Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Knter * tlie nyBtrm from imkjitmii
crimm , nt nil cn om.
Shatter * the Kert < * , Impair * Illgntlon , nd
KnTetblcs the Jlnsclt .
nnd 1'cTrrn. lot liilcriiilllrnt ,
nllndo , l.nrlt of inrr : r , It liui nn equal. It
enriches and rrnrltlni Ibn Moral. rtlmulMc * the * p
, and ntrenfthenn the mnicliMt and .
Jt does not Injure tha tcctb , mum lionilachn , or
rnxlaco con tlp Uoil nllnllirr Inn mnl trlnrt t .
n T. J. UEIU.T , the patriotla and scholar/ !
CMholloUlrlnn , of ArViniuin. Mirt
"I harp nwxl Ilrwn'n Iron Illttnni with the irreatj
mt Mllnfacflon for Malai-H am ) an a prcrrntlvo of
( Jhilln mil likn dlwaum , anil will alutt ) a keep It enl
l ail ready friend. "
UonulnB has anoro trade tnnrk and rrfWMl rr l lines
on wrapper. Tnlio no ntlirr. Madnonljty
JIIIOWS ( HI r.MKJA I , < , ' < > . , IIAT.TI.XUIUi : . MI > .
LADIES' HAND HOOK unntnl and attractive , cnn >
tilnlnff list of iirltRS for rcclr1" , Information about
oolrn. nto. , KUcn nirnjr t > y all ( Wlora In medicine , or
nailed to any addroM on receipt of 2o , Manip.
dHtttcitiiuatHRQAQ ! CLAIfa *
olforort to tlio UHllU < 3
ClIironlcitNorvons Jllspniscs
i37 8ouil to slainpi for Celebrated Jledical
Works. AOilro of. . I > . OI.AKKi ; , M. D , ,
ISO ttouth Clark Street , CHICAGO , ILU
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tlckota in Filths ; wholes 85 ; Fractions pro r ta.
aDJeol lo no manipulation , not controlled by Iba
Bulletin Interest. It li lh fairest thing In the
suture of chance In existence.
lor tickets apply to SUIP3ET ft CO. , 1212 Broad
w yN. T. City ; , Or M.OITKN8 ft CO , fllfl M ! n St.
Kugu Cliv , llo.
Frlglilful Case of a Colofed Man ,
I contracted a fearful case ol blood poison In 1833 ,
Iwoa treated by some of the best phalcUna In At-
Junta. They uacd the old remedies of mercury and
jiotasb , which biongbt oa rbcumatltm , and impair-
cdmy tllgeetlvo oigan : . E cry joint In mo was
swollen and full of pain. When I wasghcn up to
ille my phjsldans thought it wouU bo a treed time
to teat tlie virtues of Snlft'a SpeclDc. When I com
mence J taking S. 8. S. . the phys'ciin ' Bald I could
not live two weeks under tbo ordinary treatment.
Ho commenced to glvo ma the nmllchio strictly o- to direction ) , which I continued for tereral
months. I took nothing else and continued to im
prove from the very first. Soon the rheumatism
left mo , mr appetite became all right , and the ulcers
which the doctor eild wer the most frightful ho
hid ever seen , began to heal , and by the let of Oc
tober , 1S34,1 was a well man again. I am stronger
nowtntn I ever was before , and weigh more. S. 8. 8.
baa saved mo from an early grave ,
b uul LlU McCLdBON.
Lorn UcClonkon has bean In the employ of the
ChooB3C > iI y company for some acars , and I know
the abo\o statements to lie true. At the tlmo ho
txRaniUkiuz Hwllti Specific bo-wjs In a horlble con-
tlltion , I regard hla euro almost nSlracubUB.
V > W. B.'piiosiiv , afanager.
, ChcB3-C rfoyCo'iAUautuDI\j3lou.
Atlanta , OiJ prU lih
a - >
lrj > lJi a es mailed free.
. , IJrawcr 3 , Atlanta , Ga ,
* * 1M4 'C > w ' > hMM * "
rJr f.--r.- . yI3 .
. -
t JfT 1. * , * " * *
* 1 ; L !
. i Htn tM4 1& ftll CMM
( Manhood Restored
ItEJiKUV fliEK. A victim _
flml4t.UVH JhovlltuUI youthful imiirudenco
eauiing I'rematnro Decay , Nenoui Uebllltr , Ix t
llinliood. Ac-.tnTlntr tried In vain every known
remedy.haa discovered a simple meanaof eelf-curo ,
which he Mill tend FIU'.U tet t'itillow- reni |
Notice ! Notice ! Notice !
To all who are dUotBoil or alllfcted , no matter how
long tha standing ; oomo and IB healed. Feamilo dls <
ouet where medicines b vo ( ailed to give relief ,
a tpiolaltv ; come one , come all and be healed by ths
MagnoUonealer , the only sure eacapo from any dis
ease. For examination , our cna'goi are f I. for each
treatment , or visitations 92 ; Urmg utrlctly caeh.
North 8Ut St. , otasmlli w s ) ol FalrQrouaJs
Omaha , Neb. 1 > . 0.1)3x 033.
Tlio Orlliinl | and Only < it > iiuliir.
p f n l tji llfllille. Ilrwtreof nurllilrx
ludlil < cn liU U > LADIES. A.I. ) imr l > ruiicl > t tut
't'Llrbotrr' * l.imll.l 'uu I l > ke nj ullieror IUI.IOM la.
filtuii ) to u fur | TtlcuUri in Irltrr ttj rt'turn lil&tL
NAME PAPER. rhlcht.lrr llie..lfuHV ,
litflil AIiiJI.uiiNuuurf , 1'hlUilu. , 1'k.
At Druggltts. Ttade aupplled by ) , A. Fuller & Co
I'rrmntnrc , Ufcllnn from errors or OICMSPS.
Iu t 1'ow irr jIieaieaof ) tlio KlilnrrH. Illud-
drr. and > ! raHtiili > ( iliiiul ( 'UK UK v'lil'cmt
Blamarli medicines by the Jlaraton Jlolus. Va-
rlcocnlu ru red without surgery. Trentlao and tes
time nials In1 ! * . Allci > rru3iM > nileiicnciinldpnllat. (
KAKHit REMEDY CO. . or DR , ! ! . TRE8KOW.
Hit UU..C < d H MFVW VOHK.
Imported Beer
Erlanger llivarla I Oulinbachtr . . . .Ilivarla
riliner , . liobemlan I KaUer , lirumeu
BudweUcr fit. Louli I Auhauser . , , . . .8t. Louis
Ic4t' ! Ullwaukea | Hchlltr 1' Uner.Ullwaukco
Krus'i Oinaba | Ale , rotter , Domestloaud
Uhlno Wluea.
JBDMAUEEB , 1213 Farnam St ,
TheMnsicof the Reaper and Bioflei
Heard in the Land ,
The Present Condition of the
Ahead of Last Yoar.
Corn Maintains the lioiul In nil Coun
ties In the tJtuto No
Damage by Htorms.
Keports from fifty-four points in the state ,
covering an Jequal number of counties , pro
ecnts n flattering outlook for a bountiful har
vest in Nebraska. Tha reports invariably
show Increase in acreage , especially of corn ,
ranging from ten to forty per cent. There
nro afowcomplalnts.of late plantlng'and re'
planting , bub the prospect , on the whole , U
reported considerably m advance of the cor
responding tlmo last year. The western hall
of Hamilton county nlcno reports a shortage
of corn , The chintz bug and rust are reported
at two points , but the damage from both ii
trlflinc , Local storms of hail and wind , nnd
n surplus of rain hava given crops n set back
In a few localities of limited extent. Harvest
ing of small grain has commenced , with satis
factory returns in quantity nnd quality. It
Is safe to say that the crops this year , with
the continuance of favorable weather , will
equal In quality and exceed in quantity , the
best record of the state ,
GnEtnilTOX , Knox Co. , July 12. The out
look so for for an abundant harvpst is fully
better than last year , and really promisee
better than this country over had. The hay
and wind storm we hod a about tlio middle ol
June hurt the crops quite a littlo. but every
thing has fully recovered from the effects ol
the storm , The increase in acreage over last
year Is one-third. Kyo Is now being liar
HAHDY , Kuckolia Co. , July 12. Wheat
nnd oats a little short but promising a good ,
well-filled berry. Acreage Increased about
one-fourth , No damago. The acreage ol
corn Is probably about forty per cent , and
lots of breaking 3ono this seaion. Every
thing looks well now , baring a little latanes-
In planting corn. With tbo lams of this
week we feel safe for as largo a yield aa
fcrmor years. Considerable increase in pops
ulation by immigration an' a general air o-
prosperity Is to be noticed in this section ,
SinosisnnBO , Polk Co. , July 12. Have
talked with a number of posted men and grain
dealers hero and at Oaceola and they ngreo
with mo as follows : Crops not damaged by
wind or hail so far. All crops looking as well
as ever seen hero , and prospect of great yield.
Corn has a good stand with probably ten per
cent larger acreage than last year. Wheat
larger acreage than last year , as all other
except possibly flix. That may not
grams any increase of acreago. Ilavo begun to
cut early wheat and ryo. The corn is not
backward but stands three feet to-day.
Some are dona working it and others working
the last tlmo. There was a little hail in the
southwest part of the county on the 4th , but
no material damage was done. Stromsburg
alone shlppnd 145,600 bushels of wheat dur
ing 1834 , No other figures convenient ,
BENKLEJIANDundy Co. , July 12. There
has been no hail to injure crops in this county
but an abundance of rain , and the prospect of
a good crop is very encouraging. As you are
nwaro , our county is just changing from
grazing to agricultural country. Being the
first year as such we have a laro acreage of
sod corn planted. Generally speaking , the
farmers have a good stand and it would av
erage eighteen inches high. Our county is
filling with a good class of farmers , men of
means , who bring their agricultural imple
ments as well as their stock , which is a good
exponent of their intention to stay ,
DAVID OUT , Butler Co. , July 12. Butler
county has the best prospects for large crops
that she has over had. No damage by wind or
hail , Acreage of all grains increased. Wheat
and corn rupeclall ? . Corn , in fine condition
and giowing rapidly ,
CLEVELAND , July 12. The crops in this
county on an average are as good as last sea
son. There was some damage done to crops
by hail and wind storms in some sections of
the county. The corn crop never looked bet
ter at this time of the year. Oats are rather
short to bind ; wheat is a fair crop ,
GILMOLE , Sarpy Co. , July 12. Wo noyor
had better prospects for all kinds of crops.
Hailstorms , etc. , have done no damage to
mention. Heavy wheat was down some , but
moat of it has corne up again. More acreage
of corn than last season. Small crops about
the same.
A IMA , Harlan Co , , Jnly 12. The condi
tion of crops In this county was never bettor ,
and the prospect is far more than an average
of all kinds , There has been no damage in
this county to crops by wind or hall , I think
the acreaga is about one-fourth more than
last year.
STELLA , Richardson Co. , July 12. Winter
wheat , ncreago small , quality good , light
yield. Spring wheataverage quality , esti
mated to turn out 12 bushels per acre. Corn
Is looking well and principally "laid by. " The
acreage is largely increased this year , as much
fall wheat ground was planted to corn , No
damage from wind or hail itorms.
AXTELL , July 12. Wheat Winter , one
lialf crop ; spring , about ton per rent , below
last year. Just had a fma rain , which will
materially aid in filling out the crop. Corn
never was finer at this time of the yoar. The
acreage is about the same as last year in
wheat and twenty per cent more in corn , with
: onslderuble flax , which looks lino. Oats and
barley will be short fully forty per cent.
I'liero has been no hall whatever hero this
season , and no damage by wind. .
GiuriCN , Fillmore Co. , July 12 Crops in
Lhts section were never better. No damage
by wind or hall storms. The average from
present prospect will be far nhoad ot last year.
The fanners are jubilant ever the crop pros
A , Loup Co. , July 12 , Our crops in
ho county of Loup and especially In the sur-
oundings of Almeria look very nroiniiiug ,
neither storm nor ball has injured the growth
f our corn , oats and wheat , The acreage of
< raln is more than double to that 01 last year
lot counting the vest amount of sod corn
which Is from ouo to three feet high and looks
AUKOLD , Ouster Co. , July 12. The- crops
ire in excellent condition throughout this part
if tho. county , There has been very little
lamaeo from wind or hail. Acreage abous
loublo last year. '
I'AWNBB Cnv , Pawnee Co. , Jnly 12 , Corn
s very good throughout the county , Pros
pective yield 100 per cent. O ts were short-
ned by the dry weather In June and are mat-
ng some now by wet , They will rate * 07 nor
.cut. Winter wheat acreage small , condition
; ood. Fruit is injured by the frost , but will
yield 50 per cent. A wind storm passed
hroujjh the southern part of the county on
uly 4th , but not much damage was done ,
GRAND IBLAND , Hall Co. , July 12. The
croago of rye , barley and cornincroated over
ast year , I judge , 10 per cont. Wheat and
ata about the same as last year , Kye and
jarloy good and is now being harvested. Oats
la good or better than last yaar , Wheat note
o gcod in low lands , Corn in fine condition ,
xcept In low lands A hall storm pasted
hrough the county , a strip three or four
iilles wide , to-day , destroying ; rye and barley
ind injuring wheat , oats and corn about 00
itr cont. This , however , is not nearly so bad
M last year , when throe storms struck the
xmnty. I think there will be more grain to
narket In this couuty this year than over be
ore , .
NK\VCABTLE , July 12. Corn prospect *
jood. No damage by etorms. Acreage DO
> er cent more than last year , Wheat pros-
> ectgood , No damage by ttormi. Acreage
20 per cent less than hut year. Oats good ,
no damage , acreage about thu same us last
rear ,
SriUNO CIIKKK , Johnson Co. , July 12 , The
irospects are good , Corn is waist high , looks
ilack and rank , well tended and clean. The
creage Is larger than last year. Winter
vheat is being harvested now , The yield
rvlll be from twenty to thirty bushels to the
we , Spring wheat about the same as winter
wheat , though the acreage is trrmll generally
Batlty is only fair ) the yield will ba fron
fifteen to twenty-nvo bushels to the acre
Oats are good and will yield a fair crop. Po
tatooswilibe n good crop. Timothy mh
short ; do not think the yield will be mon
than one to one and n half tons to the acre
There has riot been any hall or wind storms n
this part of tha country this year , There hai
been quite n loss of hogs from cholera the las' '
Bti months , but it Is abatitg. Taking thi
crops In ponerftl they are the best in this sec
tion I hava Been for years. The fruit croj
will bo light.
HAnMONr , Kearney Co. , July 12 , Havi
had no storms In Kearney to damage the
crops. Crops nsvor looked better nnd wil
probably yield fifteen ID twenty bushels ol
wheat , and oats forty to fifty. Corn looki
better than it has any year yet. Barley wll
not yield over fifteen bushels the way it looki
ASHLAND , Sanders Co , , July 12 , The
acreage of grain is about the sams as last year
The corn Is looking fine. The wheat Is con.
siderably blasted , and the chintz bug has ilom
some bad work. Oats are very good. The
hail did some damage In the western part ol
Cess county. No damage by wind or hall in
this county as far as I ctn learn ,
OAMDKN , July 12. Wheat Is in quality
100 per cent , acreage 93 per cent ; oats la it
quality 105 per cent , acreatro 100 per centcorr ;
is in quality 100 per cent , acreage 105 pci
cent ; potatoes is in quality 05 per cent , acre
age 100 per cent ; ihx Is in quality 100 pei
cent , acreage 00 per cent ; grass , wild Is it
ego 100 per cent ; pears is in quality CO poi
cent , acreage 100 per cent ; small fruits Is It
quality 00 per cent , acreage 80 per cent ; ryt
Is In quality 00 per cent , acreage SO per cent
Wheat and oata wore struck with rust or
lower blades but looks all right now. Nc
damage by hall nor storm.
STDAUT , Holt Co. , July 12. Crops in gen
eral looking fair , bolter than last year , Oate
ore nffoctod some by dry weather , but corn
and wheat are dolngsplondidly. [ No damag (
by wind or hail in this vicinity , up to the
present time.
NELIQII , Antelope Co. , July 12. Crops are
just looking grand. As yet there has been nc
damage done the crops by wind or hall
Farmers are cutting rye , oats and timothy
On the farm ot Capt.'Dennis can bo seen i
field of rye containing 120 acres , It standing
five to six feet high , nnd will yield 40 busholi
to the aero. Also , on the place of T , F.
Reynolds , two miles west of Noligji , a neigh
bor of Mr , Denmc , ia a piece of timothy con
taining twenty acres which Is far ahead o !
any timothy I over saw on the soil of New
Jersey or Pennsylvania. It is just Immense ,
The farmers all carry n smile with the proa
pect of such a grand harvest. Corn is ahead
of last year at this date. The acreage ol
grain nud corn , compared with last season , it
probably one-fifth larger this season.
HoLunEOE , Pholpa Co. , July 12. The con
ditlon of crops in our county is excellent.
The prospects nro good. Phelps county hag
never yet produced such an enormous crop as
it will this year. There has bean no damage
to crops by rain , hail or wind , Wo had a
heavy rain storm July 4th , accompanied by
high wind , but It did not damage crop ] . The
acreage of grain and broom corn will compare
verynoarlywiththatoflast year. The acreage -
ago of corn is considerably increased over
that of last year , We have produced an in
numerable crop of vegetables this yoar. Our
county is settling up at a very rapid rate.
PHILLIPS. Hamilton Co. , July 12. The
condition of small grain is above tin average.
Uorni \ rather backward , not near so large as
It was a year ago. It has made a wonderful
improvement in the past few days. There Is
a greater acreage of smull grain and not so
much corn as last year. There was considera
ble damage done by hail June 13th to small
jrain. Corn , that was thought to ba ruined
at the time , came out all right and will make
n good crop. The damage done by ball was
not great , only to a few individuals , as it was
: onfined to a finall area of territory. It will
tiardly affect the general intereag of the coun
ty , the western part of Hamilton ,
WEEPING WATEK , Cass Co. , July 12. The
average is about one-tenth more than last
year , and If the season Is favorable from this
jn the yield will be as much or more than
last year in corn. Wheat Is a little better
than last year , acreage about the same. No
liail to amount to anything.
JUNIATA , Adams Co , , July li. Crops never
looked butter in this county , excepting corn Is
a little backward for this time of year.
TEKAMAII , Burt Co. , July 12 , Crops of all
dnds are looking well , and have recovered
entirely from the effects of wind and rain , ex
cept on the lowest bottom land , where it looks
ittle yellow. Corn on the uplands never
promised n larger yield at this season of the
{ rear than it does now , The acreage is fully
> ne-fifth moro than last year. If everything
s favorable there will be an immense yield of
imall grain of all kinds , such are the Indica-
; ions of the crops now. The acreage ia larger
, han last year.
PLAINVIEW , Pierce" Co. , July 12 , Crops
ire looking exceedingly well in this county.
They have not been damaged by storms or
lailatones , The acreaga of 'grain and corn ia
at least 20 per cent better this year than last
season. If nothing happen ? we will have an
abundant crop of corn and einall gram , The
'armors are feeling good over tbo prospects.
STUOMSBOIKJ , Polk Co. , July 12. No bail
storm or wind storm has visited Polk county
bis season. The acreage of small grain and
corn is larger this year than last and the
uospects.for a good crop on all kinds of cere-
ils was never bettor at the season , than now.
During a residence of thirteen years in Polk
; ounty I have never seen a better prospect
or a bounteous harvest.
FIRTH. Lancaster Co , , Jnly 12. Present
ndlcatlons for a corn crop is good , in spite of
bo late planting and replanting. The acre
age Is larger this year than last , and the pros-
> ect fully as good as last year. Wheat nnd
lats promise to bo unusually good , witii a
ittln complaint of rust , Harvesting In small
; raln has commenced In earnest. The season
Las boon fair. No hail nor wind storms to
Injure crops In this locality ,
FRIEND , July 12. Never in the recollection
of oven the oldoit inhabitant has crops looked
BO well as now , The god of harvest seems to
be testing the capacity of Its Hull to its utmost.
There haa been no damage by either wind or
hail , There is a larger acrenre of corn this
year than last , also moro oats than a year ago.
There Is a small acreage of wheat , but tbo
yield per acre of all grain piomisos to 1)3 very
GLEN WOOD , Nance Co. , July 12 , Never
had a more flattering prospect for crops of all
kinds than this season in Nanco county. No
storms todo any damage yet.
FAIRBDRV , Jefferson Co. , July 12 , The
crops in this vicinity are fully up or ahead of
list year ; corn looking fine ; no damage from
hail ; very little from wind.
The Sioux City Journal of the Oth gives the
following crop notes from points In northeast-
srn Nebraska :
NORFOLK , The weather has baan too dry
ilurin ? the bast week for growing crops ;
wheat at present in good condition ; If weath.
will bo for harvesting
ar continues favorable , ready
vesting In about two weeks , and while the
acreage Is loss than last year , promises a good
field ; oats in good condition.
OAKLAND , The weather during the past
week has been all that could bo desired for
wheat , and that cereal haa done well ; corn
needs rain , but has made rapid progress , and
most of it will bo laid by this week ; llax still
: ontinues to do all that could bo desired ,
DAKOTA CITY. All kinds of small grain
doing well ; there will ba good crops if wo do
Dot have too many showers and too mush hot
mn ; corn is improving very fast , and indica
tions of a good crop ,
HUBDAKO Cropj in this vicinity nro look *
ing very well , the weather is favorable for
both corn and email grain and I think the
yield will equal that of last year ,
TXKAMAII , The weather was warmer the
past week : there Is a decided Improvement In
the condition of corn ; wheat la suffering some
irom blight ,
* COLSKIDOB Crops here are looking finely
and small grain is nearly ready for harvest ;
prospects favorable for a fair crop ; corn in
good conditloo ,
CONCORD , Small grain is doing well ; will
be an average crop ; corn has advanced in
growth rapidly blnco tha heavy storm of
Juno 14 ,
HoiKiNB , Crops of all kinds have been do-
IDC well during the past week , and proipects
DOW are very good for a bountiful harvest.
EJIEKSO.V , The weather continues favor- '
able ; all kinds ot imnll grain looking well
prospects for corn were never better ,
JACKSON. Warm weftthor paat wookhal
brought corn up to a good average ; small
grain reported in good condition.
BANCROFT. Crops of all kinds have bcoi
dolnf as well as could reasonably be dcslroi
during the post week.
HEBJIAK. The weather continues favora
ble ; corn is doing splendid ] also small grain ;
prospects for good crops.
WAKEFULD. The weather continues fav'
orabli and crops are doing nicely ; prospect )
good for n big crop of all kinds ,
LtON3. Farmers say crops in this vlcinitj
never looked better ; weather of late has been
very favorable for corn.
PRKDEn.-Crops are looking well ; wheat
good ) corn fair ; weather favorable for all
kinds of grain ,
CiUio. All crops are looking well ; have
commenced cutting rye ; corn is growing very
fast now.
WAYNE. The past week has boon very fa-
yorablo for corn and other grain ; wheat prom
ises a full yield.
UAETlNoroN , All small grain is doing
nicely around hero ; weather favorable for
corn ,
PONOA. Crops doing well ; weather favora
ble ; no material change since lost report ,
CALHOCN. Crops still continuo to do well
nnd prospects are good.
BLAin , All crops doing nicely.
The Klrst Continental Gangrene ) ,
The first Continental congrcaa oasom-
bled at Philadelphia , September 5 , 1774 ;
the second ut Philadelphia , May 10,1775 , ;
the third at Baltimore , December 20 ,
1770 ; the fourth at Philadelphia , Msich
4 , 1777 ; the fifth at Lancaster , Pa. ,
September 27,1777 ; the sixth at York ,
Pa. , September 30 , 1777 ; the seventh at
Philadelphia , September 2 , 1778 ; the
eighth at Princeton , N. J. , Juno 30 ,
1783 ; the ninth at Annapolis , Novem
ber 20 , 1783 , and hero , December 93 ,
1783 , Washington resigned his oflico as
commandor-ln-chlef of the army ; the
tenth at Trenton , N. J. , November 1 ,
1784 ; the eleventh InNovr York , Janu
ary 11 , 1785 , when the now government
was organized and Washington , the first
president wan Inaugurated. The federal
capital remained at Now York till 1700 ,
when it was removed to Philadelphia , re
maining there until 1880 , when ib was
permanently established at Washington ,
D. 0. , congress first aisombling in that
city November 17 , 1800.
AVhat is a Corpuscle ?
Ono of the smallest things on oarth.
It Is a little disc , oval In shape and not
the threo-thoutandth part of an Inch in
length. The corpuscles glvo to the blood
Us bright red color. This color they
owe to the iron that Ia In them. 'With
out Iron your blood would bo BO pale and
thin as to bo of no account. Iron en
riches It and gives you vitality. The
only reliable preparation of iron for a
low state of blood ia Brown's Iron Bit
ters , which does wonders for the ailing
and debilitated. Buy this valuable tonic
of your druggist.
Philadelphia policeman are to bo allowed
three days' vacation this summer ,
There was a young woman from Lan
Who caught a bad cold vrhtlo-dancing.
With Red Star Cough Cure ,
She was better for sure ,
And her eyes now with pleasure are glan
"Utopia" is the name of a now postollice in
Newberry county , South Carolina.
Anpofitnrn. ' Bitters are endorsed by n
the leading physicians and chimiats for their
purity and wholosomenoss. Beware of counl
torfoita and ask your grocer and druggist fo :
the genuine article , prepared by Dr. J. G. I
Slegert & Sons.
Cable cars began to run in Pachuca , Mexico
on July 1.
"Iho Proper Study of Mankind li
Man , "
says the Illustrious Pope. If ho had In
eluded woman in the list , ho would have
boon nearer the truth , If not so poetical.
Dr. H. V. Plerco has made them both
a lifo study , especially woman , and the
peculiar derangements to trhlch her de
licate system is liable , Many women In
the land who nro acquainted with Dr.
Plerco only through his "Favorite Pro
scription , " bless him with all their hearts
for ho has brought them the panacea ol
all those chronic ailmontspecullar to theli
sex ; such as leucorrbcci , prolapsus one
other displacements , nlceratlon , "Internal
fever , bloating , tendency to Internal
cancer , and other ailments. Price 10
duced to ono dollar. By druggists.
Eccentricity in a rich man is lunacy In n
poor one.
A cure cure for Blind. Bleeding , Itching
and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr.
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single
box bos cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or
SO years standing. No one need suffer five
minutes after applying this wonderful sooth
ing medicine. Lotions and instruments do
moro harm than good , Williams' ' Indian
1'ilo Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the
intense Itching , ( particularly at night niter
getting warm in bed ) , acts as a poultice , gives
instant relief , and is prepared only for I'lles ,
itching of private parts , and for nothing else.
by lr. ) Trazler's Mngio Ointment Cures as
if by magic. PimplesBIack Jloads or Grubs
Blotches and Kruptions on the face , leaving
the skin clear and beautiful. Also cured Itch ,
Salt Uhume , Sera Nipples , Sere Lips , and
> ld , Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by dmggUts , or mailed on receipt of
price , 50 cents.
At retail by Kuhn & Co , and Schroeter &
Becbt , At wholesale by C. F. Goodman ,
Well-diggers in Ventura , Cal , , hunt for nut-
lills. The insects , it is said , always locate
> vor a vein of water.
TUB VOLTAIO BELT Co. , of MariballMich , ,
) fler to send their celebrated ELzorno-VoL-
m trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old )
ifillcted with nervous debility , loss of vitality
md manhood , and all kindred troubles , Al
or rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and
nany other diseases , Complete restoration
, o health , vigor and m&nhood guaranteed ,
tfo riik is incurred , as thirty daya' trial Is
illowed. Write them at once for illustrated
mmphlet tree.
Drowned ,
CEDAII RAPIDS , la , July 13 , Joe Rusbek ,
> ged 10 , was drowned in the Cedar river last
tight , while bathing. The body was reoov-
red to-day.
HorBford'a Acid i
DR. FKED UoHNKit , Jr. , Salem , Vn. ,
ays ; "To relieve the Indigestion and
10-called headache and mental depression
ncldent to certain stages of rheumatism ,
t is Incomparable. "
Mm , IIuyiirtt'B Condition ,
WASHINGTON , July 13. Sacretary Bayard
.elegraphs from Wilmington to-day that Mrs ,
[ iayarci uoema a little stronger this morning ,
"Hunt's Remedy Is the mott effective
nedlclno I over used in my practice for
Jropsy and kidney disease * . It hai si-
nest raised the doid. L. A. PALMER ,
. D. , Mystic.
A force that fights successfully against
llseaio. A host In itself , la Hunt's
Remedy ,
> * , < * .
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
BoroTlirontNn-rlllitrH.NprnliiiiIIriil c .
Jlnriift.NcitliU , Frontline * ,
Sold IT Dmciliti mi ] Under * trrrriiliere. Finjr Ocati > U > U1 .
nirtelloniln 11 Luncnixn.
( SumiforlUA. TCOlUaaCOO UllUmorr , Jit. , V.3. i.
017 St. dairies Sh. St. Louis , Mo.
k tciratftr ir 4oa" cf Iwo MMirni UIMCI ! , ht bfpn 16" u *
lagturtlln tteiptdnltrehtmCiHof Oi o < irt Xi
cl Btoeft ptMiiuUfcD my thtr ttjiteUo l
city ? ir1' t&ewaailalloid ffildcnu laair.
Nervous Prostiatlon , Debility , MentM
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and Dint ? n
lions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Pplisn'tif '
old Sores nnd Ulcers , &r trniri nti tnpir&M. .
iteeeionUte t leUDtlOertlQclplei. PtVtTfl-rltitit
Diseases Arising ! from Indiscretion , Exceu ,
Exposure or Indulgence , rhich vtoJac ? icn cf t > j
, - > ilc lD tfTentii nervoui-icM , ilctillltr , dlanitt f UK
anddtrcctlra Ufffliry , fliiBlei on the f eo , ptyileililosty ,
trcnlon totbt loclrty of frmilti , confmut of Hen , eu ,
renderina Marrlnjo improper'or unhappy , > fi
KrmAQBtyoiircil [ , rnmphleHJn pMric : > ultte uoiiv J
iciUtl CQTdepe , fre to any hydrous. VoniultAtlonMir
Se or bj null free , andlnTlif.l. vrtlbi forquciUoci.
A Positive Written Guarantee
tlrca In ill cnrablc cuei. Wolletatl teii etcryntcrr.
Pamphlet i , jcnglliu or German , at pacei
icriblnK above di aaiea , la male or femal , '
James Ueiioal Institute
k Chartered by theStnteof 1111-
inois forthecxpress purpose
/of glvinnlmmedlatc rellelln
tall chronic , urinary and pri-
Rvate diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
Gleet andSyphillsln all their
complicated farms , also all
diseases of the Skin P'id
Blood promptly relieved .ind
permanentlycured by : cmc-
, diestestcdinn-t'orj/l'e < ir5
. , „ „ _ > SpecialVracticc. Seminal
Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the FaceLost Manhood , poslfJt'f/y cured.T/icro
Cs HO r.r ; > crjmeiifm ; . The appropriate remedy
is at once used in each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mail and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
DR.JAMES.No. 204Washingon ! SL.Chicago.lll.
SV1 ourm-fho Oi.OUD,1ernr
ilia tlie LIVER ami KIDNEYS.
imd VIGOR of VOUTI1 , Drtt-
pepsin Waniof Appetite , !
kc'Silmi. Iae < i t Slrenpth.
nil Tl rc " sUDKabsolutel ?
mruU. Unites , uiusclcaan
QITVOS receive ntwforcti
Kr.lUcns tlio niliul ace
piipHltc ! ] Jiraln 1'oneL
amf Bff ttOtnB jjfcuullnrlo llirlr ei-x will
Jncl In Dlt. JEUdBIER'S IKON TONIC u ento auj
tccdy cure itllvcfi H clear , lidaltliy cotnplexloOu
jt'rcgnciit Attempts at uo'T > ic ri''tJnB only atfi
rs theiiopnlarlly ol the orlplna * . DoaoterpcJi
laent pet till ) OIIICINAI. AMI ) 1IE3T
. . ,
t Louis. Mo.foi our-BKEAM BOOK- ) .
iiot nUaoar HIM * v vu.'Jattmni\aa.'t * * * ' i
. . . . . . . , Inuoi , Mloh. , Feb. t , im
f. Mi Lee A ; Co. . UOXBOI , lllch.
OSKTS I am using jour Fluid Extract Bed Clara
Blosaom and Wet Compress Cor Cancer on tbo brcut
nndamirelL I am BUiJflod It I the be t remedy fo ?
Caneer known. You are welcome to Utto this for Ux
keaeflt of mifferln ? humanltr.
UMpecttuilr , 'xitS. L , A. JOHNSON
I am happy Co say eho haj experienced croac rtllct.
Thli U but ellght testHnonlul of mj upprecutlon oZ
yonr efforts In behalf of humanity , which you u *
welcome to use for their benefit.
. . . . , ,
U INTO- commenced taking yonr Ext Bed Clorer ,
Jwo roars ego ; for Erysipelas , nnd bare not been
truble4 Jnce. It Is hereditary with me. Thlnkyou
tav * the best blood medicine known.
Tfonni truly , W. M. SEIBEBt
R. D. flyman , of Grand napldi , Mlcli. , unyt After
TWO Doctors uiIncd him to use J.oose'a Kxt. Ited Clover
f r a baa cato of Fczcma , or Forer Bore on the lec
Only used two pounds ol your Solid Extract luxl Cloven
JitnSfttng JladlelnoTontonnd genera ! TUood Purl
fieri than no ennui. Tor ralo by all druggist ! , or J. Jt
Loose & Co. . Monroe. Mich.
ilass. Institute of Technology
Regular four year courses ID Civil Jlechaulcal.Mln-
ig and Electric * ! Enelnoerlner , Arcliitccfiie , Ctiom-
try , 1'hyslca , Natural History , etc. Students are
Iso admitted to partial or special courses , Next
: bool jcar boglna Hept. 23 , 1B35. Entrance extmlna
Ions Juno 4 anil 6 , nt 0 a. in. Apply to I'rof. Oco ,
[ owlund , Uoaid ol Kducatlon room * City Hall Ghl-
r ( o. JAUHH L' . UUNROK , Secretary.
'RANCIBA. WALKHB , President.
Lots in Denver Junction
Weld County , Colorado.
Denver Junction U n now town ol about 2UO
ihabitants , laid out In 1884 , on the great
uuk railway across the continent , at the
inctlon of the JuIeaburR lirancl ) , 107 mllea
om Denver , The town ia on second bottom
md of the 1'latte Illver , the finest locution
etween Omaha and Denver , and la surround-
i by the bait-laying lauds west of Kearney
unction , Neb. ; climate healthy nnd bracing ;
Ititude 3.0X ) feot. Denver Junction bida to
ecoma an important point , M tbo U. 1' . 11 ,
L Co , , are putting up many of their buildings
ere , while the 1) ) . & AI. H , II , Co. . are expect *
1 soon to connect at this place. The preunt
banco for good investments In town lots will
; areely evur be equaled elsewhere , 1'or fale
y the lot or block In good terms by
Agent , Denver Junction Cole ,
Large Lots at Reason
able Prices.
South Omaha
Since the completion of the new packing
and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak
ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. Besides
the large pork and beef house erected for
Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com
menced the erection of similar institutions
and still others are contemplated for the
near future. Several dwellings have been
built and twenty or thirty are now building.
Employment is now furnished to about one
hundred and fifty families , and conservative
estimates place the figure at eight hundred
to one thousand families that will find em
ployment there a year hence. This offers
great inducements to laboring men to secure
homes now while they are cheap. Specula
tors will ulso find it to their advantage to buy
at present prices. The company have made
no change from the original prices , but some
parties who first purchased lots have resold
them .at splendid profits , in some cases at
double the purchase price. If in so short a
ime handsome profits are made , what will
be the result when everything is fully devel
oped ? In the few other cities that are favor
ed with a first class cattle market , fortunes
have been made by investors in real estate ,
and the same is certain to follow In South
Omaha. While the whole city of Omaha
will be greatly benefitted by the growth and
development of the cattle interest , South
Omaha lots will enhance in value more ra
pidly than any other by reason of the prox
imity to the .works.
Manufacturers of nil kinds will Jind it to their ad vantage
to inspect thin property ; good location , level grounds , trade
facilities nud plenty of coed ; pure water furnished by the
South Omaha Water Works. ' In fact , every facility to malce
desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground.
Will find it profitable to select projwty now , a < j a year or
two hence with a population of 5000 to 10.00D p30plo ,
this will become a desirable place for all kinds of business , '
and lota bought now , can bo had t very reasonable prices
which will double in price many times in the next two years.
Kich or poor , will find it profitable to make investments
in this property. Free conveyance at all times will bo furnished - } !
nished by us to parties wishing to see this wonderful new
town and learn of its advantages. Wo have entire charge
of , and are the exclusive agents for the sale of all this
property from G streets south. Splendid lots from $225
; 2I3 -14th STREET ,
We have desirable busineis and residence proparty 'tor 8ale"iinjiU ]
mrts of Omaha and do a general real estate business. Wo olicifc bry-
rs and sellers to call on ua. Wo will give tlieinjall possible information
ree , nnd keep conveyance free'to show anylpart of the city ,
Bedford & Souer ,