G THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS TUESDAY , JULY 11 , 1885. ' THE DAILY BEF. OOUNCIL BLUFFS Tut B lay Morning , July 14 tstmscnirriON BATES , BT C4rrlM . - - -JO eento'pei wee ! ! . - . . - - 110.00 p r ye * MINOR MENTION , Roller , merchant tailor , for finogoode , There \rai quite a plcnlo party at Haw > tborno'a l&ko lest Sunday. Ofllcor Kirk ; yesterday afternoon ar rested F. Farmer for being drank. The timbers for the roof of the now county j H are being put In place. Slim Jim , arrested for sleeping In c stairway , was turned loose yesterday. Bids for the maaonary on the now government postoffico are to bo opened on Angus t 10th. Captain Carlisle , who lives east of the olty , racolvod yesterday his back pension , amounting to about 32,400 , and will from this tlmo on receive a pension of $20 a month. The weekly literary and social of the Young Moris' Christian Association will bo hold as usual this evening at 8:30 : o'clock , Both ladles and gentlemen ore Invited. The city council did not meet last night , the orflln&ncca which , it was de sired to consider , not having been pre pared. The next attempt at a mooting will bo on Friday night. Complaint ban boon lodged before Jus tice Hondrlcks , against the Johnsons , a colored family on Pierce street , charging them with keeping a house of prostitu tion. There will bo a hearing to-day. F. Adams was again arrested yester day on the charge of thumping his wo man , Jennie Moacham. She has had him arrested several times before , but alwaya repents , and falls to appear when the tlmo for trial comes. 0 ohn Hoans was arrested for shooting off a revolver nbar the dummy depot , and needlessly giving the police a run. Ho was fined and is being hold , ho having .some jewelry in his possession which the police look on with suspicion. "Lono Wolf" has returned from Mis souri Valley , and ho cannot say too much for the Cheney house , where ho found the best sort of accommodations. He next goes to Avoca , where ho will bo Thursday , Friday and Saturday. Charlie Sanderson has been let out of the Cro depsitment under the recent order cutting down the force. Sam Mor risen has been retained. It la under stood that Sanderson was given lite chance to take Morrison's place , but gen- * oronsly refused to crowd any man oat to make room for him. The Rev. William M. Halgh , D.D. , of Chicago , the general superintendent of missions for the northwest of the Amerl can Baptist Homo Mission society , Is ti moot In conference the state socrotarle of nine or ten of the states in this section at Council Blufis , July 28 to 30. Inter eating public services will be held In th Baptist church the evenings of the 29th and 30th. Tom Kelley was yesterday jail for being drunk. Ho Is poor man , struggling along to get his team paid for , and his wife being sick .nlgn unto death , and his child being too young and small to help around the house , . or to feed the horses , the family affairs loomed In so deplorable condition that some of his neighbors wont on his bond and got him released. Two tallora who work for Potera yes terday drove across the Bryant street bridge on a trot , and were promptly pulled in. It cost them about ten dollars to learn that the city ordinance is against suoh fast speed. Other complaints are to bo filed against parties who hayo for gotten the ordinance , and the thought- leas ones had bettor jog their memories In some less expensive way than by sub . jectlog themselves to a fine of $0 and costs. Three sirens from Pierce street were yesterday fined by Jndgo Aylosworth. They gave their names as Fanny Smith , Haudo Thomas , and Kottio Smith. A young man has turned up In the city who claims that ho Is a brother of ono of the girls , and that ho had not seen his slater for three years , and supposed she was loading a good honest life , until ho reached the city and found to his sorrow ( and anrptiso that she was in jail. He j ° seemed very solicitous about her , and went to' the homo of the judge In the night to see if ho could not secure her release , but she seemed to want to avoid him , and would not consent to be under any obligation to him. The Nonpareil having a printing bill against the Phllomothoan musical society for about ? 50 , lately hunted about for Borne ot the officers of the defunct organi zation , and sued several ot thoao who were thought to have belonged. A judg ment won obtained , but the defendants came Into court and got an Injunction restraining the collecting of the same , on the ground that they were not members of the society , but belonged to another eoclety , known as the Philharmonic , and that the mistake had arisen from this fact. The Nonpareil , the other day , nought to get the Injunction dissolved , but the court ref used , and now there will hove to be a now hunt for tha responsible members of the muilcal dab for whom printing was done. Engineer DeLaud , of the St. Paul road , Is rosoverlng from the effects of the asiaiilt rntdo upon him by the Fero brothers , but Is' not ytt able to go on duty , and will probably bo obliged to lay off for two or three weeks longer. There has been grout Indiguatluu caused by the assault , and the Foros will do well If the ; get out of this scrape without getting Borne severe handling , Yesterday the case of the younger of the brothers , foi MjauKlng Ohtlstonson , cuno up before Justice Schnrz , and was continued until next Friday , the bonds being fixed nl $400 , and W. F. Sapp , Jr. , being the security. The bond of $300 in the other case has boon given with A. J , Crlttondon and John Sohoontgon as bondsmen. It Is understood that the St. Paul road will not countenance the Foros any longer , and that the attorneys for the road have boon notified no to defend them In court , and that the Feros have secured as at torney , Colonel Sapp. Hanthorn sells wood at his feed store. SNIDE ADVERTISING , A Stranger Works the Town ana Jumps Hla Board Bill , It is astonishing that among otherwise sharp bualn ess men , there en bo found so many dupes ready to bo gathered in on any sort ot a sickly advertising scheme , when fluently pictured by some glib tongued stranger. Such a schema has boon again worked in this city , and was liberally patronized , while the legitimate advertising men , reproaonting responsible papers , have boon finding it rather bare sledding. About ton days ago a young man , giv ing his name as W. R. Woodruff , ap peared nt the Pacific house , and engaged board for a week , representing that ho was going to work a hotel advertising achomo. After engaging his room , and getting what information ho desired about the city , and who among the busi ness men were good advertisers , ho sneaked out without having oven the courtesy to say good day , or to glvo any reason for not remaining to occupy the room which ho hud engaged. A few days later , Goorpo Ferguson , the young er of the proprloiora , spied the young man , and took him to task , as George can , when ho tries , but the follow begge" off , on the ucoro of poverty , and e : plained that ho had to economize asmuc' JB possible , and had therefore secure board In a private houso. Ho had no the manhood to lot the hotel men know rf his change of mind , nntil cornered ind seemed so sneaky , that he was .tol that ho must not got any advertising o : the strength of any reprocentatlo : that ho was going to put an ; ) f his books into the Paolfii is they would not conntenanco an ; ichomo of his. It seems that ho did mat inch representations , however , and kep ; hat hotel In the list of these where h tdvertlslng scheme would be placed This scheme was a very simple affair , con listing of a pasteboard cover , in whlc * Tould be kept a copy of the Illustrate ) London News , the pretense being tha ; ncsts of the hotel would bo so dellghtec ; o road the paper , and look at the pic ; uros , that the advertising cards on th : over would attract great attention , an Tould result in a great boom for thos The Improved this rare chance to go places to display their names and buai loss. loss.Tho fellow succeeded in getting a good y amount of patronage on this scheme , ind In the meantime ho represented t he woman , with whom ho was boarding , hat he was expecting his partner , and on lis arrival he wonld pay up. Friday ast , ho collected from the advertisers , ind at night ho told his landlady that hi rould settle In the morning , anyway , ind if his partner arrived on the evening rain , ho would be able to pay that very light. Ho went up town to meet th ralnsand late at night returned and rent to his room. When the call wa nado for him to rise In the morning , thi ilrd had flown , he having sneaked out In he night with what little baggage , ho lad. lad.Tho The lady thus victimized , is Mrs. L. H illtcholl , on Washington avenue. She ias sent word along the line , whither ho i supposed to have flown , and still lopes that ho may be caught and brought lack to answer for. h'is conduct. The oung man Is a very glib talker , and ; oasted that ho had worked successfully II the cities of the land , and looked with ather disdain on Council Bluffs , as bo at ; too small for n young man of his billty , and for such a brilliant advor- lahg scheme as he had devised. Still o condescended to stay hero , and allow be merchants to take advantage of the banco offered. Ho is a young man , light omploxloncd , blno eyes , light colored lonstacho , weighs about ono hundred ad twenty-five pounds. He were suit of brown , with cutaway coat , a ght drab , stiff , high-crowned hat. Ho lonld bo passed around. Lone IVoirs Tripe , Dr. J. Palmer , who is known far and ear as "Lono Wolf , " has just returned om a successful visit to Missouri Val- iy , where ho has been showing the auf irlng ones an easy road to health and ipplncsi by treating them in hi a pecu ar and simple manner. The doctor , avlng established himself permanently are , is reaching out In all directions , id by his visit to Missouri Valley , and 10 showing of bis skill there , has gained strong hold among the people of that [ cinlty , and won for himself dot only > mo line preas notices , but many good ords from the citizens. Ho will next go to Avoca , where ho III cpend Thursday , Friday and Satur- ly ot this week. He Is already known icro among many , and will doubtless id plenty of demand for his tlmo and Special ATcoilna ot the Hoard. Supervisor Robert Klrkwook was In to city yesterday , and to-day will go 1th Supervisor Frnm , to DOS Molnes , i attend the meeting of the state board id look after the Interests of this county the work of equalization. The county > rd " 111 probably hold a special meet- g on Tuesday of next week , as the call now being prepared for that date. bis special moating will probably result the going ahead with the building of e now court house , without wtttlng iy longer for the city to take any action regard to the Fifth street sewer. uro seems no good reason for further lay , and the county board will go tead and advertise for bide. Wells Cook has accepted the position general agout at large of the "safety nd ayatom" of the Hartford Ufa and unity Insurance company , of Hartford , inn. , and will locito tbo Council Dloil's auch of the western department at'No. Pearl street. Death of Car * A. Kccseo. It has boon often exemplified in ou midst that in his oarch for victims deal loves to aim his shafts at the brlghtcs marks , and delights to blight with with orlug touch these who give the groatet promise of the fruition of bright hopes There has been no sadder oxompllficatlo : of this than has been presented in th sudden death of Miss Cora A. Koosec daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kocsec and sitter of Mrs. R. E. Ingnvham which occurred at 8:30 : yesterday ovoc ing at the family residence on Wort street , The disease that did Its awli and deadly work was the droado cerobro-sptnal monlngotls. She had no boon strong since her recovery from ai attack of scarlet fever last fall , but th cerebral malady did not develop itsol until last Friday. Dr. Montgomery wa called and attended the patient until ho sjmptoms became alarming yoatorda ; morning , when Dr. Stlllman was calloi Into consultation. Their united skll was Insufficient to stay the ravages of th disease , and after bravely and patient ! ; bearing the ] terrible suffering her shat tercd strength gave way and she uanl into rest with a swoot'good night to hoi grief-stricken friends. Cora had seen but eleven years am nlno months of life , and was the yonngoa member of the family , but she was regarded gardod as the brightest flower that claa torod around the family hearth. She wa very ambitions and possessed moro thai ordinary natural gifts , among them i passionate love for innate. It was the ambition , too , of her parents , that hoi rare musical talents should receive the highest possible cultivation. The funeral will take place from the residence , 203 "Worth street , corner ol Third street , this morning at 10 o'clock , Friends of the family will attend wlth < ant further notice. Mueller ttlnslc Company Will sell all the pianos and organs pur chased at the J. Mueller sale at closing- DUt prices. Either cash or tlmo pay- nontt. Now is your tlmo to got pianos ind organs cheap , na the old business nnst be closed up. Raising Funds , To the Business Men of Council Bluffs : Cho Workingmens' Progressive Assocla- ion of Council Bluffs , Knights of Labor , , ako this method of calling the attention if all humane men to the fact that our ellow-workingmen of the Wabash rail- ray service are engaged in a terrible itrngglo with a tyrannical employer , in Those behalf the technicalities of law ind the adventitious aid of false public ipinlon , fostered and sustained by the itterancos of subsidized legal talent and ournallsm , Is Invoked. These men are naklng a gallant struggle under many llfficultles , and not the least of these Is he constant pressure for money to do- ray the expenses of frivolous and mall- Ions prosecutions , conducted with dla- mlical Ingenuity against them. In order to meet thesa demands the eaources of the strikers are taxed to the itmost and thoao of their associates evoroly drawn upon. It IB upon the re- aunoration of labor that the profits of raders and merchants depend , and on his account wo foal justified In consider- ng all buaincss men as parties In interest rlth worklngmon In all contests for ilgher wages or against reductions , therefore we appeal to you to contribute o the necessary expenses of these men a lortlon of the profits derived from the itttronsgo of worklngmen. A committee will canvass the city to olloit your aid , and we ask you to bo iboral. Respectfully , COMMITTEE OP K. OP L. Read Judd & Smith's offer of $1,000 oward In another column. PERSONAL. W. S. Cottrell , of Little Siour , waa in thi ty yesterday. Miss Vila Miller , of Silver Creek , is a gues I Constable Wesley'a family. Charles Alton , of the cashier's office of thi rnion PaciOc , was in the city yesterday. Mr , Frost , purchasing agent of the Union aclflc , took a look at the Bluffs yesterday , Dr. Beybort started last evening for Spin ako , to got a little needed rest and recrea- on. on.Mr. Mr. Simon Eiseman , of Eisemnn , Rodda & o , , started eastward yesterday on a purchas g trip , The Hov. Fred S. DeMottou , and J. 0 , dams , of Leavenworth , were at the Ogden JUBO yesterday. Colonel Cochran , of Little Sioux , was al 10 Ogden house yesterday , with n party o : a friends , including Mr , and Mrs. B. H , Icharde , their daughter and BOD , they being om Baltimore , Miss Megetb , Mrs. Brewer , id Master Jessie Birhnrds , of Omaha. Substantial abstracts of title and roa itate loans. J. W , and E , L. Squires , )1 ) Pearl street , IOWA IXEMB. An extra twist of tbo Sioux City con- is returns shows a population of 19,074. Charles Roberts , a teamster , was irown from his wagon on the road near os Molnos and killed , Wednesday enlng. The Cedar Rapids pork packers have lied 108 437 bogs this year , a falling off over 8,000 for the corresponding time st year. Six hundred and forty-five Is the exact easurement of the coming democratic ito convention which will meet at Cedar iplds , August 19. ' During the year last past Iowa pro iced 2,501,154. gallons of whisky and 397,748 gallons of beer , which paid a venue of $2,513,025. Mrs. R. M. Davis , who was burned to ath in Denver on the 4th , was the nghter of Mr , and Mrs. Q , M. Oliphant , Davenport , and lived In that city for irteen years. Miss Jennlo McCall , of Linn county , II against a barb wlro f enco a short time o , cutting her face and hands. Eryal- las attacked the wounds , causing tbo ath of the victim last week. Marcus Kavanavgh , jr. , a Dea Molnes itur , confesses to having delivered tbo me Fourth of July oration seven limes , mus has bicoma conscience-smitten , d will now retire from the ro'tnuu. Floury Krumpse , of Dubnqne , was led at McGregor on Monday morning being crushed by a falling pile-driver , tether workman , name unknown , suf- od the loss of hit arms and lega by the no accident and will die. Sheriff McOann , of Dnbuqne , was on Hid ay notified that on or before An- it 1st Injunction eulta will bo brought itnat every saloon keeper in Dubaqua restrain them from the ealo of Intoxi cating liquors. 0. B. Dorr , editor of th Prohibitionist , and others , are th complainants. The Sioux City it Dea Molnes railway company has boon Incorporated In Slot ) City. 1'osslbly one of the first things t bo done will be to assist tha Mllwauko to right-of-way across Woodbnry count ; and other portions of the articles look t helping the Dakota & Great Souther : Into the city. The silk worm business is fairly bogni in Oscoola this summer. Mrs. Palnte and daughters have million , Mrs. J. W Kelley has 8,000 , Mrs. J. R. Beard am Miss Delia Kennedy 4,000 or 5,000 oacL Mrs. J. M , Beard a number , and perhap others of whom wo have not hoard They are fed on ossgo orange leaves , am grow , perfectly healthy , upon thorn. A reward of 025 is offered for the ar rest of the parties who hung John A Hayes , the 10-yoar old boy , in Unloi Grove , Harriaon county. An effort i being made to Increase the reward t $2,500. The theory of suicide has bee ; abandoned , The Ml nnotonka Disaster. , July 13. Divers are at wort on the steamer St. Lenis to recover the bodiei lobtinlaat night'a storm atrl another part ; la hero waiting for transportation to the scene of the wreck , The bodies of Mary Rand Frank Hand and Katie Coykondall were tnkei Irom about ono hundred foot of water. Ex-Mnyor Hand's body waa recovered bj a appling hooka in fifty feet of water , lie bad his vest off when recovered , The wrccl Is located in sixty feet of water. The divei who just come up reports the mud very doe ] and the work very difficult. The Democrats and High Llconso , DCDCO.OK , Iowa , July 13. Key City demo cratic club , composed of leading business nnd professional men , adopted a resolution in aver of having the state democratic conven tion adopt a plank for the repeal of prohibi tion and the adoption instead of n uniform license law of $500 , with bold restrictions sim ilar to the Nebraska law. This action is con sidered significant coming , from Dubuque , where intense anti-prohibition sentiment pre vails. SPECIAL NOTICES HOT1CIC. Spoolol vertlsomonts , sun a LOB ! Fooad , To Loan , For Sale , To Root , Wants , Board. [ ag , etc. , will ba Inserted In thla column it the low nio ol TEN CENTS P R LIKE lot the first Iniorllon ind FIVE CENTS PER LINK lor each sntoequent In- on. Lonvu advertisements M oar offia * , Ho. I Street , near L'roadwuv WANTS. 1T1OII SALE Lands Improved aad unimproved. J ? II you n ant alarm In cetera loir * , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , lotus bear from you. SWAN 4 WALKBB. fjiOll BALE Houses. Lota and Land. A. J J ? Stophenron , 608 First avenue , rpo EXCAANO U 0 , b 6 , b 10 , b 13. are hotels in ulQ. J. crcntlocations for Kilo or for trade. B15S , apodal bargain ; 400 a Imcrotcd firm worth $18,000 , prlro ( or a abort tlmo $16,000 , will trade lor low priced Western lands. Swan & Walker. , saddlery Hardware manufacturing estab lishment stock and mtchlnery , value 37,000 , ( or western land Swan & Wa\ktr \ , Council Bluffs. B203 , etock cf dry goods , groceries and hardware , \aluo , $5,000 , In an good eastern Nebraska town or land. Swan fe Walker. B201 , stock ol general merchandise In a good western Iowa town , value 4,000 , wants an 1m prov cd ( arm In western Iowa , bwnn & Walker. T ) 205 , stock of hardware In Stuboo Co. . Indiana , JLJ ( or land , value about $1,000. Swan & Walker. , new stock of harrwMO In a Iho Nebraska B200 ( or land , value $3,000. Swan & Walker. 207. stock ot agricultural Implements and shell B hardware , \alue about 8,000. nants a good 1m- prov ed ( arm. Swan & Walker. T > 203 , a $10,000 stock of clothing In a good Wla- JLJ consln city , 3 In landa and balance cash or im proved security. Uoautiful store room at low rent. BwAn & Walker. , Block ol mixed hardware In a ll\e western B210 a town for cheap lands , \aluo $0,007. Swan fcWalkor. , fine brick block , rents well , In a Iho central B211 n one room occupied with general stock ol goods , n ants an Improxcu ( arm , % Iuc ; building 13,000 , gooda $7,000. Swan & fcalker. stock ol boots , shoos bats , caps and clothing B212 valued $3,000 , In one of tbo beet tonns In Nob. , \ alucd $3,000 ( or lands. Swan & Wtlker. , a $3,000 stock of clothing , wants land In North Western Iowa , ( or $0,000 , and will pay diQerenco. Swan & Walker. B214 , an $3,000 stock ol drugs In central Iowa ( o land. Swan & Wnlerr. , stock ol drugs value fromSSOO to ? 70 B2Uanother bnlldlng and lob valao $ SOO In a gooi ebraska town wants partly Improved land. Swan & ( Talker. lull particulars , write to or call upon Swan FOR . II jou want to sell , buy , or tradeanr < .hlnpr , tell S. & W. about It Swan & Walker , Coun ; ll Blufls Iowa. JTACOJB SIMS , Attorney - COUNCIL BLUM B , IOWA. Off re Main Street , Rooms 7 and 8 , Shngart tn euctiloik. Will praclloe In Slate and tate cour J. L. UiBKVOISE. t No. 607 Broadway Oounoll Bluffi. ONLY HOTEL In Council Blufla haUng a aid all modern Improvements , call bells , fire alarm bolls , etc , , ia the URESTON HOUSE Noa. 210 , 217 and 219 , Main Street. , IAX mHN , - PROPRIETOR BLUFFS COUNCIL ARPET COMPANY CAEPETS , Curtains. Oil Cloths , ( Vindow Shades , Linoleums , Mattings , Rugs Etc. Etc , . , * larefui Attention Given to Ou of Town Orders , rpholstery and Drapery Work a Specialty. Oar otock la the id la being continually replenished by I the lateat and choicest novoltlca. 05 Broadway Council Biufis The New Yorfc PLUMBING CO'Y 552 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa SANITARY & HYDRAULIC ENGINEERSPUB' LIC and PRIVATE SYSTEMS of SEWERAGE - ERAG-E , WATER WORKS and VENTILATION - TILATION design ed and constructed. PLUMBING wort in all its branches. This conruanv have one of thebest assort ed stocks ot plumb ing goods in the west . Estimates furnish ed. H. Birkinbine' Manager. ORK , PLUMBING CO'Y 552 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS Telephone No. ST. S. H. FXLJBEJIT , 209 Broadway , - - Council Bluffa DRY GOODS. 10 yards print . V 1 20 drcsagooda nublan gingham . . 1 good gingham- . . . . . . 1 00 belloalr chovotts . . . . . 100 good sheeting . 103 suflolk jeans . 1 00 Best Joana all \ \ eel , 30c per yard. Boots and shoes at prices as low as any house In tha city. GROCERIES. IB pounds ox G sugar. . , . . . $ 1 IB pounds granulated iuar . 1 3 pounds confectionary A sugar . 1 id bars white Euselan soap. Klrka . 1 ! 0 bars blue India soap , Khka . 1 ! 2b > rsP lmasaap , Lautz Bro'a . 1 .8 ' boxes matches . 3est syrup , per gillon . ? osl sorgnim , per gallon . 3ott English currants , 11 pounds . 1 .0 boxes genuine Lew Is lye . 1 52-pound cans itrawberrica In syrup. . . , . , 1 5 8-pound cans peaches , in Bjrup . . 1 OS-pound cans tomatoes . 1 00 0 pounds Hlcblgandrlcdapplcs . 1 00 0 pounpo aporated apples . 1 00 Xirllard climax tobacco per pound . 45 'avy plug tobacco , per pound . CO Jaturalloif tobtcoo , per pound . 00 'lour ' , all brands Irom 82.10 to $350 per cwt. GOODS FOB CASH ONLY Uower Than Any Other House IN THE CITY. S.H. FILBERT , 6 Broad weO - - Council Blufl NOLL'S PORTABLE Ptietewattc Beer Fa ncet. Price $ lb.0l ) . A liberal discount nil be made to p Tties ordering a alf dozen Faucets nt ono time. For further jiartjculnrs inquire of E , F. T7AIN , Council Hluff-i , I own , Lppnt for Western Jovvn and Mob , Mm \ [ , J , Balcear , Who for Uo ra < t 19 i ears has been practising in FruncUco ii now located at No 8 N , Cth Btra > poalto new Opera House , wlaco Bulcoir guaran ttb to restore HAIR OR WHISKERS , r to give anj ono a liUjjli mntUcha or bring out a egrovulid b lr orbjartllu from ( our toelx coks. lee ) reasonable and ettlefirtliri guaranteed , lancarn , dothwuandeinccli.il ) * rhcinmtliin and olirenio Uiuiats cuioa tj a lutuial gilt ol he : treea. treea.J } > \ JE7. / " . JBalccar , -rbtO thSt.Council Bluffa E. . Eice M. H. * WfirnO or * thii tauon in-mti wtlionl tai aflutlUU , HROHIC DISEASES * ' * * * * * * * * Over . I'etrl itftet. 0 uodl Slufli , I , 80HURZ. Gee oTflio Peace. ornoz OTBK AUKRIOUI L _ . . BIiUFFB. TOW A. W. P. A.YLSWORTH HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. movedBrick buildings of nny kind raised or moved and SAtWuction guaranteed : , , Frams hoiu moved on Little Giant trucks , the best In the world. W. P. AYLSWOUTH. 1010 Ninth Street , Council Binds SMITH & TOLLER , ACTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 0 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . IOWA. Complete Line of New Goods Always on Hand. HAIR GOODS Waves , Langtry and Pompadour FrizzesSwitch es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices cheaper than ever. Call and see for yourself , MRS. C. L. GILLETTE , Formerlv MRS. J. J. GOODE. 29 Main StreetCouncil Bluff. Sold by the leading dealer iii every cily nud towii , E ; Burhorn , 17 Main St. , Council Blufls. HI. > . IsTIL ixa. Ornamental Painii Graining , Gilding , 1'aper Hanging and Frescoing. 110 Main St. , Council Blufls. KIEL BALE STABLES Keep Horsca and Muloo constantly on hand which we will Bell In retail or carload lota II Stock Warranted as Reuresented Wholesale and retail dealers In Grain and Baled Hay. Fricea rea sonable Satisfaction Guaranteed. , o BO WLEY Oor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Conncll Bluffa. For any case of Kidney or liver disease or dyspepsia , rheumatism , or any disease indndcod y a lack of native power , that cannot be cured by tbo USD of Dra , Judd & Smith's Electric olta and Appliances , fto. SO. Fourth St. , Council Bluffs , AGENTS WANTED. Norene & Landstrom , Merchant Tailors Suite to order In latest atylea at cheapest possible 'prices.No No , 205 Main St. , Council Bluff rT1iEiiEO AND UTSE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. Regular Dinner 11JJO : to 1'IO , 25 cents , 505 Broadway , Council Bluffs. 'ho only oil night bouse in the city. Everything served in first class style nnd on nhor notice , Hot and cold lunchoa always ready. iO. F. Wholesale Druggists i AND DEALER IN hints , Oils , Yamii OMAHA , NEB. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following ara the times of the arrival and d . partaro a ! trams by central standard time , M the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot tin mln. 3tes earlier and arrive ten minutes later. DXPABT , AEBIVB HUOAOO and KORTUW-OTTUJ. 0:25 A M Mall and Express 8 : > 0f r u .2:10 : r u Accommodation 4:10 : r u 6:30 : p u Express ; OB A u CIUOAaO AMD ftOCK IBLA5D. i26 ; A u Mall and Express 0:63 : r H :26 : A K Aooommodatlon 6:15 : p u : SO f H Kxprces 9:00 : A u f BtllOO , UILWADHII AND R , MUl. : SOA M Mall and Express 6:60 : r u ; 26 r M Express 0.05 A H CHIOAOO , BDBLIHOrOM AID qUMOT. :60 : A Mall and Express 7:10 : r 10 v Atoomuiodatlon 2:00 : r n ; 16 r ljiroua 8:60A : 11 WABA8O , BT. LOD1S AND rAOmd. 2:16 : p M Local St. Louis Express Local J.OOru Transfer " " Transfer 3:20 PM KAKIAI 01TT , BT. JOI AHD OOUNOIL ILVm. ) , OS A U Mall and Express 0:40 : P M i:16 : p U Express 0:25 : A u iioux nrr AHO rAcirio , 20 A u Mall for Sioux City 0:60 : p u BO p u Express for St Paul 0:25 : A u USION pAeiric , 1:00 : A u Dsnvcr Express 1:35 : p u :06 p u Lincoln Paca O'a & R V 2:35 : p M ' :5S : p u Overland Kxprcea g ; 0 A M BUUUr TRAINS TO OUilU , Leave Council Bluffs - 8 65-7:65-8:30-10:80 : : : : IO a. in. 1:80-2:30-8.80 : : 4:28-6:26-8:26 : : : : I6 p. m. Leave Ouiaba 8.25 7:26 : e:60 : 10 11115 a. in. 12:60-2:00-8.00-4:00-4:66 : : : : 5:66 : ( OH , OPFIOEB , W , H , II. 1'DSK Officer & Pusev. BANKERS Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established - 1865 Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Ki Home Securities , FOB. aAia BT S.A. PIERCE,1 100 Main St. , Council Bluffa Iktall Boot and Shoe store where big bargains can slwaju bulfounil _ _ AND GARDEN FARM FOR SALE , Sixteen acres , ton In dull , nix In garden and mborland , six room bouse , ttublu , will , cittern , i.c. II in Ko.d ondltlou. or will tiudoor Omaha prop- "y > V. KELLER , County Treasurer1 ! ! nlllce. noimcll Uluff . THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE WRITER . NO. 2 , la the Highest Achievement in Writing Machines in the World , With only S3 keys to learn an operate. It prints 70 characters Including caps and email letters , iiunctuatloDti , figures , elgnt and 'ructions. ' It s the slinplegt and moat rapid writing machine liiade as well as < ie most durable ! for free illustrated pamphlet. Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict , Chicago , 111. , Solo Agents. 0. II. BHOLKS , Council Blufls , Agent ( or Western Iowa ,