Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1885, Image 1

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EDElish Aristocracy Wear Wtll the Title
of Typical John Bulls ,
The Exposure of Leohorous Nobles
Shakes Thousands of Homes.
Excitement In London Continues to
ho intense Social Clubs
Threaten Kevongo
Special Telegram to The BEE ,
NEW YORK , July 9. The Sun's cablegram
from London rays : The Pall Mall Gazette
sensation continues , and the third Installment
of Its exposures w as put forth yesterday ,
This , In some respects , is moro repulsive than
y that prooeded it , tvo pages are Jovotod
to its details. Every caea is so clearly de
scribed that the guilty parties coutdba located
within twenty-four hcurs by a detective -
toctive ot _ most ordinary _ Intelligence.
Every possible clua is given except
the names of the principals. Accompanying
is an editorial article , short but more aggres
sive than any that hava been printed slnco
the exposures were begun , The editor not
only defies , but invites prosecution ; but ho
warns Intending prosecutors that many
names of necessity will bo revealed during
the trial if any caios are brought against
him. Some men , he says , will be spared
until the last on ncsouut of their honest
ivivoa and worthy sons nnd daughters , of
whom they ara unworthy fathers. If such
men choose to load tha attack they will , It
says , bo sheltered behind woman whom they
know they are unworthy to touch.
The only persons who thus far como within
the clutches of the law on account of this sen
sation are a few news boys. The cumbrous
machinery of the homo office for the suppres
sion of newspapers canoot ba lightly pet in
operation , but any Inspactor can order tha
arrest ot any persons selling what he deems
to bo obscene publications. Honca it happens
that while the Pall MnU Gazett's praises are
running night and day and papers are being
told by tha truck load for circulation
throughout the three kingdoms , ten
uows venders have been arrested on
the charge of telling indecent prints. The
prisoners wore taken before Lord Mayor
JTowler and promptly released or remanded
under nominal bail. The lord may or ex pressed
tha opinion that the editor of tha Gazette was
actuated by the highest motives. Jlosajs
that If a crime has boon committed In point
ing out a nest of crimes , the publishers should
first ba dealt with , after which it would be
time enough to prosecute the men and boys
who bought and sold tha paper in the ordi
nary course of trade ,
The office of the Gazitte is in a state of
siege. A shrieking mob has possession of the
sidewalks. News vendors , regular and irreg
ular , are pressing forward to buy copies of the
paper at a shilling apiece. Eight policemen
are on duty forming purchasers Into line.
They are admitted at ono entrance , where
tickets for the papers are bought , and. as soon
as they receive the papers called
for by their tickets they go out
by another door and begin to sell
papers at almost any price they chose to ask.
The sale of the papers at tbo office is not only
tolerated , but regulated and facilitated by the
police , but as soon as the vender begins to sell
his wares on the street ho is liable to arrest.
In tbo editorial room of the paper every
body ts apparently serene. Letters have
boon received from Rev. Spurgeou and hun
dreds of other clergymen , statesmen and
merchants , thanking the editor for the expos
ures already made and exhorting him
to keep on with the good work and promis
ing their support In any way it can be made
effective. At the club the principal occupa
tion la fitting the names of the accused persin
to the description of them In the Gazetto. In
many cases the descriptions are so acurate
that nothing is left to conjecture. In other
cases there is a good deal of guess work. The
names of the members of tha royal family and
of the highest nobility are freely bandied
about. Many aristocrats are howling with
rage and their anger is intensified by ita Im
potence. If they deny the truth of any in
dividual case , they are mot with the awkward
question. "How do you know ! " In the re
form club it has been proposed to expel Mr ,
v Thompson , owner of the Gazette , for allow
ing the exposures to bo made In his paper.
THE rnroopa ARE KEADV.
LONDON , July 9 The Gazette in'editorial
this morning defies the authorities to prose
cute them and declare they am prove all that
has been published. Continuing It says , "We
can summons witness from the dean of
Canterbury and prince of Wales down
to Dr. Jrlfrles , ; wo will put our chief inform
ant nnd his assistant in the witness box. " In
concluiion it says : "Let those who da not
wish to shako the very foundation of social
order think twice before compelling us to con
front in court the brothel keepers with princes
of the blood and prominent public men with
the victims of their lawless vice. "
" "
LONDON , July 9 , The crown lawyers are
considering tbo advisability of prosecuting
the publishers of the Gazette , and their
decision is awaited with anxiety , Two news
boys wore arrested and fined this afternoon
for creating a disturbance by demanding
twenty-five cents per copy for to-day'a issue of
the paper , A number of other venders ,
arrested on similar charges , were remanded
for trial. The Right lion , George A. Ben-
tinck , conservative member of parliament for
Whltehaven and formerly judge advocate
general , publishes a letter in to-day'a St.
James Guzatto denouncing the conduct of the
editors of tha P ll Mall Gaz tte. Bentinck
alleged tbat Stead , chief editor of the Pall
Mall Gazette , on the Hli of Juno requested
an interview with him on the tubjoct
of the criminal law amendment bill.
"I received him received , " continued Mr ,
Bentinck "at my house and answered all his
Inquiries on ondltion tbat the information I
g ve him should be considered as absolutely
confidential. Mr , Stead accepted this condi
tion without reserve , but last night ho vie
lated his promise by Lubliihing a private let t-
ter on the subject which I lent him. "
In furth r detente of its course tha Pall
Mall Gazette this afternoon publishes a num i-
ber of letters written In commendation by
peers , blshopi and members of the haute ?
commons , omitting the names. In addition <
the Gazette publishes approving letters from
the Key. Dr , Lawrence , professor In ths uni
versity of Cambridpo , and from n number of
other distinguished clergymen of all
denominations and ladies , It alia reproduces
articles favorable to its cause from religious
newspapers ths Western Mercury and the
Belfast News together with letter j ol protest
from Mr , John Hrlnton , liberal , member of
parliament , for Kidderminster and other per
sons of prominence. This afternoon it pub
lishes au editorial thanking the city authori : i-
ties for > ttemptlngto suppress the sale * of the
paper , thereby breaking the conspiracy of dhe
lence maintained by the press coccernlog the
Gazettes revelations.
"Polloo seizures of newfptpen are common
In Vienna , " continues the Gazette 'but such
high handed outrages on the freedom of the
press iliould have been impossible in London ,
Instead of waging war against the street boy *
let tha authorities take tction against tha re
epauslble parties , in thli business. If rewe
have published anything obicenp , let em
protecute ur. We deny that anything its
been publlibed by ui deiertincc cenaure , nd
\ve declare the authoiltlei are cowardi , or
worse , If ILoy fail to proceed against us alter
having charged in open court that the Pall
MaU Gazette was an obs ene publication ,
* We reluctantly adopt this mode
of publicity In order to aro01 o men to A just
sensa of the horrors existing all around , Nnw
the moro publicity ; wo are prepared to prove
our statements. "
The editorial In the GazetU this afternoon ,
In which the pap r warns the authorities that
th y are prepared Jto _ prove everything they
have said that the Princs of Wales nndother (
princes of the blood will bs uimmoned as
their witnesses creates even moro of a sen
nation than the revelation * heretofore pub
lished. The clubs are fairly astounded at the
editor's audiclty , and the Prince of Wales Is
threatened with another ugly exposure of hla
private pleasures ,
Northumberland street , where the Pal
Gazette office ii located , has been packed
with masses of people all the afternoon. Atone
ono time the pressure of tbo crowd was so
ureat that all the lower windows of tha Ga *
zotto building were pushed in. When the
doors of the publication oilico opened for the
sale of the first edition there was a tremen
deus rush for papers during which women and
boys were knocked down and trodden upon ,
and In many cases injured. The paper makes
no new revelations to-day but promises an
installment of revelations to-morrow.
Albert H. Groy , liberal member fnr South
Northumberland , complained tbat public ac
cess to the oilico of the PA ! ! Mall Gazette wns
obstructed. Sir Illchard Gees , homo cecre-
taty , replied that it was the duty of the po
lice to keep the streets clear and preserve
The chiefdirector of the Pall Mall Ga
zette's secret Inquiry commission , through
which the revelations woio obtained , writes
concerning tbo whole matter us follows : ' Tbo
Investigation wai begun on May 21th nnd the
work was unremitting to date. The commie-
sion had valuable assistance from the salva
tion army , from the London committee for
suppression ot traffic in KuglUh girls and from
the vast experience of Mr ? , Josephine Butler.
Tha commission was composed of members
of the Gazette staff * and acted independently
cf the police. The homo olBco deprecated on
official grounds allowing journalist ) to inter
view the police. The commission anplied to
the Archbishop Canterbury , Iho bishop of
London , and Cardinal Manning for advice
and thes" great authorities on morals while
deprecating the risk involved in the com
mission' * task all supported its
object. Keady help was accorded
to the commission from the Catholic and Con
gregational clergyman ; also from the Miners'
Joint Protection committeojthe White Ribbon
army ; the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty .to Children ; the London'City mis
sion ; the Reformatory Refuge , union ) the Res-
cua society ; the Pimllco Ladles' association ,
and the Moral Reform union.
"Tho commission vi Ited all the hospitals ,
homes , nnd refuges whcro harbor is given un
fortunates. The inmates readily eave all the
Information In their possession. The moat of
the revelations , however , was obtained through
interviewers. Everybody , high and low ,
likely to have the information desired by the
commission , from Lord Dalhouse to Mrs.
Jeffiies , was subjected to an interview by some
member of the commission. Mrs , Jeffries sent
a flood of lighten the whole transaction. The
lord mayor said ho thought it would best to
await the decision of the government , which
had before it the consideration of the same
ca e. '
The proprietors of the Pall Mall Gtzetto
to-day asked Sir Richard llossholm , secretary ,
for protection against the crowds surrounding
their publication office. The entire cost of the
investigation amounted to $1,500 , , Thirteen
newspaper vendors , who had been arrested
for selling copies of the Pall Mall Gazette ,
wote arraigned before the lord mayor today ,
ha city colicltor In presenting the case
against the prisoners charged them with pub
licly selling obscene literature and said bo had
marked for the court's perusal , passages In the
Gazette's article npon which the charge was
baied. Ho must , he said , decline to read
the passages in open court , and said
he thought that a repetition of those object
ionable statements with little alteration dally
indicated no good object. Tha solicitor then
stated that ha would require further time to
consider what charges to formulate against
tbo prisoners ,
LONDON , July 9. Ibe lord mayor gave no
tice in the house of commons this afternoon of
his intention to ask the government if they
intended to erect a monument to Gen. Gor
don in Trafalgar square.
PATHS , July 9. Paris is excited this even'
Ing over a horrible boulevard tragedy just ro ]
ported by the police. The architect Coudray ,
although married and having children , main
tained a llason with Mma Besiier. wife of a
shop-keeper on the Boulevard Voltaire , and
who had an amiable huiband and dutiful
daughters. The lovers quarrelled , and to
day , during , the shop-keeper's absence from
his business place , Coudray called npon Mme
liessior and with a pistol snot her dead. _ He
then ended bis own" " by putting a bullet
through his heart. M , Bossier soon afterward
returned to his shop and stumbled over the
dead. Ho had never believed the stories he
hid hoard of bis wife's infidelity , and the
revelation came upon him so suddenly that
his tnlnd broke down nnd ha fled from tbo
scone , a raving maniac , yelling bjs shame up
and down the Boulevard Voltaire. When
tbo policemen overpowered him ho made them
understand , and the corpses were taken away
from the shop. No living being knows wb :
tha suicide killed bis miatro's. It is thought
that M. Bossier will never recover his sanity
BpscialTelegram to The BEE.
BOSTON , July 9. 0. C. Goodwin , editor ol I
the Salt Lake Tribune , who has been in this
city a few days , says that the demonstration
of the Fourth of July In Salt Lake City was
the exhibition of pure cussednesa designed 1
and perpetrated by Mormon loaders who saw
in it the means of emphasizing tha idea which
ii sedulously cultivated by them , that the
"saints'1 are martyrs , A schism ID
the church by which the polygamists will be
put in the minority is probable. This disinte
gration will accomplish what the enactment t
and enforcement of the law can now do only
Imperfectly , But the Mormon leaders hope
that before this happens by the apparent
abandonment of polygamy their territory will
become a sta to , and by ; their Independent leg-
islatura polygamy will ba made . The
only way to deal effectively with the Mormons
Is by a commtision which should take
tbo place of this present territorial leglsla-
ture. and in whose composition tha Mormons
tshall have no voice , The Mormons are held
in the east in favorable estimation , because
they buy goods annually worth § 11,000,00) or
more , and they are scrupulously careful to pay
their bills. Another reason is that on the
railroad * in tha territory no taxes are levied.
Thus Mormon * itand in the position of bene
actors to powerful corporations.
Un'on Faclfio Extension ,
Special Telepram to Tha BEE.
FDLLKBTON , Neb. , July 9. Fullerton is
elated over tha prospect of the main line ol
he Union Pacific railroad running from here
o North Platta. Surveyors have been busy
he put week running line * , tbn final oni
> uing through the court house grounds , cross
ng Broadway at Sixth street. The surveyor
iave finished their work here for the preaeu
and gone to Howard county.
Another election has bean called for New
man and Vullerton piecincta to vote S3.00C
and 84,000 bonds , respectively , to bridge the
Loup ihor. The bond * will carry nearly
unanimously , and work will soon be coin-
mecced ,
Death of the Wife of Judge Beck.
KtOKDK , I * , July 9 , A epiclal to the
Constitution fays MM , Be-ck , wife of Judee
Beck , of the Iowa supreme court died to day
at her home at Fort Madison
f iflfl , Lightning anfl Water Dorastate
Three States ,
Illinois , WiBoinain and Minnesota
Sutler Great LosBi
Houses Swept Awny nd Drops Hurl-
cil to Iluln 1'orsonitl Injury
Not Frequent.
SFADTA , WIs. , July 9. Last night's storm
wai Tory severe in this vicinity , and It Is
'eared that full reports from the surrounding
country will bring news of great damage ,
i perhaps death. Fho storm WAS fright
'ul , and its fury was concentrated Into half an
tour's time , Tbo roof was blown from the
Chicago , Milwaukee k St. Paul railway
depot , and from several other buildings.
The steeple was blown from the Baptist
churchand the belfroy from a Catholic church.
; lass windows wore blown in and chlmncjs
nnnmerablo disappeared. At the Milwaukee
k St. Pnul depot fourteen cars were blown
rom the side-track onto the main line , ren
dering the passage of trains impossible. A
number of cars were blown off the track at
the Northwestern depot. Reports from sec-
Jens along tbo line show that the st rm ni-
ended with greater or loss iorco all ths v y
, o Milwaukee.
OsiiKoaii , WIs , , July 8. Last night's
itorm was terrific in this vicinity. Many
louics were unrolled and barns and fences
demolished. St. Paul's church and the oxpo-
ition building were destroyed by the storm
MONTICKLLO , Minn. , July 9. A cyclone
passed narth of this place yesterday after-
loon. The track of the storm was about five
miles distant and the omnious looking cloud
wa > watched by every one In town , The cloud
was funnel shaped and as it danced across the
irnirio now tearing up dirt from _ the ground
tnd again rising some distance in the air It
created a strange scene. A house between
Jig Lake and Becker was struck and nothing
wasH ; left to mark where it stood ,
of timber and furniture being
icattered along the prairie for some distance !
further on an old stable was picked up by the
cloud and carried away. A house standing
near by was unharmed , A little child play
ng In the yard was picked up and carried
some distance but landed near the fence un-
mrmed save for a few scratches. Reports
are . , slow In coming in. No fatal results fron.
the storm are yet reported.
BLOOMINOION , 111. , July 9. A terrific rain
storm accompanied by lightning swept this
region this forenoon but no serious damage
was done to buildings or crops here. Au im
mense quantity of rain fell. At Normal ,
William Shroeder was killed by lightning.
The Lake Erie & Western railroad
s completely paralyzed by destroyed
and weakened bridges. The storm did
not strike Bloomlngton until 11 a. m. , and
was ever In an hour. It struck Odell , Liv-
ngston county , about 4 a , m , , and travelled
southwest about twenty miles an hour. At
Lexington it seemed to switch off toward the
south and was soon raging at Gibson , La
3alle and Joliet.
OSHKOSII , Wis. , July 9. Last evening a
cyclone and water B.out ] of torrifltc velocity
met twelve miles south of here , swept al ng
the river in the mill and lumber districts , and
struck this city with terrible violence. Hun
dreds of houses wera wholly or partly demol
ished. Amsng the large buildings which are
now heaps of ruins ore the exposition build-
log and St. Paul's and St , Peter's churches.
Three persons are reported killed and twenty
j hurt. ? Many families are homeless and much
property was destroyed , .
PAXION , Ills. , July 9 , Avery heavy
rain prevailed throughout this section
to-day , continuing five hours with
out cessation. It was accompanied
by ; sharp lightning and heavy thunder. Wa
ter flooded every possible place to a depth of
a foot or moro. The damage to crops will
aggregate thoutands of dollars. Grain and
hay are badly lodged. Corn will cot suffer so
seriously where It is well advanced. Five
bridges : and half a tnlle of track are washed away
between Bloomington and Paxton , A largo
force of men is at work repairing the damage.
Mrs , Stewart's residence near Lodi wai
burned by lightning , Three mile * south of
Paxton a barn and team belonging to W. L.
Westbrook were similarly destroyed. Tlio
city ! hotel at Clinton was badly damaged by a
thunderbolt. None of the occupants however
were moro than slightly injured.
MILWAUKEE , Wis. , July 9. To-night re
ports of damage from last night's storm con
tinue to come in. The indications are that it
will be several days before all the small towns
of the Interior will be hoard from. The storm
appears to have passed entirely across the
state , diagonally from the northwest to * the
southeast. At Sparta , which city appears to
have been thegreatest sufferer , the storm raged
for over an hour , during the greater put of
which time the sir was filled wlthfallincc trees
and flying debris. Although no lives are re
ported lost there were many narrow escapes
from falling buildings. Along Court
street there Is a scene of deiolatlon ,
Buildings are wiocked on every hand , shade
trees torn from their roots , sidewalks demor
alised and fences blown down , Several fine
residences and a number of those less preten-
tioui are a mais of ruins. Further than to
place It well up In the thousands , no estimate
of the loss at that point is made ,
In PJnlnfiold the storm was the most terrific
over seen. A large numbnr of buildings were
blown down or unroofed , and freight cars
smashed into splinters.
Port Edwards In Wood county had a plan-
Ing mill , sto'O and five dwellings blown out of
tieht , lumber yard scattered to the winds and
other property injured , The loss there will 1
aggregate $10,000.
In Hock county many buildings suffered
but the principal damage was to tobacco
( beds ,
Abaut Edgerton more than 200 tobacco
sheds were demolished. Homes , barns
and other buildings suffered a
like fate , Considerable live stock was killed. '
: A new Catholic church , a flax mill , resi
dences and barns were downed at Appleton ,
About Sloughton , the ecene of the great Bra
in the tobacco warehouses last Sunday , theda ,
houses and barn * weredomoliihed , and a large
numocr of horses and cattle killed.
F/em scores of small towns reports of the
storm's destruction are received but
very fa * estimates of the actual loss
are irade. In many places , where the de
struction by wind was not severe , great dam
age wai done by lightning. At Whitewater ,
Neenab , Fall lllver and Klroy the loss by
lightning wni particularly severe. At Dex
tervilleVrod county , the loss by wind and
lightning will not fall short of $10,01)0 ) , and at
Weil.ejvijle , twenty miles northwest , the loss
h klso quite severe. In all sections of tne
state traversed by the storm the crops were
Injured greatly.
NKW YOBK , July 9. Dispatches received
here to-night show tbat marked meteorological
diiturbances were experienced at different
times during the day along the entire Atlantic
oomt , almost from the mouth of the St. Law-
ence to tha mouth of tha Mississippi , Op.
presslve heat , heavy rains and great winds
* ere the features of the day. dsU
Waterbury Centre , Vt. , barns were
jlown down and a number of girl * buried'
in tha ruin * . They are In a critic * ! condition.
At NyacV , N , J , , an excursion barge with
700 Sunday school children on board , had IU
roof blown off and a panic resulted which
threatened the mc t serioui results for a
time. Several person * attempted to
jump overboard. At Waterbury , N , J. ,
there was a cyclone and considerable damage
done to houiei and trees. A covered bridge
212 feet lovg wai blown into the Wmcotki
river , At Wllksbarre , PA. , seven persons
were moro or less seriously shocked by light-
nlog ,
| > B |
CLIVELAND , July 9. Too situation remain *
unchanged this morning ni far as precaution
ary arrangements down town are concerned.
The central police are out and a full force of
patrolmen , , At the city nrmory detachments
olre the Gray * , the light infantry and the Fltth
regiment are on duty ready to move on rail.
reat nine o'clock news reached tbo central
station from the fifth ward that n procession
ol stiikers , numbering ever ono thousand , had
just J left the corner of Broadway and Hamm
streets and were marching toward the city , n
bind of music at their head , and they \vero
Dying the stars and stripes. An hour later
and just a * the strains of music were
beginning to bo beard from up
Superior strict A message was received to send
help nt once to the icrow works , corner of
Case and Payne avenues. Forty patrolmen
were at once sent to the screw works. When
they reached the city hall the head of n pro
cession wai just passing there. The men
composing the procession are all carrying
clubs , but are evidently undecided what to do
or whore to go. It is reported that they in
tended to visit Mesirs. ' Cblshder's office and
further that they would call upjn the mayor
and demand- satisfaction , but no such action
has been taken at this time and it is hoped
, they will do nothing to parcipitatq an out
A committee of strikers called upon Mayor
Gardner and members of tha advisory com
mittee. The mayor advised them not to pi-
rode any moro , and sternly warned thorn
against carrying arms or attempting to break
into any moro manufacturing establishments ,
Ue ( old them that if any rioting was done the
strikers would bo confronted by a Galling gun
handled in dead earnest. Ho Informed them
that Mr. Chliolm had telephoned him that
all tha company had to say to the strikers had
been said in their circulars. The mayor again
warned the men against being disorderly nnd
advised them to go peaceably to their homes.
The committee had little to eay in reply , and
departed ,
_ _ -
Special Telegram to The BEE.
NEW YOUK , July 9. The Herald's Vienna
cablegram says : In an interview with Herr
VonSzegenyi , undersecretary of state , a man
ol great influence , the Herald correspondent
gathered that Mr. Kelley's social position in
Vienna would be decidedly unpleasant if his
appointment ! was persisted In. Observations
to this effect have been cent to Wiuhlnrton.
At the same time von ozegenyi thinks tbat
the Austro-Hungarlan government will not
absolutely refuse to accept Kelley as minister
from the United States. Final decision will
rest with tbo emporor.
ThoDyoii tha 1'arf.
CHICAOO , July 9. The attendance at
Washington park to-day was 1,000. A light
shower fell during the afternoon making the
track ankle deep in mud ,
First race Mile , all ages ; Gray Cloud won ;
Roger Eastman , second ; Little Fellow , third.
Time , 1.031.
Second race MHo , three-year-old colts ;
Irish Put won ; Volanto , second ; Alf Estell ,
third. Time , 1.60.
Thiid race Six furlongs , two-year-olds ;
Uncle Dan won ; B , G. Bruce , second ; Oico-
ola , third. Time , 1.50 , '
Fourtn race Mile and a quarter , all ages ;
Matinee won ; Vole , second ; Valet , third.
Time , 2 22J.
Fifth race -Mile and'oneeighth , heats.
First heat Effie H. won ; Ultimatum , second
end ; Lucky B , , third. Time , 2.07i. | ( Second
heat Ultimatum won ; Luctty B. < second ;
Effie H. , third. Time , 2:08i. Third heat-
Ultimatum won. lime , 2:081. :
Fifth raca Mile , all atres ; Mona won ; Jim
Douglas , second ; Pat Dennir , third. Time ,
KALAMAZOO , Mich. , July 9 The attend
ance at to-day's races was large.
First race Class 2.21 , pacing , Zoa Bwen ;
Secret , second ; Onward , third. Best time ,
Class 2.28 trotting , and free-for-all pacing ,
postponed on account of darkness.
MONMOUTH PAHK , July 9. The attendance
was small , but the weather was fine anl the
track fait ,
First race-Milo nnd an eighth ; Richmond
won ; Juliette Colt , second ; ( ironstone , third.
Times , 1.574.
Second rsco Three quarters mile , two-
year-olds ; Electric won ; Preclsio , second ;
Landsdowoe , third. Time , 1:17.
Third race Mile and a quarter , fillies three
years old ; Wanda won ; Maumee , second.
Time , 2:141. : There were only two starters.
Fourth race Two miles ; Miss Woodford
won ; Drake Carter , second : Boatman , third.
Time , 3:34. :
Filth race Mile , three-year-olds and up
wards ; Executor won ; Hell Pate , second ;
Peter L , third. Time , 1:44.
Sixth race Mile nnd a quarter , five bur-
dies ; Westwlnd won ; Puritan , second ; Hattlo ,
third. Time , 2:20. :
General Grant's Condition.
MOUNT McGBicon , July 9. General Grant
slept from 11 o'clock last night until 3 o'clock
this morning without an Instant's wakeful-
ness. Dr. Douglas then awakened him to
give him food and cleanse his throat , after
which the general immediately fell asleep and
slumbered without interruption until S
o'clock. The patient was much fatigued
by the strain upon his powers , yesterday
afternoon and evening , but the doctor says he
sees no ill effects , and sustained tbo strain
exceedingly well ,
"Ho is having n wonderfully good day.
considering his fatigue of yesterday , " said
Dr. Douglas at 2 p. m. The general in re-
spouse to a question this afternoon wrote ,
' I am glad to say that while there I * much
unblushing wickedness in the world , yet there
Is compensating generoiity and grandeur of
soul. In my case I have not found that re
publics are ungrateful , nor the people "
Fighting tu Peru ,
LIMA , July 9. New * frotn the interior is to
tha effect that on iho 3d inst. Gen , Caceres
notified the government that a * no steps have
been taken by Monsenor Tovar to proceed
with the peace negotiations be considered the
armistice cancelled. On the 4th inst the en.
tire force of Gen. Caceres attacked the govern
ment troops near Jam jo. The lighting lasted
Five hours and resulted In severe
losses to both sides. The forces remain in
their old positions , On the Gth inst Gen ,
Miu notified Gen Oaceres that Muusenor
Tovar was ttlll anxlaur to arrive at a settle ,
ment and would name a day for the meeting.
Gen. Oacores accepted the proposition and
the armistics was renewed. Yesterday a
part of the government expedition to Are.
quipa returned to CalUs and the remainder
are expected to-day.
Business Educators in Council ,
JACKSONVILLE , III. , July 9. The sixth an
nual meeting of the Business Educators' ' As
socktion of America began here to-day. The
address of welcome was piven by M , P.
' Ayeru ; the reeponte by L. F , Gardner , P.of
1'ouahkeepain , Paper * were read by S , ofU.
Packard , of New York , and H , 0. Spencer , U.ot
Washington , Delegate * were present from
all points of tha United State * and Canada.
Mm. Bayara Critically Ul.
WILMINGTON , Del. , July 9. Mrs. Bayard ,
wife of the secretary of ttate , h pronounced
In a > ery critical condition to-day , and her
recovery U olrnott hcpelesj.
Yarions Humors Control the Market
and Force Down Wheat.
A General Feeling of Weakness
Prevails in Other Lines ,
Epidemics Announced In Various )
Parts at the "WorM Cattle IIOBO
llio Tuesday Advance ,
Special Telegram to The BEE.
CHICAGO , III. , July 9. The wheat market
WAS in an unsettled and nervous condition the
entire d y , duo to a vailoty of conflicting
statements and rumors. The opening was
strong , prices advancing l@ie under free
buying , based largely upin reported dntnigo
to the crops In the west by last night's storm
and rain , The market turned abruptly on
ruinori posted of wheat In Now York , prices
receding S@jjc , but rnlllod Jo on n fair do
maud. A report that cholera had invaded
southern Franco cnusod another wave of
weakness , and tnices fell elf to the inside
range , fluctuated eomo later , nnd closed on the
regular board Jo under yesterday. Tlioro was
a further decline of Jo on the afternoon bo.\rd ,
duo largely to tbo cholera scare , The re
ceipts hero were only moderate , and show a
Fallingoff at all primary points , Wheat afloat ,
bound for the united kingdom and continent ,
showed a decrease of 1,320,030 bushels during
the east week.
The feeling developed In corn was weaker
and prices averaged lower , Tim receipts woio
small with larger arrivals estimated for to
morrow , which tended to weaken thi market ,
Prices declined id and closed | c under
There was a steady fooling in oata with the
July option J@lo higher than yesterday ,
Provisions ruled quiet and show little
Wheat July , 8GJ8"lc ( , closed SGgc ;
August , 881@8)jjo , closed 88Jc ; September ,
90J < S91Jo. closed 0 < W > .
Corn-July , 4T47Jc. closed 47J@478c !
August,4GJ@47gc , closed 47c ; SeptemBer , 4GJ
@ 47e , closed 4GJ@46go.
The receipts continue to increase and had
there been an average supply of Texans on
the market the number would have reached
fully 10.0.0 , Among the fresh arrivals were
eighteen care of stillers and glucose stock and
thirty-five cars of Texans. Trade was only
fairly active and prices on the ordinary run of
fat cattle were again a strong lOo lorfer. and
they are now down to near where they were
a week ago. The advance of Tuesday has
been nearly wiped out of fair to good beeves
and grassy stock , A few loads of choice and
fully matured natives averaging along about
1,600 pounds sold at S5.S74 to SG 10 ,
but the great bulk of fat cattloof 1,000 to
1,250 pounds and thereabouts were selling at
95 40@5 70. Nlco handy steers , such as are
at all times favorites , sold , proportionately
higher than heavier weights. First-claw naM
tive butchers' stock continues to sell at good
prices , but low grades , such as have to com
pute with cheap Texans , continue to toll ex
tremely low. There Is more life in the stocker
and feeder trade , yet the general market re
mains dull and prices extremely low on all
descriptions. Shipping steers , 1.350 to l.DOO
pounds , S5.70@6.16 ; 1,200 to 1,850 pounds ,
$5 40@5.60 : U50 to 1,200 pounds , § 4.00@5,30 ;
slop-fed steers , S5.30@5.80 ; through Texas
cattle , firm ; 950 to 1,050 ponndi , SI .7C@4.2d ;
7iO to 950 pounds , S3.25@3 75 ; 000 to 700
pouLds , S2.75Gi3.25 ,
Ii'oas ,
Trade was fairly active and values a shade
higher , some buyers for packers claiming that
their purchases wore a strong Cc higher.
Rough and common , S3.85@3.90 , and fair to
good mixed , ? 1.00 ® 1,10 ; bent heavy , 54,15 ®
4.20 ; packing and shipping , 250 to 840 pounds ,
4.00@4.121 ; light weights , 130 to 170 poundp.
S4 35@4.5U ; 180 to 21u pounds , 81.0u@4.30.
WASHINGTON , July 9. The following tele
gram was received this morning by the com
missioner of agriculture :
DODQE CITY. Kas. , July 9. To the lion.
Norman J. Colman , commissioner of agri
culture : Nearly 50.COO cattle on the drive
from Texas to the Pan Handle of Texas and
Colorado have been forcibly stopped and pre
vented from pasilng over the .common trail
for such cattle through the Indian country ,
Cherokee strip and "No Mans Land" and are
now stopped tliera by an armed band in the
pay of a rival cattle interest. Th'se cattle
comprise ' the herds of J , li , Decker , of
7.000 head. Pugnley Brothers , Downing ,
9,000 ; J. W. Dnicoll. 1,200 ; H. 1.
Holly , 7.COO and John I. Lyttle , G.OCO. AJ1
are citizens of Colorado , Missouri , Kansas and
Texas. These cattle weio purchased for
speedy delivery in Colorado and the Pan
Handle and the contracts for which are now
expiring or have expired. All these cattle are
sound and healthy and from a healthy dis
trict , clean of disease. To further aid In stop-
these cattle , criminal proceedings have
sen instituted by a complaint sworn to by an
irresponsible party at the suggestion of this
rlvl Interest , and wo have been doing our
best to get a trial and have the sole dUpoaed of ,
Wo \ are law abiding citizens , and started our
cattle north with a full knowledge of the re
quirements of the quarantine regulations of
the , several states and teraitories , especially
of the state of Colorado , the only state or ter
ritory having a quarantine regulation In
which we proposed entering , and we were
careful to govern oura lves so that wo would
not violate the laws of ( hat state. The oppo
sition is determined to prevent and stop the , i
progress of all these herds , law or no law , and |
by force , Other herds from four hundred
miles farther south from Texas had previously
passed over the same trail without any com-
inunicatin ? disease and theie herds are of the
same kind of cattle and from the same dis
tricts which had been coining over the trail j
for years and about which no complaint had
been heretofore made.
J. H I3LOCKI11 , Texas. 1
W. H PuauiLKT , Colorado ,
J. W , DuiHCOti , Texa * .
0. A. PoasLET , Missouri.
N. DOWUNG , Colorado ,
H , S. HOLLY , Colorado.
M 0. OAurnKLL , Texas.
lilel'H Bjniliathl/.ers ,
QUEBEC , July 9. The adjourned meeting | (
of lympatblzers with Kiel wai attended last I
night by about five thousand. Several ad 1-
dresses were made by French Canadian en-
lemen. Owen Murphy , ex-mayor of Que-
) eo also addressed the meeting , comparing
he cause of the half broedi to that of the
[ nsh , who , ha said , If a proper appeal was
nude , would readily give the half breeds their
support. The meeting was enthusiastic
throughout and at its close n aubsciiption liit
was opened , which was largely signed ,
A. 1'ltoto Cnutioi Two DeuttiH.
WASHINGTON , July 9. Charles Knott , n
phoemakei , enteied the home of George Mor-
rii to-day and asked Mrs. Morrii to return a
l'uoto WQ'ch ' ue tad given the family. Mrs
Mortis turned to get tha picture and M the
did so Knott drew a revolver and shot her
twice , the first ball taking effect In the head ,
the second puslng through the left lung.
Knott then blew out bit brains dying in *
stantly. Mrs. Morri * Is not oxpfcted to ma
through the night , Knott is believed to have
been insane.
oiiiu citors ,
COMJMIIUS , O , July 9. The daily crop re
port of the Ohio board agriculture gives the
following estimate * :
Wheat-Condition compared with a full
crop , 40 pore mt ; probable total 18,831,000 ,
butholt , agalnit an average crop of 41,000,000
bushels , and the July estimate of 0,900,000
is a falling off of 10 per cent since Juno 1st.
The condition of tlis other crops compared
with the average crop for five years It :
Corn , 84 per cent ; rjc , 72 ; barley , 74 ; oat ,
Secretary Chamboilaln estimates the total
wheat crop of the principal nlnetoen states-
New York , North Carolina , Virginia. Indl
ana , Pennsylvania. Illinois. West Virginia ,
Wiiconsin , Goorein. Missouri. Tennotseo ,
Kansas , Marylind , Ncbraikn , Ohio. Califor
nia , Michigan , Minnesota and lown-at
220,054,000 bushels. Those nineteen
states on a five roar's nv-
oiwo furniih 412,000.000 buthels
of the entire totnl of 451,000,003 bushels pro
duced in the United States nnd In the tonl-
torios. Even it the states not given ftbovo
yield the full average , the crop this year In
the total for the United States on this basis
will bo not quite 300,000 , OCO against an a verneo
of 451,000,000 , and a last year's total
of f > 13OCOOCO buihelfl. The spring wheat
crop is still in nearly on average condition ,
but Its trying t'me is yet to como. The disas
ter to the winter crop | j now admitted by all
who know tbo facts to bo unprecedented , The
weather for iho pMt thirty days has been ex *
ceedingly good and what wheat there is is of
good quality.
WASHINGTON , July ! ) . An Important order
was issued nt the war department to-day and
sent to Gin , Miles , who is to take the Geld In
command of the troops now in the Indian ter
ritory to suppress the trouble with the Chey-
ennes , Army officials are reticent as to the
c.ntontsof the messDgo. Persons not inau-
thority , however , say that the order contained
instructions to thecommandingofQcerdirectlng
him to disarm ths Indians. It was sent by
Lieutenant-General Sheridan. The Cheyenne
Indians are armed with the best make of
. Idea and have considerable quantities of
ammunition , For some time they have an
ticipated an attempt of the army to take their
arms from them and have In some instances
hidden them. If the troops undertake to dis
arm them it ii thought by officials hero who
have dealt with the Cheyennes that they
will resist until overpowered. There are between -
tween 1,20 ! ) and 1,000 fighting Indians among
them , It was said hero to-day that Gen.
Augur favored disarming these Indians , but
considered the present forca insufficient for
the purpose.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. July o , 1885. The
PI sident-Arh i- selected William' K.
Meade for the appointment as United States
marshal for the territory of Arizona , vica , F.
J. Tidball.
Gen Nelson A , Miles , commanding the de
partment of the Columbia has been ordered
to succeed Gen. C. C. Augur , commanding
the department of the Missouri , who retires
from active service to-morrow. Gen , Miles
will go immediately into the field to assume
command of the forces In Indian Territory
who are watching the Indians.
Mrs. Merrick. wife of the late E. T. Mer-
rick , died this afternoon.
The Post to-morrow publishes an Interview
with Senator Morgan , who recently returned
from a visit of observation to Indian territory
in company with Senators Davis , Ingalls ,
Jones of Arkansas , and Maxey , his colleagues
in the eenate committee on Indian affairs.
Morgan says the committee will not , ho thinks ,
be in favor of letting boomers seize
and monopolize Oklahoma. He himself would
put tbo Indians on all that portion of the ter
ritory , Morgan would even make it advant
ageous for tribes now located in the state of
New York and thoeo scattered over the coun
try to migrate to this land , "where they could
have ths benefit of the good example of the
five civilized tribes. "
Porafcor in aFlgbr.
CINCINNATI , O , , July 9. During the con
firmation of the sale of the Cincinnati railway
to-day in the Ucited States district court , A.
A. Ferris asked leave to file an Intervening
pollution for a email claim , Judge Foraker
refused , whereupon Ferris grew indignant and
charged Foroker with acting for bis personal
interest. Foraker replied that the charge was
false , upon which Ferris struck nt him. The
latter warded off the blows , and on attorney
Interfered. Judge Sage immediately repri
manded Ferris and fined him 550 for con
tempt ,
Shot uy n Infernal Mactiino.
NEWARK , N. J. , July 9. A mysterious
looking package was left at the bousoof
Lieorge Krementz , a prominent jeweler , by a
stranger this morain ? . On opening It a piitol
concealed In it was discharged and a Mr.
Multbrop w s struck by the bullet but net
Injured , No clue has been discovered by
which to identify the man who left- the box or
his motive.
Tlio "Weather.
WASHINGTON. July 9. Tlio upper Miss
issippi valley : Generally fair weather , north
westerly winds becoming variable , nearly
tationary temperature.
The MUaourf valley : Generally fair weather ,
variable winds , stationary followed by higher
0. A. 1UNGER.
Millinery Closing Sale.
Over 100 trimmed hats ami bonnets at
less than half price.
1,000 deslroblo untrlramod straws
25o 50c , 75o , 81.00 worth moro than
double theto prices.
Flower * , Tips , Rlbbsns , etc , reduced
to half price ,
0. A.
Don't forget to send your children
next Monday afternoon to Iho Omaha
Ooramolclal College at two o'clock. For
30 loaeons in writing , tuition $3 50. Also
morning aesiion each day for children , to
keep up In Arlthinetlr , Gramin r , ReadIng -
Ing and Spoiling. MM. CUra Grotsmann
will assist and give lessons each day in
1German. . Will run until Sept. 1. Tui
tion per week , 50 cents. All may attend.
.Evening sessions for adults , Be euro
igland call Monday afternoon , or soon ;
such a chance Is rare , Your children
will be In the bett of hands.
Dr. Hamilton Warren , Physician and
Surgeon , 010 N. IClh street near Web-
I ster. Day and night calls promptly at-
I tended to
to Arlington , where you c n buy a gooi
lot near churches , schools and stores fo
$425 § 50 down , balance three josrs.
Agricnllnrisls Want a Svdem f
Scientific Seed Growing is Dew
inanded of tlio Qovornment , ;
Golem m's Convention Adopts Cole- j |
mnn'rtSiifRc8tliiiHwUli > Flourish
of Horns Tha Sesaton ,
WASHINGTON. July ! ) The iccond day's-
session of the agricultural convention begun
thin morning. Thn committee on nrilor
of business reported resolutions declining
"that t ho lolations of ngriculturo to
meteorology are so Intinrata that the
operations of the United ctvtis it nnl
service ihonld bo fully dcmpmtratud nt every
spriculttiral collego. To this end the conveu
tlon heartily .endorses the suggestion
of the commissioner in his address
and rcqussto him to endeavor to Bocuro
the stabllshmcnt of n signal station nt every
agricultural college now or hereafter rstab-
liehqii under national endowment , and if it bo
possible to accomplish this important matter
through the war department nnd the chief
signal officer ; the commissioner Is re < iuestudto
rotor the subject with his recommendations to
the committee on legislation of this conven
tion , and to thus co-opornto in socurlui ?
national legislation , After an hour's discus-
eion the resolution was unanimously adopted.
The samt ) commltto than reported the
following resolution :
"Whereas , One of the principal objects of
the : convention la the e tnblismont of closer
relations between the department of agricul
ture and nil institutions systematically engaged -
gaged in agricultural progrossj therefore
Hosolved , That in the opinion of this con
vention ( the first practical measure to secure
co-operation In the fulfillment of the admira
blat suggestions of the commissioner it the cre
ation of a division or oflics In the department
ofct agriculture supplied with necessary cleri
cal force , which office shall ba the special
medium of intercommunication and exchange
between ( Institutions Intended to bo roprosnt-
ed by this convention , and the center of iv
general plan of co-operations.
Resolved , That this convention respectfully
recommends to the commissions M one of the
most important functions of the proposed
bureau the compilation and publication of a
periodical ( bulletin of agricultural progress not
lob than quarterly and an annual report
bleed ; thereon. The bulletin should'contain , .
inPi popular form ready for the USD of the pee -
pie and press , the latest experiences and re
sults in the progress of agricultural education.
Investigation and experimental , In this and all
other coun trios.
Resolved , That as a necessary part of the
intended co-operation the colleges and experi
ment stations on their part hero presented ,
regard themselves as bound to make definite )
plans for supplying said office with auclti
regular reports of their operations as may be
called for by ; the commission.
The remainder of the morning session and
the entire afternoon session were devoted tote
to the discussion and to the reading of papers-
upon the general subject of education in agri
culture and mechanical arts in colleges. Dar
ing the noon intermission the delegates called
inni a body at the white house by appointment.
and were receiveJ by the president.
Special Telegram to The 13 EK.
NEW YORK , July 9. The Herald's San
Sebastian cablegram says : A case of cholera
has occurred in the hospital at San Sebastian. .
The town Is crowded with rich refugees from.
Valencia and Mnrcla. A stampede ever the
frontier into France may bo expected if- the
news becomes public. The patient came from ,
the interior.
A cable from Paris tayr : As was to bo
Feared , the cholera has crossed the 1'yronnees ,
Several cases wore reported from the French
side of the frontier. Three at Porpignan
were fatal.
MADRID , July 0. New cases of cholera re
ported in Spain yesterday 1,479 , deaths 744.
PAKIH , July 0 , Cholera , it Is rumored , has
crossed the Spanish frontier into the depart
ment of thoAumo ,
low * Crops Improving.
la. , July 9. John U. Schaffer ,
secretary of the state agricultural society , in
his crop report for July 1 , shows the condition
of winter wheat to be 8 ? per cent , a gain of 3.
per cent ever May , Of spring wheat ho re
ports some damage to the crop from wind
storms and heavy rains , causing it to rust
some on low lands. The Hessian lly and
chinch bugs appear in very few localities. He.
estimates the crop of winter and spring wheat
at 30,000,000 bushels.
Mayors on Prohibition ,
DAvENrour , Io , , July ! > . The Democrat
this evening publishes letters from the mayors i .
of twenty-nine leading cities and towns of i f
Iowa on the working of the prohibitory law * ,
which have been in force one year from July
4. The showing made Is that there are open
saloons in nineteen of the cities and the total
number of places where liquor Is sold Is 910 ,
an increase of 14Q during the yeao. In tix-
teen of the cities where an txpreesion was
given the mayors deem the repeal of the pro
hibitory law advisable.
Cartridges Ordered to the Frontier !
HOCK ISLAND , 111. , July 9 A dispatch ,
from department hesdquarters was received ,
to-day by Col. D. W. iflogden to forward all
carbine cartridges in the store hers to frontier
points , on account of the menacing attitude of (
the Indians.
Hlav.o at the BlnlT
An alarm of fire was sounded at mid
night by tbo burning of n small frame
building on Hancock el root adjoining
Chamberlain brothers collar factory and
used for the storage of draw in connoo-
tlon with the factory , a wooden building
adjoining this , and oosndlod by MoDer
molt as a blacksmith shop was also part
ly burned. Totil damigo will not exceed -
coed $200 , Oauee unknown.
Ito l l'J t io ' 1'rariHlorB.
The following transfers were filed Jaly
with the county olerk , and ropoited
or tbe BEE by Amos' Roil Estate ageacj :
Minnie Weaver and huiband to Nellie
0. Davis ; cA ol It 15 , blk 0 , Kcanlza'a
Fourth add Co Omaha ; w. d. ? 3BOO.
Alfred V. Dapont andothera , trustees ,
to Hugh G. Clark ; undivided \ Interest
n i.l see281513 , DongUs county ;
rustee's deed. $1.
n Clarendon , Every lot a good one and
bound to Increase In value very rapidly.
The cars run to tbli addition , making It
especially detlrabla for homes. Price * ,
$450 to § DOO , one- third down.
AMBH. 1C07 Farnini.
Choice Homo and Lot : l > roomij part
tUb ) , S3.1GO , BBtt & MCOANDLIHU ,
IOU Dodge St.