Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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i " " " " "
Ono of lie BestBand Largest Stocks in the United States
To Select From. *
Remember These Imoortant Facts
The Mutual Life Insurance Company
1. It a the OLDEST nctlvo Life Irmironco Company In thli country.
! ! . It litho IjAKOEHT Life Insurance Company tyranny millions otdotUra In the wotlJ.
8. Ita lca of prcmtumg are LO\YKUth n tlioeo o ( any other company.
i. It hag no "stock t ( Mo re"tod&lm any part ct Its profit ! .
6. It oSeis no 8CHK11E3 undcc the name of Insurance for epoculatlon by gpcclil clweoB upon the
Boglfot tunes f each other ,
8. HsprceoDt a\alUUeCABII RESOURCES exceed Ihoso of any other LUo Iniuranco Company In the
. " r _ , ' . '
world. * i 'M
It hu received In caih ( ram all sources , from February , 1843 , to January , 18PB , J270,002rf4.CC.
Ithasrctursed totho people , In ci h , from February , 1813 , to January , i860 , ? 2IP.081,211Oa
ItacMh ABioUontholat ot January , 1885 , amount to raoro than
General Agent for
Nebraska , Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming and
Oflica Cor.Farnam and 13th St.Over IstNat'l. '
Bank , Omaha , Neb .
Gen , Azts. for
Michigan , Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa
nnd Minnesota. _ .
Detroit , Michigan ,
Special Agent for Iowa , Council Bluffs , Iowa
. K i ? . k Su pt. a. r. N. SADLER , Aiat. Eng H. W. DIAMOND , St. AsOO
{ JUan'fg's and Dulldcrs o
Wrought Iron , steel , Howe
Truss and Combination
For Railroads and Highways
Turn Tables , Draw Spans , Roe
Tiussor , Piers and Sub
lr < ' , $ Tullock
'A. McLoutb , Agent ,
II. A. Wise , "
Pliaiud us notlooof allbrlJjj work to lot. CajrospoaJanjo solicited from ooglnscrj anil br
rt3 to rs.
Who have trifled nway tliclr vniilliful ilKor anil power , wlio art
BtiiTcrliiK from Icrrlhli , JIIA1 > S ana J. O.SSJ H , wlio arouoalc ,
inil'OTUNTnml unlit fo
MEN of all ages , who find tholr POWER
amiltn1lly , ner\i > auiui 'SEXUAr bTKUMJTH weakened , by
early luiljlis or r.XCKSSEH. en ttfelvo aiosltlvoanil IngtliiR
OU Rit OlIlattl > r oriinw lon > -iMmlliiR the case may be. or who
las. Ullud to rurr.liy n few wecls or mouths 1110 i < r Urn celebrated
AthnnioMllhoiilcxposuru. luI.KSS tUuu. nlidl'or LKSS monor than
any oilier nicllioil Ititlio world. Weal back , headache , EMISSIONS ,
Unsltudu , | { iB8ursplrllsnniluinl > ltlnn.rlnnaiy thouRhta , d ro nd Mil
druanis. ileluctlru memory , IMl'OTIIN'Cn , flls. Impediments to
marriage , and m ny other ejrniplmus leadlnj , ' ( a CONyuMr/TION 01
INSANITY , lire promptly removed bytliU trcitmcut , aud vigorous
inanliouil restored.
Married Men , ortJiosoivJio intend to inarnj ,
nnMr.Mlinit , pcrftrt Ecxtml slrcntli | means , healili , Icorons off-
Fy.rlnp , Ion ? Ilfo nnd the lorfnud ri'Epcct nTu l.alihful nlfu. Weak iiiciKhuiild be restored lo vUrcr &
mnnhond before marriage rrnoTN. toKtlniniilaU and valuable Irc.itlfi : ; ; etamp'y.
iEstab.1877. ) Address The Climax Medical Co , 004 , St. LOMis , Mo.
Agent , , Neb.
6 poi cent Interest Allowedou time
Investment Securities , Mortgage
Loans Nepofintort on City Property
and Improved Farms.
I , il ill OH' , ullliotitSlioiilder Brace , $1.50
liiiiilrM1. Hllh Blioultler llroco ,
inuilK of flnu Coutll.ilouhleetltcheu 3.00
Mumliiur , without Bliouliler Brace , 1.75
Al.doiiilnul , " > > 3.00
nil ' , ID to 14 year * . l.fiO
louiitf Lutllck * , 11 to 18 years ii.OO
Highly recomineiideil liy the leading
McnllstcJ , tin ! Fashlonabla DreBsnmkem nml
the most eminent 1'lij'Klelans lu the United
Slatea and Europe , Cirgulars free.
8 < It Otrntn of l' l nt tail EtiufMlann ,
30U lUtAI\VAV ) , NK\V YOUK.
.Z.S3 237T
1517 Douglas Street , Omaha ,
and loading houaoi everywhere.
Jlojtmi , Miua. , < > I. isT : In.\mcrlcai l-artot
tuuiii. t i : < iiiiiinMiiiitho\voii.n-iioiii ; ( rut-
> r , 1071 Muduiit M t ) car. Thorough InHructlon In
oial niij iHitrumcntal .Muilr , riaiiu uiul Organ Tun.
In/ , Hue Aru , Oratory , l.lieralure , 1'rinch , ( Icmuii ,
auj Italian Lannufn , Kiifluli liranrhci , ( limiuitlci !
itc. Tulllun , $ &to I'JOi IxMird alul ruoiu , H to $74
: r term. 1'iilllVriiiU'Kliii.srpliiuticrlU , Iss5 , 1'or
1 KaktratcJ Cak-nJar. fiilnii full liitoruiatiun , adilrrn ,
An Oil Han Elopes with a Circi
Rtor ,
Indlgnntlonof Ilia licit lives find H < :
Pursuit of the Flying Liovors
by the Dcaortcd Wife.
Alblonvlllo , Ohio , was thrown Into
furore of excitement over an olopemon
with Bomo peculiar and saddening features
tures which occurred at a late hour lag
Thrco days ago Mitchell Brother
Great Western circus arrived in towi
and announced that they would romali
the balance of the week. Although i
imill concern It has been playing to goo (
business through this part of the state
( topping for several days at each plac. I
boasted among Its attractions a real whlti
elephant , transformed from its orlgina
color by the application of liberal qusn
titles of paint , and a menagerie , the
principal features of which consisted of n
toothless lion , from the Public Gardone
of Cincinnati , and several performing
cinnamon bears.
The greatest attraction which the cir
cus possessed , however , was a fem le
bareback rider , who was proclaimed npon
the bills as Mllo. Zola.
She was a young and undeniably hand
some girl of not moro than eighteen ,
with sparkling block eyes and while
teeth , and the dashing manner in which
she leaped through the hoops of fire and
jumped over the American flag captured
the hearts of half the impressionable
young men in town.
David J. WitherB , the richest
merchant in town , attended the per
formance npon the first ovonlng and be
came Infatuated with the dashing circus
rider. Mr. Withers Is iho owner of the
largest tannery In the country and is ro
tated to bo worth at least hal a million
lollars. Ho Is seventy-one years of ago ,
Dut Is still spry and hearty , although the
lair and beard long since became n
patriarchal gray. Mr. Withers has been
uarriod for almost half a century and has
hreo cons and two married daughters
f ho reside in this town.
Ho Is a deacon In the church and Is
cell known throughout this vicinity. Mr.
Vltnors showered presents of jewelry
nd money upon Mllo. 'A ila , wbo ap-
cared to have no tcruplo in accepting
lie attentions of her aged admlror. Ho
am constantly around the circus Ground ,
nd when the object of his admiration
ppoared In seamy skirts upon a hand-
jme black horse bis open admiration at-
acted the attention of the spectators.
The notlco of his song was called to
loir father's action and ( hey reasoned
1th him upon his conduct. Mr. Wiih-
rs flaw into a rage and had n bitter quar-
il with them. The matter was kept
om the attention of Mrs. Withers. Mr.
Withers was at the performance loot
Ight and ho accompanied Mile Zola to
or hotel at a late hour.
Sometime after midnight the couple
ipoared at the circus grounds and nn-
Dtlced by the watchman saddled two of
10 trained ring horses. Then they rode
I In the direction of Elyria. The loss
as BOOH dlscovorod and the family of
Ir. Withers was notified. Mrs. With-
s at first refused to believe In her bus-
ind'n perfidy but soon become con-
Accompanied by her sons she started
fin a wagon to overtake the runaways.
ono of the parties have yet returned
id the community Is boiling over with
: citement.
Withers is said to have taken a largo
aount of money with him. Mitchell
ruthers Bay that Mllo. Zola joined the
ow in Indianapolis and they believe
at she has a husband living In that
'hero Fire-Crackers Genie From
Nino-tenths of them coma from Can
n , where they are made by convicts
red by Fatshing & Chow Hlng from
e government at throe cents a day. All
the work Is done Insldo of the prisons ,
ilch consist of a reservation four hnn-
ed feet square , staked off and snr-
undod by high bamboo palings. The
per employed In the manufacture of
o-crackera Is madeof bamboo film , and
without doubt the strongest paper
ado. Each cracker Is filled , rolled and
stod by hand , and the nimble fingera
the convicts finish them with astonlsh-
g rapidity. The powder Is different
> m any other made , and , despite the
icnzssof It , Is neverthelees equally as
werful as our best blasting powder.
hen ready for market they are sent to
eng Kong , from whence they are dls-
bnted all over the world. In the year
84 half a million boxes of firo-crackers
ire entered in this country. Eich btx
ntainod forly packages , and each pack-
o from sixty-four to o'ghty ' cracker * .
om this aomo Idea of the number of
3'Crackots exploded on Independence
j may bo gained.
? ot washing clothing , and all laundry tib
I cleansing purposes , JAMES PVLE'S ' b ;
ATIL1NE Is a favorite compound. It itP1
s not Injnro the fabrics , and sives a P1re
at deal of labor. Sold by grocers. reel
Rnllronilitig Fiity Yonru Ago. hiN
? ho London Railway News nuggeets N
t modern travelers who fret and fame
ho train is five minutes late , or any Is
or Irregularity occurs , would do well
lay to heart the following puagraph , ! 7
ch suggests the command of tamper
ch must have been required In rail- dr
r travel about half a century sine : :
soDgors expecting to join the trains sopr
any of the stopping-places , are dod - pr
d to bo In good tlmo , as the train will fode <
o cash station aa soon us ready , with-
reference to the time stated on thee foi
! o , the main object being to perform
whole journey as expedltloutly as
ilblo. will wt
Passengers bo booked only
dltlonally upan their being room on In ,
arrival of the trains , and they will wi
the of scats the re
0 preference In order
vhlch unry r < 3 booked. No paesen- skTI
1 are booked after the arrival of the TIwl
n. All persons are requested to get
> and alight from the ccachoa Invarli- hrw
on the left side as the only certain w ;
ns of preventing accidents from
ns passing in an opposite direction ,
sh pasaenger'8 luggage will , AB far as
slble , bs placed on the roof of the anU
ch In which ho has anV
taken his placs ; \V
pot bags and small luggage may be Vbe
ced underneath the teat opposite to be3Q 3Qm
t which the owner occupies , " m
Levl , | , Nortli , IDL'I
few YOIIK , July 7. [ Speclal.-Levl ] in
North , the oldest and beat-known
: ut-rldor In the world , died at his
joklyn home yesterday ot hemorrhage iti
the lungs , the result of a cold. Mr.
rth c mo to this city last Thursday to If
end the funeral of Frank Pastor , the
thor of Tony Pastor , snd an old circus th
former. Ho rode to the church In an th8a
n car , and aa the day was raw ho con > Oil
Jted the cold which ciiuod his death ,
forth first joined a circua when he was 12
re old-in 1820 , Fifteen wontha afterward Bf
he was a > rider. The clrcna wtnt lonth
Havana , to Florida , and from there throng
the Rod Hiver country. On hit return to Ne
York ho poiformed on the old Bowery stti
under Tom llnmblin's management. II
favorite act at that time was "Cupid , " i
which he rode on ft tme-backed Bleed holdir
a child nloft. In 1812 , he went to Europe I
the packet thlp Oxford with Juno & Titu
menagerie nnd circa * From Liverpool th <
traveled Ml over Kurope , appearing bjfoi
the crowned heads. North ballt the fir
theatre In Chicago. It was divided into U
parts , having a etngo for dramatic pei
formsncc * , and a ring for a circu * . AUDI
Poll was his partner In tills enterpriio. Nurl
h d n farm ontttde cf Chicago at that time i
Desplalnes. The theatre at iirst w < s a IUCCM
but it was burned down in the first big fin
North bad acquired a competency In his bus !
ness , but lout every dollar by the burning c
the Chicago theatre. He was insured , bt
the Insurance companies became bankrup
nnd ho did not get his insurance. After thi
loss ho went back to the ring , and for his per
forrrmnccs ho received $50 a night. Ho trm
eled through the country and-rnpcnted tb
successes of his earlier life. His last appeni
anca was at n benefit tendered to him by 1'
T. Uarnum at n circus opposite the Acauem
of Music In this city about fifteen years ago.
A. Iluilo Awakening t Cnstlo Oariloi
for Iwo Sweetlicnttn.
New York Journal.
Among the ptssongori who came ovei
in the steamship P. Calami from Hotter-
dam yesterday was a tall , thin young
man with very black eyes , and a , verj
sprightly blonde girl , who hung to hci
Dompanion'a arm and lookoi wistfully
ap at his face.
Their names were Albo-t and Martha
Murchon and they were sweethearts.
"Can wo bo married here ? " asked
Albert of Mr. John Niglutsch , who had
: hargo of the now arrivals.
On being told that they could both
tppoarod pleased and smiled as the way
ras led to Father Illordan'a llttlo oflico.
They were cousins , and the good father
vas obliged to rofnso their petition until
hey could procure the permission of a
ilghor authority.
When the willing bride was told of this
lilomma she burst ( nto tears and hung
n the nock of her cousin , weeping blt-
orly. Albert said that they had
his country with the solo object of bo
oming man and wlfo , slnco they were
ofiued permission by their parents at
His Hair Was Too Long.
Tow York Journal.
Before the transport barge Warren had
mchod the Castle Garden dock with the
; oamship Fnlda'a passengers on board
Dstorday morning a wildlooklng young
ian , with long hair and a wldobrlmmed
ilt hat , jumped ashore and started to
m Into the rotunda.
"Hold that maul" yelled ono of the
krgcs crow to n policeman. The police-
an grabbed the man by the collar and
ragged him struggling back to the pier.
When all the other passengers had
ndod ho was asked what made him In
ch a hurry.
"I made a bet I'd land first , " ho re-
ied , smiling blandly.
"No , you didn't " eald a volco bock of
in , and a llttlo woman with a fat , rod
DO poped into view.
"He's my husband , " she screamed ,
ind ho wants to run away from me. "
"Well , " replied the husband , Innocent-
shrugging his shoulders and elevating
i eyebrows , "how am I to blame ? She
lied my hair and called mo names from
a beglnlng to the end of the voyage. "
The ciouplo finally agreed to make up ,
d giving their names as Mr. and Mrs.
irtln , got ready to start for the West ,
irtln was advised to got his hair clipped
Couldn't Bat Corn From a Gob ,
a Francisco Chronicle.
Ihoro was a llttlo dinner party the oth-
nlght , and the fresh cobs of smiling
rn were very tempting. They were
nded round. One young gentleman
rtod vigorously In to eat it from the
> . There was a kind of a lull all
mud the table. There was a llttlo
sltancy about touching that corn. The
ung gentleman kept enjoying it 1m-
: nsoly. This wont on for a long tlmo ,
i finally ono old lady took a cob and
ran cutting It off.
'I Ilka to cut it off first with a knife , "
i said.
"So do I , " said nearly everybody else ,
1 good humor immediately reignoJ.
'I think corn tastes much batter , " said
ian on ono aide of the table , "when
i cnt It. I never could eat oorn from
cob. "
'Nor I , " wai a llttlo chorus.
'Besides , it doesn't look nlco. "
No. "
? ho young gentleman who had boon
Ing ic straight grew slightly unoasy.
t a quiet fellow who was awny at the
cr end slid In a kind of divine-bell
co : " 1 can't oat corn from the oob ,
icr , because I'vo got tire false teeth ,
L 1 can never toll the corn from the
th. "
Lnd everybody got red in the fao and
2hod "Ha , ha. "
Ivery lady uses Pozzonl'a Medicated
nplexicn Powder. It Is ft hpmehold
louro. The madame finds It impcssl-
to go down town without first rublng
n. If the baby cries she goes for the ai
i-box. If the old man comes homo
led or chafed , because butinesj Is dull ,
, 1zzonl'a Powder cools and allaya
tronb'oi , Then all Is gladsome joy.
foraily should bo without It.
very prevalent at this season , the
ptnms being bitter taste , offensive
, th. coated tongue , sick headache , sh
rsiness , dizziness , loss of appetite. asnl
iis condition IB allowed to continue , nl
) ua consequences may follow. By II
aptly taking Hood's Sarsaparilla , a IIG
r may be avoided or promatnro G
h prevented. It Is a positive cure
) llllousnesa. Sold by all drugglats. fahe
most Sohreiber , a lad 18 years old , ED
drowned In Brown's lake whllo bath- EDnc
on Sunday , Ho had gonn from Sloan ncnc
L some companions to the lake , and nc
lined In the water swimming about a
'after the othora had gone on shore ,
wind drifted the boat away , and
e trying to reach It he became ex at
ited and went down In fifteen foot of of
ure cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itching ccA
Ulcerated Piles baa been dlccovered by Ir
Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr ,
llama * Indian File Ointment. A single
baa cured the worst cnronio cases of 25 or
ears standing. No one need suffer five
utea after applying thia wonderful aooth- Bt
medicine. Lotions and instruments do BtPi
a harm than good. Williams' Indian Pi
Ointment absorbi the tumors , allaya the
nao Itching , ( particularly at night alter SB
Ing warm In bed ) , acti aa a poultice , Rlvea SBai
int relief , and ia prepared only for I'lles , ai
° B aim
) t , Frazler'a M gio Ointment. Cures as
- moRlc. KmplefBlack Heads or Giuba Pi
lotcbes and J.ruptiona on the face , leaving
ikin clear and bfautlful. Aho cures Itch , at
Uhnuie , Sore Nipple * , Sore Lips , and
Obstinate Ulcera. fh
Id by drugglds , or mailed on receipt of ,
i , CO centa. j" '
; retail by Kuhn & Co , and Schroeter & I * &
it. At wholesale by 0. F. Ooodman.
An Amateur Portormnnoo Broken U
by n Joklona Unsbuntl ,
Ran Frnnclico News-Letter.
There Is a mention on California atrei
horothoro _ will bo no more atnatot
thentricali , The Dramatlo Muio hi
been fired out the back "window , novc
moro to return , lloro la the eccno fiv
mlnnlca before the climax :
Auguatlna is on the atngo to bo lovoc
Augustus , the haaband , Is In the drei
circle among the puoats , and Gnholnc
the iludo , plays the lover. Blow nutsl
by the piano as the portlero of the b&cl
drawlng-room rlio > . Angnstinandranco
timidly. The andlcnso expresses it
ndmlratlon by n low murmur. Augustas
the hntbind , muttora : "Sho does lool
pretty. " Angustlnn murmurs : "It is th >
hour of oar tryst. Will ho moet mo
Alas' ' ? I fear ho will bo too lato. " Thl ,
is Guhclno's cno. At "too late , " hi
riiihos on , and clasps Auguatlna In hi
. "Whew " "hi
arms. , growls Augustas ,
needn't bo so violent about It. "
Guholno IIow I adore you ! Anothoi
kiss , sweet ono. ( Ono , tire , three and t
toiaor. )
Augnsllnn Ah , what Is thy love com
pared to mlnn , dnrlingt For theo I have
braved the wrath of an angry father1
( Ki )
Augustus ( In the nndionco ) I don
llko thit. There wna none of that kissIng -
Ing at rehearsal. Had thcro bcon I
would never have thought of permitting
AuRustinato make such an MS of herself.
Gnhelno I appreciate the uacrlfico ,
darling. Sit npon this primrose bank
and wo will talk of onr lovo. ( Kiss. )
Augustus ( in the audience ) Donco
lake It , but I think the villain ' has got
tier on his lap. Ton my'soul , 'Tina la
; onduoting herself shamelessly.
Augustlna I am so alarmed , darlincj
ny father will have discovered my 11 Ight.
Guholno Fear not , bolovod. ; Klss. )
[ am near thoo. ( Kiss , hug , kiss. )
Augustus ( in the audience ) Hero , I
ay , stop thlsl Drop that curtain ? Darn
t , you scoundrel , do yon think I'vo got
lutbing to do but alt hero all night and
oo yon hug my wife ?
Audience Shame , aharaol Augustus is
urely drunk.
Drank or sober , the play broke up in a
ow , and the last tableau beheld was the
rorthy host choking the wind ont of the
If ted bnt too ardent Guholno.
'Iio ' Bottom Drops Out of B uokwhcnt
Weekly Maverick.
"What'a the mattzr , Undo Zoko ? "
"Matter enough , Jim. Ono o' thorn
oard o' trade follows hez bin a tryin' ' tor
It mo into a spockelatlou. "
"What kind of a speculation ? "
"Waal , yo BOO he's got a corner on
ackwheat that's about to break flat , and
a wants a lot of ns old farmers to go In
ith him and git up n corner on tin. "
"How can you get anything out of that
[ nd of a speculation ! '
'Waal , he says that as soon as the hot-
m drops ont of buckwheat everybody
ilt RO to eatln' It. "
"Well ? "
"And they'll want tholr britches lined
[ th tin nutmeg graters to scratch them-
Ives. "
"Yes , go on. "
"Waal , I told him that the farmers
mid line their britches with barb wire
at , or some feller that's interested In
epln' prices down will throw a carry-
mb in with every sack o' bnokwheat.
'o ' had a few board of trade deals my-
If , Jim. "
The IshiuBCl or Coins.
itroit Frco Press.
The 20-cent piece ought to be bonnced.
Is a fraud , a delusion and a snare. It
mlllates a man twice first when he
ds he has received it as a quarter , and
: end when he planks It down on the
inter expecting that it is a quarter ,
u never notlco when you take It that
is only two dimes' worth , while the
ior follow when you go to pay it out Is
o to detect it , and yon are then looked
as a small kind of a cheat , an Imprea-
n that no amount of explanation can
[ to efface.
Clio 20-cant piece ia a useless , nnneces-
y coin. It thould never have existed
1 there Is no reason why It should ox
now. It U a venal coin , going about
; tin ( ? C cents extra on false pretenses
Is a jackdaw In borrowed plumes. Like
irk Twain's fly , that is never BO happy
when it can pass Itself oil aa a currant
n frnlt cake , the 20-cont piece always
Is good when It masquerades around
i quarter. It Is the Ishmacl of coinr ,
I the hand of r > very man Hhould bo
Inst it. Don't take it In and It won't
0 you in.
wlionjjSIio Expected Eternal to
I/nst. /
33 Sittings.
L Dallas brldo was hoard weeping con-
si vdy end exclaiming in piteous ac-
In :
'Yon swore to love and cherish mo
II time ehould bo no more. Yon Bald
ir love was eternal and noirwehavo
n married only three menthe , and you
oold and bitter , "
1 doap , manly voice responded ; H
'You ' needn't make scch a fuss. In tt
nnmo of heaven how lone do yon ox- bl
b eternal t fleet ton to huti Forever , ni
Iho Dividing Lino.
DJ yon over think , George , dear , "
said , and her volco was soft and low ,
boGlted the perfect beauty of the
it , "how closely true happiness is al- toi
wllh teara ? "
I don't belleva I over do , " replied 11
Yes , " aho wont on , looking Into his
i. "ffhon ono Is truly and wholly
py , there Is but llttlo to divide a
la and a tear. " co np
That's R fact , " said George , "but I
or thought of It before. There's 18
ilng out the note. "
tr <
"Can't Bo Beat , "
his comes from ono whoio case la one
ing thousands. Mr. A , R Jennings ,
Jarharaarllle , Ya. , had suflersd from P
peptla , bat cheerfully writes ,
own's Iron 'Bitters can't bo beat In a
Ing np to all that Is chimed foi it. " t
any respectable druggist for Brown's
i Bittern , at a dolUr a bottle.
What Ho Should Do.
wild-eyed man entered a Chatham
et pawn shop and asked to see come P
ola ,
I sells you dot pistol for two dollar , "
i the cletk ,
I'll take It Load U up and before
tbersunrlio I'll put an cud to my
arable existence. "
Vatl You shoot yourself mil dot
ol' < "
Yes , " Bald the wild eyed man dcaper-
y.Mr. . Isaacateln , " called the cletk to
proprietor , In the back room , "do
Romans vouts a two dollar pistol ( o
) t himself mil. Vnt shall I do ! "
Charge him five dollars. "
Real Estate
Bedtord & Souer
213 South 14th Street ,
Have a large list of. ; inside business and resi
dence property , and some of the finest suburban
property in and around the city.
"Wo liavo business property 011 Cnpitol Aveuuo , Dodge ,
Douglas , Farnnm , Hnrnoy , Howard , 9th , 10th , 13th and
16th greets ,
We liavo fine residence property on Fntuam , Douglas ,
Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Casg , California streets , Sher
man , St .Marys and Park Avenues , in fact on all the best
residence streets. "Wo have property in the following ad
Lakes ,
Elizabeth Place ]
E. V..SmithV '
Patrick's *
Parker's ,
Shiun's ,
Rise's ,
kelson's ,
a-odfrev's ,
Lowe's ,
Cirkwood ,
College Placei ! !
Park Place ,
loo-gs&Hill ?
sapitol , "
deed's First ,
\nd a ! the other Additions to the
Ba City. :
South Omaha.
We have the ngency fo tne syndicate lands in South Omaha. These
ts sell from $225 upwards , and are very desirable property. IVo
velopment of the packing house and otlinr interests there , are rapidly
t up that portion oil the city.
W ? lmvo L lots left in Kirkwood addition , which we offer af.low
ices , terras 25 down balance $10 per month. .These lots are on Inch
rel ground and are desirable.
This addition is more centrally located than any other now addition
ar the best Schools in the city. All the afreets are being put to grade
a grades have Been established by the city council , and is very dosira-
! residence property , only 15 blocks from Post office , prices lower than
loimne additions ior a home or investment. These lots cannot be
? on SALE Ilouee nud lot on 21et St ,
H'OH SALK-22 feet on Fornam St. , near
h St. , 88,000.
FOB SALE-Lot InWBlnut hill , KJOO.
Fen SALE-Lots on 20th , $550 each.
Jon SALE 22 aciea with elegant rf idfnw > .
xl batn , fine troea , eluuliery , fruit , hot umi
d water and all conveniences ; lirut clata
> perty in every ro ] Hct.
-'on BALK-GO feet on Karnam utieet , near
h. Good businesa ( iroperty clieai ) .
on RKNT Room 44x7o , aa tloor , tn llth
et ,
McCormiok's ,
Kountz & Ruth's.
Impr'nt Association
Burr Oat ,
Isaac & Seldon's >
West Omaha.
Grand View ,
Credit Foncier ,
Kountz' First
Xounts' Second ,
Kountz' Third ,
Kountz' Fourth ,
Svndicate HiU ,
Plainview ,
Hill Side ,
Cukev &Kevsors ,
Fhornburg ,
Ulark Place ,
MEvers oc Richards
Fan SALE Homo and lot , 23th and Ohloa
go utreot ; splendid corner , 53,000.
'OB BAW ll''rBt ' ola98 Business block , W5 , ]
-Mne corner lot in Shlnn a addl
, v < i
Ton SALE-Lot in Millard Place , gpecial
Foil I.KASE-Fina business property on ICtU
St. . HiidHt. Mary's Avenue.
v.i0"SiAi'f ! loton Phlcft ° 8t- between
13th und 14 , with good house , $3,000 ,
We will Jnrnitili conveyance free to any
arfrojf the city to show zn'operty to our friends
nd customers , aml cheerftilly give infonna-
ion rcf/anUny OinaJta Property. ft
TJtose ivlio have Itaryains to offer or wish
ropertylit Marf/ainrarc invitctlto see us.
Real pjtate Agents
! I3S , I4th Si , , bet. Farnam& Douelas