THE DAILY BEF. OGU&CIL BLUFFS. Friday Morning , July 10 , iBUEScnirrioN BATES , . - - - . - SO oenta p week Br Mall | - - - - - (10.00 p l yeai MINOB MENTION , Heller , morclmnt tailor , for Cno goods. Eighteen prisoners in the county j ll. Great aalo of shootings at Cocko & Morgan's. 4' Soati at Foster's drag store for Stevens concert , The city council la to have another meetIng - Ing to-night. Don't fail to hoar Misses Stevens Oliver and Morcal. If yon doslra something rich in music attend the opera house July 14th. Axel Christiansen , a clerk in Elstnan , lloddn & company's , has had a tumor taken out of his neck. L. Vordan has opened his jewelry store at No. 531 Main street , In the etoro for merly occnylod by L. F. Bookhoff. Great snlo of muslins at Oocko & Morgan's. The many friends of Frank 0. Novell will bo pained to learn of the death of hla youngest child , Gordon , which occurred at Minneapolis on the Gth. Clearance sale of parasols at Gecko & Morgan's. The ntms reached this city yesterday of the death of Mayor Tom Lodwlcb , of Harlan , who lias boon at Oolfax Springs for his health , and who died there on Tuesday night. At the residence of the Rev. D. H. Oooloy , No. 720 Seventh ntroot , this evening , a Baptist sociable will take place , to which members of all other denominations are Invited. Ono enterprising citizen was soon yes terday taking a door to a shop to have a glass put In it , It having boon accidentally broken , and it never occurring to him to take the measurement , or send a man up to the house to put it in. The Rescue company got out yesterday to do a little street sprinkling and suc ceeded In bursting fonr lengths of hose , either the hose Is too poor or the water works too good , probably the former. * The cause of the further postponement of the decision in the Aylosworth-Loof- bonrow judicial contest is that Judge McHonry has been too busy to road np the evidence , and moro time woo granted him. him.The The Druids are now located In their now hall , which they have fitted up in Tory attractive and convenient shape , it being located in the building , corner of Broadway and Main streets , ever the express offices. 'William Forrest Patton Is said to have relinquished all claims to the appoint ment of consul to Singapore , and to now have hla hopes pointed to a position as railway postal clerk. There might bo worse men appointed. Tickets are now on sale at the nnlon ticket office , No. 507 Broadway , ever all lines , for the national toaonora' associa tion , which meets In Saratoga , N. Y. The tickets will be on sale until July 15 , Inclusive , good to return on until August 31 , the round trip being $40.30. Wells Cook has accepted the position of general agent at largo , of the "safety fund system" of the Hartford life and annuity Insurance company of Hartford , Oonn. , and will locate the Oouncll Bluffs branch of the western department at No. 22 Pearl street. The party given by Mr. and Mrs. Georga Koollno jr. , at their residence on Park avenue was an elegant affair and enjoyable to all who. participated. The grounds were brilliantly Illuminated , a large platform erected for dancing , and all other needfuls supplied for a happy gathering of friends. The Rav. Mr. Rogers has kindly con sented to glvo a lecture on the ancient tabernacle at the Young Men's Christian association hall to-night , which will doubtless bo very Instructive. Ho has a miniature tabeinaolo which will bo setup up so all may too as ho describes. It is hopjd that a largo number of persons will bo present. Admission free , and all are Invited. In the proposed cutting down of the fire department , it Is reported that the veteran Sam Morrlcon Is to bo lot out. Ho ban been with the department for years , and is ono of the trustiest and best men , and it will bo a great loaa to the of footivenees of the service to have him go. It seems that there are tovoral men who could bo moro easily dispensed with. Complaint has been made that there liava been lewd characters frequenting the driving park after dark , and Mr. Slater , who has the grounds In charge , has got tired of warning them away , and so night before last ho called on the po lice and had three women arrested , two being white and ono colored. One white man found In too close contact with the wartby maiden wai fined about thirty dollars. Obase , of the Atlantic Democrat , Is hot , and hU many friends are hot , about the appointment of Childi as poatuuster there , It being generally conceded that Chute has done enough hard work for the patty to entitle him to this much of a plum. The Democrat claims that the ap pointment of Chlldt his caused a eplit iu the democracy of Oats county , the rank , being now disorganized and broken , and all nut of heart , There are a number of witnesses bore from Shelby on A oiso being hoard before Captain lllght , ta referee , it being f unit I- hrly known as tbo Collins cssa. Oolllui , who was a widower , mairioi a lady named Conn , and before marriigo a con tract wis entered into by which Collins agreed to give her a good homo In her own name , and In consideration of this she resigned all claims to his citato which was qulto largo. Collins died be fore fulfilling his part of the agreement and in the administration of the estate trouble has arisen. Walter Allen , the boy who was como time ago given some notoriety as causing the death of his play-mate , young Mono was arrested igtin yesterday on another charge of showing too little regard for the lives and limbs of other children , This time it Is said that ho caused qulto a so yore wound to the leg of a little glr Darned Styors , the child of a neighbor o : the Aliens' . The boy v-fts released on bonds , and the matter may fall qulotly out of court , 03 did the Morse affair. I acorns that something should bo done In such cues , oven If the alleged offender Is only a boy. Boys oren can be raado to p y moro respect to the rights and feel ings of their school-mates , If offenses are pnnlthod instead of being passed ever on the plea of youth. Road Jndd & Smith's offer of $1,000 reward in another oolnmn. Hanthorn soils wood at his feed store. CROOKED WORK , Bogus Notes Heine Sent Into Various Parts of low * Tor Collection , There appears to have been an oiton sivo Bohemo attempted to squeeze money out of Iowa business men in various parts of the state , notes turning np at different cities for collection , the endorsers of which are being called on to pay. The revelations made at OUumyra Illustrate probably the way in which different parts } f the state have boon worked. There , some two or three years ago , a well , dressed , smooth-talking fellowclaimlng to roproaent a commercial agency , inter viewed the business men and secured From them property statements ever iholr own signatures. It appears that iftorwarda a few moro lines were printed between this property statement and the signature , making the endorsement of a note which was printed on the other side of the statement and filled out with namoa. It Is said that various cltlea In this state have been thus worked , and that a largo amount of this fradnlent paper is on the market , and that the at tempt to collect it Is just beginning. It s not thought the scheme will work , al- hough some may bo Indnced to settle rather than fight It In court. Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing between J. 0. Gertpacher and George Gerspaoher , Is this day dissolved by mut ual consent. The business will be con tinued by J. C. Qerapaohor , at the old stand. All bills duo the firm , or by the 5rm , will bo settled by J. 0. Gerspscher. Personal bills will be settled by the In dividual contracting.J. J. C. GEKSl'ACHER. GEORGE GEII-SPACEER. COUNCIL BLOFFS , July 8,1885. A Place for Young Men. Probably there are many persona in ; ho city who are acquainted withjtho work of the Young Men's Christian asso ciation , ana think It Is a place where meetings , religious and literary , are held and nothitg else. The rooms are kept open daily from 0 a. m. to 12 m , , from 2 to C p. m. , and faom 7 to 10 p. m. In tbo rooms on file may bo found the dally ; npers of cur city and other valuable reading matter. Any person desiring in formation concerning railway trains , boarding places etc. , will receive prompt attention by applying to the secretary. The social parlors are elegantly fitted up and are opened free to all young men. The object of the parlor is to furnish a place wharo any young man may como wltn hla friends and entertain them with as much freedom as ho conld In a homo of his own. If any yonng man desires to meet a friend for conversation or otherwise ho is perfectly at liberty to say to him , "I will moot yon at the Young Hens' Christian Association pallors. " This may bo done without asking for the privilege as It Is to bo understood that the headquarters of the association Is a parlor like home for any young men who may deslro to nse It occasionally or often. A nice organ Is found ready for any who like music and wish to use It. There IB no building in the central part of our city where finer ylows may bo had than from the windows of this instl tntlor. It Is located on the southwest corner of Broadway and Main street , np stairs , overlooking the city in every di rection with a birds eye vlow of Omaha in the distance. There Is always a fine breeze of pure air In the rooms. Those privileges BO freely offered ought to tempt any young man attd It is to bo hoped that many may bo bonefitted by the advantages hero described. - ! ' Real Eatato Transfers. The following are the transfer * of real estate as recorded In the office of the registrar , and reported to the BEE by A. J , Stephenaon , for Wednesday , July 9th , 1885 ; Mary A. Starrott to H. O. Soiffert , Iota 1 and 2 , block 12 , Macedonia , $1,000. William Foiroll to Charles Thles , lot 8 , block 2 , Weston , $700. Willitm Lyrtmn to I. A. T. Bates , e i so 1 10-75 39 , $ . blahala J. Winana to Aaron Forrla- stall , o A so J 33-75-40 , $1,000. Chicago , Uock Island & PacIDo railroad company to Charles A. Illne , BW ( no 1 24 75 43 , 000. Tctal Sales , $3,000. , Turning the Table * , Some of thoze against whom thoprohl- altiomsta in Oass county have secured in. junctions now propoao to turn the tables and they have commenced suits against tbo prohibitionists , claiming $10,000 damages in each case on the ground that ; ho Bults were maliciously brought for , ha purpose of bringing these men Into niblio BO&ndal and dirgraco , and Injuring heir credit and reputation , Chicago attorneys luve been secured to prosecute ho o damage suits , and the determina- ion cxproesod to path the claims to the iltter ond. It eoemi that there Is moro itigatinn growing cut of the attempted enforcement of Ihu prohibitory law tlun was generally expected. Substantial abstracts of tltlo and real ratals lo ns. J. W , and E , L , Squires , 101 Pearl street , FUSSING WITH FEROS , An Engineer Gota BndljManlcd In tlio St. Fanl There Is moro tronblo abou the Feros , the brothers who eorr ai dotccllvos for the Milwan koo & St. Paul at this place. There ha boon a great deal of Ill-fading among th railway bojn against the Foroi , and sever r l attempts have been made to get them removed , bat than far without success their superiors dooming them good men to protect their property am interests hero , Frequently the Foros have had altrlcatlons , and been brought Into coutt on various charges of violence but they have been acquitted , but the 111 fooling has subsided but little. On Wed nesday night another of these scones o violence took place , and as usual there seem widely varying statements as to the details. It appears that ono of the en gineers of the road , James F. DoLand , had some trouble the other night with the younger of the brothers , A. E , Fero. Fore wanted to rldo on the onglno up to the end of the yards , claiming that ho wanted to look after some tramps thoro. The engineer n id ho had no r'ght ' to lei anyone rldo on the engine , and Fore In slstlng the engineer put him off. On Wednesday night the older of the brothers , L. N. , Fore , followed the engineer In to the yards at a distance fron the other railway boys , for the purpose ol toeing if he could not settle thii difference - once between the tvo , and as ho bogac to talk , the engineer became angry and some very abusive language was used , which ended In blows. Fore had i loaded cano and It is said that ho used It quite freely ever the head of the ongln cor and ono of the employes of the round house named Tom ChiUtianson , running np , took the cano from Fero , and at tempted to stop the fight , when the yonngor Fero put In on appearance , and , pulling a revolver threatened to shoot Christiansen , and making the latter run off , the engineer being loft to the mercies of the Feros. The engineer when ho got through with ( hem looked as if ho had boon run through a eanasgo machine. His eyes were blacked and from a wound In ila nose , and another on his lip , together with a small ono on a finger , there was enough blood to give him the appearance of being much worse off than ho really was. Ho was able to bo about yester day , BB usual , although sere and bruised and bearing plain marks of the combat , Ho claimed that the wound on the lip and that on the finger were the results of sites on the part of the Fero a , and the other bruises the results of the nse of the club. He had them arrested , and Chris tiansen also filed a complaint against the younger Foros , the charges being assault frith attempt to murder. The oasea were < akon from Justice Frainoy to Justice Schurz on a change of venue , and the examinations began yesterday afternoon. Order aciso of the justly-celebrated Colfaz Magnetic Spring water delivered it yonr residence. It Is a cooling and icalthy beverage. Mr. P. Boysen will Jolivor It as cheaply as you can buy It from the springs. Splitting from the Board. For some time the board of under writers has had smooth sailing , the oppo sition which It met with on first organlz Ing having been largely done away with , and the threatened action of the city council , In making a heavy license , having ended In talk. Now it is rumored that fresh trouble Is to break the quietness , which has reigned for some time. It is said that MoMahon & company , have withdrawn from the board , and have taken the agency of non-board companies , which meanr , of course , that they Intend to cut rates. How far this cutting will bo car rled , T how long It will be kept up , are quo&tions for the future , but ono break being made , there will probably be muiio along tbo line. It la said the old board was broken np here once before by the withdrawal of one Insurance agency , and this may bo the entering wedge tor another break , but It Is hardly considered now by tnoso [ n the business , that any such result will follow , as the present organization is strong , and being very wisely and caro- Enlly handled , The field for competition being opened though by this withdrawal of McMahon & Company , that firm will probably got qnlto a goodly amount of business among those who want ta gel insurance cheaper than board ratea. Mr , P. Boyacn counts among his cus tomers for the Oolfaz Magnetic Spring water euch parties as Messrs. Oliver , DoVol , Casady and Keller. All agrei that nature's soda water Is far ahead oi the manufactured article. Ho delivers it for the same price that la charged at the springs , PERSONAL. D , II. Woodman ia off on his vacation. City Engineer Broadbeck now bobbles will too much rheumatism , Mrs. H. Friedman has gone to Des Molnoa on a viiit to her sister. Mr. and Mrs , Harry Curtlu have taken up their abode in C. I" . Adams' house , just east of Oakland avenue. Henry Do Long has been called to North field , Minn. , by a telegram announcing the serious Illness of bis daughter , James 7 , Lee , manager of the retail de partment of the Boston Tea company , went to KeoUuk to spend the 1'uutli , and 1ms returned with a bride , IOWA ITEMl. The B r.Lo in the Hoi shy mill at Bits- citlnohai ind.d. The Muicatlno oansus foots no 10,407 and the county 24,413. , Tbo expcnsj of taking the census of the elite will reach $175,000. According to the United States fntor- nal revenue reports Iowa has 4,424 li censed sillcrj of liquor. Ono man was kllloi and three Injured > y the filling of a ciga ia a coal mine shaft at Whet Cheer u few days ago. A lightning bolt struck the backs in Charles Uumurou aud V , A Ski lea OF Davenport Sundij , Both cat down iu- stantly. Gon. Burdotte , the now commander ol .he Gland Army of the Republic , was a ivvytr at DeWltt , Clinton county , pricr o the war. There are 532 soldiers of the rebellion residents In Scott county , two valorem uf the war of 1812 , and fonr of the wai with Mexico , During the year last parsed , Iowa pro-1 duced 2,501,154 gallons of whisky and 7,397,748 gallons of boor , which paid a revenue of $2G43CL'5. Iowa ranks highest of sll the states in the number of cattle raised to the sqnar mile of territory , the sum being 35.9 , a total of 2,014,484 head. The anti-prohlblllon county < of Dn- buqna shows an expenditure of $20 , 877.70 for criminal prosecution during 1883 , ( ho largest of any In the slate. The building Improvement record a Burlington for the year ending Jnno 27 shows the total cost to bo $191,525 Ono hundred and forty-one buildings wjro erected , Mason City sharp-shooterj , while firing at a target Wednesday last , were success ful In killing a valuable mare , belonging to a farmer named Robert Watson , living In the Bamo township. Ton thousand people witnessed the laying of the corner stone of the now in sane hospital at Olarlnda , and also the laying of the corner stone of the now $80,000 court house in the same town. All survivors of the Twenty-first Iowa Infantry are requested to join the re union at Farley , August 19. All mem bers Intending to go are requested to in form the committee of nnangoments al Farley. Investigation by iho Burlington & Qnlncy railway company has led to the discovery of ever 1,200 Grins In the state that have boon engaged for periods ex tending several years back in swindling the company by fraudulently Invoicing goods in lower classes , thereby securing cheaper transportation. The compauy claims to have been losing at the rate of $2,500 per month by the fraud for sev eral years back. OUNC1L BLUFFS G ARPET COMPANY OA ; Curtains. Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Linoleums. Mattings , Rugs , Etc. , Etc. Careful Attention Given to Ou of Town Orders. Upholstery and Drapery Work a Svecialty. Our stock la the Larpsl in flu and Is being continually rcploniahr jd by all the latest and choicest novoltle/ j. 405 Broadway Counci / Biufis J. L. UxBHVOISK , i > No. CO ? Bro dwty 'OonnoII Bind. Railway Time Table. OOUNOITj BLUFFS. The following btu Ku > times ot the arrival ted de parture of toalri * bj c mtral standard time , al the local depot * . Tftataa'jave transfer depot ten min utes e rlf and anl' e ten mluntos liter. DBl'Mt. AKRITB 0iS A u Mall and Express 8:50'P : M 12SO p it Acoommodatlon i(0 : p H 6 0 p a Express B.05 A M CUIOAOOAKD 10CK ISLABP. 0:25 : A M Mail and Express 8:53 : r H 7:26 A u Accommodation 5:15 : P M 6:30 : p a Express D.OO A u OBOAQO , UTbWADKn AMD ft. rADI , . D:20rA : M Mall and Express 0,50 P M 6:25 : r M Express 0,05 A H cmcAoo. lOBuno/roif AJTO qoiaoT. 0:50 : A II til and Express 7:10 : p u 30 P A.ommodatlon ? :00 : p M ; 45 P tXjjrebi SSOA : u W BISU , IT. LOOTS AKb plctPFfl. 2:10 : p H Local St. Louis Exproea L'cal 8:00 : PM TVanblcr " " Traustci 8:20 : PH 74 ; < 3 ru Lee l Chic > go & Bt LExp Local 8:50 : AW 7:85 : v 11 Transfer " " " " Transfer 0:05 : All KARIAB C1TT , BT. J01 ARE COUNCIL ILUm. 100h ; A u Mat ! and Express 0:40 : r H 8:15 : r II Express 6:25 : A K Boux crrr AND pAcrno. 7:20 : A M Mall for Sioux City 0,50 P H 7:80 : F 11 Express for St Paul 9:25 : A u UNION pAeiric , 11:00 : A H Djnver Express 4:85 : p u 1:05 p 11 Lincoln Pats O'a &It V 2:35 : p M 7:55 : p u Chorland Hxprtsa 8:80 : A u DtUMY TKAINS TO OUABA. Leive Council ElLffa e 55-7:65 : 9:50 : 10:80 : 11:40 : a. m. lEO-2M-8:30 : : : J:23-5:26-C:25 : : 11:45 : p. in. Leave Omaha 8:25 : 7:25 : e:50 10 -11:15 : a. m. 12:50-2:00-3:00-4 : : : : 0-4:66-6 : 6 NOLL'S PORTABLE Pneumatic Beer Fa ncet. Price fclb.Ot ) . A liberal discount vill be made to pirties orderiDp u lalf dozen Ptuirets nt one time. l''or ' further particulars inquire of K F. RAW , Council Bluffs , Irnvn , Igent for Western Iowa arid JNeb , The New York PLUMBING CO'Y. 552 Broadway Council Bluffs , Iowa SANITARY & HYDRAULIC ENGINEERSPUB- LIC and PRIVATE SYSTEMS of SEW ERAGE , WATER WORKS and VEN TILATION design ed and constructed. PLUMBINGwork in all its branches * This comnanv have one of the best assort ed stocks ot plumb ing goodsinthe west. Estimates furnish ed. H. Birkinbine * Manager. EW YORK PLUMBINGI COYf ! w . 552 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS Telephone No. SJ7. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTI'JK. Bpedal rertlsoments , rue as Lost found , To Loan. For Sale , To Rent , Wa&ii , Board * Inz , ' < < ! . , will bo Inserted In this column at Ihe low lo of TEN CENTS PER LINE lot the flrat Insertion nd riVE CENTS FER LINE lei each inbaeqnenl In- on. Leave advertisement ! at oni offlo * . Ho. 1 Sit * * * . n r Ere d av WANTS. TRACK I Ino blcvc'.e for a Rood boreo , address - WILL B. V. , Bee office , Council B.ufts. 805 15 - OB bookkeeper , first ( lass ret- WANTED-Situation Ucnnin or English. Ad- dices FH ; Bee oBlco Council Bluffs. Situation on afsrmby a youngman s WANTED . Addretu 0. See office , Counol Blufta. HALBA first-class grocery itook andBx tu 08 BIOR . R. Snjdcr , 6iS Broadway , BUST A new house , 6 rooms , desirable loca tion , all conveniences , rent moderate. Inqulro at CEO office. BALK Lands Improved aad unimproved. FOH you want a farm In western Iowa , Kaus 8 Nebraska or Dakota , lotua hear from yon. SWAM & WALKIB. gj'OK BALE Houses. Lota and Land. A. J J ? Stepbenwm , 603 First avenue. rpo XXCAA.NO tt 6 , b 9 , h 10 , h 13 aie hotels In old- JL orontlocatl na for sale or for trade. . special barzaln ; 400 a Im- roved farm worth B139. , prlro for a shore time $16,000. will trade for low priced Western lands. Swan fc Walker. , paddlory Hardwire manufacturing estab- BZ01 etoak and michliury , value $7,000 , for western land Swan & Walker , Uouac.ll Bluffs. B203 , stock rf dry goods , groceries and hardware , \ aluo , $5,000 , In an good eastern Nebraska town for land. Swan * Walker. , stock of general merchandise In a good western Iowa town , value 4OOD , wants an 1m proved farm In western Iowa. wn & Walker. T > 205 , stock of hardware In Etubea Co. , Indiana , Jj for land , \aluo about 84,000. Swan & Walker. , new stock of ban ware In a ll\o Nebraska B200 for land , volue $3,000. Swan & Walker. 2)7. stock ot grlcUttual Implements nd ebelt B hardware , value about 8,0011. wants a good Im proved farm. Swan & Walker. T > 203 , a 810,000 stock of clothing In a good TVIs- _ L > consln city , 3 In lands and btlanoo cash or Im proved security. Beautiful store room at low rent Swan & Wallcer. T > 210 , etook of mixed hardware In a Ihe western 13 Iowa town for cheap lands , value $6,00 : . Swan & Walker. , flno brick block , rents well , In a live ) central B211 wn ono rcom occupied with general stock of goods , wants an Improved farm , laluo ; building 18,000 , goods 87,003. Swan k ' alker. stork ot boots , shoes bats , cape and clothing valued $3 000 , In Clio of tbo beet ( owns In Neb. , , \ alucd $3,000 for .ands. Swan & Wtlker. 213 , a 83.000 stock of cIotMng , wants land B North Western Iowa , for Jfl.OOO , and will jVy dlflcrence , Swan & Walker. , an $8,000 stock ol drugs In central JOB * [ 0 B214 * . Bwon & Waltrr. , stock ot drugs value frnmt500t/e7oo , B216anothor bnlldlDg and lot value $ 00 ! A good > cbraita town wanti partly improved land. 'Swan & , Walker. full particulars , write to or call w n Swan & FOR . II ou want to sell , buy , ot tradeany- tblng , tell 8. fc W. about It Bwan & W > Jker , Coun ell Bluffs Iowa. you BALI BY S.A. PIERCE,1 100 Main St. , Council bluffs Retail Boot and Shoe store where big bargain ! can Iwaja be found. ONLY HOTEL , In Council muffs having a ESCXAJPIE. . And all modem improvement * , call bella , fire alarm belle , etc , , is the CBESTON HOUSE NOB. 216 , 217 nnd 210 , Main Street. MAX M" IIN , - PROPRIETOR < FRUIT , AND mm FARM FOR SALE , BUteeu acres , ten In fiult , six In garden and tlmberland , six room home , ( table , well , clsteru , ic. all In go.d condition , or will trade for Omaha prop- my' V. KELLER , County Treasurer' , office , Council Uluflj. E , Eioo M , B. 01 .tbii taners ttairti wltbsil Uu CANCERS , CDRONIC Orer Uut/ I , Fail stretl , Council Uloffl. Us * . HAIR GOODS Waves , Langtry and Pompadour Frizzes.Switch es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices cheaper than ever. Call and see for yourself , MRS. C. L. GILLETTE , Formerly MRS. J. J. GOOBE. 29 Main Street , Council Bluff. . AYLSWORTH HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Brick buildings o ! any kind raised or tnovod and Mtlsfactioa ctwrantood. Frame houv moved on Little Giant trucks , the best ID the world. W. P. AYL3WOHTH. 1010 Mnth Street , Council Bmfle- KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horsea and Mules constantly on li and TThick wo will Roll In rotall or carload lota il Stock Warranted as Represented Wholesale and retail dcalen In Drain and Baled Dar. lYtouiro- . enable Batletacttor > Guirxntow' . SCULVTEK , o B-O W L.E Y Oor. 5th Av. tind 4th St. , Oonnc U Blulla. Sold by the leading deFiler in every cily and tovm , E , ' Burhom , 17 Mniu St. , Co uiicil Bluffs. For any case of Kidney or liver disenne or dyspepsia , rhsutnnt Urn , or any dtso&aa indadced t > y a lack of nntive power , that cannot be cured by the Tea ot Dra , Judd & Smith's Electric elts nnd Appllarces. No. 30 , Fo'urth St. , Council BluHs. AGENTS WANTED. Norene & Land.strom , Merchant Tailors Suita to order In latest styles at cheapest psoaa' ' _ > 10 'prices. 'prices.No. . 205 Main St. , Council Bluff AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. .Regular DinJCr 31:3O to 1 : O , 25 cents. 505 Broad-way , Council Bluffs. The only all night houeo in the cat/ . Everything served in first class style and on shot notice. J jot and cold lunches always ready. LIVE STOCK. STOGKERS AttD FEEDERS. Hclfcra and cowe ol. ' | ] Bgeg ( urnlshel any desired numbers ; ranchmen should correspond 1th epurcha.ilcg elsowta' W INFLOW & CRAMPTON , Waverly , Iowa. 3I. JP. 'Graining , Glldlnjr , Taper Danglne ; and Frescoing. 110 llaln St. , Council BluOs. S3IITII & TOLLER AGTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 0 Main St. , COUNCIL BIUPFS , - - - IOWA. Complete Line of New Goods Always on Hand. N. 80HURZ. Wee of flu Peace , Omen OYKB JLUKEIOAX KXFBKU BLUFFS. ra03. omcEit , w. H. 11. PDBB Officer & Pusev. BANKERS Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established , - 1865 Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Ex Home Securities. THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE WRITER NO. 2 , Ia the Highest Achievement in Writing Machine * in the World , With only 89 keys to learn aa operate. It prints 70 chaiaoteil including caps and small letters , punctuations , figures , slgni and tractions. It stlio simplest and most rapid writing machine made as will aa no most durable t & "Send for free illustrated pamphlet. Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict ; Ublcago , 111 , , Sola Agenti. 0 , H , SHULKB , Coucoll lllulfa , Agent for Western Iowa , JACOB 8JTMS , AttorneyatLaw OOUNOlfc BUJF1B , IOWA. Office llaln Street , Jlooms 7 and 8. Shugirllan uoMook. Will prtctloo In SlaUaDd ttte goad S. H. FXLRJEJIT , 209 Council Bluff. ' Broadway , - - . . DBY GOOD3. 20 jards print 9 J j 0 drees goods 1 - \ 10 nublan gingham , . . , 1 I good gingham 1 00 bellealr cboYoltj . 100 good 'heeling 100 " Suffolk Jeans . _ 1 00 Best Joan ) all wool , 30o per yard. bouts and shoes at prices as 1 jw a > any house In the city. QUOOEHIES. ID pcumli ox 0 sugar. . 13 pounds granulated lugar , , , 18 pounds confectionary A sugar , , 2 > bars white Husilan soap. Kirks , SO bars blue India soap , Kliks , . . .'.ilinasoap , I iuU liro'd ' 18 boxes inatchcs liest syrup , per gillon , Posl.orjiiiim , pir gallon , lleit English currants , U pounds 1 10 boxes geuulpo Lewis lye 1 C 2-pound cans itrawberrlei In sjrup , , . , , , l DS-pound ctnipcarlies , In syrup 1 10 3-pound cms tomatoes 1 00 10 pounds .Michigandried apples , 1 00 ! 0pounpi tvaporatej apples 1 OB t\ \ jorllard ( Ilinix tohtoco per pound < 5 Yaty plug tobacco , ptr pound , . . 50 sra'ur4lloi ( tobiooo , per pound , , , . . . 00 Flour , all brands Irom 91.10 to $3 B9 per cwt. GOODS FOR OAHH ONLY Lower Than Any Other House IN THE CirV. S. H. FILBERT , Council Bluff 6 UroadwtO - - Madame [ , J , Oalcear. Who for to > rait 19 yean bus been practising San rrancltco It now located at No * tt N. Oth Biro ( ) | > ollo now Opera Uouwj. Madaao lialcear guarantees to rcetoro 28 HAIR OR WHISKER8 , Ortoglieanjronealiughmuttacho or bring out a no growth if btlr orbaardlu fr mfour to U weeks , rlcoi reasonable and mtUfartlon guaranteed , Oaccars , dcatnow and especially rheumatism and EhronlodUcaMgcurimby a natural gift of ha ctreis. ' Dr. JE/ " . Ifitlcear , - brtG"I ffCouncil , 131u