Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE DAILY BEE-SATURDAY , JULY 11 , 1885. 5
Incidents of ttic Day at ttic Capital
of tbe State ,
What the New State Veterinarian
Proposes to Do ,
Stuto Fair Preparations A. Br mo Gets
Omvith n Hmnll Fine Sus
pected Swindler ,
Kcported by The BEE'S Bureau.
LINCOLN , Nob. , July 10. Justice
Oochrano's court was occupied yesterday
morning with a Tory aggravated ciso of
trespass and assault. Henry Jonoa
Biultod his alstor-ln-law and her boy
Mrs , Jonoa Is a widow , She ia a hard1
working woman and is trying to aupporl
herself and three children by her labor
Justice Cochrano Gnod Mr. Jones $5 and
The State Democrat oflico haa boon
thoroughly disinfected and refitted , I
now ono of the neatest and cleanest of.
ficcs In the city , and la ready to receive
honors and emoluments from the party ,
providing the doctor la willing.
Dr. J. Uortb , the newly appointed
veterinary surgion , IB a young man about
thirty years of ago , with a wife and child
now llring In Newark , Now Jersey. At
present ho holds the potion of United
States veterinary Inspector of the bureau
of animal Industry at Washington besides
a couple of responsible positions In Now
Jersey In connection with the anlaml in
dustry of that atalo. It Is understood
that the appointment was urged by aoiua
of the prominent stockmen at the state
who have watched his courco ulnco his
arrival In thla state. As there la no ap
proprlatlon made for hla salary or expenses
several of the stockmen of the state have
agreed to eland good for the amount In
order to got the commissioner and the
surgeon to work. Ho has already no
complishod much good in his lino. The
doctor studied two years In Germany In
his profession and graduated at the Amor
lean Veterinary college In Now York and
has had five yoara official practlco. Ho
Intimates that as soon as the machinery
gota to work requests will bo made that
the stock yards appoint veterinary our-
goons to Inspect their yards BO that no
diseased a ock thall get In or out , The
doctor will complete his apodal work
which ho was sent hero to do In about ten
days and will then go east for his family
and return aa soon no possible , when ho
will take the oath of oflico and etsrt in
full Hedged as the state veterinarian.
Everything about the state fairground )
Is progressing finely. Arrangements have
boon made for two chariot races each day
during four days of the fair. A largo
eating house has been arranged for , and
four trotting horses of national reputa
tion will bo hero to compote.
Only three plain drunks disturbed the
pohco to-day.
It Is reported that Webster Eaton , for
merly of this city , has received a lucra
tive position under the administration of
Mr. David Gilbert , who has charge of
the water works system to bo erected at
the stock yarde , says that the pump has
arrived and that work will begin on tbo
well next Monday. Mr. Strong has three
other joba In the state which ho will com
plete this summer and fall.
0. O. Whodon la attending court in
The colored baptists are still at war
about the church ever at MtAon , with
n strong probability that the Zion trustees
will hold the fott.
A lurking suspicion rests in the minds
of some of the city officials that a book
peddler who Is taking orders on soperato
blanks is connected with some swindling
schema and his whereabouts is being
carefully shadowed.
Considerable Interest Is being mani
fested ever the sale of lots In West
Mr. Kclloy of the Commercial haa re
turned from his Atohison trip. Ho looks
quite tanned and refuses to bo inter
viewed about the fish.
The DAILY BEE can now bo found at
the news stand of L. WessoH , Commer
cial hotel.
The prominent arrivals of the day are :
E. S. MaMniteni , Pawnee Olty ; F. M.
Brown , Sutton ; W. J. Crawford , Colum
bus ; L. A. Stewart , H. T. Clark. H.
Morrlman , G , N. Clayton , James N.
Holman , W. L. Eastman , Omaha ; J. G.
Woodward , Council BlaflV L. Spoils ,
Divld OltyjF. A , Smith , Kansas City ;
S. B. Ferguson , Dalit * , Texas , Gus J.
Well , Buffalo , N" Y ; D. M. Jonkina ,
Boston ; Viulor E. Wolf , Chicago ;
Albert Dillon , one of Lincoln's proml
nent young society men , will return to *
day from South Auburn , whcro I'o has
boon the past few weeks In the Interest
of his health.
) Editor Wlgton , of the Hastings Jour
nal , spent a few hours In the city yesler *
day , and reports the crop and bualnots
outlook as very flattering.
Mr. Kelly , who spent a day at Leaven-
worth with an old townsman , EdOlairob ,
reports him as in the bett of spirit * ,
kojpItiR his hotel , opera homo and skatIng -
Ing rink all in full blast ,
On Thursday , Assistant Superintend
ent McKelvy of the reform school at
Kearney , arrived hero with a girl who it
is reported has been an Inmate of that
institution for a year , while others say
the girl was only there a few month * .
However report has it that the girl is
only about 1C ycara of age and will bo-
coma a mother soon and la now at the
homo of tbo friendless In this city. The
matron of the homo will not at present
say anything In regard to the matter
hoping to huth up that which Is like to
A elite scandal. Gtn. Ylfqnalno
as employed attorneys and will cause a
thorough fnveatlgatlon of the affair let
tha matter fall where It may.
Miss Suslo Hoagland and her nephew
Frank , left for Yerdon , Ills. , last even
ing for a two months visit at the old
William Benton and wlfa will spend
to-day and Sunday visiting the
A row over $20 occurred In Brown's
saloon resulted in a knock down and tt/o
arrott ) .
For Forgery.
Speaking about Iho arrest of young
McDonald , the Davenport , IB , , Gazatte
' David McDonald formerly
eayj ; Young ,
merly of thla city , was arrested In Rock
Island lait evening , on the request of the
chief of police of Omaha , for alleged
forgery committed in the latter
city. Tha statement from Omaha
is that Divld forged tbo name
of n whnlnaala grocery firm in
Omaha to a chock for $20 , and obtained
the cash on It. David says ho did no
forgo the check , but won It at a game o
poker , and had It cashed. The chief c
the Omaha police telegraphs tlut ho wl
be here this evening for the prisoner ,
The young man doesn't appear to hi
alarmed at all , and aays he can provo hi
entire innocence of the offoncao wit *
which ho 'a charged. "
Three Companies of the Fourth In
fantry Gone to Fight Indians ,
Ilio Ohcjcnno Outbreak Socins to T )
* ColU llonltty Much Excite
ment In Southern Kansas.
At G o'clock yesterday afternoon Majo
Brock , who is in command of the department
mont hero during Gen. Howard's ab
aonco , received n telegram from Gen
Phil Sheridan , through Gen. Scofield
ordering twelve companies of soldier
from the department of the Flatto to report
port Immediately for duty at Crossfiold
which IB on the eoulhorn line of Kansas
mid at the terminus of the Southern
Kansas railroad. Companies G , D , and
K , under command of O.tpt. Powell
C pt. Neldlg , and Capt. Bnbb , of the
Fourth infantry , stationed at Ft. Omaha
left last night over the Missouri PaclQ
for Kansas City , from whore they will go
by way of the Southern Kansas road to
the scene of action. They took with
thorn two car loado of ammunition and
supplies. The soldiers occupied three
emigrant sleeping cars , which were at
tached to the regular passenger train
welch loft hero at i ) o'clock last evening.
Three companies from Fort Sidney , four
companies from Fort Russell , and tire
companies from Fort Steele will rondo-
voux at Oheyonno this morning and leave
from there on a special train by way of
Denver , for Crossfiold , whcra they will
meet the three companies from here , no
that in all this department furnishes
about GOO men to help supprasa the
bloody warriors.
Gen , Hatch , with the Ninth cavolry ,
colored men , was at North Platte yester
day on route to Fort Nlobrara , and
orders were sent him to roach Ogolala as
soon as possible , to guard the old Indian
trail there BO that in case the Choyonnes
should , as they did before , make an at
tempt to cross the country ho can head
them off.
There seems to bo no donbt :
but that the outbreak ao
long anticipated about wnlch all sorts
bf rumors and reports have boon received
Is now an actual reality. But It Is be
lieved that troops enough have gene
down In that country to capture the redskins
skins this tlmo and disarm thorn. The
wildest excitement prevails In south
western Kansas , and country people are
flocking 10 the towns for protection.
Governor Martin , of Kansas , has
aent all the arms and amunltlon
that wore stored In the arsenal at Topeka
to points on the frontier for the citizens
to nao In defending themselves. Com
panies of militia at Wichita , Wellington ,
tflnfield , Great Bend and Dodge City
have been given pointers to bo ready for
marching ordera at a moments' notice.
Adjt.-Gon. A. B. Campbell , of the
Kansas militia , is now out
at Dodge City , and people
in the west part of the state are S3 thor
oughly aroused that the Indians will not
find It so oaay to make a rad , ( this time as
they did before , when thera was no
preparation for defense against them.
SoniD Now Oases Filed Adjourned
Catherine Falkorst , John E , Housing ,
M. J. Hosslng , Jacob Hosslng , Max
Falkorst , Annie Falkerst and Maggie
Falkorst vs. the Union Pacific railway
company , IB the title of a now case filed
before Judge Wakeley In the district
court yesterday afternoon. It Is a suit
to gain possession of an 80 aero tract of
land in Merrlok county this state , that
Fred T. Hoesing , who died May 12th , ?
had purchased of defendant , but still
owed thereon the sum of § 79.08 with In
terest at the r to of C per cent , since
August 25,1884.
The city of Omaha commoncad pro
ceedings yesterday baforo Judge Wake-
ley , In the district court , against Alvln
Saundew , to regain possession of certain
property , which about the year 1809 was
deeded to him tn triut , to bo ucod for
railroad purposes as the railroads required
it. 'L'horo u'lll remains , It ooems , several
strips , lots and blocks of said land not
thutly appropriated , and as the statute
of limitations will saon interfere the city
now brings Bait to regain what la left.
Samuel Fox has instituted replevin
proceedings against L. L Smith on cer
tain goods sold nnd delivered to the lat
ter ,
The Clegg caao Tras adjourned ever
until Monday morning at 9 o'clock.
A Cooking Ilanuato Bo Given Away
UyB. Katz AnfriiatlOHi.
Buy your Groceries of ui and wo give
a fine Range to prepare them. Wo will
give with every purchase of One Dollar's
worth a tlckot , and on the 10th day of .
August , all numbers will have an even
chance to draw the Range. Bear in
mind wo are Bailing Groceries , Wines
and L'quors cheaper than any other
house west of Chicago , and give- yon this :
chance to get a fine stove gratis. :
1308.1310 Douglas St.
A Correction Corrected ,
If any one labors under tbo Impression >
that S. D. Mercer , M. D , or his
assistant , Dr. Dy flirt , Is In any way '
connected with thu Omaha Medical and
Surgical Institute , we hasten to correct :
such Impression. No bond of Interest.
sympathy , confidence , or admiration ,
exists between ui. We removed from
the northeast corner of 12th and Howard
eta. , last spring , to the corner of 13th at.
nd Capitol avenue. i
Dr. Hamilton Wmnt , Physician and
Surgeon , 019 N. 10th street near Web'
ater. Day and night call * promptly at
tended to
Choice Selections From HM. C , F ,
Adams' ' Essay on Corporations ,
Reprehensible Methods That Have
Become Too Common Differ
ent Grades ot Gambling
David City Events.
DAVID CITY , Nob. , July 8,1885.
To the Editor of the BEE :
Slnco oar last , nothing nnutnal haa
transpired In our community. The 109th
birthday of our national existence haa
come and gene , with a fair display of
patriotism on the part of our citizens ,
who celebrated It tn the beautiful park In
the center of our little city. Prof.V. .
H. Skinner , of our public schools , read
the declaration of Independence ; the
Rov. F. n. Ayaro delivered an address of
welcome , and the Hon. 0. D. Oaope
representative in the legislature , mad
quite an Interesting addrots. Climbing
a greased pole , catching a greased pig
dancing , etc. , were Indulged In , closln
with fireworks In the evening ,
Crops are maturing rapidly this warm
weather. Wheat , oats , rye , barley , da ;
and tame grass are unusually heavy
corn llkowlso never promised bettor ,
Business of every kind languishes , yet w
hope for a revival In trade with the move
moat of the maturing crop. Property i
changing hands notwithstanding th.
financial depression , The Hon. 0. D
Casper becomes the aolo proprietor ant
editor of the Butler County Press thL
week , Mr. W. G. Evans retiring. Thi
Press is the pioneer newspaper bf thli
county , founded twelve years ago by
Messrs. Evans & Casper , and has borne
no moan ptrt In the upbuilding o i
this community. The many friend
of those old partners of th
Press wish for them each i
full moaauro of succass In whatever they
may embark , and wo believe that Mr ,
Casper will sustain for the Press Its wol !
earned reputation the unfllncalng friend
of the injsioa of our people.
The Omaha Republican of the 2d inab.
wipea us out with his "bogged " question
argument on the "discrimination of our
postal system. " He forgot to say that
thosa "discriminations" wnro made alike
to the least patron of the department
equally with the largest. The great Ohl-
ago Times pays the same rate propor-
ionatoly as the Omaha Republl-
an , for Mr. Nyo's edification will
juotp from the Hon. Charles Francis
Idama , jr , . who in speaking of this
transportation question eays : Journal-
sts and legislators Insist on placing
hem In a position exactly similar to that'
if Individuals , amendable to every law of
rado. The monopolies evade or break
lown the law , and are "omnipresent In
eglslatnro. " Again ho says , "To see a knot
if adventurers , men of broken fortunes
without character and without credit ,
iDssesj themselves of an artery of com-
aeroe more Important than was over the
Lppaln way , and make levies , not only
ipon It for 'their own emolument , but
hrough It , upon the whole business of
nation. No people can afford
0 glanca at these things In
ha columns of the dally press ,
nd then dltmlas them from memory ,
for Americans they Involve many qaes-
ions ; they touch very nearly the founda-
ilons of common truth and honesty with
al which that healthy public opinion
annot exist , which Is the lifd's breath of
inr whole politicssystem. ! " Mr. Adams
ontmues : "Butthogtmblor , the patron
if the turf , or the podostrlan represent
a a rule , himself alone , and his character
a generally so well understood as to bo
warning to all the world. The caao of
n official of a great corporation Is dlf-
erent ; ho occupies a fiduciary position ;
to Is a trustee , a guardian ; vast Interests
ro confided to his care ; ovary
hare holder of the corporation ia his
raid , If It la arallroad , the community it-
elf Is his "ceacul-qul-trust. " But passing
ivents , accumulating more thickly with
ivory year , have thoroughly corrupted
he public morals on this subject. A dl-
octorshlp In certain great corporations
IBS come to bo regarded as a situation in
fhlch to make a great fortune , the posses-
Ion of which is no longer dishonorable.
ho method of accumulation Is both aim- ,
ilo and safe. Itcontista In giving con-
racts as a trustee to one's self as an in-
llvidaal , or in speculating In the property
1 one's " " in
"cestni-qul-trust , or
isiog the funds confided to one's
hargo to gamble with the road
iwnors of these funds for their own prop-
rty , and with the curds packed in ad-
anco. The warda thounolvoi expaot
heir guardians to throw the dice against
hem for their own property , and are sur-
irlsod , as well as gratified , If the dloo are
lot losdod. These proceedings , too , are
ooked upon as hardly reprehensible , ynt
hey strike at the very foundation of ex-
stln ? society. The theory of roprojon-
atlon , whether In politics or business ,
s of the oseonco of modern davelopemont.
) nr whole sytem rfsts.upon the fiduc'ary '
olatlons ; whoeverbotrAys thema director
if a railroad no lees than a number of
ongresf , or the trustee of an orphan
yluin , Is the common enemy of every
nan , woman and child who llvoo under
'opresent&tlvo government. The nnaoru-
mlous director ia far less entitled to
iredlt than the ordinary gambler , com-
lnlng as ho does the character of the
riltor with the acts of the thief.
'Gravitation Is the rale , and centrallza.
ion the natural consequence , In society
10 less than In physics. " Physically ,
norally , Intellectually , In population ,
iroalth and Intelligence , all things tend
.0 concentration , Ono singular lllustra-
Jon of this law Is almost entirely
ho growth of this country , For-
uorly either governments or Individuals
r at moat small combinations of Indl-
ilduali , were the originators of all great
rorka of public utility. Within the
ireient century only ban democracy
onnd Its way , through the ropreaenta-
ivo system , into the- combinations of
r at most small combinations of Individ
uals were the originators of all great
irorkB of public utility , Within the pros-
mt century , only , haa democracy found
Is way through the representative ays-
sm Into the combinations of capital ,
imall share holders combining to carry
ut the most extensive enterprises , And
ret , already our great corporations are
'ast emancipating themselves from the
ititc , or rather subjecting the state to
heir own control while Individual capl-
alists , who long ago abandoned the at-
empt to compete with them , will next
now ) seek to control them. In this dan-
joroua path of centralization "Yanderbllt"
lai taken the litest step In advance. He
a combined the natural ( selfish ) power
if the Individual with the factitious !
nwer ( despotism ) of the corporation. !
Jnoonsclously he haa Introduced "Co > ar
am" Into corporate hfo , Ho has , how-
iver , but pjlnted out the way others
rill ( have ) trod. The Individual will
thereafter bo engrafted on the corpora
tion democracy running its couiso , and
resulting in imperialism ; and Tandor-
bllt is but the precursor of a ilats of
men who will ( do ) wield within tlo state
% power created by the state , but too
great for Its control. Ho ia the 'oundor
of a dynasty. " JUSTICE ,
A New Confidence Gnmo whlchFrnnk
"VVIlsnoo Got Taken In On ,
Last evening , whlto looking abcnt th
city , and wondering whether ho wonl
over be any better off , Frank Wenoo ,
young manVho dabbles In clay nt lit
net's brick yard , was joined by a campan
ton whom ho did not know
and had never soon before ,
However , Wllanoo seemed to bo do-
llghtcd with the follow , and voryahortl.
they were seated in an alloy or Four
toenth , between Farnam and Dodg
streets , talking confidentially andgottluj
ready to go ont on a little tour of th
town. Casually the stranger puled hi
handkerchief out , and with It a lotto
which ho lot fall on th
ground. This attracted thi SUB
coptlblo sucker's attention and
they commenced talking about thi lotte
wondering what was In it. Th ) atran
gor picked It up and lot Wllanoo takoltin
his hand , then said , "I'll bet jou $5
there's money in It. " Wilsnoo replied
tliat ho only had $4 , but would ( o tha
much If ho lost. The stranger wia stak
holder. They opened the onvolojo and
It contained one cent , Wilanoo tair the
trick then , grabbed the stronger aid commenced
moncod calling loudly for the
crowd soon gathered , ho gut his money
back , and the crook got away.
A Flat Fight ,
Gus Shnltz and Dag Bnrnes Trent to
gother last ovonlng down at Sshultz'i
saloon , on Twelfth street , In a rogula :
knock down and drag ont slugglngmatch
Both were arrested and taken to the city I
jill whore they gave security for their
appearance this morning. It aeons that
Buinos worked for Shultz on the Tonrth
and his account at night was $51 short.
Shultz brought suit In aomo of tie jus
tice courts to recover his money , and
when , tlmo cimo for trial Bnrnes sionrod
a thirty days' continuance. Last oconlng
they met and fought ,
in Clarendon. Every lot a good one and
bound to increase In value very rtpldly.
The cars run to this addition , making It
especially desirable for homos. Prices ,
$450 to $550 , one-third down.
AMES , 1507 Fariam.
List of letters remaining In the Omaha
? ostoflice July 9,1885.
CLASS inrmt ,
' Cenaan Mra P W Oopeland
' K Drake L D Hunt
H Phillips MrsTWllley
D J ? Fahs
0 , K. COUTANT ,
Vnnllln.T.emon.OrmiKO , * tc.lnvor CatcOTi
rtnm , ltlilllM , , .Vcn > ilcllciitely nnd imt
urnllyinthcrcillt IVnui w lilch llicynre ramie.
rncrARip BY THI
Price Baking ; Powder Co. ,
Chicago , III. 8t , Louto , Mo.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's Lupulin Ycnst Gonis ,
Itett Dry Hop Yentt.
70X1 E3.AJILX : XJ-5T Q-
General Joseph E , Johnson Leaves For
the West To-clny Notes mml
FcrgonalB ,
Gen. Joseph E. Johnson , the United
States railway commissioner , who has
boon hero since Wednesday , will leayo
for the woitjto day In a special train com-
poaod of nn engine and Mr. Klmball'a
private car , which haa boon placed at his
disposal. The general will bo joined hero
this morning by his son.In-lnw , Mr ,
McLiIn nud daughter , who go ever the
road with him. He Inspected yesterday
the shops , yards , general oflices and
books of the U. P. at this city.
F. A. Noah , general agent here of the
0. , St. P. M. & 0. road , left for St. Paul
Fred S. Rockwell , once a popular rail
road man here , but now ranching It In
Colorado , is visiting the city.
Crashed a JUCH.
Mrs. Catharine Matchck was ran
against by a horse and buggy last ovonlng
at the corner of Fifteenth and Division
streets , and knocked down. She was
carrying a little child at the tlmo , and in
falling crnshod ono of Its logs so badly
that Dr. Hcstottor , who was called to
ittond the little sufferer , thinks it will
noccsiarlly have to bo amputated.
The father of little Hobby McConnell , a
hree-year-old boy who ran away from his
lome at 1621 Farnam street yesterday nfter-
loon , was wildly scourincr the city In search
f him last flvenlntc.
Now that the soldiers have been called
iway from the fort , the only prot ection af
forded the city In case of a riot ia the Omaha
Light guards , and It Is to ba hoped that they
will hold themselves In readiness for any and
UI emergencies.
Gustavo HOBS , who lives at 010 Pacific
itreot , and clerks for Uhnrles CofTrnan , the in-
mranca man , received a fall last evening that
lislocated ono of his shoulders. Dr. Darrow
mis called and reset it ,
Officer Buckley pinched J. W. Hender-
ion last night for having a soldier in too
whom the officer thought ho wai trying to
cob , Mr , Henderson will be called upon thia
morning to give Judge Stenbergeome account
D [ his conduct.
Officer Weiland was on trial before tha
ouncil committee on police yesterday , and
Officer Hinchey'a case will bo taken up to-day.
The Hon. George E. Sayloa , of Cedar
Creek , was a guest of hii brother-in-law , J ,
3 , Cooley , at the Paxton yesterday.
Judge Tiffany , of Albion , was in the city
Major DeRuasoy , whu has been transferred
from 1'ort Omaha to Fort Vancouver , left for
the latter place lst night.
Che Greatest lledicnfTrinraph ot the Age !
I.oca of tippctlt c , liowcli coitlve , I'uln to
the bend , with u dull icnantlon In the
Dficlt part , i'aln under tbo ( boulder-
blade , I'ullncsa after cation , with n dig.
Inclination to exertion of body or ralml ,
Irritability of temper , //aw spirit * , with
& fooling ofbavln it neglected oruoduty ,
IVcnrlnesi , Dlzzlncsi , fluttering al tbe
Uearti lot boforotbe eyes , Jleadacho
aver tbe right eye , Reatleiinon , wltb
Qtful dreams , Ulchly colored Urine , and
TUTT'S 1'JI/LS are especially adapted
to such cases , ono dose effects such a
Imngo of fcelinRnHtonstonUli the sufferer ,
They Inereaie the A puetlte.vx ] CAUIO tbo
tody to 1'alte au Floli , thus tbe > tem ll
notirl < hcilan > l by tnelr Tonic Action on
, < ooUaro
tnelllKeittveOrgaui,1leaiilnrH ;
nroiluc ( l. I'rl'-B'Jfic. 44 Murray NI..IV.V.
UuAT HAIR or WmsKKiis changed to D
GLOssr BLACK by a ntngln application ot
this DrE. It Imparts n iiaturuf color , acts
Instantaneously. Bold by Druggists , or
tent by express on rocelptofCl.
? fflce 44 Murray St. . Now York.
0 , F , DAVIS , T , A , OBEIQU ,
Nebraska Land Agency ,
o. F. DAVIS & GO. ,
And JReal Estate Mortgages
1605 gARNAM BTItKET. . . OMAHA ,
tlftr * lor ulo JOOOM ACID ) csrafally eolooted Undi
(3 ( Eastern Nobruka , at low pi lee and en eoiy tormi
Improved larmt lor ulo In Oou lM , Dodg , CoKax ,
PUttc. Hurt , CuuilOK , Gurujr , WadhlojrtOD , Uezrlek ,
aondcru , and Butler oouatle * ,
Taxei | < ald In all parta ut /
M oUry roblla alway i la offlx. ' OorieipondeoM
loinoJ on Improved ( inni aod city prope
One of he Best nd Largest Stocks in tlio United States
To Select From.
Remember These Bmoortant Facts
The I uli ! a I Life Insurance Company
' '
1. It s the OLDEST active Ufo Innuranco Company In this country.
K. II Istho LAHOESV Life Insurance Uonlpixny bytntny millions of dollars In the woiM.
S. Its rates at iircmlums are I.OWKIUhan thuao ot any other ccmpauy.
i. It hits no " tockbolJora"tcrl lm nn ; put of IU nrodts. '
B. It offers no SCIIKJ1K3 under the naino ot Inaurtiico for epcculntlon by Bpccltl diEBca upon tb
maloit\ino3 ot cacti otter ,
0. Us present lualUUo CASH 11KSODHCES cxcccJ those ot any ether LKo Insurance Company In tha
world. > 4aKIl
It has received In cash tram all sources , from February. 1843 , to January , IPff. 1270,5OJ.r > ? 4.00. !
H has returned to the people , In cash , from February , 1843 , to January , IE 5 , $211,091,311,00. )
Its coin Assets on the let ol January , 1885 , amount to moro than
General Agent for Gen , Agta. for
Nobrnslcn , Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming and Michigan , Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , IOWA
Utah. nnd Minnesota. _ 1
Oflico Cor.Farnam nnd 13th St.0ver 1st Nnt'l. ' Detroit , Michigan.
Bank , Omaha , Neb M. F. ROHRKR ,
Special Agent for Iowa , Council BlutTe , Iowa
HLLOC , Kng. &Su pt. a. r. K. SADLEU , Asst. EUR n. , it , j\eco
BUan'fR's and linilJeig o
WrongM Iron , Steel , Howe
Truss mid Combination
For Knllronda nud Highways
Tain Tables , Draw Gpans. Roe
Tiutto ? , Tiers and Sub
liisley.Siiiie . Tullcck
A. UcLouth , Afrcnt.
II. A. Wiee , r'
Pleasoad uj utls ol all brM j work to lot. CorrosponJeino solicited troin O3glner3 and br
rioto re.
Dyspepsia' fcmT
' Wasting'1Diseases
WHISKEY . jFotMvely Relieved and JSToluM
-.j-jif- , -
, I Q gBip ! * aMl < ed < nrf forln 7FHar.pow t
M > NOT BE DECEIVED. Many Druggists and Grocers who do not have Duffy * * FaroY
laltVIiInlcoy lu Block , attempt lo palm off on customers , whiskey of thclrown bottling , which' '
elnff of an Inferior grade and adulterated , pays them a larger profit. - < . < u |
' '
end us your address and wo willmall book containing valuable Information. Sample Quart JSoltlet
snt to any address In the United States ( East ot the Rocky Mountains ) , Btxuidf pacJied In plain *
aae , Hxpreta charges prepaid on receipt of &DL. 28. or Six Bottles Eont for G.O > '
JUFFY.MflLT WHISKEY CO. , Baltimore , IM , U. Sjj
" " ' H. T. CLARE mm COMPANY.
IFlncit Sclcctloni of
Merchant Tailor ,
ICth and DaTonport Sts
Catorora ,
And Ladlu' and Qtnti'
Bnecl/ * attention glTcn ( o
Vamlllcj , Turtles , Weil *
dings , Dances , 1'lcnlcs , Ac.
Cor. 10th and Cipltol Ave.
F. M. Schadell & Co. ,
218N , ICthSt. ,
Lutlro and Kensington
Juicht at COc. n T.rssitn ,
Tuo Complete Course
tauglil for 12.00. I'alnte
fr e to practlco while
learning , Alto cleaning
of real and imitation Incei
Cleaning of lacs curt.ilne
Bipeclaltr. ] The tiest work
it reasonable pni .
T.B.Tll = iniC3.:201MCth
Mrs , T , E , McNally ,
BusiikriN'a DLOCI ,
X323 Doagbu Street
Corner Sixteenth.
Dr. Haughawout ,
Tretb irltbout plate. Colt
Crowns and Gold 1'late
Work a Bpecliltj- ,
t lleaiouabla
Leslie & Morrell ,
Central Pharmacy ,
Prescriptions o Specialty. !
Rocla nnil mineral
3.W. Cor. I6th A DodgeSts.
V/jtwrso , EKLAROINO ,
anil Copylne HUIIKC.
702-704 N. IOth St.
First-Class Work ilone In
the Intctt iitylcs ol Iliu art.
KlnUheil In India luk or
Ciayon , as desired ,
Practice limited to
Supcrflousilalr ItcmoTCil
Crounie Illoclr ,
Room 12
Fancy Goods ,
fit ) No , 10th Street.
AUo , rir6t-Cla Ilress-
maklnK. General /gent
for Nebraska for the Acme
Tailor System of Cutting.
The Old Itolliiblo
Omaba Employment EBiean ,
217 N. 10th Bt. ,
Are always ready to nl ! |
orders promptly fur help ,
an I gliu can alwaji find !
good iltuatlous by applying -
ing !
In connection Ilh tbe
establishment , we keep a
fine stock of Stationery
and News matter , Fashion
Hoolts , itc.
HissEatGRKennedy ,
J > EOl'niE10ll.
Dealer la Fancy Qoods.
Art Needle Work
Taught and Executed ,
Indelible Stamping a Eno-
daltj. UattrbU fur
Vancy Work.
0 No. 10th Street ,
Decorators , Paper Hanger *
Etc. , Etc.
S2nmilln2 ! a Socially.
No. Cll North ICtliSf
W-\SODA/ ( :
o ,
101 Bouth ICtli Els ,
Jfcnl Tickets , $ -1.00
Steals at all Hours.
Market ,
10th and Curnliif ,
Is the rlace to buy your
Meat cheap for Casli. de
livered to anr part or the
city. Mcata of nil varieties
cheaper licro than at an ;
other market.
B. A. MARSH , Prop.
Dr. LANE ,
'a BLOCK ,
Sixteenth A Eouglts Sts.
Cor. ICth and Chicago.
Prompt attention then
[ to VicKrlptlou.
PnisUngCofflBany ,
111 N. 10ri fit.
Second-band School DookJ
Fine Stationery ,
Relleloua Gift BooVi.
Scydcl & Ahlquist ,
Dealers In ]
Jovrol Stoves and
crora Jewel Vapor sines ,
N.W. Cor. ICth
and Callforula Streets.
Ilofaro lluylnc
Avlic'io , Ituinuinbor
Milliners and
Dress Makers ,
218 N. 10th St.
J. L , ROY & CO.
WatcbmiKet ! and imlnt ,
EllTcrnare , lluiloal
Inttruiucuts ,
Watches , Clocks ,
and Jowolry.
Watches llepsJrid and
Cleaned and work Guar
anteed for Ono Year , Old
Jewelry repaired A madi
orcr to suit. I'lno Oold
and Silver Coloring ,
607 N. 10th Bt ,
MJ.O'Ronrie.MJ . ' . ,
Cor , 10th A Uouglof ,
13tUi Centre CU , ,
Couth Omaha.
Illustrated Catalogue on
I'.lcctrlclty , 1'ree.
L , W , Wolfe & Co ,
and Dealers iu
Electrical Supplies
Elcctrl Belli , Annuncli-
tors , Ilurglar Alarms , II ol-
leal Batteries , Telegraph
Apparatus , de. ,
800 10th Bt. , North.