Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1885, Image 8

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Tlmrsilay Morning , July 9.
The management of the t o ball park
have telegraphed to secure the IIa tlngi team
( or a game Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. George Medlock entertained her
friends at her homo , 1018 Oass street Tuesday
night with the sight of B beautiful ntoht-
bloomlng cerous.
-Capt. J , K , Smith , formerly of the police
department , ii In the citr on short trip from
Washington where he now resides , for treat
ment for injuries received in the array. Ho
has received a b ok pension from the govern
Mary 0. Holmea brought suit in the
United Stales district court yoiterday againit
Uie B. k M. railroad , for $10,000 damages , on
account of her husband's death , he having
been killed about six months ago by a train
running ever him.
Mr. Alnscow was Tuesday offered $15
for the corner atone of the old court house ,
but it aoemi that the building had no corner
ntono. At least none can ba found , It was
rumored that tbo workmen there dntr oui two
diamond rlngijbut when interrogated they
denied it.
In compliance with telegraphic instruc
tions from the headquarters of the army , the
commanding officer at Tort Douglas , Utah ,
has been ordered to Bend Sergeant Xaver
Wilko , company K , Sixth infantry , to report
to the commanding officer at Fort Monroe ,
Va. , by July 20th , next , for examination for
Judge Stonberg has received a letter from
n gentleman of Blair , making inquiries about
one A. W , Campbell , formerly of that place.
Ho haa been missing for some days , bnt after
wards turned up in Omaha , writing to a friend
in Blair that ho was in troubles and needed
money. Since that tiino nothing hag been
liearj from him. Campbell is described na
being a man five foot seven inches in height ,
with dark hair nnd eyes , and Irish by
The body of Iho unfortunate manjwho
was found near the bottoms Saturday after
noon , and who was subsequently taken to St.
Joseph's hospital where ho shortly after ex
pired , was buiied yesterday in the patter's
Geld. Severn ! persons called nt Drexel &
Maul's yesterday to look at the unknown
man , but no ono woa able to identify him ,
Yesterday the case of Henry Kosters
charged by Drlesuach & Middleton with com
milling perjury , cams up in Judge Wells'
cotrt , The defendant was alleged to have
sworn falsely in trying to collect a debt of
S23.20 from Messrs. D & M. . Mr. TCostors
with his lawyer , was on hand , but the plain
tiffs were not , The caio hence , was dismissed ,
and complete exoneration is secured to Mr.
Gen , Howard , accompanied by his eon ,
Lieut. Guy Howard left for the west Tuesday
night to bo gone aomo eight or ton days on a
tour of inspection. They first go to North
Platte , where a conference is held with Gen
Hatch , of the Ninth cavalry , which , after a
long nnd rapid march from Missouri , reached
that point yesterday. From North Platte ,
Gen , Howard goas to Fort Douglas , Utah ,
where he has not visited foe throe years. Re
turning , visits will be paid to Bridger , Sidney
and other posta.
The pa'Bongera on the 7 o'clock dummy
train were regaled Tuesday by the struggles
of a drunken posicnger who refuted to pay his
faro to the conductor , When the train finally
coached the transfer Iowa side of the river
the ecgina uncoupled and started to switch ,
preparatory to coupling ; on to the rear end
and pushing the train into the depot ; a mis
placed switch threw it off the track. Iho
conductor's ' attention was drawn to tha tcna
of the accident and the drunken man escaped ,
UtUcar Buckley bagged a very tough look
ing citizen about ono yesterday morning by
the name of Charles Field. He went to Ben.
Flood's house on South Tenth street , pretend
ing to ba looking for a woman , whom he said
oomebody told him WAS there , Mr. Flood in
formed the gentleman that his homo was not
occupied by any such person , but he would
not believe it and started to force his way In ,
at the same time giving Flood orders to stand
vide. The latter , however , seemed to have
l oed use of his Cut and promptly knocked the
Intruder down , About that time the officer
appeared and collared him ,
A meeting of the Pioneer Hook nnd Lad
der company was held Tuesday night in Chief
Butler'a office. The president's frontispiece
and bolt were unanimously voted to ex-Pres
ident Phil Doro. Honor certificates were
Riven out to the members who had not yet
received them. Many were given the litho-
irrapbs , but ( is these ran short , photographs of
the plate were in their stead given to several
of the members , A committee was appointed
to thoroughly Investigate the books and re
cords for the last twenty-five years , and with
the trustees to report upon the exact parties
entitled to n division of the company's funds
and property. Messrs. Frank Dellono , Luke
ftedfield and Jardino were constituted such
Committee ,
Tuesday evening there was at the Sew-
ar J street M. I ] , church another of the pleas
ant sociables which the estimable ladies of
that society know so well how to get up. The
occasion was in honor of the birthday of their
pastor , tbo Kav. R. L. Manh. He was the
recipient of a handsome Oxford bible , revised
edition , with patent Index , gotten up in the
best style as a slight token of the esteem with
which he ia held by the church for whose wel
fare the Kev. March has labored long and
diligently and with great success. Dr , New
man made the presentation speech In his
usual happy ityle , unil was responded to by
Kiv , Marsh In few well chosen nnd ] fitting
words. During the evening there were songs ,
recitations by the children aud a solo by Mrs.
J , T . Newman , all of which were well re
ceived. Refreshments in the shape of ice
cream aud cake were served end furnished a
do.tghtful repast.
AJwell-known morulg newspaper man juat
returned from Kansas City \Ia the Missouri
Pacific , tells a good story on himself of how
ho fell from tha roar of tin train a ) it pasted
through AtchUon , Ha is a firm boliorer In
Npiiltualinn , and for some tlrno prior to the
accident had boon holding sweet and solemn
communion with the spirits of departed corn
stalks through the medium of a three-pint
disk.V lute in nn exhilarated condition , lie
vrtnt out on the back platform , and doubtless
| jelte\Ing himself to bo In the embrace of the
'uplritr ' , thought to tread aloft the air , Ho
made a miserable failure of the attempt , and
fill off the back of the tr-ilu , His howls for
help brought tha conductor to the rear of tbo
lr.iiu , ' 'down br ke " was sounded , and the
unfoitucato icribo was oraitted aboard. The
atiry of a subsequent misfortune which befell
ths youth iiAjjU sad blunder of stumbling by
miituke CiJtofho berth of a fat woman aid
xj from mitnut death , there
upon , iiSwgy J ,
A Proposed ExamiBallon of the Eyes
ol the Cbilta in the PnMlc
Schools ,
The Point * of Information "Which
Should bo Sought Ilcnicillal
Blonstirci to bo
Some time ago It may bo remembered
Iho nuttor of having Dr. Gradd/ make
examination of the eyes of all the children
now in the shools of Omaha , wan brought
up daring n session of the echoo ! board.
The matter Is atlll pending , not having
been settled. The proposed examina
tion of the children's oyoj will bo made
nlthont any charge.
Mooting Dr. Qraddy last night a re
porter for the BEE questioned him ns tu
some of the points ho nought to bring out
in his examination.
"Ihoro ore several things with refer
ence to which I shall oxuulno the oycs
of the aoholars of our public ichools.
One , for instance , -would bo to determine
the state of refraction of the scholar's
eye to see whether there was n lower
power of refraction producing oversight'
odnoas or n greater power ofj refraction ,
cam ing noaralghtedneis. Thou between
thojo two simple abnormal conditions , of
courao there arc varying degrees of re *
fraction , producing vision more or loss
"Then again the examination would bo
directed to determine the condition of
the scholars' eyes in the dlll'irant grades
wl h reference to the matter of refraction.
If as wo go higher among the classes wo
discover that there is more and more
ncaisightodnooo , the inference would bo
perfectly fair that application to study , or
else certain hygienic surrounding ! , pro
duces this noarslghtedness. Having
once established this fact it would bo an
easy matter to remedy this evil by l j Ing
down certain rules with reference to the
position of the pupil at his desk , the dis
tance between the eye and the book , the
shops of the desk , which , being faithfully
observed , would undoubtedly lesson thla
danger of increasing ncaralghtodness as
the student progressed In his studies.
' 'Another point which would bo made
a matter of special observation Is that of
the sense of color among pupils. The ex
amination would show the condition of
the sight of each scholar with reference
to color-blindness to determine whether
it was blind for more than one color
and If BO , what ones or whether It was
simply "blunted" to certain colors that
la , unable to distinguish them readily.
"Another very Important matter to bo
determined by the examination Is that of
ocular disease among the school children
of this city. Tnoro Is a disease which 1
have no doubt exists to a certain extent
in the schools here called "ophthalmia. "
This malady Is a dangerous one and not
easily cured. "
"Is It contagions ? "
"Yes , very contagions. I have noticed
that ono child afllictod with the disease ,
may go into a room of eay a hundred
children , and if allowed to atBociate dally
with them , will communicate the malady
to every ono. "
'Do you suppose that it exists to any
alarming extent among the pupils of the
Omaha schools ? "
"That Is a matter to bo determined by
the examination. I know that the dis
ease exists , as I have said bafoxo , to a
certain extent In our schools , for I have
under my charge a number of cases
now. This malady ia undoubtedly the
old Egyptian ophthalmia , which has been
spread over the world by emigration. It
Is easily communicable from cnuntry to
country , or from state to state , and I
have no doubt that if the disease did not
exist in Nebraska , ono cue of It would
finally spread the malady over the state.
No , It la not very dangerous , bnt requires
time and patience to treat it.
"These are a few of the things which
would bo determined by an examination.
After the primary facts were discovered ,
the suggestion of remedial measures
would follow. Wo could offer sugges
tions as to the hygienic surroundings ,
conditions of light , etc. , which would un
doubtedly lessen the dangers which
threaten the eyesight of the average pu
pil In our public tchoole. Some of the
rooms In our school buildings are very
poorly lighted. For instance , a teacher
made complaint to mo the other day of a
school room In which she was employed ,
which I think aho said was 20
feet or more long , In which
all the light was afforded by two windows
In the end. Under ordinary conditions ,
she said , It was very difficult for the pu
pils to road plainly , and without strain
ing their eyes , If such a condition of
of Fairs exists , the remedy ought to bo ap
plied Immediately , For above all things
a scholar , in his ntndlojmust have plenty
of light.
"This matter of examination of the
oycs of echool children Is no now thing.
In Germany and other countries ot Eu
rope , the system was adopted several
years ago , and produced wonderfully
favorable results. In our eastern cities ,
too , the matter is receiving the attention
which It urgently demands , and the re
forms suggested , in connection with the
examination , are being adopted. "
A Hmppy Homo.
The homo of Mr. and Mrs. Pat.
O'Connor , corner Sixth and Florco
streets , was an exceedingly happy ono on
Saturday last.
It was on the occasion of a visit from
their daughter ( In religion Sister Mary
Cassia ) who has boon absent from them
for upwards of ton years.
Sister Cassia at an early ago took It as
her choice to join the convent , and is
located in Chicago , She has been grant
ed the privilege of coming to visit her
parents and was accompanied as far as
Sioux City by the sitter superior , and
from there to Omaha by the slater supe
rior of that city. During her brief stay
here she was visited by numerous friends
and relatives , all of whom were over
joyed tosaeher.
Sister Cassia left for her adopted homo
in Chicago on Monday , and on her return
to Council Bluft'4 where she spent her
early school days. She was welcomed
by a host cf friends and school mates , at
the convent there , from which place she
took the evening train for home , followed
with the boit wishes of all who had the
pleasure of knowing her.
The Hmlth Case.
Yesterday ObirtouiFer , Abtgg AJDaeln-
ker , through their attorneys , commenced
replevin proceedings against Sherlil
Miller and Messrs. H , Lowy & Co. , to
obtain preaesalon of § 955 40 worth of
dry goods , which they were BO unfortun
ate as to consign to the merchant swin
dler , The plaintiff ! claim that they
hive been damaged in the sum of $50
by the retention of the goods , and ask ,
for a judgment the delivery of the prop
erty , and $50 besides , and In caao the
tame can not b taken under writ of
replevin , judgment for $1,000 , Interest
and costs.
Judge Dnndy has not yet announced
hla decision In the replevin case of Gal-
land Bros. v . H. Lowy & Co.
Tlio Uannt Routine Business DU-
poactl of.
Henry Oann , alias Sullivan , plead
guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct ,
In Judge Stenborg's court yesterday and
was remanded to the county jail. On
his person was found a § 20 draft , dated
nt Valentino , and made out in favor of
P. L , Albortson. It la supposed to have
boon stolon.
William Majfiold and Charles Field
answered to charges of intoxication and
disorderly conduct and paid fines of $5
and costs. Charles Field is the fresh young
man , who Is reported as having tried
to force hla way Into the honto of lien
Flood on South Twelfth street , in search
of a woman. Ho was ordered by Mr.
Flood to leave the promises , bnt refusing
to do sowas about to raise a disturbance ,
when ho was arrested by an officer.
Patrick Rood , an "ancient toper , upon
whose wrinkled face could bo noted the
lines of many a spree , wa * rolossed from
the charge of intoxication.
Lester Daily , a young vagabond , was
sot to work cleaning out the jail , upon a
faithful performance of which duty hla
release was conditioned.
A warrant has been issued for the ar
rest cf William Anderson , who is ac
cused of beating F. Williams. Williams
claims that Anderson charged him with
casting aspersions upon the fair name of
hla ( Andorson'a ) wife. The plaintiff
cays , however , that ho has been guilty of
no such thing , an ho knows neither An
derson nor his wifo.
Charles E. Ferris , of the Planters
honao , swore out a oomplalnat against A.
Mllloin , charging him with defrauding
the hotel.
The licport.
The report that was adopted by the
council as board of equalization Tuesday
night , provides that for paving the alloys
in districts 1 and 2 , curbing and gutter
ing on Farnam and Douglas streets from
Eighth to Ninth streets and of Oumlng
street from the terminus of tbo old curb
ing to Division street , a tax shall bo
levied on the lota and real estate adjoin
ing ihij line of such improvements to the
depth of 132 feet. The levy ia to bo 33J
cents on the first twenty-two bnt next to
the line and for each subsequent twenty-
two foot after that it will be 20fi , ICJc ,
lOc , lOo and lOo.
A sure cure for Blind. Bleeding , Itching
and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr.
Williams' Indian File Ointmont. A sintfla
box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or
30 jeare standing. No ono need suffer five
minutes after applying this wonderful sooth
ing medicino. Lotions and instruments do
more harm than good. Williams' Indian
1'ilo Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the
intense itching , ( particularly at night alter
getting warm in bed ) , acts as a poultice , gives
Instant relief , and is prepared only for Piles ,
itching of private parts , and for nothing else.
by lr. JFrazier's Magic Ointment. Cures as
if by magic. Pimples.BIask Heads or Grubs
Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving
the skin clear and beautiful. Alaa cures itch.
Salt Uhumo , Sore Nipples , Sore Lips , and
old , Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of
prlco , 50 cents.
At retail by Kuhn & Co , and Sohroctcr &
Becht. At wholesale by C. F. Goodman.
A number of young Omaha men includ
ing a number of the Glee club men went
over to Council Bluffs Tuesday to take in
the lights of the metropolis of Western Iowa ,
Smoke Seal of North Carolina To
" Its numerous competitors
appear io Siave , one after another ,
/alien away"
May 31 , 1884.
Of all Grectu , Dt Ufyitts , > i Min , Wat. Dealers
OVER 400,000TfTiJN USE.
Prudent Illdlntr Vclilcln nnulc. Itldes as easr
withonopersonanlvto Ilia SprliiKM lonKthi'liand
Mhorlcn accordlnR to tha weight thor carry. Kquallr
well ndnplid Io round counlry rondx nnd
One driviMul cities lUaiMirnrtiircd nnd Hold by
uil Icodloa I'urrlngii UnlUlrrM uml lpnler .
Smoke Gr.H. Mack & Go's
Cleveland , 0. , Celebrated
Gat Cigar
Finest ! for Z5o clsrar In Amrrle' , and Excelsior bu
Cigar 1'ic omlrieLtatoioall oihrs
Our Cat Does Not tfcrntch
Kxct'dorCoClg.rabirea'l ocmcctltlo' , fjr 8 Ie and
controlled by
D. W , SAXE nnd J. W. BELL ,
KcnnarJ & . Itlg ; , Drugr , L ncolo , Keb.
O. B. Chapman , " " "
Kvaus & JndoOD , DIUJS , Hastlrgi , Neb.
Dowty&Cblnp , Drugs , Odambus , Wtb
J , n UeIIa\CD , Drugs , Cnunc I ll'ufla ' , Iowa.
UellQ. Morgan i Co , Druzf , Council lluff ) , Icvii
Gmttclrigi- , Hooks , eta , Fremont , Neb.
W , II , Turner , Books , etc. , Fr'mont , N b ,
II. U. Whlttlesey , Drugr , Crete , Neb.
C , 1' . Htadenoo , Orad blind , Neb.
"Royal BakingPowderis undoubtedly the
purest and most reliableProf , Mott ,
Government Chemist ,
The fact thnfc Royal Bnlniig Powder is , in all respects , the besb baking
powder offered to the public , has been established beyond question.
Prof. H. A. Mott , when employed by the U. S. Government to anal
yze the various balling powders o the market to determine which wa
the best and moit economical , after an extended investigation , reported
in favor of the Royal , and it was adopted for government use.
Prof. Mott has continued his examinations of baking powders sold a
the present day , and now affirms it as his deliberate judgment , arrived a
after most thorough research and a careful examination of the principa
brands of the market , that the Royal is undoubtedly the purest and
most reliable baking powder offered to the public.
61 BROADWAY , NE\V YORK , Feb. 12,1885. f
* * * The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure , for I have
so found it in many tests made both for them and the U. S. Government
I will go still further and state that , because of the facilities that
company have for obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar , and for
other reasons dependent upon the proper proportion of the same.and the
method of i's ' preparation , THE ROYAL BAKING POW DER IS UN
HENRY A. MOTT , Pu.D. , etc.
The largest Medical institute Woot of
Mississippi River.
Fifty rooms for the nccomodntlon of imtlents. The
rhyelclan and Burgeon In chnrgo of the Institute has
had sixteen 3 pars' of successful practice , and Is aided
by assistants or rare experience aa epccloltau In
tnelr various departments.
\V RITE ronCmccLAKDn Deformities and Braces , Dif His
xsoMVoslEH , lllo < , Tumors , Cnncerl , Catarrh , llronchl-
lls , Inhalation. Electricity , raralyvla. EpllepBj , Ktdnoy ,
te. Bar.Sklo and Blood nlneaies Wrlto for
on PRtVATK. SPECIAL and NKKTOU8 Dlflcaiei , Bcmlnal
WeaknessSpermatorrhrpa , Sjphllls , ( Ilcct , fitricturo , \ arl-
coceloantlall dlieaeos of the Urlnarr and Sexual organs.
Cues treated bycorretpondenco.or Terminally Confidential
Uedlcinojient by mall or ezpresn without marks to tndl-
cato contents or ( tender. AdreM alllettcm to
Utb Street , Corner of Capitol Arcnue , OM Ally Jni
All adv ertisemcnts in the special column ! will
tie charged at the rate of 10 cents per line /or the
lint insertion , and 7 centi per line for each subte-
jucnt instrtion : No advcrtittment will be inserted
for leti than 15 cenit or the /rsl / ! time.
These advertiiementt will Ii inserted in botfi Jforn-
ng and Bveninj Edition } , representing a ctrcula-
'ionof over Jlight Thousand , Th\ > class of adeer-
tiiementi must positively be paid in advance.
TO L < MAt onoc and without deUv on
MONET cttato , in larro or email im unta on tiino
to BUlt. Loan * made a'eo on colltti ml' . cl.att Is or
any trcod eccuilty , rromptly , quietly ard i > t Iho
lowest possible rat P. Apply at the Omaha Fmin-
clal Eichaoge , ItciS Farnam tt , upstairs. TSUI
'HTONIT ro loan In sums 8200 and upvardt , on
1V1 flrst-clasa real estate soourlty. Potter & Cobb ,
1616 Tarcam st 71g-tl
. TO IXis On real ueta'o eecunty in auy
amount from $500 to J2500 , nt rettonablo
rates ol iDtereat Kocommlatlo B charged birrowor.
0. E. Ma } no tCo. , S. W. Cor. Uth and Farnam.
683 Jul)23
Tl/TOMCTl / MOVRTll MONET III Money to Loan On
iVl chattel sccuilty by W. K. Crcft , room 4 , With-
neil bull ling , N. K. corner 15tn and lUrnoy After
years of experience a'id a careful study of tbo busi
ness of loning money on personal property , I ha\o
at last perfected a system where > y the publicity
nsual In such case * Is done away withand I am now
In a rosltlnn to meet the demands of all ' ha become
temporarily embarrassed and desire to ralco money
without delay and In a qu'ct manner. House iccp-
era , professional gentlemen , mechanics and others In
this city can obtain adnccs from 810 to $1,000 on
such security ai household Mrulture , pianos , ma
chinery , horses , wagons , warehouse receipts , secur
ed notes of hand , etc. , without remount ? same from
ownoia residence or place of business. Ono ef the
advantages I offer Is tbat any cart of any loai can
be paid at any time which will reduce the Interest
pro rata and all loans renewed at the original rates
of Interest. I have no brokers In oonnectlcn with
my olllco , but personally superintend all my loins ,
I have private offices connected with my general
office eo thai customers da not come In contact with
each other , contenuently Baking all transactions
strictly pihate. W. K. Croft , room i , Wlthnell
building , N. E. cor. Uth nd Barney. 603 JlyI6
X/TONEY / LOANED at O. V. Reed fcCo'e. Loan office
LVi. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagoni , personal
property of all kinds and all otbo rartlcles of value ,
vlthout removal. Over lit National Bank.oorner 18th
ind Farnam. All builnees itrlctly confidential
1/TONEY / To I can on chattels , Woolloy & Harrison ,
'VI ' Room 20 , Omaha National bank building
721 tf
m/rONKYTOLOAN / On real estate and chattels
1.V1 D. L. Thomas. 722tf.
\if ONEY Loaned on rhattels , cut rats , R. K
iViUokoUlDOUghtandsold. A. Forman,21S8.1lth ! St
723 tf
lylTONXT TO LOAN In sumiof WOO and upward.
1V1 0. r. DavU and Co. , R l EiUtt and Loan
l , 1605 Farnam St. 721 tf
'ANTED A ghl for general house\uirk , In a fatal
Wi ly of three , UO S. z4lh at. Wi Pp
WANTf.o-3 gonl female foo''s ; C Oorrnan glila
forp'liats faDlllis , ( 'ociil wafc , call at once ,
IHO furriaiim licet 81711
ITiNisn A oraan for Ken rnl lioiiRtwork , ruid
> to milk a cow. Ut. Watts , , SuOl'Uasant St.
W 'ANTED Olil lii small family , lOlSChleago St ,
891 p
WASTro A competent German or Arcerlein girl
for general housework ; must b * a good lauc-
drrsi ; I mall Umlli , 424 Conunt St , bet. SI. Mary's
Ate. and Hartey tit. 878-9
I VMID A ( 'ord woman cook , Southern hold ,
I ocr. Oth aud Lenenworth (3 tip
ANIKD-Olil for teccrtl housework , 8CO 8 15th.
Wi A gill for general housework , IflU Ctp-
ANiED-Four first oats girl waiters at Dan.
Wi | ia'im' < reitturani' IBIS Dod.-3 St Bil-8
ANTED Competent glil for general lious work.
W Ap | I ) 1819Lea > eiiwotthtt. l-8p
w ASTEO A. good woman cook it 1011 DodireSt ,
\fiMCD-Two glrli at Doran llotue , 913 Farpau
V etroet. Tiitf
WANTED-UDrAOENTS-No\oltlc3 lii ladles' and
chlldrons wear Over 40 new designs Noth
llko them Sell s fast as bhown O\er 1,00 (
agents make $700 monthly. Address with stamp
K. II. Campbell & Co. , 0 South May street , Chicago
Oil JlySO
WANTED Good elrls for hotels , private families
kltorcn and laundry work. Call at Omaha Em
plojmcntBurean , lliO Farnam Et. 317-tf
WAMrn Three experienced women canvassers ,
$0 per da } , guaranteed ; room 7 , llodick block.
, 870-tl
WANTBD-FIrst-cIasa dining room girl at the Het-
ropolltan hotel ; none otner need apply. 824 tl
WA.STED A flretclass wood tunnr. Address
apply t once Io Neb. I'linln. Mill Co. , Cor
7th and O streets , Lincoln , Neb.
WAMXU-Cook at Pacific house , 10th and Da'cn
port. Vnn or woman. 000 Ep
W'AMKD A food baker , 1107 Chicago St.
903 9p
" * NT D a. flist chss baker at the Voik Bakery
. .orK , York county. Ntb ; pom ! rcterenuH re
lied. Address Smith A. Knecbhaw , Turk. YorU
cunly , Neb. 353 up
WAXTBD-Tbroe A No 1 trrmlmR men lor Iowa.
Call al once on Joslin 4 Sackctt , 1009 farnam
trcet. 891-11
W PANTED Sooond cook and dishwasher nt Maus
restaurant , DouRlas St. , hot 16th and Ifltb.
ITAMpD-Experienccd mllkoi. Llttloflold's dairy
T Saratoga. $31 8p
WAHrFD A man and wife to run a milk dairy. D.
_ L. Thomaa & . llru 'Crclghton block. 848 tf
A first class boiler maker ; one that 1 ;
T capable of taking charge of shop. Steady em *
ployment will be given. None but sober and tern ,
pcrtte men need apply. Fremont Foundry i. Machine -
chine Co. , Fremont , Neh. 821-10
WAMKD Agent * in every county to loliclt for
the Mutual DcreOt AKioclatlon cf OmihaKcb.
Call on or idJreua Otto Ldi'ck , . ' ccrctary and Gen
era ! Vant gcr , 1222 FarnaJi street 743augl
WASTED Agoodmtn winta a situation as bock
keeper , ca h'cr ' , e&losuian , or > ny honoraVh
kind of MO k ; bcsSof loferenusghen. Aufir aX Y.
WAMBD A poiItlon ai organist by a young gen
tlcman with tbreo years exporiocce ; references.
Aodro.s , Organist , Bee offios. 812-lOp
WAMKD Agents fo-city and country ; hihS Btll
Ing nrtitlo In the laud , Hiall capital required.
Call at 018 IS.h tit. J. IloUbsrg 304-Pri
NiOR BALI Good eaddlo pony. W , J. Welshins ,
D City Wills. 692 tf
F OK RENT A nlco 5 room cottage , l > r 0 | mntrj,2
goo J closets , i lenly of water , etc. Inquire of It.
Lain ? , cor 12lh and Mason. S70-Sp
WANTfD Brick Tc trido residence property In
Council lllufia fcr brlci. E. II. , drawer Cl ,
Omaha 837-8p
A QKSTH WANTED. Address St. Louts Kloctrlo Lamp
XXCo , St Loul ) for circular , cuts aud terms ol the
oindlo ponor Marsh Klectrlo Lam p. Sll-ljl2 ]
( / ANTED Every ady In need ol a sewing m
T chine , to see the new Improved American No ,
P. K. llodman & Co. agents ; 220 N 10th. 830tf
7VR BBVT Tlimse of 8 rooirs , inodoin Impruvt-
X1 menlM , dca'rable , $ JO. Ballon HCH , 317 H. 13th
St , 89914
FOR RE.VT New loHru'e , full Int , 4rooas , n nlio
homo , 814. Galluu Urea , 317 B 18th St. 603-11
TOR RENT tlouco of E rooms , ! 4fl ChlMeo Bt , 2
-f blocks from car lloo ; fine location. Inqulro next
Ilrltk bouse 10 rooms COSH Bt. , l > et ,
FORHKST r > th ; JO ) > trontb. O. E. Majne&Co ,
lOth and remain EOd 13
FORREST A first ( lam iottn-o , with good large
ba'iijw 11 ba Iirr 111 un or uliniit October let In
quite at Kdholaii , Kriclu IIH opp 1 > . O. 890tf
RAM One cottazo 3ruomii , xummer kllihen ,
Fen and H'nliU. ' tin 8d mil W nner ( , on Itased
( 'round. II fclnil z. 888 Dp
BALK Dchlinbla hulMii' , lionss 4 roiiTB , near
cars an I school , 81,500 ; ( my ] uymiits. liallou
Brcs. 817 S 18th H root ,
I OR BALK A bargain Cittage homo near Htrcct.
F caru , 814(0. liallou Brca,317 U ISlh bt. 8U9-14
RENT House of nine roams , w th liirn. Cald
well and SaundeH sts , Inqulro 1709 Jackson St-
768 lip
HINT A new cottage of 4 rooms , kitchen , o's-
Foil , etc , Chicago St , south tide , first house
uest from 25th St. Inquire on prernl'ea bet. 8 and 8
o'clack any evening. Ihcs HcUoiern. bOi-Up
R M 3e > cn room cottage , go l loa.tlon. In
quire I'malia Barbed Wire Co. 630 8
. RENT A 0 room house , with clly wvter , etc. ,
FOR. 8.10th ht Inquire at CUte City restaurant ,
16th and Camlol Ave , 8358
LKASK Largo newly built house , B rooms , all
modern conveulencei. furolshod or unfurnished.
Apply at promises , 1710 Caai et. 79UI
BHAT A itable for 8 horse ) one block louth
FOR tbo U I' , depot. Inquire of U. Lee , grocer ,
2ZZ Loaveniiortli. 781tf
. lOtliet. InquIioU23 Jtckl
Qton tl. 7COtf
' r > T Will rent furnished residence for two
F'OR , No 420 W. Hill at. Good referoncci ri ) .
( ( tilled. Apply en piemliiu. 8U1-9
T Cottaro fl rooms , house JO rooms J ,
l'hljpi ( lloo , bewaid and Campbell SSl-tf
TT oa KENT One well f ii nlahed room Kr to gn >
X1 tlerncn In ItedlCt'H block , Imiulio room 2 or at
l > . t , lltniictt'it ! 18 18ta fit 031-Sp
iron BUNT Furiilahc J room 1201 Uoard street
TTioK KKMT Nicely ( urn nhd front ruom at U12
iMImardBt. 632-Hii
FOR mrr Ttorm with board for two gentlemen la
ptivato family. 1618 Capltcl ATO. gSgVifr
F'r * . V'T , Tw ? nlf rtK > n" on 10th St , noir St
80911 Inqulre8WooMothand Dodge St
P'OR RENT-Ono1011)1i room lulttblo lor llug'o gen-
JC tlitnan , 17iOCar.ltcl Ate. ffM-Sp
F'ORSKNr rur l htd front room with bdywln.
ss'sp AIio Kay boarders , 2J NllSth ,
LjVlR KMT Dcsiublo loon , 2J16 Dtuopott St.
FOR RKVT Furnl'hotl roonn over Wm. Ocntlel
nun s store , cor. ICth and Caw Mr * . Oet > . Morton -
ton- 83' ) gp
VuT 0 ! llrnl8hci " "T" ' wllh Ur dt"ct.
sn table for
light housekeeping. Apply nt8 ChU
ago streel , i33-8p
> R REST Furnished or unfurnished rooms 1518
southwest corner 15th and Jones St 814-llp
T7 OR BKM-Furnlshed rooms J8C9 F rn m Bt
- - KS7 Sip
fo RKSt-Sultsol rooms , Iflll Callfoinla Bt
TjV > R RUST Furnished front room , 1303Ciplto1 A *
BIOR RXVT Untii'nlihtd rooms In lloomer'l block
Cor.8thand Howard. 800H
Fi I OR RKNT Furn'thcd ' rooms for light honiccntng ,
In Bccmcr'i block , Cor 8th and Iloimd 788tt
F OR RRTT-Furnlshcd fnnl room , with b v win.
dow , In ft brick hou't , 805 N. 17th St. S05.W
IflOR RMT-tarRO httijsomely furol'hcd room ) ,
' . JnRlo or cn-sulto ; excellent board , ms Dodge !
rest i
FOR RSNT Nlcclj furnished rooms ,
TTViRRisNT-ElcgMit front south reom with lco\o
JD ( CM , b th etc. 2225 Do lgo Bf 890-tl
OR RUNT With board , nicely lurni.hod south
room , with use ol parlor ; also gar , nd bath , 1409
Jones EU 618 tl
F Ion nitVT-I'ioMint room furnished , U2S Howard
St. izMt
WAITKD A peed fuinlthod room for 2 ecnllomoa.
Aii < lro i "B. 0. N " Doe office. 2-tf
Fn nnsT Juno25th , two oonncctod rooms with
board ; front room , south-east. 1DU Webster.
SaT-Jlv 18p
Ion RRST A f rent room with bay w Indow ; modern
' linprovomonts , suitable lor ! gentlemen , South-
c& < t corner 19th and Farn mSt. 450 tl
I70B RUNT 'ivfo elegant offices In llusbmnnn's block.
J } 891-tf
? r.RNT-Furnlshkd rooms , 1810 Uodco street.
Iou 183-Julj
TI OR RKYT foi nmmu o urlnit pjrnoica or hall ,
X1 brgo room 41x15,3d lloor , Wo. llo 3. llth et ,
enquire at 14O9 Dodge it A. J. Slraunon ,
'OR HUNT Ounirnlly loiatud lurnUtiuii romus at
613 south 15'h St. 713-tl
> oii RKNT ( urnlilioi Inr otrout room lth Mco > a
il 1 grate bath , etc. , 1710 Oaa street. 715 tl
Ion RUNT IjUfO trout roo.n on first Hoer wltn or
with board ; inqulro t 1001 furnarn St.
ROOMS Wltd Maiauoblr m fjt eumm r Apply
SI Chailos Hotel. 718-tl
R 180 aero farm York Co. , Nob. K. M ,
liattls , Ycrk Nob. S37Jlj : 16p
FottBALu sjlcet oaCumlnijbo'ween 19th and SOI.
with house , $2,700. Ilodlord & Saner. 717-tl
TTIORBALB A fiou acre etook and grain f rm , all Im-
D pro edlonr ; hours'ride from the OioahaStojk
Yards ; 8een rnllcalrom the olty cl Frbmo&t ; two
railroad within three miles ; 300 acres under plow ,
the ro < t In pasture ; board fence , running etream
through pasture ; house with ton rooms ; will bo gold
cheap U sold immediately ; on terms to suit. For
further particulars Inqulro ol Oeo. 0. drodfrey , Fie
mont. Neb 71Blulil
FOR SAI.U Boautltul tightly Iota , North Omaha ,
blocks from street ears , 3400 and S453 each S3
down , balance 1 , 2 and 3 j cars These are groit bir-
; alnfl. No tlnor lots can bo bought In the city O E.
Uajoe & O , , S. W. cor. 15th and Farnam. 833-11
FOR BALK A good lot ECK150 , cast front , ,
trcca.Sblookslrom Hanscom P rk ; will cell or
small monthly pijments and small payment down ,
Address D D. , Bee office. 768 9p
| ? oasiis 60 loot on Farnam no r 9th ; also lot
F In Highland I'laca and Jerome P rk , on caiy
terms , ruttle & Allleon , 211 south 13th st
319 jty 15
TOii HAI.K.-2 lots , 69.x 140 fee ton faruam ttrcct
1 Eouth front , elegant location , must bo sold. W ,
. Green , oicrlst Nitlonn ] Bink. EOS tl
FORSALK targo house , newly built , 9 rooms , al.
modern Implements with t ot , at 1710 Ctua
et ; Inqulro at premises. 727tf
FRSAMi. J60lect'front on Virginia avenue , ono
block from head ol St. Mary's \ 4. $3,000 for
all , or $1,800 for hall. W. U. Green. o\cr lit Na <
lonal Bint. 6)0 ) tl
\OR \ SALE Corner lot. east { rent , f 0 x 140 feet
ono block from Park > enuo. 81,600. W. IL
eon , oter 1st National Bank. li-i
17OR BILK Frrtr fcts lor sale on Burl and earnings
lutvseen 28th and SlBt cheap , tnsldo propert
cdlord & Souer. 729 tl
* I7toR LUSH Best unoccupied ground In the ty lor
J1 warehouse house.67 ( cot fronton Ixjarenwarth ,
north bet 10.h and llth.will lease lor 99 years. Bed'
ord & Souer. 73tl >
Horseond nngoii , ( .heap. Inquire 1318
street. 886 9
F I OR SAlK A Kccond hind plaeton at A. J. Hl-np-
HOII'H ; , 1409 DadgOH11. 890-lOj )
FOR BALK Restaurant and bakery In the city of
Lincoln , at 1235 Ottrcit , atwo > earleaeo on o
good brick bu Idln. A complete bakery in e\ory ro
pect , with a good woifon , good route and a flnt
i ss iciUiirant trade , Good reasons for silling. J ,
K. Crook , 12350 etroet , LlncolaMob.
8 D-lttr
F on HALK Holler and cnelne , 20horB < siowor boiler
> nd engine , In good runnlni ; order ; want to st !
for the reason that they are not largo enough for
the now machinery which wo will put Into our row
building on Homey St. Clarke Bros. & Co. , 1403
Douglas St. t47tt
IfOR SAtK-Stoam flour mill ; capacity IMbble. per
1 day ; ele\atorctpaclty,20OCObushels ; good track
facilities ; only mill la Omaha , Will fo'I or trade for
and , 310,000. TV. II. Orcea , o\or lit National Dank.
rpoiBlsTsni-Korralo , the rrntorlal of a first clis
X job ard newrpaper olllco. Address John N Hn
lir , 1'AWEOC City , Nob. 770-10
ITtOR8iLE good piano , cheap. Mrs. A. Caldor-
I ? wood , 1318 California fat. 7l2-tf
A LWATR on hand at a bargain. No 1 eooond hand
XX carriage phaeton and side bar buggies ; also nm-
brellas and sunshades , at 1109-1411 Dodge St.893tf
ITlott HALK I1EO ; seven \car eld liorae , hirncoa anil
L1 top burgy : boreo has been used as a family borae
and Isrerfictlvaafo.
f050 , lot 40x176 , InSllllird & Calclwell's addition ;
2CO cub and 2 jeirs' lima on balance.
? 5(00 ; fi e acres on Stuaders St. . and Urge house
nd barn. A very Urge bargain for some one.
Slvi 0 ; Two stery dvielllcg on full lot , on car lino.
85 200 ; a 7 room house on let SOxlEfl ; good barn ,
nd \erycompleto place , on easy terms ; 1 blook
rom car line ,
100 ft on I'oppleton Avc. , on/2 ! blks from car line ,
nil near the park ; $700 cash and < CO per month.
81,600 ; new 0 room house on full lot , ono block
rom Bounders tt. , aud one block from green line
carj ; good barn and a nlco home for some one.
Lots In Klrkwood to sill or lease.
82,6(0 ; full lot on Capitol Illlladdition.
88x58on N. 18th fit. , with 3 LOUIOJ n r depot , at
16n feet on Farnam , near court homo. M F. Bears.
M. r. Scars , Williams lilock , 16th and Uodifo st.
iiioBBAU Corner 27th and r'annm , Ujxlitf , fur
[ ' $2(00 ( , terms very easy.
22 feet on Farnam , bet. 19th and 0th ; chrap. C ,
E. JIajnoiCj. , 16thand Fwnam. 8'09
B-Corner lot 7fixl < U , la center of tovn.ex-
L * cellcnt plica for f JtirS'.OC cottages ; would gl\u a
et rental ul { 60 ! | cr jcar : a net Income of 17) ) per
cent on will Increase . cent
erje r In uelllrg value , JI.600. J B.llitoy A , Oo.
Kor Htla-Two bis on Uovritla Ave ,2 blockstouth
f Leav nworthBtv ; ry deslroblo iciMurto property ,
326 e th. J. K. l.llcy A. Co , , 215 H 13th tit.
For Sulo-Kight lota on Virginia Aio , 2 blcclu
cuthof Liavenworthst , eaet front 88'Oto ' iJW
ach , dcslriMoresidenceprqxirt ) ' , J. K lIUeyACo. ,
16 U. ISIh St.
Korfl l One lot facing on llanscom Park near
main entrance , Liatllul locitlon for residence , } JM ) .
. E. lllley & Co. , 216 S. 13th St.
For Silt Ftruanuticet | ropcrty nrar now court
oii > eat a bargain. J K , Hllej & Uo ,315 H 13th HI ,
For Hale Faruain struct bboi , routd for ? JOOO ,
rice 825.000 , easy terms
Fo/Hale Corner lot in blocV on rod ( trcet erne
no , 83(0 , thli Ii potttlnly a birgilu , J , E. lllley 4.
u , 216 tf , 13th St
I'jr Sile Mcttern loll on Cutnii i and Burl , 4
ocksfrom mlllt ry bridge , J. E. lUler i. Co , H6
Uth &t
For Hale Elgbteoa lots on Vlnton St between
7th and 18thBt8,8UOto81000 each ; there are bir-
tins In re < ldencu and builneu property among
ie a. They areoaly Die Lltci frcm 18th itievi
Ar line ; toimi easy ,
Wa desire to state to ovr pitron ) thtt wo tfond
o tine nor printer's lok on hlch | p Iced propirty.
ut can Toacnfor the rcanonableneula prlco of all
born meoUoce i , J , K. Uljey 1 , Co. . 215 S. 13th St.
8UK-By Hamlln ft Blown , Sit B. llth 8U
. . . . . . . . . . . . . lot In South Omaha , mar end ISth
street ca I Ine ; (1,150
Hous i and J lots In South Omaha , U.103.
tlouii ami lot on CnllfornK gt , $3,001
Uits In 8h nn' Addition.
IVmlAO acres In Ntmahft rountr , will exchange
for mttchnrul ft.
Three fArrnd 'H Olos county mar Snicuse.
t Ami In Slruiton mnty
For rcnt-0 room cottage PII TrfMcnwotth street ,
squix en turn e > p r hnimf ; s ptr month.
It'll s collected , tfitfi I.A.I , mmiev lomicit oil
lolifftlmr Ilnilui JtllrJnn , 311 S llth Ht. 8S 11
iP ' ° * . * \V ? T.wa * loly tlfk howt , torncr lot
tpitndlrle , two Mocks from street cut.
Shlnn's adJIHon 13,100. $ JCO down and IIS par
niojth. C. K. Mane fc Co. , 8. W , cor. 16lh atil
Fatnam 831-17
F Coltaje 6 rooms , Datenpoit ncarSMh
t , 810.
Ilrlcn home , 0 room . 'hmn's a < ldltlon , 8i5.
Two new ttormi nn 16ih St. 0 E. Maine & Co. , S.
W cor. ICthand Farcan. 8S041
[ 7 > OR RKtT-B roomliou > and good barn on greei
i1 tar llnc.llJ per month.
For rent 11 room house and large barn on rcdllne ,
$50 per month ,
$3 , -2x82 , on IXxIze ; and brlok bnlldlng.
Lot 41x120 and S itorj brick blook on Dodge St. ,
a bargain.
V.0"N.wth * ° Io" ° for a t < ) | m o | J01 *
feet f
80 or site n Farnam
100 feet for ale on Farntm ,
44 feet far silo on Farnam.
Livery for dale , ehe p , good IraJo and will p
liom the itarl. M. F. Soars , Williams blook , Uth
and Dojgo Bt 407-tl
FCH8Al.n-At anacrinoa , a ngw ilnrclllntr of ten
rooms , large bsrn , two full lot * , S : blocVs ( rom
Itroct cart ; will bo sold chtip on long time. I If you
want a nlco place at a binaiu this Is ft chanoo O.E.
. W cor 15ih nd Farnam. 88211
MARION rt.Aci-0 gjod loU In this addition with.
In 8 hkcks of street care , can IM had on easy
terms. WH Green. o\cr 1st Nat'l Bank. 827-tt
FOR 8ALR 100x140 feet on P. UthSt. , house 4
roomr , $ ' ,2co : monthh pajnunK
Full lot , small home , b autlful location , S. 12th
St. , 81,803. $50 down and monthly rajmonta. 0 1C.
Mane & . Co. , 16th and Farnam. 878 11
TTTVm BALE. A full corner lot , two MOCKS west ol
X1 rod car lmo-8550. This Is positively a bargain.
J. K. Rlley & Co. , 115 . ISth St.
For Sale-Lot 60xHO , 22d St. , near Grace , WOO.
This Is also a btigaln. J. K. Rlloy t Co.,216S 13th st
For Sale Three lots 60x140 , south Iront. 4 WocKi
from street OUK. ? 350caoli ; bargains. 3. K. lUley &
For Silo T olots on Ocorgla avUec11o > , add.oMt
front , no grtdlng , near Farnam , 76xUO $2000 each.
These nro reisonabls. J. K. Rlley & Co,216 8 13th St.
For Sale Nine Iota on Virginia ate. , 8300 to $950
each. J. K. Rlley fc Co , SIS S 13th st
For Sale Ten lots on Curnlng Bt. , and nlno on
Hurt St. , four blocks from military bridge. J. K. lll
ley & Co ,216 813th st
For Silo Klghtcon lots on Vlnton st , ono block
from terminus 13th streetcar lino. Positively cheap.
J. E.RI1 y& Co. , 2168 mint
Wo desire to say to our patrons tint In the above
list no can glxoaesuranoo of safe and profltablo In
vestment. tVo also ha\o property In almost every
quartcrof the city worthy of Instigation.
J. K. RILK7 & CO. , 215 S 13th St.
738 tf
FOR BAM Two crcat btrgtlns on Lcavcnworth St. ,
ono la ] 3rulS7 feet with house , | 2tOO ; very easy
terms , and the other 03x127 feet with homo , $2,600 ,
ca > ) tormj. C. i : , Mane & Co. , and Faroam.
FOR HALK-ODO half Interest In a gael paying seed
and nursery bu.lnosi otSt. Paul , Neb. Continued
111 health of the proprietor , the reason for polling.
Addrofs K. W. Ilurllmt , Gra d Island , Keb. 8)9 8
FOR 8AL On half Interest In n good paIng dem
ocratic newspaper ; grud clrcuUtion , wll : soil cn-
tlrabusltcstlf dtsrod. For particulars addrcm bov
U I ) , Orand Island , Neb. b58 8
FOR 8AM or rent A good established restaurant
503 e. 13th St Inqulro al Trclta : hko'a. 823 8i |
_ -
IR WALK A hall Interest Ii a sot ol abstract
' hoolH ol Douglas county , about one htlt com-
listed. 71io80 books are In the Ute t Improved
method and are rcllanle. Aldrcsj L. Q. Bee office.
Wi ANTXO A. partner wi h$300 cniltil , In a coed
paying business. Address N. V. , Boo offloo & 33-8p
TTTAvrxD Partner wlh a few hundred dollars to
IT start a meat market In n geol town In thin
state ; gnod chaLco lor a gocd man. Address H. F.
Allen , Bco office. 81C-Sp
BisiNKSl CIIAKCKAbout $ AOO will buy an estab
lished business , together with leato tor ono joar
ot building. Till ] In a good ba1 gala for some ono
Address b. P. , Bon office. SIBtf
npwo or 1 lot' Marlon Place ; * ) ! ! trade lor residence
.Land pay difference In cub. W. U. Orccn , o\er
litNatlonal Bank , _ 70J1I
FOR HILH A hall partnership In a good paying
busln < s > ; cnly a erxall capital icqulred. Address
A , Bee office. 703 Op
n ; $8,000 stock ol bran new hard-
JL ware , direct from the lactory , lor good Nebraska
or Iowa land.
For Bile Cheap and beautiful lota Hlmehaugh and
Patterson's Hub uh Islon , tu o miles from city at SIM
and $200 oach.onmonlhlj pay tr cuts o5 ! and 810. Per-
eoni bujlng here will bo assisted to build right away
II desired.
To rent Four cplendld offircs.
68tf R. 0. PATTKIISON , Uth and Farnam St.
ha\liu Infants or chl d'cn under six
years to boird out , can find a Ktod hotro at 107
North lOih st. 767-1 Cp
Will be tound at 1GC9 Davenport street ,
JL an experienced nun o ; bolt clij reference. 793 18p
LADIES II you want > our plumes or tip ) cleaned ,
dyed and curled ; tirst-alate work guaranteed , go
to Henry Sincere , 1310 Jackson et. 493-j'y22 '
PERSONAL Mrs. E. U. Hooper , tranoo olalrvoyan
and healing medium , over 718 North 18 in 8
BCMRODfR Clalrvoiant and Magnetic hoalo
MRS all pain and disease , 707 N , 16th St.
437 July 10
D In. A ciiE8TKRrirr.rj Uognetla ihytlclaa , test ap/ {
developing medium , oior 01 ! cortn 10th St ,
milE purest , rlihest and best Ice cruam tlways fresh
JLon hand ; orderi for private anil botrdln ; houses
promptly delUerud. Crl Stnmld , 03 South Uth
troot , above Farnam. lOJ-Jly-0
T OARD The belt day board ni the city for tour
Odo'laiB per week , at 1011 Dodge St. 815 8p
Aiuirdor too * and eno Don'f. ' Finder ro-
lurntu Frank KoftlP , llillard Hotel and receive
ro ard. 884 8p
T OKI A brown and white spoil id c < w , and brown
JL/wlf six weeds cl ; oowando < lf both wear loither
laltei ; etraj ed from cor. 20th ami Clark Bts. Hulta.
ile toward for return of same or Information Chris
Uulluliolcccr , 2Cth and Cl irk fit * . 831 8p
T OST Fla y forenoon , nurcsrnor of Htli and
L Farcau ) , a lady's g Id watch. A liberal rcwa'd
n II ba paid If returned to C. E. Miyne & Co , 15th
md Farnam. 810-8
r OST A spotted ooaclidcg 6 moaths old , A lib.
L/eral loitardwi 1 ba paid at No 115 N llth t.
X A tuirell rntru with a whlta
star In the foroheaj. Flnlor lll recolva a liber-
Treward by re urnlng her to Cumln'd It Qulnn , gro-
era,13th , anil Chicago street. G17-tf
\To Operation , or useless I rusies Dr , M , if. Moore
Ll 243 Wabash auChlcaKO , Ilia. , at Omaha every
0 days. Bond stamp for circular , 499 Jly-21
IJ < on ar.M A eupcrlor llallelt & Dull u | > rlght
L1 piaao. Mrs. Hall , 2219 California St 8IG-3j >
U I * . 1'irk located 12 miles S. W. on U. 1 > .
rill , Isnowopentothopublloandcanbo rented
or pic-nlci and social gttherlngs Bpoclil rates ferro
> ro glten. For terms , call or address IL 0. Bcbwcnck
'apllllon , Neb. _ B02 tf
QKOOD MARU Parties wishing to purchtso brood
Dmares for ranch purjmoi pioaso call at Iloman's
ilvcry ( table , 413 south 13tb street , Omaha. S02-U
"IIIKW HII.VH TAO , does nut give you heart-burn.
wVlagaivdiwmedal one cent , each by the dealers
'eyckoUroa. ' , Agents. 033-tt
On Hkhorn and 1'Ulto. T , Murray.
7 0tf
_ _
"Ilisw HiLVvit io , It1 * ( rult atvurtut , taKi rodoeiuad
JtA un cent each by the duUeri , I'tiycke Itros.
Ceuts. C35-tf
on banjo alien by 0 K Uellen
L beck , at 1110 Capitol av . 480 tf
"lliiwStl/VBttTAO , It does not taint the breath , tagi
/redeemed at ono cext ach by the dealers. I'eyck
ro , Agenta. M8-U
Bldi will In received until Siturdaj , July llth , 11
i , at the ottlco ot Mende-N ohn & FUbcr , atchltccU ,
> r bujlug audiemotlng the IUIKU bullulng at the
ortht > t corner bf the Coniolldatid Tank Line
'i prcaiUja , ooroer Btb md JODCK itreott ,