I THJB DAILY BKE FRIDAY ; JULY 10.1885. I NEBRASKA 1 OMAHA , NEBRASKA , PAID UP CAPITAL $250,000 SURPLUS MAY1,1885 26,000 orrioxnat H , W , rATKJ , A. E. TOUZAUN , President. Vice President. TVV.MOMB , JNO.B.OOLLINS , LEWIS S. Rain W. II , S. Hughes , Cashier. BANKIHQ ornoE : The Iron Bank , OOR , 12th AND FAENAM STS , General Banking Btisi- ness Transacted. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. N w VOBK , July 'J. Money Easy at 1 pet con t. Prime paper 4@5 per cent. Foreign Exchange Quiet and unchanged Governments- Quiet , firm and unchanged. Stocks Have boon decidedly more active to-day , the activity being accompanied by a decided advance m prices until nearly 1 p. m , , when the highest prices of the day were reached , which ore generally from jo to IJe above the closing figures of last evening. In the afternoon the market became more quiet , and on considerable realizing slowly declined. In the last half hour there was a slight re covery in the general list , and the market finally closed about steady at prices which for a majority of the list are a fraction higher than last evening. COUPONS. ,3'g . 103J 4 Vs Coupons . . . 112i ( tr , 8. 4'a . 122 ? PaciBoG'a of ' 05 . 127jj STOCKS AND BONDS. Central PaclBo . 30 Chicago & Alton . 130 do do preferred . . . . .160 Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy . 126J Delaware , Lackawana & Western . 01 } Denver & Rio Grande . 4 $ Erie . * . . N > i do preferred . 20 Illinois Central . 128 Indiana , Bloomington & Western . 8 Kansas & Toxaa . 18j Lake Shore & Michigan Southern . C7 | Louisville & Nashville . 35 ; Michigan Central . 64 : Missouri Pacific . 95 Northern Pacific . 17 do do preferred . ' 101 Northwestern . 93j do preferred . 128 d Now York Central . 87 | Oregon Transcontinental . . . 135 Pacific Mail . 47 § Poorla , Decatur & Evansville . 9 Pullman Palace Car Company . 1152 Rock .Island . . 116J St. Louia & Ban Francisco . 1G j do do preferred . 30 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul . 73J do do do preferred. . 109 St. Paul & Omaha . 22 do do preferred . 73 Texas Pacific . 11 Union Pacific . 61. Wabaah , St. Louis & Pacific . 3 do do do preferred. . . G Western Union Telegraph . Gil Oregon Railroad & Navigation . 73 Ex-dlvldend. _ GENERAL PKOINJOB. OHIOAOO. CHICAGO , III , July 0. Flour Nominally unchanged. Wheat Active , more nervous , and un settled ; rather feverish ; opened strong. jj ( < higher- weakened , declined , S@lc , rallied . . weakened , sold off to Inside , fluctuated , and cloied io under yesterday ; 8G87Jo for cash ; SGgc for July ; 88J@88go for August ; 'JO.fo for September ; No. 2 red , 93 : . Corn Active , foaling weaker : averaged lower ; declined io and closed fo under yesterday ; 47Jo for cash ; 47.47le } for July ; 47a for August ; 4GJ@lGJo for September. Oats Steady , firm , and about unchanged , except July , which cloied i@Jo better ; 31jo for cosh ; 3 ! @ 32io for July ; 2GS@20o for August ; 25jJ@2Go for September , Rye-Dull at B8c. Barley Nominal. Timothy Bood Firm ; prlmo , 81.0231.54. flax seed Steady and unchanged. Pork Quiet ; ruled 2J@5o hlgTier , early settled back nnd closed steady ; S9.90@10.00 for cash ; SO 85@9.87i for July : $9.92i@ 9.95 for August ; § 10.00(3 ( ! ! 52 } for September. Lard Very quiet and about unchanged ; § G.45@G.47i for cash and Jnly ; 50.521 ® 6.65 for August ; ? G.G2igG.G5 for Sep tember. Bulk moats Shoulders , unchanged : S3.70 @ 3.00 ; sbort clear , unchanged ; $5.65@O.GO ; abort ribs , $5.22i@G 25. Whisky-Steady at 51.10. Batter Steady ; good to fine , creamery , 1346)170 ) ; good to choice dairy 1014o ChfOJO Active nnd firm ; choice full cream cbeddan. GJ@7oilats ; , 7 < 97ic ; young Amen cans 8@8Jc ; ekitna , l@4o. Eggs-Kasy at 10i@llc. Ill ties Unchanged. Tallow Unchanged. Iteoeipti. Bhlp'U. Flour , bbl „ 29,000 23,000 Wheat , bushel * 52,00 * 99,000 Ootn , bushels 161.000 173,000 Oats , bnshols 93.000 1UG.OOO Rye , bushels. . , 8,000 1,000 Barley , bnshols 1,000 1,000 UILWACKKS FBODUOI MILWADKXB , Wls. . July 9. Wheat Lower ! No. 3 Milwaukee , 86loAuguat ; , 88c ; September. 89Jo. Corn Steady : No. 2. 47Jo. Oats-Dull ; No , 2 , 3tic. Rye-Eaay ; No. 1 , C8o. Barley-Quiet at GO&o. & Provisions Kasler ; meaa pork , cash and July , S'J.OO ; August 810.00. BT. LOOI8. Si. Louis , Mo. , July , 9. Wheat-Higher unsettled and closed iSiJo over yesterday 9 io for cash ; 97jo for August ; ODjfc for Sep tember , Corn Nory elow ; 45o for ca h ; 41 Jo for July ; 45o for August. Oats-Very Inactive ; 33o bid for cash 28a bid for July. live-Dull at 5'c , Whlskey-81.13. Butter Unchanged. AnKBNOON HOABD , Wheat l@8o lower Corn io easier. LivinpooL. LivBBPOqi , , July 9. Wheat-Steady ; No. 2 winter , 7s Id ; No , 2 sprmp , 7s. Corn Dull ; 4i GJd tor spot and July , 4s 7id for August ; 4a Bid for September , BMW JOBS : PBODDOB. Niw Yowt , Jnly 9. Wheat Ke- eelpts. 89,000 bushels ; exports , 101.000 buihels ; spot lets active , options opened firm , advanced , later lott Improvement , declined , and cloeod steady ; ungraded > ed , G5J@1.0'j No. 2 red , 98o f o b , ? l.01i afloat ; September closing at$1.02j ) , Corn Lower , doting quiet ; receipts , 81- OCO bushels ; exports , 60,000 buabels ; un praded , 50@55o ; No. 2 , Ml' < j52Jo elevator , 635@5lloatloat ; September cloaing at 55c. OaU Steady ; leoeipts , 40.000 bushels ; ex trl ports , 41,000 bmhela ; mixed western , 3G'f@ 3SJowhite ; , 39 ® Ho. PetroleumHUody ; united closed at 95jjc ; refined , 98c. Kgga li'irin/air ; inulry. [ Pork Quiet and lalrly steady ; mess spot , 910.7Cfor untainted ; 911.25 11.60 for In- spec ted. Lard Dull ; contract grades acd efot ) quoted t S670@G.72J ; August , ec.676.70. ( Bntter-QnUt. Cheese Finn ; fair inquiry KANSAS CITT. KAHSAB Crrr , Mo. , July 0.-Whwt-- ( Uigher : ca h , 76J < j bid , 75lc asked ; August , 77i@7GIc ; Septtraber , 81c. Corn Stronger , cash , 87i < J bid ; Jnly , 88c ; August , 38o bid. O ta Nominal } 32abid. TOLSDO , Totxoo , 0. , Jnly 9. Wheat Closed firmer , dull ; No. 2 red , cash and July , Qljo. Corn-Quiet ; No. 2 , cash and July , 48Jc Oata-QuletS No. 2 August. 27c. OIHOINNATT , CINCINNATI , O. , July 9 , Wheat Finn No. 2 rod , 95c. Corn Stronger ; No. 2 mixed. EOe , Oats Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , 35c. Rye Dull ; No. 2. Glc. Pork Dull , at $10.50. Jdird Firm , at 80 25. Whisky-Steady , o JjIVia blOOK , OniOAQO. CniOAno. Ill , July 9. The Drovers' Jour nal reports : Cittle RcMlpta , 8,400 headi steady ; grots- orsweak ; shaping ateers , 5100@G.15 ; stock. er and feeders , S3.fO@4.40 ; cows , bulls and mixed , 92.00@4 80. Hogs Receipts , 18,000 head ; firm ; rough nnd mixed , S3.80@4.00 ; packing and shipping , 84.00@4.121 ; skips , S3.00@3 75. tJhoop-Recolptii. 1,600 head ; steady ; natives , S2.00@4.55. BT , LOOTS , Bl , fcOUM , Mo. , * July 9. Oattlo Ro- oelpts , 2,800 head : shipments , 900 head ; easier and generally lOc lowerjnativo chipping steers , 54.76@485 good butchers' steers , 84.60 : native shipping Bteeis , Sl.75@4.85 ; good butcher steers , 5WO@4 ! )0 ) : mixed butchering , 53.23@4.00. Sheep-Receipts , 1 500 head ! shipments , 400 head ; slow , except best grades ; common to choice , 5220@3.7D. KANSAS CITY LIVB BTOOK , KARHAB Cm , Mo. , July 9. Oattlo Re- ceioti , l.EOO head : shipments , 700 head ; best , quiet ; common , 10o lower ; exporters , ? 5 35@ b 55 : common to choice , § 4.50@5 30 ; feeders , S4.25@4.75 ; rows , § 2 75@3.70. HOKB Uocolpts , 9,000 head : shipmnntn , 5 000 head ; assorted light , Cc higher at 83 40 @ 4.10 ; heavy and mixed , steady at $3.03(3 ( 3.80. 3.80.Sheep Receipts , 400 head ; shipments , 400 he.id ; quiet ; common to good , 51.75@3.CO , OMAHA. R1A.RKEXS. OrnoE or THE OMAHA Bn , I Wednesday Evening , July 9 , { The following prices are charged retailers by Jobbers , wholesale and commission mer chants with the exception of grain , which is quoted at the prices furnished by the eleva tors and other local buyers : Btoclc Market. Hoga Receipts were light at the Union stock yards to-day , nnd the market slow. Heavy erodes nro off fully C@10o and slow sale while other grades remain steady nt and above quotations , Common mixed packIng - Ing , $3.45(33 ( 55 ; good tocholco mixed packing. $3.GO@3.65. All saloa of stock in this market are made per cwt live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell at lo per pound for weights of 100 pounds and upwards , and less than 100 pounds are valueless. Pregnant BOWS are docked 40 pounds and stags 80 pounds , Cattle Steady at about yesterday's prices. Butchers' stock , does not seem to improve any and there is still no demand , at 53.25 @ 3 75 , for good cows and heifers ; dressed beef steers , averaging 1,100 to 1,200 pounds , $4.80@5.00 ; peed to choice , averaging 1,300 to 1,400 pounds , $5.25(5)5,60 ( ) , all sold to-day. General Produce Butter Receipts are gradually and steadily growing lighter , and the feeling is strength ening but has as yat not improved sufficiently to justify higher prices , which , however , may be looked for before long. In all probabilities , though , only the best grades of fresh grass butter will be affected , because , as a rule , in ferior grades continue to arrive freely during the warm months , owing principally to the holding of butter on account of low prices , which usually proves Itself to be poor policy. o quotations above lOo for strictly fresh ; able butter , and prices varying from G@8o Dr lower grades , while packing stock will only o at 4@Bc. Eggs In liberal supply and rather weak at9 @ 91c.CandlingIsabsolutjlyneceesaryand ship pers would find it to their advantage to do It iefore shipping , instead of paying freight on otten egea. Poultry Old chickens ore in fair demand , nd selling at $3.25@3.CO per dozen ; spring htckens are plentiful , and small sizes ex tremely slow and not aboyo 52,00 , while S2.DO "s outside for good sizes , Potatoes New ones are getting to bo more ilentiful and dally improving in quality. 'hoy are selling te-day at 80@90c per bushel , iut prices will drop quickly , Onions Per barrel , 54 Oi4 5) . Beans Moving slowly at § 1,00@1.25 per luahel. Drain Wheat Cash No , 2 , 71o. Barley 45@60c. Rye Cash No. 8 , 51c. Cora No. J , S3o. . Oats-No. 2 , SOo. Flour and MUlstntTa , SKLUNQ PBIOE3. Winter Wheat Firmjboat quality patent at J3.00@3.30. Beooud anality 83.70@3. 00. Spring Wheat Best quality patent at f 2.80 @ 3.0J. Second quolity-82.40@3.00. Bran 660 perowt. Chopped Feed-Per 100 Ibs. , 85c. Cora Meal 81.00@1.10 per owt. Screening No. 1 , 76o per owt ; No' ' 2 , BOo , Hominy 91.60 per cwt , Shorts 70o per cwt. Graham 92.00 per cwt. Hay S7.00@9.00 per ton. HlclCB. Steady ; green butchers' 6c ; green cored , Jcjdrv flint , 12@14c , dry salt i , 10@llc ! dam- iired hidoa two-thirds once. Tallow 4J@5e. Grease Prime white , 3J@4o , Sheep PclU-26c@75. Flsli Market- . Fisn No. 1 shore mackerel , half bbls , , 810.50 : family half bbls. , 54 00 ; No. 1 shore , kits , 5L.10 ; fat family , kit , 55o ; No 1 white- fiib , half bbls , , 57 00 ; No. 1 , kit , 85c > family half bbls. , S3 CO ; family , kit , EOc ; No. 1 trout , half bbls , , 51.50 ; medium No. 1 shore mack- oral , 58.00@1050 ; new California salmon , half bbls. , 57.00 ; smoked halibut , ISc ; new Holland herring , G5c , Grocer1 | LI t ScaABS Firmer : powdered , 80 ; cut loaf , 'Jo ; granulated , 79oj confectioners' A , 7Jc undard extra 0 , Olc ; extra 0 , Ggc ; medium yellow , 6J | dark yellow , 6Jo. Corruica Lower on nearly all grades ; ordinary grades , lOoi fair , 12 : good , ll12o ( prime , 12@13o | choice , I6@17o ; fancy green and yellow , 16@16Joj old government Java , 20@26o ; Arbuckle's roast ed , Kijo ; MoLaushlin's XXXX roasted , ISo Java , 16J181c ; Dllworth , ISo. Dnr FBDITB No , 1 , quarter apples , bbls 6o | N O sliced , boxes , 601 evaporated , boxes 8c ; blackberries , boxes lie ; peaches , J- boxes , OJoj peacnei , evaporated , none in the market ) raspberries , 03. OANDI Mixed , OJ@10 ; stick , JOs ; twisl ttlok , 9o VINIOAB New York apple , I6o | Ohio ap pie , 16 ; ; crab apple , 18c , STAKOQ Pearl , 4o ; " Silver Qioss , 8ci Corn Starch , 80 ; Excelsior Gloss , 7oi Corn , 7ic. OANKBD UOODB , Oysteis ' ( Standard ) pe case. S 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib per case. 3 40 raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 40 ; California pears per case , 5 80 ; apricots , per cose , 6 00 peaches per case , 6 SO ; white cherries per case , 6 76 ; plums per cue , 4 60 ; whortleber ries per case , 3 00 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case 1 80 ; green gages , 'i Ib , per cue , 2 ! X3j pini aples , 2 Ib , per case , S 20@5 60. PiOiLtB Medium in barrels , 6 00 | do In half barrels , 8 00 ; small , in barrels , G 00) ) do in half barrels , S 60 ; gherkins in barrels , 7 C do In half barrels , 4 00. RIOB Louisiana , prime to choice , l@7a. } COACKKBS - G arneau's soda , butter and pic nlc. 44 : creams , 7i ; ginger snaps , 7J ; Oit RoPl-Si J , 1 inch and larger , 8o'l Inch , BAIT Dray loads , pe bbl , ICOl Ashlon , n sacks , 8 60 ; t sacks Ashton , 1 00 ; bbls dairy 260@2 75 BPIOW Pepper , 18o { iplce , 14e ; olorea , 20a STBUP Standard O 28o , bbli } BUddird do 4 gallon kegs , .3. * SODA In Ib papers 8 26 ease ) kegperf 'OAI DLS Boxei , 40 ib . 16s , 12 o , 8s. Mi > oxefB4011ji , 10 oz , 6s , 12Jc ; half box , 201bs "flosra-Kirk'a Baton Imperial ; 8 16 ; mrk' Rtinot , 8 30 ; Kirk's ' standard , 8 66 ] Kirk i White Russian , 4 85 , MATCHIB Per caddie , 8801 tonnd.rl.oase 65 > sqaare , cases , 170 ; Oshkosh. CMOS grl.20 T AS Gunpowder , good 46@55ci choloa © 7Go | good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , 60 ® Young Hyson , good , 8 ( @BOc ; choleo , 60 000 ; Japan , natural leaf , 76o ; Japan choice 075o ; Oolonr good , 85@40ot Oolong cholo 406Bc ; Souchong , good , 80fl40cj cboloo , 86 . WOODINWAHB Two hoop palls , 1 85) ) three hoop pailf , 2 10 , Tubs , No. 1 , 8 60 | pioneer washboards , 1 76 ; Donblo Crown , 80 | woU- rackets , 8 75. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cans in case 85 Babbitt's ball , 2 dot. in case , 1 SO ; An tnor'ball , 3 dor. in C BO , 1 60 , * Tobacco. Fine cut Hard to Beat , 70cj Charm of the West , GOo ; Fountiln , 74o : Golden Thread 7c ; Favorite , GOc ; Buds , COo ; Rocky Moun tain , SOo : Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c. Plug tobacco-Climax , 44o per Ib , ; Horse- hoe , 4Gc : Star , 4Gc ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; Our lope , 60c ; Piper Heidslck , GOe ; Punch , 40o. Bmoklng tobaccd-O. B. , 22o | Meerschaum , 80o ; Long Tom SOo. Blackwoll's ' Durham , 16 r. , Clc ; 8 oz. , 660 ; 4 or. , 67c ; 3 or. , 60o. oal of North Carolina , 16 or. , 42o ; 8 or. , 45c ; or. , 48o ; 3 or. , 60o , Navy Olippingi , 2Gc. Eilllkinlck , 4 or. , 27c ; 2 oz. , 28o. Dncas AND CHIMIOALS Acid , carbolic , 44o cid , tartario , 65o ; balsam copaiba , per 1 . 66c ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , 12o ; e lomoi , per b , 90o ; cinchonidlo , per or. , 80 60 ; ohloro- ormi per Ib , 51 00 ; Dovors powders , per Ib , ! 1 25 ; eosom salta , per Ib , SJo ; glycorlno inro , per tb , 25o ; load acetate , per Ib , 20c ; ol castor No. 1 gal. . 51 GO oil castor , N rAHkUl , * - Wf per * * * Tr * * " * ; * W.-W- - er gal. , 51 40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , 51 40 ; o rigonum , 50c ; opium. 64 60 : quinine , P. a ; W. , and R. & S. , per or. , $1.00) ) potassium ; odido , per Ib. . 53 60 ; solicin , per oz. , 40c ; ul hate morphine , per or. , S3 60) ) lolphur , 10 b. 4o ; strychnine , per or , , 51 80 , Dry Good * BBOWN SHKrnNas Atlantic A , 7Jo ) Allan- o P , 601 Atlantic LL , 6ic ; Brunswick , 74c ; e&ver Dam LL , 6Jci Lawrence LL 51o ; PaGe - Go H , 7 o ; Royal Standard Glc ; Indian Head A , 7o ; Wauchusett A , Gj . FINB BBOWN SnEBTiNaa Argyle , Go ; Pop- orell R , 61o ; Salisbury R , Go. BLIAOHBD COTTONS Ballon. 4-4 , GJcj Bal on , 7-8 , 6Jo ; Cumberland , 4-4,740 : Davoll DD , io ; Falrmount , 4oj Fruit of the Loom 4 , jo ; Glory of the Woat , SJcj Golden Gato.SJo ; till 7-8 , 7c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jo ; Lonsdole , 7jo ; New York Mills , lOc ; Wamautta , lOo. DOOKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 or. , lljpi Bos on , 10 or , lOio ; Boston , 9 or. , 121o | FaU River DUOKS ( Gray ) West Polnt,8 or. , llcj West Point. 10 or. , 12Jc ; Point Boar , 8 or. , lie. TIOKINOS Amoskeaft. ISo Continental Fancy , 9foi Cordts. 13o | Pearl River , 21o ; York , 13jc ; Hamloton Awnings , 12ic. DBNIMB Amoskesg , 13o ) Beaver Creek AA Ic ; Beaver Creek BB , lOc ; Beaver Creek 0 , 9o ; Haymakers , 80 ; Jaffroy D & T , 12Jo ; affrey XXX , 12ioj Pearl Rlvor , ISo ; War. en AxA ( brown ) , lie ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lo : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. CAMBRICSFifth avenue glove finish , 4Jo ; Keystone glove finish , 60. .COBSET JBANS Amory , lie ) Hancock , 8c ; Kearsargo. 7io ; Rockport , 6jo. PBINTB Aliens , 6ic ; American , 6401 Arn- Id'a 6c ; Cocheco , 60 ; Harmony , 4Jo ; Indigo , c ; Indigo 7-8 , lljc ; Indigo 4-4,14io ; Steel liver , 6iq : Charter Oak , 4Jc. Spirits , CoLoam SpiBna 188 proof , 119 ; do , 101 roof , 120 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , ? 9 : do , 188 proof , 118. ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcahol I SO per wine crallon. WHISKIES Redistilled whiskies , 100 150 ; Fine blended , 1 603 00 ; Kentucky bourbons bens 2 00@6 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylva nia ryes , 2 00(26 60. BBANDIES Imported , B 00@16 00 ; domes tic , 1 BOfeS 00. GINS Imported , 460600 ; domostlo , 160 © 300. RUMB Imported , 4 50@8 00 ; New England , 3 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported , per case , 28 00@ 84 00 ; American , per case , 10 CO@1G 00. Flnt * Olio nd Vsurnlsbea. OlM 110 carbon , P DOT gallon , Hot 168 headlight , per gallonll6o | ; 175 ° headlight per gallon , 16c ; 160 ° 'water white , 15c ; lin seed raw , per gallon , tOo ; linseed boiled , per gallon , B3c ; Lard , winter Btr'd , per gallon. 70o ; No. 1 , 60o ; No. 2 , 50 ; castor XXX. per gal lon , 1 50c ; No. 3,1 40 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 OOi perm W. B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish W. B. , er gallon , 65 ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , OOc ; io. 1 , 75o ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30o ; ummer , IBo ; golden machine , No , 1 , per gal- on85o | ; No. 3,28o ; sperm , signal , per gallon 90o ; turpentine per gallon , OOo ; naptba , 7 0 , "or gallon , IGo , Dry Palnta White lead 88c ; French Be , lo | Faili whiting , 2icj whiting gilders , lo ) whltlnp ; com'li IJo ; lampblack , Germantown , 1455 ampblack , ordinary , 10c | Prussian blue , o nntramarlne , 18c ; vandyke , brown , So ; am be lumt , 4o ; umber , raw. 4o ; sienna , burn 4ctr lenna , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 35o ? aris greencommon , 20o ; chrome green , N. Y Oc ; chrome green , K , , 12oj vermilllon , Eng 60 ; vermilllon , American , 18c ; Indian , red Oc ; rose pink , 14oj Venetian , rod , Cookson's fo ; Venetian , red. American. IJc ; red lead io ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20o ; chrome yel- ow , K.,12o : ochre rochello. So ; ochre , Frenh 2o ; ochre , American , 2o : Winters mineral , 2Jo ; lohigh brown , 240 } Spanish brown , 2o ; Prince's mineral. So , VABNisHEa Borreli , per galloni Fumlturo , extra , 8110 ; furniture.No. 1 , 81 ; coach , ex * tra , 81 40 : coach , No , 1 , 81 20) ) Damar , extra , II 75) ) Japan , 70o ; asphaltum , extra , 85o , shellac , 83 60 : hard oil finish 81 50. PAINTS IN OiL Whlte lead , Omaha , P. P. 5f oi.whlte lead , St. Louis , pnre , 6 60 ; Marseil os cireen , 1 to &Ib cans , 20o | French zinc ; roen seal , 12oj French zlno , red seal , lie , franch zlno , In varnish oast. , 20o ; French rino , n oil asst , 16o ; raw and burnt nmber , 1 'b ianj , lOo : raw and burnt Sienna lOc ; vandyke ; rown , ISc ; refined lampblack , 12ot coach ilftck and Ivory black , IGo ; drop black , 16c ; ? russian blue , 40oi ultramarine blue , 18o : chrome green , L , M & D. , 16o ; blind and shutfr ( rreen , L. M. AD. , IGc ; Paris green , 180) ) Indian red , 16o ; Venetian red , Do ; TUB- can red , 22c ; American vermilllon , I. t P. * ; yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , O , & P. O , , 18o ; rellow ochre , 9cj golden ochre , ICcj patent dryer , 8c ; Rrainlw ; colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash. 16o Heswy Bsvrdwaro tilsjt. Iron , rates , 2 10 ; plow steel , special cost , 4cj crucible , 60 ; east tools do , 16a20cj wagon spokes , per set , 2 26a3 00 ; bnbs per set , L 35 ; telloes sawed dry , 140 ; tongues , jach , 70o ; axles , each , 75c ; square nutsj per b , 7allcj washers , per Ib , 8al8o | rivets , per b , 11 o ) coil chain , per Ib , 6al2c | malleable , Jo ) Iron wedges , 6ci crowbars , Cci barrow Leeth , 4o ; spring Bteel , 7&8e ; Burden's horse shoes , 4 05 ; Burden's muleshoes , 505 , BABBXO WIBE In car lota , 4 00 per 100. NAILS Rates , 10 to CO ; iron , 2.50 ; Bteel , 2.G5. 2.G5.SHOT Shot , 160 ; buckshot , 1 85) orlenta ! owder , kegs , 3 Wai 00 ; do , holt kegs , 2 UO ; do quarter kegs , 1 50 blasting , kegs , 3 85) ) lute per 100 feet , 50o. LEAD Bar , 160 , COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor ris run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whltebreast lump 6 00 ; Whitebreut nut , 6 00 ; Iowa lump , 6 00 Iow nut , 6 00 ; Rock Bprinff , 7 00 ; Anthra det , U Sfiall 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 per on. Dry Iiumlicr. Wholesale On Board Cars at Omaha , DIMENSIONS AND TIUBEBS , 12 ( t. lilt 1 ft. 18 20 It 22 It. 2i t 10.50 10 CO 10 00 17.00 18.00 19 00 20.00 2x6 1C 00 16.00 16.00 10.00 17,00 19.60 19.60 10.00 10,00 10 IX 17.00 18:00 : 19.00 20.00 ixlO . 1600 16.00 16 00 18.00 17.00 1300 19.0 2x12 . 100010.00 1000 17.00 18.002400 21.00 U4-8J8. . . . . . . 1660 10. & 0 1060 17.60 18.MI19.60 20 6 SHIP tAFi No. 1 , PUId , 8 or 10 Inch. , 818 00 No. 2 , Plain , 10 inch. 16 TO N&.1 , 0. Q 19 00 CEILINQ. 1st Com , 9 inch , Norway 1660 2dCom , I Inch , Norway 14(3 TENOINO , No. 1 , G inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough..817 60 So. 1,6inch , 16 feet , rough 1760 No , 2 , 6 Inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . . . 14 60 No. 2 , 6 inch , 16 feet , rough 15 60 No. 1 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 feet rough. . . . 17 6f tfo. 1 , 4 Inch , 16 fee' , rough 17 50 o. 2 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 f et , rough. . . . 14 60 No. 3 , 4 inch , 16 feet , rough 1660 EOABDS. No. 1 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft 816 76 No. 2 boards 12,14 and 16 ft 14 75 No. 8 boards , 12,14 and 10 f t 12 75 No. 4 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft , ( shipping cull ) 10 76 FINISHING , 1st , 2d and 8d Clear , H inch , s , | 2s 850 00 st , 2d , and 3d Clear , 1& and 2 inch , s. 2s 60 00 B Select , U , 14 nnd 2 inch , s. 2s 80 00 1st , 2d nnd 3d , Clear , 1 inch , s. 2 45 00 A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s 40 00 B Select , 1 Inch , B. 2 SO 00 siniNcj , 1st Com. , 12,14 and 10 foot 822 00 2d Com. . 14 and 16 feet 10 00 8d Com. , 14 and 10 feet 15 00 Fence , 14 and 16 foot 1100 TLOOBINO , 1st Com. 6 Inch , white pine 838 00 2d Com. G inch , white plno 85 00 3d Com. G Inch , white pmo . , 28 00 Sol. Fence G Inch , white pine 19 50 st and 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-6 inch. 24 60 BTOOK BOARDS , A12 Inch , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 16 feet 45 00 B12Inch , s. IB. 12 , I4andl6foet 41 00 O 12 Inch , s. Is. 12 , 14 and 16 foot 30 00 D 12 inch , s. 1 B. 12,14 and 18 feet 23 00 No. 1 Com. 12 In. , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 ft 18 00 No , 1 Com.l2in. , s. 1 s. 10,18 and 20 ft21 00 fr > . 2 Com. 12 in. , s. 1 B. 12,14 and 16 ft.16 00 BATTENS , WKLLIUDINO , PICKETS. 0 , G. Bats , 3 Inch 8 .86 . O. G. Bat' , 2jInch , 76 inch Bats , s. 1 40 Inch well tubing , D. & M 23 00 inch well tubing , Bov 23 00 Pickets : D. & H , Flat , 822 00 ; D & H. Sqnaro 24 00 BIINdLES AND LATH. Glnch , Clear ' . . . . ' . . . .83 AStandard 2 75 inch , Clear 1 GO No.l. 120 Lath 2 0 POSTS. Thito Cedar , 6 inch , halves 13 o Whlto Cedar , 5jt inch , halves 11 o Vhito Cedar , 8 inches , quarters 11 s Vhite Cedar , 4 inch , round 14 c LIME , ETO. > ulncy . white lime ( best ) 90c I * ei . oc 'ement tL.as Master ( Michigan ) 2.40 'arrod felt , per cwt % 1.85 traw board , per cwt 1,70 DENVKIl MA11ICET. FLOtra Colorado , 100 Ibs , 215@2 20) ) pat- nt , 100 Ibs. , 2 763 00 ; Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 75 © 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ibs , 1 GO ) ryp , 100 Ibs. 25. 25.GBAIN GBAIN , FEED , Era-Wheat' 100 Ibs , 8135 corn , 100 Ibs , 115(31 ( 20oots | , Nebraska mlxed.lOO Ibs 1 G0@l 65 ; Nebraska oats white , G5@170f bran , ton , 1700) ) chop , com , 100 bs , 1 20@12576 ; : chop mixed , 100 Ibs , 160 © 1 60 ; corn meal , 100 Ibi. 1 40(3160. ( HAT Loose , per ton , 10 C012 00 ; baled , eoond bottom , 10 6011 00 ; baled , upland , 12 00@14 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 12 0016 00) ) traw , ton , 6 007 00. BCTIEB Creamery , finest , Ib , 27@28o : creamery pcicd. Ib , 24@25o ; Illinois and own datrv Ib 18@29o ; Kansas and Ne- irasia dairy , Ib , 15@lja ; common , lb,6@8o ; utterino creamery , Ib , 20@22o ; butterino airy , Ib , 1618a. CREESE Full croam. Ib. 18@16o ; hall ream , Ib , 10@lloj skim , Ib , 9o ) Swiss , Im- lorted , R2o ; Swiss , domestic , Ib , 20@22 ; Llm- rarger , SOo. Boas State , fresh candled , dor , 14@15o ; resh ranch , dor , 15@16c. POULTBY Live old chickens , dor , 6 50@G 00 ; dressed chickens , Ib , lB@16o ; dressed tnrkeys , b. , 20 22.l J POTATOES 100 Ibs. 16E@195 ; Salt Lake , 00 Ibs , 2 00 ; new California , 100 Ibs , 2 75 ® 00. 00.VEaETABLESOnloni , 100 Ibs , 400@425 ] turnips. 100 Ibn. 1 76 ; cabbage , new Callfor- ia , 100 Ibr , S C03 25 ; lettuce , do ; , 50c ; addlehes , doz. 40c ; yonug enlons , doz , 20c ; parsley , dor , 40c ; pie plant , doz , 20c ; oyster ilant , doz , EOc ; spins ch , doz , 8c ; osparagxis , [ ) , 40o. callflower , Ib , 18o ; cucumbers , dor , 60@1 75. GliEEN FBTJTTS Apples , bbl , 850 ; Messina emons , extra , box , 0 00@6 00 ; cranberries , bbl , 12 00 ; Messina cranges. box. 6 75600 ; California oaanges , box , 2 25@2 75 ; bananas , bunch. 2 00@4 00 ; pina apples , doz , 400 ® 1 50 ; Strawberries , California , 15c qt , 8 00 M 25 box ; strawberries , eastern , crate , 5I@ ( 50 ; cherries , California , 10 Ib box , 2 25 ® 00 ; plums , box , 2 25 ; apricots box -3 25 CUBED MEATS Hams , sugar cored , Ib , 101 Ogc ; bacon , breakfast , Ib , ICiOllJo ) salt Ides , Ib , 71@7Jc ; lard in palls , 9 ® 9o ) lard n tlerces8o. Fnisn MEATS Dressed beel , Colorado , per 00 Us , 7003725 ; hogs , dressed , 100 Ibs , 6 256 76 ; mutton. 100 Ibs , 610@6 CO. Live STOOK Beef grots oattio , 100 Ibs , 4 00 04 60 ; hogs , 100 Ibs , 4 604 75 ; sheep , 100 bs , sheared , 2 76@3 50. Hides. l > ry Flint No. 1 , per Ib , llJOWo ; ? o. 2. Ib , 910o ; green steers and cows , b , 46o ; green calf , Ib , G@8c ; greon.klp , Ib , 5 Go ; branded calf , Ib. Go : shearlings , Ib , lOglCci sheep skins , dry , lb,5@Go ; doer skins Ib , 12@lGo : antelope skins , lo. 1215j elk skins , Ib , 9@10c ; tollnw Ib , 4@4o WOOL Colorado choice , per tb , 14 ( 16ct leavy , 12@13cJ ; Now Mexican , averapo , 7 @ 10o. Flan-Mackerel , No. 1. 140 , kit , 115 © 136 ; mess , 1602 00 ; California salmon , hall bbl , 9 50r Holland barring , keg , 1 35 ; reah lake trout bbl 15@16c FRED W. GRAY , ( SnOOESSOB TO ) FOSTER & Gil AY , ve-JBtooc.33Sja.ac-n LUMBER WHITE PINE , YELLOW PINE , OALI FORNIA REDWOOD ASH , OAIC , BLACK WALNUT , SPANISH OEDAR. leaf Creek Lime , Louisville Cement Portland Cement , Iowa and Michigan Plas ter , Hair , Etc. Etc. Cor. Oth fe Douglas HAMBURG-AMERICA ! PACKET COMPANY ; irect Line for England , F/ance and Germany. The steamships ol this veil kuowu line ais el Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are Inr Uihed with every requisite to mtko the ptsesig b ) th sale acd agreeable , They cany the Uoltod Hitcs and European mills , and letve New York Tnusdariand Batuidtys lor I'lymouth ( LONDON ) Oherboug.lI'AHIS and JIAUDUHF ) Ilatc" , rlrit Cablc&MlOO Steerage to nd ( rota Hamburg { 10. G , 11 IMOnAKU & CO. , Gen eral 1'iet. Agent , 61 broadway , New York and Washlngtun and La Lelle streets , Chicago or Ileury Pundt Maik llaneon , f. E. Uooret , tiarry P , Deu Omaha ; Oronewli ; & 3cbooneger , In Country. ACf-JEWTS WANTED LIVE To work Lite and Accident Inlurinoe lor a ttroDL- New York company , In every town m Nebmika ana Iowa. GooJ ocmmlaelontd workers , iddrcat E. 0. W1LCOX & CO. neialAienti K'liu ( EUCoceaoBti io jonx a , UNDERTAKERS I At the old stand 1117 Parrum Bl. Orders bj Uli mphaollclttduidprocipU altended to , Stlrpsoei THE CHICAGO AND NORTH- 1 WESTERN < RAILWAY. THE BEST ROUTR AND Omaha Council Bluffs and Chicago. Ths on y to take ( of Dei Molneo. Marshall town , Cedar Rapids , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil waukee and all points cast. To the people of No > raska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Nevada Oregon , Washington and California It often superior advantages not possible by any other line. Among a tow of the numerous points of superior- ty eojojod by the patrons of this road between > maha and Chicago , are Its two trains a day of DAT XtACflKS which are ttaeflnctt that human art and ngcnulty can create ; Its PALACE SLKKl'lNQ CAIIS which are models of comlori and olcganoo ; Ita PAR LOU DRAWING ROOU OARS , unaurpasaod by any and Us widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CARS he equal of which cannot be found elsewhere. At Council Bluffs the trains of the Union Paolfle ly. connect In Union Depot with tboae of the Chlca o & Northwestern Ry In Chicago the trains ol thli ine make dose connection Kith those of all eastern Inej. ngton and all points In the East , uk the ticket agent for tickets via the -NOOni-WESTERH , ' fvonwtantho b st accommodation ! . All tlokel agents sell tickets via this line. IL nuaiiirr. its HAITI , General Uanagei. Oe . P/ss. Ageni CIIICAOOW.N. . IHBCOCK , Den HH FarnnmSt , Omaha , No CHICAGO , tft Paul THS SHOUT LIN rKOM OMAHA TO THE EAST , TWO TRAINS DAILY DETTVVEEN 01TAHA AND Chicago , Minneapolis. Milwauk eo St. Paul , Cedar Rapids , Davenp ort Clinton , Dubuque , Rockford , Rock Island Freeport Janesville , Elgin , Madison , La CroBse , Belolt , Winona , And all other Important points East , North east and Southeast. Ticket office at ItOl Farnam street ( In Pattern Heel ol ) , and ft * Union Pacific Depot. Pullman Sleepers and tbo Finest Dining Cars In ho World are run on t no main lines of tbo OniCAoo IILWAUKIIB & ST. PACL K'r and every attention la paid o puaenzers by coiuteous employct ol thooompaoy. S. S. MKKRILL , A. V. U. OARPKNTEU , General Manager , Qen'l Faesennor Agent. R. MILLER , OEO. F. HEAFFORD , Ass't Gcn'l Manager. Aea't Oen'l Pass Agent J. T. CLARK , Gen'l Superintendent Railway Time Table- In Effect April 5th. 1886. Tbi attention ol the travelling pnbllo Is caUed to the ( act that this 1s the only complete and absolutely orrect time-table published In the oily , All trains arrtie at and depart from Omaha bj Central Standard Time. Trains of the a St. F. II. A 0. urlv * it and ds part from their depot , corner of Uth and Webstei ireets : trains 01 the B. * M. . , O. B. A Q. , and K , 0 it. J. i C. B , from the B. k U , depot ] all others from he Union Paclflc depot a , Daily ; b , except Halnrda ; ; o , eiospl Snud y | d , xoepl Monday. DEPART. ARBITE. nx. Union Pacific. A. U. BSOa . Pacific Express . . 7 COS , 1 20 . . Denver Express. . , O.A.Rop.Valloy. 180 . . Hall and Express - Et.A M. In Nsb. 810a . . . Hall and Express. . . e IDS 0 Oda . . . Night Express. _ 10 10 * BOUTUWAKD. our I Pacific 1 0a ! > ay Express. 6 COa OOOp. . . .NlRhtSipre 6 OOp K.CSt.J.A.C. B. T i6b . . . .VlaPlattsmouth 7 Odd I IBS 7 COb _ .Vla Council Blofla 7 lOd 7 Its Wabash Routo. SOp . .ChlcagoExpross. . . . Otfd 7 OCi Bt.Iionli Expren. 8 45l BAflTWAKD. O. M. & 8t. Paul. a HOB Day Express 7 lit Ub Night Express g ld C. RI IA Pacinc. B Uc Day Express T tie ! 0b Night K > pro tiCd a'ioo . Accommodation - Tile C , & N-W. 8 lie . . .Day Express. . . 7 tie t SOb _ _ , Night Express. . B Ud For Chlcago'naPlitam'tb P tOa 7 Ua 8 Ha For Chicago via 0. BlnBe B I 8 s NOBTHTVARD. o. at. P. M. A o. . .Slonx City Express. . . 6 tic 8 600 Oakland Accommodation 10 SOo Iowa Dlv. 8.C.&P. ' ' . .St. Paul Day Kxpreel , , 7 Us 0'lE * .SI. Panl Night Express. B tla OMAHA BRIDGE TRAINS Dummv Tralna I ve Omaha at ff 25,7 2B 8 00,10 00,1116 a mli60 , S 00 , 8 00 , i 00 , 166 , B CO LI 10 pm. On Snndaysthe 7 60 and 10 00 a m and 100 and i 00 p m trains do not ran. Arrive at trans * er depot IS mlnotei latoi : Broadway depot SO min utes Uten Leave Conndl Dlnffs ( Broadway depot ) at 666,7 66 , 9 80,10 SO , 11 * mi 1 M , S SO , 8 SO. 428 , 125. and 1145 p m. On Sundays the B SO and 11 40 am and S SO and B 26 p m trains will not ran. Arrive at Transfer 7 minutes later , Omaha 20 mlnntea later. TranaforTralnS-Leave Omaha at 8 If , 811 am , U86 , 2 20,420,800 and 7 00o m , dally. Arrive at 8 80 and 1100 a D , 1 06 , 8 SO , 7 20 and 7 65 p. so. _ _ _ _ _ SUNDAY TRAINS To and from Chicago via the Tripartite Alliance Iilnek BOBPAT MORnmo. | SATPBPAT IVX Mll. | 1H. | N-W I N-W | ! | H ) February 15 1-22 81 81 7-sa U March . . B- 16 1-221 14 21 MS April IB t-U I t-25 11 18 May 10-81 17 8-211 19 I-2S B-M Sunday evening and Monday morning t rains an ) In corresponding order. C. B. * Q. train s rnn eve day. STOCKYARDS TRAINS. tcavt Union Pacific depot at 0 40 a m and D II Arrive from Stock Yards at 7 ! 6 a in c and BII Seventeen years Experience , DR.G.W.PANGX.E . . . . Ueider of Dlseaees of Men and Women. Electric , Magnetic and Herbalist 1'hyelcUn Now located al 1210 DouKlts St Omaha , Neb. , op stairs. A correct dlsitnoeU glun without any explanation .rora the patient. Consultation free at ofhoe. / Treat the Following Diseases , Catarrh of the Head , Diseases of the Eye and Ear. Heart Disease , Liver Complilct , Kidney Com plaint , Nervous Debllltv , Mental Depression. I/oaiol Manhood , DIabeUa , Brlgbt's Dlstase , tit Vltuo Dance , Bbeumat'em ' , Puralytli , Hhlte Swelling * Scrofula , Fever Bores. Cancers and Tumors remox ed without the knife , or the drawing of a drop o blood , Woman , with tier delicate organi , IteetoroU t < Health. Dropey Cured Without Tapping , Specla Attention Given to Private and Venereal DUeaaes o 11 Kinds. Tare Worms Removed In two or three hours or No Pay , Hemmorrnotds or Piles Cnred or KO Charge * Made. Those who are allllcted will ea e live and Imn dreda o ) dollars by calling on or unlni ; DR. 0. W , F'ANOI.E'a Herbal Medlctnas , S \use Loit d l > eca/ prescription of a noted ( oowro * liced. ) DruceliU c a fill It. Addreu OR. V/Art ! > 1 CO. * w CHAS. SHIVERICK FURNITURE EUPHOL3TERY AND DRAPERIES , * wsenger KleTator to [ all' ' floor * . (1300 ( , 1208 find 1210 Fnrnam Street t OMAHA , NEBRASKA" ' GBZARDWOOD JLMBEB ldSOrt.mlml1of l * ? ? ' err' < Bntornnl , Ydlow fii7t)0 S'to : Hardwood nd Popl.r P.n.l , Hardwood Flooring , Wa sa BtoeV , Balldwj1 Material , Rod 3edar lW Common Oak WmetjstoS and Brldg. Smw C & 52rdi l2r ? ° lh Pro ° 'do 8t , Eto. V D 8 , ranoy Wood. forBoroUBairlif.Eta.Ktfc g.W.Oor.Qthanfl Douglas. - . Omaha * Nob. Q , B. GREEN. GEO. BURK ( Will pay customers Draft with Dill of Lading attached , for two-thirds valuo'of stock , ) GREEN & BURKE. LIVESTOCKCOMMISSIOH ; HEEBCH'TS IUWION STOCK YARDS , ! letctanta & Fwrnort Hank D IdOltyNeb , Loarnoy National Uftnk. K * rnoy , Nob. 'olumbua S'atoBanlr ' , Columbus , Nab , IcDonnld'n Bank , North Platte , Neb. Omaha National Bank , Omaha , Nob. MAX MEYER & CO. , -ESTABLISHED , 1865 - Importers and Wliolcsale Dealers in Just Received , a full line of Meerschaum. Goods , prime quality , wliick were spe cially selected by our Mr.Max Meyer in Europe for our own trade. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF GunsAmmunitioAEtc , SE3ST3D OFOK ! IFRiaiE LISTS. Bfeyer & Co. , - Omaha , Neb. T.ICLARKEPrett. and Treat. A' CLJ.REArict Prctidtn JOHN T. CLARKE , Secretary. H. T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY. SUCCEEDING UBIGHTON & CLARKE.1 P ARGE3T Jobbing Drng house between Ohloapoand San Franclsoo. CAPITA ! STOCK , 8200,000. Ws U shall be at the bottom of tbo m kot at all times. Will dapllcate Chicago and St. Louis prices with relgbt added. Oar specialty will be PureHruys , Paints , Oils and Wintlotv Grlast ? Eslimates given on plate plase. Tothoeo about to embark In the drag business wlllilo | well to consult our Interest by calling on ua , or send for our prloo list which will appear bout January 6th , Mall orders elicited. 114 HAKNEV BTRKET. SPEOIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL TOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake It b iho boat and cheapest food for atook of any kind. One pound IB oqnal to ihroe ponndn o corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako In the Fall and Wlntov natead of running down , will Increase In weight and bo In good marketable condl- lon In the uprlng. Dairymen , as well aa ethers , who nso it , c&n testify to Ita mor- . Try It and jadga for yourselves. Price 824.00 per ton. No charge for sacks. Address WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WORKS , Omaha , Nob. [ DEALERS IN HalFs Safe and Look FIRE AND BURGLAB PROOF SAFES , VAULTS , LOCKS , ETC. 1OBO 3r vxxa.o > jm.tMBtz-eot. * " " > < n > T-ifi THE < L. L. STRANG COMPANY ; Double and Single Acting } Power and Harm J Eoglno Trimmlngo , Mlnlnj ; Mschlnory , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Flttlngi nt wholesale or retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILL3 , OH URGE AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb , iC.i F. GOODMAN. Wholesale Druggists AND DEALER IN PaintQ , flik , OMAHA , NEB. BOJLTX3 , ( Mtnafactursrs 'A OrnamenUl ' 9 Dftrsatl Window ) , Window daps , V tiHlo Bky-IJitSf , ko. Tin , lion Mi llaU EUottra , HI South lEth Btr lOni h , N W. Work dee la any lulo tk * oooaUr. HELLMAN CO 6 1301 AND 1 03 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TD , . 3XTJ33EB.