Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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OAPITA.L PRIZE , $75,000.
* TIckota Only $5. Shnrea in Proportion *
Louisiana State Lottery Company
' do hereby certify that ue turerviit tht at
, and that the tame are conducted mth
irnft and in good faith toiftrd alt far
tiff , and ue authorize the company to vte thit ter
tifteate , teith fac-ii < nile of cur rigntturei attach *
in ill advertiicmcnU.
Inoorponted In 1643 forSSyoara by th leglnUlnit
for educational and cbarltabla pnrponna with *
otrHlAl of (1,000,000 to which ft reserve fund of ov
ISM 000 hu slnoa been added.
By an overwhelming popular vote III franchise
WM made putt of the present eUto constitution
Adopted December Id A. 1) . 1879.
The only lottery ever voted on and endorsed by
tbo people of anyetato ,
It oarer loalos or postpones.
Its prand tingle number drawing ) Uke place
monthly ,
A srtEKDin oproniDNrrr TO WH A ronroKg
7th Grand Drawing , Clan O , in the Academy
of Music , Now Orleans , Tuesday , July 14th
1885,182cl Monthly Drawing.
100,000 Tickets At Five Dollars Hach. Frac
tions , in Fifths In Proportion.
LIST or rftiiBsi
1 do do 25,000
1 | Jg 10,000
2 PiltZKS OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G.OOO 13.00. .
6 do .2.COO 10,000
10 do . .1,000 10,000
SO do ECO 10,000
100 do 200 20,000
000 do 100 80,000
GOO do 60 25,000
1000 do 2i 58,000
' 0 Approximation Prlios ol 8780 . 0,760
0 do do BOO _ _ . . . . 4600
0 do do 250 . 2,250
1967 Prliw , amounting to . -$285,600
Application lor rates to clubs slionld bo modoonly
to ttjoolHoo ol the Company In Now Orloann
For further Information wrlto clearly Riving loll
address. POSTAL NOTES , Express Money Orders , 01
New York Exchange In ordinary letter , Ourrcnoj
by Express ( all sums ol < fi and upwards al our ex
pense ) addressed ,
Or U. A. DAUPHIN , New Orleans , la.
807 Seventh St. , Washington D. 0.
Ifako P , O. Honor Order ) payabto and addien
Registered Letters to
Nsw Orleans L
Fhojnlx Insuranoo Co. , London , Cuh
Assets. . . . _ 13,881,000
Westchoster.rr. T. , Assets 1,000,000
.CheUorchanta ol NewarkN. J. , Assets . . . . 1,275,000
GlicrdFlre.l'htladolphla.Asaets l , llf
New Hampshire , Cain Assets . . _ _ _ .
Notice ! Notice ! Notice !
To all who nrc illwiecJ or alllfcted , no matter how
long tbo standing ; como and ba healed. Feamalo dis
eases where medicines have tailed to glvo relief ,
a specialty ; como one. oarae all and bo healed by the
Magnetic healer , the only sure escape ( torn any ills-
oa o. For examination , our cba'goj arol. lor each
treatment , or visitations $2 ; terms strictly cash.
North Btata St. , ono mlla weal ot FalrOrounJi
Omaha , Neb. P. O. Box 633.
Agent , Omaha , Neb.
516 N 16th St.
, . , Omaha.Neb
5 poi cent Interest Allowed on time ;
Investment Securities , Mortgage
Loans Negotiated on City Property
and Improved Farms.
i K7 AiJJ. \J\JJLfy
Plattsmouth , Neb.
Brooder of thoroughbred and high grade
Hereford and Jersey Cattle ,
And Puroc nnd Jorsov Ked Swino.
I t \
I juooaEOBs xo JOHK a , JACOWJ
Al the old lUnd 1417 Ftrnim EL Crdon far t tt
r ph allcltgJuiilprcmpll ittended la. Teltpboni a
1 S 16th atroot , . Opp. Poatofhoe-
O. P. DAVIB. T. A.
Nebraska Laud ;
Agency. :
o. F. DAVIS & GO >
And Eoal Estate Mortgages
1503 tfARNAM STUI1KT. .
Have for lale 100,000 acroi CAretnlly Mlectod landi
In Kaatern Mobraaka , at low price and on aty tirini
Improved farmi tor eale la Uoujlu , Dodge , Coltu ,
Platte , Uurt , Cumlnf , Sirpy , Waahlnjtoii , UeirtiV ,
lundort , and llutler OOUCUM , a
Taiei paid In all pwU of tbt t t .
Notary lubllo al ayj la offloo. Conoipondenet
tl ;
llooty loincJ en Improved Urmi and city prop *
How R amootli-TonRitcd Fellow Mmdo
Money on Cloth.
Denver ( Col. ) Times.
"Hero's a notice of a note 1'vo got t
pay that I had much rather nso to chok
a Ohicigo dude with , " said nn angrj
ffttmor ycitordaf , as ho started of ! toward
the bank with the piece of paper rolln
np with a hundred and twenty dollar
with which to redeem the note.
"What'a a Chicago dado got to do with
"A good deal. I've got to pay tht
8(20 ( nnd interest at 1 per cent n montl
for six months for about $30 worth o
cloth. But I'm not alone. There's ' com
fort In that. Misery does love company
It shows that a fellow isn't the only fee
in the world , which furnishes more con-
eolation to mo than yon might think.
"Oh , you want to know about thi
Chicago fellow , do yon ? Well , last snm
mor and fall the follow came hero from
Chicago to sell a lot of goods belonging
to a basted dry goods firm. Ho dldn' '
soil the stuff In Denver , but wont among
the farmers. IIo had the glibbest tocgai
I over hoard wag , and ho was actually
the boat and most accommodating follow
I ever saw.
"A peddler would starve io death , on
in our neighborhood , bat this peaky sin
ner sold a lot of goods to every ouo of
my neighbors. Ho carried a largo amonnl
of cloth with him , and wont through the
same programme everywhere ho wont ,
remember perfectly well how ho confi-
doncad mo. Ho had a largo amount of
cloth , nnd said ho was agent tor an Im
mense etock of bankrupt goods. 11 o gel
mo nnd my folks to look at them , nurJ
told us he could let us have them al
wholesale prices , and that a sot of tailors
were following him , and would make up
the goods without oxtrn coat to us , so wo
could got our clothing at about half ol
the naual price. Not only that. Ho
didn't care for tbo money now. That
could bo paid In two or thrco or six
month ? , just as I wished about it. There
bad never been such n glorious chance to
save a few dollars. The goods were ovl
dently very cheap. Ho showed mo how
much they had boon marked down.
"I got enough for n complete suit for
each of the boy a , and additional goods
until my bill reached $120. Tlion ho
brought out a book full of blank notes
and filled ono out for mo to tign , explain
ing all the time that ho liked to acconv
mcdato people. Then ho paid mo 75
cents for dinner , saying that ho would
not boat mo ; ho charged mo for his goods
and wanted to pay for mine. Ho was
the boat fellow you over saw.
"But the tailor didn't como. I talked
the matter over with my neighbors nnd
wo Investigated and found that wo had
; ot nbont one-third the worth of oar
noney. Wo nlao fonnd that the not33 wo
javo wera such that we would bo com
pelled to piy them. They had boon pre
pared nicu an eye to an emergency like
ihis. Wo couldn't find our glib friend.
Qo had indorsed the notes ever to his
Irm nnd gene to now pastures green. The
notes were loft with one of our homo
imnka , nnd the last sinner of ua had to
pay. Hu never accepted a note except
ivhoro it was backed by property. Over
iwenty farmers that I know of had to
iay or will have to pay noon , and every
mo of them were swindled. 1 have
leard of moro than n hundred of these
notea , and suppose they roproaent but n
email part of tbo fraud's operations. You
can put it down thai the next "agent"
, hat comes along will moot with anything
) Ut a lucrative business , " and the Indig
nant nnchnnn went ofl to denounce the
swindle at the bank , accase the honora-
> lo Institution with standing In with the
Chicago dado , and to pay the noto.
Platinum and Its UBOB ,
srow York Mail and Express.
There is only ono establishment In Now
fork where platinum articles are manu-
actared. The place Is on Bond street ,
ho industry being conducted on the third
leer of a balldlng. Although its sur-
oundlngs are unpretentious , college pro-
cajora and ic'.outific men from all parts
of tin United States are familiar with it ,
and a largo busineea is carried on. Its
iroprletor , who Is an old resident of the
ity , was asked by a reporter for Dome
jartlcnlara regardlrg the trade in
ilatlnum ,
"Thero isn't much to toll yon , " ho
aid. "Yos , thla is the only plnca of its
clnd in the city , and I have boon oatab-
lihcd here n great manyyoara. Platinum ,
generally speaking , la one-third the
slue of pure gold. It is worth , la round
igurop , $8 a troy ounce. Most of it ia
com the Ural districts of Russia. Wo
ot it from Russia In wbnt Is known as
Hit stock1 or eboots , and In thick wire
rods. "
"Isn't it found in AmerbaV' asked the
"Not to any extent. Wo do got some
ram Oregon nnd South America , bat not
raiih , and the trouble now ia that the
irlco ij going np whllo tliera are no IIOTT ho
applies forthcoming. It ( s maunfict-
irad chic lly for laboratory USD , in colleges
and elsewhere. The sheets and wires
are made into small vessels nnd Gno
wires for experimental parpogos , the
value of the metal consisting In its reels- "
anco to heat. It takes double the heat
o molt it that is required to work cut
ran. _ The niticloa ui&do from it include "
JOiloiB , nlorabrlca , crucibles , syphonr ,
nbse , wirrganzo , blow-plpo spoonp ,
tntular , refining syphons , and jowolora'
coloring baskets , I supply colleges with
hoBo articles In all parts of the country. "
Tbo speaker hero showed the reporter
ploco of the sheet platinum. It meas
ured twelve inches long by six inches
wide , and was about half an Inch thick
t had the oppoiranco of full silver , and
was very heavy.
"You might not think It , " ho added ,
'but I would not take $1,000 for that
ploco of metal. Its great weight Is re-
narkible , as yon see ; It is the heaviest of
ho commercial metals. "
"What Is Increasing the demand for
platinum } ' * was naked. to
"Tho electric light ) . In these , of the
ncandesceut description , the platinum is
used ia the glebe of the burner , being the
wo line wires that are used in the glob a
connect with the loading copper wires.
S'o other metal conld bo fated into the
lass that would not become oxidized. Of
our e , the increated demand for the
electric lights Increaeed the demand for
ilrtlnum. Why , to show you how ranch
i it is used , when ono of tbo eleottio
Ight companies was started and they
wore bath using and epolllnt ; n great
many of their lights , they were payln ?
mo f 1,000 per week for platinum wiro. "
Coupling Onru by Telegraph ,
3harleaton News and Courier. to
A special dltpstch to the News and of
Jourlcr , dated Sivannah , Jnno 14 , ap
peared in your laaao of the 15th Instant ,
jiving account of the death of Conductor
Clomenoe , of the Tybeo Rrilrcnd.
Since reading the account I have teen
model of an invention that will prevent
such accidents. The invention is a tele- ter
rapb line to be fixed permanently en 'ot
freight or passenger cars , and by a very s"v
simple derlce any nnmbor of cars can bo
connected in cno circuit , as quickly as
ono can stick a peg In a hole.
Thla connection opens automatically
when the cars are uncoupled , or if nny
coupling should break orcomo nnfaatoned
In any way , nnd in doing BO rings a gong
la the engine. With this Improvement
in bell lines , the conductor need not
hang out from the stops of cars , M Mr.
Clcmenco was doing when ho loat his
Ilfo , but may stand In any part of his
train nnd be abiolutoly certain of giving
the right signal tbnt ho may want to
make , Should a train bo uncoupled , or
should a coupling break , this telegraph
line will adjust itself automatically and
preserve a closed circuit to the roar end
of as many cars as romaln attached to the
These points of excellence are not all
that the Inventor claims , but nro cnoug
to make a desirable attachment on frolgh
and passenger trains nnd miy aavo many
The eloctrlo signal is the Invention of
cltuen of this town , was invented nbou
n year ago , iiutl has boon patented.
801110 Poultry Notes ,
From the Byrn Mawr Home Now .
Indian corn should bo fed sparingly a
this season to fowls , as it has n tendency
to fatten to an excess.
The boat and most natural flooring fo
hon-honaea , nil things considered , I
clean dry earth , upon an earthen lloor
Peed your poultry on raw onions
chopped fine mixed with ether food
about twlco a iroek. It is bettor th&n i
dczon cures for chicken cholera.
Don't allow the llttlo chickens to wadi
nronnd In the wet grass. They are no
able fcr such cxaauatlvo exercise. Con
fine the hen If aho is inclined to load them
too far away.
It Is said thitatoaspoonfal of glycerine
nnd n few drops of nitric ncld to a pint o ;
drinking water will generally euro a few
that shows symtoms of bronchlstls , when
accompanied by guggling sound In the
throat , as if choking.
Experimenting with mongrel fowls In
these days Is very poor business nt the
best , when there is snob an abundance oi
the prime stock to commence with. It Is
just aa cheap to brcod and feed the hotter
kinds of poultry nt the outset as H Ia to
keep poor trash.
To destroy vormln on fowls take a
sponge or soft rag , moisten with kerosene ,
with a few drops of carbolic acid added ,
nnd rub it gently over the back of the
nock and under the throat and a llttlo
under the wings and that fowl will ba rid
of them. Then rub the same mixture
ever the porches , pretty well rnbbod in
once n week , and they will never take
possession of the chicken house.
A Hardy Breed.
A. B. Allen says in the Now York
Tribune : The Polled Angus cattle nro
fulfilling my predictions , made in 1872 , w
when I wrote repeated articles for the
agricultural papers and used my best ex ,
crclons privately to prevail on western
ranchmen to Introduce them among their
herds , which wns'soon done. Now , after
some years of experience with them on '
the groit plains nnd in the Rocky moun
tain valleys , they are fonnd the hardiest
of nil the improved herds of cittlo tried
tbcro. In addition to this great hardi dc
ness ia ihe great advantage of being with anh
out horns. The benefit of this absence of anwe
the worao than useless oxcresconca wen
Is bestowed almost nnlvcreally on the
stock gob by these Polled bulls out of the
long-horned Texas ; cows. The form of
thla half-breed stock proves also much
superior to that of their dams , for they Bi
mature a year or two earlier , turn out n
finer quality of beef and are reared and
fattened and transported to market moro H
economically. Tien there Is the superior
safety In handl'ng them tholr milder
and quieter dlspDnhiou , and the inability
of goring and hurting each other when
herded together , however closely. In
roaring this sort of cattle on the great '
plains in preference to horned stock , a
great profit is realized. Indeed , this ad bo
vantage has been calculated at five to boa
twenty five par cent dependent on the A a
breed of these horned animals being wi
moro or loss improved , against which wio
they are pitted in euoh trials. h o
The Western Vornacnlar , "
Washington Correspondence , F
Mr. Swllzlor , the uaw chief of the ,
bureau of statistics , has succeeded in
making himself the subject of a great 01at
deal of mttth among these who are ata
brought into contact with him. When ho W
took charge of the bureau ho called all of
his employes together nnd made them a 0tl
neat speech of half an hour or more , tlf
which , if nil accounts are true , must
have been a very remarkable ono. The
statements of his utterance place him In
the moat ridiculous light. Ho told them
all of his personal history running ever
sixty yean of active life , what his poli
tics had been , how many thousand of o
speeches and agricultural addrostcs ho had o
made , how hard ho had worked to got
this place , ho w mush on familiar terms
wanted to bo among thorn , nnd how
olFdiidod ho would ba If any ono should
think of knocking before entering his
room. Ho nleo told thorn ho intended to
call on all of them nt their homos and
stated Incldent'y ' that he Intended to bo >
"bota" of the bureau , made some gallmt
remarks about the lady employes end Tbh
wound up with the expressive remark of Tbh
"That's the eort o [ hatpin I am. " h
How thoTaxpayeru are Swindled , n
Corrupt contracts. Unbalanced bids , h
Unreliable estimates. Fraudulent bonds. o
Imperfect material. Unsatisfactory work
manship , Fictitious figures , Favored '
contractors. All this on the public
works. But how about the works of
your inner man ? Impoverished blood ,
Rheumatic riot. Lizy liver. Dyspeptic
stomach. Give attention to these and
sot them right with Brown's IronBltters.
Mrs. Morlock , of Westminster , Md , , 0Wf
sayp , "I have used Brown's Iron Bitters Wf
and found it a good tonio and appetizer. " o
A currant grape that has no seeds la grown .1r .
a very proat extent In many parts oi Greece , r
the annual product being CG.COO toni , of St
which the United Stutca buys annually about Stn
16,000 tons. n
Great lintain and Ireland contain 3,00\ . nn
COO head of poultry , and Great Urltnlu'd an nno
nual eg ? bill amounts to ? 3t,2iO,000 , o
English Opera ia America , pi
Mr. H. B. Mahn well-known
, a - man- ID
azerof English Opera , firat introduced IDa IDh
Bliss Jcannlo Winston to tbo American a
public. Sir. Mthn was formerly a cor U
oner In Philadelphia , and , therefore , W (
knows haw dangerous cough mixtures n
containing morphia or opium are. Ho )
says that la the winter months the mem ho
bers of his company tro much expotod
cold , Whenever ho detects symptoms
hoarseness in nny of thorn , ho gives
them Red Star Cough Cure , and by this
means they never raisa any of their en- a
gigements. la
0 !
Lunches at tbo Aacot races. e ten on the
Rraas or under cover , conaiat of "bread , but I
, and a hard boiled egg , " for a "three-
nen e , " or , more elaborate , the ' 'periwinkle , mo .
We grapes , peerless pines , " and as a trill
sweet a package of acid drops.
Ho Does Nat Spoil Your Host Story
or ForROt Your Favorite
Poison ,
New York Sun ,
A gentleman whoso noaoh&d the ruddy
hue which is sometimes ascribed to the
lavish absorption of spirits leaned famil
iarly over the bar of an up-town cafe ns
ho said :
"Perfect bartenders nro raro. It takes
as much genius to run a bir satisfactorily
as it docs to become n lawyer. Of course ,
I do not say what kind of a lawyer , but
1 will Bay a fairly good lawyer. This is
n busy ago wo live in , nnd men do netlike
like to tike unnecessary trouble. I have
often noticed a crowd of men who walked
into a barroom chatting agreeably , and
who have boon utterly broke np and
knocked endwiao by the questions of a
atnpld bartender. Right In the midst of
a good story , or jnat Rfl the point of
BDtno good anecdote has boon arrived nt ,
the stupid bartender gets the orders
mixed up nnd has to aak everybody over
again or forgets what yov ordered , Ho
interrupts you without tfio ( lightest com
punction of conslonco , and the whole of
your story Is knocked in the head , Ho
, never , romembara the sort of drink you
like , forgets your nama , glvns you
Vichy Instead of toltzor to mix with
your liquor , nnd makes you fool under
certain restraint wbllo you nro near him.
Ho ia almost es bad as the very flippant
bartender , who places his knuckles on
the bar , loans forward , smiles sweetly ,
and says , 'What's your pleasure , gentle
men ! ' baforo you have had tlmo to draw
your breath or como to a fulljatop.
"I toll yon a good bartender is a jewel.
The best ono I over know retired from
business with an independent fortune.
Ho hna gene over to Europe to BOO the
country , nnd will keep his eyes pooled ,
and if nny largo opportunity is floating
around loose there ho can bo depended
upon to gather it in. There are a great
many men who consider drinking worthy
of culture snd intelligent atudy , jnat as a
great many epicures cease oatlng oysters
and take to oatlng clams , on the first of
Juno. . . They drop whisky cocktails on
the lat of Juno and take to whisky
punches. Thla perfect bartender of
whom 1 speak and hoard mo remark
al Christmas tlmo ho was then keep
it bar in a well known np town hotel
. that it was my custom to change my
drinks ! on the lat of Jnno , just as It was
ether men'a ' customs to go from oysters
teol clamsimd when I walked in on the 1st
ol the month of roses I was startled and
ileaaod to have him pnt up a whisky
punch on the bar instead of the hotter
: onccctlon. This was many years ago ,
sut I know then this man would suc
ceed. Ho was quiet , gentlemanly and
never forgot a name , and hung np drinks
with ) such deference and respect that
ivon pronounced boats made It n point
,0 pay him. They did not humiliate
jartondera in these days with any of
hcso patent , boll ringing , self checking ,
automarlc detectors , nnd wo all rejoiced
o sco Billy start a place of his own be-
'oro ho had been in the business two
cars. Until ho gave up the business
1C al ways worked behind the bar. I
don't think this is because ho distrusted
any of his bartenders , but because ho
houpht so much of having hia customers
well served that ho conld not depend upon " of
ny oao but himself. "
But the Inventor Himself It ? sVlio
Falls Victim.
Houston < , Texas , Special to the St Louis
Globa-Democrat. I
W. T. B. Butler , who resides in the
Fifth Wnrd , received fifteen buckshot cu
nd a portion of a wooden ping In the lot
alves of his logs late last night nnder cu
'cry peculiar circumstances. Ho is the
nventor of a burglar swivel gun , which IB
mounts on a chair or other pleco of
arnituro : in a certain room in his house
Attached ) to the gun Is a string for each saAM
findow and door. As an intruder at- AM
erupts : to enter either window for door Ia
ho string palls the muzzle of the gun In 80
line ' of the string. An extra pressure
ires the gun , which is loaded with fifteen frc Or
mckihot and two wooden plags , ono ever
ho pjwdcr and ono over the shot. But- to
01 prepared two swivels last night , the
argo ono for n burglar's body and the
mall swivel for his legs. After thla ho
vent to a party. Returning late nt night
0 wont to the swivel room to detach the
trlnta ; , when his pants caught the string
the smaller gnn , pulling It around and
ring the contents of the gnn Into his
egs. Being nlono in the houeo , howled
wlod t j his gate and fired three shots
vith his pistols , which alarmed his neigh-
ore. Fearing ho would blcod to death
dragged himself into the atroot , where
fainted from the loss uf blood. Six
alh Lava been taken from his legf.
omo yearn ngo in Georgia ho killed a
nrghr with a patent contrivance , and
Inco then hu has been Industriously nt
rork patenting burglar guns.
few York Sun .
A woman hailed n Broadway car at
'hirtyfour tli etreot nnd ttood still until
ho car came to a fall stop. Itwaaln
ho morning ; It was a crowded car and
jehlnd time. The woman had a largo ,
rus'.fnl and tranquil faco. She stood on
ho gutter and yelled , "Conductor , do
on pass Grace church ? "
"Yof , wo do , " eald the conductor ;
'aro you going this week ? "
"Well , " siid the woman peacefully , "I
hlnk 1 will go now. "
"Well , I would not bo too sudden
bout It , " said the conductor ; "It might
ausa a rush of blood to the head. "
There were seventeen men by actual
ount on the platform , and most of thorn
prero obliged to stop out on the platform
ns to Rive the largo and leisurely
roinan a chance to got into the car. Si an
iloanwhilo a loud and angry chorus rose be
rom < the blockaded cars in the rear.
She stepped on a man's ' toes with euch
requonoy and effect that the man gave bcl
tor a seat to eave hla corns , and after
unother man had nieed and subsequently
orrored the window for her she had tlmo
keep the conductor waiting an extra
ordinary length of tlmo whllo she ex
plored her pockets for five cents. Pros-
mtly the conductor pnt hla head into
ho door and yelled , "Gracs church ! "
le rang the boll and the car came to a
ull atop. The woman rose slowly and
went carefully to the rear of the car ,
lore sbo pushed her way , facing north ,
the platform , placad bath hands on
rail , gazed pleasantly through her
jlaiset , and said :
"Well , that Is what I call a very pretty
hurch. I have often heard tell - "
"Oh , have you ? " aald the conductor ,
a cold and Boston-liko voice. "Per-
laps you would like to stand here and
ook at it a llttlo while longer. "
"No , " said the icuperrloua ivonun ,
plowantly , "I only wanted to eoo it. Tell
when you come to Bleecker streo' ,
yon please ? "
The conductor ring hii ball , the seven-
teen men hang on In various ways , and
the nmplo ono returned to hot seat. A'
anull man had taken it. She tapped
him on the shoulder with her fan ; ho
roio without a word , and aho sank down
in his place. Again the oondnotor pnt
his bend In the door , and tills tlmo ho
yelled with mighty force , "Blccckcr
atreotl" With a face that was the picture
turo of pleasure and pleasant anticipa
tion , the stont passenger trended her way
to the rear platform again , nnd gazed be
nignly nbont.
"Which is the bunk ? " she asked slowly.
"Thorol" yelled the conductor , pointIng -
Ing with his right hand.
"Is that the bank that was robbedJ"
"It la. "
"It's quite n largo bank , Isn't it ? "
The conductor said la a hollow and
passionate voice that it was. Then ho
recovered himself , removed his hat po
litely and said :
"Madame , will you bo klud enough to
take the car after this , please ? Wo don't
go any further. No chocks are needed ,
os wo transfer the passengers hero every
day. " With an ngreoiblo smllo the stont
lady atcopod to the ground , and turned
toward the following car. The conductor
rang the bell briskly , the seventeen men
jumped for their places oti the roar plat
form , and the car escaped down Broad
Iileton to Your Wife.
The Manchester GUARDIAN , Juno tb , 18S3 , says
At ono of the
Looking on the woodland waysl With
clumps of rhododondroms and great mass-
is of May bbssomalll "There was an in-
cresting gronp.
It included ono who had been a "Cotton
pinner , " but was now BO
Paralyzed ! ! !
That ho could only bear to Ho in a re-
llnlng position.
This refers to my caao.
I was first Attacked twelve years ago
ivlth "Locomotor Alxy"
A paralytic disease of ncrvo fibre rarely o\cr cutcil
nd waafor several years barely able ot
got about.
And for the last Five years not able to
attend to my business , although
Many things bare- been done ( or ma.
The att experiment bclnp Ncrvo stretching
Two yeira ago 1 was voted Into the
Homo for Incurables ! Near Manchester ,
In May , 1882. I
I am no "Advocate" ; "For anything In I
the shape of patent" Medicines ?
And made many objections to my dear S
wifo's constant urging to try Hop Bitters ,
but finally to pacify her G
Conceutodl !
1 had not quite finished the first bottle
when I felt a change como over mo. This
was Saturday , November 3d. On Sunday
morning I fult so strong I said to my room
companions , "I waa euro I conld G
"Walk !
So started across the floor and back , L
Ihirdlyknow how to contiln mslf. I was
all over the hou33. I am gaining strength oacb
Cay , and can walk quits talc \\lthout any E E
Or support. C
I am now nt my own house , and hope GOOD to ho
able to earn my own taring again. 1 have been a
member of tbo Manchester
"Itojal Exchange"
For nearly thirty years , anil was most heartily
congratulateJ on coicg Into the room on Tliursdty
ft't. Very gratefully joure , JOHN BLACKIICBN ,
MAN-CIIESTKR ( Eng. ) Deo. , 24 , 13:3.
Two years later om perfectly well.
Prosecute the Swindlers.
If when you oil for Hop Hitters ( see green c'.uster
hops on the white label ) the druggltt hands out
any etufl called C. D. Warner's German Hop Bitters C
with other hop name , retusa It and shun that
druggist as you would alper ; and It ho has taken
your money for the etuff , Indict him for the fiaud
and sue bin'or damages for the swindle , and will
reward you liberally for the conviction ,
This Invaluable ppcclflo readily and permanently
cures all kinds of Asthma. Tbo moat obstlnato and
long standing cases Icld promptly to Its wonderful
curing properties. It la keown throughout the world
for Its unrivaled cfllcacy.
J. L. OALDWELL , city Lincoln , Neb. ; writes , Jan
, 183L ti'.aca ' using Dr. Hilr'a ABthma oure , for
more th..n ono jcar , my wife has boon entirely well ,
hnd not even a symptom ot the dtsnase has appeared.
WILIIill HENNETT , Rlchland , Iowa , wrltesNov.
sa 1883. I have been allllctcd with Hay Fever and
Asthma sno ! 1859. I followed your directions and
an happy to say that I never slept better In my life.
am glad that I am among tbo many who cau epeak
favorably of your remedies.
A valuable 01 page trra'.lno containing similar prnof
from cicry SUto In the U , S , CanaJa asd Great
Britain ; will bo mailed upon application.
Any druglst not hiving ; It In stock will procured ,
order. Ask for Dr. lialr B Asthma Cure. lot
DR. B. W WAIR fi SON. 1'roo'J Oln'tl. O.
! M ! i ia
® /&s& > ® \
.ntxfeIldiil pi * lMsitlwito'f 'VtilliafUor ( rownied CTrrC
M * orld , rorci Jiymf * ' AJlft < t 1 * vtr kud Aer , nn 11
ilyUU.-J.Q1 ;
j , jy. wvrrEnuA n , OL6 AOKIJT ,
PEARLINE torrV lltlI
FOR aod
Washing & Bleaching cole pro
In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water. 1811
9iVK8 LABOE , Tins and SOAP AIUMNOLY , and gives
inlrenalutlalactlou. No lamlly ricli or poor ehould 1
without It tree :
Sold by all irrocere. DiwAKn of Imitations well de-
ilgnel to mUload. PKARLINI la the ONLY 8Ara Ubor
laving compound and aluayg bean the above tytn-
and name ot
185 nnil 117 Wabarh Arrnuo , ti
Hair Cloth and Wire
Bustles , Hoop Skirts ,
Hair Cloth Skirts.f
TWs cut rcrrt ent Tlie
LaiiKtry. the mot popular
comblnatK , ! ! of ll.nll . ami
HoopHlilrtovirinadi' . A lady
ha iia worn one i will iwier
wear uny other ktylc. baf U
hltlrt l U M > oa upon llio
liandi l' lruM JeD a , isjli
No. 110.411. t rAiiyoimcll.
Ini r Jiiio m > lu of Btl rt m > i { 0
itump < J. will bo dealt with
I ntva a poilllvo r u Jr f or tli boi illtetit i by It *
tfrrer < JvaeipreiBkiiil | 1 * O.tddfM ,
Jilt.T. A. BLOCUMilll J'c tlfiS. | # cw ftrfc
' Real Estate
Bedford & Souer
213 South 14th Street ,
Have a large list of inside business and resi
dence property , and some of the finest suburban
property in and around the city.
Wo have business property on Capitol Avenue , Dodge ,
Douglns , Farunin , Ilnrnoy , Howard , 9th , 10th , 18th nnd
IGth sreots.
We have fine residence property on Fnrunm , Douglas ,
Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cass , California streets , Sher
man , St .Marys and Park Avenues , in fact on all the best
residence streets. Wo have property in the following ad
Hawthorne. McCorniick's ,
Mmajd&Caldwell's Kountz & Ruth's ,
Lakes , Impr'nt Association
Elizabeth Place ] Wilcox ,
E. VJSmith's , ' Burr Oak ,
Horbacli's , ] Isaac & Seldon's *
Patrick's ? Hanscoru's
Parker's , West Omaha ,
Sliinn's , Grand View ,
Grise's , Credit Foncier ,
KTelson's , Kountz' First
Kountz' Second ,
S-odfrev's , Kountz' Third ,
Lowe's * Kountz' Fourth ,
irkwood , ' Svndicate Hill ,
College Pla Plainview ,
Park Place , Hill Side ,
Tukev &Kevsors ,
End , Tlioriiburg ,
Clark Place ,
C apitol , " Mvers & Richards. "fi
deed's First '
, Bovds ,
all the other Additions to the
City. :
Wo have the agency fo rue syndicate lands in South Omaha. Those
sts sell from $225 upwards , and are very desirable property. The
evelopment of the packing house and othnr interests there , are rapidly
uiliUnc ; up thab portion of ! the city.
Wo have a few lots left in Kirkwood addition , which we offer
rices , terms 25 down balance $10 per month. .These lots are on high
svel ground and are desirable.
Hawthorne. !
This addition is more centrally located than any other new addition
ear the best Schools in the city. All the streets are being put to grade
grades have neon established by the city council , and ia very desira-
residence property , only 16 blocks from Post office , prices lower than
djoining additions for a homo or investment. These lots caunot ba
Fen SALE House and lot on 21st St , Easy FOR SAW Homo and lot , 25tb nnd ObJc
irms. go ntroot ; plendul corner , $3DOO. ,
FOR SAIE 22 foot on Farnam St , , near
St. , $8,000. 000 FOR SALB-First class business block , 845,1
FOR SALE-Lot InWnlnut hill , $200 , 000FOR SALE-J lot on Wheaton St. ; good
Fen SALK-Lota on 20tli , $550 each. house , 81,500.
FOR SALE 22 acres with elegant residence , Fen HALE Fine corner lot in Shinn'u oddl !
barn , fine trees , ehrubety , fruit , hot and tlon , $760.
water and all conveniences ) first data FOR SALK-Lot in Millard Place , special
roperty in every respect. bargain.
FOR SALECO feet on Farnam street , near FOB LEASE Fine busineea property on ICUt
3th. .Good business property cheap. St. , and St. Mary's Avenue ,
FOR KENT lloom 44x76 , ! 3d floor , on 14tb FOR SAIK 1 lot on Chicago St , between
eot , 13th and 11 , with good house , $3,000 ,
We will jfurnish conveyance free to any
inrfof the city to show property to our friends
mil customers , and * clieer/ully f/ive in/or mil
lion reyardiny OtnaJia Property *
who have
wop er
Real OEjta
213 S , 14th St. , bet. Fat