Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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- * - - -MALARIA
The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed Red
Uocs on wrapper.
Olirini IP & Jfcrvoim Discuses
ilj Oiilclc , Siiro Citron. t5yt
* a iJriltciii/iiuruntcnglvrn In
IS7 Sena to Btntnpi for Celebrated Jlcdioa'l
Works. Addro-n. i. ' . I > . OLAKKU , BI. ! > . ,
ISa South Clark Street , CIIICAOO , ILU
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tickets ID 7Ittlis ; wholes SB ; Fractions pro r ta.
kunjeci to no manipulation , nol controlled by ih <
WileiIn Interest. It la In * falreit Ihlnff In the
tltueof chAnoela existence.
lo tickets apply to 8HIPSKT ft CO. , 1212 Broad
way.N. Y. City ; , cr M.OTT&N8 ft CO , 819 Ualn St.
Kansas dty. Wo.
For the benefit of suffering humanity , I deem It
only my duty to elvo thhunsolicited testimony and
the oU time treatment healed up , but It bid only
boon dtli en Into the system by tht > use ot [ ntoali and
mercury , and In March , 1832 , It broke out In my
thrott , and conocntrttecl Into nhtt eomo of the doc-
tora culled ctnotr , eating through my cheek , de
stroying the roof cf my mouth and upper lip , then
nttaakod my tongue , palate and lower Up , Destroy.
lag thopalatoaod under Up entirely and ball my
tonfjuc , citing out to tbo top of my left cheek bono
ud up to the left ej'o. 1 could not eat any solid
food , but subsisted on liquid * , and cay tongue was
BO far Rene I oou d not talk Such nns mr wretched
htlplesa condition the ilratof lust October , 1681 ,
when 'iny filenda commenced giving mo Swilt's Spe r
cific. In Ie83 than n month the eating places stopped g
and healing commenced , and Iho fearful aparturo
Jn my chcok hag been close and flrmly knitted to r
gether. A process of a now under Up la progresilnj ; V
llnclT , and the tongue which was almost destroyed F
Is boini ; recovered , and It < ems tnat nituro la sup t
plying a new tongue. 1 con talk BO that my friends
can readily understand mo , and can alia cat solid C
food again. If any doubt thoio facts , I would refer b
tho0 to Hon. John II. Trijlor , stito penator ot this
district , and to Dr. T. H. UradQold ( if LaQrnnno Qa. g
JOHN F UIUDLKY , 41 OrlswoldSt. a
Detroit , Mich. , May 10,18:5.
For sale by all drujfgUts. o
N. V. , 117 W. 23J St Drawer 8 , Atlanta , Ua. IIa
tin tit
tl [
" " Itm
EUKUviiKb A.Tletlm of youthful Imnrudtneo aedi
1'rematuro Decay , Nnrvoua
cjuelng Debility , Lost
Manhood , etc.Imvlnir tried lu vain every known di
medynaa , ll cov reda lraplom an ofBef-curo ! , dinl
rhlch ho will iil FKEU taf-f jllow-nuirirern , nl a J.ll KKKVlvi 4.1 ( i DKtN. K rk. th
Imported Beer at 01 Bt
Krl "K f Ilat&rU I Cuimbacher Bavaria 01
lllsner IJohemlaa Kaiser . . . . .Uromon
Budweljcr Bt. touta I Anhauser St. LouU (
g t MUwauke | BcbIlU4'lsner.Uili aukee St
Hrug1 Omaha | Ak , 1'orter , Domestic and tn
Khlne Wlnea.
EDMAUREB , 1213 FarnamSt , tb "
,1'rpmnlurf Ifrcllno from errors or eiresfwyi. th
rfiHt 1'otvi-t diseases of th K Iclney * . IIIud > a c
or. and loiinlo ( iliiiid CllltHH wllbnut
Stonmoh Medicines by the Maraton Jtolug. Vn. tin
rlcaoolociimi-vlthoutsurirrry. Treatlsonnd tes sal
timonials < r * i * . All rurrpsiionHrurflrnnndfntlal , salmi
Cor. 18th and Donglaa Sis. Ro ,
Capital Stock , - - - 1150.000
Liability o Stockholders , 300,000 the wo
Fiyc Per Cent Interests Thi can
go I
K. UOYD . Resident for
W. A. PAXTOH . . . . . . . .VoifiMWw
USURY K t. BTONB ffltl :
The Eiploils of a Celtliratfiil Dare-
and His Gang ,
Talcs of DnccnnoorsVlio 1'rcccdcd
Them Thlrty-tlirco Hung * tOne
Ono Tlmo Had Dcnth
ot Theodora Burr
( Alston ,
Now Orleans Tunes-Democrat ,
They were sad daro-dovils , those old
baccaneers , who sailed about among the
West India iilands , through the bright
waters of the Gnlf of Mexico nnd along
the south Atlantic sea const. They
thought nothing of going np the deeper
rivers to the plantations of rlco nnd indigo
nnd , after loading their vcsaola would pil
lage and bnrn the residences , then depart
leaving the poor planters to deplore the
rain of their homesteads nnd the loss of
their crops. It was also dangerous to go
by sea from aoutKern ports toJNow York ,
na was shown by thociso of Mrs Alston.
She was Thodora , the only daughter of
distinguished Aaron Burr , a lovely and
accomplished woman , who married GOT.
Alston of South Carolina. When her
father was to bo trlod for high treason ,
Mrs. Alston gathered up all the hand
some family silver plate , nnd frith her
husband's consent , set oil in n ship for
Now York , where it wns to bo sold for her
father's bonoGt. But n'asl neither ves
sel nor lady was over heard of ngatn , and
as there wns no storm to have occasioned
diraator , the plratoi were always supposed
to have captured and destroyed them.
Governor Alston offered largo rewards for
Information , but no tidings of Mrs. Als
ton's fate ever reached him , and it was
only many years after that ono of the
miscreants made n dying confession and
admitted the facts , stating that ho had
over bonn haunted by the remembrance
of the crime , The pirates had had
spies In Charleston , who notified thorn of
the sailing of the ship with the valuable
sllvorwoar aboard ; they had laid In wait
for her , taken possession of her on the
high seas and made the unfortunate passengers
and "walk the "
sengers crow plank.
Mrs. Alston had refused to have her eyes
blindfolded ; with the moat heroic cour
age and composure , all dressed In white ,
her beautiful face raised to heaven and
the Bible clasped to her heart , oho
bravely stopped forward into eternity.
Another story which dates still further
back Into the past is the fate of Stood
Bonnet , a desperate robber. His depre
dations , and Interruptions to commerce ,
made him a terror to the coast of Carolina
lina , until at length Governor Sir Na
thaniel Johnson fitted ont a sloop-of-wor
and sent Colonel William Rhott in pur
suit of him. They mot him at the mouth
cf Capo Fear river , whore an engagement
took place. The pirate's ship was boarded
and captured , and ho , and those of his
crew who remained alive , wcra taken to
Charleston , where they were tried and
condemned. So ono pleasant , sunshiny
morning in November , 1818 , Steed Bonnet -
not and thirty-two of his men were
hanged at White Point Garden. This
public garden forms the southern point
of Chareston , at the confluence of the
Cooper and Ashley river * , and has been
called the Battery over since the revolu
tionary war , when on earthwork was
erected there , nnd cannon mounted ,
which were expected to drive back the
British if they succeeded in passing Fort
Moultrlo. Most happily , however , they
were never called into action , as the Eng
lish were defeated. When the summer
months come , this cool , pleasant prome
nade la the resort of fashion , and I have
often thought of these trtotchod pirates
who expiated their crimes npon the spot
where now yonng girls laugh and chll
dron play. Hotr near each other are
pain and pleasure 1 Thus the place
whfoli Is haunted by the memory of death
Is also dedicated to pleasure , for the
lights and shadows nro ever Intermingled
in- the warp and woof of life.
The last of the buccaneers was 'the cel
ebrated LaGtto , who for many years car .
ried on his Illicit traffic in defiance of the
government. His crow of smugglers and
pirates occupied the Bay of Baratarlo , >
where they had fortified an island. A
price was act npon his head , but it Is said
that howas frequently seen In Now
Orlerne , and had friends , and e-von a
banker , who received him and his ill
gotten g lns "under the roso. " Theroare o
so manylaliea and bayous along the coast (
of Louisiana and Mississippi that the
light , swift crafts of the pirates conld
always elude pursuit nnd slip away Into
some Inlet or behind an Island , when
they ; found nn enemy on their track. All :
the Spanish fishermen , who wore inimical
to < the United States , were in their pay ,
ind gave notice by private signals whore
hero was danger to bo apprehended , and be
io they enjoyed comparative Immunity tr.hi
rom the consequences of their misdeeds
This daring robber deserves onr pralto
ror his patriotism , however , for when
.ho Engllth came to attack Now Orlcanr , H
1815 , Sir Edward Pakenharn , the com- M
nauder cf their forces , offered Lafltto a ph
Ig reward If ho would assist his army by po
bowing thorn the passes to the city , Wl
chlch none knew so well as the ikilllul dii
illot. Bat Lafitto refused his bribe and diin [
ont word to General Jackson that if ho po
ronld Inanrohlm and his men a free par- 03t
Ion for past offenses , they would como
and help him to defend the city. As
ney were known to have bravo hearts Ian
nd to bo skillful artillerists , Governor the
Jlaiborno willingly granted this request , for
nd so Lafitto , his men and his guns ar- it
Ivod and did good Baivlco In the day of
It ia not known where Lafitto die : ! , but 1
omlngo , his lieutenant , lies in the old Saj
t. Louis cemetery , which is tituated bo-
iveon Oontl and St. Louis streets , with
iia extraordinary epitaph upon his tomb ; wo
Sana Pour , et Sana Jleproche. " The Sou
rat part of the quotation might doubt- beii
ijs have been truly applied to him , bnt Rul 1 ,
eitc ;
latter portion of the sentence Is such
comical sarcasm that if It wt > re pot
icro by an enemy it Is positively a cruel noii
itlre ; if In good faith by a friend , It tur
ust have ciuaed the dust of Chevalier lanl
ayard , of whom these words wera firtt dig )
oken , to etlr with Indignation In hla pen '
FaclUtlcH for Governing T
Price. grei
to v
icky Mountain Husbandman , Uiei >
The solo reaion why stock cattle arc
irth so much raoro in Montana than
ey are in the states , Is because they
bo grown hero at much lois expense.
cost of patturlng and feeding ; stock
the states li such that at the present
lees of beef they cannot go beyond
t point. Neither are they likely to
beyond what they have boon selling Wli
rlnMontan * for the past two yoare , Whi
ice they can bo laid down here from I
states at a lots figure , and , although I
tea cattle do not In any way compiro I
h oar Montana cattle in size , quality *
or condition , and there are considerable
chancea to take with them the first win *
tor , baytra contiuno to purchase and
ship them la preference to
going beyond the rating prices for
onr natives , Wo can , therefore ,
see but little show for stock cattle to ad *
vance. Herds that happen to ba well lo
cated , that have rather control of a cer
tain range , of course are worth moro than
thoto that have to bo moved , and wo
would not bo surprised to BOO herds told
with range privileges at $10 per head before -
fore another year , and as tlmo advances
may bo worth moro , But on the plains
where there Is no exclusive privilege ,
whore an owner can not by owning water
or land privileges control a certain tract
of conntry , wo m y consider that cattle
have reached the top notch , for In such
localities our range facilities , owing to
the driving in of herds , will bo lessoned ,
and this alone governs the price. To get
big prices In the future there will have to
bo a land and range consideration and
localities whore by the nature of the
country exclusive control is given are
comparatively few.
Mrr , Dudley Since Her Acquittal
HOBS * Hftys it AVaa Farco.
Now York Special to the Boston Globo.
Mrs. Dadley , who was acquitted on
the ground of Insanity , on the charge of
having shot O'Donovan Itosta with intent
to kill , was soon by the Glebe correspon
dent to-day. She was in good tplrits ,
and felt , she said , highly grateful of the
opportunity offered her to gtyo Ilosia n
dressing ont. This , she said , pleased
her moro than the fact of her acquittal.
It is nndorstood that she will not be sent
to an asylum , bnt will bo sent back to
England in charge of aomo friends , who
have just arrived hero to take her in
O'Donovan Rosea was called npon lat
ter , and asked what ho thought of the
"It's just aa I expected , , ' ho replied ;
"tho trial was n farce from the beginning
to the end , and was nothing moro than a
burlesque on justice. "
Ho said ho would not have appeared
against the woman , and was subpcunaod
twice before ho consented to appear. Ho
expressed the belief that the woman was
no moro insane than ho was , and that
her attempt on his llfo was the outcome
of a troll-planned and a deep-laid con
spiracy. Ho had not the slightest doubt
but her mission to this conntry was for
the solo purpose of taking his life.
Kst to Transform.
The following transfers were filed July
7 , with the county clerk , and reported
for the BEE by Amos' Real Estate ajoncy :
Kingman Fleher and wife to Frederick
G Lelsonring lots 1 and 2 blk 5 Omaha
View add to Omaha , w d § 050.
Ella E Larson to Theodore Williams
and wife lot 10 blk 3 and lot 11 blk 3
Plainvlow add to Omaha w d S575.
James J Glllon and wife to Richard
0 Keetfo and others 150 ft 10 inch B of
so cor of lotl blk 3 Qainn's add to Oma
ha , w d $ < 00.
John Campbell and wlfo and others to
John E Emblem lot 25 Eeod's 2d odd to
Omaha , w d § 1,000.
Walnut Hill building association to
Samuel D Mercer lot 3 blk 24 Walnut
hill w d ? 400.
Balthas Jetter and wlfo to Mary Mar
garet Sullivan part of BOO cor of BOO
4-14-13 o Douglas county , w d § 500.
John Llndqniat and wife to John F.
Holin B } of nA " of lot 4 blk 351 Omaha , w
d § 2,000.
Horsford's Acid 1-iioniiii nto
Du. FKED HOHNEK , Jr. , Salem , Va. ,
says : "To relieve the Indigestion and
so-called headache and mental depression
Incident to certain stages cf rheumatism ,
It is Incomparable. "
A very aggravated case of vitriol-thron ing
occurred recently In the Bols do Boulogne. A
woman named Josepheno Pel , having in vain ,
solicited alms cf a gentleman who was pass-
lac by with his little daughter , flung a bottle
full of vitriol at his head. Ho escaped in is
jury , but the child was badly burned sbaut
.ho neck and back.
THE VOLTAIC BELT Co. , of MarshallMich. ,
ffer to send their celebrated ELECTRO-VOL-
m trial for thirty days , to men ( younjr or old )
lillicted with nervous debility , IOBB of vitality
ind manhood , and all kindred troubles. AI
or rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and
nany other diseases. Complete restoration
health , vigor ncd manhood guaranteed
Jo risk is incurred , as thirty days' triul Is
illowed. Write them at once for illustrated w
lamphlet free , of
A few weeks since the French were using tohi
heir military and englneeringsbill in destroy-
ag Chinese and Chinese thipa and works of nil
iuds. It is nonr said tlut the Chinese ROV-
rnment will shortly have recourse to 1'rench wi
ssistanco for the construction 6f railways a
nd other works. Making better railways is iwi
otter 'than destroying them , any day , ni Jo'
radiag with Chinaman is bettor than killing
irn. th !
Educated mid Experienced1
Hood's Sarfapnrllla is prepared by 0.1. Io
ocd & Co. , Apothecaries , Lowell , im
fats. , who have 4 thoroughkiiowlodgoof nt t
harmacy , and many years practical ox- coi
orionco in the business. It'is prepared tel
ith the greatest skill nnd care , under the at ;
Ireotion of the men who originated it. shi
once Hood's Sartnparllla may bo do- bymo
inded ; upon as n thoroughly pure , hon- meter
, and reliable medicine. ter
As an ilhutrMlttn of the depreciation of cbi
nd values in England , London Truth states tur
at n large freehold estate in North Wilt ,
ire was offered for sale at Devizes recently sut
9100,000 , There was not a single bid , and in
ten years ago this property was valued at coz
Mild , aoothlcg and healing la Dr wei >
ige'a Catarrh Remedy. glv
rho largest diamond in the world Is abort- ht (
to bo cut at Amsterdam , where a ipecial duf
Drkihon Is being conitructed. The gem is woi
uth African , and weighs -170 carats , thus aa t
ing 105 carats heavier than the grand mo- the
, belonging to the shah ol Persia , and hltd-
the largett diamond known. otic
Ihe "Exposition Universelle de Part Cull- dup
Era" awarded the highest honors to An oa.
ra Hitters as the most efficacious stimu- Kali
to excite tbo appetite and to keep the
jestive organs In good order , Asfc for the :3i :
nulne article , manufactured only by Dr , J w
B , Sieqert & Sons , and beware of iniita nipr
, !
flie Jews of Austria complain that it is a 320 ) ,
at hardship that they thould be forbidden
work on Sundays since their religion obliges A
m to r t on Haturdny , Tha Jewish popu * BSft-
ion In Vienna alone amounts to 100,000. aubi
at tl
ben B bju tick , ws giro her Cutoria , ody ,
lien alie ww a Child , aha cried tor CostorU ,
icu she beeimollhs , she clang toCattoria , and
isn tliebadClilliUYii , the gtToUiem Caslori * Ren
Br !
A Very Olovor Gmno Worked bjr
Dungcrontt Glass of Sharps
An Expose ,
From tlmo io tlmo citizens of Omaha
have received a certain clan of myster
ious letters , oror which they hnvo doubt-
IOIB pnzzlod in trying to Ascertain the
objects for whioh the missives were
written. A prominent baslaoss man got
ono through the malls the other day nnd
turned Hover to United States Deputy
Marshal Allan , It roads as follows :
Bear Sir : No doubt when you receive thin
letter you will cny it Is eomo trap set for you
to got you into trouble ; but such it not the
case , I promiio you this , ns true as there is aGed
God in heaven , obtained your name through
a friend of mine who patted through your
pKco , and this Is nil I know of you ; and , on
my solemn oath , I speak the plain , candid
truth ; nnd I swear , before the Almighty God
In heaven , my purpose is far from harming
you , either in word , look or action ; and
should you mnku up your mind to answer this
letter , I will give you my word and honor ,
that no person , man , woman or child , shall
over hear from my mouth the least thing that
over passes between ui , nnd I will keep this
promise ns sncrod OB I would my oath before
God In heaven ,
I will bo plain with you. I am dealing in
articles , paper poods Is. 2s , Cs , 10j nnd 291-
( do you understand ! ) I cannot bo plainer
until I know your heart Is true to me ; then I
will send you full and plain particulars that I
mean yon right , nnd will satisfy and convince
you that I tan furnish you with a fine , safe
nnd n profitable article , that cnu ba used in
any manner and for all purpo-us , and no dan
ger Now understand me , fair nnd square : I
nek no money in advance , nor do I want it. I
want to give yon plain and positive proofs
that , should you need my assistants , I can
nnd Will help you out of any money or busi
ness troubles you may bo in , and no matter to
what extent ; and no person on the face of
God's earth need over bo the wiser for it , un
less you betray me ; and as my intentions are
square and upright to you , and ns I never
hnvo or will harm yon by word , look or no
tion , I nek you , before heaven , ns a man of
henor and principle , not to expose or betray
mo. And if I have made n mutnko in send
ing you this letter , I ask you to forgive mo ,
nnd lot the matter rest where It is , for my in
tentions are na upright to you as heaven
itself. For a man can have honor and princi
ple no matter what his business may bo in
this world. So do not harm me. For my
motto in this life is , and always has been , if
you can't do a fellow being some good , do him
no harm , no matter what his calling may ba.
Now n word of advice in regard to this busi
ness. There are Bomn unpiincipled men in
this city advertising goods the sauio as mino.
But before God and man they are far from it.
" 'hey will send you circulars nnd promise all
_ inds of things , and should you _ bo foolish
enough to send them money , that is the last
you will hear of them or your money. And
there are other firms hero dealing in green
foods of a very poor quality , and not safe to
landle. Now I am not writing this Inttor
ihrough malice or selfishness to get your
trade , but to warn you against them. Should
you at any time receive their circular ( aa these
people have their agents going1 from ono state
to another getting storekeepers' names
( and in fact names of people in all kinds of
business ) and should you make up your mind
to write and placs confidence in me , with a
| view of trading with me , I will take It as a
matter i of honor and strict friendship between
us , if you will notify mo if thnae people send
their circulars to you , as I will not , under
any consideration , trsda with nny person who
has anything to do with them , nnd time will
prove they nre not relmblo men to trade with ,
and this ia the Almighty God's honest truth ,
as I am the only person who can furnish you
with a safe and profitable article that will
stand n critical test , and I will prove each and
every promise I have given you before I will
expect to receive one dollar.
Now n word of advice , if you receive word
from nny person in this town about this busi
ness , let me know at once , and send me their
letters , if you do not do this then I will not
sell you any goods. I am the principal deal
er , and if you trade with others you will get
them from second hands , and they will cost
you moro , Now bear in mind , I ask you as a
mend not to answer any letters or circulars
until you notify me ; I will then Inform you if
they are reliable men and if they are employ
ed as my agents ; this is important , if ycu
wuh to trade with mo , as you.wlll find mo
upright and honorable in business , but will
not be respomiblo if you correspond with my
agents if you do not notify mo and send mo
their letters.
I will , as a test of honor nnd nonficlanco on
rour part , request the re K n ot this letter. I
ivill know then yim mean me no harm , fort _
fill not answer any communications unless i
returned to mo. .
I will not deviate from thin rule and on my
lacred oath and honor before God nnd man ,
will return yours. Yours in honor nnd >
Headship , W. R. HOBERTS.
147 Dolanty street , N. Y.
This letter ia ono of a clais of circnlar
atterswhich are constantly being aont
nit all over the country , and which are
imployed in the operation of ono of the
nest clever confidence games known in
ho "royal art" of swindling.
A reporter who was talking , to-day ,
irlth Mr. E D. Stcadman , special agent
the treasury department at Washing-
on , and now In this city , gleaned from
ils conversation an Idea of how the phn
fas worked.
"Thla loiter , " said Mr. Stoadman , " Is
roll adapted io deceive the unwary. At
casual i glance ? no would think that it
ras a scheme to cell the recipient of the
tter ' counterfeit money. Such Is not >
io ciac , however. Lot mo illustrate m
ow the plan ia worked , by giving yon
actual example. A business man in
swa received ono of these circulars and
nmediately wrote to the nddrota given
the bottom of tbo letter , which , of '
jurso , was a fictitious ono. Ho was
Id to come to Now York nnd register ,
a certain hotel. Flo did so , and
tartly after hia arrival was called npon t
two n > on , who ahowod him a lot of
oney which they pretended was coun-
rfolr , bat which w s realty good money ,
he merchant at once decided to pur-
taso a lot of counterfeit money , and
mod over all the cash ho had. The
bposcd counterfeit money was placed
a Batohol , nnd tbo two ttrangera cs-
zted their victim to the depot , to seem
off. On tbo way down , the satchels
ro exchanged and the victim was
en one without any money , either
nnlno or counterfeit In It. When too
, ho discovered that ho had been
ped. Thla game , which la oztenaively
irked by confidence sharps , Is known
the bundle or boodle game. Ono of
greatest points of its successful opor-
ion Is that the victim Is ashamed or
aid to toll the police how ho has been
ped , because ho knows that he was en-
ged in a criminal operation , in bsr-
lolng to buy counterfeit monoy. "
ir. Julius Vogel , the colonial treasurer of
Zealand , has mads his financial itate-
nt. He estimates the revenue for the year To
5-86 at 520.050,000 and tbo expenditures at
Japanese inventor has just made from D
i-weed a paper transparent enough to bo nhn
emitted for window glass. true
a recent ilower fete and kermesto held Iron
the Dais at Paris , about ? 10,000 was taken land
the gates in one day , betv
yon feel nervous aa to your kidneys , Jun
or urinary organs , uio Hunt's Ram- altit becc :
> B. (
Many a man who had lost nerve , vigor here
energy , has been cured by Hunt's chai ed t .
tnody. tear
rostma Tuthlll , Baglnaw , Mich , , bad byt
ght's DJse&so , and wag cared by Hunt's
free from Oj > f fr , jinitffi > nntl 1'olions.
For Couch * , Sere Tliront , llonrncnciis Inflncneft ,
Cold * , llronchltf * . Croup. \ \ hooping Coujth ,
AMtimn , QtilnnjI'nln * in I'll rut. anilolMr
( T -tonlrfth ! Tlir < mt M'I I.lin .
I'rlcc SO cents A bottle. 8oM by HrnEslftt * nnrt T > t\\- \
cru. JMrtlft unable to Induce t/ielrdcnlrrtoitrompitv
pet II for them itltl recrlre lira botlleiKtl > reitcftaroil
jxjfO , t > u tending ontitottar to
THE ciuni-rs A.ionnrn COIHMST ,
8o0 ! uwofrl an 1 3UnurAClttri > r .
llilllmonIHrjUnil , C. B , J
(517 ( St. Cliiirlps St. , St. rwi ? , Mo.
t rcltaUr tr&daa tot 18 VtJICAl 4.'cllf4 * ( . btta < A ? li
-v Ron
AC4 BLOO DuHiiMtniQ * nr ttr t-tjileltn | a fjt. ] L ? : &
M tltj f > ft | > eri ! ! > * tnd ftlloU rrildtottliow.
Nervous Prostration , Pobllltf , Moni-1 ttt
> hSlcal Weakness ! Mercurial anil OIIK | i--tc
Lions nl throat , Skin or Hones , Blond PflUtiit'iur ,
Olil Sores nnd Ulcers , , .r treat * ) -.Ith tgnptit" . . -
rseeut , CD lue t erBil1e ! principles Pftftlr , ! * rir&l 1
Diseases Arising fron indiscretion , xccc *
Exposure or Indulgence , rhieh rroloet ioue at ( > i
tllo ltit efttln timotinr.i , , Jlurutt cr lj'i
uAdtrectlrencmorr , Tlnpluon tin f c , rtiilnldeutr ,
irerilontotbt ucltiy or fenulti coiimm ofllou , : , \ ,
rcndnlnit Marrinco improper or unliaiip ? , nil
ptrmiiiititljnircit , l' Diphltu ! nnti.itnltia .t.ove , lini
U ictlfa f brelopr , tit * lo HOT Mj-lt1 - * * . CaaaolUUeaOef
See .
A Positive Written Guarantee
! ? ( lo ll cunbtccitit , ) ! ' ] ltln tent et t vbirf.
i'Atnpliloti , ; iicll h cr Herman , OJ PUC
crlblne above di i e , Jn rcc. < or fem l ,
James Medical Institute
Chartered by thcStatcof Illi-
[ nola for theexprcsd purpose
ofglvlnclmmcdiate rcllelln
oil chronicurmnrynnd prl-
: vate diseases. Gonorrhcea ,
Gleet nndSy philis in all their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved nnd
permanentlycured by remc-
dicstcstedlnnJ'"or/l'c ( < ir
, . , Speelall'rartlce , Seminal
Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the FaceLost Manhood , intuitively cttretl.Tliero
Is no experimenting , The appropriate remedy
is at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
DR.JAMES.No.204WashrigtoriSI.ChIcagolll. !
t\ * i ori * ) She isiuuut f i > - 7
.lie tilt LIVER ami KIDNEVO ,
Mid lE-Toiiii lllik IIJiAWi
und VIGOR of YOUTH. * > / .
o pli ; Want of Appetite fa
Offfrstion , t.ncW ol 1
tl. Hones , lui
: cl\u newlorcft
_ the mlnil aoi
] illC'J | Uraln 1'oBoi.
„ _ tilicrlni < from complairilt
. _ .0 iiecullarto Iliplrecr T ; ' !
'nil In DR , III' OIXHR'S IllOK TONIC u eule au ,
"tcedy cure tllvca u clear. Ijuiiuiy couiplcxloj
jr/eqnent Attempts at o' ' 1T't < 'rt' < ' 'UtiB only < CJ
> the popularity of thooileina : Uosulozpsr-
tlSIlt f-'CttllUlllllUIAAL AMI ULST
tf Send jour nd < Jrt jto'Iho Ur Hart. . _
jHUloais , Mo.for oai "pllRAiJ BOOK"
\ stl"isl'oj tilruncr '
GISTS I am iutn ? your Kluld Extract Bed Clover
Jlossom and Wee Compress for Coaccron the Lrcut.
ind am well. I am Batlstled It l the belt remedr for
Lneerknovrn. You ATO welcome to uao this for the
icneflt of lafTerinir bumanltT.
IteipccttoUy , MU3. 1 ju JOHKSOX.
. . .
OgsTuuiEJly wlfo hastorBomotlmo been afflicted C
nth eomethlngIlko a scrof nlouj dlirAw. and found n
diet until ahe garoyour xtr or of Keo OlovaratrlHl.
m liappr to ay ate has oxperlenccd ( rreat relief.
Ui li but a flight testlmonlnl of ray apprrclation of P
our efforts In behalf of humanity
, which you ar *
welcome to use f or their benefit.
l mveryrcspcctfulir. II. ii
' Irt > 18sa
„ ,
QzNTfV * ] commei.ced tAkln ? your Ext , ncd Clover ,
TO rws ftgro , for LryRlrielAB , nnd hvi not been
wibioa tince. It la hcrodltiiry wim ma. Tnlnk yea
T lh bust blooo raMlcino kntnvn ,
Voon truly. . II. SEIDERT.
R. I ) . Tlyman , of Onnrl Tiaplda , Midi. , nnyi After
voUoctorsadvised2dui louse I ose'iiKxt.lti-dClover
r a bad caw of J.'cycma , or Keren Bore on the leu
nly used two poundsoryourSolidUxtractllod Cloven
now well.
Am Spring MtdlclneTonloand ( renrral ninod Purl
irltdtut no canal. For ale by all dniKKl'U. orj , it
oou > & Co. , Monroe. jilci.
Tli OrlKlnnl and Only ttcimliip.
fo int. ilwiji HrlliM , . Ilowate \rurtlili Imluilor.i.
dlit < n Ui > ui LADIES. A U jour l ruKK > > t ' ° r
C'lil < lii' tor'' u4 take DO oilier. or diilone < o.
mp ) to ut Tor piirtfculirii tn Ittter lif return inulL
A ME PAPFR. Cliltliolrr t'lirniliul On. ,
Drugglste. Trade eupplled by J. A , Fuller & Co
Lots in Denver Junction
Weld County , Colorado.
onver Junction IB a now town of r.bont200
nbitante , laid out In 1681 , on the great
nk railway across the continent , at the
ictlon of tbo Julesburf ? Branch , 197 miles
Denver. The town is on lecocd bottom
of the Platte lilver , the finest location
ween Omaha and Denver , and U lurround-
by the bastlaying lands west of Kearney pat
action. Neb. ; climate healthy and bracing ; firs
ittule 3,0 JO feet. Denver Junction bids to fre
omo an Important point , oa the U. I' . It.
Co , , are putting up many of thelrbulldlnga
, while the Ii. & M. K , II. Co. . are expect.
teen to connect at thla place , Tha pressnt
.uce for good iuveitmenti in town lota will
rcely ever bo equaled elsewhere. Per eals
the lot or block In good terms by
Agent , Dearer Junction Cole ,
Large Lots at Reason
able Prices.
outh Omaha
Since the completion of the new packing
and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak
ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. Besides
the large pork and beef house erected for
Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com
menced the erection of similar institutions
and still others are contemplated for the'
near future. Several dwellings have been
built and twenty or thirty are now building , ,
Employment is now furnished to about one
hundred and fifty families , and conservative
estimates place the figure at eight hundred
to one thousand families that will find em
ployment there a year hence. This offers
great inducements to laboring men to secure
homes now while they are cheap. Specula
tors will also find it to their advantage to buy
at present prices. The company liave made
no change from the original prices , but some
parties who first purchased lots have resold
them at splendid profits , , in some cases at
double the purchase price. If in so short a
ime handsome profits are made , what will
be the result when everything is fully devel
oped ? In the few other cities that are favor
ed with a first class cattle market , fortunes
have been made by investors in real estate ,
md the same is certain to follow in South
3maha. While the whole city of Omaha
rvill be greatly benefited by the growth and
levelopment of the cattle interest , South
3maha lots will enhance in value more ra-
idly than any other by reason of the prox-
mity to the works.
Manufacturers of all kinds w'll find it to their nd van hga
to inspect this property ; good location , level grounds , track
facilities nnd plenty of cjooJ pure water furnished by tlio
South Omaha Water Works , fii fact , every facility to make
desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground.
Will find ib profitable to Delect propirty now , as a year or
two hence with a population of 501)0 ) to 10,001)
this will become n desirable place for all kinds of business ,
and lots bought now , can bo hod nfc very reasonable prices
which will double in price many times in the next two years.
Eich or poor , will find it profitable to make investments
in this property. Free conveyance at all times will bo furnished - ?
nished by us to parties wishing to see this wonderful new
town and learn of its advantages. We have entire charge *
of , and are the exclusive agents for the sale of all this
property from G streets south. Splendid lots from $225
,213 S , l4th SIR i
We have desirable business and residence property 'for
rts of Omaha and do a general real estate business. Wo solicit bny-
and sellers to call on ua , Wo will give theinjall possible information
30 , atd keep conveyance free to show property iu auy part of the city ,