Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1885, Image 2

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    THE DAILY BEE-FRIDAY , JULY 10 , 1886.
.B.rowns Iron
Bitters ]
Tha QWtlon bag wobablr.bwni
of UmM , "I low can Brown's Iron Bitten c
ihlntTell , Itdoore't.lltitltdoesenreanTc !
for whlehairiraUble phj leUnwoaldpT crlbeIIU )
Fnrnclarui recognize Iron aa Iho beat rwtorallTB
known to the trrofrsslon , and Inanlr/ an/
Et cbomlcal Hrm will BibetantlaUi the assertion
there ara more rr paralloni o ( Iron than of an/
ether rnbrtanw need tn raMlfIns Thlt thows con :
elnsltelr that Iron it acknowledged to b th rnosl
Important factor In ire cermfol madlcal practlc , It la ,
howewr.arfinnrkaWef etth trrlortoth dinooT-
I/ alt ( act r/ Iron tnblnatlon had erer been found.
htadAche , or prodace oonrtlpallon nil ot her Iron
cnrcInillrcttlnnnillnniinei , WcnUne i ,
DnpcnMn , Alnlnrln , Clillln nnd FoTcra ,
Tired -JcncrnlIcUI1ltTrnln In tin
Bide , InrkorIlmb ! , HondnelioanlNrnrnI.
Hi a for all thooo atttnenU Inm U prtweribed dittr.
nlnnto. Uksallottjfr Ihormch rnMlclnM , It add
flowlr , When taken by mm the flnt * rmitora of
benefit ! rtneweden rjrr. Th mn cleithenboooni
{ Inner , the al < tc tlon Improves , the txnrelt r aotlre.
In woiTwn the effect U nmallr raoro rapid and marked.
TneejoftwttaatonM tobrlghlnn : the ektn clean
opt healUv color comra to the choeknt nerroTHnna
( UMppear * ! functional derangement ! beoon * rcn-
lar , ami If Knanlnr mother , abundant snitenanei
| nppljed for thn child. lUmtember Brown'i Iron
imten U Uia ONLY iron medlelna that la not in-
ruiooa , TAytfetonf an < t Vrvggiitt ricommind < ( .
rb 0 nntnekMTrid 'JIukand creased red IlnM
W. ot&s&l b Ui6 HROAO CLA ifc
TO.rmSOPERA.WHff . ,
\Srei1 . ercil
CJironlo , t Nervous Disposes
. . ;
. jiril 1T..I. ! „ , 'rlltcn „ . , . [ , i/nnrinit , . „ , „ trforf in given „ ; „ . , , fit „ .
jar-Bond u o Rfnmpi for C-loliratetl Medical
Works. A0dro . if. I ) . OLARIUJ , M. I ) . ,
ISO South Clark Street , CincAoo , ILL.
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 Days.
Ttchatala'7Uths-Abole ; 3S ; Fractions pro rata.
BnDJoci 10 no manlpoiatloo , not coatioUed by Iho
partleiln Intereit. II la Ibo fairest Iblng In tbo
alaieof cbanooln existence.
lor tickets apply to SDIPSCT & CO. , 121 ! Broad
way.R. T. City ; , or U.OTTKNB * 00 , BID llaln SI.
KamaaCUv. Ifo.
FflgMfiilCaseof a Colored Man ,
I conlroctoJ a fearful ease of blood poison In 1S33 P
1 was treated by eomo of tbo belt phyjlcUns In At
lanta , They used the old remedies of inoicury and
jHitasb , which btought on rhcumatltm , and Impair
ed my digestive oigjn1. Every joint In mo wag
ewollcn ft-jJ full of pain. When I was given up to
cllo my physicians thought It would be a pool time
to tett Uiu virtues ol SnKt'a SrcclQc. Woon I cam-
menced taklnR S 8. B. . the phys'tlin Bald I could tltl tla
not live two wctks under the ordinary treatment.
Ho oommoncod taglvoine the mrdloine strictly o- tl
oonl.ns to directions , which I continued for eoreral tlPI
months. I took ' .
nothing o'.so and continued to Im-
praro from too vary flnt Soon tbo rbcumalltm 81Ul
left me , my appetlto became all right , and the ulcsra Ul
which the doctor sild were the moat frightful be tl
had ever acn , bcgai to heal , and by the 1st ot Oo-
toher , 1884 , 1 was well man again. I am stronger 01
now tnan I ecor was before , and weigh more. S. S , S. 01ai
has sated me from an early grate.
grate.LLM aiw
Lcm McCIonkon has bosn In the employ of the laIn
CboesSCulty eompiny for eomo aears , and I know
the aboMj ( tatctncnta to Jio true. At the time he Inoi
brcanltiklnz Hwilti Bpcclllo ho wts In a horlblo con oi
dition. I ifgird his euro almost miraculous.
TiY. U. CROSIIY , Mnnapor. at
Chesj-Carloy Co. , Atlanta Dhislon. of
Atlanfa , Oa.A | > rll 18tb , 18SG. ofm
Korsalo by all urM 'letn. . m
H'roiti'oon blood and skin dUeases mailed free. ar
TIIIC Snirr Sriciric Co. , Diavier S , AtUnta , Ga ,
N. V , 167 W. 23d Si.
. of
fMi | > t.ujrc.wrh * . .v.t ,
TnrvATii CO
ManiooiJ ! Roslored he yo
JUMLUVlllHK. A victim of youthful Imprudence be
KuilliB 1'roaiaturo DecayNervou Uoblllty , Jxnt
anhood. Ac. , having tried la vain every kuonn fr
renicd/has dlscorerea a Rlnit > ! eiu Anao { > elfcuro.
uh.lph he.lll end VRKK ' ' " " " itGi
Imported Beer ofwl
KrUnger . larl l I CuimUcher . Uiv rl foi
1'llaujr . Uobomlan I KaUer . . . . . .Uromoa
Bujvuiscr . St. &oul Anhauier . Bt.Louli cc
Itost'a ' . M. Sclilltt 1 > l jicr.UU ukoe 83'
Krug' , 1'ortcr. Douustloand
Hlilno Wines. dl
ED MAUEER , 121 3 Farnam St , ha mi
1 I'rcnuiwro Dorllua from errors or eircuBps. an
.J.ONI 1'ow'Jlitawiof lli.i Klilni < rn. Ulud- tit :
drr. unJ l > raNnte < Uniiil OIULlillvltliant
el ( tiellureioti llolua. Vn-
rlpocclu ( xi without ifrsery. TrMtleonndton-
. . re
tfARSTON tf BO' M or OR. H. TRE8KOW. repi
vn . piTl
Cor. lath oad Douglas Sta. he tea
Capital Stock , - - - P150.00C a
Linbilityof Stockholders , 800,000 ec 'G
FiTe Percent Interest Pali av
. Vic Pkeeid n robe
air :
The Fonrtli in Anderson * Twenty
one Years Ago ,
Thirty Tlioniftncl Voices Singing tlio
National Antliom An Ex-Kobol
Describes the Scene and
the Sound.
"Kob Ro ; " in Indianapolis Sentinel.
Coming ont of the wooda Into a email
field of young cotton , the old gentleman
paused and told na wo were standing on
ground that waa n put of the oil prison
pen. There waa no sign at thla point of
ditch or atockado. The field was freshly
plowed and the growing pl ntn green and
strong. The crop waa that of a colored
man whoso homo wo might have guessed
waa near to ua through the copio of
young pines to our right. Graham tem
porarily forgot the historic interest of
the spot to listen to the rich melody and
eccentric boating of time by the acoro of
alugers. Walking across the little field
wo came to n ravlno and the spot where
"Providence apring" h d spouted up ita
waters into the priaon with a suddenness
cumlng the prisoners to deem it n mira
cle wrought by heaven in their behalf ,
fitlll strolling on wo reached where had
been the entrance to the stockade. The
cabin whence the singing came was not a
hundred yards distant , and ao enjoyable
was tho-aound of it that wo Involuntarily
ceased conversation to drink it In.
"You think that worth Hatoning to , "
aald our venerable oacort , when the song
wad'onded ; "but over twenty years ago I
heard'just ' where wo now are , a grander
BODR the noblcat burat of vocal melody
that-over fell on mortal oar. "
Wo aeatod ourselves upon a fallen tree ,
but the old gentleman remained standing
before us , cano and hat in hand.
"It was n chorus of moro than 30,000
throats within the stockade there , celo1
brating the Fourth of July , 18G4. It
waa under circumstance such but lot mo
explain the circumstances , "
Ho placed his hat on a stump near
him and transferred his cano to hla left
hand ,
"Tho let day of July , 1864 , " ho ro-
antnod , "thoro were nearly 34,000 pris
oners confined thero. The weather , ex
cessively hot , waa producing much sum
mer sickness among the soldiery guarding
the prison. The latter was largely com *
posed of Georgia state troopa from the
northern counties. To remove both
from the region of tholr henioa the mili
tia of the aouthotn counties was taken to
'Atlanta and that of the mountain section
aialgned to duty at Andersonvlllo and
other aonthorn points. So prevalent be
came malarial Illness among the latter
and aa often was It fatal that they became
demoralized. Add to this source of un- le
erjjincss the steady advance of Sherman's
army , desolating the homea of many of a
them , and leaving tholr families without DwJ
broad. \ Such was the anxiety of theao wJ
men that by the 1st of July the guard on
had becpmo smartly decimated
1t by 1t desertions. The nights of si
the Iat and 2d over 300 deser up
tions were added. One entire company pv
marched off , rank and file , taking their jawi [
arms with them. Wlttz's inhumanity wi
toward them lent an additional aeuaa of
self-jnatiGcation for their action. Thla trc
d Jeclmation of the guard had by the 3d on
become a serious affair to the commander to
of tbo post , and when at nightfall Wlrtz po
became suspicious that the prisoners had loc
gotten wind of the situation , and might cat
ba planning a break for Ilebrty , ho tele a 1
graphed Geo. Cobb , commander of the ap
the third military district , with headquar fol
8c . Macon , for reinforcements , But
Oobb had none to send , ana could only wo
promise to eomo in person. sol
"Tho following morning , the 4th of the
July , discovered yet further diminution ly
olo' oar fore ? . I wont on guard about 9 a
o'clock. ' My position waa at the top of for
the stockade wall ; about there , " pointing gre
little to the right of where bad been gin
the entrance. "Iho scenes within the a
prison were somewhat unnaual. Hero the
and there groups would form and hold gre
undertonod conversations. Witnauing
thla , Wirtz grow yet mora uneasy and coa
ordered all hls-forco under arms. con
"A little after 11 o'clock Capt. Wlrtz Ma
and Gen. Winder , with a email escort ,
walked to the station. A few mlnntoa are
later a lone locomotive came steam of :
ing through the plnoa from the direction of F
Macon , from which , when it drew up dee
the depot , stopped Gen. Oobb and two not
officers of hla etaff. There were a few but
minutes of conversation between them on
and Wirtz and Winder , and then the In i
party , with the escort , marched toward the
the stockade. taki
"Whllo Wlrlz waa forming tha troops rooi
tha peat into a hollow equare , facing rooiI
the centre , Gen. Oobb and staff stood Par
with Winder in the shade of yonder tree. lain
Looking ( at Howell Cobb , I remembered find
his having been secretary of war of the brie
United States. It waa evident he was Yel
jolng to apeak , and I was glad that my norl
station ! wai near enough to hoar him. It hen
ivas about five minutes before 12 o'clock is tl
noon when , accompanied by hla staff , so a
SVritz , and Winder , ho walked to the her
ontra of the aquaro nnd , with Wiriz'a her
isslstance , stopped upon the large stump chai
pou see thero. ate
" 'Soldiers of the Confederate States , '
bsgon , 'what news i thla that has
been berne to our district commander "
from < the commandant of this post ? Can heai
bo possible that soldiers of the south doei
Seorglans h vo been guilty of desertion and
cf abandoning the duty assigned thorn dop
guarding yonder horde of vandala , havi
irliom your more valorous brothers in. thel
irnu have captured upon many a well- enoi
fought field ? ' Dist
"At thla instant , 12 o'olouk ' , from the Ing
cntro of the prison pen was hoard a
nund ' of song. Turning my eyes In that
Erection : , I aaw that several thonaand Boat
nen had congregated , while others were "
laatoning toward the assemblage. Per- BOftl
iaps not more than fifty voices were thai
wording the first verso of the familiar thaiJi
\nthem. The speaker onloldo was con- root
lnulng expresiiona of astonishment at tlon
what ho had hoard , when the chorus waa ti
reached , and with detonations like an ex- aho
ploilon 0,000 voices pealed : ahou
Iho star-spaagled banner , 0 long may it u
wave her >
O'er the ) land of the free and the borne of the lovt
is si
"Tho aong burst had alattled the
ipoaker or drowned his utterance , for he Sir
badauddenly stopped and turned hla face Nev
toward It. When It had ceaied , and only mfn i
few score voltes were aintjlnK the ,
second ttanzi , ho commaddod Wlrlz :
'Go stop that nolsoi' Wirtz hastened
w y and flowell Oobb resumed ;
" 'Would you sea that horde turned
loose within that state to pillage and burn
pour home * , with your wives , slaters , \r
daughtero at their mercy ] '
The verse w s ung and the chorna
reached agiin. The congregation num. W )
bored 10,000 aero than befbre. Heav
! what a awell of sound ! The very
leomed to quiver with the concussion
-ho { stockade wall to tremble , The
guards on mount were stunned with won
derment. Wlrtz , who had reached tha
great gale , stood stock still as If par
alyzed. The soldiers forming the square
were all now facing the prison.
"Tho storm lulled , the speaker sought
to resume , but his manner WAS discon
certed. Wirtz was moving nervously
about , but essaying nothing. They hoard
the breeze of song sweeping the lines of
the third stanzt , but knaw it only for-
boded the return of the tempest. And
now it comes :
"Thoro are 20.0CO throats swelling the
call of the pennant under which they
had fought , and D,000 more joined In the
invocation :
, . . O lontr may It wave
O'er the land of tbo free nnd the homo of the
bravo ,
"Tho echo of the last words has but
struck the branches of the pines when
they begin to repeat. Higher , wider ,
deeper , stronger , louder the stroll ! It
peals it roars It booms It thunders !
It Is an artillery of song ! The speaker
outside stands transfixed. Ho has hoard
the anthem before , but never ns now.
Perhaps It Is reminding him of the hlqh
position ho but lately hold under the flag
It defines. The listeners appear almost
panicked. A guardsmen's gun drops
from hla hand without his missing It.
"Again they repeat , and now the scone
grows wild. Thirty thontand voices are
clanging the chorus 30,000 bosoms
swelling with thought of country , and
flag , nnd homo , and loved ones from
whom they are parted. Men with but
one log clamber up , and , supported by
their stronger comrades , wave their caps
aloft and join the chorus :
The star-spangled banner , O , long may it
O'er the land of theiroo and tbo homo of the
"Once more they repeat , and now all
the prison IB in the sky-rending peal
the very walls , the ground. Poor , fever-
wasted frames , within an hour of dissolu
tion from their spirits , half uprlto , and
propping upon one hand raise the with
ered fingers of the other aloft while
they unite their cracked voices in the ro-
fraln they will never hoar more :
The star-spangled banner , O , long may It
O'er tha land of the free and the homo of the
Sweeney's Oar.
Bill Nye.
But I was going to speak moro in par
ticular about Mr. Sweeney's cat. Mr.
Swoonoy had a largo cat named Dr. Mary
Walker , of which ho was very fond. Dr.
Mary Walker remaned at the drug atoro
alP the time , and was known all tlio St.
Paul as a quiet and reserved cat. If DC.
Mary Walker took in the town after
office hours nobody eeomod to know any
thing about it. She would ba around
bright and cheerful the next morning
and attend to her duties at the store juat
as though nothing had ever happened.
Ono day last summer Mr. Sweeney
leer a large pi a to of fly-paper , with water
or it , in the window , hoping to gather in
few ; quarts of ilies In a deceased state.
Dr. Mary Walker used to go to this
"hidow during the afternoon and look
rat on the busy street while aho called
up pleasant memories of her paet life.
That afternoon aho thought aho would
some more memories , so aho went
ver on the counter and from there
moped down the window-Bill a
on - , landing
vith all four feet in the plate of flypaper.
At first aho regarded it aa a joke and
roatod the. matter very lightly , but later all
aho objervod > that the fly-paper stuck dt
her foot with of in
great tenacity pnr-
loao. Thoae who have never Bonn the
ook of anrpriso and deep sorrow that a be
at wears when aho finds herself gtnod to fu
whole sheet of fly-paper can not fully fu
ppreciato ] the way Dr. Mary Walker ye ?
olt. bho did not daeh wildly through a bn
1150 plato-glaaa window , aa aome cata toi ;
rould have dono. She controlled her- ate
elf and acted In the cooloat mariner , thi
hongh you could have aoen that mental- be
she i Buffjrod Intensely. She sat down vie
moment to moro fully outline a plen ma
the future. In doing BO aho nmdo a thi
reat mistake. The -gesture reanlted In wil
lulng the fly-paper to her peraon in snch me
way that the edge turned up behind in
most abrupt manner and caused her
reat inconvenience. the
Some one at that moment laughed In a Stt
jaise and heartless way , and I wlah you
nld have aeon the look of pain that Dr. ma
fary Walker gave him. noi
Then aha went away. She did not go wh
round the prescription case aa the rest Cei
us did , but strolled through the middle the
It 1 and BO on out through the glass jDg
oor at the roar of the atoro. We did clii
aeo her go through the glass door ,
wo found pieces of fly piper and fur Ra
the ragged edgea of a large aperture the
the t glass , and wo kind of jumped at
conclusion that Dr. Mary Walker had ma
ken that dizoctlon In retiring from the Itv
lorn. lat i
Dr. Alary Walker returned not to St. knci
aul , and her exact whereabouts la not i
lown , though every effort was made to tha
her. Fragments cf fly-paper and cba
indie hair were found as far woat aa the
allowstono ! National Park and aa far 1sti i
irth as the British line , but the doctor i
irself was not found. My own theory
that If she turned her bow to the wei > t
) to catch the strong easterly gale on nea
quarter , with the sill she had not and stal
tail pointing toward the zenith , the mo1
for Dr. Walker's Immodi-
ances Mary - 1stii i
rotnrn ; are extremely slim ,
A Lovely Complexion , tlmA
"What a lovely complexion , " wo often Mr. [
persona say , "I wonder what she mm
for it ? " In every caao the purity to i
real loveliness of the complexion don
the blood. Those
ponds upon who nun
sallow , blotchy faces may make don
sir skin smooth and healthy by taking oft
tough of Dr , Piorco's "Golden Medical
iscovery" to drive out the humors lurk- grei
in the system. chu
It was Not Histor'a bovo , leftT
iaton Budget , T
"Do I love George , " mused Olara , pro
ftly , { 'or la it simply a Bister's affection Dai
I feel for " lay
Just then Bobby burst noisily into the fhn
and Interrupted her iweet mediu tot >
ms. app
"Get out of hero , yon little brat 1" y
shouted , and seizing him by the arm
shot him thrpugh the door.
"Ah , no , " eho B'ghed ' , as she assumed
Interrupted twin of thought , "my
for George is not a eister'a love. It
something sweeter , higher and holler. "
Julius Vogel , the colonial treasurer of
Zealand , baa made his financial etate- H [ (
nt. lln estimates the revenue for the year
85-80 at Sl'O.CSO.OOO and the expenditures at
( or
VTTmn II by fa * tick , we gave ber Cutoria ,
lYlien alia was Child , the cried fur Castorla ,
iVhen ho became 111 * * , aba clung to Caatoria ,
fflitu lie IIM ) Children , sbo g to them Cutotia
The President of ttie Union Pacific
Says Colorado is No Good ,
That the Union rclllc Wonlil l > o
Better OfT It It Bad No Property
In That Htnto.
Denver Tribune-Republican.
A reporter of the Trlbnno-Ilapobltcan
called upon Mr. Adams In order to learn
tbo objootof his present visit to Color
ado. "Tho object ol my visit , " said Mr.
Adami , "la to Inspect the property of
the Union Pacific railway , and , If possi
ble , hit upon some plan whereby It maybe
bo placed on a bolter paying bid Is. Aa
It Is now our compiny Is losing money by
operating it > lines in Colorado , and wo
would bo very much bettor off If the Col
orado lines could bo cut off swallowed
by an earthquake , or otherwise lost. In
fact , I doubt very much If the entire railway - '
way y tom of Colorado is paying operat
ing expenses , much leas making money
for the owners ,
"To what do you attribute this great
falling oft in business ; la It the fault of
the state , or the general depression now
prevalent all over the entire country ? "
"To both. The low market prlco of
oad and other metals has compelled us
to haul the ores at a losing fiporo In order
to allow the mine owners to operate their
mines at all. The principal reason for
the depression In Colorado , I bollovo to
bo the very rapid growth of the stato.
During the 'boom" of 1870-82
everything was prosperous , but as
there was no foundation for It to set
upon it had to fall as a natural conss-
quonco , and the extent of the fall can bo
estimated by the decrease in our Colora
do business , viz : In 1882 , the business
of the Union Pacific railway In Colorado
amounted to $2,300,000 , and last year
t amounted to § 1,100,000 , > decrease of
ibont CO per cent. While some of this
a duo to the natural depression all ever
ho country , the greater part Is duo to
causes confined strictly to this state.
What I consider to bo the paramount
cauao for the present stagnation of busi
ness In Colorado Is the manner In rrhich
t ho : best resources of the state are ne
glected in the Inrano search for gold and
silver. The resources I refer to are Iron ,
anthracite coal , coking coal end paving
atone. If the people would turn their
attention to those Industries and let the
gold and silver go to the devil , they
would bo bettor off. It shall bo the pol
icy of the Union Pacific road to foster
and build up those Industries and
wherever there is a good bed of anthra
cite coal or a good quarry of paving atone
there a branch road will bo built.
At the present time tbo towns and cities
on and adjacent to the Missouri river get
their paving atone from central Now
York , while Colorado possesses as good
not bettor stone in untold quantities.
It Is on those things and not the gold and
silver resources that I base ray hopes for
the future. Colorado has the resources
which , when developed , will make her
great state , "
"But there are other Industrie ? , " sug
gested the reporter , "besides gold and
silver. The agricultural and atock in-
iuatries are not by any means in their
infancy. "
"That Is very true. I do not desire to
understood that Colorado has no
future. .As I said before , she baa a grand in * 7
future. California struggled along for U
eara on the precious metal excitement , a
jut it WHS not until after the Inhabitants
ook to raising wheat and fruit that the
iate over amounted to much. Nevada ,
he most abandoned atato In Iho union ,
egan , with the Comatock and glorious
lalons. Now the people who are re- .
aalnlng are talking about raising cattle In
he valleys. In short , a state or territory
rithont any resources except the precious
aetala will never amount to much.
"Mr. ' Adams , what is your opinion of
ho railroad situation In the United
Itaics at the present time ? "
"My opinion Is that there a great
aany roads far too many and that
.one of them are making any money
rhatovor. I doubt If the New York
lentral or the Pennsylvania or any of
hose supposed 'beat railways' sro xnak-
any money , and that the Union Pa-
llio is no worse off than any of the rest. "
> 'Mr. Adorns , what do you think of
Laagan's Intcr-stato cornmorco bill , and OANI
objects nought to DO attained by it ) " INOB
"I have expressed my opinion on that CAT
latter before the nentito committee , and JIATI
was telegraphed all over the country ,
there anything olao jon would llko to L °
now ? " I
"Yea. It ia generally elated in town CLOVI
iat yon propose to mnko eomo radical silo
lancea in the commercial department of Jtonr
Union Pacific road bofoioyou go oaat.
that true ? "
"No , air. "
"Mr. Adnnw , yonr company rojently "C
urchaaed forty acrea of land in Denver , "CTl
aar the Grant timelier , and it has been Fifu
atod that it was with the intention of '
oving to Denver yonr Omaha ehopo. NAf Lmi
that ao ? "
"Not that I know of. That is the first AtDl
mo I have over heard of the matter. " unell
As the reporter waa about to leave ,
. Adami eald : "Now look hero , yount ;
, bo euro you write what I have aald
yon in aa intelligible manner , end
m't make it iionsenslcsl. 1 have a largo
imbor of men In my employ , and If you
m't do aa I toll yon , 1 will detail eomo
them to ahoot you full of holer. "
The reporter promised to treat tbe
reat railroad man from Quincy , Mussa-
lusotts , in a proper manner , and then
The proprietor of the NiohoU fi Hillyoa
rooeaa ot preaervtiig fruits Col 0. K ,
avis , of Louisville , Ky. , etatoi that ho
on bla back for three moctlii with In-
immatory rheumatism. Iludotermlniid
try St. Jaoobs Oil , and from tha lirat
ipllcatlon ho improved ao rapidly a to
ailde hla cano.
. . , j
Platlsmouth , Neb. Toi
Breeder of thoroughbred and high grade
ereford and Jersey Cattle , DC
And Purooaml Jersey Ked Swine. trim
LIST. 08 r nth ( tree * , between Funim ind IUj edb
jywlll , whbthealdolfnurdUEiclilti , obUlnlnj Junt
tayoua ifluioa tn the put nJ piesent , tad 01 altiti
rUlnoondltlooiln the fatuie. Boots kcd ibon beco
Jo to order Perfect MtlsUatlon ire r nU"1 It , C
here ,
. chan
I tuvoapoittlvoreiueJjf furlbeaboTedtien : ti/lu
tears >
e thouiaudiof ca iofiha wont blodaudc Ion ?
itaodloir lian teen cured. luJful , igiironeli mjMUh bytl
laluoiucacr.tliitlwlll i.n.lTiro liUTTLEil PitKB ,
tosttber with VAIUilIl-Jlli ; . TISK
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Scialica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
lllirilfl. NniltU , Trout IHU-n ,
* vn in , otiirn IHMHI.T rms AMI JU
Sow Ij Drntf mi nl lv lrr < et f rrwliere. rinj C uU
IMrK-tlonl In II Liinictic ) U
CSumiior , w A. TOOIUR a COJ B lll ier , ltd. , f. 3. 1.
017 St. Clint-Ins S ? , , SI. Louis Mo.
ireial r < M'la > ofKoMMICBlCctlnff . , > IOD ) Uij
fttj BLOOI DuuiMthiB fy tbtr rr jil ; ' . F ii sa AU
Melt ? parcn eb w ant ) al ) OM rrs'tfwit * ttovk
Nervout Hrostrallon , nrbllltj , Mcnt-l
Physical Weakness [ Mercurial nnd utn r n
Elons nt Throat. Skin or Rones , Blond Po
old Sores and Ulcers. > r * trutM .
utrcji , on ! > icU > el uearrlnclnlei. Pt' < lTlMiil l
Diseases Arising from Inrilscretlon , E cctr >
rtndcrina Murrimro Improper or unhappyi ' '
f it l ] cDrf ! ' , ' to cr ii.Ui > . Con iH llonit /
fee or t j mull f reo , aodlnrltril. Wrlt4f for qucitton * .
A Positive Written Guarantee
Ui ta ill conblc tne . H Jleloti lent everjt < i < i.
VMnphleti , X'ngllBl ) or Herman , at paeei. tf
ijrlbuiff aboo diteaaes , la nuieor famalr , ! !
, ,
onutnt ill tka crlot't. CfoltTa or l
beak t treat | itv til
James Medical Institute
Chartered by theStateofllll-
'Inots for theexprcsupurpose
f of clvinclmmedintc rellelln
vail chronic , urinary and prl-
Evate diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
\ \ Gleet andSyphills In nil their
'complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relicvednnd
pcrmanentlycured by reme-
. diestestedinal''ortf/r ' iM
. _ _ JSpecial 1'racHce. Seminal
Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
IheFace.Lost Manhood , tiosU4vcljjcitrcd.Tltcre
la no expcrlmcnttnii. The appropriate remedy
is at once used in each case , Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
OR. JAMES.No. 204Washnglon ! SI.ChIcagolll.
l lu tlir LIVER ami BL KIDNEYS , 1
nil UKSTOIIS Till. UBAl/rj ?
nd VIGOR of YOOTII Hfit.
pepsin \Vant nfAiipctltc , fa tn
dlk'l'slinr. ,'t ul btrenfilft.
' .
cureil. Bones , muscles ai n
arrvctt receive iibwlorce
J'rli\cii3 Hie niliitl and
supnlicu Ilralu Vovtei
{ Katfurtnn from comjilulnti F
_ _ & iH'cr.llarto lliPlrsrT will
ind la DK. EL'tBl'EIl'SIKOK 'JCOI7IC 11 wife aw t
> cc < Jy cure. 'tHvcsaclcar ' , liuuluiv . complexion
frequent titmpts nt uo-T > t. > rf ( > i(1iiK only ad
thcpopularlty-ol tlia Do cot erpeirj
usnt ? ettliii ( imaiNAi , AND IIBST
rSend Tournildrohiito'lbe IJr. llnrter A ) ni U3.S ,
, Alo.'ur oar "DIIKAM DOOK ' B ) ,
n tj > c.fc jr J
The Great Blood Purifier , C
.NOEHS , Uuiious , Bonus. ULOEHS , SWELL-
, , Tojions , AnoKssEs , BLOOD TOISONIKO ,
Tisst , and all blood and skin discuses ,
OO9E'3 KED CLOVEll riLI < 3 , Cure Sick Head.
ache , Dyspepsia , Indlgestlcii , > nd Constipation.
osofS6 plfls 86 cents ; 6 boxes $1. LOOSKS UKD
ivcnl'iLK UFMBDV , euro cure , Mo per box. For
by all drufulste , or oililrBi ) J if , LOOSE & CO. ,
nror , Mich. Send fjr tejtlmonlaln.
OrlKlnnl IIIK ! Only Oi-iiiiliip.
tn fcwiTfl [ t IiiMtf Hmarcnf tturllilrim Iroltfttloni.
luimiublo lo LADIES. A L > ur llruirirUt lor
'lil.'lii-.tlT'i." u.l . tali DO oilier or ( iuloso 4o.
) to u r < r ( itrtlciiluri tn litter hy rrlnrn inutl.
HME PAPER. < 11lrlic lvr Clirinlcal < 'o. .
Diugglite. Tiade eupplltd by J. A , Fuller k Co
own Lots in Denver Junction
Weld County ) Colorado.
Denver Junction IB o new town ot about200
labitants , laid out In 188 i , on the great
: railway across the continent , at tbe
ictlon of tbo JuleaburR Branch , 107 mile )
Denver. Tbe town in on second bottom
of the Platte River , tbo finest location
twaen Omaha and Denver , aud la turround-
the bost-layinp lands west of Kearney pai
notion , Neb , ; tllinate healthy and bracing ; ers
itude 3JJO ( feet , Denver Junction bids to frc
some an Important point , as tbe U , P. R ,
Co. , pro putting up many of their buildings
, while tbe B. & M. R , R , Co. . are expect-
soon to connect at this place. The pifiuut
ince for good investments In town Iota will
lv ever bu equaled oUewhoro , For laU
the lot or block In good terms by
j\gent , Denver Junction Cole ,
Large Lots at Reason
able Prices.
South Omaha
Since the completion of the new packing
and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak
ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. Besides
the large pork and beef house erected for
Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com
menced the erection of similar institutions
and still others are contemplated for the-
near future'Several dwellings have been
built 1 and twenty or thirty are now building.
Employment ] is now furnished to about one
hundred and fifty families , and conservative
1t estimates place the figure at eight hundred
to one thousand families that will find em
ployment there a year hence. This offers
great inducements to laboring men to secure
homes ] now while they are cheap. Specula
tors will also find it to their advantage to buy
at present prices. The company have made
no change from the original prices , but some
parties who first purchased lots have resold
them : at splendid profits , in some cases at
double the purchase price. If in so short a
ime handsome profits are made , what will
be the result when eve\y thing is fully devel
oped ? In the few other cities that are favor-
ad < with a first class cattle market , fortunes
tiave been made by investors in real estate ,
ind the same is certain to follow in South
Dmaha. While the whole city of Omaha
rvill be greatly benefitted by the growth and
levelopment of the cattle interest , South
Dmaha lots will enhance in value more ra-
idly than any other by reason of the prox-
mity to the works.
Manufacturers oEnll kinds w'll Jiud itto theirndvnntiga
to inspect tliisprop ° rfcy ; good location , level grounds , track
facilities and plenty of oed pure water furnished by tha
South Omnha Water Works. In fact , every facility to make
desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground.
Will find it profitable to select propirty now , as d year or
two hence with a population of 50UO to 10,000 pejple ,
this will beconio n desirable place for all kinds of business , ] ]
and lots bought now , can bo had nt very reasonable prices
which will double in price many times in the next two years.
Bich or poor , will find it profitable to make investments
in this property. Free conveyance at all times will bo fur-X
nished by us to parties wishing to see this wonderful new
town and learn of its advantages. Wo have entire charge i
of , and are the exclusive agents for th < ) sale of all this
property from G streets south. Splendid lots from $225
.213 Sl4th STREET ,
We have desirable business and residence property 'for silelinjjall
arts of Omaha and do a general real estate business. Wo elicit biy ;
and sellers to call on us. We will give therajall possible information
, and Jceop conveyance i'reo'to show property in any part of the city ,
Bedford Jcfc Souer ,