Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE DAILY BEE-FRIDAY , JULY 17 , 1885.
Matters Concerning the Managera
of the Slate ,
The Mutual Benefit Companies
Will Fight the Auditor ,
< r
Contracts Awarded lor Pnpllc Insti
tutions The Iilvo Stock Coiu-
inUiloti Organl/.eH.
Itoportcd by tbe BEK'H Bureau.
LINCOLX , Nob. , Jnly 1C. The Ne
braska live stock commission has fnlly
organized , nnd hold tholr first official
mooting last Wednesday. G. W. B rn-
hart , of Lodga Polo , was elected chair
man , nnd Dr. Gorth , under the law , IB
secretary. A largo number of Inquiries
wore before them from different portions
of the atato , a majority being Inquiries
nnd complaints In regard to cholera among
hogs and glnndcrs among horaeo. The
board will meet the Grst Tuesday of each
mouth , at Lincoln. Yesterday the board
passed the following resolution , and cent
It to the governor for hla endorsement :
"Whereas , It has como to the knowl-
cdga of the llvo atock aanitary commission
of the atato of Nebraska that contagions
' p'ouro-pnoumonla and other contagious
diseases exist among the cattle of the fol
lowing named states , viz : AH of the
otaloa of Connecticut , Now York , Now
Jersey , Delaware , Maryland , Virginia ,
West Virginia , Ohio , Illinois , Kentucky ,
TonucsBoo , Missouri , and the District of
"Therefore , Bo 11 retolvcdthat hla ex-
coloney , Governor James W. Dawcs , bo ,
and hereby Is respectfully requested to
Issue a proclamation prohibiting Importa
tion Into this state of all cattle coming
from the above named places except un
der such rules and regulations as shall bo
presented by the llvo stock sanitary com
mission of this state. "
The rnlcs and regulations are now
being considered and will bo completed
probably by to-day.
Dr. Gerth Is obliged to report to Wash
ington the result of his Investigations In
this atato , and It will bo impossible for
him to enter upon the duties of his now
ofliso till his return the beginning of next
month. Ho utarti this morning for
In yesterday's issue the typo made it
nay that tbo superintendent of the census
had only $1,500 left to pay the cousin
out with. It should . .avo read $15,000 ,
which la the amount left to complete the
irork of taking the census.
; The full returns for Frontier B county
' ore In and foot up 4,107 people.
The entire printing bill for the census
returns , all of which Is paid but about
$100 , amounts to § 4,700.
The board of public lands nnd build
ings have accepted the plans of Architect
W. H. Ellis , of Marshalltown , Iowa , for
the reform ichool bulldlcg at Koimiey ,
the appropriation for which -was $30,000 ,
and the pi ins of Oharlos F. Drlscoll , of
Omaha , for the feeble minded build
ing at Beatrice , the appropriation
v for which -was § 50,000. It la thought
/ the pl no of Mr Ellis for the Homo of
thn Frlendlega bnlldlng nt Lincoln will
bo accepted , as no competitors rroro in
sight. The appropriation for this
bnilding was § 10,000. There Booms to
bo a total lack of piano and specifications
from Lincoln architects.
The Grand Army reunion committee
moot hero to-day to BOO about
providing tents and making Bomo
other arrangements which are neces
sary to provide for a llttlo parly.
The governor will likely bo called upon
to BOO if ho wants to draw moro old Hint
locke and tin cartridge boxes for the
militia , or whothcr.hopnrpcses to comply
with the resolution of the last legislature ,
and draw 200 hospital tents and loan
them to the boys for the next reunion.
Gon. H. E. Morrow , of Sidney , who has
boon appointed to and accepted the posi
tion of commander of the camp , 0. O.
Howard , of the next Grand Army re
union , la expected to be present at
the committee meeting hero to-day ,
The Ohio sildlera of this state have prepared -
pared an elegant crayon portrait of Gen ,
Silas A. Strickland and will present the
picture to his widow during the reunion.
Gen. Strickland went Into the army on
August 17th , 1802 , as lieutenant colonel
cf the GOth Ohio volunteer ? , was pro-
muled t. > colonel on the lli h of October ,
brevitted brlgidlcr general on May 27tb ,
1805. and died abjut el.v years ago.
Ex-Qov. Fnrnai la procuring wheat
and other small grain from the field to
choir at the American exposition in Lon
don next year. N ba'ka Mill bo reprc-
* Gcorgo H. Thompson , who was pro-
omptoiUlly given hU choice to resign or
ba dismissed from the police foreo last
week by his honor , the mayor , was appointed -
pointed a special policeman this week. If
the mayor had good reasons for dla-
misslng the policeman last week the
same reason ought to ba good for not
appointing him this week , and If ho was
right in discharging him , ho certainly is
acting In bad faith with the community
In giving an improper poison authhrlty.
Some of the citizens feel Indignant bo-
causa the mayor , the cotincllmen and
their brothers-in-law have
- - are going to
electric lights placed in front of tholr
residences. NOT "tho dear people"
ought not to want to deprive these gen
tlemen of all the light they can obtain ,
as there is probably not in all this land a
body of men who need light ns badly aa
tlmo gentlemen do , especially towards
the woo sma hour * .
Ex-Senator S. S. Reynolds , of D&vld
Oity , accompanied by his wife and fam
lly , passed through the city yesterday , nn
tholr way to Ksnsis Olty for a visit
among friends.
The oist-bound train this morning on
the Burlington carried out of Lincoln a
distinguished load ; Senator Oharlos n.
Manderaon , ex-Governor David Butler ,
ex-Secrolariea of State Thomas Kemmd
and S. J. Alexander , Auditor of State
H. A. Babcock , besides coveral promi
nent business mon of the state , all bound
for the metropolis.
A. Q Cameron , superintendent , of
agencies of the Southwestern Mntual
Benevolent Association of Topeka , K n , ,
came hare to file papers with the secre
tary of state to plnco hla company in this
slate , bnt upon looking over the field bo
pV , folded hl tent and gently etolo back to
\ Vnioro congenial quartPis.
At a mcotinz of tbe cflisers of thn
Farmers and Mechanics mutiul benefit
association of this city on Wednotdiy
evening they decided to contest the posi
tion of the attcrncy.goncrl lu relation to
mutual life companies , Parties repre
senting other companies with considera
ble corretpondence were present and aU
framed a vigorous defense for their com
panics and the intereats they represent
Among the day's prominent arrival
wore : O , D. Davis. Oovington , Ky.
A. 0. Swopo , J. M , Richards , John Q
Moore , ' Charles Dryfoos , W. V. Wick
lers , Omaha ; 0. O. Hutlor , Miller ; P. J
Failing , Exeter ; J. E , Morrison , Frank
II. Wilson , Plaltraouth ; Elder X. F
Brltt , Nebraska City ; U. N. Carpenter
Syracuse , N. Y. ; N. 0. Sears , Norll
Bend ; John King , W. 0. Potter , 0. N
Hammond , Ftol n. Wood , Chicago
cage ; T. M. Ellis , Marshaltown , Iowa
E , E , Post , York ; A. L. Strang , Omaha
E. V. Clark , Genoa ; J. M. Steward
Mindcn ; George W. Duncan , St. Joe
R. E. Spanglor , Omaha ; James Walling
Hastings ; J. R. Atkinton , / . n. Tan
t urn , Republican City ; Miles M. Sorn
bener ? , Wahoo.
The plans and specifications of Mr
Ellis for the homo of the friendless were
adopted by the board.
Oopil Yorrayak Jashoe , the Bramal
lecturer , delivered nu address to a largo
and attentive audience In the Baptls
church hst evening. It wan both Instructive
tivo nnd ontortainlnsr. For several year
ho was In the employ of the Indian government
ornmont ai postmaster In aomo of the
largo cities of that country.
Judge Brandies la ia Loup City , on busi
D. C. Adams , of Salt Lake , la a Mlllard
Uco. Hockwell , of McCook , Is u Paxton
J. 11. Dlnsmoro , of Button , ia at the
II. A. Babcock , of Lincoln , IB at the
David Butler , of Pawnee City , la at the
Paxton ,
Geo. S. Mnston , of Mt. Carroll , Ills , la nt
tha Paxton.
Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Oliver , of Cheyenne ,
are at the Paxton.
Senator Chas. Mnndorson has returned
'rom hla western trip.
L , P. Lsnnard , of Lincoln , Is in the city , to
day , and is stopping at the Paxton.
Charles T. Neal nnd Frank P. Neal , of
; Cdgar , are among yesterday's arrivals at the
W. M. Wright , Wayne ; J. Zenrunff , Lin
coln ; Gee , Winn. Portland , Oregon , are at the
Arcade ,
Mr , 0. M. Dresser , of Chicago , and bis
niece , Miss Emma Dresser , arrived yesterday
norning , and are guoats of Samuel Burns.
T. P , Cartwright , one of the gentlomenly
clerks at L. B. Williams & Son's store , left
aat evening for his home in Creston , Iowa.
10 will be absent about ten days.
A latter has just boon received from Mr.
hlax Meyer dated at Vienna , In which he
peaks of meeting Mr. Sllbersteln , who U well
known hero. Mr. S. intends to return to
Omaha within a year or two If his health Is
rood enough.
J , E. Dunlny , Holdridgo ; A. J. Wheeden ,
DoPerojJ. L. Kilter , North Bend ; Mies
PInkley , J. C. Began , Des Moines ; M. U.
Case , WonowocWia.II. R. Perrino , F. E.
Voad , Chicago ; W. J. Bunting , Rockport ;
M. G. Cage , Greeleyj J. J. Pearce , Dewitt ;
G. M. Spencer , Si. James , are at the
Mr. Elmer Frank , clofk of the United
States ciicult court , went up to Falls City
yesterday on business.
The Hon. Thomas Ryan , member of con-
; rcss from the Third district of Kansas , joined
, ho Indian Investigation committee
icro yesterday morning , nnd they lelt for
'Ino KiJgo agency on the noon train.
W. II. Hunter , of Superior , is among yes-
erday'a arrivals at tbo Paxton.
G cor go McLso , B. B , Brown and E. C.
Reed , n lively trio of gentlempn from Syra-
use , registered at the Paxton last evening.
Messrs. A. D. and E , Brandos left for Now
fork last evening.
Mr. C , B. Schmidt , vicB-preslJant nnd gan-
ral manager of of the Eqaltablo Trust cora-
> any , departed to Topeka last evening , where
us family still resides. He expects to sell his
iroporty there and bring them hare , within
lie next few days ,
Senator Charles S , Manderson returned
lome yesterday from bis trip to the Pacific
east , and is nt the Millard ,
L. B. Shophard and daughter , of Arling-
on , are guests at the Mlllard ,
II , A. Babcock , of Lincoln , Is at the
II , N. CoDger , of Loup City , is at the
Ex-Governor Divul Bu'.lcr Is In tha c'ty ,
t the Pdxton ,
'lirco Hn lncsH Firms Succumb
the Inevitable anil Throw
Up.tlio Sponjjo.
W. R. mtclicook , who bought out the
grosoty Btoro of J. n. Wintear , nt Iho
orner of Ouralng ondTwcnly-Drat ctrect
brdo montha ago , wuj closed up ycstor-
lay by his creditors. On Jnly ( Jh : ho
mortgaged the store end fixtures to B.
StcoUt Co. for $3,000 , subject to a prior
mortgage of $750 , hold by Wlnaear.
Vhon the foroolosura took plico , nttacli-
monta were served on the stock of goods ,
by Max Bloyor & GJ. , loken , Somssen
t Co. . 0 , B. Chapman , and several
other email creditors. The liabilities
outside of what Is owing to local credl-
or , amounts to about $1,000.
The Bradstreet agency roceiroi notice
'ostorday that J , W. Phillips , a pcnoral
storekeeper at Gerroautoirn , S a ward
county , had failed and absconded. Els
labilities are estimated nt $500. no
commenced business the first of lait
While a BEE reporter was at the Bradstreet -
street oflico yesterdiy , Hanigor Taylor
received a tolcpram from Audubon , la. ,
notifying him that H , S. Barton , a young
druggist , had failed nnd made a consign
ment to hla fattier. Barton commenced
business May I , 1882 , with a $2.000
stock of goods , but ho could not make
it go.
The Hook acd Ladder company was out
ait evoolng practicing , and at several points
gave Interesting exhibitions of tholr skill ,
Juitlco Wright united in marriage last
night , at the reeldcnca of Mrj. Crewa , corner
of Thirteenth and Capitol menus , Gee , Butts
and Lizzie 15. Johnaon ,
The oilicors took in a drunk yesterday by
the name of John Cochran , who bad on bis
person CC-40. Whemescual fcuwia in the
: ianJi of apaog of ( harpers vrho were obout
to got him Into a ba1 : for a drive araun d
town ,
Of the "WrMiRlo to Sco Who Shfcl
Own the Smith Stock ot Goods.
Ono of the most exciting and interest
Ing movements of the many that have oc
curred recently io ceo who shall finall ;
gain poasoision of the Smith atock o
goods , occurred about G o'clock last oven
Ing. For several days pnst Corono
Drexel has boon custodian of the ttock
In behalf of thoto pattloa who had entered
terod claims in the shape of attachments
Last night , however , promptly at G o'clock
ho relinquished his hold and turned the
keys over to Sheriff Miller. About fifteen
minutes afterwards United Stntos Marsha.
Bicrbowor appeared on the sono and de
manded Corner Drexel to give him the
keys , but the marshal was Informed tha
ho bad gotten In jnst a llttlo too late
All the transactions In this caco have been
published from day to day In these col
umns , so that it is not necessary to re
peat them bore , further than to
say tint Mr. Lorry , aa
stated yesterday morning. hsc
secured in the United States dlstrlc
couit Monday , the appointment of a re
celvcr , which necessitated that the goods
bo turned over to the United States m\r
sh&l for safe keeping , until such times as
Mr. Lowy could file bonds and get ready
to open up for business. The mnrslm
however failed topot a written order fron
Judge Dundy for the delivery of
the goods and Tuesday morning
the jndpo wont to Sioux
City. Wednesday ho was fol
lowed thither by Judge Woolworth ,
attorney for Lowy , who secured the or
der and returned hero with it yesterday.
Then , when they wont to the coroner ,
to demand of him the keys of the store
and posscsiion of the goods they found ,
that fifteen minutes previously ho had
delivered them over to the sheriff. The
cDroner claimed that his tlmo was up
promptly at G o'clock , and that ho could
do nothing but acceod to tha demands
of the sheriff. Mr. Thnrston , who is also
one of the attorneys for Lowy and Cole ,
went with Woolworth to aoo the judge ;
likewise Groff & Prltchett , attorneys for
[ ho [ sheriff. The judge ordered , too ,
that the marshal should hold the goods
until ho received further and moro
specific orders from him. The matter
now remains to bo decided by the state
A. Daylight Roboory Committed
Under the Proprietor's
Nose ,
Ono of the smoothest , yet boldest and
most audacious robbarlos hoaid of for a
eng tlmo was committed in tills city yes-
erday. Between the hours of 0 and II
o'clock a thlof entered the pawnbroker
shop of Fred Moohlo at the corner of
? arnam aud Eleventh streets , stole from
ho money drawer about § 50 nnd got corn-
> lotely away with it without being
icard or seen , notwithstanding there
were several parties in the etoro at the
ime. On the west sldo of the stora are
wo show caies , one at the front contain-
ng knives , and one at the rear that has
revolvers displayed to view in It. These
how cases are each about ten feet long.
Jndor the ono which is filled with shoot-
ng irons , Mr. Moohlo kccpj his money
drawer. Tht ends of the two cases are
only far enough to admit a mane
o pass between them. At the
oar end of the room and agaiust the fur-
her end of the revolver show case slta a
> ookkeeper'B dk ep A man could outer
ho rear door , Bjah around this desk and
; ot to the money drawer without being
teen , provldedts ore was no ono behlna
ho cases , but at the time the robbery
occurred yesterday Mr. Moohlo'o clerk
was behind the front show case , and
not moro than ton feet away
rom the money drawer selling
cnlves to a party of movers , who had
topped their teams near by the store
on Eleventh street. The clerk says that
; could not have been moro than fifteen-
minutes after the robbery was committed
until ho found it out. He remembered
there had been a nlco-looklng , woll-
rcseod boy in the store shortly bafore ,
alklng to him about a library book on-
tied "Tattered Tom , " and thought it
o bo a good ono. With this elua to
rork on , the case was given to Detec-
Iva Eaicry , who wont to the
boy's homo , No. 2310 23i
trcot , in North Omaha ,
nst evening and arrested him. Ho was
akon to police headquarters , accom-
mnled by his father , who gave security
or his appearance before Judge Ston-
> org this morning. The boy Carl
Campbell potltlvo douial that ho took tbo
money or that ho was even at the utora
'ho Most Dlinlimtlvo Specimen or
tlnmnnlty Ever Born In
Omaha ,
Thrco or four women were making n
esperato etrngglo yesterday to too who
hould got legal possession of a gitl baby ,
hat at Its birth on the 15th of Jane was
nly able to Up the beam at two pounds.
Said ono of the women , who WAS waiting
o got n talk with Judge Wakoly , "It Is
ha smallest and cutest llttlo thing yon
ivor saw. " List springnDanishglrlknown
> y no name , except that of Anna , was
emploped at Lanra Mack's , on the cor
ner of Ninth strebt and Capitol avenue ,
as cook. She claimed to have been mar
ried , but lost her husband about three
nonths ago. Being homeleca and penny-
ess she was compelled to seek work
wherever she could get It. On Juno
15th sbo gave birth to the child that Is
now in controversy , and not being able
otako cue of the Infant turned It over
o Laura Mack. Until within the past
on days there was no ono
thought that the cblld oonld live , but
they were mistaken , for it has become
stronger and livelier and promises to
grow , Its mother Is desirous now of
taking It away from the Mack woman ,
bat she has become gipatly attached tote
to the llllipntlan curiosity and is so am
ioua to adopt It permanently that yesterday
day sbo made application for the necessary
sary papers. The child , though perfectly
formed and apparently boil thy , by rea
son of It ) extreme dimunitive siza Is real
ly a curiosity. Its limbs , hands , feet
and body nre so era ill that unless they
make a muoh greater growth than le
common to humanity It cm noror be
vary large just largo enough to take
part In some side show IB ono of the at.
An InvestlKatbu mtc tha death of that
unknown man who laid in the river July 4tb ,
U likely lp ba made ,
of Mofcrfl Method Upon tbf
Bailroad Eatss Responsible For
Retarded Development ,
Omaha's I'ropcr Itclatlon to the AVcat
Aptly Pat The Peril of
DAVID CITY , NobJnly 10. To th
Editor- The wheathor la Ibis locality
contlnnos most propituoiu for the grow
ing oropj. Harvest la notr fully begun
Small grain lifts matured splendidly
Corn Is reaching npwaid Indus each day
Tame grass pastures nnd meadows nr
equal to the very finest in the eastern
states. Wo are also gratified with the
Increase In the papnlatlon of our count ;
during the past five years , Wo hold on
plnco In degree of population Tvith our
alttar conntlce , nnd TTO nro qnlto proui
of the growth of yonr city , the motropo
11s of our great state , vrith a
wholesome and just ralrload rate
law to givorn local shipments , Omnha
would soon become the granery ant
market for the millions of baahcla o
_ raln and the thousands cf cattle anc
Bogs produced In productive Nebraska.
Omaha should bo the Chicago for ns.
Why It Is not , your hnmblo correspond
ent Is firmly convinced can bo attributed
: o no other cause than the arbitrary pol-
cy of our transportation companies.
Even if they would make the same rate
ocally that they receive for their portion
> f the through rate your city would
landlo the bulk of our praln
and stock and alto would be
come the purchasing market for
onr local merchants. Let ns examine
.ho highest authority in this country on
his subject again. After dwelling at
ength upon the dangers with which our
country is threatod by ambitions , selfish
non controllng monopolistic powers , the
Ion."Charles F. Adams jr. says : Comment
would only weaken the force of this nar-
ative. It sufficiently snggests its own
moral. The facts which have been sot
oith cannot but have revealed to over ?
( baervant cyotho the poop decay which
IBS oaten into the social edifice. No por-
ion of onr system was loft untested , and
10 portion showed itself to bo sound.
The stock exchange revealed itself na a
launt of gamblers and a don of thieves ;
ho oflices cf our great corporatlous
ippsarod as the secret chambers
n which trustees plotted the spoliation
of their warJs ; the law became a ready
; nglno for the furtherance of wrong , and
ho ermioo of the judge did not conceal
, ho eagerness of the partisan ; the halls of
cglslatlcn were transformed Into a matt
n which the price of votea was higgled
iver , and laws made to order , were
) ought and Bold ; whllo under all and
, hrough all the voice of public opinion
was silent or wis disregarded.
It Is not , however , in connection with
ho present that all this has its chief sig
nificance. It Bpeaka omnlouely for the
uttiro. It may bo that onr society is
only pasting through a period of ugly
ransltion , but the present evil has Its
oot deeD down in the social organization ,
nd springs from a diseased public
pinion ; failure seems to bo regarded as
; ho one unpardonable crime , onccocs as
ho all redeeming virtue , the acquisition
if wealth as the single worthy aim of
fo. Ten years ago euch revelations as
hese of the railway , would have cent a
buddor through the community , and
would have placed a stigma on every
man who had to do with them. Now
hey merely Incite others to surpass
liem , by yet bolder outrages , and more
sorrnpt combinations. Were this not so
heso things would bo as Impossible
mong ns now as they are
laowhero , or as they were hare
ot many years ago. Whllo this
ontlnues It is more woiknois to at-
rlbuto the consequences of a lax morali-
y to a dtfcc Ivo currency , cr seek to
irovont its outward indlcatioas by statute
emodles. The root of the disease fa
pop ; external applications will only
lido its dangerous eymptoms. It is well
0 reform the currency ; It la well to en-
ict laws against malefactors ; but neither
.ho one nor the other will roatoro health
3 a buslncta co nmnnity which tolerates
uccosfiful fraud , or which honors wealth
moro than honca'y ' ,
O 40 leading feature of theeo develop
ment ] , however , is , from ita political
apeot , especially worthy of the attention
f tha American people. Modern society
us created a class of artificial being ]
who bll fair BOOH to ba the maaters of
iiolr custom It Is but u very few years
inco the existence cf a corporation con-
.rollng . a few million of dollars was re
garded BS a subj ect of grave approhention ,
nd norr this country nlrondy contains
Ingle organization which wield a power
cpresentcd by hundreds of millions ;
lioeobodics are the creatures of slnglo
tatef ; but In Now Yoik , In Pennsylvania ,
1 Maryland , in Now Joreoy , and not In
1030 states alone , they are nlcoidy catab-
ishing "dcapotlem which no spaamodlc
> opular effort will ba able to shako off ,
5verjp here , and at all times , however ,
hey illustrate the truth of the old mai
ms of the common law , that corpor-
tlons bavo no souls. Only In New
York has any intimation yet
) son given of what the future
may have ia store for UB should these
great powers become men tools in the
lands of ambition * , recklois men. The
ystem of corporate life and cor
porate power , as applied to
nduetrial development , ia yet in it ) In-
nby , It tonda always to develop
Iways to consolidate It is ever grasping
new powers , or Insidiously oxerclelng
overt Inllnonco. Even now the system
hre&tena tha central government. The
railway represents a weak comblna-
Ion compared to those which day by day
re consolidating under the suspecting
eyes of the community , A very few yearn
moro , and wo ahall see corporations as
much exceeding the Erie and the New
Lork Central In both ability and will
or corruption , as tbey will exceed these
oith In wealth , and In length of iron
rack. Wo shall see these great corpora
ions spanning the continent from ocean
o ocean , tingle consolidated lines uniting
the Atlantic and the Pacific , and bringing
STow York nearer to San Francisco tbau
Albany once ws to Baffalo. Already
ho disconnected members of thcio fu-
lire leviathans have built up state ] in
the wilderness , and chcaoa their attorneys
cnatorB ( and congressmen ) of the United
States. Now , then , their power ia In ita
nfancy ; in a very few years they will reenact -
enact on a larger thtatro and on
a grander scile , with every feature
jnaguitied , the icauei which wora
lately witnessed on the narrow tUgeof a
single state. The pubilo corruption ( la
the foundation on which corporations
always depend for their political p nrer.
There is n natural tendency to coalition
between them and the lowest strata of
political Intelligence and morality ; for
their agents must obey , not question ,
They exact anccoss , and do not cultivate
political morality. The lobby Is their
home , and the lobby thrlvoi na political
virtue decays. The ring Is their symbol
of power , and the ring is the natural
enemy of political purity nnd indepond-
enca All this wni abundantly Illustrated
in the events which have just been nar
rated. Wo are constrained to follow Mr.
Adams In hla prophetic visions of what
wo all tea , and many of our people
felt , for the reason that Mr. Adams
now is possessed of power in nt least
eorao measure to abate the evils cf which
he , as the Impartial audtrnly | patriotic
ally Interested citizen has so plainly
warned the American people. Wo shall
follow Mr. Adams in a series of letters to
yonr widely circulated BEE , but as long
ns the controlling spirits for despotism
and vindlctivonos5 are riUlnod In the
general management of the great corpo
ration of which Mr. Adams is the head ,
thcso who know these men will have little
hope of that fairness being meted out to
the general public which Mr. Adam * '
well known views would load the unwary
public to expect. The Infnmoua practices
of the corporation power 1ms Troll-nigh
eaten through the silken screen of
onr social life , the moth of private
virtue , has well nigh destroyed all roepect
for chastity. Scarcely a community but
could furnish matotlal for the Pall Mall
Gazette , and its bureau of Inquisitors to
work upon. Even onrjusnally ctiasto com
munity has ita scandal in embryo. One
of our Into most rocpcctcd and trusted
citizens has been guilty of compromising
the virtue of a fair teacher of onr chil
dren. For the respect which is extended
; o the relatives on both aides In this
shocking aifilr , names are withheld , yet
the mnttorlngs of condmnatlon for the
man in this case ara only suppressed by
ho sorrow which la felt for the iunocont
wlfo and children on the ono&ldc , and.tho
much respected sister on
the other. Whither are wo
drifting ? Who can command
ho halt , which will again place virtue ,
ntcgrity , and common honesty in the
van In the estimation of the American
people. A return to this is the only sal
ration of free government. Mr. Adams
n his far-sightedness his sounded the
ocsln of alarm. Shall wo , as a nation ,
nab on blind and deaf to destruction ?
God forbid. JUSTICE.
Court Ciiius ,
Yestreday In the district court the case
of the state vs John Wilson , for burglary
was taken up for trial. This prisoner is
icld on the charge of having oroken
open the safe of Moadimbor'a carriage
actory , on the morning of the aocond of
Tune. Monsrs. Brecklnrodge , father and
son , are attorneys for the defendant.
Mrs. Cells Musielmann filed a petition
n the district court yesterday , praying
.0 . ba divorced from her liege lord , John
3 LIusaelman , on the grounds of cruel
desertion. They were married , so
plaintiffs petition alleges , on the 13th
day of September , 1882 , at Onawa , Ia. ,
and immediately left for Kansas , thereto
make their homo. About ton months
afterwards ho sent her here on a visit ,
slnca which time aho has not hoard of
Ex-Secretary of State Thomas Konnard ,
ox-Secretary S. J. Alexander , and Auditor of
state II , A , Babcock , were m the city yoster-
Frank McKee , advance agent for Hoverly'a
limited American-Kuropean Minstrels ; and
5am Grau , forerunner of Grau'a opera com
> ny , worocallora last evening ,
jeils poods cheaper than they have
ver been sold in Omaha before ,
ince he has removed to his own
tore where he pays no rent , wliich
educes his expenses $150 per
lontli. IIi3 goods are the very
jest that the market affords , and Ire
3 popular for square dealing. Ee
eads the trade in stoves nnd house
'uriiahing scods , and keeps a large
took oil hardware. Howard St. , hot.
6th and 17th.
'or Qtntleuien'B wear , In the world , lei the mcccjr
ira mxdo ty
Stacv * Adams & Co.
A fact thoroughly and unequivocally estab
[ shed by the unparalleled enccesa and con
tantly increasing demand for them.
Their shoes combine
Jomfort , Style aud Durability.
Stacy , Adams & Co. , Shoo.
Those goods are made of the Lett French
and Domestic stock , Kangaroo tops , c
and Machine sewed , m
Congress Button & - r :
Tirrell & Cook ,
1308 Farnam Street ,
Omotia'sPopulaiilliner '
1108 S. 16th itreet , f . Opp. Postcfhce
Sixteenth Street Directory.
I Finest Selection ! of
Merchant Tailor ,
15th and DiTCHport St >
Caterers ,
And I-nJIcV nnj QinU'
* attention glren to
rimllles , Turtles , Wed-
dlnfs , Dunces , 1'lcnlcvtc
Cor. 16th and Cipllol Ave
F. M. Sclmdoll & Co.
213 N. IClh St. ,
Lnitre and Kensington
nnRht > t OOr. a T.c ion
Tne Complete Course
Uught for ? 2.0i ) . 1'alnts
pee to practice while
learning. Alto denning
of real nnd Imitation Inccs
Clcinlnp of leca curtain'
aipeclalty. Tlieljcst work
l reasonable prut. * .
Mrs. T. E. McNally ,
Busniri 'a BLOCK ,
1023 Dongla * Stroct ,
Corner Sixteenth.
Dr. Haughawout ,
Teeth without plate. Gold
Crowns and Gold Plato
Work a Specialty ,
at Iteaaonabla llutcs
Leslie & Morrcll ,
Central Pharmacy
Prescriptions a Specialty
Sodn nnd Jllncial
3.W. Cor. 10th A Dodge Els
nd Copylnj ; Houio
702-704 N. lOtli'ct.
"lrst-Oa. s Work done In
10 latest styles ol the art.
'Inlsliwl In Indln Ink or
rayon , as desired.
Practice limited to
tiperflous Hair HemoteJ
Croutito lllock ,
Room 12
Fancy Goods ,
10 No. 10th Street.
Al o , Ftr UClnss Trc ) v
m.iUnp. General ARCnt
for Noiirtuta for tlio Acme
Tailor System of Cutting.
The Old Kcllablo
maba Employment Bureau ,
217 N. ICth St. ,
Are always ready to ( III
rders promptly fur help ,
nJ girls can always find
good situations by apply-
J. W. MOimiSON.
In connection with the
tabllahraent , wo keep n
na stock of Stationery
nd News matter , Fuhlon
ooks , Ktc.
Duller In Fancy Good ) .
it Needle Work
Taught and Executed ,
ndellble Stamping a Spe
cialty. Materials for
Fancy Work.
10 No. IGtli Street ,
I mam 6 YEARS
Agent , Omaha , Neb.
Decoulors , Piper Htngcr
Ktc. , Ktc.
No. fill North lOtliSt
Central Dining Hall
101 South ICth Sis.
Meal Tickets , (1.00
MenU at nil Hours.
Market ,
10th nnd Cumlng ,
a tha place to tujr your
leal cheap for Cash , dc-
vcrcil to any part of the
Ity. Ment.iof nil varieties
licnpcr hero than at any
ther market.
K. A. MAllSII , rror > .
Dr. LANE ,
iI.R.C.3.I.UK.Q C.r.I.L.M. , '
twlclami Surgeon Offlce ,
Sixteenth i Douglas Sts.
824 N. 10th St ,
Cor. ICth and Chicago.
Prompt attention glren
to Prescriptions.
PniilJslilil Company ,
J17 N. 10t' . St.
Second-hand School Booki
Fine Stationery.
Hcllgloui Gift Book * .
Scydcl & Ahlqulst ,
Dealer * la |
Jewel Stoves mid
Crown Jewel vapor stnis ,
N.W. Cor. 1Mb
and California Strcoti.
Hcfdro Ilnylng Kite *
V hero , Itomcmbor
Milliners and
Dress Makers ,
218 N. 10th St.
J. L. ROY & CO.
Yatctunafrrs and leweliri ,
Ellrernnra , Musical
Inetrumouta ,
Wntchos , Clocks ,
nnd Jowolry.
V'ntchra Repaired and
Cleaned and work QUIT-
ntced for Ono Year. Old
owclry repaired A mid *
rcr to suit. Finn Gold
nd SUrer Coloring.
C07 N. lOIll St.
M.J.O'RonrfceM.D '
. . . ,
Cor. 10 th A Dougl ! *
13th A Contra fit * . ,
South Omaha.
llustratcd Catalogue oa
Kluctrlclty , l"roo.
. W , Wolfe & Co.
and Dealers In
Electrical Supplies
Ilcctrlo Tells , Annuncla-
ors.llurclnr Alarms , Mod-
cal Batteries , Telegraph
pparatus , dc. ,
200 10th St. , Kortlu
Crockerv ? Cutlerv. Etc.
Omaha , Nebraska.
* fc JtOJLTJE ,
Manufacturers of Ornamental
Dormer Windows , Window Caps , Metallo Sky Lights , &o. Tin , Iron Slate roofers.
51G S , 12ih St. , Omaha , Neb , Work done in any part of the country ,
0.1' . DAVJB. T. A. Omeiou
Nebraska Land Agency ,
& GO. ,
And Koal Estate Mortgages
1505 1'AUNAM ST11KET , OMAHA ,
nave lot B lo SOO.CCO icros cirttnlly Mltctcd Isudi
In Xnstern Nekrxka , at low mice acd on e .sy tcruii
Imjiiovcd lanre for ue ! la Uouglar , DoJi . Coltti ,
riitte , Butt , Cutnlng , Strnj W b nirton , Uorilck.
Haaodcrt , and liutlcr ooutitlca.
TJICB p ld In all parts ol tbottitc.
Notary 1'nblla lw j In oflloc. Corrceronitnto
Money loaned on I mf roved farms and city prorci-
Ill N. ICtb Btietl , OMA1IA NEBHAM.A.