THE DAILY BEE-FRIDAY , JULY 17 1885. 1 United Stated Depository FirstOF OF OMAI1A , The Oldest Banking Establishment in Omaha. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZK imOTTrKRB , EttablUhcd In 1S57 , Organized M NallODil Bank Aupist 26th , 1653. CAPITAL . $500,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS . . . . 100,000 orricmu ) AND DIRECTORS : HERMAN Kooirrzii , President. Juim A. CumoriTos , VIre Pr lclcnt. Acofstrs housTzu , 2d Vloo President. F. II. DAVIS , CMhler , W II. JtKoqmni , Assistant Ctshlci A. J. PorrLiaov. A Qenorftl Banking Business Inns- acted. Imact tltno cerllflratfB bearing Interest Draws drafts nn tbo iitlnclpul cities In the United SUtcn ; ilia London , Dunlin , Edlnburg , c Hlos ol the continent and Kuropo. UNEQF THE ONLY EXOIiUblVB IN OMAHA1 NEB. NoticeNotice ! Notic THK MAGNETIC HEALKR , To all who are dlsoisoJ or nlllfctcd , no mutter how lonft tbo Btamllns ; came and In healed. Feamalo dis eases wluro medicines liavo tailed to give relief , a frpeolalty ; como one , como all and bo healed by the Magnolia healer , the only euro escape fiom any dig- caso. For examination , our charge ! are 81. for each troatmint , or visitations $2 ; terms utrlctly cash. J. H. PAGELAR , North Stita St. , ono mll weal of FalrOroundi Omaha , Nob. I * . 0Box 633. Town Lots in Denver Junction Weld County , Colorado. Denver Junction la n now town o ! about 21)0 ) nhabitanta , laid out in 188-1 , on the great trunk railway across the continent , at the junction of the .Tuleaburg Branch , 1 < J7 milca Irom Denver. The town is on second bottom land of the Platte Hlver , tbo linest location between Omaha and Denver , and is surrounded - od by the baat-lnying lands west of Kcornoy Junction , Nob. ! cllninto healtliy and bracing ; altitude 8.GJO foot. Denver Junction bids to become an important point , ai the U. 1 ? . II. R. Co. , are putting up many of their buildings here , while the B. & M. H. R. Co. . are expect ed goon to connect at this place , The pressnt chance for good investments In town lots will dcarcely over bo equaled elsewhere , For sale by the lot or block in good terms by H. M. WOOLMAN , Agent , Denver Junction Cole , riucccuoEa TO JOUR a. JAGOKIJ the old gtind 1417 Farstm St. Orders ty Sell- I solicited and prctupti ttteadedlo. Teipiini ! ) jr. t llEMfUY l itKE. ATlcumor youiiuu i iniiiruupnco cautlne Premature l > ec y , NenronsDobihty , Lost Jlinhood. TlnK tried In vain every known OFFICE AND RESIDENCE , 617 Dodge St. , - Omaha TELEPHONE NO.Hi without Shoulder Draco , $1.50 .nicw , with Shoulder llrnce. made of ilnuCoutllloul > lo Utcied ) 3.00 TV ti ri > ln-i. iv Ithout Shoulder llrnce. 1.75 Aliilomllial , " " 2.00 lOtollyoftrs . l..O Young M' 11 to 18 years 2.00 Highly recommended by the loadlnc Modistes , the fashionable Dressmakers nnu the most eminent Physicians In the United States and Kuropo. Circulars free. LEWIS SCHIELE & CO. , Bold Owner * of Patent ftnil nmmhtdirf r , 390 IHIOAIMVAY , JfKW YORK. .S3 33ST CHARLES H. PATCH , 1517 Douglas Street , Omaha , and loading houses everywhere. 183 anil H7 Wftlinnh Arrnuo , O H X Oft. . < 3r O . SUM ricrruKn of Hair Cloth and Wi'ro Bustles , Hoop Skirts , ' Hair Clotli Skirts.f ANDA1LU.UNKOV/ BLACK " * COLORED JERSEYS. TW1 cut represents The I.inptry , the most j.orulnr rnmiunnllon of llustlo nnil lloopHhirtevcrmaile. Alady who liu worn one. will ne > er wear nny other Hjle. tacli Rklrt H Btamwrl upon the lianct ! I'llmleil June ! ! . 8IJ Ho. 110,411. tZTAny ono tell- Init FttniottrloptBklrtnolfO ttammil. will bo tlenlt wltjj im-onllnirtolnw. Bold by all > .w ' iir-xtalldrv Roods tioiuci THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD NO. 2 , IB the Highest Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. With only 89 koya to learn an operate. It prints 70 characters including caps and small letters , punctuations , figures , signs and fractions , It etho simplest and moat rapid writing machine made as well as no most durable for free illustrated pamphlet. Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict , Chicago , 111. , Solo Agents , 0. II. SIIOLES , Council Bluffs , Agent for Western BT. L , QAHLICIIS. r. B. JOHNSON BAELICflS&JOHNSOlf 516 N , 16th St. , OmahaNeb 5 pei cent Interest Allowed on time Deposits Investment Securities , Mortgage Loans. Loans Negotiated on City Property nnd Improved Farms. Wlioluvo trifled away Iliclr youtlifiillfior and power , wlio art BiilTorlnK frnin tcriililt , DIIAIXS uml IiObSKS , vrlio are weak , JMI'OTliNTmiil unlit i < ir nunlano. MEN of all ages , who find their POWER auiliitnllty , ncno3. ! ! ! ! ! 'BBXl'At' blKliNiiTll weakened , by cnily lublis or UXCr.rfSES , c rcccho aiiosltlvoand InstltiK UU Ri : . NOinitlcr ui how lo.itlamllng ( lie case may be , or who UasUlku Io rilri'.liv n few weeks or months use c * tlio celebrated MYRTLEAIN . .TREATMENT . . . . . . , . isi.b. id. Ilia. 1 Illit4iiiii-iin lu niarrlairn. ami iniiny other bynii1utne | IcartliiK to CO.NSUMITION or INHAMTV , are promptly remu > uU Li > this trcatniuul , nuU vlgoroua nuuhuoU rcsluieU , Married Men , oriliosewlio intend to marry , Iir.MrMllF.i : , pcrfwt Rcxiinl strcn lh means , health , \lporou3 oif. V"l"lonp ; llfo ami the lovaanil ri'6i > i' < I of a l.iltliliil niic Vrnk nioiislioiilil ri'Etored to vlt'cr & Jinnhoort lipfnro 1'rnofn. tchtlinonliilN nml i jluahlu tru.itlse ti stamps. 'jistii.lS7r.AddicssTho : ) Climax Medical Co , 5O4 , St. Lo is , Rflo , WHlfN SOLICITED TO INSURE IN OTHER COMPANIKS , Remember These Bmoortant Facts CONCERNING The iuluaj Life Insuraiice Company OF NEW YORK. I , It s the OLDEST active Ufa Innuranoo Company In thl ) oountry. 'i It lalho LMiUKST Life Insurinco Coinpuiy by many millions otdollars In the wotliU S , Its r tc u ( premiums are LOWKU tban tliojo ol any other company. i. It haa no "iitocktoMor8"taclalm riy part of IU iiroflts , b. It oflers no BClIHJIEd under the nauio of Insurance lor speculation by BpocUl closes upon the niellottuues clench othcn 0. Its proaont available CASH RESODKCE3 cicced these ol any other Ufa laeurinca Company la the world. world.It bu received In c&ah Irom all source ) , from February , 1643 , to January , IfifN 1270.502tSl.CO. It haa returned to the people , In cash , fiom February , 1843. to January , IbES , S2ie,03Sll,00. lUcash AsteUontbu 1st ol January , 1&S5 , amount to more than W. F. ALLEN , General Agent ( or Nebraska , Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming and Utah. Office Cor.Farnam and 13th St.Ovcr 1st Nat'l. Bank , Omaha , Neb MERRILL A FERGUSON , Gen , Agte. for Michigan , Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa and Minnesota , Detroit , Michigan , M. F. ROIIREH , Special Agent for Iowa , Council Bluffs , IOWA CHAS. SHIVERIOK UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , I' seenger Uevato * to all Boore , 1308 , 1208 and 1310 FarnamSl , OMAIIA.NEBKASKA CHARLES R , LEE , A full aatortment of air and kilu ilrfod Walnut , Cherry , Alh Butternut , Poplar , liitdwood , etc. Hardwood and Poplar Panel , Hardurood Floarlop , Wagon stock , Stair Uullderj' Mata rial , Red Cedar Post' , Comon Oak dlmenilon and bridge timber * , Cedar B rds for moth proof cloteti , eta , Veneers , fancy wood for scroll eawlog , etc , , etc. S. W. CORNER Oih AND DOUGLAS , . . OMAHA , NEBRASKA STORIES ABOUT BEAllS , Ijoohtn1 For U'ar , They h&vo bears in the west , enys the Merchant Traveler , that arc hard to sub due , and sa they hive need of strong men and women. settlor's wlfo of this class , on the cuUklrta of clvlllcstlon , overheating herself described as "half hnman , ha'f ' nn alligator , " rciontod it , and declared tint she had "feelings ; " but eho was not this woman the stoty- tcllorwhom the hunter mot. A Now Yorker on a hunting expedi tion in the far west rode up to n moun tain cabin and hilled a woman hinging ; outclolhea in the front yard. "Good * morning , madam , " ho called out to her. "What yer lookln'for ? You must bo lost , or sumpln1 , " she replied. "Thank * , no ; I'm a hunter , nnd I un derstood there were bear In thti neigh borhood and would you glvo rnn eomo points ? " The woirnn dropped the vrhlto gar ment in her hand , and came dotvn to the fence , "Hlt'a b'ar ycr lookln' fer , la H ! " she Inquired , craning her thin neck fortratd in nn cngor way. "Exactly , madam , " ho answered , stralahtontng up in his stirrups , ' 'Well , stranger , yor in the light nlga < borhood. Thsr'a b'ar hbro In plenty. "Havo yon over seen any ? " "Ishtdtny Ihcd. " 'Toll mo whera I can find a den. I'm looking for a dozen or so. I'm not par ticular as to numbers. " "Oh , hain't yer ? Thot's what my ole man aaid , but ho's changed hia min * now , I reckon. " "Is ho afraid of the braioa ? " ' Not now ho haint. " "Toll mo about It. " "Woll , yor see ono day mo an1 the ole man seen a b'ar cltmbin * in the hogpen , an * ho sod ho'd just put an and to that b'ar with a club. 1 told Mm to git n gun , but ho ted b'ara wuz no great shakes , no how , an' he'd go with a club. " "And dldhe ? " Icquired the hunter , as the woman stopped talking. "I reckon ho did ; I wontln an' cllmup to the roof an * purty teen I hoerd a mighty racket out In the pon. After a while It got powerful still outside , an' I cllm down to BOO how it como out. " "Well , " Inquired the hunter , anxiously , "did ho cet the boar ? " "No , ho didn'r , the b'ar wnz clear gono. " "And your husband ? " 'Well , the funeral tuck place the next day. Hit's b'ar yor lookln' fur , la It ? Weil , stranger , that same b'ar Is 'round Iiora yit. " A Long StnigKlo with a. Bear , Denver ( Tex ) Chronlclo. Fort Worth Is known not only OB being - ing the homo of the Gazette and Peter Smith , but oho ns being the town where the panther , after his labors among the pigs and other domestic animals cf that neighborhood , laid itself down in the days to rest and quiet In the deep , eo- eluded forests tint Ho within the pre cincts of that frontier town , The pic- thor , however , was not a panther , so to speak , but a genuine "bar , " and tlio fol lowing letter from Mr. L P. Sublott , ouo of Dsnton county's oldest- and best known citizens , lolls about the "bar , " nnd how he killed It away back in ' 57 , when the Gazette and Peter Smith were unknown , and the town resembled a bald head the territory was still but the settlers were scattering. DENTON , Tex. , Jane 2,1885. To the Chronicle : As I coo my name has been used in connection with a bear fight , I will explain. In the year 1857 , it being eomo time after the soldiers bad left Fort Worth , there were n few families living there , and I worked in a email saddlery shop , near where the court house now stands. On a dark , gloomy day , when there had coma a very sadden rise In the Clear Fork of the river , overflowing its banka , I left my shop a little sooner than usual to go home * , as I lived toward tbo depot , eoran three-quarters of a uillo from the cquare. I took a road that led out near where Main street now is , and when aomo half mile from my shop I saw a black boar , which I supposed io be about two years old , I commenced hal looing , thinking some ono would como with a gun or pistol and assist mo , and wo wonld got bruin's moat , as it was useful in the farxlly at that time ; hut no ono came but two doge ono being a pointer of good slza and very active , be longing to me , the other a largo bull dog belonging to Oapt. E. M. Diggett. The dogs ran onto the boar as common dogs would have done to a pig , it being the first bear they had ever soon , I reckon , but the bear took ono of thorn In his sweet embrace. The other dog was on the bear as quick ns thought , BO they took It tlrao about being hugged by the bear. Wo were on a branch where there were rocks and I used them to the beat advantage , hitting him where and when I could until wo cot to a small field that was fenced in with rails sud pales. The bear hero took advantage > jf the fence and commenced hla favorite gaino of boxing. I then commenced on him with my pockot-knlfo , but ho did not stay still long enough to let mo do any dam- ago. Ho turned his attention to me , however , sufficient to lat the dogs get hold of him. Wo then had a rough and tumble with the boar itud dogs , nnd I came In whenever I could gat n rock or rail , or something else , until we cjot to Mr. Dnggaot's kltihcn , where BO mo negroes were standing watching the fight. I told them to go into the house nna ebat the door ; bat , instead , they loft the door open and ran off ; so In went the boir. 1 then shut the door and wunt nnd got my gun , and shot the bear after , perhaps , eomo ono and a half hours' ' hard fight- Ing. I. P. SUULETT. Hunting a Honey HtcallngBoBr , Ban Francisco Chronicle. A monster giizzly has , during the past two weeks , been raiding the bee hives at Mr Ebrltrht's place , at PJlarcltos Lake. From his large foot-prints It la estimated that ho will weigh ono thousand pounds , Several of the local hunters have tried to eecuro him and the liberal reward offered by Mr. Ebrlght. The eceno of hla vleita is among the tall oaks and pines embow ering the house and outhouses. Glints of moonlight only steal through the can opy of leaves , making tlia aim of the huntera , perched In the forks of tbo tros or on the onthoucea , very uncertain. This was the case on Saturday evening last. Mr. Ebrlght and another noted hunter took a position close to tbo hives and eilontJy waited for his be&rship , who usually came at about 11 o'clock. Soon after that hour the grizzly was eeen slowly coming to ward them , oftentimes rising on hla haunches , BO if tiding observations. Keeping him covered with their rifles , and anxious to obtain n good shot , they watted until he lore down n beehive fifty feet nway from him. Both fired at once , and the repeating rifles sent shot after shot Into the fleeing bear. Hearing him struggling in the undorbruth , they felt confident of tucccis. A tmall , nctlvo dog pursued the boar Into the the thick underbrueh , and the hunters followed as rapidly na the dark , tnnnel-llko trail would permit. The dog soon caused him to halt ; but the dark , ness In the trail again favored hts escape- The trail was narrow , low , and dark , and still fcr A good mile through this laby rinth the blood-spoU and strong odor gave every hope of his nenrnosa and speedy capture. Reaching open ground and moonlight the trail was lost , as ho gained an Impenetrable canon beyond. Dogs were secured for the following day and half n dozsn good hunters scoured the woods and canons In a viln effort to capture him. His scalp ia still to reward some bold woodsman. FldllTlNG FOU HIS HOAIjP. A Hair-Lifting Experience Out on the 1'lntna. Spo klng of the recent Indian out break and massacre of settlers in Now Mexico , Capt. John Collar , of Down , in this country , related to a reporter an ex citing and almost hair-lifting scone ho witnessed out on the woitorn plains just after the Jnloaburg Indian outbreak in 18GG. Capt. OolUr'a regiment , the Thlr teonth Missouri cavalry , was ordered to pursue the hostile red skins nnd had fol lowed them to the Dlack Hills country. The regiment had gene Into cimp and eomo of the "boys" had started out for a stroll to see the sights and possibly to shoot an antelope or two. Among others who had thus gouo out were private Joaephus llish of Grundy county and two comrades of Capt. Collar's compiny. They had gene about a miles from the camp nnd near the foot hills when they were swooped down on by twenty-live or thirty Indians. The firing was hoard In camp nnd the field , glasses revealed the fact that the boys wore In n perilous position , but were making a bravo fight , Capt. Collar was ordered by his colonel to mount his com pany and go to the rescue , an order that was Instantly executed. They fairly flew to the battle-ground , and long before they came In range opened fire on the Indians and thns notified them of their coming , which partially hold them In check and gave the beleagnrod boys fresh courage. Ono of the boys was killed at the first fire from the Indians , and Rich jumped into a shallow ravine , while the other survivor got behind n email tree EOmo distance away and in the direction of the camp. The Indians divided their attentions between Rich and the dead man. Rich made a gallant fight , rising up and firing his revolver and then dropping down to avoid the shower of arrows and ballots that rained around him. Bla bravery temporarily checked hla cowardly nsaall- ont , bat they were gradually closing In on him nnd hla scalp wonld have been lifted In n forr more seconds , but the cloeo proximity of Oapt. Collar and hla company made them suddenly skip to the hills. Rich was not wounded , al though two arrowa were sticking In hla boot-heels. Ho was as white as a shoot nnd almost speechless , and seemed not to know his comrades ; but ho soon came to hlunolf , and Capt. Collar says the wny he cursed the flying Indians was perfectly nwfnl. The dend soldier had fallen sorno distance from where Rich 'ought his battle for dear life , and several In diana galloped to where ho lay to scalp him , but they counted without their host , for the soldier wbo had taken rcfago behind - hind a tree , though some distance away , was armed with a repaatlng rifle , nnd di vided his favors about equally between the scalping party and the dusky war riors who were trying to kill his comrade , Rich , and ho saved hla dead comrade's scalp. Several dead Indian ponies marked the scodo of the miniature battle , but it Is not known that any Indians were killed. Bfcrbcr-Mhop Decorations , Blakoly Hall describes the latest decor ative craza ns follows in the Brooklyn Eiglo : The decorative craza has struck thn barber-shops now and before long I suppose the bootblacks will have it. De coration hai got to such a point that It Is tiresome to the eye nnd everything but beautiful. Noirly all the hotels , public dining-rooms , picture galleries , and a good many of the shops arc so much over- painted , overdecorated , overnphobilered. and overdone generally that I begin to think that a plain , whitewashed room , with puritan furniture , straight up and down chairs and sanded floor would create a decided furor If It were Intro duced into the heart of the aesthetically decorated region of New York. I wont intu a barber-shop the other day on upper Broadway , which was ss gorgeous as a factory girl's Idea of a palace. The chairs wera models of the carvers misdirected energy. The mirrors were surrounded by xtracrdinary frames ; the floors were tiled with various colored woods ; the ceil ing TTBS a raiis of cnrlouf , uncouth and disagreeable designs nnd the walla were arrayed in the wllde&t excess aa far as papier machp , plaquoa , stucco work and drapary was concerned. At the six chairJ stood six barbers , wearing bloneos made cf striped mute rial that resembled the old atylu of awning. A small nnd very miserable looking boy with a rod fez upon his bulging head But within n cashier's enclosure , nnd the boss , who waa prosmably responsible for it all , had his chair raised on a platform , whence ho kept supervision over the other men. The brush boy wors livery , and altogether the whole esUbllshmcmt was about as gorgeous as the moat ambitious barber could dream of. A man whom I know was just getting out of the chair. Ho said to mo in a horaao voie , that I had better toke his advice and get shaved somewhere else , but by that tlrao the brush boy hid got mo in hand , and I looked along carefully and choeo the mildest looking barber of the lot. He didn't speak a word. None of the bar bers are allowed to in this particular ostabllthment. That ought to make it famous , of course , and It Is mora or loss of a good thing to have a silent barber , but a barber who is oppressively and painfully eilont la is bid as ono who talks. This particular one was solemn looking and quick. Ho gave mo the worst shave that I over had in my llfo. After 1 was shaved ho gave mo n large gilt check about the slza of a visiting card. After I had escsped from the brush boy and paid my check to the cashier and got out on the street I came to the conclusion that a little less decoration end better barbsrs would onhanca the value of the shop considerably. A barber shop is not an Inspiriting subject to write about , but since they are necessary to mon who unfortunately cjnnot shave themjelves , they ihonld bo comfortable , and above all they should never offend the eye with discordant and silly decorations. There Is nothing equal to It aa n beau- tlfior. Pczzoui'a OompUxion Powder. New Mexico has a population , txclunvo of Indians who are not cHI/fna , of 110,000 , of whom 111,000 are Mexican * , but few tf whom ULderetand the national language. Magical , iinrvolloua , miraculous , Is what all tay of St Jacobs Oil , the con queror of pain. Fifty cents a bottle. ILiOVB L/VUGHS AT LOCKSMITHS A. "fconnu Iimly Kacnpcs From Her Jailers nnd Mnrrlcs In Sj > lto or Them. New York Hernia , AcBt'iiN , N. Yi , July 11. Donglais Bcardsley , a young man nbont town , for the last year and a halt kept company with Miss Mary Augusta Ohedcll , daugh ter of the late John Chedoll , n very wealthy man. A few weeks ego Mlsj Chedell'd stepfather nnd nor mother for bade Benrdsley coming to their house on West Genessco street , nud learning that she had met htm clandestinely Miss Ohodoll's mother locked her In her room , where she was kept n prisoner till last evening , when , with the uao of n rope ladder and the asslatnnco of her lover , the made her eecapo through a second story window. They Immediately pro ceeded to the residence of William P , Boardsley , n brother of Douglass , on South street. The Rav. John Bralnard , D.D. , rector cf St. Peter's Episcopal church , was called , nnd several friends and relatives of the Benrdaleys nnd Miss Ohedoll were Invited to witness their marriage. Whoa all was In readiness for the care- mony the guests were Manned by loud talking at the door , where the servant was found resisting tbo attempts of three men to enter the houso. The unbidden visitors proved to bo Charles A. Smith , Miss Ohodoll's stepfather , her brother , Clarence Ghodoll , and Mr. Smith's coaoh- man. They hnd discovered Miss Chodoll'a flight and had been informed of her In tended marriage to Boardtley. The ser vant was being overpowered at the door when J. Harmon WoodrnfT , n guest nnd a wealthy manufacturer and relative of the Beardaleyo , rushed to the door and knocked Clarence Chedoll down. Smith , who was greatly excited , whipped out a revolver and threatened to scoot any per- Ron who d&rid to prevent him entering the houso. Some ol the mon secured Smith and the coachman and young Ohodoll retired from the sccno. In the meantime ono of the guests had tele phoned to the police station and Officers Oonoyboar nnd McCarthy arrived at the residence , and Mr. Smith , after being threatened with arrest , consented to reenter - enter the hack In which ho and hla stepion and coachman had In tended to abduct Miss Chodell and re turn to hla homo. Quiet having been ra- stored , the friends of the Boardsloys and Miss Chodell entered the house It wan proposed to proceed with the cere mony. The Rav. Mr. Bralnard , howev er , remarked that ns the young lady was not of age , and as objections had been mode to her wedding with Baardsley he would have to decline to marry them The friends then said they wonld Bend for Dr. Hartor another pastor. Mr. Brainard then eald ho would rath er perform the ceremony himself than have thorn wedded by l r. Hartor , and the marriage waa celebrated. Miss Oho doll is a pretty blonde , with deep blue eyes , 19 years of ago'medium height , slender , graceful , vivacious and accom plished. Her share of her father's es tate amounted to $98COO. The Chedells nnd the Smiths are very aristocratic people plo and have lived many years in Auburn. Donglas Beardsloy , the bridegroom , le rather a dude. Ho Is supposed to bo without meant- , and haa recently engaged In the coal biulnecB , presumably with some other man's capital. His uncle , Nelson Beordsley , a banker , Is accounted the richest man in Auburn , The newly- married couple avoided the Smith-Olio- dell party by driving to Wyckofi'a sta tion , where tney took a train going south. The affair has created n decided sensa tion in the city. JAMES PYLES PEARLINE Is high ly indorsed by housekeepers nnd others who have tried it. No uoap is required , and cleaning Is done with a saving of much time and labor. All housekeepers hould nsa it. A Bridal Frcnk. Baltimore America , The sight of a blushing bride , in fnll bridal costume , sitting in an open buggy on Baltimore street , met the eyes of all passore-by yesterday afternoon. The biide , who looked old enough to know bettor were a wreath of orange bloesoms and smilnx and veil , while her hands were incased in white kid gloves and her foot In whlto kid ahoes. At her bosom eho were a largo bunch of orange blos soms. The whlto contrasted qredtly with her raven black tresses , which foil In ringlets about her nock. Her husband were a fnll enit of store clothes and a straw hat. Ho had great difficulty ia steering the poor horse , and the buggy looked as If U would fall to pieces. The bride and groom rode up and down Balti more street , much to the amusement of the crowds on the streets , and in vain tried to find n photographer who would lake them. At IBB. , they found ono near Gay street. When the groom found the place ho had much trouble in getting iho hone and buggy up to the curb , nnd at last had to got out nnd lift the buggy into position , Then ho lifted his wlfo out , and she stood on tha pavement In all liar bridal glory nnd tinery , the observed of all observer. ! , but she did not mind that and seemed to cnra more for the eafo disposal of a bandbox and n hco shawl than the ciovrd who watched her. The coup'.o went into ono gallery , but there they ojnld not ba taken large enough , and so > they camel down again and went Into ( mother. The groom put on bis whlto kid gloves nnd they had a perfectly "scrumptious time" sitting for their picture in bridal cottume. Several plates wera need before a good negative was secured , because the groom Insisted on klsslni ; the bride every time the photographer's bnck was turned. After the "ordeal" the bride took otf her orange blossoms nud veil and opened the bandbox and got out a white bonnet and put It on. Tnon the ouplo left. The groom went Into the middle cf the street and after taking off the steamboat hawser that tied the horse to the hitching post , turned him "oil" eo the wheel would not dirty the btide'n white dress , and the [ adyunaaalstedhoppod , Into the bag2yho Followed her , and eoon the vehicle and Its precious load went down the street and out of the city toirard Philadelphia. Iho king of Greece ia the founder of a dyn asty. "Tlio Proper Study of mankind IB Man , " says the Illustrious Pope , If ha had In cluded woman In the list , ho wonld have been nearer tbo truth , If not BO poetical. Dr. R V. Pierce has made thorn bath a life study , especially woman , and the peculiar derangements to which her do- lioate eystem U liable , Many women in the land who are acquainted with Dr , Pierce only through his "Favorite Pro scription , " bloas him with till their heart ? , for he has brought them the panacea of all there chronic ailwoaUpecullar to their eex ; euch as Icucorrlioi , prclapina and othurdisplicemonts , ulcaratlcn , "Intein&l fever , bloating , tendency to Internal cancer , and oihor allmenta. Prluo re duced to ono dollar , By drngglats. oner 213 South 14th Street , Have a large list ofj inside business and resi dence property , and some of the finest suburban property in and around the city. Wo liovo business property on Cnpitol Avenue , Dodge , * * " " " " " Douglas , Faruntu , Ilnrnoy , Howard , 9th , 10th , 13th mid" IGth sreets , \Vo hnve fine residence property on Fntnnm , Douglas , Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Ciss : , California streets , Sherman " * man , St .Marys cud Park Avenues , in fact on all the best residence streets. Wo have property in the followiug'ad- ditious. Hawtliorne- MiUard&'CaldweU's Lakes , Elizabeth Place" j E. V..Smith's ' , ! Horbach's , ! Patrick's ? Parker's , Shinn's , Gise's , Nelson's , Armstrong's ! Godfrev's , ; Lowe's , Kirkwood , " College Place , Park Plaoe < Walnu HilL West End , Capitol , Reed's First. McCormick's , Kountz & Ruth's , Xmpr'nt Association Wilcox , Burr Oak , Isaac & Seldon's * Hanscom's West Omaha , Grand View , Credit Foncier , Kountz' First Kountz' Second , Kountz' Third , Kountz' Fourth , Syndicate Will , Plainview , Hill Side , Tukev &Kevsors Thornburg , Clark Place , Mvers < Sc Richards/ Bovds , " And aS the other Additions to the Oity. = We have the agency fo trie syndicate lands in South Omaha : Thceo lots sell from $225 upwards , and are very desirable property. The development of the packing house and othnr interests there , are rapidly building up that portion of the city. Kirkwood. "Wo have a few lots left in Kirkwood addition , which we offer nt low [ .rices , terms $25 down balance $10 per month. .These lots are on high level ground and are de&irable. HawthorneJ This addition is more centrally located than any other now addition near the best Schools in the city. All the B < reels are being put to grade the grades have oeen established by the city council , and is very desira ble residence property , only 15 blocks from Post office , prices lower tlian ndjbining additions for a homo or investment. These lota cannot bo beaten. Foil SALE Home and lot on 21st St , Easy .arms. Fen SALE 22 foot on Farnam St. , near llth St. , ? 8,000. FOB SALE Lot InWnlaut hill , $200 , FOB SALK Lots on 20tli , $ 50 each , FOB SALK 22 acres with elegant residence , good barn , fine trees , ehrubqry , fruit , hot and cold water and all conveniences ) firet class property in every respect. FOB BALE -CO feet on Farnnm street , near 18th. Good business property cheap. FOB KENT Koom 4-1x76 , 3d floor , on 14th treat. Fen SALB-HOUW and lot , 25th and Ohio * go Btrootsplendid coiner , $3,500. Fen SALB-Flrat class buaineas block , 515 , ] Fen HALE-J lot on Whcaton St. : good house , 81,500. Foil HALB Fine corner lot tn Shinn B addl . ' tlon , ยง 760. Fen BALE Lot in Millard Place , tpecU bargain. Fen LEASE Fine business property on 16th St , and St , Mary's Avenue , Fen SALE i lot on Chlci o HL , between 13th and H , with good house , $3,000. We will furnish conveyance free to any partjojflic city to show propertyto ourjfrienda and customers , and cheerfully { five informa tion regarding Omalia Property. Those wJio Jiave Itargains Jto offer or wish property\atlaybaryainjire"Jnvited \ to see us. , Real psatate Agents 213 S. 14th St. , bet. Farnam & Douglas