THE DAILY BEE-TUESDAY , JULYul4 , 1885 THE DAIL1' BEE. Tuosilay Morning. Jnly 14. LOCAL BBEVITIES , Surveyor ol Cnitoms Campbell hfti boon receiving bonded Roods lines June 1 , and says that the receipts are materially increasing , ' ' Deputy Orobo arrottod yesterday morninft wo young man , Kjon and Ilanlan , who were canfiht in the act o ! stealing A pair of shoes from Whtlney'a shoe store. Deputy U. S. Marshal Allan will leave to-day for Oicoola , where ho will sell thostook of L. L. Wood , consisting of about ? C,000 or $8,000 worth of goods , which have boon at tached by Monroe 11. Smith , of Chicago , A man by the name of McMullon living on South Seventeenth street was kicked by a mule at the conal Sunday , Ho was very badly injured , snitalntag a fracture of bis collar boto , Ills wounds have been dressed , and at last accounts ho was resting easily. Ahorse belonging to Mr. George Ames WM hitched to n post nonrl-'ittoonth and Far ? nam yesterday morning , suddenly broke away and ran down the street , dragging the hitching post attor him. II * was finally stopped near the corner' of Fourteenth and Douglas and returned to liia owner. Whitmoro Brothers , of Valley , have con tracted to furnish the Union Stock Yards company of this city 2,000 tons of hay and the hone railway company 1,000 tons , They have steam power prossoi , a sidetrack from the U , 1 * . on their premises , and nro about to erect extensive barns lor handling and storing this vast product. The hay crop is fast be coming n very important ono in Douglas county , The bjata for the rowing association are beginning to coma In ono by ono and in a short time It is hoped to have all arrange ments complete for a grand opening , fo which special lavlUtions nro to bo issued. Florence Lake is beginning to bo quite n resort for pleasure parties , and doubtless when the association commences operations , the place will become greatly inoro attractive as a suburban place of retort , J , U. Daniels , of the U. P. freight oudi- tor'a office , who 1m just returned from a trip east , is regaling bis friends hero by telling them how ho saw Smith , tha absconding dry goods merchant and F. C. Mole ? , the ox- manager , at Put-in-Bay , Mick He says that both of them claimed they were only away from Omaha on a llttlo pleasure trip and do- slrod to bo remembered to their many friends in Omaha , A man living In Patterson's division has made a complaint in the police court and at this office , that two men , peddlers , Ilvintr in that part of town , had killed and skinned a oow which had boon sick for some eight days , and aold the meat which was horribly tainted , to various people living on the bottoms and in South Omaha. It is said that some of the people who bought the meat were afterwards tnken sick , If this bo true , somebody ought to bo punished. SOB ! of North Carolina Tobacco Is the bast. LEGAL LORE , Oases In tbo District Court General Legal Matters. The case of Wylio D. Olegg is still on trial before Jndgo Novlllo. Yesterday the dofonsn continued the introduc tion of testimony to show the Insanity of the prisoner. Before Judge Wakeloy the caao of Feabody vs. the City of Omaha was taken up yesterday. The case , an old ono of a year and a half standing , la ono ID which the plain tiff demands damages for grading near his property on Fourteenth and Jones , In the county court yesterday John and Julia Flannlgan commenced snlt against ho Continental Inanranco company for $500 on a policy on which It IB claimed a default has been attempted. The damages - ages to property for which the payment of Insurance Is naked , It Is alleged , were caused by ono of the savoro storms which * place In the early put of April. ' In the cabo of Dr. Linyon against f Honors. 0. J. Oanan , John Hitchcock p and O. E. Kay , to compel payment of a j'l note of § 00 , alleged to have been signed by theto gentlemen , Jndgo McCulloch has rendered a decision in favor of do- y - fondants. The decision waa baaed on the ground that the note itself showed forth no consideration , and as no ovldenco waa Introduced to show such consideration , Ita validity oould not bo sustained in court. The case of Eliza J. D. Peabody va. the city of Omaha was put on trial yea- 4 torday before Jndgo Wakeloy. This ault Is ono brought for the recovery of dam ages to the extent ol $10,000 , canaod by 'reason ot the grade established on Four teenth and Jones atreots , wherein plaintiff - tiff aver * that her property , lots 1 and 2 , block 100 , hai been rendered almost uao- loss. She also alleges that Ingress and ogress to and from sild property Is of the moat dlflicult , dangerous and hazardous nature , Mitchell M. Ohrk filed bis petition In the district curt yesterday , praying to bo divorced from Maria J , Glhrk , hia wife , , who ho charges of holding clandestine meetings with ono William Thompson , at saloons and at hla ( Olark'e ) own house when he waa away from home. They were married ou the 15th day of January , I860. STRANGE STOEIES , Anotlinr "Smothered Bonsntlon" How It .llcsultoa Two Hack- men I n Trouble , All day , yoatordny , the alr was fall of utramo ruuiora about a hack driver who was cald to have been killed in 'ho morn ing near the Fort by two fellow Jehus , The taloa were aa conflicting and lucon. elttent aa they word mauy , and the moat thorough invcatlgnUon failed for a tlmoto cither prove or dlaprovo the truth of them. The true story rnua that : Ycstcrdoy morning a telephone moa waa ago received at McShano's livery otablo from Maj Croft of roidhouan fame saying that Geo. 8p lding , n hack driver who worked for the e.tabluwru in trouble , having boon fngaend In a quarrel in the vicinity of tha rosd house A man wa linraodia ely scut out , Uh cfticor * Bloom aud Elarrigan , Arriving there thu > fonnd r. nice c' dl'lon of aflftlrt * "Windy Hob , " P.illan and B b llirnea had bottu out at tVo mad house on ( lie nrapago. They had brcomo iucenrod at < hn Imck drhcr Spaldlng beraugp they bolh > vd ho h d ran Into them about two o'clock in the morning near the fair gronndi , whllo they had in the carriage a party of f aat women. It Booms that they immediately followed Spaldlng to the road honso and assaulted him unozpeotedly. Ho atood np for awhllo and severely pnmmolcd Pollan , but when "Baby" Barnea' elo- phantlno carcau hove in night and ho itnrtcd to ralae hla Brobdlgnaglan fiat , Spaldlng murmured gently , "I'll aeo you later , lovo" and slid out. Thwarted In their plans of securing rovcngo by pnnv moling Spaldlnp , Pollan and Barnea turned tholr attention to hla hack , and amaahcd the windows , and broke things np generally , afterward ! turning the horaos looao , The Inmates of the hack , two yonng men and two young women , were very much frightened , but hold their peace. The two men then turned tholr attention to the road homo , and are said to have been engaged for some time la the delightful pastime of throwing all the fnrnlturo out doors. They wore soon taken In tow by the po- llco and landed in the city bastllo. In the meantime the story had leaked out that Spaldlng , the hack driver , waa mlaalng and nowhere to bo found. When the two prlaoners , there fore , were arraigned Justice Anderson frowned npon thorn an possible murder- era , and bound them over In the sum of 2,000 to await the development of fur ther evtdoncD. They were remanded to jail and looked by Joe Miller In ono of the collars of "Murderer's Row. " Everybody waa awaiting the finding of Spaldlng'a body with breathless Introest , as the only thing necessary to provo that a fonl crlmo had boon committed. But all these horrible anticipations were knocked in the head when Spaldlng came limping Into town and explained that ho had been hiding for safety. His story Is about as the ono related above , except tbat ho claims that was not the cause of Pollau's misfortune. THE OMAHA TEOOPS. Arrival of the Soldiers At Orossncld Morrow to Assume Command , Gen , Brook , adjutant general of tha department , has received two interesting telegrams from Onpt. Powell , who loft hero in command of the three companies ordered on Tuesday last to the scene of the Oheycnno dlfiiculty. The first ono waa received Saturday night , and woo dated at Wellington , ( Kansas. It reads : "Arrived hero in loss than 30 hours from time order was received at post. Are in excellent spirits ; have not had a drunken man on the trip. Extra hard broad with us. Many thanks of com mand to chief quartermaster for admira ble arrangements for transportatlonjnbout ton miles to camp. POWELL. The next was dated at OroisGold , Kan sas , ( near Harper ) and Is of not ao joyful a touor an the proceeding ono. It will bo soon that a soldier's Ilfo In "glorious Kansas" Is not ono of unalloyed ease and comfort. "Arrived hero last night about twelve o'clock. There la not a stick of wood to bo had hero. It must bo hauled by wagons or sent on the cars from Harper , nineteen miles distant. No water near the place except at a spring two miles dis tant , which Is private property. Wo have to buy water at 25 cents a barrel for hauling to us. It will bo hard work to supply twelve or fifteen companies here. We have dlflicuUy In supplying three companies. No trains beyond Attica unless extra. POWELL. " Further than this , nothing has been hoard from the Omoha troops or , In fact , from the acono of the Indian troubles. Col. Morrow , of Fort Sidney , has boon ordered to take command of the three companies. It is understood that the Ninth cavalry has made all preparations to head off the Indians in case they at tempt to strike the northern trail which loads through Nebraska. This is the usual method of procedure of the Indians when they got into trouble , but they will bo beautifully headed off In case they at tempt anything of the kind this time. Gen. Howard , who has been oat west for the past several days inspecting the outlying posts , started ; frcm Salt Lake this morning and will be in Omaha about Wednesday. POLICE OOUET , Xlio Usual Monday Morning Array of Onlpriis. Judge Stonberg was wall ocanpiod with baslnois yesterday morning , as ho Is every Monday , and the docket caioa were disposed - posed of in rapid aacoesjlon. A. M , Mackay , James Oolo and Frank Boldon , a trio of rags , were arraigned as homeless , worklessand dangerous tramp ; . Ono of them was committed to jail , and the others wore ordered to leave the city. Mike Kratte was arraigned on the sttmo old charge of disorderly conduct. Mrs. Kruto with her email children was present , and pleaded tearfully for her husband's release. Krutto backed np the plodding of his sponso with unlimited promises of reform and was discharged. Tom Hardy , a negro , was fined $10 and costs for resisting an officer. About 2 o'clock Sunday morning Officer Bloom c mo across him flourishing his knlfo , threatening to out everybody Into shoo strings. Bloom tried to arrest him whereupon - upon the negro turned upon him and showed fight , Ho was finally subdued after liberal doses of the club and was token ' bruleod and bleeding to the jail , A. Campbell , likewise drunk and dis orderly , paid a fine of $5 and costs. 0. A. Murray hold for a similar charge , was released , Ed Clark , who was charged last week with running off with the wlfo of a man nnmed William Waters , wai brought to trial upon the charge and rolo&sod , Waters , the husband , was arraigned on a charge of bentlng his wife , and was held for farther evidence. This cue , It may bo remembered , grew out of the do- eortion of Waters by his wlfo , and her action in taking a threo-yoar-old child , of which Waters sought to retain possession , Sadie Molirldo , the only and notorious , once again faced the judgment bar , to answer to a charge of disorderly conduct , Tha judge , taking Into consideration the fearful fact that Sadlo bnj b.oen In ptisan almost alnco the beginning of his term of i flico , released her. The overjoyed young woman Informed tbo court that she was going to leave shortly for Now York , and the judo ( ; promised to glva her a bonus of $5 when she presented her riilrosd tlokot at a voucher of her Intention to leave the city , Anna Henry was fined $5 and costs for lutoxlcatlc n. Sadie York and Mary Jinan charged with intoxication were ro- 1ssfd , while Flora Benson was held for ovldenco Mr. Ellis Tj , IHerbowor and bis bride re turned ) ester Jay morning from a very pleuint month's trip in the east , and are stopping for the present at the residence of Mr , James K , Uojd. THE MABKET BASKET , The Dollcuclcs to bo Fonnil'In the Local Marts , nsn , In the fresh water article , white fish , trout and bass retail at 15 cents per pound ; whlto plckorel la soiling at 10 cents j croppio and porch can bo had for 12& conti ; catfish sell for 15 cents a pound. Blue fish are Tory plentiful and bring 20 cents a pound. Fresh Colum bia river salmon nro worth 25 cents a pound. Fresh mackerel 15 to 20 cents oploco. Halibut Is worth 25 cents. Codfish tongues are rare , but retail for 20 conts. MEATS. The best cuts of sirloin soil for 15 cents , rumps and nppor part of round steak at 12 . Roasting ribs , firm and juicy , can bo bought for 10 to 12 cents. Veal la extremely scarce and comes high from 25 to ' 20 cents , according to the cholconoss of the part. Swooi broads can ba purohasod-at 25 cents a pair. Corn beef Is selling at from 5 to 10 couti , DC. cording to outs , Prlmo leg of muttons can bo had for 12 cents ; mutton chops 12i to 15 conts. , Ham Is a stnplo article in good demand nt 12\ " cents In bulk , 25 conta sliced. Pork 10 to 12 conts. Sausage 10 to 12 | cants. Spring" lamb is soiling for $1 for fore quarter and $1,25 for hind quartcrr Spring chlokens are worth from 30 to 40 cents aploco. AND VEGETABLES , Old potatoes from 85o to $1,00 a bushel , The Colorado and Salt Lake va rieties are -worth $1.10 to $1.25. Parsley is sold at 50 cents a dozen. Homo grown cabbage is bringing from 5 to 10 cents a head. Fresh radishes are selling at three bunches for 10 cents. Cucumbers sell for from 2 to 5 cents aploco. Fresh homo grown lottnce , nearly out of market , is sold at 35 cents a dozen. Fresh tomatoes are in lively demand at from 15 to 20 cents a pound. Homegrown grown tomatoes will bo in market this week. Green peas sell for 45 conta a peck. Marrowfat poaa bring 45 cents also , string beans 5 to 8 cents a quart. Wax beans can bo bought for D to 8 cents a quart. Now potatoes are worth 20 to 30 cents a pock. Green onions are sell ing at three bunches for a dime , southern onions three pounds for a quarter. Mint is worth 5 cents a bunch. No w turnips retail at 25 cents a peck. Summer squash are beginning to como in and aoll for 5 to 10 cents each. Car rots are worth 5 cents a bundle. FRUITS. The local markets are well stocked In the frnlt lino. California oranges bring from 25 to 50 cents a dozen ; Mossluas soil from 30 to 40 cents per dozen ; ban anas , fresh and rlpo , are very plentiful and can bo bought for 25 to 50 cents a dozen. Black raspberries sell for 20 cents a quart. Gooseberries are worth 12A cents a quart , currants 12k to 15 conta. Bed raspberries 30 cents a quart , blueberries 15 to 20 cents a quart. California fruits are In the market , apricots 15 cents a pound , poaches 15 to 20 cents a pound , plums and green gages 15 cents a pound. Bartlett pears 15 cents a pound. Watermelons are coming in , selling from 40 to 50 cents apiece. They are of good quality. Southern peaches , just In the market , soil for from $1 to $1.75 a box. EOOS AND BUTTER. Eggs have a standard price of 12& cents a dozen. Butter , best dairy and cream ery , Is selling for 20 to 25 cents a pound. Smoke Seal of North Carolina To- bacoo. Tbo Indlnii Problem , OMAHA , Neb. . July 11,1885. To the Editor of the BEE. Did you aoe those Indians who passed through our streets Saturday morning ? Well , as peaceably as they appeared then , just BO peaceably yon will find thorn anywhere on the pralrlo , If the white man will lot them nlono. The easiest thing on creation to do In order to clvillzo the Indian , who Is no heathen la to got him array from contact with the whlto man of his wigwam , the Indian agent and the antler disarm him pun ish him by the whlto rain's laws , If ho is found to hare promised protection to the cattlemen's herds , In exchange for arms , ammunition and whisky glvon by the latter. The unscrupulous white man of the pralrlo keeps the army continually in un necessary commotion at the expense of the tax payers of the entire country and only for his own primary benefit that of starting up the Indians. ONE wuo KNOWS. C , R. Thorpe , Wahoo , N , 0. Wilson , Den ver ; W. G , Honnoberg , Burlington , are at the Arcade. Dr , Julius Gerth , tbo recently appointed state veterinarian , accompanied by O , M , Drmo of Lincoln waa in tbo city yesterday and made a pleasant call at the BKE office , They are hero for the purpose of making the ac quaintance of tbo prominent stock owners of the city. NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF VnillllnI.rii > onOriiiiac , rlr. , flavor CaU0 Crenmkl'iiiitliiKif ) cii drllcuielyanil unto urally in Hjofrull IVum n lilcli ( livy ureiuiiile , FOll STllENGTII AM ) TRUE FUU11 FLAVOR T1IJ3V STAND ALONE. mirtnio or TMI Price Baking Powder Co. , o , III. 8t. Loula , Mo. Dr. Prlca's Cream Raking Powctor mo Dr. Price's Impulin Yens ! Gems , licit Dry IIoi > Veu.t , -AO C 33-2T WE UAKG HUT OMB QUAUTX , Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies , A marvel ol purity strength and wholeeomeness. Uoro economical than the ordinary klnds.and cannot bo sold In competi tion with the multitude of low toil , iborl weight lam of physphrte powders. Bold only In can ! ROYAti OAKINO POWDKB CO. . 109 Wall St ; K.T Smoke a. H. Mack & Go's Cleveland , 0. , Celebrated Gat Cigar Finest 8 for 25o clrar In America , and Kxccslor ! 6c Cigar I're eminentabo\oall others. Our Cat Does Not Scratch xcclslor 5c Cigar above all competition , for sale and controlled by D. W. SAXE and J. W. BELL , Omaha. Konnard & Klggs , Drugs , L'ncoln , Ncli. G. a Chapman , " " " Kvans & Judson , Drugs , Hastings , Neb. Dow ty & Chin n , Drugs , Cclumbus , Neb. J. O. Uellaven , Drugs , Counc 1 Bluffs , Iowa. Dell O. Morgan & Co , Drugs , Council Bluffs , lona. QasHcbrige , Hooks , eta , Fremont , Mob. W. II. Turner , Books , etc. , Fremont , Neb. H. H Whlttlesey , Drugs , Crete , Neb. P. 0 .Henderson , Grai cl Island , Neb. Apollinaris , "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS.'N " The dangerous qualities of con taminated drinking water are not obviated by the addition of wines ot spirits. " Medical Officer of Privy Council , i England. ANNUAL SALE/IO MILUONS ; Qf all Groctrs , Dniggittt , & > Min. wSFScattfS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. THMKEN SPRING VEHICLES. OVER 4OO,000 m. IN USE. well adapted to rnuuh country roniii nnd Dno drlvenol cities. iUnmifiirinrcannilHoldby all leaalns Carrlnao llnlidcrH and Dealers- SPECIAL NOTICES. All ado erttiemcntt in the tpecial columns uill be charged at the rate of 10 centi per line for the first insertion , and 7 centi par line for each tubse- quent insertion : No advertisement will bt inserted for leli than 15 centi or the first timei These advertiiementl willoe inserted in both Morn- ng and Keening Edition , representing a circula tion of over Eight Thousand. Thil clati of adver- titemcnti must positively be paid in advance. TO LOAN MONEY. TO LOAN In Bums ol 810 010 and upward , on His'cliesbualncsiolty property , for Opcr cent , Noc mmlfa'.ODH ol any kind charged. 0. F. Davis , Special Loan t'cnt ( N , W. II. Ufa Inu. Co. , 1505 Pirnam street , 98J ugiO TO LOAN At once and without delay on MONBT eetato , In Urge or email imounts. on time to eult. Loans made also on collaterals , chattel ) or any good security , promptly , quietly and t tha lowest possible ratts. Apply at the Omaha Finan cial Exchange , 1503 Furnam tt. , upetalra. 7CUI 1\TONIT to loan In turn ) (200 and upwardh' on lVlflret-cl 93 real estate security. Potter & Oobb , 1615 Farnam St. I'HL. ' TO LOAN On real estate security In any amount from $500 to 825fOO. at reafonahlo rates of Interest. No commlselo a rhargrd borrower , 0. E. ilayno &Co. , a W. Cor. 16th and Farnam. 633-July23 Money to Loan-On MOMiTliiONKrlluoKXTllI . Croft , room 4 , With- nell building , N. E , corner 15tn and Hirney Aflcr yean of experience and a careful study of the busi ness of loaning money on personal property , I have atlaet perfmed a system whereby the publicity usual In such cages Is done away withand I am tioi la a position to meet the demands of all 'ho become temporarily embarrassed and desire to raleo money without deity and In a quiet manner. Housekeep ers , professional gentlemen , mechanics and others In this city cm obtain aduncfcSlromJlO to $1,000 on such security as liotwluld t'm.lture . , pianos , m&- chlnery , horsce.waKous , w rehousa receipts , secur ed notes of hand , i to. , ulth'uticm vlug raino from owners residence or place of liusliv BO. Una ef the advantages I oiler Id that any part of any loaa can be ptld at any tliro which will ruduce the Interrst pro rata and a'llians ' renew cilut the orlgluc.1 rntrs of Interca * . I hive no brokers In counoctlin with ray otllco , but personally superintend all mv lo n . I hmo pruato offcua connected with my general oil cti f o that cuitoircrs do not corue In cncituct with earh other , oonsuiucritly ruaklci ; all transi tlics strictly pilv . W It. Crolt , room t , Wlttnell building , M. K. cor. 15th and Ilarney. m Jly-J6 LO/.NKJJ at 0. F. Uocd ACo's. Loan office MONEY , pianos , horses , wagons , ptrsonal property of all klnJ * and all othe rtrticles of value , without rorurval. Over Itt National I3ankoornerlSth indF rnam. All bualnens strictly confidential H jTONhY To loan on chattel * , Woolley & Harrison , If ! Koom 0 , Omilia National bank building Ttl tf TO LOAN Oa real etUte and chattels MONKY Thomas. 722tf. Loaned on chattels , cut rat t , R. II MONEY nought and sold. A. Fcrman13 8 , ISth Bt \jrCH2tr TO LOilT la eurnj of CWOund apwud. lYL O. r. Davis and Co. , Seal Kolal * and Loan izent * , HOB farnaui Bt. | 72i-tt WANTKD FKMALK HKLP. . - thloircoM plactsln hotel ! , I > rl- into fimllloi , cook * , dlulnf rorm elrli , 1 lubcn , indUtudryvtcrk etr. , ranala\a niid g oJlHc H anilK o.lw g s , f3 , $1.80 , ( laud JSper witk. Call at Ou alia Xiurloirccntlluretu , 1120 Farnam st \\7AKiKB Girl to do kltcJuuwoik. Aiib't tbo IT COMerjf. lii-tl WAimn-A good kltcifn fill , call at 10U Web- t r ht. liQ.Up WAnmo-Olilj to wait en t be ! for their board , al Idul icstaursnt , ill B. 12th Bt. 111-18 WAirrro Olrl for Cfneul homework , Seward St. Oth house abar * King. Mrs. Wrlffht. 106-1 Tip WANTED Two corrpettnt elili , 20th Rtrett one halt Mock Booth of 81 Uarj'a A\enut. Mrs. Uowcn. lo19p TTTiNtKD-Ooed girl for eeneril houtoirork , Oer T T man preferred. Ap | Iv at Mr * . Wrn. ir. Ornne- bkutn , E05 South 17th St. , near Leavniworth. llS-tf TXTASTRD Girl for general heuiework , 2214 Dou- TT gl ! . -18p TTTAKTKD Good girl to hilp In kitchen At Arcade VV hotel , 1215 Douglss St. 9H-13p D A competent fc'lrl , 1818 Wcbitorst A rnlJdlo n cJ colored woman for hemeT T keeping ; good wsgm , 10i N. 12thet. 855 13p WASTRD- Gorman girl In fam ly of tno , 807 llar- ney street. 913-lSp WANTRD A good woman cook at 1011 Dodge Bt 777tf TyANTKD Two girls at loran House , 913 Farnam TTTAJrriiD HDT AOK.NTS Novelties In ladies' anil IT chlldrens' wear. Over 40 now designs. Noth- llko them. Bell is fast 09 shown , O\er 1,000 agents make $700 monthly. Address with stamp. E , II. Campbell & Co , , 0 South Uay street , Chicago. "TTITANTRD Three oxpeilencod women canvassers , T T JO per day , guaranteed ; room 7 , llodick block. 870-tf TT17ANT11D First-class dining room girl at the Mct- T T ropolltan hotel ; none otner need apply. 821-tl WAITED MALB HELP. Two Btlofmon and two salos'adles al WAKTXD WiBtorn Jewelry Co , room 0 , Crounto block , 895M WANTED A city mlcsmin frr a wholojalegrocory go od salary paid for right man. Address II. E B.Doo office. 900-13 A oitNTSWA.VTitD. Address St. Loots Klcctrlo Lamp /\.Co. , St Louis for circular , cuts and terms ot the candle power Marsh Xloctrlc Lamp. 811-lyl2 ] TI/ANTHD Agents In every county to solicit for TV tbo Mutual Benefit Axtoclatlon of OnuhaNob. Call on or address Otto Llbeck , Secretary and Gen eral Mam gcr , 1222 Farnam street 748angl SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED A iltuatlon by a sickle , Htcidy man as porter , night watchman or jinltor ; geM ro- commendatlcii ) . Address II. J. K , , Ucoomoo.m-lip' TT7ANTRD Uy a mtii and wlfo with two mull TT childrena situation with a farmer. Address W. J. K. Ueo office. 103-14p WASTRD A petition , or any work as gnrdnor , In this clt ) ; Just arrived from the Fait ; experience of S5 years ; references on hand. A. X Dee Office. 100-Hp T\7'ASTiti ) By a young man of first class business Tr ability and best ol i cferancts , a ( ojltloii In a mercantile liousr. O. tf. Boo Office. 92-13p ! MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms for a Kinnll WAMBU family. Wcarul3co office. 12S-lSii WANTRD Two or three furnished roams for 1 ght housekeeping. Addrcal A. 13. C. , Bco olllco. 120M WANTKU A sheppard dog , 6 or 0 months ( Id. Clock and tan prctcrod. Apply from 10 to 12 at Nebraska Implemi nt Co. 14th and Haincy , good price. IID-IS " \TrAKTED A furnished room.ln plernant locality , TT where no questions will be asked , by a lady who U occupied and who can f uinUh good reference. Ad dress X Y. Z. city P. O. 104-15p V cal and Instrumental scholars at WANTED 1011 California et. Miss L. F. Chamberlain. D7M7p WANTED Every ady In need ot k sewing ma chine , to see the new Improved American No , P. E. Flodman & Co. agents ; 220 N ICtb. SSOIt FOR jtEKT HOUSES AND .LOTS. Fort BUST Houto of G rooms , ! 40 Chluga Bt , 2 blocks from car line ; fine location. Inquire next door. 873-13p TT'OR RKNT Three S room cottaztt with cistern ami JP out houses. Inquire at 1C21S 18th at , south of Mtson Bt. , 122-lCp BEST House on Chlcigu St. , between 14th and Fore Ste. John Swift. lll-14p RKNT A tlirea story bas'no's ' block en Far- FOR uam street. Inquire at McCiguo's , opp. poit- office. (03-13 FOB KENT Convenient to business , 8 room house , fOth and St. Mary's ayenue , $30 per month. E. Fearon , 12th and Farnam. 937'15p BUNT A. 3 room ottapc , 819-60 a month. Fort Bwttzler , 215 8. lith street. 993-13 RUNT-House with 8 roorvH , cellar , hard and FOR water , 810 per month , cr 16th & PaciBc. Ilotiso cf 5 rooms , 3 closets and pantry , 8.16th st. bet Center and Doicas ; soft water : $10 cur rronth. 039 14 RENT nousj with o room * , cellar , washhouse FOR house , 808 S. 23d st fi. T. Voes. 074-17p Tjttm RENT Cheap store , 311 N. 16th street 97B-17p KENT Earn , 1707 Cats street. FOR 988-17p ion RKNT A building V2x04. Inquire at llo < ton dry goods store , a. lOlli et , 036U RKM-Cbeip , two brick Mores ith cellars , FOR good lootiun for dry K 'd * and restaurant Inqrlro of J , L. lliCague orat 171UJ , Cumlng street In tulldlng , C43-14 TTIOR RENT Twp story and I ascment , hoire nine J ? rcorcp , u H. Ir 'lit , 628 1'leiiaiu Bt , 0r,0 13p ITViRBiiST "ouaj ol 8 roonrs , modern Improve- Jt ? ututH , ( 'CHiablii , $30. Ballou , 317 H. 13th Bt. MO 14 RKXT-New co * Hire , full lot , 4 roorrs. a ntco FOR , $1-1. rollou Bros , 317 B 13th St. 09-14 . Drlclc boime 10 rooms Cass ht. , bet. FORltr.NT ; ? | ] nontb. 0. E. 11 a j no & Co. , 1Mb and ranmm. cOaaS RKNT A first cloHrt cottage , with good large FOR nw ; 111)9 fnrr > nc on or about October let. In quire at JMholra & ErluLs n n , opp I * . O. EOOtf RUNT A new cottaeo of 4 rooms , kitchen , o's- FOR , etc , Chicago St. , south side , flrt house west from iEth St. Inquire un premises bet. 0 and 8 o'clock ony evening. Thos McQovern. 8CI-Hp RKNT A itable for 8 bone ; ono block couth FOR tto U. P. depot. Inquire of U. Leo , grocer , 222 Leaven * orth. 7S4tf RKNT-018 8.10th at. InquliO 1623 Jack ! STORKfOR TCOtf RKNT Cottage 0 roomi , bouse 10 rooms. J , FOR Roe , Bewnrd and Campbell. 31-tf 1100MS JJ'OK JUUWT. IIK.NTfun Ishcd rocm 417 N. lllhSt. , between Fen aud Cats Et. H0-I4p rien nMiirnI led roomr , at Hit Oth FORRFXT I'JdOomd I'leio. ' . 100 | 8p ' Slninlfihed front rocius at $3 tnd ? .i F'ORRKNT 113 . IBtfc. 103-iBn RKST Do-liaUn fcrnlfhed room , inoiTein Im. pro\emcntr , Hit Cipltol Ave. 033-18 HS.VT-In rrkate fim'ly ' , jleaiant , furnished Foil , with breakfast , It desired , t2 Sou h Ave > ane. JOOC.lBp nr.sT IloiHJtit ( nrilntcJ Iron * room , mlta- Fore lor two KCiillonnri.BU N. IStli Bt. 031 Up Tou BEXT Hiiidaomoly furnished rccins , 1701 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R NT Two Ur e coolroom , furnl-hod , a' o 2 FOR all riyims , ( urnl licdrhllc0'o ; | of l > tn , < tf. , In fine house. Ca'l at 610 He ant strict. Oo7'l4p RKST With Ij3 id , ikely fii'iln'Jed ' nouth FOR iooinno' ; ieB'dorc ' > jaoleiiOjiivn ; truces ; Icrrts roaionible , 635 1 Iraiant streU. CCC-Up \ BEST To sultfn of rooms , three to o ch 1 suite , 1410 Dodge ttreet , text door to Krlckwn's [ oTdry Btoto. OM Hp Fornistedor nnlurnlBhed rcoos , 1612 Burt street. P02-U | ) _ TTVIRIIK.IT-Suite of newly furnUhul rooms , 10)1 ) J ? Callfo ula Bt. K. D. Van Court. 9J3tl TTloa RKNT furnished room. Inquire drug stoic Jj lOih nd lbugla > . P77-ll ITiOR BBM llouse cf 7 rooms , lath room , hard J ? tiU Bolt water , 1112 S. lith bticet. B77-17P T70R RKNT Ono fine furnuhed rcom , 1719 } Cuming J tt 1)37 14 RKM-IO NebrssVa National bmk bull ling ! FOR bt tlx > r , one unite ot two ioooBUt ) ly occuphd by Qriene & Hrcckcnrldg * . tic tJ flOJr , one la ge room. Apply at bank , 015.8U IJ'OR RNT Megant nenly luruUlud t < emi 10'S JJ Capitol nenu i l tn ioomga j n ? bill * to ( Hub. WAfrro-\ ! fninlihed room for 13 to t\0 \ ft month. Address B. N.O. Dee Office. 917-tl tj'umlihodroonn , Hut hon e west of i n r ld ofllcs on lUmsy st , 003-15p WAN-run inlt of two or three famlihed rooms tieur business lir July Jsth. Address , sUtlni term ? . J. O. F , ntrmUicin office. OtMSn FOR RtsT Nlcoly furnished rooms , SM9 DoditeT _ ,701.16p ] T o KUT-Nlccljr ( um'slitd ( tout room nt 1112 ' Howard St. PSJ-Mp " TVmmm Kocmwllh boinl for tire gentlemen In JL' pih tB family , 1618 Ctp'.tol Arc. SOS-lip Tpou RXNT Two nlco rooms on tothst. . nesr 8k JC" " M r 's Avo. Inquire 8W cor. 16th nil DodgoSt OR RKST Furnlihcd rooms IS'.t F rn m St. 837 S < p JOR RUNT Unfinnlshsd rooms In Ucotner's block ! Cor. 8th and Howard. SOOtf | 7 < OR RKXT-Furnlshed rooms for light houeecplng I1 In Uccmcr'i block , Cor 8th and lloward 79JU FOR RK.VT Furnished frant room , with bay win dow , In a brick home , 605 N. 17 h St. IT\OR \ nwr-Largo handsomely furnlthcd rooms , ' . single or ou-sulte ; excellent board , 1713 Dodge. 766tf TpOR RKNT With board , nicely furnlihed south U room , with use of parlor ; also gar , and bath , K09 Jones St , 848-tf j on RUNT Pleasant room furnlehed , 1424 llowan ? St. Mf FRRRVT Juno 25th , two connected rooms with board ; front room , south-east. 1011 Webster. . 857-jly lp fT'OR HIOT A front room witn bay window ; modern JD Improvements , suitable for 2 gentlemen , South cait corner 1 at and Farnam St. 450-tf JlOR KXT l-wo o cgant omcca n Oushmann't block. I SOl-tl JtoR RRNT-For nwnufao'urlni : purposes or hall , ? argo room 4U75 , 8dfloor , No. 110 S. lith et. , enquire at 1109 Dodge t..A. J. Simpson. 714-tf UORRBST- Centrally located furnUned rooms a raZS sou h 15th jit. 713-tf | I > OR RKNT Furnlthoit largo front room with alcon J grate bath , etc. . 1718 Casa street. 716-tf RRXT Large front room on drat floor with or FOR without board ; Inquire t 1501 farnam St 887-11 T > OOMS With boarddeilrabl < if summer. Appl ) iXat SI. Charles notol. 716-11 FOR SALE FA11MS. FOR BALK 180 aero farm York Co. , Nob. R. If Uatt's. ' Vork Nub. 837ijlyl5p FOR SILK A 0 JO aero stock and grain farm , all Im proxcd ; four hnura' ride trim tnc Omaba Steak miles from the o'ty ' cf Fr6rri&t ; two rnllrouil within three mlloa ; 300 actos under plow , the ro't In ptstuio ; b.unl fence , rnnnlni ; ptrcitt through | > aturo ; houw with ton roomi ; will bo > ld cheap If sold immediately ; on terms to suit. For further particulars luiulro of Goo. C. Orcxllrpy , Fie- inont , Nob. TISJuiySl FOR SALE HOUSES L.OTS. TOR SALU A ( aw choice lots In Kllby Place actl X' Jcromo Park , very chusp. A. Blunders & Co. , opp. 1'axtou. B3C-13 rTVvo or * lot llirlcn Placovtll ; | trade for residence .Land pay difference In cash. W. U. Oroen , over Itt National Bank- 733 f TpORSALi 83 foot on Cumins between IBthtmtfOth J ? with house , 82,700. Bedford & Soucr. 717-tf Fort BALK Pcslrabla halt lot , house 4 roorcs , neor cars anil school , 81,500 ; cosy payments. Italloi Brts. , 317313th mroot. BOD-11 I OR BALK A bargain Cottage homo near strict F cars , S14CO. Ballou Brca,317 3.13th fit. M-H IJ'ORSILR 00 feet on Farnam no r Oth ; also lots JD In Illghland Plnco and Jcromo l'rk , on caiy terms. Tuttle & Allison , 211 south ISth st. _ 849-ly IS TfOR8ALK. 2 lots , 08x140 feet on Farnam street -T south front , elegant location , must bo gold. W. II. Oreen. over 1st National Bank. 609 tf targe house , newly built , 0 rooms , all modern Improvements with f ot , at 1710 Casa st ; Inquire at premises. 727U FKSAI.R. 160 lect front on Vlrglola avenue , ono block from head of St. Ifury's avo. $3,630 for all , or 81 , 600 for half. W. II. Urecn , over lit Na tional Bank. 610 tf FOR SALi-Fcrty lots for Bale on Burt and Cuminga between ISth and Slst cheap , Inside property cdford & Bouer. 720 tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Fort BALK -Lunch room In % o& Iscatlon. Apily atNo. 601 North IflthSr. 110 IBp FOR BALB A new single harness lor hil ( cot t pile ) , 1419 Dodge street. Ofli-Hp roil BALI A choice lot ol fresh milk cows , S5th 1 and California. 071-17p FOR SAI.BOK RENT-A Koooad band Knaba Finno ; also a two Htated nagon , cncap. Apply to S. Jacobs , 1I18 Farnam St. 992.l5p TOR BAr.R Kcptaurarjt and bikery in the city of f Lincoln , nt V235 Ostrett , atwo yoarlcato on a good brick bu Idin. A cotrpleto bakery In e\ory respect - spect , ith ajjooil wagon , good route ariil a flrit- clisarentaurant trido. Good reasons for selling. J. E. Crook , 12J6O street , Lincoln , Mob. FOR BALK Doller and engine , 20 horse power boiler nd engine , In good running order ; want to sell for the reason tbat they are cot largo enough for the now machinery which wo will put Into our row building on llaruey St. Ctarko Bros. & Co. , 1403 Douglas St W7tt a SILK A good pl no , cheap. Mrs. A. Calder- wooJ , 1613 California ht. 712-tf A LWAT8 on hand at a bargain. No 1 second hand XX oarrlago phaeton and side bar buggies ; also urn brcllaa and eunahadci , at 1403-1411 Dodge St.803tf 803-tf REAL ESTATE. ) Ki'OTS Uovilanii place within iTSockB Ttho car Ztlioe and within two mnrtts cars will run m front of property. Will sell or will trade for Innldo liropcrty and pay differcncjin vtluos lucisb. Par Lloa having mortitage properly cm trade end S'curo now property free of fncumbranna , W. II , Or ecu. over let Natlcrml Dink , 127-tf Tj1 OR 8 tK The cboircst Iota In tbo city , t o I * blocku west of Park Avenue and ono Id'ik south of Leu cnwortb. Prices range from B vo hundred IH tv to fix hundred 11 tv lUllarn. Terrrn made to cult lurctascru , thlnceo lots must be fold within tin 1aB. Herd jour aildrces to room 81 , Arlington Dlock , and owner of lota will call on you and show you the lots. O. P. HUbblns. 112-181) FOR BALK Kino liTfo 2 itory house , 8 rooms , gts and chandeliers , city watnr upstairs mil down , well , cistern , sh > de , etc. , 0 blocki frm poetofflco , fna I cat bargain in Oraaba , 3,600. Large 2 ttoryO room bouse ; hot and cold wa'.er , f 8 , furnace , intntlo and era cs , stnltary water l.'sof , olictrlo bills , etc , G Llocke from poatodlco. A barga'n , ( G,2&0. Idio a room cottage , all In spldidld rcinlr , ebale , etc , On 17th near Utl'fernla ' ttrcot , 18,000 Two cotUges , 7 and 8 rcoros , on 18th and 19th streets 8 , of Sr. Uary'a Ave. , very easy tormscbeap , 13,000 .acb , Full lot , cast front , shade , etc. , 2 tlccksB. of St. llarj'a Alf. . on0th street , 1,000 Three choice lots In lltmcjin PJace , $1,000 cicli. THO food lots on 20th and Clark streets , ? 2,70J. Nlcu corner lot In Pirkcr'u odd , , tSlQ 8t'endld | lot on Firnam slr et , 81,2(0. Houses nd lots In all parts < f tbo city on viry easy | ajmentt ; money to loin , 6 houtes to rent ; chi.Ice acre property lor sale W , 0. Hhrlvcr , Opp. Postofflcf. 031-13 miUMiB-Improved and unimproved lands FOR Nebraska nnd loa to oxchaogo for Omaha property. Uo"ague , opppostortco. (89tf FOR LUBI Ikst unoooupled ground In the ty for waronouso house,87 feet front on Leavenworth , north bet 10thand Htbwlll Icasofor 93 years. Hid- ord b Souer , 73 ' At abirgain , or will exchange fir city FonutLK , a seoilrn of gro-l land In Central Nib , Adtlros 0. N. H. , I' . O. box tOD , Oroahn. 041-13i | BALK-On it.cetcir line , good lot * In cholo neighborhco-l , at I'DO ' to ? 5vO oicb , on easy crme , Ames , It07 Farnarn , 010 14 flAci-e good iota In this addition with. MARION of street care , can be had on easy terms. W U Orccn , over lit Nut'l IJank. 827-tf I oR HAI.K flbO ; seven year eld horsa , nurness aud 1' top bu/gy ; tiorto bai Lien used an a family homo aJd Is rcrf ctlv Bite. t8'0lot40iI76 ; , laMUIsrd & CsMwell's addition ; $210 cash acd 2 j o us' I loco oil balance. 8 > , fOQ ; five acres on Baundcnmt. . and It rue house aud barn. A > ery Urtte bargain lor ota one , } > , " > o ; Twuct ry dttvlllig on full lot , on car line J62W ; j7rom hou e on lot bdilfco ; good barn , and a > ery complete place , on oany Uinns ; 1 bleak from car llrif. ICO ft on Popplcton Ave , , cnly2 l.lkj from cir line , and ueir the ptrk ; } HV cash and < CO ptr rnnnth. Sl/0y ; LOW 0 room house ou full lot , one b'.nc' < from.-launderstt. , and nso block from preen line car i good barn and a nlro homo fur eornu one. Lots InKlrkwood to mil or lease , t2SCO ; full lot on Ca(4t ( )1 Illll addition. 88x88on H. 18th at , ultb 8 Louies near depot , at a bargain , 16' ! feet on K rnsm , ucar court liouic. U K , Setra. U. V. Hears , Williams lilock. Uth aud Uod e Bt. BiBtl . -Nice l9Hi ou wuit faruarn , Dodge and Davenport tt , , 1303 (3 ( < j pel 101 , Arncl. 10.7 (2011 FOR dAU-In Ppilnfr Hill , hkndiomt 1st ! t tlo to liOO ; 15 month , ( U percent Interest. A met , 1507 Ftintm. BtO-ll TJlOR RAID-Two ( torj hrlck houw , corner lot JL1 tpleodM rl w , tire block , from street citR. Shlno'sKldltlon $3,100. I5CO down nil 115 nor month , a K. Wujno A Co. , 8. W. cor. Itth iml F rn > m 8SI-1T TjViR fUtii Ixitscn nd nc.\r p k ATP. , tt $ lJOa i' tolCOOcaijt ; rm > . Ames , 1C07 FAinitr. TTViRgAt.-Splendid miburbin acre lot * at 1160 to JC1 JMJ. Ames , I60r Fanmm. SI6M4 FOR RKST-9 room home and ( rood barn on Keen car lineUS per months For rent It room house and largo barn on ted line , * 50 per month , M.IOO 22x52 , on Podge ; and brisk building. Lot 44xlW ) and S story brick block on Dodge Sl.\ a bargain. 182 feet on K 18th to lci o for a term of years. BO feet ( or silo < n Farnam. 180 feet far ale ou Farnam. 4 feel foi sale on Farntm. Livery for ale , che p , good trade and will pay f/orai the Marl. M. t. Sears , Will lams block , fsth andDojgeSt 407.11 - walk of Han. teem park , at 3178 to 250 per lot ; tmall pay ments down , long time on balance. Arm * , 1601 Farnarn. DS6-H FOR SAW- Near Hanicom 1'ark , nlco lots at J560 to $550 o ch ; 1-3 down , long tlm on IM- ance. Amos.1607 Farnam. 020-14 FOR BAU- Acre lots within SO minutes drlro from oj > r hemp , nt JltO toJiOOporicic. Amcf , 1507 Farntra , 02014 TT'OR ' RALX Choice residence ! In des'rablo tocttlnns f at rcisonablo prices and easy terms , Amu , ir.07 Farnam. D0-H ! BUSINESS OHANOK8. Ii ORBAlK-Strainflotirmlllc ; paclty 120 bbls. per d > ! eloTatoro p cllySOOCO bushels ; Rood track facilities ; only mill in Omaha , will toll or trade for farmjiroperty. Valued at 8JO.CCO. W. If. Clreon. oer lit National Uank. 795tH"TI TJiOR BALK-ODD of the best ro'a'l ' grocery etauJa lit JL1 the city , clean stock , established trade. Kouon for stlllng other business. Addrcis lleUil droccr. c ro lloe Office. 101-llp FOR sail A fancy store , well established 210 N.ioih . 8t. 1Q2-16 _ FortK\cilANoii * stock ol nlco tteau boots and statlontrv , Invoicing $2,000 , tnvicbaiiKu for Und In Nib. Addrns , L'ox 2JO , DCS Molnoi lona. lOMBn TT'OR BUR Alt established uuilncm : email K h JL ? capital required ; bueliicur. Ad- dress ' 'iarago , " Bco otllcc. 080-Hp TOR HAtsJlllllncry § tcck and store fixtures , In J ? Sprlngllutd Nobnska ; a good chance ; no com petition. Address box 181 , SprlrKflelJ , Nob. OlO.Up TjVjn RAM A hill. Interest li a set of abstract JL1 booliB , of DoagUs county , about one hilt com- listed , llieso baoks nro In tbo Ute < t Improved method aud are rellaola. AJdrcss L. Q , Uoo olllop. BfsiXKSs cliANCiAbout SSOO will buy an ostab- llahcd business , together with If wo forono year of building. TMs Is a goad bai gain for BOino ono Address a. 1' . , llea olllco. SlStt rpo KicitANOK A ? J,000 stock of bran now lurd- JL ware , direct from the factory , for good Nebraska or Iowa land. For Bale Clioan and beautiful tots Illmobaugh and I'ltteraon'a Hub-division , two miles from cltv nt 8150 and $200 each , on monthly payments of 15 and 810. 1'or- eoni buying hero will bo assisted to build right away It dealrcd. To rent Four tplondld offices. 63 .11 B. 0. 1'ATTKllSON , 18th and Farnam St. PERSONAL. PXB80 ! < 8 having Infants or children under six 3 oars , to board out , can find a good homo at 107 North 10th at. 767-lCp A QUIRT MOMS For ladles during confinement. Correspondence confldtnllal. Address Lock Box { 39 , Line.In , Neb. 99S-Aug 12p PRHSO.VAI , Will bo found at 15C9 Davenport street , an experienced nuno ; best city refercnco. 70S lOp LAD1R3 If you want your plumes or tips cleaned , dyed and curled ; tlnt-olaes work guaranteed , go to Ilonry Sincere , 1310 Jackson St. 493-jly 22 E. II. Hooper , tranuo oUlrvoyan JL and healing medium , over 710 North 18th 3 652.J81 M na. BCURODKR Clairvoyant and Magnetic healo Locitca all pain and Jlaoase , 707 N , 16th Bt. 437 July 19 DR. A CHBSTKRriKLD Magnetic physician , test and developing medium , over BIB oortu 10th St , . _ _ _ B68-J2 LOST ANDUTOUND. _ _ _ _ STBAnoitnroLBN From 16th et. , bet. Karnam and Douglas , bet 10 and 11 a , m. , Saturday , a cbcenut eorrcl horse , whlto Btar In forehead , mane ou left side and left hind leg white ; had on siddlo. AJartHS with Information or return to nnd receive reward , C , E , Strykjr , NK Cor ISth and South et. , city. 12S-13p T OST- Black and ton teller pup , 0 months old ) JLJH5 renard for safe return to 823 8. 20 St. 118-1B LOST A Rtnall black d k umbrella with carved box wood handle ; sultiblo reward fet Its return to Chtrlea Shlverlck'a furnliuro Btoro. 87IM4p J < TRAYBDOH8TOLr.x A eorrcll mare with whlto 7) star In the foreheaj. Fin lor will rccolva a liber al reward by returning her to Cumm'i & Oulnn , ( rro- ccrs,13th and Chicago street . C.17-1 f RUPTURE GORED. No Operation , or useless Irasies Dr. M. If , Uooro 243 Wabasb avo. , Chicago , Ills. , at Omalik every ! 0 days. Send stamp for circular. 499-JIr-22 MISCELLANEOUS. TjiiiUfT CLASH Short Hand writers furnished on short JD notice free cf charge ; a' ' BO tvpo wrlteia to rontby ; he moclh. I pay ciuhfor Information \acnnclca. . BtcnographeiH wlshlnir to bitter their condition Bhould rlto mo. J. 13 , Hayneg , Box 025 , Umaho , Mb. 117-12 DnnssMAKiNO L > dlo9 ulhhlng tha services ot a fl bt clan ilrcBiinakcr , apply 'nt 1143 N 18th Ht. Perfect lit guaranteed. l5 < 18p , in.ACK-1 Inv blcrclo for a good horse , ad * WILI I ) . U , Ueo olllcj , Council IllulTs. _ _ _ _ 90B15 _ U. I' . Park located 12 rnUea a W. on U. 1 > . TIIH road , Is now open to the public and can bo rented or plc-nlcg and social gatherings. Kpeclal ratca for fare given. For torina , call or addreealL C. Bcbnenck [ apllllon , Nob. 032-11 IkftOOD HARia Parties wlsbln ? to purchase brood. Dinarcs for ranch purposes please call at Homan'i Livery stable , 413 south lith street , Omaha. 802-U fluxw BiLvita TAD , does not giro you heart-burn , Ly 1'ags ledeomod at one cent , each by the dealer * Poyoko Bros. , Agents. 683-tl T > AaTUBB-On Hkhoru and I'latto. T , Murray. O , Its. r i lilt flavored , tags redeemed L cent each by the doaJen. Poycke llio . 038-tl TNSTBUCTIOM on banjo irlrcn by Q B Oellen JL beck , at 1110 Capitol ave. i80-t ! VAULTH and rtmroo'n cleaned m an oil rless Pnivv . A. Kvaup , 120J D.d'o et OlS.ugaji X 1nKW BiLVHH TAO , It does not taint th breath , tagi Or cdi'emod at oueooat 4h by too dealers. 1'eyck lirot , Agents. 8.t ! INSTITUF MEDICAL AND SURGICAL. rou THE TitiuiMiarr or ILL CKIIONICAND SURGICAL DISEASES. " The largest MoUlcol institute Weal of MlaolHDlppI Rivor. r roomi for the ucromoilMlon of patlenti. The I'hyblclnn and burgeon In charea of the liutltiite titi liau tixucri ypurti' or ftuccctvrul inuctltc.and l allied jy atoUtanU or Inn ) < M.uuiU ) aa l clalku la llulr vailoiK dtpaitimntii. WKirironCiKCULiuuti Heformillcs and Bute ) , IHUCii. KBofVOMKN , I'llu * , Tumort , Canrcrft , L'AUrrh , Uroncbl. It , Inhalation , Klfclrlcltr. l'ar Jj l > , Kplltpir , KlUniir , Ve. Kar.akln and Ulout IH.eiioi Wtllo fur 111 I'lllfiTK. Bl-kCUL injNKUTUCS IMlVtlM , KemlDll M'eiikticiii , 8p riiititurrttf ft. Syphilis , Uleet , fitrlcturt , Varl * orolo n J H < ll iei ofiho Vrlnkrj and Reiutl orrjtni ' . ' . . u Jlcluei loot t.j null ur citron without utrkt vv luilt , : it centum or > ml > r , idc , ! ! letters to ( IM 1U VIKUICAI. INI ) UUKQIUAI , I