Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE DAILY BEE F1UDAY , JULY 17 , 1885 ,
At Uill PMKin nrnrlj every nn nwdi l nro noran
Mrtof tonlo IHO.N MiterIntoalrnrtPvi-rr tihr-
elcliui'f proscription lot Uiota who ned bnildina njv
Tnr WrnhnrM. l.n tnnlf % l.nrli of
: nrno , AT. , It IIAN Ml : ( > Al nd
} ( tlin nnlv Iron Tneoirlnethnt lutml InJiirloiiB.
It dowi not Mucken nr Injure tliolooth , CAHJO head ,
iwho or produce conHlp tlon o"'a" > " " ' ' ' > < >
Dn. O It IliNKtxr. n IwdlnR phjulcUn of
Hprloifficld , O , MV
"Ilrown'n Iron Ilttcnh ! tlinronitlilrBfxx ! mMI-
clne Inm H In mjr priHIro. nnd flnrt lU action
ntoPH H other fem > f Iron In w pftKnPFw. or A low
condition of Ihft cjttrm , Urown'n Iron IHtlnrn fa
nnunllr * positive ticcnwltjr It la nil that la claimed
for It. " o
Oennlno ) i trademark and rrn < cl rrd lines on
wraptxr Tiiltr nn nthrr. Mailaonlytjr
iiKOAVN niiMioAico..iAiTmoitrMi : ( .
I.AD1M1 HANnlloOK-uwfnl and attractive , con
taining lM f prlJeH for rwlpr * . Information uliout
colni , , Rivpn nway lirall ilrutipritln medicine , or
tnwod to wjaddrvM on rtx elot of 2c Ftarap.
uvaitttttftHHDAD ClflirV *
. Clir < > iiir&i'ovvniisl > lxrns < < fl
i'Jiii'-tc , Sure Curt- ; . t7 A
' " < " t/i < tiriintt f/f in In
_ _ , , , . ; / r/v , , „ „ , / „ , . / „ / . , „ .
r37 Send t > n slnnipi for CVlplirnt J Jledral
\\orks Atldro-H. * ' . l > . > rAlici : , ni.
ItO boutli Clark Street , CHICAGO , ILL.
Eoyal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana Cuba
1 Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tickets ID Fifths ; wholes $5 ; Fractions pro rata.
batijvct co uu nunlpciailuu , not controlled by ih
ffnliejln Intsreit. II I ) the leliaii Ihlnj Inthi
Mnie of chinooln .ilsionoo.
tor tickets apply to SUIPSKT 4 CO. , 1212 Broad
n 7K. Y. City ; , 01 U.OTTBNa A CO. 019 Ualn Si
ttansxedtv , Ifo.
Frightful Case of a Colored Man ,
I contracted ft ( earful oaeo of blood poison In 1ES3 ,
I was treated by some of the best phyalcltna In At <
lanta.'lhi > y used the old rotnodlca of mercury and
| < otuib , which MoURhti rheumatism , and Impair
ed my dlRC tl\ooiK > n ; . Mery joint In mo waa
BHOlIon mid full ol pain. Whoo I wnaghcn up to
die my tihjeiclans ihouRht It would bo a treed tlmo
to test tliolitnea of Swift's Kj-cclflc. When I com-
mcuceil UkiuR 8 8. 8. , the physician tald I could
not live two dceka under the ordinary treatment.
IIo commenced to giro mo the medicine strictly no-
cold ng to directions , which I continued for eovoral
months. I took nothing else and continued to Im
prove from the very flrat. .Soon tbo rheumatism
left mo , my appetltu Lccamo all right , and the ulcna
which the doctor slid were the meet frightful ho
had ever Boon , bcgaa to heal , and by the 1st ol Oa-
tobor , 1884,1 was a well man again. 1 am stronger
now tntn I oior was before , and weigh moro. S. S , 8.
boa eavcd mo from an early grave ,
Lorn McClonkon has been In the employ of the
Choe&3C iley company lor some aeara , and I know
the aboio ttatcuienta to bo true. At the tlmo ho
Lurailtikluz Bwilti Hpeclllo ho woe In a horlblo con <
dHion. I regard hla euro almost mlraculaua.
W. U. CnosiiY , Manager.
Chesi-CftrluyCo. , Atlanta Dldalon.
Atlanta , do. , April 18th , 1836.
Forsilo by allarugglit * . *
Trcati-o on blood and akin dlaeagca mailed froo.
TIIIC Bvtrt Bncma Co. , Uianer 3 , Atlanta , Oa ,
N. V , 167 W. 23d Si.
. . . - 1. ,
'SSliJssaJfajiS- !
Ono ejiccul feature of RUtfe'd Kocxl , In oontr JI -
tlnctlou to others , in Its neutral aitlon ujun the
l > i clH , Vat thla reisn It la specially ataptodto
ttc888f 3ii9whenU ) el troubles are no frenirnt ,
Hciuoinbor UKUe'a food U in old and tiled iiroiura.
tlon for tl\a } taig tn KagUnd and Aincrlci. It lu a
perfectly uato and noutlMiIng dlot for all coodltlons.
Tlio Orlc'ii" ' ! "ml < > nly Ornuliio.
f af tut ftlwt/i llrllfttitt HfrntivofMorllilfMi Iratttllonf. Llo u LADIES. A.V > uur llruactit for
ThlctiMUrV fiiull.lF' : ' . I III * uoullur or fuiUiw 4 ,
dUuin | > to ut fir | * rtUuUr tit Irlltr bj rtltlm miill.
NAME PAPER. ( lilrhrntrr I lirnilrul t'u. .
UBllHlBUUuiihyuurc , 1'lilUdn. , i > ( . >
At DruggUls. Trada mpplUd by J , A. Fuller & Co
unelT _ _
I'ri'inntiirCi Ijrcllno froniorroraorcircwpi.
\ ViOHt 1'imi'r jisraict of the Kldni-rN , Hind *
' dcr. uiul I'riiHiitlt ) ( ilullil OIIKIIII wlllinut
btnninrli medicine * by Iho Wui..ton Itolui. Va
rlruGiilttnmitnlilioutnurgpry , Treatise ftnd lev :
ItiiinnfKlbli IT. All rorrrdpotitiHictconfidential.
( tf iu..r tdtH atria * MCIW vnUM.
Imported Beer
Erlanger Uatarla I Culiukacber Baiarl *
llliuer. . . . . . . Ilolieiulan | KaUcr Dromon
EuJweUcr St. LouU I Auliauter . . . . . . St. I-outi
llutt'i MllHraukee | Scbllti ! Uner.Ull auka
. .Omalia | AJ , 1'ortcr , Douiettloand
IthluDVioea. .
ED MAUBEE , 1213rFarnom St ,
Ancient Woris of Art Spoiltd by Paint
and Sincco.
StrotiRliolil of Spanish Pow
er on the Continent Is Now & Frla-
on for Political OflVjndorB. A
mncli Battered Stone
VauA CntJZ.Mcxlco , July 1. For aomo
unaccountable reason It la not the laeh-
Ion In thla city to ride In carriages. None
but the domlmondo indulge in that
l > toaennt practice. Therefore , all ox *
ploratlons In this hot old town mtiet bo
made on foot , though the nun nhtno cv-
or BO fiercely. Happily for sightseers
the city Is email , the pavements excel
lent , and a tramway passes the principal
pointa of Intorcat.
The prcaont Vera Cruz , which tintll
recently was the capital of the atato of
the aamo namewasfounded near thucloto
of the sixteenth century by the Spanish
viceroy , Count do Monterey , and was
raised to the rank of city by King Philip
111 , exactly 270 year * ngo. The orig
inal town , which Cortcz called La Villa
Rica do la Vera Cruz ( The Rich City of
the True Croat ) lies several miles north
of this port , on the Antigua
river. It was nt that pTaca that
the conqueror commanded his vcasola to
bo Bunk baforo commencing his murder
ous campaign in the interior. Both
places are In the midst of a desert , wliono
arid aanda are washed by the gulf on the
one hand , and bounded by low , barren
hills en the othor. It Is a common re
mark that Cortez should have sot up his
"Truo OroBa" nt Anton Lizirdo , a point
about fifteen miles to the eonth , where
the only good harbor on tLo whole coast
la located.
The first Spaniard who landed In
Mexico waa not Hernando Cortcz , as
many suppose , but Don Grljalva , who
came In 1518 on a trading expedition ,
which Valoeqncz , then governor of Cuba ,
had fitted out. So successful was
Grljalva In swindling the crodnlona na
tives that ho obtained moro than $14,000
In gold In exchange for a few worthies )
trinkets. This profitable entorprlco so
stimulated Valesquez's cupidity that the
following year ho sent out a larger com
pany , and gave the command of it to a
bravo but Impecunious young adventurer
named Cortez , and behold the resnltl
At present moro than two-thirds of Mex
ico's commerce pisses through this port ,
and the custom honso receipts average
about $800,000 par month throughout the
year.Tho city Is walled by nearly 3COO me-
ros of Madraporo rock , taken from the
bottom of the aoa , and the ramparts are
itudded with fortifications. The popula-
lon of Vera Cruz is a little less than 17-
000 , and probably it la the cleanest city
'n the world , not oven excepting the vll-
ages of Holland.
Among the most noteworthy of Its
ancient landmarks Is the old church of
Ian Francisco , which la now used as a
ublic library. Scattered about among
ho books In its dim and quaint interior
ro a number of antique tombs , nnd
mong them ( a the grave of one of Cor-
tez's granddaughters. The Inquisition ,
with Its small grated windows and walls
of enormous thickness , has boon trans
formed into a tenement honso , where
several broods of happy children enliven
the gloomy courts that once echoed
groans of anguish. The convents and
monasteries were all dismantled during
the last war , and have boon pnt to nao as
public schools or asylums for the homa-
IOSB. To day no cowled monk or black-
robed nun can bo found anywhere in
The Alameda , a beautiful promenade
on the outskirts of the city , Is reached by
horse cars. Immediately behind ita long
linen of towering cocoa palms and rows of
pink-plastered adobe benches Is a remark
able old chnrcb , built bo Cortez soon
after the conquest , Unfortunately , the
desire for cleanliness , which has spoiled
most of the ancient sanctuaries by ro-
palrs , has desecrated even this quaint
relic of the past , Nearly all have been
made spick and span with fresh paint
and gliding. Even the fat-leggod
saints and no-legged cherubim , carved In
stone upon the outer walls , rojolco In
brand now stucco , which may bo bettor
for the public health , but are death to
artistic beauty.
The two-storiod casas or plastered
adobe , all uniform In height , style , and
size , are tinted palo green , pink , yellow ,
and blue , and each has blinds and bal
conies of darker green. Every balcony
Is shaded by long cinvas curtains , which
are generally white or tripod rod and
white. When fUpping loosely in the
wind thcso onrtaliu prcaont ouch on nn-
imial appearance that It Is no wonder
Grant was hoard to Inquire
luring her first vltit here why so many
people had their blankets out.
The municipal palace , with Its long
line of arcades and lofty tower upholding '
i transparent clock , makes an elegant
show ing on the eastern a'do ' of the pub
lic square. Directly In front of It lies a n :
lovely phza called La Cjnstitucion. Ita
llowery walks are shaded by palms and
Indian laurels , and In It military bands la i
play every evening to the spouting Ama-
sonlan mermaidons that grace Its central
The splendid market pl&co , known as
L Plaxi del Mercado , wag erected nearly
jlty years ago , at the cost of $100,000. ,
Fho accepted time to come to market la
eery early in the morning , at least an
hour before sunrise , and Sunday Is the
jest market day of all the seven. The
icono is chsractorijtlcslly southern a
nlngllng of Spanish , Cuban , Mexican ,
ind Indian In language , complexions ,
instoma. and costumes. Hero the moat
usclous fruits the tropics oin produce
ind the loveliest flowers In the world are
'ouncl In luliaito v rloty and profusion.
Hundreds of mocking birds and top-
cnotted cardlntlrf and gorgeous yrllow-
lesdod purots , with marvellous talking
ind singing powers , echo the general
kfThero are a number of shops In Vera
3ruz where rich fabrics and commodl- m
ies from Paris , London , Madrid , and ii
ther distant marts , except New York , iilu
ire offered for Bale , but owing to ontra- clsi
3ous dutiss , the prices are absurdly hlqb. si
For example , an ordinary woollen jersey , tt
vhlch anywhere In the United States tl
onld coat not moro than $2,50 , cinnot ta
30 bought hero for loss than $40. On all tl
oadymado clothing the duty la 146 per teat i
ent on the original cost I at
The old Coliseum , which was destroyed
jy tire In 1811 , his been replaced by a
mndsomo modern thoatro. Vera Cruz Is
in exceptionally gay city , and its plfai-
iro-Ioviag citizens are forever giving
wlliant fetor , attending balhnnd operas ,
ted othorwlio disporting tbenuelvet , ro-
rardlees of the fact that grim death , with
follow Jack for his reaper , Ja gathering a
onstint harvest.
When nrrthers blow , which h about
hroa quarters of the time , tha city of the
? rud Cross U dolabro Indeed , A Vera ,
Croz northor muitbe experienced to bo
appreciated. Imagine a night with the
thermometer among the nineties , every
crack and crovlca of your habitation her-
radically closed In a vain endeavor to
keep out the dust , and yet stinging
clouds of It sifting In somehow and set
tling npon every object , while the walls
around you away with the force of the
limoon , tho.roof momentarily threatens
to go sailing nway , and the furious gulf
comes roaring over the ramparts. All
the walla and towers of the city , and es
pecially these facing thn hsrbor nro
seamed and acarrcd by the boltterons
gales that are forever blowing over the
The famous old castle known to the
world as San Juan do Ulloa , is fast
crumbling to decay on Its rocky island ,
just outside the harbor. Though no
longer valued as a defense against mod
ern weapons , it is still the most dreaded
of Mexican prisons. A torrlblo hiitorv
clings to the worthies ] old pllo. About
hall a contnry after the Spaniards first
sot foot on Azteo toll they built this castle
tlo to confirm their power in ( ho now
World. From firat to last the now use-
foss fort Is tald to luvo cost $40,000,000. ,
The dungeons where murderers and po
litical offenders nro confined are dark ,
damp , nnd horrible beyond description.
They toll us that the lowest cells , through
which the tides ebb and flow , are no
longer rognUrly ussd , but it la neverthe
less a fact that wretched creature have
spent many years In thorn , every
day being a struggle for life , until too
much exhausted for further effort , they
drowned in total darknesj. The poor
prisoners of San Juan are half starved
and terribly punished for the most trlval
offences , and moat of thorn are kept In
densest darkness in foul vaults , green
with mould and dripping with dampness.
On the slightest pretext : , or to gratify
the spleen of their koeporn they are
thrust into the underground dungeons to
fight for their lives with the tides.
On the water aide of Vera Cruz stands
a stone image , whoso braised counten
ance tolls a queer tale of feminine credu
lity. From tlmo Immomoral It baa boon
believed that if a marriageable woman
shall hit thli Imago squarely in the face
with a stone , she trill Immediately ob
tain a husband , and an advantageous set
tlement In life. The inventor of the
fable was evidently acquainted with the
tact that women nro not export In throwIng -
Ing stones. Were it not for this lament
able disability the poor imago would have
boon totally demolished ycnra ngo. As it
is , the battered face has loata'l ' semblance
of features and heaps of small atones ly
ing all about , attest the industry of the
Mexican maidens , as well as tholr good
sense In desiring matrimonial settlement.
The tumble-down church bahlnd which
It elands , has a remarkable number of
female attendant ; , especially at vesper
services. The homeward path lies di
rectly past the imago , and many a pebble
h slyly tossed under the friendly shadow
of the gloaming by women , young and
BEby Won't Go.
St Paul Globe.
"Doctor , " ho began , as he entered the
office of a well known medical man the
ether day , "wo'vo boon talking it over. "
"Ah ! "
"And have concluded that It would be
best tor the baby's health to go to the
country this summer. "
"IBOC. "
" \\hatdoyouthink of it ? "
"Ai n relative's , I suppose1 ?
" \ee. "
"Swamps anyrrhero near the house ? "
"Well , I beltevo there's one about a
quarter of a mile away. "
"That's good. Is the well in the wood-
jhed ? "
"It Is. "
"Good again. That will keep the floor
lamp. Is the cellar concreted and
Iralnod ? "
"I think not. "
"That's elegent. A cellar with n nat-
iral earth bottom can always be depend
id on for eonr emella , and ono without a
Iraln helpa along fover. Lota of thrab-
lery around ? "
"Oh , yea- you can hardly sto tbo homo
nBummor. "
"Exactly. That keeps roofa and walla
lamp , and yon can depend on malaria.
'Jg-Bty and barn handy to the back
ioor ? "
"Yes , only a few rods away. "
"Very nice very. Yon can rely on
ho odors , and perhaps the well water is
aaprovod by tbo percolation ! . Ever no-
ice the clstoan ? "
"Yos , it la a nice wooden one. "
"Splendid ! The water la always throw
ng off a aour smell , and something IOEB
Imn a million motquitocs breed there
very summer'a night. I agree with you
o a dot , especially If there are any box-
ralna around to breed typhoid fover. "
"Yqu you wouldn'tadviao It ? " queried
io father
"Say 1" eald the doctor , as he leaned . '
vor the table , "let the nurse drop him
nt the window push him down the back
talrs get him run over by an lee wagon
-give him your revolver to play with ,
'hero's a dozan way * of killing him off
oaldea taking him to the country , and
ny one of them will rave you time and
lonoy. " n
A thing of beauty la a joy forever. So
Pozzoni'a Complexion Curo.
The Tort nro of the Sun PJUICO ,
leglna Loader.
On Friday the lieutenant-governor ,
lol , Oswald , Adjt. Maj. Atklnuon , Maj.
iiurie , Capt. Stevenson and Dr. Elder
lalted Pl-a-Pct'a reaervo and saw the
undanco. The beauty of the situation
f Pi-a-Poffl reserve wasgreatly admired ,
arroundod ai it is by forest. There ;
era ICO wigwams and about 1,000 In-
ians all told. The BUD dance took place
i the center of the cimp , in a largo wlg > '
am constructed of branches of trees ,
ut together in n most artistic manner.
in a sort of balcony were a number of
raves with whistles , who boat tlmo to
10 music they made very mournful
meio it was. They had been going on
irnlng and playing the whistles for for-
r-elght hours , and without a morsel of
On the second day tbo party aaw ono
un torturod. Ho was naked , save for
thin pslr of drawers , and painted a
irld whitish oolor. One of the modi-
no men came up and thrust a wooden ,
( Ivor lu his breast , and then tied round '
10 hole made by the skiver a piece of
ipo so as to draw It up tightly. Tbo
ipo or cord was attached to a beam and
10 tortured bravo moved round in time
the tune , the akin being drawn out
jont six Inches from the breast ,
When JUby iru lck , wo g To licr CMtoiia , i ?
When ilie nai a Child , tbo cried for C'astorln ,
ITben lie became Ml elio Caatoria
( , clone to , Si
rVlun ilie lud Children , atio g Y tieia CutorU Oil
Why thftt Stftto Is Not n Q roat F rm-
ItiB Sncoesg.
Boston Globe.
The at to cf M lno Is a good place In
whloh to experiment with prohibition ,
bat it la not n very good place to farm It
in very largely.
In the Grat plica , the season Is gener
ally n llttlo reluctant. When 1 wag np
near Mooschcad hko n short tlmo ago
people were driving acroaa that body of
water on the loj with perfect Impunity ,
That la ono thing that Intorferea with
the farming business in Malno. If a
young man is sleigh-riding every night
till midnight ho don't ' feel llko hoeing
corn tha following day. Any man who
hps over had his fcot frost-bitten whllo
digging potatoes will agree with mo that
It takes away the charm of pastoral pur
suits. It la this dcslro to amalgamate
dog days and Santa Clans that lias In *
jurod Maine as an agricultural hotbed.
Another reason that might bo as
signed for refraining from agricultural
pursuits In Maine is that the agitator of
the soil find when It la too late that the
soil Itnolf , which Is essential to the BUD-
cessfal propagation of crops , has boon In
nao In Malno for years. Whllo nil over
the state there Is a mognlticont atone
foundation on whloh n farm might safely
rest , the superstructure , or farm proper ,
hni not been secured.
If I had known when n passed through
Minnesota and Illinois what n soil fam
ine there was In Malno I would have
brought oorno with me.
The atone crop this year an Maine will
bo very gro&t. If they do not crack open
during the dry weather there will bo a
great many , The brulso Is also
looking unusually wol his ccason of
the year , and chilblains n full bloom
when I was there.
In the neighborhood of Pltsfiold the
country acorns to run largely o cold wa
ter and chattel mortgages. Some think
that rum has always kept Malno back ,
bnt I claim that It baa been wet fcot.
In another Sabbath morning talk I will
refer to the matter of rum In Malno
more fully.
The agricultural resources of Plttsflold
and vicinity are not great , the principle
exports being spruio gum and Christmas
trees. Hero also the huckleberry hath
her homo. Bat the country Booms to
run largely to Christmas trees. They
were not yet in bloom when I visited the
slate , BO it was too early to get popcorn
balls and Christmas presents.
Hero , near Pittsfiold , is the birthplace
of the only original wormloss dried apple
plo with which we generally Insult our
ga trlo economy when wo lunch along the
railroad. These plo ? , when properly
kiln-dried and rlvettpd , with. Gorman
nilver monogram on top , If fitted out with
Yale time lock , make the beat fire and
burglar-proof wormlees pies of commerce.
They take the place of civil war , and as a
promoter of Intoatlno atrifo they have no
The farms In Maine nro fenced in with
stone walla. I do not know why this Is
done , for I did notsao anything on those
farms that any ono would naturally yearn
to carry away with him.
I niw some sheep in ono of thcao en
closures. Their stool-pointed bills were
lying on the wall near them , nnd they
were reatlng their jaws In the crisp frosty
morning air. In another enclosure 2
farmer waa planting clover aeod with n
hypodermic ayrlngo , nnd covering It with
a mustard plaster. Ho said that last
year his clover was a complete failure be
cause his muatnrd plastora were no good.
He had tried to save money by nalng secondhand
ond-hand mustard plasters , and of course
the clever aeed , missing the warm olitnu-
1ns , neglected to rally , and the crop waa
a failure.
Horom _ y bo noticed the canvas back
moose and a strong antipathy to good
ram. I do not wonder that the people
of Malno are hostile to ram If they
judge all rum by Malao rum. The moose
Is ouo of the most gamey of the finny
tribe. Ho Is caught in the fall of the
pear with a double-barreled shotgun and
t pair of snow-shoes. He does not blto
lulesa Irritated , bnt little boys should
lot go near the female moose whllo she
s on her nest. The masculine moose
irears a hare lip and a hat rack on his
load , to which ia attached a placard , on
vhlch is printed :
This ehowa that the moose la a hnmor-
Near Pea Oovo I EATT a strange eight.
i. farmer was rowing around over his
iranborry orchard In a ekliT. I stood up
in the stone nail and watched him for
omo tlmo , because I am greatly Inter
ested In farming aud dearly love to watch
iny one else who may bo engaged lu
nanunl labor. It was a long tlmo before (
could make out what ho was doing.
U last , howovtr , I figured it out , and I
eas very much surprised indeed , for I 1
tad never scon horticulture carried to
hat extent , and as Mr. Sayvrard would
amark , "I thought ho was carrying that :
hing too far. "
Many will doubt my word , and I would
lot Iirwo believed It myself if any ono
ho had told mo , but the man was
dually picking cranberries out of his
nbmorgecl orchard with a stomach pump ,
have ono of the cranberries nt homo
Baron Tannyuon.
TennjBon says In his latest poem on
ptlng :
"Tbo blackbirds have their wllli ,
The pools too. "
The blackbirds often have the best of
, too , for they seldom have dyspepsia
r debility , while many poets have both
icse diseases , as can easily ba aoen.
'uets and others alllloted with djepapsla
r rheumatism , can obtain speedy and
Dinpleto relief by using Brown's Iron
liters. Mr. Timothy Seek , PJoaaant
rove , Pa. , snya be rras cured of dya-
epsla of two yews' standing by taking
ne bottle of Brown'a Iron Blttora. lii
liiI I
Parisian swells now wear the old ppg-
ij > trousers , loop 7th of March frock coat ,
id the tallest of hata with tha narrowest of
PILES ! ! PILES ! ! PILES ! ! !
A fure cure for Blind. Uloeding , Itching
ad Ulcerated Piles liaa been discovered by
'r. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr ,
rMliams' Indian Pile Ointment , A single
ox has cured tlio worst chronic caces of 25 or
) > ears standing. No one need Buffer five
ilnutcB after applying tliia wonderful eooth-
ig medicine. Jjotlouu and instruments deere
ore harm than good. Williams' Icdian
ile Ointment nbsorbi tha tumors , allays the
itenso itching , ( particularly at night alter
ittlng warm In bed ) , act ) as a poultice , Rives
istant relief , and is prepared only for Piles ,
ching of private parts , and for nothing eUe ,
Y Dr. Frazler's Migio Ointment. Cures as
by magic. I'implus.lihck Heads or Grubs
Ulntcbrs and Eruptions on the face , leaving
10 ekin clear and beautiful. Also cured Itch , 81'
ilt Khume , SnrH Nipples , Sore Lips , and an :
J , Obstinate Ulcers , be
Hold by drugghta , or mailed on receipt of l < E
Ice , CO cento , lav <
At retail by Kubn & Co , and Schroeter & bcl I
edit. At wholesale by 0. F. Goodman ,
IVco from Optnti , Kinctln ami 1'oliont
t'gr Couch * , faro Throat , llonr rnc , InfliiFntfi ,
Cold * , llranclilll * . Croup , M hooping Oougb *
Asthmn , Qutntr , I'nln * In t hr t ftnlotlier
nfVrtl m nrthiThroat n I Lime * .
iTIce 5O cents n bottle BoM by Prnirsim ftticl Dtxl-
cmMrc ( i/nuMc to tntliirr tlirlr de ilrr ta > > romr > i !
pftllfnrtlietn irtllrrei Iff tirn tiottlc8L'ji > rc cliarltt
jKild , ttnillnfl nnciinllar to
ntc niAittrs A. XHirt.rn rmtrA.\r ,
tiulf UwDf n n 1 MunufActurf rd ,
lullluorr. n rlim1 , C. 0. J ,
617 St. Chnrlcs St. . Sf. Lonl .
tr < ol\rrr 4o " of o V ikfii ? f , MnVo
r3 ptoc tn t iMii i .pr tir i'rj-tiD ) 'a at. jtv. %
u city pt | > tri b w and i. 1 QlJ tf s' letil * linw.
Nenou * Htostrntliiti , nrbllltMmt'I * * i
Phjslcal Weakness j Mercurlnl and otn < r , , , n
t'ons ' nt Thtoat , Skin or Bnips , Plood Pohj ' i ,
o'd ' Sores nnd Ulcers , tr > irnts iiiti tnpk'ov
titcua. anUUit irUctlCe rr nl i'i' , Hh'flr.r'ivAtcl
Diseases Arlslnfj iror , fmllscrcilan , Etc ] r.
Uipniurc or Indulgence , h . - rtoJctj ties er Cu
tlovloir cfTcstii tj rtoime , , dfhtllticiD 4i or itk !
ud ilerccUvo nftnorj floiplts n dn f r , phtilMl d , .
t-criUntotbc nslitj ot ltm , < n roitluM.i ofllow , f.i
rtnuerlnc M rrt c * Imtiroper or nh npj , in
p < miic itIjcutTl. l' nrbli)6 , r mnr.n ) ( to I Tf , mr
li KhlpJ * trrlcift | , frpelo ncr ftdJrp ti. CinsallaOa&fcl
C < 4ort > rmalirritidlntltrJ. Vrlto for < jt.riUo3i.
A Positive Written Guarants&
, /l r In til eontt tuu. i c tcivi
VMnph'.ct. , SncllBh or r7nan , 04 Fsft
if rlhinff nbovo d eaiie > , lu tule or fcmilf , V
James Medical Institute
Chartered by theStateofllll'
noU for the express purpose
ofglvlnglmmediatc rcliclln
all chronicurtaarynnd prl-
; vnto diseases. Gonorrhcca ,
Gleet nndSyphilis in all their
complicated forms , also oil
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permanentlycured by reme-
dicstestcdinn.For//l' ( ' < in <
. t.hjicclairritrtlcf. . Seminal
Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
Ihe FaceLost Manhood , iionltlvitifc\trc \ < l.Tlicro
{ siiocxiicrtinaittnil * The appropriate remedy
is at once used In each case. Consultntbns , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to indicate contents or sender. Address
Dn.JAMESNo.204WashriglonSt.Chcagolll. : !
W . iirlV il-
nlotiie LlVCRamJ KIONCVS.
soil ICESTOKS Till' HZ.AL.T *
uncl VIOQIt of YOUTH Hi-
" pKin H'antolpiirme f.-
I'sllor. , { .act of "t'cnpiJi
nrcil. Hone ? , muscle-lair
3trv ( s receive newtorco
I'.i livens lliu nihitl .iva
nup licd Itrali. 1'of cr
'jfli-rliin Iroin coinpU'nt ,
. . .
Jnd In DM ill -31 n R'O IKON TClllIC u wl * w
-ccdycurt nutsacleiir , Luiill.j cniiiplp- '
i'iiiiiiiililtnjptoit ( t" " " Tf' Inr " ' *
> i thenopuUnu ol tliciin/n.u Do u.etv -
ijeat-ptiibu < ) iit.iNAii IMJ Uuii
Ufniljuui ii.Jie ] 3tolhe /i.rlur..f'-l / [ . i
itah. \ . MOrioi oar" KKAW BOOK.
The Great Blood Purifier ,
ATISM , and ull blood and skin disoneca.
LJ ache , Djfpepsla , Indlpettlcn , onj Constipation ,
oxoa of Ifi pllln SB cents ; 6 boxes tl. LooaHH UKD
LOVBK I'lLK HFMKDY , euro cure , 6Cc per box. Kor
i\o \ by all druggist1 * , or address J H. LOOSH & CO. ,
onroc , lllcb. StnJ fr toUlmonlala.
< -i TJ r
co. ,
nulors In WroiiKht Iron I'ljin , I'uiniis
line , I'luiJibcrs1 hiippllc * , JItn.
102 & 104 S. 14th Street , Cor. Dodge.
FOU er
Cashing & Bleaching fr
In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water ,
VTIS LAHOB , TIMS and Boir AmtiMJi/r , aud glvei
IviraateatlsfACtlou , No fimllv rich or poor should
without It.
fold by aH Krocerf. BiriRi of ImlUUona well de-
ueJ to inUlead. PJURLIMI 1 the OM.Y ir Ubor
iog compound aud alwai bean the abe > e iym-
and name of
outh Omaha
Since the completion of the new packing
and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak
ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. Besides
the large pork and beef house erected for
Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com
menced the erection of similar institutions
and still others are contemplated for the
near future. Several dwellings have been
built and twenty or thirty are now building.
Employment is now furnished to about one
liundred and fifty families , and conservative
3stimates place the figure at eight hundred
to one thousand families , that will find em
ployment there a year hence. Tins offers
great inducements to laboring men to secure
homes now while they are cheap. Specula
tors will also find it to their advantage to buy
at present prices. The company have made
no change from the original prices , but some
parties who first purchased lots have resold
them at splendid profits , in some cases at
double the purchase price. If in so short a
ime handsome profits are made , what will
be the result when everything is fully devel
oped ? In the few other cities that are favor
ed with a first class cattle market , fortunes
have been made by investors in real estate ,
and the same is certain to follow in South
Omaha. While the whole city of Omaha
will be greatly benefitted by the growth and
development of the cattle interest , South
Omaha lots will enhance in value more ra
pidly than any other by reason of the prox
Imity to the works.
Manufacturers of all kinds w'll find ifcfco their atvftntsge
to inspect this property ; good location , level ground1) ) , track
facilities and plenty of jjood pure water furnished by the
South Omaha Water Works. In fact , every facility to make
desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground.
Will find it profitable to select prnpirty now , as n year or
two heDco with n population of 5000 to 10,001) paiple ,
this will become a desirable place for all kinds of business ,
and lots bought now , can bo had at very reasonable prices
which will double in price many times in the next two years.
Kich or poor , will find it profitable to make investments
111 this property. Free conveyance at all times will bo furtf
nished by us to parties wishing to see this wonderful now
town and learn of its advantages. Wo have entire charge j
of , and ure the exclusive agents for the sale of all this1'
property from G streets south. Splendid lots from § 225
,213 S. 14th STREET ,
We have desirable business and residence proprty * fnr 'Bil
irts of Omalia and do a general real estate business. Wo elicit -
a and sellers to call on us. Wo will give Hiomlall poss ble information
ee , aud keep conveyance free'to show propertyjin anyapart of the city.