Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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H. W , yATza , A. E. TOUZALIN ,
President. Vlca President.
W , II. S , Hughe * , Oashior.
The Iron Bank ,
A General Banking Busi
ness Transacted.
Nan TOBK , July 10. Money Easier.
Prime paper 1@5 per cent.
Foreign Exchange Quiet nnd unchanged
at 84 OS ! .
Governments Quiet but firm.
Stocks llavo been Irregular and unsettled
to an unusual degree to-day , movement in
certain stocks apparently being quite Inde
pendent of other active shares. With this ex-
caption prices are at the close ic to Jo lower ,
except Lackawanna , which shows n not loss of
Jc. Now York Central opened -at 87o and
closed at 88 > jc , a net gain of | o ,
3'a. .1038
4Va Coupons. 112i
U. B. 4' 122 ?
Pacific C'a of ' 05 121
Central Pacific. . , 30i
Chicago & Alton 13G
do do preferred 150
Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy 127J
Delaware , Lacknwana & Weatorn U11
Denver &IUo Grande 4'i
Erie 10J
do preferred 21
Illinoia Central 126
Indiana , Bioomington & Western 8
Kansas A. Toroa 21
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 53
Loulavillo& Nashville 35&
Michigan Central D5
Missouri Pacific 05 ,
Northern Pacific 17
do do preferred 40j
Northwestern 03.
do preferred 128.
New York Central 88 ]
Oregon Transcontinental 33
PaclfiaMail 47
Peoria , Decatur & Kvnnavillo 0
Pullman Palace Car Company 11G
Kock.Ialand . 116S
St. Louis & San Francisco IGj
do do preferred 2'J
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 72J
do do do preferred. .108 }
St. Paul & Omaha 225
do do preferred 731
Texas Pacific 12
Union Pacific 51 i
Wabaab , St. Louia & Pacific 84
do do do preferred. . . G
Western Union Telegraph Gl |
Oregon Kallroad & Navigation 72
CHICAGO , I1L , July 10. Flour Un
changed .
Wheat Quiet , opened a shade weaker , ral
lied j@lc ) , weakened , declined fi@c , ad
vanced gc , ruled easier , nnd closed about aa
yesterday ; 8Gi@86Jo tor cash ; 86io for July ;
88Jo for August ; OOg@90Jo for September ;
No. 2 rod , 93o.
Corn Quiet , easier , averaging a shade
lower , reacted , and closed about as yester
day ; 47Jo for cash ; 47j@47jjo for July ; 46J@
47o for August ; 4GJo for September.
Oats R ther unsettled , near futures easy
early , auddenl reacted , and closed steady ;
3ljg32o for cash ; Sljo for July ; 2Go for
August ; 25o for September ,
Kyo-Quiet at ESc.
Barley Nominal.
Tlmoihy Bood Firmer ; prime , $1 53@1.55.
Flax seed Steady and about unchanged.
Pork Active , opened stronger and lOc
higher , Rained lOo more , later eased off , de
clined G@7io , and closed steady ; SIO.OO ©
10.12ifor cash ; 810.00@10.05 for July ;
S10.071@10.10for Auguat ; 510.12@10.17J for
Lard Moderately active ana steady , ad
vanced 5o , but the advance wai not main
tained ; SG.tO@0B81 for cash and July ;
86.5B@C.57i lor August ; $ G.G5SG.C7i for
Bulk meats Shoulders , unchanged ; $3.70
f3i.QO : ; nhorl clear , $5,65@5.70 ; short riba ,
Whisky-Steady at $1.15.
Butter Steady ; good to fint creamery ,
134@17o : good to choice dairy 10@14o.
Ghcojo Active and firm ; cholco full cream
cheddare , f i@7c ; Hats , 7 7jo ; young Ameri
cans 8@84c ; skims , l@4c.
Fjggs Koay and unchanged at 10&@llc.
Hides Unchanged.
Tallow Unchanged ,
Keeeipti , Ohlp'ts.
Flour , bbls. . . . 7,000 20,000
WhBftt , bnehels -10,001 87,000
Oorn , bushels 131,000 150,000
Oats , bushel 00.000 88,000
Eya , bnahels. . , 3,000 none
Buler , bnihels . ' . . . . . . 1,000 -1,000
MiLWAtJKKB. Wls. , July 10. Wheat
Steady ; No , 2 Milwaukee , 83@86&o & ; August ,
88Jo ; September , 9 Jo.
Oorn-DullNo. ; 2 , 4CJo.
Oats firmer ; No. 2 , iHjjc.
Rye Nominal ,
Barley Neglected.
Provisions Steady ; raws pork , cosh and
July , 810.074 ; Aupuit 810.16.
Br. LODIS , Mo. , July , 10. Wheat Higher ,
but less acelve ; opened about iteady , 'ad
vanced gc , fluctuated , and closed JS3o over
yesterday : 9Sc@l.00 for cosh ; 98o for July ;
98Ip for August ; 99Jo for September.
Corn Dull ; 41J < Sl48o forcah45o asked
for July : 44jjo bid for August.
Oats Bettor but alow ; 33o for cash ;
291o for July ; ? 4Jo for Augusb
Itye Dull ; 55c asked ,
Whisky-Staady at 31.3Z.
Butter Knjy ; creamery , 15@17c ; dairy , 12
® 14c.
AI-TERNOON BoAnn. Wheat-Strom ? and
higher ; July , 93Jo ; August , OSJc : September ,
$1 004.
Corn No trading.
LlVKKPOOL , JulyllO. Wheat-Steady ; No. J
winter , 7 Id : No. 2 aprinir , 7s.
Corn Dull ; 4i C4d lor spot and July , 4i
7jd for August ; 4s Sjdfor September ,
N w YOBK , July 10. Wheat Ite
oelpts , 41,000 bushels ; exports , 83.001
buiheli ) spot gradea shade easier ; optioni
oi > ened heavy and lower ; strengthened
and closed firm ; ungraded red , 8lg.90Jc (
No , 2 red , 09ic@l.CO , elevator ; $1 OOJ afloat
September closing at # 1.02 ,
Oorn-rStuady ; options opened lower bu <
closed firmt receipts , 68OCO buihels ; exporti
23.000 buihela ; uugriLilo.l , 60@F3c ; No. 2
52i62jo elevator , 63g@61a afloat ; Septein
ber closing at 61 j | .
Oftta Steady ; receipts , 28,000 bushels ; ex
ports , 50,000 buthohi ; mixed western , 87 (
3'Ja ; white , S9@41 > fl.
1'etroleutn Firm ; united closed at 9'Jc
Kggt Firm ; /air demand ; weateru , lSc (
Pork Steady withmoderatedemand ; men
unlmpected. $10.75inspected ; , 811.124 ( 11 2J
L&rd Fairly active , cloiing stronger ; COD
tract grade apot quoted a J6.75 ® Septem
ber , 0 , 00@6 05.
Batter Qalet ; choice grades firm ; western ,
@ 10c.
Cheese Doll ,
KAJTSAB Cirr , Mo. , July 10. Wheat-
Steady ! cash , 7fiJ@7 lc ; August , 77@7Tic ;
September , euS Syjc.
lOorn Steady ; cash , 37Jc ; Anguit , 38Jo
) id , 33go atked ; September , 331 o bid.
O U Nominal.
TOLKDO , 0 , , July 10 , Wheat Closed
inner ; No. 2 rod , cash and July , 91f e.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 , cash and July , 49Jo.
Oats No , 2 cash , 35o n.ekod.
OIKCINNATI , O. , Jnlv 10. Wheat-Dull
nd icarc ; No. 2 red , 95c.
Corn Weaker ; No. 2 mixed , 49@49ic.
Oata-Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 35J3 : .
Uyo Steady ; No. 2 , 81o.
Pork-Quiet , nt $10.50.
T ard Stronger , at 80.30.
WhiskyQalet at $1,13 ; no sales reported.
CHICAGO , I1L , July 10 The Drovers' Jour-
al reports :
CAltle Kosoipta , 0,100 hoadt ilow but
toadier ; shtoping steers , S4.70@G.1U ; stock.
rs and feeders , $3.CO&4,30 ; cows , bulls
nd mixed , S2.00@4 00.
Hoga Receipts. 13,600 bead ; brisk ; 10@15c
lKhrrough ndmlxed$3.90@4.1Cp ; cklngand
hipping , $4.10@4.SO ; skips , S3.25@3.85.
Sheep Receipts , 4,000 head ; strong ; na-
ivo9 , $2.00@4.25.
BT , tonis.
Bl , Eonia , Mo. , July 10. Cattle Ro-
celpta , 1,400 head ; shipments , 1,000 head ;
corn-fed steers scarce , firm and wanted ; ohip-
ilng atoerti , $4 85MG.OO ; good nativn butchers'
4.50@5.00 mixed butcher stock , 53,25@4.00 ;
lockers nnd feeders , $3.50@4 I ) ) .
Sheep Receipts , GOO head ; shipments ,
1,300 , head ; dull , except best muttons : fair to
liolco , $3.00@3.75.
KANSAS Cur , Mo. , July 10. Oattlo Re
ceipts , 2,000 head : shipments , 1,000 head ;
trong nt yesterday's prices ; exporters , $5.35 ®
,53 ; common to choice shipping , SI.GO@5.30 ;
oedora. § 4.25@4.75 ; raws , 82 C0@3.00.
Hogs Kocolpts , 700 head ; shipments ,
i.OOO head ; light nnd assorted light , 5@10c
Igher nt S3.9j@4.15 ; mixed , 83.70(33.85. (
Sheep Rocolpta , 100 head ; shipments ,
one ; common to good , S1.75@3CO.
OirrtOE 07 THE OUAHA Bzi , 1
Friday Evening , July 10 I
The following prices are charged retailers
> y jobbers , wholesale and commission mor-
linnts with the exception of grain , which is
uotod at the prices furnished by the clova-
era and other local buyers :
LIITO Htoct Market.
Hogs Receipts were light at the Union
lock yards to-day , and the market slow.
leavy grades ate off fully E@10o and slow
ale while othrr grades remain steady at
nd above quotations. Common mixed pack-
ag , S3.15 : 3 55 ; good tochoico mixed
lacking. S3.GO@3.G5. All sales of stock
n this market are made per cwt
vo weight unless otherwise stated.
) ead hogs sell nt Ic per pound for weights
! 100 ponnds and upwards , nnd less than 100
> ounds are valueless. Pregnant BOWS are
ocked 40 ponnds and stags 80 pounds.
Cattle Steady at about yesterday's prices.
Butchers' stock , docs not seem to improve any
nd there is still no demand , at 83.25
3 75 , for good cows and heifers ; dressed
loot steers , averaging 1,100 to 1,200 ponnds ,
4.80@5.CO ; ( rood to choice , averaging 1.300
o 1,400 pounds , 85.25@5.60 , all sold to-day.
General Produce
Butter Receipts are gradually and steadily
rowing lighter , and the feeling is strength-
ning but has as yet not improved sufficiently
.0 justify higher prices , which , however , may
IB looked for before long. In all probabilities ,
hough , only the best grades of fresh grass
miter will bo affected , because , as a rule , in-
erior gradea continue to arrive freely during
ho warm months , owing principally to the
lolding of butter on account of low prices ,
which usually proves itself to be poor policy.
fo quotations above lOo for strictly fresh
able butter , and prices varying from G@8c
or lower grades , while packing stock will only
0 at 4@5c ,
Eggs In liberal supply nnd ratherweak at 9
§ 91o. Candling is absolutely necoes ary , nnd ship-
lera would find it to their advantage to do it
> oforo shipping , Instead of paying freight on
otten eges.
Poultry Old chickens are in fair demand
and selling at § 3.25@3.50 per dozen ; spring
hickens are plentiful , and small sizes ex-
remelr slow and not aboyo 82.00 , while 92.50
a outside for good aizes ,
Potatoes New ones are getting to ba more
> lentiful and dally improving in quality.
? hey nro selling to-day at 80@90c per bushel ,
nit prices will drop quickly.
Onions Per barrel , 84 OJ@4 57.
Beana Moving slowly at ? 1,00@1,25 per
bushel ,
Wheat Cash No , 2 , 71o.
Barley 45@50c.
Rye Cash No. S , 51c.
Oorn No. I , 33o. .
Oats-No. 2 , SOo.
Flonr and MlllBtnffj ,
Winter Wheat Firmjboat quality patent at
Second duality 83.7C@3.00.
- Spring Wheat Best quality patent at ? 2.85
© 3.0) .
Second rmality-82.40@3.00.
Bran Coo per owt.
Chopped Feed Per 100 Iba. , 85c.
Oorn Meal 81.00@1.10 per owt.
Screening No. 1 , 76o per owt ; No' 2 , OOc ,
Hominy 61.50 per owt ,
Shorts 70o per owl.
Graham 82.00 per owt ,
Hay-87.00@9,00 per ton.
Steady ; green butchers' Go ; green cured ,
7Jcdry flint , 12@14c , dry salt , 10@llc ; dam.
aged bides two-thirds pnce.
Tallow 4i@5c.
Greaae Prlmo white , 3I@4o ,
Sheep Pelta-25c@75.
Fish Market.
FISIL No. 1 ahore mackerel , half bbls , .
810.50 ; family half bhla. , 8400No. ; 1 ahore.
kits , S1.10 ; fat family , kit , 55c ; No 1 white-
fiih , half bbls , . 81 CO ; No. 1 , kit , 85ot family
lall bbls. , 33 CO ; family , kit , 50c ; No. 1 trout ,
mlf bbls , , 84.50 ; medium No. 1 shore mack-
oral , 88. CO ; new California ealmon , half
ibis , , 87.00 ; smoked halibut , 12ic ; now Hoi-
and herring , GOo.
Grooori ) ' jjlait
DBT JTnniTS No 1 , quarter apples , bbla
So ; N 0 sliced , boxes , Go : evaporated , boxes ,
! c ; blackberries , boxes lie ; peaches , i-
boxea , 9 o ; peacnes , evaporated , none in the
market ) rasphernea , 28 ; .
BOQAHS Firmer : powdered , 80 ; cut loaf ,
7Jo ; granulated , 7flc ; coufectlonera1 A , 7.e ;
Standard extra C , GJo ; extra O , Gjjc ; medium
yellow , 5J | dark yellow , 5 jo.
OorKES Lower on nearly all grades ;
ordinary gradea , lOoi talr , 1'Jj
good , ll12o ; prime , 12@13o ; choice ,
16@17o ; fancy green and yellow , lG@16c ; old
government Java , 20@26c ; Arbucklo'a roost'
ed , 13Joi McLaughlin'g XXXS roasted , 18o ;
Java , 16J@18c ; Dilworth , ISo ,
CiucKBna Gnrneau'a soda , butter and pic
nic , 5 1 crcami , 8 ; ginger anape , 8 ; City
ocla , 74-
OAUDT-Mlxed , SJ@10 ; stick , ' 10o | twist
1 tick , Do
VINBOAK New York apple , 16c | Ohio ap
ple , IBtj crab apple , 18o
ST&BOH Pearl , 4c7 | Silver Gloss , Bci Com
Starch , 80 1 Excelaior Gloss , 7ot Oorn , 7jc.
OANNXD GOODS. Oysten Standard ) per
peaches per case , 5 80 ; white cherries per
case , G 76) ) plums per case , 4 60 ; whortleber
ries per case , 3 00 ; wrg plnrna , 2 Ib , per case ,
greengages , 2lbner case , 2 90 ; pine
aplet , 2 Ib , per caae , S 20@5 W.
I'lCSLra Medium in barrels , 6 00 1 do In
half barrels , 8 00 ; small , in barrels , G 03 ; do In
half barrelj , 3 60 ; gherVdna in barrels , 7 00
do in half barrels , 4 00.
RIOB Louisiana , prime to choic * . 61@71o ,
BOA Ffl Kirk1 * Savon Imperial ; 3 OOj Kiri'i
l Ki'k' iUndard , 810 ; Kirk
an , 4 GO ,
ROFB Siial , i Inch and larger , Ba g noh ,
8)c ) ; 4 inch , 9o ,
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 16Dt Aihton ,
In sacks , 8 60 ; t eacki Aahton , 1 00 ; bbls dairy
2CO@2 75
SriOKS Pepper , 18c ; tploe , 14o ; olovca , 20o
aiiia , ICo.
SIBUP Standard O 28e , bbls ) Standard
do 4 gallon kegs , .3rt
SODA In Ib papers 1816 CMC ; kegpcrf
'OASDLits Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16 , 124 , 8s. UJ
boxers 401ba , 16 or , 6s , 12ic ; half box , 201bi
8a , 12Jo.
DMATcnis Per caddie , Me ) ronndrlcaie
65sqaaro ; , oares , 170 ; Oshkosh. cases grl.20
TEAS Gun powder , good 4555ci oholoo
@ 7Go ; goo d Imperial , 40@4So ; choice , GO ®
Young Hyson , good , Sl@50o ) cholco , GO
(000 ; Japan , natural leaf , 76o ) Japan cholco
eOft75o ; Oolonf good , 8540o | Oolong oholc
40C < $65o ) Souchong , good , 80(240c ( ) choice , 36
@ 4fic ,
WOODINWABI Two hoop palls , 185 ; three
hoop pailf , 2 10. Tnbs , No. 1 , 8 50 | pioneer
washboards , 1 75) Doublt Crown , 3 90) ) well ,
buckets , 375.
POTASH Penniylvanta CUDS , 4 cans In CMC
3 85 Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 90) ) An
tnor'ball , 3 dot. in case , 150 ,
Fine en t Hard to Beat , 70c ; Charm of the
iVost , GOc : Founttln , 74o : Golden Thread
G7c ; Favorite , GOc ; Buds , 50c ; Rocky Moun
tain. 50oi Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c.
Plug tobacco Climax. 44o per lbs Horse-
hoe , 4Go : Star , 4Gc ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; Our
lope , 50c ; Piper Ileidsick , GOs ; Punch , 40o.
Smoking tobacco-O. B. , 22c ; Meerschaum.
SOo ; Long Tom SOo. Blackwoll'a Durham , 1G
oz , , 51o ; 8 or. . 55o ; 4 oz. , 57c ; 3 or. , GOo.
Seal of North Carolina , 16 oz. , 42o ; 8 oz. , 45o ;
4 oz. , 48c : 3 oz , , 60o. Navy Olippingi , 2Gc.
Killlkinlck , 4 oz. , 27c ; 2 oz. , 2So.
Urns * ,
DBDOB AND UHISIIOALS Add , carbolic , 4 < o
acid , tartaric , 55o ; balsam copaiba , per 1 .
> 5c ; bark , ahsaafraa , per Ib , 12o ; cplomoi , per
b , 30o [ cinchonidla , per oz , , 80 50 ; chloro-
orm per Ib , 81 00 ; Dovora powders , per Ib ,
1 25 ; onaom aaltaj per Ib , SJoj glycerine
mro , per ib , 25c ; lead acetate , per Ib , 20c ; easter
astor , No.l per gal. , 81 GO ; oil castor , N
per gal. , $1 40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , 81 40 ; o
iriganum , SOo ; opium , 84 50l quinine , P , &
V. , and R. & 3. , per oz. , 8100 ; potassium ;
odido , per Ib. , 83 50 ; ealicin , per oz. , 40c ;
ol hate morphine , per oz. , 83 50 ; julphur ,
10 b , 4o ; strychnine , per oz , , 81 80 ,
Dry Goods
BBOWN SHKBTINOS Atlantic A , 7iaj Allan-
lo P , 5o ; Atlantic LL , 6Jc ; Brunswick , 7 c ;
leaver Dam LL,51ci Lawrence LL 5io ; Pa-
Ific H , 7c ; Royal Standard Glcj Indian
lend A , 7o ; Wnuchuaott A , Gj .
FINE BBOWK SiiKBTiNaB Argyle , Go ) Pop-
peroll R , GJc ; Salisbury R , Go.
BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon. 4-4 , Gic ; Bar
on , 7-8 , 6ic ; Cumberland , 4-4,74cDavoll DD ,
Bic ; Falrmount , { c ; Fruit of the Loom 4 ,
Vo ; Glory of the West , 8iy Golden Gato,8c ;
lill 7-8 , 7c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jc ; Lonsdale , 74oj Now
York Mills , lOc ; Wamsntta , lOo.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljat Bos
on , 10 oz , lOJcBoston ) , 9 oz. , 12&C ; Fall River
c.DCOKS ( Gray ) West Polnt,8oz. , lie ; West
Point 10 oz. , 12ic | Point Boar , 8 oz. , Ho.
TICKINGS Amoskeact , 18o Continental
Tancy , 9Joi Oordis , ISc ; Pearl River , 21o ;
fork , lajc ; Hamleton Awnings , 12c.
DEWMS Amoskevg , 13o ; Beaver Creek AA
lc ; Beaver Creek BB , 10c ; Beaver Creek
CO , 9o ; Haymakers , 80 ; Jeffrey D & T , 12 o ;
Jeffrey XXX , ISJo ; . Pearl River , ISc ; Warren -
ron AXA ( brown ) , lie ; Warren BB ( brown ) ,
Ho : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo.
OAUBBICSFifth avonno glove finish , 4Jo ;
Keystone glove finish , So.
_ COBSET JEANS Amory , Tic ) Hancock , 805
earsarge , 71c ; Rocbport , Gjo.
PBINTS Aliens , 5Jo : American , 5Joj Arn
old's Go ; Cocheco , Go ; Harmony , 4Jo ; Indigo.
7c ; Indigo 7-8 , llio : Indigo 4-4,144oj Steel
Uver , 54c ; Charter Oak , 44o.
PBINTB SHIBTINQS American , 44ojOocheco ,
io Gloucester , 4Jo ; Sonthbr'dgo , ijo ; Waver-
eys 4&o ; Roaedale , 44o.
Spirits ,
OOLOQNB SriBlia 188 proof , 119 ; do , 101
proof , 1 20 ; spirits , aocond quality , 101 proof ,
. 9 : do , 188 proof. 118.
ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcohol 3 30 per wina
WIIISKIES Redistilled whiskies , 1 00(3150 ( ;
fine blended , 1602 00 ; Kentucky bour-
tons 2 00@6 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylva
nia ryes , 2 00(30 ( 60.
BBANDIKS Imported , 6 00@16 00 ; domes-
io , 160d,3 00.
GINS Imported , 450GOO | domestic , 150
® 300.
RUMS Imported , 4 50@8 00 ; Now England ,
2 004 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 00.
OBAUFAONES Imported , per case , 28 00@
84 00 ; American , per case , 10 C0@16 00.
P lnt Olio And. Varnlahoa.
OILS 110 carbon , W per gallon , lie ; 159
headlight , per gallon/jlGs ; 176 ° headlight
per gallon , IGc ; 160 ° water white , 15c ; - linseed
seed raw , per gallon , 61c ; linseed boiled , per
gallon , 54c ; Lard , winter atr'd , per gallon , 70c ;
o. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 50 ; castor XXX. per galen -
on , 1 50c : Ne. 3,140 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 00 ;
sperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish W. B. ,
ier gallon , 65 ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90o ;
tfo. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc ;
rammer , 15o ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal-
onS5c , ; No. 3,28o ; sperm , signal , per gallon
)0o ) ; turpentine per gallon , 50a ; naptha , 74c ,
rer gallon , 16o.
Dry Palnta
White lead 880 ; French cc , So ) Farli
whiting , 24c ; whiting gilden , l o | whiting
oom'l , lie ; lampblack , Germantown , 1455
ampblack , ordinary , lOc ) Prussian blue , o
intramarlne , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 80 ; urn be
inrnt , 4o ; umber , raw , 4o ; sienna , bnrn4ctr
sienna , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine. 35c
Paris preencommon.20o ; chrome green , N. Y
lOc ; chrome green , K , , 12o ; vermlllion , Eng
'Bo ; vermillion , American , 18c ; Indian , red
LOc ; rose pink , 14oj Venetian , red , Oookaon's
2So ; Venetian , red. American , IJc ; red load
fjoj chrome yellow , genuine , 20o ; chromo yol-
ow , K. , 12c : ochre rochello. Sc ; ochre , Frenh
3c T ; ochre , American nf 2c ; Winter . . . a mineral .T. ,
j lohigh brown , 2&c | Spanish brown , 2Jo ;
rnce's mineral. So.
VABNISHES Barrels , per gallon : Knrnlturo ,
extra , $1 10 ; fnrnituro. No. 1 , 81 ; coach , ex *
: r& , $1 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damnr , extra ,
U 76 ; Japan , 70o ; aephaUiim , extra , 85o ,
ehallac , $3 60 : bard oil nnish 81 50.
FAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha , F. P.
ijfci.whlto lead , St. Louis , pnre , 6 60 ; Marseil
, os irreen , 1 to 6 Ib cans , 20oj French zlno ;
neon seal , 12o ; French zlno , red seal , Ho ,
ranch tine. In varniah asst. , 20o ; French zino ,
In oil asst , l5c ; raw and burnt nrabor , 1 'b '
iaru4 lOoj raw and burnt Sienna lOo ; Vandyke
brown , ISo ; roQned lampblack , 12c : coach
black and Ivory black , 16c ; drop black , IGc ;
Prussian blue , 40o ; ultramarine blue , 18o ;
chrome green , L. M & D. . 16o ; blind and
ehutt * irrecn , L. M , & D. , ICoj Paria Rroen ,
18o ) Indian red , 15o ; Venetian red , Oc ; Tus
can red , 32c ; American vennillion. I. & P.-
I yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , 0. & D. 0. , 18o ;
yellow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , 16cj patent
dryer , 80 ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and ash. Ibo
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , 2 10 ; plow stool , special cast , 4c ;
crucible , Co ) cast tools do , 16a20c ; wagon
spokes , per Bet , 2 26a3 00 ; hubs per act ,
1 25) ) lelloet sawed dry , 1 40 ; tonguoa ,
each , 70c ; axles , eash , 75c ; aquare nuts per
Ib , 7allc ; waahera , per Ib , 8al8c ) rivota , per
Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , Cal2oj malleable ,
8c | Iron wodpca , Go : crowbars , . Gat barrow
teeth , 4o ; apring steal , 7a8o ; Burden'i horse
shoea , 4 05 ; Uurdon's rnuleahoea , 6'C5 ,
BAKBKD WIBE In car lota , 4 00 per 100.
NAILS Rates , 10 to 60 ; iron , 2.50 ; steel ,
' blioT Shot , 1 60 ; bnckshot , 1 85 ; oriental
owder , kega , S 60al OOjdo , hall kega,2UO ; do
quarter kege , 1 60 blasting , kegi , 3 86 ; fuao
per 100 feet , We ,
LEAD Bar , 160.
GOAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Hor.
rls run Blouburg , 10 00 ; Whltebreaat lump ,
6 00 ; Whitebreast nut , 6 00 ; Iowa lump , 6 OOj
Iowa nut , 6 OOi Kock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthr .
det , 11 15all 60 | Oanon City , 7 00 per on ,
Dry Lumber.
Wholesale On Board Oars at Omaha ,
snip lAr.
No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch. $18 OC
No. 2 , Plain , 10 inch. 16 tC
Nol , O. G 1'JOC
No. 1 boards , 12,14 and 10 ft $16 7f
No. 2 boarda , 12 , H and 10 ft 14 7G
No. 3 boards , 12,14 nnd 1C ft 12 76
No. 4 boards , 12 , 14 and 1C ft. ( shipping
cull ) 10 76
1st Oem , 9 inch , Norway 15 60
adOom , fl Inch , Norway 146
No. 1 , 6 inch , 12 and 14 foot , rough.$17 CO
Mo. 1 , Cinch , 1C foot , rough 1760
No. 2 , 6Inch , 12nnd 14 foot , rough. . . . 14 CO
No. 2 , C inch , 16 foot , rongh 15 50
No. 1 , 4 mch , 12 and 14 feet rough. . . . 17 d"
No. 1,4 Inch , 16 foo' , rough. . . . 17 CO
No. 2 , 4 inch , 12 nd 14 feet , rough. . . . 14 CONe
No , 2 , 4 inch , 16 foot , rough. . . . . . . . . . . 15JJO
1st , 2d and 3d Clear , IJlnch , s , [ 2 550 00
1st , 2d , and 3d Clear , li and 2 inch , . 2s CO 00
B Select , I J. li and 2 inch , B. 2s 36 00
1st , 2d nnd 3d- , Clear , 1 inch , B. 2 45 00
A Helcct , 1 inch , B. 2s 40 00
B Select , 1 Inch , s. 2a SO 00
1st Oom. , 12,14 and 16 foot $22 00
2d Com. . 14 and 16 ( cot 10 00
3d Oom. , 14 and 16 foot IB 00
Fence , 14 and 16 feet 1100
Ill Oom. 6 Inch , white pine.t $38 00
2d Oom. 6 Inch , whlto plno. . . , 35 00
td Com. 6 inch , white plno 28 00
fol. Fence 6 Inch , white pine 10 GO
.st and 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-C inch. 24 60
A 12 Inch , B. IB. 12,14 nnd 16foot 46 00
D 12 Inch , B. 1 B. 12,14 nnd 16 feet 41 00
0 12 Inch , B. Is. 12,14 and 16 feet SO 00
D 12 inch , B. 1 a. 12 , 14 nnd 16 feet 23 00
No. 1 Oom. 12 in. , s. 1 B. 12,14 and 16 ft 18 00
No , 1 Oom. 12in. , B. 1 B. 10,18 and 20 ft21 00
Sfo. 2 Com. 12 in.B. 1 B. 12.14 and 16 ft.10 00
0. G. Bats , 3 Inch $ ,86
O. G. Bat21 Inch 76
I inch Bats , B. la 40
8 Inch well tubing , D. & M 23 00
3 inch well tubuiK,13ov 23 00
Pickets : D. & H. Plot , $22 OOj D & H.
Square 24 00
IGlneh , Olear . . . . $3
* AStandord V 75
6 inch , Olear 1 CD
No.l 1 20
Loth 2 EO
iVhila Oodar , 6 inch , halves 13 o
Vhlto Cedar , 5\ \ inch , halves 11 a
iVhita Cedar , 8 inches , quarters 11 3
White Cedar , 4 inch , round 14 o
Julnoy white limo ( best ) . 90c
Jemont $1.85
? laeter ( Michigan ) 2.40
Tarred felt , per cwt 1.85
Strnw board , per cwt 1.70
FtODB Colorado , 100 Iba , 2 15@2 20) pat
ent , 100 Ibs. , 2 75@3 00 ; Kansas , 100 Iba , 2 75
© 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ibs , 1 GO ) rye , 1 00 Ibt.
GHAIK , FBKD , ETC. Wheat' 100 Ibs , $1 35
com , 100 Ibs , 115@1 20oata ; , Nebraska
mixed,1001balGO@165 ; Nebraska oats white ,
1 65@1 701 bran , ton. 17 00 ; chop , corn , 100
ba , 1 20S12576 ; ; chop rclxed , 100 Ibs. 1 50
© 1 60 ; corn meal. 100 Ibi. I 400150.
HAY Loose , per ton , 10 C012 CO ; baled ,
second bottom , 10 50@11 00 ; baled , upland ,
12 00@14 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 12 00@15 00 ;
straw , ton , 6 007 00.
BOTTEB Creamery , finest , Ib. 27@28a ;
creamery peed. Ib. 2425o ; Illinoia nnd
[ owa dairv Ib 18(1)292 ( ) ; Kansas and Ne-
iraska dairy , Ib , 15@ljo ; common , lb,6@8c ;
> utterine creamery , Ib , 20@22c ; butterno !
dairy , Ib , 16@18o.
CHEESE Full cream , Ib. 13@16o | half
crGt.m , Ib , 10@lloj Blum , Ib , 9ci Bwlaa , Im-
> orted , 2oj Swiss , domestic , Ib , 2022 ; Llm-
) orgor , 20c.
Kaas State , fresh candled , doz , 14@15c ;
'reah ranch , doz , 16@lGc ,
I'ODLTBT Live old chickens , doz , 5fjO < gG 00 ;
dressed chickens , Ib , 1516c ; dressed turkeyfl ,
Ib. , 20@22cT j
POTATOES 100 Ibr.l 6f@l 95 ; Salt Lake ,
100 Iba , 2 00 ; new California , 103 Ibs , 2 253
YeaETABLE3-Onions , 100 Ibn , 4 004 25j
turnips. 100 Ibi , 1 75 ; cabbage , new Califor
nia , 100 Ibr , 3 003 25 ; lottnco , doz , COc ;
raddlshes , doz. 40c ; yonng enions , doz , 20c ;
parsley , doz , 40c ; pie plant , doz , 20c ; oyster
ilnnt , doz , EOc ; epinach , doz , 8c ; asparagus ,
b , 40c. callflower , Ib , 18c ; cucumbers , doz ,
GREEN Fntrrra Applfa , bbl , 850 ; Moailns
emons , extra , box , 500@G 00 ; cranberries ,
ibl , 12 00 ; Messina Granges , box. 6 75@600 ;
California oaanges , box , 2 25@2 75 ; bananas ,
lunch. 2 00 © 1 00 ; pine apples , doz , 4 00@
> 60 ; Strawberries , California , 16o qt , 3 00 &
i 25 box ; strawberries , eastern , crate , 51 ©
i 60 ; cherries , California , 10 Ib box , 2 25 ©
3 00 ; plums , box , 2 25 ; apricots box 3 25
CUBED MEATS Bams , sugar cured , Ib , 10i
lOic ; bacon , breakfast , Ib , 10j(3Ullo ! ( ; salt
Bides , Ib , 7i@7Jc ; lard in p&lli , 929c ] lard
n tierces , 80 ,
Fniaii MEATH Dressed beef , Oolorndo , per
100 Its , 7 0087 25 ; hogs , dressed. 100 Ibs ,
6 256 75 ; mntton , 100 Ibs , 6 10@6 50.
LITE STOCK Beef grata cattle , 100 Ibs , 4 00
© 4 60 ; hogs , 100 Ibs , 4 60@4 75 ; cheep , 100
ba , sheared , 2 75@3 CO.
Hides. Dry Kllnt No , 1 , per Ib , lliUc (
No. 2. Ib , 9@10o ; green steora and COWB ,
b , 4@5c ; green calf , Ib , 6@Bc ; green Up ,
b , Cffi6o ; branded calf , Ib , 6c ; sbearlinga , Ib ,
I0@15ci sheep skins , dry , Ib , CgCcj deer skins
b , 12@16o ; ntolopo sfa'ns , lo. 1215 ; elk
skins , Ib , ? @ 10c ; tallow Ib , 4@4o
WOOL Colorado choice , put Ib. HGilBci
leavy , 12@lScl ; New Moxlcan , nverapo , 7
® 10o.
Finn-Mackerel , No. J. 140 , kit , 116 ®
135 ; mesa. 1 C0@2 00 ; Uallfornl * salmon ,
hall bbl , 0 60r Holland herring , keg , 1 25 ;
'reah lake trout bbl 15@16o
Bear deck Lime , Louisville Cement
Portland Cement , Iowa and Michigan Plas
ter , Hair , Etc. Etc.
Cot' . Oth ife Douglas St
irect Line for Euginnd , France
nnd Germany.
TUB neanuhlps ol thl well known line arc
el lion , In witer-tlght compartments , and are fur-
r.ihed | with every requbita to milo the naessige
bithsate and agreeable. aiiey carry the United
U > tes and Kuropean mills , and leave New York
Taatdaysujd fiatuid vu Jor Plymouth ( LONDON )
CI' rboUi'l'AniS ( and IIAHBUUK )
Kite ; , first OablotO leO Bteerago to ind
frarn Ilambunr f 10. 0.11 KIOBAHOfcCO. , Oeii-
enl I'tea. Ags'it , ei t road way , New York ruil
nbehlnpt'in and La Lclle streets , Cblcafro or lltnrv
I'uiidt M rk Uaoeon , p. R. Moorei , lurry I' . IJeul
Qrnahi ; Qrone lg &SchooncKcr , In Countr } .
To work Ufa ana Accident Inturance for aitrong
New York company , In every town In Nebraska and
Iowa. Good commission to workers. Jddrcea
Tlio OrlKinnl iinil Only Ucmiliic.
P ( t.C l il lirllillf. U tcof urllilr Imlutlonl.
Ic Ul'raiitb'j to LADIES. V\ I } uur llrliEglftt ; tvt
" ( UuliCJitfr' * l.nielUlp'aaii t&k > uav'.bernor fucl .t4c.
{ umiMt ) uf for tuuuvular * in Ittlir I > J rfluru ui tL
NAME PAPER. ticiie. rr cufmif.i tv.
UU1C MutlUuu huuure , l'lili dM. , ! '
At DrugglntJ. Tiado euflille J by J. A. Fulltr & C (
uue 17
Council Bluffs
and Chicago.
Th on y to Uka ( or D s ItolnM. MinhMI
town , Cedar lUpldg , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil
waukco and Ml points oust. To the people ol No
iraika , Colorado , Wyomlnjr , Utah , IdMio , Nevada
) rogon , Washington and California It offers superior
advantages not possible by any other line.
Among a few o ! the numerous points ol inpcrlor-
ty DJood by the patrons ol this ro d between
Jmaha and Chicago , arelts two trains a day ol DAY
/OACaESwhlcharo the finest that human att and
ngcnulty civn create ; Its PALACE SLF.KrlNQ CAIIS
which are moilclsot comfort and eloganoo ; Ita FAR
LOi ; DIIAWINO ROOM OARS , unsurpamrd by any
and Us widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CARS
ho equal of which cannot bo ( ound elsewhere.
At Council BluHs the trains of the Union Ptclflc
ty. connect In Union Depot with those ot the Chlca
; o & Northwestern Ry In Chicago the trains ol thlt
Ino male clog * connection with thoea of all eastern
For Detroit , Columbnj , Indianapolis , Cincinnati.
? ligarft Fills. Buffalo , IMltaburg , Toronto , Montreal
Boston , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , W sh-
ngton and all points In the East , ask the ticket
agent ( or tickets vU the
I von msn the b at acoommodatloni. All ticket
agents sell tickets via thin line.
Oenoral Manager. Oea. P/ts. Agonl.
Con 1413 i'arnamSt , Omaha , Ho
Chicago , Minneapolis. Milwnuk eo
H. Paul , Oednr Itaplds , Davenp ort
31lnton , Dubuque , Rockford ,
lock Island , Freeport Jonfavillo ,
SIgIn , ' Madison , La Crosse ,
Belolt. Winona ,
And ail other Important points East , North *
east and Southeast.
Ticket offloo at 1401 'Farnam street ( In Paxton Do
el ) , and at Union Pacific Depot.
Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Cars In
ho World are run on t no main lines ol the CIIICAOO
JIUVAUKKS & ST. PAUL K'v and every attention Is paid
o passengers by courteous employe * of the company.
General Manager , Oen'l Passenger Agent ,
Asa't Oen'l Manager. A ss't Gou'l Paaa Agent
J. T. CLARK , Gcn'l Superintendent
Railway Tims Table *
In Effect April 5th. 1885.
Thi attention ol the travelling public li called to
the fact that this Is the only complete and absolutely
correct time-table published In the city ,
All trains arrlte at and depart from Omaha bj
Central Standard Time.
Trains of the a St. P. M. ft 0. arrive at and d *
> ari frem their depot , corner ol lith and Webelei
streets ; trains ol the fl. & M. , 0. B. * Q. , and K , 0
St. J. i C. B. ( ram the B. ft U , depot ) all otheri ( rod
the Union Pacific depot.
a , Dally ; b , except Satnrdayj o , except Sunday ) d ,
except Monday.
Dummw TrnlriB Leave Omaha at e 26,7 25
8 00 , 10 00,1116 a mlS60 , S 00 , B 00. 4 00 , t 66 , 6 60
1110 p m. On Sundays the 7 50 and 10 00 a m and
100 and 4 00 p m trains do not rnn. Arrive al trtns >
ler depot 18 minutes later ! Broadway depot S3 min
utes l tcr <
Leave Ooandl Blatti ( Broadway depot ) al B 55T 65 ,
g BO , 10 50,11 W a m ; 1 80 , S SO , S10. 4 28 , 6 21.
and 11 46 p m. On Hnndaya the 0 0 and 11 40 am
and 810 and 6 26 p m trains will not rnn. Arrive al
Transfer 7 minutes later , Omaha 20 minutes later.
TransforTrnlno Leave Omahaat 8II , BII
am , IS85 , 2 20,4 SO,0CO and 7 OOP m , dally.
Anlv * al 9 SO and 11 00 m , 1 05 , 8 to , 7 20 and
7 K . B.
p. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
To and from Chicago via the Tripartite Alliance Llnci.
I Mil. | U-I. | N.W | N.W | U-I , | Ml
Sunday evening and Uonday morning t rains aril
In corresponding order , 0. U , fc Q. train a rnn eve
day. .
Leave Union , PaclBo depot at fl 40 a m and D If
Arrive from Stock Yards at 7 25 a la p and fl5
Seventeen years Experience ,
Ueader ol DUeaeea of lien and Women. Electric ,
Magnetic and Herbalist Physician Now located at
1210 Douglas St Omaba , Neb. , up-etalra.
A correct dlascnosld given uliliout any explanation
.rom the patient. Consultation Ireo atofbce ,
/ Treat the Following Diseases.
Catarrh of tbolfcad. Diseases of the E > o and
Ear. Heart Dlseace , Liver Oompltli > t , Kidney Com-
pIaintNcrtousDebllltv , Mental Depression , Lraiol
Manhood , Dlabetki , Ilrlglit's Dlstane , fat Vltuo
Dance. Kbeutnat'iin ' , l'ralil , Wlilto Bwclllcgi
Scrofula , yever Bores. Cancers and Tumors remote
cdwlthoutthe knife , or the dra log of a drop ol
blood , Woman , with licr dollcato organ * , Kestorod to
Health. Dropsy Cured Without Tapping , 8 | > cclal
Attention Given to 1'ilvato and Venereal Diseases ol
all Kinds , Tape Worma llemoted In two or three
bours or No Pay , Iloinmorrholda or riles Cured or
Mo Charges Made.
Those who are afflicted will lave live and Imn.
cfredt of dollar ! by colling on or UBBK !
IUU 0. W. l'ANQLE'8
Uerbal Uedldnoi ,
S Ntr.ou. J Loit
IJcbUllr - ' Uaibood' ted Dec * *
A toiorlu prtKrlptlaa of a noted id | lut ( now r -
rent ) Dtucel.U c a 611 It. Addr u
DR. WARD 4 CC , . ioC
i-awcngerKlffrntor to Jain floor * . (1900 ( , 1203 And 1210 Farnam Street
New Orleans Exposition.
For Remarkable FineQuality of Tone ,
Excellence of Design.
Perfection of Workmanship
Call and see these Pianos , which , take
GeneralWestern Agents ,
A Tnll Aiaortment ot Air ard . Kiln . Dried Walnut , Cherry . _ _ . , Alh , Butternut , Yellow _ _ _ PODIBB. . .
H MnWrW l Jkfjl LI n ff ntftrvrl .in.l l > nnl nm IJAn1 B J rt. .1 T l I ItT rti r I.
Dowlas. Omaha * Neb.
i * T.lCLARE rrett.andTreas. JL OLARKS.Vice Fresiien
JOUJf T , CLARKK , Sttrelary.
r ARQE3T Jobbing Drug house between Chloapo and San Franclsoo. OAPITAIi STOCK , $200,000. We
LJ Bhill beat the bottom of tbonmkot at all times. Will dupllcato Chicago and St. Iiouls prtcoa with
rolght added. Our specialty will bo
Fure Drugs , faints , Oils and Window Ctlast ?
Es'ImatoSRlvcn on plato plasa. To these about to embark la the drag business will | do well to consult
'our Interest by calling on us , or send ( or our prloo list which will appear bout January 6th , Mall orders
ollclted. 114 I1ARNG7 aTREKT.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our Ground Oil Oake
It la ( he boat and cheapest food for stock of any kind. One pound la equal to
; hroo pounds o corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako In the Fall and Winter
Instead of running down , will Increase In weight and bo In good marketable condi
tion In the spring. Dairymen , as well as others , who nso It , can testify to Its mer
its. Try It and indgfl for youroelvofl. Price $24.00 per ton. No charge for saoka.
! , ETC.
Double and Single Acting } Power and Hana
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Belting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fitting ! °
at wholesale or retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHUROH .
Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
Wholesale Druggists
Paints , Ols , farni !
( Will pay customers Draft with Bill of Ladi g attacliod , for two-thirds valua'of stock. )
a i r
& Fonner'd Bank David City.Nob , . P6D
Kearney National linuk. Kaarney. Neb. '
[ yolumbua State Bank , Uolnmbus , Neb.
McDonald's Bank. North L'latte , Neb.
Omaha National Bank , Omaha , Neb.
IMannfacturtri 'A Ornamental
Dnoi Wladowi. Wlcdoir Caps , UeUolo Bky-Ui ft to , Tto. Iron and lUU Eo ( r ,
tll'Bouth ISUi Btnel.Onaha , N . W rk dee * la anr put e
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STIlliET , OOR. 13TH ,
wx.jaL.TBc & .1