executive , " said ! Farnoll , "Imitated the customs of the English homo oflica in tlio caces tlW when the cullt of the prisoners is doubtful by ordering Inquiries on the spot in the cases inontlonpd , the prisoners win were still living under the sentences of unjust con * victionp , would long npo have been released from custody. " 1'nrnell said the crown solicitor , Bolton , had in n single cise insisted on forcing four or , five innocent men to plead guilty. Said Par- pell : "Speaking cooly , as I can , I believe that if ever a murderer deserved to bo placed on trial and sentenced to death , that man is Crown Solicitor Bolton. " Corbatt. homo rule member for Wicklow , seconded Paroell'd motion and hoped the gor- rnmeut would take a lesson from their pro- ecossors. "whom the Fnrnellito vote deprived f office.1' Sir Michael IIIcVs Bench said the resent government had nothing to say con- ornme tbo merits of the case and nothing to ay in defense of the late government , fie : Ireland , would make a careful personal in- uiry into the subject , but the government It compelled to aslr the house to resist Par- ell's motion , which was derogatory cf Earl pencer , a member of the late government , arnell's motion was negatived without a ecieion. Robert Bourke stated in the house of com mons thin afternoon that the government ould do its best to obtain an early issue of ho Egyptian loan of 545,000,000 , During the debate Sir Vernon Ilarcourt armly defended the government. Lord andolpb Churchill praised Parnell'a calm- ess of demeanor nnd the argument with hich he idtroduced his motion. Churchill ild the present government would successful- / govern Ireland only _ by dlveattnpr lemselves of all responsibilities for nil 10 acts ot the late government. : their had been a miscarriage of justice , In egard to which he expressed no opinion , It ould be brought to light , He , therefore , ppoaled to Parnell whether it was wise or , ir to press tbe amendment. Parnoll said the equest was reasonable , and asked leave to Undraw the motion. Mr. Lewis said it loked like a compact between Parnell and le government. A. LIBERAL PROTEST , LONDON , July 18. The News , in a loading ditorlal to-day , says the signs of on alliance etweentho Marquis of Salisbury and Parnell re obvious. ' 'We know of nothing more dis- rediUble , " It adds , "in the hls- ory of parliament than this com- imition of conservatives and Parnollltes n n attempt to decry their predecessors un- ess it be affrontery with which the compact 9 disclosed The marquis has made Parnell nore completely than ever master of Ireland nd almost master of himself. " Sl'AIN AND THE DN1TKD STATKS. MADRID , July 17. Negotiations for a com mercial treaty with America , have been ro- towed. Foster insists upon the Battlement f the claims on America for indemnity duo inder tbo award of the Washington orbitia- ion commission and a more exact fulfillment f the first protocol of Febtuary , 1881 , which he Spanish authorities in Cuba are evading. THE CHOLERA. There wore 1,629 , new cases of cholera , and j 2 deaths from the disease yesterday re- orted from all points in Spain. rORTIFVINQ TRII'Otl. TlllPOLl , July 17. The potto has decided o strengthen the defences of Tripoli. A Turkish transport with 1,103 troops , a number of guns and torpedoes have already urrivad and other transports with men and war mu nitions are coming , THE DIVA'S CAUX FOR RKJOICINd , LONDON , July 17. The decree divorcing llarquts do Oaux from Madamu Patti has )0ou pronounced , BIIAKT HUSH BANKS. DUBLIN , July 17. Tbo failure ot the slunater bink caused a run on other Irish tanks , The Hibernian bank has been corn- jelled to require seven days notice of inten- ion to 'withdraw deposits. Shares in this bank declined yesterday two pounds twelve shillings. The people protest against the action of tbe jank oillclali in requiring a week's notice and he excitement runs high. Michael Davitt IAD left hurriedly for the xeaslde , to a'void affiliating himself with the demonstrations of ; ho depoiltors , LIMKRICK , July 10 , At a meeting of the shareholders and depositors to-day , a rutolu- ; ion was adopted expressing unabated confi dence In the Munster bank. Mr , Sbaw'a pro position not to withdraw the deposits for six uonths was agreed to. DUBLIN , July 17 , ] Jarl Carnarvon , lord lieutenant , publicly announced that he will recommend that the government give all reasonable help to the Munster bank. IIRACINQ IT THE HANK , CORE , July 17. A committee of the chare- holdora of the Munster bank , appointed to devise means to adjust the affairs of the In stitution , have appro > ed the proposal to bor row sufficient money in England to liquidate the bulk's present indebtedness , THE 11US3IA AND KNGLANI ) , ST. PBTKBSBDBQ , July 17. The Journal of St , Petersburg comments on the orronnous views held by the Britleh press on the Xulfikar paes question. It rays Hussla understood that England pledged the ameer the/ulliksr valley between Heri-Uu'd and the mountains , and egiecd , In principle , to leave the position to him "It is not supposable , " Biyg the Journal , "that England has also promised the ameer the easterly mountain pisjgg which are now eubjecta of negotiation between that country and Ilutiia , Hicks Beuch ftated that the government h id no further information from the Afghan t rentier than that iii&da public yeisterduy , > Tbo government has ordered tbe formation of a permanent fortified camp in Grodnn , capital of the province of Grodno , formerly a port of Poland. Poland.THE THE STOCK MARKET. LONDON , July 17 | 1:30 : p , m. Consols opened at 99 3-lfi : ; now 031o. Paris advices ttato th9 bourse is firmer this morn'ng , 2 p. in , Consols 09&0. & LUSIBliUMKN'.S STKIICK. ONE MILL COMPROSIISK3 AND RESUMES OPERA TIONS , EASTSAOINAW , Mich. . July 17.-Every thing quiet this morning and the situation is unchanged , No additional mills started up to-day. BAY CITY , Mich , , July 17. No particular change in the situation to-day , from that of last evening. All works running yes terday , continue to-day. Dirda.ill & Barker's salt blok started to-day at the tame pay and terms as before the strike. The militia made a parade last evenln , through the streets Hoed with people , The best feel- iog prevails between the citizens and soldiers. Too strikers have come down to the Idea that Interference with the establishments desiring to run will not ba tolerated , and It has been abandoned , Tbo departure of fifty two of Pinkerton's men from Sapinnw City last n'ght was duo to the fact tluttlm mill owners are paying oil the men and making preparations for a long rest , and do nnt cnro to incur the expense of main taining 1'lnkertou'a foice. Koity-clght Pinkerton - kerton men ara still retained here. The men of Hamilton , IWcChuo & Co , , whoso mill has been running , were intimidated last night nnd declined to go to work this morning , hence the mill is apaiu shut down , and will not bo started until the strike is over. It is reported that the mon employed in the saltworks qf 12 F. Gould , at Carrollton , which has been in operation , were driven out of the works this morning by the strikers armed with clubs. The works were shut down and turned over to the sheriff . State militia are employed in guarding the water works and other property. The report has gone out that the average wages paid the mill employes waa only § 1.25 per day. Investiga tion of the pay rolls of tha mills shows this to bo a mistake , nnd the average pay to be 81.75 per day. Ttoro Is no talk of concession on the part of either employes or workingmen , Myer' mill starts to-morrow morning on the following terms : Stoppages occur occa sionally in all mills ; the men go to work ten hours at full pay. If a mill stops , the lost time will bo charged to the men , and at the end of the month they will maVn it up with out pay. The agreement is entirely satisfac tory to bith sides. This gives ground to the hope that the plan may be generally adopted. IN HEU BED. STRANGE JIURDER OP A YOUXO LADV WHILE SLEEPING. ELDORA , Iowa , July 17. Buckeye town ship , this county , is all agog with excitement in consequence of a unique and horrible trag edy enacted last night at a farm house four miles from this place. Miss Grace Rand , a beautiful girl , nineteen years of age , was : i member of the family of George Johnson , a farmer , whoso wife was her eister. The ladies customarily occupied ono bed in the second story of the house , while Johnson and the hired man slept together down stairs. List night tbo family retired as usual , Mrs. Johnson with her sister and the two mon a room on the first floor. Miss Rand foil leop quickly and just as Mrs. Johnson had early lost consciousness die was aroused by ma one approaching the bed. It was her usband. He leaned over the bad , kissed or affectionately , bade her good niuht , and ft the room. Immediately after her hus- and bad gone Miss Johnson was attracted by range movements made by her sister. Put- ng her hand againit the girls fne , she was rror-strlcken to feel the blood gushing from , or sister's throat. A moment later the girl , rithtng In the agony of death , rolled from 10 btd to the floor. Mrs. Johnsod struck a ght and discovered the girl lying dead , > r throat cut from ear to ear. The hired man came in answer to her screams : and in- ; antly started to alarm the neighbors. When to nearest arrived , Johnson too was found ying near tbe door with a broad gash in his iroat and a blnody razor lying beside him. As the coroners Investigation has only ist begun no hoory has been brought to ? ht in opposition to the ono generally held , mely , that Johnson who had violently ap- osed her approaching marriage to ayoung nan of the neighborhood , loved his flater-in- aw and In insane jealousy murdered her and ook hia own life. Jardlno Erects His Spine. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , July 17. Father Jar. ine , of St , Mary's Episcopal church , refuses o resign his rectorship , as requested by the Episcopalian clergy of this city. Ho repeats 'tis denial of published charges , and proposes o stand an ecclesiastical trial , The Weather , WASHINGTON , July 10. Tha upper Mia- ssippl valley : Warmer , fair weather , outherly winds. The Missouri valley : Slightly warmer , gen- rnlly fair ueatlior , southerly winds , "Wool Ilmtcs Reduced. CHICAGO , 111. , July 17. At a meeting to- ay of the Enst-liouud Freight association , it raa agreed to reduce rates on wool from the ilissiesippi river to the east 62 cents for com- iressed and l0 ! cenla for uncompressed. Gnn. Grant's Condition. MOUNT MoGREoon , July 17. Gen. Grant ilopt fully eight hours last night and in dozing .his . morning. Weather bright and warm , , nd thej patient may ride in the Invalid chair his afternoon , _ Base Hall. NEW YORK , July 1C , Boston , 2j New York , S , Ten innings. PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , July 17 , Philadelphia , j Providence. 0. SWHIIK 1'ur a IlouUlo Murder , ] IIUTLK HOCK. Ark , , July 17 , David Ackles , colored , was hanged at Helena , Ark , , , o-day , for the murder of Frank Burrell and Scylla Flancory last year. Heavy DamaK'i hy Flro , NEW YORK , July 17. Thurber , Whyland k Co 'a grocery establishment was damaged JJliO.OOO by fire to-night. The Insurance is ample. Deaths From Sua Htrokn , JERSEY CITY , N. J. , July 17. There were eight deaths from heat in Hudson county to- dap. Five of the victims wore children , I < ' * llurc8 , NEW YORK , July 17. The failures during the past week were 225 , against 185 last week , and 204 tha week pririous to last , t euro , A travelling man by the name of W. S. Adams , for aomo St , Lonla cloak houeo , created a email stir lant evening by rushing into the I'arton hotel office and calling on the man there to protect him from 31 r. Cole , of the firm of Lowry Oolo & Co , , who ho claimed attempted to assault him , Hla etory was that he had mot Cole In front of the hotel and was Introduced by an ex-clerk of Smith's , whereupon ho said to Cole , "Why , your name h Goldsalth , and 1 mat you list summer ap in St. Paul1 ' Mr , Uclo da. nted the statement they had n few sharp words abont It. when ho ran Into the hotel oflica , c\llocl for protection , and the matter ended. Mr. Cole conld not bo aeon Ust evening to got hla nldo of the atory. ARMY NOTES , MnJ , Crrol's Promotion The Col ored Troop * . Maj. Carrel , rocoutly promoted from the captaincy of the Ninth cavalry to n position , os major of tha FJrat , Is in the city visiting the people about the army headquarters. Maj. Carrel lus many friends lu the department and dlvioion who will bo pleated to learn of his pro motion. Maj. Carrel has boon lu the army slnco 1850 , and distinguished him self In the light artillery service during the war. Sluca that time ho has made a splendid record In the west as an Indian lighter. The Indian Investigating commiltoo are now at Pine Ridge agency. In reply to a letter from Gen. Howard to Gen. Schofiold , division commander , asking him to allow the Omaha troops to bo transferred to this department lu titno for the rltlo competition , Gon. Schofiold has asked fora "little delay. " It is probable that the transfer will bo made in tlino to havoa full quota of the Omaha toldlora present. . COLOUGIl 30LDIEH3. „ "It's strange to me , " said an army oflicor to n reporter to-day , ' 'that yon nowepapor people don't have something to ( . oay about the Ninth cavalry jast de tailed ! for service in this department. The Ninth civalry Is composed of the first colored troops over In the department of the Platto. The experiment of thnlr In troduction has sacceuded admirably. "There are a great many people , " con tinued the army oflicor. "who Imagine that the colored man does not make as bravo a soldier as does the white man. Thii idea ia radically wrong , as Is proven by the record of the Ninth. The black mon are hard fighters and conragoous to the latt extremity. They can always bo depended upon , too. a The Ninth cavalry have been well re ceived ! by the people of Nebraska so far as they have gone. Very Httlo or no race prejudice haa been exorcised against j them. "There is another thing that Is re markable about the colored soldiers they rarely or never got drank. On pay day , Instead of going off and filling up they , content thom.solvos with purchasing un limited amounts of pastry cake , pies and tarts or candy. These they take off in secluded places and Indulge them selves to an unlimited extent. "Yes , the colored troops , of conrso are ofliccrad , . by white mon. On the whole I think the introduction of the Ninth Into . this . department Is going to provo a good thing for the department , " The following cflicora have boon ordered to report In person , July 31st , to Captain Evan Miles , Twenty-first In fantry , commanding department rifle camp , near Fort Omaha , for duty as competitors at the next competition for places on the department rifle team : First Lieut. James 1J. Jackson , Seventh Infantry , Fort Laramle ; Hecond Llont. Edward H. Browne , Fourth infantry , Fort Nlobrara ; Second Lieut. Zerah W. Torrey , Sixth infantry , Fort Douglas : Second Lieut. James A. Guodin , Seventh Infantry , Fort Wathaklo ; Second Lieut. Elmoro F. Taggert , Sixth Infantry , Fort Doughs. Major Jabob F. Kent , Fourth Infantry , having reported by letter to these head- uarters Is assigned to station at Fort inaha. A general court-martial Is appointed to meet at Fort Omaha , Neb. , at 10 o'clock . m. , on Monday , the 20th day of July , 885 , or as soon thoroaf tor as practicable , or the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before It. The follow- og oflicers have been detailed for tbo : onrt : Oapt. William P. Curtis , Fourth nfantry ; Capt. Jacob B. Kawles , Fifth irtillerj ; Oapt. Charles J. von Herr mann , Fourth Infantry ; Capt. Thomas . Qainn. Fourth infantry ; Capt. Joseph leetl'o , Fourth Infantry ; First Lionten- nt John J. O'Brien , Fourth infantry ; first Lieutenant William H. Ooflin , Fifth Ttillery ; First Lieutenant William II. lamllton , Fifth artillery ; First Lion- ennnt Butler D. Prlco , adjutant Fourth nfantry , judge advocate. A general court-martial ia also as- lolntcd to moot at Fort Laramlo , on the ! 0th , with the following detail for the onrt : Capt. Daniel W. Bonham , Seventh jnfantry ; Capr. Henry B. Freeman , Seventh Infantry ; Oapt. Constant Will- lams , Seventh infantry ; Capt Charles A. Coolidg" , Seventh infantry , Flrat Lieu enant Francis Woodbridge , Seventh In- 'antry ; Second Lieutenant Daniel A. Frederick , Seventh Infantry ; Second Lieutenant Daniel L. Howell , Seventh nfantry ; Second Lieutenant J. Espy McCoy , Seventh Infantry ; Second Lieu tenant Solah R. IT. Tompkins , Seventh Infantry ; First Lieutenant Charles A , Warden , Seventh Infantry , judge advo cate. . BETUBNED. Blr. GlmrlCB I'Van ' els Adams , jr. , anil Parly Get In at filidnlglit , Charles tfrancla Adams , jr. , president of the Union Pacific railroad , and his party , arrived about midnight , and are quartered at the Millard hotel. Being Bomawbat wcaiy with much constant travel , and at that late hour all elicits to got Mr. Adams for an Interview were meti with refusals , Since leaving here about ten days ago Mr , Adams has been over and Inspected the outlro Union Pacific system between the Missouri river and Liramle , wHoh takes In the Kansas PadGo from Kansas Olty to Cheyenne and all cf Its branches Wherever bo wont the people met him with propositions for various Improve ments , and all received assurances that the Union Pacific would be on the look out for their best Inter ests and advancement. Mr. Adams' yiows rogardsug the building of viaducts in tills city have already boon not forth by him In a poreonal letter to the mayor , but U Is presumed the oommlttoo of coan- cllinen and citizens who called on him before will [ do s > > again white ho la lioro. That matttor , ho trover , ' 'It la understood ho has left entirely with Mr , Galloway , general manager of the road , ( o ba attended to. Mr. Adsras will probably leave for the oist about Monday. NEW MEXICO. Senator Mandcrson Tdlto of Ito Swift Wcsi. Trnoes of the By-Gono Races Still Ext tint- ( V St to of Igivnrnnuo Unoqttnlcil In tlio United StAtes tlio MOWN ON Till ) UOUDKU. 3IOW TUB COUNTRY 10OKS. A reporter for the BKK callad on Senator - ator Chnrles S. Mandorsou , at his roomer in : the Billiard hotel last evening , to leant something from him about his recent trip down Into Now Mexico , that will prob ably , everything considered , bo of nioro aim lets general interest jast now , Inas- inuch as there has boon nioro or less talk wlthtn the past few years of admitting that territory to the union. Senator Mnndorioii la a member of the United States tonalo oomraittoo on tsrritorlos nnd also on land claims. Whllo aihi visit to Now Mexico at this time naa not an nlliclal one , ntlll he . mode quite an investigation Into the ntato of alLure down thcro , itnd will report hla observations b the ccjamlttos when coougrcoa convenes next Docoinber. Bel ro entering Into uiy detailed Btory of the senator's jour * tiny , it may bo remarked that ho will llseourago the Idea of admitting Now Mexico ai a state In her present condi tion of ignorance and un-Ainerlcnnl/.dd customs. Said Mr. Mandnraon , there ia IK other aeotion of the United States that embraces as much illiteracy among Its people as docs this territory called Now Mexico. The popu lation , numbers about 125,000 , and fully 100,000 of thai number are of the Mexi can or Spanish races. Of tills 100,000 , COOf per cent are lllorato , Ignorant slaver , living , moving and having their being , In 11Pi stratified condition , that la absolutely plttlful. Of COIHO there are educational facilities In the territory , but they can only bo enjoyed by the wealth ier classes , who are able tc pay exorbitant prices for the * enlightenment of their children , tlcc ? educational facilities are under the control and [ { conduct of the Oathollo ohuich. \ The American people , however , who live in Now Mexico , are enterprising and well to do , but tney don't coem , many of them at least , to bo particularly anxloas about Insisting on having the territory admitted Into the union as a state just yet awhile. The fair ctlioo Bookers , who are there would like to have itVI done very much , but they are not yet very numerous. Whether the territory should bo ad mitted as a state or not , It is in such con dition that congress mast look aftar It , probably more than has over been done before , and attempt to elevate the people to a state of onllghtmont that will admit of their becoming a state In the union. The senator thinks that this end will probably have to bo reached through a system of common schools and compulsory education , under the control and Boppoit of the government. If there la a country nndor the tun , de clared Senator Mandorson , that Is In . need of compulsory education , that conn- try is New Mexico. Not only are the great majority of the foreign clement IK literate and Ignorant , but they live llko anlmala , subsist on very little rough food and go clad In the brhfont kind of attire. "It was very funny and remarkably Inter esting , " nald SenatorMandenon , "boncto the aifferonca between thoao old adobe towns and the now American towns that have sprung up within the past few years about railroad stations. The old City of Mexico was an interesting place for the Bon&tor and Mrs. Mondoraon who accom panied him. They vidtod the cathedral that Is 250 years old , and marked evi dences of habitations that existed there 'ong ' before Plymouth Rock or Jamea- > own , were awakened from tnolr sleep of olltudo by the eounds of civilization. nho surface of the country , however , ooked now as though It had been mode Ithln the past century or two. In ad- Itlon to a general Inspection of the ountry and the people , Senator Mander- on also in ado some Investigations into many of the claims that have for years "icon a source of an annoyance , trouble , nd agitation to congress. Those claims , r most of them at least , originated nndor ho treaty made forty yean ago for the orrltory , the moat Important of which la hat known as the McGarrnhan claim , 'ho ' senator and his wlfo vhrilcd tho. mnous Laa Vagc shot springe , which have cen undo by the Santa Fo railroad ompany a moat delightful , attractive- nd charming place. The Now Monta uma hotel , is ono of tbo finest hostlorlcs n the country , but , for come raason , or thor , it is not crowded with guests thin. OBBOn , In about two weeks Senator Mnndor- on and Senator Vest of Missouri , start on a trip , out through Oregon , Wyom ing , Washington and Dakota territories , which trip will include a visit ; to and in spection of the celebrated Yellowstone- Park. USE. , Che Greatest jETadicQl Jjrmrph of the Agol SYMPTOMS - A e , HuweJico tll' ln la Ibe bead , wlt'i u dull vcnaatlon lu llik fcucU pnrt , > iiln un7or the shoulder. LIudo , I'ullncim nflnvtio tine , vrllU uilU- . Inclinntlov to czrrllan at body or mlml , IrrllulilUtyortimi -r.f.ntTBplrltn , with a luuliuffol ImvlnnnrulpcKuI Bomoduty , Wrrvrlueii , DI/zUo * * , 1'JatterlDB nl tba Heard Data bu ( r , iha eyes , Hcndacba uvur tlio rlcht. eye , Koulemnuii , vrllh Ulful ( Ireiinin , Ulcbiy colored Uilno , and CONSTIPATION. TOTT'H VlLi'tl are especially adapted to such cviiKV ) , ono dOBO effects such o ImtiKU of feeling into ust onlili the sutfcron They In crente the Alu > rtltoR'j | cause the txxJy to TuUo on rje l > , thu ttin njntem li iioiirlMicil.nnil bytnclrTomc Action on thu tH/e , tools are UveOrganUcuulnrN / ; nrortj'jv.l. 1'rlonUF.o. 4 Murruv St..rV.Y. j lw B U < J HBft SCa eJ a Baa UIUT llAiit or WHISKRIIB changed to n aixissr liiACK l > y ft slnslo oppllcutlon oj tills UrK , It Imports a natunif color. nct Instantaneously. Bold by lruejlats ) , or * ntby express on receipt of 01. ' " W rviurrnySt , . HovYork. .