THE OMAHA DAILY FIFTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNING , JULY 9 , 1885. NO. 17 iOTH HEATHEN RAVE 'The Fends and Hatreds of the Chinese Transferred to America , 'The Far-Beaching Influence and Power of Secret Societies ! Colcdllalfl Organl/.InK to Enforce the Method * oi Their Country In tlio F coof IIA\V. YE HINO OIUOUIj.Vll. AN U TALK WITH A MEUCAXIZKU CHINEE. Special Telegram to The USE. NEW-YORK , July 8. The Herald's Phila delphia special says : Evidence ia accumulat ing that the Chinese are introducing tholr national feuds and oath -bound societies into the United States , The recent assaults com mitted upon fellow-countryman by the Chi- neBo tend to confirm such belief , Within the past few weeks printed cipher circulars have boon distributed among the Chlr.030 of Philadelphia that are unintelligible to the best American scholars of the language , but are supposed to boar peculiar significance to such parsons as understand their import. They ore printed , not written , on a piece of rico paper four In ches long by one inch in width , An Amer- canized naturalized Chinaman named John Wing , engaged In tha tea trade in a modest way on North Ninth street , sheds come in teresting light on the subject. Ho pronounces the ) slip a veritable proclamation of the Yo Hing , ono of the most feared of all Chinese Becrot alliances. Whllo ho frankly admits ho does not understand the characters , ba de clares the slip to be Ronuino Chinese , the words coined letters being formed by combi nations of recognized forms which are readily pronouncablo 'though antagonistic to the monysyllablo etructura of tha lan guage. Ho bolloves the card to bo the work of a Shanghai scribe , basing the opinion on certain marked pecullartiet ) ot tha letter formation much affected in this city. It is the first specimen of Yo Iling ho has seen slnco leaving Tien Tsirt , ono of tbe forts of Pekin , five years ago. Uo had seen the air full of auch circulars just before the outbreak at Fou Chou. They were often circulated by kites nnd small balloons which carried great quantities of tissue paper proclamations aloft and released a bushel or moro of them over tha city when the fine silken cord , leading to the bands of conspirators , was pulled. As the snowy shower began to fall , the people In the streets stopped , picked up ono of tha tcraps , glanced at it and if they .comprehen ded Its import , spat upon it and stuck It to a post or tbe sldp of a house. Then they abandoned all their vocations and hastened to a central point previously agreed upon or indicated in the cipher. The utmost pub licity was given to these proclamations , and phonetic subdivisions of Chinese characters were carried to such an artful extent that a properly Instructed Yo Hing could read the newest inscription as well as the ono which ho had previously seen. It was ascertained that befora John Wing left China , that its mem bership in the coast provinces and in Cochin China exceeded ten million men , ( "In New York there haa been for several / years a secret society among Chinese hailing * J. from tbo northern provinces , " continued the r speaker. ' I do not know that it Is Ve Hing ; am inclined to believe it Is not , The Now Yorkers explain they are Chinese freemasons ; judge , they may be free , but they are not ac cepted. The Now York order numbers fully 1,000 , however , out of a total Chinese popula tion of perhaps -1.200. The membership ia chiefly drawn from men of Shanghai or the province of Keang See , in which that port Is located. " . , . , "Is tha power of this or any other similar organization felt in the policy of China ? " was ftikod. "Yea , indeed ; the mysterious and far- reaching influence of this society has been enlisted several times by directors of two rreat trading corporations , the greatest com mercial organizations of the globe , known as .Sam Yap and Sea Yap. These powerful com panies have offices In San Francisco , where their real business is hardly suspected , and nowhere , outside of China , understood. Their commercial relations roach to tha farthest con fines of Kausup and Thibet. Caravans in their service started last tall from the valley in Keun mountains that will not reach the market before next summer. They have cor respondents in every part of Asia , and their circular notes are good even among the tribes of Hindoo-Kush or of Little Bokhara. Thay deal in everything , from tea to opium , or spices to gems. The Eu India company was as a trading Yankee on the Sioux reservation in comparison. When therefore , the mighty company , like the Sei Yap , itself a consolidation of four widely ex tended corporations as Its name indicates employs Ye Hing to aid it in procuring favo at the imperial court or with smaller ruler among the provinces , It Indicates at once th recognized ability of secret order member from the very fact that its agent ! were re cruited from the educated classes and higher castes of China , I doubt the presence of any great number of Ye Hings in the United States. It is with moro frankness than dis cretion perhaps that I declare that most of the Chinamen in America belong to the low est orders ot society nt home. It must ba ad mitted , however , that ambition brings them hero. They hope by a few years of abject servility hero to gather enough money to inako their families respected and wealthy for years to come. The highest honors in tbo gift of the emperor are within thn reach of any man. Education ia what ennobles in Chma. Tnla learning many poor wretched lauudrymon toiling over the tub or ironing- table in the cellar hopes to give to his son or grandson that ha may start the family lines in ft race toward tbo prime ministry and some of these dreams will bo realized partially at east. " ' "Do secret societies Interest themselves in politics as lu soma parts of Europe , or are , they charitable in purpose as in this country , " was next asked , "Politics is a trade In China as much as hero , " WM the reply. "It must be admitted that for & young nation on which we , with our five thousand years of civilization , look > rather cynically , the United States haa made considerable progress in several branches of the corrupting science. In my native land idr > I prievo to say , many obnoxious methods for inlluoncing linptilal laver are employed. Schemers exist there who would outwit the average professional statesman In this coun try , An Ohio congressman would ba be headed before ho reached the dignity of a koocho or justice of tha peace , Sines the beginning ot the French difficulty with Tonquin , for instancj , couriers have been pasting between ono province and an other of the kingdom of Anatn , establishing branches of Ye Hing and Initiating members. Cochin China is socially honoycomed with clam , and feuds of the most Implacable kind exist , Murders oscribable to these agencies are ot frequent occurrence. Many men ve brought these hatreds with them , and rse them hourly , hoping that , when they return home , they will have money enough to hire the removal of an obnoxious enemy of the family to which he belongs. Wretched laundrymen - drymen , shivering in Cherry street attic * inat night , count and recount the dimes in theii pockets as they calculate how much oearei the sum brings thorn to the revenge they cav ct and nra about to dream of for the thou # sandth time perhaps. Tha Chinaman neve forgives. The hittory ot Ye Hinjr ia an ad ditional proof of thli fact. It is a voritabl bit of actual romance of history. "And is it this society that has effectei lodnment In San Francisco , New York ind Philadelphia ! " "In Sin Francitoo , yea ; here I am not s ure , though this aecret cipher circular or nanlfesto , or tocsin of defiance , or flag of ruco would Indloto the presence of at leatt > ne Yo Iling in Philadelphia. He may bo a nomber in distrest ; he may have been club- > ed by a policeman or cheated by his land- ord. The American world will never know , he dlitroseed or hilarious man who started , hat scrap of paper on its travels , " IlED MEM APJCEIl BIOtTtiEUS. HE OUTSKIRTS OF KANSAS ALAIUIKI ) AT THEIR PKIIII , , TOFKKA , Kan , , Jnly 8. The sheriff of Clngman county stated that news has been eceivod there that Neicatunga , a town of 150 nhabitants , is In possession of the Indians , nd that Coldwator , some miles further woit , i turrounded by them. The sheriff eays these eporls may bo sensational , but ho requests ovornor Martin to send arms so that they may bo prepared. The governor has ordered ho military companies at Larnod , Vinfield , Wellington nnd Sterling to bo ready to move at a moments notice nnd has directed the sheriff > f Finncy county , and the mayor of Dodge /ity , to organize forces and send out runners o notify the settlers. General Augur tela. raphs to the government that ho had no in- ormation from Fort Reno of any outbreak here , but had ordered thrco companies ot rivalry to Carbour county. The Penoral superintendent of the Topeka : Santa Fo railway has been directed hy quar crmaster Gillls , at Fort Leavenworth to send ars to Fort Itiloy at once to transport troops outh. A force was at work at tbo arsenal lero most of last night getting state arms eady for thipment. The report comes from 'ran Centre that a largo number of settlers mvn arrived there , fleeing from the Indians , who were reported making north. They also epott the massacre of a family named Hcho- leld , at Sprlcg crook. Great excitement > reval ! , The following dispatch wa < received this naming by the governor from U. K. Nicker- on , division superintendent of the Atchieon , I'opeka & Santa Fo railway. It was cent to "Ir. Nickorson by the station agent at K'ngj- nun : "The Indian scnro assumed gigantic pro- .lortious hero yesterday and last night , IIuu- Ireds of families Hocked hero from punta as ar west as forty miloi for protection. Several cputlng partied have been out as far as thirty miles , and the farther out they go tlio farther If the Indians are. There is not n trace of in Indian , or any evidence of their having icon nearer Kingmtm county than the torri- ory line , and no damage done there. There s a general ecare , but Its origin cannot bo ocated. A party named Jones was down to ha territory line nnd heard that the "ndianfl were on the move , and on iis way back to Pratt county he net a neighbor named Smith , who old him the Indians were coming. Smith aw Brown and Brown saw his friend and bus tha Btnry grow and the excitement in creased , Tha settlers have all started backer or their homes. " II. R. NICKKRSOK , The governor has ordered 250 stands of arms to ba Pent to KIngman , Lamed , Dodge ) ity , and Garden City nt once. Thence they will be distributed to various points points n the southwest in case of invasion , MURDERING CONVICTS. 'BISONEBS ' IN TUB CUSTODT OF BAlLItOAD BUILDERS DIB IlAl'IDLY. Special Telegram to The BEE. CHARLESTONS. C. July 8. About the middle of June Gov.Thompson was Informed that the convicts employed in grading the Savannah Valley railroad , In Abbeville county , were cruelly treated ; that one convict had died in consequence of whlppinga by guards ; that they were overworked , and that excessive mortality prevailed among them. The gov ernor immediately instructed the superinten dent of the penitentiary to investigate tha charges. Tbe official report , which boa just been made , shows that sixteen deaths have occurred since June 1 , out of a total forca of about 120 convicts ; that seven are unable to work ; that the convicts are required to march nearly three miles to their work in shackles on their legs ; that on account ofthe | bed quality of their food , scurvy has made its appearance ; and that there has been excetsivo cruelty in punishing the convicts. In describing the effects of tha beating of Henry Porter , by A. W. Jackson , who had temporary charge of the convicts daring the absence of the regular overseer , Dr. S. S , Pope , penitentiary physi cian , says : "As an evidence of the severity of the whipping inflicted , I would state that tbo tissues bavo sloughed , leaving an open sore eighteen inches long and ton Inches wide. The punishment must have been very cruel. 1 doubt his comp'ete recovery. " Other convicts wore also cruelly beaten , al though the condition of those now at work is sail to bo "very fair. " Jackson , the inhuman guard , has fled to Georgia , but efforts are being made to secure his arrest. There is great Indignation a' these outrages and steps will probably bi taken at the next sess'on of the legislature to discontinue the practice of letting out con victs to railroad companies and phosphate minors. Vigilantes Cleanse a Neighborhood GRENADA , Mies , , July 8. The mob afte : hanging the murderer ? , McCristlan and Wil liams , yesterday started after two other men men implicated. Williams had confessed I , stating that Bartley James and John Camp bell had assisted in the killing of the tw poddlerj. The mob found James at his home , carried him to Union church about ten miloi from Grenada , and hanged him to a tree , They then went to Campbell'u house. Camp bell tired upon the mob , wounding one of the vigilantes , and then made his escape. It ir rumored that at daylight the mob overtool Campbell , Ho refused to surrender and they shot him dead. Ycllnw Fever at Now Orleans. WAHHINOTON , July 8. Dr. Hamilton , surgeon general of the marine hospital service , has been ndvleed of what is regarded as A sporadic cue of yellow fever at New Orleans , I He does not think that this should cause | alarm. Although no evidence has been dis covered that it originated In tha importation of fever germi , he thinks there cm be no doubt that yellow faver was Imported In-In fected clothing or In some other way , The case wai effectually quarantined at the earli est atapo and It it not expected that tha fever will spread from it. Hint of liny City Strikers , BAY CITV , Mich , , July 8. The mill illt strikers are stronger than ever to-day , \ the Runt's mill a conflict lock place between the strikers and ollictra , clubs being freely used ided Two men were arrested , A crowd surrounded edof the station homo demanding the release of the prisoners which was refuted , livery mill . on the river is shut down , the most of them of their own accord , The excitement is greater to-day than since the strike was be gun , No one as yet has been seriously injured , _ _ _ _ _ The Des MolneH Census , DES MOI.NES , Iowa , July 8-A dispatch ; ent out from hero by some correspondent and which is being published all over tha weal that the population of Des Moines is 30,000 I ii not official. The books of the assessors whc made the canvas are not yet returned to thi county auditor , and the figures sent out wen > merely guess work. It will bo two week - before the official o.nius will te known , - Tha Throsliors' Harvest Begins , FELTO.V , Del. , July 8. A threshing ongln on the farm of J. W. Downham , near here exploded this morning , killing Benjamin Vn- Vnalx dereon and severely iujurlug five or alx others , eome of whom wl | | die , HEWILLSTEAL OFF. Proposes to Take a Qniet Vacation in Ike Woods , The Date of His Departure to be Kept a Eooreti The Dajr'a Appointments Whitney's Failure In the Dolphin Case General Gossip. THE NATION AIj O API IAD. WHITNEV IN A MIIIK IN THE DOLPHIN MATTER. Special Telegram to The Bis. WASHINGTON , D. 0 , , July 8. The newspa per member of the cabinet , Secretary Whit ney , seems to have abandoned , or at least sus pended , the Dolphin performances. It is the general impression tbatjhe will , after all , get worsted in his contoa t with Koach , It par takes so much of persecution that Whitney finds himself with little tupport outsldo of sensational bourbon newspapers. Men high in naval lifo here laugh at Whitney's naval board. It wis composed of two naval officers without any knowledge or experience as engi neers or constructors. The third member is an engineer and constructor by reputation. The report may thorcforo bo consid ered his. It is worthy of note that the only export on Mr. Whitney's board lathe civilian engineer and constructor , Mr. Harmon Win ter , who happens to bo the consulting engin eer of a line of steamboats from New York to Boston , of which Secretary Whitney's brother ia general manager , and Secretary Whitney's brother-in-law is tha principal owner. That Winter's conclusions should not bo nt variance with Secretary Whitney's desires and wishes ia not to bo expected. To any unprejudiced mind the whole action of Whitney's will ap pear to ba n crusade against Koach , anil con sidering all the circumstances , few will bo found so credulous as to believe that had Koach bean a democrat the chip would have been accepted after the report of the advisory board. It la the desire to make political cap ital and throw discredit on Arthur's adminis tration that baa evidently prompted Whitney and led him into the preseut unenviable posi tion , from which even the help of his man Friday will not extricate him with credit , In answer to complaints made by drovers that they are prevented by settlers upon the Cherokee strip from driving cittlo . over established trails through the Indian territory , the secretary of the interior has telegraphed that no ono has the right to obstruct them. Officers in the federal courts of Kansas how ever persist in excluding Texan cattle under the law which forbids driving cattle through any state or territory knowing them to be infected with contagious diseases. Secretary Lamar has requested tbo attorney general to Instruct the court officers to cease opposition to these using established trails through the Indian territory. The president to-day appointed the follow ing postmasters ] Adolph Pienlng , Manila- wae , Wis ; Joseph Vannohme , East St. Louis , I11.D. ; A. Sullivan , Spring Valley , Minn. ; John 0. Wise , Mankato , Minn. , vice Li. P. Hunt suspended ; William F. Anera , Camden - den , Ark , , vice H. A. Miller , suspended. The resignation of Myron H. MoCord , reg ister of the land officaat Wausan , Wisconsin , boa been accepted. The court-martial appointed to try Paymas ter General Smith , of the navy convened to day. The detail of the court ia as followos : Commodore Alexander A. Summers , presi dent ; Commodore W. W. Queen , Commo- lieorgo K. Belknnp , Captain J , A. Greer , Captain William P. McCann. Captain A. P. Cooke , Pay Directors J. I ) . Murray , James Fulton , U. Shenck , Captain M. Bunco. Pay Inspector Kufus Parks and Paymaster K. W. Allen , Judge Advocate. Tne charges on which the paymaster general is to be tried ure : Scandalous conduct tending to the de struction of good morals and culpaple In ° ffi ciency In the performance of duty. Tbe following letter explains Itself : "THEASUBY DEPAUTJIKST. July C. To the Commissioner of Internal Revenue , Sir : This office Is in receipt of your letter of the 1st mtt. relative to an application for an exten sion of seven months from June 25,1885 , on this transportation bond dated January 16 , 1885 , for seven months , coverIng - Ing 527 barrels of _ whisky with drawn from the distillery warehouse. The application alleges that the present con dition of tha market for American whisky in Knropo Is depressed , and that tbo outlay for the transportation and exportation of thii whisky at this time would entail a great hard ship. Yon express the opinion that.the tirn > of seven months allowed by bond under th < provisions of circular No. 282 , of January 3 , 1885 , was ample for the transportation of said whisky Irom tbe place where , It h deposited Cynthinthia , Ky.-to thi ) port at New York , and that no additional time should bo granted. _ The office concuri with you in the above opinion , and you are requested to Instruct tbe collector of interna" revenue holding the bond accordingly. "The application submitted with your lotto : is returnedjierowlth. Very truly , "CHABLES E , COO.V , ' 'Ansistant ' Secretary. " Hugh Hpnoldson , of Georgia , has been an pinted chief of a division Jn tbe sixth audi- tor's olfico cf the treasury departmenu. The president baa accepted the resignation of P. B , S , Pinchback , surveyor of custom at Now Orleans. Judce Chenowith on behalf of the numbe of Texas ex-confederates to-day presente General Rosecrans , with a pistol captured b the Texans In a raid on his baggage train i the summer of 1801. On the stock oftho pis til Is engraved the names of the battlea i which Itosecrans was victorious. The general al waa much pleased with the present and th manner of Its restoration , Judge McCuo , solicitor of the treasury , t whom was referred the evidence taken in th investigation of the charges preferred npains Russell B. Harrison , assayer in charge of th United States mint at Helena , Mont. , ba made his report to the secretary of the treasury ury , exonerating Harrison , This afternoon the president appointed tl following cadeta at largo to West Point : Do Carlos Buell , MadraSpykes , F. D. Hatcl Thomas Newton , 0. L. H. Ruggles , and E M , Cleary. The Star says tbo president is preparing ' depart from Washington for a summer \uc : tiou. His plans have been arranged , and it expected that he will ba able to get awa within a day or two , He will go to Ne York t tata ana betake himself to the wooc for a few weeks to get away from tbe worr and bother of olfice-scekeiB and politician ! His plans have been made very quietly , an he will i robably leave as BOOH as tba ap pointed time arrlvea without making any previous announcement , Tbo president wants a period of perfect rest , and does not propose to be followed into bis retreat , Office-seekers will wako up some mornirg and find the whita house deserted , T. D , Keller , of Albsny , New York , has been appointed disbursing clerk of the treni- ury for tbe sixth auditors oilico. Mr. Keller was at one time private secretary to Senator Fair. Fair.Tho The secretary of tha navy has appointed a board to exammo the present foreman of the navy yard flhopj and appl .llcants . for such with a view of determining tut efficiency of the in cumbents and making changes where it nU necessary or advisable. noimouivruK.\ij FAUMINQ. COMMISSIONER COI.EMAN TALKS ABODT HIS I'lAN YOU COUEdES. WASHINGTON , D. O. , July H. The pgrlcul- tural college convention met to-day and wai , called to order by the Hon. W. F. Switzler - ot Mlnourt. Commissioner Coleman in his opening addrets of welcome briefly eketclitc the ditcuwioni in confjrew which the magnificent grant of land for the endow ment of agricultural colleges in several states and laid It would be conceded that the gen eral public professed ft degree of disappoint ment in the outcome of these Institutions. After alluding In detail to torno ot the brant DM which should te fundamentally taught in all agricultural col leges , lie referred at length to some of tba operations and plans which might bo carried out on college farms by college faculties , and which would ba more particularly , under the auspices of the department ot agriculture and fonts special advantage. The peculiarities consequent upon changing seed from ono soil and climate to others wera strongly sug gestive that good would result from a well conducted series of experiments made over widely diversified climates and conditions. The wider the system of interchange of seeds and the greater the number of simultaneous test * , the sooner could bo tabulated the re sults out of which to deduce principles for futuio guidance and action , As an example of the special work Buitabla for localities he would mention the investigations relating to the cotton plant. The department could collect seeds of many varieties and assign thorn to all the colleges in tba cotton states with Instructions which would secure timllarity of treatment through out their growth. Semi-weekly inspections might bo made , when every detail of progress connected with rainfall , temperature , time of first flowering , continuation of the blooming period , etc , , should ba carefully noted. This process should ba continued for n corles of yean , but when completed could not fail In being of great benefit to all engaged tn the culture of a crop. A determination would bo reached as to the adaptability of certain kinds to certain climates ; better va rieties than these now cultivated would bo indicated for many localities and the profits would bo enhanced. The first fact to bo developed by such experiment would bo tbo eliciting of knowledge necessary to the Intelligent crossing of varieties for Ili9 purpose of combining in ono the excellencies of many. He coald sea the necessity for a _ great national exporimantal I arm also , which ha would have cstablishtd near the capital , nil4 if ho might go further ha would establish on it a permanent national exposition whcra porducts of this nnd other nations might bo exhibited. Uo be.iove d Hint at no distant day this ideal would bo realized , for agri culture , tha nursing mother of all in dustries , waa entitled to such recognition , After the conclusion of the cotnmisaioner'a opening address , the temporary officers were made permanent. Commissioner Column this afternoon announced that ho had received a latter from Miss Cleveland , of the executive mansion , which he did not think was intended as .1 private communication , He said Miss Cleveland hod manifested laudlblo Interest in one of the industries In which tha country was intrreated , Ho then read the letter as fol lows : . "EXECUTIVE MANSION. I venture to ask If the subject of silk culture in the United States Is ono which will receive attention from the agricultural convention , I find myself feeling a deep interest iu this industry , not only because it seems rigb t and fitting that we should produce our own silk in success ful competition with the old world but because this industry when BO es tablished , na it may bo by the encouragement of tbo government , will afford ono mora avenue of self-support to women. I am sure you desire with mo to see such avenues In creased m a worthy and legitimate way. I nm hoping to have the pleasure of visiting your bureau before long. Very truly yours , "Ross ELIZABETH CIKVELAND. " The letter was received with applause. At the afternoon session an invitation from President Cleveland to visit the white house to-morrow afternoon was accepted. Messrs. Willets , of Michigan ; Lee , of Mississippi : Athorton , of Pennsylvania : Foirchild , of Kansas , and Dtrineld , of California , were made vice-presidents. . . .A resolution favoring tha passage by congress of the Cullom bill for an appropriation for agricultural im plements was passed. The recommendations of tha commissioner of agriculture In his ad- dresa were approved by resolutions. A discus sion followed In which a distribution of seeds by congressmen who knsw nothing of their value or tha reverse , was condemned , Tha evenine- session was devoted to the reading of papers , GENERAL FOKKIQN NEWS , A RCISIAN ECHO , Sr. PETERSBURG , July 8. The Journal of St. Petersburg echoes the wish of Salisbury expressed in her speechof Monday nightthat the negotiations between England and Russia concerning the Afghan frontier question may. result in an agreement. EQTrriAN FINANCES. PARIS , July 8 The Matin says Salisbury issued a circular to tbo powers interested urg ing them to ratify the Egyptian financial convention. 8UITHESSINC THE PAPERS Tbo police have been ordered to suppress street sales of those issues of the Pall Mai Gazette which contain articles on tha secret vices of London. All news venders founc Belling these issues on the street are being arrested. THE CHOLERA RECORD. MADRID , July 8. The number ot now cases of cholera reported in Spain yesterday , exclusive of Murcla and Castellan do la Pia no , was 1,109 , deaths 028 , In the town o Aranjuuz for the aamo period there were 80 cases and CO deaths , HHK WIUCONOIDK NOTHING. ST. PETERSBDBO , July 8 1'ho Novoe Vrpm ya declares that Kissia will concede nothing on tbo Afeban question , THE ANAM ROW , PARIS , July 8. Gen. Da Conrcy telegraph from here , under data of Tuesday night "Wo are absolute masters here now , Tb enemy's troops are dispersing. A few Iso lated tires are still burning near the legation building , and tbe citadel is on fire. Th royal palace , which contains reat wealth , i intact. The Day on the Tnrf. CHICAGO , 111. , July 8. The attendance at Washington Park to-day was 8,000. The track was excellent. First raci Mile , maiden threa-year olds : Polly Yates won ; Guydette , iccond ; Ouida , third. Time 1:44 * " . Second race-Six furlongs , two-year old fil- leys : Minnie Hunt won ; Estrella , second ; Flora L , third. Time 1:15 : , Third race Two miles and a quarter , all aiffB , Washington park cup : Modesty won ; Bob Milev , second ; Binetto , third , Time 4:031. Fourth race Mile heats ; fiirst beat Haza- ros won ; Falconer , second ; Pfill Lewis , third , Time 142'j , Second haet Ed Butts won ; The Ute , second : Ha'/inu , third. Time 1:11. : Third heat-l < 4 Butts won , Time 1:10. : Fifth race Steeple chose , short course : Slocum won : Ascoli , tecund ; Nlphan , third , Tlmo2:00i. : KALAMA-/OO , Mich. , July 8. The racss wore well attended. First race Class 2:23 : , Bonnie McGregor won ; Butterscotch , second ; Prince Middleton , third , Best tlm , 2:23J : Second race Clasa 1:19 , pacing , Silvlitail won ; Georgetown , second : Marie w , third , Bent time , 2:18 } . BRIGHTON BEACH , July 8 First raoo - Three-quarters of a mile , msidens three years old ana upwards ; Hawthorne won ; May rar second ; Shortcake , third. Time , l. 0. Second raca Three-quarters of a mile , m&idens three years old and upwards : Mock- irgBlrd wonTom Kerns , second ; Rushbrook , third. Time , 1.18 , Third race Mile and a quarter ; KUhbn won ; TJoe Mitchell , second : GlrofU , third. Time , 2.11 ! . Fourth race Mile and a half , four-year- olds ; Ten Strike won ; MUi Brewster , eeoxndj Genrgo Tingerly , third. Time. 2-101 : - Fifth race Mite and an eighth , all seea ; Woodtlower won ; Harry Mann , second ) Eeoel sior. third , Time , 1U ; > J. , , Sixth race-Mllo and an eighth , all ages Mollle Walton and Jor.clugs ran a dead eat < and the stakes , wera divided : NeUle , third Time l:59i , BY SPURTS. Chicago Grain Markets Take ADOlher Day for Flnclnalios : , Closing Prices Eoinain Virtually Unchanged From Yesterday's ' , Extraordinary Hlfih 1'rlcc * I * I < 1 for Tcxnnp , of AVhlch Tlioro la M Famine The Day , CHICAGO MaRKEtS. 7HB DAT IN WHEAT. Special Telegram to The BKE , CHICAGO. 111. July 8. The wheat market opened weak this morning nud under consid erable pressure prices frit off Jo from the clos ing of yesterday , the offerings being largo and the shorts soiling rampant. The tone changed during the middlool the session , owing to im proved foreign advicor , more marked export inquiry and lightened receipts at all primary receiving points. News from the harvesting sections disclosed no improvement and the view appears to bo now generally entertained that the winter wheat yield will ba less than estimated ono month' ago , Ono of the fea tures of the later strength shown by the mar ket was contained in the fact of a shipment of 270,000 bushels from Now York. Kngagements wore a'.eo reported for IQO.COU bushels from this port , With rumors that tome wheat was taken for direct export , prices advanced IJc from the Inside figures ; reacted § 0 and closed on the regular board at about the ( nine figures as yesterday. On the afternoon board the market was again excited and stronger , closing fcr the day go higher than that of yes terday. CORN. There was more doing on a speculative ac count in corn , and the feeling was strung and prices higher , Influenced by the falling off in receipts. Prices advanced ic , foil back , and closed @ic higher than yesterday. OATS. Prices ruled jt@yc higher for oats , the re ceipts showing a falling off , EROVISIOXS. Provisions ruled easier early , but rallied and closed steady. THE BULING HATES. Sales ranged r Wheat July , SCJO870 , closed SCJc ; August , 87i@8Bc , closed 88jj@88Jc ; Sep tember , 89ZJS92gO ( , closed DOjjc ; No. a > spring , 8Gi@87cNo. ; S sprinjr , 80i@87c ; No. 3 spring , 77@78c ; No 2.ted , 93c ; No. 3 red. 8Co , Corn Jnly178@4Sc , closed 4JJ.C1 August , 4GJ@474e , closed 471o : September , 40I@47io , closed 47&Q. CATTLE. Trade was rather slow and prices at least lOc lower than Tuesday. The drop was not unexpected , and it ia something of a surprise that it Is not more considering tbo extraordin ary advanca of yesterday. There waa a lareo per cent of good corn-fed stock among tbo fresh receipts and a liberal supply of suiters and plucope stock. Best corn-fed natives made § 5 90@6,10 , and good to prime , 1,300 to 1.400 pound steers , $5.50@5.80 and along thore. Light handy steers of 1,100 to 1,200 pounds made as high prices as moro weighty animals. There was a light supply of lirst- class butchers'stock and the offerings on sale mode high prices. Low grades were plenty and cheaper. There wore only about thirty cars of Texans and they sold equally as well as yesterday and are 30 to 60c higer than a week ago owing to the scarcity , which is caused by the floods and washouts in southwestern Kansas , Stockers and feeders were dull and selling at low pri- fed steers , S0.35@5.93 ; rough Texas cattle , brisk and firm ; 950 to 1,050 pounds , S3.GO ® 4.10 ; 7cO to 950 pounds , S3,30@3.50 ; 601) ) to 750 poutds , S2.75@3 25 , HOGS , There wai more lit * in trade , and in a gen eral way values ruled a shade stronger , bul no advance of notn was established. Thi sales of rough and common wera at S3.80@ 3.80 ; of fair to good mixed , 33.00 ® 1.05 , and of bast assorted heavy , S4tlO@ 1,50 , with a load or BO of finely assorted at 51,25 ; packing and shipping , 250 to 330 paunds , 81.00 © ! . 10 light weights , 130 to 170 pounds , $1.250 50 180 to 210 pounds , S4.COg4i25. LONDON'S MORAlj ROTTENNESS THE EXPOSURES OP THE " PAID JfAtil. GA ZETTE , " AND TIIHIR EFFECT. Special Telegram to The BIE. NEW YORK , July 8. The Sun's cablegram from London Rays : The Pall Mall Gazette this aftermon served a second course of it unpleasant exposures of vico. Some torribl iniquities are draggedforth to the light of da ; Tbe dates nnd localities are plainl. stated , and apparently the only coacealmen attempted is In resrard to the na-rea c the rhh and titled ruffians who trafficked ii the chastity of women. In many cases thes ate discharged with such accuracy that I would ba a superfluous piece of iofounatlo even to casual readers of newspapers to ad tbo names. The stories evidently ara no fictions for the paper challenges libel suits b printing the streoU numbers of , many house rented and used for tha purposes of wealth debauchees , The owners or occupants o these houses bavo abundant cause cf actio against the Pall-Mull Gazatte. whethe etorios are truck or false , for the old adage o common law : "Tho greater the truth th greater tbe libel , " prevails- unmodified i England. No eutts have yet been begu against the paper and the presumption : that parties concerned do cot care to ris publicity which suits for liUol would involve. There ia a general impression that the reve lations of the Gazette , horrible as they are , are in the main truo. The questions . muin are whether It is ( .notifiable to pair-dfl such slckanlng details in the public press , and whether the motive of their publication Is moral or mercenary. It ia generally thought that tha solo object was Jo raise the drooping sales of tbo paper. Tllftt object has certainly been accomplished , for the ofliua is naw ba- netgod by purchasers , such as they are , Tlio papers are bought by > tha thousand and shipped all ovet tha world , simply as a racy reading. Tha streets re-echo vJth tbo shouts of'vendors and the exposure is the leaaing topSo oS con versation on change , in club ) , la railway car riages and wherever men meet together , The editor of tha Pall Mall Gazetta laid la an in terview to-day that exposure had , not been made without careful advice from learned jurists ia regard to every detail and that lieut kept not only within tbo nale of law but within the bounds which natural and honest indignatioa would have proscribed , As to law he knew be was. justified , and as to Eublle opinion , he feared , nothing , for lie was icked by the highest and best In the land , including Cardinal Manning , E rl ot Shafts- bury , and other eminent men cf all deuwnl1 nattoss. AITROVINQ 1UX rOtUCATIO.V , LONDON , July 8. Rev , Mr , Spurgwn iball llshes a letter la this afternoon's VulL all Guette , approving of that journal' * , ure of tbo secret vices of the aristocrats of Lou don , The following are a few oJ ita oxprea : rilona : "Spire not tha villains.even thougl ) wearing atari and garters ; " "Wo need a vig iUnco committee , a moral police to lupnros tbis inUray ; " ' 'Let the light in wlthou stint ; " "I thank all co operation in you br'.ve warfare. " ; The Pall Mall Gazstto , m a late edltlo Una afternoon , defies the authorities engage , I in the attempt to suppress tbe sale of the la ; three day's issue , if tbe paper , nd challengf tbe courts of London to prosecute it for { he work in which It ii engaged , and SATS it might subpirna half the Ipglslatnrc of Kng- land to prove the accuracy o-f tta revelation. The Gazette adds more to its revoUtlon to * d y and tells at a great premium , the circula tion being enormous. FOLIOE ON GUAHD. THE CLEVELAND MILLS SECURE OFFICERS TO QOKLL STRIKERS , Special TelegMm to The BKB. CLEVKLANDJ O , , July 8. As the dty clock struck G this morning two Urge 'buses ' be longing to the Cleveland transfer company drove up to the central police sUtion. Soon tfter thirty-five uniformed pillrcmon with their belts and clubs filed out nud took tholr plaoos In ono of the wagons. They wore driven rapidly to the second precinct station whom thirty-five moro were in waiting. They thetvnllshtod nnd atBemblod in tire station where Capt. Hoehn , who was in command , in formed them of their duties for the day. Cnpt , Iloehn then went to the Union Stool Screw works on Cose avenuo. Snpt. Bidwoll and Capt , Iloohn hold a consultation about the stata of affairs. No strikers were present nor was there any dhturbanco of anykimlj The employes were somewhat backward in going to work , but on being asturod that they would bo protected they readily acqnisou. Trie girls all loturnod without any coaxing , but the men were somewhat dilatory , and can * idorablo urging was necessary. At precisely - cisely 7 o'clock tha onglnowas started , and in a few minutes all was moving nong ! as before the compulsory stoppage. The ChtBholm shovel works and the III F. Nail company did not start up , as the cm * ploves wore afraid of violence. Throe stalwart patrolmen guarded tha place , but beyond dispersing a crowd of small boys , they h i nothing to do. At 11 o'clock tbo police were still resting on thslr arms in the second praclnct. Deputy Mo- Mahon relieved Capt. Ifoehn at 0:30 : and the cjvptnln returned to the central station to take charge of the men thero. The entire police force of the city are un der orders , and should an cutbroik occur , they will 1)3 hurried to tlio tceno in short order. Military authorities have been con sulted , but thus far no orders luvo boon is sued , nor will there bo unless affairs asaumo tv much moro threatening aspect than nt pres ent. The Xrnnlc lilno Troubles. Special Telegram to The BEE. PHILADELPHIA ! Pa. , July 8. Information was given hero yesterday upon goad authority that the negotiations that had been made by the Pennsylvania and the Now York Central railroad companies , with the view ot a settle ment of the trunk line difficulties , were pro gressing satisfactorily. For the first time since these negotiations were begun it is stated ! that they are in a position where they can bo concluded within twenty-four hours , but whether it will ba done so speedily as that even those who are the parties to the matter cannot say. The most serious obstacle to the settlement of the trunk line difficulties has been the jealousies and antagonisms existing between the Pennsylvania and the New York Central companies , and- these have been occa sioned by the invasion by eich upon the other's territory. An officer of the Pennsyl vania stated that those jealousies and antago nisms could not ba appeased except by the withdrawal of each from the other's territory , and this meant that the Vanderbilt interests must abandon the Pennsylvania enterprises , and that in return for this the Pennsylvania would exert Its influence to subordinate the West Shore to Vandeebllt control , while the Pennsylvania would not bo BO aggressive inlts New England business as heretofore. Toiler on the Senato'a ' Course. . Special Telegram to The Bee. CHICAGO , III , July 8 , Senator Teller , of Colorado , who had been at tbo GrandiPncific hotel for the past twenty-four bouca , en route for Washington , when asked if i there was a possibility of. a-confHct between the president and the cenate with regard to confirmations , said there would probably be some trouble. "If the president removes officers simply ba- cauao they , are republicans , " ho sail ) , "and fills them with members of bis.awn party , there will be no complaint and mo difficulty , But entanglements are likely to arise whore , nnder the traniparent device of * offen sive partisanship or some cooked- up reason , reflecting on the officials' ' integrity ) hois suspended before the explra lion of his commission. I do noc think the republican majority in the sonata is disposed to bo captious , but President Cleveland mus- stand up and let the fact bo known which he is now endeavoring to concael , that he care : little ornothing for civil service and wants tb offices for-party strikers. The veil must bi stripped oil , and it is not likely ho will then poao ns-ho is doing now for tha administration of mugwumps. " The Cleveland CLEVISAND , N. Y. , JulyvS. A heavy detol of police were sent to the eighteenth war early this morning to quail the strikers if i should ) become necessary. No trouble no demonstration occurred howc-ver until thi afternoon , when the strikers assembled In tb fowtaaath ward , elevated , fl rod flig , an started for the mills In Newbiagb , which the , surrounded. On arriving th y made a grca deal of noise but offered no damage to life o property. The police are preparing to raov on. the mob at once it it becomes turbulent. A large number striking Iron worker. who had obtained work. on the Wilson avenue paving contract wlthContractor Clnllln , wen waited upon this morning by a delegation o strikers and forced to throw down their shor els and accompany.them. At 1 o'clock thi Btrikera dispersed , going ; to their homes They will hold a , meeting to-night. To morrow mornin/T.tbey. / will again move on th screw works anil close them down if possibl" Arbitration HetllCH It , CHICAGO , July & . The resumption of street car traffic is complete this raorning , Oars are running on all Woit sides lines , manned by the lata strikers. The company concedes that the caaica leading to the dis charge of tb sixteen men , whoso reinstate ment was dernandod , shall be left to a com mittee of disinterested persons , and If there wore no proper reaton for their discharge they A Supplement to iho lisa ItP jortH. Sior.jCii1a.July 8. SpoiialBto the Jour nal from fifty points in eoathwestsm Iowa. norllwn Nebraska , southwestern Dakota and and e-outbttasteru Minnesota , Indicate eiaat improvement In the condition of the corn : rep , owing to warm weather. Small nra'"i n every Kctlon , is in goodiCondltion , and the yp. harvest is in progrwa. Bareley is saarly 3tuly for the tickle , Shot at a Boat and Got a Man , OAJBO , 111 , , July 3 As the steasier 1'ow er was nearlng Metropolis this morning , \YU law Hedges fired a revolver from the rivu tank at the boat , Tba bullet struck Vint jlerk Ojbb In the breast , lit it probaUj atally wounded. Hedges waa arrested al Metropolis _ The Weather , WASHINGTON. July 8. The upper Mlsi Usippl valley ; Colder , generally fait weather preced In the northern portion by local raina loutliweat co northwest vlnds , The Miuouri valley : Cooler , generally Fair weather , northwesterly winds , nanlattanil Hosuier 1'ltlcil. STRACCSK , N , Y , , July 8 have been made for a five tnilo race wl''n urn between llan\au and Hotraer. to bo Vowed | C Ccjouoora Me , July W , ( or 8500 , THE SPIBIT OF 76. A Soccsssfnl still Hnnt For tbe Scalp Of a Visiting Statesman Ex-Qov ; Noyes Besigne tlio Union' Pacific Dirootorship. Ttio Hn o of Grnmoiroy Gets for tlio Work of tlio lioulslan Count. TItjDKN'3 PAU3IKD HAND. THE CIPHER AliKV RACKET SUItKSSrtlLLf WORKKK , Special Telegram V > The Btr. WASHINGTON , July 8. Ex-Woverncr Noyos , of Ohio , has tendered his resignation as gor- trnacnt director of the Union Pacific. Ho- did so in n teleoram te > the president , lira pub lication , of which Is rolusod at tbo whit homo. It ia ascertained by careful Inquiry that the telegram In iiibstauca lays Noyes > thank ! tha prosidbnt for his cour tesy , but docs not wish' that there should bo any smbarasssiont arising : from his appointment and therefore tendered his resignation. This tho-presidentrwill gladly accept. It D known the president has boon greatly embarratsod at this appointmoat on. nccountof the severe attack upon him nnd' Noyoa in the Now York Sun nnilother Tilden. organs on account of It. Tha appointment- waa made at thu request : of Gov. Hoadloy when hero , who is a neighbor and ) friend of Noyo' , and Clovclnnd might wall thin It that lloadley , ono of Tildon'a most prominent counsellors , ' was alee that gentleman's friend. But Tildon wai very much irritated at tbo npnnintmont. _ Tildon , Is slill n power In Now York politics and Cleveland is too apprehensive about the pros pects of party success in that state this fall to iucur any needless enmities. It is belloycd that Hoadley to relieve the president : md himself - self from the embarrassment , naked Noyos to resign. CLEVELAND'S UYPOOniSV. PENNSYLVANIA RHrDIILICANS HOLD -UP'SHE UIN FORMER'S HE003IJ. HARHISRORCI , Pa. , July 8. The republican , platform adopted at tbo state convention says ; "We Invite public attention to the act * of tbo present democratic national nnd state cdinin- htrations. Tha unjust war of the former up 'oilonsive partisans' to the hypocritical avoidances of pledges touching the civil service - vice , to itc star chamber proceedings against republicans , for whiso removal no publiaraas- on can ba given , and to its constantly dis. loyal preference for the rebel elements- of the democratic party at the south -ami tho- semi-rebel elements of the same party at the < north. Some attention to.- the acta of the democratic state adminiotration cannot bo < htld within the views of It * unjust , inexcus able and painfully frequent abuse of tha veto- power ; its studied proscription of union , soldiers and denial of claims univer sally sanctioned at the time of its. establishment ; its want of charity , breath nnd- liberty , together with part if an bidi , carriedi to extremes not dreamed of by any ofthe bet ter elements which called It into power * I With the administration the republican partp- | takoa direct issue and carries its appeal-to tho./ . people , disappointed In every reasonable- , pECtatlon and. promise. " The other resolutions refer to i CALLING ON GRANT. A PRIEST AND THE 3IKXICAN EDITORS. ACY XX. ] Mcansaoit. MT. MCGREGOR , July 8. Gen. GranUsIbpC from about eleven last night until tbroa toil morning , when Dr. Douglas- cleared tho-nfe- tient'e throat , after which the doctor andigeo - eral conversed for half an houj , The neneri 1 seamed bright and cheerful. After tnla tb e general slept until eight this morning , whf n lood and treatment was again given iim , The Rev. Father DidioT , ofiBaltlrna , called on the general this afternoon , lu i : o- sponaa to the priest's4 statement UiotU icy were all praying far him , ha wrote : ' Yes , I know and I feel.very. Rrfttefc 1 to the Christian people of i the lindi for t heir prayers on my behalf There Is no BO : t or religion as shown In tbo old or the new t esta- ment to which this does not nppljv col ) jolic , protestants and Jews , and all the good r .ooplo of tha nation of all politics as well 01 reh glens , and all nationalitlea seemed to havauni ted lu wishing for or praying far my improvi ; ment. I am a great sufferer all the time , I mt the facta 1 have related ara a compeasal , ion for much of it. All that I can do p * ay that tbe prayers of all thuia goodipeoplg may bo answered so far as to have us all meet In another and better world , I ; aan' ot speak > en In ft whloper. " "U ; S. O HANI. " In the afternoon the .Mexicaai odi tors wera presented to Gen. Grant , Saner Do Anda addressed the general , saying they could not pass ao near without paying. , their r espects to one who had tlono so.muchfor his country and for the promotion of ( rood foeJ ing between the two rop-iblicj. In rospoase G rant wrote : "My great interest ia , M xJco d ates back to the war between the UnitodiSb .tea and that country , My interest wr a Increased when fourKurcpaau. . nui larchlcs at tempted to sot up , U jeir institu tions on tliis continent , se l/jcting Mexico , a territory adjoining , ui. It 'was nn outrage ) on human righta for it for ign natlcn to at tempt to transfer her msW tutiona and liar rulers to the territory oS n civilized people without her consent. Tlu y were fearfully punished .for their crime , "Tj hope Mexico , rna.y > soon begin nn up ward and i prozperoiu. departure. She has all the cooditions. Bhah aa the people , Sho- hoa tha soil. She has the cllm ate and she lia tho.ininoral. The ccncivetit of Mexico will not bo any euy tasli in the future. " Tha patty bauqjLitted at I.ho hotel and ro- turoed to Saratoga , this everting. The general nas. much fatigued by the reception and ro- Ured at 7. o'clock , Tlio Mexican Editors. j AUJAUT , N. Y. Jnly 8. The Moilcan 'proiB party arrived her * this * morning. They were roselved by Mnyo r Baaks and represent atives of the local ruft/.s / , aid conducted to tba canitalft'ad welcome ! by Gov. HI ) ! . They oft for Rarotoga ftni > . Mount McGregor thla , afteraoon. Con ven Clou. HAjJVUaBDRo , ] ' . , July 8. The' republican state convention , cntlud forthopurooeoof nsm Inatl&s A candidate for BtaU treasurer , met t-day , and after tha adop. ilon. of r , platform nominated Col , < M. S , Quay , of Iteavir , on tka first ballot , The nomination was afterward made unani mous , The plitform dcmarvJa protection to Auifiric/iu Industry througk tarill laws which will effectually atop the importation of for eign contract labor ; the establishment of a true system of civil eorvlw reform which will glvrj fixed tenure of oll'ico and uo removal ox- cerit for adequate public cause ; and a closer Cf/icmorciad intercourse with the nations on Mio American continent , The platform also calls for the repeal of Internal revenue Uixea except upon spirituous and malt liquors. ffho KookuUllano Hull Oluti KKOKOK. la. , July 8.-The Keokuk base ball club , member of the western league , dis banded h t night , Four members went to , oo Denver and otheii to Georgia , while ? ou\9 iq * ' lu Keokuk ,