Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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IjUten to Yonr Wife.
, Uaachcttof GuiKDUK , June tb , 1BSJ , tayi
At one ot the
Looking on the woodland ways ) Wit
clumps of rhododondroms and great mass
es of May blossoms ! ! ! "Thoro was an In
tores ting group.
It included ono who had boon a' 'Ootton
spinner , " but was now so
Paralyzed III
That ho could only bear to Ho In n re
cllnlng position.
This refers to my case.
I was first Attacked twelve years ng
with "Looomotor Atxy"
( \ pirilytlc disease ol ricrvo flbro rarely ever cure
and was for several years barely able
got abont.
And for the last Five years not able t <
attend to my business , although
Many things have been done tor rco.
The Kit experiment balng Nerve stretching
Two fears ago I was voted Into the
Homo for Incurables ! Near Manchester
In May , 1882.
I am no "Advocate" ; "For anything In
the shape of patent" Medicines ?
And made many objections to my den
wife's constant urging to try Hop bitters
but finally to pacify her
I had not qnlto finished the first bottl
when I felt a cknngo oomo ever mo. This
was Saturday , November 3d. OnSunda ]
morning I strong I said to ray room
companions , "I WAS sure I could
So started across the floor and back ,
I turdly know how to contiln mjislf. I'vra
all over the hou * & I am gaining , strength etch
day , and can walk quite into without any
Or support.
I nm now at my own house , and hope noon to 1)
able toearntny oun Isrlng again , f h vo been i
member ol the Manchester
"Hojal Exchange"
For nearly thirty jours , and wie most heartily
congratulated dn going Into the room on Tinned * ;
nti. Very frrntctmlv jouru , JOHN BMCxntra.v ,
MAKCllKSTin ( Bng , ) Deo. , 2i , 1S33.
Two } cars later am perlectly well.
Prosccato the Swindlers.
II when you callfoi Hon Hitters ( see green o'nste
ol hops on the wlilto label ) the druggist hands ou
Any stud railed C. D. Warner's German Hop Bitterer
or with other hop name , refuse It and shun thai
diugglatag you would n riper ; and II ho has taken
your money for the stuff , Indict him lor the Iraui
and sue him 'or damage * lor the swindle , and wll
reward you liberally lor the conviction.
This Invaluable epcclflo readily and permanent ! ;
cures all kinds ol Asthma. The most obstinate amIens
Ions ; standing cases tlcld promptly to Ita wonderfu
curing properties. It la known throughout the world
for Its unrivaled cfllcncy.
J. Ik OAtDWELt. city TIncoln , Neb , ; writes. Jan
IB , 1S3L Hlnco using Dr. Halr'a Asthmi cure , lor
more than ono > car , my wlfo has been entirely well
and not even a symptom ol the disease has appared ,
WILUASI BENNKTT , Hlchland , Iowa , writcsNov
8d. 1833. I hare been afflicted w Ith Hay Fever am
Asthma since 1859. I followed your directions ant
am happy to say that I never slept better In my life.
I am g.od that I am amonir the many who can epcak
eo favorably ol your remedies.
A valuable 64 page tr atUocontainingslmllarprool
from every State In the U , S , Canaa and Qreal
Urltaln ; Mill be mailed upon application.
Any ilruzglst not bavin ; It In stock will procured
toordtr. Ask fur Dr. Ilalr a Asthma Cure.
UK. B. W UAIR & BON. Prop's Clu'tl. O.
Implied ftprcLlitnglflntBcf wioIiltafliTor , . . . . . . . . . .
riiou world , cutti Dirp. ] . . PltuW * . fme ted ARUM * Mi * ll
.U ialncf lh lJlc..Ur A low djop , Ioip rbAd llcaui uror
to ft El" * of n. . n < l to til lunuaa dcfttt. > r U. ajX
vVnotconnt.rr < iU. A.kycurrnxer nr draa la for tl cunlc *
Washing & Bleaching
In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water.
BAVxa CIABOR , TiuRand SOAP AMAZ OLT , and gives
unlvcrsa'satlsfactlou. ' No family rich or poor should
Sold by all grocer * . HBWARH ol Imitations well de-
slgno ! to mislead. PBABLINK la the ONLY HAH Ubor
saving compound and alwaj 9 bears the aboio eym-
bf 1 and name ol
Manual of all Diseases.
lljrF. IltJirilllKlS.M.l ) ,
OX.OT1I and GOLD jf
Mnilcd Free.
4MorrWNCirAirios. emits. 11UCK.
1 1'crern , OnnKubtlon , Inliammnt , . . , -JS
it Worni * . Worm lV or. Worm ( Joiio. . . . a.
rri Init Colic. or'l'oolliinK of Ittlouti. . 'J.J of OliiMron or ; Xdu t . ,
ll > urn lory. Gripl . ilious Oolw
CliuliTii Morliiis , Vomiting
rmieliii. Cold. UronchitK . , .
INenrnllln. 'loolhncho. Inccacho . .
. Hick UcaiWhe. Vertigo. .
. 5
,0(1 (
,0(1 ( bo
.0(1 (
Vcrvouii Hi'lilllty . . . . . 1.00
UrinaryAVcnkin-M.WettlngBed. . . ,
| ) | > I < HIIP "f Ilin llrort. 1'ulplUUoa. l.OO
Bold by DruCKlslB. or lent pautpaiit on receipt of
' ' ' '
J8S and 187 Watiwh Avrnu' ,
O II 3C O k. O O
//a/V Cloth and Win
Bustles , Hoop Skfrts ,
Hair Cloth Skirts/ '
Tl.'i cut rcpntents The
LaiiBtry , Iho io t iio
J'ombinVtlou of lluetla
1 tomi thlrt ever maUo. A lady
who ba * worn ouu will n
v ur eny oilier Myle. fc
hklit In tunnx-d upon 1" , °
tiamlt I'llfuM Joe S ! ) , 1811 ,
ho. 110,111. n AiwonotflU
iiiB tumokirlaprbilrl not ro
unipod. will l > o ilra t. llf
U rr OlKeilirenniai' o < JJr.n.
J > K.r. . , bUvuiiwmrii ) > i.H rwt
Ho wai loaning sgalnxt old Boanty
atall. Ono hand grasped the hay fork
the ether was loat la the capacton
pocket of his overalls. As usual , hi
coarao brown hair was thickly dccsratc
with oats and tiny wlips of straw , whll
a mouthful of the same dry material wa
being ground between his tooth. Now
and then Beauty's head was thrust ore
his shoulders accompanied by n sol
whinny , this being an Invitation for
treat. Generally she received an appl
or a carrot , bat alwaya sotnnthlng , s
fond of his old m&ro was Jim.
A ray of sunshine catno through th
open door and foil at his foot , porhap
paying homage to his honest , unsolfisl
nature ,
"Tell yo what , Carlton , thcro ain't
pootlor gal this side of Dolboy than m ;
Stolly. Fact Is , sho'n too good for alol
big clod llko me ; n porfocj ; angel , sh
bo , Carl. "
"But yon haven't told mo how th
marriage came about , Jim , " I asked
Interrupting n long catalogue of the lady1
"Jlstlikomo. Wai , yo BOO , Stolly1
mother , Missus Travis , como down 'oro
last summer and took n little shop np in
the village they'd ' a big plnco InN'York
but buitod up and set to makin' bon
nets. I met Stolly at a church picnic
She was with Jack Dowoll that 'oro day
but she wouldn't go with him arterwards
Artor that It was easier 'n fnllln1 oi
a log , BO when spring carao wo got jlnod. '
"I would llko to see this paragon ol
your , old fellow , " I said.
"So yo shall ; stay to supper and Stelly
will slno ; a chuno or two for u § , " ho an
swered , his tanned face lighting np with
The sun was going down beyond the
stretch of woods skirting the msadows o
Jim's farm as we went acroaa the stable
yard and through ono of the lovelies
gardens it has ever boon my fate to BOO
Jim led the way to the front of the hoaso
to where upon the porch was seated i
dalnly little thing , who appeared at first
sight to bo all white muslin and yollov
hair , and who eoomod to bo deeply Inter
ested In a book.
"That's her , " whispered Jim , his
extended in broad . ' '
month a grin. 'Stelly
my friend from N'York ' , Mr. Carlton. "
The voluni9 was hastily closed , and the
vlslonof loveliness ralecd a pair of heaven
ly blue ojoi to mine ; the coral lips movei
In some polite welcome , and I had mo1
JJm'u wlfo.
Well , I remained and had tea witl
them , but the promised "chuno" was pu
oil on the pica of headache ; Instead wo
oil lounged out on the porch gosripln ;
and laughing until Mrs. Ivirland atoppei
us by saving :
"Jim , dear , I have ouch a bad head
ache , I really must loaye our company
and walk it away. "
"Stelly , love , why didn't yer toll us
/ore an1 wo'd stopped our gabbling. Poor
pet , hadn't yo better go to bed ? "
"No , Indeed , I could never rest. Stay
here , Jim , with our friend until I como
back. I hope ho will excuse my ill man
nered headache. It Is something I Bailer
a great deal with , " and after a few more
words spoken in a wonderfully ewcot
voice , she disappeared down the garden
"Fact , Carlton. My Stelly often gets
thorn headaches , and goes off down 'oro
to tno little brook , and sits 'ere till it
goes 'way. Sometimes It takes n long
time , an' I gits uneasy , but I know she
wouldn't Itko mo spy in' arter her , BO I
wait 'cro till she comes. Bear Stelly 1"
It was plainly to bo seen that Jim Kir-
land was very much in love with his pret
ty little wife , since every throb of bis
loyal heart boat for this frlvolona speci
men of womankind. For frivolous aho
certainly was. Jim had assured mo aho
did nawthing 'bout the farm ; only read ,
sowed on canvas , played chunes and slept
the livelong day. "But yor know , Carl ,
she's worry jellcato , an' heavy work
would kill her. " Her conversation WAS
of the highest order I may add.
Presently I arosa to take ray leave ,
Jim coming down to the gate with
mo."I c n't go any further ; she might
oomo back any minute an' bo disappoin
ted at not finding me. Yon'll como over
tn-morrow , Carl , won't ' ye ? I'd bo glad
to BOO yo , an' ao'd Stolly. " I promised ,
and bid him good night.
I was soon hidden among the oaks that
formed an archway on either sldo of the
lane ; dreary and dark except where the
moonbeams plercod the leafy wall and
fell in shafts of silver across the path.
Not long after I had entered this lonely
retreat I hoard footsteps proceeding mo
on the wooden walk. Therp wao more
then one , for presently a wide opening
allowed the moonlight to stream through
and I saw a man and a woman walking
firm In arm before me. The mellow light
fell on the latter' * golden hair , and the
Folds of her wblto gown. As I drew
near 1 recognizad the lorr but clear tones
my friend's wifo.
"So Jim followed hla Stella after all ?
Whatever brought them hero ? " I asked
lint a moment later a mist covered my
tycs ; I staggered and fall ag.lnst a tree ,
or the man's voice did not belong to
rim , but It was a atrangor'a I remembered
loarlng at the Dolboy hotel. I conld not
eslst listening to the convocation.
SomothiuR Impelled mo to almost crcop
jack of tiio couple , I now knew that
.ho man's arm was chsplng Stella's ( light
"Must it ba to-morrow night , dur
ance ? " she was aaylag ,
"Ooitilnly , it's not pleasant , Stella , to
moving about this dead and-allvo
place , and well , I must go back to
town , and of oourso I want you to go. "
"But It's BO Boon , dear , and It will
hurt Jim ao much , You can't Imagine
how fond ho la of mo. " The volco was
pleading ,
"Pah I that country t quash ! Yon are
so carolul of his. precious feelings , my
dear , perhaps you had belter raturn'to
his humble abode , churn butter and pick
potatoes , slnca yon prefer his boorish
love to mine. "
"Ob , Clarence , dearest , how can yon
treat me so cruelly ? I'll go with yon any
time , anywhere , What do I cara fur
Jim when I hare your love ! "
I hoard no more. How I reached my
lodgings 1 never knew , but I perfectly re
member plunging my head Into cold
water to ease its throbbing. Should I
toll my friend at once , inako miserable
hla life , and then nothing como of it ,
perhaps , or let his wife's despicable conduct -
duct takolta own way and ro p the con-
sennuncei ? What was I to do ? .
Had eho gone ? Was poor Jim cndur
Ing torment * WUIBQ than mine ? Or bad
eho repented slid withstood the temptor'a
wlloi ? I had hoard that voica In New
York , on the train , and somewhere O'BP ,
and I know to whom it belonged. Stf Hi
was lost.
Ono fcyealng , two days Utter , a man , a
madman , rushed Into my room and flang
himself on the floor. My friend , pee
Jim , the sama old , honest , manly Jim
throwing his hands about wildly In th
misery that filled his heart , his brain. ' .
stood for a moment horrified.
"Jim ! Jiml" I cried , then hastenln ]
to him : "For God's sake , Jim , bo i
man ! "
"Aroan ! " ho groaned. "Wha'u a man
Another paroxysm of agony passei
ever him at this , and crying that fals
woman's name , ho rolled from ono cm
of the room to the other. I can not sa ;
how I folt.
Finally ho was quiet , and I poranadoc
him to sit down.
"What is It , Jim ? " I atkod.faltoiingly ,
dreading the answer.
lie made none ; Instead ho handed mo
an envelope , the contents of which were
"DEAR JIM : I am going away will
Clarence. 1 fear that my departnro wll
hurt you very much , but I arr > sure you
would not prevent mo from being happy
I conld not be so in this dull little place
and anyway I don't ' love yon as a wife
shonld. Clarence will take mo away
where I can BOO life. I ask you to for
give and forgot mo , for I bollovo I am
bettor away. STELLA. "
Before mo sat the broken-hearted vie
Urn of this hearties ] woman.
After a while ho becimo more calm ,
and told mo the story , his lips trembling
in the effort.
"Last night she came homo wonlcc
an * cried heraolf to sleep. Tjils mornin
I stayed In an' loft the men to do thi
work. But at noon she was all right , an
sent mo 'bout my bus'noss. I never
crosses her , Carlton , God knows I didn't.
I wouldn't ha' lot the wind blowed roughen
on her , an' why couldn't aho staid with
mo , my pooty one. ? I'd made her happy ,
of It 'nd taken my life and soul. Oh ,
Stolly , Stelly , what will I do without
yon ? '
What n pitiful sight that man was
The big , scalding tears running down his
dronzed cheeks , his powerful frame in i
tremor , and choking sobs escaping hlmal
Intervals , but never a word of that "false ,
perjured Clarence" and his accomplice.
"Jim , reuse yourself , old man , " I
Bald , unable to bear it any longer. "Yoi
must take action at once. What will you
do ? "
'Nawthln' ' . "
"I'll ' bo hanged if you do. " ( I said
something stronger. ) "Will you let that
villain escape ? "
"Make her unhappy ? "
"I didn't say so. "
"It would if I bring her back.
wouldn't tech that that him with
bsyf'k. No , no ; I loved my Httlo girl ,
Carl. I'll go 'nay on' forget I over hac
one , and mobbo arter while she'll ' but ,
wood-by , old friend , I'll never forgot yo,1
and with a grip of his hand he was gone.
Poor Jiml ho loft the place on the
following day far parts unknown ,
went back to New York and trlod to
lorgot the part I had taken in tno affair ,
'or the doubt always clung to mo that
perhaps I could have averted the cntastro
Six months after I saw a woman , aJ
and attenuated , old before her tlmo ,
como out of a third class theater and
> ross her way trough the
irowd. I recognized the glorious
golden hair and babyish blue eyes , and
allowed her to her home , a miserable
lenoment honto. and making inquiries
ound that she had como there with a
dark , handsome man , who a week after
ward deserted her ; that her name was
Stella Travis ( thank heaven , notKlrland ) ,
and that she was a ballot dancer in the
5 Theater , and , what my informant
.Idu't know , she was ones Jim Klrland's
Celebrating ,
'en Httlo fine-era toying with a mine
Sang I wont the powder , and then there were
'fine ' Httlo fingers fixing rockets saraicht
jip I n kick backward , and then there wore
light Httlo fingers pointing up to heaven
candle "busted " and than
toman , there were
seven ,
oven little fingers punk and powder mix
? unk was ignited , and there were six.
ix little fingers for a "slssar" strive
Ono went off with it , and then there were
'ivo little fingers loading for a roar
loom 1 went tha cannon , and then there were
'our ' little fingers with a pack made frae
rash 1 went a cracker , and than there were
'lireo Httlo fingers found the fuse burned
ombshell too previous , and then there were
! wo Httlo fingers having lota of fnn
latol exploded , and there was one.
na Jittlo finper foDling with a rjnn
Didn't know 'twas loaded , and then there was
none. *
How doth yo little busy boo '
Iinprovo each chining hour ,
Especially wtien ho doth stick ,
With all hU puny power ,
Hla sharp proboscis right into
Yo urchin's tender leg ,
AH in the neat ho puts Ills hand
To steal yo bird her egg ;
Or as he climbs yo apple tree ,
Ou thievish purpose bent ,
Honr doth ye bnlldoff fix ills eye
On him with dire intent.
Ami when yo urchin quick descends
With the forbidden fiuit ,
How greedily his teeth inserts
In ve boy his Sunday suit ,
Tima dog and bea do well perform
Their parts for boys who steal
The stinging of such sharp rebukes
Should sure be made to feel ,
[ Boston Courier.
s very prevalent at this season , the
ymptoras being bitter 'taste , offensive
ireath. coated tongue , sick headache ,
rowalness , dizziness , loss of appetite ,
f this condition la allowed to continue ,
orlous consequences may follow. By
iromptly taking Hood's Sarsaparilla , a
ever may bo avoided or premature
ieath prevented. It Is a positive euro
or bllllouaneas. Sold by all druggists.
It's Pleasant to Try , Anyhow , at
lomcrville Journal ,
Kissing Is said to be very good thing to
make a girl's lips red. A kits baa same- a
lines been known to make a girl's lips ,
ad 'way up to the roof of her forehead ,
whoa her mother csma into the parlor
unexpectedly just as thq kisser and
clesoo were coming under the wlro. $
"Hunt's Remedy is the moat effective
medicine I over used in my practice for
dropsy and kidney dlsesiec. It has al.
nest raised the dead. L , A. PALMER ,
M. D. ( Mystic.
A force that Oghta successfully
dlseate. A host in Itself , is 'Hant'a
lemedy ,
There ara 18,001 female student ) In th
American colleges.
There arc ftt present in the United States
11G medical schools , and there it ono ) bysclan !
to every CSS Inhabitants.
Dr. Robmion , of Brown Univernty , s ys
ho would not ba president of n collee ( when
the co education of the saxes was ctrricd on ,
Two daughters of John Bell , once a candi
date for the presidency , are keenina n young
ladies' aomiu ry at Chestnut Hill , Ibston.
Miss Minnie Vorhis , who won thi prize for
essays at the last commencement al the El-
mlr college by delivering as her owi compo
sition an old article from Scribner's Magazine
bos returned the medal ,
Trot , Henry A. Fink , of Hamiltoi college
has been elected to ths chair or oratory and
English literature nt Amherst collero and is
understood to bo willing to accept the posi
Tiio now president of Bawdoln cnlege.Rov ,
William Do Wilt Hyde , Is only 27 years of
ago. Ho is n graduate of Harvard , tn nccom *
rllshed theologian and writer , and n fine base
ball player nnd sparror.
Professor Jnmoi A. Dana , of ITalo. has
boon elected on honorary member of the
lloyal Society of London , an hoior novoi
conferred upon any other American , with bul
a single exception Professor Asn Gray , of
Harvard ,
The presence of a Japanese RCrtlqmnn in
this country for the purpose of inspecting our
public schools and reporting to liii govern
ment such points as may suggest themselves
to him in the course of his luvcsUatione , Is
no lets a compliment to our system than nn
evidence of intelligence on the part of those
who sent him abroad ,
At the corrmencemcnt exercises of the
grammar department of the public schools of
Wlieoling , V. Va , * , three of the twenty-seven
graduates were colored pupils who had com
ptetod the course of study in the eihoola devoted
voted to their race * . This is believed to bo the
first time that white and colored pipits have
been graduated at the same placj south of
Mason and Dixon's lino.
Professor 0. K. Adams , of Mlcliean Uni
vcrally , who is likely to succoodl'reMdcnt
White , of Cornell , is n man wh > has won
tame gradually as a teacher. Ho was asn tu
tor almost the butt of students , wht gave him
the nickname of "Droop Eye , " because of a
certain sleepy lonk ho habitually voro. He
has devevoped , however , into n scholar of
note , a successful educator and ixutlor , and a
man widely respected nnd cxcepticnally pop
Dr. John 0 , Brannor , late of the geological
survey of Pennsylvania , has been elected to
the newly established professorshipof geology
in the Indiana University , at Blcomington ,
Ind. Professor Branner nccompmled Pro
fessor Hartt , of Cornell University to Brazil ,
In 1874 , and was his assistant geolotist on the
imperial geological survey of that cmntry un
til the suspension of the wotk and tha death
of Professor Hartt. Still later he made an
other trip to Brazil as the special nfent of the
United States department of agriculture.
The experiment with industral education
at ths Bowditch Grammar ached , Salem ,
Mass , , has proved successful. The pupils ol
the three upper classes were enlisted in the
wark about nve months ago , no revards being
offered. Last week nn exhibitiot of about
1EO articled was held , including WEste-bas-
kets , mat ? , , a full-made dress , tictiis , aprons ,
scarfs , pillow-cases , darning , quilts , _ bntton-
bolos , sofa-pillows , paintings and tie like from
the girls , Tha boys made engines , chairs ,
cabinets , bird-houses , boxes , drivings , and
boats and curried leather , besides nany other
things. t The girls also exhibited s > me excel
1 lent specimens of plain and fancy cooking ,
ono loaf of raised bread taking the prize.
Perhaps nothing showed moro real skill than
the large side of leather which a biy tanned ,
curried and finished with bis own lands.
Hot Weather.
Oh , de hot wedder sun am cr gittin' in his
work ,
An' de nigger sorter 'long fur do shade ;
Not so much beca'ae he's tryin1 fur tor shirk ,
But baca'eo ha'a got ernutf o' da ipude. i
De a'r am ez hot ez er breaf frum dar fire ,
An' do heat quivers high in glee ,
An' der man what says he likes it-ob , well-
he's alinr
Kain't put dat racket on mo ,
Ob , takp out de boss ;
Oh , fling down da hie ;
Oh , come wid de boss ,
Fur do an yer heard * ho'n when
it blow , blow , blow ; oh , doan
yer hear de ho'a when it
De cotton will soon ba bright wld do bloom ;
Like er pretty pjil in her pink dress ;
An'donde ole cut worm may capei roun' an'
fume ,
But he jeat ez well go back inside bis nest ;
Do chillen-singa gayly when da's dribln' up de
cows ,
An' do bullfrog j'inea in do song ;
An' de a'r-skimmln bull-bats almos' zip de
plough ,
Dat do lazy mules so slowly drags erlong.
Oh , take out de huss ;
Ob , fling down de hoe ;
Oh , come wid us bos ; ,
Fur doan yer hear do ho'n when
it blow , blow , blow ; oh , doan
yer hoar be ho'n when it
blow ,
[ Arkansaw Traveler.
Goo. W , Childs acts as usher every Sunday
n the little Long Branch church which heel
el pod to'bnild.
The South Baptist church of Hartfoid ,
Jonn , has called the Kev , Joseph 1C. Whee-
er , of Terre Haute , Imi.
The ninth annual meeting of the Believers'
meeting for Bible ntudv will ba held at Nia-
ar , Ont , July 23 to 30 ,
Of 202 schools established by tha American
ami .ay school union in Michigan sixty-six
mvo grown into churches.
Tin ) number of communiKtj in the 'United
'ratb/teriun church in 1833 is reported at 88-
71 , being a gaiu over last yearcf 1,231 ,
Evangelist Moody will organize n conven-
Ion of Christian workers to bo hold in North-
eld , Mass. , for ten dayj beginning August
The Like Superior 9amp meeting , on _ the
ncampinont grounds near L' Anne , Mich. ,
vill commence nn Tuesday evening , July 21 ,
nd cloze July 27 ,
The Presbyterian church in Ireland em-
irncea nearly one-half the Protestant poula-
ion of the country. There are 553 congre.
ations , 620 ministers , and 102,423 communi
cants ,
The cross which the princess of Wales re
cently gave to St. Peter's church , M. Louis ,
of gilded brass , with triple formed points ,
leautifully engraved , with four Irish crystal *
t its extremities and a garnet sot in a royal
tar at the junction of the cross. It has been
ilaced upon n brass pedestal of three steps , on
which the Inscription is engraved : "To the
ector and congregation of St. Peter' ' Church ,
it , Louis , from Her Royal Highness Alexan-
ra , the Princess of Wale ? , 1885. "
The Rev. Dr. Charles A , 13n > pa , protestor
f Hebrew In the Union Theological seminary ,
ecently deo'ared by Tha Interior to ba the
iiost accomplished biblical scholar of this
ountry , has come out strongly against the ro <
ised version of the Old Testament. He holds
hat the revisers made n great mistake In ac-
epting as the bails of their work the name
lassoretio Hebrew text that waa used by tiio
uthora of King Jaraea' yertlon , and ho con-
ludes that in a short time the now version
will need revision ,
Speaking oi old landmark * , the Dutch Re-
ormod church building in Harlem , situated
Third avenue and One Hundred und Twen-
y-firtt street , is to be moved so as to face the
utter street and leave room for the erection of
massive bminees building on the avenue.
This organisation dates back some 230 years
n 1C53 and wns property amounting to
70. ,000. It is building a new and handsome
hurch oditica at Hlxtli avenue and One Hun-
Ircd and Twenty-third utreet at a cost of
$130,000 , but will continue to use the old
tructura as a mission chapel and for the ben-
fit of the Wait Bl Jo portion cf the congrega-
ion , The ecclesiastical organization is a very
trong Die , as Is the caie with all of the Dutch
Ufnrmed congregations in New York city.
The Rev. Arthur Ritchie , tha hiph church
rctor of the KpUcopat church of St. Igua-
jus , New York , haj built u lofty chancel par-
it ! an nearly as huh as tha calling and ei-
cndio ? from one tide of tha church to the
other , shutting off the sanctuary from the
people , Ornamental gates of brasa scroll
work give access to the sanctuary , and look
ing between tha pillars in the partition , the
congregation can see the tall candles bnrnlnj
on the high altar. High above the gates is a
wooden crucifix with n lifcaize figure of Christ
When the procession of choristers entered thi
church , n puff of Incense bunt through thi
open doors. Down the side nislo and up thi
center nislo the procession passed , with n tnl
crucifix borna in ftont nd n whits robed cen
ser bearer swinging his coneer. A bancre
encrusted with gold embroidery of the figure
of the Saviour was carried nloft by A long
bearded inin in n white gown and red sash
The service was intoned.
Aiifiostnrft lilt tern were prepared by Dr
J , G. B , Siegort for his private use. Their
reputation is such to-day that they havp become
como generally known ns the best appetizing
tonic. Beware of counterfeits. ASK you :
grocer or druggist for the genuine article manufactured
ufacturod by Dr , J , G , B. Sicgert k Sons.
Whrit tiio AViUl AVuvcs any ?
"What nro the wild waves Raying ,
Sister , the whole day long ? "
"Two spoons in n 5 cent plalo of cream
Is coming it rnythor strong. "
[ Gorham Mountaineer ,
THE VOLTAIC BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich. ,
otter to send their celebrated KLKOTOO-Vot-
on trial for thirty days , to mou ( young or old
aflllcted with nervous debility , loss of vitality
anel manhood , nnd all kindred troubles , Al
for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and
many other diseases , Complete restoration
to health , vigor and manhood guaranteed.
No risk is incurred , an thirty days' trial ie
allowed. Write them at once for illustrated
pamphlet tree.
The toy cannon and pistol done Its
work on Saturday at Dubnqno. A boy
named Hardmalld has n bullet In hla aide ,
planted by a companion. The wound la
thought to bo fatal. The toy cannon
blow out an eye for Adolph , the son of
Herman Kombaooher.
HorsfortVs Acid I
Dit. FUED HOUNKU , Jr. , Salem , Va. ,
eaya : "To relieve the Indigestion and
so-called headache nnd mental depression
incident to certain stages of rheumatism ,
it is Incomp arable. " _
The Union Transit company has been In
corporated , with a capital of $5,000,000 , its
object being to build olavated railroads in
hicago ,
The Poor Little Ones
Wo often BOO children with rod erup
ttons on face and hands , rough , scaly
skin , and often sores on the head. Those
things indicate a depraved condition of
the blood. In the growing porlod chil
dren have need of pnro blood by which
bo build up strong and healthy bodies.
If Dr. Plorce's "Gjldon Medical Dlaoov-
ury" is given , the blood is purged of its
bad elements , and the child's dovolopj
incut will bo hoalthyand as it should be.
Scrofulous affection ? , rickets , foyer-sores
ilp'jolnt dlsaaso or other grave maladies
and sufferings ara sure to result from
neglect and lack of proper attention to
such caeca ,
_ _
A new comet has been discovered by Pro-
'nasor Barnard , of the Vanderbilt university
observatory at Nashville , Tonn ,
The Patrons of Husbandry Is nn organ-
zatlon which has been of great benefit to
'aimers. Mr. H. 0. Devries , the master
'or the State of Maryland , was complete
y cured of rheumatism by St. Jacobs
A revolution has broken oat in Venezuela ,
and the insurgents have seized the steamer
Jibertadon , with several government chiefs
on beard. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
She Most Wonderful Fluid ,
The blood. It la our llfo. It must be
n good order to go through the very
delicate little tubes through which r , Is
constantly coursing. Of itself the flu Id is
without color ; but , as vro look at it , ( s a
deep red ; the corpuscles give it that eel
or , by reason of the Iron in them. The
corpuscles are so small that It takes 3,100
of thorn laid in a straight line to make an
nch. Brown's Irjn Bitters carries irene
; o these Httlo corpuscles , and thus en
riches the blood when It is poor , thus
conferring health and vigor. This famous
onic is only a dollar a bottle , at the
_ - _ _ _ _ _
The ladies of Augusta , Ga. , are boycotting
n dry goods firm which refused to close their
tore at G o'clock as ether business housed did
u : u to give their clerks a rest.
"Can't Bo Beat. "
This'comes from ono whoso caeo is ono
among 'thouoands. Mr. A. R Jennings ,
of Barhamsvlllo , Va. , had suffersd from
dyspepsia , but cheerfully writes ,
'Brown's Iron Bitters can't bo boat in
coming up to all that is claimed for It. "
Ask any rospojtablo druggist for Brown's
ron Bitters , at a dollar a bottle.
CAPITAL PRIZE , 875,000.
Tickets Only SO. Shares in Proportion
Jonisiana State Lottery Company
"ire do hereby certify that tee superviie the ar
angtments for all the Monthly and Seini-Annua
Drawings of the Louisiana State MUry Company
nd in jicreon manage and control the
hemielvci , and that the tame are ( inducted mth
oncsty , fairness1 and in good faith , toward all jxir.
ies , and we authorize the company to vie cer-
i/lcate , with/ac-similea of our signature ! attached
n its advertuementi.
Incorporated In 1883 lorSB years by the leglsUtmt
oi educational nd ohultablo purpoans with t
aptUI ol $1,000,000 10 which a rcacrro fnnilot ovei ?
660 000 has elnco been added.
By c overwhelming popular vote Its franchise
was made a part ol the present state constitution
adopted December 2d. A. U. 1879. :
The only lottery over voted ou aad endorsed by
be people ol anyatate ,
11 never scales or postpones.
Its grand tingle number drawings take place
monthly ,
th Grand Drawing , Clans G , in the Academy
f Music , Now Orleans , Tuesday , July 1-lth
885,182d Monthly Drawing.
00,000 Tickets at Fiv ? Dollars Bach , Frac
tions , in Fifths In Proportion.
LIST or rauBii
1 do do 26,000
1 do do 10,000
2PBIZE8 OF 0,000 12,00.
6 do 2.COO 10,000
10 do 1,000 10,000
20 do tCO 10,000
100 do 200 20,000
800 da . , 100 80,000
iOO do 60 25,000
D Approximation 1'rlies ot $7(0 0,760
D do do tOO _ . . . , , . 4600
9 do do SSO 2,260
967 Frlioa , amounting to „ . . } 2J3,5IO
Application lor rates to cluba should be ru cleonlj
o theotllco ol the Company In New Orleans.
For further Inlormailun writs clearly ( thing loll
uldieee. POSTAL NOrKS , Eipreeg Money Orueri , oi
< ew York Kxcliange In ordinary letter , Centner
bv Hxpreaa ( all sum * ol 15 and upward * al our ex
icnw ) addressed ,
Or 11. A. DAUPHIN , New Oilcans , U.
007 Seventh St. , Washington D. O.
Uake P 0. lloue ? Ordeia payable and addreai
Registered Lettsra to
Nlvr Orleani U
Real Estate
213 South 14th Street ,
Have a large list ofj inside business and resi
dence property , and some of the finest suburban
property in and around the city.
"Wo have business property ou Capitol Avouue , Doclgo ,
Douglas , Farnnm , ITnriioy , Howard , 9tli , 10th , 18th nnd
10th sreets.
We have fine residence property on Fnrimm , Douglas ,
Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Casa , California streets , Sher
man , St .Marys end Park Avenues , in fact on all the best
residence streets. We have property in the following adr
McCormick's ,
milara&'CaldwelTs Kountz < & Ruth's.
Lakes , Impr'nt Association
Elizabeth Place ] Wilcox ,
E. V.fSmitlx's ; Burr Oak ,
Horbacli's , ' Isaac & Seldon's *
Patrick's * Hanscom's
Parker's , West Omaha.
Sliiim's , Grand View ,
Gise's , Credit Foncier ,
Helson's , Kountz9 First
Kountz' Second ,
Godfrev's , Kountz9 Third ,
Lowe's , Kountz9 Fourth ,
Syndicate Hill ,
College Place , " < Plain view ,
Park Place , Hill Side ,
Walnut jHilL Tukev &Kevsors ,
West End , Thornburg ,
Clark Place ,
Capitol , Mvers & Hichards.'S
Heed's First , Bovds/5
And al the other Additions to the
E27MLK City : :
We have the agency fo tae syndicate lands in South Omaha. These
ots sell from $225 upwards , and are very desirable property. The
development of the packing house and othnr interests there , are rapidly
building up that portion of. the city.
We have a few lots left in Kirhwood addition , which we offer at low
vrices , terms # 25 down balance 510 per month. [ These lots are on high
evel ground and are desirable.
This addition is more centrally located than any other now addition
near the best Schools in the city. All the streets are being put to grade
; ho grades have oeen established by the city council , and is very desira
ble residence property , only 15 blocks from Post office , prices lower tiian
adjoining additions for a home or investment. Those lots cannot bo
> eaten.
Fen , SALE Houeo and lot on 21et St , Easy Fen SALE-HOUSO and lot , 25th nnd Ohicn
onus go street ; splendid corner , § 3,000.
Fen BALK 22 foot on Farnam St. . near
1th St. , 88,000. , 000 FOB , SALK-First clans business block , $ -15 , J
FOB SAU-Lot InWnlnnt hill , 8200 , Foil SAIE-I lot on Wheaton St. ; good
Foil SALE Lots on 20th , § 550 each , house , $ JEOO. ,
Fen SALE 22 acres with elegant residence , Fen SALS Fine corner lot in Shlnn 8 addl ,
good barn , flno trees , elirubory , fruit , hot and lion , § 760.
old water and all conveniences ) first clasa Fen SALE-Lot in Millard Place , specia
iroperty in every respect. bargain.
Foa SALECO feet on Farnam street , near Fou LEASE Fine business property on 10th
6th. Rood business property cheap. St , and St. Mary's Avenue.
FOR KENT Itoora 44x76 , 3d floor , on 14th Fen SALE i lot on Chicago St , between
root. 13th and 14. With good house , 83,000.
We will furnish conveyance free to any
tjoj tJie city to show property to our friends
unit customers , antllcJicer/ully give informa
tion regarding OmaJia Property.
wJto Jiave Itaryains to offer o
iire" invited to see us.
RealgEjtate Agents ,
213 S. 14th St. , bet. Farnam & Done las